VOLUME 13 NUMBER 10 DECEMBER 12, 2014 20 KISLEV 5775
UPCOMING Parsha VaYeshev By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS Rabbi Wein teaches that in this week’s parsha, our father Yaakov marks a moment of great
Candle Lighting: transition in the story of the establishment of the Jewish people as a national entity. Until Yaakov’s
4:10 family appears on the scene, the story of Judaism and Jews is one of lonely and singular individuals.
Avraham has to break away from the idolatrous home of Terach and wander to fulfill his dream of
Havdallah: 5:10 monotheism and morality. He is forced to make hard choices within his own family circle as to who
his successor in this mission of nation building will be.
Motzai Shabbat, His faithful servant Eliezer is eliminated from the succession contest as is Yishmael and the
December 13 numerous other children that Avraham sired. For only in Yitzchak will Avraham find a successor to
further his ideals, beliefs and value system of life. Yitzchak is also faced with a winnowing process in
PA Family Evening designating an heir to the vision and destiny of his father Avraham.
Though he attempts to somehow salvage Eisav as well, in the end he fully recognizes that only
Sunday Dec, 14 through Yaakov can the mission, of uniqueness and Godliness that is to become the Jewish people,
2-204, 2-207
Tuesday Dec. 16 be fulfilled. Until Yaakov’s family arrives on the scene, the heritage and vision of morality and
Erev Chanukah monotheism is entrusted only to one member of the family while the others so to speak are
Thursday Dec. 18 discarded by the wayside of history.
But Yaakov fathers twelve sons and a daughter. Is the pattern of only one of them being the true
Presentations heir of Yaakov’s dream and mission to be repeated in his family as well? Past family history seems to
Preschool indicate that such a scenario was possible if not even probable.
Monday Dec. 22 This perhaps explains the reaction of the brothers to the favoritism exhibited by Yaakov towards
NO SESSIONS Yosef. The brothers were apprehensive that the mission of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov would
Rosh Chodesh again be entrusted to only an individual only to one of them and the other members of the family
would again be historically discarded. And that chosen brother, judging by their father’s favoritism
Wed. Dec. 24 to him, would be Yosef.
NO BUS SERVICE They also felt that Yosef was the incorrect choice for solely carrying on the heritage and mission that
began with their grandfather Avraham. What they failed to grasp was that Yaakov and his family
Friday Dec. 26 now marked the great transition, from Judaism being the faith and belief of individuals to now
Sunday Dec. 28 being the religion which would be embodied in a people, a society, and a national entity.
Since no two individuals are alike physically, mentally, or emotionally, the people that would
JHS Parent-Child emanate from Yaakov and his family would be made up of diverse individuals and ideas. But the
cement and glue that would bind them all together would be the vision and faith of Judaism that
Program 9-11:30
Mon-Wed. was their common heritage and would be their common destiny as well.
December 29-31 It is much more difficult for a large group of people to retain a special identity and sense of mission
NO BUS SERVICE than it is for an individual alone. The story of Yosef and the brothers that marks the concluding
sections of the book of Bereshith is the supreme illustration of the challenge of molding individuals
YCQ Family News who are inherently different into a common and effective nation. This challenge still remains with us
Mazel Tov to Morah millennia later. Have a Shabbat Shalom!
Tova Rosenfeld on the
birth of twins!
Tuesday December 16 2014 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
Mazel Tov to Ari Wednesday December 17 2014 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
Ancselovics, and Ben Thursday December 18 2014 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
Azulai on their Bar Sunday December 21 2014 - No Sunday Learning, No basketball practice, no first shot
Mitzvah! basketball
Monday December 22 2014 - No Sessions
Mazel Tov Rachel Tuesday December 23 2014 - There will be 4:30 Room, No after school programs
Morgenthal on her Bat
Boys Varsity vs. Barkai @ YCQ 7:30
Mitzvah! Wednesday December 24 2014 - No Bus Transportation - No after school programs
Condolences to Mrs. Junior Varsity vs. HAFTR @ HAFTR 6:30
Linda Benson (art
room) on the loss of
her father.
Second Grade Chumash Presentation
Class 2-205 and 2-206 finally received their Chumashim this past Sunday! For months they
had been preparing for this momentous day. They learned about the Chumash, how to find the
Psukim, and how to read and understand them. They wanted to share all that they do and
learn with their parents and families. They put on a beautiful show about the creation of the
world. After a wonderful and exciting show, each student received their very own Chumash
with his or her name engraved on it. The class learned the first ten Psukim together in front
of their families and friends, and afterward enjoyed some treats and a cake. Mazel tov to all
the second graders! It is so inspiring to see their love for Torah! Many thanks to Morah Reut,
Morah Michal, Morah Rina, Morah Tali, Rabbi Hamel, Mr. Weinstock, Morah Maxine, Rabbi Ei-
senberg and parent representatives for making this day so memorable!
Sixth Grade Visits Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim
On Thursday, the sixth grade boys had the privilege of going to Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim where
they met with the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rabbi Grunblatt. Rabbi Grunblatt inspired the boys with the
story of Rabbi Akiva, listening to the shiur, while on the roof of the Yeshiva. Rabbi Grunblatt
pointed out the importance of understanding the depth of Torah, beyond the superficial
understanding. Then Rabbi Grunblatt answered a few questions that the boys asked. Before
leaving, each boy personally introduced himself to Rabbi Grunblatt.
Junior Varsity Basketball Championship Banner Raised
By: Hillel Golubtchik
On Wednesday, December 10, a
banner for the 2013-2014 YCQ
Junior Varsity basketball team was
put up for winning the
championships. The team worked
very hard last year to earn this,
however, we could not have done it
without our amazing coach, Justin
Schussheim. On Wednesday. Oren
Betesh gave a great speech on
behalf of the team. Following the
speech, the team pulled down the
plastic to reveal the banner. This
year's team is off to a great start as
well, winning their first game
Wednesday night, 32-21.
Torah Bowl Team Off to a Great Start!
This year the Torah Bowl team got off to a great start of the season. This year the students are being
tested on sefer Shemot. They have won many rounds against the various schools in the league. They
have so far won a few games and tied one. Great job to Shira Schwartz, Talia Wien, Rochelle Winokur,
Rebecca Inoyatov, Dina Inoyatov, Leah Inoyatov, Yael Tietleman and Avital Betzalel, Yosef
Flamenbaum, Captain Mordechai Flamenbaum, Binyomin Ancselovics, Ari Ancselovics, Jackie
Glaser, Aytan Waxman, Matthew Welgrin, Itamar Besalel. Special thanks to Morah Rosenblum and
Rabbi Rosenfelt.
Dismissal from Main Lobby (3:00)
Classrooms (3:30)
1st, 2nd & 3rd Grades:
Classrooms (3:30)
4th & 5th Grades:
Classrooms (3:30)
JHS Students:
Will be dismissed from their classrooms. (3:30)
Yeshiva of Central Queens Chanukah Schedule 2014-5775
Erev Chanukah First Day of Second Day of Third Day of Seventh Day of Eighth Day of
Tuesday, Chanukah Chanukah
Wednesday, Thursday, Chanukah Chanukah Chanukah
December 16 December 17
December 18 Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
5th Grade Chesed December 19
Trips December 23 December 24
8:00 - JHS Boys and
(Grouped by Math 8:00 - JHS Boys and 8:00 - JHS Boys and Girls Davening Rosh Chodesh Tevet 8:00 - JHS Boys and
Classes!) Girls Davening Girls Davening followed by breakfast 8:00 - JHS Boys and Girls Girls Davening followed
followed by followed by breakfast Davening followed by by breakfast
Mrs. Hoffman - breakfast 9:20 - 4th & 5th grade breakfast
Holliswood Health 9:20 - 4th & 5th 9:20 - 4th & 5th grade Hallel in the Shul 9:20 - 4th & 5th grade
Care Center grade Hallel in the Hallel in the Shul 4th & 5th grade Hallel in Hallel in the Shul fol-
Mrs. Orlanski - Rego Shul Azamra DJ the classrooms
Park Health Care Preschool Plays lowed by breakfast
Center Chocolate Making 9:00-9:30 Grades 2 & 3
Mr. Kahn (in the lunchroom) (in the classroom) 9:30-10:00 Grade 1 JHS Chesed Trips 11:30 - 1:00 - 3rd Grade
(chaperoned by 10:00-10:30 JHS Girls Chanukah Extravaganza
Mrs. Fried) 1:20 - 4-306 & 4-304 9:00 - K-101 10:30-11:00 JHS Boys 10:15 - 6B1Margaret (Anshe Shalom Chabad)
Cliffside Nursing 2:10 - 4-307 & 4-305 10:00 - K-102 11:00-11:30 Grade 4 & 5 Teitz Nursing Home
Home 3:00 - 5th Grade Boys 11:00 - K-105 11:30-12:00 N-K Olive Oil Workshop
Mrs. Hoffman 3:45 - 5th Grade Girls 12:00 - K-100 10:15 - 6B2 Meadow
(chaperoned by 1:00 - N-208 Park Nursing Home (In Shul)
Rabbi Rohr) - 1:30 - N-109
Meadow Park Nurs- 10:00 - 6G1—Atria Kew 9:00-Grade1
ing Center Dreidel Spin-Off Gardens Assisted Living 10:00-Grade 2
Program will take place 9:30 - 7th Grade Boys - Small Wonder Puppet
10:30 - 4th grade in the gym Bais Ezra Theater
12:00 - 3rd grade
1:15 - 2nd grade 9:30 - 7G1 - Bobbie’s (in the MPR)
3:00 - 1st grade Place
3:45 - 5th grade
9:30 - 7G2 - Met Council 1:30-Grades 1&2
JHS Mix-It Up Lunch! Food Warehouse 2:30-Grades N&K
8th Grade Hosting HASC
for a Chanukah Work-
shop and a Chagiga
11:00-1:00 Faculty
Appreciation Lunch in
the Library
Chanukah Party Chanukah Party Have a great Shabbat! Shlock Rock! Chanukah Party
4:30 PM JHS Girls 7:30 PM 6th Grade 7th and 8th Grade
Chanukah Party - Boys Chanukah Party (gym) Boys Chanukah Party
MPR at Rabbi Russek’s (1st and 2nd Period
home 2:00-2:45 Grades N-4
2:45-:45 Grades 5-8 (In Classrooms)
YCQ Parents Association
MONDAY ♦ Welcome message by Rabbi Landsman
DECEMBER ♦ Chanukah Boutique update
15 ♦ Chanukah Chagiga update
2014 ♦ Chanukah Collections update
8:30 PM ♦ Search for Pesach Chocolate Volunteer
♦ Questions, Comments, Ideas
Dear Parents,
As Chanukah approaches, please join us in showing our Hakarat Hatov to the administration,
teachers, and staff of the Yeshiva for the dedication and commitment they show to our chil-
dren every day.
We ask that you send in your gift of $25.00 per child, with a
cap of $60.00 per family of three children or more.
Please keep in mind that these funds are distributed entirely to staff at YCQ, including: princi-
pals, Rabbeim/Morot, teachers, assistant teachers, all specialty teachers such as art, comput-
ers, dance, gym, library, music, and resource room, the nurse, administrative, kitchen and
custodial staff and the building security guards. There are over 150 staff members in all.
This year you may pay by cash/check sent into school with the names and grades of your
children clearly listed. You may also pay via PayPal through the following link: http://
www.ycqweb.com/YCQ_PA_Chanukah_Gelt In addition, there will be a table set up in the lobby
during Parent-Teacher conferences to collect these funds.
Thank you for your participation,
The Officers of the Parents Association
---------------------------Please address envelope to YCQ-PA------------------------------
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Child’s Name________________________________Grade&Class_________
Total amount: ($60 cap for families with 3 or more children) $__________
Please bring NEW toys to help keep Drop off beginning Monday
children occupied and happy during December 8, 2014
difficult times in their lives. Pick up by Chai Lifeline will be
Please make sure to: Friday December 19, 2014
Not wrap the toys
Not donate toy guns or
other violent games
Invites Nursery-Fifth Graders
And Their Families
Our First Annual
Chanukah Chagiga
Motzei Shabbat, December 13, 2014
7:30 PM—9:30 PM
$5 per person / max. $25 per family
Carnival, crafts, and Fun for all!
Food will be available for purchase at the event.
Please send reservations to the P.A. Box in the Main Office
___________________ would like to reserve __________ spots for the Chanukah
______ Enclosed is my payment. _______ We will pay at the door.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7 1 2 3 5
14 6G Chumash 6 Social Studies 4
21 6B Gemarah 12
28 7 Science 6B2 Halacha
Math (Lowinger) 6 Vocab
7B Navi
8 9 10 11 8 Vocab
8G Chumash 8 Science 7G Navi
8 Algebra 19
Math (Lowinger) No Tests
15 16 17 18 26
7 Language Arts 7B Gemarah No Tests No Tests 6B Ivrit
Math (Sider) 8B Navi
8G Ivrit
22 23 24 25
No Tests No Tests No Tests 6B Navi
6G Ivrit
29 30 31 7B Ivrit
6G Halacha 7G Chumash 6B Chumash 8B Chumash
7G Ivrit 8B Gemarah 6G Navi
Math (Sider) 8G Navi 8G Ivrit
8G Halacha 6 Science 7B Chumash
7G Halacha
8 LA
7 Social Studies
2-205 and 2-206 Received Their Chumashim!