UPCOMING Parshat Chayei Sarah/Birkat HaChodesh
EVENTS By: Rabbi Landsman
Candle Lighting: Rather than simply stating that Sara our Matriarch died at the age of 127, the
Torah at the beginning of this week’s Parsha says that Sarah lived 100 years
Havdallah: 5:27 and 20 years and 7 years. Rashi on this pasuk states that she was as free from
sin at 100 as she was at 20, and she was as beautiful at age 20 as at age 7. The
Shabbat Nov. 7 pasuk concludes "shnei chayei Sarah" these are the years of the Matriarch
JHS Boys Sarah. Here Rashi comments all equally good, kulan shavim l'Tova.
Shabbaton The Rav, Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, zt"l, commented that a person goes
through different stages of life : infancy, childhood, adolescence, young
Sunday Nov. 8 adulthood, middle age, and old age. In general, when we finish one stage of
Preschool Open life and move onto the next stage, we leave the earlier stage behind. We may
have fond memories, but that period of our life is closed. When a person is 100
Tuesday Nov. 10 years old, they have already acquired great wisdom, wisdom that only comes
Bar Mitzvah with life's experience. At 20, a person is in the stage when they are full of
Workshop 7th energy, vitality, and idealism. The age of 7 represents an age of innocence and
Grade Boys Rav Soloveitchik said that Chazal are trying to tell us that regardless of how
Wednesday Nov. 11 old Sarah was at any point in her life, Sarah had within her the attributes of a
Veterans Day seven year old (purity and innocence), the attributes of a twenty year old
No Sessions (vitality and idealism) and the attributes of a 100 year old (wisdom and
BJE Faculty Seven year olds have a wonderful and pure understanding of the Ribono shel
Conferences Olam. G-d is a reality to them. When you want something, you ask Hashem for
Sunday Nov. 15 it and most of the time, you are answered. Their prayers are pure.
PTO Family Unfortunately, most of us no longer have that innocence when we daven. We
Picture Day have already become jaded by the vagaries of life in this world. The 20 year
old is full of idealism and the 100 year old is full of wisdom.
5th-8th Parent "They were all equally good" means that when Sarah was 45, she had the
Child Learning purity and innocence of a 7 year old – her belief in the Almighty was real and
9-11:30 untainted. At that same age (and at every other age), she had the youthful
Tuesday Nov. 17 idealism and energy of a 20 year old. Throughout her life, she was wise beyond
JHS Picture Day her years – even in her youth and even in her middle age, she had the wisdom
of an old lady. She never left behind the stages of life that she "outgrew", but
Bat Mitzvah rather took the positive attributes of each stage in life along with her while she
Workshop 6th aged. Shabbat Shalom
Grade Girls 7PM
YCQ Family News Spot Light on New Faculty:
Mazel Tov to Morah Hi! My name is Mrs. Celia Perlman, and I am the
Ivgi (JHS Ivrit) on the newest addition to the math department. I have a
super yummy ten month old daughter, Bracha Leah! I
Bar Mitzvah of her have been teaching current teachers in Queens College
son Yosef (8B1)! how to use different technology in their classroom, and
utilize everything that is out there. I love teaching at
Mazel Tov to Morah YCQ and look forward to being part of the family for
Janet (k-102) on the many years to come!
engagement of her
Mazel Tov to Morah
Beer (JHS Morah) on
the birth of a
Navi School Open House
Just when you thought it was a long and selective process to get into YCQ; wait till you hear about the work
that goes into getting into Navi school. During last weeks Sunday Morning Learning Program Rabbi Zakutinsky
spoke about the prerequisites needed to get into Navi School during the days of the Prophets. He continued to
explain how many of these necessary qualities for admissions, we ourselves can attain, and should strive for as
we look forward to the coming of Moshiach. Thank you Rabbi Zakutinsky for coming to speak to us and
inspiring us!
Election Day
Election day was felt very strongly in the halls of YCQ! The JHS had their annual G.O. elections which
will kick off the year long programming they will plan! Congratulations to: 6th grade representatives Avi
Fried and Riva Goldberg, 7th grade representatives Eitan Hoschander and Yaffa Reichwald, 8th grade
vice presidents Eitan Gutenmacher and Stephanie Ross, and 8th grade presidents. Zach Schindler and
Penina Levin.
However, the polls didn’t close there! On November 3rd, the first graders had an exciting day learning
all about Election Day! In their classes, students were taught about elections, voting, campaigns, and the
importance of being a good leader. In order to experience what voting is like, a voting booth was set up
with ballots and a ballot box and each student had a chance to vote for their favorite snack. When the
voting was finished, the classes found out which snack was the winner! Students were excited to learn
that their classes would be walking to the public school where real voting was taking place. They were
given a tour and an explanation of the voting process. It was a great learning experience for all of the
students! Thank you to Officer Cruz for coming with each class on the trip and keeping us safe!
Green Meadows Farm
The Kindergarten enjoyed a beautiful day at Green Meadows Farm where they
got to milk a cow, went on a hayride, and even rode on a pony! It was an
exciting day for all the children!
“Warm Hands Warm Heart”
This week, each and every student in grades 4th-8th had the privilege of hearing Mrs. Celia Brown describe the Warm Hands/
Warm Hearts Project. Mrs. Brown, along with her friend in Israel, are working to help soldiers stationed near Maarat
Hamachpelah, in Chevron, obtain warm gloves. Each of these gloves is specially made to be lightweight yet warm and flexible
so that it allows the soldiers to use their ammunition while keeping them warm. Each glove costs $15 to manufacture and the
project is set up so that YCQ families can contribute to this mitzvah by paying for the gloves for the IDF soldiers. The project
will end next Friday, November 13, 2015. To take part in this incredible mitzvah, please send cash or a check with your child
to hand it in to either Mrs. Friedman (4th and 5th grade) or Mrs. Grossman (JHS). Tizku L’Mitzvot!!
Each and every student had the opportunity to be a part of the Warm Hearts aspect of this project immediately following Mrs.
Brown’s speech. Lined paper was distributed and each of the students wrote letters of appreciation to the chayalim in Isra-
el. These brief letters were a short representation of the tremendous gratitude we feel to each and every Israeli soldier guarding
and protecting our homeland, Eretz Yisrael. Yasher Koach!!
Help soldiers stationed near Maarat Hamachpelah, in Chevron,
obtain warm gloves.
Each glove costs $15 to manufacture and the project is set up so
that YCQ families can contribute to this mitzvah by paying for the
gloves for the IDF soldiers.
The project will end next Friday, November 13, 2015.
To take part in this incredible mitzvah, please send cash or a check
with your child to hand it in to either
Mrs. Friedman (4th and 5th grade) or Mrs. Grossman (JHS).
Tizku L’Mitzvot!!
The Third Grade of the Yeshiva of Central Queens
cordially invite you to our
Intergenerational Family & Friend
עבנטירבתניזקםנויתםפארת בנים אבותם
November 21, 2015 • ט‘ כסלו תשע‘‘ו
HECHT 7:00* PM
147-37 70th Road, Flushing, NY
Couvert $15 per person
There will be no charge for the Third Grade Students
* Program begins prompty at 7:00pm
Students should arrive no EARLIER than 6:30pm
Election Day at YCQ!
Green Meadows Farm!