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Published by zulhilmikylexx, 2019-06-12 23:01:09



W h e r e b u s i n e s s b e g i n

INTRODUCTION business. It turns out that making every
touch point great doesn’t just make
customers love you; it can also increase
Service quality has been a frequently your profits. Surveys have shown
studied topic in the service marketing that 86% of consumers would pay more
literature. Efforts to understand and for a better customer experience. You may
identify service quality have been decide to tier your customer base if some
undertaken in the last three decades. are willing to pay more for premium
Customer service is the support you offer experiences, including premium support,
your customers — both before and after early access to features, or other benefits.
they buy and use your products or services Either way, good customer service
— that helps them have an easy and experiences will benefit your bottom line.
enjoyable experience with you. Offering Since customer service is a key driver of
amazing customer service is important if business success, it’s time for businesses
you want to retain customers and grow to stop thinking of support as a cost center,
your business. Today’s customer service and start recognizing customer service for
goes far beyond the traditional telephone what it is: an opportunity waiting to
support agent. It’s available via email, web, happen.
text message, and social media. Many Every person or company will have their
companies also provide self-service own definition of what good customer
support, so customers can find their own service means. No matter how you define
answers at any time day or night. it, these eight tried-and-true customer
Customer support is more than just service principles can help you transform
providing answers; it’s an important part your support operations and deliver the
of the promise your brand makes to its best customer service experience every
customers. time.
It’s no surprise that as today’s social, Customer service representatives must be
mobile consumers have grown accessible, knowledgeable and courteous.
accustomed to getting what they want, They require excellent listening skills and
when they want it, their expectations have a willingness to compromise to reach a
risen accordingly. In fact, in a recent resolution. Training in conflict resolution
poll, 82% of CEO(s) reported that can be very beneficial in fostering those
customer expectations of their companies skills. Strong speaking skills are another
were “somewhat” or “much” higher than important attribute of a successful
they were three years ago. What’s more, customer service representative. For
today’s customers are quick to share phone staff, this means speaking clearly
negative experiences online, where they and slowly while maintaining a calm
can quickly reach large audiences. It’s demeanor, even if the customer becomes
more important than ever to support upset.
customers on every channel from day one
and establish what good customer service
looks like internally and externally.
Focusing on the customer experience isn’t
just the latest trend — it’s also smart



Dissatisfied Customer?

Make an Effective Complaint.

We often heard that there are two kinds of customers, those who will complain
and those who won't. The ones who complain are better for a company
because they're more likely to stick around if the company can successfully
resolve their issue. The customer who doesn't complain, on the other hand, is
more likely to quietly go elsewhere.

But sometimes it's uncomfortable to be the squeaky wheel. Even though we
write about money and personal finance,we often avoid complaining. we feel
uncomfortable being in the presence of others while they are complaining —
we stopped going to lunch with a former coworker because he complained to
the manager at almost every restaurant.

While that's a little extreme, it is important to speak up. Companies want to
retain you as a customer, especially if you're reasonable and have a valid
complaint. Good customer service still exists. The key is to approach the
complaint process with a plan.

1) Figure out what solution you want

2) Review warranties and store policies

3) Be prepared to take detailed notes

4) Be direct, but cordial

5) Choose your words wisely

6) Go up the chain of command

7) Make a social networking plea

8) Send a letter or e-mail


OF SERVICE operational controls to ensure that the
results match the desired outcomes. To
make sure customer service achieves these
QUALITY goals in your small business, the person

responsible for quality assurance must
define the quality functions as they apply
to how you serve your customers.

These are aspects which cannot easily be
articulated. For example, what the
customer (patient, client, member, parent
etc.) sees, hears, smells and touches adds
or detracts from their experience in
Every customer has an ideal expectation dealing with you.
of the service they want to receive when
they go to a restaurant or store. Service EMPATHY
quality measures how well a service is In customer service, empathy is the ability
delivered, compared to customer to have a human interaction with a
expectations. Businesses that meet or customer. Being empathetic towards
exceed expectations are considered to someone doesn’t mean that you are
have high service quality. Let's say you go agreeing with them. It just means that you
to a fast food restaurant for dinner, where understand their truth. It is an important
you can reasonably expect to receive your character trait for support agents to have
food within five minutes of ordering. After because they have to talk to many
you get your drink and find a table, your different kinds of customers every day,
order is called, minutes earlier than you solve their problems, all the while making
had expected! You would probably sure that they are representing the
consider this to be high service quality. company in the best way possible.
There are five dimensions that customers
consider when assessing service quality. RESPONSIVENESS
Let's discuss these dimensions in a little Customer responsiveness measures the
more detail. speed and quality at which your company
RELIABILITY provides customer service and
Reliability may be closely related to communication. If a customer has to wait
performance. For instance, a product five days just for a simple email response,
specification may define parameters for they might be more willing to take their
up-time or acceptable failure rates. It is a business elsewhere. Not only do you want
major contributor to brand or company to focus on being quick to communicate
image and is considered by a fundamental via email, but social media, phone, and all
dimension of quality by most end-users other places that you’re listed online.

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