Malaysian Paper RM1.00 PER COPY RM1 THURSDAY MAR 7, 2024 SCAN ME No. 8474 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) Move to ensure audited bodies can take appropriate action to improve fiscal document preparation in future, says auditor-general Report on — page 3 According to 2023 statistics, one Muslim initiates termination of marriage in or outside court every minute, says Syariah Legal Aid. Report on — page 4 Introduction of electronic driving test through automated system would ensure efficiency, transparency and standardisation of process: Expert Report on — page 5 China Coast Guard vessels using water cannons on a Philippine military chartered boat that was on a supply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in a disputed area of the South China Sea. – AFPPIC Report on — page 2 Peaceful resolution Malaysia firmly committed to amicable settlement of disputes in South China Sea in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Certificates on govt agency financial statements to be displayed Concern over high number of divorces e-Testing given thumbs up See related reports — page 7
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 2 Nation all for peaceful solution to South China Sea disputes MELBOURNE: Malaysia, as a claimant state over the South China Sea issue, is firmly committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with the universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Recognising the sensitivity and complexity of the issue, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said Malaysia firmly believes that all parties should exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities and avoid actions that would further complicate the situation. “We should continue to maintain the South China Sea as a sea of peace, stability and trade,” he said at oParties should exercise self-restraint and avoid actions that would complicate situation, says prime minister ICONIC WOMEN ... Spouses of Asean leaders (from left) Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Le Thi Bich Tran (Vietnam), Jodie Haydon (Australia), First Lady Louise Araneta-Marcos (the Philippines), Siphandone Vandara (Laos) and First Lady Pich Chanmony (Cambodia) at the Melbourne Museum during the Asean-Australia Summit. – AFPPIC Repair landslide-hit slope quickly: Pahang Sultan CAMERON HIGHLANDS: The Sultan of Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah has urged all concerned parties to expedite the repair of the slope affected by a landslide at the Orang Asli settlement in Kampung Sungai Ruil in Tanah Rata. He urged the Public Works Department to execute the project with the utmost diligence to prevent any recurrence of such incidents in the future, Bernama reported. “I still remember that in 2011, a similar incident occurred, which prompted the implementation of the settlement project. “I hope it (the repair work) can be expedited so that all of them (affected residents) can return home.” He was speaking after visiting the transit house for 17 families affected by the collapsed slope. The landslide, which occurred at 10.56am on Oct 12 last year, was identified as having been caused by broken underground pipes and heavy rains, especially at night. Extra RM100m allocated to solve Sabah water woes KUALA LUMPUR: The Economy Ministry has approved an additional allocation of RM100 million to resolve water supply issues in Sabah, the Dewan Rakyat was told yesterday. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said the approval was obtained after the Energy Transition and Water Transformation Ministry applied for a cost realignment following the Cabinet’s approval on Sept 27, which allocated RM300 million as a loan to address the issues. “In line with this decision, four new projects costing RM200 million have been approved under the Fourth Rolling Plan (RP4) of the 12th Malaysia Plan for short-term solutions to water supply issues in Sabah. “The Sabah government has also been allocated RM163.55 million under RP4 for water connection projects. For long-term solutions, the Sabah government can apply (for allocations) under the next rolling plan based on project planning and requirements,” Fadillah said during the questionand-answer session. He was responding to a question by Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) on the federal government’s assistance to the Sabah government for short and long-term solutions to water problems. Fadillah, who is also energy transition and water transformation minister, said the ministry would ensure that the approved projects are regularly monitored by the responsible agencies through site visits and meetings. To a supplementary question from Bung Moktar on government efforts to address the issue comprehensively, Fadillah said the current focus of government allocations is primarily on repairing and replacing water pipes. “One of the challenges in Sabah is the high non-revenue water (NRW) level, exceeding 50%. That is why our priority is to replace pipes, which will be done through grants and implemented jointly with Sabah. “We hope this will reduce NRW but at the same time, Sabah needs to take action to reduce it, especially water stolen from its water supply sources.” – Bernama Govt finalising policies to replace Legal Aid Act PUTRAJAYA: The government has completed a comprehensive study on the current legal aid service and is finalising the relevant policies to introduce new legislation to replace the existing Legal Aid Act 1971. The Legal Affairs Division of the Prime Minister’s Department said in a statement that the new law aims to encompass legal aid assistance for both civil and criminal matters, including the services of public defenders, in efforts to ensure that access to justice is not denied to anyone. It said the government is continuing its efforts to promote the “Justice on Wheels” programme launched on Jan 25, which utilises digitalisation and mobile vehicles to provide legal services to rural communities, including those in Felda areas in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. Meanwhile, in the light of fastpaced technological developments such as artificial intelligence, and data breaches by network and platform providers, the government is drafting a Digital Safety Act to provide for procedures relating to the prevention of cybercrimes. This includes the prevention of the spread of child abuse material, online scamming and terrorism, regulation for safe use of network facilities, network services, application services and content application services in Malaysia, the statement added. The statement was released in conjunction with the visit of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said to Zanzibar, Tanzania, from Monday until tomorrow to attend the Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting (CLMM). The meeting is themed “Technology and Innovation: How Digitalisation Paves the Way for the Development of People-Centred Access to Justice”, drawing from the Commonwealth member states’ collective commitment towards achieving the ideals of the Commonwealth’s Declaration on Access to Justice and Plan of Action, which champions equal access to justice for all, Bernama reported. The outcome of this year’s CLMM will be deliberated upon during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2024 scheduled to take place in Samoa. The Legal Affairs Division said the Madani government recognises that, as provided for under article 8 of the Federal Constitution, all persons are entitled to equal protection of the law and it is high time that technological advancements are mobilised to advance this notion. “Efforts have also been undertaken by the government, especially concerning online sexual exploitation and abuse, to safeguard children through amendments made last year to the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 [Act 792] to introduce new provisions to address escalating threats of child sexual extortion and live-streamed abuse, which transcend borders and demand cross-border cooperation,” it said. the retreat session of the AseanAustralia Special Summit in Melbourne yesterday. On Myanmar, Anwar said it is deeply concerning that the crisis there is entering its fourth year with little signs of improvement. He said Malaysia remains committed to the Asean Leaders’ Review and Decision on the Implementation of the Five-Point Consensus to facilitate the people of Myanmar in finding a peaceful and enduring resolution to the crisis in the country, Bernama reported. He said Malaysia would work closely with Laos and Indonesia through the Troika mechanism to ensure continuity in efforts to resolve the Myanmar crisis. Anwar added that Malaysia also appreciates Australia’s consistent support for Asean’s efforts and the Five-Point Consensus, including humanitarian assistance extended to the people of Myanmar. Reiterating that Asean and Australia share a vision for peace and stability in the region and beyond, Anwar said Asean and Australia could together play a significant and contributing role through promoting dialogue and peaceful co-existence. “Let us work together to innovate Asean-led mechanisms, pursue inclusive solutions and advocate sustainable peace. Together, we can shape a more harmonious, safer and better future for all.” Anwar said Malaysia is committed to playing a constructive and meaningful role. M’sia, India to boost SME ties KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia and India have expressed their commitment to strengthening ties to improve the economy of small and medium enterprises (SME). Deputy Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister Datuk R. Ramanan said this was discussed during Indian High Commissioner to Malaysia B.N. Reddy’s courtesy visit to his office on Tuesday, Bernama reported. “I am confident that this meeting will bring new opportunities that benefit SME in Malaysia and India,” he said in a post on his Facebook page. Ramanan added that at the meeting, which lasted almost two hours, Reddy also said the Indian government is looking forward to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s official visit to the country, which would open a new chapter in Malaysia-India bilateral relations.
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 3 ‘Review axing of unused worker quota’ KUALA LUMPUR: The National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCIM) has urged the government to reassess the decision to cancel foreign worker quotas unused by March 31. Its president Tan Sri Soh Thian Lai said this in reference to the recent circular disseminated by the Immigration Department and Home Ministry on updating regulations on the management and intake of foreign workers. The circular outlines that employers with an active quota for foreign workers must bring workers into the country by May 31, a significant reversal from the previously set deadline of September this year, and cancel the unused foreign worker quota by March 31. “The repercussions of these announcements extend beyond individual businesses, potentially impacting the broader economy and the country’s ability to attract and retain foreign investment,” he said in a statement. NCCIM proposed that the original deadline of Sept 30 be maintained to provide businesses with adequate time to comply with the regulations. Soh said such abrupt cancellation poses a risk of causing substantial disruption to businesses, particularly in sectors which rely heavily on foreign labour such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture and plantation industries. “This decision places a considerable strain on businesses, leading to potential delays and disruptions in ongoing and upcoming projects due to the unavailability of foreign workers,” he said. – Bernama Minister denies overcrowding claims ALOR SETAR: Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has denied claims that immigration detention depots in the country are experiencing overcrowding. “The only situation where the depots experienced congestion was during the Covid-19 period because we could not repatriate them,” he said after handing over letters of appointment to the members of Federal Village Development and Security Committees in Kedah for 2024. Saifuddin Nasution was asked to comment on claims of overcrowding at the immigration detention depots and whether the government intends to repatriate detained illegal immigrants to their countries of origin. He said Immigration Department conducts operations to detect foreigners who do not have valid documents covering various sectors including construction, plantation and manufacturing. – Bernama Govt to review features of media cards KUALA LUMPUR: Features of media accreditation cards issued by the Information Department, including their validity period, is under review and a solution to address the matter will be announced soon. “The department is updating and streamlining the validity period of media cards for all organisations according to several standard operating procedures (SOP),” said Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil yesterday after the launch of CelcomDigi’s Digital Healthcare Solution here. The Information Department said in a statement on Tuesday it is streamlining the SOP for media accreditation cards, including the validity period, taking into account the updated Malaysian Code of Ethics for Journalists. However, Fahmi said media practitioners can proceed with renewing expired accreditation cards. The adjustment was not meant to curb media freedom. – Bernama Financial statement certs of agencies to be displayed KUALA LUMPUR: All types of AuditorGeneral’s (AG) certificates on federal agencies’ financial statements will be displayed through the Auditor-General’s Dashboard (AGD) online platform starting this year for monitoring purposes. Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi said this is to ensure that audited federal agencies can take appropriate actions to improve their financial statement preparation in the future. “The display via AGD demonstrates the importance of good governance through principles of transparency, accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness in addressing audit findings,” she said through the Auditor-General’s Report on Federal Agencies’ Financial Statements for the Year 2022 presented in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday. Wan Suraya said as of Jan 11, a total of 140 out of 144 federal agencies’ financial statements for 2022 have been submitted for the auditor-general’s verification, with 130 statements having completed auditing and certification. A total of 116 statements have been issued auditor-general’s certificates without reprimand, while 14 have been issued auditor-general’s certificates with modified opinions, comprising 13 adverse opinions and one disclaimer of opinion. She said financial statement analysis to assess the performance of federal agencies has been made on five aspects, namely current excesses and deficiencies, assets and liabilities, federal government grants, loans and investments in subsidiary companies, Bernama reported. Wan Suraya said for the first time, analysis of subsidiary companies experiencing losses for a three-year period starting from 2020, is also reported in this year’s report. “The introduction of Key Audit Area oMove demonstrates importance of good governance through principles of transparency, accountability and efficiency in addressing audit findings: AG Report Reporting in 2023 for auditing federal agencies’ financial statements for 2022 emphasises material and significant matters affecting the financial position performance of federal agencies. “The Key Audit Areas for the 2022 financial statements are related to issues of going concern, valuation of investments, and dividend payments to contributors. “This is in line with the strengthening of governance in the federal agency administration management system, including addressing issues of inefficiency, wastage, and extravagance.” Wan Suraya said all federal agencies must comply with the laws, regulations, and financial policies that have been established and enforced, besides maintaining complete and up-to-date accounting records. The officials involved need to enhance their knowledge and financial management skills as well as understanding accounting standards. “Improvement and preventive actions must be taken to avoid the same weaknesses being raised in the future so that federal agencies can fulfil their functions well, achieve their objectives, progress, and provide the best returns to stakeholders,” she said. Plan to increase launching grants to RM5,000 KUALA LUMPUR: The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry is planning to increase the amount of launching grant provided under the Welfare Assistance Scheme from RM2,700 to RM5,000. Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said the move aims to assist those in need in obtaining business capital in their efforts to break free from the shackles of poverty. She also emphasised the necessity to increase the grant rate to reflect the current economic conditions. “We have brought it up in our management meetings to increase the grant from RM2,700 to RM5,000. If the Finance Ministry approves, Alhamdulillah, we can proceed with its implementation,” she said. The one-off launching grant with a maximum rate of RM2,700 aims to boost the economy of target groups under the Social Welfare Department, who possess interests, skills and potential to generate income for themselves and their families. Asked about the ministry’s readiness to consider raising the rates of every allowance under the welfare department in light of the current economic challenges, Nancy said such adjustments could not be uniformly implemented as they involve the national budgeting process. “However, should any circumstances arise that impact our clients (beneficiaries), as seen recently in Kuching, Sarawak where a client initially received RM300 but has since become disabled and unable to work, we propose raising their allowance to RM500. This is something we can do. “Insya-Allah, we will consistently strive to address this matter as it is highly demanded by the public. I believe we will not disregard such requests.” She added the ministry’s officers have been instructed to expedite the assistance application process for eligible groups as part of its efforts to help them deal with current economic challenges. On the International Women’s Day celebration tomorrow, Nancy said various programmes aimed at empowering women will be organised. “These programmes involve various stakeholders that will provide information and create opportunities for women, particularly in terms of economics. The ministry will also provide information on laws pertaining to women’s safety,” she said. The International Women’s Day 2024 celebration, themed Wanita Dijulang, Negara Gemilang, will be held at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will officiate at the event. – Bernama AI CUPPA ... Visitors watch as Ella the robot barista prepares a beverage at the Palm and Lauric Oils Price Outlook Conference and Exhibition at Shangri-La Hotel in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. – AMIRUL SYAFIQ/THESUN
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 4 @thesundaily FOLLOW ON TWITTER Malaysian Paper Rising concern over high divorce figures oMajority of cases caused by financial problems, misunderstanding and adverse effects of third party in marriage PETALING JAYA: Bantuan Guaman Syarie (Syariah Legal Aid) has expressed concern that every minute, a Muslim pronounces a divorce in or outside a court, according to 2023 statistics. Its president Musa Awang said the high number of divorces during the Covid-19 movement control order was caused by financial problems, misunderstandings and the presence of third parties in a marriage, apart from social media influence. “Couples also filed for divorce in 2021 and 2022 due to instances of domestic violence, in which physical or psychological abuse was involved,” he said. The Statistics Department said 62,890 divorces were recorded in 2022, which is an increase of 43.1% compared with 2021, which recorded 43,936 cases. National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia director Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim said 56.2% of men said they sought a divorce due to misunderstandings with their partners. This was followed by a cheating partner, at 11.8%, and interference of in-laws, at 10%. “Women attributed their divorce to a lack of understanding, at 38%, followed by a cheating partner, at 20.5%, and an irresponsible partner, at 15.2%. Couples seeking divorce were married for an average of five to 10 years.” Civil lawyer Priscilly Edison said other factors that contributed to divorce were the highly stressful nature of some jobs, extended commuting times, which further compounded the matter, and jobs that demanded too much from employees. “These situations have led to constraints faced by spouses who have less time to build loving relationships and ultimately led to a breakdown of their marriage.” Priscilly said divorce has significant long-term implications as it affects not just the spouses involved, but has lasting consequences on the emotional well-being and development of their children. “The emotional and developmental impact on the children involved is substantial and this can be quite sad to witness. “Divorce is emotionally challenging. Yet individuals can endeavour to work together with AIDS foundation, council to organise charity concert KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF) and the Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) will organise the “Ballads of Hope”, a charity concert in aid of people living with HIV. The event, which is scheduled to be held at 7pm on Saturday, will be hosted at the Experimental Theatre on the main campus of Universiti Malaya. Leading the concert is renowned musical talent Nikki Palikat of Gegarvaganza fame. Widely recognised for effortlessly hitting high-octave notes, Palikat has been dubbed “the Mariah Carey of Malaysia”. She will be contributing her extraordinary talent to supporting the HIV cause. Joining her on stage are up-andcoming talent Ranisha Faizul and vocals from the KL Men’s Chorus. Organised by the Universiti Malaya Medical Society, Ballads of Hope is part of the Eradicate AIDS and Stigma for Equality (Erase) initiative, whose primary goal is to raise funds for the treatment and welfare needs of low-income HIV-positive patients at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre. The university’s infectious disease consultant and MAC president Assoc Prof Dr Raja Iskandar Shah Raja Azwa emphasised the impact of Erase on students. “The Erase initiative serves to raise awareness among youths and their peers about the latest scientific developments in the field of HIV and to challenge myths and misperceptions about the disease. “We need to ensure that HIV is still top of mind today, despite the successes of HIV treatment in keeping patients well and preventing transmission. “HIV should continue to be framed as a health issue and not a moral one,” he said. Raja Iskandar added that the Erase initiative also serves as an educational platform and extends its influence by raising essential funds for the HIV cause. “It goes beyond conventional learning methods, sensitising university students to the harsh realities of stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV. “Additionally, it acts as a catalyst for reflection and self-improvement, fostering leadership qualities and cultivating a spirit of volunteerism among our future leaders,” he added. Tickets to the Ballads of Hope concert is priced at RM35 for Universiti Malaya students, RM40 for students from other institutions and RM50 for the public. soon-to-be ex-spouses since good communication can facilitate a smoother divorce process and benefit all parties, including the children. Musa said his organisation offers consultations specifically tailored to Muslim individuals experiencing conflicts. “Within three hours of launching our consultation service, six to 10 individuals participated in the programme. “Our initiative could spark hope for the couples involved as it opens avenues for them to explore alternative solutions, engage in constructive dialogue and possibly reconcile their differences.” He said the programme addresses the practical challenges of divorce and underlines a commitment to fostering understanding and resolution within troubled relationships. █ BY JOSHUA PURUSHOTMAN █ BY QIRANA NABILLA MOHD RASHIDI ‘Poetry gateways’ to welcome tourists to M’cca MALACCA: The Malacca government has constructed 13 Poetry Gateways (Gerbang Pantun) to welcome tourists and visitors in conjunction with Visit Malacca Year 2024 (VMY 2024). Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh said the 13 locations at three local authorities in the state involved the Hang Tuah Jaya Municipal Council (HTJMC), Alor Gajah Municipal Council (AGMC) and the Jasin Municipal Council. “At HTJMC, the gateway is located at the junction of Padang Keladi-Ayer Keroh while in AGMC, it is at the Simpang Ampat roundabout, Kuala Linggi bridge, Lubok China roundabout, Tebong junction, Kendong junction, the junction of Kuala Ina and at Pulau Sebang,” he said. – Bernama Vehicles checked for tourism related violations SEMPORNA: The Tourism, Arts, and Culture Ministry issued three notices on tourism-related offences following an inspection of 56 vehicles in a special operation at Km15 of the SempornaTawau road. In a statement, the ministry said the nearly three-hour operation on Sunday was conducted in collaboration with the Semporna district police headquarters to ensure tourist safety as stipulated under the Tourism Industry Act 1992 (Act 482) and the Tourism Vehicles Licensing Act 1999. “The three notices were issued under Act 482, involving one notice under Section 20(1), which pertains to the use of vehicles other than licensed ones for transporting tourists, while the other two notices were offences under Regulation 6(1) (i) (iii) which relates to not using the services of tourist guides.” Deputy Minister Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan also expressed appreciation for the Eastern Sabah Security Command for continuously ensuring security along the east coast of Sabah. – Bernama New foundation programme at UTP SERI ISKANDAR: Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) and University College Sabah Foundation (UCSF) have inked an agreement to offer a one-year foundation programme modeled after UTP’s curriculum known as the UCSFUTP Programme. Signing the agreement on behalf of UTP were its vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib and deputy vice-chancellor academic Prof Ir Dr Hilmi Mukhtar, while UCSF was represented by its vice-chancellor Dr Rafiq Idris and acting registrar Mohd Asyrul Shuhaimi. Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor witnessed the signing at Menara Kinabalu in Sabah, accompanied by Petronas senior vice-president of Malaysia Petroleum Management and UTP Board of Directors chairman Datuk Bacho Pilong. – Bernama their ex-spouses to create a parenting plan that ensures their children’s emotional and physical needs are met,” she said. Priscilly added that despite the increasing divorce caseload, civil courts are coping and adapting well to the situation. “Initially, only the (civil) High Court had jurisdiction to hear divorce matters. “However, in response to the rising caseload, the judiciary has extended the authority of the Sessions Court to handle divorce cases involving joint petitions.” Priscilly said couples are usually required to attend free counselling sessions provided by the government before filing for divorce. “Unfortunately, these sessions often do not lead to positive results. “However, in light of the rising number of divorces, the courts are using mediation as an alternative resolution method and it has been quite effective in my experience.” She said mediation has achieved fair outcomes and helped prevent couples from harbouring anger or vengeance. Priscilly advised individuals to maintain open and respectful communication with their SHOOTING FOR FAME ... Content creators and celebrities taking a wefie with the latest high tech gadgets during the Malaysia HR Tech Conference and Expo in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. – ADIB RAWI YAHYA/THESUN
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 5 Court acquits former Felda chairman PUTRAJAYA: The Court of Appeal yesterday acquitted and discharged former Felda chairman Tan Sri Mohd Isa Abdul Samad of all nine counts of corruption over the purchase of Merdeka Palace Hotel and Suites in Kuching, Sarawak by the agency. A three-man panel led by Judge Datuk Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera unanimously overturned and set aside the conviction of the former Negeri Sembilan chief minister and a sentence of six years’ jail and a fine of RM15.45 million imposed by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Feb 3, 2021. “There is merit in his appeal and it is warranted. The appeal against conviction and sentence is allowed and the order of the High Court is set aside.” He was charged in 2018 with nine counts of dishonestly receiving gratification in the form of cash totalling RM3,090,000 from Ikhwan Zaidel, who is a board member of Gegasan Abadi Properties Sdn Bhd, through his former special political officer Muhammad Zahid Md Arip. The cash was received by Mohd Isa as gratification for helping to approve the purchase of the hotel by Felda Investment Corporation Sdn Bhd for RM160 million. The offence was committed on the 49th floor of Menara Felda in Kuala Lumpur between July 21, 2014 and Dec 11, 2015, under Section 16(a)(A) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, punishable under Section 24(1) of the same law, that provides up to 20 years’ jail and a fine of at least five times the bribe amount, or RM10,000, whichever is higher. The prosecution was led by DPP Afzainizam Abdul Aziz while Mohd Isa was represented by Datuk Salehuddin Saidin. – Bernama Immigration officers held over bribery JOHOR BAHRU: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has detained five individuals, including three Immigration officers on suspicion of soliciting and accepting bribes to assist the illegal entry of foreigners. According to an MACC source, the suspects comprise four men and a woman, aged between 35 and 46. The three Immigration officers, attached to Senai International Airport, and the two civilians were detained on Tuesday night at the Johor MACC office and in Larkin. The source said periodic integrity compliance inspections conducted by the Johor Immigration Department’s integrity unit at the airport revealed several WhatsApp messages on the officers’ mobile phones containing elements of graft. “The text messages (relate to) the offer and acceptance of bribes from foreigners seeking entry into Malaysia through the Immigration officers without going through the proper process and procedures.” – Bernama Man sought over missed court date KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian AntiCorruption Commission (MACC) is seeking a local man who failed attend proceedings at the Shah Alam Sessions Court. MACC said in a statement the man sought is Mohd Razain Hashim, 45, whose last known address is No. 43A, Jalan Bukit Pandan Bistari 5, Taman Bukit Pandan Bestari, 56100, Cheras. “The individual failed to show up in court and an arrest warrant has been issued.” Those with information about the man are asked to contact investigating officer Nur Farah Qamiellah Mohd Faisal at 07-2316 000 or 019-831 8743, or to email – Bernama e-Testing expected to boost efficiency, transparency PETALING JAYA: The adoption of the electronic driving test system (e-Testing) offers a promising and modernised approach to driver assessments, said Universiti Putra Malaysia Road Safety Research Centre director Prof Dr Law Teik Hua. “The introduction of e-Testing through an automated system will ensure efficiency, transparency and standardisation of the assessments. “That said, it is also important to ensure the robustness of the system in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of traditional examiner-led tests while integrating artificial intelligence technology to enhance capabilities.” Law said addressing challenges such as technical failures and reliability requires rigorous testing, maintenance and continuous training of Road Transport Department (RTD) personnel, which is crucial to sustain its implementation. Transport Minister Anthony Loke announced the upcoming introduction of e-Testing on Tuesday at three driving institutes next month. Loke said candidates will have the option oNew system involves candidates performing practical course using cars equipped with sensors, tracked by control booths operated by RTD officers █ BYSIVANISVARRY MORHAN to undergo either the regular driving test or opt for e-Testing, which marks a significant step towards modernising driving assessments in the country. “The new e-Testing procedure will involve candidates performing their practical course test using cars equipped with sensors, tracked by a control booth that is manned by RTD officers.” He said it will also reduce the interaction between officers and candidates, which can restore the integrity and credibility of driving tests and the RTD. He said candidates who choose e-Testing as an option would receive several benefits to encourage the public to adopt the system. Crystal Ng, 23, who just enrolled in a driving school, said she would be nervous to be tested by an RTD officer and plans to opt for e-Testing. “It will provide me with a sense of relief from the pressure of interacting directly with the examiner. It will allow me to focus solely on demonstrating my driving skills without the added stress of (an RTD officer) evaluating my every move.” She also expressed concern regarding the safety of e-Testing and is curious about how the system will carry out its evaluation. “While I understand the need for innovation, safety should always remain a top priority, especially if it is something as critical as driving tests. I worry without an examiner present, there will be no one to protect me in case of an emergency.” Law added that to address potential safety concerns, a multifaceted approach and complete public briefing should be carried out. “This includes comprehensive training programmes for candidates, ensuring the reliability and security of the testing infrastructure, and incorporating rigorous evaluation and simulation methods. “There is a need for clear guidelines and standards, regular audits and quality assurance checks to ensure the integrity and reliability of e-driving tests.” He emphasised the importance of remote monitoring and oversight to prevent cheating or malpractice, adding that it will maintain the integrity of e-driving tests while embracing technological advancements. He urged the authorities to prioritise safety and integrity, collaborate with industry stakeholders, and promote transparency and accountability in driving tests. “Addressing public concerns and ensuring transparency in the implementation of e-Testing will be essential to gain public trust and acceptance. “While upholding the highest standards of safety and reliability, we can promote safer driving practices and reduce road accidents through innovative solutions like e-Testing.” MMEA chopper lifted from sea PUTRAJAYA: An AgustaWestland AW139 helicopter belonging to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) that made an emergency landing in the waters off Pulau Angsa in Kuala Selangor was successfully lifted with the assistance of an aircraft maintenance company yesterday. MMEA director-general Maritime Admiral Datuk Hamid Mohd Amin said the helicopter was taken to the Port Klang jetty and later to the Subang Maritime Air Station at 3.30am for further action. He said the helicopter is one of three aircraft in the AW139 series owned by Squadron Phoenix of the MMEA Air Operations Division. “With a flight record of nearly 5,000 hours, the helicopter has handled various operational flight missions and other enforcement operations.” He said the aircraft has been actively involved in various search and rescue operations coordinated by MMEA, adding that among the notable achievements was the successful rescue of five stranded anglers in 2022 due to adverse weather conditions on Pulau Batu Berantai in Jeram. The chopper also frequently transported the Special Action and Rescue Team for force boarding operations. “It also played a crucial role in assisting the Indonesian Sea Security Agency in apprehending an Iranian registered tanker suspected of engaging in illegal oil transfer last year.” Hamid said the helicopter was also involved in several series of medical evacuations of individuals on islands and oil platforms within the country’s waters. On the crew that were safely rescued after the helicopter crash on Tuesday, he said: “All of them underwent a health check.” – Bernama CUTTING OUT FAKES ... Kelantan Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry director Azman Ismail (right) destroying an imitation motorcycle seat yesterday at a storage complex in Bachok. – BERNAMAPIC
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 6 Or download app on the AppStore or Google Play ENJOY A SEAMLESS READING EXPERIENCE. Read our iPaper at oTraffic jams continue to occur due to imbalance in public transport system, says expert Concerns raised over impact of highways in curbing congestion towards private vehicle usage. This persists even when public transport is available. “One reason our public transport is unpopular is the lack of comfortable pedestrian and bicycle lanes,” he said, adding that the way expressways are constructed also plays a major role in determining their efficiency in ensuring smooth traffic. “For a new expressway to be constructed, it must start from an existing one. If it is built at one end, it must be connected to another of its kind at the other end of the city. “The worst condition acceptable is to be connected to a road that is one class lower. If the road is Class U6 (expressways), then it can only be connected by dropping one class lower, which is Class U5. However, this is not happening with the roads in the city.” On U6 roads, cars are allowed to travel at a maximum speed of 90kph, Bernama reported. With the number of existing expressways not alleviating traffic congestion in urban areas such as Kuala Lumpur, some would turn to the idea of constructing more highways to cater to the increasing volume of vehicles. However, building more highways might not be the best solution. Adnan, who is also environmental and traffic consultancy group Nilaimas Services associate, believes there should be a balance in the use of private vehicles and public transport. “Balance the use of private vehicles and public transport to achieve a ratio of 30:70 in urban areas with comprehensive public transport systems. “In addition to ensuring user comfort, attractive fare discounts and incentives, as implemented by developed countries, would encourage commuters to choose public transport over private vehicles,” he added. Urban rejuvenation firm ThinkCity advisor Dr Shahridan Faiez believes having a commuting experience that is going from bad to worse would affect quality of life in the city. He said this was likely because of a “hard infrastructure mindset”, in which there is too much emphasis on roads and cars. “In terms of transport, we are stuck in a paradigm in which we think only in terms of roads and cars, how to move from point A to point B as quickly as possible.” He said policy makers need to reorganise themselves and adopt a more realistic mindset by taking into account how urban development has changed the city landscape and the way people live in it. “We are still stuck in the 1950s and 1960s mindset, when we were still a rural population. Back then, you needed to build roads to connect all these different remote areas but today, we live in cities where it’s so dense and we live so Adnan suggests balancing the use of private vehicles and public transport to achieve a ratio of 30:70. – SYED AZAHAR SYED OSMAN/THESUN close to one another.” grappling with heavy traffic on the supposedly fastest route? Professional practicing engineer in traffic and transportation studies Adnan Zulkiple believes the problem is related to inefficiencies within the public transport system. “Traffic jams and bottlenecks continue to occur even on expressways due to an imbalance in our transport system, which leans too heavily KUALA LUMPUR: The capital city hosts a vast network of highways that stretch from one end to another, offering unlimited access to the public and shortening travel time. Yet, these highways seem to do little to ease traffic congestion. This raises several questions. If highways are not the solution to congestion, why do we keep constructing them? Why are commuters still
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 7 Asean, Australia call for restraint in South China Sea oGroup also pushing for Gaza ceasefire MELBOURNE: Southeast Asian nations and Australia ended a three day summit yesterday calling for restraint in the contested South China Sea and a lasting ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Australia hosted a summit with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) here to mark the 50th anniversary of its ties to the bloc, even as differences remained across the 10 members on China’s plans to extend diplomatic and military presence in the region. A joint statement by Australia and Asean called for “rules-based” order in the Indo-Pacific, as Beijing looks to increase its presence in the South China Sea. “We recognise the benefits of having the South China Sea as a sea of peace, stability, and prosperity,” it said. “We encourage all countries to avoid any unilateral actions that endanger peace, security and stability in the region.” The statement comes as the Philippines on Tuesday summoned China’s deputy chief of mission in Manila to protest what it called “aggressive actions” by Chinese naval forces against a resupply mission for troops on a shoal. Beijing claims almost the entire South China Sea, a conduit for more than US$3 trillion (RM14 trillion) worth of ship-borne commerce each year, and is a major source of tension with the Philippines. Both countries have been locked in a territorial dispute despite a 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration which found that China’s claims had no legal basis. Beijing rejects that ruling. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said: “We need to make sure that activity in the South China Sea alleviates any tensions and doesn’t add to it.” The joint statement also reiterated concern over the “dire” humanitarian situation in Gaza, as well as calling for the release of hostages held in the conflict. “We condemn attacks against all civilians and civilian infrastructure, leading to further deterioration of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza including restricted access to food, water, and other basic needs,” it said. “We urge for an immediate and durable humanitarian ceasefire.” Asean includes Muslim majority nations, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, while Australia is a strong backer of Israel, although it has previously called for a ceasefire and been critical of the level of casualties. – Reuters China says US using Philippines as ‘pawn’ BEIJING: China yesterday accused the United States of using the Philippines as a “pawn” in the South China Sea, as hostilities between the two Asian nations escalate over their territorial dispute in the region. Manila summoned a Chinese representative on Tuesday after it said China Coast Guard vessels caused two collisions with Philippine boats and used water cannons on one of them during a resupply mission. China said it “took control measures” against Philippine ships’ “illegal intrusion” into waters it claims, as well as accusing a Philippine ship of “intentionally” ramming a Chinese one. “China urges the United States not to use the Philippines as a pawn to stir up trouble in the South China Sea,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told reporters when asked about the United States’ condemnation of China’s actions as “provocative”. “The Philippines should not let itself be at the mercy of the United States,” she said. China claims almost the entire South China Sea, brushing aside competing claims from a host of Southeast Asian nations and an international arbitration ruling that has declared its stance baseless. In recent months tensions between Beijing and an increasingly assertive Philippines have reached levels not seen for years. Tuesday’s collisions came after similar incidents in December. “China’s resolve to defend its legitimate rights and interests is unwavering, and the Philippines’ rights-infringing and provocative attempts will not succeed,” Mao said. – AFP Japan keen on defence pact B R I E F SPOLICE QUIZ DOCTOR OVER WALKOUTS SEOUL: South Korean police yesterday called in a doctor for questioning – the first to be summoned in connection with a mass walkout by junior medics. Korean Medical Association (KMA)’s Joo Soo-ho has been accused of “aiding and abetting” the protests and appeared at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency for questioning. The KMA has been on the forefront of the protest claiming the reforms will erode service quality. It has seen its offices raided, with top members sued over medical law violations and slapped with travel bans. “I have nothing to hide,” said the 65- year-old surgeon. “The charge of instigation can’t be established because we have never instigated the junior medics to quit en masse.” – AFP ELECTION BODY CONFIRMS HUN SEN WIN PHNOM PENH: Cambodia’s election body has confirmed that former ruler Hun Sen had won a Senate seat, marking his official return to frontline politics after he handed power to his son last year. His ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) won 55 seats – including Hun Sen’s – out of 58 up for grabs in last month’s senate election, according to the National Election Committee. The small Khmer Will Party won three seats. The CPP has said it would nominate Hun Sen as president of the Senate – allowing him to act as head of state when the king is overseas – when it is expected to convene in April. – AFP SYDNEY: Japan is interested in discussing cooperation with the United States, Australia and Britain on advanced military technology, an official said yesterday, signalling Tokyo could become more involved in the trio’s landmark security partnership AUKUS. An official from Japan’s embassy in Australia said that the government supported AUKUS’ efforts in the IndoPacific region and was looking at how to deepen cooperation. They added Japan was aware of discussions between Australia, the UK and the United States on a range of issues, including Artificial Intelligence and underwater capabilities. “Japan is interested in the possibility of technical cooperation in the field of advanced capabilities, and so will continue to strengthen cooperation with Australia, the US and the UK,” the embassy said in a statement. “Japan will continue to strengthen cooperation with its important defence and security partners Australia, the US and the UK to realise a free and open Indo-Pacific.” AUKUS was established in 2021 and has two main practical goals: So-called Pillar I, aims to provide Australia with a fleet of nuclear-powered attack submarines. Pillar II focuses on developing advanced warfighting capabilities such as AI, undersea drones, and hypersonic and electronic warfare technologies. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will travel to Washington next month, where he could announce the country’s collaboration on the security partnership, Japan’s Nikkei reported quoting unnamed US officials. – AFP CALL FOR JUSTICE ... Protesters in Jakarta demanding on Tuesday that lawmakers probe alleged fraud in the Feb 14 presidential election. – REUTERSPIC
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 8 READ OUR HERE /thesun Malaysian Paper US lawmakers push for ByteDance to drop TikTok WASHINGTON: A bipartisan group of US lawmakers introduced legislation on Tuesday to give China’s ByteDance about six months to divest popular short video app TikTok or face a US ban, seeking to tackle national security concerns about its Chinese ownership. The bill is the first significant legislative move in nearly a year toward banning or forcing ByteDance to divest the popular app, after senate legislation to ban oRisks to sensitive data and national security cited US slaps sanctions on Greek spyware vendor WASHINGTON: The US government announced a “first-ofits-kind” sanctions package against Greece-based spyware vendor Intellexa and its leadership after the company was involved in targeting US government officials. The Treasury Department targeted two individuals and five entities associated with the Intellexa Consortium for their role in “developing, operating and distributing commercial spyware technology”, which the US government says was used against journalists, dissidents, policy experts and US officials. The sanctions effectively freeze any US assets of those targeted and generally bar Americans from dealing with them. Those that engage in certain transactions with them also risk being hit with sanctions. The company had already been subject to trade restrictions under measures imposed by the Commerce Department in July 2023. The announcement on Tuesday represents the first time the government has sanctioned a commercial spyware entity. Intellexa’s founder, Tal Dillian, is a former Israeli intelligence officer. He launched the company in Israel but later moved abroad, establishing operations in Cyprus and Greece – where export control laws on surveillance technologies are less developed. In recent years, the company was accused of servicing the Egyptian government as well as Vietnam, according to security researchers and press reports. In 2023, a group of investigative news outlets reported that the Vietnamese government had tried to implant spyware on the phones of members of Congress using Intellexa’s tools. The targeting occurred just as US and Vietnamese diplomats were negotiating a cooperation agreement designed to counter Chinese influence in South East Asia. Intellexa is a well-known cyber intelligence company that’s received media attention in recent years after their software platform, known as Predator, which enables mobile phone and internet surveillance, was allegedly captured on the devices of victims in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the United States. In addition to acting as an individual company, Intellexa owns, invests in and also partners with other spyware firms under a consortium model, according to analysts. “Once a device is infected by the Predator spyware, the spyware can be leveraged for a variety of information stealing and surveillance capabilities ... this includes the unauthorised extraction of data, geolocation tracking, and access to a variety of applications and personal information on the compromised device,” said Treasury Department officials. – Reuters OpenAI rejects accusations of ‘betrayal’, replies to lawsuit SAN FRANCISCO: OpenAI, the firm behind ChatGPT, on Tuesday denied Elon Musk’s accusations of “betrayal” of its original mission and said it would push to have them dismissed in court. The boss of Tesla, SpaceX and X was one of the co-founders of OpenAI in 2015 along with Sam Altman but left the organisation in 2018 and is now one of its most vocal critics. Musk launched a legal case against OpenAI last week, arguing in documents filed in court that the firm was intended as a nonprofit entity. “We intend to move to dismiss all of Elon’s claims,” OpenAI and its executives said in a blog post. OpenAI captured the public imagination in late 2022 with the release of its chatbot ChatGPT, which can generate poems and essays and even succeed in exams. The firm started as a non-profit dedicated to developing “artificial general intelligence” (AGI), a term loosely defined as a kind of AI that would outstrip human capabilities on all measures of intelligence. The aim was for OpenAI to guarantee that such technology would be safe for humanity. OpenAI has received about US$13 billion (RM62 billion) in investment from Microsoft in recent years, and both companies market AI services to developers and individuals. On Tuesday, Altman and other executives from the Silicon Valley startup detailed their counter-arguments, with supporting emails. “We’re sad that it’s come to this with someone whom we’ve deeply admired ... someone who inspired us to aim higher, then told us we would fail, started a competitor, and then sued us when we started making meaningful progress towards OpenAI’s mission without him,” they said in a post. – AFP PRICE RAGE ... Farmers shout slogans during a protest against India’s central government to demand minimum crop prices in Amritsar on Tuesday. – AFPPIC B R I E F SBIDEN LOSES AMERICAN SAMOA PRIMARY LOS ANGELES: US President Joe Biden’s impending coronation as the 2024 Democratic candidate was interrupted, slightly, on Super Tuesday when a little-known businessman claimed victory in American Samoa. Jason Palmer beat the favourite in the tiny Pacific Ocean territory’s caucus, securing a majority there even if most Americans are unaware of who he is. Of the 91 votes cast, Palmer scooped 51, against Biden’s 40. “Honoured to announce my victory in the American Samoa presidential primary,” Palmer said. “This win is a testament to the power of our voices.” Residents of US territories can vote in primaries but are not represented in the Electoral College system that ultimately decides who wins the White House in the general election. American Samoa has a history with longshot candidates: billionaire Michael Bloomberg scored his only win of the 2020 Democratic primary race there, before his candidacy flamed out. And with just four delegates awarded from the win on Tuesday, Palmer is a long way from stealing the nomination from Biden (who still added two of American Samoa’s delegates to his own tally). – AFP PLAN TO BUILD MOON NUKE POWER PLANT MOSCOW: Russia is considering building with China a nuclear power plant on the moon, said the head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency. “We are seriously considering the project of delivering and building an energy plant on the the moon, sometime between 2033 and 2035 with our Chinese colleagues,” said Yuri Borisov. Construction will not be done by hand but by machines. The technical solutions for this already exist in practice. The space chief emphasised that Russia is not seeking to station nuclear weapons in space. Russia had always spoken out against this and would maintain this stance, he said. Recently there was speculation in the United States that Russia wanted to combat satellites with a new type of nuclear weapon. Russian President Vladimir Putin has denied this, but the idea has many worried in the US. Russia and China signed a declaration of intent in 2021 to expand their cooperation in space. Russia has announced its withdrawal from the ISS space station. China has its programme to explore the moon. The unmanned probe “Chang’e 6” is due to set off as early as May to collect rock samples. – Bernama it stalled in Congress last year in the face of heavy lobbying by TikTok. Mike Gallagher, the Republican chair of the House of Representatives’ select China committee and Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, the top Democrat, are among more than a dozen lawmakers introducing the measure, which is expected to see an initial vote today. “This is my message to TikTok: break up with the Chinese Communist Party or lose access to your American users,” Gallagher said. “America’s foremost adversary has no business controlling a dominant media platform in the United States.” The bill would give ByteDance 165 days to divest TikTok, which is used by more than 170 million Americans, or make it unlawful for app stores to offer TikTok or provide web hosting services to apps controlled by ByteDance. The bill would not authorise any enforcement against individual users of an affected app, however. “This bill is an outright ban of TikTok, no matter how much the authors try to disguise it,” a company spokesperson said on Tuesday. “This legislation will trample the First Amendment rights of 170 million Americans and deprive five million small businesses of a platform they rely on to grow and create jobs.” A White House National Security Council spokesperson said the administration has worked with lawmakers from both parties to counter threats of tech services operating in the United States that pose risks to Americans’ sensitive data and broader national security, the official added. TikTok says it has not, and would not, share US user data with the Chinese government. The American Civil Liberties Union called the bill unconstitutional, saying lawmakers were “once again attempting to trade our First Amendment rights for cheap political points during an election year”. The bill, which would require companion legislation in the Senate, will be considered at an Energy and Commerce Committee hearing today for a vote. – Reuters
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 9 Spy chief scolds Macron for dangerous remark MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s foreign intelligence chief has said French President Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to rule out sending European troops to fight Russian soldiers in Ukraine was extremely dangerous and irresponsible. Macron said last month that there was no consensus on sending European troops to fight in Ukraine but that nothing should be excluded, though the United States and other European members of the alliance have said there were no plans to do so. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered the deepest crisis in Moscow’s relations with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, and President Vladimir Putin has warned that the West risks provoking a nuclear war if it sends troops to fight in Ukraine. Asked about Macron’s remarks, Sergei Naryshkin, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, the main successor to the KGB’s First Directorate foreign spying section, said they were deeply irresponsible. “This shows the high degree of political irresponsibility of Europe’s leaders today, in this case, the president of France,” Naryshkin told state television on Tuesday. “These statements are extremely dangerous.” “It is sad to see this, sad to observe and sad to understand that the ability of current elites in Europe and the North Atlantic to negotiate is at a very low level. They more and more rarely demonstrate any common sense at all.” After the Russian invasion in 2022, Western leaders said they would help Ukraine drive out Russian troops. Ukraine recaptured large swathes of territory in 2022. But Kyiv’s counteroffensive in 2023 failed to pierce heavily dug in Russian lines, and Russian forces have been pushing into Ukrainian territory just as US support for Ukraine is tangled in domestic political debates. – Reuters B R I E F SBRITAIN TO WARN ISRAELI MINISTER OVER FAMINE LONDON: Britain will warn Israel that its patience is running thin over the “dreadful suffering” in Gaza, where a lack of aid is leading people to die of hunger, Foreign Minister David Cameron said. Cameron, who is due to meet Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz, told parliament on Tuesday that Israel’s handling of aid, as the occupying power, raised questions over its compliance with international law. “We are facing a situation of dreadful suffering in Gaza,” Cameron told the upper House of Lords. “ People are dying of hunger; people are dying of otherwise preventable diseases.” Britain, like the United States, initially gave its backing to Israel’s assault on Gaza in response to an attack on Oct 7. But Cameron has stepped up calls for a ceasefire. Gantz, a political rival to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, heard a similar message when he met US Vice-President Kamala Harris on Monday. – Reuters GERMANY BLAMES AUDIO LEAK ON ‘INDIVIDUAL ERROR’ BERLIN: Germany sought to downplay an audio leak of senior military personnel discussing the war in Ukraine, blaming “individual error”. A 38-minute recording of the talks, in which the officers debated the use of German-made Taurus missiles by Ukraine, was posted on Friday on social media. “A serious mistake happened here that should not have happened,” said Defence Minister Boris Pistorius. The initial results of a probe showed the German army’s communications systems were not compromised. He said the German military’s use of the popular meeting platform WebEx was legitimate, while “extra security” measures were in place. One of the participants, who was attending the Singapore Airshow, had dialled into the meeting via an “unauthorised connection” leading to the intercept, Pistorius said. – AFP Perils of pregnancy in war zone GAZA STRIP: Forced to flee her home by Israeli bombardment, Asmaa Ahmed gave birth in the middle of the night in a Gaza City school that had no electricity. The doctor arrived just in time, working by the light of a mobile phone and clamping the umbilical cord with whatever the medical staff could find. “I was very, very afraid to lose the baby,” said 31-year-old Ahmed, recounting how her son Faraj came into the world four months ago. Baraa Jaber, the nurse who assisted in the delivery, said she was scared too. “It was very late and at that time the occupation could bomb anyone moving in the streets,” she said. Ahead of International Women’s Day tomorrow, aid workers and medics said Gaza’s estimated 52,000 pregnant women are among those endangered by the collapse of the health system. And their troubles don’t end with a successful delivery. New mothers confront the stark challenge of keeping infants alive in the besieged territory bereft of basics like food and water, to say nothing of heated tables for neonates and incubators. The fast-deteriorating conditions have struck fear into the hearts of pregnant women like 21-year-old Malak Shabat, who has sought refuge in the southern Gaza city of Rafah after moving several times to escape Israeli air strikes. “I’m so afraid of giving birth,” said Shabat, whose due date is fast approaching. The war in Gaza was triggered by the Oct 7 attack that resulted in the deaths of around 1,160 people, mostly civilians. Israel’s retaliatory military campaign has killed at least 30,631 people, mostly women and children. The health system has been devastated, with the United Nations reporting last month that there were no fully functioning hospitals left, and just 12 of 36 working at some capacity. Restrictions that the UN blames on the Israeli military mean that most aid convoys are halted. The UN Population Fund says it has 62 palettes of material to assist childbirth blocked outside Rafah on the border with Egypt. There are only five rooms dedicated to childbirth at the Emirati maternity hospital in Rafah, a city where nearly 1.5 million Palestinians have sought refuge. – AFP Accept ceasefire by Ramadan, Hamas told GAZA STRIP: US President Joe Biden called on Hamas to accept a Gaza ceasefire deal by Ramadan, while the Palestinian group warned talks for a truce and hostage release cannot go on “indefinitely”. As famine threatens Gazans, US and Jordanian planes again airdropped food aid into the besieged territory of 2.4 million people in a joint operation with Egypt and France. US Vice-President Kamala Harris has expressed “deep concern about the humanitarian conditions in Gaza”, while the World Health Organisation has reported children dying of starvation in two northern Gaza hospitals. Envoys from Hamas and the United States have been meeting Qatari and Egyptian mediators in Cairo for negotiations over a sixA charity kitchen serving hot meals to Palestinians in Rafah. – REUTERSPIC oGroup warns talks cannot go on ‘indefinitely’ week truce, the exchange of dozens of remaining hostages for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners and the flow of aid to Gaza. Egypt’s Al-Qahera News, which is close to the country’s intelligence services, said the talks would continue for a fourth consecutive day yesterday. Biden warned Hamas to agree to a Gaza truce by Ramadan, which begins next week, after his top diplomat Antony Blinken urged it to accept an “immediate ceasefire”. “It’s in the hands of Hamas right now,” the US president said in Maryland. “There’s got to be a ceasefire because Ramadan ... if we get into circumstances where this continues to Ramadan, Israel and Jerusalem could be very, very dangerous.” The talks in Cairo have so far not included Israel, with Israeli media reporting that its delegates had boycotted the talks after Hamas failed to provide a list of living hostages. However, senior Hamas leader Bassem Naim said that details on the prisoners “were not mentioned in any documents or proposals circulated during the negotiation process”. Osama Hamdan, a Hamas official in Beirut, said his group would “not allow the path of negotiations to be open indefinitely”. Israel has said it believes 130 of the 250 captives remain in Gaza but that 31 have been killed. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani met and agreed that “the release of sick, wounded, elderly, and women hostages would result in an immediate ceasefire in Gaza over a period of at least six weeks”. The first phase of a ceasefire would enable “a surge of humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, and provide time and space to secure more enduring arrangements and sustained calm”, a White House readout of the meeting said. Israel is facing increasing criticism from its top ally the United States as conditions in the besieged Palestinian territory deteriorate and famine looms. – AFP
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 10 I N today’s economy, women are playing an increasingly pivotal role, challenging traditional norms and breaking barriers in industries once dominated by men. Over time, we have witnessed a significant shift, with more women championing roles that were previously considered exclusive to men. One notable trend is the growing presence of women in the p-hailing industry, defying stereotypes and reshaping the landscape of transport services. As more women join the ranks of delivery partners and restaurant owners, they are not only driving economic growth but also fostering greater inclusivity and diversity within the workforce. As we approach International Women’s Day, it is important to recognise the invaluable contributions of female delivery partners and restaurant owners in the food delivery industry. Their resilience, dedication and unwavering commitment play a pivotal role in shaping our platform and serving communities across the nation. The gig economy has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, with p-hailing jobs becoming an essential source of income for millions nationwide. Amid the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the gig economy emerged as a lifeline for individuals seeking financial stability and independence. In Malaysia, the gig economy has become a significant driver of economic growth, with over 100,000 new individuals participating and earning income via gig economy platforms in Malaysia as of 3Q 2023, compared with 266,222 individuals in 2022. This sector has provided income opportunities for a huge number of Malaysians, highlighting its substantial impact on employment and livelihoods. We should understand the importance of fostering an inclusive environment in which everyone, regardless of gender, can thrive and succeed. Over the years, there has been a significant increase in women joining the gig economy as delivery partners. These women play a crucial role in facilitating the delivery of essential goods and services, enriching the lives of Malaysians across the country. Gig work has always been a great way for individuals to earn a supplementary income due to its flexible working hours. Many female riders now view it as a viable springboard to other industries or entrepreneurship opportunities. However, to fully harness the potential of the gig economy, it is essential to prioritise upskilling and professional development initiatives. Enclosed is my payment of RM payable to SUN MEDIA CORPORATION SDN BHD. Please WhatsApp your bank-in slip to 0182929936 or email to *Not inclusive of vendor service charge Stay informed with the latest news and trends All the best articles from Monday to Friday 32 pages full colour Subscribe now for Monday-Friday copies of theSun newspaper 6 month subscription (128 issues) for only RM110* (Normal price RM128) 1 year subscription (258 issues) for only RM200* (Normal price RM258) 1 year subscription at normal price RM258* (258 issues) + RM50 administration fee to get 2nd year free PERSONAL PARTICULARS Name: NRIC: Race: Malay Chinese Indian Others Profession: Commencement date: Delivery Address: Residence Ofice Postcode: State: Tel: Mobile No: E-mail: DETAILS OF CURRENT NEWS VENDOR (IF ANY) Vendor name: Contact no: For your convenience, you may call or send in your subscription particulars via any of the following: Tel: KL/PJ 03-7781 4000, 03-7784 6688 (9.30am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) Fax: 03-7781 4484 Post: P.O. Box 179, Jalan Sultan, 46720 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Attn: Subscription Email: *Terms & Conditions apply Important note: SMCSB reserves the right to revise the price at any time without prior notice. (*Limited to ffrst 1,000 subscribers) Pay to Maybank ( Account number 508177700420 ) Account name ( SUN MEDIA CORPORATION SDN BHD ) Nov 8 to Nov 10 Malaysian Paper RM1 WEDNESDAY NOV 8, 2023 No. 8389 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) SCAN ME Casino chip heist: Five more identified Police have detained a total of 10 suspects, including a Chinese national, in connection with the RM4.6m theft at Genting Highlands on Oct 28. Congratulations! You are holding the first edition A new sunrise of our new 32-page paper featuring more of the great content you have loved for the past 30 years. Copies will be free until Friday and will be available via subscription and at newsstands beginning Monday for only RM1. Muruku Buntong entrepreneur’s Deepavali snack, made from a still a national favourite 60-year-old recipe, is constantly in high demand. Chicken price float benefits consumers A week after subsidies ended, market prices are competitive and lower than subsidised prices, says expert. Full report —on page 3 Full report —on page 6 Full report —on page 4 Citing protection of country’s interests in terms of diplomatic, economic relations and security as reasons for joining meeting, Anwar says he remains steadfast in defending justice and rights of Palestinians. I will show up at Apec Story on page 2 Full story -on page 2 SCAN TO SUBSCRIBE Empowering female delivery riders For example, take Rahayu, a 41-year-old mother of three. She transitioned from being a school bus driver to becoming Bukit Jelutong’s first female foodpanda rider during the pandemic. Inspired by local riders, she found the job’s flexibility appealing, allowing her to work for a few hours while still balancing her responsibilities to her family. She is happy, especially when customers appreciate her deliveries. She once received an RM100 tip, considered substantial for a foodpanda rider. Rahayu is not alone. There are many similar inspiring stories from other female delivery partners. We should empower delivery riders through a range of upskilling programmes and benefits. For example, foodpanda recently partnered with Manipal International University to provide delivery partners with the opportunity to pursue tertiary education. This initiative will enable riders to enhance their skills and qualifications, opening doors to new career prospects and advancement. Furthermore, we should recognise the importance of language proficiency in enhancing job delivery capabilities and employability. By investing in the professional development of delivery riders, we can enhance the value of the Many female riders view p-hailing work as a viable springboard to other industries or entrepreneurship opportunities. – REUTERSPIC COMMENT by Pichaya Thongthua workforce and ensure the highest level of service for customers. We can empower our female riders and vendors to overcome challenges and achieve their goals by offering training and mentorship programmes. Whether navigating through bustling streets or managing businesses, we should provide delivery riders with the tools and resources they need to thrive in a competitive market. However, our efforts should extend beyond empowerment. It should be about creating a more inclusive society in which women are valued and respected for their contributions. By celebrating the achievements of female riders and vendors, we can inspire future generations of women to pursue their dreams and break barriers. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering female riders and vendors in the gig economy. We can create a more inclusive and equitable future for all by providing them with the support, resources and opportunities they need to succeed. Together, let us champion diversity, inclusion and empowerment in the food delivery industry and beyond. The writer is the interim CEO of foodpanda Malaysia. Comments:
11 THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 Proposal for designated smoking areas lauded RECENTLY, the Health Ministry announced that it is considering the introduction of designated smoking areas for eateries in tight locations. This is commendable and should be put into immediate action. Allocating specific spaces for smokers not only in eateries but also in public areas serves to shield individuals from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Designated smoking areas play a crucial role in deterring non-smokers, especially minors, from adopting the hazardous habit. By segregating smoking zones from public view, these areas discourage young individuals from being exposed to smoking behaviours, potentially curbing the initiation of smoking among impressionable minds. Drawing from the Japanese government’s successful model that strictly bans smoking in schools, hospitals and government buildings, Malaysia can adopt similar measures. Implementing fines for smoking outside designated areas, as seen in Japan, could serve as a deterrent and reinforce adherence to smoking regulations. People under the age of 20 old are prohibited from these designated smoking areas. A fine of up to ¥300,000 (RM9,400) is imposed on people who smoke outside the designated area. The government in April 2020 also imposed a ban on indoor smoking, including at places such as hotels, restaurants and offices. During my recent trip to Tokyo, I noticed that although smoking is strictly prohibited in restaurants, some establishments provided designated smoking rooms. People are not allowed to eat and drink in such smoking areas. Additionally, there are separate designated smoking rooms exclusively for heated tobacco users, such as Ploom, IQOS and Glo, where customers can sit and dine. Access to these designated areas is restricted to adults, and individuals using tobacco products other than heated tobacco are not permitted entry. Heated tobacco products have gained popularity among the public in Designated smoking areas play a crucial role in deterring non-smokers, especially minors, from adopting the hazardous habit. – SUNPIC Feminist climate agenda ON this International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8, let us unite with the United Nations (UN) in commemorating the occasion under the theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”. Amid a multitude of crises plaguing our world, ranging from geopolitical conflicts to rising poverty rates and the worsening effects of climate change, it has become increasingly evident that empowering women is central to finding sustainable solutions. By prioritising investments in women, we can catalyse transformation and propel the journey towards a future characterised by enhanced health, safety and equality for all. Looking back on the past year, decade and century, it is essential to consider the progress made for women’s rights. Every International Women’s Day, countries worldwide celebrate, often aligned with the UN’s efforts to track and improve gender equality. Reflecting on this, I recently encountered a compelling document titled “Feminist Climate Agenda: A Framework for Action”, credited to UN Women. It is a culmination of extensive research, analysis and collaboration with experts, activists and scholars. In the upcoming 2025 edition, the focus will be on two critical issues – the escalating climate crisis and the ongoing struggles faced by women and girls. UN Women is leading efforts to highlight the importance of feminist climate justice in addressing these challenges. In the current era, the climate crisis stands as the paramount challenge, delaying advancements in gender equality, human rights and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals. As global temperatures soar and national commitments remain unmet, women, girls and gender-diverse individuals are mobilising to assert their rightful place in shaping climate policies. Responding to their calls, this paper outlines a roadmap for achieving feminist climate justice through four interconnected dimensions – recognition, redistribution, representation and reparation, guided by principles of interdependence and intersectionality. It offers pragmatic strategies for countries to transition towards low-emission economies resilient to climate change while acknowledging the pivotal leadership of women, girls and gender-diverse individuals in propelling necessary transformations. Focusing on the global food system as an example, it showcases the applicability of this framework and delves into the key impediments to fostering accountability in gender-responsive climate action, alongside viable solutions to surmount these challenges. This plan includes creating a framework for feminist climate justice that covers studying how climate change affects women’s rights and gender equality, and finding ways to use policies across different areas to reduce these effects and ensure everyone transitions to a greener world fairly. The climate crisis is a huge problem. It is making it harder to achieve gender equality and other human rights goals. People around the world, especially women, girls and gender-diverse people, are coming together to demand a say in how we deal with climate change. In many rural and indigenous communities, women are the custodians of traditional knowledge and practices crucial for adapting to changing environmental conditions. However, their contributions are often overlooked in decision-making processes, where patriarchal structures demote them to the edge. This exclusion not only undermines the resilience of communities but prolongs cycles of vulnerability and dependency. Moreover, women face intersecting barriers that compound their vulnerability to climate change impacts. Limited access to education and resources restricts their capacity to adopt sustainable practices and innovate adaptation strategies. Cultural norms and discriminatory practices further exacerbate their vulnerability, leaving them with inadequate support systems to cope with the escalating challenges posed by environmental degradation. The consequences of these disparities are profound and farreaching. In regions where agriculture is the primary livelihood, erratic weather patterns and dwindling water sources threaten food security, leading to malnutrition and increased health risks. The burden of caregiving also intensifies as women grapple with caring for sick family members amid strained healthcare systems. Economic opportunities diminish as well, with women often relegated to informal and precarious employment sectors that are particularly vulnerable to climate-related shocks. The cascading effects of these challenges perpetuate cycles of poverty, hindering progress towards sustainable development goals and exacerbating existing inequalities. The UN Women’s focus on climate justice is timely as gender inequalities further restrict women’s ability to participate in decision-making processes concerning environmental conservation and climate adaptation strategies. Consequently, women are left with inadequate resources and support systems to cope effectively with the escalating challenges posed by extreme climate events and environmental degradation, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and inequality. Efforts to address these issues must prioritise gender-responsive policies and empower women to play a central role in climate resilience and environmental sustainability initiatives. Feminist climate justice means creating a world in which everyone has equal rights and can live well on a healthy planet. UN Women wants to use this idea to encourage discussions about better ways to handle climate change and to influence future editions of their report on gender equality. In Malaysia, amid the boasting of various initiatives, in terms of funding and other forms of support, there is a notable absence of any specific mechanism to ensure that those truly in need receive these touted benefits. The top three challenges confronting Malaysian women are at base level and they include sexual harassment, sexual violence and the objectification of women by insensitive politicians, according to a 2022 report. It is a shame that we are nowhere near UN Women’s grandiose objectives as we are still grappling with lame issues which should have been addressed. Therefore, there is a pressing need to bolster women’s involvement in politics and the corporate sector. In this context, it is worth noting that despite women constituting nearly half of the country’s voters, Malaysia lags in female representation in parliament compared with other nations. When a woman speaks up, she is standing up not just for herself but for the entire community. So, be bold, speak up and claim your seat when none is offered. Reference: Feminist Climate Justice: a Framework for Action (UN Women). Comments: “By prioritising investments in women, we catalyse transformation and propel the journey towards a future characterised by enhanced health, safety and equality for all.” LETTERS Japan due to their perceived advantages. They are promoted for their purported ability to produce minimal secondhand smoke and have a reduced impact on the health of those in proximity to the user. The Japanese approach to tobacco sales, requiring a “tobacco passport” or “Taspo” to verify the legal smoking age, presents an effective method to regulate access to cigarettes, whether through vending machines or convenience shops. Taspo is only available to those aged 20 and above. This showcases meticulous measures taken by the Japanese government to prevent underage smoking. I also observed firsthand the effectiveness of Japan’s regulations in curbing smoking among minors and promoting public health. The Malaysian health minister would do well to consider emulating these comprehensive strategies to combat smoking and vaping initiation while safeguarding the well-being of the public. The proposal for designated smoking areas in Malaysia represents a progressive approach towards addressing the complexities of smoking and vaping regulation. By drawing inspiration from successful international models, Malaysia can strengthen its efforts to promote a smoke-free environment and protect the health of its citizens. Muhammad Aqil Lokman Setia Wangsa
PROPERTY PROPERTY THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 12 Savills Malaysia cautiously optimistic on market in 2024 conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relationship). 0 It is understood that the minimum age requirements have been reduced from 35 to 30, 60 days residency in Malaysia (previously 90) and applicants on the platinum tier are entitled for PR status once application is approved. Higher withdrawal deposit amounts are also allowed for property purchase, medical treatment and travels locally. 0 The introduction of a 4% flat rate on stamp duty (memorandum of transfer) on foreign purchases (@ RM16k max) contradicts the spirit of improving the MM2H though it has a marginal/negligible impact. Redevelop/Repurpose/Rebuilding Lands are getting to be a “scarce commodity” and prices are going northwards. Redevelopment within the city(s) will continue to be more relevant moving forward: 0 However, it has been a painful experience for redevelopment of en-bloc strata title properties where a 100% consent was required (which is usually an impossible task). The proposal to follow international standards here (eg. Singapore at 80%) will be well accepted by most. 0 We cannot make all owners happy but the majority’s choice counts. Budget 2024 will address this issue with a new law to speed up redevelopment, regeneration, revitalisation and conservation. It may, however, take some time for such changes to bear fruit but is sets the “right tone for the future”. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ESG has become a key factor for investment decisions by institutional investors. This is an increasing trend plus the number of mandatory ESG regulations worldwide is getting eminent. As of now, even though there are no consistent ESG reporting frameworks mandated, but this trend is continuing through in Malaysia into 2024 and beyond. 2024 will be a continual roller-coaster ride with plenty of promises Our consensus views and votes are that we are “cautiously optimistic” for 2024 as a better year moving into the new year. We expect to see a continual surge in the industrial sector especially in the data centres, logistic & manufacturing front. This sector has proven to be resilient through 2023 and we expect it to continue through positively especially in terms demand and land values. ESG & sustainability angles and green features with renewable energy sources (solar) in all sectors will be key and green financing from banks at better interest rates are also here to stay. With “No Goodies” from the Budget, the local property sector will brave through 2024 but caveat that “there are no new unforeseen global events happening again (eg. geo-political tensions or any pandemic)”. Budget 2024 provides a new platform for the redevelopment of old dilapidated strata development with a majority vote from strata owners (100% consensus needed previously). It is proposed here that international practices (probably 75% here) be adopted. This will be interesting watch for the local property market in reviving many blighted parts of the city(s) with strata projects. This article is contributed by Savills Malaysia Group managing director and head Datuk Paul Khong. Sunway Property will continue to expand its range of signature products for the residential segment. Matrix Concepts maintains growth with higher net profit SEREMBAN: Property developer Matrix Concepts Holdings Bhd continued its profit growth trajectory for the current financial year, recording 5.3% higher net profit to RM57.2 million for the third quarter ended Dec 31, 2023 (Q3’24) compared to RM54.4 million in the previous corresponding quarter. The group’s improvement in net profit was achieved despite a 18.6% decline in revenue to RM296 million in Q3’24 from RM363.8 million previously. This was primarily driven by larger contribution from the group’s residential property projects in Sendayan Developments, resulting in a 5.8% increase in gross profit to RM159.5 million in Q3’24 compared to RM150.7 million previously. In the corresponding quarter last year, revenue was bolstered by recognition of completed projects, namely M. Greenvale and The Chambers developments in Australia and Klang Valley respectively, which the absence resulted in lower revenue in Q3’24. Sendayan Developments, the group’s flagship projects in Seremban, was the main revenue provider in Q3’24, contributing RM268.3 million or 90.6% of total group revenue, representing a growth of 22.3% from RM219.3 million previously. Additionally, revenue from the group’s Bandar Seri Impian at Kluang in Johor, contributed RM16.8 million, rising 13.4% from RM14.8 million previously. Meanwhile, the group’s other business units, consisting of its education and hospitality divisions, contributed RM9.8 million to Q3’24 revenue, equivalent to a decrease of 4.3% from the previous year, attributed to reduced contribution by both units. Additionally, the group also recorded inaugural contribution from its healthcare division, namely Mawar Medical Centre in Seremban amounting to RM2 million in Q3’24, which is poised for healthy sustainable earnings moving forward. Notably, new property sales remained resilient in Q3’24 driven by positive sentiment from homebuyers, registering RM345.3 million in Q3’24 compared to RM340.3 million previously, with Sendayan Developments contributing RM231.1 million. At the same time, the group’s recently launched, second Klang Valley Development, Levia Residence, secured RM97.9 million worth of new sales within 3 months of its launch. As of Dec 31, 2023, the group’s unbilled sales stood at RM1.2 billion, set to be recognised over the next 15 to 18 months. In the nine months ended Dec 31, 2023, the group’s net profit grew by 22.3% to RM185.9 million from RM152 million in the previous financial period, on a 21% higher revenue of RM986.8 million from RM815.4 million in the same period. The group declared a third interim dividend of 2.5 sen per share in respect of the financial year ending March 31, 2024, with the dividend ex-date on March 21, 2024 and the payment date on April 3, 2024. Sunway Property sets RM2.6b sales target for this year PETALING JAYA: Sunway Property is poised for another year of solid growth as it announces its sales target of RM2.6 billion for 2024. This comes on the back of its positive performance over the past year, as the developer achieved RM2.4 billion in sales across its Malaysian and international operations, exceeding its sales target of RM2.3 billion for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2023. During this period, Sunway Property also recorded an unbilled revenue of close to RM4.1 billion and successfully delivered launches worth RM4.4 billion. With its remaining landbank of 2,467 acres (as at Dec 31, 2023) bearing an estimated gross development value of RM52.9 billion, the developer is well-positioned to continue on its growth trajectory in the coming year. Managing director Sarena Cheah said, “We are proud of our achievements in 2023, particularly as we exceeded our sales target for the year. While economic uncertainties remain, we remain optimistic about the resilience of the property market, especially with strong growth potential in Johor, given plans such as the Johor Baru-Singapore RTS Link and the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone. This year, we are also set to introduce four new signature products across all our regions in Malaysia. Coupled with the exciting offerings of our annual flagship Signature Series campaign, we’re confident that this positions us well to achieve our goals again in 2024.” Sunway Property will continue to expand its range of signature products for the residential segment. In Klang Valley, Sunway Property will launch Sunway Velocity 3 – the next phase of its residential developments in Kuala Lumpur. Meanwhile, it will introduce new doublestorey terrace homes in Sunway Aviana located in Sunway City Iskandar Puteri, Johor. Mah Sing chalks up RM2.26b in sales for FY23 KUALA LUMPUR: Mah Sing Group Bhd saw its net profit improved to RM215.29 million in the financial year ended Dec 31, 2023 (FY23) from RM180.05 million. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the group said revenue jumped 12.3% to RM2.6 billion from RM2.32 billion, with its balance sheet remaining healthy with cash and bank balances and investment in short-term funds of RM981.3 million as at Dec 31, 2023. The property development division saw marked improvement with operating profit of RM368.4 million on the back of revenue of RM2.11 billlion, which were 8.8% and 14.9% higher than the operating profit and revenue recorded a year ago. The higher revenue and operating profit were mainly driven by property sales and progressive revenue recognition from ongoing construction progress. Net profit for the fourth quarter rose to RM64.74 million from RM46.78 million while revenue slightly increased to RM671.28 million from RM670.87 million. For FY23, the group achieved new property sales of RM2.26 billion, a 13% increase compared with RM2 billion, (excluding land sales of RM115 million in 2022) and the highest property sales recorded since 2016. It also acquired six new pieces of land with a potential gross development value (GDV) of RM6.23 billion in Puchong, Semenyih, Kepong and Setapak in the Klang Valley and in Johor. It also acquired industrial land in Sepang boasting a potential GDV of up to RM2 billion. The group plans to launch new developments by end-2024, anticipating early contributions from the newly acquired industrial land. Meanwhile, the group has declared a first and final dividend of four sen per share for FY23, representing a 45% payout, higher than dividend policy of a minimum 40% for the 18th consecutive year. This would be paid out in May 2024. Encouraged by the sales achieved last year, the group projects a higher sales target of at least RM2.5 billion for 2024, underpinned by a compelling pipeline of projects in the affordably priced housing segment. Supported by unbilled sales of RM2.33 billion and fast-track project completions, the group is anticipating a stronger financial performance in 2024. – Bernama PROPERTY market in Malaysia will still be cautiously optimistic moving into 2024 and we expect prices to continue their movement upwards due to the “base costs push” factors and the rising interest rates and inflation all around. Budget 2024 did not have much property goodies in place for the year except for more continuous focus on affordable segments driven by various government initiatives. With new supply in the pipeline, office market will continue to battle on for tenants as most companies are rationalising their spaces with hybrid working arrangements. “Flight to quality” and ESG are eminent now and are the key words for 2024. Logistic industrial & data-centres should outperform again for 2024 (though it is everybody’s guess) and it has been the top darlings in the markets since the start of Covid19 earlier. YTL Power is making headlines with the AI data centre deal powered by Nvidia Corp (US) – December 2023 capital market transactions should be active as well and focus involves office buildings, hotels, key development lands in high-demand city areas and agricultural lands suitable for land-banking purposes. Latest deal concluded is the sale of W-Hotel (Tropicana) to IOI group at RM270 million – December 2023 Budget 2024 0 MM2H is revised for 2024 to bring more foreign applicants to live and invest in Malaysia. This will be for a 1-year trial period subject to “standardisation” of criterias and requirements. This revision will be introduced to Chinese citizens before expanding further (in
THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 Editorial T: 03-7784 6688 F: 03-7785 2625 E: Advertising T: 03-7784 8888 E: SCAN ME 7-Eleven Group’s Q4 revenue rises to RM1.07b Dec 31, 2023. “It is encouraging to note that these 7-Cafés are more productive and have higher fresh food sales participation compared to a classic store. Total store count stood at 2,566 stores,” it said. The pharmaceutical segment recorded revenue of RM378.2 million for the current quarter, an increase of RM43.8 million or 13.1%, primarily driven by new stores sales contribution. Correspondingly, gross profit increased by RM11.1 million or 16.9% while gross profit margins increased from 19.6% to 20.3%, mainly due to higher rebate income received. The group said core profit from pharmaceuticals experienced a decline of RM10 million or 77.3% compared with the same quarter last year due to lower off-take of higher margin Covid-19 test-kits and face masks. Total store count stood at 250 stores, a net increase of 30 stores. Net corporate exercise income of RM207.5 million primarily consists of the gain on disposal of pharmaceutical segment offset by related expenses incurred. The group’s consolidated profit after tax for the current quarter after corporate exercise income and expenses is reported at RM223.9 million, an increase of RM215.4 million or +2,525.0%. “Notwithstanding the continued positive turnaround in trading conditions and retail sentiment, the Group is cognisant and will remain steadfast in monitoring potential headwinds arising from global supply chain disruptions, workforce supply constraints and cost pressures on the back of an increase in minimum wages, rising interest rates and inflation; essentially, we will take appropriate measures to mitigate these impacts, as necessary,” the group said. It added that its focus for the convenience store segment continues to be on the expansion of the 7-Café store format, aimed at enhancing product offerings and elevating the in-store customer experience. Anticipated to drive growth in their fresh food category, the 7- Café format will play a pivotal role in diversifying their sales mix and improving margins. On-going initiatives include the establishment of new 7- Cafés outside of Klang Valley, complemented by tactical plans to penetrate specific high potential locations. “As at the date of this report, we are pleased to share that our new commissary is already fully operational. Designed to accommodate up to 1,000 stores in the Klang Valley, this facility incorporates advanced equipment and automation to streamline key processes such as prepping, cooking, and packing, thereby enhancing the quality and consistency of our fresh food offerings. In addition, efforts to enrich our fresh food product assortment will be enhanced, further bolstering our sales strategy,” it said. Additionally, the group announced the completion of its first self-operated ambient warehouse. Covering 300,000 square feet, this facility operates on a comprehensive inventory put-away model, complemented by automated handling activities. In the coming year, the group has plans to introduce My7E Online Store, offering ondemand delivery to customers through the My7E Mobile App platform. oConvenience store and pharmaceutical segments deliver improved performances MoF sees pressing need for insurance protection among SMEs KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Finance (MoF) sees a pressing need for insurance protection among small and medium-sized enterprises due to the escalating climate change and other risks, said Secretary General of Treasury Datuk Johan Mahmood Merican. He said there has been a disproportionate emphasis on credit-based financial solutions for MSMEs such as loans or lines of credit while neglecting insurance and other resilience-enhancing measures. “Most financial solutions for MSMEs to date have heavily focused on excess credit. Insurance is not widely adopted by businesses in Malaysia despite the increasing need. It is estimated less than 5% of MSMEs have any form of insurance in the Asean region,” he said in his speech read out by MoF fiscal and economics division deputy undersecretary Dr Nirwan Noh at the launch of a joint research report by Generali and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) focusing on MSMEs yesterday. The joint research report titled “Building MSME Resilience in Southeast Asia” focused on selected value chains in Thailand and Malaysia. The report proposes an alternative approach to identifying the risks and needs of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), developing risk management and insurance services, and delivering these solutions to the MSME community. The report finds that SME growth and survival are threatened by a range of risks, including climate change, business interruptions, and limited access to capital markets. These risks are intensified by the lack of risk management, coping mechanisms, and insurance coverage. The alternative approach outlined in the research starts by segmenting MSMEs to understand their risk profiles and address their specific needs, exploring priority value chains. From this MSMEs can build resilience through holistic solutions that consider both risk transfer and risk mitigation tools, and which include bundling insurance solutions with new technologies or digital platforms and leveraging alternative distribution partners to reach MSMEs more effectively. Generali CEO International Jaime Anchústegui Melgarejo said the MSME community in Malaysia, Thailand and the broader Asia region are an indispensable part of the growth and development stories of these markets. “However, they face very real and intensifying risks from climate change and other factors that are affecting business continuity and their ability to capture emerging opportunities. Insurance is at the heart of the solution for making SMEs and MSMEs more resilient and is the driving force behind Generali’s partnership with UNDP,” he remarked. PETALING JAYA: Naza Automotive Group (Naza Auto) does not rule out the possibility of raising prices in the future, following the increase in sales and service tax. Naza Auto Group CEO Mohd Rizal Jailan said seeing that the new tax rate was only implemented last week, it will adopt a “wait-and-see” approach and adjust to the situation accordingly. “We are still evaluating (whether to increase prices) because as much as possible, we do not want our customers to be affected,” he said during the 2024 Maserati GranTurismo launch ceremony yesterday. While the group does not have any immediate plans to increase its car prices, Mohd Rizal said he does not guarantee it will maintain prices as various factors need to be considered before any decision is made. “Vehicle pricing is not only affected by the service tax as there are other factors involved, such as foreign exchange rates and so on. Obviously, we are going to sit down and look into all factors but Naza intends to (do our best) not to burden our customers. “The possibility is always there but, by our approach, we look into things that we can control such as operational costs to ensure that as much as possible, prices are not being affected. “I cannot elaborate further, as we are still evaluating this. When we have a clearer picture, we will look at the cost structure (as a whole) to make a decision but so far, we are putting efforts to look into all things within our control (to exercise) cost-efficiency,” he added. Mohd Rizal also said his team is focused on looking at various costsaving measures, including supply chain and predelivery inspection costs, in order to offer competitive pricing to customers. Asked about the high-value goods tax which is to be implemented on May 1, he declined to comment as it has yet to be gazetted by the government. Meanwhile, Mohd Rizal noted PETALING JAYA: The 7-Eleven Group registered overall revenue of RM1.07 billion, an increase of RM80.3 million or 8.1%, while core profit decreased by RM3.7 million or 18.2% to RM16.4 million for the fourth quarter of its financial year ended Dec 31, 2023. The convenience store segment recorded higher average per store day and customer count as consumer spending and trading activities remained buoyant in the quarter under review. Revenue increased by RM36.5 million or 5.5% compared with the previous year’s corresponding quarter. Notably, revenue across all product categories grew in the quarter, resulting in higher gross profit by RM5.6 million or 2.7% to RM213.1 million. “Operating expenses increased by RM6.9 million or +3%, driven by higher store operation related expenses vis-a-vis longer operating hours and with +94 net new stores added; an expansion in our workforce to meet anticipated business demands also contributed to this increase. Excluding corporate exercise expenses, the convenience store segment recorded a core profit after tax of RM13.5 million, an increase of RM6.4 million or +89.2% as compared to previous year corresponding quarter,” 7-Eleven Group said in a statement yesterday. The group added that in the fourth quarter, it rolled out 62 new 7-Café format stores, with one non performing store closure, bringing a total count of 247 7-Café stores for the period ended █ BY GLORIA HARRY BEATTY █ BY HAYATUN RAZAK Mohd Rizal at the launch of the Maserati GranTurismo. – AMIRUL SYAFIQ/THESUN that the general forecast on new motor vehicle sales or total industry volume is expected to decline this year, despite achieving high record sales in 2023. “For our product offerings, we believe that the challenges that we are facing is more on the ringgit (and the foreign exchange rate) and how we approach our customers. “That will be the significant factor for our success this year and that’s why we are focusing on the customer experience as with these type of products, the customer experience plays a very vital part in determining the success of the brands,” he said. Naza Auto is the sole distributor and importer of the Maserati brand in Malaysia. Naza Auto in wait-and-see mode but not ruling out price hikes
BIZ & FINANCE BIZ & FINANCE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 14 /thesundaily FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK Malaysian Paper SME Bank empowers Bumiputera MSMEs oDFI reiterates commitment, says has approved over RM30.6m financing to 17,380 such micro, small and medium enterprises since its inception PETALING JAYA: SME Bank, a leading Malaysian development financial institution in fostering entrepreneurial growth, has reaffirmed its commitment to empower micro, small and medium enterprises, particularly Bumiputera entrepreneurs – underscoring its dedicated role as a catalyst for the economic transformation and growth of MSMEs. SME Bank group president/CEO Datuk Wira (Dr) Aria Putera Ismail (pic) said, “We have implemented a comprehensive suite of initiatives tailored to meet the varied needs of Bumiputera entrepreneurs. SME Bank consistently aligns itself with the government’s initiatives and agenda to empower Bumiputera entrepreneurs, in line with the overarching objective of Bumiputera economic transformation outlined in the New Agenda for Bumiputera Empowerment. “Since its inception, SME Bank has approved more than RM30.6 billion financing to a total of 17,380 Bumiputera MSMEs, encompassing dedicated Bumiputera programmes and various other financing facilities.” These include the i-SMART Programme (SME Bank Upward Migration and Acceleration Programme), an RM180 million initiative focused on creating Bumiputera champions. This programme focused on accelerating the growth and performance of MSMEs, propelling them towards global competitiveness and contributing significantly to the social wellbeing of the community. SME Bank takes the lead in fostering export-oriented expansion with the Business Exports Programme (BEP), an intervention initiative funded by the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (MECD) in partnership with Matrade. Bolstered by a dedicated fund of RM30 million, BEP is crafted to elevate the capacity and capability of companies for international exports. Another RM500 million of Jaguh Serantau Financing in support of the Bumiputera export causes. Furthermore, SME Bank allocates RM10.5 million to the Vendor Capacity & Capability Development Programme to extend support to Bumiputera vendors in enhancing their competitiveness, sustainability, and resilience. As part of Budget 2024, an allocation of RM200 million is designated for Dana Kemampanan PMKS Bumiputera to provide additional support to Bumiputera entrepreneurs. This initiative aims to elevate the stature of Bumiputera MSMEs by integrating funding and financing. Through this allocation, Bumiputera entrepreneurs are empowered to expand their businesses and bolster competitiveness in foreign markets. In its commitment to the development of social enterprises, SME Bank introduced the Social Enterprise Financing Scheme, with an allocation of RM15 million. This scheme provides financial assistance for Basic and Accredited Social Enterprises recognised by MECD to finance their asset acquisition and/or working capital requirements. Aligning with its corporate responsibility, SME Bank introduced the iTEKAD Penjana Komuniti and iTEKAD Ishraf Programme, with an allocation of RM 11.3 million. These strategic initiatives aim to bridge the opportunity gap, creating a sustainable economic impact on the livelihoods of B40, Asnaf, and single mothers entrepreneurs by providing essential skills, tools, and support for establishing and maintaining successful businesses. By providing a structured programme, SME Bank aims to create competitive and resilient entrepreneurs, uplifting their standard of living and contributing to the community and the nation. HR specialist Deel acquires Africa-based PaySpace PETALING JAYA: Global HR company Deel has acquired Africa-based payroll and HR solution company PaySpace for an undisclosed amount. It is one of Deel’s largest acquisitions to date. PaySpace has more than 20 years of payroll technology experience, providing payroll engines and HR services in 44 countries across Europe, Latam, Middle East, and Africa for more than 14,000 customers. Customers include multinationals across various industries such as Heineken, CocaCola Beverages and Puma Sports SA. By acquiring PaySpace, Deel will become the first global payroll and Employer of Record with its own full-stack payroll engine localised in 50 countries and integrated into its offering. Currently, Deel owns the full HR stack – entities, local teams (legal, HR, payroll), and local payroll engines – across six continents. Its fouryear ambition is to serve 100 countries with native payroll engines, and the PaySpace acquisition is a significant step towards that goal. Prior to this, in 2022, Deel acquired PayGroup Limited, a leading Apac payroll and human capital management company. PayGroup’s influence spans Australia, New Zealand, India, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan, processing an estimated US$7.9 billion in payroll per year for over 3,000 businesses across various industries. The PayGroup acquisition enhances Deel’s presence in the Apac region, allowing for a broader customer base. With the acquisition of PaySpace, Deel will continue to reinforce its commitment to global payroll solutions. Deel co-founder and CEO Alex Bouaziz said, “Global payroll is hard to do and critical to get right. As a company, you want assurances you can pay your teams on time, compliantly, anywhere in the world. PaySpace’s singleplatform payroll expertise and breadth of coverage, particularly in Africa and the Middle East, combined with PayGroup’s presence in Apac, will give Deel customers the reach they need to grow their businesses globally.” CelcomDigi unveils digitalisation bundle for healthcare sector PETALING JAYA: CelcomDigi Bhd has unveiled a digital healthcare bundle offering, digital healthcare solutions with high-speed internet connectivity plans. The new product bundle is aimed at assisting the healthcare sector such as private clinics and pharmacies – which are also micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) – to digitalise their businesses through the Geran Digital PMKS Madani (GDPM). Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil, who officiated at the launch, said, “The unveiling of the CelcomDigi Healthcare Solutions today, backed by MCMC and Malaysian Medical Association, marks a significant milestone in our collective endeavour to advance Malaysia’s digital healthcare ecosystem. This development is a testament to our commitment to spur digital adoption among MSMEs in the healthcare sector, ensuring that quality care becomes accessible to every Malaysian. “This initiative is also a prime example of the government’s efforts to foster public-private partnerships, simplifying the digitalisation process for MSMEs, and providing them with the right solutions to transform their business and accelerate growth.” CelcomDigi CEO Datuk Idham Nawawi said the event is the first step for CelcomDigi as they accelerate the vision of digitalised healthcare in Malaysia through meaningful partnerships. “We are committed to continue looking for new opportunities in making affordable product offerings easily accessible within the healthcare sector, to set new standards of innovation in patient care, and to bring to life our ultimate vision of improving the lives of millions across Malaysia through digitalisation. “The launch of CelcomDigi’s Digital Healthcare Bundle is a great example on how we help drive digitalisation among MSMEs in the local healthcare sector.” Cagamas concludes issuance of bonds, sukuk worth RM960m PETALING JAYA: Cagamas Bhd (National Mortgage Corporation of Malaysia), has announced the conclusion of RM960 million worth of bonds and sukuk comprising RM460 million one-year Conventional Medium Term Notes (CMTN), RM200 million two-year CMTN and RM300 million Islamic Medium Term Notes. Cagamas president/CEO Kameel Abdul Halim said, “The company successfully issued RM960 million worth of bonds and sukuk through its first public book-building exercise this year. “The order book received overwhelming response, oversubscribed by 2.3 times which attracted subscriptions from a diverse pool of investors including financial institutions, pension funds, insurance companies, foreign investors and asset managers. This allowed the company to successfully tighten the yield by 5 basis points (bps) from the initial price guidance. The bonds and sukuk were priced competitively at a spread of 35 bps over Malaysian Government Securities.” Proceeds raised from the issuances will be used to fund the purchase of Islamic home financings and housing loans from the domestic financial system. The new issuance brings Cagamas’s aggregate funds raised for the year to RM2.08 billion. From left: Bank Simpanan Nasional CEO Jay Khairil Jeremy Abdullah, MCMC chief industry development officer Muhammad Razali Anuar, Idham, Fahmi, Communications Ministry secretarygeneral Datuk Mohamad Fauzi Md Isa and MMA president Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz at the launch..
BIZ & FINANCE BIZ & FINANCE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 15 Education remains an important pillar of Malaysian society; it equips students with the skills needed to become productive and useful members of society. We invite you to showcase the best of education and the difference your institution has brought to the education landscape. Education matters so join us in 2024! Contact us now for special deals on digital, video and print advertising. Malaysian Paper 03-7784 6688 Zantat expects to raise RM14m from IPO KUALA LUMPUR: High-grade calcium carbonate powder producer Zantat Holdings Bhd expects to raise RM14 million under its listing exercise on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities (Bursa Securities). The company plans to use RM3.8 million (27.4%) raised from the initial public offering (IPO) to upgrade its research and development (R&D) centre and purchase additional test and product development equipment. Managing director Ivan Chan said the upgrading of R&D facilities within Zantat Perak Plant 1 is crucial to facilitate the company’s product expansion plan. “With the upgraded R&D facility and enhanced testing capabilities, we will focus on our in-house product development and enhancement including testing of our products as oFunds will be used to upgrade R&D centre and purchase additional test and product development equipment Bioeconomy, TusStar collaborate to transform Malaysia’s biotech scene KUALA LUMPUR: Bioeconomy Corporation, an economic development agency for the biotechnology and bio-based industries under the purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, formed a collaboration yesterday with TusStar Malaysia, part of China’s largest technology incubator network. The cooperative partnership was launched during the 2nd ChinaMalaysia Science, Technology and Innovation Summit at MRANTI Park in the presence of Economy Minister Mohd Rafizi Ramli. Under this collaboration, TusStar Malaysia, representing the Chinese companies, seeks to leverage Bioeconomy Corporation’s portfolio of over 400 BioNexus Status and Bio-based Accelerator companies to address core challenges in agritechnology, healthcare bio, and bioindustrial sectors. The strategic partnership also aims to connect China’s technology and solution providers within TusStar Malaysia’s network with collaborative partners facilitated by Bioeconomy Corporation, thus promoting joint efforts in conducting R&D, pilot testing, and advancing further commercialisation in these sectors. With a global network of over 300 innovation bases spanning 70 countries, TusStar Malaysia offers comprehensive support for Malaysian biotechnology and biobased companies entering the Chinese market including one-toone consultations, document translation, Mandarin pitch deck refinement, media exposure on TusStar platforms, and more. Bioeconomy Corporation CEO Mohd Khairul Fidzal Abdul Razak remarked, “TusStar Malaysia’s expertise and resources will be instrumental in supporting the development as well as commercialisation of bio-based technologies in Malaysia. We are pleased to partner with such a giant player in promoting technology integration and infusion within the biotechnology and bio-based industries. This will not only drive strong mutual technological growth between Malaysia and China, but also builds stronger economic ties in both countries, in line with our commitment to building a bioeconomy for all.” With nearly RMB220 billion (about RM146 billion) in venture capital funds and a track record of investing in over 22,000 innovative technology companies worldwide, TusStar Malaysia and its venture capital partners will explore opportunities in Malaysia. According to Mohd Khairul, Bioeconomy Corporation intends to collaborate with TusStar Malaysia in further promoting the TechInnoStar Pitching Programme to facilitate foreign investments into Malaysian bio-based technology and solution providers. Datasonic, Korea Trade Network to jointly seek public procurement deals KUALA LUMPUR: Datasonic Group Bhd, a provider of secure identification and smart card solutions, and Korea Trade Network (KTNET) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) yesterday aimed at achieving the goal of successfully securing and jointly executing Public Procurement System projects in Malaysia. Datasonic executive director Danny Chew said, “The MoU outlines a scope of cooperation that includes identifying, consulting on, and jointly implementing projects to enhance the online public procurement system in Malaysia. KTNET has been designated as the National Paperless Trade Platform Operator, Customs Network Service Operator, and electronic Bill of Lading Registry and Purchase Certificate Issuing Agency by the South Korean government. Leveraging the expertise and resources of each party, both our company and KTNET will delegate tasks effectively and undertake presales activities within Malaysia.” Through this partnership, both companies will address any other matters requiring cooperation for the successful execution of the projects. This includes but is not limited to, technological integration, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency. Chew said, “Datasonic and our partner KTNET are committed to delivering high-quality solutions and services that meet the evolving needs of the Malaysian public procurement landscape. The collaboration signifies a strategic alignment of capabilities, paving the way for innovative solutions and enhanced service offerings in the realm of public procurement.” He believed that this collaboration will not only benefit both parties but also contribute positively to the advancement of the public procurement system in Malaysia. “By combining both our strengths and resources, we aim to set new standards of excellence in the field of e-Procurement,” Chew said. well as for new and existing customers pertaining to our calcium carbonate products and bioplastic compounds. “As part of our strategy to expand our product range, we intend to develop three new bioplastic compounds and enhance our ultrafine grade ground calcium carbonate namely “Zanelite” series and produce more varieties to generate new revenue stream,” he added. A further RM1.4 million (9.6%) of the proceeds will be used to purchase high efficiency machine components such as fully integrated automatic robotic arm palletising system and high-efficiency motors to automate its packing system and move towards industrial automation. The remainder of the proceeds will be used to upgrade Calrock Perak Plant’s infrastructure amounting to RM1 million (7.2%); working capital RM1.4 million (10.2%), repay bank borrowings RM3.4 million (24.2%) and to defray the estimated listing expenses of RM3 million (21.4%). Under the listing exercise, Zantat is issuing 56 million new shares (issue shares), representing 20% of the enlarged share capital at an issue price of RM0.25 per share. Of the 56 million issue shares, 14 million issue shares will be made available to the Malaysian public via balloting; 11.2 million issue shares for its eligible directors, employees and persons who have contributed to the success of Zantat Group under pink form allocations while the remaining 30.8 million issue shares are reserved for private placement to selected investors. As part of its listing exercise, the existing shareholders of the company will also make an Offer for Sale of 16.8 million existing shares to selected investors by way of private placement. Based on the enlarged share capital of 280 million shares, Zantat is expected to have a market capitalisation of RM70 million after listing. For the nine-month financial period ended Sept 30, 2023 (9M FPE2023), Zantat registered RM5.7 million net profit on the back of RM91.1 million turnover. The net profit achieved in the period under review has outperformed its FY22’s results. Net margin for 9M FPE2023 has also improved to 6.2% from 4.8% in FY22. For FY22, the company posted RM5.4 million net profit and a turnover of RM113 million. Zantat’s listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities is tentatively scheduled on March 27. M&A Securities Sdn Bhd is the adviser, sponsor, underwriter and placement agent for the IPO exercise.
BIZ & FINANCE BIZ & FINANCE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 16 /theSunMedia FOLLOW ON YOUTUBE Malaysian Paper Thailand to open applications for virtual banks BANGKOK: Thailand said it will accept applications for virtual banks within the next six months, with the aim of supporting people with limited or no access to financial services. Applicants must demonstrate sufficient experience and resources to run a banking business commercially, the Finance Ministry said on Tuesday in a statement outlining guidelines for the licenses. Virtual banks are banks that operate only online, with no physical branches. Applications can be submitted from March 20 to Sept 19, and successful applicants are expected to be announced within the first half of 2025, the Bank of Thailand (BOT) said in a separate statement. The approved applicants must make preparations, including to IT systems and risk management tools, to begin operations within a year of getting the approval, the BOT said. “It is expected that virtual banks will bring about better customer experience and stimulate a healthy competition in the Thai financial institution system, without posing risks to financial stability or causing harm to depositors and wider consumers.” The finance ministry said that while authorities have not placed a limit on the number of virtual bank licences, they will consider what is appropriate for the Thai system. – Reuters Indonesia’s Gapki sees lower 2024 palm oil exports JAKARTA: Indonesia’s 2024 palm oil exports are seen at 29.50 million metric tonnes, down from 30.25 million tonnes last year, the Indonesia Palm Oil Association (Gapki) said at an industry conference yesterday. Meanwhile, palm oil output in the world’s biggest producer of the edible oil is expected to rise by 2.26% to 54.4 million tonnes, Gapki official Fadhil Hasan said, while domestic consumption is seen higher due to demand for biodiesel feedstock. Indonesia’s end-2024 palm oil stock is estimated at 5.25 million tonnes. “There is a possibility of the new incoming government increasing B35 to B40,” Fadhil said, referring to Indonesia’s mandatory bio-content mix that currently stands at 35% of biodiesel. This could take place in the second half this year, he said. “One of the programmes by the candidate likely to be elected is intention to raise to B50, but that is maybe for after 2025.” Pollsters have said that Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto is the likely winner of the Feb 14 general election. The election committee has until March 20 to verify votes. Meanwhile, the impact of El Nino dry weather pattern last year has turned out to be insignificant on production as it hit mostly Java and southern regions of Sumatra, which are not palm oil producing centres, Fadhil said. – Reuters Temasek in talks to invest in OpenAI, says newspaper LONDON: Singapore’s Temasek Holdings is in discussions to invest in Microsoft-backed artificial intelligence company OpenAI, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday, citing two people familiar with the matter. Senior executives at Singapore’s state investment firm have met ChatGPT maker’s CEO, Sam Altman, multiple times in recent months, the report added. OpenAI did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment, while Temasek declined to comment on the report. Temasek was interested in investing in Altman’s venture capital fund Hydrazine Capital at first, but recent talks included the AI non-profit, the Financial Times reported, citing a separate source. The deal with Temasek is the first since reports surfaced last month that OpenAI’s Altman was looking to raise about $5 trillion to $7 trillion for a network of AI chip factories. AI startups attracted one out of every three dollars invested last year in the United States, as OpenAI’s ChatGPT grabbed the spotlight and startups raced to develop AI technology. The launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in late 2022 brought attention to generative AI technologies, spurring billions in investments on chips and servers required to support the adoption of such applications. Some of OpenAI’s investors excluding Microsoft, which is its largest, include Khosla Ventures, Thrive Capital, Andreessen Horowitz and Sequoia Capital. OpenAI completed a deal to sell existing shares in a tender offer that valued the artificial intelligence company at $80 billion or more, the New York Times reported last month, citing people with knowledge of the deal. Temasek is an active investor in the tech sector with a portfolio valued at S$382 billion ($284.21 billion), as of March 31. Companies in the portfolio include Roblox , Tencent and Alibaba. – Reuters China’s growth target achievable: State planner BEIJING: The head of China’s state planner said yesterday that the government’s 5% economic growth target this year, which many analysts say is ambitious, is achievable and that he expects the world’s second-largest economy to have a good first quarter. Speaking at a rare joint briefing on the sidelines of the annual Parliament meeting in Beijing with China’s finance minister, commerce minister, central bank chief, and head of the securities regulator, Zheng Shanjie said officials would step up economic policy adjustments this year to consolidate a recovery. “The target is in line with the annual requirements of the 14th Five-Year Plan and matches the potential for economic growth, making it a positive and achievable target,” said Zheng, chairman of the National (from left) China Securities Regulatory Commission chairman Wu Qing, Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, Zheng, Finance Minister Lan Foan and Pan attending a press conference on the sidelines of the National People’s Congress in Beijing yesterday. – REUTERSPIC oBut analysts say much more stimulus may be needed Development and Reform Commission. Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday announced the growth goal of around 5% in his maiden work report to the National People’s Congress and promised to transform the country’s development model to offset the drag from a prolonged property crisis, high local government debts and weak consumer demand. But analysts say much more stimulus may be needed to hit this year’s target and Li’s vision contains an inherent contradiction – his aim to “transform” the economic model may be incompatible with keeping growth rates steady. “The drag from the unavoidable structural decline in China’s property sector has only just begun,” Mark Williams, chief Asia Economist at Capital Economics, said in a note to clients. He also warned that weak demand in the construction sector “would shave another percentage point off China’s average economic growth rate over the rest of this decade”. China’s disappointing post-Covid recovery has cast doubts about the foundations of its investment-heavy economic model, raising the stakes for government action at the week-long parliament meeting of senior policymakers. China’s manufacturing activity in February shrank for a fifth straight month, an official survey showed last Friday, though the services sector showed modest signs of improvement. “Comprehensive analysis shows that the economy can be expected to have a good first quarter,” Zheng said, referring to February manufacturing and services sector data. He also said that China’s exports for the January-February period increased by 10%, but did not state whether that was in yuan or US dollar terms. Economists recently polled by Reuters expected outbound shipments in the first two months grew just 1.9% year-on-year, slowing from December. Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said the bank would keep the yuan basically stable and that it had “rich monetary policy tools at its disposal”. – Reuters
BIZ & FINANCE BIZ & FINANCE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 17 Australian economy stalls as consumers rein in spending SYDNEY: Australia’s economy grew just 0.2% in the last quarter of 2023, official data showed yesterday, as cost of living pressures weighed on Australian households. The Australian Bureau of Statistics said growth had hit 1.5% during the calendar year, buoyed only by government spending. Household spending increased just 0.1% in the December quarter as spending on food and utilities stalled, amid a sustained cost of living crisis. “The key story remains the weakness in household consumption,” said economists at National Australia Bank, adding that the country was seeing the slowest annual growth in household spending “in almost 40 years”, not including the Covid pandemic years and the 2008 financial crisis. Treasurer Jim Chalmers said even a slight improvement in GDP was welcome. “Australia’s growth is subdued but relatively steady in the face of higher interest rates, high but moderating inflation and ongoing global economic uncertainty,” he said in a statement. “Even weak growth is welcome growth in the circumstances.” Chalmers said that around a quarter of G20 economies have dealt with a recession or have just avoided one. Australians were earning more and retaining more of their earnings, something that would be aided by three upcoming tax cuts, he said. But the treasurer also noted the economic pressures on many as prices remain high for essential goods and services. “We do acknowledge that many people and small businesses are still doing it tough and we see the impact in these numbers of cost of living pressures which are continuing to bite.” – AFP Sri Lanka to seek debt moratorium until 2028 COLOMBO: Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe said yesterday he was seeking a moratorium on foreign debt repayments until 2028, following a government default during an unprecedented economic crisis two years ago. A collapse in foreign exchange reserves saw months of food and fuel shortages along with street protests that forced the ouster of Wickremesinghe’s predecessor in 2022. Sri Lanka has since signed up to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) rescue package and is working to repair public finances since the government default in April of that year. Wickremesinghe said talks were still ongoing with both bilateral and private creditors to restructure its billions of dollars in loans and bonds. “We intend to secure temporary relief of not having to service our debts till the end of December 2027,” he told lawmakers. Sri Lanka’s foreign debt stood at US$52.65 billion at the end of September last year, according to central bank figures. To maintain the IMF bailout programme, Sri Lanka must clinch a firm deal with foreign creditors, both bilateral and private bondholders, before the IMF’s next review of the economy by June this year. The IMF released a US$337-million second tranche of its bailout loan in December after Colombo secured an “in principle” debt agreement with Beijing. China is Sri Lanka’s biggest single bilateral lender, accounting for around 10% of the island’s total foreign debt. Neither Colombo nor Beijing have disclosed details of the offer, but the IMF said it was sufficient to ensure the island’s debt sustainability. But the IMF said it wanted the “in principle” agreement between the two countries firmed up before the next review. Official sources in Sri Lanka have said the Chinese deal included a mix of extending the tenure and reducing interest on bilateral debt, instead of taking a haircut on its loans. – AFP Starbucks Middle East franchisee to cut 2,000 jobs DUBAI: Gulf retail giant AlShaya Group, which owns the rights to operate Starbucks in the Middle East, plans to lay off over 2,000 people as the business takes a hit from consumer boycotts linked to the Gaza war, according to people familiar with the matter. The cuts, which began on Sunday, amount to about 4% of AlShaya’s total workforce of almost 50,000 people and are mostly concentrated in its Starbucks franchise in the Middle East and North Africa, said the people, who declined to be named as the matter is not public. The boycotts have led to tough trading conditions for the company, one of the people said. “As a result of the continually challenging trading conditions over the last six months, we have taken the sad and very difficult decision to reduce the number of colleagues in our Starbucks MENA (Middle East and North Africa) stores,“ AlShaya said in a statement. “We will ensure that we give our colleagues leaving the business, and their families, the support they need,” said the company, adding that it remained committed to the region. Established in 1890 in Kuwait, AlShaya is one of the biggest retail franchisees in the region with rights to operate businesses of popular Western brands including The Cheesecake Factory and Shake Shack. It has owned rights to operate Starbucks coffee shops in the Middle East since 1999. The Starbucks unit runs around 2,000 outlets in 13 countries, across the Middle East and North Africa, and central Asia. US private equity firm Apollo Global Management Inc has been in talks to buy a stake in AlShaya’s Starbucks business, three sources close to the matter told Reuters last month. Western brands have been hit by a largely spontaneous, grassroots boycott campaign over Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip. In the wake of the boycotts, Starbucks in October said it was a non-political organisation and dismissed rumours that it had provided support to the Israeli government or army. Starbucks said in January that the Israel-Hamas war has hurt its business in the region as it missed market expectations for first-quarter results. The company said sales were significantly impacted due to the conflict, in the Middle East and in the United States, as some consumers launched protests and boycott campaigns asking the company to take a stance on the issue. In January, AlShaya announced it was scaling back operations in Egypt due to the country’s ongoing economic troubles including multiple currency devaluations and record inflation. – Reuters Bitcoin rallies again after brief retreat SINGAPORE: Bitcoin rallied again yesterday after retreating briefly from an all-time high it set less than 24 hours earlier, as bulls showed few signs of pulling their bets on the world’s largest cryptocurrency. Bitcoin jumped 5% during the Asian session to an intraday peak of US$66,540 in volatile trading, not too far from Tuesday’s record high of US$69,202. It was last 4% higher at US$65,946. The digital asset’s meteoric rally – having already surged 55% for the year so far – has been fuelled by investors pouring money into A Bitcoin ATM sitting in the corner of a store in New York. – REUTERSPIC oBulls show few signs of pulling bets on world’s largest cryptocurrency US spot exchange-traded crypto products and the prospect that global interest rates may fall. The rally is backed by ETF flow and an outlook that includes an ethereum upgrade and bitcoin “halving”, which slows the flow of bitcoin minting, said Lennix Lai, global chief commercial officer at crypto exchange OKX. “The trend also indicates an elevated level of mainstream acceptance of bitcoin, perhaps more than ever before.” The approval of 11 spot bitcoin ETFs by the US Securities and Exchange Commission in late January had marked a watershed moment for the industry, following an 18-month long crypto winter plagued by a string of high-profile corporate bankruptcies and scandals. Even institutional investors who once shunned the token due to its sharp and wild moves, have begun committing long-term money too, which experts say could help sustain the latest leg of its rally. The recent optimism over bitcoin has also spilled over to its counterparts, with ether, the second largest cryptocurrency, similarly up more than 60% for the year. It was last 6.4% higher at US$3,750. Still, some say it is hard to shake off the speculative nature of these assets. After hitting the record high on Tuesday, bitcoin sharply reversed course and fell more than 10% back below the US$60,000 level. “That looks like classic bitcoin behaviour – it chews you up then spits you back out,” said Matt Simpson, senior market analyst at City Index. “A pump and dump to previous record highs wiped out some weaker hands, and I suspect we’re now in the volatile and erratic phase we usually see when it reaches a record high.”– Reuters
BIZ & FINANCE BIZ & FINANCE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 18 Central banks look to increase euro holdings oEU currency benefits from positive rates and dedollarisation LONDON: Once hurt by crises and deflation, the euro is gaining popularity among central bank reserve managers, thanks to a return to positive rates and geopolitics challenging king dollar’s appeal. Roughly one in five of the 75 central banks surveyed by the London-based OMFIF think-tank anticipate increasing euro holdings over the next two years, its recently published 2023 report showed. While 7% looked to decrease euro holdings, net demand was higher than for any other currency during the period and a jump from the 2021 and 2022 surveys of reserve managers controlling nearly US$5 trillion. Shifts can take years to play out. The dollar, which makes up 60% of global reserves versus the euro’s 20%, will not lose its crown overnight. Yet, a more positive euro outlook speaks to notable changes taking place. For starters, the European Central Bank’s exit from negative interest rates in 2022 drove euro area government bond yields higher after almost a decade below 0%, and they should remain elevated even as rate cuts near. Germany’s 10-year Bund yield has stayed above 1.9% since late 2022. “Now the euro is positive yielding, (reserve managers) are looking to increase their currency allocation to the euro and specifically away from the dollar,” said OMFIF senior economist Taylor Pearce. “For some central banks, because the euro wasn’t yielding anything, they had held a higher share of dollars and especially dollar-denominated government bonds.” Poland’s central bank, whose reserves are dominated by dollar and euro-denominated assets, told Reuters that while it did not comment on changes to reserves, “medium-term expected returns for euro area government bonds have improved considerably, which certainly increases the appeal of the asset class”. Romania said it planned to maintain the target weight of euros in its reserves at 40% to 75%; the current share is 59%. Reuters contacted 10 central banks in Europe, Africa and Asia; two declined to detail their intentions citing market sensitivity and six did not respond. While an energy shock and war in Europe has hurt the euro, the United States’ rivalry with China and fallout from Russia’s war in Ukraine have fuelled talk of diversification away from the dollar. The US, Europe and others froze US$300 billion of Russian assets after it invaded Ukraine, prompting analysts in China to evaluate how it could mitigate losing access to dollars. Several currencies, including the euro, could benefit from dedollarisation. OMFIF’s survey showed a net 13% of reserve managers plan to hold more Chinese yuan over the next two years, though down from over 30% in 2022. “Europe has not really followed US foreign policies against China or on the Middle East,” said Eurizon SLJ Capital CEO Stephen Jen. “A shift in balance in allocations away from dollars toward euros makes a lot of sense.” The dollar’s share of total foreign exchange reserves declined to 59% last year from around 72% in 2000, IMF data shows. The yuan’s share has inched up. European cohesion and unity following Covid and the Ukraine war were all seen as positives by investors and analysts. “In 2011, I had difficulty selling Europe, in some investor meetings I would be thrown out if I was positive about Europe,” said European Stability Mechanism CFO Kalin Anev Janse. “Now if I say I’m positive about Europe they say ‘yes, we agree’.” – Reuters UK bakery Greggs profits from cost-of-living crisis LONDON: British bakery Greggs, famed for its sausage rolls, said on Tuesday it logged soaring profit last year, as consumers flocked to the budget chain during a cost-of-living crisis. Net profit leapt almost a fifth to £142.5 million (RM855 million) from 2022, Greggs said in a results statement, adding that revenue soared by a similar proportion to £1.8 billion. Greggs, which sells bread, cakes, pastries and other baked items out of nearly 2,500 UK stores said it achieved a “record financial performance” in 2023, even as the group faced its own high costs amid elevated inflation. “Our teams stepped up to make sure that we kept pace with the increased customer demand,” noted chief executive Roisin Currie. “Despite an economic backdrop that continued to be challenging with high inflation and the resulting cost-of-living pressure ... we kept on providing the great value, tasty products and friendly service.” Greggs, headquartered in the northeastern English city of Newcastle, employs more than 32,000 people across Britain. – AFP Skin care company Galderma announces US$2.3b Swiss IPO ZURICH: Galderma intends to raise US$2.3 billion (RM10.9 billion) when it floats on the Swiss stock exchange, the skin care company said yesterday in what is likely to be one of the biggest initial public offerings (IPO) in Europe this year. The Swiss company, which was originally set up as a joint venture between Nestle and L’Oreal in 1981, said it will use the money raised to pay down and refinance debt. “Today marks the next step in our growth journey as the global dermatology category leader,” said CEO Flemming Ornskov. “Since becoming an independent firm in 2019, we have built a scalable integrated platform and established the foundation for strong sustainable growth in attractive dermatology markets.” Galderma increased its sales last year by 8.5%, when currency effects were removed, to US$4.08 billion, its highest ever. Core operating profit increased by 21% to US$942 million. The company said it expected to increase its constant currency sales by 7% to 10% this year, and achieve a core operating profit margin in line with the 23.1% level in 2023. The IPO, which could take place by the end of next month, will consist mainly of newly created shares with a smaller chunk of existing shares to be sold by Galderma’s current shareholder, the Swedish private equity company EQT. The offering is expected as a public offering in Switzerland and in the form of private placements in the US and elsewhere, to certain qualified institutional buyers, the company said. – Reuters People queuing at a counter inside a Greggs bakery in central London. – AFPPIC CrowdStrike forecasts upbeat results, shares surge 25% NEW YORK: CrowdStrike Holdings forecast annual results above Wall Street estimates on Tuesday, lifted by strong enterprise spending on cybersecurity to counter rising online threats, sending its shares soaring in extended trade. Shares of CrowdStrike jumped 25%, lifting its stock market value by US$18 billion (RM85 billion), while other cybersecurity stocks also rallied. SentinelOne jumped 6.9%, while Palo Alto Networks and Fortinet each gained over 3%, and Zscaler rose over 2%. The fast adoption of generative AI has opened new challenges for enterprises and has led to investments in cybersecurity services, such as the ones offered by CrowdStrike, to secure their business operations against external threats. “The cloud is today’s battleground for cyber attacks and generative AI is an adversary force multiplier,” CEO George Kurtz said. Analysts expect CrowdStrike, which offers unified platforms such as Falcon, to benefit from improved spending trends. The company sees adjusted profit between US$3.77 and US$3.97 per share for fiscal 2025, above analysts’ expectations of US$3.75. The Austin, Texas-based company expects annual revenue between US$3.92 billion and US$3.99 billion, the midpoint of which was above estimates of US$3.94 billion. It expects first-quarter revenue between US$902.2 million and US$905.8 million, above analysts’ estimates of US$899.3 million. Excluding items, it expects profit between US$0.89 and US$0.90 per share in the first quarter, which was also above expectations. The company also said it agreed to acquire cloud data runtime security solution, Flow Security, to expand its data protection offerings for the cloud. – Reuters
LYFE LYFE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 22 /thesuntelegram FOLLOW ON TELEGRAM Malaysian Paper Carving a path REMEMBER the film Cool Running? The 1993 film is based on the true story of a bunch of plucky Jamaicans who represented their sunny, snowfree island at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics in the bobsleigh event. Malaysia may soon have a movie with a similar plot, as Aruwin Salehhudin is the first-ever Malaysian woman to enter the Winter Games as an Alpine skier. The daughter of former canoe Olympian Salehhudin Ayob, the 20- year-old lass is keen to promote a sport that is alien to most Malaysians due to the lack of snowcapped mountains to inculcate a love of skiing. Climate obstacles aside, Aruwin uses social media to create greater awareness about the sport by sharing her experiences. This includes training reports on steep mountainsides as well as plenty of picturesque shots of exotic snowcovered locales. She also posts updates on the various injuries she has suffered in trying to be better at her chosen sport, emphasising that she is not on a leisurely holiday but undergoing a serious training regime. theSun catches up with the globe-trotting Aruwin, who is currently in Italy. She often posts interesting stories, photos of her athletic skills, picturesque mountains or nature and shares a little piece of her life with the world in a bid to attract more interest in this admittedly niche sport. How do you use social media to create social awareness about the sport? Aruwin: Currently, I use social media to show snippets of what I do as an athlete and an alpine skier. Especially since ski racing is not a well-known sport in Malaysia, I often post about what I do on the slopes, such as ski training and racing, as well as my training regimen. I also share the realities and lifestyle of being an alpine skier, training in different types of weather, travel and the hardships that athletes sometimes have to face, such as injuries. Of course, I plan to include more facts about my sport for my followers and others to learn more about the sport of alpine skiing as they follow me on my athletic journey. Why do you think it’s important for female athletes to create awareness about women in sport or have an impact on social media? Aruwin: Women in sports are nothing short of formidable. As female athletes, it is important to have an impact on social media to display the effort, passion and perseverance that we dedicate to our sport. As athletes, it sometimes isn’t just a career but a lifestyle that comes with many sacrifices to achieve success. Female athletes give just as much as any other athlete; however, there are still many instances where our performances are overlooked, overshadowed or undervalued. For example, just last month, in relation to my sport, women competing in the 2024 FIS World Junior Alpine Skiing Championships did not get any live Aruwin is keen to promote winter sports through social media. - PICS COURTESY OF ARUWIN SALEHHUDIN oAlpine skier connects with people through social media █ BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI The influencer says female athletes still do not get the recognition they deserve. broadcasting for the technical events, Giant Slalom and Slalom, whereas the male technical skiers got live broadcasting. It was an unfortunate issue because the event is an annual chance for alpine skiers between the ages of 16 and 21 to gain public exposure and gives a chance for winners to compete on the Audi FIS World Cup circuit, the highest level of competition in alpine skiing. The components of an athletic career’s success rely heavily on media exposure, so it is important for female athletes to have an impact on social media. Even more importantly, the impact that we female athletes have on social media is a way to bring each other up, a way to inspire women and girls worldwide to persevere in not just sports but in anything that they want to achieve in life. Social media allows us to branch out and show that it’s possible. How can an athlete share their skills or ways of keeping fit or tell a story innovatively to reach their followers? Aruwin: Social media is always advancing to create new, innovative ways for people to reach an audience. Different kinds of social media posts allow athletes to share different aspects of their sport, such as video edits and pictures. Videos are most popular for athletes to post because there are many different kinds of stories that can be created innovatively to share with followers. Artistic videos with spectacular camera angles to show the intensity of the sport and videos sharing our daily lives, including training, recovery, nutrition and activities outside of training, are some examples of what athletes may post on social media. Other kinds of posts could be about our results in competition or more factual posts to spread knowledge about our sport. What would you like to share with your followers? Aruwin: I am proud and grateful to be representing Malaysia in alpine ski racing and I am truly thankful to all of you for your kind words of support and for following along on my journey. Most of all, I would like to thank my parents, who have been fully supporting my dream since I was five years old and still work very hard to support me physically and financially. Alpine ski racing is a very expensive sport, especially when you are aiming for equal training and racing opportunities so as to have a realistic chance for success as one of the well-known skiing countries. For us to progress further in this sport, I would be grateful for further assistance from the government and private sectors. For a closer look at her sporting exploits, follow Aruwin on Instagram: @aruwin.sal. Aruwin has to be based in colder climes for her training regime. Aruwin hopes her social media platforms will help raise awareness for winter sports in Malaysia.
LYFE LYFE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 23 MUSIC fans these days have got it good. Not only are they spoilt for choice on the internet, but physical formats have also made a strong comeback, allowing music lovers the opportunity to enjoy their favourite recordings on vinyl and even cassette tape. But it is the internet that has been the game changer. Streaming services allow music fans access to an infinite amount of music for a relatively small fee — usually far less than the cost of buying a new album on a compact disc. Some music fans, however, yearn to enjoy their musical journey in the company of a host with a soothing voice or bottomless pit of knowledge, much like listening to radio disc jockeys of old. The modern-day equivalent is the podcast. The huge advantage it has over traditional radio broadcasts is that listeners get to choose to consume on demand and not be subject to the vagaries of scheduling. They will also get to zero in on the specific episode that they want to check out as well as zone into their favourite genres without ever having to come across sounds that are not to their tastes. Podcasts these days allow listeners to dive deep into any given genre or topic. The internet is flooded with podcasts of all kinds — talk shows, sports, celebrity gossip and much more. But below the focus is music, which for many is the primary reason for tuning into a podcast. Through listening to a podcast, listeners can get closer to their favourite bands, gain insight into the making of their favourite songs and find their new favourite artiste. The best music podcasts are like the best liner notes — they add depth and interest. In short, podcasts enhance the experience of enjoying music and elevate it beyond mere background sound. Below are five recommended podcasts that will enliven listeners with their depth of research and playlists, which are dedicated to specific genres. Bandsplain This is for the obsessive music nerd who wants to know everything about a band or artiste. Hosted by Yasi Salek, there are tons of music featured while the relevant artiste is dissected in great detail. Be prepared for lengthy, deep dives, as some episodes are known to stretch past the four-hour mark. Many of the acts featured are usually those that have the required catalogue to deserve such an indepth discussion, so the podcasts tend to feature genre legends who have been around for some time. Tune in: h t t p s : / / o p e n . s p o t i f y . c o m /show/3uKSgODaDrtWOulcJp57h7 Questlove Supreme Hosted by modern-day Renaissance man and drummer of The Roots, Questlove, the podcast uses a long-form interview format to allow listeners to get a peek behind the artistes featured. The majority of the music is hip-hop and soul, but there is enough variety to entice fans from various genres, as Questlove showcases his deep passion for an art form that has shaped his life. The interviews are thoughtful Podcasts allow music lovers to dive deep into their favourite artistes. - DESCRIPT Questlove Supreme podcast is hosted by drummer of The Roots and features lengthy interviews. - AUDIBLE The Metal Hammer podcast covers all things hard and heavy. - APPLE The Improv Exchange aims to keep the spirit of jazz alive. - IMPROV EXCHANGE oFive captivating music podcasts you need to hear █ BY R BALA In tune with excellence The Metal Hammer Metal Hammer is one of the most respected magazines covering the heavy metal genre and it is no surprise that its podcast is hugely popular. Following the magazine format, episodes focus on new releases as well as interviews with the great and the good of this extremely loud genre. There are the usual top 10 lists as well as lively discussions on topics that affect the metal community – for instance, should moshing and stage diving be banned at metal concerts. Tune in: c o m / u s / p o d c a s t / t h e - m e t a l - hammer-podcast/id1350898717 The Improv Exchange Host Leander Young is on a mission to preserve this art form, which he feels is losing its audience and relevance in the digital age. The website states its vision and mission as “not merely for the sake of preservation, but more for reference and influence. If we lose or forget the emotion, the complexities, the layered harmonies and the fluidity of jazz, the effect on music as a whole is detrimental. “Music is a web, with each thread relying on another to ensure the integrity of the entire structure. Our effort here is to ensure that jazz continues to weave through, for the sake of all music.” Tune in: Pop Shop One brand that is closely associated with all things “pop” is Billboard. This podcast is hosted by senior director of Billboard charts Keith Caulfield and Billboard executive digital director, “West Coast” Katie Atkinson. The show offers weekly Billboard chart breakdowns alongside guests discussing the tunes, news and gossip surrounding the latest hitmakers. Its half-hour format makes it perfect for a quick catch-up listen, rather than a deep dive that requires the listener’s undivided attention for half a day. Tune in: https://open. NRTrMTa6O3mkKJ The Pop Shop offers short half hour episodes covering the latest hit makers. - SPOTIFY and provide real insight into the creative process instead of just a couple of dudes laughing at their own jokes. Listeners who love discovering new sounds will delight in this podcast. Tune in: c o m / g b / p o d c a s t / q u e s t l o v e - supreme/id1485250501
LYFE LYFE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 24 Interactive activities ensued, further fostering camaraderie between Eun-woo and his adoring fans. From selecting items symbolising his routine and preferences to entertaining impromptu performances, he delighted in engaging with Aroha, ensuring an unforgettable experience for all in attendance. As he delivered captivating renditions of iconic hits like As Long As You Love Me, the crowd erupted with enthusiasm, their Astro light sticks illuminating the stadium in a dazzling display of solidarity and support. The concert’s second segment featured interactive fan engagements, highlighting Eun-woo’s genuine appreciation for his supporters. Dance numbers such as You Blow - Knock - Candy Sugar Pop showcased his impeccable dance skills, further igniting the audience’s fervour and excitement. With each electrifying performance, he reaffirmed his status as a true entertainer, leaving an indelible impression on all who bore witness to his artistry. Capturing hearts and minds After yet another wardrobe change, Eun-woo delivered captivating performances of tracks like Jealousy and Alone With You, including his first rendition of Sailing, an OST song that resonated deeply with fans. As he drew 19 stars (forming the letter M) representing Malaysia and commemorating their last fan meet in 2019, he underscored the significance of the moment, further solidifying his bond with his Malaysian audience. Concluding with his heartfelt song Memories, Eun-woo bid farewell, but not before surprising fans with an unexpected return, expressing gratitude for their overwhelming support. Moved by a special fan project, he reciprocated the affection, promising continued dedication to his craft and urging Aroha to stand by him and Astro through thick and thin. As the concert drew to a close, Eun-woo left an indelible mark on all who attended. In the hearts of Aroha and fans alike, Eun-woo’s legacy will endure, a shining beacon of talent, charisma and heartfelt sincerity. Follow his journey and endeavours on his Instagram handle @eunwo.o_c, as he continues to captivate audiences worldwide as a leading actor, idol, and brand ambassador. CHA Eun-woo, a leading figure in the vibrant world of South Korean entertainment, stands out not only for his talent but also for his charisma and captivating presence. As a member of the popular K-pop group Astro, he has garnered widespread acclaim, earning recognition as one of the nation’s most visually striking idols. With his recent foray into solo endeavours, including the release of his debut album, Eun-woo continues to captivate audiences worldwide with his remarkable artistry and charm. The anticipation was palpable as fans enthusiastically welcomed Eunwoo’s solo concert and fan event – 2024 Just One 10 Minute “Mystery Elevator”. Held at the Stadium Malawati, Shah Alam, the venue buzzed with excitement as enthusiasts adorned with banners and light sticks filled the seats, eagerly anticipating the spectacle that awaits them. As videos of Eun-woo graced the colossal screens, the atmosphere became electric, with fans, affectionately known as Aroha, singing along to his melodious tunes, their enthusiasm reaching a crescendo. An unforgettable evening The event served as a platform for Eun-woo to showcase his latest album Entity, featuring six killer tracks that showcase his versatility as an artiste. With each note, he transported the audience on a mesmerising journey, captivating hearts and minds alike. As the clock struck 7.45pm, the strains of the national anthem Negaraku reverberated through the Eun-woo will continue in fan-con in Thailand next month. – PICS BY VIU oEun-woo’s unforgettable solo event █ BYTHASHINE SELVAKUMARAN Eun-woo’s popularity is down to his ability to make meaningful connections with this adoring fans known as ‘Arohas’. Malaysia is Eun-woo’s second stop after his first fan-con tour in Seoul. Eun-woo watching Aroha’s fan project on the big screen. Captivating hearts stadium, heightening the anticipation for what promised to be an unforgettable evening. At the stroke of 8.00pm, the event commenced with Eun-woo’s performance of his opening song 10 Minutes. He was clad in resplendent white attire that exuded an air of regal elegance. His pristine vocals and charismatic stage presence left the audience spellbound, setting the tone for an evening filled with musical enchantment. Transitioning to the soul-stirring ballad (xxx) Great Time, accompanied by graceful choreography and backup dancers, he showcased his dynamic range and artistic prowess, earning resounding applause from the enraptured crowd. In a heartfelt gesture, Eun-woo addressed his fans in Malay, expressing his gratitude a n d acknowledging their unwavering support throughout his journey. Reflecting on his last fan meet five years ago in 2019, he expressed his excitement for the night ahead, promising a memorable experience for all in attendance. As he continued to serenade the audience with poignant tracks like Stay, devoid of choreography yet brimming with emotion, he forged a deep connection with his fans, eliciting heartfelt responses and adoration. Cementing bond with fans Following a quick change into sleek black attire, Eun-woo engaged in a lively Q&A session, providing insights into his daily routine and preferences while expressing gratitude for his fans’ unwavering love and support. Introducing the concept behind the concert title Mystery Elevator, he unveiled a personalised creation aimed at facilitating Aroha’s imaginary travels, further cementing his bond with his devoted fan base.
LYFE LYFE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 25 PARIS Fashion Week commenced with Jennifer Lawrence gracing Dior’s Fall/Winter 2024/25 show, showcasing her support for the iconic Parisian brand in a charcoal-grey suit ensemble. Her outfit exuded sophistication, consisting of a plunging vest, fitted pants and an elegant blazer, setting the tone for the event. Adding a touch of glamour, J.Law elevated her look with black stiletto pumps, sheer tights, butterfly sunglasses and the quintessential Lady Dior handbag. Her minimalist choice of diamond hoop earrings provided just the right amount of sparkle to complement the ensemble, emphasising her impeccable style. As a longstanding ambassador for Dior, Lawrence’s look is the epitome of elegance. From red carpet events to holiday festivities, she effortlessly embodies the brand’s essence, as seen in her recent attire at the Saks Fifth Avenue holiday window display. With each appearance, she reaffirms her dedication to the brand, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to celebrate special occasions in style. – BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN Family matters Lawrence sets style bar high J.Law stuns in classic Dior ensemble. – DARJEE The Cyrus family struggles with unresolved issues. – PEOPLE The annoucement of the impending new arrival was made on the couple’s social media accounts. – PICS FROM INSTAGRAM/@DEEPIKAPADUKONE DE LA SOUL was definitely cut from a different cloth compared with their hip-hop peers in the late 80s and early 90s. There were no misogynist lyrics, obsessions with firearms or flaunting of material wealth. Their vibe was most definitely more “hippy” rather than “urban” and the sound on their debut record 3 Feet High and Rising, was more psychedelic than gangster rap. Their day-glo colours and upbeat vibe were a direct contrast to the prevailing sounds of the day that were popular in the rap and hip-hop genres, but that did not stop the album from shifting by the truckload. The album made it to No. 15 on the Billboard 200 and No. 1 on the R&B/Hip-Hop chart. It’s since been certified platinum in the US and the UK. De La Soul celebrated the 35th anniversary of the release of 3 Feet High and Rising by launching an expanded deluxe edition on March 1. The expanded version includes two previously unreleased “home demos” of the tracks Plug Tunin’ and Freedom of Speak. There are also four bonus tracks that have never been released digitally – Freedom of Speak (We Got Three Minutes), Ain’t Hip to be Labelled a Hippie, What’s More and Jenifa Taught Me (12” Version). The expanded edition was released almost exactly one year after the pioneering alternative hip-hop group released its first six albums on streaming services. They previously had trouble getting their music distributed on platforms like Spotify due to sample clearance issues. “We can’t believe this day is finally here and we are excited to be able to share our music with fans, old and new,” De La Soul said at the time in a statement obtained by HipHopDX. De La Soul was formed in 1988 in Amityville on suburban Long Island, which feels worlds away from the rap epicentre of nearby New York City. That distance from the rest of the scene may have been what allowed the trio to create their unique alternative hip-hop sound. De La Soul hit another hot streak with their 1996 LP Stakes Is High, which made it to number 13 on the Billboard 200. Their 2000 follow-up Art Official Intelligence: Mosaic Thump was even more successful commercially and peaked at number nine. The group has been inactive since the death of founding member David “Trugoy” Jolicoeur in February of last year, with 2017’s And the Anonymous Nobody being De La Soul’s final studio album. █ BY R BALA oDe La Soul’s impact on hip-hop landscape Soulful revolutionaries MILEY CYRUS was reportedly uninformed about the complexities swirling around her sister Noah Cyrus, her mother Tish Cyrus, and Tish’s new husband Dominic Purcell. An insider revealed that Miley, 31, was completely unaware of any tensions involving Purcell, 54, who had a prior relationship with Noah, 24, before marrying Tish, 56. When Miley became aware, she approached her mother, expressing her concerns but also her desire for Tish’s happiness. Despite attempts to reach out to representatives for comments, there was no immediate response regarding the alleged relationship between Noah and Purcell. Earlier, sources disclosed that Noah felt slighted by her mother’s romantic involvement with the star. Allegedly, Noah and Purcell had a previous connection, described as a casual relationship, before Tish pursued her own relationship with him without prior discussion with Noah. The wedding of Tish and Purcell in August 2023, officiated in Miley’s backyard, took place amid a backdrop of family complexities. This event followed Billy Ray Cyrus’s divorce filing in April 2022 after over 28 years of marriage with Tish, resulting in a challenging time for the entire family. Despite the difficulties, the wedding marked a new chapter, yet it highlighted unresolved tensions within the family dynamic. – BY THASHINE SELVAKUMARAN De La Soul was formed in 1988 in Amityville in Long Island, US. – FLOOD Deepika and Ranveer’s baby news UNLIKE many Bollywood couples who hide news of impending childbirth to avoid intense scrutiny, actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were more than happy to share the good news with the public. The couple posted a hand drawn announcement featuring little toddler shoes, baby hats and baby clothes in blue and pink colours with the word September 2024, announcing the month their bundle of joy will arrive. The couple fell in love on the sets of the movie titled Ram Leela, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and they were married on Nov 14, 2018 in Lake Como, Italy. Deepika will be seen next in the movie titled Kalki 2898 AD, opposite actor Prabhas, while Ranveer will play the title role in Don 3, replacing Shah Rukh Khan. – BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI Deepika is expected to give birth in September.
LYFE LYFE THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 26 @thesundaily FOLLOW ON Malaysian Paper INSTAGRAM Luxury redefined THE German luxury jewellery brand Niessing, boasting over 150 years of heritage, has made its muchanticipated entrance into the Malaysian market. The inauguration of its flagship boutique at Seibu, The Exchange TRX Mall in Kuala Lumpur, marks a significant milestone for the brand, underscoring Malaysia’s pivotal role in its global expansion strategy. CEO Sandro Erl expressed profound excitement about the brand’s Malaysian debut, highlighting the synergy between its timeless elegance and the vibrant landscape of Kuala Lumpur. Renowned for its dedication to craftsmanship and innovation, the brand is synonymous with the iconic Spannring collection, a game-changer in the world of fine jewellery since its introduction by Walter Wittek in 1979. Protected by copyright since 2001, the Spannring collection showcases a central The Spannring collection features a central diamond suspended by the tension of the metal band, creating the illusion of a floating gemstone. oGerman craftsmanship meets Malaysian elegance ▪ BY YASMIN ZULRAEZ A stylish denim rebirth THE esteemed British retailer under the AlFuttaim Group, Marks and Spencer, joyfully reopens the doors of its 1 Utama outlet, revealing a contemporary look that perfectly blends modern aesthetics with enduring charm. The transformation stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to providing customers with an unparalleled shopping experience, now curated with the entire family in mind. Made to Fit collection Marks and Spencer introduced the brand new Spring 2024 Made to Fit denim collection, which includes classic cuts and elevated ontrend designs. These quality offerings exemplify dedication to style, trends and wardrobe essentials crafted for a perfect fit and exceptional comfort. The extensive range spans across womenswear, menswear and kidswear. For womenswear, discover a versatile selection of fits, styles and washes. From slim flare to wide leg, the collection resonates perfectly with various styles. Adorned with woodblock and chevron patterns, the denim pieces exude sophistication. Contemporary additions like denim blazers with contrast stitching and updated silhouettes in jumpsuits and dresses add a modern edge. The men’s denim collection offers 360 Flex Denim for ultimate comfort and flexibility, with innovative fibre technology allowing for high elasticity and 360-degree movement. The Stretch Denim collection provides added stretch for extra comfort in various washes and fits, catering to all body types while focusing on responsible sourcing. Crafted from high-quality fabrics, the Kidswear denim range ensures timeless styles and exceptional comfort for adventurous activities. Playful patchwork, intricate embroidery, soft ombre fades and distressed detailing characterise easy-to-wear designs. Lightweight and breathable denim pieces cater to children’s unique styles. Enhance your experience Shoppers at Marks and Spencer 1 Utama can enhance their experience with a visit to the newly introduced M&S cafe, offering a delightful atmosphere to enjoy delectable delights and take a break during their exploration of the latest denim collection. The Eat Well range includes nutritious breakfast items, comforting soups, responsibly-sourced fish fillets and convenient fruit options, providing a balanced and delicious selection for shoppers. - BY YASMIN ZULRAEZ Spring 2024 Denim Collection. - PIC COURTESY OF MARKS & SPENCER Revolutionising skincare RECENTLY, renowned brand CeraVe took its inaugural steps into the Malaysian market, unveiling a comprehensive range of products meticulously crafted to tackle prevalent skin concerns. With a focus on replenishing the skin’s natural barrier, the brand has made a name for itself with its innovative formulations, backed by science and endorsed by dermatologists worldwide. Bridging the accessibility gap The brand’s arrival in Malaysia signifies more than just a product launch, it heralds a new era of accessibility to dermatologist-approved skincare solutions. With only one dermatologist for every 241,000 individuals in Malaysia, the lack of professional skincare guidance is palpable. L’Oreal Malaysia Dermatological Beauty Division general manager Ashlee Ng underscores the brand’s mission to bridge this accessibility gap, offering effective skincare products tailored to Malaysian needs. Innovative formulations At the heart of its formulations lies a deep understanding of skin biology. Developed in 2005, the brand’s core products harness the power of ceramides and MultiVesicular Emulsion Technology (MVE) to restore the skin barrier and provide long-lasting hydration. Unlike conventional moisturisers, the brand’s MVE technology ensures continuous ceramide delivery throughout the day, bolstering skin health and resilience. Empowering through education Beyond product accessibility, CeraVe seeks to empower Malaysians with skincare knowledge. By hosting panel discussions and interactive events, the brand educates consumers on the importance of maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Real-life testimonials underscore the significance of effective skincare solutions, fostering a community committed to skin health and wellbeing. Tailored solutions Its debut in Malaysia brings forth a range of core products designed to address diverse skincare needs. From the moisturising cream for intense hydration to the foaming cleanser for gentle yet thorough cleansing, each product is formulated to nurture the skin barrier and promote overall skin health. The brand’s arrival in Malaysia marks a significant milestone in the country’s skincare landscape. By offering accessible, dermatologist-backed solutions, it embarks on a journey to empower Malaysians with the knowledge and products necessary for healthy, radiant skin. - BY YASMIN ZULRAEZ L’Oréal Malaysia managing director Tomas Hruska sharing the company’s vision of helping customers achieve better skin health. - PICS BY CERAVE diamond suspended by the tension of the metal band, creating the captivating illusion of a floating gemstone. Reflecting German jewellery artistry and Bauhaus minimalism, this collection has expanded to include 24 variants, including the award-winning Spannring Round, the ethereal Spannring Heaven collection and the opulent Spannring Lucia collection. In celebration of the boutique’s opening, an exclusive media showcase event spotlighted Niessing’s exquisite collections, particularly the iconic Spannring series. N o t a b l e personalities like f a s h i o n entrepreneur Jane Chuck and model Rubini Sambanthan graced the event, indulging in live fashion illustrations and an interactive instore experience. The flagship boutique offers visitors an immersive journey into the brand’s rich heritage and design philosophy, epitomising understated luxury and contemporary artistry. Guests can explore the multi-awardwinning ready-to-wear collections and use the brand’s wedding band configurator system, crafting bespoke pieces with a choice of 15 shades of gold and other customisable options. Niessing extends a warm invitation to jewellery connoisseurs to experience the pinnacle of German craftsmanship at its flagship boutique. With innovative designs and an unwavering commitment to excellence, the brand continues to redefine contemporary jewellery, offering timeless pieces that transcend generations. Stay updated on the latest collections and events by following @niessing on Instagram and Facebook.
SPORTS SPORTS THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 28 Under pressure Williamson, Southee look to rebound in milestone Test against Australia ONE piles up runs, the other piles up wickets. Both Kane Williamson and Tim Southee will hope to add to their hauls when they play their 100th Test match against Australia in Christchurch this week. Few New Zealand cricketers have done more for the nation as individuals, so it is fitting they will celebrate the milestone as a collective at Hagley Oval tomorrow. Not that either will be eager to soak up the attention or even betray much emotion as the Black Caps look to bounce back from defeat in Wellington. “Although Tim and I have a bit of attention coming into this game, it’s about the team, what we need to try and do as a side and what we need to improve on,” Williamson said. “I don’t know (how I’ll feel). So if you see me crying then you can say, ‘I told you’.” At 33, the mild-mannered Tauranga man is still very much in his prime. New Zealand’s greaTest batter became the fastest man to 32 Test centuries in the recent series win against South Africa, and joined Don Bradman and Steve Smith as the only players to score five hundreds in five home Tests in succession. With 378 Test wickets, 35-yearold captain Southee is second only to Richard Hadlee (431) in New Zealand’s all-time list and could eclipse the knighted quick in another couple of seasons. Both Southee and Williamson have led the team with distinction, the former having succeeded the latter as Test captain at the end of 2022. Williamson took New Zealand to the inaugural World Test Championship title in 2021, while the Black Caps remain unbeaten in five series under Southee. Yet both players have arrived in Christchurch under pressure to perform against New Zealand’s long-time nemesis. The Black Caps have won only one Test in 24 against the Australians this century and were crushed by 172 runs at the Basin Reserve. Williamson, who boasts a Test batting average of 55.25 and above 80 in victory, has a middling average of 37.26 in Tests against Australia. He was run out comically for a duck in Wellington after clattering into opener Will Young and later caught for nine in a leg-side trap against wily spinner Nathan Lyon. Southee, who has also tended to struggle against Australia, had two wickets in the series-opener and left New Zealand’s capital under fire over his bowling changes in the first innings when Cameron Green got away with an unbeaten century. New Zealand will likely need at least one of Southee or Williamson to fire, and probably both, if they are to have any chance of squaring the two-Test series against an Australian team rated among the best the nation has produced. Williamson will lean on his 99 previous Tests for inspiration, both the highlights and the harsh lessons. “It’s never a perfect journey,” he said. “The learning - physically, mentally - the reflection, the memories of almost every Test that when you sit down and dissect it, there’s so much that you do recall. “But it’s a journey, and the highlights aren’t there without the other.” – Reuters 100-Test milestone ‘just a number’: Ashwin INDIA spinner Ravichandran Ashwin said yesterday he did not share his family’s excitement for his 100th Test appearance, adding a seriesending win over England was more important to him than “just a number”. Ashwin, 37, is set to reach the landmark in the fifth and final match of England’s tour starting Thursday in the brisk Himalayan hill town of Dharamsala. “It does not mean anything to me,” he told reporters. It means a lot to my wife and my mom. My daughters are more excited than I am. It’s just a number.” The off-spinner already passed the rare milestone of 500 wickets in the third match of the series, which India has already won 3-1. He left that match midway to be with his ailing mother before returning to be part of India’s victory in Rajkot, acknowledging the strain his career had put on his loved ones. “Playing Indian cricket for such a long time and being on the road, the kind of sacrifice the family makes is enormous.” Ashwin, an engineering graduate who hails from the southern city of Chennai, started out as a batsman and bowled medium-pace before switching to off-spin. He made his Test debut in 2011 and has 507 wickets including 35 five-wicket hauls in 99 matches. Ashwin said despite his personal milestone, he looks forward to another victory to finish on 4-1. “More than the destination, the journey has been very special,” said Ashwin. “It is a journey of up and downs, a lot of learnings. But it doesn’t change anything as far as playing a Test match is concerned. 3-1 scoreline is on the board and despite the scoreline, you want to win every Test match.” Ashwin, an all-rounder with five Test centuries while batting in the middle and lower-order, has often had to compete with fellow spinner Ravindra Jadeja for a place in the XI. “It’s always disappointing to not play a particular game for your country, especially when you were doing well,” he said. “But you got to make peace with it because it was in the best interest of the team. Not many teams in the world has what India has got,” he said. When asked about the batsmen who challenged him the most over his career, Ashwin said he “loved bowling to Steve Smith, (Kane) Williamson and Joe Root”. – AFP IRELAND coach Heinrich Malan said yesterday that this summer’s T20 World Cup would be special but it was a “Catch-22 situation” that his team would be playing India in their opening match. Ireland, who won their first ever Test against Afghanistan last week, will play all their group matches in the United States, taking on India and Canada in New York before moving to Lauderhill, Florida to face USA – co-hosts with the West Indies – and Pakistan. “If you go back a couple of years and said we are going to play cricket in America, no one would have believed you,” Malan told reporters in a video conference ahead of his side’s first one-day international against the Afghans in Sharjah today. “It’s an exciting opportunity for us but we’ve got a bit of work to do to tick all the boxes before we jump on that plane. “If you look at who we are going to play, Pakistan and India, ask any T20 cricketer, these are two of the teams you want to play. To know that we are going to play them in stadiums that take 25 or 30 thousand people will be even more special. “Hopefully we can play some consistent cricket and a brand of cricket that will be exciting and hopefully get us across the line.” Ireland face the daunting prospect of taking on India, with its wealth of stars all fresh from the Indian Premier League, on a ‘drop-in’ pitch in their opening match in New York on June 5. “From our point of view, it’s a bit of a Catch-22 because they’ll have a lot of players that’ll come straight out of IPL and be battle-hardened. “At the end of the day we can’t control who’s in front of us, but we can try and control the way we go about our business and our preparation. “The good part is they play so often there’s a lot of information around so we can be clear about our tactics. You look at their numbers and their amount of games, it shows that they are quality players but at the end of the day it’s a bat versus a ball.” – AFP Ireland face ‘Catch-22’ with India opener at T20 WC SHORTS Boulter claims first WTA win BRITISH NO. 1 Katie Boulter has won her first WTA 500 tournament, the San Diego Open, after a thrilling three-set clash against Ukrainian Marta Kostyuk. Boulter’s boyfriend, Alex De Minaur, who had just retained his title in Acapulco, watched the match. He had taken an early morning flight to be there. “This week has been very, very special for so many different reasons. This one is pretty amazing, I’ve worked very hard for it, I played some incredible tennis all week. “Today was a complete battle, with myself as well, because I was a little bit nervous. But I managed to get over the line, and that I’m very proud of,” she said. “A lot of it was about me staying as tough as I possibly could mentally, and I managed to keep my cool and actually kind of went within myself and calmed myself down a lot. “I think that really helped me, and then I started to relax and play through shots a little bit more.” CAS reduce Halep’s doping ban FORMER Wimbledon champion Simona Halep has had her doping ban reduced from four years to nine months following a successful appeal at the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Halep is a two-time Grand Slam winner and will now resume her tennis career after a 16-month absence. Originally banned from the WTA Tour in October 2022, Halep had feared her career would be cut short as a result of the ban. Instead, the now 32-year-old is free to return to action, following a successful appeal at CAS. Her case was partially upheld, with the ban taken from the original four years down to nine months. “Having carefully considered all the evidence put before it, the CAS Panel determined that Ms Halep had established, on the balance of probabilities, that the Roxadustat entered her body through the consumption of a contaminated supplement which she had used in the days shortly before 29 August 2022,” read the CAS judgement. “The Roxadustat, as detected in her sample, came from that contaminated product. As a result, the CAS Panel determined that Ms Halep had also established, on the balance of probabilities, that her antidoping rule violations were not intentional. “Although the CAS Panel found that Ms Halep did bear some level of fault or negligence for her violations, as she did not exercise sufficient care when using the Keto MCT supplement, it concluded that she bore no significant fault or negligence.” Halep is expected to return to tennis immediately having had the ban lifted, where she’ll look to compete for Grand Slam titles once again. Kane Williamson. – REUTERSPIX
SPORTS SPORTS THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 29 THE FIA have released a statement in the wake of its president Mohammed Ben Sulayem being at the centre of allegations over the past couple of days. FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem is alleged to have told officials not to certify the track used for last year’s Las Vegas Formula One Grand Prix, the BBC reported on Tuesday citing a whistleblower. Ben Sulayem is said to have asked officials “to find some concerns to prevent the FIA from certifying the circuit before the weekend of the race”, according to an internal FIA report consulted by the BBC. According to the whistleblower mentioned in the compliance report, “the purpose was to find fault with the track in order to withhold the licence”. “Issues on the circuit were meant to be artificially identified regardless of their actual existence, with the ultimate goal of withholding the licence,” the source added. The report, from the FIA’s compliance officer to its ethics committee, adds officials were “unable to find any concerns with the circuit and therefore certified the circuit fit for the race”. A spokesperson for motorsport’s governing body told AFP: “The FIA confirms that the Compliance Officer has received a report detailing potential allegations involving certain members of its governing bodies. “The Compliance Department is assessing these concerns, as is common practice in these matters, to ensure that due process is meticulously followed,” they added. It is unclear why the head of the FIA, who succeeded Jean Todt in December 2021, would have wanted to stop the race going ahead as planned. The new Las Vegas Grand Prix, which came 41 years after the city last staged an F1 race, is a flagship event for the sport’s American owners Liberty Media. It is one of three held in the United States now, with races also in Austin and Miami. According to the BBC, citing the same source, Ben Sulayem also requested officials scrap a penalty imposed on Fernando Alonso in Saudi Arabia last year. The accusation appears in the same compliance report. – AFP No Jos in Jeddah … but Verstappen has questions to answer in Saudi MAX VERSTAPPEN will face questions about his future with Red Bull when the triple Formula One champion returns this week to Saudi Arabia and one of the three tracks where he was beaten last season. The Dutch driver’s father Jos, who will not be at Saturday’s race in Jeddah, caused a commotion in Bahrain last weekend when he said the team was in danger of being torn apart if Christian Horner remained in charge. Verstappen has not commented on the incendiary remarks, although he did very publicly wish his father a happy 52nd birthday on social media on Monday. Media reports said Horner was not invited to the birthday dinner in Dubai. Verstappen, 26, also held back on expressing unqualified support for his beleaguered boss after Horner, 50, was cleared last week of alleged misconduct towards a female employee. A meeting to clear the air took place in Dubai on Monday between team management and a representative of Verstappen senior, who is due to take part in a regional car rally in Belgium this weekend. On track, Verstappen will aim to build on his dominant start to the season by taking victory at a floodlit Corniche track where he won in 2022 before team mate Sergio Perez triumphed last year. “It’s a completely different track layout, a lot more high-speed corners,” he said after Bahrain where he won from pole with fastest lap and leading every lap. “The Tarmac, of course, is completely different to what it is here, so less degradation. Probably that will help other teams as well compared to us.” Jeddah’s smooth surface is the second longest on the calendar and also produces the second highest speeds after Italy’s Monza. The floodlit night race is being held a day earlier than usual to accommodate Ramadan, starting on Sunday evening. Perez won last year from pole position while Verstappen went from 15th to second after suffering a driveshaft failure in qualifying. Jeddah, Azerbaijan – where Perez also won – and Singapore (Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz), were the only races on the 22-round calendar where Verstappen did not win last year. Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton will be returning to the scene of his most recent win, in D e c e m b e r 2021 when Saudi Arabia made its debut. The Briton was only seventh in Bahrain, with t e a m m a t e George Russell fifth, when Mercedes made a c o o l i n g miscalculation. They are hoping high-speed Jeddah proves a different story. “We’ve got an opportunity to take a step forward immediately,” said team boss Toto Wolff. “It will be good to continue our learning with the new car on a very different circuit to Bahrain. We will be aiming for a more consistent weekend and to understand our true performance relative to the rest of the grid.” Ferrari, the team closest to Red Bull in Bahrain despite brake problems with Charles Leclerc’s car, should also be competitive. Aston Martin’s Fernando Alonso was third last year after a penalty was overturned, a result still provoking rumbling within the governing FIA for an alleged intervention by president Mohammed Ben Sulayem. – Reuters FIA issue statement as chief in the spotlight LIV GOLF has formally withdrawn its application to have players receive world ranking points from its tournaments, according to a letter sent to the Saudi Arabia-backed circuit’s membership on Tuesday by commissioner and CEO Greg Norman. LIV Golf first applied for recognition from the Official World Golf Ranking, which plays a key role in determining entry into golf’s four majors, in July 2022 but was rejected last October. “We have made enormous efforts to fight for you and to ensure your accomplishments are recognized within the existing ranking system,” Norman wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by Reuters. “Unfortunately, the OWGR has shown little willingness to productively work with us.” In unanimously rejecting LIV Golf’s application last October, the OWGR said the circuit’s 54-hole, no-cut events for 48 players was an issue but that it was one capable of being managed through an “appropriate mathematical formula”. Norman said the rankings were structured to penalize anyone who has not played regularly on an “Eligible Tour” with the field ratings disproportionately rewarding play on the PGA Tour. He also called for an independent ranking system that recognizes how the game is “expanding and modernizing” and that he will continue doing all he can to ensure LIV Golf players were represented at the majors. “Golf fans deserve to see the best players in the world play in the best tournaments. That has always been our goal,” said Norman. “We continue to seek meaningful communication and relationship with each of the majors to ensure that LIV golfers are fairly represented and golf fans around the world have opportunities to see the best competition possible.” While golf’s four majors have allowed qualified LIV players to compete, those who earned exemptions into the blue-riband events due to past results could one day be left out as they are not earning world ranking points. – Reuters LIV Golf abandons bid for world ranking points Verstappen. – REUTERSPIX Schauffele, Cantlay see change needed to reward LIV talent REIGNING Olympic champion Xander Schauffele had the Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR) in mind after LIV Golf withdrew its bid to obtain ranking points yesterday, with complaints about the system. A day ahead of the PGA Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill in Orlando, Schauffele and PGA Tour Policy Board member Patrick Cantlay agreed some changes might be needed to measure talent properly from the Saudi-backed LIV series. LIV commissioner Greg Norman ripped the OWGR, saying there was no resolution that “protects the accuracy, credibility, and integrity of the OWGR rankings”. Only four players from the upstart series are ranked in the world top 50 since LIV’s 54-hole events get no OWGR points. It’s those same points that fifth-ranked Schauffele will be relying upon to give him a chance to defend Olympic gold this summer in Paris. “It’s definitely on my radar. It’s sort of at the back of my head,” Schauffele said of the Olympics. “I know there’s a lot of small things I need to do in order to qualify for the event, but first things first. “I need to continue to have really solid weeks and keep my world ranking up high enough so I can qualify for Paris.” Right now, Schauffele would be joined on the US golf team in Paris by top-ranked Scottie Scheffler, sixth-ranked Patrick Cantlay and seventh-ranked Wyndham Clark but five rivals are among those in the top 15. LIV has four players in the world top 50 – third-ranked reigning Masters champion Jon Rahm, No. 17 Tyrrell Hatton, 30thranked reigning PGA Championship winner Brooks Koepka and 50th-ranked Cameron Smith, the 2022 British Open champion. Schauffele says LIV players should be higher. “This is sort of the structure it is right now with no OWGR,” Schauffele said. “But the LIV tour definitely has really good players, players that are in the top 10 or top 25 in the world, and there’s many of ‘em. “They’re just unranked right now, but I do believe they are definitely top-ranked players in the world.” – AFP
SPORTS SPORTS THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 30 5771/2024 06/03/2024 (WED) 5653 5811 7076 9846 4634 0682 8157 6049 4900 8705 8335 5767 9353 9467 3989 5144 0142 1620 9388 4825 6705 6308 2632 4,419,085.85 5653 5653 5653 7076 7076 5811 7076 7076 5811 5811 5653 5811 305,447.89 5653 5811 7076 HORSE 71519 34850 4850 850 24470 5 0 7 3 166973 66973 6973 973 16697 1669 166 1 6 7,227,615.63 4,050,319.65 1916 28 31 35 52 599,840.49 2 18 24 42 47 54 5 22 23 24 47 50 10 35,332,543.99 RM134,385 Toto 4D Jackpot 2 (i-System) won on 05/03/2024 ! 046 419 + OX 717 595 +DRAGON 487 264 + OX Draw Date: 06/03/24 (Wed) Draw No: 5718/24 Venue: PERAK TURF CLUB 6419 7595 7264 3453 + 3566 6672 + 3621 1367 + 6410 2034 + 5202 9657 + 3267 0533 + 2990 4335 + 1575 6712 + 7727 9816 + 7808 5615 + 7362 RM11,356,793.60 6419 + 7595 7595 + 6419 6419 + 7264 7264 + 6419 7595 + 7264 7264 + 7595 RM280,075.60 RM380,833.30 RM140,000.00 RM386,188.40 583 453 653 566 866 672 183 621 621 367 236 410 572 034 285 202 609 657 303 267 920 533 882 990 814 335 681 575 696 712 857 727 069 816 037 808 065 615 707 362 419 595 264 RM1,089,312.80 419 + 595 + 264 595 + 264 + 419 419 + 264 + 595 264 + 419 + 595 595 + 419 + 264 264 + 595 + 419 Signup as member on dmcGO app now! PSG through to CL quarters Mbappe has ‘no problem’ with coach after scoring brace against Soceidad KYLIAN MBAPPE insisted he had “no problem” with Paris Saint-Germain coach Luis Enrique after scoring a brace in his side’s win over Real Sociedad in the last 16 of the Champions League on yesterday. Wearing the captain’s armband, Mbappe opened the scoring quarter of an hour into the second leg in San Sebastian and struck again early in the second half. PSG won the game 2-1 to secure a 4-1 aggregate victory and a place in the quarterfinals for the first time since 2021. “It’s fine. There is no problem with him, even if people might think there is a problem. I do have problems but the coach is not one,” Mbappe told broadcaster Canal Plus when asked about his relationship with Luis Enrique. Mbappe had either started on the bench or been substituted in each of PSG’s previous three Ligue 1 games since he informed the club he would be leaving when his contract expires at the end of the season. He was replaced at half-time in last weekend’s 0-0 draw at former club Monaco, but he played the whole 90 minutes here and took his goals tally for the season to 34 in 34 matches. “We are very, very pleased to be in the quarterfinals,” added Mbappe, who flourished in an attacking set-up which allowed him to come in from his favoured left flank, with Bradley Barcola on the right and Ousmane Dembele through the middle. “I don’t have any message in particular. I just always want to play in the Champions League. “It is a very important competition. I try to always perform. Sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn’t, but I will never be a player who hides.” Runners-up in 2020, PSG have never won the Champions League and had gone out in the last 16 in five of the last seven seasons. “We are satisfied and happy. We played really well and stopped La Real from getting back into the tie,” Luis Enrique said. Of Mbappe, he added: “There is no need to manage Mbappe. He manages himself. “Normally he has freedom, but today he was fixed on the left wing from where we wanted him to be in a good position in the final third, because when you leave him in on goal he is lethal.” PSG will now hope for a favourable draw in the last eight, both legs of which will take place in April. “We have no pressure. We have not won the Champions League,” added the former Barcelona coach, who named a young starting line-up yesterday with an average age of under 24. “Our team is clearly improving and we will see how far we can go. “We are not putting extra pressure on the team. We are one of the youngest teams and this objective needs to be something to be excited about rather than a weight for us. “It has to be a source of motivation and from there we will try to compete against whoever we play.” – AFP Liverpool, Leverkusen aim to play up to favourites tag LIVERPOOL and Xabi Alonso’s Bayer Leverkusen are the standout contenders to go all the way in this season’s Europa League with both teams this week heading east for last-16 ties they will be expected to win comfortably. Jurgen Klopp’s side are one of four British teams still alive in the competition and hoping to go all the way to this season’s final, which will be played in Dublin on May 22. However, while Brighton and Hove Albion, West Ham United and Rangers all face difficult last-16 ties, it would be a major surprise if Liverpool slipped up against Sparta Prague and missed out on the quarterfinals. Sparta are top of the Czech league and have had some fine results in Europe this season, qualifying from their group ahead of Real Betis and then eliminating Galatasaray in the knockout round playoffs. Yet Liverpool are in fantastic form and still in contention to win a remarkable quadruple in Klopp’s final season as manager at Anfield. The biggest danger for them heading to the Stadion Letna in Prague is that their minds may be on Sunday’s huge meeting with Manchester City, who sit a single point behind Klopp’s men at the top of the Premier League. Meanwhile, Mohamed Salah has played just once since returning injured from the Africa Cup of Nations and this game could also come too soon for the Egyptian. Liverpool are aiming to secure a place in the March 15 draw for the quarterfinals, which would also reveal the identity of their potential semifinal opponents. There is the prospect that they could yet cross paths with Leverkusen, who are enjoying a stunning campaign under former Liverpool midfielder Alonso. Unbeaten all season, the 1988 UEFA Cup winners are 10 points clear at the top of the Bundesliga with 10 games left. A first German title is their priority, but they remain in the German Cup and will be fully expected to see off Qarabag of Azerbaijan to reach the quarterfinals in Europe. The Werkself head to Baku for the second time this season for tomorrow’s first leg, having beaten Qarabag home and away in the group stage with a 6-1 aggregate scoreline. – AFP Paris Saint-Germain’s Lucas Hernandez (below) vies with Real Sociedad’s Mikel Oyarzabal during their Champions League last 16 second leg match. – AFPPIX
SPORTS SPORTS THURSDAY | MAR 7, 2024 31 LACK of preparation might hinder the national football squad’s chances of a good result against Oman at the 2026 World Cup/2027 Asian Cup second round qualifiers in Muscat on March 21. Local football pundit Datuk Dr Pekan Ramli said that the players’ fitness would be a decisive factor in the match, which was why their current level of fitness was important, as only several teams have begun pre-season training for the 2024/25 Malaysia League that will only begin in May. “Our chances (of qualifying for the third round) are very good, we have won our first two matches but after the 2023 Asian Cup it seems like the team was rested for too long, and it does look like we will not play a competitive match before taking on Oman. It seems like we aren’t serious and prepared, and that’s worrisome. “Oman meanwhile, changed their head coach, but their league is ongoing so their players are in a competitive mood. Our league hasn’t started, so there needs to be plans if we fail to plan, means we’re planning to fail,” he told Bernama. He added that Malaysia would need at least a draw in Muscat and a win at home against Oman on March 26 to have a good shot of making it to the third round. “We need four out of six points at least to have a good chance, if we lose in Muscat, we will face immense pressure when we entertain Oman at home,” he added. Former national head coach Datuk Ong Kim Swee also highlighted similar points, and said that playing at least one friendly match would really help the squad to take on Oman in Muscat. He pointed out that the players had proven that they could take on strong Asian teams after their good showing in holding Asian powerhouse South Korea to a 3-3 draw in their last 2023 Asian Cup Group E match in Doha, Qatar in January. “I believe Pan Gon has many things planned, first he wants players to return to full fitness, secondly in terms of tactics, I don’t expect any problems as the core players are those who played in the Asian Cup. “So it won’t be easy (going against Oman) but at least we can get a point if there is at least one friendly match,” the Sabah FC coach said. Bernama has learnt that the Harimau Malaya squad will play two closed-door warm up matches during the centralised training at Wisma FAM in Kelana Jaya that will begin on Friday, but there has yet to be any official announcement regarding the matter. As leaders of Group D with a three-point lead, Malaysia is on track to qualify for the third round of the World Cup/Asian Cup qualifiers for the very first time after beating Kyrgyzstan 4-3 and Taiwan 1-0 last year, while Oman and Kyrgyzstan are tied on points. Oman is now being handled by new coach Jaroslav Silhavy of the Czech Republic, who replaced Croatian Branko Ivankovic after the team had a dismal run during the 2023 Asian Cup and failed to qualify for the best of 16 round. – Bernama Johor plans to reopen Pasir Gudang Circuit THE Johor government is planning to reopen the Pasir Gudang Circuit or Johor Circuit, which has been closed for the past nine years. State Youth, Sports, Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Committee chairman Mohd Hairi Mad Shah said he and Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi would seek an audience with the Regent of Johor, Tunku Mahkota Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, soon to present the plan to reopen the circuit. He said the reopening of the circuit could serve as a training ground for the Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) Racing Team, featuring national rider Hafizh Syahrin Abdullah. “When the JDT Racing Team was established in Johor, many people have asked about the Pasir Gudang circuit. However, upon reevaluation, it was found that the cost of repairs would be relatively high. “Insya Allah, the Menteri Besar and I will seek an audience with Tunku Mahkota Ismail for his consideration to reopen this circuit, serving as a training ground for Hafizh Syahrin and other motorsport enthusiasts in the near future,” he said in response to queries regarding the rumours surrounding the circuit’s reopening. He also hoped that the reopening of the circuit would further boost motorsports activities and make it a preferred venue for enthusiasts. Azizulhasni hopes to have basic velodromes in Malaysia NATIONAL cycling champion Datuk Mohd Azizulhasni Awang has expressed his hope for each state to have a basic velodrome like the Brunswick Velodrome in Australia to Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh. Mohd Azizulhasni also known as “The Pocket Rocketman” said the velodrome which was built in 1956 can still be used until today as a multipurpose facility benefiting the local community. “… we visited the Brunswick Velodrome, a basic outdoor venue which was also a place I used to train at certain time. “I managed to state my dream to YB Hannah Yeoh @hannahyeoh to have a basic velodrome such as this in each state in Malaysia one day,” he said via X (Twitter) yesterday. Mohd Azizulhasni also appreciated the minister taking time off to visit his training facility at Darebin International Sports Centre (DISC) in Melbourne, Australia despite her busy schedule attending the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit 2024. He also expressed his gratitude for the unwavering support rendered to him for his Paris 2024 Olympic Games preparations. “We took the opportunity to discuss the current situation and also preparations for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games,” he said. BERNAMA SHORTS All jackpot amounts stated above are for this Draw. Subject to T&Cs of the Scheme. Please visit to for more info. THE BIGGER PLAY IS TO PLAY RESPONSIBLY 008/24 06/03/2024 9300 9080 9325 7550 8165 3124 8401 3830 1409 6543 6938 6615 8087 1244 0839 7147 5611 9084 8480 7586 5721 4698 8835 RM5,397,368.74 RM436,251.38 9300 + 9080 9080 + 9300 9325 + 9300 9300 + 9325 9080 + 9325 9325 + 9080 1 5 10 11 14 18 22 28 24 31 RM5,745,989.50 RM148,258.59 0 0 8 0 2 5 0 0 8 0 2 0 8 0 2 5 0 0 8 0 8 0 2 5 0 0 8 0 2 5 0 0 2 5 8 0 1 3 Fitness is key Harimau Malaya might disappoint at Muscat without ideal preparation Vardy strikes as promotion chasing Foxes end losing run JAMIE VARDY put Leicester’s promotion bid back on track as the former England striker fired the Championship leaders to a 1-0 win at Sunderland yesterday. Vardy’s first half header was followed by a crucial save from Mads Hermansen to deny Trai Hume a spectacular equaliser. Beaten in their previous three games, Enzo Maresca’s side are back on course for an immediate return to the Premier League following last season’s relegation. That losing run had allowed the chasing pack to close the gap on Leicester and put their hopes of automatic promotion via a top two finish in jeopardy. But Maresca’s response to Saturday’s 2-1 home defeat by QPR was to restore Vardy to the starting line-up and it proved an inspired move as the 37-year-old’s 13th goal this season condemned Sunderland to a fifth successive defeat. “A very important victory, especially after three defeats. We won the game in an ugly way,” Maresca said. “It is important, winning games in this way. It is part of the process to improve as a team. In the second half, we were a little bit tired. Day by day, I am more in love with the team.” Leicester are three points ahead of secondplaced Ipswich, who staged a thrilling fightback to beat Bristol City 3-2 at Portman Road. “Nothing surprises me, that was the best bit of the comeback,” Ipswich manager Kieran McKenna said. “They missed the penalty and you think it’s not going to be our night. Our players don’t think like that.” Dan James’ first half strike gave thirdplaced Leeds a 1-0 victory Stoke at Elland Road. Leeds are two points behind Ipswich with 10 games left in the promotion race. Coventry routed bottom of the table Rotherham 5-0 at the CBS Arena. Birmingham rescued a 1-1 draw at Hull. Blackburn draw 1- 1 against Millwall at Ewood Park and Sheffield Wednesday clinched a 1-0 home win over Plymouth. – AFP CHAMPIONS LEAGUE (last 16, 2nd leg): Bayern Munich 3 (Kane 38, 66, Muller 45+2) Lazio 0 – Bayern Munich win 3-1 on agg, Real Sociedad 1 (Merino 89) Paris Saint-Germain 2 (Mbappe 15, 56) – PSG win 4-1 on agg. CHAMPIONSHIP: Blackburn 1 Millwall 1, Coventry 5 Rotherham 0, Hull 1 Birmingham 1, Ipswich 3 Bristol City 2, Leeds 1 Stoke 0, Sheffield Wednesday 1 Plymouth 0, Sunderland 0 Leicester 1. TOP 6 P W D L F A PTS Leicester 36 26 3 7 72 31 81 Ipswich 36 23 9 4 73 47 78 Leeds 36 23 7 6 66 28 76 Southampton 35 21 7 7 69 45 70 West Brom 35 17 8 10 51 33 59 Hull 36 16 9 11 51 44 57 RESULTS & STANDINGS Malaysia football squad during a training session. – BERNAMAPIX
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