Limitations: may constitute an infringement on the English
• Access to app-based connected content author’s rights as protected by the
Copyright Law.
will depend on the availability of cellular
and/or Wi-Fi network coverage for the Notice regarding DVD-
purpose of allowing your smartphone to Video viewing
connect to the Internet.
• Service availability may be This item incorporates copy protection
geographically limited to the region. technology that is protected by U.S.
Consult the connected content service patents and other intellectual property
provider for additional information. rights of Rovi Corporation. Reverse
• Ability of this product to access engineering and disassembly are
connected content is subject to change prohibited.
without notice and could be affected by
any of the following: compatibility issues Using the LCD screen
with future firmware versions of correctly
smartphone; compatibility issues with
future versions of the connected content Handling the LCD screen
application(s) for the smartphone;
changes to or discontinuation of the • When the LCD screen is subjected to
connected Content application(s) or direct sunlight for a long period of time, it
service by its provider. will become very hot, resulting in
• Pioneer is not liable for any issues that possible damage to the LCD screen.
may arise from incorrect or flawed app- When not using this product, avoid
based content. exposing it to direct sunlight as much as
• The content and functionality of the possible.
supported applications are the
responsibility of the App providers. • The LCD screen should be used within
• In WebLink, functionality through the the temperature ranges shown in
product is limited while driving, with Specifications on page 52.
available functions determined by the
App providers. • Do not use the LCD screen at
• Availability of WebLink functionalities is temperatures higher or lower than the
determined by the App provider, and not operating temperature range, because
determined by Pioneer. the LCD screen may not operate normally
• WebLink allows access to applications and could be damaged.
other than those listed (subject to
limitations while driving), but the extent • The LCD screen is exposed in order to
to which content can be used is increase its visibility within the vehicle.
determined by the App providers. Please do not press strongly on it as this
may damage it.
Notice regarding video
• Do not push the LCD screen with
viewing excessive force as this may scratch it.
Remember that use of this system for • Never touch the LCD screen with
commercial or public viewing purposes anything besides your finger when
- 51 -
operating the touch panel functions. The quality will improve with an increase in English
LCD screen can scratch easily. temperature.
• The product lifetime of the LED backlight
Liquid crystal display (LCD) is more than 10 000 hours. However, it
screen may decrease if used in high
• If the LCD screen is near the vent of an air • If the LED backlight reaches the end of its
conditioner, make sure that air from the product lifetime, the screen will become
air conditioner is not blowing on it. Heat dimmer and the image will no longer be
from the heater may break the LCD visible. In that case, please consult your
screen, and cool air from the cooler may dealer or the nearest authorised Pioneer
cause moisture to form inside this Service Station.
product, resulting in possible damage.
• Small black dots or white dots (bright
dots) may appear on the LCD screen. General
These are due to the characteristics of the
LCD screen and do not indicate a Rated power source:
malfunction. 14.4 V DC (10.8 V to 15.1 V allowable)
• The LCD screen will be difficult to see if it Earthing system:
is exposed to direct sunlight. Negative type
• When using a mobile phone, keep the Maximum current consumption:
aerial of the mobile phone away from the 10.0 A
LCD screen to prevent disruption of the
video in the form of disturbances such as Dimensions (W × H × D):
spots or coloured stripes. Chassis (DIN):
Maintaining the LCD screen 178 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm
• When removing dust from or cleaning 178 mm × 100 mm × 154 mm
the LCD screen, first turn this product off Nose:
and then wipe the screen with a soft dry 188 mm × 118 mm × 11 mm
cloth. Chassis (D):
• When wiping the LCD screen, take care 178 mm × 100 mm × 110 mm
not to scratch the surface. Do not use (AVH-A240DAB/AVH-A240BT)
harsh or abrasive chemical cleaners. 178 mm × 100 mm × 162 mm
LED (light-emitting diode) 171 mm × 97 mm × 3 mm
A light emitting diode is used inside the (DMH-A340DAB)
display to illuminate the LCD screen. 1.1 kg
• At low temperatures, using the LED (DMH-A240DAB)
1.0 kg
backlight may increase image lag and (AVH-A240DAB/AVH-A240BT)
degrade the image quality because of the 1.7 kg
characteristics of the LCD screen. Image
- 52 -
Display DVD drive (AVH-A240DAB/AVH- English
Screen size/aspect ratio:
(DMH-A340DAB) System:
6.75 inch wide/16:9 (effective display DVD-V, VCD, CD, MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC,
area: 151.8 mm × 79.68 mm) MPEG player
A240BT) Usable discs:
6.2 inch wide/16:9 (effective display area: DVD-VIDEO, VIDEO-CD, CD, CD-R, CD-
137.40 mm × 77.28 mm) RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW,
800 (Width) × 480 (Height) × 3 (RGB) Region number: 2
Signal Format:
Display method:
TFT Active matrix driving Sampling frequency:
8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHz
Colour system:
PAL/NTSC compatible Number of quantization bits:
16 bit/20 bit/24 bit; linear
Temperature range:
-10 ˚C to +60 ˚C Frequency response:
5 Hz to 22 000 Hz (with DVD, at sampling
Audio frequency 48 kHz)
Maximum power output: Signal-to-noise ratio:
50 W × 4 85 dB (1 kHz) (IHF-A network) (RCA level)
Continuous power output: Number of channels: 2 (stereo)
22 W × 4 (50 Hz to 15 kHz, 5 %THD, 4 Ω MP3 decoding format:
LOAD, Both Channels Driven)
MPEG-1, 2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3
Load impedance: WMA decoding format:
4 Ω (4 Ω to 8 Ω allowable)
Ver. 7, 7.1, 8, 9, 9.1, 9.2 (2 ch audio)
Preout output level (max): 2.0 V (Windows Media Player)
Equaliser (13-Band Graphic Equaliser): AAC decoding format:
MPEG-4 AAC (iTunes encoded only):
Frequency: (.m4a) (Ver. 10.6 and earlier)
50 Hz/80 Hz/125 Hz/200 Hz/315 Hz/ MPEG video decoding format:
500 Hz/800 Hz/1.25 kHz/2 kHz/3.15 MPEG1 (Low Level), MPEG2 (Main Level),
kHz/5 kHz/8 kHz/12.5 kHz MPEG4 (part2) (Main Level)
Gain: ±12 dB (2 dB/step) USB
USB standard spec:
Frequency: USB 1.1, USB 2.0 full speed, USB 2.0 high
25 Hz/32 Hz/40 Hz/50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/ speed
100 Hz/125 Hz/160 Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz
Max current supply: 1.5 A
Subwoofer/LPF: USB Class:
25 Hz/32 Hz/40 Hz/50 Hz/63 Hz/80 Hz/ MSC (Mass Storage Class)
100 Hz/125 Hz/160 Hz/200 Hz/250 Hz File system: FAT16, FAT32, NTFS
<USB audio>
Bass boost: MP3 decoding format:
Gain: +12 dB to 0 dB (2 dB/step)
MPEG-1 & 2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3
WMA decoding format:
Ver. 7, 8, 9, 9.1, 9.2 (2 ch audio)
- 53 -
AAC decoding format: Bluetooth English
MPEG-4 AAC (iTunes encoded only) (Ver. Version:
12.5 and earlier)
Bluetooth 4.2 certified
FLAC decoding format: Output power:
Ver. 1.3.0 (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
+4 dBm Max. (Power class 2)
WAV signal format: Frequency band(s):
Linear PCM
Sampling frequency: 2.402 GHz to 2.48 GHz
Linear PCM:
16 kHz/22.05 kHz/24 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 FM tuner
kHz/48 kHz Frequency range:
<USB image> 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz
JPEG decoding format: Usable sensitivity:
.jpeg, .jpg 12 dBf (1.1 μV/75 Ω, mono, S/N: 30 dB)
Pixel Sampling: 4:2:2, 4:2:0 Signal-to-noise ratio:
Decode Size:
MAX: 7 680 (H) × 8 192 (W) 50 dB
MIN: 32 (H) × 32 (W)
PNG decoding format: AM tuner
.png Frequency range:
Decode Size:
MAX: 576 (H) × 720 (W) 531 kHz to 1 602 kHz
MIN: 32 (H) × 32 (W) Usable sensitivity:
BMP decoding format:
.bmp 28 μV (S/N: 20 dB)
Decode Size: Signal-to-noise ratio:
MAX: 936 (H) × 1 920 (W)
MIN: 32 (H) × 32 (W) 45 dB (analogue broadcasting) (IHF-A
<USB video> network)
H.264 video decoding format:
Base Line Profile, Main Profile, High DAB tuner (DMH-A340DAB/DMH-
Profile A240DAB/AVH-A240DAB)
H.263 video decoding format: Frequency range :
Base Line Profile 0/3
VC-1 video decoding format: 174 MHz to 240 MHz (5A to 13F) (Band III)
Simple Profile, Main Profile, Advanced Usable sensitivity :
AVI video decoding format -98 dBm (Band III)
MPEG4 video decoding format: Signal-to-noise ratio: 70 dB
Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile
MPEG1, 2 video decoding format: NOTE
Main Profile Specifications and design are subject to possible
Quick Time video decoding format modifications without notice due to
Matroska video decoding format improvements.
TS Stream video decoding format
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