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In 2006,inspired by the destruction Ieftin the w ake ofH urricane Katrina!Larry Sass,archi-
tect professorand M aker developed a design fora dlgitally fabricated house thatcan be
builtrelatively quickly w ith a m inlm alam ountoftools by builders w illIlttle orno construction
experience. These sturdy,readydo-lnhabitstructures can be used to quickly rehouse
victim s displaced by hurricanes orotherdisasters. W hen itcam e tim e to prototype and
constructhis houses,Larry turned to ShopBot.
The project!calledsiyouriiouse:Digitally Fabricated HousingforNew Orleansl''deslgned by
Larry and builtentirely ofS hopBot-cutparts,w as selected to becom e partofthe exhiblt
ul-lom e Delivery:Fabricating the M odern Dw elling,''currently on display atNew York's
M useum ofM odern A rt. The exhibltexam ines the role offactory-produced architecture,
focusing equally on production and design techniques and show casing each end result.
W ith a S hopBot Larry Sass m akes functionalw orks ofart.W hatw illyou m ake?
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T he ic o nveyo r
- .. ... . Use m icrochipped w ooden tiles
. k.. to Iaunch yo urfavorite w ebsites
' and applications
, By John EdgarPark
z; volurru1E
8 solder by num bersTM
D o yo u rem em ber pa int by n um b ers?
Ifyo u co uld paint,yo u co u ld m ake a g reat p icture.
SoIder By Num bers'%'is the sam e
concept butfo relectronics.
' //'y W ith no p revio us experience
k '. you w iII sim uItaneousIy buiId
eIectronic circuits and a circuit
of new w o rIdw ide friends.
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So lderbynum bers.com is the *------ ----..*
first sociaI netw orkin(j site for
eIectro nics enthusiasts. It w iII œ- eœ
()reatIy enhance the experience <.-- - - - - ...
ofeveryonefrom the electronics *-*-'*-''- - - - -*
nOViCe to thP Sea5ONed PrO. <- -œ
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Sign up foryourfree accounttodayl
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W hen English soccerstarD avid B eckham bends the
ball,the internationalsports w o rld w atches in aw e.W hen
A m erican m usician T im Kaiserbends a circuit,the audi-
encelistensjustasintently,be itin anartorperform ance
space,ora bar,bookstore,orlibrary.
MAKE Volum e12(page.14)introducedreaders issueforthasdistcd edorm odulatedsam ples
toTim Kaiser buteven peoplewho'veneveç from oneofKaiser'sAtom icSonicFx Boxesinthe
heard ofhim have probably hearcihissounds. hands ofotherartists.
These m ayem anatefrom theinstrum ents Arnong thoseem itting Kalsersoundsare
Kalserhim selfcreatesandplays.suchas DuranDuran andfilm scoreproducerBT (Brian
BungeeDrumsm adefrom concretepostform s Transeau) whorecentlyfeaturedsom eof
ortheNew M etalViolinm ade outofthebattery Kaiser'sinstrum entsin hisrecording Fh/s
com partm entofam lnesweepecOrthey m ay Bknaty Urlpverse.
32 volurr.e1E
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