UPCOMING Parshat Toldot By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS The name of this week’s parsha Toldot is taken from the opening verse of the parsha: “these
Candle Lighting: are the toldot, the offspring and generations of Yitzchak”. It is therefore understandable that
the parsha should be named and remembered as the parsha of Toldot since it is the key
4:15 operative word. However, there is an exactly similar series of words that begin parshat Noach
Havdallah: 5:14 these are the toldot of Noach. Yet that parsha is not called “Toldot” but rather it is named
Rabbi Wein mentions that for the sake of consistency either our parsha should be named for
Motzai Shabbat Yitzchak or the parsha of Noach should be called Toldot as well. Rabbi Wein teached that the
November 22 naming of the parshiyot of the Torah teaches us important lessons about life and history.
Intergenerational Both Noach and Yitzchak had righteous offspring. Noach had Shem and Yitzchak had Yaakov.
Both also had offspring that were less than righteous. Noach had Cham and Canaan, and
Melave Malka Yitzchak had Eisav as a son. Yet there was a fundamental difference between Noach and
3rd Grade 7PM Yitzchak.
Sun., November 23 Yitzchak possessed a heritage to transmit to Yaakov. The blessings that he bestowed upon his
son were those that he had received from his father Avraham. It is heritage, family and
JHS Parent- national memory and traditions that create toldot, a continuity and connection to generational
bonding and unity.
Child Learning
Program 9-11:30 Noach was without such a background he was a righteous individual, but still only an
individual, who did not see himself in the role of being a nation builder. He did not possess a
BJE HS Entrance father who imbued him with a sense of tradition, family and nationhood. Avraham on the other
hand was described by HaShem, so to speak, as someone who would create a nation after him
Exam Judaic that would follow HaShem’s ways and commandments.
Studies 8th Grade It was this heritage that Yitzchak received. He was also engaged not only in creating
individuals as was Noach but rather in raising toldot national eternal generations that would
Thur. - Friday continue the heritage and holy tradition that he had received from his father. Thus Yitzchak’s
November 27-28 parsha is named Toldot while Noach’s parsha remains only on his name alone.
The Torah itself emphasizes this point by immediately describing Yitzchak as being the son of
Thanksgiving Avraham whereas in the parsha of Noach, the name of the father of Noach no longer appears.
No Sessions The Jewish people as a whole has toldot even as individual Jews may or may not be so
Tues., December 2 The toldot of the Jewish people are based upon shared memory and historical experience,
PT Conferences Torah knowledge and observance, a sense of mission and a strong national identity. The
thread of idealism, of helping others, of goodness and compassion in short, the blessings of our
3:45 Dismissal K-8 father Avraham, run through the Jewish story of the ages.
We often think that material goods and wealth are the stuff of human inheritances. But that is a
false reading of life’s truths. It is the ideals and beliefs and traditions of holiness and Avodat
YCQ Family News HaShem that are the true heritage of Israel and guarantee that the people of Israel will always
have toldot. Have a Shabbat Shalom!
We regret to inform
you of the passing
of: Mrs. Raye
Goldberg a"h. Beloved Spotlight on New Faculty
mother of our dear Hello! My name is Mr. Daniel Walz. As an alumnus of YCQ myself, I have always
friend and colleague had a strong connection to the faculty here at the school. The teachers that taught me
Dr. Paul Goldberg when I was a student at YCQ have guided me and shaped me to be the person I am
(Computer Teacher) now. They have had such a positive influence on me that I chose to be an educator
Shiva will be observed just like them. I teach mathematics to the Junior High School grades. I enjoy teach-
at the Goldberg home, ing immensely and am excited to watch the students grow. What I love most about
260 Lincoln Blvd., teaching at YCQ is not only teaching the students but learning from them as well!
Merrick. Visitors will
be welcome as follows:
Sat. eve. : after שבת
Sun - Tues. : 2-5 PM & Preschool registration for YCQ families began November 1.
7-9 PM Please call Morah Sharon Korn at ext. 313 or Mrs. Hadas Goodrich at ext.
Wed. : 2-5 PM 310 to schedule an appointment for your child to be interviewed.
Challah Baking in 1-201
This past Friday, class 1-201, baked their very own Challot for Shabbat! In Parshat
Chayei Sara, the children learned about the miracle that occurred with Sara's
Challa. Morah Fendel said the Bracha, and the children answered amen! The children
then each braided and glazed their own Challot to fulfill the special Mitzvah of Challah.
Bat Mitzvah Workshop
Last Wednesday the sixth grade girls and their mothers shared a special evening
together in honor of the girls becoming Bnot Mitzvah. The program began with a
Dvar Torah from Rabbi Landsman, followed by an inspiring description of the
entire Bat Mitzvah year from Morah Hadas then Mrs. Golubchik spoke about the
“3 P’s” of a Bat Mitvah (preparation, procedure and party). Mrs. Marcy
Davidovics, led a “Values Clarification Session” with mothers and daughters.
Mrs. Tzirel Goldchmeidt, YCQ dance instructor, led the girls and their mothers in
simcha dancing, Rochelle Winkour gave a beautiful Dvar Torah, and everyone
partook in a delicious dinner catered by “Carlos and Gabby’s”. It was a most
beautiful and memorable evening.
“Tzitzit! Strings Attached! Don’t Leave Home Without It!”
This past Sunday at Parent-Child Learning we had the honor of hearing Rabbi Finkelstein. He shared
stories of inspiration describing the importance of wearing Tzitzit. Rabbi Finkelstein discussed many
of the Halachot of Tzitzit, and he reminded the students that the Tzitzit remind you of the six hundred
and thirteen mitzvot that we are obligated to keep! He also reminded students and parents that each day
when they put on their Tzitzit they should make sure to say a bracha, check the strings to make sure
each strand is separated from the other, and appreciate the opportunity and the privilege that we have to
serve HaShem through performing this most important mitzvah!
Kindergarten Rain Program
In honor of the month of Cheshvan, when we daven for rain in Israel, the Kindergarten
students experienced a hands-on rain program with music, movement and dance. Morah
Toby Jacobowitz, music educator, gave the children scarves and flowers and had them
move to different kinds of music representing the gentle rain and heavy rain falling in
Eretz Yisrael. The children had a wonderful time dancing around the room to the music!
November 23, 2014
Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5775
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Basketball
Rabbi Pearl,
YCQ Rebbe
“A Fathers Six Obligations
to Teach His Sons!”
Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Class Time Sign In LocaƟon of Conference
1-203 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-205 (Mrs. Chubak, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Morah Reut) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-209, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-211 (Mrs. Halpern,
Morah EƩy)
4-304, 4-305, 4-306
5-302, 5-303
(Finkelstein, Rohr, Fried,
Orlanski, Hoffman)
JHS Girls 6:00-9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First Come First Serve
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, December 8, 2014
Class Time Sign In LocaƟon & Conference
N-109 & N-208 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K-100, K-101
K-102, K-105
1-200, 1-201, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1-202 (Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-204, 2-207, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2-206 (Morah Reut, Mrs. Chubak)
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-210, 3-212 5:30-9:30 Classroom
(Morah EƩy, Mrs. Halpern ) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
6:00-9:00 Sign in Online Lunchroom
No Sign In
5-300, 5-301 First come first serve
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )
JHS Boys
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 3 4 5 6 7
6 LA (essay writing) 6 LA (essay writing) 7 Math (Sider) 6B Gemara 6G Chumash
9 8 Math 8B Gemara (Howitt) 8 Math (Brody)
6B Gemara 14
16 10 11 12 8G Halacha 6B Halach
23 6B Chumash NO 7B Tests 8 Vocab
6 Math (Cigan, Walz) 18 6G Ivrit 13
6B Ivrit 6B Navi 8 Science 7G Chumash 21
6G Math (Goldstein) 7B Navi
7G Navi 8G Navi 8G Halacha 19 NO 6G Tests 28
8G Navi 7G Ivrit
7 Social Studies 20
17 8 Ivrit 8G Chumash
8G Halacha 6G Navi
7G Halacha 7B Chumash
8 Social Studies
24 25 26 27
8B Navi 6 Science 8 Algebra Brody
6G Halacha 8G Mishna 7B Ivrit
8B Navi 8B Chumash
7G1 Mishna 6G Mishna
7G2 Mishna
Turkey Raffle to Support the
YCQ Eighth Grade Yearbook
tickets will
be sold from
A percentage 1 raffle ticket for
of the money $1
raised will be
donated to 3 raffle tickets
for $2
10 raffle tickets
for $5
Raffle will
be held on
Invites Nursery—Fifth Graders
And Their Families
Our First Annual
Chanukah Chagiga
Saturday, December 13, 2014
7:30 PM—9:30 PM
$5 per person / max. $25 per family
Carnival, crafts, and Fun for all!
Food will be available for purchase at the event.
Please send reservations to the P.A. Box in the Main Office
The ___________________ family would like to reserve __________ spots for the
Chanukah Chagiga.
______ Enclosed is my payment. _______ We will pay at the door.
Dear Parents,
As Chanukah approaches, please join us in showing our Hakarat Hatov to the administration,
teachers, and staff of the Yeshiva for the dedication and commitment they show to our chil-
dren every day.
We ask that you send in your gift of $25.00 per child, with a
cap of $60.00 per family of three children or more.
Please keep in mind that these funds are distributed entirely to staff at YCQ, including: princi-
pals, Rabbeim/Morot, teachers, assistant teachers, all specialty teachers such as art, comput-
ers, dance, gym, library, music, and resource room, the nurse, administrative, kitchen and
custodial staff and the building security guards. There are over 150 staff members in all.
This year you may pay by cash/check sent into school with the names and grades of your
children clearly listed. You may also pay via PayPal through the following link: http://
www.ycqweb.com/YCQ_PA_Chanukah_Gelt In addition, there will be a table set up in the lobby
during Parent-Teacher conferences to collect these funds.
Thank you for your participation,
The Officers of the Parents Association
---------------------------Please address envelope to YCQ-PA------------------------------
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Total amount: ($60 cap for families with 3 or more children) $__________
The Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills
is pleased to invite the community to a
Shabbos weekend with
Nachum Segal
Host, JM in the AM
Friday night/Shabbos Toldos
November 21-22, 2014
Friday night Carlebach davening
“My 30 years in Jewish Broadcasting”
Friday night Oneg, 7:30pm
“The Most Intriguing Personalities
I Have Interviewed”
Shabbos Afternoon Shalosh Seudos
following 4:00 pm Mincha
We gratefully appreciate and acknowledge the sponsors
who made this event possible:
Mr. & Mrs. David Englander, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Polinsky, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Russo,
Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Socol, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Sheldon, Mrs. Adina Stern,
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weintraub, Anonymous
We had an Amazing Week at YCQ!