ART Curriculum 5 Year Plan:- Overall intent: To provide access to a rich world of possibilities to be an independent and successful professional designer, artist or craftsperson.
Implementation: An engaging and challenging curriculum that builds and stretches knowledge and relates that knowledge directly to problem solving and independence.
Ultimately, the purpose of modelling is to help novice pupils become more capable of learning independently and thinking metacognitively. Over time, such thinking becomes
habitual –acting as an ‘Internal scaffolding’ that will support future learning.
Introductory skills. Subtractive drawing (eye) COLOUR theory & Describe & Analyse artwork Gridded drawing Impressionism Fauvism (In response
Enable pupils’ to develop an Structured observational mixing colours, –Loui Jover painting (In response to art history
understanding of the language portrait Drawing Tint & shades Describe & Analysing to art history research) research)
of art through the systematic (Cognitive & Personal response. artwork – Chuck Close Describe & Analysing Describe & Analysing
7 KS3 introduction of the visual Metacognitive strategies – Mono-printing PATTERN, LINE, SHAPE and artwork – Vincent Van artwork – Henri
elements (Granular skills) - (line, modelling & scaffolding) Mark-making COLOUR Gogh LINE, TEXTURE Matisse
texture, shape, colour, tone, TONE, (LINE,TEXTURE) and COLOUR COLOUR, PATTERN &
pattern) through portraiture. TEXTURE,SHAPE,LINE Water-colour techniques Promote ad develop Create an SHAPE
Study the techniques and Alignment (Colour) (applying their prior metacognitive talk Impressionism self Create a Fauvism Self
processes artists use in order to Proportion learning to a personal (understanding art language) portrait Portrait
apply this knowledge to their Scale response) (apply skills and (apply skills and
own work knowledge learnt) knowledge learnt)
The Everyday
Advanced Skills Mood-board/mind-map Describe & Analysing Japanese notan PATTERN Describe & Analysing Describe & Analysing 3D –Coiled pottery
Continue to develop an Drawing activities TONE, artwork understating positive and Michael Craig-Martin artwork FORM, TEXTURE
understanding of the language SHAPE, FORM, LINE Ruth Allen & Lucienne negative SPACE Grayson Perry & Self/peer review &
of art through the visual observational drawing Day COLOUR theory Greek pottery Evaluation
elements (line, texture, shape, Ellipses) Positive and negative Designing for 3D
form, colour, tone, pattern, Experimental drawings Developing LINE drawing drawing of still life objects Personal response. illustrated pot in clay
space ) through everyday Contour drawings LINE in to wire sculptures
8 KS3 objects (Cognitive & (3D) Metacognitive strategies –
Develop creative and technical Metacognitive strategies – (Setting appropriate plan, monitor and evaluate
skills so that ideas can be modelling & scaffolding) challenge) learning
investigated and artefacts
Human World
9 KS3 & GCSE transition Foundation Skills Describe & Analyse Jim Develop painting skills Extended writing Describe & 1& 2 point perspective Refine and develop an Present a personal
Investigate the deeper Dine (tone) Colour theory Analysing the work of David Architecture (Environment idea towards a final and
meanings behind artists work in Exploring various drawing Hancock (deeper thinking – & appreciation) outcome based on meaningful response
order to gain new insights about and printmaking Annotating own work – digital age/mental health) chosen artists and that realises
their practice. techniques around the art language Choose an artist of your processes & intentions
Students respond in a personal theme of tools Promote ad develop Develop own idea that choice. Study the techniques techniques learnt
and unique way to the (Cognitive & metacognitive talk portrays a narrative. and processes they use in
manufactured environment. Metacognitive strategies – (understanding art Students to demonstrate order to apply to your own
modelling & scaffolding) language) more expressive/personal work
work (apply skills and knowledge
Art History (extended writing assessments)
Students in KS3 study Art History (12 art movements will be taught over the three years and will be presented in chronological order) Students will learn about a range of key
art movements through research, analysis and practical responses. This work is completed in small A5 sketchbook, separate to their class sketchbook and will support our
whole school extended writing initiative.
Applying practitioner skills Creative Typography Create personal work in Analysing Joe Tilson’s work Compare/contrast Cubism & Develop and explore Present a personal
Students apply familiar response of typography (Pop art and Symbolism) modern day artist SAMUEL own ideas/response and
processes & techniques to new Research (from given list) RODRIGUEZ to Identity meaningful response
11 AQA FINE ART GCSE 10 AQA FINE ART GCSE situations so that they develop a Typography artist to artist studied and the Create a personal response Choose an artist of that realises
new insights study. given theme to Tilson’s work Create personal response your choice. Study the intentions
Learn to identify own techniques and
Develop students’ capacity for How to take a successful Research & analyse Develop and refine work strengths and weaknesses processes they use in (Explicitly teach
imagination and original and effective portrait Symbolism taking inspiration from when making art and how to order to apply to your students how to
thought and experimentation photograph develop them to further own own work organise and
Students respond in a personal Create a personal others study. effectively manage
and unique way to the theme symbolic portrait (choice Refine and develop an their learning
‘Identity’ of mono/dry printing or (self-regulated learning- idea towards a final independently)
gridded/free hand becoming aware of strengths outcome based on
& limitations) chosen artists and
drawing processes &
Develop and refine work techniques learnt
taking inspiration from
Mock & External Exam
Applying practitioner skills Refine and develop an Present a personal and Devise a portfolio of work, Refine and develop an idea Present a personal &
Produce increasingly skilful work idea towards a final meaningful response independently, based on towards a final outcome meaningful response
independently for a variety of outcome based on chosen that realises intentions chosen theme (set by AQA) based on chosen artists and that realises
purposes and intentions, artists and processes & processes & techniques intentions
including expressing own techniques learnt (Preparatory work for exam learnt (External exam.
thoughts and ideas 75% of exam ) (Preparatory work for exam 25% of exam)
(self-regulated learning- The completion of AO1,2,3 75% of exam ) The completion of
Be able to present a portfolio of becoming aware of The completion of AO1,2,3 AO4
work strengths & limitations) (Explicitly teach students
how to organise and
effectively manage their
learning independently)