YMLAEN Forward UNISON branch supports all members that work in the Community & Voluntary sector in Wales.
YMLAEN Branch wish you all A Merry Christmas, may the joys of the season
1 CathedrafilllRyooaudr ChaeradritffwCitFh11go9oSdBwill and cheer. May the chimes of Christmas glory, add up more shine
and spread smiles across the miles, To-day & In the New Year.
Tel: 02920 228 933 Email: [email protected]
It has taken time but it has arrived... The YMLAEN Smartphone App 1
YMLAEN UNISON Branch Smartphone App has Meet the Team 2
now been released... 3000 YMLAEN branch Branch Secretary’s Blog 2
members have been contacted... support at YMLAEN UNISON Community News 3
your fingertips... UNISON Wellbeing News 4
UNISON Black Members 5
Yum Yum YMLAEN Cookbook 6
UNISON Member Learning 7
YMLAEN Branch Information 8
Members working in the Community & Voluntary Sector in
Wales are supported by the UNISON Branch office in Cardiff.
This UNISON Branch covers the whole of Wales and has
approx 5000 members in around 500 organisations in the
not for profit sector, charities, housing associations and
voluntary services.
The branch provides advice and support for many
workplace issues including redundancy, TUPE transfer,
investigations, disciplinaries, sickness reviews, flexible
working and many others.
To aid contact with the branch in Cardiff the YMLAEN
Smartphone app has been created which is a new
communication tool and is now available for download from
the App Store and Google Play, search for YMLAEN and it
will allow you to download the app to your phone.
Available functions on the app include contact to the
branch, email the branch, access the YMLAEN Facebook
page & visit the Twitter feed. There are also various links to
all the sections within UNISON that have benefits for
members and the branch thinks this is a great way of
spreading the message that support is always on hand for
members working in the Community & Voluntary Sector.
YMLAEN UNISON Branch wishes all members working in the Community & Voluntary Sector...
Julie Morgan YMLAEN Branch Magazine
My name is Amber and I am the Young
Members’ Officer for YMLAEN branch. I have
been the officer since March and in this time I
have focused on learning about our union and
getting to know my first role in the union more.
I hope to meet some of the younger members
in our branch and work together on issues that
mean the most to us especially since 2019 is
the year of the young worker. I look forward to
the times ahead.
Branch Secretary’s Blog…
The branch continues to function at good pace, after the presentation of the awards in July YMLAEN
strives to promote and support all the issues that are presented to us on a daily basis. There are still
difficulties being experienced with the North Wales catchment area, not so much as providing support for
the members with issues in the area, but with the availability of the branch to address other members
problems in the south whilst staff are dealing and representing members in the north.
I am hopeful that YMLAEN will receive some respite in the not too distant future and when it does arrive
then it will be well received. This will also alleviate the financial commitment of the branch by staff not
having to drive long distances so often.
The time has come around again to start preparing for the busy conference season, there are a number of
conferences to be held between November and March and the branch will be aiming to send delegates to
all of them. All the conferences are important as there are issues within all sectors of UNISON, Black
members, LGBT, Women’s and Disabled members will have individual conferences where branch
members and officers will be taking part, and this culminates in the Community Conference in March 2019
which is being held in Southport again next year.
In March 2019 are the YMLAEN branch AGM meetings, the paperwork will be sent out to all members on
18th December and the AGM meetings begin from the 18th March 2019. Full details of times and venues
will be included. There will also be nomination forms for
branch officer posts in the paperwork. If you need UNISON help or information fast
and can’t contact your union rep or branch, or
Join us and let’s get out there and show what it don’t know who they are, UNISON direct can
means to be a member of YMLAEN Branch...
Philip Warlow Tel: 0800 0857 857
Branch Secretary Online: UNISON Direct Support
YMLAEN UNISON Community News YMLAEN Branch Magazine
UNISON Violence at Work Charter...
Steve Cox Chief Executive of Perthyn with UNISON are pleased to
Lynne Hackett & Philip Warlow of UNISON announce that Perthyn have
signed UNISON’s Third
Sector Violence at Work
Charter and made the
commitment to be vigilant
about protecting their staff
at work.
Perthyn becomes the 34th
Third Sector employer to
sign up for the UNISON End
Violence at Work Charter
showing their commitment
to take the safety of their
staff seriously.
Ending Violence at Work in the Third Sector If you experience violence at
work you should:
Violence at work in the community and housing association sectors is a
serious problem. It is consistently raised by UNISON members as one of Inform your line manager
their greatest concerns at work. immediately.
Recent surveys show that nearly half our members in the sector have If you are able to, make sure the
experienced an incident of violence or aggression at work in the previous organisation’s policies are
two years. These survey results have consistently shown a high level of followed in relation to safety
exposure to violence for staff working in the third sector. and violence.
If you require further support,
contact your UNISON rep or
your branch.
Call UNISON Direct free if you’re
not sure what branch you are in:
0800 0 857 857.
Have your UNISON membership
number handy if possible.
Read more about the Violence at Work Charter by visiting:
Read the Violence at Work Charter
Have a question about membership or need assistance with the benefits of UNISON membership please contact
the Branch Office 02920 228933 or email us at [email protected]
YMLAEN Branch Magazine
UNISON Wellbeing News...
The Flu vaccine and who should have it...
The flu vaccine is offered free of charge on the
NHS to people who are most at risk of
developing complications if they catch flu. This
is to ensure they are protected against catching
flu and developing serious complications. Some
people are recommended to have a flu vaccine
to reduce the risk of them spreading flu to
others, such as carers and support workers.
Outbreaks of flu can occur in health and social care settings, and, because flu is so contagious,
staff and supported vulnerable individuals are at risk of infection. Front-line health or social
care support workers are recommended to have a flu vaccine to protect yourself, your
colleagues and other members of the community, and also to protect the people you support
on a daily basis.
Members experiencing financial and What is UNISON There for You Winter Fuel Grants?
emotional difficulties can contact our
welfare charity, There for You, which In addition to our normal range of services and in
provides a confidential advice and response to the growing difficulty many members on
support service for members and their low income are experiencing paying their fuel bills, a
dependants. programme has been put in place that will assist our
most vulnerable members.
There for You on the Web
How much are the Grants? They are one-off grants of up
to £60 per household.
Am I eligible?
You must be a UNISON member and have paid 4 weeks
subscriptions before the launch date of this
programme... 3rd December 2018.
Have a total net annual household income of £18,000 or
less. (Note: By ‘net income’ we mean all salary including
your partner's after tax, national insurance,
superannuation and trade union subscriptions only.
Your calculation should include any Tax Credits,
Universal Credit or child maintenance received. Do not
include Child Benefit, the childcare element of Working
Tax Credit, Disability Living Allowance or Personal
Independence Payment.
UNISON must receive your application by 15 February
2019. Applications forms are available from the There
for You website
Follow YMLAEN Branch on Twitter and Facebook...send the branch a message via Social Media...
YMLAEN Branch Magazine
MUeNmISbOerNshBilpacLkegMael BmebneerfsitNs ews...
2019 Black Members
18 – 20 January 2019
Venue Cymru, Llandudno
The UNISON Cymru Wales Black Members Self Organised Group is a group where members who self identify as
Black are welcomed and encouraged to participate in a supportive environment. The term ‘Black’ expresses the
commonality of the various forms of racist oppression which affects, in one way or another, the lives and
livelihoods of all non-white people.
The Group meets at least four times a year across Wales and take part in UNISON National Black Members
Conference on an annual basis as well as various activities in the community especially around Black History
month in October. The Group is always eager to improve skills, knowledge and understanding of issues relating
to employment and trade union matters in particular issues relating to Black members: a development weekend
is held each year, where the topic is related to being an active Black member.
Members also attend regional events and committees on behalf of the Group to ensure that activity in the
region incorporates the needs of Black members. UNISON is an organisation that does not allow racism and
actively campaigns for race equality for individuals, in the workplace and in society.
UNISON branches work to eliminate discrimination in the work place and members of the Group are
encouraged to take an active part in their branches to address issues and break down barriers. The Group work
together to priorities areas of work, identify development needs and provide support and networking
opportunities. Both new and experienced members take part and run the Group and we send delegates to
other UNISON Self Organised Group Meetings, National Committees and to Regional and National TUC events.
We are passionate about Black issues and continually fight for those members who have suffered discrimination
and are being treated unfairly. Our aim is to empower Black members to identify discrimination and have the
tools to challenge it in the workplace and wider society. The UNISON Cymru Wales Black Members Self
Organised Group is a group where members who self identify as Black are welcomed and encouraged to
participate in a supportive environment. The term ‘Black’ expresses the commonality of the various forms of
racist oppression which affects, in one way or another, the lives and livelihoods of all non-white people.
The Group meets at least four times a year across Wales and take part in UNISON National Black Members
Conference on an annual basis as well as various activities in the community especially around Black History
month in October. The Group is always eager to improve skills, knowledge and understanding of issues relating
to employment and trade union matters in particular issues relating to Black members: a development weekend
is held each year, where the topic is related to being an active Black member.
Kebba Manneh Group Chair Denise Thomas Group Secretary Lianne Owen Regional Contact
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
YMLAEN Branch Magazine
Yum Yum YMLAEN Cookbook...
From the food archives of the YMLAEN Branch kitchen... The following favourite recipes can be made easily at
home or by the many care and support staff in the services with assistance from the clients that members
Ingredients - Serves: 4 DIRECTIONS:
1 tablespoon olive oil Heat olive oil in a large stockpot or Dutch oven over
8 ounces boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cut medium heat. Season chicken thighs with salt and
pepper, to taste. Add chicken to the stockpot and
into 1-inch chunks cook until golden, about 2-3 minutes; set aside.
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons unsalted butter Melt butter in the stockpot or Dutch oven over
3 cloves garlic, minced medium heat. Add garlic, mushrooms, onion,
8 ounces mushrooms, thinly sliced carrots and celery. Cook, stirring occasionally, until
1 onion, diced tender, about 3-4 minutes. Stir in thyme until
3 carrots, peeled and diced fragrant, about 1 minute.
2 stalks celery, diced
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme Whisk in flour until lightly browned, about 1
1/4 cup all-purpose flour minute. Whisk in chicken stock, bay leaf and
4 cups chicken stock chicken thighs, and cook, whisking constantly, until
1 bay leaf slightly thickened, about 4-5 minutes.
1/2 cup half and half, or more, as needed*
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves Stir in half and half until heated through, about 1-2
1 sprig rosemary minutes; season with salt and pepper, to taste. If
the soup is too thick, add more half and half as
needed until desired consistency is reached.
Serve immediately, garnished with parsley and
rosemary, if desired.
TUNA CHEDDAR TOASTIE Toast one slice of the bread.
When toasted, put half the tin (or less) of tuna
Ingredients: Serves 2
on the bread, then put 3 or 4 slices of cheese
1 tin of tuna, drained
• 6 to 8 slices Cheddar cheese on the tuna so it's covered.
• 2 slices white/brown bread Grill until cheese has melted.
Take out of grill, add the rest of tuna and
cheese as before. Melt cheese again.
Add untoasted bread and grill until brown.
Any comments, requests for more information or articles to include in the next issue please contact:
Philip Warlow [email protected]
YMLAEN Branch Magazine
UNISON Member Learning...
UNISON provides a wide range of learning
opportunities for our members. Our courses can help
develop self-confidence
teach you about yourself
become more active and involved around issues
that concern you
tackle change and uncertainty at work
progress your career
learn for fun and personal development
Visit the website: https://learning.unison.org.uk
YMLAEN Branch Magazine
Branch Information Page
Branch Office address: Getting involved in your branch
YMLAEN Forward UNISON offers the opportunity to be
Transport House involved in the decisions of the
1 Cathedral Road branch and the chance to make a
Cardiff CF11 9SB difference in your workplace.
Tel: 02920 228933
[email protected] Helping the branch can provide
experience and benefits and also
Branch Staff: lead to:
Branch Secretary: Philip Warlow
Branch Administrator: Julie Morgan Free training and
Branch Development Officer: Dominic Henderson learning opportunities.
The branch is open Monday – Friday Valuable experience in
Telephone lines are available 10:00 – 16:00 new areas.
There is a facility to leave a message should there be no reply and Create a better
branch staff will respond to messages on the next working day. workplace and better
public services.
Give us a call today…
Contact the Branch for support if you:
Are suspended from work.
Are called to an Investigation or Disciplinary Hearing.
Want to find out about your employment rights.
Feel you are not being treated fairly.
Have an issue at your workplace that requires advice.
Are changing employer.
If any member of UNISON working in the Community & Voluntary Sector requires support and is
unable to contact your workplace rep then please contact: YMLAEN Branch office: 02920 228933