Autumn 1: Overcoming Challenge Autumn 2: Fear/Gothic Fiction Spring 1: William Shakespeare: Heroes and Villains Spring 2: The Environment Summer 1: Culture Summer 2: Aspiration
Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment point
Year 7 To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment:
300 Minutes writing task and class 300 minutes writing task A Shakespearean play: Trust writing task (The Big
Much Ado About Nothing How does Shakespeare use language to Non-Fiction resources related to the theme. 300 Minutes writing task Revisit 300 minutes
novel present the character of… as a This includes speeches, newspaper articles Write) Class Novel assessment
Frankenstein (play ) Compare the portrayal of two fearful and letters Writing to Argue Poetry from other cultures Unseen poetry response to one of the
The Hunchback of Notre Dame characters in Gothic Literature. poems studied
Autumn 1: Justice and Fairness Autumn 2: Power Spring 1: Danger Spring 2: Natural World Summer 1: Viewpoints and Perspectives Summer Two: Mystery
Skills to be taught:
Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment point
To be taught: Assessment:
Year 8 To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment:
Bugs scheme
Holes and range of non-fiction How can we tell Camp Dystopian fiction – extracts and non- Dystopian descriptive Poetry anthology; Settings and Seasons Comparing two poems How does Chris Packham Detectives, Lies and Spies Revisit 300 minutes
re: crime and punishment Green Lake is a place of Character study- How does Shakespeare present * as fiction texts writing based on an image on the theme of nature create a convincing Class Novel assessment
Shakespeare: Macbeth and historical powerful figures powerful? argument about the
injustice and
treatment of animals on
‘I’m a Celebrity’?
Autumn 1: Companionship Autumn 2: Conflict Spring 1: Mental Health and Wellbeing Spring 2: Voyages Summer 1: GCSE Transition Summer 2: GCSE Transition
Skills to be taught:
Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point:
Year 9 To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment:
Of Mice and Men A range of war and conflict poetry Non-fiction articles and argument pieces Lord of the Flies An Inspector Calls Romeo and Juliet
How does Steinbeck How does the writer present the Non-Fiction: Writing to Non-Fiction Travel Writing Writing to Describe: Desert How does Priestley present How does Shakespeare
structure the novel to theme of conflict in....? Argue Island Inspector Goole as a present the theme of
interest the reader? powerful figure?
Year 10 Language Autumn 1: Analysing Language (Paper 2) Autumn 2: Creative Writing Spring 1: Comparing Sources Spring 2: Mock Exam Preparation (Paper 2) Summer1 :Writing to Argue/Spoken Language Summer 2: Structural Devices (P1)
Skills to be taught:
Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point:
To be taught: Assessment:
To be taught: Assessment: Language/Structural methods used in short stories/descriptive To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment:
Language Analysis in Non-Fiction P2 Q3 (12 Marks) P1 Q5 (40 marks) Skills for comparing sources and methods P2 Q4(16arks) Recap reading and writing skills for P2 Mock exam Writing to Argue Structural devices P1 Q3 (8 marks)
Non-Fiction texts - speeches P2 Q5/Spoken Language Fiction Exracts
Year 10 Literature Autumn 1: A Christmas Carol Autumn 2 A Christmas Carol Spring 1: An Inspector Calls Spring 2: Power and Conflict/Unseen Poetry Summer 1: Romeo and Juliet Summer 2: Romeo and Juliet
Skills to be taught:
Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point:
To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment:
Context, Plot, Characters, Themes Context, Plot, Characters, Themes Context, Plot, Characters, Themes Subject, key themes, methods Mock Examination: Paper 2 Context, Plot, Characters, Themes Context, Plot, Characters, Themes
How does Dickens present How does Dickens present Scrooge Choice of two questions GCSE style question Choice of two questions
Scrooge as a fearful as a redeemed character? focused on the theme of focusing on the themes of focused on a specific
character? character
power love/marriage
Autumn 1: Evaluating Language (P1) Autumn 2: Creative Writing Spring 1: Comparing Sources Spring 2: Mock Exam Preparation (Paper 2)
Skills to be taught:
Year 11Language Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point:
To be taught: Assessment:
To be taught: Assessment: Language/Structural methods used in short stories/descriptive To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment:
Analysing and evaluating language P1 Q4 (20 marks) Mock Examination (P1) Skills for comparing sources and methods P2 Q2(8 marks) Recap reading and writing skills for P2 Mock exam
Year 11 Literature Autumn 1: A Christmas Carol Autumn 2: Paper One Revision Spring 1 Power and Conflict/An Inspector Calls Spring 2: Unseen Poetry/Comparison
Skills to be taught:
Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point: Skills to be taught: Assessment Point:
To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment: To be taught: Assessment:
Context, Plot, Characters, Themes Context, Plot, Characters, Themes for ACC and R&J Mock Examation (P1) Plot, character, poetic and dramatic Methods/Devices, P2 Q4 Comparison Mock Examnation (P2)
How does Dickens present AIC: Choice of two
the theme of love? questions/Power and
Conflict Comparison