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How can a martial arts' philosophy be applied to the way we design for
locations susceptible to landslides?

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Published by Elkhan Julian, 2016-09-12 10:59:36

Wing Chun: Zhipeng Cai

How can a martial arts' philosophy be applied to the way we design for
locations susceptible to landslides?

Keywords: wing chun,philosophy


Dispersing Mound and Cavity detail

Dispersing QsU Fill PathiAcx:ess Space

MoundfDwelling render Mound/ Dwelling Area Cavity/Catchment Area

In this iteration I am utilising a cut and fill method
of landscape intervention, where I am designing
cavities and triangular mounds which become the
device for dispersing the force of landslides. fts the
landslide hits the mound, it will be divided up and
redirected into cavities on both sides of the mound,
which trap and hold the debris until it spills onto
the next layer of mounds and cavities. In doing so,
the mass of the landslide is divided into smaller and
more manageable parts. The mounds also become
an area where housing can become embedded to
become more formal.

I -- '


.tift+Tan Sau dispersing hand , - ·--

'Controlling' terrace and dwelling opportunity detail


01 the top of the dispersion mounds are areas
which would not normally be hit by landslides,
and therefore suitable for dwellings to be built on.
Even if a large landslide spills over the top of the

dispersion mound, it will flow over the dwellings, as

they are embedded into the mound, similar to the
Bong Sau building.

'Dispersing' Section Bevation CC 1:200


The cavities would trap the debris until it overflows,
in which case it will be divided again by the next
dispersion mound down the hill.

'Dispersing' Section Bevation DD 1:200



'Dispersing ' 30 modelling and renders


'Dispersing' concept design sketches

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Dispersing Summary By dispersing the foroe of a landslide and dividing up
the debris, spreading it over a large area to protect
This iteration applied the strategy of dispersion the mounds where dwellings and other infrastructure
in order to weaken the foroe of landslides as it may be located, the power of the landslide becomes
happens, and captures the debris in the cavities thinned, and easier to manipulate.
which can be used for growing crops as well as
rebuilding any damaged parts of the dispersion This means that the act of dispersing the landslide
mounds. force can reduoe the riS<. of landslide damage while
retaining the advantages of having a landslide oocur.
It allowed me to explore the project at a medium
scale where I had to ronsider acoess of the mounds
and cavities, which also gave me ideas on how these
spaces might be used.

I IProtected Dwellings

Dispersing ,e=._ _______ _ ••••••
......,.;.•••.••.••.•. " Open spaoe
.-----..__________ _.• • •
I I•••••••••
Landslide force Catches Debris
split up

•' '


Less mass = less force = less destructive




Scenario: Dispersing Event

In the ten year scenario, the dispersion interventions
are constructed f rom the fourth year to the seventh.
They became areas to stay safe from the landslide,

whilst t he cavities played a large part in trapping

and reducing the amount of debris travelling down

the slope, and therefore reducing the destructive ..
. ,.~





In Year 04, ten months were dedicated to the
construction of the initial dispers on mounds and
cavities. These were larger than the ones built later
on as they need to be able to hold and disperse a
potentially large landslide.


I n Year 05, smaller mounds and cavities are
constructed above the initial mounds. These mounds
and cavities are located on the lower-mid section of
the slope, and can embed one dwelling each.




In Year 06, construction continues with the single
dwelling type dispersion mounds and cavities.


/ S13
/ In Year 07, another multi-dwelling sized dispersion
/ mound is constructed at the upper-mid section of
the slope; the size will be able to sustain the impact
/ of a larger landslide before dispersing it to the
smaller mounds downslope.



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Technique: Oli Sau t
Strategy: Reaction +.
The aim of this strategy is to react to a situation c
in order to perform what is necessary to turn the sk
situation around, instead of predetermining a
response. ay
This strategy requires us to not design in
anticipation, but instead we should design in u
preparation, for reactions to events that will
happen. Maximum preparation will allow us to react h
effectively against different events, whenever and
wherever and in whatever order they may occur. a

'- n

- d




In this ftnal design iteration, I am attempting
to bring together t he knowledge accumulated
through the design of the previous iterations and
I experimented with the depiction of two different
timeframes by using time cycles to represent the
staging of my interventions, implemented over
time on my landslide section, as well as illustrating
the effect of a landslide which occurs at an
instantaneous timeframe, captured in my section.
In this snapshot of the instant when the landslide
occurs, the different strategies come into play in
order to redirect, disperse, trap, diffuse, protect and
control the fo rce and flow of the landslide, so that is
does not destroy everything in its path.

(Double Chi Sau, n.d.) G'andmaster Ip Man and the young Bruce Lee doing the double hand Oli Sau exercise.



Time Cycle to Strategy Implementation

These time cycles demonstrate the different
strategies as they are implemented on the site,
based on the scenario which I created.

Each time cycle has a constant - the winter months
known as invierno - danger period, from May to
O::tober, where the risk of landslide triggered by
rainfall is high.

Each strand circling the time cycles represent a
different strategy, or phases within a strategy (such
as planting and harvesting bamboo) . The red flags
depict the event of a landslide which occurs in

an instant, but has a long term effect in term s of

reconstruction and dearing of debris.



Temporary dwelling conetructlon
Planting l>aml>oo
Harveetlng l>aml>oo
Constructing urraus and waterways
Con&tructlng 'de&ctlondam'
Con&tructlng dispersion 'mound&' and 'cavities'
Constructing & moving Into dwellings embedded In the

Cleaning up dsl>risancl repairs after a lanclslic:le
Lanclslic:le risk clue to rainfall

Lanclslic:le happens




Scenario: ~acting Event

Particular events or strategies depicted in the section
are connected to their respective implementation
stage in the time cycles.

. •

.r 7




Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
YP?.r 4
•' .

I 0~
• •I
Year 6

Year 5

Year 7


Temporary dwelling consu-uc~lon
PIBntlng bamboo
Harves~lng bamboo
Conetructlng UOr'raC4& ond wa~rways
Conetructlng ·~ctlon dam'
Con&tructlng dl...,....&lon 'mouncl&' and 'cavl~le&'
Con&tructlng & movlng l~ dWIIIIIngs ""'bedded In the
Cleaning up debri&and n1palrsafter a land&llde
Landslide risk due~ rainfall

Landslide happens


. . _k,.._

~-... ..·:..~.. ~.-..

801 802



S01 S02

Comalapa Highway - the linking freeway that Bamboo harvesters are harvesting a mature crop of
connects San Salvador to the International Airport of Guadua angustifolia bamboo.
8 Salvador.


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•I •1:..J.


S03 S04

Layers of bamboo plantation planted at different Another crop of bamboo being harvested whilst
years to offset the age of the Cl'ops, providing several other Cl'ops continue to provide protection.
a consistent opportunity to harvest and sell the
bamboo as materials every year.



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.J S>s SJ6

~now ''~~"'"""'••no """'was"'""""hAar<v>eospteoc;t. sos
bamboo they.., beio,e
to t•om wh.,.e they ""'• Multiple layers of bamboo.


:..c, • - ·



A deflection dam redirects and traps the debris Transition area on the site where the growth of
from the landslide as the remainder of the landslide native vegetation has been encouraged, together
with smaller bamboo species which are able to
debris gets subdued by the bamboo plantation. stabilise the soil.




-- -- -- --



S09 S10

A dispersion mound which houses multiple Dispersion mound and catchment cavity traps a
embedded dwellings diverts and divides the debris large amount of debris from the landslide and
keeping the mound safe. reduce the amount which continue downslope.

REACT NG. EVEN - -1:1:1




S11 , S12
A series of smaller dispersion mounds and cavities
which houses one dwelling each is able to spread
the debris over a larger area, therefore reducing the
concentration of the force from the landslide.





S13 S14

Uppermost dispersion mound blunts the oncoming The landslides can be seen here as it collapses down
landslide and divides it into two paths, reducing the the slope.
destructive power.

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S15 S16
Landslide travelling downslope over the vegetation.
Another deflection dam which redirects the energy
from the landslides and simultaneously reduce the
landslide impact by trapping debris with the serrated


S17 S18


S17 S18

The first deflection dam to engage with the The landslide as it travels down the slope to engage
landslide, taking in the full force and reducing it with the first line of landscape intervention, a lot of
considerably through the redirection of the energy dust is produced as it crashes down the slope with
and trapping of the debris, it is here that the horrifying velocity and destructive energy.
initial size and velocity of the landslide becomes
diminished and allows the interventions further
downslope to better cope with the powerful force or







S19 S20

The area of the top of this slope which used to The landslide portrayed here occurs on the 8th year
contain all the soil that is now a crashing wave of of development , unexpectedly as it was triggered by
earth and debris. a nearby earthquake, the size is larger than that of
landslides t riggered by rainfall.



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My design iterations and interventions are all
conceived based on the concept of 'acceptance'.

By accepting and remembering that landslides

are a natural process of soil deposition and land
morphology, I am not aiming to prevent it from
happening. Instead, my design approach is to design
with the event of landslides in mind. By accepting
that landslides will occur, I am able to approach my
design with the mindset of redirection rather than
prevention. Accepting this in my design proposal
means to facilitate protection through redirecting
forces. The notion of 'acceptance' therefore becomes
a catalyst for generating my approach to design.

The notion of acceptance is important in my project,
but it can also be understood in a different sense.

By my understanding, acceptance is not about just

taking things as they come and feel that there is
nothing we can do about it. This is sadly the case
with some Salvadorans living in disaster prone
landscapes, who accept that they live in a hazardous
landscape and have not hing but faith to hold on to.
Some would rather pray than to go out and improve
their chances of survival.

Acceptance as I believe it means to face the issue
rather than avoid it and hope it does not affect you;
accepting does not mean yielding.

As a Wing Olun practitioner, I accept that during
sparring I may get hit, but that does not mean
I will just run from it. Through utilising different
techniques which I have trained over the years I am
able to face the challenge and accept the condition
of being in danger of getting hit, only at this point
will I be able to apply my techniques and have a
chance to take control of the situation.

My understanding of acceptance in martial
arts is what allows me to transfer the notion of
acceptance to other aspects of my life and in
design. It transcends the topical boundaries of my
personal interests, crosses from a highly physical
and philosophical point of view, into a oomewhat
conceptual and unconventional method of thinking
about the way we design; of how I approach design
and practise as a Landscape Architect.


Kamaishi Breakwater and tsunami mitigation design

Tsunami design strategy for the town of Kamaishi K___ ~awall and
catchment pockets
Mangrove Bioshield

\ _ _~

Section of the breakwater and bioshield


The philosophy of 'acceptance' is important to
disaster survival because it allows us to concentrate
not on rejecting the event, but rather accept that
it may one day happen. The latter allows us to
prepare psychologically and physically to be able to
overcome the eventual catastrophe, whereas the
former provides a false sense of security through
complacency and reliance on walls and technology
in an attempt to keep the dangerous side of nature

In addition to landslide interventions I also
researched other disa&ers, such as the tsunami,
chosen in the wake of the Tohoku Earthquake and
Tsunami event.

I reviewed the successfulness of the breakwaters
in the town of Kamaishi, which boasted the
Guinness world's deepest breakwater record. These
breakwaters however, failed to prevent the tsunami
from hitting the town of Kamaishi and wiping out
much of its coast side infrastructure.

This led me to consider what it means to mitigate
a disaster? How can we go up against the forces of

In my research I compared two main approaches to
tsunami mitigation; hard style of seawalls; and soft
style of vegetation bioshields.

My design intervention at the end of this research
combined both into one strategy as I did not
believe one method is enough to account for all the

This design intervention for tsunami defence utilises
sandbars and breakwaters designed to dissipate the
energy of the large waves. Using multiple layers and
angles to reflect and deflect the waves so that much
of its destructive energy is dissipated, my design
did not attempt to keep the waves out, but instead
'accepted' that it will occur and was designed to
control how the wave passes through each layer of

Besides incorporating a hybrid seawall and
bioshield, my design intervention als:> explore the
opportunities in utilising and inhabiting the spaces
formed by these structures, from human habitat to
wildlife and vegetation.




My design research project investigates how a
martial arts philosophy can be applied to the way
we design for locations vulnerable to landslides.
Through understanding the oonoept of ·acceptance'

from Wing Olun Kung Fu, we are able to see

landslides not only as a negative, but also as a
positive. This sh itt in percept ion is integral in
determining what sort of design approach a designer
takes when designing with cata&rophic landscape

Through translating Wing 01Un techniques into
strategies for landslide interventions, I was able to
experiment with different design techniques in order
to generate design interventions for my site in S:m

Each iteration I experimented with revealed the
effectiveness of the particular strategy it was
working with, as well as any shortoomings. This
allowed me to improve on certain aspects while
testing other parts of the design proposal to
understand how all the different strategies might
operate together.

In the end, I realised that a single strategy will not
be enough to prepare for the unexpected nature of
landslides; only when the different strategies are
combined and implemented over a period of time,
can a design truly be called adaptable and resilient.
There is no single solution to disasters, as I don't
even believe in the idea of a oolution; because it is
a predetermined outcome made to solve a problem.
If we perceive landslides and other catastrophe
solely as problems, then we are not truly accepting
them, and our design will beoome rigid; lacking
flexibility. To become able to respond to catastrophic
events, we must not rely on preconceived and
predetermined methods of practice. Only through
being prepared (on many different levels) we are
able to react to the unexpected.

By suggesting a different approach to how we think

about disasters and disaster interventions, I am
advocating a different method of designing for, and
with, catastrophic events; not to prevent and
protect , but to accept and redirect.

Presentation Exh1b t on

Demonstrating Wing Olun during the presentation, (Image credit goes to Marieluise Jonas)

with assistance from my friend Kevin Yap

Presentation/ Exhibition


..e..U II

Final Exhibition Panels: 3. 6 x 2.4 metres.
Bottom Panels are angled for easier reading while


How can Wing be applied to Landscape


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Special thanks to Kevin Yap for assisting me during
my presentation as my demonstration partner.

Thanks to Jen Luong, Zhi Van Cai, Kevin Yap, ~nes

Soh, Ouistina Ting, Tech Yann Ooi and other fellow
students who helped me in preparing and setting up
my exhibition and presentation.

Thanks to fam ily and friends who supported me
throughout this year and for the past 5 years.

Cover inspired by Kung Fu manuals. (wu4, n.d.)

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