VOLUME 14 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 25, 2015 13 TEVET 5776
UPCOMING Parshat VaYechi By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS The last seventeen years of the lifetime of our father Yaakov are, so to speak, the
best years of his long and eventful life. When appearing before the Pharaoh of Egypt,
Candle Lighting: 4:15
Havdallah: 5:16
Yaakov freely admits that the first one hundred thirty years of his life were sparse and
YCQ Family News difficult. He experienced a lifetime of troubles and travails from the moment he was born
Mazel Tov to Ms. Cigan
(5-8th grade math) on holding on to the heel of his brother Eisav.
her engagement!! He and Eisav will contend for the blessings of their father and for the immortality
Mazel Tov to Rabbi of founding an eternal people that will live throughout history against all odds. Yaakov
Kramer on the birth of a will struggle to save his family and possessions from the wiles of Lavan and his sons.
Mazel Tov to Morah Beer Yaakov will wrestle with an angel, be sorely tested and wounded, and yet prevail.
on the engagement of a
grandson! Eventually he will receive the blessings of that angel which are encapsulated in the
Mazel tov to David Nisani name of Yisrael.
and Eitan Hoschander Yaakov will suffer the indignity and trauma of his daughter being raped by
on their Bar Mitzvah! Shechem and yet he will disapprove of the bloody revenge that his sons visited upon the
community that spawned the perpetrators of that outrage. His beloved wife Rachel dies
Mazel Tov to Ann and
Howard Rosman (’60) on
the Bar Mitzvah of their in childbirth and Yaakov is hard-pressed to recover from that blow.
grandson Yoel Rosman! Yaakov seeks a modicum of peace of mind and body when the greatest tragedy
Mazel Tov to Jana (’99)
and Daniel Friedman on of his life the story of Yosef and his brothers rests upon him. In despair, he is convinced
the birth of a baby girl! that he will go to his grave mourning for his beloved lost son. All in all, Yaakov’s
Mazel Tov to Helen
Bohorodzaner (’69) on description of his life and its events when standing before the Pharaoh is unfortunately
the birth of a very accurate, if not even understated.
granddaughter! So it comes as no wonder that the final years of his life are called the years that
Mazel Tov to Avi (’02) he actually “lived.” He is reunited with his beloved son Yosef, the family is bound
and Keren Fuss on the
birth of a baby girl! together, at peace with one another and is protected, secure and prosperous in their
Mazel Tov to Daniel (’91)
and Rachel Rosenbaum new home in the land of Goshen. Yet Yaakov is aware that this rosy picture of Jewish
on the Bat Mitzvah of life in Egypt is a temporary mirage, an illusion that will soon fade and that the years of
their daughter!
hardship and bondage are already on the horizon.
Mazel Tov to Talia (’01)
and Josh Gerstman on Rabbi Wein explains that Hashem had revealed that future to Yaakov’s
the birth of a baby boy! grandfather Avraham generations earlier and that bill was now coming due. Hashem has
Mazel Tov to Naomi (’02) promised Yaakov that these future troubles will not be seen by him in his lifetime.
and Yossi Wargon on the
birth of a baby girl! Nevertheless, there is no doubt that Yaakov is troubled by the darkened future of his
Mazel Tov to Renana people, a future that he is completely aware of.
Strasberg (’95) on her
marriage to Itay Yet, Rabbi Wein explains, we hear no note of pessimism in his final words to the
Avtalyon! Jewish people. Rather, both he and Yosef reassure the generations to come that
Mazel Tov to Tova (’87) Hashem is with them, and that he will redeem them from all of their troubles and fashion
and Noam Novick on the
birth of a son! them into the most eternal and influential people on the face of the globe.
Mazel Tov to Dr. Daniel It is this faith in the future, the belief that good will somehow prevail over evil that
(’76) and Alyssa Zanger is the most important legacy that our father Yaakov has left to us. It is this belief and
on the engagement of
their son! positive attitude that is the unique hallmark of the people of Israel and guarantees to us
Mazel Tov to Debbie (’84) our continuity and ultimate triumph and success. Shabbat shalom
and Rabbi Ari Jacobson
on the marriage of their
Mazel Tov to Yaakov Healthy Tip Number 2:
Laufer (’00) on his Make treats "treats", not every day foods.
marriage to Natalie Treats are great once in a while, just don't make treat foods an every day
Hezghia! thing. Limit sweets to special occasions. But don't go overboard on those special
occasions either! Be careful not to have too many treats over Shabbat.
Mazel Tov to Hilana
Smith (’05) on her
marriage to Max Agress!
2-207 Chumash Presentation
We are proud of class 2-207 for receiving their first Chumash this past Sunday. They have
worked so hard by rehearsing their parts and practicing singing the songs. The play was
about the first days of creation and each child had a part that had to do with each day.
They sang beautifully and acted out their parts perfectly. They had a lot of fun dancing,
laughing and learning about the creation of the world. The children wore costumes and took
pictures for the Chagigat HaChumash. We want to congratulate the class for doing so well
and making Morah Rachel and their parents very proud. The Chumash play was a success
and they cannot wait to learn the Torah from their new Chumashim. Many thanks to Morah
Rachel, Morah Aliza, Morah Tali, Rabbi Hamel for making this day so memorable!
2-204 Chumash Presentation
This past Sunday class 2-204 received their Chumashim for the very first time at the
annual Second Grade Chumash Presentation. The class put on a spectacular play revealing just
how much Ivrit they have learned this year. After the play, the children were called up to the
stage individually to receive a Chumash with their name engraved on it, a goody bag and a
beautiful framed picture taken with their Morot and principals. Following the ceremony,
everyone was invited to the gym for a collation. Many thanks to Morah Dina, Morah Leemor,
Morah Tali, Rabbi Hamel, and parent representatives for making this day so memorable!
SET3 Engineering Club
The students in the YCQ Engineering Club participated in an activity that alotted them the opportunity
to combine ingenuity, creativity and team work by building bridges that could support a variety of
weights. The participants were allowed only a limited amount of newspaper and tape and had to
complete the bridge within a specific time period. The teams worked hard and learned to work
together while having fun.
Sixth Grade Trip to the MET
The sixth grade visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art to
see their ancient Egypt exhibits. Students were given a tour by
a licensed tour guide, and completed a scavenger hunt
prepared by Mrs. Howitt. They took many pictures and even
sketched their own artwork. Thank you to all the chaperones
and special thanks to Mrs. Howitt for arranging such an
important and fun trip!
The deadline for
submission of picture
money has been
extended to January 4th
The Klee Commitment
The students in grades 1 and 2 will be making the ‘Klee Commitment’ this year. Following the reading
by Mrs. Cohen of the book Caleb and Kayla Create the Klee, students will create and decorate their
own klee, a vessel that will be kept filled with products from Israel. This will serve as an ongoing
reminder of the love and support we have for the Land of Israel and her people. The students have
learned the importance of purchasing products made in Israel and how it helps the Israeli economy, as
well as shows the people living there that they are thought about and supported always. Thank you to
Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Lubeck for working on this wonderful project!
⇒ Shop year round at the following local vendors
⇒ Pay by check payable to the YCQ-PTO
⇒ The PTO makes a percentage on each sale
Suhag Wine & Liquor
60-30 Main Street, KGH
Hours: Sun. 12-8, Mon.-Thurs. 10-10, Fri. 9:30-8
Main Sweet
72-54 Main Street, KGH
Hours: Sun.- Thurs. 10-9, Fri. 10-3
Jewish Quarter
Kew Gardens Hills
Hours: Sun. – Thurs. 8-10, Fri. 8-2
Kipot, Benchers, Books, Seforim, Tzitzit
[email protected]
In addition to shopping at these vendors, don’t forget
to continue using your Red Card when you shop at
Target, logging into Amazon through
www.smile.amazon.com , and sending in your Box Tops.
2-204 Chumash Play!!!
2-207 Chumash Play!!!