UPCOMING Parashat Bereishit
EVENTS By: Rabbi Landsman
Candle Lighting:
Havdallah: 7:05 This week’s parsha details the beginning of human existence on this planet which confirms the
Monday, October 12 observation of the Rabbis of the Talmud that all beginnings are difficult. Seemingly, everything goes
Columbus Day– No Bus wrong from the start. Adam and Chava sin and are expelled from Gan Eden, Cain slays his
brother Hevel, and in a short span of generations and time the world sinks into a state of idolatry and
Mon, Oct 12– Wed Oct 14 moral depravity. The Torah even allows for a note of regret, so to speak, emanating from Hashem
Back to School Night Himself regarding the fall of humankind. It is hard to find a note of optimism until the last verse of the
parsha. There it states that Noach found favor in Hashem’s eyes. The rabbis in the Mishna stated that
YCQ Family News there were ten generations that passed between Adam till Noach. Rabbi Wein says that the message
here is clear. Hashem somehow found it worthwhile to outwait the ten generations until humankind
Mazel Tov to Amit Azzizian would produce an individual who would be worthy enough to start the world anew from him and his
on his Bar Mitzvah! progeny. The Torah here teaches us important lessons: The worth of a single individual; the patience
and fortitude of Hashem with humankind; and that in Hashem’s scheme of things it is worthwhile to
Mazel Tov to Noah wait generations and persevere for the sake of finally achieving a truly good role model for human
Applebaum on his behavior. These lessons are the primary messages of the parsha and provide for us the guidance in
viewing the rest of the Torah narrative as well as for viewpoints in our own personal and national lives.
Bar-Mitzvah! Rabbi Wein explains that the Talmud teaches us that Adam was created singly and alone so that no
one of the human race could claim to be of greater pedigree than others. A second reason advanced
Mazel Tov to Eitan by Jewish scholars is that this fact alone proves the power and inherent worth of an individual. In a
Guttenmacher on his world that has barely survived a century where hundreds of millions of individuals were deemed to be
Mazel Tov to Coby Casden
on his Bar Mitzvah!
Mazel Tov to Menashe worthless except to serve an ideology, the Torah comes to reaffirm the worth of an individual life.
Korrori on his Bar-Mitzvah! Every individual is a potential Noach, someone who can find favor in Hashem’s eyes so to speak and
Mazel Tov to Eitan give the world a new and fresh start. To create such individuals requires exquisite patience on our
Friedman on his Bar part. We are not allowed to be dismayed by the daily disappointments and failures that plague society
and its leaders. Even if generations seemingly fail to achieve the desired improvement of the human
Mazel Tov to Savi Kessler character, we are still bidden to strive to achieve that goal. For that, we also have the words of the
on her Bat Mitzvah! rabbis of the Mishna: “It is not necessarily incumbent upon you to complete the work of making a
Mazel Tov to Mr. Cohen on better world but neither are you freed of the task of attempting to do so.” This is the lesson of the first
the birth of a grandson!
ten generations of humankind as recorded in this week’s parsha. It remains the lesson for all later
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Orlanski
(5-302, 5-303, and Eighth generations, including our own. Shabbat Shalom
Grade Science) on the
birth of a granddaughter!
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Lonner Back to School Night Schedule
on the birth of a
granddaughter! Mon, Oct 12– JHS 7:30pm
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Tues, Oct 13– Grades *2-3 7:00pm
Finestone upon the Grades 4-5 8:00pm
marriage of his daughter.
Wed, Oct 14– *Class 2-207 (Mrs. Levine and Morah Rachel) 7pm
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Levine
(2-207) upon the marriage Grades N, K, 1 7:30pm
of her granddaughter!
Condolences to Mrs. Jaffe
(Computer, Gruss Teacher)
on the untimely passing of
her daughter-in-law.
Rabbi Finkelman Delivers Teshuva Lecture
On Monday, September 21st, the JHS students had the unbelievable honor and privilege
of hearing Rabbi Finkelman, mashgiach ruchani, Yeshivat Ohr HaChaim, speak to them
about Teshuvah. He described the unbelievable opportunity that Yom Kippur provides us
to improve ourselves, and get closer to HaShem. He told some incredible Dvrei Torah,
stories and anecdotes in order to inspire the entire audience. After the drasha Rabbi
Finkelman remained in the shul for an extended period of time giving each student a
special bracha and wishing them a wonderful new year!
Kapparot Assembly
On Friday September 25th, the students in grades 1-5 attended a Yom Kippur Kapparot
assembly. Rabbi Landsman told a story about the children of a king and queen who felt
so privileged to be part of the royal family. The children were inspired to have a better
understanding of how they should behave on Yom Kippur. The children really connected
and took upon themselves not to eat junk food on Yom Kippur. The students did their
kapparot with money, the proceeds of which will go to an Israeli organization called Of
Le’Shabbat. The tzedakah collected will be given to help the poor in Israel buy food for
Visiting the YCQ Sukkah!
Before Sukkot, the students in grades 1-5 had a chance to visit with Rabbi Landsman and
Rabbi Eisenberg in the YCQ Sukkah. Each student got a chance to hold and observe the
etrog and lulav and also learned the correct way to shake it! Rabbi Landsman and Rabbi
Eisenberg discussed the importance of the Sukkah and the reasons we have one during this
holiday. We hope everyone had a wonderful chag!
Eighth Grade Girls Decorate Nursing Home Succot
The 8th grade girls had a wonderful time getting ready for the holiday of sukkot
through taking part in various acts of chesed. On the Friday before the Chag, the girls
got to visit Meadow Park Nursing Home and Boulevard Assisted Living. At each
location, they had the opportunity to: visit the elderly, create sukkah decorations
together with them, and hang their decorations. Each and every girl appreciated the
opportunity to enhance their sukkot by starting it off with a mitzvah. Yasher Koach!!!
Congratulations to the following Library Summer
Reading 2015 Participants!
Each person listed below is invited to come to the
Library to choose a free book on
Friday, September 25 before Succot Vacation.
Class 1-201: Tami Landsberg
Class 2-204: Tehila Besalel, Eyal Traeger, Yehoshua Gherman, Sarah Leah
Class 2-205: Maxim, Shimon M., Simcha Yaakov, Chana Orenbach,
Binyamin Teitelman, Doran Sparber, Sharona M., Joseph Elishiv, Eytan
Richman, Simcha Matatov, Gabriel Mosheyev, Shane Gottfried
Class 2-206: Rafi Taubenfeld, David B., Chani Samet, Ephraim
Greenfield, Natalie Bellehsen, Temima Teitelman, Eliana Gomberg,
Binyamim Abramov, Ben Bellehsen, Rebecca Sisser, Lauren Ross
Class 2-207: Max Chubak, Ozzy Dreyfuss, Leah Pleshty, Pauline Tawil,
Ethan Abraham, Sivan Dayan
Class 3-209: Natalie Avitsedek, Gabriella Shamalov, Maytal Gigi, Noah
Blum, Gavriel Kramer, Noam Traeger, Daniella Abraham, Ayal Levine
Class 3-210: Michaela Fuzaylov, Julia Musheyev, Sarah Borukhov, Ariella
Anna Gross, Gabi K.
Class 3-211: Shoshana Musheyev, Yaakov Kessler, Aryeh Rozic, Jordana
F., Rafi, Miryam Weiss, Netanel Mammon
Class 4-304: Raphi Farber, Siggy Orenbuch, Yossi Bavaro
Class 4-305: Eliana Leitner, Rebecca Kohanim, Esther Brintauch, Liorah
Soleimani, Arielle Cohen, Blair Greenfield, Rebecca Lalo, Esti Goldberg
Class 4-306: Ariel Fried, Aron Koyenov, Shlomo Inoyatov, Michael Kikov
Class 4-307: Eliana Kovan, Jamie Roth, Sarit Adler
Class 5-301: Rivka Sullian, Eva Czegledi
Class 5-302: Daniella Orenbuch
Class 5-303: Eden Yusupov, Josh Bellehsen, Raymond Tawil
*Eight Folders were received with no full names on them. *
No Queens or Long Island Bus Service
Pick-Up Locations:
Dismissal from Main Lobby (4:00)
Kindergarten - Fifth Grades:
Classrooms (3:30)
JHS Students:
Will be dismissed from their classrooms. (3:30)
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2015 9 AM - 11 AM
28 TISHREI 5776
Rabbi Becher is a Senior Lecturer for Gateways and is one of the leading voices in
American Orthodox Jewish Outreach!!
He is known for his exceptional speaking skills as well as his sense of humor. Becher is
the author of numerous books and is the host of a radio show as well as a Time Warner
Cable Television Show entitled "Dimensions of the Daf".
The schedule for this Sunday is as follows:
9:00am Schacharit
9:40am Breakfast
10:00am Rabbi Becher
The program is sure to be enlightening, inspiring, and very entertaining!!
The program will conclude at 11:00am.
On subsequent Sundays, students will be invited to participate in a special program
following the learning from 11:00-11:30am.
Boys will participate in a basketball tournament and Girls will participate in Zumba
class lead by licensed Zumba instructor Ellisheva Marciano.
Students who attend Sunday Learning will receive a five point card and participate in a
raffle each week that they attend as well as be eligible to attend a baseball game in the
spring for regular attendance.
Sunday learning is a mandatory program for students in Rabbi Nat's and
Rabbi Bernstein's Honors Gemara Shiurim.
7:30 PM
Grades 2-3
7:00 PM
Grades 4-5
8:00 PM
2-207 7:00 PM
Grades N, K, & 1
7:30 PM
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 1 2
45 6 7 8 9
7G Chumash
11 12 13 14 15 16
6G Halacha 8G Halcha 6B1 Rosenfelt Gemara 6B Ivrit
7G Halcha 8 Algebra 6G Chumash 6G Chumash
6 Math 7B Chumash
8G Navi
8 Math (Not Brody)
7G Navi
18 19 20 21 22 23
7 Science 6B Chumash 7 Socia Studies 6 Social Studies
8 Social Studies 6G Ivrit 8G Chumash 8 Science
7 Language Arts
25 26 27 28 29 30
6 Math ‐ Lowinger 6 Science 7B Gemara (Bernstein) 6G Navi
7 Math Walz/Lowinger 7G Ivrit 8b Ivrit 7B Ivrit
8G Ivrit Eliss Island ‐ Girls
Eliss Island ‐ Boys
Eighth Grade Girls Decorate Local Nursing Homes
Rabbi Finkelman Teshuva Lecture
YCQ Kapparot Assemblies