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The Parish Magazine for Teme Valley North June 2019

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Published by Chris Melling, 2019-05-24 09:29:38

Temespan June 2019

The Parish Magazine for Teme Valley North June 2019

Keywords: Temespan

Mike Harley

We had a fascinating talk on 30th Locks and weirs were constructed
April when 29 members heard obliquely (a new design) to lessen
Peter Goggs speak on Worcester the force of the water and reduce
Engineers. the risk of flooding. These were at
An interesting note at the outset Diglis, Holt Fleet and Stourport.
informed us that local engineering Williams also wanted locks south
firm Heenan & Froude designed of Worcester but these were
the Blackpool Tower, and denied by Parliament until 1892
fabricators Hardy & Padmore when they relented and another
designed and manufactured lock was built at Tewkesbury.
Foregate Street railway bridge Williams was credited with all
and the fountain in Cripplegate of these improvements and in
Park. 1846 was elected a Member of the
Institute of Civil Engineers.

The main part of the talk however He had 11 children and his eldest
centred on an engineer born in born in 1828 was also named
Reading in 1802 by the name of Edward Leader Williams. He
Edward Leader Williams. He was an apprentice to his father
moved to Worcester where he met and then went to work for the
and married Sarah Whiting, a Great Northern Railway in
Quaker. He had an ironmongers 1844. However his main work
business in a shop on the ground was on canals working in 1856 as
floor of the Guildhall. However appointed engineer to the River
he developed an interest in Weaver Trust. This brought
navigational problems of the about one of his major works the
River Severn. In 1835 he Anderton hydraulic boat lift in
produced plans to improve the 1872 connecting the River Weaver
river for use by larger boats to with the Trent and Mersey Canal.
bring goods from Bristol and At this time he was also engineer
Gloucester. A bill was put before to the Bridgwater canal. Possibly
Parliament in 1837 but this was his finest achievement was as
thrown out due to the influence an engineer to the Manchester
of wealthy landowners who were Ship Canal. Planning began in
concerned about flooding. After 1882 with a budget of £5.75m,
much debate, a revised plan was construction commenced in
passed by Parliament in 1842 1887 and was finished in 1894
giving power to Commissioners to at a final cost of £15.25m (some
improve the river and to levy tolls. overspend!!). It was 35.5 miles


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long, had 5 locks and included There were many artists named
the incredible Barton Swing Williams so he changed his name
Aqueduct which allowed the canal to Benjamin William Leader.
to pass underneath Bridgwater Whilst we will be having a summer
canal. He was knighted in 1894. visit to Hartlebury Castle in June,
Almost as an antidote to the we will then have a break and
family engineering prowess, we return on 24th September when
were also told of another child Ron Gallivan will be speaking to
Benjamin Leader Williams born us about “Iron Maidens: Female
in 1831. He took after his father Conscription in WW2”. This will
in respect of his gift in painting be held at Abberley Village Hall
and became a very successful at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome.
artist with many of his works
exhibited at the Royal Academy.

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and inhabitants. Intermittent from the main tracks, getting on
grazing stops the development with life, as they have surely done
of scrub and maintains the right for many centuries.
conditions for birds, plants and Perhaps the best time to walk
insects. Scarce butterflies rely the Malverns is in May, when
on the grasses of the rocky, steep it is not too hot, and swathes of
slopes of the North Hill. Here can bluebells tint the hill-flanks blue
be found grayling, small copper, and scent the air with perfume.
small heath and green hairstreak Then you can take in the view of
varieties. Skylarks, tree pipits, the stretching Severn plain and
meadow pipits, wood and willow see Piers Plowman’s “fair field
warblers and whitethroats are full of folk”, that is, Worcester-
all birds that breed on the hills. shire.
Lesser horseshoe bats roost here. The next meeting of the Teme
Plants, too, are reliant on the Valley Wildlife Group is on
ecology of the hills. When I Thursday June 13th 2019 when
visited in March I saw primroses, we welcome James Woodend
white and blue sweet violets, whose talk is on the wildlife of
wood anemones, wood sorrel and Namibia. Do join us at 7:30pm
some shocking-pink naturalised at Stoke Bliss and Kyre village
cyclamen. Although it is exhila- hall, WR15 8RR. It is just £2 on
rating to walk the windy ridge and the door and everybody is most
to climb British camp imagining welcome.
Caractacus defying the Romans, For up-to-date information on
the quiet lower pastures at the what wildlife is being seen in the
foot of the hills can be just as area, or to give us your sightings
interesting, and it is here that the or comments, visit our Facebook
shyest of plants can be found. The page. Our programme of events,
highlight of our walk was an area bird survey and archive photo-
of steep, light woodland on the graphs are available on our
western flank of the hills, near to website www.temevalleywildlife.
Evendine. From high up, tumbling We normally holds meetings
down past us and on below, came on the second Thursday of the
an abundance of wild daffodils. month. All are welcome. Contact
Pale and diminutive, these plants us by telephone on 01584 881397
were quietly blooming, well away or by email at [email protected]




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Clubs and Societies
I: Information - T: Telephone - E: Email - W: Web

Abberley Angling Club Coarse the month at St Lawrence’s church,
fishing club with own pool in Abberley. Lindridge, 7.30-8.30pm, singing at
Seniors - I: Dave Yemm Parish communion on the first Sunday
T: 01299 896 737. of the month, plus other special
Juniors - I: Colin Bates services. We are a friendly group, no
T: 01905 798 225 prior experience is required, so if you
Clows Top Garden Club meet on the love singing why not come and join us?
4th Wednesday of each month at the I: Andrew Barker
Victory Hall, Clows Top. E: [email protected]
I: Marion Wilson T: 01299 270 475 Teme Valley Childrens Centre
E:clowstopdistrictgardeningclub@ run a number of relevant events for children and parents.
Eastham Garden Club this has T: 01905 622 354
been recently set up with occasional E: [email protected].
meetings at Eastham Village Hall uk
I: Diana Clarke, Secretary Teme Valley Geological Society meet
T: 01584 781 505 monthly at the
E: [email protected] Martley Memorial Hall
Lindridge Art Group Art for I: John Nicklin T:01886 888 318
everyone - meetings at Lindridge E: [email protected]
Parish Hall every Tuesday at 3.00pm. blog:
We have an excellent tutor and your Teme Valley Historical Society meet
first lesson is free. monthly on the last Tuesday in the
E: [email protected] month at Abberley Village Hall I:Mike
Knighton Friends meet 3rd Harley T: 01584 881 194
Wednesday of each month in the Teme Valley Wildlife Group
afternoon for meals, garden visits, boat meet 2nd Thursday each month at
trips etc. I: Sheila Bragger Stoke Bliss and Kyre Village Hall
T: 01584 781 190 Stoke Bliss WR15 8RR
Menith Wood WI meet generally on I: C. Roseman T: 01584 881397
the first Monday in the month at the E: [email protected]
Old Chapel Hall T: 01584 881 102 W:
Rock Bridge Club We meet every Tenbury Rambling Club
Sunday at Rock Village Hall at 7.00 I: Ian T: 01584 876 698.
pm. New members welcome whether Tenbury Town Band meet for
on own or with partner. The meetings rehearsals at Penlu Sports Club on
are very sociable and relaxed. We do Sundays (Apprentices 4 – 4:30 and full
not play Duplicate Bridge. band 4:30 – 7:00)
I: Luke Grant T: 07854 951 330 I: Mel Parker
St Lawrence’s Church Choir meet T: 01584 881 683.
for rehearsals the last Wednesday of W:


The Parish of Teme Valley North

Priest in Charge of the churches of Knighton, Lindridge, Pensax, Stockton,
Abberley, Great and Little Witley, Shrawley
Reverend Ted Whittaker

The Rectory, 1 Chiltern Close, Great Witley, Worcester. WR6 6HL
Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01299 890100 or 07791 484774

Reader 01584 781094 [email protected]

Marjorie Workman

Church Wardens Lindridge St Lawrence

Vickie Melling 01584 881086 [email protected]

Dianne Smith 01584 881893 [email protected]

Church Wardens

Knighton St Michael and All Angels Vacant

Pensax St James the Great Vacant

Stockton St Andrew Vacant

Church Contacts: Gill Morgan 01584 781412
Sandra Jabbett 01584 881 217
Knighton-on-Teme Jean Rudd 01299 832 513

PCC Details above [email protected] Chair
01584 881086 [email protected] Lay Chair
Revd Ted Whittaker 01584 881086 [email protected] Secretary
Vickie Melling 01584 881274 Treasurer
Chris Melling
Bill Andrews

Baptisms Weddings and Funerals

See page 27

Children's Worker

Elizabeth Whitehead 01584 781651 [email protected]

Stourport Deanery Church Officer
Ms Vikki Day 01905 621022 [email protected]
Mission Developer
Temespan 07917 783159 [email protected]
01584 881274 [email protected] Editor
Pete Thorp 01584 781230 [email protected] Advertising
Bill Andrewes 01584 881086 [email protected] Knighton Church
Jane Hogan 01584 881563 [email protected] Lindridge Church
Stockton Church
Vickie Melling
Sally Webb

Robin Dean 01886 853295 [email protected] Teme Valley Tote

Parish Website - Webmaster

Chris Melling 01584 881086 [email protected]


Wyre Forest

‘your local expert’

Call: Ross

Office: 01562 747210
Mobile: 07890 048362
Email: [email protected]

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