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The Blank Chart Trading Strategy_ N - Lode Loyens - 33p

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The Blank Chart Trading Strategy_ N - Lode Loyens - 33p

The Blank Chart Trading Strategy_ N - Lode Loyens - 33p

Trading System

Offered by:
The Mint Investments LLC.

Copyright © 2018 by Lode Maria Loyens

All Rights Reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may not be used or reproduced in any
manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher
or the author except for the brief quotations in a book review.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2018



Forex trading involves substantial risk of financial loss and is not suitable
for every one. Do not trade with funds you can not afford to lose. Past
performances are not indicative of future results. Trade at your own risk.


Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that
the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and
publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for
any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether
such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other

Trading System


What you are about to learn in this booklet will blow your mind;
guaranteed. For what I am about to share with you is a Forex trading
method unlike anything you have seen or heard of before.

What if I told you that you do not need bars or candlesticks or even line
charts to trade; would you believe me or think I’ve gone mad?

What if I told you that all you need to make money as a trader is a blank
chart with just three lines drawing on it and forget about everything else;
would you tell me I belong in an insane asylum?

Yet what I am telling you is entirely true. I developed just such a Forex
trading strategy and it produces amazing results.

It all began two years ago when my then 14 years old teenager son asked
me for more spending money one day, claiming his school mates got a
bigger allowance then he did.

When I asked him about the household chores his friends had to do and
compared them to the chores he did at our home, it became clear that the
allowance he was getting was a much better compensation for work done
that what his buddies received. As such there would not be an increase.

Of course he wasn’t happy with my analysis nor my decision. Moping
around the house for a few days, gradually getting on my nerves with his
attitude, I made him an offer.

“Let me teach you how to trade. That way you make your own money any
time you want and you will never have to ask me or mom for more money
ever again.”

At first he denied my proposal saying trading was too difficult and too
confusing. And as a teenager he had neither the patience nor the desire to
analyze markets and wait for a trade entry to occur just so he could make a
few extra bucks.

Besides he had homework most days of the week. When would he have
even time to trade?

As a seasoned trader I absolutely disagreed with his first observation of
course but I had to consent with his second remark.

And that set me thinking.

What if I could develop a trading method that was so darn simple that a
child could actually do it; I mean literally? A strategy that would remove
all the guesswork from it; that didn’t demand any analysis of any kind and
that didn’t require knowledge about candlesticks, bar charts, or even price

Would a strategy like that even work? More importantly would it work for
my son and would he be able to make money with it?

After all, that was the premise of this whole thing; that he could make his
own money and didn’t have to ‘bug’ me or his mom, constantly asking us
for more.

Additionally, I wanted to instill a sense of pride in him in that he was his
own man who earned his own money, even though he was just 14 years
old then.

The thought haunted me. And so, in between my own trading, I spent the
next 5 days working on such a strategy.

But when I demonstrated it to my son and asked him to try it out, he came
back arguing that it was still too difficult and too confusing. In
particularly the many rectangular shaped boxes, that’s what he called
candlesticks, seemed to throw him off constantly.

“Do you really need those things to make this work?”, he uttered in
frustration. “Can’t you just get rid of them? Can’t you just give me a
bigger allowance dad?”

At first I was a bit upset that my son was so quick to throw in the towel. It
wasn’t because I wanted him to become a trader like his old man. I just
wanted him to learn self-reliance; which I consider to be a good talent to
have for anyone.


That night I couldn’t sleep. My son’s desire of wanting to have a chart
with no bars or candlesticks on it kept occupying my mind. Would
something like that be possible? Would that even work? And if so, how
would it work?

There was only one way to find out.

The very next day I forwent my own trading so that I could spend the time
I needed to create a new trading strategy for my son that did not include
bars or candlesticks; yet that he could easily understand and use.

By the time he got home from school I was ready to show him my

A blank chart with three lines drawn on it. That was it. No bars, no
candlesticks or anything else to confuse him. After I explained the rules of
the strategy to him, I told him to test it out.

At first my son tried to weasel his way out of it saying he had homework.
But after I insisted a little, he sat down in front of the computer and began
to trade.

Several hours passed. My son was still glued in his chair with all his
attention on the monitor in front of him.

“How are you doing son, any luck?”, I asked softly, not wanting to disturb

“Dad, look, I already made $52. OMG! This is so simple. I can do this
every day dad.”, he bursted out, clearly enthused by what he had

“OMG dad, I can make my own money now, any time I want to. OMG
dad! This is crazy dude! Wait till my friends know about this! OMG!”

I told my son to stop trading for the evening reminding him he still had
homework to do. Reluctantly he closed down the trade and got up from
the desk.

The next morning my son was up at the crack of dawn, sitting in front of

his computer, trading currencies.

Now two years later, my son still using that exact same trading method
once or twice a week or when he needs extra cash. He absolutely enjoys it
and is quite profitable even though he still doesn’t know anything about
bar charts, candlesticks, price action, moving averages or anything else
that deals with trading.

I feel quite good knowing that I taught my son a skill that he can benefit
from the rest of his life if he wants to.

So what is this trading method I developed that doesn’t need bars or
candlesticks or price action or anything else that other trading strategies
rely on?

I call it the ‘Blank Chart Trading System’ for that’s exactly what it is: a
blank chart with only three lines drawn on it and nothing else.

On the next several pages I am going to share two versions of the Blank
Chart Trading System with you.

The first version is the basic model and is the one my son uses. The
second version is the enhanced model and is the one I suggest you use.

Blank Chart Trading System
Basic Version:

Take a look at the chart below:

There are no candlesticks or bars drawn on this chart. The only thing you
see are three lines: a black one, an orange one and a blue one, which
happen to be my son’s favorite colors.
The three lines are all he relies on to enter and exit a trading position.
The Strategy setup:
- 15 minutes chart (my son is still a teenager and has no patience).
- EUR/USD currency pair (has the most volume).
- 3 lines (explained in advanced version).

The Strategy Trading Rules:
Enter a BUY position:
When both the blue line and the orange line cross over the black line in an
upward direction.

Exit a BUY position:
When both the blue line and the orange line cross over the black line in a
downward direction.

Enter a SELL position:
When both the blue line and the orange line cross over the black line in a
downward direction.

Exit a SELL position:
When both the blue line and the orange line cross over the black line in an
upward direction.

See chart next page:

Blank Chart Trading System Basic Version:
Pay close attention to this:
This is the entire Blank Chart Trading System - Basic Version.

Blank Chart Trading System
Advanced Version:

In this version I will explain what the three lines are. Also included is a
more controlled enter/exit positions method.
The chart setup is identical to the one used in the basic version:

The only thing you see on this chart are three lines; a black one, an orange
one, and a blue one, and nothing else; no bars and no candlesticks.
The lines are created by means of using three Exponential Moving
Trading these lines is nearly identical to the basic version.

The Strategy setup:

- 30 minutes chart (smoother lines with fewer dips and jumps).

- EUR/USD currency pair (has the most volume).

- 50 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) – black.

- 20 EMA – orange.

- 5 EMA – blue.

(if you don’t know how to install and setup the Moving Average indicator,
please check online for instructions. There are plenty of free videos
available that teach you how to do that.)

The Strategy Trading Rules:
Enter a BUY position:
When the orange line is above the black line and the blue line crosses over
the orange line in an upward direction.

Exit a BUY position:
When the blue line crosses over the black line in a downward direction.

Enter a SELL position:
When the orange line is below the black line and the blue line crosses over
the orange line in a downward direction.
Exit a SELL position:
When the blue line crosses over the black line in an upward direction.

These trading rules are a bit stricter than the basic version. They require
more trades but offer greater control over your trades and reduce negative
reversal impact that could wipe out a portion of the profit you made up to
that point.

Only close out an open position, either buy or sell, when the blue line
actually crosses over the black line. Do not close your position while the
blue line hovers on top of the black line.
Look at the chart below and spot the times that the blue line hovered or
surfed alongside the black line but never crossed over it.

Had you closed your open position and then re-opened a new position
every time the blue line touched the black line, you would have made
many more trades, yet you would have earned less profits.
Why? Each time you open and close a position you need to pay broker’s
fees. In our example that would have been quite a few fees. These fees
add up and would have reduced your profits substantially.


The 5 EMA (blue) is the Fast MA and will cross the black line before the
20 EMA (orange) will.

That’s why we focus on the 5 EMA to determine open and close positions.

Apply the rules as they are written and you will do well.

This is the entire Blank Chart Trading System. Both the basic and the
advanced method are very simple to understand and just as simple to use.

This goes to prove that you do not need a sophisticated trading method to
make money. In fact, it has been my experience that the simpler the
strategy to more successful it tends to be.

Why boggle your mind with Fibonacci, histograms, convergence, and
other sophisticated setups when you don’t have to?

Remember ‘KISS’. ‘Keep It Simple (stupid)’.

I am by no means implying that you are stupid in anyway. That last word
is part of the expression. Maybe to put some emphasis on the acronym or
to make you take notice. I don’t know. Either way; remember it. It will
serve you well.


Let me show you how to hide the candlesticks from displaying on your
chart. It’s a simple process.
I am using MetaTrader 4 as my trading platform and the instructions I am
providing are for that software. If you use a different trading package,
check online for assistance or call your broker for support.

Open your trading platform (MT4) and log in to your account (that should
be automatic).

Configuring your chart.
Right click anywhere in the chart you see on your monitor. This will
display a popup menu.
Scroll down the popup menu and click on ‘Properties’.

See image next page.

After you clicked on Properties, the following popup window will display
inside your chart.

Only change the options indicated by the blue arrows. Set each option to
the exact same color (white) and click the OK button to save your new
chart settings.

After you pressed the OK button, you will then have a chart that should
look like the image below.

If you still see candlesticks on your chart it means you either didn’t save
your configuration or you didn’t set all required options to the same color.
In that case, repeat STEP 2.

To avoid having to reconfigure your chart every time you open the MT4
platform, you should save the newly configured chart as your default chart
Here’s how you do that. Again, these instructions are for the MT4

- Click on ‘Charts’ (in the menu options)
a new popup menu will now be visible.

- Scroll down to ‘Template’ (do not click on it)
a new popup menu will appear.

- Scroll to ‘Save Template’ and click on it.

- After you clicked on Save Template, a new window will open up.
See image next page.

- Be sure to click on the Save button to save your new default settings*.

* if the file name ‘default’ already exists, MT4 will give you a warning
message asking you if you want to overwrite the existing template.
Click the No button if you do not want to do that and enter a different
name in the File name field. Then press Save button again.
Press Yes button if you are sure you want to overwrite the existing default

Henceforth MT4 will automatically display the newly configured template
every time you start the trading platform.

If you did not save your newly configured chart as the default template but
named it something else like ‘no-candles’ then you will be required to
open that template every time you want to trade the Blank Chart Trading

Here’s how you do that:

- Click on ‘Charts’ at the menu bar.
- A new popup window will display, scroll down to ‘Template’.
- Yet another popup window will display, scroll over to ‘Load Template’
and click on it.
- A new window opens up, displaying various template files.
- Click on the file name that contains your new configurations.
- Click on the Open button.

See images on next page.

The template for the Blank Chart Trading System is now loaded into your
MT4 platform and ready for you to use.

Using a Stop Loss
when trading the
Advanced Method:

While my son got in the habit of closing an open position whenever he
gets up from his desk, the situation is a bit more delicate for us serious

That’s because even though we only use a 30-minute chart, some trades
can go on for days until an actual exit setup forms. And that could get us
into real trouble at times when we are not actively watching the chart.

Markets are fickle beasts and are know to make major reversal moves on a
dime. We don’t want to leave anything to chance only to discover that all
the profits we earned the day prior were not only wiped out but we are
now trading with a massive loss.

To prevent that from happening we use a trading tool known as a Stop

A stop loss is nothing more than a barrier that you place on your chart that
instructs your broker to automatically close your open position when your
trade touches that barrier.

By having a stop loss in place, you not only limit your risk (loss) but you
prevent a possible wipe out of your account.

Setting a stop loss with the Blank Chart Trading System is as easy as the
trading strategy itself.

We set our stop loss several pips above the black line when we enter a
SELL position.

We set a stop loss several pips below the black line when we enter a BUY

That’s it; as simple as that! A perfect safeguard against market reversals
that could have otherwise drastic consequences without a stop loss in
Now I must point out that as simple as this solution is to preventing
catastrophic incidences, it won’t eliminate losses all together.
Since we have our stop loss above (sell) or below (buy) the black line, we
will suffer a loss should the market reverse and we aren’t there to close out
the position.
However this loss is what I like to call ‘controlled damage’. In other

words, you may have a loss but the loss is small. That’s much better than
waking up in the morning and finding out you wiped out your entire
account because the market reversed while you were asleep and you didn’t
have a stop loss in place.

Of course there are additional things you can do to reduce your risk even
further, even eliminating it completely. But that requires more advanced
trading techniques and a bit more trading knowledge.

We could for example instigate a take partial-profit combined with a
moving stop loss. That way we assure ourselves of smaller profits along
the way while at the same time continuing to reduce our trade risk as the
stop loss moves along with the trade.

But since the Blank Chart Trading System was specifically designed to
keep it super simple, such methods are beyond the scope of this strategy.

There you have it. The easiest, simplest Forex trading strategy in
existence, that despite its simplicity packs a real punch and proves to
anyone who thinks that trading currencies is a complicated matter that
requires vast knowledge and expertise of various trading components, that
this is absolutely not the case. You don’t need to be a market wizard to be
a successful trader.


No trading strategy produces 100% winners all the time and neither does
the Blank Chart Trading System. You will have losses from time to time.

However by adhering and applying what you have learned here, you will
be able to keep your losses small. In itself, that’s a major accomplishment
for incorporating proper capital preservation techniques directly into your
trades is as much a part of your trading success as is making money.

In fact preserving your trading capital could well be a bigger contributor to
your long term trading success than making money is.

Indeed, it was Master Trader George Soros who once said:

“It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important,
but how much money you make when you're right and
how much you lose when you're wrong.”

Golden advice from a man who knows. Just like he once earned one
billion dollars in one day from just one single trade, he also lost a
staggering one and a half billion dollars not all that long ago.

Trading isn’t gambling. Take it to heart. Go through the trouble of
learning how to trade. Spend the time practicing what you learn and don’t
deviate from the trading rules and you will do just fine.

There is no need to have a sophisticated trading method that requires you
to keep track of numerous aspects. Keep it simple, that’s all you have to
do. It’s all that’s required to be a successful trader.

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