UPCOMING Sukkot By: Rabbi Landsman
Every yom tov has its own unique character. Regarding the holiday of Sukkot there appears to
Candle Lighting: 6:36 be a basic contradiction between two conflicting themes. On the one hand, the Maharil explains the
Havdallah: 7:33 reason that Sukkot comes following Yom Kippur is that if it was decreed that an individual or
community go into golut - exile, as result of the judgment of Yom Kippur, they can serve this
Sunday, September 23 sentence by exiting their homes for a seven day period, and reside in a temporary abode,
Erev Sukkot the sukkah.
Candle lighting: 6:32 Moreover, this concept of uprooting oneself and moving into a temporary dwelling as found
in halacha. The Talmud (Sukkah 8b) teaches that if one lives in a kosher sukkah all year long, they
Mon. September 24- cannot fulfill their mitzvah of sukkah by remaining in that sukkah, but must leave their
Tues. October 2 permanent sukkah and like all Israel, experience the phenomena of relocation and enter
another sukkah.
Yet, paradoxically, we find that Sukkot is defined as a most happy, joyous festive holiday. The
Wednesday, October 3 Yalkut notes that the charge to be in a state of simcha - happiness is found three times in the torah
Sessions Resume regarding the yom tov of Sukkot. Interestingly, regarding Pesach there is no biblical directive
for simcha, and the holiday of Shavuot has simcha incorporated but once. What is perhaps most
Monday, October 8 fascinating is the exception to the rule that exists regarding the mitzvah of sukkah, namely
Columbus Day that mitztaer - one who is uncomfortable and pained by fulfilling the mitzvah of residing in
the sukkah - is exempt. Regarding the observance of Jewish law we are generally governed by “the
NO BUS SERVICE reward is in proportion to the difficulty and exertion”. If one does not enjoy eating matzah, or
3:30 Dismissal K-8 the korban Pesach, their lack of enjoyment is not an exemption. The Yerushalmi relates how some
rabbis endured a headache from Pesach to Shavuot as a result of drinking wine of daled kosot.
Monday, October 8 Sitting in the sukkah is radically different. If one is troubled by extreme weather conditions under
Back To School Night which they would not remain even in their own home, or if they are troubled by unpleasant odors or
Grades N and K— 7:00 disturbing insects, the Shulchan Aruch rules that they are exempt from the sukkah.
Grades 1 — 7:30pm At first glance there appears to be a startling inconsistency whereby exile and leaving one's
comfortable home usually denotes hardships and sufferings bereft of the conveniences of home.
Tuesday, October 9 Yet in the sukkah we are mandated to merge these divergent motifs.
Back To School Night
Grades 2-3 — 7:00pm The Torah teaches that we are to reside in Sukkot "L'ma'an yeid'uh doroteichem ki ba'sukkot
Grades 4-5 — 8:00pm hoshafti et Bnai Yisroel b'hotzi'ih otam mei'Eretz Mitzrayim - so that your generations will know that I
caused the Children of Israel to dwell in booths when I took them from the land of Egypt". Rabbi
Wednesday, October 10 Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi of Congregation Shomrei Emumah in Fairlawn, New Jersey quotes Rav Yosef
Back To School Night Salant zt"l, in his Bear Yosef, who notes that we are told to relive and reenact, not simply remember
the manner in which Hashem provided for us in our forty year trek through the dessert. The annei
Junior High School— 7:30pm haKovod - Clouds of Glory provided millions of travelers in the dessert with perfect climate control -
air conditioning by day to protect them from the beating sun, and heat by night to dispel the chill.
YCQ Family News Moreover, these clouds worked overtime at night by providing fresh laundering and dry cleaning
for their clothes. They were provided miraculously with manna from heaven satisfying their
Mazel tov to David (‘09) individual tastes and diets, and fresh drinking water was supplied in abundance despite their
Gutenmacher on his location being far from any oasis. In their travels and exile from Egypt to the land of Israel, Hashem
engagement to Ariana provided them with all the comforts of home. It is for this reason, explains the Bear Yosef, that if
one is mitztaer - uncomfortable in the sukkah, that they are exempt as this would negate the positive
Kaufman. Mazel tov to David’s characteristic of sukkah of reliving His abundant kindnesses. This understanding of our stay in the
parents, Eli and Ilana desert, after which our mitzvat sukkah is modeled, puts to rest the sukkah paradox: through
Gutenmacher. the mitzvah of sukkah we reenact our desert experience, which included being in a form of galut but
also included Hashem's infinite kindness in making that galut very comfortable.
Mazel tov to Josh Bellehsen on
his Bar Mitzvah! Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach
Mazel tov to Amit Kahlon on CHAG SAMEACH!!! Sessions Resume On Wednesday, October 3
his Bar Mitzvah!
Mazel tov to Yonatan Dahan
on his Bar Mitzvah!
Mazel tov to Gabrielle Ruben
on her Bat-Mitzvah!
Rabbi Lavi Greenspan Speaks to the Eighth Grade Students
On Wednesday, September 12, the eighth grade students had the privilege of hearing
Rabbi Lavi Greenspan speak about his life story. Lavi became blind in his mid-twenties
while studying at Fordham Law School. He had previously graduated YCQ, Yeshiva of
Flatbush High School and received a BA from Yeshiva University. After losing his eyesight,
he completed law school and passed the Bar Exam and furthered his graduate education by
obtaining Smicha from Yeshiva University and most recently receiving a Masters Degree in
Social Work. He is humorous, outgoing and extremely personable. The students loved his
stories and jokes and his words of compassion and wisdom. Lavi told us about the hardest
and seemingly lowest point of his life. What was it that kept him going that was so important
for us to hear Erev Yom Kippur? Lavi told us that there are four things that keep his spirits
high: Family, Am Israel, his Rebbe, and Torah. On a day like Yom Kippur we think back to
Lavi’s story and realize that we are so blessed and Baruch Hashem we have so much
Rabbi Finkelman Delivers Teshuva Lecture to the JHS Students
On Monday, the JHS students had the honor and privilege of hearing Rabbi Finkelman,
Mashgiach Ruchani of Yeshivat Ohr HaChaim, speak to the students about Teshuvah. He
described the unbelievable opportunity that Yom Kippur provides us to improve ourselves,
and get closer to HaShem. He told some incredible Dvrei Torah, stories and anecdotes in
order to inspire the entire audience. After the drasha Rabbi Finkelman remained in the shul
for an extended period of time giving each student a special bracha and wishing them a
wonderful new year!
Sukkot Programs
This week, the early childhood program and elementary school took part in a Sukkot program
with Rabbi Landsman and Rabbi Ribalt. Each class visited YCQ’s sukkah and learned the
halachot of the holiday, including how to properly use the Lulav and Etrog.
The 8th grade girls had a wonderful time getting ready for the holiday of sukkot through taking
part in various acts of chesed. The girls got to visit the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills and
Boulevard Assisted Living. At each location, they had the opportunity to visit the elderly, create
sukkah decorations together with them, and hang their decorations. Each and every girl
appreciated the opportunity to enhance their sukkot by starting it off with a mitzvah. Yasher
Koach!!! Thank you to Mrs. Katz, Morah Schussheim, Morah Lital, Morah Beer, and Ms. Baker
for this incredible program!
The YCQ Sefer Torah Campaign
In honor of
The Paknoush family has partnered with the YCQ community to write a new
Sefer Torah in her honor. The Sefer Torah will be housed in our very own Beit
Midrash, and our students will be using the Sefer Torah on a regular basis. We
have the honor of welcoming a beautiful Sefer Torah into our YCQ home,
and we urge every family to participate in any way possible. Even a small
contribution will merit tremendous zechus as a result of participating in this
unique mitzvah. Please see below for a list of dedication opportunities.
Visit our website at adeenaemunah.com and
reserve your dedication before the Yom Tovim!
For a minimum donation per family, your children will get to assist in
the writing of a Sefer Torah and have an individual picture taken with the
Sofer. You will receive a framed picture of this beautiful event.
Sunday, October 14th
Sunday Morning Learning in honor of Adeena, with Rabbi Shy Shechter as a guest speaker
Tuesday, Octobr 16th
All students in YCQ will be given an opportunity to assist in writing a letter in our Sefer Torah
Students will be given a picture of this special moment.
Wednesday, October 17th
A school wide YCQ Hachnasat Sefer Torah will be held with live music and dancing
The YCQ Sefer Torah Campaign
Invites You to
And now, write for yourselves this song, and teach it to the Children of Israel.
Place it into their mouths, in order that this song will be for Me
as a witness for the children of Israel. (Devarim 31:19)
Please join us for our first
Sunday morning learning event of the 2018 School Year
We will be learning in honor of our beloved
Sunday, October 14
Davening, 9:00 AM
Followed by breakfast
Shiur will begin at 10:00 AM
Main Lobby
1st and 2nd Grade:
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade:
JHS Students:
Will be dismissed from their classrooms
Doors for pick up will be open from 3:15 pm-3:45 pm for grades N-5
JHS dismissal will begin at 3:30 pm
The yard will be open for parent parking.
Double parking is prohibited!
Violators will be ticketed by NYPD Officers!
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Monday, October 8
Grades N and K — 7:00
Grade 1— 7:30
Tuesday, October 9
Grades 2-3— 7:00
Grades 4-5— 8:00
Wednesday, October 10
Junior High School— 7:30
Yeshiva of Central Queens
10/14/18 Rabbi Shay Schachter
10/21/18 Rabbi Eitan Katz
10/28/18 Rabbi Russek
11/11/18 Rabbi Kramer
11/18/18 Rabbi Nosson Greenberg
12/23/18 Rabbi Finkelstein
12/30/18 Rabbi Finestone
2/3/18 Rabbi Howitt
2/10/18 Rabbi Rosenfelt
2/24/18 Rabbi Yehuda Deutsch
3/3/18 Rabbi Kravetz
3/10/18 Rabbi Rohr
3/17/18 Rabbi Jonathan Rietti
Weekly Prizes