The Digital Get prepared for Google &
Marketscape P3 Facebook certifications
20 lakh jobs + Average salary Case Studies P13
of Rs.3 lakhs annually* The proof of the digital pie
Plan your
career with us P12
India’s most trusted education brand
for over 36 years
*As per industry standard Course Plan P10 your life
How this programme can transform
Living the digital life YOUR QUICK
Welcome to the
industry of tomorrow
The industry speaks
Manan Shah
Director Marketing,Truecaller
The digital marketscape
Your future playfield
Job opportunities / Roles / Salaries
The carriers of fortune
NIIT - the digital gateway
NIIT’s strong foundation for you
Foundation, NIIT edge,
Programme objectives,
Programme structures
P6 -11
India’s most trusted education brand
Case studies
Domino’s via Alexa
Roads that honk
Paper Boat sails to success
*The Course/Programme offered by NIIT is subject to its Student Academic Policy, refer to
the link
Living the
Digital Life
Today’s life revolves around the content app like Netflix. And book your
movie online on BookMyShow.
Internet. Digital is bigger than physical. Post demonetisation, even payments
Our day starts not with the newspaper have become digital, with most of the
but catching news snippets on apps like modern urban and semi-urban
InShorts or Buzzfeed. From booking a consumers preferring to pay through
cab to college, to buying that latest their mobile app. All in all, digital has
fashion online, to asking Google for all become not just a convenience, but a
our answers, we have come to depend necessity to survive.
on Mr. WWW for everything.
Missed yesterday’s IPL match? Catch it
on HotStar. Binge watch the latest
international television series on a
TH‘EDIFGUITNHTAUOEIILTTRRW’’IEESSS.’.. Welcome to a world that will
There is an urgent need for real talent in our industry not be there tomorrow.
when it comes to marketing for this digital generation. It will have changed by the
Today, in the age of connected lives and landscapes, time you say ‘digital’. It will
the rules have changed, and demand a different level of have upgraded to the next
skill sets to understand, gauge and even predict version. It will have updated its
trends of tomorrow’s consumers, while having the software. Transformed itself to
basic fundamentals in place. Only those with these the next big tech revolution.
skill sets will flourish.
The digital world today is not a
Manan Shah dream. It is a reality staring us
Director - Marketing, Truecaller in the face, with limitless
possibilities and countless
2 avenues of success. It is
dynamic. Forever
transforming, adapting and
throwing up new surprises. As
terabytes of data get
consumed every nanosecond,
the mathematics of it all is
The stupendous progress has
its own demands and
challenges. How to identify
your consumer with a pinpoint
accuracy, how to talk to them
amidst a cacophony of voices,
and how to get heard.
Strategy at the speed of
thought is the mantra of
success. And high-speed
professionals are the need of
the hour.
In this ever-changing
marketscape, it is important to
arm yourself with the right
career tools. The Advanced &
Postgraduate Programmes
in Digital Marketing and
Branding at NIIT are just the
ammunition you need. They
will equip you with the ability
to think on your feet, shoot
from the hip and hit your
target like a bolt of digital
lightning, the same speed at
which the world is moving.
So, move with it.
Groove with it.
And learn how to make
yourself a name in this
ever-changing stratosphere
of digital innovation.
The Digital 20 lakh jobs in
India by 2020
Average salaries of
Rs. 3 lakhs annually*
Digital media spends
up from 15% to 24%**
India is one of the fastest growing digital And digital media spends will increase
exponentially from 15% of the total advertising
markets globally and the scope for Digital turnover to 24% by the same time.
Marketeers will only get bigger and better in It is a world that is beckoning to young
marketing minds, to come and crack open its
the years to come. It is expected that the potential goldmine. With average salaries
ranging anywhere in the region of Rs 3 lakhs
Digital Industry will produce more than 20 annually*, it’s a huge opportunity waiting to be
lakh jobs in India by 2020. With the industry logged into.
projected to grow at 32% CAGR (compound
annual growth rate), the net volume of the
business is slated to rise to Rs 18,986 crores
by the next decade.
Total Population 133.5 Crores Indians spend 28 hrs
Internet Users 46.2 Crores on mobile vs 4 hrs
on TV per week#
Active Social Media Users 19.1 Crores Highest number on
Active Mobile Social Users 16.7 Crores
India is the 5th
laorgf emsot busileerabpapsse#
#Social and Hootsuite report
*As per industry standard DIGITAL MARKETEER 3
**Economic Times
Careers Display Media
The carriers of fortune
We follow you wherever
Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing you go on the Internet. Be
it those awesome high
SEO Executive heels or that swanky bag
that you have been
Searching for that nearby drooling over, we ensure
restaurant, local carpenter, that you see them again
the new bike reviews, etc. and again, so that you end
on a browser gives out the up purchasing your dreams.
desired results because we
work hard to make web Paid Media
easier and search friendly. Executive
Keywords are the main
source to our world of CPE, CPM, CTAs are the
success. jargon we thrive on. Excel
sheets, correct calculations
Client Servicing and understanding the
Executive right TG to be targeted are
the most important sauces
Human relations are the most for our success.
complicated thing yet, we
make them simple. Discuss- ORM Executive
ing relevant issues with the
clients and making work easy We are the people behind
for the various teams back in the scenes of every
our o ce is our key work. conversation that a user
Simpli cation of work and has with any brand.
ensuring the timely delivery Providing quick resolutions
are the work that we enjoy. and escalating issues that
need urgent attention are
Copywriter Social Media what we do with a magic
Executive wand. So, the next time
Languages simpli ed for you complain or express
better comprehension, For us, ‘Content is King’. gratitude, know that we are
correct grammar and Ensuring that content goes the ones who respond.
punctuations, we are the viral, we live and breathe the
Grammar Nazis in action. Facebooks and YouTubes of
We ensure that you engage the world. We ensure that
with the best of content. you see the best of content
as soon as you wake up for
the day. ‘Ninja’ is the perfect
name coined for us, as we
deal with so many platforms
and algorithms, to engage
with you.
the digital gateway
NIIT offers programmes, The programmes will provide you with
the edX The University of Edinburgh
especially designed for young guns. certification and prepare you for the
Focused on intensive learning that edX IIM Bangalore, edX The
lays a strong foundation, they are not University of British Columbia,
just about the nuts & bolts, but also Facebook and Google certifications
about comprehensive skills required that ensure credibility and give you a
for a career in Digital Marketing. foothold in the digital industry.
They lay the foundation for the Furthermore, as a NIIT alumni, you
business of digital. They also offer get a direct access to the movers and
Learning on Demand and ample shakers of the industry, and your
flexibility, where you can choose your network base increases manifold. So,
time schedule. Whether you want to welcome to the gateway of
learn along with college or pursue the possibilities at NIIT!
programmes over the summer break
or even on weekends we leave it up
to you.
The programmes also focus on
interpersonal and soft skills, which are
important in today’s impressionable
world, and hands-on practice with
mentors available on demand.
Advanced Programme in Digital Marketing and Branding for Undergraduates
Postgraduate Programme in Digital Marketing and Branding for Graduates
NIIT Digital Marketing
Let your career
growth go viral.
Digital Marketeers today need to know it all. The challenge is
to consistently stay ahead of the curve for which you need to
learn much more than just the basics. You need a programme
that sets a high standard of knowledge and strong base for a
budding marketing career.
At NIIT, we make sure that our efforts are continuous and our
experts, always pushing you to cut through the competition,
prepare you for not just landing that dream job but also arm
you with the latest skills and expertise to hold on to it for a
sharp, upward career graph.
NIIT edge >
STRONG FOUNDATION The bigger picture highlighting the role of digital
INTENSIVE LEARNING marketing in establishing a brand.
GLOBAL CERTIFICATIONS The perfect combination of training hours,
expert faculty and thought-out learning material.
PLACEMENT The global certifications that make sure you cut
through the competition with an edge.
The boosting assurance of interviews with
top-of-the-line companies.
NIIT edge >
STRONG From the first impression to INTENSIVE
FOUNDATION the last, the valuable insights LEARNING
from this programme
The faculty at NIIT makes it regarding interviews, making A good 281 hours of
simpler for you to understand presentations, etc., will give classroom training and 140
the concepts of digital you a positive head-start into hours of guided practice in this
marketing at the fundamental the organisation. programme will ensure that
level. Once you’re through with you sweat it out, helping you
the basics, they start building a From the first impression crack digital marketing as an
perspective through which you to the last, the valuable entrant.
comprehend the impact of The Guided Practice is
digital media on the marketing insights from this introduced between Term 1
strategy of a brand. This way, programme regarding and 2, and between Term 2
you enter the industry, well and 3, with a mandate to
prepared to target higher-level interviews, making complete 70 hours of Guided
jobs from the very beginning, presentations, etc., will give Practice in each Term. It is
because you understand the self-paced and is presented in
tools & techniques faster than you a positive lead-in into the form of e-learnings.
anyone in your competition. the organisation.
The specially designed
The programme provides Our faculty cultivates the habit Guidance Cell allows students
you a solid foundation and of problem solving from the very to reach out whenever they
perspective that helps you first day, as it is one of the most need help with questions or
understand the What, Why important virtues of digital need to clarify their learnings
marketing. In short, students on a regular basis.
and How of Marketing. taking this programme will
receive a warm welcome by the
digital fraternity.
The Digital Marketing Marketing & Growth functions TERM 1GUIDED70PRHAOCUTRICSE
programme at NIIT provides are merging in digital-first TERM 3
expertise in SEO, SEM, Social companies. Organisations are TERM 2
Media Marketing, Email therefore, looking for talented
Marketing, Content Planning, individuals that have a good G70UIHDEODURPSRACTICE
Digital Analytics, Mobile understanding of marketing-first
Marketing, Inbound Marketing, principles, technology, analytics
CRM and a host of other and creativity. A digital
specialised areas. A better marketing programme from NIIT
understanding of these tools will help individuals jump-start
gives you an edge over others, their career and equip
helping you emerge as a leader themselves for the ever-evolving
in this field. Along with the tools, digital landscape.
you learn how to design a
research plan, analyse data and Daman Soni
interpret survey reports which Head - Growth & Marketing,
will help you zero down on Mobikwik
practical solutions for
businesses in need.
Career Path
Entry-level position Mid-level position Highest-level position
Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Chief Marketing
Executive Specialist/Expert Team Lead Manager Strategist Officer (CMO)
8 (0-2 years) (2-4 years) (4-7 years) (7-10 years) (10-13 years) (15 years)
GLOBAL PLACEMENT* This way, every year we happily
CERTIFICATIONS serve as a launch pad for
What better assurance can a effectively trained minds to start
The difference between any programme give you than a fair a career in Digital Marketing
other certification and an NIIT chance of interviews with top with a bang!
certification will become clearer companies? In fact, your proud
to you once you step into the association with an NIIT NIIT has placed more than a
field. After the successful programme will give you a fair million students over the
completion of the programme, chance to get placed in the top years with some of the top
NIIT gives you the opportunity companies, thanks to our global organisations.
to get the edX THE Placement Assistance
UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH Programme. Term 3 in every
certification. What’s more, we track will include placement
prepare you for the edX IIM grooming / preparatory module.
GOOGLE certifications.
*Past record is no guarantee of future job prospects
Advanced Programmes for Class 12th pass outs. Postgraduate Programmes for graduates.
Programme objectives
Learn advanced social Master the process Create viral Manage backlash,
media tools and of organically mobile marketing issues or complaints
techniques to execute driving traffic to campaigns online and build
compelling social website / webpage positive perceptions
media campaigns
of brands
Run email Use analytical tools Acquire skills to How to build and
marketing to analyse data from conduct market execute an integrated
campaigns for your research to understand
businesses and digital platforms what customers think digital marketing
brands and want
Foundation Programme in Digital Marketing & Branding Term 1
Module Name Objectives Term 1
72 Hours
Overview of Marketing, Learn about the fundamentals
Digital Marketing and of marketing and digital media Benefits to students
Students will be able to expand their
skill set by learning how, what and
why of marketing and its importance
Website Fundamentals Learn about the use of website layout Students explore the prevailing tools
and Tools and design, content management and standards used in the field of
Social Media Marketing system & webmaster tools digital marketing
Content Planning & Promotions Learn the use of social media tools Students will create and evaluate
Email Marketing and platforms to design, manage and a comprehensive social marketing
optimise social media campaigns to strategy
promote growth and position your
brand in the global digital Students will be able to develop
marketplace effective content that works for
marketing campaigns
Learn about how to plan content for
different marketing channels Students will develop an adaptive,
inbound approach to sending emails
Learn about important email that provide value and drive growth
marketing strategies such as for business
Deliverability Effective Email Content,
and Customer Acquisition Strategies
Professional Programme in Digital Marketing & Branding Term 1+2
Term 2
72 Hours
Module Name Objectives Benefits to students
Digital Analytics
Mobile Marketing Learn about Google Analytics, Students will be able to run various
Content Performance Analysis, analytics on marketing campaigns
10 Visitors Analysis, Social Media and draw insights from them for
Analytics taking action
Plan your marketing strategy Students will learn about the types
according to OS functions.Test, plan, of campaigns best suited to mobile
schedule and measure the success devices and how to create them and
of a mobile strategy. Apply good also the different aspects of
practices to enhance mobile UX engagement on mobile devices, the
performance value of responsive design and
engagement practices leveraging
video and interactivity
Search Engine Optimisation Gain an understanding of search Students will learn the theory behind
engine algorithms and how they Google Search and other search
affect organic search results and engine algorithms; learn the key
websites, optimisation of website elements for creating an effective
content for the best possible search SEO strategy, including how to select
engine ranking keywords and perform keyword
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Understanding Google Search Rule
Inbound Marketing based personalisation of marketing Students will be able to run paid
at Internet scale overview of Google advertising campaigns on search
Adwords, Microsoft AdCenter and engines
Yahoo Search Marketing
Students will be able to analyse how
Learn how to attract potential effective a marketing campaign is and
customers into the conversion draw more customers
funnel, convert prospects to leads
using emails, convert traffic to leads
and nurture leads using emails
Advanced Programme in Digital Marketing & Branding Term 1+2+3
Term 3
137 Hours
Module Name Objectives Benefits to students
Business Perspective on
Marketing Customer value, satisfaction and Students will be able to drive value
relationships, customers’ buying for the business digitally
Market Research – Primary and behaviour, digital value for
Secondary customers, employees, channel Students will learn various types of
partners and wider stakeholders data collection techniques during
Online Reputation Management the marketing research process and
Learn how to design a research plan, how to evaluate and assess it and
Managing Digital Initiatives analyse the data gathered and how to create an effective survey
accurately interpret and
Customer Relationship communicate survey reports, Students will be able to shape
Management translating the results into practical positive perceptions of brands
E-commerce Optimisation recommendations, focus on the online and on social media such as
Client Management consumer decision-making process, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and
Professional Skills Training highlighting the key moments from other social media platforms in
identifying a need to buy and today’s world
consume a product
Students will be able to champion
Learn how to build a robust and the digital strategy for businesses
sustainable online reputation, the and brands
positives of building a strong
participatory culture, how to manage Students will be able to increase
social media issues based on e-commerce conversion rate for
real-life examples, how to manage a different businesses and brands
crisis and respond appropriately
across multiple platforms Students will be able to increase
e-commerce conversion rate for
Learn how to develop an effective different businesses and brands
digital strategy while getting a
hands-on understanding of tools and Students will be able to effectively
frameworks used for digital strategy interface with digital marketing
clients to ensure their success
Learn about market place listing and
managing consumer experience with Students will be able to develop an
the listings aptitude and a personality which will
help them in getting a job and
Learn about market place listing and starting a successful career in the
managing consumer experience with field of digital marketing
the listings
Learn leadership skills to manage
complex digital marketing client
Learn tools and skills that provide
valuable insights needed at all levels
in an organisation and help create a
positive first impression, crack
interviews, give effective
presentation and thus become a role
model at work
Plan your career with us
India’s most trusted education
brand for over 36 years.
We are the global leaders in skill and talent development. We offer multi-disciplinary
learning management and training delivery solutions to corporations, institutions and
individuals in over 40 countries.
A world-leading, technology-driven, skill development organisation. And the first choice of
smart students and professionals. At NIIT, we believe that our actions speak louder than
our words.
Present in over 40 countries Associations
IIM Lucknow, KPMG,
35 Million Learners Past Recruiters
IBM, Accenture, Sapient,
Microsoft, HCL, ICICI Bank,
Yes Bank, Axis Bank,
Kotak Bank & more
NIIT University, a not-for-profit institution established by the State Legislative of Rajasthan, inherits more than
three decades of its rich experience, know-how and global reputation of the NIIT group.
NIIT University is equipped with state-of-the-art, technology-based teaching and a strong research-focused
curriculum. The strong reputation for trust, innovation and technology that has been created by NIIT Limited
provides a powerful platform for NIIT University.
Case Paper Boat Sails
Studies to Success
Domino’s Paper Boat is a brand of traditional
via Alexa Indian juices and drinks by Hector
Beverages. This young and vibrant
Domino’s became the first HP Lubricants brand has made an emotional
company in the quick-serve Roads connect with consumers in a short
restaurant industry to support that Honk span of time.
ordering by way of Amazon
Echo’s digital assistant, Alexa. The challenge The challenge
The challenge NH1 in North India, along the In the new era of marketing,
Jammu-Srinagar Highway, is Paper Boat needed not only to
User behaviours are changing in notorious for hairpin bends that create brand awareness but also an
the digital sphere, more and make it one of the most emotional connect with its target
more people are using voice dangerous highways in the world. audience.
commands to carry out tasks Leo Burnett India in collaboration
they once would have tapped with HP Lubricants decided to do The solution
through steps on an app for. The something about this.
use of digital assistants such as Paper Boat’s marketing strategy
Alexa, now makes it easy for The solution moves around nostalgia and
people to do a range of activities. simplicity in its storytelling campaign.
Paper Boat beautifully utilized social
The solution The #RoadsThatHonk initiative media for sharing stories with its fan
installs SmartLife poles that use following. The platforms Facebook,
In order to stay on top of trends radar technology across Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
and allow users to order a pizza dangerous bends, alerting mainly use content to interact with
in a convenient way, Domino’s speeding drivers to avoid the customers. Every activity from
upgraded its ordering platform to collisions. The poles are installed flying kites to running behind
allow customers to order via at key intersections and use an rickshaws, to playing indoor games
Amazon Echo’s digital assistant advanced networked device to helped in making Paper Boat a point
Alexa. combine wireless technology, of conversation.
Customers were asked to create radar systems and an
user profiles through Domino’s anti-collision warning system, all The results
website, create an easy order powered by solar PV modules.
and enable the Domino’s skill So whenever a truck crosses a The motto to ‘touch the lives of
through Amazon’s Alexa app so pole, it honks, warning drivers people with emotions’ became a
that they can have a pizza that are coming from the other huge success through the video
ordered by saying “Alexa, open side of the bend! posted on YouTube, which received
Domino’s and place my Easy 40+ thousand views in just 5
Order.” In the future, perhaps you The results months. The company is already
would be able to tell Alexa to planning to launch more variants, at
simply “order pizza” and Alexa Apart from winning a lot of least 25 in total. The brand is
would be smart enough to awards internationally, this available on more than 20,000 retail
connect the request! initiative also managed to save outlets having tie-ups with coffee
hundreds of lives, with the chains like Barista, airlines such as
The results accident rate along the Indigo and Jet Airways and hotels
highway going down by almost such as Westin and Trident.
It’s early stages for the 20% in two months.
technology but as sales Inception
increase for Amazon Echo, campaignindia
we expect this trend to DIGITAL MARKETEER 13
become the norm.
“There is an urgent need for real talent in our
industry when it comes to marketing for this digital
generation...those with these skill sets will flourish.”
Manan Shah
Director - Marketing, Truecaller
“Marketing & Growth functions are merging in digital first
companies...a good understanding of marketing first
principles, technology, analytics and creativity.
An Advanced Digital Marketing programme from
NIIT...for the ever-evolving digital landscape.”
Daman Soni
Head - Growth & Marketing, Mobikwik
“As a Digital Marketeer I have worked for many companies,
institutions and students in the last decade. What I felt was
that there is a need of a course which can build the
understanding of Digital Marketing strategy and its
implementation. I thank NIIT for tying up with Adobe to bring
a good learning experience. I am satisfied with the learning
and would certainly recommend the programme to all.”
Alumni NIIT- Omkar Nath Nandi
CEO, Extensive Online
Visiting Faculty: IITs & Army College of Management
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