GET INVOLV202E1-D202!2
Photo credit:
Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications
Community Service CENTER FOR
Student Orgs & Events
Sorority & Fraternity Life STUDENT INVOLVEMENT
Communication & Leadership
A Department of Student Affairs
Welcome! Table of Contents page
Welcome to UC San Diego and our Triton family. Communication and Leadership 4
I look forward to seeing you on campus soon. Here Make a Difference Through Community Service 6
at UC San Diego, we believe that learning happens Sorority & Fraternity Life at UC San Diego 8
both inside and outside of the classroom. Our faculty Student Organizations & Events 14
members are focused on providing you with a world- Student Organizations by Focus 22
class education that will prepare you for a gratifying,
lifelong career. We also offer a wide range of campus Dear Incoming UC San Diego student:
activities, many of which are provided by our Center
for Student Involvement. I encourage you to take full As the world opens back up, we are excited to welcome
advantage of these opportunities. Your experiences you (back) to campus! The Center for Student Involvement
at UC San Diego will foster personal growth, at UC San Diego invites you to explore many opportunities
inspire creativity, teach you to work and excel in a for engagement.
multicultural environment, and allow you to analyze
and solve problems of the world holistically. Welcome The campus offers both in-person and hybrid programs
again, and I look forward to seeing you on campus. and services, there are more opportunities than ever to
Pradeep K. Khosla get involved, including communication and leadership
Chancellor, UC San Diego programs, sorority and fraternity life, and community
service initiatives.
More than 600 student organizations register each
UC San Diego students who get involved early academic year; there are bound to be many that interest
in their college career are more satisfied with you! Browse the full list on our website and note that you
their entire college experience. Don’t wait, get aren’t limited by this list, it only takes 3 students to start
involved today! a new organization.
The more time and effort you invest in your
college experience, both inside and outside Explore the diversity of our student organizations,
the classroom, the more growth you will develop yourself as a leader and contributor to campus
experience and skills you will develop. life at UC San Diego, and take this opportunity to
Students who get involved are more satisfied have a positive impact on your life and the community.
with their overall experience and their social Visit to learn more. We look forward
experience at UC San Diego. to meeting you and introducing you to the many ways to
get involved!
CENTER FOR Emily Trask, PhD.
Executive Director, Center for Student Involvement
Center for Student Involvement
University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0078
La Jolla, California 92093-0078
[email protected] •
Triton Weeks of Welcome (TWOW) is the o icial welcome
period for new & returning students to UC San Diego.
Join us this year as we (re) introduce you to UC San Diego
and all the exciting changes to campus. Don’t miss
residential move-in events, Convocation, Triton Fest, Meet
the Beach, orientations, and much more! Check out the
calendar of events on
Improve Your Leadership and Communication Skills
1. Don’t wait ... start now! Employers are looking for graduates with strong
communication and leadership skills.
2. Go to during Week 1 of each quarter and register for a FREE
seminar or the leadership certificate program called iLead.
3. Visit us in Price Center East, Level 3 for more information and opportunities
to make the most of your college experience.
All programs are FREE to UC San Diego registered students. Students who fulfill program
requirements will receive recognition of completion in their Co-Curricular Record.
I GOT Participate in Workshops and Seminars that will
INVOLVED! Boost your Communication and Leadership Skills:
“While my participation iLead
in iLead was somewhat
decided on a whim, this A drop-in workshop program that provides students the flexibility to choose workshop sessions on various
program turned out to communication and leadership topics that align with your individual interests and schedule. Receive a stamp
be the spark I needed for each session you attend; 6 stamps earn you a certificate of completion and 10 stamps earn you validation
to reignite my desire on your Co-Curricular Record! CCR helps demonstrate to employers, graduate/ professional programs, and for
to serve marginalized awards the competencies and skills you gained through your experience.
communities. For
example, attending Seminars and Workshop Series
a workshop on
gentrification illustrated Non-credit seminars that develop students’ leadership, professional, and social skills through fun and
how such an unfamiliar interactive activities and discussion on the following topics: Interpersonal Relationships, Public Speaking,
topic for me could heavily Equity Minded Leadership, and Strengths Based Leadership. Seminars meet twice a week for eight 90-minute
be impacting those sessions in a cohort-based learning environment. Students who attend all sessions and successfully complete
around me. I realized my assigned exercises will be given a certificate of completion and a validation of the seminar on their
ignorance came from Co-Curricular Record.
the power and privilege
I had and reflected on Custom Workshops
what I could do given
my position to facilitate Request a custom workshop for your student organization or group, tailored to meet your needs in developing
social change.” your interpersonal communication skills, leadership style, or your team and group dynamics.
- Veronica H. Dialogue Program
iLead Participant
Engage in meaningful discussions to learn about various perspectives on a variety of topics and build empathy
4 by participating in Campus Conversations and Interfaith Dialogue offered throughout the year.
For more information, visit
As the inaugural
academic event of the
year, Convocation marks the
formal entrance of new students into the
UC San Diego community. A pivotal moment
for freshmen and transfer students, the event features
university leaders including Chancellor Pradeep Khosla.
Other speakers include the student government president, a
successful young alumnus, and a featured speaker. It is a
memorable rite of passage for all incoming students!
A UCSD Tradition since 2007
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 • 10:30am • RIMAC Field
Photo credit:
Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications
Be Part of an Award-Winning Community Service Movement
The University of California San Diego recently achieved the designation as an
Ashoka U Changemaker Campus. The designation recognizes UC San Diego for its role
as a leader in social innovation education and creates opportunities to expand and highlight
UC San Diego’s transformative contributions to social innovation and changemaking.
UC San Diego’s commitment to community service has been recognized for the seventh
consecutive year by the Washington Monthly as one the nation’s top universities in a
ranking that measures “what colleges are doing for the country.”
I GOT Make a Difference Through Short-term service
INVOLVED! Ongoing Service Opportunities opportunities:
“I can honestly say that Alternative Breaks (AB) – Participate in social justice service learning trips Sunshine for Seniors:
Alternative Breaks in D.C. across the country and around the world, during academic breaks that The Sunshine for Seniors Project
has been the most eye educate, empower and impact lives. AB is dedicated to creating globally seeks to combat loneliness and
opening and impactful conscious active citizens who commit to lifelong service. Visit isolation that many of our senior
week of my life and I have for more information. citizens are facing during this
done similar trips four JusticeCorps – Assist self-represented litigants (individuals who represent pandemic.
times previously. I am themselves before the court without an attorney) to file paperwork Community Service Newsletter:
so much more educated related to family law and civil matters. All of the work is overseen Receive community service
and conscious and aware by an attorney or trained supervisor in the courthouses of San Diego. opportunities weekly to your
of so many more things Visit for more information. inbox. Students looking to serve
that goes far beyond Education Corps at UCSD – Provide one-on-one tutoring and mentoring individually and in groups will
myself and personal to students in under-resourced San Diego schools. Support learning, benefit from the wide range of
experiences.” promote a college going culture, and improve attitudes towards school opportunities available in the
while learning about education as a social justice issue. Visit newsletter.
- Alternative Breaks for more information. MLK Jr. Day of Service:
Participant Community Health Project at UCSD – Serve as a long-term volunteer intern at Join UC San Diego volunteers and
a local nonprofit working on community-based health initiatives and learn community members in a day of
“I love going to my school about health as a social justice issue. Visit action to honor the life and legacy
site each week, seeing ongoing/CHP.html for more information. of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
my students smile as I Community Service Transportation (CST) – Rides provide access to service
enter the classroom, and sites throughout the greater San Diego area for UC San Diego volunteers.
being there as they grow Check out for more information.
and learn and improve Social Innovation – Apply your skills and knowledge to find more solutions to
on their academic skills. real world problems. Find more information at
I hope to inspire them to For more information, visit
pursue a higher education
and help them realize
that they can accomplish
anything with hard work
and determination.”
- Carla Espinoza
Photo credit: During UnOlympics, all
Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications seven colleges participate in zany
competitions that range from an obstacle
course to a balloon relay and a dance routine.
Colleges vie for the coveted Golden Shoe Trophy
(and bragging rights) by participating in a series of spirited events,
competing in cheers, games, and dances.
A UCSD Tradition since 1979
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 • 12pm • RIMAC Field
Join our Community!
UC San Diego Sorority & Fraternity Life (SFL) is home to 21 sororities, 23 fraternities, and
16 cultural-based organizations with over 2,500 Triton members. SFL is a unique and rewarding
experience that fully captures and encompasses all aspects of a complete college experience.
Whether you are looking to connect with other like-minded peers, expand your leadership skills,
or give back to the community, there is a place for you in Sorority & Fraternity Life.
I GOT Interfraternity Council Multicultural Greek Council National Pan-Hellenic Council
INVOLVED! Alpha Epsilon Pi Sororities Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Lambda Mu Alpha Gamma Alpha
“As a member of Sorority Beta Theta Pi Kappa Zeta Phi SFL in collaboration with National
& Fraternity Life I have Kappa Sigma Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
become a well-rounded Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Theta Nu Sorority, Inc. organizations, Alpha Phi Alpha
individual. I have grown Phi Delta Theta Phi Lambda Rho Sorority, Inc. Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Kappa
as a leader, developed Phi Gamma Delta Sigma Alpha Zeta Sorority, Inc. Alpha Sorority, Inc., Kappa Alpha
professional skills, Pi Kappa Alpha Sigma Omicron Pi Psi Fraternity Inc., Omega Psi Phi
become more social, Pi Kappa Phi Sigma Pi Alpha National Sorority, Inc. Fraternity, Inc., Delta Sigma Theta
and engaged in more Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sorority, Inc., Phi Beta Sigma
community service. Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternities Fraternity, Inc., Zeta Phi Beta
As a proud Latina in Sigma Nu Alpha Epsilon Omega Sorority, Inc., and Iota Phi Theta
an identity-based Sigma Phi Epsilon Delta Lambda Phi Fraternity Inc., hosts opportunities
sorority I am given the Tau Kappa Epsilon Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc for UC San Diego students to
opportunity to serve Triangle Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. become members. Complete the
underrepresented Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity, Inc. NPHC Interest Form at
communities through Panhellenic Council Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to learn more about active NPHC
my chapter’s political Alpha Chi Omega Pi Alpha Phi organizations.
activism! It’s also a Alpha Epsilon Phi Psi Chi Omega
great way to connect Alpha Omicron Pi
with people from other Alpha Phi Governing Councils:
chapters and of other Chi Omega
councils.” Delta Delta Delta All values-based SFL social organizations at UC San Diego are affiliated
Delta Gamma with one of the governing councils: Multicultural, National Pan-Hellenic,
- Sharai Barrera, Kappa Alpha Theta Interfraternity, & Panhellenic. In accordance with their history, purpose,
Multicultural Greek Kappa Kappa Gamma and perspectives, the councils serve as a foundation to build community
Council President & Phi Sigma Rho and strive towards our common values of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion,
member of Lambda Pi Beta Phi Academic Excellence, Leadership & Character Development, Community
Theta Alpha Latin Sigma Kappa Sorority Responsibility, and Lifelong Friendships.
Sorority, Inc.
Learn more about SFL at UC San Diego -
8 [email protected] @ucsdsororityfraternity
Get Involved! We have over 500 UC San Diego Student Organizations!
Visit our student organization database at! View a complete listing of
student organizations and contact information.
Participate in our annual Student Organizations Fair during Fall Quarter. Principal Members will
explain how to get involved with their student organization’s events, meetings, and more!
Check out CSI’s social media platforms @GetInvolvedUCSD
I GOT Join a student organization. Find out about the latest
INVOLVED! events and entertainment for
To see a list of registered student organizations students.
“Since starting Nursing visit
Hearts, we’ve been invited
to present at events Connect with the One Stop Desk
across campus. This is
exciting because now Student Involvement Leadership Consultants (SILCs)
there is a nursing-focused can help connect you with student organizations and
organization providing provide more information on how to get involved at
helpful information to all [email protected].
students. UC San Diego
is a large campus and Visit the One Stop Website
regardless of your major
it can be lonely. That is Find information on reserving event space,
why it is amazing that planning events, applying for funding,
both pre-nursing and and more at
non pre-nursing students
are having a positive Start your own organization!
experience with our
student organization.” Visit the One Stop website to learn how.
- Nursing Hearts, Health For more information, visit
Professions Category
Student Organization,
2020-2021 New Student
Organization of the Year
CSI Award Winner
Photo credit: Check out the many
Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications student services, academic
departments, and fun activities available
at UC San Diego and learn about all the creative
ways to stay active and connected.
A UCSD Tradition for more than 20 years
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 • 12-2pm
RIMAC field, immediately following Convocation
Academic • Cooperative/Enterprise • Cultural • Dance
academic Students for the Exploration and Japanese Student Association DANCE
Development of Space Latina Doctoral Student Collective
Delve into your academic discipline SynBio MannMukti at UCSD Find your movement and style in
and develop closer ties with your Triton Cansat Mixed Student Union our various dance organizations.
academic department or program. Triton Engineering Student Council Multi-Asian Student Association Aequora Ballet Company
Anthropology Club at UCSD Triton Robosub Nikkei Student Union Alter Ego Dance
Association for Women in Triton Robotics Pan-Arab Student Association Ascension Hip Hop Dance Team
Triton Unmanned Aerial Systems PARSA - Persian Association for Ballet Folklorico la Joya de
Mathematics at UCSD Rendering Science and Art
Astronomy Club at UCSD Triton-Ai Persian American Student Association Mexico
Bioengineering Graduate Society uCHARM Polynesian Dance Club (Previously Breakin’ Club- Body Rock
BioEngineering Newsletter Undergraduate Communication Hawaii Club) Chinese Dance Association
Biology Undergraduate and Society at UCSD Russian Club Da Real Punjabiz
Master’s Mentorship Program Undergraduate Economics Society SangamSD Division 12
BioScholars Program at UCSD Undergraduate History Network Sri Lankan Students Association Finesse Dance Company
Cognitive Science Study Group Undergraduate Women in Taiwanese American Student KOTX
Computer Science and Engineering Computing at UCSD Association Lion Dance at UCSD
Society Undergraduate Women in Physics TamashaSD Pushpanjali
Data Science Student Society Women in Bioengineering Tea Club at UCSD Raas Ruckus Dance Team
Design/Build/Fly Young Planners Society Teo-Chew Association at UCSD
Diversity in Data Science Triton Jewish Leaders Salsa Society
ECE Undergraduate Student cooperative/ Vietnamese Student Association Sleepless Collective
Council enterprise Yifang Chinese Musical Club (YFM) Zor at UCSD (Hindi Film)
Engineers Without Borders at UCSD Dance Team
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Cooperative organizations provide
French Club consumer goods and services to the
Game Artifical Intelligence Studies campus community. Increase your
Graduate Bioinformatics Council skills and learn the art of managing
International Society for a business.
Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE) Che Café
International Studies Student Food Cooperative at UCSD
Association (ISSA) at UCSD Groundwork Books Collective
Jacobs Graduate Student Council The General Store Co-op
Jacobs’ Journal
Linguistics Undergraduate cultural
Association (LINGUA)
NanoEngineering and Technology Help create a sense of community
Society on campus by sharing your beliefs,
Psi Chi/Psychology Club customs and traditions.
Robotic Graduate Student Afghan Student Association
Organization (RoboGrads) Armenian Student Association
Ronald E. McNair Undergraduate Bangali Student Association
Student Journal Committee Cambodian Student Association
Scholars Society at UCSD Chinese Union
Scripps Education Association Cultural Iranian Student Association
Society for Women in Graduate
Studies in Chemistry and (CISTA) (formerly ISTA)
Biochemistry Found Space
Society of Automotive Engineers FUSION Hip-Hop Dance Events
Society of Civil and Structural Association
Engineers Hermanos Unidos de UCSD
Society of Undergraduate Hong Kong Student Union
Mathematics Students (SUMS) Imperial Valley Society of Outreach
Speech and Debate at the and Leadership
University of California, San Diego Indian Student Association
Students for Global Health
Spirit Week
is an entire week
full of decorated residence
halls, pep rallies, cheering contests
and all-around school spirit.
This friendly competition between all seven colleges
centers around the start of the Triton men’s and women’s
basketball seasons, culminating in Spirit Night and the
presentation of the Spirit Night trophy — the Cup of Cheer.
A UCSD Tradition since 1986
Photo credit:
Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications
University Centers Is...
Price Center + Student Center + Virtual Student Union
YOUR Student Union − the social center of campus, with numerous eateries,
great places to hang out, relax, study, and have fun!
Your Place to Enjoy Great Places to Eat
• Concerts • Blue Pepper Asian Cuisine • Subway
• Contemplation Lounge • Burger King • Sunshine Market
• Events • Croutons • Taco Villa
• Gameroom • Dirty Birds • Tapioca Express
• Graffiti Art Park • Jamba • Yogurt World
• Hammocks • Lemongrass • Zanzibar at The Loft
• International Lounge
• Lawn Chair Loaners Farm Fresh Plates
• Movie Screenings • Panda Express
• Outdoor Patios • Rubio’s Coastal Grill
• Student Org Meeting Rooms • Santorini Greek Island Grill
• The Loft • Seed + Sprout
• And much more! • Soda & Swine
• Starbucks
Check out all the student activities and events happening on campus!
Find your place to be active, creative, social, and well.
Get Connected, Stay Connected.
Follow our socials for fun activities and giveaways!
@UCSD University Centers @UCSDcenters
• a/v techs
• admins
• baristas
• bike shop tech
• custodial
• events
• facilities
• marketing
• operations
and more!
Gain leadership experience,
learn new skills, make friends &
have fun!
BE part of the fun @ your student union!
Log-in with UC credentials
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Photo credit: Over 500 students, staff,
Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications and faculty march in the Downtown
San Diego parade and represent the
UC San Diego Principles of Community.
Before the parade, students join faculty, staff, and
community members for a day of community service
honoring Dr. King’s legacy.
A UCSD Tradition since 1978
SHW is here for all of your health and well-being needs.
Located on Library Walk, SHS has a team of » Comprehensive Eye Exam
health care providers who provide quality » Wide selection of glasses and
medical care for UCSD students.*
contact lenses available
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» Transgender Care » Free birth control for most brands and
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» Eating Disorder Program emergency contraception with insurance
» Travel Medicine
» Nurses’ Clinic
» Lab and X-ray
» Telehealth Visits
(858) 534-3300
*Students with any insurance can be seen at student health.
(858) 534-2124 » Comprehensive medical, » RAFT is not insurance. It
dental, and vision coverage is a reduced access fee
It’s important that you for registered students which provides scheduled
understand benefits visits, in-house laboratory
regardless of your insurance. » Optional coverage for services and x-ray services
The insurance team is here dependents at no additional cost when
to help you here at SHS or rendered at SHS.
outside with referrals or » Two FREE dental cleanings
authorization. per year
» Eye exam for $10
» Unlimited access to mental
and behavioral health
» Transgender surgery
SERVICES (CAPS) » Counseling Services
» Crisis/Urgent
Students consult with CAPS about a variety of personal,
behavioral and relationship problems, such as depression, interventions
anxiety, academic challenges, and interpersonal difficulties. » Psychiatric services and
All services are FREE for registered UCSD Students.
We’re here for you. Anytime, anywhere, 24/7, 365 days a year. » Groups and Workshops
(858) 534-3755 » Referral Services
» Online resources like
» Telemental health visits
» Body Comps
A team of health promotion professionals, that contributes to the » Condoms
overall well-being of the student body through educational workshops, » Health Coaching
1-1 consultations and health campaigns that support a student’s
overall well-being. Our office works to cultivate a supportive campus (858) 246-4500
community that optimizes the healthiest possible development and
fosters academic success, including but not limited to:
» Peer Health Education
» Alcohol Tobacco and other Drugs
» Nutrition Services: Including a Dietitian
» Sexual Health
» Mental Well-Being
» Yoga classes
The Zone is a lounge for student well-being » Meditation
designed to promote healthy, balanced living » Therapy Fluffies
to UCSD students. The Zone works to support » Healthy cooking demonstrations
students within the 8 Dimensions of Wellness » Art & Soul DIY crafting workshops
and offers free programs. Between programs, » Financially Savvy
The Zone is a lounge space to relax, hang out,
study, and de-stress. (858) 534-5553
Educational • Health Professions • Martial Arts • Media • Political
educational Model United Nations at UCSD California Health Profession Other People Magazine
NeuroTech at UCSD Student Alliance (CaHPSA) @ Parrhesia
Get Involved and help educate the Open Source at UCSD UCSD Prospect - The Journal of
UCSD and local communities about Paranormal Society California Society of International Affairs at UCSD
important issues and ideas. Planned Parenthood Generation Health-System Pharmacists- Saltman Quarterly
ACM AI Action at UCSD at UCSD Student Chapter TEDx@UCSD
ACM Cyber PRASO Chicanx/Latinx For Community Trend
ACM Dimensions Quantum Computing at UCSD Medicine
ACM Hack SACNAS Chapter at UCSD Emergency Medical Services MUSIC &
American Mock World Health Scripps Student Symposium Health and Medical Professions
Committee Preparation Program (HMP3) Participate, engage, and appreciate
Organization at UCSD Social Science Student Council Healthcare Professions music, theater, and performance
Basic Life Support Program Socially Responsible Tritons (SRT) Mentorship Programs arts!
Beautiful Mind Project @ UCSD Society of Physics Students Homeless Health and A Cappella Choir
Biological Sciences Student at UCSD Empowerment Across Learning Acamazing
Association Student Health Advocates (Homeless HEAL) Asayake Taiko
CannaClub at UCSD Student Involvement Leadership Human Development Student Beat @ UCSD, The
CELLebrate Consultant (SILC) Association (HDSA) Company 157
Chem-E-Car Project Student Leaders in Education Insight Pre-Optometry Daughters of Triton
Chess Club at UCSD Students Against Mass Kappa Psi Delta Phi Chapter Duly Noted
Chinese Engineering Society Incarceration at UCSD SSPPS Fair Play Theatre Company
Climate Reality Campus Corps: Students Against Misinformation Latin Health Connections Frequency
University of California Students for Open Access at UCSD Fusheng Chinese Drama Troupe
San Diego Chapter Students for Water Equity Medical Wonders Hopkins Sax Jam
Coalition for Abolition Medicine Team HBV Minority Association of Intermission Orchestra
Colors of the Brain The Big BENG Pre-Medical Students (MAPS) Muir Musical
Computer Science for Agriculture Transfers in Science Morning Sign Out Musicians Club @ UCSD
Deejays and Vinylphiles Club Triton Aviation Organization Nursing Hearts Serotones
Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Triton Linkedin Group Pre-health Persians at UCSD Sitaare
Society (DAPi) Triton Research Involvement Pre-Pharmacy Society (PPS) Symphonic Student Association
Engineering in Medicine and Initiative Pre-Veterinary Student Treble Singers at UCSD, The
Biology (EMBS) at UC San Diego Tritons Eat (TEAT) Association at UCSD Triton A Cappella Community
Engineering World Health Underground Scholars Initiative Transfer and Non-Traditional Tritones at UCSD
Envisionaries Students for Health
Functional Design at UCSD health Political
Green New Deal at UCSD professions martial arts
Healthcare and Self Care Actively bring information to the
Initiative Network with health professionals, Get involved and stay active in our campus community about political
Healthy Skin Initiative (HSI) take part in workshops and various martial arts organizations. views and current political issues.
HeForShe at UCSD seminars, and put your skills into Iaido at UCSD CALPIRG Students
Human Powered Submarine practice. Kendo Club at UCSD Civil Discourse Club
Innovative Student Project Groups Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Okinawa Karate Do at UCSD College Democrats at UCSD
Interaxon at UCSD Wushu club @ UCSD College Republicans at UCSD
International Finance Club Professional Honor Society Students for Justice in Palestine
International Student Mentorship American Medical Student MEDIA United Students Against
Program (ISMP) Association
Investment Education Collective American Medical Womens Print, film, stage and online media Sweatshops-San Diego
(IEC) Association Pre-Medical Chapter provide information, news, and Young Democratic Socialists of
Machine Learning Club at UCSD opportunities for expression. America at UCSD
Major Map Initiative American Pharmacists Association Climate Change Review, The
Master Baking at UCSD APhA-ASP at UCSD SSPPS Confessions at UCSD
Medical Literature Society Association of Student Digital Arts and Media
at UCSD Pharmacists at UCSD Skaggs Her Campus UCSD
Microtomes School of Pharmacy
Mock Trial @ UCSD
[email protected] AED UCSD @ucsdaed
We are composed of
undergraduates and graduate
Join us, everyone is welcome!
Sign up:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: sacnas_ucsd
great way for you MEDICAL
to meet your fellow STUDENT
pre-med students and gain ASSOCIATION
exposure to various aspects of the
medical field! We're here to give UC SAN DIEGO
you an enriched college experience
@ucsdamsa by offering you opportunities to interact with professionals of many
backgrounds - you’ll likely meet
someone specializing in what you
want to study. Some of our events
include Physician Mixer, CPR
Training, MMI Mock Interviews,
clinical trips abroad to Tijuana,
hospice volunteering, socials & more.
Quantum Computing at UCSD
We are a community of students interested in
Quantum Computing who connect, discover
resources, and learn about this evolving field.
• QC Coding Competitions
• Connect with professionals
• Learn Basics in our Mini-Courses
• No Prior Knowledge Required
Pre-Professional • Service
PRE-PROFESSIONAL Pre-PA Student Organization COREL (COmmunity REconnecting Roger’s Urban Farm Lab
(PPASO) elderly Lives) Rosa Parks Tutoring Program
Gain experience, knowledge and Project in a Box Crochet for Kids Rotaract Club at UCSD
guidance for your future career Rocket Propulsion Laboratory CS foreach San Diego Car Club
through networking, seminars, Society of Asian Scientists and Doctors Without Borders Student San Diego Homeless Health
workshops and professional Engineers at UCSD Chapter at UCSD Initiative
mentoring. Society of Hispanic Professional Ecosia at UCSD SENDforC San Diego
Engineers Entrepreneurs’ Club at UCSD Shoes That Fit at UCSD
Alpha Kappa Psi Society of Women Engineers Expanding Visions for Health SPARK
Amateur Radio Club at UCSD (SWE) Flying Sams Student Advocates for
(KK6UC) Tau Beta Pi GENup Collegiate at UCSD Interdisciplinary Learning (SAIL)
American Advertising Federation Themed Entertainment Gift of Life at UCSD Student Movement Coalition
at UCSD (AdWave) Association @ UCSD GlamourGals at UCSD Student Support Services Club
American Chemical Society Student Theta Tau Global Medical Brigades (SSSC or SSS Club)
Affiliates (ACSSA) Triton Actuarial Society GROW UCSD Sustainability Ambassadors
American Indian Science and Triton Capital Healing Hands at UCSD Program
Engineering Society Triton Consulting Group Health and Anti-Recidivism Project Tau Sigma
American Institute of Aeronautics Undergraduate Investment (HAARP) The Science Initiative
and Astronautics Society Health Disparities Initiative The Triton Society
American Institute of Chemical Undergraduate Law Review Helping Students Focus Transfer Link
Engineers (AIChE) at UC San Diego Hidden Road Initiative Triton Software Engineering
APD Consulting Club at UCSD United Accounting Society HOPE Worldwide Campus Club Tritons Against Human Trafficking
Association for Computing Machinery at UC San Diego Initiative for Music Education and Tritons For Human Rights
(ACM) Vendition Sales Society Mentorship (IMEM) Tritons Love and Care
Biomedical Engineering Society Women in Business Intergenerational Connections Undies for Oldies: Geriatrics
(BMES) Women in Law International Family Union Education and Medicine
Biotech Group at UCSD Yonder Deep Intersectional Health Project - Unheard Cries Charity San Diego
Business Council San Diego We Care
Chinese Computer Community ServicE Inter-Sustainability Council Women SPEAK
COGNOSCERE Its On Us at UCSD Women’s March San Diego at UCSD
delivAERO Give back to the community Lead For San Diego Young Minds
Delta Epsilon Mu through community service Little Food Pantry Youth Movement Against
Delta Sigma Pi and civic engagement Love for Our Elders Alzheimers, The
Engineers for a Sustainable World activities, at home and abroad. M.E.M.O. at UCSD
Exercise is Medicine Active Minds Maasai Initiative, The
Genetic Counseling Student Interest Alpha Phi Omega Masked Heroes Initiative
Group Asha for Education at UCSD Medics in Armenia (MIA)
Girls Who Code College Loop Asian Americans Advocacy MEDLIFE at UCSD
HOSA (Health Occupations Students Mind Body Nutrition Educational
of America) at UCSD Outreach Program at UCSD
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Atutu Music and Memory at UCSD
Engineers (IEEE) Awareness4Autism Mustard Seed Project, The
Kappa Alpha Pi Be The Match on Campus at National Residence Hall Honorary
Lumnus Consulting Junior Enterprise UCSD Neurodegenerative Disease
MedICamp BEAD Program, The Awareness Association (NDAA)
Moot Court at UCSD Brain Exercise Initiative, The No Lost Generation at UCSD
National Society of Leadership Camp Kesem One for the World at UCSD
and Success Cancer Outreach Team Outreach for Prisoners through
Out in Science Technology Cards for Courage at UCSD Reform Advocacy (O.P.R.A.)
Engineering and Mathematics Care2Share at UCSD Phi Sigma Pi
(oSTEM) Catholics for Social Justice Pink Ribbon Initiative
Phi Beta Lambda at UC San Diego Chinese Students and Scholars Project BELL
Phi Delta Epsilon Association Project Happiness
Pilipino Undergraduate Society Circle K. International Project RISHI
for Health Colleges Against Cancer Quality of Life Plus Club (QL+)
Pre-Medical APAMSA at UCSD Color of Healing Red Cross at UCSD
Pre-Meds Without Borders
Photo credit: The tradition
Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications began in 1965
when a freshmen Physics
class took a question posed by a
professor to the next level! Each year,
a watermelon is dropped from the 7th floor of
Urey Hall so students can measure its velocity on
impact and determine just how far pieces of the fruit can
splat. On the first year, the distance from the point of impact to
the farthest piece found was recorded at 91 feet!
A UCSD Tradition since 1965
Spring 2022 • Urey Hall
California Gubernatorial
Recall Election 2021
This special election for California residents
decides whether to remove the current
governor from office before their term is over.
The ballot will ask two questions:
1) Do you want to recall the governor?
2) If recalled, who do you want to replace him?
Remember to mail your ballot before moving
to San Diego- or bring your mail ballot to be
dropped off at the on-campus polling location
in RIMAC Arena September 11–14.
For more information, visit,,
or asucsd