VOLUME 14 ISSUE 27 MAY 6, 2016 28 NISSAN 5776
Important Update
Class placement forms have been posted on
YCQWEB.com for the 2016-2017 school year.
Please SUBMIT IT as SOON AS possible!!
All Forms are Due By Thursday May 26, 2016!
Seventh Grade Boys Host Model Seder for Bais Ezra
To get into the spirit of Pesach, the 7th grade boys hosted a model seder for
Bais Ezra participants. Together with the men from Bais Ezra, the 7th grade boys
drank 4 cups of grape juice, dipped their karpas in salt water, and sang their favorite
seder songs. Each and every participant enjoyed their special time together. A special
Yasher Koach to 7th grade Rebbes, Rabbi Bernstein and Rabbi Finkelstein, for
enhancing this experience and of course to Rabbi Hamel for his very musical
Kiddush. May we share next year’s seder in Yerushalayim!
Eighth Grade Trip to Meet Author Irving Roth
On Monday, April 18, the 8th grade visited Mr. Irving Roth, a
Holocaust survivor who wrote the memoir, Bondi’s Brother. He
showed the students a short video that documented the causes of
the Holocaust. Students were then given the opportunity to ask Mr.
Roth questions about his life and experiences. Lastly, students got to
explore Mr. Roth’s Holocaust museum. It was a very inspiring and
moving experience.
Nursery Aleph/Bet Siyum
The Nursery celebrated the completion of learning the aleph-bet with a
very special siyum. In the shul, Rabbi Landsman invited each child to come
up and choose a letter to read from a real Torah. The children then
danced and sang with the Torah. Upon reading from the Torah, they
received big rainbow lollypops. Later in the day, everyone got to take home
an aleph-bet box containing aleph bet cookies, a candy Torah, and aleph
bet stickers. Learning Torah is sweet!
Our first-grade model Seder was a combination of learning and laughter. The teachers
created for our students an atmosphere where they could partake in all the steps of an
actual Pesach Seder. They ate matzah and maror, hard-boiled eggs, karpas and charoset,
however, according to the children, the best part of the entire Seder was when the
children all sang their songs together. Their Seder was filled with the singing of the
many Pesach songs that the children had been practicing in class. A special thank you
to Rabbi Eisenberg and the first grade Morot; Morah Fendel, Morah Elana, and Morah
Leah. Thank you to Morah Tali for enhancing the seder with beautiful music!
Do you have any old used
books that you don’t want
Well the YCQ 6th grade girls want them!
We are starting to prepare for our annual
used book sale so please feel free to bring
in any books that you would like to donate.
The JHS girls’ will go around to all the
other classrooms and collect the books.
Thank you in advance for your
*All proceeds from this book sale go to
We will be honoring Rabbi Dr. Steven Eisenberg, the beloved Assistant
Principal in our Elementary School. Rabbi Eisenberg will be leaving the
Yeshiva to make Aliyah this summer. Although he has only been here a few
short years, Rabbi Eisenberg has had a great impact on the Yeshiva in
terms of upgrades in curriculum and new programs to benefit the yeladim.
Next, we will be honoring Mrs. Millie Levine. Mrs. Levine is retiring at the
end of the year and we would like to thank her for her years of exemplary
care for and teaching of our second graders.
Last, but certainly not least, we are honoring Mrs Stefanie Sturm. For over
a decade Mrs. Sturm has been dedicated to her third grade and Judaic
Studies Resource Room students.
This year's eighth grade class had a greater percentage than average of
parents who were involved in the PTO. At the Supperette we will be giving
Hakarat Hatov to these women, without whom many of the PTO's
programs could not take place. These generous women who gave of their
time are: Robin Appel, Lisa Fishbein, Stacey Frank, Ilana Friedman, Ilana
Gutenmacher, Tracy Landsberg, and Rivky Orlow.
We are also recognizing Tzipporah Boim for all of her years of service to
the YCQ Board of Education.
CALL or TEXT TRACY LANDSBERG at 516-884-5747
The Yeshiva of Central Queens
Parent-Teacher Association
cordially invites you to attend our annual
Spring Supperette
Monday, May 9, 2016 Honoring
7:30 pm
Yeshiva of Central Queens Rabbi Dr. Steven Eisenberg
147-37 70th Road
Flushing, NY for making such a large impact
on the Yeshiva in a small
Couvert: $36 amount of time.
Staff: $25
Patron: $100
Donor: $72 Mrs. Millie Levine
Sponsor: $54
upon her retirement and for her
Donation (suggested): $18 exemplary care and teaching of
Please detach and return to the Business Office by May 6, 2016. our second graders.
Checks should be made out to the YCQ-PTO.
_______Yes, I will be able to attend and have enclosed $________ Honoring
_______No, I am unable to attend but have enclosed $________
Name_________________________________________________________ Mrs. Stefanie Sturm
Address________________________________________________________ For over a decade of dedication
Reservations through Monday: Call or text Tracy Landsberg to her third grade and Judaic
at 516-884-5747
Studies Resource Room students.
Hakarat Hatov
To all the 8th grade parents with
whom we have worked over the
years and who have dedicated
themselves to the children of YCQ.
These generous women who gave of
their time are: *Robin Appel
*Lisa Fishbein *Stacey Frank* Ilana
Friedman *Ilana Gutenmacher
*Tracy Landsberg and
*Rivky Orlow.
We are also recognizing Tzipporah
Boim for her years of service to the
YCQ Board of Education.
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Parade Sign Up
All participants in the Israel Day Parade must wear this year’s YCQ T-shirt. T-shirts and transportation will cost $10
per person (required even if you will not be using transportation). Please fill out the form below and submit it with the total
payment to Mrs. Liron Friedman no later than Friday May 20th, 2016
First Name, Class Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Going Returning Not going Not
Last Name Name Size Size Size Size Size Size Size to with YCQ with YCQ
bus but returning
parade bus meeting with YCQ
with us in the bus (will
YCQ pick up
bus city child at
end of
Attendance is mandatory for all students in grades 4-8. A signed note requesting to be excused must be given to
Rabbi Landsman. More information will follow in the next few weeks. If you have any questions please call Mrs.
Liron Friedman at 718-793-8500 ext 330.
Enclosed please find $___________ for _________________ Parents who join YCQ’s group for the
Number of people Parade are requested to please march in
Signature _____________________________ the area designated for parents. Thank
you for your cooperation.
Celebrate Israel Parade
Sunday June 5, 2016
28 Iyar 5776
Yom Yerushalayim
Mandatory attendance for all
students in grades 4-8
Schedule and location
information coming soon!!!!
YCQ JHS Boys Table Tennis Tournament 2016
G. Schwartzman
Class Division I Division II Division III
Class 8B1 1st Sam Spitzer Aron Yunatanov Samuel Korman
Class 8B2 J.J. Varnai
Class 7B1 2nd Jordan Katz Amit Azizian
Class 7B2
Class 6B1 1st Yosef Sonbolian Ashy Goldberg
Class 6B2
2nd Yosef Sullivan Yitzy Socol
1st Zachary Matatov Rafael Yushuvayev
2nd Moshe Chernigoff Mordi Schmerier
1st Yosef Flammenbaum Joshua Shalamov
2nd Benjamin Kandorhov Natanel Luria
1st Eric Stiefel Yosef Robinson
2nd Jacob O’Conner Yehunaton Akhavan
1st Charles Mann Menashe Yushuvaev
2nd Jonah Weinstein Tzvi Brombeg
Basketball Best Offensive Player Best Defensive Player Sportsmanship Most Improved Player
Ben Azulai Eitan Zar
Most Valuable Player Joshua Khafi Joshua Roth
Jack Ruben Noah Warshaw Yosef Sonbolian Amit Azizian Elad Elazar
Yosef Chaim Dahan Yehuda Gur-Arie Noah Goldstein Itamar Basalel
Oren Betesh Gabriel Warshaw Benjami Ariav Yowsef Levitt Nathaniel Yushuvayev
Ravid Levy Emmanuel Izrailov Yonatan Aranbayev
Elad Biniaminy Yosef Lubeck Daniel Zar Eitan Hoschander Ari Ancelovics
Daniel Haim Michael Levy Lior Brintauch Israel Katayev Jason Yushuvayev
Akiva Sokol Sam Korman Noah Orlofsky
Jacob Aranbaev Best Offensive Player Menashe Yushuva Jonah Weinstein
Yehuda Socol
Hockey Michael Arshadnia Best Defensive Player Sportsmanship Most Improved Player
Zachary Feldman Jason Kochman Marc Landsberg Dylan Saltzman
Most Valuable Player Mathew Nektalov Ari Ostrow Yitzchak Socol Seth Spitzer
Samuel Spitzer Eli Weiss Dylan Roos Binyamin Peretz Benjamin Fuzaylov
Eitan Gutenmacher Natanel Leitner Eitan Reyhanian David Rosoff Eitan Hoschander
David Nissanov Charles Mann Michael Gersten Aharon Reyhanian Jeremy Varnai
Eihan Davidson Michael Kwitkin Avi Fried Michael Wein
Chaim Socol Best Offensive Player Daniel Kovan Leeon Jacoby Ari Schick
Andrew Haller Jonah Speilman
Natanel Leitner Yosef Sullivan Best Defensive Player Sportsmanship Most Improved Player
Yehuda Gur-Arie Jonah FIshbein Marc Landsberg Samuel Spitzer
Football Avraham Hoch ster
David Nissani Solomon Prince Israel Goldberg Coby Casden
Most Valuable Player Eric Steifel
Joseph Gross Daniel Winchester David Nissanov Rafael Yushuvayev
Hillel Golubtchik Zackary Feldman Jonathan Sherman Elazar Orenbach
Ravid Levy Jacob Zar Eitan Hoschander Natanel Luria
Sam Verstandig
Ehtan Davidson Joshua Hedvat Eitan Adler Zachary Stein
Samual Korman
Best Offensive Player Best Defensive Player Sportsmanship Most Improved Player
Soccer Eitan Gutenmacher Seth Spitzer
Jeremy Haviv Mordechai Arshadnia Yitzchak Socol
Most Valuable Player
Ari Ostrow Netanel Leitner Tzvi Winokur Mordechai Schmerler Zachary Kleinman
Jeremy Goodman Avi Fried Tzvi Bromberg Leor Mulhkandov
Netanel Leitner