กจิ กรรม
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ชน้ั ปฐมวยั ปี ที่ ๒
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กจิ กรรมเคลอื่ นไหว
จุดประสงคก์ ารเรียนรู้
1. สามารถเคล่ือนไหวชา้ สลบั เร็ว
2.ส่งเสริมพฒั นาการทางดา้ นร่างกาย อารมณ์ สงั คมและ
3. สามารถเปล่ียนทิศทางหรือท่าทางของการเคล่ือนไหว
ลาดบั ข้นั หรือการเปล่ียนแปลงข้นั ตอนของการเคลื่อนไหว
อยา่ งหน่ึงไปสู่การ เคล่ือนไหวอีกอยา่ งหน่ึง
อปุ กรณ์
1.ขวดเปล่า 3-5 ใบ
2.รองเทา้ มว้ นทิชชู่ หรืออ่ืนๆ
สแี ดง – เป็นสญั ญาณให้รถหยุด
สีเหลือง – เป็นสญั ญาณแจ้งเตอื น
ใหร้ ถชะลอความเร็วเพื่อเตรยี มหยุด
สีเขียว เปน็ สญั ญาณทปี่ ล่อยใหร้ ถวิ่ง
สายฟา้ เปรี้ยง ใหก้ ระโดด
ใหเ้ ด็กฝึ กเคลอื่ นไหวรา่ งกายใน
ยามวา่ งนะครบั
Communication skills
Mercury 60%
Venus 80%
Experience 02
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the topic of the section
Here you could describe 03
the topic of the section
Here you could describe
the topic of the section Interests
Here you could describe
the topic of the section
You can enter a subtitle
here if you need it
2001 2005 2019
Venus is the Jupiter is the Neptune is the
second planet biggest planet farthest planet
from the Sun from the Sun
of them all
40.3% 10.2%
Adjust Attend
Venus has a Mars is a very
beautiful name cold place
18.2% 31.3%
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Neptune is the Jupiter is the
farthest planet biggest planet
To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here
My functions at work
Mercury Neptune Jupiter
Mercury is the closest Neptune is the farthest Mars is a cold place
It is also the smallest It is the fourth-largest It is full of iron oxide dust
It’s named after a god
It is blue! It’s named after a god
Job Position 1 Job Position 2
Mercury is the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful name
the Sun and the smallest one in and is the second planet from
the Solar System—it’s only a bit the Sun. It’s terribly hot—even
larger than the Moon hotter than Mercury
Saturn Jupiter Neptune
Saturn is the Jupiter is the Neptune is the
ringed one. It is a biggest planet in farthest planet
the Solar System from the Sun
gas giant
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
A picture is worth
thousand words
A picture always
the concept
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an
image instead of a long text
This is a graph
Mars Venus
Mars is a very Venus has a
cold place beautiful name
Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter is the Mercury is the
biggest planet smallest one
To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the
new graph here, replacing this one
Technical skills
Mars Jupiter Saturn
It’s a cold place. It’s the biggest Yes, this is the
It’s full of iron planet in the ringed one. It’s a
oxide dust Solar System gas giant
Neptune Venus Mercury
Neptune is the Venus is the It’s the smallest
farthest planet second planet planet in the
from the Sun from the Sun Solar System
Computer skills
Word Power Point
Venus is the second It’s the biggest
planet from the Sun planet in the Solar
Google Slides Excel
Despite being red, Saturn is the ringed
Mars is a cold place one. It is a gas giant
Slide Title
Do you know what helps you make your point
clear? Lists like this one:
● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the audience won’t
miss the point of your presentation
Volunteer work
Neptune Jupiter
Neptune is the It’s the biggest
farthest planet planet of all
Mars Mercury
Mars is actually Mercury is the
a cold place smallest planet
Skills Jupiter
Neptune Jupiter is the
biggest planet
Neptune is the
farthest planet Mercury
Saturn Mercury is the
smallest planet
Saturn is the
ringed one
Venus Mercury
Venus has a beautiful Mercury is the closest
name and is the planet to the Sun and
the smallest one in the
second planet from
the Sun. It’s terribly Solar System
Desktop software
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and
center it properly
Mercury, Milky Way
[email protected]
xxx - xxx - xxx
Do you have any questions?
[email protected]
+91 620 421 838
CREDITS: This presentation template was
created by Slidesgo, including icons by
Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
Please keep this slide for attribution