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Published by Elkhan Julian, 2016-09-12 10:26:20

Wing Chun: Beginning Wing Chun

Beginning Wing Chun

Keywords: wing chun,beginning


Dai Bong ~ Low Bong Sau

Dai Jeung ~ Lifting-palm Deflection

Dang Geuk ~ Ascending (Basic Heel) Kick

Dui Gok Ma ~ Side-facing Stance

Fak Sau ~ Whisking/Whipping-hand Attack

Fook Sau ~ Subduing-hand Deflection

Gaan Sau ~ Splitting-hand Deflection

Gwoh Sau ~ Free Attack Sticking-hands Exercise

Hoi Sung ~ taking advantage of an opponent’s errors by following
their centre of mass whenever they withdraw

Huen Bo ~ Circle Step

Huen Sau ~ Rolling-wrist Deflection

Jam (Jum) Sau ~ Sinking-arm Deflection

Jat (Jut) Sau ~ Jerking/Dragging-hand Deflection

Jeet Sau ~ Arm Wrenching

Jing Jeung ~ Standing-palm/Vertical-palm Strike

Juen Ma ~ Pivoting/Turning Footwork



Jui Ying ~ Chasing Concept

Kwan Sau ~ Bong Sau and Taan Sau used in combination

Laap Sau ~ Deflecting-hands Exercise

Lan Sau ~ Barrier-arm Deflection

Lat Sau Jik Chung ~ the concept of constant forward springy
energy. For a full explanation, see ‘Loi Lau Hoi Sung, Lat Sau Jik
Chung’ section

Loi Lau ~ Engaging with the Enemy

Luk Dim Boon Gwan ~ (First Weapon Set Form) ~ Six-and-a-
half-point Long Pole Form, so called because the form only contains
six and a half techniques

Muk Yan Jong ~ (Fourth Form) ~ Wooden Dummy Form

Mun Sau ~ Inquisitive Hand or Arm

Naat Sau ~ Pressing down Deflection

Paak Sau ~ Slapping-hand Deflection

Paau Bong Sau ~ Out of Contact or Casting Bong Sau often
referred to as Emergency Bong Sau

Pei Jaang ~ Hacking Elbow

Saam Gok Bo ~ Advancing/Retreating Footwork

Saam Gok Ma ~ Advancing/Retreating Stance



Senk Sau ~ Scraping-hand Deflection

Seung Ma ~ Forward-attacking Footwork

Seung (Chi) Sau ~ Double Sticking-hands Exercise

Siu Nim Tau ~ (First Form) ~ Young Idea Form

Soh (Gum) Sau ~ Pressing-palm Deflection

Taan Sau ~ Spreading-hand Deflection

Tui Ma ~ Defensive (Sidestepping) Footwork or Push Step

Waang Geuk ~ Horizontal (Side) Kick

Waang Jeung ~ Lying-palm/Horizontal-palm Strike

Wu Sau ~ Guarding-hand Deflection

Yat Ji Kuen ~ Sun Character (Basic Vertical) Punch. ‘Sun Character’
refers to the Chinese character for the word sun, made up of three
horizontal lines – very similar to the appearance of the fingers of
the fist face on

Yi Bong Sau ~ In Contact or Shifting Bong Sau

Yi Ji Kim Yeung Ma ~ Character Two Goat Gripping Stance, so
called because the legs form a shape that mimics the Chinese figure
two: you stand as if restraining an animal between your legs

Yi Ying Sau ~ Shape-recovering Hand


Siu Nim Tau Form

Opening of Siu Nim Tau
001 002 003 004 005

006 007 008 009

Huen Sau Stretch and Rear Elbow
010 011 012 013 014

015 016 017 018

019 020



Section One
021 022 023 024 025

026 027 028 029 030

031 032 033 034 035

Repeat 029-034 two more times
036 037 038 039 040

041 042

Repeat 021-042 on the other side



Section Two
043 044 045 046 047
048 049 050 051 052
053 054 055 056 057

058 059



Section Three
060 061 062 063 064

After 062 Huen Sau stretch, rear elbow and repeat on other side
065 066 067 068 069

070 071 072 073 074

After 070 Huen Sau stretch, rear elbow and repeat on other side
075 076 077 078 079

After 077 Huen Sau stretch, rear elbow and repeat on other side

080 081 082 083 084

After 080 Huen Sau stretch, rear elbow and repeat on other side



085 086 087 088 089
After 089 Huen Sau stretch, rear elbow and finish


Contact the Wing Chun


The Wing Chun Federation was founded by Alan Gibson in
1990. The Federation’s objective is to teach quality kung fu in
a relaxed and accessible manner, where emphasis is placed on good
technique and personal development. Wing Chun can be learnt
simply by commitment and patience. A high level of proficiency can
be obtained quickly and with relative ease.

Alan Gibson supplies an excellent range of DVDs, books and
learning resources. He also runs regular seminars, where the
student will learn the essentials of the Wing Chun system, as well
as how to avoid dangerous or uncomfortable confrontations where

To contact the Wing Chun Federation about lessons and

Alan Gibson
+44 (0)23 8057 2084

For more books and DVDs by Alan Gibson, visit

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