Religious Studies - 4-year Curriculum Map
Curriculum intent - The study of worldviews, customs and sacred texts; including how they affect the way people live and behave, to
develop the skills and knowledge for a global understanding of human behaviour today and in the future.
Year Half term 1 Half term 2 Half term 3 Half term 4 Half term 5 Half term 6
7 Religious beliefs The 5 Pillars of Old Testament
of the world Islam heroes
Me & My World Sacred Space Who is Jesus?
8 Prejudice & What does it History of Does God Heroes of the
Discrimination mean to be a Christianity exist? modern world
Islam in the UK
9 Key beliefs of War Key beliefs of Relationships Revision of Y9 Covenant
Judaism Christianity and formal
10 21st Century Jesus Christ Families Revision Revision and Course
conflict external GCSE complete