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Official Optometry Magazine from ALO - May Edition

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Published by admin, 2021-05-13 15:33:40


Official Optometry Magazine from ALO - May Edition

MAY, 2021










Introducing the current governing body of
Alumni of LVPEI Optometrists (ALO). It's all
about the fantastic four who are leading from
the front.

Featuring the clinical images sent by
optometrists across India.

Featuring Snigdha Reddy's perspective on
managament degree and eye care.




MYSTERIOUS MYOPIA INNOVATIONS Exclusive feature about the successful alumni
of LVPEI, their talents and career paths.
Dr. Verkicharla talks about Latest innovations in
myopia and importance of optometry. 46 CHRONICLES
early management.
Read the most interesting and inspiring
journeys of our alumni.

[email protected]


SANDHYA W elcome to Optometry 360, an official bi-monthly magazine by The
SHEKAR Alumni of LVPEI Optometrists. As an alumna of LVPEI and the
Editor of this magazine, it gives me immense pleasure to introduce you all to
EDITOR this magazine and tell you what we intend to share through this platform.
First things first – Optometry 360 is a collection of events or stories for not
just the LVPEI alumni but for the entire optometry fraternity. We intend to
use this medium to cater to optometry students, teachers, researchers,
clinicians and corporate optometrists across the country and around the
globe. This magazine is a cornucopia of optometry events, news, research
highlights, career paths, professional and personal success stories and a
wonderful avenue to feature the details of optometry programs/seminars
happening at your institution. The magazine will feature short science articles
elucidating a new concept or innovation in the field of optometry and eye
care penned by optometrists, both in-house and from other institutions. In
addition to this, the magazine will also feature intriguing clinical photographs,
recent research publications, general photographs clicked by one of you,
anecdotes, memes and quotes. We wish to give you a whole experience of
clinical and research updates, optometry news and some fun things to
unwind from your busy day. Hence the name Optometry 360.

Because our alumni are involved in nearly every field of optometric vocation,
in nearly every location around the world, we hope that the stories we cover
enjoy tremendous latitude. Through the ALO Chronicles, we bring to you
such stories of optometrists and how they paved their way to success. We
are interested in stories of our alumni and other optometrists exploring new
scientific frontiers, shouldering social issues or simply putting their talents to
work in a unique way. A common theme of our magazine is that it is going to
be about people showcasing their abilities honed at their respective
institutions, to expand the collective discussion or make an impact in the eye 02
care community.

I hope each issue of this magazine reminds you how truly impactful your MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
peers are and gives a glimpse of their work in the world. Our enthusiastic
group of content creators eagerly await to hear your ideas, pitches,
announcements and constructive criticism. In the next few pages, you will
read in detail about everything I just highlighted. So, join me in inaugurating
this first edition of Optometry 360.


lalith kumar reddy

Lalith graduated from Bausch & Lomb School of
Optometry in 2018 with a bachelors in Optometry.

He worked with Srujana Innovation Center at
LVPEI to develop devices such as the pediatric
perimeter for infants. He is currently working for
Johnson & Johnson Vision as a Regional Trainer.


hareesh Pothkanuri

Hareesh earned his bachelor degree in
Optometry from Bausch and Lomb School of

Optometry in 2018 and is working as a
Professional Services Executive at
Bausch+Lomb Vision Care.


Chaitanya sai kiran

Chaitanya obtained his bachelor’s in Optometry
from Bausch & Lomb School of Optometry in
2016. He then joined LVPEI as a consultant &

research optometrist for a year and specialized
in pediatric Optometry. He is currently working
as a consultant Optometrist in Lusaka, Zambia.


mir Amir ali TREASURER

Amir graduated from Bausch & Lomb School of
Optometry in 2018 and has completed post
graduation diploma in optometry and vision

sciences from LVPEI in the field of innovation and
technology development. Currently working at
LVPEI center for innovation as a research

"It's never about
the ROLE.

It's always about
the GOAL"


Greetings from Alumni of LVPEI Optometrists (ALO)

I am profoundly honored by the opportunity to serve as the President of our Alumni Association for
the next three years. Firstly, I would like to thank the founding members and congratulate the
previous governing bodies and the executive teams for their commendable work. The benchmark
they set for us and the upcoming board members is undoubtedly a challenge. As the President, a
million questions go through my head constantly, such as “What impact and legacy does the current
general body wants to create not only on our alumni but also on all the optometrists across the
globe? How will I establish plans to drive a greater engagement from the alumni to build larger
circles and a community of tighter connections?” etc.All the anxiety takes a back seat when I look
at my team and the immense encouragement I receive from my peers.

To reach the goals, my team and I, with a willingness to achieve the greater good, plan to move
forward with as many initiatives as possible. ALO magazine, "Optometry 360" is one such initiative.
This bi-monthly magazine aims to publish all the current updates, research and publications,
achievements, innovation, career guidance, talents, etc. The magazine shall be made accessible to
all optometrists across India.

Please visit the ALO website and check out the other initiatives of ALO.

We believe that the best way to lead a successful Alumni Association is to engage with every
alumnus. I welcome you all to join us because we need you. We need you to reminisce and cherish
your time as a student, help to network with students and faculty, guide us and help us be an
epitome of success to the upcoming generations and to our new alumni.

We need you to enlighten future explorers to reach their destination. Last but not least, we need
you to preserve the pride of being an optometrist that dwells deep in your heart. We wish to stay
connected and keep you informed of all the alumni events at ALO through the website and social
media. Follow ALO Alumni on the major platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Alumni
Website) or stay connected through me or any other board members. We promise to promote your
successes and ensure you are aware of and included in all ALO events.

We welcome your feedback and guidance as we plan our engagement strategy for the years
ahead. Thank you in advance for your support as we build bigger groups, tighter connections, and
greater engagement.


Dr Srinivas Marmamula
Associate Director - Public Health Research and Training

Scientist - Brien Holden Eye Research Centre and
Brien Holden Institute of Optometry and Vision Science

L V Prasad Eye Institute

To show the world the cultural context where the study is being carried out!
True face of public eye health research in India.

Dr. Nagaraju Konda
Assistant Professor
School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad
Founding President, Alumni of L V Prasad Eye Institute Optometrists
President, Optometry Association of Telangana

National Council for Allied and
Healthcare Professional Act, 2021:

A preliminary understanding
from an Optometrist

Introduction of NCAHP Act, 2021

The Allied and Healthcare Professions Bill, 2018 was introduced in Rajya Sabha on 31st
December 2018. The same was referred to the department related parliamentary standing
committee, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) for its examination and report.
The committee after detailed examination and consultations with various allied and healthcare
professional bodies recommended certain amendments to the said bill. A new bill was introduced,
namely, the National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professional Bill, 2020 by
incorporating the recommendations made by the parliamentary standing committee. On 16th
March 2021, the bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha and 24th March 2021 by the Lok Sabha. The
Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative department, published the Gazette of India on the
National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021, with the assent of the
President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind to provide comprehensive team-based healthcare with a
holistic approach to all citizens of India.

The objective of this article is to bring awareness on National Commission for Allied and
Healthcare Professions (NCAHP) Act 2021 among the Indian optometrists.

The preamble of the act is “to provide for The NCAHP Act, 2021 has eight chapters, 70
regulation and maintenance of standards sections and a schedule. Ophthalmic Sciences
of education and services by allied and Professionals (OSP) were categorised under
healthcare professionals, assessment of serial number five of the schedule.
institutions, maintenance of a Central and Optometrists, ophthalmic assistants and vision
State Registers and creation of a system to technicians are recognised under this
improve access, research and category. International Standard Classification
development and adoption of latest of Occupations (ISCO) codes were given to
scientific advancement and for matters each of these categories.
connected therewith or incidental thereto”.

As per the schedule description, “Ophthalmic Sciences Professional is a person who studies
eye, eye related ailments and specialises in the management of disorders of eye and visual
system limited in scope and complexity as performed by a medical doctor, optometrists with a
minimum of four years of baccalaureate degree and ophthalmic assistants/vision technicians

with a minimum of a two-years recognised diploma programme”.


MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01The significance of ISCO codes aims to Allied Health Professional and Health
satisfy globalisation of the labour market, by Professional
international reporting, comparison and
exchange of statistical and administrative As per the NCAHP Act 2021 an allied health
information about occupations, model for the professional is “an associate, technician or
development of national & regional technologist, trained to perform any technical
classifications of occupations, useful for and practical task to support diagnosis and
decision making and action-oriented activities treatment of illness, disease, injury or
such as those connected with international impairment to support implementation of any
migration or job placement. As per these healthcare treatment & referral plan
codes, optometrists are placed under the recommended by a medical, nursing or any
health professionals with a code of 2267 to other healthcare professional, and has
provide diagnosis, management and obtained any qualification of diploma or degree
treatment services for disorders of the eyes under this Act, with the duration of which shall
and visual system. In addition, optometrists not be less than 2000 hours spread over a
counsel on eye care and prescribe optical period of 2 to 4 years divided into specific
aids or other therapies for visual disturbance. semesters''.

As per the ISCO code 2267 the following A health professional is a “scientist, therapist
tasks were included for Optometrists: or other professional, studies, advises,
researches, supervises or provides preventive,
Comprehensive eye examination and curative, rehabilitative, therapeutic or
determine the nature & extent of the promotional health services and has obtained
vision problems and abnormalities any qualification of degree under this Act. The
Testing visual functions using specialised duration of which shall not be less than 3600
instruments and equipment hours spread over a period of 3 to 6 years
Detecting and diagnosing eye movement divided into specific semesters”. The University
disorders and defects of binocular vision giving these qualifications should be
function, and planning and managing recognised “under clause (f) of section 2 of the
treatment programs, including counselling University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and
patients in eye exercises to coordinate includes an institution declared to be a
movement, and focusing of eyes deemed University under section 3 of that Act
Prescribing corrective glasses, contact ''.
lenses and other vision aids, and
checking optical devices for performance,


safety, comfort, and lifestyle
Advising contact lens care, vision care for
the elderly, optics, visual ergonomics,
and occupational and industrial safety
Detecting, diagnosing, managing eye
disease, and consulting with & referring
patients to Ophthalmologists or other
health professionals if additional medical
treatment is necessary

National Commission

The NCAHP will be constituted to exercise All India Institute of Speech and Hearing,
powers and discharging duties under this act by Mysore, Karnataka, Sree Chitra Tirunal
the Central Government. This commission will Institute for Medical Sciences and
be chaired by a person from the recognised Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
category under this act with at least 25 years of and Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai on
experience and to be appointed by the central biennial rotation basis will be nominated by
government. Followed by the Vice-Chairperson, the Central Government as ex officio
ex officio members from the department of Member. In addition, two members from each
Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law and Justice, of the six zones representing the State
department of Health and Family Welfare, Councils on biennial rotation nominated by
Ministry of Health, Department of Higher the State Government, President of the
Education, department of Empowerment of Professional Council, and 2 persons
Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social representing the charitable institutions,
Justice and Empowerment, Ministry of Skill nominated by the Central Government will be
Development and Entrepreneurship, Director part-time members of the Commission.
General of Health Services, and Indian Council
of Medical Research. Any one person from Power to make regulations:
Atomic Energy Regulation Board, National The Commission may, after public
Medical Commission and Rehabilitation Council consultation and with the previous approval
of India on biennial rotation basis will be of the Central Government, make regulations
included as a member. generally to carry out the purpose of this act.

Three persons, not below the rank of Deputy Professional Councils 10
Director or Medical Superintendent from All A professional council for the Ophthalmic
Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Sciences Professionals will be constituted MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
All India Institute of Physical Medicine and under this act as prescribed by the Central
Rehabilitation, Mumbai, Jawaharlal Institute of Government. President from each of these
Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, recognised subcategories shall be rotated
Puducherry, North Eastern Indira Gandhi biennially. No person, other than the
Regional Institute of Health and Medical Ophthalmic Sciences Professional shall hold
Sciences, Shillong, Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya the council. Names will be registered on
National Institute for Persons with Physical receipt of the report from the state register or
Disabilities, Delhi, National Institute of Mental on the application as prescribed by the
Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bengaluru, central Government. Registration of the
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, additional, recognised qualification will be
National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and updated in the register upon receiving the
Research, Cuttack, National Institute of application prescribed by the Central
Orthopedically Handicapped, Kolkata, Government.

Central and State Council Register

Online live central and state public registers will be maintained by the commission under this act
for all the OSPs. This register will have complete details of the professional details and academic
qualification of the institutions, training, skill and competencies as specified by the regulations
within the defined scope of practice. State Council will issue a certificate as may be prescribed by
the State Government. This will be valid for a period of five years upon fee payment. Renewal of
this certificate of registration will be as per the specified guidelines set by regulations. This will be
notified at a later point.

Privileges for A person shall be entitled according to qualification to provide any service within
enrolment the defined scope of practice and to receive in respect of such service, any
expenses, charges or any fees to which he may be entitled.
Rights of persons
enrolled Hold the office in Government or in any institution maintained by a local or other
Recognition prior to Provide service in any of the recognised categories in any State
commencement of Be entitled to sign or authenticate any certificate required by any law for the time
being in force to be signed or authenticated
Persons offering services in any of the recognised categories on or before the
commencement of this Act shall be allowed to be provisionally registered as
specified by regulations

If for any reason, the prescribed guidelines are not followed, the name of the individual will be
removed from the Register and the person must surrender the certificate. The name may be
restored as per the prescribed guidelines of the State Council. If a name has been entered in the
State Register by error or on account of mis-representation or suppression of a material fact, or
has been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude and punishable with imprisonment or
has been guilty of any infamous conduct in any professional respect or has violated the standards
of professional conduct and etiquette or the code of ethics which in the opinion of the State
Council renders him unfit to be kept in the said register, name of the person will be removed from
the State Register. This person will not be eligible to register his/her name permanently or as per
the prescribed duration. If the individual obtains any other additional, recognised qualification,
upon request and following specified guidelines by the Central Government, will be entitled to have
an entry. State Register shall be altered in accordance with the alterations made in the Central

MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 0111 Interim Commission

Within six months from the date of President’s assent an Interim Commission will be constituted by
the Central Government for three years or until a regular commission is constituted. This
commission may engage experts from unrepresented professions specified in the Schedule if
necessary. Additional Secretary to the Government of India in the MoHFW will Chair this board
followed by 9 members from different ministries and 2 members from each recognised category.
This Commission shall discharge its duties under this act as prescribed by the Central

Search-cum-Selection Committee

Search-cum-Selection Committee recommends Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary of the
commission, and the panel for each vacancy in the Commission to the central Government. The
Secretary from MoHFW chairs this committee. In addition, this committee constitutes one
member from each department of Higher Education, and MoHFW, 4 subject experts from Allied
and Health Education, Public Health Education and Health Research, and one member from
management or law or economics or science and technology.

Recognition & Reciprocity

A citizen of India holding an optometry qualification granted by the Institutions outside India shall
be entitled to register under this act for a specified time as granted by the regulations.
The commission may recognise the corresponding qualification from outside of India, after
setting up the scheme of reciprocity for optometry. A foreign national holding the qualification
and enrolled into the professional registry of their respective country for a limited period
specified by the general or specific order may be recognised

Penalties for various offences under the NCAHP Act 2021

Falsely claiming to be On first conviction with fine extend to fifty thousand rupees 12
entered in Central or Subsequent conviction with imprisonment extend to six months or with fine not
exceeding one lakh rupees or with both MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
State Registers
On first conviction with fine extend to one lakh rupees
Misuse of titles Subsequent conviction with imprisonment extend to one year or with fine not
exceeding two lakh rupees or with both
Failure to surrender
certificate of Failing to surrender certificate upon removal from the registers, shall be
Registration punishable with fine which may extend to RS 50000/- and in case of a continuing
offence with an additional fine which may extend to Rs 5000/- rupees per day
For contravention after the first day during which the offence continues
of provisions of
Act Imprisonment of not less than 1 year but may extend to 3 years or with fine shall not
be less than 1 lakh rupees but may extend to 5 lakhs or with both.

Functions of the Commission
Frame policies and standards for the governance related education and professional services,
regulate the professional conduct, code of ethics and etiquette, create and maintain an up-to-
date online and live central register, and provide scope of practice of each profession
Task shifting, provide minimum standards of education, courses, curricula, physical and
instructional facilities, staff pattern, staff qualifications, quality instructions, assessment,
examination, training, research, continuing professional education, maximum tuition fee,
proportionate distribution of seats and promote innovations
Provide qualifications, including the name of the course, entry criteria, provide for uniform entry
examination with common counselling for admission at the diploma, undergraduate,
postgraduate, and doctoral level
Provide for exit or licensing examinations for professional practice or entrance into the
postgraduate or doctoral level and National Teachers Eligibility Test for academicians
Provide a strategic framework for rational deployment of skilled manpower, performance
management systems, task shifting and associated career development pathways.
Ensure compliance with the guidelines for their effective functioning by the State Councils under
this Act in the manner as may be specified by regulations
constitute committees or engage independent experts for technical advice for the efficient
discharge of the functions of the Commission
Hold an annual meeting of the Commission with the National Medical Commission, the
Homoeopathy Central Council and perform other such functions as may be entrusted to it by the
Central Government or as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act
An advisory council will be constituted to advise the NCAHP on the issues related to allied and
healthcare professionals

The State Council constitutes the following autonomous boards for regulating the profession in
the respective states. The following table indicates the functions of autonomous boards

MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01Under-graduateThese 2 boards shall determine the following:
Education Board & Standards of education at graduate and postgraduate, super speciality levels
Develop competency-based curriculum
Post-graduate Review the institutional standards against norms
Education Board Faculty development
Approval of courses of recognised qualification
13 Other functions as entrusted by the State Council

Postgraduate To ensure maintenance of minimum essential standards, assessment and rating
Education Board board performs the following:
Inspection of institutions
Ethics and Grant permission for establishment
Registration Board Seat capacity
Empanelling assessors
Impose warnings or fines
Recommend for withdrawal of recogni tion of institutions
Other functions as entrusted by the State Council

Maintain online and live state registers
Regulate the professional conduct and promotion of ethics
Undertake any other function
Other functions as entrusted by the State Council

Summary MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01

The year 2020, and COVID-19 will always be in our memories for changing the world, the way it
was functioning, especially in the healthcare system. The frontline health workforce including
optometrists put up a brave show during these difficult times to serve the people in their respective
communities. Current times, and services offered by the healthcare workforce over the decades,
delivered a clear and loud message to the policymakers regarding the importance of the allied and
healthcare workforce and their significant contribution to our country.

Focus on providing multidisciplinary team based care became the center point in the current
healthcare system. This paved a way for the policymakers to reorganise healthcare professionals,
specialized in those areas where specific tasks are shifted for improving the healthcare delivery,
quality and efficiency.

Based on this NCAHP Act, 2021, the Commission will be formed within six months, to frame the
guidelines for optometry practice, education and research. Public and professional consultations
will be conducted, to seek inputs from all the stakeholders for a better and bright Indian optometry.
This may improve the standards of Indian optometry across the globe and the role of optometrists:

working in governmental and non-governmental blindness prevention programs
by providing standardised, affordable, and accessible primary health and eye care to all the
Indian citizens
to standardise the optometry education across the country

A herculean task is in front of the Indian optometry fraternity. The role of autonomous boards
determines the educational standards, develop competency based curriculum, standards of
educational institutions, faculty development programs, drafting the guidelines for ethical practice,
regulating professional conduct and so on is crucial. It is time for all the optometry associations to
work unitedly with their respective state councils and boards for a better regulation of Indian
When compared with global optometry standards, a separate optometry practice act was
implemented in many countries such as Australia, Europe, Singapore, and United States of
America. For better recognition of Indian optometry across the globe, a separate Indian optometry
council may be sought as an amendment to this act in the future.


International Standard Classification of Occupations: ISCO-08/International Labour Office, Geneva: LO, 2012
The Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part II - Section 1. Ministry of Law and Justice, New Delhi, The 28th March 2021.
The Opticians Act 1989, UK and Europe:\
Optometrist and Opticians Act, Singapore

Clinical Photographs


Assistant Professor & Consultant Optometrist
Sankara Academy of Vision, Ludhiana

Sankara College of Optometry, Ludhiana


Degree in Management
An Overview

Management is broadly a perspective that comes with work SNIGDHA REDDY
experience. Time has proven that early intervention in the process of Assistant Director,
learning and development enhances competency to assimilate what Academy for Eye Care
can completely transform an individual’s learning and development Education,
curve. Manager, Trainer and
Intrigued by the concept of strategic management, I dove deep into it. L V Prasad Eye Institute
This led me to investing 2 years at a business school, soon after my (A WHO collaborating
optometry degree. LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) trained me to be a centre for prevention of
confident professional. But I lost my confidence and felt overwhelmed blindness).
and minuscule as soon as I started my management degree . I felt
lost as this path gave me a large and an empty canvas and left me [email protected]
wondering what to get out of it. However, I realized that the degree
has its own benefits. I understood that one needs to be crystal clear
on the purpose of pursuing a management degree and then it became
an investment.

Many aspire for a management position at work and hence a formal
training becomes advantageous. It doesn’t matter if your
understanding is raw, this additional training can help you develop
your skills and boost your confidence. From human resource
management to finance and international business management-you
have several options to choose from to plan your electives and
strategize your career momentum.

Management degree helps diversifying your career. It offers a
plethora of possibilities to work in varied industry verticals such as
healthcare, automobile, banking, hospitality, information and
technology(IT), fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) etc. Keep all
sectors on the canvas of possibility and find which image you want to
paint. Management degree is also a stepping stone to your next level

You might be operating at a certain level in your individual capacity.
What brought you here might not take you further unless you up your
game. Hence a degree in management can help you get that
competitive advantage, and will help you improve and expand your
capabilities. Business school education is more of an active and
experiential learning process. You need a complete dedication of two
years to be able to just get started with the journey.



Dr Pavan K Verkicharla

Dr Pavan Verkicharla is a scientist researching on both basic and transnational aspects
of myopia at the Myopia research lab in L V Prasad Eye Institute, India. Pavan pursued
his Ph.D from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia and post-doctoral
research from Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore. He has numerous
publications in international peer-reviewed journals and is passionate about myopia
research. He also serves as a reviewer for international peer-reviewed journals and is a
recipient of the prestigious "Bernard Gilmartin Award" for his research. Dr Verkicharla
holds research grants from both private organizations and the government of India
(Department of Science and Technology, and Science and Engineering Board) for
researching and understanding the various aspects of myopia with a holistic approach.
Apart from research, Dr Pavan also heads “The Myopia Centre’ at LVPEI



19 Talking about the awesome, fascinating
yet frustrating myopia has always been

and will be an exciting subject matter for
me. As I have been told to express my

perspective on myopia, I felt it would be
wise to call this write-up as “MY- OPIA” and

thus views here should be interpreted
with caution.

[email protected]

Myopia, according to me is an Myopia Boom in India: The combination of the current digital-
ignored area in India among ecosystem, more indoor-centric lifestyle, involvement in intense
parents (ignoring their child to near work activities (for entertainment and in strive for academic
have their eyes examined excellence), and limited outdoor time may result in an epidemic of
regularly), children (ignoring the high myopia in India similar to what was seen in China or
need to have the best vision), eye Singapore a few decades ago. Various research studies conducted
care professionals (ignoring to in China and Singapore showed that 80-90 children out of 100
practice, research, and preach have myopia. Therefore, it is high time for the eyecare fraternity in
about myopia and its India to start practicing and preaching myopia before the
management), industries (ignoring prevalence of myopia surges to uncontrollable levels as seen in
the Indian myopia scenario by not East Asian countries. India is already on the verge of seeing a peak
getting anti-myopia strategies to in myopia prevalence. Our current prediction model indicates that
India or/and ignoring the 1 out of 2 children living in urban regions of India will have myopia
poor/middle class with their high by 2050 if no anti-myopia measures are initiated soon. Our work in
costs for their anti-myopia lenses). the Myopia Research Lab at L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) also
I could call myopia fascinating as showed that about 17% of Indian children show a myopic
it gives employment to thousands progression of at least 1D every year, which according to me is
of diverse eye care professionals quite a rapid progression. We also reported that the pathologic
ranging from optometrists, complications do not just happen only in cases with high myopia
researchers, personnel in the and the elderly, but also in milder forms of myopia and are seen
optical industry, and even in children. This means, Indians are no lesser than anyone
ophthalmologists. Or frustrating as (pun intended) and we might soon see a myopia boom.
it is a complex ocular refractive
condition with multifactorial 20
aetiology with its cause still
remaining unclear (even after MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
conducting centuries of research).
There are many unanswered
questions such as why only a few
children develop myopia? Of them
why only a few progress to
high/pathologic myopia and
others don’t? How to counteract
the progression? What anti-myopia
strategy should be prescribed and
when/how, etc.?

As an Optometrist

it is absolutely our responsibility to tackle The goal of any anti-myopia strategy (in the
this awesome, intriguing, fascinating yet form of optical, environmental/behavioral, and
frustrating myopia. Note that myopia is pharmacological) should not aim to just stop
more than “parallel rays of light coming the progression, but also target a) myopia
from infinity focused in front of the retina prevention (think of children with emmetropes
with relaxed ocular accommodation” and but with other risk factors like parental myopia),
beyond the routinely performed on-axis b) delay the onset so that they may not develop
refraction. Given the growing evidence on high myopia in adulthood and c) slow the
the efficacy of various anti-myopia progression irrespective of age.
strategies and also its availability in India,
one has to understand that prescribing
single vision lenses to a child with myopia
progression is nothing less than a “sin”.

Having said that, I do understand that majority of the specially-designed spectacles
and contact lenses for myopia management are not manufactured in India and are
thus very expensive for our patients. Hopefully, we will soon have Indian
manufactured spectacles/contact lenses designed for controlling myopia, so that we
can cater to all those in need instead of just to the ones who can afford them.
Sometimes simple recommendations such as a change in lifestyle and increasing the
time spent in outdoors serve efficiently in myopia prevention and control in children.

“It is time to act now and optometrists should be
in the frontline to combat this myopia battle,”

said Prof. Brien Holden in his write-up about
myopia in 2015.

I would like to add to that by saying


MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01 “If not now, when?”

A holistic approach is a way to go if we want to ensure that the child does not have myopia progression.
Before we jump on the anti-myopia bandwagon or blindly follow what is in the market, I think it is
imperative to understand the causation by getting as much information as possible about the children’s
daily-lifestyle from their parents and from the children themselves, understand their family history of
myopia and measure ocular parameters as much as you can (optics sand structures). Otherwise, we will be
shooting in the dark.

Myopia management should stem from research as we need to first understand why the child has myopia
or is undergoing progression. With the evidence piling up every day (11,000+ papers published in the last
decade on myopia, 342 in 2021 already), unless we are up to speed (with the literature about myopia) it will
become a challenge for us to tackle this future pandemic. Our work in the myopia research lab concentrates
more on investigations related to the pathophysiology of myopia and one of our experiments in
understanding near work indicated that reading on paper is equally myopiogenic and thus the blame game
on just smartphones to cause myopia may not be right. Note that smart phones entered the market only
after the 2000s, but the myopia prevalence was already at peak (80%), ten years before that. Clearly, the
recommendation to children to just read on paper may not be correct.

I want to highlight that we should not blindly follow prescribing one type of anti-myopia strategy without 22
understanding the actual cause. Understand the mechanisms such as when and why ortho-keratology,
center distance multi-focal, bi-focal spectacle lenses, and atropine eye drops are good treatment options.
The evidence about the efficacy of all these strategies varies from approximately 40-70%. Monitor all the “X”
factors related to myopia (environment, central and peripheral optics, biometry at least) and then decide
the suitable anti-myopia strategy the child should get to counteract myopia progression.

THE 4 Ms OF Multi-factorial nature of myopia MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
MYOPIA Understand that there are many factors and a holistic approach is the way to go
Measure the 'X' factors related to myopia
Whatever you can with your instruments/awesome brain

Monitor the progression closely
3-6 month time will help us identify changes in axial length

Manage with appropriate anti-myopia strategy
Varies from case to case and providing them with nothing can be considered a sin

“Artificial” Vision - No Longer A Eye drop for presbyopia A smart contact lens that
Pipe Dream monitors glucose tears

Rapid advancements in the area Until now, there has been no Ever since the concept of smart
of medical technology are other option for near vision contact lenses was first
problems associated with
propelling innovative treatments presbyopia except for wearing introduced, people have been
that are designed to cater to the corrective lenses or undergoing thinking about ways to improve
visual needs of persons with low an elective surgical procedure
such as excimer laser ablation, their lives. Early attempts at
vision, visual impairment, and multifocal or accommodating contact lens electronics were
blindness. Bionic Eye IOL implantation, corneal made with rigid and opaque
inlays, or femtosecond laser electronics, which made them
Psychophysics at Bionic Institute intrastromal correction. Visus uncomfortable to wear. But
Melbourne, Australia and Therapeutics - a clinical-stage
Department of Surgery company has developed a new these were only tested in
drug called Brimocol (carbachol animals. If possible in humans,
(Ophthalmology), University of and brimonidine tartrate) that the lenses could help monitor
Melbourne, Center for Eye can effectively correct near
vision problems caused due to blood sugar levels and help
Research Australia innovated a presbyopia. It has the potential people with diabetes keep their
visual prosthesis, “bionic eyes,” to last for up to eight hours.
that are meant to stimulate the eyes on their feet.
The FDA has recently Jihun Park and his team at the
parts of visual in people with approved the application for
visual impairment. This bionic Bimochol. Visus Therapeutics Ulsan National Institute of
Science and Technology in
eye allows them to identify will now begin a phase 2 South Korea aimed to solve
objects, detect a person, or help clinical trial in the U.S. these problems by designing
find a doorway. The bionic eyes components that are both
use an electrical stimulation of flexible and soft. These flexible, 24

functional neurons through transparent lenses can MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
micro-bielectrode that makes the measure blood sugar levels
person see a spot of light known from tears in the eye and warn
the wearers when the sugar
as phosphenes. The recipient
can use these phosphenes to levels get too high.

map out visual scenes.
Other advanced visual aids such
as IrisVision, Acesight, NuEyes
Pro, MyEye2, and eSight allow
patients with visual needs to use

their functional vision.

To read more on this:

FDA- Approved myopia control Reduction in digital eye strain Large scale vision screening
contact lens with Cooper Vision contact lens made possible - Innovation

from Essilor

Mi-Sight 1 day contact lens by Binofinity Energys from One of the most critical
CooperVision is the first FDA- CooperVision is a specially factors in helping developing
designed contact lens with “Digital countries reach their vision
approved lens that can Optics Zone” that is engineered to
effectively control myopia reduce digital eye strain as the care goals is the lack of
wearer moves closer to the digital affordable testing
progression in children gadgets especially while using
between 8-12 years. Mi-Sight traditional desktops and laptops. instruments. The Click
Digital users generally tend to Check from Essilor is an
contact lens uses blink less, so, these lenses come example of a breakthrough
ActivControl™ Technology with the technology called technology that enables
where one part of the lens “Aquaform” which binds water to vision screening to be done
(correction zones in the figure the lens itself and is shown to anywhere, anytime. The
below) helps to correct myopia increase hydration, softness, and ClickCheck is a portable,
and improves distance vision breathability. The “Digital Optics low-cost vision screening
and another part (treatment Zone” technology includes multiple device that fits in most
zones) creates a myopic aspheric curves across the entire settings. It eliminates the
defocus, thereby reducing optical zone that simulates positive need for electricity and is
hyperopic defocus in the power in the center of the lens and ideal for vision screening in
peripheral retina which is helps reduce the strain on the areas with limited access.
shown to play a role in myopia eye’s ciliary muscle as the wearer
moves their fixation from distance
to near or vice versa.
The figure above shows the optics of Mi-Sight 1
day contact lens


MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01 To read more on this:


A brighter world lies within this creative mind!

Got a Talent?
Want to showcase it to the world?

we will showcase it all.
We are looking for new talent and
flair. Do you think you have it in you?

Write to us:

[email protected]

(Stories: 450 words, Poems: 100 words, one photo, design, meme, etc. per entry)



Iphone XR mobile with external
macro lenses (Signi 25 mm and

Skyvik 20x)

Consultant Optometrist

L V Prasad Eye Institute, KAR Campus, Hyderabad



Sankara College of Optometry, Bangalore



Sankara College of Optometry, Bangalore

Consultant Optometrist

L V Prasad Eye Institute, KAR Campus, Hyderabad

Word Search

Can you find eye-related words in the puzzle below?

Look for the words listed below.











1. I am always new but people don't want me 2. I am same for both my humors. Whom am I ? MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
3. Lead or Lag how do you decide ? 6. Crossing my path at this point helps me clear
4. People adore my beauty when I'm outside my way
but cry if I go inside 8. I am normal and yet get ignored in daily life
5. I am called long but have short problems 9. I go blue when I get thin
7. I am called short but have long term
10. When you see through two eyes the visual
space is seen through_________

Answers to the crossword will be given in the next magazine edition

1. An old man who was born in the year 1948, quite recently
celebrated his 17th birthday. How?

2. A snail is at the bottom of a 30 feet wall. Every hour the snail
climbs up 3 feet and then slides down by 2 feet.How many hours

does it take for the snail to reach the top of the wall?

3. 12 match sticks are lying in front of a person, one match stick is
removed and now he/she sees nine. How is it possible?

33 The shark cornea is nearly identical to the humanMAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
cornea, and has even been used in human eye

Ommatophobia is a fear of the eyes

sruoh 82 .2 ENIN) sa degnarra skcits hctam ( ENIN sa meht sees eH .3

raey pael a ni ylno srucco hcihw beF ht92 no nrob saw eH .1
: srewsnA


We invite submissions that focus on various topics
related to Optometry and Vision Science. We especially
welcome short articles (at least 1000 words) that reflect
not only on mainstream optometry but also focus on the
seldom covered optometry topics like ocular genetics,

artificial intelligence, machine learning, eye and
innovation etc.

Submit your entries at [email protected]


MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01 36

Fr ui dnat ays t i c

Bharti Vidyapeeth
Deemed University, Sangli

seuTday toon

Research Optometrist
Centre for Innovation, LVPEI


7th ALO MEET- 3rd Jan 2021


The 7th ALO Annual Meet was held virtually on
January 3, 2021 due to the ongoing Covid-19
pandemic. The primary agenda of the conference
was to introduce the new President, board
members, and executive members of the ALO and
announce the Alumni of the Year. The event
brought together most of our alumni and hosted
over 100 participants, online.

The annual meet also included several ice breaker sessions such as live quiz, talent hunt,
games, memory lane of our alumni, etc., which captivated both the students and clinicians
during the meet. Further to this, there were sessions focussing on understanding and
tackling the current COVID-19 situation, low vision, contact lens, orthoptics and vision
therapy, ophthalmic dispensing, and a panel discussion on optometric practice during the
COVID era.


MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01

MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01One of the most successful sessions at the 7th ALO meet was the presence of Dr. Pravin
Krishana Vaddavalli , the Director of The Cornea Institute, Head, Refractive Surgery,
Cataract and Contact Lens Services, at LVPEI, Hyderabad. He delivered a talk, on
“Continuing Engagement with LVPEI.” The zenith of his talk was the discussion on the
evolution of teleophthalmology services and innovations from Srujana Innovation Center at

Dr Pavan K. Verkicharla, former President of ALO, inaugurated the meet and addressed
the attendees, gave ALO related updates, highlighted the contributions of the former
governing body, and shed light on the future goals and strategies of ALO. This was
followed by Dr Nagraju Konda’s talk on “Understanding and Tackling Covid-19” which
garnered special attention.

The panel discussion on “Optometry
Practice during the COVID Era” was
43 joined by several renowned
optometrists who are practicing
independently in different parts of
India. The primary focus of this panel
discussion was to put forward the
challenges and hurdles the optometry
community faced during the initial
months of complete lockdown.

"The Alumni of the Year 2020" awards were presented to Mr. Yeshwant Saoji and
Mr. Nagesh Vuppala for their immense contributions to the field of Optometry and
Vision Sciences. Lastly, Dr. Pavan K. Verkicharla and Mr. Vijay K. Yelagondula
former treasurer, conveyed their gratitude to all participants, attendees, speakers,
and panelists. They extended their thanks to all the alumni who attended the meet.


Before the main conference, our task force, aka. our governing body with all the executive MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01
board members and life-time members of the ALO meet annually to discuss the strategy,
feedback, past works, future works to shape the work of ALO as a non-profit organization.
This year's business meet started with Dr. Pavan K. Verkicharla's update on the overview
of the past, present & future of ALO which was followed by a group discussion. Mr. Vijay
Yelagodula gave the overview of this year’s governing body election and announced the
new governing body members, selected unanimously. The nominated general secretary
members gave their presentation about how they are going to ensure the smooth
functioning of this organisation as well as maintaining the administration. This was the
highlight of this year's business meet. Mr. Lalith Kumar Reddy was selected as our new
President of ALO. Our previous task force, especially Dr. Vinod Kumar Maseedupally
recognized that empowering women and employing their leadership qualities in every
aspect of ALO’s work will be a catalyst to the development of ALO.

MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01YESHWANT SAOJI is a senior optometrist from
Nagpur. He specializes in the field of contact
lenses and has been practicing it since the last
26 years. He holds a Master’s degree in
Optometry from the School Of Optometry, Bharati
Vidyapeeth University, Pune. A graduate of the
Elite School of Optometry (1991), Sankara
Nethralaya, Chennai, he is also a fellow of
L.V.Prasad Eye Institute (1992), Hyderabad.


The goal of an ALO meet is to always uplift the profession and its members who promote optometry
to the next level in our country and inspire individuals to achieve greater accomplishments. The
Alumnus/i of the Year award is given to one/two optometrists from the ALO fraternity to recognize
their contributions over the years to help optometry grow and be role models for the upcoming

generations. This year the award was given to Mr.Yeshwanth Saoji and Mr. Nagesh Vuppala for their
immense contributions in the field of clinical optometry.

Nagesh Vuppala completed his Master of
Optometry from Bharati Vidyapeeth University,
School of Optometry, Pune. He specializes in
low vision and keratoconus contact lens
45 management. He is one of the leading low vision
practitioners in India. He conducts training and
mentors students on low vision and contact
lenses research. He has been the invited guest,
speaker, faculty for various institutes and
industries across the Asia Pacific region. Prior to
joining NeoRetina, he worked as senior
optometrist at the world renowned L.V.Prasad
Eye Institute, Hyderabad.

ALO has launched a new fortnightly initiative called the ALO Chronicles in
February 2021.

It is a cornucopia of interesting, motivating, and relatable journeys of our
alumni. The chronicles aim to

showcase the untold tales of people who have contributed to the
optometry community and are striving or
have strived to achieve their dreams.

Teach Motivate Inspire

The chronicles not only showcase career oriented accolades but also
the inspiring stories of journeys,

BLSO/LVPEI memories, failures and success of an optometrist.

ALO would love to hear from you. Write to us at
[email protected]

*Only for ALOians

MAY, 2021 | ISSUE 01 Read about how Swathi's Ph.D. journey
started with hurdles and how she over came

them to reach the pinnacle of joy.

From having a small hobby to living the dream
of being a professional photographer and

optometrist, read our chronicle to know more
about Vinay's journey.

From holding her mobile phone and looking
47 at the world through a slightly different

angle to pursuing her dream of becoming a
professional light painting photographer,

read through Meghana's journey to get
awestruck by the passion she has towards


Here is a story of how Sunila let
determination take the wheel when

uncertainty and confusion hit
her road. She traveled through an incredible

roller coaster path, yet was successful in
accomplishing her goals!

Ever wondered about branching out of
optometry just to get a better understanding

of it?
Read Sneha’s story to understand the
importance of having a birds eye view of

optometry and eye care.


To read full Chronicles MAY 2021 | ISSUE 01



Dr. Vijaya K.

Head - Outcomes
Research Unit at LVPEI

Global Optometrist Top 200 Research Ranking

Dr Vijaya Gothwal, Head - Outcomes Research Unit, LVPEI has
been listed among the 'Global Optometrist Top 200 Research
Ranking' - by the internationally reputed journal - Clinical and
Experimental Optometry. The list was created to recognize and
49 celebrate world leaders in the field of optometric research. She is
one of the few Indians who made it to this elite group. The ranking
will motivate and inspire future generations of optometrists to
pursue their passion.

ALO Congratulates You

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