Geography - 5-year Curriculum Map
Curriculum intent - The study of the environment, both human and natural; to develop the skills and knowledge for a global
understanding of the environment, and threats facing it, today and in the future
Year Half term 1 Half term 2 Half term 3 Half term 4 Half term 5 Half term 6
7 St Lucia UK Geography UK Geography Global Biomes Looking into Middle East
and Skills and Skills (Tropical Africa
rainforests, hot
deserts and polar)
8 Tectonic and Global Global UK Landscapes UK Landscapes Climate
climatic development development (Coasts, Rivers (Coasts, Rivers Change and
hazards and BRICS and BRICS and Glaciers) and Glaciers) Plastic
9 Living World Living World Living Urban Urban Urban fieldwork
Ecosystems Rainforests and World/Urban Challenges Challenges and start of
and rainforests hot deserts challenges Lagos London Tectonic
(Paper 1) (Paper 1) Hot deserts and (Paper 2) (Paper 2) hazards
urbanisation (Paper 2 and 1)
(Paper 1 and 2)
10 Tectonic and Climatic Climate Changing Changing Changing
climatic hazards Change economic economic economic
hazards (Paper 1) (Paper 1) world world world
(Paper 1) Development Nigeria UK
gap (Paper 2) (Paper 2)
(Paper 2)
11 Rivers including Coasts Resources Finish resources Revision
Rivers fieldwork (Paper 1) (Paper 2) and revision
(Paper 1 and 3)