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Published by Yeshiva of Central Queens, 2016-05-05 16:30:09

View 9, Vol. 14

View 9, Vol. 14


UPCOMING EVENTS Parshat Vayeshev By: Rabbi Landsman

Candle Lighting:

Havdallah: 5:10

Motzai Shab. Dec. 5

PTO Chanukah Chagiga


Mazel Tov to Rabbi Nat Monday, December 7, 2015 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
(JHS Rebbe)on the birth of Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
a son! Thursday, December 10, 2015 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
. Friday, December 11, 2015 - No basketball practice, no first shot basketball
Sunday, December 13, 2015 - No Sunday Learning
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Levine Monday, December 14, 2015 - No Sessions
(2-207) on the birth of a


Mazel Tov to Oren
Goldhaber (‘95) on his
engagement to Ayelet


Mazel Tov to Andrew (‘90)
and Lauren Lauber on
their daughter, Dena
celebrating her Bat

Mazel Tov to Moshe (‘97)
and Chava Plaut on the

birth of a baby boy!

Mazel Tov to Daniel (’95)
and Diana Orenstein on
the birth of a baby girl!

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Chaim
(’87) and Shani Hollander
on the birth of a baby girl!

Mazel Tov to David (’99)
and Leora Neuman on the

birth of a baby boy!

Mazel Tov to Leah (’64)
and Sam Levi on the
engagement of their
granddaughter Sara

Wiener to Ariel Schreier!

Mazel Tov to Adam (’95)
and Stephanie Summers
on their daughter, Shayna

celebrating her Bat

Mazel Tov to Steven (’01)
and Shaina Rosen on the

birth of a baby boy,
Binyamin Gavriel!

Mazel Tov to Barry (’70)
and Jane Rosen on the
birth of a grandson born
to Shaina and Steven


Mazel Tov to Benjamin
(’93) and Sharona

Grysman on the birth of a
baby girl!

Mazel Tov to David (‘03)
and Elisheva Walz on the

birth of a son, Eitan

Mazel Tov to Amanda
Djourabchi (’04) on her

marriage to Evan

Torah Bowl
The first meet of the Torah Bowl season was today as the students were asked questions on the first
three parshiot in Sefer Bamidbar. It was especially exciting as YCQ has joined a new league this year.
We competed against HANC, HALB, SHAGN, Shulamith LI, and HAFTR. The boys led by Yosef
Flamenbaum, who turned in a incredible performance, won one of their games. The girls led by Shira
Schwartz and Rachelle Winokur, won three games. It was a great first meet and we are looking
forward to an amazing season.

Third Grade Intergenerational Melave Malka

On November 21, our third grade students celebrated their annual Intergenerational Melave Malka. With musical
accompaniment from Morah Tali Spector, YCQ’s music teacher, the students proudly climbed the stage
beautifully dressed in their shabbat clothing. They sang Hebrew and English songs about Shabbat and Motza'ei
Shabbat. Afterward, the students enjoyed watching a slideshow prepared by Morah Goldman. A beautiful
collation was set up in the lunchroom where the students and families enjoyed music and a magic show from
Rabbi Yoel Hecht. A wonderful time was had by all! We would like to thank the following people who ensured
the success of the program: Rabbi Lonner, Rabbi Kovitz, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Lubeck, Mrs. Beylus, Mr. and Mrs.
Kochman, Mrs. Blum, Dr. and Dr. Traeger, Mrs. Levine, Mrs. Peretz, Mrs. Tanzman and Mrs. Yusupov.

Debate Team

Our YCQ Debate team had a great victory at its last debate match! The debate was held at HALB in Long
Beach, where they debated against HAFTR and HANC. The topic was: “If minors accused of violent
crimes should be tried as adults.” YCQ won two trophies. Congratulations to Pnina Levine on winning
third place best speaker, and to Hadar Leybov and Pnina Levin on third place best team.
Thank you to Mrs. Ben-Habib for all her help!

Wildcats Cannot be Tamed

By: Hillel Golubtchik and Sammy Spitzer
This year the YCQ Hockey Team has been great with a 4-0 start. The team has knocked out any opponent
in their way averaging 8 goals a game. We have beaten Barkai, Magen David, WDS, and Flatbush. The
team has been held up by captains Coby Casden and Sam Krup on and off the field with great motivation
and 14 goals combined. However, they can’t do it alone. Coach Avidan Berman along with Elliott
Weiselberg and Josh Friedman have done everything to help us win. Alternate Captains Sammy and Seth
Spitzer have also shown great leadership with 6 goals combined this season. Our team is off to one of the
best Hockey Team starts yet, and with six games left in the season, we hope we can carry an undefeated
season all the way through the championships!

Kindergarten trip to the Jewish Children’s Museum

The kindergarten went to the Jewish Children’s Museum where they not only enjoyed the exhibits, but
participated in an oil making workshop. The student learnt so much and had such a great time. Thank you!

Skype Session with Shmuel Aleph!

On Monday, November 30th the sixth grade girls had an amazing opportunity to Skype
with Rabbi Cohn of Yerushalyim! He was able to show the girls videos of all the
different places that they had learned about in the Navi as well as given us some sneak
peaks to places they have not yet learned about. The girls were asked if after seeing
modern day Shilo would they move to the city? Thank you to Rabbi Landsman, Rabbi
Hamel and Morah Hadas for the beautiful opportunity!

Fourth Grade Powwow

“Hakame!” (Welcome!) was the greeting offered to the fourth grade students as they arrived at YCQ’s annual Powwow on
November 25th. Members of the Shinnecock Indian Nation, which is located on the East End of Long Island, had arrived to
model their regalia, perform traditional dances, and teach the boys and girls about their customs and traditions. The
students were awed by the beauty of the regalia that was worn by three Shinnecock dancers – one garbed in a “jingle dress,”
one in a traditional fringed deerskin blouse and skirt, and one wearing a beautifully-colored, satin “ribbon dress,” designed to
resemble a butterfly in flight. The students were enthralled by the dancers’ performances, and enjoyed participating in cir-
cle dances themselves. During the question and answer portion of the program, the girls and boys were fascinated to learn
that the Shinnecock are Algonquian people, and that their name means, “People of the Stony Shore.” The Shinnecock have
always been known for their powerful dugout canoes and for the fine wampum beads that they produce. The afternoon con-
cluded with a feast of traditional Native American food – corn muffins, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, popcorn, and apple
juice. It was an interesting, informative, and delicious celebration!

Second Grade Thanksgiving Workshop

On Wednesday, November 25th classes 205 and 206 participated in a Thanksgiving workshop.
Mrs. Chubak’s students each invited one guest to join them in school for the special program. Together
with their guests the students made turkeys using apples and candy, and pumpkin parfaits. The children
and guests then solved Thanksgiving puzzles. The program culminated with a special Thanksgiving photo
booth and party. The program was a success and will hopefully be an annual event.


Dear Parents,

As Chanukah approaches, please join us in showing our Hakarat Hatov to the administration,
teachers, and staff of the Yeshiva for the dedication and commitment they show to our chil-
dren every day.

We ask that you send in your gift of $25.00 per child, with a
cap of $60.00 per family of three children or more.

Please keep in mind that these funds are distributed entirely to staff at YCQ, including: princi-
pals, Rabbeim/Morot, teachers, assistant teachers, all specialty teachers such as art, comput-
ers, dance, gym, library, music, and resource room, the nurse, administrative, kitchen and
custodial staff and the building security guards. There are over 150 staff members in all.

This year you may pay by cash/check sent into school with the names and grades of your chil-
dren clearly listed. You may also pay via PayPal through the following link: In addition, there will be a table set up in
the lobby during Parent-Teacher conferences to collect these funds.

Thank you for your participation,
The Officers of the Parents Association
---------------------------Please address envelope to YCQ-PA------------------------------
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Total amount: ($60 cap for families with 3 or more children) $__________


Please bring NEW toys to help keep 2015
children occupied and happy during
difficult times in their lives.

Please make sure to:
 Not wrap the toys

 Not donate toy guns or
other violent games


The Jewish Children’s Museum!

Second Graders Prepared for Thanksgiving!!!

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