UPCOMING Parshat Toldot By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS The theme of berachot permeates the entirety of parshat Toldot. Yitzchak
Candle Lighting: 5:33 is blessed by Hashem, confirming that the berachot promised to Avraham would
Havdallah: 6:32 be transmitted through Yitzchak. Rabbi Sobolofsky notes that the Torah high-
lights the fulfillment of these berachot by describing Yitzchak's financial suc-
Sun., Nov.3 cess. Even his rivals, Avimelech and his nation, concede that Yitzchak is the one
Set Clocks blessed by Hashem. Furthermore, parshat Toldot culminates with Yaakov receiv-
Back One Hour ing two berachot. He is first blessed by Yitzchak unknowingly with
Preschool Open the berachot that were intended for Esav, and he subsequently receives the
House 10 AM birchat Avraham the beracha assuring him inheritance of Eretz Yisrael and an
Please note: eternal relationship with Hashem.
There is no Parent- Upon analyzing the various berachot of parshat Toldot, it is clear that
Child Learning this
there are two distinct categories of berachot. First, there are berachot that fo-
Sunday! cus on material property, like the brachot that were given by Yitzchak during his
days in Gerar and as expressed in the beracha of "v'yiten lecha." Second, in con-
Wed., Nov. 6 trast with this material "abundance of grain and wine," there is also the spiritu-
Bar Mitzvah al beracha of being a forefather of the nation of Hashem, that is bestowed upon
Workshop 7th Grade Yitzchak at the beginning of the parsha and upon Yaakov at the end. The signifi-
cance of the spiritual berachot is understandable, but why does the Torah place
Boys 7PM so much emphasis on the seemingly mundane material success?
Mon., Nov. 11 The Rambam in Hilchot Teshuva elaborates upon the significance of ma-
Veteran’s Day terial blessings as follows. Reward for mitzvot is spiritual in nature and is re-
No Sessions ceived in the next world. The Torah promises us material beracha in this world
BJE Faculty not as a reward for mitzvot, but rather as a support and vehicle to enable us to
Conferences continue on the path of mitzvot. Hashem will remove the physical obstacles of
famine, war and other impediments to our proper service of Him. With this un-
YCQ Family News derstanding of the role of material success we can appreciate the seemingly
dual nature of the berachot of parshat Toldot. There are not two
Mazal Tov to Morah distinct berachot, but rather two sides of one beracha. Hashem assures
Silverstein (4-307) Yitzchak, and subsequently Yaakov, that they will merit fathering the nation
on the Bar Mitzvah that will have an eternal relationship with Hashem. He will enable this by
blessing Bnai Yisrael with the requisite physical gifts. Rather than serving as a
of her son.
Mazel Tov to Blima distraction from their spiritual pursuits, Hashem's providing of their material
Wertheim on her Bat needs will allow the Jewish People to focus wholeheartedly on their mission.
Mitzvah! Have a great Shabbat!
This Sunday - Pre-School Open House
Please join us with your child this Sunday, November, 3, 2013
at the YCQ Interactive Kindergarten Open House
From 10:00 AM—11:30 PM
Pittsburgher Rebbe Speaks to 7th and 8th Grade Boys
The Pittsburgher Rebbe was in Queens this past Shabbat, and the YCQ
students had the amazing opportunity to meet and hear from the Pittsburgher
Rebbe on Friday, October 25th. The Rebbe led a “Chassidish Style Tisch”. The
students sang zemirot after which the Rebbe said a dvar Torah, and gave each
student a fruit to make a bracha on. We would like to thank Rabbi Hamel and
Mr. Barnett, and Mr. Gros for arranging this special and meaningful event!
Mix It Up
This past week the YCQ JHS students participated in a national campaign. The event, launched
by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Teaching Tolerance project in 2002, encourages students
to sit with someone new in the cafeteria for just one day. Cafeterias are the focus of Mix It Up
because that’s where a school’s social boundaries are most obvious. Many schools plan similar
barrier-busting activities throughout the day. Some use the event to kick off a yearlong explora-
tion of social divisions. “Mix It Up is a positive step that schools can take to help create learning
environments where students see each other as individuals and not just as members of a separate
group,” said Teaching Tolerance Director Maureen Costello. “When people step out of their
cliques and get to know someone, they realize just how much they have in common.” Thank you
to Mrs. Golubtchik and Mrs. Maisel for organizing and facilitating the days activities.
YCQ Sixth Grade Boys Receive Their Gemarot
Last week the sixth grade boys took a trip toYeshivat Chofetz Chaim in Queens to receive their
personal Gemara. Rabbi Grunblatt, Rosh HaYeshiva, told the boys an inspiring Dvar Torah followed
by the Rav individually giving each student their first Gemara! Special thanks to Rabbi Howitt and
Rabbi Hamel for organizing this very special program.
JHS Chesed Day
Beginning on Wednesday October 23rd and continuing on Thursday, October 24th, the JHS
was involved in multiple different chesed opportunities. The sixth grade girls went to visit
Boulevard ALP Senior Center. The seventh grade girls collected money and then went to
Aron’s Kissena Farms to buy food for a Food Pantry. Half of the eighth grade girls went to the
Met Council Food Warehouse, while others went to Otsar Day Hab. The girls Chesed filled
day was followed by pizza at Shimon’s . The sixth grade boys went to the Atria senior center.
The seventh grade had Bais Ezra come to YCQ, and the eighth grade boys went to HASC
High School. Their Chesed filled day concluded with Shimon’s pizza as well. Thank you to
Mrs. Ayalet Katz for planning all of these events as well all of the teachers who chaperoned
the trips.
Dr. Koller Visits YCQ
Last Tuesday, Dr. Aaron Koller, father of Dalya Koller (6G2), addressed the sixth
grade. Dr. Koller, who is a professor of Near Eastern Studies at Yeshiva University,
specializes in Semitic languages. Using a visual presentation, he explained to the
students how Egyptian hieroglyphs have been transformed into different alphabets
in countries around the world throughout history. This topic was of great interest to
the students, who just completed a unit about the ancient Fertile Crescent where
cuneiform and the Phoenician alphabet were developed. Dr. Koller sparked the
students' interest in Egypt, our next unit of study, with his discussion of
hieroglyphics. We thank Dr. Koller for taking time out of his schedule to prepare
this fascinating lesson for us.
The YCQ Parents Association had a nice turnout at the annual new parents welcome evening on Tuesday night,
October 23rd. Held in the multi purpose room, parents met and socialized with each other. Rabbi Landsman
opened up with a beautiful dvar torah and welcome. Jodi Tanzman co-president of the YCQ Parents Association
delivered warm greetings to each of the new families. Our school social worker Mrs. Marcy Davidovics, LCSW,
then gave a timely lecture on “Maintaining High Expectations for Our Children”. The best part of the evening was
hearing each parent introduce themselves and share why they chose YCQ. It was a good feeling to hear how
much our school is appreciated and how wonderful a reputation it has. We are so thrilled to welcome our new
families to our ‘home’ at YCQ.
Yedidya Harush from JNF Speaks at JHS
About the Situation in the Negev
Yedidya Harush was born and grew up in the community of Atzmona in Gush Katif. Yedidya’s family
relocated to Halutza after Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005. During that time he was recruited
to play basketball in a New York Yeshiva league, in a joint effort to help the children of Gush Katif
evacuees lead a normal life while their families and homes were in distress. He currently lives in Yad
Binyamin and dreams of soon moving to Halitza and making Ben Gurion’s dreams in the Negev a reality
for himself and his fellow Jews. The students learned so much useful information about all that the
Negev has to go through, and the hardships associated with living in Israel.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 6b2 halacha 9
Set Clocks Back 1 Hr 7th grade science 6b2 science test 7th grade halacha girls 6 Boys Navi 16
Preschool 8th Gemara (Nat) 7th boys chumash test Math test 6th Schwartz 15
Open House 6th Math (Sider/Kerper) 7th girls chumash Bar Mitzva Workshop 14 23
YCQ @ Magen David 8th grade Algebra test 8 Girls Ivrit
10 Hockey 8PM Election Day 13 7 Boys Ivrit 6 Girls Halacha Intergenerational
7th girls Ivrit JHS Boys Melave Malka
Veteran's Day 11 12 6 Girls Ivrit 8th math (Sider, Schwartz))
JHS Parent Child 6th boys gemara test Barkai @ YCQ Hockey 8PM Shabbaton 30
Learning BJE Faculty Conference 6 Boys Chumash 7th grade social studies Math 6th grade (Lowinger)
No Sessions 8 Boys Gemara 8th Boys Ivrit Math test 7th 22 3rd Day Chanuka
17 Veterens Day (Kramer, Hammer)
8G navi 20 21 6 Boys Halacha
24 7 Boys halacha
18 19 6 Girls Chumash 6th grade science test
BJE Exam 7B2 Navi 7 Girls navi 29
6 Boys Ivrit 6th girls Navi 8th grade language arts 8th grade girls chumash
(Judaic Studies) 7 Girls Halacha 7B1 Navi YCQ @ Har Torah Hockey 2nd Day Chanuka
8th grade social studies 8th grade halacha Girls 7PM 28 No sessions
JHS Parent Child Parents Association Bat Mitzva Workshop
Learning 1st Day Chanuka
25 26 27 Thanksgiving No Sessions
6th social studies 7th grade math (Sider) 6th grade vocab test
7th boys Gemara 8th grade science (at home) 7th grade language arts
Math test 6th 8th grade Algebra test
(Sider/Kerper/Schwartz) 8th grade math
Erev Chanuka
Are YOU ready for Chanukah?
The YCQ Parent’s Association can help!
Buy your gifts for Chanukah from the
PA and they will receive a percentage.
Order Form and Product List will be
coming to Parentlocker soon
(Pre-orders only!)
Gifts for all ages:
Adult Books
Children’s books
Chanukah candles and oil
**YCQ PA Chanukah Fundraiser**
Please Join Us With Your Child* at the
Sunday, November 3, 2013
10:00-11:30 AM
Sibling registration for YCQ families will begin on
Monday, October 7, 2013.
Please call Mrs. Sharon Korn 718-793-8500 x313 or
Hadas Fried at ext. 310 to make an appointment. Don’t
delay! Our preschool fills up quickly and we don't want
you to miss out.
*If your child attends, he/she must be accompanied by
at least one parent and another adult who will remain
with your child during the children’s program.
Enjoy the wonderful aroma of baking challah and the delicious taste of home-made challah
without the mess and hard work!
Challahs are shaped and ready to be baked FRESH in your own oven
Additional .75 for specialty challah $4.75
Potato kugel $5.25
Diet broccoli kugel
To place your order, please call: (347) 724-0844 or E-mail: [email protected].
Please write “challah” in the subject line. If you would like to submit a name for a refuah / yeshuah at the
time of the hafrashas challah bracha, please feel free to include it. (Also available: unshaped dough to make
hafrasha on your own)
Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker
on a special visit from Eretz Yisroel
Monday, November 4
11 am
at the home of Mrs. Yelli Koenig
138-33 78th Drive, KGH
Dina Schoonmaker is a teacher, popular lecturer, and relationship counselor.
A staff member of Michlalah Jerusalem College for over 20 years,
Dina teaches a number of courses and runs a counseling hotline
for alumni where she deals with issues such as dating and
shalom bayit.
In addition, Dina lectures extensively throughout the seminary
circut on topics of personal development through the eyes of the
Dina is a regular respondent in Mishpacha Magazine's "Advice
Line" and has written for "The Klal Perspectives Journal", a forum
for discussion of challenges facing the Torah community.
Most recently, Dina began a series of live mussar vaadim for
women throughout Israel. What started as a single small group
mushroomed into 10 separate groups as the need for such a
forum became obvious. In response to many requests to offer her
Vaad internationally, she decided to launch a Vaad by
teleconference so that anyone, anywhere, has the opportunity to
Dina lives in Jerusalem with her husband, Dovid, a Rebbe in Aish
Hatorah, and their 7 children.
Rabbi Jeremy Kagan
Yaakov And Esav: Clashing Cultures, Clashing Worlds
Tuesday, November 5 at 9:15 am
Fee: $10
136-05 72nd Road KGH
For Women Only
Babysitting available for small fee. Please call 718 544 9218.
Rabbi Kagan, principal of the post-high-school seminary
Midreshet Tehillah, was born in Boston and raised in Hawaii.
Rabbi Kagan attended Yale University and graduated with a BA
in philosophy. He began studying Torah at Ohr Sameach while
traveling in Israel during his college years. Following the
completion of his degree at Yale, Rabbi Kagan returned to
Israel to pursue Torah in earnest, eventually becoming a student
at Heichal HaTorah and the Mirrer Yeshiva. He received
rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg
and has regularly attended the classes of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro.
In 1998 Rabbi Kagan published The Jewish Self: Recovering
Spirituality in the Modern World. He recently published The
Choice to Be: A Jewish Path to Self and Spirituality, which was
awarded the 2011 National Jewish Book Award for Modern
Jewish Thought.
The Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills
is pleased to invite the community to a
Scholar-in Residence weekend with
Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald
Founder and Director, NJOP-National Jewish Outreach Program
Friday night/Shabbos Chanukah-Mevorchim
November 29-30, 2013
Rabbi Buchwald will speak at a Friday night oneg,
on Shabbos morning, and at seudah shelishis.
Friday night Oneg: “Remaining Moral in an
7:30 PM Increasingly Immoral Environment”
Seudah Shelishis: “Living like a Hellenist, etc.”
We gratefully appreciate and acknowledge the anonymous sponsors
who made this event possible.
YCQ Visits Otsar Day Hab
YCQ “Mix It Up”