VOLUME 14 ISSUE 18 FEBRUARY 19, 2016 10 ADAR 1 5776
UPCOMING Parshat TeTzaveh By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS Parshat Tetzaveh contains the mitzva to create the priestly garments for
Aharon and his sons. The regular Kohen's uniform consisted of four garments and
Candle Lighting: the uniform of the Kohen Gadol consisted of eight garments. One of these eight
5:16 garments was a plate known as the Choshen HaMishpat.
Havdallah: 6:18 The Talmud teaches in the name of Rav Simlai that Aharon merited wearing
the Choshen HaMishpat on his chest by virtue of the fact that he rejoiced in his
Sun., October 26 heart when he saw his younger brother Moshe return to Egypt as the newly
5th-8th Parent appointed leader of the Jewish people. Moshe Rabbeinu was hesitant to accept
Child Learning the Divine Mission of leading the nation out of Egypt. Our Rabbis say that this
hesitancy was due in large part to not wishing to upstage his older brother. To
YCQ Family News allay his fears, Hashem told him that Aharon would greet him upon his return to
Egypt and he would be happy for him rejoicing in his heart at Moshe's ascension
Mazel Tov to Ariel to leadership.
Steinberger (’06) on Rabbi Frand quotes the Drashas HaRa"n who seeks out the deeper symbolism of
this teaching. Why was this privilege of wearing the Choshen HaMishpat the
his marriage to appropriate reward for being happy in his heart at the fact that Moshe became
Devorah Adler! the designated leader of the people? The Drashas HaRa"n explains that the
Almighty both rewards and punishes measure for measure in order to
Mazel Tov to Naomi demonstrate Divine Providence and to show that reward and punishment are not
(Adler) (’75) and mere happenstance but reflect Divine Justice.
Louis Tuchman on The Drashas HaRa"n says that the fact that the Choshen HaMishpat was
the birth of a worn on Aharon's chest was a reward for the happiness he demonstrated upon his
brother's return to Egypt. How so? The Choshen HaMishpat contained the Urim
grandson born to V'Tumim. Technically speaking, the Urim V'Tumim is not part of the Eight
Daniel (’01) and Priestly Garments. The proof of this fact is that in the Second Bait HaMikdash,
Rebecca Tuchman! the Kohen Gadol still wore eight Priestly Garments even though there was no
Urim V'Tumim.
Mazel Tov to
Barbara (Breitkopf) What was the Urim V'Tumim? If Klal Yisrael had some type of question of
national import, they would go to the Kohen Gadol, he would pose the question to
(’68) and Josh the Urim V'Tumim, and the lights of the letters on the Choshen haMishpat
Klapper on the (spelling out the names of the Tribes) would illuminate in such a way as to spell
birth of a grandson out the miraculously communicated answer. The Urim V'Turim was not used for
born to Yitzie (’01) trivial matters, but for critical questions such as whether or not to go out to war.
and Tova Klapper The Urim V'Turim served as a conduit to provide such communication between
in Ramat Efal, the Hashem and His Nation.
Israel! The Drashas HaRa"n points out that this method of inquiry and response
was basically just a drop below the level of prophecy in terms of the Kohen Gadol
Mazel Tov to Donny receiving the word of Hashem. This would not seem to be part of the Kohen Gad-
(’90) and Shira ol's job description. The Jewish people had Kings, Prophets, and Priests who each
served a unique function within the nation. There was a certain division of labor,
Greenberger on the such that prophecy belonged to the prophets, not to either the Kings or the
birth of a daughter! Priests. Why is the Kohen Gadol suddenly communicating with Hashem via the
Urim V'Tumim in a form of prophecy?
Mazel Tov to Alvin
(’65) and Judy The Drashas HaRa"n responds that it is because when Moshe Rabbeinu
Segal on the became the master of all prophets in Israel (the 'Adon haNeviim'), Aharon was not
jealous of his younger brother at all. On the contrary, Aharon demonstrated true
marriage of their happiness when he greeted Moshe after Moshe's assumption of leadership and
son Matthew Segal prophecy among the nation. Aharon received the "measure for measure" reward
that the Kohen Gadol received prophecy as well! He received his own type of
(’04) to Aliza prophecy that he was not originally supposed to receive through his control of
Frankel! the Urim V'Tumim.
PT Conference It is interesting to note that Moshe Rabbeinu's named is not mentioned in
Scheduler has been Parshat Tetzaveh. His name is mentioned in every single parsha in the last four
books of the Torah with the exception of this week's parsha in order to give
opened for the honor to Aharon for not being jealous of his younger brothers rise to leadership!
March PT
Shabbat Shalom
Mikdash Presentation
The Tanchuma says that learning about the Mikdash is equivalent to building the Mikdash. In conjunction
with learning Parshat Terumah, the sixth grade boys and girls took part in a fascinating interactive
program that included the famous Machon HaMikdash (Temple Institute ) illustrations and hands on
building of a giant model of the second Mikdash. The students added section after section of the
courtyards, the lishkot, and the Heichal. They reviewed the functions of the keilim that were learned in
class and enjoyed seeing the Mikdash brought to life before their eyes. Special thanks to Rabbi Landsman
for arranging this visit and Steve Frenkel, the director of the Machon HaMikdash Institute, in the Old City
of Yerushalayim for a very special virtual visit to the Mikdash!
Aaron Sisser participated in the
Jewish Education spelling bee on
February 3rd. He finished in eighth
place. He did a great job. We are
very proud of him. We should only
continue to hear of the successes of
all our YCQ family members!
147-37 70th Road • Flushing, NY 11367 • 718-793-8500
Dear Parents:
As Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching, we would like to extend an invita on for all parents in grades N‐5 to u lize the
conference op on on ParentLocker. ParentLocker allows you to select the me slots and create your schedule prior to arriving at
school on Parent Teacher night. The scheduling system is first come/first serve, so the earlier you sign up, the more availability
there will be for appointments, and the more likely you will be able to customize a convenient schedule for yourself.
Before beginning the process please check the following schedule of conference dates and mes in order to know when the
teachers you would like to see will be available:
Please Note: Fourth grade parents should not sign up for a Math Conference. Rather it should be done via phone or e‐mail.
Date Grades Times Slot length
1‐200, 1‐201, 1‐202, 2‐205, 3‐209,
Tuesday, 3‐211, Fourth Grade, 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appointment
March 1, 2016 5‐300, 5‐301 9:30pm
5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
Monday, JHS Boys No Sign‐up required
March 7, 2016 6‐9 PM
Nursery, Kindergarten, 1‐203, 2‐204, 10 Minutes per appointment
2‐206, 2‐207, 3‐210, 3‐212, 5:30pm to
5‐302, 5‐303 5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
JHS Girls 9:30pm No Sign‐up required
The online registraƟon system will only be open for registraƟon beginning 1:00PM on Friday, February 12th unƟl
Wednesday February 24th, at 11:00 AM .
Please remember that the system is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE and registra on should be completed as early as
possible to help ensure the most convenient schedule possible for you.
For Parents without access to a computer or internet connec on, Hadas or Liron (contact info below) will be
available by email or phone to assist in the registra on process. Those parents who use this method will be
provided with a printed schedule that can be picked up from Hadas in Rabbi Landsman’s office.
If you have any ques ons or comments at any point in the process, please contact Hadas at (718) 793‐8500 Ext.
310 [email protected] or Liron at Ext. 330 [email protected].
Thank you
Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Class Time Sign In Location of Conference
1-200, 1-201, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1-202 (Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-205 (Mrs. Chubak, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Morah Reut) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-211 (Mrs. Halpern,
Morah Etty)
Fourth Grade
5-300, 5-301 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )
JHS Boys 6:00-9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First Come First Serve
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, March 7, 2016
Class Time Sign In Location & Conference
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Nursery & Kindergarten 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-204, 2-207, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2-206 (Morah Reut, Mrs. Chubak) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-210, 3-212
(Morah Etty, Mrs. Halpern )
5-302, 5-303 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Finkelstein, Rohr, Fried,
Orlanski, Hoffman)
JHS Girls 6:00-9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First come first serve
Dear Parents:
FAIR will take place on MONDAY, MARCH 7th and TUESDAY, MARCH 8th
in the J.H.S. building multi-purpose room.
The Book Fair will have a large selection of Scholastic English and Judaica books. There
will be a variety of computer software, videos, and cookbooks available. All purchases benefit our
school and our library.
All classes, nursery through grade 8, are scheduled for visits to the Book Fair. Parents of
children in nursery, kindergarten, grades 1-3 are welcome to come and shop with their children. All
parents are welcome to come to browse and shop each day. Please remember to send money along
with your child on the day of his/her scheduled visit. Books range in price from approximately
$7.00 to $15.00. In accordance with NYS tax law, sales tax will not be charged.
Please note that the Book Fair will also be open during Parent-Teacher Conferences
on Monday, March 9th, prior to the Fair itself.
Mon. 3/7 Tues. 3/8
9:30-9:50 4-304, 4-306 4-306, 4-307
9:50-10:10 K-102, K-105 1-202, 1-203
10:10-10:30 2-204, 2-207
10:30-10:50 2-205, 2-206
10:50-11:10 5-302, 5-303
11:10-11:30 N-208, N-209
11:30-11:50 K-100, K-101 1-200, 3-209
11:50-12:50 LUNCH LUNCH
12:50- 1:10 1-201, 3-210
1:10- 1:30 7G2, 6G2 7B1, 7B2
1:30- 1:50 8B1, 8B2 8G1, 8G2
1:50- 2:10 7G1, YESS 6G1
2:10-2:30 5-300, 5-301 3-211, 3-212
2:30- 2:50 6B1, 6B2
Adena Dyckman 323-385-0450 [email protected]
[email protected]
Shandi Glaser 718-551-7112 [email protected]
[email protected].
Tzipora Laub 917-742-9469
Suri Sokol 917-838-4674
YCQ-PTO Purim Mishloach Manot Program
Dear Parents,
We invite you to participate in the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot and Matanot L’Evyonim
through our annual Purim Program.
A scroll listing your child’s name will be included with every Mishloach Manot distributed to
each one of the YCQ teachers and staff members, including all specialty teachers and staff.
This year’s Mishloach Manot packages have been purchased from Keren Aniyem. For over 25
years Keren Aniyem has supported hundreds of needy families in the New York area through
their fundraising efforts.
Although your children will not have to bring individual bags to present to their teachers,
they will still be fulfilling this very important mitzvah. This and other fundraising efforts help
sponsor the Purim Carnival and other activities that the Parent-Teacher Organization
undertakes to enhance our children’s experience at YCQ.
PLEASE help us make this a success by completing the form below and sending it in with
your child to the school’s Business Office by FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2016 or paying online via
PayPal at the following link:
Thank you,
Any forms/payments submitted after the deadline will be included in an addendum.
Questions? Please email [email protected].
YCQ PARENTS: Please make all checks payable to YCQ-PTO $10.00 per child / $30.00 cap
per family of four or more children
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
***YCQ TEACHERS & STAFF ONLY - You may also participate and have your name on the
scroll, please submit $7.00 and fill in your information below.
Staff Member Name: ________________________ CASH _____ CHECK ______ or online via
above PayPal link.
February 21, 2016
12 Adar 1 5776
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Basketball
Rabbi Russek,
JHS Rebbe
“I am Having a Bad Day!”
YCQ-PTO + Box Tops for Education= A Winning Combination
♦ Thanks to all who sent in their Box Tops before the November
deadline, the PTO has received a $500 check to put towards
future programming ( such as the upcoming Family Fun Night
and Purim Carnival ).
♦ We are working towards a new deadline of
February 22 to send the next batch of Box
Tops to the company. Please start sending
your Box Tops into school as soon as possible Winners of Ices Party for collecting
to that we can count and package them properly. most Box Tops
Class 2-204
♦ Please make sure to put your child’s name and class on the bag
or envelope in order to get credit for your contribution. In
addition, please make sure that all Box Tops are cut neatly
around the dotted line and that all expiration dates are
not cut off or expired. Max Eckstein collected the most
Box Tops in his class to help them
win their ices party.
YCQ PTO Presents
Straight from Pennsylvania!
Interactive Fun for the Entire
Saturday, Feb. 27
7:45 PM
$10 in advance - $15 at the door
$50 max per family
Unique Game Shows is a multimedia,
fun filled interactive activity for all
involved! There are trivia questions,
multimedia interactive questions and
physical challenges! Think Double
Dare and Minute to Win It all
wrapped up in one!
FAMILY NAME Amount enclosed _____
_________________ _________
________________________ _____________
___________________________ ______________
Model Beit HaMikdash Program!