Music Column
With the rapid advances in the field of technology, new innovations are being made almost everyday; from A.I (Artificial Intelligence) that learns like we people do, to AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technology that allows us to construct incredibly realistic 3D models that we can interact with. However, today I’d like to talk about CRISPR,
In fact or fiction, we’ll give you a set of questions and you have try and guess if its a factual statement, or fictional one. Q1. The UK recycles around 380,000 tonnes of plastic bottles a year. Q2. Plastic can takes less than 200 years to completely decompose naturally. Q3. The U.S.A is the world’s top polluter, emitting upwards of 12 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2021 alone. Q4. Denmark, although being a very small country, is the world’s most eco-friendly nation. Q5. The U.A.E green building program is expected to save 10 billion AED and reduce roughly 30 percent of the countries carbon emissions by 2030.
Jeanna 8G1 Poem
I took a breath and feel asleep, The next day would be a new leap, My wonderful journey has gone a month through, And how much I’ve learnt too! I started not knowing the world around, And finding out the endless bounds, The opportunities, the wonders, The chances the tumblers, The people, The teachers, The friends, the co-workers, How a wonderful this one month is, Here’s hoping to the year goes a bliss! Ameer Hashim Y7B2
Done by Taher Hussain Y9
Tips on Sustainability
MUSEUM OF ART Khanak 7G2 Khanak 7G2 Khanak 7G2
Rasya 9B1 Sean 9B1 Ayaan Nathera 9B1
INTERVIEW: Ms. EXCLUSIVE Muhammad Rayyan Noor 8B1
Ameer-6C Extra Additions: Learning a new language - LANGUAGE
I held on for dear life, as Oona stampeded up the beach and into the shadows of the jungle. Oona wsa rampaging so thoughtlessly that she had no care for the person who was on her. I tumbled all around in the howdah, like a sack in a runaway van. My back and legs were getting severely bruised, but the tension and Oona’s trumpeting in the situation seemed to have muffled the pain. My brain was still throbbing and I had no idea what was going on. I knew that there was something wrong with the sea, but my hope to see Mum greatly made me underestimate the predicament. What was so dangerous and treacherous that Oona was spooked to such an extended degree and that she was running away in such a manner?? But suddenly, very tersely, Oona stumbled to a complete stop. I was very curious and baffled to find out, what could halt such a beast. It was a fallen tree-and quite a huge one too-obstructing Oona’s path. Oona tried to hurl it away with the aid of her trunk, but it was a very large timber. As Oona was shuffling with the log, I felt a blanket of fear and destruction, a shadow of darkness wrapping me. I felt confused, all the while frightened. A rustling, rumbling sound started to erupt. It started nearing us. Oona paused and looked backwards, But I didn’t. I didn’t want to see what it was, out of fear. But, counterintuitively, my body started to twist backwards, towards the impending doom, in spite of my will not to. I shut my eyes, not ready for what’s to come. Without warning, the rustling stopped. As a bad reflex, my eyes opened wide, out of inquisitiveness. Trees were fallen and uprooted inthe distance. A muddled path lay behind us. I looked at Oona and back at the path. And that was when she started her awful trumpeting again.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something blue, swaying towards us. A heartbeat afterwards, we were breathless and in the blue. Submerged, I waddled frantically, trying to feel Oona. If I opened my eyes, they would sting I would not be able to bear the pain. I tried to reach the surface, it a gush of water lunged me forwards, my fingers barely brushing the surface. I tried to reach and steal some air, but I was stuck, my leg tied to something. I had to see what it was. I opened my eyes (and when I did) I fell a rush of water hit my eyes and my vision was blurred greatly, but I could make out that my foot was stuck in some plant life. I fumbled and struggled, but to no avail. I slowly felt more and more weak, unaware and weary of my surroundings, as of everything was leaving me. Out of nowhere, a chunk of debris hit my face flat, and everything faded to black. I opened my eyes, coughing water out, only to see that I was several feet above the ground. Fish were floundering here and there. I was hanging aloft from a vine, upside down. Unfortunately, the moment I moved, the vine snapped and I hit the ground. I appeared to be in some marshy and densely covered area of the forest, because there was thick fog all around me. My head was still paining from the blow I took. I managed to stand up and scout my surroundings. I was still dumbfounded of my chance of survival after what happened, especially with Oona gone. That flash flood must’ve took me to a completely different part of the forest. Worst of all, Oona was nowhere to be seen. I call out for her:
“Oona, Oona, where are you?!” I found it hard to speak, let alone shout. It had become dark since I passed out. I saw a faint light glowing from a bush. At hindsight, I thought it might be a firefly. But to my misfortune, it was not that friendly. The creature poked out from the bush, revealing to be a Jaguar. I might have attracted some unwanted attention with my shouting, ultimately declaring myself prey. My worst worry was that I could barely see the lurking creature which was a few metres from striking distance. I could see that it was not trying to instil panic in me. On the contrary, I was already cautious and panic-struck, aware of its presence. Cold sweat dripped down my face. It was do or die. As it was going to pounce, something attacked it. It was an anaconda. They were both fighting, with the attention to win, either of them, or me as a meal. I couldn’t tell who was inflicting more damage on one another, but I thought that it was best for me to leave, while they were distracted. I climbed up the tree. As I was done climbing, it looked like the jaguar had left and the anaconda turned its attention to me. It started slithering up the tree. Surely a true could not uphold the weight of an anaconda. But it had a more devious intention. The tree-as a result of holding too much weight-broke and fell, slamming the ground hard. One of my legs hit the ground first, sending pans of pain in my body. I struggled to stand up and run as fast as I could. And I got rid of my shirt in the process. I heard prowling in the distance. The jaguar, the same one that fought the snake, revealed itself. It had left the anaconda, only to catch us both by surprise.
I decided running towards the shelter of trees, where I would be inaccessible to the snake, but a hard catch for the jaguar. It was my best and only shot. I took off, running like I had never before. I stumbled across some rocks and crevices. I fell onto the ground. I took a few seconds and to breathe and analyse. The jaguar wasn’t behind me, but I had learnt that they are masters of camouflage and disguise in their natural habitat, so I didn’t risk it. I kept on running. Sure enough when I restarted, it also showed itself and chased me. I was hungry, thirsty and exhausted from the transpired events, but nothing motivated me more than the thought of becoming dinner. And that was when disaster struck. I came to a screeching halt. It was a dead end. The end of a plateau stared back at me. I was hyperventilating, panicking. A jaguar was behind me, a cliff in front. The odds could not have been worse. I know I’m not supposed to say that, or it will get worse, but honestly, I don’t care. I was quite literally at the end of the road. And frankly, I had absolutely not the faintest clue what to do. -Taher Lodhger Y9B1
Maths tips and tricks Suzanne-7G2
UAE TRIVIA Do you know these 7 facts about UAE !!! 1. Before the UAE found oil, it was all about fishing and pearls 2. The UAE has broken a lot of world records 3. It’s home to the world’s first zero-carbon, zero-waste, car-free city 4. The UAE is home to the world’s first-ever seven-star hotel 5. It created the world’s first government ministry for artificial intelligence 6. There are no rivers in the UAE 7. You can get gold from ATMs By Mayar Omer 9g
Quotes - Ameer Hashim Y7B2 A man is like a rock, the more particles it has, the more chances it has of not flying away!
Facts To End
END CREDITS Thank you for your time! “If you have any concerns or submissions for the WSA TIMES Student Magazine, then please contact our email!” Email: Credits: Main Directors and Editors, Give a SPECIAL thank you to the main editors Congratulations to all of you for your excellent contributions! Year 5: Adrian, Muhammed Ayaan, Lithula, Swastika, Aarin, Harihara, Ishaanvi, Ward Ahed, Manahil Year 6: Dorcas, Saara Shadiq, Elinsis, Mohsin, Alice, Esha Azhar, Carissa Year 7: Ameer Hashim, Sri Varshini , Raleigh, Manal Fatima, Khanak, Hiba, Suzanne, Naina, Hifza Year 8: Ayeka, Shraddha, Hamza, Rayyan Noor, Shaikh Yahiya, Year 9: Sharline, Taher, Giovana, Haaniyah, Odira, Rasya, Ilhan, Taher, Safaa Nahas, Mayar Omer, Haaniyah Shamshad, Hasan, Ayaan Nathersa, Sean, Sarah Homam, Ayaan Najeeb, Bryce Supported by the English Department and Editorial Team. “And Remember to be the best version of yourself!” Teacher in charge: Ms. Sonia Chowdhari, Ms Udhya, Ms Smita Damaniya, Mr. Juvenal,Mr. Jummel, Ms Ened “And remember to be the best version of yourself!”