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Published by Yeshiva of Central Queens, 2016-10-05 10:42:38

The VIEW 31, Vol. 12

The VIEW 31, Vol. 12

VOLUME 12 NUMBER 31 MAY 23, 2014 23 IYAR 5774

UPCOMING Parshat Bamidbar By: Rabbi Landsman

Candle Lighting: 7:55 A Torah observant Jew is often referred to as a shomer Torah
Havdallah: 8:56 u'mitzovot. The requirement to be shomer mitzvot is repeated several
times throughout the Torah. What is the significance of being shomer -
Monday May 26 literally guarding - the mitzvot and why does this define the essence of a
Memorial Day Torah way of life?
No Sessions
Rabbi Sobolofsky teaches us that Parshat Bamidbar discusses the
Wednesday May 28 mitzvah of shmirat Hamikdash, the guarding the Mishkan and later
Yom Yerushalayim the Beit Hamikdash that was performed by the Kohanim and Leviim.
Washington Trip According to many meforshim in Masechet Tamid, this "guarding" was not
to actually protect the Beit Hamikdash, but rather was to indicate the
8th Grade significance of what we are "watching over." Similarly, shmirat hamitz-
vot is not merely performing mitzvot, but rather a declaration of the su-
Thursday May 29 preme importance of mitzvot in our lives.
Washington trip
What does shmirat hamitzvot entail above and beyond the fulfill-
8th Grade ment of mitzvot? Chazal articulate several times the dual obligation of
"lishmor v'laasot to watch over and to perform" the mitzvot, where lish-
Sunday June 1 mor refers to learning, and laasot addresses actual fulfillment. Learning
Celebrate Israel Torah is the ultimate expression of shmira. If one truly views the mitz-
vot as the will of Hashem, one will spend all his time and effort to under-
Parade stand them. As such, the constant dedication to talmud Torah is the great-
Grades 4-8 est acknowledgement of the significance of the mitzvot and thus the ulti-
mate expression of shmirat hamitzvot.
Monday June 2
Philadelphia Trip Chazal relate that when one who learns Torah enters the next
world, he is greeted with the words, "ashrei sheba l'kan v'talmudo
7th Grade b'yado happy is the one who comes here with learning in his hand." This
seems to be a strange way to describe one who learns; what is meant by
Tuesday June 3 -
Thursday June 5 the one whose learning is "in his hand"? The most precious of one's assets

Erev Shavuot

No Sessions

Friday June 6
Sessions Resume

YCQ Family are not left for someone else to watch, but rather kept in one's own pos-
News session. Rashi comments that when Yaakov sent multiple gifts to Esav he
also sent him previous jewels. Although not mentioned explicitly in the
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Torah, these jewels are alluded to by the pasuk that describes gifts sent

Debbie Bermish
(Director, Student from "the hand of" Yaakov, since what was in Yaakov 's own hand must
Services) on the have been the most important. Perhaps this is the "learning in one's hand"
marriage of her that Chazal are referring to. It is not mere learning that warrants the

daughter! special welcome in the world to come, but rather it is the acknowledge-

Mazel Tov to ment of the significance of Torah and mitzvot that is demonstrated by a
lifetime of talmud Torah that accompanies a person to the next world and
Rabbi Kovitz merits such a welcome.
(Business office)
As we approach the yom tov of Shavout we rededicate ourselves
on the birth of a to shmirat haTorah v'hamitzvot. It is through the vehicle of talmud Torah

Mazel Tov to that we demonstrate the significance of Torah in our lives. May we merit

Naomi Faygin on on this Shavout not only to receive the Torah, but also to hold it in our

her Bat Mitzvah! hands as befits the precious gift Hashem has bestowed upon us.

Shabbat Shalom!

Gracie Mansion - A Country House in the City

On Tuesday, May 20, 2014, YCQ’s fourth graders stepped back in time as they enjoyed guided tours of
Gracie Mansion. The mansion, which has been the official home of New York City’s mayors since 1942, was
built in 1799 by a wealthy shipping merchant named Archibald Gracie. Mr. Gracie, who owned another home
in the city, built the mansion as a country home for his wife and their eight children. Our fabulous tour
guides taught the students about the home’s history, architecture, antique furnishings and artwork. The
boys and girls admired the faux marble floors in the foyer, and the fireplaces, crystal chandeliers, sconces
and convex mirrors in each of the rooms. The students were invited into the newest room in the mansion,
the ballroom, where the podium from which the mayor often delivers speeches was set up. The classes vis-
ited the mansion on a beautiful spring day, so the children were also able to enjoy the lovely gardens, the
spectacular views of the nearby East River and the beautifully landscaped park walkways that surround the
mansion. The teachers are proud of the
compliments their classes earned from
the tour guides, who were extremely im-
pressed by the boys’ and girls’ knowledge,
preparation and impeccable manners.
Thank you, Mrs. Criss for arranging for
each of the fourth grade classes to have
an opportunity to tour “The People’s

Elementary School Lag B’Omer At YCQ!

Monday, Lag B’omer, was color war at YCQ! Grades 1-5 participated in a fun- filled day of sports,
trivia, and a variety of other exciting activities. Blue and white team spirit filled the hallways, lunchroom
and school yard. Thank you to the following staff members for their help in running different events:
Mr. Schwartzman, Miss Hagler, Mrs. Blass, Mrs. Blum, Ms. Rosenblum, Mrs. Jaffe, Morah Aliza, Mo-
rah Stemp, Rabbi Finkelstein, Mrs. Hoffman, Rabbi Eisenberg and Mrs. Cohen. . A special thanks to Mi-
chael Nadelbach for his incredible enthusiasm in running all of the day’s activities. Congratulations to
both teams for showing such wonderful sportsmanship.

Parents Association Annual Supperette

On Tuesday evening, the parents, faculty and several students honored Mrs. Carol Kupferman, Mrs.
Golubtchik and Rabbi Landsman at the PA Supperette. The program began with Mrs. Tracy Lands-
berg followed by a beautiful D’var Torah and a heartfelt speech by Rabbi Landsman thanking Mrs.
Kupferman. Mrs. Kupferman spoke beautifully and poignantly and thanked each and every person
who helped make these past 25 years in YCQ such a great experience. Mrs. Jodi Tanzman thanked
Rabbi Landsman and Mrs. Golubtchik for their 10 years of service to YCQ! Mrs. Beylus sent off the
graduating class’s parents with a Mazel Tov and thanked them for all they have done for the Yeshiva.
Thank you to the PA for all for their hard work in making the school year such a success for our stu-
dents, as well as putting together such a beautiful supperette!

JHS Color War

The JHS students spent an exciting day at Cunningham Park on Lag B’Omer this past Mon-
day. They played many competitive games of football, dodgeball, kickball and many others.
Once the students returned to YCQ, they enjoyed a delicious barbeque lunch as part as
their annual color war. On Tuesday, the students participated in Torah Bowl competition,
divrei Torah, a Lag B’Omer quiz game and a grand finale banner, skit and song. The JHS dis-
played great camaraderie throughout the color war competition. Congratulations to the red
team , Aish team for defeating the blue Mayim team.

Kindergarten End of the Year Trip to Fort Totten Park
The Kindergarten went on their Lag B’Omer trip to Fort Totten Park. They played in the
absolutely beautiful playground and went on a bug hunt. They were given books and magnifiers
to help them identify the insects. The Kindergarten students are now experts in the field of bug
hunting! They had a fantastic day! Thank you to the Parents Association for all the amazing trips
they helped sponsor this past year! Thank you to the parents who chaperoned and all the Morot!

Nursery Visits the Queens Zoo

In honor of Lag B’Omer the Nursery students went on their final trip of the
school year! The nursery went to the Queens Zoo! The students enjoyed riding
the carousel as well as seeing and feeding the different animals!

Yeshiva of Central Queens







You will be receiving a letter in the mail from the

New York City Board of Education.

If you have not received the letter by May 19, please contact Mrs. Debbie
Bermish at 718-793-8500 x326 and she will send one home.

In order to guarantee services for the school year 2014-2015 this letter MUST be
signed and mailed “return receipt” to the

Board of Education, Linden Place address BEFORE June 1, 2014. Please make a
copy of this letter for your records.

Note that YCQ is located in district 25.
Failure to return this letter on time will result in the TERMINATION of all service.

Please call extension 326 if you have any concerns or questions.


Salute to Israel Day Parade 

Sunday June 1, 2014 
3 Sivan 5774 

Assembly Time 1:00 PM 

Loca on: 52nd St. Bet. 5th Ave. and Madison Ave.  

  11:00AM    Register and board assigned buses 
                      (Bus assignments are by class) 
  11:30 AM    Buses depart YCQ for Parade 
  1:00 PM       Assemble at 52nd St. Bet. 5th Ave. & Madison Ave.  
                             along with those not traveling by bus from  
 3:45 PM            Es mated  me of arrival at school. 



Important Informa on for 

Parade Par cipants: 

 Please wear this year’s Parade t‐shirt to the Parade. Girls must 
wear a navy blue or black skirt and boys must wear navy blue 
or black pants.  

 Please wear your YCQ kippa if you have one. 
 Wear comfortable shoes or sneakers. 
 Please bring a snack and drink for the bus ride. No backpacks 

are permi ed along the parade route. 
 Drinks will be provided for par cipants returning to YCQ by 

 Don’t forget to apply sun screen lo on. 
 Children may only be removed from the parade route a er 

walking the en re parade distance. No earlier pick up is al‐
lowed. (NYPD policy) 
  Please no fy a school administrator or bus coordinator  
   before taking your child!! 



Nursery Visits The Queens Zoo!

Kindergarten Trip to Fort Totten Park


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