VOLUME 15 NUMBER 33 JUNE 22, 2017 28 SIVAN 5777
Parshat Korach By: Rabbi Landsman
Moshe, who is known as a person of limitless patience and tolerance, forgiving to all and the most humble
of all humans, reacts apparently in an uncharacteristic manner to Korach’s attack against his leadership of the Jewish
Moshe’s aggressive stance against the rebels reveals a different motive for the attack than mere office-seeking
on the part of the rebels. After all, it was Moshe himself who declared, “Would that all of the people of Israel
become prophets.” He tells Yehoshua not to be zealous in defense of his personal honor when it came to Eldad and
Medad giving prophesy in the camp.
And yet with Korach and his followers, Moshe adopts a hard line and uncompromising stance. The Torah
always notes when the behavior of great people appears on the surface to be uncharacteristic of their nature and
past performance. Part of the reason for the Torah’s doing so is to alert us to a deeper, underlying issue. We must
not be satisfied with the superficial and surface statement of facts.
Rabbi Wein explains that the deeper issue here is that Korach wishes to convert Torah and Judaism to a man-
made “democratic” faith, not its original and true source as a faith revealed to humans from on high, a faith and life
system ordained in Heaven and revealed to humans. Therefore, it is not Moshe and his leadership that are the core
issues in this dispute but the basic definition of Judaism – is it revealed and Godly or man-made and invented?
On that basic core issue of Judaism, Moshe sees no room for compromise or tolerance. It is not Moshe’s
status that is at stake here. It is the understanding and true meaning of Judaism. It’s very future is now at risk.
Even though the Talmud teaches us that the dispute of Korach against Moshe is not one that was destined to
last eternally, in the sense that Rabbi Wein described above, it has lasted until our very day. The struggle to maintain
Judaism as a Godly revealed religion is an ongoing one. There are many forces within and without the Jewish world
that have attempted and still attempt to remove the Godly revealed part from Judaism.
Even though all of Jewish history indicates the abject failure of such an approach, it still persists in our time.
It is not an attack on the Orthodox establishment or even Moshe, so to speak, as is seemingly presented here though
on the surface it may be seen as such. At the root of the dispute is the view that Judaism is given from Heaven to
earth and not merely a clever invention and artifice of ancient rabbis and scholars.
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch once characterized the difference between Judaism and other faiths. Judaism,
he said, is a religion given by Hashem to define man, while the other faiths were created by man to define Hashem.
Hashem is beyond our meager abilities to define or understand. Therefore, He gave us a Torah, the Torah of
Moshe, in order to aid us to live as proper human beings and as His devoted servants.
Shabbat Shalom
SUMMER! Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Ribalt (Judaic Studies AP
Elementary School) on the birth of a son!
Mazel Tov to Mr. Jonny (Gym Teacher) & Morah
Chayala (1-202/203 Assoc. Teacher) Lahijani on the
birth of a daughter!
Mazel Tov to Eitan Adler, Moshe Laub, Rephael
Gemal, Nathaniel Itzhakov and Jonah Weinstein on his
Bar Mitzvah!
Mazel Tov to the YCQ Boys’ Soccer Team on Winning
the Championship!
Mazel Tov to Coach Avi Bohordzaner for leading the
boys to victory & all his hard work!
Thank you to Coach Batsheva Aaron on all the hard
work she did bringing the girls to the championships!
Kindergarten Graduation
The Kindergarten classes held their annual graduation ceremony this past Tuesday. Each
class performed a play including singing and dancing from the knowledge they have
attained this school year. The students truly made their Morot proud! Thank you to
Morah Sharon, Morah Suri, Morah Sara, Morah Janet, Morah Rhona, Morah Rivky,
Morah Selma, Morah Raina, Morah Adina, Morah Osnat and Morah Shifra for an
incredible school year and graduation performance!
Nursery “Moving Up” Ceremony
This past Tuesday the Nursery had a special parent child workshop depicting
all that the students have learned throughout the year. The students worked
on a crafts project with their parents and sang some of the songs that they
learned this year with Morah Karen, their music teacher. A special thank you
to Morah Sharon, Morah Shana, Morah Peshie, Morah Ilyce, Morah Cindy,
Morah Rachel and Morah Karen for an amazing school year.
Eighth Grade Graduation
This years eighth grade students graduated this past Tuesday evening, June 20 at
Queensborough Community College. Dr. Wein, Rabbi Landsman, Mrs. Golubtchik, Aaron
Poulad and Leah Inoyatov (valedictorians) addressed the graduates and their families.
The girls performed a beautiful dance routine led by Morah Elana Banilivy and the boys
choir sang beautifully led by Rabbi Nat. All those who attended enjoyed the beautiful
video presentation. Diplomas were awarded to each student, followed by the
recessional. Thank you to the entire eighth grade parent committee for organizing the
collation at YCQ and the gifts to the graduates. Mazel Tov to all the eighth graders and
their families as they embark on their future journeys.
Senior Awards Dinner
This past Monday evening the eighth grade students and their teachers enjoyed an
award ceremony held at the Young Israel of Hillcrest. Each student received an award
designed especially for them. During the ceremony, students and faculty enjoyed
dinner together and participated in a ruach filled kumzits.
5 Faculty Workshops September 2017 October 2017 4-14 Succot (No Sessions)
6 First Day of School Grades 2-8 Su M T W Th Fri Sa Tu W Th Fri Sa
11 Back to School Night Grades N-1 Su M
7:30 PM 12 34567
12 Back to School Night Grades 2-3 3456789 12 10 11 12 13 14
7PM 4-5 8PM 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 89 17 18 19 20 21
13 JHS Back to School Night 7:30 PM 15 16 24 25 26 27 28
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 22 23 31
16 JHS Selichot Learning Program 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 29 30
20-22 Rosh Hashanah (No Sessions)
24 Fast of Gedaliah
29 Erev Yom Kippur (No Sessions)
1 Grade 8 Parents High School Night 8 November 2017 Sa December 2017 3 & 10 Chumash Presentations 2 Classes
3-4 JHS Girls Shabbaton M T W Th Fri
8 Bar mitzvah Workshop 4 Su M T W Th Fri Sa 6 & 11Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30 Dismissal
123 11 8-9 JHS Boys Shabbaton
Su10 Faculty Conferences (No Sessions) 6 7 8 9 10 18 12 18 Chanukah No Sessions
13 14 15 16 17 34 5 6 7 8 9 28 Asara B’Tevet 1:30PM Dismissal
12 Preschool Open House 10 AM 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
15 Bat Mitzvah Workshop 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25-29No Queens Bus Service
18 Grade 3 Intergenerational Melave 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Malka 7PM
519 Judaic Studies Grade 8 BJE Exam
23-24Thanksgiving (No Sessions)
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
1 New Years Day No Sessions January 2018 February 2018 9-10 Yachad Shabbaton
7 & 14Grade 1 Siddur Presentations 19 President’s Day - No Sessions
9-10 Grade 5 Greenkill Overnight Trip
15 MLK Day (No Bus Service) K-8 Su M T W Th Fri Sa Su M T W Th Fri Sa 28 Ta’anit Esther (1:30 Dismissal)
3:30 Dismissal
12 3456 123
18-26 Winter Vacation
31 Shuk Tu B’Shevat
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28
1 Purim (No Sessions) March 2018 April 2018 Fri Sa 23-27 Grades 3-7 Terra Nova
2 Purim Carnival Su M T W Th Fri Sa Su M T W Th
7 & 12Parent-Teacher Conferences 67 Achievement Test
3:30 Dismissal 345
13 Grade 6 Science Fair 7 PM 18 Yom Ha’Zikaron
15-16 5th Grade Western Hemis- 19 Yom Ha’Atzmaut
21 Used Book Sale 123 12
28-7 Pesach (No Sessions)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
3 Lag B’Omer 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
13 Mother’s Day
18-21 Shavuot No Sessions 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
23 Grade 7 Philadelphia Trip 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30
28 Memorial Day (No Sessions)
30 Grade 5 Transition Night May 2018 June 2018 3 Celebrate Israel Parade
Su M T W Th Fri Sa Su M T W Th Fri Sa 6-7 Grade 8 Washington Trip
11 Literacy/Writing Festival Grades 2, 4, and 5
12 Literacy/Writing Festival Grades 1 and 3
12345 1 2 13 Grade 6 Chagigat B’not Mitzvah 7 PM
17 Father’s Day
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 18 Senior Awards Dinner
5 6 7 8 9 19 Grade 8 Graduation (Last Day Grade 8)
19 Nursery Moving Up Ceremony (Last day N
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Classes)
19 Kindergarten Graduation (Last day K
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Classes)
20 Last day Grade 7, Trip Day Grades 1-6
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 Last Day of Classes (Grades 1-6) 1:30pm
27 28 29 30 31
YCQ Calendar Reservations
JUNE 16, 2017.
The YCQ Administration and Parent-Teacher Organiza-
tion are now preparing for the School Calendar for ALL CHECKS SHOULD
next year. The calendar includes the school schedule BE MADE PAYABLE TO
for the upcoming year as well as important information “YCQ-PTO” AND HAVE
that every YCQ parent and staff member relies on. “CALENDAR
The YCQ Calendar is the perfect way to advertise your WRITTEN ON THE
business to the more than 500 YCQ families living in ENVELOPE.
Queens, the Five Towns, Great Neck, West Hempstead,
and beyond-and the price could not be better! For more information please
Thank you in advance for your timely response. [email protected]
Sign up now; don’t be left out!
CONTACT NUMBER:_____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:________________________________
(business card size)
Payment must be included with business card for ad to be printed in calendar.
FEE:_______ _______12 months/$250
_______ inside cover simcha page/$150
BUSINESS NAME_______________________________________________
EMAIL___________________________ PHONE #____________________
Please attach business card/print copy and any special instructions.
Ad size: 1.5” x 2.75”
Please indicate if you are a YCQ parent and would like that noted on your ad.
YCQ Calendar Reservations!
Reservations SLIP TO THE
The YCQ Administration and Parent-Teacher Organization are now JUNE 16, 2017.
preparing the School Calendar for the upcoming year, as well as important
information for you as a parent; it will be distributed to all YCQ parents Make checks payable to
and advertisers. “YCQ-PTO” and mark
The calendar is a great way to note a birthday or anniversary as well as COMMITTEE” on your
commemorate the yahrzeit of a loved one; it’s also a great place to adver- envelope.
tise your business. The fees are listed on the cut-off slip below. If you
are planning a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in the upcoming school year, we will Thank you in advance
print a “Mazal Tov” in the calendar free of charge! (You must fill out the for your timely
slip below and tell us the Bar/Bat Mitzvah date.) response. Do it now;
Please note: The placement of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah date in the calendar Sincerely,
does not secure your date on the school’s main Bar/Bat Mitzvah calendar; [email protected]
all Bar/Bat Mitzvah dates must be secured with Mrs. Zahava Teichman in
the JHS Office.
BUSINESS AD Contact Number:_________________________
(business card size)
Email Address:___________________________
Payment must be included with
business card for ad to be printed in BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES/YAHRZEITS
FEE:_______ 12 months/$250
NAME (Please print clearly!!!) DATE OCCASION
_______ Inside Cover Simcha
Page/$150 __________________________ _________ ___________________
Business Name:________________ __________________________ _________ ___________________
Email:_______________________ __________________________ _________ ___________________
Phone #:_____________________
__________________________ _________ ___________________
Please attach business card/print
copy and any special instructions.
AD SIZE: 1.5” x 2.75” BAR/BAT MITZVAH (□ BAR □ BAT)
Please indicate if you are a YCQ
parent and would like that noted on NAME (Please print clearly!!!) DATE
your ad.
__________________________ _________
• Please be aware that YCQ does not receive your child’s IEP/IESP
(Individualized Educational Plan) from the DOE/CSE.
• According to the CSE, the only way that we can get a copy is
parent generated.
• We recommend asking for a second copy at the meeting.
• As soon as you receive the IEP, please make a copy and send it
to school, attention Mrs. Deborah Bermish.
Why does YCQ need a copy of the IEP?
• All therapists will be aware of your child’s goals.
• YCQ will be aware of the services your child should receive.
• Teachers will be aware of the testing accommodations for the
Terra Nova tests, as well as classroom modifications.
• All IEP’s are confidential and kept in a locked file.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.
Mrs. Deborah Bermish
Director of Student Services
If your child receives SETSS (NYC Department of
Education Resource Room), speech and language,
occupational therapy, physical therapy, or counseling,
you will receive a “Parent Notice of Intent” letter in the
mail. If you would like to continue the services in
September, you must do the following:
1. Sign the letter, write in the school name, and write
that the school is in District 25.
2. Take a picture of the letter and save it on your
phone in case there are issues in September.
3. Mail it return receipt to the CSE address included
in the letter.
4. If you do not receive a letter by the middle of May,
please contact Fabiana Czemerinski via email:
[email protected] or at 718 281-3529
Eighth Grade Graduating Class 2017
Kindergarten Graduating Class of 2017
Senior Awards Dinner
Kindergarten Graduation 2017!
Senior Dinner 2017!
Graduation 2017!