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Published by Yeshiva of Central Queens, 2017-09-08 00:57:01

View 1, Vol. 16

View 1, Vol. 16

VOLUME 15 NUMBER 1 SEPTEBER 8, 2017 17 ELUL 5777

UPCOMING Parshat Ki Tavo By: Rabbi Landsman

EVENTS This week’s parsha describes the two very different situations in Jewish life that

Candle Lighting: have been present throughout our long history as a people. One situation is when we
inhabited and controlled Eretz Yisrael. That is clearly indicated in the opening words of

Havdallah: 7:55 the parsha “ki tavo” when you will come into your land. The second much more

Mon., Sept. 11 difficult situation that is outlined in the parsha is the bitter, lengthy and detailed
Back to School Night description of the Jewish people in exile, scattered amongst hostile nations.
Over the many millennia of the Jewish story, we have been in exile far longer
N, K, 1
than we were at home in the Land of Israel. It is significant that the recounting of the

Tues., Sept. 12 troubles and persecutions of the exile of Israel from its land occupies greater space
Back to School Night (and perhaps even greater notice) in the parsha than does the section relating to our
living in the Land of Israel.
2-3 7:00PM

4-5 8:00pm The Land of Israel carried with it special commandments and rituals as

Wed., Sept. 13 described in the parsha such as various types of ‘maaser’ and ‘bikurim’ the first fruits
Back to School Night of the agricultural year. The description of the exile posed problems of demographic

JHS extinction and continued tension, fear and a constant state of uncertainty. In the words
of the parsha itself, the conditions of the exile were capable of driving people into

Motzai Shabbat., insanity and fostered hopelessness.
Sept. 16 Rabbi Wein describes that the strange, almost unfathomable result was that

Selichot Begin the Jewish people survived, created and at times even thrived under the conditions of

5-8 Parent Child the exile, while our record as a national entity living in our own country was much
Selicht Program spottier. Jews are a special people but our behavior is oftentimes strange and
counterproductive. Baruch HaShem we are once again back in our land. After seeing
the words of the parsha, and all of its terror fulfilled, literally, seventy five years ago, we
YCQ Family News have nevertheless restored our national sovereignty, built a wonderful country and an
Mazel Tov to Rabbi intriguing society, and are engaged in facing great challenges as to our future
Hamel on the Bar
Mitzvah of his son! development here in the Land of Israel.
We would indeed be wise to remember why we failed in the past in our nation
Mazel Tov to Rabbi
Ribalt on the birth of building and why, paradoxically, we succeeded in achieving major successes while in
exile and under very negative circumstances. Straying from the path of Torah and
a baby boy! tradition has always brought us to harm. Adopting foreign cultures and fads that are

Mazel Tov to

Mrs. Golubtchik on temporarily popular and extolled is not the way to fulfillment of our national interest
the engagement of her and purpose.
Rabbi Wein reminds us that our historical experiences both in the Land of Israel
Mazel Tov to Morah and in the exile have taught us this clear lesson. It would be foolhardy in the extreme
Fried on the marriage to repeat these errors once more. Coming into our land carries with it the challenges of

of her daughter!
Mazel Tov to Morah living in holiness and having a special relationship with our Creator. It is probably no
Ilyse Richter on the coincidence that Parshat Ki Tavo is read during the month of Elul when our efforts
marriage of her son! should be concentrated in strengthening and broadening that relationship.
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Have a great Shabbat!
Liron Friedman on

the birth of a baby


Mazel Tov to Rabbi

Leiman (4-306) on his

son’s Bar Mitzvah!

Mazel Tov to Rabbi What an amazing first week of school we had!
Kramer (JHS Rebbe) Looking forward to a very successful year!

birth of grandson!

Mazel Tov to Jake
Frenkel on his Bar


September 16, 2017

25 Elul, 5777
9:30 PM - 11:30 PM


Delicious Snacks

Yeshiva of Central Queens

The fee for joining a YCQ Team is $225. This includes the
price of team uniforms. Payment must be given to Mrs.
Teichman (JHS) before the first practice.


5th,6th,7th & 8th GradeBoysHockey
First Cut-Thursday, September 7,4:45-7:30PM
Second Cut –Sunday, September 10,4:00-6:00PM
First Practice-Thursday,September 14,4:45-6:30PM

7th & 8th Girls Basketball
First Cut -Tuesday, September 12, 4:30 –6:00PM
Second Cut-Tuesday, September 19, 4:30 –6:00PM
First Practice–Tuesday, September 26, 4:30 –6:00PM

5th&6thGrade Boys Basketball
First Cut–Sunday, September 10,9:00–10:30AM
Second Cut-Sunday, September 17,10:30AM –12:00PM
First Practice–Sunday,October 1,10:30AM –12:00PM

7th& 8thGradeBoysBasketball
First Cut –Monday, September 11,4:30–6:00PM
Second Cut-Sunday, September 17,9:00–10:30AM
FirstPractice–Monday, September 18,4:30-6:00PM

7th& 8thGrade Boys & Girls Debate
Monday, September 1,4:30-5:45PM

There is no fee to be on the Debate Team.

We had an Amazing First Week at YCQ!

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