VOLUME 14 NUMBER 24 APRIL 17, 2015 28 NISAN 5775
UPCOMING Parshat Shmini By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS The Gemara (Berachot 29b) relates that Eliyahu hanavi told Rabbi Yehuda to be careful
Candle Lighting: 7:18 about three things - to always refrain from anger, to never get drunk, and to recite
Tefilat Haderech when traveling. Although these are good pieces of advice, there
Havdalah: 8:20 doesn't appear to be any connection between them. If we analyze the words of
Eliyahu hanavi more carefully we will discover that these three suggestions are all
YCQ Family News part of one message.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Tzvi Sobolofsky, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University explains that throughout life
Yael Elazar we are constantly making decisions. In order to decide properly we must understand
on her Bat Mitzva! the differences between the various paths available to us. Sometimes the nuances of
distinction are minute, yet the ramifications of not comprehending these differences
Mazel Tov to and arriving at the wrong conclusion can be significant. Anger and drunkenness
Mrs. Tracy Landsberg interfere with our decision-making ability. These two states of mind do not enable us
(PA President) and to think rationally, and decisions made when under these influences can be tragic.
Marc Landsberg When angry or drunk, one says things that one will inevitably regret, as the ability to
on his Bar Mitzva! recognize inappropriate words and actions is impaired. Overindulgence in any
physical pleasures can have the same effect.
Mazel Tov to Eliyahu instructed Rabbi Yehuda how to travel safely through life. Just as on the road
Arthur Malakov one must constantly decide which direction to take, so too on the trip through life, one
on his Bar Mitzva! faces forks in the road and must differentiate between the correct and incorrect paths.
Therefore, the ability to think rationally, which enables us to decide appropriately
Mazel Tov to must be present at all times. Just as road rage and drunken driving can be
Rachelle Winokur catastrophic, so too on the trip through life the individual who cannot think clearly
on her Bat Mitzva! because of anger and alcohol will inevitably make decisions with tragic consequences.
It is only by abstaining from these impediments and beseeching Hashem through
Mazel Tov to "Tefillat Haderech" for guidance, can a person arrive safely at his destination.
Morah Hadas Goodrich on Parshat Shmini is the parsha dedicated to the concept of havdala, the ability to
the birth of a baby boy! distinguish properly. The kohanim are charged with the mission of, "lehavidl bein
hakodesh ubein hachol.” Shmini concludes with the obligation upon everyone,
Mazel Tov to "lehavdil bein hatamei ubein hatahor.” We must differentiate between what is holy
Morah Fried on the birth and pure and that which is not. Chazal tell us that sometimes it is very difficult to
discern between what is permissible and what is not. The difference between an
of a grandson!
acceptable and an unacceptable shechita is minuscule. Similarly in other areas, the
Mazel Tov to distinction between holy and profane is sometimes difficult to discern. The kohanim,
Morah Zahava Stemp on who must guide the entire nation as to how to differentiate properly, can never do so
the birth of a baby boy! in a state of drunkenness. The Torah specifically prohibits one who is drunk from
serving in the Beit Hamikdash or answering halachic questions, as these areas of
Mazal Tov to activity require one's complete mental capacities. The pesukim that prohibit kohanim
Rabbi Rothberger from serving in the Beis Hamikdash while drunk immediately follow the tragedy of
on the engagement of his Nadav and Avihu. Chazal tell us that they had entered the kodesh hakodoshim after
daughter drinking wine. They had lost the ability to discern what was an appropriate form of
Dr. Gabriella Rothberger avodas Hashem and what was not.
to Matthew Goldstein! Following the deaths of Nadav and Avihu, Moshe realizes that one of the korbanot
that he thought was supposed to be eaten was burned, and gets angry at Elazar and
Mazel Tov to our YCQ Itamar for not treating the korbanot appropriately. Moshe in fact made a mistake, to
Dinner Honorees! which he later admitted, in failing to distinguish between korbanot that could be eaten
and those that could not. Chazal tell us that even Moshe Rabbeinu's judgment was
Guests of Honor clouded by anger.
Dr. Joel and Marjorie Wein The words of advice given by Eliyahu hanavi to Rabbi Yehuda are as true today as
when they were given. As we travel through life we need the siyata d’Shmaya to
Educator Award make the correct decisions. We must do our part by not clouding our vision through
Mrs. Esther Ben Habib alcohol and the like that dull our senses. To think and act in a rational way, we must
also overcome our temptation to become angry. If we do our part and then turn to
Keter Shem Tov Award Hashem by saying Tefillat Hadarech for the path through life, we will hopefully merit
Assemblyman Michael lehavidl bein hakodesh ubein hachol ubein hatamei ubein hatahor.
Shabbat Shalom!
Our first-grade model Seder was a combination of learning and laughter. The teachers
created for our students an atmosphere where they could partake in all the steps of an
actual Pesach Seder. They ate matzah and maror, hard-boiled eggs, karpas and
charoset, however, according to the children, the best part of the entire Seder was when
the children all sang their songs together. Their Seder was filled with the singing of the
many Pesach songs the children had been practicing in class for their own . A special
thank you to Rabbi Eisenberg and the first grade Morot; Morah Fendel, Morah Elana,
and Morah Leah. Thank you to Morah Tali for enhancing the seder with beautiful
Preschool Model Seder
On Wednesday, April 1st, the preschool had their model sederim. The nursery classes
had the seder together in a classroom. They went through the Hagadah answering
questions and going through all the sections while singing along with our music teacher,
Morah Karen. The Kindergarten had their model seder together in the lunchroom. They
demonstrated all they knew about Pesach while going through the Hagadah and singing
all the songs. The children knew a lot and had lots of fun!
Eighth Grade Trip to Meet Author Irving Roth
On Monday, March 30, the 8th grade visited Mr. Irving Roth, a
Holocaust survivor who wrote the memoir, Bondi’s Brother.
He showed the students a short video that documented the causes
of the Holocaust. Students were then given the opportunity to ask
Mr. Roth questions about his life and experiences. Lastly, students
got to explore Mr. Roth’s Holocaust museum. It was a very
inspiring and moving experience.
Seventh Grade Boys Host Model Seder for Bais Ezra
To get into the spirit of Pesach, the 7th grade boys hosted a model seder for
Bais Ezra participants. Together with the men from Bais Ezra, the 7th grade boys
drank 4 cups of grape juice, dipped their karpas in salt water, and sang their favorite
seder songs. Each and every participant enjoyed their special time together. A special
Yasher Koach to 7th grade Rebbes, Rabbi Bernstein and Rabbi Finkelstein, for
enhancing this experience and of course to Rabbi Hamel for his very musical
Kiddush. May we share next year’s seder in Yerushalayim!
Fire Safety Program
Before Pesach, the Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade learned
about the importance of fire safety in a special program. The children got to
meet a real fireman, Fireman Mike, as he went through the ABC’s of fire
safety. Students practiced the “stop, drop, and roll” move, saw a real fireman’s
uniform, and watched a cartoon video that reviewed vital information that all
children should know about fires. Parents should please make sure that your
fire alarms are properly installed and that you go over any fire safety
procedures in your home in case of an emergency. We are so happy that we
had an opportunity to participate in such an important program!
Condolences to Rabbi Chaim Pearl on the loss of his beloved father
Rabbi Leonard Pearl zt”l.
Shiva will be observed at the home of Rabbi Chaim Pearl,
144-12 72nd Drive, Kew Garden Hills, until Tuesday morning, April 21st.
May the Pearl family be comforted among the mourners of
Tzion and Yerushalyim.
Yeshiva of Central Queens
September 2015 Sat September 2015‐2016 February 2016
Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat
5 1 New Faculty Orientation
1 2 3 4 2 Faculty Workshops 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 First Day of School Grades 2-8
3 Student Orientation Grades N, K, 1
4 First Day of School Grades. N-1
5 JHS Selichot Learning Program
7 Labor Day (No Sessions)
8 Bus Service Begins
13-15 Rosh Hashanah (No Sessions)
16 Fast of Gedaliah (1:30 Dismissal)
22 Erev Yom Kippur (No Sessions)
23 Yom Kippur (No Sessions)
27-6 Succot (No Sessions)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 October 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
13 14 15 16 17 18 12 Columbus Day– No Bus Service 3:30 Dismissal K-8 14 15 20
21 22 16 17 18 19 27
20 21 22 23 24 25 19 12 JHS Back to School Night 7:30 PM 28 29
27 28 29 30 13 Back to School Night Grades 2-3 7PM 23 24 25 26
Sun Mo Sat
October 2015 13 Grades 4-5 8 PM
Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Back to School Night Grades N-1 7:30 PM March 2016 5
26 14 6 7 Tue We Thu Fri 12
1 2 26 New Family Welcome Reception 8 PM 13 14 19
4 5 6 7 8 9 28 Grade 8 Parents High School Night 8 PM 20 21 1 2 3 4 26
11 12 13 14 15 16 27 28 8 9 10 11
18 19 20 21 22 23 Sat November 15 16 17 18
25 26 27 28 29 30 Sun Mo 22 23 24 25 Sat
3 3 Election Day Regular Sessions 29 30 31
November 2015 10 6-7 JHS Boys Shabbaton 2
Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri 17 8 Preschool Open House 10 AM 3 4 April 2016 9
24 10 Bar Mitzvah Workshop 7th Grade Boys 7PM 10 11 Tue We Thu Fri 16
11 BJE Conferences (No Sessions) 17 18 23
1 2 3 4 5 6 17 Bat Mitzvah Workshop 6th Grade Girls 7 PM 24 25 1 30
8 9 10 11 12 13 17-18 Picture Day 5 6 7 8
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Grade 3 Intergenerational Melave Malka 7PM Sun Mo 12 13 14 15 Sat
22 23 24 25 26 27 22 Judaic Studies Grade 8 BJE Exam 19 20 21 22
29 30 26-27 Thanksgiving (No Sessions) 1 2 26 27 28 29 7
8 9 14
December 2015 31 December 15 16 May 2016 21
Su Mo Tue We Thu Fri 2 & 15 Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:45 Dismissal 22 23 Tue We Thu Fri 28
Sat 6 & 13 Chumash Presentations 2 Classes
1 2 3 4 14 Chanukah - No Sessions 3 4 5 6
6 7 8 9 10 11 22 Asara B’Tevet (1:30 Dismissal) 10 11 12 13
13 14 15 16 17 18 24-2 No Queens Bus Service - 3:30 Dismissal K-8 17 18 19 20
20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27
New Years Day (No Sessions)
5-6 Grade 5 Greenkill Overnight Trip
7 10 & 17 Grade 1 Siddur Presentations
18 Martin Luther King Day (No Bus Service)
14 21-31 Winter Vacation
21 February
28 15 President’s Day - No Sessions
17-18 5th Grade Western Hemis-Fair
19-20 JHS Girls Shabbaton
5 1 & 7 Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:45 Dismissal
12 8-9 Book Fair
19 11-12 Grade 8 Yachad Shabbaton
26 23 Ta’anit Esther (1:30 Dismissal)
24 Purim - No Sessions
April YCQ 75th Annual Dinner
3 Grade 6 Science Fair 7 PM
5 Grades 3-7 Terra Nova Achievement Test
11-14 Pesach (No Sessions)
27 28 29 30 31 May Grade 5 Transition Night 29 30 31
Grade 7 Philadelphia Trip
January 2016 24 Memorial Day (No Sessions) June 2016
Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Sat
Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri 25 Grade 8 Washington Trip
Celebrate Israel Parade 1 2 3 4
1 30 Grade 6 Chagigat B’not Mitzvah 7 PM 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 4 5 6 7 8 Literacy/Writing Festival Grades 1 and 3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
10 11 12 13 14 15 Sat June Literacy/Writing Festival Grades 2, 4 and 5 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
17 18 19 20 21 22 Shavuot (No Sessions) 26 27 28 29 30
24 25 26 27 28 29 1-2 Senior Awards Dinner
Grade 8 Graduation No Sessions
31 2 5 Trip Day Grades 1-6
Nursery Moving Up Ceremony
No Bus Service 6 Kindergarten Graduation
Last Day of Classes 7 Grade
9 7 Last Day of School Grade 1-6
16 10-13
23 15
30 16
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 3
5 6 7 8 9 10
12 13 14 15 16 17
19 20
Math (Sider) 24
7th Grade Vocab
21 22 23
8th Grade Science 8th Grade Algebra
26 27 28 29 30
7th Grade Social Studies
6th Grade Science Test
7th Grade Language Arts
Save the Date
The next YCQ-PA meeting
will take place
Monday, April 20, 2015
(note the day and date change)
8:30 pm
in the YCQ Library
Guest Speaker:
Mrs. Marcy Davidovics, LCSW
YCQ Director of Social Work
Safety Education!
Parents! This is your
opportunity to keep your
children safe in today’s world.
Presenter: Dr. Shloimie Zimmerman
of Safety Kid, Mental Health Professional
Monday, April 20, Iyar 1 * 8:00 PM
Yeshiva Sha'arei Zion Ballroom
75-24 Grand Central Pkwy
Valet Parking will be available.
Safety Kid for Parents
Learn how to protect your family
Empower yourself with tools for safety
Join us in discussing abuse and neglect
Watch informative trailers of Safety Kid
For more information about the Safety Kid Program visit: www.Magenu.org
Wednesday, April 22 at 8:00 p.m.
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel
147-02 73rd Avenue, KGH
Suggested Donation $5
Internationally known as an outstanding scholar of Jewish
Studies as well as a gifted lecturer, Rebbetzin Heller has
been a full-time faculty member of Neve Yerushalayim
College in Jerusalem since 1980. Her areas of expertise
include textual analysis of Biblical literature and Jewish
philosophy with an emphasis on the teachings of
Maimonides and Maharal. She is also particularly well
known for her courses devoted to the role of women in
Judaism and analyses of the lives of women in the Bible.
Rebbetzin Heller is the author of several books: More
Precious than Pearls, This Way Up, Our Bodies Our
SSouls, Let's Face It ,Here You Are, and the recently
published The Balancing Act. She co-authored the book
Battle Plans with Sarah Yoheved Rigler..
We Also Offer: Games, Photo Booths, Dancers, Party Favors, MC’S,
Instrument players, Motivators, & Full Lighting Packages
Contact Us Now For Your Next Occasion:
Dj 9E1l i75- 7774@y9a- 3050 m
hoo. co
Fire Safety Program
Grade 7 Model Seder for Bais Ezra
Holocaust Museum
Model Seders