Happy Holidays!
A warm WELCOME to new staff: For new staff, you can pick
up your oneTROY coffee
Alfes, Mary Lou (Special Ed Para) mug at Central Office.
Alhashem, Rasha (Special Ed Para)
Arnold, Bradley (Graduate Assistant)
Bacon, Nashana (Custodian)
Bays, Megan (Media Center Noon Aide)
Bonds, Tremayne (Custodian)
Borycki, Ronald (Kitchen Helper)
Brandimore, Cathy (Security) Rapley, John (Custodian)
Chen, Lu (Kitchen Helper) Regan, Jacqueline (Health Care Aide)
Chowdhury, Ayesha (Child Care Assistant/Noon Aide) Schaefer, Jacqulyn (Child Care Assistant)
Durham, Tosha (Custodian) Sharma, Sonali (Job Coach)
Felisiak, Daniel (Custodian) Stahl, Morgan (Custodian)
Fulbright, Stephine (Custodian) Stanislawski, Anthony (Custodian)
Guilbault, Wynter (Cable/Tech Crew) Tate, Mylah (Custodian)
Hall, Jacob (Custodian) Taylor, Christopher (Health Care Aide)
Hendrix Semaj, (Custodian) Torres, Juan (Custodian)
Trumball, Sarah (Health Care Aide)
Ismail, Ayah (Child Care Assistant) Veleshnja, Klea (Child Care Assistant
Johnson, Adeana (Security)
Keaira, Pryor (Child Care Assistant) Preshool)
Mujo, Kristaq (Custodian) Williams, Tina (Child Care Assistant)
Ortiz, Jorge (Custodian) Yalda, Lina (Child Care Assistant)
Potts, Ayesha (Noon Aide)
(If there is anything you’d like to share, please email Linda Alfonso at:
[email protected] i.us, and put “TSD Times” in the subject field.)
Food Service Department is looking for:
The Troy Schools Food Service Department, which is contracted by the Sodexo Corporation, is seeking friendly
people willing to fill various vacancies within the Food Service Department that are responsible for providing lunches
to the students of the Troy School District. Not to worry if you haven’t had previous experience, as “on the job”
training will be available!
Depending on the school, the hours would primarily be during the middle of the day, and would range from 3 to 4
hours a day. And you would be earning some extra money while your students are in school! Come join our Food
Service Staff by calling 248-823-5089, or please email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!
Gayle M. Moran
Director, General Manager
Sodexo Corporation
We are still
collecting fleece
MLK Day.
(The schools have a box in their office.
If you are not at a school, you can
drop off at Central Office.)
Congratulations goes to:
Val Valentino (Teacher/Troy High) and her husband, Patrick Graf,
on the birth of their daughter, Ava Valentino Graf, on October 24th.
Samantha Kozuchowski (Teacher/Troy High) and her husband,
Zachary, on the birth of their daughter, Eliana Drew Kozuchowski,
on November 28th.
Tommy Keegan (Teacher/Troy High) and his wife, Jackie, on the
birth of their son, Charles James Keegan, on December 2nd.
Corrie Spurlin (Teacher/Schroeder & Morse) and her husband,
Nate, on the birth of their son, Arthur Levelle Spurlin.
Condolences to: In memory of…
. Larry Hahn (Retired Principal/Baker) on the loss of Kelly Damphousse (Secretary/Central
his son, Jeff Hahn, on November 4th. Office) who passed away on November 3rd.
Cindy Kolesar (Retired Teacher/Hamilton) and
Clem Kolesar (Retired Teacher/Troy High) on the
loss of their father/father-in-law, Donald Walter
Riddell, Jr., on November 19th.
Mary Jo Gale, Adult Ed Parapro/Niles) on the loss
of her father, John Elek, on November 20th.
Maxine Japowicz (Resource Room Para-
pro/Martell) on the loss of her mother, Mary Ann
Ulrich on November 23rd.
Jenny Robak (Teacher/Troy Union) on the loss of
her mother-in-law, Millie Robak, on November
Pam Byrd (Secretary/Hamilton) on the loss of her
mother, Dorothy Marie Jones, on November 30th.
A few key points about Mission BBQ:
• Free delivery to any school within the Troy School District
• Party Packs include choice of protein and homemade sides, cornbread and/or slider buns for
sliders, homemade sauce (1 full size bottle per 10 people), serving utensils as well as eating
utensils, plates and tablecloth (paper lined with plastic underneath) for easy clean-up
• We offer desserts, cheese and cracker trays and more, if the need arises
• Full service staffing is available
We hope that any upcoming meetings, conferences, events and possible holiday parties, Troy Schools
would consider choosing Mission BBQ. We support Troy Fire and Police Departments as well as First
Responders and our Military. Our Mission is truly to Serve Those Who Serve.
(See Catering Menu below.)
Classified Ads: (Updates highlighted in yellow.)
My Loyal Companion, Lex is a 9-year-old yellow Teacher Appreciation - Detroit Lions
lab! Unfortunately, due to family member allergy to Special Ticket Offer
Lex I am seeking a loving, home. Lex is an indoor dog
that loves the companionship of people. He is easy This offer includes specialty priced tickets for the
going and loves to fetch and go for walks. He is in games listed below:
good health!
Contact Kathy at: 586.683.8901 *majority of savings comes from knocking off
hefty online fees*
• Los Angeles Rams – Sunday, December
2nd at 1:00pm
• Minnesota Vikings – Sunday, December
23rd at 1:00pm
Please click here to purchase tickets:
Type in the Promo Code: TEACHERSAPP
Purchased early 2018. Low hours, $90, Original
price $145. New condition.
Contact Michelle at [email protected]