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Published by Terry Logan, 2019-04-29 17:34:07

P5 RC - Unit 2

P5 RC - Unit 2

Po Leung Kuk Hong Kong Taoist Association
Yuen Yuen Primary School

2018 -2019

Primary 5
Unit 2 – Energy
English Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Name: ___________________ ( ) W.S. Checked
Class: ___________________ 2.1



P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________

Objective: Students can identify the audience of the extended persuasive passage.

For each paragraph of the passage, identify supporting details to support the identification of
the audience.

Are you tired of being over-charged to keep your cattle warm? Have you had enough of
paying astronomical bills for such basic needs as light and heat? I totally feel for you, but I
have a suggestion.

What you need to do is get yourself some solar panels. They help with the expenses you
acquire heating your barns and animals’ shelters. They take the rays from the sun and convert
that energy into electric energy. You can then use that electricity as you wish.

The solar panels are quick, easy and hassle-free to install, all you have to do is follow the
simple instructions and you are set. They are so easy that a child could do it.

They are a little expensive but the benefit of them is that once you have paid that, it is
the last payment that you will ever have to make. They will then pay for themselves. An
additional advantage of solar panels is that they can make you money. If you produce more
electricity than you use, you can sell it to the national grid and they will send you a cheque
instead of a bill. How incredible is that, getting money from the government instead of giving
your hard-earned cash for a change!

If you are fed up with paying too much to keep your animals toasty during the cold winter
months, you should seriously think about investing in solar panels. They pay for themselves!

1. What does the author advocate as a good idea for the audience?

Getting _______________________________________________________

2. How do you know that solar panels are not
complicated to put up?
Underline two sentences in the paragraph that show

3. In the long-run, what two ways do solar panels benefit you more than normal electricity?

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

4. Who is this piece of writing most aimed at?
¡ a) vegetable farmers that live in cold areas
¡ b) cow and sheep farmers that live in a warm climate
¡ c) children who like building things
¡ d) farmers who have farms in places with cold winters


P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________

Objective: Students can identify the author's tone in a persuasive passage.

Tones people use in writing include: compassionate, neutral, positive, sad, uninterested.
Tones reflect the writer’s attitude and emotion towards the subject/ topic they are
writing about. It also gives the reader a sense to the writing.

A. Match the tone words on the left column with the best example sentence in the right
column by writing the correct letter next to the tone words.

Themes Answers Examples
1. compassionate
2. neutral A. He seemed so kind when he tried to
convince me to buy his product.
3. positive
4. sad B. I really care for the environment.
We need to think about what we
5. uninterested are doing.
6. anger
C. The environment is amazing and we
need to protect it.

D. I am completely bored by things
happening half-way around the
world from me.

E. I don’t really have an opinion
towards renewable energy.

F. It’s so frustrating that some
people didn’t see the importance of
using renewable energy.

B. Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

Dear Sir,

Nowadays, we all have smartphones, right? Many of us have smart-wearable devices
like watches and exercise devices. Some of us even have smart-homes which can think for
themselves. I wish to explain to you how these incredible items need incredible batteries too.

Big technology companies, and now car companies that are making electric vehicles, are
all too aware of the limitations of current lithium-ion batteries. While chips and operating
systems are becoming more efficient to save power we're still only look at a day or two of use
on a smartphone before having to recharge.

We've seen a multitude of battery discoveries coming out of universities all over the
world. Tech companies and car manufacturers are pumping money into battery development
and that technology is only going to get greater.

While we've been writing about these developments for years, there's still nothing in our
phones. This is because everyone is waiting for the perfect replacement before making the

Next year is starting to shape up as the year that batteries change. We've collected all
the best battery discoveries that could be with us soon. From over the air charging to
super-fast 30-second re-charging, you could be seeing this tech in your gadgets sooner than
you think.

I, for one, am super-excited about these developments and future developments to come.

Mr. Enthusiastic

6. Which of these tones would be the most applicable for the above writing?
¡ a) neutral
¡ b) positive
¡ c) sad
¡ d) uninterested

Dear Sir,

I am writing to tell you about the evil that I see in the world at the moment. There is so
much money being put into ridiculously wasteful research. I say enough is enough. Why
waste so much money, is it really worth it? I say, no, it is not.

Let me take for example the stupid amount of research going into batteries. Batteries
for your mobile phones. Does it even make any sense that people research batteries? We all
use our phones, but we can charge our phones at the end of the day or even when we are at
home or at work. I think it is ridiculous that people spend so much money on wasteful things
like looking at batteries.

Yours angrily,
Ms. Fed-up

7. Which of these tones would be the most applicable for the above writing?
¡ a) neutral
¡ b) positive
¡ c) anger
¡ d) compassionate


P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________

Objectives: Students can identify the message the author is conveying / proposing to the
target audience.

Read the following passage and blacken the best answer.

People say that we are using too much electricity. Scientists say that if we continue to
use as much oil as we do, in forty years oil will run out completely. We have to find more
effective, environmentally-friendly and renewable ways of energy.

In Hong Kong, there are over 250 islands. Only a handful of them have people living on
them. Many of them are uninhabited and perfect for my idea. Why don’t we use these
islands as a source of energy? Why don’t we make use of these empty islands and use them as
wind farms?

The advantage of them is that they just use the power of nature to produce electricity.
It's a clean fuel source. Wind energy doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on
burning fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Wind turbines don't produce any emissions
that cause acid rain or greenhouse gases.

Wind is free. Once the wind turbine is built, there is no cost to them. They are very
thin and do not take up a lot of land and the land under them can be used.

In addition, the size of them is adjustable. They can be for individual houses, villages or
even entire cities.

They are the perfect answer for our future.

1. What is the message in the first paragraph?
¡ a) We should use wind energy in Hong Kong.
¡ b) People use too much electricity.
¡ c) We will not have enough oil.
¡ d) We need to use renewable resources.

2. When the author says the islands are uninhabited, what does that mean?
¡ a) There are over 250 islands in Hong Kong.
¡ b) Many people live on these islands.
¡ c) They are all wind farms.
¡ d) Nobody lives on these islands.

3. Underline the detail that supports your answer in Q2.

4. What is the author’s point in the third paragraph?
¡ a) There are many advantages of wind turbines.
¡ b) Acid rain and greenhouse gases are destroying Hong Kong.
¡ c) Wind is free.
¡ d) We should use non-renewable energy.

5. What is the overall message of the piece of writing?
¡ a) We are using too much electricity.
¡ b) We should turn to wind energy in Hong Kong.
¡ c) The power of nature is a poor way to produce electricity.
¡ d) Islands is a source of renewable energy.


P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________

Objective: Students can understand the language elements that the author used to convey
their message.

Read the following passage and blacken the best answer.

People say that we are using too much electricity. Scientists say that if we continue to
use as much oil as we do, in forty years oil will run out completely. We have to find more
effective, environmentally-friendly and renewable ways of energy.

In Hong Kong there are over 250 islands in Hong Kong. Only a handful of them have people
living on them. Many of them are uninhabited and perfect for my idea. Why don’t we use these
islands as a source of energy? Why don’t we make use of these empty islands and use them as
wind farms?

The advantage of them is that they just use the power of nature to produce electricity.
It's a clean fuel source. Wind energy doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on
burning fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Wind turbines don't produce any emissions
that cause acid rain or greenhouse gases.

Wind is free. Once the wind turbine is built, there is no cost to them. They are very
thin and do not take up a lot of land and the land under them can be used.

In addition, the size of them is adjustable. They can be for individual houses, villages or
even entire cities.

They are the perfect answer for our future.

1. Which of the following language elements are featured in the first paragraph? (There may

be more than one answer)
¡ a) facts and statistics
¡ b) personal pronouns
¡ c) rhetorical questions
¡ d) all of the above

2. Which of the language elements makes the reader feel like the author is really talking to
¡ a) facts and statistics
¡ b) personal pronouns
¡ c) rhetorical questions
¡ d) all of the above

3. Which language element is used in the second paragraph?
¡ a) facts
¡ b) statistics
¡ c) personal pronouns
¡ d) rhetorical questions
¡ e) all of the above

4. How does using the element above help the author convey his/her message?

5. Come up with a good title for the passage to show the message that wind power is the
future of energy in Hong Kong.



P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________
Objective: Students can identify the causes and effects the author mentions in their

Read the following passage and blacken the best answer.
We are in the middle of an energy crisis. This disaster would be easy to point a finger at one or

two of the larger, more energy-dependent countries in the world, but that would be too simple. We
are all to blame for this. I hear you ask, what caused it?

The energy crisis is a result of many different strains on our natural resources. There is a strain
on fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal due to overconsumption and overuse – which then in turn has put
a strain on our water and oxygen resources by causing pollution.

Another cause has been the steady increase in the world’s population and its demands for fuel and
products. No matter what type of food or products you choose to use, not one of them is made or
transported without a significant drain on our energy resources.

Ageing infrastructure of power generating equipment is yet another reason for the energy
shortage. Most of the energy producing firms keep on using outdated equipment that restricts the
production of energy.

Renewable energy still remains unused in most of the countries. Most of the energy comes from
non-renewable sources like coal. Unless we give renewable energy a serious thought, the problem of
energy crisis cannot be solved. Renewable energy sources can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

In few countries, there is a significant delay in commissioning of new power plants that can fill the
gap between demand and supply of energy. The result is that old plants come under huge stress to meet
the daily demand for power. When supply doesn’t match demand, it results in breakages and the
shutting down of these plants.

In most parts of the world, people do not realize the importance of conserving energy. It is only
limited to books, the Internet, newspaper ads, and talks. Unless we give it a serious thought, things are
not going to change anytime sooner. Simple things like switching off fans and lights when not in use,
using maximum daylight, walking instead of driving for short distances can go a long way in saving
energy and it would also mean that we would all have smaller electricity bills and more money in our

1. Which of the causes mentioned in the passage showed direct effect on pollution?
¡ a) Over using fossil fuels causes a strain on water and oxygen, therefore affecting

¡ b) There are many different strains on natural resources.
¡ c) Burning fossil fuels are a renewable source of energy.
¡ d) Less people use non-renewable energy.

2. What has directly caused more demands for fuel and products?
¡ a) People do not give renewable energy a serious thought.
¡ b) The increase of the world’s population.
¡ c) People love using fossil fuels.
¡ d) Power generating equipment is too old.

3. What causes the restriction of energy production and what can companies do about it?
¡ a) Many countries do not use renewable energy.
¡ b) The increase of the world’s population.
¡ c) Power generating equipment are too old.
¡ d) People realize the importance of conserving energy.

4. What can we do in education to teach about saving energy?




P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________

Objective: Students can identify the audience for an instructional text.

Part A.
Examine the following pictures and writing, and answer the questions by blackening the best

1. From what is this piece of writing most likely taken?
¡ a) an instruction manual
¡ b) a magazine that sells tents
¡ c) a toy tent box
¡ d) a letter to someone who likes tents

2. What kind of people would most likely to read it?
¡ a) people who enjoy indoor activities
¡ b) a group of kindergarten kids
¡ c) housewives
¡ d) a group of friendly and outgoing people

3. Tents are used for people to protect themselves from the weather.
Identify which group in the following would be most suited to use tents.
¡ a) a family of three going on a small hike
¡ b) a party of between 10 – 20 people
¡ c) a party for six children
¡ d) a single person going out for the day

4. Judging the language of the piece of writing, identify the group most likely to try to put up
the tent.
¡ a) two toddlers with the help of an adult
¡ b) a group of primary school grade 5-6 students
¡ c) a group of 2 teenagers and 1 adult
¡ d) a group of 6-8 teenagers and adults

Part B.
Examine the following pictures and writing, and answer the questions by blackening the best

1. What is this?
¡ a) a menu
¡ b) a poster about vegetables
¡ c) a smoothie recipe
¡ d) a doctor’s surgery’s wall poster

2. Which type of audience is the text aimed at?
¡ a) people who are concerned about their health
¡ b) people who do not care about fitness
¡ c) people who enjoy looking at fruit
¡ d) people who hate eating fruits and vegetables

3. How does the above images show that it is written for a variety of age ranges, reading
abilities and purpose?
¡ a) the special vocabulary
¡ b) combination of picture and vocabulary
¡ c) the language is supported by pictures
¡ d) all of the above


P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________

Objective: Students can identify the appropriate vocabulary for an instructional text.

Some P5 students are writing an instruction booklet for new P1 students. However, they have
some trouble writing the booklet. Help them choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. The first thing that the students need to do when they come to school is to hand in their

homework. Which is the best instruction to explain this?
¡ a) First, you have to put your homework on your desk.
¡ b) Do not take your homework out of your bag.
¡ c) Put your homework in a pile on the teacher’s desk.
¡ d) Wait for your teacher’s instructions.

2. The next few things they want the P1 students to do are get a book, sit down and read.

Which is the best instruction for P1 students to understand this?
¡ a) You can talk to your friend while you wait.
¡ b) Take a book, sit and read.
¡ c) Sit down first.
¡ d) Sit and wait for your teacher’s instructions.

3. The teachers find that the students take a long time to write their handbooks. Which is

the best instruction to help the students understand that they need to write their

handbooks quickly and quietly?
¡ a) You must write without talking.
¡ b) Write in your handbook quickly and quietly.
¡ c) Sit down, and then quickly and quietly write your handbooks.
¡ d) Talk to your friend while you copy the homework table.

4. There are still some difficulties with students walking down the stairs at the end of the
day. Which of the following is best to help the students understand how to leave school?

1. You have to line up at the bus line or 1. Line up at the bus line or the
the parents-pick-up line. parents-pick-up line.

2. Please walk down the stairs quietly 2. Walk down the stairs quietly.
3. Run out of school or sit in your bus line. 3. Walk out of school or sit in your bus line.

¡a ¡

1. Line up according to your class number. 1. First, you go to the bus line or the other
2. Do not talk whilst walking down the line.

stairs. 2. Then, you walk down the stairs noisily.
3. Walk out of school or sit in your bus 3. Lastly, you walk out of school or sit in

line. your bus line.

¡ ¡

5. The Principal wanted to add one more point in the booklet. It is about what kind of snacks

to bring to school. Which of the following instruction is best to help students understand

¡ a) It is not a good idea to eat lots of candy.
¡ b) Do not bring candy to school, bring fruit and vegetables instead.
¡ c) You can only eat fruit and vegetables.
¡ d) You can bring candy for snacks.


P.5 Second Term English Reading Comprehension Worksheet

Name: _____________ ( ) Class: _______ Date: ________________ Grade:_________

Objective: Students can choose the appropriate audience for an instructional text.

Answer the following questions by blackening the best answers.

Eat to Win is a FUNTASTIC, FUNUTRITIONAL game for the whole family. Move your way
around the board answering hilarious food and health-related questions.

1. For whom would this game be best suited?
¡ a) people who like playing pencil and paper games
¡ b) a person who likes playing card games
¡ c) someone who enjoys board games
¡ d) anyone who loves dice games

2. The words ‘FUNTASTIC’ and ‘FUNUTRITIONAL’ are puns or jokes of ‘FANTASTIC’ and
‘NUTRITIONAL’. For whom are these words aimed at?
¡ a) babies
¡ b) kindergarten children
¡ c) primary school children
¡ d) adults

3. Identify the best age range for this game.
¡ a) new-born babies aged 0 -1
¡ b) toddlers aged 1-2
¡ c) children aged 3-5
¡ d) anyone aged 6+

Below are parts of two different instructional texts. Examine them and choose the best
answer by blackening the circle.

4. Who are most likely to read the instructional
manual on the left?
○ a) Young children, as there are pictures with no
○ b) Adults who build houses
○ c) Children who enjoy snacks
○ d) People who hates Lego

5. Who are the intended audience to read the juice carton instructional manual on the

¡ a) Young children; because they like to drink juice.
¡ b) People who are not very clever; because there

are no words.
¡ c) People who like to build things; because it’s like a

building model.
¡ d) Everyone; because the numbers and arrows are

easy to follow.

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