VOLUME 12 NUMBER 22 MARCH 7, 2014 5 ADAR II 5774
UPCOMING Parshat Vayikra By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS Many of the karbanot mentioned in Parshat Vayikra are brought as a response to sin.
Candle Lighting: 5:35 The korban chatat and various korbanot asham are linked to specific sins that were committed and
even the korban olah has the ability to atone for less severe sins. Most sins that require atonement
Havdallah: 6:36 are committed unintentionally. Why does the Torah require any atonement for unintentional sins?
Sun., March 9 This question is not only relevant in the realm of korbanot, as the mitzvah of teshuva applies for
Parent-Child such sins as well. Why are we held responsible for things that we didn't intend to do?
Rabbi Sobolofsky teaches that there are three important lessons we can derive from our
Learning obligation to address even unintentional actions. A person who kills unintentionally must run to
Mon., March 10 an ir miklat - a city of refuge. This is not only to protect him from the relatives of the victim, but also
serves as an atonement for the act of murder he committed, albeit unintentionally. The Torah
Parent-Teacher graphically illustrates the model scenario of such an act: a person is chopping wood in the forest
and the loose blade of his tool flies off and hits someone. In this example, the Torah is focusing our
Conferences attention on the fact that this tragedy may have been avoided had the woodsman been more care-
K-8 3:45 Dismissal ful. More generally, in the realm of Torah prohibitions we are instructed to enact safeguards, lest
Thur., March 13 we succumb to sin. If such safeguards are not adhered to, we are more likely to sin both intention-
Ta’anit Esther ally and unintentionally. Although we may not technically be at fault for an unintentional sin, it too
must be atoned for since we are responsible for our insufficient caution with respect to
1:15 Dismissal—N our mitzvah observance.
1:30 Dismissal K-8 In Parshat Vayera, Hashem is ready to punish Avimelech for taking Sara, whereupon he
protests that he is innocent as he didn't know that she was a married woman. Chazal comment
Sun., March 16 that although Avimelech was telling the truth, he was still responsible for his actions. Avimelech
PURIM was the leader of a society which did not adhere to basic standards of modesty. He sanctioned the
behavior of those who would investigate immediately as to the status of any woman who entered
Mon., March 17 his kingdom. Although there was no direct connection between the atmosphere of immodesty that
Shushan Purim prevailed and the specific issue of Sara, Avimelech was held responsible for condoning behavior
Purim Carnival that was conducive to sin. If our behavior results in sin, even if not intended, it should serve as a
wakeup call that perhaps we are living a lifestyle which is not conducive to the meticulous ob-
Sun., March 23 servance of mitzvot.
Final JHS Parent There is another lesson we can learn from the need for korbanot of atonement. In the
physical world, there are consequences of our actions whether performed willingly or otherwise.
Teacher Sunday One who consumed poison unknowingly must still be treated for its effects. Similarly, sin is spiritual
poison which has negative consequences for our spiritual health. The need to offer a korban alerts
Morning Learning us to the serious nature of sin and the negative impact it has on us. Teshuva and korbanot are
necessary as antidotes to the self-inflicted damage we have caused unknowingly.
Thank you to all those The Torah spends a lot of time addressing the different unintentional sins that warrant vari-
parents that volunteered ous korbanot. These are not just technical details relevant only when there was a Beit Hamikdash,
with setting up and clean- rather, these halachot require us to examine our actions. Are there specific precautions we can
ing up the book fair as take to prevent these occurrences in the future? Can we create an atmosphere and lifestyle that is
well as helping students
chose age appropriate less likely to result in actions that require atonement? Do we understand the consequences of our
actions? B’ezrat HaShem one day we will offer a korban and return to Hashem. At that point these
are the critical questions we will ask ourselves. Have a great Shabbat!
Parent Teacher Conference Schedule REMINDER!!
Monday, March 10, 2014 ‐ 3:30 Dismissal K‐8 Please remember to submit your
Miss Chocolate order forms by March
Nursery and Kindergarten ‐ 5:30PM ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom 12th.
1‐203 ‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment Reach out to your friends, families
2‐205, 2‐207 ‐ 5:30—9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment and associates and make this Pesach
3‐212‐ 5:30‐9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment chocolaty delicious!!
Fourth Grade—5:30—9:30 in you child’s classroom by appointment
5‐300, 5‐301‐ 5:30—9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment
JHS Boys ‐ 6:00—9:00PM in the lunchroom, first come, first serve
Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
This week the first grade attended a Broadway style performance of the classic children's
book, "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judith Viorst. The
first grade students and adults watched how Alexander's day went from bad to worse and then
at the end his parents helped him realize that we all have bad days sometimes and tomorrow is
a brand new day. We are all glad he didn't move to Australia.
Seventh Grade Visits the Museum of Tolerance
The Seventh Grade had an incredible experience at the Museum of Tolerance this week. In conjunc-
tion with Mrs. Maisel's unit on Tolerance, we had a two hour hands-on visit to a variety of exhibits.
We learned about racism, anti-Semitism, and the discrimination in the world today. One of the most
thought provoking experiences was in the "Point of View Diner." We watched an intense video about
cyber-bullying and had the opportunity to "ask" the actors questions. We learned so much and it was a
very moving day for all.
We’re going to the championships!
By: Hillel Golubtchik
This past Monday the Junior Varsity Wildcats defeated the HAFTR Hawks in the playoffs.
Even though we started out losing the game 6-0, we never gave up and ended up winning
the game 36-27. Our team did a great job by shutting down HAFTR’s best player, they
never stood a chance after that. Our coach Justin Schussheim did an incredible job by pre-
paring us for the game, we couldn't have done it without him. Our fans were fantastic. They
traveled from Queens and still made it sound like a YCQ home game, without you guys,
who knows what the game would have been like.
YCQ’s Annual Girls Shabbaton
This past Shabbat the JHS girls enjoyed a wonderful Shabbaton at the Raleigh Hotel. Upon
their arrival, the girls participated in activities including a talent show with Morah Ivgi and
swimming. Pre-Shabbat ruach was a blast. After Kabbalat Shabbat, during the first Shabbat
meal, everyone heard beautiful Divrei Torah. The guest speaker, Mrs. Lauren Roth MSW, LSW,
noted Columnist for Aish.com, licensed Psychotherapist, and mother of six children, shared Divrei
Torah and astounded the audience with her amazing stories. The girls enjoyed an oneg Shab-
bat and watched their morot perform skits. The girls eagerly engaged in a learning program
and games with their counselors on Shabbat morning. On Motzai Shabbat the girls had fun
singing and dancing during their ruach filled melave malka. Thank you to all the morot,
chaperones and students for making this the best Shabbaton ever!
Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Class Time Sign In Loca on of Conference
1‐200, 1‐201, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1‐202 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐206 (Berkowitz, Rosenblum) 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3‐209, 3‐210,
3‐211 (Chubak, Stemp ) 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5‐302, 5‐303
(Finkelstein, Rosen, Orlanski, 6:00‐9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
JHS Girls
First come first serve
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, March 10, 2014
Class Time Sign In Loca on & Conference
N‐109 & N‐208 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐100, K‐101 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐102, K‐105 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1‐203 5:30‐9:30 Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Blass, Greenwald) 5:30‐9:30 Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐205, 2‐207 6:00‐9:00 Lunchroom
(Kupferman, Berkowitz) Sign in Online
Sign in Online
(Borochoff, Chubak) No Sign In
First come first serve
Fourth Grade
5‐300, 5‐301
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )
JHS Boys
March 9, 2014
7th Adar II 5774
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:20 3-on-3 Basketball
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein,
Rabbi Daniel Glatstein has had the siyata dishmyia to build up and revive the oldest Orthodox shul in Kew Gar-
dens Hills from a dwindling membership to a vibrant center of Torah learning for the entire Queens community,
attracting dozens of new members of all ages. Among his many weekly shiurim, Rabbi Glatstein delivers a pop-
ular weekly shiur to Baaleh Batim and college students on Parshat HaShavua and other timely topics to Rabbi
Oelbaum's shul, K'hal Nachlat Yitzchak. He is often invited to serve as a guest speaker in Yeshivot and Torah
Institutions across the Tri-State area and his shiurim have been received enthusiastically by audiences of all
backgrounds and affiliations. Currently Rabbi Daniel Glatstein has 815 Video Lectures and over 130,000 hits on
torah anytime.com
“The Power That Helped Esther Defeat
The YCQ Social Work Department invites you to attend another
parenting workshop entitled:
My Child Says
Now What???
Monday, March 10, 2014
11:30am‐12:30pm prompt at YCQ
$15 per person
By: Harriet Cabelly, LCSW
Harriet Cabelly has been a social worker for 20 years, in the school system and in private practice. She is
currently involved in coaching, blogging, facilitating parenting and coaching workshops, and interviewing
people. Four years ago she added life coaching to her repertoire of skills. In her private practice as a
therapist, she worked with clients around issues of grief and loss, from people who lost loved ones in
9/11 to people going through divorce and illness. Her specific area of interest is helping people create
good and meaningful lives beyond their challenges.
Please contact Marcy Davidovics, LCSW or Michali Wiener, LMSW of the
Social Work department at [email protected] to reserve your spot!
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 3 6 7
JHS Parent Child Learning 8th Gemara 45 6th science 6 math (sider)
7g math (Sider/Muller) 6th Gemara
9 7b math (Sider)/Muller 6 girls math (schwartz) Algebra test (8)
JHS Parent Child Learning Schwartz math (8) 14
8th grade language arts 8 math (Sider) 13
16 Ta'anit Esther 21
Purim Parent Teacher Conferences 6 math (lowinger)
Early Dismissals 6B2 Halacha
23 10 11 12
JHS Parent Child Learning 6th Halacha (girls) 6th Boys Chumash Chessed Day 20 28
7th Gemara Finkelstein 7 Boys Ivrit
19 6G Chumash
8G Chumash and Pearl 6th grade vocab test
8th Boys Chumash 7th grade language arts 7th boys Navi 27
7th Girls Halacha 6 math (sider)
Parent Teacher Conference8sth social studies 7th and 8th girls Ivrit 7th Gemara Bernstein
7G Navi 8 boys Ivrit 7th Social Studies
26 math test (Dubensky)
17 18 6th Boys Navi
6th Girls Navi
Shushan PurimCarnival 8th Girls Halacha
24 25
6th Ivrit 7G chumash
7th math (boys/girls) 7th Boys Chumash
8th Boys Navi 8th science test
8th grade girls Navi test Science Fair 6th Grade
YCQ Annual Book Fair!
M’Shenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha!
M’Shenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha!