Mobile Magazine | December 2019
Featuring 2 of JWG’s inspirational
female Financial Consultants!
Featured Agents:
Zhou Aihua
Jillian Hoe
Featured Article:
Are You Cut Out for Entrepreneurship? 1
Featured Agent:7
Zhou Aihua11
Featured Article:
Are You Cut Out for
Are You Cut Out for Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship… being a boss… starting and running your
own business – this is the dream of many working adults, as
well as millennials and fresh graduates today. On the surface,
starting your own business can be a rewarding and exciting
experience, yet at the same time, it poses many challenges and
requires immense amount of hard work. So the question
remains, “are you cut out for the entrepreneurship life?”
Why Entrepreneurship?
Over the years, I’ve managed to meet with and talk to many
fellow entrepreneurs and when I asked them why they decided
to embark on this path, each had their own personal reason.
However, here is a summary of the common reasons why
entrepreneurship is usually considered:
• Not progressing in their careers even when a lot of time has
been invested.
• Desire to gain life experience untaught in schools and
unattainable in single function roles.
• Prefer time flexibility.
• Want to have full control.
• Sick of corporate politics.
• Had enough of bad superiors and bosses.
For me, my main reason for taking up entrepreneurship is
because I did not want to continue pursuing a career that would
not be able to fulfill my aspirations in the next 5 years, no matter
how much effort I put into it.
“I did not want to
continue pursuing a
career that would
not be able to ful ll
my aspirations in the
next 5 years, no
matter how much
effort I put into it.”
– Jaden Wang
Featured Article: What to Expect
Are You Cut Out for
Coming close to 10 years in my entrepreneurial journey
Entrepreneurship? and personally experiencing the ups and downs that is
part and parcel of being an entrepreneur, I can say that
entrepreneurship is not as easy as it may seem.
Like the tip of an iceberg, many people only see the
glitz and glamour of being an entrepreneur: the
work-life balance, the quality of life, time freedom and
able to be in control of your everyday routines, etc. But
what is not seen are the hours of sleepless nights, the
times of frustration when your efforts do not yield any
result, as well as the setbacks and hardships that are
littered along your journey to the top. What’s more,
even eventual success is not 100% guaranteed!
I too, started from the bottom, from a simple desk and
a phone in a shared office. When I started out, I had no
capital to hire any staff, which meant I had to do
everything on my own. I was practically the “Head of
ALL departments”, performing many job functions
single-handedly – from sales to marketing to
accounting to mentorship.
“I was practically the “Head of ALL
departments, undertaking various functions
and job scopes as a one-man army.”
With that said, entrepreneurs will need to be
resourceful, have the ability to multitask, and take
rejections in stride. I also believe that as an entrepreneur,
one should also be well-versed in all facades of his
business so that in case his staff or employee is
unavailable, he would still be able to take over certain
tasks effectively.
Featured Article:
Are You Cut Out for
My Secret Ingredient
There is never a shortcut, no easy way out, no one-size-fits-all
solution to achieve success. Therefore, one of the most
important takeaways from my Neuro-Linguistic Programming
which I personally practice daily is – to have GRIT in whatever
we do.
As psychologist Angela Duckworth defines it, “Grit is
passion and persistence towards long-term goals.” As
the entrepreneurial journey is filled with trials and
tribulations at every corner, it is important to remain
steadfast to your beliefs, focus on your goals, and
persevere whenever you face any hardship.
“Grit is passion and persistence
towards long-term goals.”
– Angela Duckworth
Think You Have What It Takes?
If you think you have what it takes to own and run your
own business, then you have my full support and
encouragement! If you are still unsure and require a little
more motivation, then I have something special in store
for you. I am proud to introduce two of my Financial
Consultants, Ai Hua and Jillian, who will share their
stories in the subsequent pages. They will be sharing
about their entrepreneurial journey in APA and as part of
Jaden Wang Group. Their stories will definitely inspire you
to put your best foot forward and to work towards your
goals, no matter how lofty they may seem now!
Featured Agent:
Zhou Aihua
Joined since: August 2018
As a mother of 2, it took Aihua
great courage to take a leap of faith
and leave her stable corporate job
to become an entrepreneur
– a Financial Consultant. Despite
being relatively new in the industry,
her tenacity and determination
has propelled her to become
an inspirational figure in JWG and
APA. Aihua has received numerous
awards and is poised to undertake
new challenges in the future.
Prior to becoming a Financial Consultant, Ai
Hua was an account executive; this profession
gave her the expertise of communicating and
pitching to clients. However, working as an
account executive did not give her the
flexibility to manage her time according to her
needs. As a mother of two young children, she
wanted a career which provided work-life
balance and enables her to always be there for
them. This prompted her to be interested in,
and eventually becoming a Financial Consultant.
Ai Hua shared that what she enjoys most about
being a Financial Consultant is the opportunity
to meet people from all walks of life and
assisting those in need. No matter how busy
she is as an entrepreneur, she is constantly
putting others before herself and makes the
welfare of others her top priority. She shares,
“As a Financial Consultant, I possess the
ability to provide guidance and to help others.
Knowing that my job has a huge impact on my
clients and their families inspires me to always
give my all for them.”
“As a nancial consultant, I possess
the ability to to provide guidance and
to help others. Knowing that my job has
a huge impact on my clients and their
families inspires me to always give my
all for them.”
Featured Agent:
Zhou Aihua
The Never-ending Pursuit to Learn
Ai Hua also believes that she should
always learn from those who are more
experienced in the industry to improve
herself. "I am not shy to ask questions to
learn from others. By taking the initiative to
ask whenever I am uncertain, I am able to
improve expeditiously."
Moreover, Ai Hua frequently
attends programmes, workshops and
seminars organised by the Agency and
Prudential. This is because she believes
that an excellent Financial Consultant
should have an utmost sense
of responsibility towards her clients.
By attending the trainings provided, Ai Hua
is well informed on the various products
and is therefore able to serve her current
and future clients.
"I am not shy to ask
questions to learn from
others. By taking the
initiative to ask
whenever I am
uncertain, I am able to
improve expeditiously."
“You need to set your sights
towards your end goal and never
lose focus. Then, whatever that
comes your way will be out of
focus and insigni cant.”
- Zhou Ai Hua
Facing and Overcoming customers, resulting in higher trust and
Challenges stronger consultant-client relationship.
Of course, being an entrepreneur also
means that there is no end to the Ai Hua mentions, “I want to share a
challenges that Ai Hua faces. When story with you. A client bought a
asked about some of the challenges hospital plan with me. 3 months later,
that she face as a she went for a checkup and suffered
Financial Consultants, she replies from a lack of blood, which resulted in
that her toughest challenge is having frequent hospital visits and increased
to face numerous rejections by medical expenses. They were thankful
passersby during roadshows. towards me for recommending the plan
“I believe that this is due to the which gave them a peace of mind when
misunderstandings that people have it covered a huge portion of their
of Financial Consultants. Another medical bills. I was glad that I was able
possible reason could also be that to make a difference in their lives, and
they had bad experiences previously this is the reason why I love being a
with their insurance agents which Financial Consultant!”
makes them distrustful
and skeptical.”
This is why Ai Hua finds it important Just like many other entrepreneurs,
for all Financial Consultants. to take persistence and perseverance are two
initiative in understanding their key values that are extremely important
clients’ needs on a deeper level, to Ai Hua. As she puts it, “You need to
rather than selling or recommending set your sights towards your end goal
policies just for monetary gain. Only and never lose focus. Then, whatever
by truly understanding a client can a that comes your way will be out of focus
Financial Consultants. introduce the and insignificant.”
best plans and policies for their
Featured Agent:
Jillian Hoe
Joined since: April 2019
Formerly a face-to-face
sales representative, meeting clients
and understanding their needs has
become second nature for Jillian. She
enjoys talking to people and is not shy
to ask questions to her superiors
and more experienced
Financial Consultants as she sees this
as a way to further deepen her
knowledge. Jillian also believes that a
Financial Consultant must not only
have good ethics in order to build trust,
she must also have the integrity to not
mislead prospective clients solely
for monetary gain.
Before joining the industry, Jillian’s insurance was not the norm in her
first full-time profession was as a family as she was growing up. “I
face-to-face outdoor sales grew up in a traditional family, hence
representative. This exposed her to I was uninsured since young. To the
people from all walks of life and elders in my family, getting insurance
served as a platform where she is like a taboo.”
honed her skills to engage in
conversations with individuals with However, that did not stop her from
different backgrounds. Her natural eventually joining the industry. “I
flair and friendly personality enabled figured, what better way to
her to be promoted to Assistant understand how insurance works
Directorship position in merely 3 than to be in the industry myself!”
years, a role which required her to Jillian muses. When asked what she
lead a team of 15 sales enjoys the most about being a
representatives! Financial Consultant, she responded
that it was the flexibility of managing
Despite doing well, she decided to her own time and schedule, allowing
follow her passion instead and her to spend more time with her
ventured into the F&B industry, loved ones. She shared that when
running a café and a beverage she was still managing her F&B
store. When asked about her business, she worked long hours and
experience in the F&B line, Jillian rarely had any rest days. In fact, there
shared, “Venturing into F&B gave were even times when she did not
me the opportunity to engage my remember which day it was because
customers in a very interpersonal every day was a working day for her!
level. I was also happy because I
sold products that I made by hand “I gured, what better
and was proud of!” way to understand
how insurance works
Pursuing A Growing Interest in than to be in the
Financial Consultancy industry myself!”
As she started working, Jillian – Jillian Hoe
started becoming more interested
to find out more about insurance.
According to Jillian, getting
Featured Agent:
Jillian Hoe
Strong Support System Key to Entrepreneurial Success
In her opinion, having a good mentor and strong support
system are important in improving and achieving success as
an entrepreneur. She looks to her team leader and founder
of Assets Prestige Alliance, Jaden Wang, as well as Agency
Leader, Jaslyn Ng, for inspiration. Whenever she has any
questions or uncertainties, she will always seek help and
guidance from them. “I constantly bombard them with
questions and they will spend time guiding and advising me,
regardless of how busy they might be with their respective
schedules,” claims Jillian.
She further elaborates, “Jaden has been the most sincere
and genuine person since the very beginning. He is always
there for us through thick and thin. Moreover, what I like
about being in JWG is that everyone is able to express their
opinions freely. I believe communication and transparency is
what makes an organisation grow and strengthen!
“I constantly bombard them with
questions and they will spend time guiding
and advising me, regardless of how busy
they might be with their respective
schedules,” claims Jillian.
Taking Challenges in Stride
Just like any other entrepreneur, Jillian also has her own set of
challenges that she faces as a Financial Consultant. First off, she has
to constantly brush up on her skills and knowledge of the industry, so
that she can better serve her current and future clients. Moreover, a lot
of time and effort needs to be spent to understand what is best for her
client, something which she has not experienced before she became a
Financial Consultant.
Nevertheless, she still handles these challenges with gusto and
enthusiasm. When asked about her most memorable experience so
far, she smiles brightly and shares, "There is really no incident in
particular. My entire journey in this industry is unforgettable."
For others who are interested to become a Financial Consultant, Jillian
advises that there is no harm in finding out and exploring more to see
if this entrepreneurial path suits you. Most importantly, find a mentor
who you feel comfortable working with and learning from, just like the
ones at JWG!
Get in touch
with us
Facebook: /JadenWangGroup
E-mail: [email protected]