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Published by MLS American, 2022-09-15 19:56:41


Geography 687-872

Glossary gross domestic product (GDP) The total value of goods and
services created within a country, 116
famine A widespread shortage of food, 307
faults Places where rock masses have been broken apart and gross national product (GNP) The total value of goods and
services that a country produces in a year, 116
are moving away from each other, 66
favelas (fah-VE-lahs) Large slums around Brazilian cities, 270 groundwater Water found below ground, 72
fellahin Peasant farmers of North Africa, 492 gulag Network of prison labor camps in the Soviet Union, 388
fjords (fee-AWRDZ) Narrow deep inlets of the sea set between Gulf Stream Warm ocean current that moves warm tropical

high rocky cliffs, 292 water northward along eastern North America, 45
flyway Migration route for birds, 640 gum arabic Sap of acacia trees; a sticky substance that binds
folds Places where rocks have been compressed into bends by
the ingredients in many candies and medicines, 525
colliding plates, 66
formal region Region with one or more common features that haciendas (hah-see-EN-duhs) Large Spanish colonial estates
usually owned by wealthy families but worked by many
make it different from surrounding areas, 6 peasants, 225
fossil fuels Energy resources—formed from the remains of
hajj Religious journey to Mecca required of Muslims, 102
ancient plants and animals—including coal, natural gas, headwaters First and smallest streams formed from the runoff
and petroleum, 79
fossil water Groundwater that is not replenished by rain, 78 of a mountain, eventually forming rivers, 71
free enterprise System that lets competition among busi- heavy industry Industry focusing on manufacturing, usually
nesses determine the price of products, 115
free port Port where almost no taxes are placed on the goods based on metals, 393
unloaded from other places, 492 hemispheres Halves of the globe divided by the equator and
front Zone of contact between two air masses of widely differ-
ent temperatures or moisture levels, 44 prime meridian, 10
functional region Region made up of different places that are hieroglyphs Pictures and symbols used in the ancient
linked and function as a unit, 6
fundamentalism Movement in which people believe in strictly Egyptian writing system, 487
following certain established principles or teachings, 98 hinterland A region that lies far away from major population

genocide The intentional destruction of a people, 527 centers, 192
gentrification Process of buying run-down homes in older Holocaust The murder of millions of Jews during World

areas of a community and restoring them, 181 War II, 456
geography The study of the physical, biological, and cultural homogeneous (hoh-muh-JEE-nee-uhs) Of the same kind,

features of Earth’s surface, 3 such as a population made up mostly of the same ethnic
geometric boundaries Boundaries that follow geometric group, 687
hot spot Place where magma wells up to the surface from
patterns, 129 Earth’s mantle, 152
geothermal energy Heat of Earth’s interior, 81 humidity The amount of water vapor in the air, 46
geysers Hot springs that shoot water into the air, 320 humus Broken-down plant and animal matter in soil, 75
ghetto Section of a city where a minority group is forced to hurricanes The most powerful and destructive tropical
cyclones, 48
live, 339 hydroelectric power Electricity produced by moving water, 81
glaciers Thick masses of ice, including great ice sheets and hydrologic cycle Movement of water through the
hydrosphere, 71
bodies of ice that flow down mountains like slow rivers, 68 hydrosphere Earth’s water in all of its forms, 35
globalization The process in which connections around the
icebreakers Ships that can break paths through ice, 384
world increase and cultures become more alike, 98 imams Muslim religious leaders, 440
global warming The process in which Earth grows warmer immigrants People who come to a new country to live, 90
Inca Founders of South America’s greatest early civilization, 263
over a period of time, 41 indigenous Native to an area, 244
Gran Chaco (grahn CHAH-koh) Very flat plains between the industrialization The process by which manufacturing based

Andes and Brazilian Highlands of South America, 258 on machine power becomes widespread in an area, 116
graphite A form of carbon that is used in pencil leads, 595 informal sector Sector of an economy made up of people who
great-circle route Shortest route between any two places on
do not work for formal businesses, including many self-
the planet, 12 employed people and small family-owned businesses, 543
greenhouse effect The process in which Earth’s atmosphere infrastructure System of roads, ports, and other facilities
needed by a modern economy, 117
traps heat energy, 41 innovation New idea that a culture accepts, 96
grid Lines crisscrossing each other in uniform intervals to cre- intensive agriculture A form of agriculture using a great
amount of human labor and/or capital to farm small
ate a pattern of squares, 9 amounts of land, 619

764 • Glossary

Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) An area where north- Glossary
east and southeast trade winds meet near the equator,
creating humid, often rainy conditions, 734

irrigation A process in which water is artificially supplied to
the land, 76

isthmus Narrow strip of land with water on either side con-
necting two larger land areas, 222

ivory Cream-colored material that makes up the tusk of an
elephant, 522

Jainism Religion with origins in India that emphasizes a strict magma Liquid rock within Earth, 63
moral code based on preserving life, 572
magnesium Light metal that is valuable in certain industries,
Japan Current (Kuroshio) Warm ocean current bringing moist such as aerospace, 451
marine air to Japan, 639
mandates Territories temporarily placed under another coun-
jute Plant fiber used to make products like burlap and try’s control, 455
rope, 576
mangrove Type of tree with roots that grow in saltwater; found
kampongs Traditional villages usually built on stilts in parts of in tropical coastal areas around the world, 241
Southeast Asia, 692
manioc Tropical plant with starchy roots, 267
karma For Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains, the positive or nega-
tive force caused by a person’s actions, 571 mantle The section of Earth’s interior that lies above the outer
core and has the most mass, 63
klongs Canals of Thailand, 672
Kurds A minority group in Turkey and neighboring Maori (MOWR-ee) First peoples of New Zealand, 724

countries, 457 map projections Different ways of representing a round Earth
on a flat map, 11
lahars (LAH-hahrz) Dangerous volcanic mudflows, 681
landlocked Having no coast on the ocean, 271 maquiladoras (mah-kee-lah-DOHR-ahs) Special factories in
landscapes Scenery of places, including physical, human, and Mexico owned mainly by American companies, 232

cultural features, 4 market economy An economic system in which people
La Niña An ocean and weather pattern that causes the east- choose freely what to buy and sell, 115

ern Pacific Ocean to be colder than normal, 260 market-oriented agriculture Agricultural system in which
latifundia (lah-ti-FOOHN-dee-uh) Large estates in South farmers grow products to sell to consumers, 126

America, 265 marsupials Mammals that have pouches to carry their
latitude Lines on a globe drawn in an east-west direction and young, 713

measured in degrees, 9 martial law Military rule, 631
leaching Downward movement of minerals and humus in
matrilineal A social system characterized by tracing kinship
soils, 75 only through the mother, 739
legend Map key, 14
lichens Small plants that consist of algae and fungi, 157 Megalopolis A group of cities in the northeastern United
light industry Industry using low-weight materials and focus- States that has grown into one large, built-up area; also
used to describe similar areas around the world, 173
ing on the production of consumer goods, 393
lingua franca A language of trade and communication used Meiji Restoration Japanese political revolution that overthrew
the shogun and restored the power of the emperor, 643
by people who speak different languages, 101
literacy rate Percentage of people who can read and Mercosur South American organization whose purpose is to
expand trade, improve transportation, and reduce tariffs
write, 117 among member countries, 270
lithosphere Solid crust of Earth, 35
Llanos (YAH-nohs) Large plains area in northeastern Colombia meridians Lines of longitude, 10

and western Venezuela, 258 mestizos People of mixed European and American Indian
loess Fine-grained, windblown soil that is very fertile, 299 ancestry, 226
longitude Lines on a globe drawn in a north-south direction
meteorology The study of weather, 5
and measured in degrees, 9
metropolitan area A city and its surrounding built-up
areas, 174

microstates Very small countries, such as Andorra, Monaco,
and San Marino, 357

migration The process of moving from one place to live in
another, 89

millet Type of drought-resistant grain, 507

minifundia (mi-ni-FOOHN-dee-uh) Small South American farms
created when large colonial estates were broken up, 268

missionaries People whose goal it is to spread their
religion, 102

monoculture Cultivation of a single crop, 409

monotheism The belief in one god, 102

monsoon A wind system in which winds reverse direction and
cause seasons of wet and dry weather, 51

moons Smaller objects that orbit a planet, 26

mosques Islamic houses of worship, 102

Glossary • 765

Glossary perceptual regions Regions that reflect human feelings and
attitudes, 6
mulattoes People with both African and European
ancestry, 245 permafrost Permanently frozen soil below the ground’s
surface, 56
multilingual Able to speak two or more languages, 336
perspective The way a person looks at something, 4
nationalism A feeling of pride and loyalty for one’s country or
culture group, 130 petrochemicals Certain products made from oil, 80

nationalized The process by which organizations or businesses pharaohs Ancient Egyptian monarchs, 487
become owned and operated by the government, 308
phosphates Chemicals used to make fertilizer, 743
natural boundaries Boundaries that follow a feature of the
landscape, 129 pictograms Simple pictures used to represent ideas, 624

natural hazards Events in the physical environment that can pidgin languages Simplified languages used to help people
destroy human life and property, 155 with different languages communicate, 737

navigable Able to be used for shipping, 294 piedmont An area at or near the foot of a mountain region, 150
neutral Characterized by not taking sides in conflicts, 336
newsprint Inexpensive paper used mainly for newspapers, 158 planets Major bodies that orbit a star, 25
nomads People who move often from place to place, 409
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) An agree- plantations Large farms that produce one major crop often for
export, 168
ment between Canada, Mexico, and the United States to
eliminate tariffs on many products flowing between these plateau An elevated flatland that rises sharply above nearby
three countries, 183 land on at least one side, 69
North Atlantic Drift Warm ocean current that moderates cli-
mates in northwestern Europe, 297 plate tectonics The theory that Earth’s crust is divided into
rigid plates that slowly move across the upper mantle, 63
oasis A place where a spring bubbles to the surface in desert
areas and plants grow, 436 plaza Open space in towns in Mexico and other Spanish-
speaking countries, often in front of a church, 225
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which
influences oil prices by controlling supply, 443 polar regions High-latitude, cold regions around the North
and South Poles, 29
ore Mineral-bearing rock, 79
orographic effect Cooling effect that occurs when air is polders Lands reclaimed from the sea in the Netherlands, 293

forced to rise over a mountain, resulting in a wetter wind- polytheism The belief in many gods, 102
ward side and a drier leeward side, 47
outback Dry interior of Australia, 713 population density The average number of people living in
an area; usually expressed as persons per square mile or
square kilometer, 88

population pyramids Graphs showing the percentages of males
and females by age group in a country’s population, 18

potash A mineral used to process wool and to make fertilizers,
glass, and soft soaps, 451

precipitation Condensed droplets of water that fall as rain,
snow, sleet, or hail, 16

prevailing winds Winds that blow from the same direction
most of the time, 44

primate city A city that ranks first and dominates a country in
terms of population and economy, 312

prime meridian Imaginary line drawn from the North Pole
through Greenwich, England, to the South Pole, 10

protectorate Country that forfeits certain decision-
making powers in exchange for protection by a
stronger country, 591

provinces Government districts similar to states, 190

pull factors Factors attracting people to a new location, 90

puppet government Government controlled by outside forces,
such as another country’s government, 622

push factors Factors causing people to leave a location, 90

paddy Wet land where rice is grown, 619 quotas In trade matters, limits on the amount of a product that
can be imported, 130
Pampas Wide fertile grasslands in southern South
America, 258 rain shadow A drier area on the leeward side of a mountain
range, 47
pantheon All the gods of a religion, 568
reforestation The replanting of a forest, 76
parallels Lines of latitude, 10 refugees People who have been forced to leave an area, 90
reg A gravel-covered plain in a desert area, 484
parliament A legislature lead by a prime minister or
premier, 196

partition Division of a place, as in the 1947 partition of
India, 570

pastoralism A type of subsistence agriculture involving herd-
ing animals, 125

perception Our awareness and understanding of the environ-
ment around us, 6

766 • Glossary

region An area with one or more common features that make Glossary
it different from surrounding areas, 6
Slavs The main people to settle in what are now Russia,
regionalism A feeling of strong political and emotional loyalty Ukraine, Belarus, and eastern parts of central and south-
to one’s own region, 200 ern Europe, 386

reincarnation For Hindus, the repeated rebirth of one’s soul in smelters Factories that process metal ores, 394
different forms, 571 smog Air pollution resulting from chemical reactions involving

Renaissance (re-nuh-SAHNS) A period from about the 1300s sunlight and automobile and industrial exhaust, 179
to the 1500s marked by a renewed interest in learning socialism An economic system in which the government owns
in Europe, 356
and controls the means of producing goods, 321
revolution One elliptical orbit of Earth around the Sun, 27 soil exhaustion A condition in which soil has lost nutrients
rift valleys Places on Earth’s surface where the crust stretches
and becomes nearly useless for farming, 76
until it breaks, 65 soil salinization Salt buildup in the soil, 76
rotation One complete spin of Earth on its axis, 27 solar energy Energy from the Sun, which reaches Earth as
Rus (ROOS) Scandinavian traders who were some of Kiev’s
light and heat, 27
early leaders; also the word from which Russia gets its solar system The Sun and the group of bodies that revolve
name, 386
around it, 25
Sahel (sah-HEL) A region of semiarid climate extending from solstice The time that Earth’s poles point at their greatest
Senegal and Mauritania to Sudan in Africa, 501
angle toward or away from the Sun, 30
samurai Professional Japanese warrior employed by a shogun sorghum A type of drought-resistant grain, 507
for protection, 643 souks Open-air markets in the Arab world, 461
soviets Local governing bodies of the Soviet Union, 388
sanctions Penalties intended to force a country to change its Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Zones designed to attract
policies, 539
foreign companies and investment to areas of China, 628
Sanskrit Ancient language from which Hindi developed, 568 staple The main food of a region, 507
Santeria Originating in Cuba, a religion that blends African storm surge Waters washed ashore by large storms, 587
subcontinent Very large landmass that is smaller than a conti-
traditions and Christian beliefs, 251
satellite A body that orbits a larger body, 26 nent, such as the Indian subcontinent, 564
savannas Areas of tropical grasslands, scattered trees, and subsidies Financial support from the government, 649
subsistence agriculture Farming in which food is produced
shrubs, 51
secular Nonreligious, 463 by a family just for its own needs, 125
sediment Small particles of weathered rock, 67 sultans Ottoman rulers, 455
separatism The belief that certain parts of a country should Sunni One of the two main branches of Islam, 440
superpower A huge powerful country, 183
be independent, 200 Swahili (swah-HEE-lee) Language in East Africa with roots
sepoys Indian troops under the command of British officers
in the languages of the African coast with added Arabic
during the colonial era in India, 569 words, 522
sequent occupance A process of settlement by successive
taiga A forest of mainly evergreen trees that covers half of
groups of people in which each group creates a distinctive Russia, 384
cultural landscape, 306
serfs Poor peasant farmers in Russia who worked for lords Taoism A religion that teaches there is a natural order to the
and were bound to the land, 387 universe, called the Tao, 624
shatter belt A zone of frequent boundary changes and con-
flicts, often located between major powers, 389 tariffs Taxes on imports and exports, 130
shifting cultivation A process in which farmers clear trees or tar sands Rock or sand layers that contain oil, 261
brush for short-term planting before moving on to clear temperature Measurement of heat, 41
another area, 125 tepuís (tay-PWEEZ) A chain of high plateaus in the Guiana
Shi‘ism One of the two main branches of Islam, 440
shogun A powerful warlord in early Japan, 642 Highlands, 258
Sikhism A religion with origins in India that combines terrorism The use of fear and violence as a political force, 271
the Muslim belief in one God with the Hindu belief textiles Cloth products, 173
in reincarnation, 572 theocracy A country governed by religious law, 443
Silicon Valley An area south of San Francisco, California, that topography Elevation, layout, and shape of the land, 17
became the leading center of computer technology in the tornadoes Violent twisting spirals of air, 48
United States, 178 totalitarian government A government in which one person
silt Fertile, finely ground soil deposited by flowing water, 487
sinkholes Steep-sided depressions that form when the roof of or a small group of people rule a country and in which the
a cave collapses, 222 people have no say, 130
sisal (SY-suhl) Strong, durable plant fiber used to make rope
and twine, 522
slash-and-burn agriculture A form of shifting cultivation in
which farmers slash small areas of forest and burn the
fallen trees, 688

Glossary • 767

Glossary veld (VELT) Grassland regions of South Africa, 535
voodoo Haitian version of traditional African religious beliefs
trade deficit A situation in which the value of a country’s ex-
ports is less than the value of the country’s imports, 183 that are blended with elements of Christianity, 251

trade surplus A condition existing when a country exports wadis Dry streambeds that fill with water only after rainfall, 484
more than it imports, 650 watershed The entire region drained by a river and its

traditionalism Following longtime practices and opposing tributaries, 71
many modern technologies and ideas, 98 water table The groundwater level at which all the cracks and

transhumance The practice of moving herds from mountain spaces in rock are filled with water, 72
pastures in the summer to lowland pastures in the wats Buddhist temples that also serve as monasteries, 670
winter, 409 weather The condition of the atmosphere at a given time and

tree line The line of elevation above which trees do not place, 41
grow, 259 weathering The process by which rocks break and decay over

trench A deep valley marking a collision of plates, where one time, 67
plate slides under another, 66 wetlands Landscapes that are covered with water for at least

tributary Any smaller stream or river that flows into a larger part of the year, 72
stream or river, 71 Wheat Belt The region of the U.S. interior west specializing in

Tropic of Cancer The parallel 23 1/2° north of the equator, 31 growing wheat, 178
Tropic of Capricorn The parallel 23 1/2° south of the equator, 30 work ethic The belief that work itself has moral value, 649
tropics Warm, low-latitude areas near the equator, 29 world cities Huge urban areas that are the most important
trust territories Areas placed under the control of another
centers of economic power and wealth, 122
country while the territories prepare for independence, 737
tsetse fly African fly carrying a human disease called sleeping yurts Movable, round houses of wool felt mats in Central
Asia, 410
sickness, 519
tsunamis (sooh-NAH-mees) Large sea waves created by

undersea tectonic activity like earthquakes, 638
typhoons The term for hurricanes in the western Pacific

Ocean, 48

uninhabitable Unable to support human life and zinc An element important in metal processing and other
settlements, 319 industries, 406

universalizing religions Religions that seek followers all over Zionism The movement that called for Jews to set up their
the world, 102 own country or homeland in Palestine, 456

urban agglomeration Densely populated region surrounding a
central city, 651

urbanization Growth in the proportion of people living in
towns and cities, 120

768 • Glossary

Spanish Glossary

abdicate/abdicar Abandonar un cargo de jefe de ASEAN/ASEAN (por sus siglas en inglés) Asociación de
gobierno, 387 Naciones del Sureste Asiático, organización creada para
promover el desarrollo económico y los acuerdos políticos
Aborigines/aborígenes Primeros habitantes de de las naciones que la integran, 670
Australia, 715
atlas/atlas Colección de mapas reunidos en un solo libro, 11
abyssal plains/suelos abisales Áreas del fondo del océano atmosphere/atmósfera Capa de gases que envuelve a un
en que las rocas se hunden gradualmente debido a que
no existen fuentes de calor que las mantengan en su sitio; planeta como la Tierra, 35
suelen ser las regiones más llanas del mundo, 65 atoll/atolón Isla coralina en forma de anillo o anillo de

acculturation/aculturación Proceso en el cual un varias islas menores unidas por un arrecife de coral
individuo o un grupo adopta algunas características submarino, 732
de otra cultura, 96 autarky/autarquía Sistema en el que un país trata de producir
todos los bienes que necesita, 388
acid rain/lluvia ácida Lluvia contaminada que puede dañar autonomy/autonomía Autogobierno, 351
a los árboles y matar a los peces de los lagos, 77 ayatollahs/ayatolas Líderes religiosos de la máxima autoridad
entre los shiíes musulmanes, 443
African National Congress/Congreso Nacional Africano
(ANC, por sus siglas en inglés; CNA, en español) balance of power/equilibrio de poder Condición que
Organización política que luchó por poner fin a la surge cuando varios países o alianzas mantienen
separación racial en Sudáfrica, 539 niveles tan similares de poder evitar guerras, 328

Afrikaners/afrikaners Colonizadores holandeses, barrier islands/islas de barrera Islas costeras formadas por
franceses y alemanes y sus descendientes establecidos depósitos de arena arrastrada por las mareas y las co-
en Sudáfrica, 538 rrientes de aguas poco profundas, 150

agribusiness/agroeconomía Granjas especializadas que ope- basins/cuencas Zonas de tierras bajas, con frecuencia
ran con mayor eficacia y ganancias económicas, 126 rodeadas por montañas, 151

alliances/alianzas Acuerdos entre diferentes países para bauxite/bauxita Mineral con el que se elabora el aluminio, 241
respaldarse y defenderse de sus enemigos, 328 Bedouins/beduinos Pastores nómadas del suroeste de

alluvial fan/abanico pluvial Depósito de lodo y grava en Asia, 441
forma de abanico que con frecuencia se acumula en las Berbers/berberes Grupo cultural que habita en el norte de
faldas de las montañas, 69
África desde mucho antes que las oleadas de ejércitos
alluvial soils/suelos pluviales Depósitos de tierra arrastrada árabes llegaran al continente, 489
por la corriente de los ríos, 158 bilingual/bilingüe Persona que habla dos idiomas, 169
biodiversity/biodiversidad Grado de variedad de plantas
animist religions/religiones animistas Religiones cuyos y animales, 534
integrantes creen en la presencia de espíritus y en las biosphere/biosfera Parte de la Tierra donde habitan todas las
fuerzas de la naturaleza, 102 formas de vida que hay en ella, 35
birthrate/tasa de natalidad Número de nacimientos anuales
annex/anexar Unir formalmente un territorio a un país, 643 por cada 1,000 habitantes de un lugar, 89
Bolsheviks/bolcheviques Grupo comunista que derrocó al
Antarctic Circle/Círculo Polar Antártico Paralelo 66 1/2° al gobierno durante la Revolución Rusa de 1917, 387
sur del ecuador, 30 boycott/boicot Negativa a comprar bienes provenientes de
un país o de una empresa, 570
apartheid/apartheid Política oficial que obligaba a las per- buffer state/estado tapón País pequeño que se ubica entre
sonas de raza negra en Sudáfrica a vivir en áreas sepa- dos países más grandes y poderosos, 265
radas y a usar instalaciones diferentes de las que usaban
los de raza blanca, 539 cacao/cacao Árbol del que se obtienen las semillas de
cacao, 246
aquaculture/acuacultura Cultivo y recolección de peces y
vida marina en estanques y otros depósitos de agua, 619 calligraphy/caligrafía Escritura o rotulación artística, 624

aqueducts/acueductos Canales artificiales usados para
transportar agua, 78

aquifers/acuíferos Capas de roca en las que abunda el
agua, 78

arable/cultivable Apropiado para el cultivo, 175

arboreal/arborícola Que vive en los árboles, 661

archipelago/archipiélago Grupo grande de islas, 680

Arctic Circle/Círculo Polar Ártico Paralelo 66 1/2° al norte
del ecuador, 31

arid/árido Seco, 54

armistice/armisticio Tregua, 644

artesian wells/pozos artesianos Pozos en los que el agua
fluye de manera natural a la superficie, 712

Spanish Glossary • 769

Spanish Glossary coniferous forests/bosques de coníferas Bosques poblados
por árboles de semillas de cono y hojas siempre verdes, 55
cantons/cantones Grandes estados con autogobierno dentro
de un país, como Suiza, 336 conquistadores/conquistadores Españoles que conquistaron
territorios extranjeros durante la época colonial, 225
capitalism/capitalismo Sistema económico en el que los
negocios, las industrias y los recursos son de propiedad consensus/consenso Acuerdo general, 197
privada, 115 constitutional monarchy/monarquía constitucional Tipo de

caravans/caravanas Grupos de personas que viajan juntas gobierno con un rey o una reina como jefe de estado y un
para protegerse, 408 parlamento legislador, 307
contiguous/contiguo Que conecta o limita, 14
Caricom/Caricom (por su abreviatura en inglés) Comunidad Continental Divide/división continental Cresta que
del Caribe y Mercado Común, 252 divide los principales ríos de Estados Unidos en dos
partes, los que fluyen al este y los que fluyen al
cartography/cartografía Estudio y elaboración de mapas, 5 oeste, 153
continental drift/desplazamiento continental Movimiento
cash crops/cultivo para la venta Productos cosechados para lento de las placas de la Tierra sobre el manto superior, 63
su venta en el mercado, 230 continental shelves/arrecifes continentales Áreas en que
la superficie continental se extiende a las aguas poco pro-
caste/casta Grupo de personas nacidas con cierta posición fundas que rodean a los continentes, 66
social, como en el hinduismo, que restringe la ocupación continents/continentes Grandes masas de tierra sobre la su-
y asociación de sus miembros, 571 perficie terrestre, 10
contour plowing/arado de contorno Arado de una colina
central business district/distrito comercial (CBD, por sus realizado en forma horizontal y no en forma vertical, 75
siglas en inglés) Zona de una ciudad dominada por copra/copra Carne de coco deshidratada, 741
grandes comercios, oficinas y edificios, 123 core/núcleo Centro de la Tierra donde la temperatura y la
presión son muy altas, 63
Chibcha/Chibcha Antigua civilización de los Andes colom- cork/corcho Material extraído de la corteza de los árboles de
bianos que desarrolló grandes habilidades orfebres, 263 corcho, 353
Corn Belt/región maicera Región del medio oeste de Estados
Chishima Current/corriente de Chishima (Oyashio) Corriente Unidos especializada en el cultivo de maíz, 175
oceánica fría que disminuye la temperatura del norte de cosmopolitan/cosmopolita Que recibe influencia de muchas
Japón en el verano, 639 culturas extranjeras, 316
Cossacks/Cosacos Pueblo de la frontera sur del imperio
city-states/ciudades estado Ciudades autogobernadas y sus ruso que jugó un importante papel en la expansión del
territorios aledaños, como en la antigua Grecia, 360 imperio, 387
cottage industries/industrias caseras Industrias de pequeña
climate/clima Condiciones meteorológicas de una región du- escala establecidas en el hogar, 576
rante un periodo largo, 41 coup/golpe de estado Cambio de gobierno que ocurre
cuando otro grupo toma el poder por la fuerza, 266
climate graphs/gráficas del clima Gráficas que muestran la creole/criollo Idioma que combina varios idiomas de África,
temperatura promedio y la precipitación pluvial de una Europa y el Caribe, 251
región, 18 crop rotation/rotación de cultivos Práctica que consiste en
sembrar diferentes cultivos en años alternados, 76
colonies/colonias Territorios controlados por personas de cultural boundaries/fronteras culturales Fronteras basadas
otro país, 167 en las tendencias culturales de diferentes grupos, 129
culture/cultura Todas las características de vida de un grupo
command economy/economía dirigida Sistema económico de personas, 94
en el que el gobierno decide lo que produce, dónde lo culture region/región cultural Área cuyos habitantes com-
produce y el precio de venta de esos productos, 115 parten varias tendencias culturales, 95
culture traits/tendencias culturales Actividades y conductas
commonwealth/mancomunidad Territorio autogobernado aprendidas en las que participan las personas, 94
asociado con otro país, 250 cyclones/ciclones Vientos que se desplazan alrededor de
centros de baja presión atmosférica, 42
communes/comunas Granjas colectivas agrupadas para or- czar/zar Título del emperador de Rusia antes de la Revolución
ganizar las cosechas y la prestación de servicios, 623 Rusa, 387

communism/comunismo Sistema económico y político en Dairy Belt/región lechera Región del medio oeste de Estados
que el gobierno posee y controla casi todos los medios de Unidos especializada en la elaboración de productos
producción, 115 lácteos, 175

compass rose/rosa de los vientos Elemento de un mapa que
señala con una flecha la posición de los cuatro puntos
cardinales, 14

complementary region/región complementaria Región
formada por la combinación de dos zonas con
diferentes actividades y niveles de poder para el
beneficio de ambas, 342

condensation/condensación Proceso por el cual el vapor
pasa del estado gaseoso al estado líquido y forma pe-
queñas gotas, 46

confederation/confederación Grupo de estados unidos con
un propósito común, 336

Confucianism/confucianismo Filosofía basada en las en-
señanzas de Confucio, un antiguo filósofo chino, 624

770 • Spanish Glossary

Dalits/dalits Habitantes de clase social baja en la India que Spanish Glossary
no pertenecen a ninguna casta, 571
economy of scale/economía de escala Producción masiva
death rate/tasa de mortalidad Número de muertes anuales que reduce el costo de producción de cada artículo, 727
por cada 1,000 habitantes de un lugar, 89
ecosystems/ecosistemas Comunidades de plantas y
deciduous forests/bosques de hoja caediza Bosques pobla- animales, 50
dos por árboles que pierden sus hojas en cierto periodo
del año, 55 ecotourism/ecoturismo Tipo de turismo enfocado en visitas
guiadas a regiones de interés natural, 248
deforestation/deforestación Destrucción o pérdida de los
bosques, 76 edge cities/ciudades satélite Grupos de grandes edifica-
ciones lejanas de los distritos comerciales de una
degrees/grados Unidades usadas para medir la distancia ciudad, 124
entre meridianos y entre paralelos, 10
El Niño/El Niño Patrón climatológico y de corrientes marinas
delta/delta Acumulación de sedimentos en la desembocadura que origina un aumento en la temperatura de las co-
de un río, 69 rrientes del sureste del océano Pacífico y afecta las con-
diciones climatológicas de varios países, 260
demilitarized zone/zona desmilitarizada (DMZ, por sus si-
glas en inglés) Zona de protección en la que los ejércitos emigrants/emigrantes Personas que abandonan su país para
enemigos no pueden entrar, 644 irse a vivir a otro lugar, 89

democracy/democracia Sistema de gobierno en el que los enclaves/enclaves Áreas rodeadas completamente por otra
ciudadanos deciden quién los gobernará, 130 región, 362

demography/demografía Estudio estadístico de los asen- endemic species/especies endémicas Plantas y animales
tamientos humanos, 87 nativos de cierto lugar, 682

depressions/depresiones geográficas Grandes áreas de environment/medio ambiente Combinación de las cuatro
terreno localizadas a muy baja altitud, 484 esferas de la Tierra y que incluyen todas las condiciones
biológicas, químicas y físicas necesarias para la vida, 35
desalinization/desalinización Proceso de remoción de la sal
del agua del océano, 70 equator/ecuador Línea imaginaria que rodea al globo te-
rrestre justo a la mitad de la distancia entre los polos
desertification/desertificación Propagación de condiciones Norte y Sur, 10
desérticas, 501
equinox/equinoccio Momento en que los polos de la Tierra
developed countries/países desarrollados Países con altos forman un ángulo de 90 grados en relación con el Sol, lo
niveles de industrialización y elevados estándares de cual ocasiona que los rayos solares caigan directamente
vida, 117 sobre el ecuador, 31

developing countries/países en desarrollo Países con erg/erg Mar de arena creado por el desplazamiento de altas
economías productivas menores que las de los países dunas de arena, 484
desarrollados y bajos estándares de vida, 117
erosion/erosión Desplazamiento de fragmentos de una su-
dharma/dharma Según las prácticas hinduistas, importancia perficie ocasionado por la acción del agua, el viento o el
de cumplir con los deberes personales de acuerdo con la hielo, 67
etapa en que vive cada quien, 571
escarpment/acantilado Cara sumamente empinada de una
dialect/dialecto Variación regional de un idioma, 100 placa o área elevada de la superficie terrestre, 534

dictator/dictador Líder que gobierna con autoridad estuaries/estuarios Extensiones semicerradas de agua, agua
absoluta, 226 salada de mar y agua dulce, que se forman donde un río
desemboca en una caleta del mar, 71
Diet/Dieta Órgano legislador de Japón que opera por
elección, 644 ethnic groups/grupos étnicos Poblaciones humanas que
comparten una cultura o herencia ancestral, 95
diffusion/difusión Proceso que ocurre cuando una idea inno-
vadora se extiende y es adoptada por otras personas o ethnic religions/religiones étnicas Religiones creadas por
grupos, 97 personas de un grupo étnico que por lo general no se
extienden a otras culturas, 102
dikes/dique Enorme muro usado para almacenar agua, 293
Eurasia/Eurasia Masa continental formada por Europa y Asia
doldrums/depresiones barométricas Áreas en las que no juntas, 382
existen vientos predominantes, 44
European Union/Unión Europea Organización de países eu-
domestication/domesticación Proceso mediante el cual las ropeos que muestra gran, cooperación en asuntos comer-
personas cultivan la tierra y doman animales para su ciales, económicos, políticos y sociales, 315
beneficio, 120
evaporation/evaporación Proceso mediante el cual un líquido
domino theory/teoría del dominó Idea que explica que si un pasa al estado gaseoso, 46
país cae víctima del comunismo, los países que lo rodean
también caerán como si fueran fichas de dominó, 664

double cropping/doble cosecha Cosecha de dos cultivos
diferentes en la misma tierra en un solo año, 619

drainage basin/cuenca de drenado Región drenada por un
río y sus tributarios, 71

dryland farming/cultivo de sequía Cultivos que pueden
desarrollarse con lluvia limitada en vez de riego, 412

dual economies/economías duales Economías en las que
ciertos bienes son producidos exclusivamente para su
venta y otros para el consumo local, 509

dynasty/dinastía Línea de gobernantes por herencia, 438

Spanish Glossary • 771

Spanish Glossary genocide/genocidio Aniquilamiento intencional de un
pueblo, 527
exclave/exclave Área separada del resto de un país por la
presencia geográfica de otro país, 338 gentrification/aburguesamiento Adquisición de hogares en
ruinas, en las zonas viejas de una comunidad, con la final-
Exclusive Economic Zone/zona de exclusividad económica idad de restaurarlos, 181
(EEZ, por sus siglas en inglés) Zona de 200 millas náuti-
cas (370 km) a partir de la costa que contiene los recursos geography/geografía Estudio de las características físicas,
naturales propiedad de ese país, 741 biológicas y culturales de la superficie de la Tierra, 3

exotic rivers/ríos exóticos Ríos que nacen en regiones geometric boundaries/fronteras geométricas Fronteras que
húmedas y fluyen a regiones más secas, 434 siguen patrones geométricos, 129

exotic species/especies exóticas Plantas y animales que los geothermal energy/energía geotérmica Calor proveniente
humanos llevan a una región donde antes no existían, 719 del interior de la Tierra, 81

export economy/economía de exportación Tipo de eco- geysers/géiseres Manantiales que lanzan chorros de agua
nomía cuyos bienes se producen casi exclusivamente para caliente al aire, 320
su exportación y no para su consumo local, 650
ghetto/ghetto Sector de una ciudad donde se ven obligados
extensive agriculture/agricultura extensiva Procesos agríco- a vivir los grupos minoritarios, 339
las que cuentan con grandes extensiones de tierra pero
pocos recursos económicos y mano de obra, 718 glaciers/glaciares Gruesas masas de hielo conformadas por
una placa superficial y un gran bloque inferior que fluyen
fall line/línea de caída Frontera natural entre dos regiones lentamente en los ríos congelados, 68
con diferente elevación marcada por rápidos y caídas de
agua, 150 globalization/globalización Proceso mediante el que las co-
municaciones alrededor del mundo se han incrementado
famine/hambruna Condición provocada por una escasez ex- haciendo a las culturas más parecidas, 98
trema de alimentos, 307
global warming/calentamiento global Aumento de la tem-
faults/fallas Lugares donde las masas rocosas se fragmentan peratura de la Tierra en cierto espacio de tiempo, 41
y se separan unas de otras, 66
Gran Chaco/Gran Chaco Gran planicie localizada entre los
favelas/favelas Grandes asentamientos humanos localizados Andes y las mesetas de Brasil en América del Sur, 258
en las afueras de ciudades brasileñas, 270
graphite/grafito Tipo de carbón usado para fabricar la punta
fellahin/fellahin Nombre dado a los agricultores del norte de de los lápices, 595
África, 492
great-circle route/ruta del gran círculo Ruta más corta entre
fjords/fiordos Estrechos y profundos brazos de mar que pene- dos lugares cualesquiera de la tierra, 12
tran en los acantilados, 292
greenhouse effect/efecto invernadero Proceso mediante el
flyway/ruta de vuelo Camino que siguen las aves en su paso cual la atmósfera de la Tierra atrapa energía calorífica, 41
migratorio, 640
grid/enrejado Líneas verticales y horizontales que se cruzan a
folds/pliegues Lugares donde el desplazamiento de las placas intervalos regulares para formar un patrón cuadriculado, 9
comprime las rocas y forma dobleces en la superficie, 66
gross domestic product/producto nacional bruto (GDP, por
formal region/región formal Región con una o más carac- sus siglas en inglés; PNB, en español) Valor total de los
terísticas comunes que la hacen diferente de las zonas bienes y servicios creados en un país, 116
que la rodean, 6
gross national product/producto interno bruto (GNP, por
fossil fuels/combustibles fósiles Recursos energéticos for- sus siglas en inglés; PIB, en español) Valor total de los
mados por los restos de plantas y animales a lo largo de bienes y servicios producidos por un país en un año, 116
la historia; entre ellos se incluyen carbón mineral, gas na-
tural y petróleo, 79 groundwater/aguas subterráneas Mantos de agua que se
localizan debajo de la tierra, 72
fossil water/agua fosilizada Agua subterránea no renovada
por las lluvias, 78 gulag/gulag Red de campos de trabajos forzados de las pri-
siones de la antigua Unión Soviética, 388
free enterprise/libre empresa Sistema en el que la
competencia entre empresas determina el precio de Gulf Stream/corriente del Golfo Corriente oceánica tibia que
los productos, 115 transporta las aguas tropicales hacia el norte a lo largo de
la costa este de América del Norte, 155
free port/zona libre Zona en la que los productos importados
están casi exentos de impuestos, 492 gum arabic/goma arábiga Sustancia espesa extraída de los
árboles de acacia, usada para combinar los ingredientes
front/frente Zona de contacto entre dos masas de aire con de diversos dulces y medicamentos, 525
diferente temperatura o nivel de humedad, 44
haciendas/haciendas Grandes fincas en la colonia española
functional region/región funcional Región conformada por pertenecientes a familias adineradas en cuyas tierras tra-
diferentes lugares que operan en conjunto, 6 bajaban los campesinos de la región, 225

fundamentalism/fundamentalismo Corriente cuyos segui- hajj/hajj Peregrinación religiosa a la Meca que realizan de
dores obedecen estrictamente ciertas enseñanzas o prin- manera obligatoria todos los musulmanes, 102
cipios establecidos, 98
headwaters/cabeceras Corrientes de poco caudal que nacen
en las montañas y que conforme descienden se convierten
en ríos, 71

772 • Spanish Glossary

heavy industry/industria pesada Industria enfocada en la Spanish Glossary
fabricación de productos, especialmente aquellos hechos
con metales, 393 isthmus/istmo Franja estrecha de tierra rodeada de agua por
ambos lados que une dos regiones mayores, 222
hemispheres/hemisferios Cada una de las mitades en que se
divide la Tierra a partir del ecuador y el primer meridiano, 10 ivory/marfil Material de color blanco del que están hechos los
colmillos de los elefantes, 522
hieroglyphs/jeroglíficos Dibujos y símbolos usados en el sis-
tema de escritura del antiguo Egipto, 487 Jainism/jainismo Religión originada en India que enfatiza
un código moral estricto basado en la preservación de
hinterland/interior Región muy alejada de los grandes cen- la vida, 572
tros de población, 192
Japan Current/Corriente de Japón (Kuroshio) Corriente de
Holocaust/holocausto Asesinato de millones de judíos du- aguas tibias que transporta la mayor parte de la humedad
rante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, 456 de origen marino que llega a Japón, 639

homogeneous/homogéneo Que posee elementos del mismo jute/yute Planta fibrosa que sirve para elaborar diversos pro-
tipo, como una población conformada por habitantes de ductos como redes y cuerdas, 576
un solo grupo étnico, 687
kampongs/kampongs Aldeas tradicionales de algunas
hot spot/zona caliente Lugar en el que el magma sale del partes del sudeste de Asia construidas generalmente
interior de la Tierra a la superficie, 152 sobre pilotes, 692

humidity/humedad Cantidad de vapor de agua que hay en karma/karma Para los hinduistas, budistas y jainistas, es la
el aire, 46 fuerza positiva o negativa que surge como consecuencia
de las acciones de las personas, 571
humus/humus Restos orgánicos de plantas y animales acu-
mulados en el suelo, 75 klongs/klongs Canales de Tailandia, 672
Kurds/kurdos Grupo minoritario que habita en Turquía y en
hurricanes/huracanes Los ciclones tropicales de mayor poder
destructivo, 48 países vecinos, 457

hydroelectric power/energía hidroeléctrica Electricidad pro- lahars/lahars Deslizamientos peligrosos de lodo en los
ducida con la fuerza del agua, 81 volcanes, 681

hydrologic cycle/ciclo hidrológico Movimiento del agua en landlocked/lugar bloqueado Sitio que no tiene litorales, 271
la hidrosfera, 71 landscapes/paisajes Panorama de un lugar que abarca ca-

hydrosphere/hidrosfera El agua que existe en la Tierra, en racterísticas físicas, humanas y culturales, 4
todas sus formas, 35 La Niña/La Niña Patrón climatológico y oceánico que hizo

icebreakers/rompehielos Barcos equipados con un casco disminuir la temperatura de las aguas del este del océano
metálico que les permite abrirse camino en el hielo, 384 Pacífico, 260
latifundia/latifundio En América del Sur, gran extensión de
imams/imanes Líderes religiosos musulmanes, 440 terreno, 265
immigrants/inmigrantes Personas que llegan a vivir a un latitude/latitud Líneas de un mapamundi dibujadas en direc-
ción este a oeste y que se miden en grados, 9
nuevo país, 90 leaching/lixiviado Desplazamiento de minerales y humus
Inca/inca Fundadores de la civilización antigua más impor- hacia la parte inferior del suelo, 75
legend/leyenda Clave de un mapa, 14
tante de América del Sur, 263 lichens/líquenes Plantas pequeñas formadas de algas y
indigenous/indígena Persona nacida en una región hongos, 157
light industry/industria ligera Industria que usa
específica, 244 materiales ligeros en la fabricación de diversos
industrialization/industrialización Proceso por el cual la fa- bienes de consumo, 393

bricación de productos basada en el uso de máquinas se
extiende en toda una región, 116
informal sector/sector informal Sector de la economía
conformado por personas que no tienen empleos formales,
incluidos quienes generan empleos por su cuenta y los
pequeños comercios familiares, 543
infrastructure/infraestructura Sistema de carreteras,
puertos y otras instalaciones necesarias en una
economía moderna, 117
innovation/innovación Idea nueva aceptada por toda una
cultura, 96
intensive agriculture/agricultura intensiva Forma de agricul-
tura que usa una gran fuerza laboral y capital en pe-
queñas extensiones de terreno, 619
Intertropical Convergence Zone/zona de convergencia
intertropical (ITCZ, por sus siglas en inglés) Área cer-
cana al ecuador en la que se encuentran los vientos
provenientes del noreste y del sureste, generando condi-
ciones de humedad y a menudo de lluvia, 734
irrigation/riego Proceso mediante el cual el agua se hace lle-
gar a los cultivos de manera artificial, 76

Spanish Glossary • 773

Spanish Glossary meridians/meridianos Líneas de longitud del globo
terrestre, 10
lingua franca/lengua franca Lenguaje de intercambio y
comunicación comercial que usan personas que hablan mestizos/mestizos Raza creada con la mezcla de europeos y
distintos idiomas, 101 nativos de América, 226

literacy rate/tasa de analfabetismo Porcentaje de la meteorology/meteorología Estudio del clima, 5
población que no sabe leer ni escribir, 117 metropolitan area/área metropolitana Ciudad muy grande y

lithosphere/litosfera Parte sólida de la corteza terrestre, 35 zonas urbanas que la rodean, 174
Llanos/llanos Grandes planicies del noreste de Colombia y el microstates/miniestados Países muy pequeños como

oeste de Venezuela, 258 Andorra, Mónaco y San Marino, 357
loess/limo Suelo de grano fino que arrastra el viento y es muy migration/migración Proceso en el que un grupo de personas

fértil, 299 abandonan su lugar de origen para irse a vivir a otro, 89
longitude/longitud Líneas de un mapamundi dibujadas en di- millet/mijo Tipo de grano resistente a la sequía, 507
minifundia/minifundios Pequeñas granjas de América del Sur
rección de norte a sur y que se miden en grados, 9
que surgieron con la separación de las colonias, 268
magma/magma Rocas en estado líquido del interior de la missionaries/misioneros Personas que se dedican a difundir
Tierra, 63
su religión, 102
magnesium/magnesio Metal ligero muy valioso en ciertas in- monoculture/monocultivo Cultivo de un solo producto, 409
dustrias, como la aeroespacial, 451 monotheism/monoteísmo Creencia que considera la existen-

mandates/mandatos Territorios de un país que permanecen cia de un solo dios, 102
temporalmente en control de otros países, 455 monsoon/monzón Sistema en el que los vientos cambian de

mangrove/mangle Tipo de árbol con raíces que crecen en dirección y crean temporadas de clima muy húmedo y
agua salada; suelen encontrarse en las costas de las re- muy seco, 51
giones tropicales de todo el mundo, 241 moons/lunas Pequeños cuerpos que giran alrededor de un
planeta, 26
manioc/mandioca Planta tropical de raíces almidonadas, 267 mosques/mezquitas Centros islámicos de adoración, 102
mantle/manto Sección del interior de la Tierra localizada mulattoes/mulatos Personas con ancestros europeos y
africanos, 245
entre el centro y la mayor parte de la masa terrestre, 63 multilingual/políglota Persona que habla varios idiomas, 336
Maori/maoríes Primeros pobladores de Nueva Zelanda, 724
map projections/proyecciones de mapa Diferentes nationalism/nacionalismo Sentimiento de orgullo y lealtad
por el país o grupo cultural propio, 130
maneras de representar la curvatura de la Tierra con
dibujos planos, 11 nationalized/nacionalizar Proceso por el cual organizaciones
maquiladoras/maquiladoras Fábricas mexicanas o comercios dejan de ser operados por particulares y
cuyos propietarios son principalmente empresas pasan a manos del gobierno, 308
estadounidenses, 232
market economy/economía de mercado Sistema en el que natural boundaries/fronteras naturales Límites creados por
las personas eligen libremente dónde comprar y dónde las características de un paisaje, 129
vender sus bienes, 115
market-oriented agriculture/agricultura orientada al natural hazards/peligros naturales Sucesos de un medio
mercado Sistema agrícola en el que los ambiente natural que pueden destruir la vida y las
agricultores siembran un producto para venderlo propiedades de los humanos, 155
a los consumidores, 126
marsupials/marsupiales Mamíferos que tienen un pequeño navigable/navegable Que puede usarse como vía de trans-
saco en su vientre para transportar a sus crías, 713 porte acuático, 294
martial law/ley marcial Ley militar, 631
matrilineal/matriarcado Sistema social en el que la transfe- neutral/neutral Que no toma partido en ningún conflicto, 336
rencia del reino se realiza sólo por medio de la madre, 739 newsprint/papel periódico Papel de bajo precio que se usa
Megalopolis/megalópolis Grupo de ciudades del noreste de
Estados Unidos que se ha desarrollado abarcando una para imprimir los diarios, 158
enorme área común; este término también describe gru- nomads/nómadas Personas que frecuentemente cambian de
pos similares en otras partes del mundo, 173
Meiji Restoration/restauración Meiji Revolución política lugar de residencia, 409
japonesa que derrocó al shogún y restauró en el poder al North American Free Trade Agreement/Tratado de Libre
emperador, 643
Mercosur/Mercosur Organización de América del Sur creada Comercio de América del Norte (NAFTA, por sus
con el propósito de extender el comercio, mejorar las vías siglas en inglés; TLC, en español) Acuerdo entre
de transporte y reducir los aranceles entre los países que Estados Unidos, México y Canadá que elimina los
lo integran, 270 aranceles de muchos productos que circulan entre
estos tres países, 183
North Atlantic Drift/corriente del Atlántico Norte Corriente
de aguas tibias que regula el clima de la parte noroeste
de Europa, 297

oasis/oasis Lugar donde un manantial brota a la superficie en
un área desértica y plantas crecen, 436

774 • Spanish Glossary

OPEC/OPEC (por sus siglas en inglés; OPEP en español) Spanish Glossary
Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo, creada
con la finalidad de regular el precio del petróleo mediante population density/densidad de población Promedio
el control de suministros, 443 de habitantes de una región; por lo general se expresa
como un número de habitantes por milla o kilómetro
ore/mena Roca con minerales, 79 cuadrado, 88
orographic effect/efecto orográfico Efecto de enfriamiento
population pyramids/pirámide de población Gráfica que
que ocurre cuando una corriente de aire sube por la muestra el porcentaje de hombres y mujeres por edad en
cuesta de una montaña produciendo un clima húmedo la población de un país, 18
en un lado de la montaña y seco en el otro, 47
outback/llanura desértica Región árida del centro de potash/potasio Mineral que se usa para procesar la lana y en
Australia, 713 la fabricación de fertilizantes, vidrio y jabones suaves, 451

paddy/arrozal Tierra húmeda en la que se cultiva el arroz, 619 precipitation/precipitación Gotas condensadas de agua que
Pampas/las pampas Zona de pastizales muy fértiles loca- caen en forma de lluvia, nieve, aguanieve o granizo, 16

lizada al sudeste de América del Sur, 258 prevailing winds/vientos dominantes Vientos que soplan en
pantheon/panteón Todos los dioses de una religión, 568 la misma dirección la mayor parte del tiempo, 44
parallels/paralelas Líneas de latitud, 10
parliament/Parlamento Legislatura encabezada por un primate city/ciudad primaria La ciudad más importante de
un país en términos de población y economía, 312
Primer Ministro, 196
partition/división División de una región, como la de India, prime meridian/primer meridiano Línea imaginaria entre el
Polo Norte y el Polo Sur que pasa por el meridiano de
en 1947, 570 Greenwich, Inglaterra, 10
pastoralism/pastoral Tipo de agricultura de subsistencia
protectorate/protectorado País que cede la responsabilidad
complementada por el pastoreo, 125 de la creación de leyes a un país más poderoso a cambio
perception/percepción Visualización y comprensión del de protección, 591

ambiente que nos rodea, 6 provinces/provincias Distritos de gobierno similares a los
perceptual regions/regiones perceptuales Regiones que estados, 190

reflejan el comportamiento y sentimiento humanos, 6 pull factors/factores de atracción Características propicias
permafrost/permafrost Suelo que permanece congelado bajo que hacen que un grupo de personas emigre a otra
región, 90
la superficie, 56
perspective/perspectiva Punto de vista de una persona sobre puppet government/gobierno marioneta Gobierno contro-
lado por fuerzas externas, 622
cualquier tema, 4
petrochemicals/petroquímicos Productos hechos con push factors/factores de abandono Características que
hacen que un grupo de personas abandone una
petróleo como materia prima, 80 región, 90
pharaohs/faraones Monarcas del antiguo Egipto, 487
phosphates/fosfatos Sustancias químicas que sirven para quotas/cuotas En términos comerciales es el límite en
la cantidad que puede importarse de un producto
elaborar fertilizantes, 743 determinado, 130
pictograms/pictogramas Imágenes simples que representan
rain shadow/sombra de lluvia Área seca opuesta al extremo
ideas, 624 húmedo en cadena montañosa, 47
pidgin languages/lenguaje franco Versión simplificada del
reforestation/reforestación Plantación de nuevos árboles
lenguaje creada para facilitar la comunicación entre per- donde se han cortado otros, 76
sonas que hablan diferentes idiomas, 737
piedmont/tierras bajas Área localizada al pie de una región refugees/refugiados Personas obligadas a abandonar la
montañosa, 150 región donde viven, 90
planets/planetas Cuerpos que giran alrededor de una
estrella, 25 reg/reg Planicie cubierta de grava en un área
plantations/plantaciones Grandes extensiones en las que se desértica, 484
produce un cultivo principal para su exportación, 168
plateau/meseta Región plana que tiene una elevación pro- region/región Área con una o más características comunes
nunciada al menos en uno de sus lados, 69 que la hacen diferente de otras zonas cercanas, 6
plate tectonics/tectónica de placas Teoría que explica que la
corteza de la Tierra está dividida en placas rígidas que se regionalism/regionalismo Sentimiento político de lealtad a la
desplazan lentamente sobre el manto superior, 63 región donde se vive, 200
plaza/plaza En ciudades de México y otros países de habla
hispana, espacio abierto, con frecuencia localizado frente reincarnation/reencarnación Según los hinduistas es la serie
a una iglesia, 225 de nacimientos repetidos en los que el alma adopta una
polar regions/regiones polares Zonas frías de mayor latitud forma distinta cada vez, 571
localizadas en las cercanías de los polos Norte y Sur, 29
polders/pólderes Tierras ganadas al mar en los Países
Bajos, 293
polytheism/politeísmo Creencia que considera la existencia
de varios dioses, 102

Spanish Glossary • 775

Spanish Glossary silt/limo Suelo fértil cubierto de arena de grano fino, por lo
general depositada por el flujo de agua corriente, 487
Renaissance/Renacimiento Periodo entre los años 1300 y
1500, aproximadamente, marcado por un renovado interés sinkholes/hoyos de hundimiento Depresiones de paredes
de la humanidad en el aprendizaje, 356 empinadas que se forman cuando la bóveda de una cueva
se derrumba, 222
revolution/revolución Una vuelta a la órbita elíptica de la
Tierra alrededor del Sol, 27 sisal/sisal Fibra fuerte y duradera obtenida de una planta que
se usa para fabricar cuerdas trenzadas y sogas, 522
rift valleys/valles de fisura Puntos de la superficie de la
Tierra en los que la corteza se estira hasta romperse, 65 slash-and-burn agriculture/agricultura de corte y quema
Forma del cultivo de reemplazo en el que se talan pe-
rotation/rotación Giro completo de la Tierra sobre su eje, 27 queñas áreas de bosque y se queman los troncos caídos
Rus/rus Comerciantes escandinavos que actuaron como los antes de sembrar, 688

primeros líderes de Kiev; esta palabra es el origen del Slavs/eslavos Los grupos más importantes de habitantes es-
nombre de Rusia, 386 tablecidos en las regiones actualmente conocidas como
Rusia, Ucrania, Bielorrusia y otras regiones del centro y
Sahel/sahel Región de clima semiárido que se extiende de el sur de Europa, 386
Senegal y Mauritania hasta Sudán en África, 501
smelters/fundidoras Fábricas de procesamiento de
samurai/samurai Guerrero profesional japonés empleado por minerales, 394
el shogún para su protección, 643
smog/smog Contaminación del aire producida por la reacción
sanctions/sanciones Castigos impuestos a un país para química de la luz solar y los contaminantes emitidos por
obligarlo a cambiar sus políticas, 539 los automóviles y las fábricas, 179

Sanskrit/sánscrito Antigua lengua que dio origen al socialism/socialismo Sistema económico en el que el go-
Hindi, 568 bierno posee y controla los medios de producción, 321

Santeria/santería Religión originada en Cuba que combina soil exhaustion/agotamiento del suelo Condición en la que
tradiciones africanas con creencias cristianas, 251 el suelo pierde nutrientes y se convierte en tierra no apta
para el cultivo, 76
satellite/satélite Cuerpo que gira alrededor de otro cuerpo
de mayor tamaño, 26 soil salinization/salinización del suelo Acumulación de sales
en el suelo, 76
savannas/sabanas Áreas de pastizales tropicales, árboles
dispersos y matorrales, 51 solar energy/energía solar Energía que proviene del Sol y
llega a la Tierra en forma de luz y calor, 27
secular/seglar Que no está ligado a la religión, 463
sediment/sedimento Pequeñas partículas de rocas solar system/sistema solar El Sol y el grupo de cuerpos que
giran a su alrededor, 25
fragmentadas, 67
separatism/separatismo Creencia de que ciertas partes de solstice/solsticio Momento en que los polos de la Tierra
forman el mayor ángulo posible en relación con el
un país deben ser independientes, 200 Sol, 30
sepoys/cipayos Tropas indias comandadas por el ejército
sorghum/sorgo Un tipo de grano resistente a la sequía, 507
británico en India durante la época de la colonia, 569 souks/souks Mercados árabes al aire libre, 461
sequent occupance/ocupación sucesiva Establecimiento de soviets/soviéticos Cuerpos locales de gobierno de la antigua

grupos sucesivos en el que cada grupo crea un paisaje Unión Soviética, 388
cultural que lo identifica, 306 Special Economic Zones/zonas de economía especial
serfs/siervos Campesinos pobres en Rusia que trabajaban
la tierra para los señores feudales sin tener otra (SEZs, por sus siglas en inglés) Zonas diseñadas para
alternativa, 387 atraer la inversión de compañías extranjeras en ciertas
shatter belt/zona de conflictos Zona de cambios y áreas de China, 628
conflictos frecuentes, por lo general localizada entre staple/cultivo básico Cultivo principal de una región, 507
grandes potencias, 389 storm surge/marejada de tormenta Aguas agitadas en
shifting cultivation/cultivo de reemplazo Técnica agrícola en la costa debido a la acción de una gran tormenta, 587
la que se cortan árboles o se podan para sembrar cultivos subcontinent/subcontinente Grandes masas de tierra
de temporada en una zona a la vez, 125 menores que un continente, como el subcontinente de
Shi’ism/chiitas Una de las dos ramas principales del la India, 564
Islam, 440 subsidies/subsidios Apoyo financiero del gobierno, 649
shogun/shogún Señor feudal poderoso en el antiguo subsistence agriculture/agricultura de subsistencia Tipo de
Japón, 642 agricultura en el que una familia cultiva un producto sólo
Sikhism/sikismo Religión creada en India que combina la para su propio consumo, 125
creencia musulmán en la existencia de un solo dios y el sultans/sultanes Gobernantes otomanos, 455
punto de vista hinduista sobre la reencarnación, 572 Sunni/sunitas Una de las dos ramas más importantes del
Silicon Valley/Silicon Valley (Valle del silicón) Área Islam, 440
localizada al sur de San Francisco, California, que se superpower/superpotencia País muy poderoso, 183
convirtió en el principal centro de tecnología de computa- Swahili/suahili Lengua utilizada en África Occidental que
doras de Estados Unidos, 178 tiene raíces en las lenguas de la costa africana y combina
algunas palabras de origen árabe, 522

taiga/taiga Bosque poblado por árboles siempre verdes
que abarca la mitad de Rusia, 384

776 • Spanish Glossary

Taoism/taoísmo Religión que explica que existe un orden Spanish Glossary
natural llamado Tao en el universo, 624
urban agglomeration/aglomeración urbana Región
tariffs/aranceles Impuestos sobre importaciones y densamente poblada en los alrededores de una ciudad
exportaciones, 130 central, 651

tar sands/arena alquitranada Capas de arena y roca que urbanization/urbanización Crecimiento en la proporción de
contienen aceite, 261 los habitantes de poblados y ciudades, 120

temperature/temperatura Sistema de medición de calor, 41 veld/veld Regiones de pastizales localizadas en África del
Sur, 535
tepuís/tepuís Cadena de mesetas en las altiplanicies de las
Guayanas, 258 voodoo/vudú Versión haitiana de ciertas creencias tradi-
cionales religiosas africanas combinadas con elementos
terrorism/terrorismo Uso del temor y la violencia como fuerza cristianos, 251
política, 271
wadis/vados Cuencas vacías de ríos que sólo se llenan con
textiles/textiles Productos elaborados con telas, 173 la lluvia, 484

theocracy/teocracia País gobernado por una ley religiosa, 443 watershed/cuenca Lecho que antes ocupaba un río y sus
tributarios, 71
topography/topografía Elevación, características y forma del
terreno, 17 water table/mesa de agua Nivel al que llegan las aguas sub-
terráneas cuando llenan las grietas de las rocas, 72
tornadoes/tornados Espirales de aire que giran
violentamente, 48 wats/wats Templos budistas que también sirven como
monasterios, 670
totalitarian government/gobierno totalitario Gobierno en el
que una persona o pequeño grupo de personas gobiernan weather/tiempo Condiciones atmosféricas de un lugar y
un país sin dar a los habitantes voz ni voto, 130 momento determinados, 41

trade deficit/déficit comercial Situación en la que el valor de weathering/desgaste Proceso de descomposición de las
las exportaciones de un país es menor que el valor de sus rocas con el paso del tiempo, 67
importaciones, 183
wetlands/terreno pantanoso Paisaje cubierto de agua al
trade surplus/excedente comercial Condición que resulta menos una parte del año, 72
cuando un país exporta más productos de los que im-
porta, 650 Wheat Belt/región triguera Región central de Estados Unidos
especializada en el cultivo del trigo, 178
traditionalism/tradicionalismo Seguimiento de prácticas an-
tiguas y opuestas a ideas y tecnologías modernas, 98 work ethic/ética laboral Creencia de que el trabajo en sí
tiene valor moral, 649
transhumance/trashumar Práctica que consiste en llevar
los rebaños de los pastizales de las montañas donde se world cities/urbes del mundo Grandes áreas urbanas en las
alimentaron en el verano a tierras más bajas durante el que se encuentran los centros de poder económico más
invierno, 409 importantes, 122

tree line/límite de los árboles Altura a partir de la cual ya no yurts/yurtas Casas móviles de lana con forma circular co-
crecen los árboles, 259 munes en la parte central de Asia, 410

trench/trinchera Valle profundo formado por un choque
de placas en el que una de ellas se desliza debajo de
la otra, 66

tributary/tributario Corriente menor que alimenta un río más
caudaloso, 71

Tropic of Cancer/Trópico de Cáncer Paralelo 23 1/2° al norte
del ecuador, 31

Tropic of Capricorn/Trópico de Capricornio Paralelo 23 1/2°
al sur del ecuador, 30

tropics/trópico Área de clima cálido y baja latitud, cercanas
al ecuador, 29

trust territories/territorios bajo administración fiduciaria
Áreas cuyo control fue cedido a otro país después de la
Segunda Guerra Mundial como preparativo para su inde-
pendencia, 737

tsetse fly/mosca tse tse Mosca africana portadora de una
enfermedad llamada mal del sueño, 519

tsunamis/tsunamis Enormes olas creadas por movimientos
tectónicos como los terremotos submarinos, 638

typhoons/tifones Término usado al oeste del océano Pacífico
para nombrar a los huracanes, 48

uninhabitable/inhabitable Que no presenta condiciones ade- zinc/zinc Elemento muy importante en el procesamiento de
cuadas para la vida humana, 319 metales y otras industrias, 406

universalizing religions/religiones universales Religiones Zionism/sionismo Movimiento que exhortaba a los judíos a
que buscan seguidores en todo el mundo, 102 formar su propia nación en Palestina, 456

Spanish Glossary • 777

Index Alps, 292–93, 294, 297, 336, 357, p337
Altay Shan, 404
abdicate, (def.) 387 altitude, 42
Aborigines, (def.) 715, p715, 716, 719, p719, 720, 736 aluminum, 79, 241
abyssal plains, (def.) 65 Amazon River system: economic development of, 269–70; as functional
acacia shrubs, 714
Acapulco, Mexico, 227 region, p7
acculturation, (def.) 96 American Indians. See specific peoples and countries
acid rain, ( def.) 77, 80 American Revolution, 167, 190
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), 511, p528, 545, 546, 547 American Samoa, 737. See also Samoa
Adams, Ansel, 152, p152 American slang, 169
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 516, 527 Amhara people, 527
Adelaide, Australia, 716 Amish, 94–95, p94
adobe, (def.) 220 Amu Dar’ya River, 404–05, p405, 407
Aegean Sea, 448 Anatolia, 450, 451, 460
Afghanistan, 99, m424, m425, t430, t431, 434, 438, 439, 444, 590 Anatolian Plateau, 450
Africa: agriculture of, 125, 522, 525, 542; cities of, 544; climates of, 54, 57, ANC. See African National Congress
Andaman Sea, 660
m474, 500; colonization of, 504–05, 522–23, 538; continent of, 10, 72, 151, Andorra, t287, m349
m472, m473; and deforestation, 76; economy of, 118; empires of, m503; Angara River, 383
ethnic groups in, 95; Europeans in, 99, 522–23, 537, 538, 541; languages Angelou, Maya, 171
of, 522, c540; and migration, 90, 537; mining in, 78, 79; natural resources Angkor Wat (Cambodia), 664, p663
of, 99, m477, 502, 535; people of, 521, 527, 540; and pollution, 545; popula- Angola, t479, 532, m533, 535, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543
tion in, 91, m476, 527, g529, 545; precipitation in, m475; and prime merid- animals: domestication of, 435, 663; extinction of, 675; habitats of, 37.
ian, 10; regions, 82, 99; religion in, 522, 540; rift valleys of, 65; Sahara
desert in, 67, 99; Sahel region, 6; soil of, 75; and Spain, 350; time zones of, See also wildlife
33; transportation in, m544. See also East Africa; North Africa; Southern animist religions, (def.) 102, 524
Africa Anna Creek Station (Australia), 720–21, p721
African National Congress (ANC), 539 An Nafüd desert, 435
African plate, m64, 434 annex, (def.) 643
“African Song,” 471 Antarctica, 10, 44, 57, m58, 59, 68, 70, 383, m702, 713
Afrikaners, (def.) 538, 540 Antarctic Circle, mS21–S22, 30
age-structure diagrams. See population pyramids Antigua and Barbuda, t217, m239
agribusiness, (def.) 126 Antwerp, Belgium, 317
agriculture: in Africa, 125, 522, 525, 542; in Asia, 688, 691; in Australia, 714, apartheid, (def.) 539, 544
715, 716, 718; in Canada, 193, 194, 195, 196; in Central America, 125; in Appalachian Mountains, 90–91, 150–51, 159–60, 166
Central Asia, 412; in China, 619–20, 623, 627–29, 632; and demographic aquaculture, (def.) 619
transition, 92–93; in developing countries, 117; in Eastern Mediterranean, aqueducts, (def.) 78, p78
460; and economy, 125; in Europe, 285; in Indian Perimeter, 594, 595–96; aquifers, (def.) 78, 453
market-oriented, 126, 269; in New Zealand, 726–27; in North America, Arabian Desert, 455
120; in Pacific Islands, 738; in Persian Gulf region, 436, 441; settlements, Arabian Peninsula, 434, 438
d127; slash-and-burn, (def.) 688; in South America, 125, 268–69; in Arabian plate, m64, 434
Southeast Asia, 671; subsistence, 125, 542, 671, 673. See also farming; Arabian Sea, m424, m554, m555
types of farming Arabic language, 354, 439, 457, 458
AIDS. See Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Arabic numerals, 438
air pollution, 77, 80, g85, 618 Arab-Israeli conflict, 452–53, 456–57
air pressure, 42–43, d43, 44, 48 arable, (def.) 175
Akkadians, 438 Arabs, 99, 129, 408, 439, 452, 455, 456, 458, 465, 522–23
Aksum people, 522 Aral Sea, 404–05, 407, c407, m407, 414, 418
Alabama, 150, 160 arboreal, (def.) 661
Alaska: biome of, 83; forests of, 156; tectonic activity in, 152; time zone of, 33; archaeology, 355, 521, 735, 740
wind belt of, 44 archipelago, (def.) 680
Albania, t286, t287, m349, 361, 362, 363 architecture, 94, 99, 171, 224, 356, 442
Alberta (Canada), 159–60, 191, 192, 195, 196 Arctic Circle, mS21–S22, 11, 31, 44, 83, 382
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 166 Arctic ice, 59
Aleutian Islands, 152 Arctic Ocean, 10, 57–59, 120, 151, 383, 405
Alexander the Great, 408, 590 Argentina, 116, 118, t216, t217, m257, 259, 269, 270
Algeria, t479, 482, 486, 512 arid, (def.) 54. See also dry climates
Alice Springs, Australia, p712, 720 Arizona, 72, 90, 166, 180, 228
Allah, 438 Arkansas, 151
alliances, (def.) 328 Arkansas River, 71
alluvial fans, (def.) 69, 406 Armenia, t378, t379, m381, 389–90
alluvial soils, (def.) 158 Armenians, 458, 462
Almaty, Kazakhstan, 413 armistice, (def.) 644
Alpine mountain system, 292 artesian wells, (def.) 712
artistic traditions, 171, 411, 415, 441–42, 625
Aryans, 590, 592, 593
ASEAN. See Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Asia: Arab influence in, 439; and Canada, 190, 195; climates of, 56, 485,

m556; and colonialism, 664; communism in, 664; continent of, 10, 37, 58,
382; deforestation of, 76; economy of, 118, 690; flags of, t613; Himalayas
of, 66; and immigration, 202–03, 684, 716; indigenous culture of, 668; land
use of, m611, 680; languages of, 665; migration to, 90, 684; natural re-
sources of, m611; population of, 91, m428, m558, 665, g687, m610;

778 • Index

precipitation in, m427, m557, m609; religion in, m103, 438, 687, 716; Index
species in, 683; standard of living in, t430, t560, t612; villages of, 127. See
also Asia Minor; Central Asia; Indian Perimeter; Southeast Asia; Southwest bananas, 666, 718, 738
Asia; specific Asian countries Banff National Park, p55
Asia Minor, 437, 438, 454 Bangalore, India, 576, 580–81
assimilation, (def.) 96 Bangkok, Thailand, 658, 670, 672
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 670, 690, 717 Bangladesh, 88, m554, m555, t560, t561, 586–88, 590–93, p591, p592,
Astana, Kazakhstan, 413
asteroids, 25 595–96, 598
astronomy, 25, 28, 39, 438 Bantu peoples, 537
Atacama Desert, 260 Barbados, t217, m239
Athens, Greece, 361 barrier islands, (def.) 150
Atlantic Ocean: coast line of, 155, 383; and exploration, 15; global location baseball, 97
of, 10, 150–51, 484, 534; and oceanic ridge, 65, 67; and storm formation, 48 basins, (def.) 151, 484
Atlantic Provinces (Canada), 192, 194, 201 Basque Country (Spain), 348, 352
atlases, (def.) 5, 11, 16. See also maps Bass Strait, 714
Atlas Mountains, 484, 485 Bastrop County, Texas, 83
atmosphere, 4, (def.) 35, p35, 40–44, 46, 49, 54, 67, 71, 77 batik, p685, 689
atmospheric pressure, 42–43 Battle Creek, Michigan, 354
atoll, (def.) 732, 733 bauxite, (def.) 241, 269, 618, 714, 718
atomic bomb, 644 Bavaria, 329
Auckland, New Zealand, 726, 727 Baykonur Cosmodrome, 413
Australia: agriculture in, 714, 715, 716, 718; artistic tradition in, 716; as British Bay of Bengal, 587, 660, m606, m607, m609
colony, 715; and China, 717; climates of, 54, m704, 713, 716, 720; Common- Bay of Biscay, 352
wealth of, 715; continent of, 10, 37, 710–28; culture of, 95, 715–16; devel- Bay of Fundy, 194
opment of, m715; economy of, 92, 115, 717, 718; education system in, 716, Bedouins, 441, p441
721; elevation of, m702, 712; energy resources of, 714; environment of, Beijing, China, 624, 629, 655, p623
719; and exports, 717, c717, c718; Fast Facts for, t709; foods of, 715–16, Beirut, Lebanon, 462
716; history of, 715–16; immigrants to, 701, 716, 718; and imports, 717, Belarus, t378, t379, 380, 382
c717, c718; independence of, 715; and Japan, 717; and June solstice, 10; Belgium, t287, 315, 316, 317
land forms of, 680, 712; languages of, 97, 715–16; mapping of, 11, 711; and Belize, t217, 246
migration, 740; mining in, 714–20; mountains in, 712; natural resources of, Benelux countries, 315–17
m707, 714, 717; outback, 720; and Pacific Islands, 737, 742; population of, Bengali, 592
91, 720; as prison colony, 715; rivers in, 712; settlement patterns of, 716; Benin, t479, m499
species of, 713, 719; sports in, 716; standard of living in, 117, t709; states Berbers, 489
and territories of, 715; sunrise and sunset in Sydney, c39; and tourism, Bering Sea, 153
718; and trade, 717; transportation in, 716, 718; and United Kingdom, 717; Bering Strait, 37
and United States, 717 Berlin, Germany, 329, 332–33, m333
Australian Alps, 712 Berlin Wall, 332–33
Australian Rules Football, 716 Bhote people, 592
Austria, t287, m327, 335–36 Bhutan, t560, t561, m585, 586, 587, 588, 591–94, 595–96, 616
Austro-Asiatic languages, 665 Bible, 108, 457
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 328–29, m343 Bierstadt, Albert, 167
autarky, (def.) 388 Bilbao, Spain, 348
automobiles: assembly of, 673; pollution from, 77; use of, 95 bilingual, (def.) 169
autonomy, (def) 351 billabong, (def.) 710
ayatollahs, (def.) 443 biodiversity, (def.) 534, 536, 682, 683, 732
Ayers Rock, 718, p719 biogeography, 713
Azerbaijan, t378, t379, m381, 389–90 biologist, 744
Azeri people, 439 biomes: desert, 157, 451, 501, 714; distribution of, 83; and ecosystems, 82–83,
Azores, 353
Aztecs, 224–25, 234 m82, c83; forest, 156–57, 192, 723; grassland, 156, 714; land, 82; marine,
82; of North America, 156–57; ocean, 82; rain forest, 82, 674–75, 714; tun-
Badshahi Mosque, p593 dra, 83; types of, 83, 156, 222, 405, 534, 681; U.S. southeast, 156; U.S.
Baffin Island, 197 southwest, 157; world ecosystems and biomes, 82–83, m82, c83. See also
Baghdad, Iraq, 442, p442 ecosystems
Bahamas, t217, m239 biosphere, (def.) 35
Bahrain, t430, t431, m433, 434, 439 birthrate, (def.) 89; of specific regions, 91–93, 117, 118, 270, 545, 742
Baja California, Mexico, p54, 222 Black Death. See bubonic plague
Bakhtiari people, 439 Black Rapids Glacier, p68
balance of power, (def.) 328 Black Sea, 382, 383, 414, 417, m424, 622
Balearic Islands, 350, 352 Blue Nile, 519, 531
Bali, 683, 684, 687, 691 Blue Ridge Mountains, 150
Balkan Peninsula, 292, 360, 450 Boers, 538
Balkans: eastern, 364–65; western, 361–64 Bogar Botanical Gardens (Indonesia), p50
Baloch people, 439 bogs, 56, 79
Baltic countries, 338, 339, 341 Bolivia, t217, m257, 258, 270–71
Baltic Sea, 42, 341, 382 Bolsheviks, 387
Baluchistan plateau, 586, 592
bamboo, 587, 595

Index • 779

Index precipitation of, m143; provinces of, 190–92, 194, g197, 200; regions of,
m17, m140, m141, m149, 188–205, g191; standard of living in, 117, t146;
Bondi Beach (Australia), 701 and technology, 195; and trade, 195; and United Kingdom, 190, 196; and
boomerangs, 715 United States, 199–200
Border Ranges National Park, p714 Canadian Shield, 151, 153
boreal forest, 56 canals, 78, d175, m175, 294, 312, 436, 672
Borneo, 681, 682, 685 Canary Islands, 350
Borobudur (Java, Indonesia), 684 Canberra, Australia, 716
Bosnia and Herzegovina, t287, 361–63 Cancún, Mexico, 227
Bosporus Strait, 417, 450 Canterbury Plains, 723
botany, 740 Canton. See Guangzhou, China
Botswana, t479, 532, 535, 543, 545, 547 cantons, (def.) 336
boundaries: geographic, 129; natural, 129 canyons, 67, 150
boycott, (def.) 570 Cape of Good Hope, 538
Brahmaputra River, 587 Cape Town, South Africa, 534, 541
Brahmins, 666 Cape Verde, t479
Brandenburg Gate. See Berlin Cape York Peninsula, 710, 712–13, 714
Brasília, Brazil, 272–73, m273, p273 capitalism, (def.) 115
Brazil, 82, 96, 100, 118, t216, t217, 258, 261, 269, m273, 272–273, 353 Cappadocia region of Turkey, (Our Amazing Planet) 451
Brezhneva, Luba, 371 caravans, (def.) 408
Breves, Brazil, p96 carbon dioxide, 41–42, 59, 81
Brisbane, Australia, 710, 716 Caribbean islands, 67, 238–55, m239; land forms of, 240
Britain. See United Kingdom Caribbean plate, 240
British Columbia, Canada, 160, 191, 192, 195, 198 Caribbean Sea, 10, m239, 240, 245
British Empire, m306, 307, 438 Caricom, (def.) 252
British Isles, 37, 45, 305–10 Carlyle, Thomas, 290
Broken Hill (Australia), 714 Cartier, Jaques, 190, p190
Brooks Range, 152 cartography, (def.) 5, 14–16, 21
brown tree snake, 744, p744 Cascade Range, 151–52
Brunei, t613, 680, 682, 687, 690 cash crops, (def.) 230
Bryson, Bill, 729 Caspian Sea, 10, 384, 404, 406, 414, 416–17, m425, 432, 435
bubonic plague, 99, 356, m356 caste, (def.) 571
Budapest, Hungary, m344, 345 Castilian Spanish, 351
Buddhism, 106, 170, 593, 624, 646, 664, 666–67, 687 Castro, Fidel, 252
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 266 Catholicism, 102, 170, 190, 225, 309, 356, 455, 685
buffer state, (def.) 265 Catskill Mountains, 150
Bukhara, 413 Caucasus Mountains, 101
Bulgaria, t287, 329, 344, 364, 365 Cayman Islands, 240
Burkina Faso, t479 CBD. See Central Business District
Burma. See Myanmar cedar trees, 195, 450, p451
Burrard Inlet, 202 cena, (def.) 220
Burundi, t479, 520 Central African Republic, t479
Byzantine Empire, 455 Central America: agriculture of, 125; climates of, m212, 240–241; economics
in, 118; hurricanes in, p48; land forms of, 240; natural resources of, m215,
Cabot, John, 190 241; population of, 91, m214; precipitation in, m213; regions in, m210,
cacao, (def.) 246 m211, 238–55, m239; timeline of, 216
Cairo, Egypt, 482 Central Asia: agriculture in, 412; cultures of, 409, 411; deserts in, 405; earth-
Calgary, Alberta, 196, 201 quakes in, 404; economics in, 412, 414; education in, 411; ethnic groups
California, 40, 67, 68, 145, 158, 166, 226, 228 in, c410, 414; history of, 408–09; independent republics of, 409; lakes in,
California Gold Rush of 1849, 115 404–05; land forms of, 404; and oil reserves, 406; and pollution, 414, 415;
calligraphy, (def.) 624, 625 religion in, 410; rivers in, 404–05; and Russia, 409; and tourism, 415; and
Cambodia, t612, t613, 658, 660–61, 664, 666, 672, 675, m677 trade, 408–09, 412–14; urbanization of, 412
camels, p405, 406, 435, 441, 719 central business district (CBD), 123–24
Cameroon, t479, 500, 502 Central Europe: 326–347, m327; communism in, 326, 331, 332–33, 338, 339,
Campeche, Mexico, 231 340
Canada: and agriculture, 193, 194, 195, 196; and Asia, 190, 196; and British, central place theory, 122–23
Central Valley of California, 152
190, 191; cities of, 191; climates of, 154–56, m142, 188; cultures of, Ceylon. See Sri Lanka
190–91, g191; economics of, 193, 194, 199; Fast Facts for, t147; and Chad, t479, 500
France, 190, 191; French territories of, 99, 200–201; frontier settlements Chang River, 616, 618, p618, 619, 621, 627–28, 632
of, 191; government of, 196, 200; and immigration, 90, 190, 191, 204; Chao Phraya River, 660, 671
Indians of, 190; industry in, 194; land forms of, 150; natural resources Chapultepec Park, 234
of, m145, 190, 193; population of, 17, 88, m144, 190, 193, 196, 199; Charlemagne, 328
Cheng Ho, 15
780 • Index Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 397
Chesapeake Bay, 72
Chiang Kai-shek, 622
Chibcha, 263
Chicago, Illinois, 599
Chile, t217, 261, 269, 270–71, 737
China: agriculture in, p125, 619–20, 623, 627–28, 632; animals of, 617; artistic
traditions of, 625; calligraphy of, p624, 624, 625; climate of, 617, 619; and
communism, 622–23, 631, 632; culture of, 94, 624–25, 626, 629; dynasties
of, 621; economy of, 623, 624, 628, 629, 631, 632–33; emperor of, 622;

ethnic groups in, 624–25; and European powers, 622; family structure in, Index
623; Fast Facts for, t613; food of, 625; foreign development in, 632; and
France, 632–33; and Germany, 632–33; government of, 621, 622–24; history Congo River, 500, 543
of, 621–24, 663; industrialization of, 623–24, 625, 628, 629, 631; land forms Congressional districts, 184–85, p184, m185
of, 616; languages of, 624; and migration, 625, 633; mountain ranges of, conic projection, 12
616; natural resources of, 618, 629; pollution in, 618, 624; population of, coniferous forests, (def.) 55
614, 619, 620, 624, 625, 627–29; and Portugal, 622; rainfall in, 617; regions conquistadores, (def.) 225
of, 15, 102, 586, 627–630, 664, 682; religion in, 624–25; standard of living of, consensus, (def.) 197
t612; and Taiwan, 631; and trade, 408, 622, 625, 628, 684; and United Constantine (emperor), 464
Kingdom, 622, 632–33; and United States, 622, 632 constitutional monarchy, (def.) 307
Ch’in dynasty, 621 contiguous, (def.) 14
Chinese Communist Party, 622 Continental Divide, (def.) 153
Chishima Current, 639 continental drift, (def.) 63, m64
Chittagong Hill Tracts, 587, 595 continental rifts, 71
Cholula pyramid, Mexico, 220 continental shelf, (def.) 66, 732
Chongqing, China, 628 continents: features of, 6, (def.) 10; modern, 64; and ocean floors, 65; and
Christaller, Walter, 122
Christchurch, New Zealand, 726 plate boundaries, 65–66, c65. See also individual continents
Christianity: 108; in Africa, 522, 540; in Central Asia, 410; in Jerusalem, 453, contour maps, 17–18
455; in Pacific Islands, 736, 738; practices of, 102, 108, 356, 454, 457–58, contour plowing, (def.) 75
464; in Southeast Asia, 666; in United States, 170 Coober Pedy, Australia, 720–21, p720
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 464 Cook, James, 736
citizenship, 5, 36 Cook Islands, 742
citrus fruits, 441, 619 Cook Strait, 722
cities: and central place theory, 122–23; patterns in distribution of, 122; Cooroy, Australia, 710
growth of, 120, 121–22, 123; and land use, 125; location of, d121; Copenhagen, Denmark, 319, 321, p321
planning, 21 copper, 79, 269, 406, 451, 535, 543, 588, 682, 714
city-states, (def.) 360 copra, (def.) 741
Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, 232 coral atolls, 733
Civil War, U.S., 168 coral islands, 587, 732
climate: (def.) 41; in Africa, m474; and climate graphs, 18, g19, g241, g587, coral reefs, 732
g681; and disease, 546; dry, 51, 587, 588; effects on, 41–45; in Europe, core, (def.) 63
m282; factors influencing, 41–45, 46–48; and migration, 91; and moun- cork, (def.) 353
tains, 47; and ocean, 45; patterns of, 50–57; and population, 89; regional Corn Belt, 6, 175
maps of, 16, m142, m212, m282, m374, m426, m474, m556, m608, m704; corn exports, c175
shifts in, 99; and soil variation, 75; tropical, 50–51, 587; types of, 50–57, 60, Corsica, 314
82, 83, 485, c608; and vegetation, d51; world climate regions, 50–57, Cortés, Hernán, p225
m52–53; and weather, 40–49. See also weather cosmopolitan, (def.) 316
climate graphs, (def.) 18 Cossacks, 387
coal, 41, 79–81, 159–60, 300, 330, 384–85, 406, 451, 535, 618, 628, 629, 662, Costa Rica, t216, t217, m239, 240, 248
714, 717, 718 Côte d’Ivoire, t479, m499
cockatoos, 714 cottage industries, (def.) 576
Cocos plate, m64, 240 cotton crops, 168, 407, 412, 522, 628, 632
Colombia, t216, t217, m257, 258, 261, 269, 271 coup, (def.) 266
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 596 cowboys, 721
colonialism, 96, 101, 166–67, 225–26, 522–23, 538, 664, 686, 736 Crater Lake, 71
colonies, (def.) 167 creole, (def.) 251
colonization: of Africa, 504–05, 522–23, 538; of Asia, 664, 686, m686; of Crete, 360
Mexico, 225–26; of Pacific Islands, 736; by Spain, 96; by United Kingdom, cricket, 716, 726
101, 538; of United States, 322 Croatia, t287, 361, m349, 362, 363
Colorado River, 151, 153, 180 Crocodile River, 534
Colosseum (Rome), p355 crop rotation, (def.) 76
Columbia River, 153 crops, 6, 76, 99, 115, 120, 125, 405, 409, 411, 619, 738, 741
Columbian Exchange, The, 264 Cuba, 115, t216, t217, 240, 539
Columbus, Christopher, 15, 249 cultural boundaries, (def.) 129
comets, 25 cultural convergence, 98
comida, (def.) 220 Cultural Revolution (China), 623
command economy, (def.) 115 culture, (def.) 94; change of, 95, 598; and diffusion, 96–97, 99, 100; and diver-
commonwealth, (def.) 250
Commonwealth of Nations, British, 307 sity, 99, 204; and ethnicity, 457, 668; and innovation, 96–97; and language,
communes, (def.) 623 100; and marriage, 541; and migration patterns, 96; regions, 95; and reli-
communications, 116, 120 gion, 102; and residential preference, 198; and trade, 96; and tradition,
communism, (def.) 115, 326, 332, 338, 343, 345, 411, 539, 622–23, 629, 631, 540; traits, (def.) 94–95, 97–98; urban, 121
644, 664, 673 culture region, (def.) 95
Comoros, t479, 532, 536, 542, 543 culture traits, (def.) 94, 95; diffusion of, 97–98; and diffusion of democratic
compass rose, (def.) 14 ideas, 360, 644, 646; and diffusion of English, 102; and diffusion of U.S.-
complementary region, (def.) 342 based fast food franchises, p97, 343
condensation, (def.) 46 cyclones, 42, 48, 587, 598
confederation, (def.) 336
conflict and cooperation, 130–31
Confucianism, 102, 107, 624, p624, 666
Confucius, 107, p624
Congo Basin, 500
Congo, Democratic Republic of, t478, t479, m499
Congo, Republic of, t479, m499

Index • 781

Index DMZ. See demilitarized zone
Dnieper River, 383, 395
Cyprus, 450, 459, 461, 463 doldrums, (def.) 44
Cyrillic alphabet, 402 Dome of the Rock, 464
czar, (def.) 387, 409 domestication, (def.) 120
Czechoslovakia, 342, 343 Dominica, t217
Czech Republic, t287, 342, 343–44 Dominican Republic, t217, 240
domino theory, (def.) 664
Dairy Belt, 175 Donets Basin, 395
Dalits, 571 double cropping, (def.) 619
dams, 69, 73, 78, 81, 406, 534, 546, 595, 629 Douglas fir, 156
Danube River, 294, 344–45 drainage basin, (def.) 71
Dardanelles, 450 Drakensberg, 534, p534, 535
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 526, 527 Dravidian culture, 590
Darling River, 712 drought, 90, 463, 519, 545, 617
Darragh, Ian, 203 dry climates, 54, 155, 157, 405, 435, 441, 450, 485, 501, 587, 588, 617
date palms, 485, 587 dryland farming, (def.) 412
da Vinci, Leonardo, 356 dual economies, (def.) 509
daylight saving time, 33 Dubuque, Iowa, 166
Dead Sea, 71, 450, p450, 451, 461 Durban, South Africa, 541
death rate, (def.) 89, 91, 92, 117, 742 durian, 666, 672
Death Valley (California), 151 Dutch, 167, 538, 664, 685, 736
deciduous forests, (def.) 55, 406 Dutch East Indies, 685
deforestation, (def.) 76; in regions and countries, 76, 269, p269, 441, 588, Dutch Reformed Church, 540
dynasties of China. See specific dynasty, era
596, 662, 674–75, c674, 743 dynasty, (def.) 438
degrees, (def.) 10
deltas, (def.) 69, 406 Eagle Nebula, p25
demilitarized zone (DMZ), (def.) 644–45, p644 Earth: atmosphere of, 4, 35, 40–44, 49; axis of, 28, 32; core of, 63; and forces
democracy, (def.) 130,167, 196, 226, 279, 329, 360, 591
Democratic Republic of Congo, 543 shaping it, 63–69; four spheres of, 34–35; and globe, 9; gravity of, 35; inte-
demographic transition, 92–93 rior of, d63; landforms on, 62–67; landscapes of, 99; mantle of, 63; and
demography, (def.) 87, 92–93, g92, 111 moon, 26; natural environment on, 3, 4, 35; natural resources of, 74; orbit
Denali National Park, p4 of, 28; organization of, 7; revolution of, 27–28, 41; rotation of, 27, 32, d43,
Deng Xiaoping, 623 45; and sun, 27, 40–43; surface of, 10, 44, 47, 49, 62, 64, 67, 69, 683; system
Denmark, t287, 318, 319, 320, 321 of, 34–35, 37; temperatures of, m31; tilt of, 28, d29, 30, 41; water of, 10, 27,
depressions, (def.) 484 35; zones, 63, 181
dervish, p457 earthquakes: causes of, 64, 66–67, 222, 681; in Central Asia, 404; in Eastern
desalinization, (def.) 70 Mediterranean, 460; effects of, 235; in Iran, c447; in Island Southeast Asia,
desertification, (def.) 501 678; in North America, 152; in Pacific Island region, 733; in Persian Gulf
deserts: in Africa, 501; in Australia, 714; climates in, 54; and erosion, 67; as region, 434; and physical systems, 7
Earth-Sun relationships, 27–28, 29–31, 41–42
landforms, 69; as regions, 6, 60, 451. See also specific deserts East Africa: agriculture in, 525; economy of, 525, 526; industry of, 526; regions
Des Moines, Iowa, 99 of, 516–531; rift system of, 518
Detroit, Michigan, 166 Easter Island, 733, p735, 738, 740
developed countries, (def.) 117, t117 Eastern Europe, 344, m344
developing countries, (def.) 117–18, t117, 123 Eastern Hemisphere, m10
development, measures of, 116 Eastern Orthodox Church, 455
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 596 Eastern Rift Valley, 518
dharma, (def.) 571 East Germany, 329, 332–33, 344. See also Germany
dialect, (def.) 100–101 East Timor, 680, 693
diamonds, 79, 160, 195, 461, 520, 538, 714, 718 ecology, (def.) 76, 445
Dickinson, Emily, 171 ecological trilogy, 445
dictator, (def.) 226 economic activities: opportunities for religious minorities, 309, 548, 596–597;
Diet, (def.) 644 opportunities for women, 361, 444, 543, 548, 598–99, p598, p599, 651–52;
diffusion, (def.) 96–97; of American slang, 169; of bubonic plague, 99, 356, primary, 113–14, 116; push and pull factors of, 90, 91, 271; quaternary,
113–14; secondary, 113–14; tertiary, 113–14; von Thünen Model, 125
m356; of exchange of foods between New and Old Worlds, 264, 352; types economic systems, 114–15
of, 97, 99, 100 economies: advanced countries, 92; and agriculture, 125, 542; and capital-
dikes, (def.) 293 ism, 115; command, 115, 414; and communism, 115; and culture, 94, 539;
diplomacy, 128 development of, 116–17, t117, 461, 594, 668; and free enterprise, 115;
diseases, 168, 225, 528 545–47, 596, 672, 715, 736, 744 global, 741; market, 115, 125, 192, 414, 542, 623, 673, 718; and microcredit,
Djabugayndgi people, (Australia) 710 598–99; and migration, 90; patterns, 17, 115; of scale, 727; and social pro-
Djibouti, t479, 523, 527 grams, 321; and technology, 115, 461; traditional, 114–115; types of,
113–15, 461, 598. See also specific countries and regions
economic development: measures of, 116; standard of living in, 116–117,
developed and developing countries, 117–118, t117
economy of scale, (def.) 727
ecosystems, (def.) 50, 57, 157, 271, 445, 595, 683; and biomes and their distri-
bution, 82–83, m82, c83
ecotourism, (def.) 248

782 • Index

Ecuador, t216, t217, 261, 262, 271 Index
edge cities, (def.) 124
Edmonton, Alberta, 196 export economy, (def.) 650
EEZ. See Exclusive Economic Zone exports, g340, 543, 671, 717, c717, c718
Egypt, p73, 89, p120, 454, t478, t479, 482, 484, 486, 519 extensive agriculture, (def.) 718
Elburz Mountains, 434, 435 extinction, 157, 675
electricity, 80–81
elephants, 501, 587, p662 Faeroe Islands, 319
elevation, (def.) 17–18; and effects on climate, 47; regions, 17–18, 57, 83, 404, fall, 30
fall line, (def.) 150, m150
435, 533, 585, 713; profiles, d141, d211, d281, d373, d425, d473, d555, famine, (def.) 307
d607, d703 farming: in Australia, 714, 715; building on, 124; commercial, 126, 230, 268, 441,
El Niño, 260, 262, d262
El Paso, Texas, 166, p228, 232 542; dairy, 114, 441; and double cropping, 619; dryland, 412; economics of,
El Salvador, t217, 240 114–15, 116; and erosion, 75, 441; in Fertile Crescent, 437; history of, 6, 120;
e-mail, 116, 721 and irrigation, 76, 441; and monsoons, 595; in North America, 158–59; in
emigrants, (def.) 89–90 Southeast Asia, 675; technology, 91. See also agriculture
emigration, 742 Farsi, 439
enclaves, (def.) 362 Fast Facts (statistical tables), t147, t217–219, t287–289, t379, t431, t479–481,
endangered species, 21, 157, 406, 527, 661, 662 t561, t613, t709
endemic species, (def.) 682 faults, (def.) 66, d66
energy resources, 79–81 favelas, (def.) 270
English (language), 97, 100, 101, 102, 312, 457, 540, 665–66 Fedchenko Glacier, 404
environment: (def.) 35; and chemical use, 414; and citizenship, 36; and con- fellahin, (def.) 492
servation, 36, 536, 589; damage to, 59; and deforestation, 675; of Earth, Fergana Valley, 405, 409, 414
35; and ecosystem, 50, 596; and extinction, 675, 744; of Pacific Islands, Fertile Crescent, 437
742, 744–45; and population, 87, 91, 93; and recycling, 79; and society, 7–8, Fiji, t709, 733, 736, p739, 740, 742
36, 76, 81, 99, 345, 545–47, 674, 744; and soil, 75; and urbanization, 124 Finland, t287, 318, 319, 320
Ephesus, 448 fir trees, 156, 195
equator: (def.) 10, m10; air pressure zones and, 43; climate and, 50–54, 57; fishing industry, 36, 114
global wind belts and, 43–44; ocean currents and, 45; Sun’s relationship fjords, (def.) 292, 319
to, 29–30, 31 flags, 147, 216–19, 287–89, 379, 431, 479–481, 613, 709
Equatorial Guinea, t479 flat-plane map, 12
equinox, (def.) 31 floating markets, p672
erg, (def.) 484, 485 flood plains, (def.) 73
Eriksson, Leif, 148 floods, 48, 49, 73, 90, 155, 181, 545, 587, 596, 675
Eritrea, t480, 516, 523 Florence, Italy, 356
erosion, 48, 67–69, 75–76, 150, 222, 382, 441, 484, 626, 675, 719 Florida, p45, 72, 90, 154, 157, 166, 180, 240, 674
escarpment, (def.) 534 flyway, (def.) 639–40
Eskimo. See Inuit fog, 46
Estonia, t287, 318, 338, 341 folds, (def.) 66, d66
estuaries, (def.) 71–72 Forbidden City (China), 629
Ethiopia, 94–95, 322, t480, 516, 518, 522, 527, 531 forests, 55, 56, 76, 99, 156, 192,195, 406, 450, 535, 587, 588, 623, 661, 675,
ethnic groups, (def.) 95, 98, 102, 129, 191, c410, 414, 439, 443, 457, 592, 596, p722, 723. See also types of
695, 737, 743. See also specific cultures, peoples formal regions, (def.) 6
ethnic religions, (def.) 102 fossil fuels, 59, (def.) 79–81, 195
Etruscan civilization, 355 fossil water, (def.) 78, 436
EU. See European Union France: and Africa, 538; and Canada, 190; and China, 632, 633; cities of, 312;
eucalyptus trees, 714 culture of, 311–12; economy of, 313; explorers from, 99, 736; Fast Facts
Euphrates River, 434, 436, 437, 450 for, t287; and Germany, 328, 332; immigration to, 314; labor force of, c313;
Eurasia, 382; borders of, m372, m373; elevations of, m373; populations of, mandates of, 455; and Pacific Islands, 737, 743; society of, 311–12; and
m376 Southeast Asia, 664; standard of living of, t286; waterways of, 312
Eurasian plate, 434 Franco, Francisco, 350–51
Europe: and Africa, 522–23; agriculture in, 127, 285; beaches in, 701; and Fraser River, 153
China, 622; climates in, 55, 56, m282, 296–97; continent of, 10, 37, 295, free enterprise, (def.) 115
329; development in, 92, 115; elevations in, m281; explorers from, 15; land free port, (def.) 492
use of, m285, 299–300; languages of, 537; latitudes of, 11; microstates of, freezing and thawing and effect on regions, 67 p68, 292
357; and migration, 90; natural resources of, m285, 299–301; and Pacific French Canadians, 200–201
Islands, 736; physical, 292–93, m281; plants and animals, 297–98; popula- French language, 100, 312, 457, 666
tion of, 89, 91, m284; precipitation in, m283; and prime meridian, 10; reli- French Polynesia, 742, 743
gion in, 103, 335–36; standard of living in, 117, m286; time zones of, 33. front, (def.) 44
See also Central Europe; Northern and Western Europe; Southern Europe functional regions, (def.) 6
and the Balkans fundamentalism, (def.) 98
European Union (EU), 315–16, m316, 317, 320, 330, 336, 340, 343, 352–53,
356, 459, 717, 727
evaporation, (def.) 46, 71, 76
Everest, Sir George, 587
Everglades, 72
evergreen forest, 56, 406, 450
exclave, (def.) 338
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), 741
exotic rivers, (def.) 434
exotic species, (def.) 719, 723, 745
expansion diffusion, (def.) 97
explorers, 15, 99, 724

Index • 783

Index GMT. See Greenwich mean time
GDP. See gross domestic product
galaxies, 25 GNP. See gross national product
Gabon, t480 Gobi desert, 616, 617, 629
Galileo, Galilei, 28 Golan Heights, 456–57
Galveston, Texas, 49 gold, 78, 79, 121, 168, 223, 225, 269, 406, 535, 538, 618, 682, 715, 717
Gambia, t480, 500 Gondwana, 64
Ganges River, 587 governments: and culture, 129; and development, 128; politics of, 128; types
Gangetic Plain, 586
Garden of Eden, 536 of, 8, 94, 122, 279
The Gaucho Martín Fierro, 267 GPS. See Global Positioning System
Gaza Strip, 452, 456, 462 Grameen Bank, 598–99
gazelles, 435, 485 Granada, Spain, 350
GDP. See gross domestic product Gran Chaco, 258
gemstones, 79, 520 Grand Canyon, 67
Genghis Khan, 408, 621 graphite, (def.) 595
Genoa, Italy, 356 grasslands, 75, 83, 156–57, 192, 223, 404, 435, 463, 484, 501, 535, 617, 714
genocide, (def.) 527 gravity: 27, 35; and effects on regions 68, p68
gentrification, (def.) 181 Great Artesian Basin, 712
geographers: and biome study, 82, 445; and globe grid, 10; and island classi- Great Barrier Reef, 712, 718
Great Basin, 151
fication, 732–33; on land forms, 64; on language, 101; and maps, 5, 11; Great Bear Lake, 153
medical, 546; on migration, 90, 740; on population, 87; role of, 5, 674; spa- Great Britain. See United Kingdom
tial perspective of, 4, 7; tools of, 9–21, 29, 38, 84, 162, 186, 202, 236, 418, great-circle route, (def.) 12
446, 466, 530, 548, 600, 634 Great Depression, 169, 228
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 21, 23, 136–37 Great Dividing Range, 712–13, 718
geography, (def.) 3; and economics, 113–15; and history, 99; and religion, Greater Antilles, 240
102–03; six essential elements in the study of, 7–8; users of, 5; study of, Greater Khingan Range, 629
6–8; themes of, 7 Great Kanto Earthquake, 638, 641
geology, (def.) 63 Great Lakes, 37, 71, 99, 151, 153, 155, 166
geometric boundaries, (def.) 129 Great Leap Forward, 623
Georgia (country), t378, t379, 416, 417 Great Plains, 6, 151, 155, 158, p167
Georgia (United States), 185 Great Rift Valley, 518, p518
geothermal energy, (def.) 81 Great Salt Lake, 71
Germanic languages, 100 Great Victoria Desert, 720
Germany: and Africa, 538; agriculture of, 330; and China, 632, 633; culture of, Great Wall of China, 621
329–30; division of, 329; economy of, 329, 330, 331; Fast Facts for, t287; Greece: t286, t287, 360–361; population density of, m361
and France, 328; history of, 328–29; and immigration, 331, 332, 334; indus- greenhouse effect, (def.) 41–42, 81, 589
trial power of, 328; and Italy, 329; as military power, 328; and Pacific greenhouse gases, 589
Islands, 736; population of, 331, 334, g334; and Prussia, 328; reunification Greenland, 10, 11, 42, 57, 68, 70, m280, m281, 319, 680
of, 329, 331, 344; the Ruhr in, 300, 330; and Russia, 328; standard of living Green Mountains, 150
of, t286; and United Kingdom, 328; and United States, 328–29 Green Revolution, 575
Gerry, Elbridge, 184 Greenwich, England, 10, 32
gerrymandering, (def.) 184 Greenwich mean time (GMT), 32
geysers, (def.) 320, 723 Grenada, t218
Ghana, t480, m499, 500, 502, 504, 546 grid, (def.) 9
ghetto, (def.) 339 gross domestic product (GDP), (def.) 116, 117, 118, 229, 526, 594, 631,
giant panda, 617
Gilbert Islands, m731, 733 690, 718
Gilgamesh, 423, p423 gross national product (GNP), (def.) 116
GIS. See Geographic Information Systems groundwater, (def.) 72, 78, 436, 714
glaciers, (def.) 68, 151, 382, 404 Guadalajara, Mexico, 230, p230
Glen Canyon Dam, p36 Guadalcanal, m18
global economy, 122, 444, 741 Guam, 736, 737, 744
globalization, (def.) 97–98, 101, 323 Guam flycatcher, 744
global politics, 736 Guangzhou, China, 628
Global Positioning System (GPS), 586 Guatemala, t218, 240
global trade, 322–23, m323, 414, 717, g717, 727 Guilin, China, 626
global warming, (def.) 41, 42, 589, 743 Guinea, t480
global wind belts, 43–44, d43 Guinea-Bissau, t480
globe, 9–11, 43 gulag, (def.) 388
Gulf of Aden, 434, 518
Gulf of California, 151, 153, 180
Gulf of Carpentaria, 712
Gulf of Finland, 338
Gulf of Mexico, 10, 150, 153, 155, 159, 222–23
Gulf of Thailand, 660
Gulf of Tonkin, 660
Gulf Stream, (def.) 45, 155
gum arabic, (def.) 525
Gupta Empire, 590
Gutenberg, Johannes, 329
Guyana, t218

784 • Index

Habsburg Empire, 335–36 Index
haciendas, (def.) 225–26
Hague, Netherlands, 317 hurricanes, (def.) 48, 49, 55, 181, 223, 587
Hague. See International Court of Justice Hutu people, 523, 528
Haifa, Israel, 461 hydroelectric power, (def.) 81, 384; capacity of, 588, g619; in Central Asia,
hail, 46, 71
Haiti, t216, t218, 240 405, 406, 414; in China, 618, 629; and geysers, 320; in Indian Perimeter,
hajj, (def.) 102, 109, p440 595; in New Zealand, 724; in North America, 159; in South Africa, 534; in
Hamilton, Canada, 194 Southeast Asia, 662
hanbok, 648 hydrologic cycle, (def.) 70–71, d70
Han Chinese, 624, 629 hydrosphere, (def.) 35, 37, 70–73
Han dynasty, 621 hyenas, 435, 485
Hanoi, Vietnam, 605, 670
Hanseatic League, 328 Iberian Peninsula, m349, 350, 354, m354
Harappan civilization, 590 ice ages: effects of, 37, 71, 153, 382, 683; and migration, 90, 740; tempera-
Harare, Zimbabwe, 541
harmattan, (def.) 485 tures of, 42
Hawaiian Islands, 33, 152, 155, 157, p157, 733, 740, 745 icebreakers, (def.) 384
Hazara people, 439 ice cap climate, 57–59
headwaters, (def.) 71 Iceland, 65, m280, m281, t287, 318, 320
Heartland Provinces (Canada), 191–92, 194 Idaho, p77, 160
heavy industry, (def.) 393 igloos, 195, p195
Hebrew language, 457 Ili River, 405
Hebrews, 454 imams, (def.) 440
Helsinki, Finland, 319 immigrants and immigration, (def.) 89–90, 97, 190–91, 204, 228, 331–32,
Hemingway, Ernest, 171
hemisphere, (def.) 10 456, c467, 592, 684, 701, 716–18
hierarchical diffusion, (def.) 97 Immigration Act of 1990, 228
hieroglyphs, (def.) 487 Imperial Valley (California), 158
High islands, 732 imports, c543, 717, c717, c718
highland climate, 57 Inca, 263–64, 265
Himalayas, 66, 586, 587, 588, 595, 616, 660 India: border of, 585; culture of, 438, 553, 572–73, 576–77, 590; economy of,
Hindi language, 592
Hinduism, 102, 105, 170, 452, 540, 571, 591, 593, 596, 663–64, 666, 684, 687 t561, 574–77; government of, 591; history of, 568–70; independence of,
Hindu Kush Mountains, 434–35. 586, p434 570; and monsoons, 51; region of, m15, 51, 66, 102, 553, m554, m589,
hinterland, (def.) 192 m593, m594, 684; religions of, 452, 571–72; standard of living of, t560,
Hiroshima, Japan, 644 577–78; and trade, 663
Hispaniola, 240 Indian Ocean, 10, 405, 434, 520, 534, 587, 589, 591, m555, m606, m607,
historical time lines, d146, d216, d286, d378, 421, d421, d430, d478, d560, 680–81, 712, 720
Indian Perimeter, 584–601
d612, d708 Indians. See specific peoples and countries
History of the Peloponnesian War, 279 indigenous, (def.) 244
Hitler, Adolf, 329, 332 Indo-Australian Plate, 723
Hittites, 454 Indochina Peninsula, 660
HIV, 545, 546, 547 Indonesia: culture of, p50, 675, p675; Fast Facts for, t613; population of, 89,
Ho Chi Minh City, 670. See also Saigon 686; region of, m679, 680, 685, 691, 693; species of, 682, 744; standard of
Hodges, William, 736 living of, t612
Holocaust, 456 industrialization, (def.) 116, 117, 691
homogeneous, (def.) 687 Industrial Revolution, 323
Honduras, p48, t218, 240 industry: and pollution, 72, 77; types of, 116, 118, 461, 543, 624; and
Hong Kong, 204, 622, 628 urbanization, 123, 442
Hopi, 139 Indus Valley, 586, 590, 595
Horn of Africa, 516, 519 infant mortality rate, (def.) 92
hot spot, (def.) 152 informal sector, (def.) 543
Houston, Texas, 121, p183 infrastructure, (def.) 117
Huangpu River, 632–33 innovation, (def.) 96–97
Huang River, 616, 619, 621, 628–29 intensive agriculture, (def.) 619
Hubble Space Telescope, p28, 39 International Court of Justice, 317
Hudson Bay, 151 Internet, 97, 102, 110, 114, 116, 323, 602, 678, 721
human geography (def), 4, 6, 7, 86, 94 Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), 734
human systems, 8, 91, 93, 95, 96, 106, 115, 116, 117, 124, 192, 226, 231, 322, Inuit, p3, 120, 188, 191, 195, 197
Iran, 95, 404, 410, 416–17, m424, m425, t430, t431, 432, 435–36, 438–39, 440,
333, 340–41, 352, 397, 409, 411, 439–40, 452, 455, 458, 461–62, 464, 526, 447, 462
528, 542, 544, 592, 598, 620, 621, 624–25, 634, 684, 715, 719, 739 Iraq, 14, 95, m424, m425, t430, t431, 434, 436, 438, 439, 440, 455, 456, 462
humid continental climate, 56 Ireland, t286, t287, 307, 308, 309. See also Northern Ireland
humidity, (def.) 46, 50 iron ore, 223, 406, 451, 535, 588, 618, 628, 629, 662, 714, 717
humus, (def.) 75 Irrawaddy River, 660, 671
Hungary, t287, 342, 344–45
hunting and gathering, 120, 195

Index • 785

Index kangaroo, 713, 714
Kangaroo Island, Australia, p712
irrigation, (def.) 76, 77, 169, 405, 407, 409, 414, 436, 437, 441, 460, 629 Kansas, 75, 155, 166
Irtysh River, 405 Kansas City, Missouri, 45
Islam, 99, 102, 109, 170, 350, 408, 410, 438–40, 442, 444, 464, 527, 540, Kao-hsiung, Taiwan, 631
Karachi, Pakistan, 595, 596
590–93, 666 Karakoram Range, 586
Islamabad, Pakistan, 595 Kara-Kum, 405
islands: geographers’ classification of, 732; high, 732; low, 732; in Pacific karma, (def.) 571
karst towers of China, 626, p626
Ocean, 730–47. See also specific islands Kashmir, 579, 596
Island Southeast Asia: region of, 678; religions in, 687–88; volcanoes in, 679 Kathmandu, Nepal, p127, 596
Israel, 71, 102, 121, t431, 450, 451, 452–56, m453, m465, g467 Kazakhstan, t378, t379, 402, 405, 406, 407, 413–14, 416
Issyk-Kul Lake, 405, 415, p415 Kenya, 95, t478, t480, 516, 518, 519, 523, 526, 527, 529
isthmus, (def.) 222 Khmer, 664, 665
Isthmus of Kra, 680 Khmer Rouge, 670, 672
Italy: t288; culture of, 358; economy of, 356, c358, 359; and Germany, 329; Khorat Plateau, 660, 661
Khumbu Valley (Nepal), p586
history of, 355–58; and Italian Peninsula, 329, 355; population in, 359, Khyber Pass, p99
c359, 391 Kiev, Ukraine, 397
ITCZ. See Intertropical Convergence Zone Kikuyu people, 523
ivory, (def.) 522 Kilauea volcano, p34
Kilimanjaro, 57, 83, 518
Jainism, (def.) 572 Kimberley, South Africa, 541
Jakarta, Indonesia, 685, 687 King David (Israel), 464
Jamaica, t218 Kingston, Jamaica, 238
Japan: agriculture in, 649; and Australia, 717; calligraphy of, 624; climate of, Kiribati, t708, t709
Kitchener, Canada, 194
639; culture of, 642, 645, 648; and earthquakes, 641; economic invest- kiwis, 723, 727
ments of, 673; economy of, 92, 115; education in, 647; Fast Facts for, t613; klongs, (def.) 672. See also canals
and Germany, 329; government of, 644–45, 657; high-speed rail in, koala, 713
654–55, m654; industry in, 649; land forms of, 638; language of, 645; and Kobe, Japan, 638
Maldives, 589; natural resources of, 640; and Pacific Islands, 736–37, 742; komodo dragon, 682
population of, 91; religion in, 102, 624, 646; and Southeast Asia, 664; stan- Kopet-Dag Mountains, 404, 434
dard of living in, 117, t612; and Taiwan, 622; tectonic forces in, m641; vil- Koran. See Qur’an
lages in, 127; volcanoes in, 641; in World War II, 638, 644 Korea, 624, 644–45. See also North Korea; South Korea
Japan Current, 639 Korean War, 644–45
Japan Trench, 641 Korea Peninsula, 639
Java, 89, 684 Korea Strait, 639
Java Sea, 680 Kosovo, Yugoslavia, p90
jazz, 97, 171 kraal, (def.) 541
Jerusalem, 104, 108, 109, 121, 452–53, 455, 461–65, p463, m465 Krakatau, 681
Jesus Christ, 108, 464 Kraków, Poland, 340
jet stream, (def.) 44 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 692, p693
Jews. See Hebrews, Judaism Kunlun Shan Mountains, 616
Jim Mao Tower, 632 Kurds, 439, 457, 458, 462
Johannesburg, South Africa, 121, 541, 544 Kush kingdom, 522
Jordan, 71, t431, 450, 451, 452, 453, 456, 460–63 Kuwait, 416, t430, t431, 434, 439, 443
Jordan River, 450, 453, 454, 456–57, 464 Kyrgyzstan, t378, t379, 402, 409, 412, 414, 415
Jordan Valley, 518 Kyzyl Kum, 405
Jowett, Benjamin, 279
Judaism, 97, 102, 104, 129, 170, 339, 452–53, 456–58, 463, 464 lagoon, 732
Jupiter, 26 lahars, (def.) 681
jute, (def.) 576 Lahore, Pakistan, 595
Lake Albert, 519
Ka’bah shrine, p440 Lake Baikal, 383
Kabuki, 648 Lake Balkhash, 405
Kabul, Afghanistan, 442 Lake Bratan (Indonesia), p691
Kalahari Desert, 535, p537 Lake Chad, 500
Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Australia, 716 Lake Eyre, 712–13, 720–21
Kaliningrad, 338, 339, m339 Lake Geneva, 71
Kampala, 523 Lake Huron, 194
kampongs, (def.) 692 Lake Matheson, p723
Lake Michigan, 121
Lake Ontario, p196
Lake Powell, p36
Lake Sarez, 404

786 • Index

Lake Superior, 194 Index
Lake Tanganyika, 518
Lake Turkana, 518 Macao (China), 622
Lake Victoria, 518, 519, 527 Macdonnell Ranges, p714
Lake Volta, 546 Macedonia, p90, t288, 361, 362, 363
landfills, 79, 80 Mackenzie Delta, 188
landforms: 68–69; of Australia, 712–13; of Canada, 150; of Caribbean islands, Mackenzie River, 153
Madagascar, t480, 532, 534, 536, m536, 542, m542, p545
240; of Central America, 240; of China, 616, 619; of Mexico, 222; and nat- Madeira, 353
ural environment, 4; of North Africa, 484; of Persian Gulf, 434; of Russia, Madras (India), 577
382; shape of, 69, d69; and soil variation, 75; of South Africa, 534; of Magellan, Ferdinand, 685, 736
South America, 258; and tectonic processes, 63–67; types of, 62; of United magma, (def.) 63, 152
States, 150 magnesium, (def.) 451
landlocked, (def.) 271 Mahabharata, “Hundred Questions,” 553
land reclamation, 316 Mahfouz, Naguib, 489
landscape, (def.) 4 Mainz, Germany, p329
land use, m145, m215, m285, m377, m429, m477, m559, m611, m707 Majapahit, 684
languages: of Africa, 522, c540; in Central Asia region, 410; in Eastern malaria, 99, 546–47, m546
Mediterranean, 457; of Europe, 538; families of, 100, m101; and geogra- Malawi, t480, 532
phy, 100–01; in Indian Perimeter, 592; Indo-European, 592; in Persian Gulf Malay Archipelago, 680
region, 439; principal world, c100; Sino-Tibetan, 592; in Southeast Asia, Malay Peninsula, 660, 680, 681, 684
665; special characteristics of, 100. See also cultures; specific languages, Malaysia, 118, m607, t612, t613, 674–75, m679, 680, 683, 686, 691–93
regions, and countries Maldives, m554, t560, t561, 586, 587, 589, 591, 593, 596
La Niña, 260 Male, Maldives, 596
L’Anse aux Meadows (Our Amazing Planet), 190 Mali, t480
Laos, t613, 627, 658, 660–61, 664–66, 673, 675, m606, m607 Malta, t288
Lapita, 740 Manchester, England, 323
latifundia, (def.) 265 Manchuria (China), 629
Latin alphabet, 402, 410 Manchurian Plain, 616
latitude, (def.) 9–12, d9, 29, 41, 44–46, 56, 83, 129, 154, 383, 519, 713 Mandarin (Chinese), 99, 624
Latvia, t288, 338, 341 mandates, (def.) 455
Laurasia, 64 Mandela, Nelson, 539, p539
Laurentian Mountains, 194 mangoes, 672
lava, 53, 65 mangrove, (def.) 241
Laysan Island, 745 Manila, Philippines, 687
leaching, (def.) 75 manioc, (def.) 267
lead, 406, 618, 714 Manitoba (Canada), 190, 192, p192, 196
Lebanon, t431, 440, 450, m451, 454, 455, 456, 457, 460–63 mantle, (def.) 63
leeward, (def.) 47, 57 manufacturing, 116
legends, (def.) 14, 16 Maori: 724–26; art of, p724, 725; wars, 725
Lenin, Vladimir, p387, 388, 398, p409 Mao Zedong, 622, p623
Leningrad. See St. Petersburg mapmaking. See cartography
Lesotho, t480, 532, 535 map projections, (def.) 11–12
Lesser Antilles, 240 maps: elements of, 13–15; insert, 2, 3, 6, 7, 17, 36, 41, 42, 61, 72, 73, 76, 78, 114,
Liberia, t480
Libya, t478, t480, 482, 485, 486, 512 127, 397, 451, 463, 485, 590, 592, 719; interpreting, 38; special-purpose,
lichens, (def.) 157 15–18; study of, 5, 11; types of, 16–20; weather, 47
Liechtenstein, t288, m327 maquiladoras, (def.) 232
life expectancy, 92, 117–18, t146, t216, t286, t378, 411, t430, t478, t560, Mariana Islands, 737, 738, 742
t612, t708 Mariana Trench, m733
light industry, (def.) 393 marine ecosystem, 57
Lima, Peru, 270 Marine West Coast Climate, 55
limestone plateau, 713 market economy, (def.) 115
Limpopo. See Crocodile River market-oriented agriculture, (def.) 126
lingua franca, (def.) 101 Marquesas Islands, 738
Lisbon, Portugal, 353 Mars, 25, 35
literacy rates, t116, (def.) 117, t146, t216, t286, t378, 411, t430, t478, t560, 593, Marseille, France, 312
t612, t708 Marshall Islands, t708, t709, m731, 732, 733
literature, 438, 626, 648 marshes, 72, 484
lithosphere, (def.) 35, 37 marsupials, (def.) 713
Lithuania, t288, 338, m339, 341 martial law, (def.) 631
Llanos, 258 Martinique, 240
loess, (def.) 299, 340, 619
logging, 76, 158, 384, 595, 662, p662, 675, 682
London, England, 32, 121, 122, 310, 322, 718
longitude, (def.) 9, d9, 32, 129, 154, 155
“Loo-Wit,” 139
Los Angeles, California, 32, 67, 77, 97, p124, 181, 584, 718
Lost Pines, 83
Louisiana, 153, 160
low islands, 732
Luxembourg, 315, 317
Lyon, France, 312

Index • 787

Index 735, m740; push and pull factors of, 90, 91; and Russia, 409; and Sri
Lanka, 597; and trade, 439; and urban areas, 92–93
Marx, Karl, 332 Milky Way, 25
Maryland, 721 millet, (def.) 507
Masai people, 523 Minard, Charles Joseph, 392
Massachusetts, 184 minerals, 59, 71, 75, 78–79, 194, 195, 223, 520, 535, 543, 588, 595, 662, 714.
mass transit, 310 See also specific minerals; natural resources
Matamoros, Mexico, p233 minifundia, (def.) 268
Matavai Bay, p736 mining, 78, 79, 114, 194–95, 406, 412, 535, 543, 595, 714, 716, 718–720, 741,
mathematics, 438 743
matrilineal, (def.) 739 Minnesota, 160
Mauritania, t480 missionaries, (def.) 102, 225, 522
Mauritius, t480, 532, 543 Mississippi, 74, 166
Mauryan Empire, 590 Mississippi River, 71, 99, 151, 153, p153, 168, 180
Maya, 224, p224, 231 Missouri, 151, 160
Mecca, 102, 109, 438, 440, p440, 443 Missouri River, 71, 153
medina, 109, 490 Mohenjo Daro, p590, 591
Medina, 438 Moldova, t288, 364, 365
Mediterranean climate, 55, 155, 485, 713 Mombasa, Kenya, 526
Mediterranean region, 350, 353, 448–67, m449 Monaco, 288
Mediterranean scrub forests, 55, 714 monarch butterflies, 222
Mediterranean Sea, 417, m424, 437, 438, 450, 454, 484 monarchy, 443
Megalopolis, (def.) 173, 174 Mongolia, m606, m607, t613, 616, p616, 617, 629
Meiji Restoration, 643 Mongolian Plateau, 616
Mekong River, 660, p661, 670, 671 Mongols, 408, 438, 621, 624, 629
Melanesia, m731, 733, 735–37, 740 monoculture, (def.) 409
Melbourne, Australia, 716 monotheism, (def.) 102
mental maps, 206 monsoons, (def.) 51, 587, 595, 661, 681, 713, 734
Mercator map, 11 Montenegro, t288, m349, 361, 364, t369
Mercosur, 270 Montreal, Canada, 190, 191, p192, 194, 196, 198
meridians, (def.) 10, 11, 33 moons, (def.) 26, 27, p27
Mesabi Range, 160 Moors, 350, 351, 353, 354
Mesopotamia, 434, 437–38 Morell, Virginia, 531
mestizos, (def.) 226 Morocco, 438, 439, t480, 482, 484, 485–86, p485
meteorology, (def.) 5. See also weather Moroni, Comoros, 541
meteors, 27 Moro people, 693
metropolitan area, (def.) 174 Moscow, Russia, 68, 380, 393–94
Metropolitan Cathedral, p292 mosques, (def.) 102, 408, 410
Mexican Plateau, 222 mountains: and climate, 47; and effects on climate, 47, 57; and erosion, 68,
Mexican Revolution, 226 150; interior regions of, 55, 151; study of, 7, 67; and volcanoes, 34
Mexico: agriculture of, 230; border towns of, 232, m232; central region of, Mount Cook, p723
Mount Everest, p42, 586, 587, 616
230; climates of, 54, 222–23; coastal plains of, 222; colonization of, 225–26, Mount Hood, 152
230; cultures of, 224–25, 229; economy of, 118, 227, 228–29, 233; elevation Mount Isa, 714
of, 223; exports of, 223; Fast Facts for, t218; government of, 227; gross do- Mount Kosciusko, 712
mestic product of, 229; gulf lowland region of, 231; and immigration, 228; Mount McKinley, p4, 152
independence of, 226; Indians of, 224, 233; land forms of, 222–23; and mi- Mount Olympus, 360
gration, 233; National University, 234; natural resources of, 223; northern Mount Rainier, 152
region of, 231–32; physical-political, m221; regions of, 150, 151, 220–36; Mount Saint Helens, 152
religion in, 225–27; southern region of, 231; and Spain, 220, 225–26, 350; Mount Shasta, 152
standard of living in, t216; states of, m229; topography of, 237; tourism in, Mount Vesuvius, 355
227; and United States, 225, 228, 232 Mozambique, 353, t481, 518, 532, 538, 540, 541, 542
Mexico City, Mexico, 77, 222–23, 227–29, 234–35 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 336
Michelangelo, 356 Mughal Empire, 591
Michigan, 160, 354 Muhammad, 109, 438, 440, 464
microcredit, (def.) 598–99 mulattoes, (def.) 245
Micronesia, t709, m731, 733, 735, 737, 739 mulberry trees, 411
microstates, (def.) 357, 358 Muller, Karin, 677
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 65 multiethnic, (def.) 592, 597
Middle Ages, m323 multilingual, (def.) 336
Middle East. See North Africa, Southwest Asia Munich, Germany, 326
middle latitude climates, 54–56, 89 Murgab River (Our Amazing Planet), 404
migration, (def.) 89–90; and Africa, 537; and Asia, 90, 684, 686; and China, Murmansk, Russia, 384, p397
625, 633; and continents, 90; and culture, 96, 99; and economics, 90; dur- Murray River, 712
ing ice age, 90; and language, 99, 101; and Mexico, 228, 233; patterns of, music, 171, 626
Muslims, 102, 109, 438–39, 440, 443–44, 452–53, 455, 457–58, 464, 540, 584,
590, 624
Mussolini, Benito, 356
Mustafa Kemal, 455
Myanmar, t613, 627, 658, 661, 664–66, 668, 671 673, 675

788 • Index

NAFTA. See North American Free-Trade Agreement Index
Nagasaki, Japan, 644
Nairobi, Kenya, 523, 527, 528 nomadic people, 409–11, p439, 451
Namib Desert, 535 nomads, (def.) 409, 445, 512, 715
Namibia, t481, 532, 538, 543 North Africa: arable land in, g486; climate of, m474, 485; countries of, 482;
Nanjing, China, 628
Naples, Italy, 355 Moors of, 354; and Ottoman Empire, 455. See also Africa
Napoléon, 392 North America: continent of, 10, 11, 37, 56, 58, 150, 151; earthquakes in, 152;
Narayan, R. K., 553
National Geographic Society, 586 farming in, 158–59; landforms of, 150–52; latitudes of, 11; migration to, 90;
nationalism, (def.) 130 plate of, 67; population of, 89, 91; subregions of, 6, 120; water resources
nationalized, (def.) 308 in, 158–59
Nationalist Party of China, 622, 631 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 183, 199, 227, m227, 233
National League for Democracy (Myanmar), 673 North American plate, 152, 641
National University (Mexico), 234 North Atlantic Drift, 297, m297, 384
Native Americans. See specific peoples and countries North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 320, 343, 356, 417
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization North China Plain, 625, 628–29
natural boundaries, (def.) 129 North Dakota, 166
natural gas, 41, 79, 80, 223, 231, 413, 416, 588, 618, 662, 714 Northern and Western Europe, 304–25, m305
natural hazards, (def.) 155 Northern Hemisphere, m10, 29, 30–31, 37, 45, 89
natural resources: of Africa, 99, m477, 502, 535; of Asia, m429, m559, m611; Northern Ireland, 102, 306, 308, 309
North Korea: Fast Facts for, t613; government of, 115, 644, 647; and Soviet
of Australia, 713–14; of Canada, m17; of China, 618, 629; of Eastern Union, 644; standard of living in, t612; today, 652–53
Mediterranean, 451; of Europe, m285; and land forms, 74; of Pacific World, North Pole, 10, 28, 30, 31, 43, 58, p59
m707; and raw materials, 114; of regions, 17; of Russia, m377; of United North Sea, 320, 416
States, m17 North Star, 28
Nauru, t709, 743 Northumberland Strait, 203
navigable, (def.) 294 Northwest Territories (Canada), 196–97
navigators, 11, 12, 740 No Ruz, 432
Nazi Party, 329, 456 Norway, t288, 318, 319, 320, 384, 605
Nebraska, 166 Nova Scotia, Canada, 190, 194
Negev desert, 451 nuclear energy, 79
Nei Monggol (Inner Mongolia), 629 nuclear power, 330, 397
Nemrud Dagh, Turkey, p454 nuclear testing, 414, 742–43
Nepal, m42, m127, m554, m555, t560, t561, p586, 586–88, 591–96, p596, 616 nuclear waste, 79, 397
Neptune, 26 Nullarbor Plain, p713
Netherlands, t288, 316, 317, 535, 686 Nunavut (Canada), 196–97, p197
Neuschwanstein castle, p328
neutral, (def.) 336 Oakland, California, 181
New Brunswick, Canada, 190, 192 oak tree, 83
New Caledonia, 314, m731, 733–34, 736, 737, 740, 741 oasis, (def.) 436, 485
Newfoundland, Canada, 148, 159, 190 Ob River, 382–83, 384–85, 405
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 191, 192, 194 oceanic ridges, (def.) 65, 67
New Guinea, 680, 683, 732, 733, 735, 737, 740 oceans, (def.) 10, 13, 37, 54–56, 59, 64, 70. See also specific oceans
New Mexico, 151, 166 ocean currents, 45
New Orleans, Louisiana, 72, 97, 166 Ohio River, 71, 151, 153
New South Wales, Australia, 715 oil: exploration, 269; fields, 160, 195, 223, p416, 543, 662; pipelines, 160, 231,
newsprint, (def.) 158
New York (city), 32, 72, 97, 122, 167, 172, 204–05 416–17, m416; reserves, 41, 59, 79, 80, m80, 121, 194, 413, 416–17, 435,
New York (state), 150 441–44, g443, 520, 535, 629, 714, 736; spills, 59; wells, p160
New York Stock Exchange, 395 Okavango inland delta, 72
New Zealand: agriculture of, 726–27; biomes of, 723; as British colony, 722, Okavango River, p72
724–25; climate of, 704; culture of, 724; economy of, 725, 726–27; explorers Okavango Swamps, 535
to, 724; exports of, 727; Fast Facts for, t709; languages of, 725; natural re- Oklahoma, 151, 154
sources of, m707, 724; population of, 91–92, m706; precipitation of, 723; as Olduvai Gorge, 521
South Pacific island, m61, 95, 97, 710–28, m711, 737, 740, 742; sports of, Olmec, 224
726; standard of living in, t708; and tourism, 726, 727; and United States, Oman, t431, 434, 436, m425
727; volcanoes of, 722–23 Omdurman, Sudan, 527
Nguni people, 540 Ontario, Canada, 190, 194, 198, 201
Nicaragua, t216, t218, 240 opals, 714, 718, 720
Nicosia, Cyprus, 462 OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Niger, t481 oral history, 521
Nigeria, p89, 95, t478, t481, 500 Orange River, 534
Niger River, 500 ore, (def.) 79
Nile Delta, 484, 486 Oregon, 71, 151, 152, 155, 156, p158
Nile River, p73, 482, 484, 519, 522, 527. See also Blue Nile and White Nile
Nile Valley, 89, 486 Index • 789
Nilotic peoples, 523
Nobel Peace Prize, 673
Nogales border, p228

Index peanuts, 619
Pearl Harbor, 644
Organization of African Unity, 527 Pearl of the Orient TV Tower, 632, p632
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 443 pecan tree, 83
orographic effect, (def.) 47 Penang, Malaysia, 678
Oslo, Norway, 319 Pentagon, 130, 204–05
Ottawa (Canada), 191 People’s Republic of China (PRC). See China
Ottawa River, 192 perception, (def.) 6; of Pacific world, m705
Ottoman Empire, 329, 362, 364, 438, 455, 467 perceptual regions, (def.) 6
outback, (def.) 713, 720–21, 729 “Pericles’ Funeral Oration,” 279
overgrazing, 83 permafrost, (def.) 56, 155, 157, 192, 383
Owen Falls Dam, p526 Persia. See Iran
Ozark Plateau, 151 Persian Empire, 408, 454, 590
ozone layer, 77, d77 Persian Gulf: m433, agriculture in, 436, 441; architecture in, 442; artistic tra-

Pacific Islands: agriculture in, 738; artistic tradition in, 739; and Australia, dition of, 441–42; climates of, 435; culture of, 439; economy of, 441, 442,
737, 742; as battle fields, 737; climates of, m704; colonization of, 736, 738; 444; environment of, 445, 450; ethnic groups of, 439, 443, 444; govern-
culture of, 736, 737, 742, 749; and deforestation, 743; economy of, 118, ments in, 443; history of, 437–39; human geography of, 432; industry in,
741–42; education in, 738, 742; and emigration, 742; environment of, 742, 442; land forms of, 434; languages of, 439; and migration, 439; natural re-
744–45; ethnic groups of, 743; Europeans arrival to, 736; explorers of, 736; sources of, 436; and oil production, 441, 442, 443, 444; religion in, 438,
exports of, 741–42; and France, 737, 742; and Germany, 736; industry in, 440; society in, 440, 442–44; tectonic activity in, 434; and trade, 414, 438,
741; and Japan, 736–37, 742; languages of, 736, 738; migration to, 740; 439; wars in, 443; women’s role in, 444
missionaries in, 738; and nuclear testing, 742; Pilger on, 701; pollution on, Persian Gulf War, 443
743; population of, 742; region, m702, m703, 730–47, m731; religion in, 736, Persians, 439
738; settlement in, 740; standard of living in, 742; tourism in, 739, 742; and Persian script, 592
trade, 741; and United Kingdom, 737, 738, 742; and United States, 736–37, Persepolis ruins, p437
742. See also specific island countries perspective, (def.) 4
Perth, Australia, 716, 718
Pacific Ocean: coastal region of, 151–52, 155, 680; global location of, 10, Peru, t219, 258, 262, 271
m15, 382, m606, m607; islands in, 732; tectonic process in, 733; and Petra (Jordan), 462, p462
trenches, 66; and typhoons, 48 petrochemicals, (def.) 80
Petrograd. See St. Petersburg
Pacific Plate, 152, 638, 723 petroleum. See oil
Pacific Rim, 195, 201 pharaohs, (def.) 487
paddy, (def.) 619, m620 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 121, 150
Pakistan: cultures of, 99, 592; economy of, 594; Fast Facts for, t561; govern- Philippines, t612, t613, 674, 681, 682, 684–86, m606, m607, m679, m733, 736,
ment of, 596; in Indian Perimeter, 99, 584, 586, 588, 590, m590–91; lan- Philippine Sea, m733
guages of, 592; population of, 594, 596; regions of, m554, 592, m593; Phi Phi Islands (Thailand), p660
religions of, 452, 592, 593; standard of living in, t560 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 670
Palau, t708, t709 Phoenicians, 454
Palestine, 452–56, m453 phosphates, (def.) 743
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 456, 462 physical geography, 4
Palk Strait, 587 physical maps, 16, m58, mS21–22, mS25–26, mS29, mS31, mS33, mS35,
palm trees, 71 mS37, mS41, m141, m149, m211, m281, m291, m373, m425, m473, m555,
Pamirs range, 404 m607, m703; with political features, mS39, m165, m189, m221, m239,
Pampas, 258 m257, m305, m327, m349, m381, m403, m433, m449, m483, m499, m517,
Panama, t218, 245 m533, m563, m585, m615, m637, m659, m679, m711, m731
Panama Canal, 245, p247 physical systems, 7, 152, 153, 406, 435, 484, 534, 587, 588, 600
panda, 617 pictograms, (def.) 624
Pangaea, 64, m64, 683 pidgin languages, (def.) 737
pantheon, (def.) 568 piedmont, (def.) 150
Papal States, 357 Piedmont region, 150
Papeete, Tahiti, 742 Pilger, John, 701
Papua New Guinea, t708, t709, 730, m731, 733–34, 737, 738, 741–43 Pinacate National Park, p231
Paraguay, t218, 270 pine trees, 83, 450
parallels, (def.) 10 plague, 99, 356, m356
Parfit, Michael, 237 place names, origin of: 166, m166, 354
Paris, France, 121–22, 196, 312 planets, 25–26, 35
parliament, (def.) 196 plantations, 168, 322, 736
parrots, 536, 714 plants: in deserts, 54; domesticated, p119; in ecosystems, 50; extinction of,
partition, (def.) 570 675; and ice age, 37; in North America, 156; in tropical rain forests, 51.
Pashtun people, 439 See also vegetation
pastoralism, (def.) 125 plates: boundaries, c65; movement, 66
Patan, Nepal, p591 Plateau of Tibet, 616, 627, 629, 660
plateaus, (def.) 69, 150, 534
plate tectonics, (def.) 63–64, m64, c65, 66
plaza, (def.) 220, 225, 351
Pleistocene Ice Age, 37, m37. See also ice ages
PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization
Pluto, 26
Poe, Edgar Allan, 171
Poland, t288, 338–40, 344

790 • Index

polar bears, 57, p59 Index
polar front, 44–45, 48, 56
polar ice caps, 589 Qashqai people, 439
polar regions, (def.) 29 Qatar, t431, 434, 439
polders, (def.) 293, d293, m293 Qattara Depression, 484
political maps: 16, mS23–S24, mS27–S28, mS30, mS32, mS34, mS36, mS38, Qinling Shandi range, 627, 628
quartz, 78
mS40, 16, m140, m210, m280, m372, m424, m472, m554, m606, m702; with Quebec (Canada), 190, 191, 194, 198, 200–201
physical features, mS39, m165, m189, m221, m239, m257, m305, m327, Quebec City, Quebec, 190, 191, 194, p200
m349, m381, m403, m433, m449, m483, m499, m517, m533, m563, m585, Queensland, Australia, 715, 718
m615, m637, m659, m679, m711, m731 quotas, (def.) 130
political regions, 6 Qur’an, 109, 438, 439, 440
politics: and conflict, 130; and cooperation, 131; and government, 128–29
pollution: of Africa, 545; of air, 77, 80, 230, 236; and chemicals, 77, 414; of racism, 701
coral reefs, 732; and ecosystems, 445; and industry, 72, 77; and Russia, railroads, 69, 124, 168–69, 192, 282, 383, 409, 664
396–97; and United States, 180; of water, 73, 78, 407, 693; of wetlands, 72 rainfall: and air pressure, 42, 51; and climate, 57, 405; on Earth, 46, 49–51;
Polynesia, 733, 735, 737, 739, 740
polytheism, (def.) 102 and erosion, 67; in outback, 720; patterns, 661; in United States, 155. See
Pontic Mountains, 450 also precipitation
population: of Africa, m476, 527, 529, g529, 545, p545; of Asia, 91, m428, rain forest: temperate, 55; tropical, 51, 76, 501, 535, 661, 662, 674–75, 682,
m558, m610, c610, 665, g687; of Australia, 91, m706, 720; of Canada, 714
m144, 88, 190, 193, 196, g197; of Central America, 91, m214; of China, rain shadow, (def.) 47
619, 620, 625, 627–29; and climate, 89; density, 87–88; distribution, 88; of Ramadan, 109, 593
East and Southeast Asia, m610; and economy, 92; and environment, 87, 91, Rangoon. See Yangon
93; in Europe, 89, 91, m284, 331; forecasts, 87; growth, 91–92, g91; of Rapa Nui, p735
Hong Kong, 628; and ice age, 37; of Indian Perimeter, 595–96; of Italy, 91; recycling, 79, 81
of Japan, 91; and migration, 740; of Middle and South America, m214; of Red Basin, 616, 628
New Zealand, 91, m706; of North America, 89, 91, m144; of Northern Red Crescent. See Red Cross
Eurasia, m376; of Pacific Islands, m706, 742; projections, g91, 93; pyramid, Red Cross, 678
18–20, g19, 87; of Russia, 91, m376; of South America, 91, m214; of South Red River Delta (Vietnam), 605, 660, 671
Asia, m558; of Southwest Asia, m428; statistics of, 87; study of, 87–93; of Red Sea, 434, 484, 518, 523
United States, 91, m144, 181–82, 184–85, 199; and urbanization, 123 redwood forests, 156, p156
population change, 89–90 reforestation, (def.) 76, 623
population density, (def.) 88, c88; maps of, 16–17, m88, m144, m214, m284, refugees, p89, (def.) 90, c111, 463, 546
m376, m428, m476, m558, m610, m706 reg, (def.) 484
population distribution, 89 regionalism, (def.) 200
population pyramids, (def.) 18, 19–20, g19, 22, g334, g359, g390, g687 regions, (def.) 6; climates of, 41; natural resources of, 17; and places, 7; types
Port Augusta (Australia), 721 of, 6–7
Portland, Oregon, p55 reincarnation, (def.) 571
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 730, 742 religion: in Africa, 506, c508, 524, 540; in Asia, 438, 687, 716; and conflict,
Porto, Portugal, 353 102, 440, 462–63, 692–93; and culture, 94, 102, 110; and economic oppor-
Portugal: t288; and Africa, 537, 538; and China, 622; economy of, 353; gov- tunities for religious minorities, 309, 548, 596–597; and ethnicity, 102; in
ernment of, 353; and Iberian Peninsula, 350, 352–53; and Indonesia, 680 Europe, 336; in Mexico, 225–26; in regions, 6, 457, 624; and society, 440;
Portuguese (language), 100, 353, 540 in Southeast Asia, 664, 666; universalizing, 102; of world, m103, 104–109.
Potala Palace, p629 See also specific religions
potash, 195, (def.) 451 relocation diffusion, (def.) 97
Poya Days festival in Sri Lanka, 593 Renaissance, (def.) 356
Prague, Czech Republic, 343, p343 Renoir, Pierre-Auguste, p311
Prairie Provinces (Canada), 192, 195, 196 reptiles, 435, 485
PRC. See People’s Republic of China reservoirs, 78
precipitation, (def.) 16, 46; maps of, m71, m143, m213, m283, m375, m427, revolution, (def.) 27
m475, m557, m609; and regions, 44, 46, 56, 61 Rhine River, 290, 294
Pretoria, South Africa, 541 Rhode Island, 628
prevailing winds, (def.) 44 Rhodesia. See Zimbabwe
primate city, (def.) 312 rice, 412, p594, 619, 627, 666, g671, p671, 672, 677, 688
prime meridian, (def.) 10, 32 Richmond, Virginia, 167
Prince Edward Island (Canada), 191, 192, 203 rift valleys, (def.) 65
Prospect, Nova Scotia, p193
protectorate, (def.) 591
Protestants, 102, 170, 309, 318
provinces, (def.) 190
Prussia, 328, 332, 338
Pudong Development Zone (China), 632
Puebla, Mexico, 220
Puerto Rico, 737
Puget Sound, 152
pull factors in migration, (def.) 90, 91, 270
pulp, 158
Punjab (Pakistan), 592
Punta Arenas, Chile, 77
puppet government, (def.) 622
push factors in migration, (def.) 90, 91, 270
pyramids, 220, 516
Pyrenees, 293, 352, 357

Index • 791

Index San Francisco, California, 45, 67, 115–16, 166, 172, 181
San Francisco Acatepec, Mexico, 220
Riga, Latvia, p341 San Marino, t288, 357
Ring of Fire, 152, 722 Sanskrit, 568, 663
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 270, p270 Santa Fe, New Mexico, 166
Rio Grande, p129, 158, 166, p228 Santeria, 251
Rio Grande Valley (Texas), 158 Santiago, Chile, 270
Rive, Richard, 471 São Paulo, Brazil, p123
Rivera, Diego, 234 sapphires, 714
river systems, 6, p7, 68, 70, d71, 73, 712 São Tomé and Príncipe, t481
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 442, 443 Saskatchewan (Canada), 159, 191, 192, 195
Rock of Gibraltar, p350 satellite, (def.) 26, 49, 97
Rocky Mountains, 6, 151, 153, 155, 159–60, 168, 195 satellite images, m2, p49, 468–69, p469
Roman Catholic. See Catholicism Saturn, 26
Romance languages, 100, 354, 356 Saudi Arabia, t430, t431, 434, 435, 436, 438, 439, 441–43, p444
Roman Empire, 328, 335, 355–56, 454–55 savannas, (def.) 51, 157, 231, 519–20, 535, 714
Romania, t288, 344, 364, 365 Scandinavia, 306, 318–21
Roman numerals, 438 Schmitt, Harrison, p27
Romans, 438 Scotland, 306, 307, 308
Rome, Italy, 32, 355, 356 sea, (def.) 10, 57. See also specific oceans and seas
Rose, Wendy, 139 Sea of Galilee, 453
rotation, (def.) 27 Sea of Japan, 639
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 322 Sea of Marmara, 450
Royal Greenwich Observatory, 32 seasons, 30–31, d30, 41, 46, 51, 56
Rub‘ al-Khali, 435, p435 Seattle, Washington, 72, 181, 199
rubber, 76, 269, 595, 682, 691 seawalls, 589
rugby, 710, 716, 725, 726 secondary sources, 39
rural development, 125, 598 Secret Country, A, 701
rural settlement forms, 127, d127, 541, 545, g670 secular, (def.) 463
Rus, 386 secularism, 103
Russia: and Baltics, 338; and Central Asia, 409, 412, 416–17; climates of, sediments, (def.) 67, 68, 69, 74, 484
segregation, (def.) 272
m374; czars of, 409; economy of, 395; elevations of, m373; Fast Facts for, Seine River, 121–22
t379; and Germany, 328; land forms of, 382; languages of, 410; mapping semiarid. See dry climates
of, 12, m372; and migration, 409; Napoléon in, 392, m392; natural re- Senegal, t481, 500, 501
sources of, m377; and pollution, 396–97; population in, 91, 376; precipita- separatism, (def.) 200–201
tion in, m375; rivers in, 405; standard of living in, t378; stock market in, sepoys, (def.) 569
395. See also Soviet Union sequent occupance, (def.) 306
Russian Empire, 438 Serbia, t289, m349, 361, 364, t369
Russian Orthodox Church, 410 Serengeti Plain, 519
Russian Revolution, 398, 409 serfs, (def.) 387
Rust Belt, 6 settlement patterns, 127, d127, 170
Rwanda, t478, t481, 516, 520, 523, 527–28 sewage, 59
Seychelles, t481, 532, 543
Saddam Hussein, 443 SEZ. See Special Economic Zones
Safavid dynasty, 438 Shang dynasty, 621
Saguenay River, 192 Shanghai, China, p87, 614, 628, 632–33, m633
Sahara, 6, 67, 99, 484–85, p484, p485, 501, 512 shanties, (def.) 544
Sahel region, 6, 501, p501, 512 Shatt al Arab, 434, 443
Saigon, Vietnam, p665. See also Ho Chi Minh City shatter belt, (def.) 389
salt, 76, 78 shifting cultivation, (def.) 125
salt flat, 720 Shih Huang Ti, first emperor of China, p621
salt lake, 712 Shi’ism, (def.) 440
Samarqand (Central Asia), 408, p408, 413 Shinkansen, 654–655, m654, p655
Samoa, t708, t709, 737, 738, 740 Shintoism, 102
samurai, (def.) 643 shogun, (def.) 642
San Andreas Fault, 66, p66, p151, 152 Siam. See Thailand
San Antonio, Texas, 166 Siberia, 120, p383
sanctions, (def.) 539 Siberian Plain, 382
Sandars, N. K., 423 Siberian Plateau, 383
sand dunes, 67, 69, 435, 535 Sichuan, 617, 625
San Diego, California, 166, 232 Sichuan Basin. See Red Basin
sand storms, 485 Sierra Leone, t481
Sierra Madre del Sur, 222
Sierra Madre Occidental, 222, 237
Sierra Madre Oriental, 222
Sierra Nevada, 151, 152, 153
Sikhism, (def.) 572
Silicon Valley, 178
silk, 411
Silk Road, 408–09, 622

792 • Index

silt, (def.) 487 Index
silver, 79, 223, 714
Simpson Desert, 712–13, 729 Southwest Asia: boundaries of, m424, m555; climates of, m426; and desalin-
Sind (region of Pakistan), 592 ization, 70; and domestication, 120; ecology trilogy in, 445; flags of, c431;
Singapore: and China, 623; climate of, g681; economy of, 92, 692, 694; ethnic interior of, 432; patterns of living in, 445; population of, m428; precipita-
tion of, m427; regions of, m425, 455; resources of, m429; timeline of, c430
groups of, 695; Fast Facts for, t613; government of, 695; gross domestic
product of, 690; independence of, 686; landforms of, 680; laws in, 692; soviets, (def.) 388
population of, 694; standard of living in, t612; and trade, 121; transporta- Soviet Union, 169, 329, 332, 338, 344, 396–97, 407, 409–10, 414, 416, 457, 539.
tion in, m695
Sinhalese people, 592, 593, 597 See also Russia
sinkholes, (def.) 222 Soweto, 544
Sino-Tibetan, 665 soybeans, 175, 619
sisal, (def.) 522 Spain: t289; and Africa, 350; agriculture in, 352; aqueducts in, p78; Arab and
Six-Day War (1967), 452, 456, 465
skills: and aerial photographs, 468–69; and analyzing primary and secondary Moorish influences in, 351, 354, 439; and Basque region, 351, 352; and
sources, S8; and cartograms, 277; and charts, 447, 467, 601; and climate Castile region, 351; and Catalan region, 351, 352; colonization by, 96, 225;
graphs, 18–20; and conducting research, S7; and databases and statis- economy of, 352; empire of, 350; explorers from, 15, 166, 685, 736; govern-
tics, 368–69; and decision making, 749; and diagrams, 698; and field in- ment of, 350–51; history of, 350–51; and Iberian Peninsula, 350; and
terviews, 550–51; of Geographic Information Systems, 136–37; and Mexico, 220, 225–26, 350; religion in, 351, 438; and tourism, 352
geographic models, 207; and graphic organizers, 368; and graphs, 162, Spanish-American War, 685, 736
303, 324, 420, 531, 729; and the great-circle route, 12–13; and historical Spanish (language), 100
maps, 20; and the Internet, 602; and making maps, 11–13; and map ele- spatial maps, 7, 21, m140, 210, m372, m424, m472, m554, m606, 674, m702
ments, 13–14; and map projections, 11–12; and mental maps, 206; and Special Economic Zones (SEZs), 628
organizing the globe, 9–10; and a time zones map, 32–33; and overhead Spice Islands, 685
transparencies, 748; and population maps, 187; and population pyramids, spices, 666, 741
18–20; and problem solving, 603; and questionnaires, 550–51; and sketch Spratly Islands, 682
maps, 276; and special-purpose maps, 15–18; and spreadsheets and soft- spring, 30
ware, 699; and thinking critically, S2–S5, 134, 202, 274, 302, 324, 400, 446, spruce forest, 156
466, 514, 530, 600, 611, 634, 656, 676, 696, 728; and time lines, 421; and Sputnik, 413
transportation maps, 468; and weather maps, 47; and writing about geog- Sri Lanka, m554, t560, t561, 586–88, c587, 591–93, m594, 597, p597, 664
raphy, S6 St. Kitts-Nevis, t219
slang, diffusion of American, 169 St. Lawrence River, 190, 192, 196
slash-and-burn agriculture, (def.) 688 St. Lawrence Seaway, 175, m175, 194, p194
slavery, 167–68 St. Louis, Missouri, 68, 99, 166
Slavs, (def.) 386 St. Lucia, t219
Slovakia, 288, 342, 343 St. Petersburg, Russia, 380, 398–99
Slovenia, 288, 361, 362, 363, 364 St. Vincent and the Grenadines, t219
smelters, (def.) 394 standard of living, (def.) 116–17, 676; in Africa, c478; in Asia, 560, c612; in
smog, (def.) 77, 179, 545, 692 Canada, 117, t146; comparing countries, t146, t216, t286, t378, t430, t478,
Snake River, 180 t560, t612, t708; and developing countries, 117; in Europe, 117; in Japan,
snow, 46, 56, 57, 68, 71, 73, 195 117; Pacific Islands, 742; in United States, t146
snow leopard, p406, 588 Stanley, Sir Henry Morton, 522
socialism, (def.) 321 staple, (def.) 507
society: and environment, 8; and religion, 440; and residential preference, 198 stations (ranches), 718, 720–21
soil: and soil building, 74–75, d75; 83, 520, 587, 588, 619 statistics, 87, 89, t117, 446
soil exhaustion, (def.) 76, 271 steel, 79, 80, 114, 629
soil fertility, d126 Stockholm, Sweden, 319
soil salinization, (def.) 76, 77 stock market, (def.) 395; in Canada, 196; in Russia, 395; in United States, 395
solar energy, (def.) 27, 41, 71, 81 storms, 47–49, 56, 589
solar system, (def.) 25, 24–27, d26, 59 storm surge, (def.) 587
Solidarity (Poland), 339 Strait of Gibraltar, 485
Solomon Islands, t708, t709, m731, 733 Strait of Hormuz, 443
solstice, (def.) 30–31 Strait of Malacca, 680, 690
Somalia, t481, 516, 528, 547 Stuart Highway (Australia), 720
sorghum, (def.) 507 subarctic climate, m52–53, 56
Sotho, 537, 539 subcontinent, (def.) 564
souks, (def.) 461 subsidies, (def.) 649
South Africa, 95, 118, 471, t478, t481, 532, 537, 538, 540–44 subsistence agriculture, (def.) 125
South America, 10, 54, 75, 90–91, 100, 118, 125, m210, m211, m213, m214, subsoil, (def.) 75
m215, c216, 258, 269–71, 691, 740. See also specific countries subway system, 196, 310
South China Sea, m606, m607, m609, 617, 627, 660, 680 Sudan, t481, 516, p516, 522, 527
South Dakota, 166 Sudbury, Canada, 194
Southeast Asia: agriculture of, 671; climates of, c608, m608, 661, 681; defor- sugarcane, 619, 718, 738
estation in, 674–75, m674; economy in, 672, 673, 675; elevations in, c679; sulfur, 80
farming in, 666, 675; and migration, 240; oil in, 80; population of, 91, 684; sultan, (def.) 686
rainfall in, 51; regions of, m659, 663, m679, 680; religion in, 664; trade pat- Sulu Archipelago, 693
terns of, 121, 675, 735 Sumatra, 680, 681, 683, 684, 693
Southern Africa, 532–49 Sumerians, 437, 438
Southern Alps (New Zealand), 723 summer, 30, 43, 51, 54–56, 405
Southern Common Market, 270
Southern Europe and the Balkans, 348–367, m349; population, c367
Southern Hemisphere, m10, 29, 30, 31, 45, 56, p77
South Korea, t612, t613, 652–53
South Pacific islands, 722–29
South Pole, 10, 30, 43, 58–59

Index • 793

Index Tenochtitlán, 225, 234
tepuís, (def.) 258
sun, 25, 27, 32, 35, 40–44, 50–51, 81 Tereshkova, Valentina, p413
Sun Belt, 170 terrorism, 130, 204–05, (def.) 271, 444, 693
Sung dynasty, 621, 626 tertiary activities, (def.) 113, 114
Sunni Islam, 440, 444 Teton Mountains, p151
Sun Yat-sen, 622, p622 Teutonic Knights, 341
supercontinent, (def.) 64 Texas, 90, 151, 154; Gulf Coast of, 160; and Mexico, 166, 226, 228, 232; migra-
superpower, (def.) 183
supply and demand, 115 tion to, 168; and Spain, 166
Suriname, t219 textiles, (def.) 173, 308, 352, 411, 461, 628, 629, 673, 742
Suva, Fiji, 742 Thailand: agriculture of, 671; deforestation of, 662, 674–75; economy of, 673;
Swahili language, 522
swamps, 56, 72, 79, 157, 161, 535 Fast Facts for, t613; festivals of, 667; population of, 665; region of, m607,
Swaziland, t481, 532 658, 660; religion in, 666; standard of living in, t612
Sweden, t288, 318, 319, 321 Thames River, 42
Switzerland, 71, t289, 336–37, m336 Thar Desert, 586
Sydney, Australia, 701, 715, 716, 718 theocracy, (def.) 443
Syr Dar’ya River, 404–05, 407 Theodore Roosevelt National Park, p67
Syria, m424, t430, t431, 439, 440, 450, 451, 453, 455, 456, 457, 460–63 Theravada, 666
Syrian Desert, 451 Thimphu, Bhutan, 596
“Thoughts of Hanoi,” 605
Tahiti, 314, 732, 737, 739, 742 Three Gorges Dam, 615, 618, p618, g619
taiga, (def.) 384 Thucydides, 279
Taipei, Taiwan, 631, p631 Thunder Bay (Canada), 195
Taiwan, m607, t613, 616, 617, 622, 623, 631, 682 thunderstorms, 48, 50
Tajikistan, t378, t379, 402, 404, 414 Tiananmen Square, p628
Tajik people, p410, 439 Tian Shan range, p404, 404–05, 412, 616
Taklimakan desert, 617 Tibet, 592, 617, 624–25
Taliban, 444 tides, g26, 27
talus slope, p68 Tigris River, 434, 436, 437, 450, 460
Tamerlane. See Timur Tijuana, Mexico, 232
Tamil people, 592, 593, 596–97 Tilla-Kari (in Samarqand, Uzbekistan), p408
Tampico, Mexico, 231 time lines. See historical time lines
T’ang dynasty, 621, 625 time-space convergence, (def.) 172
Tanzania, t481, 516, 518, 520, 521, 526, 527 time zones. 32–33, m32–33
Taoism, 102, 624 Timor Sea, 680
Tarai plain, 586 Timur, 408
tariffs, (def.) 130, 183, 727 tin, 618
Tarim Basin, 616, 617 tobacco, 168, 412, 542
tar sands, (def.) 261 Togo, t481
Tashkent, 413 Tokyo, Japan, 122, 638, 655
Tasman, Abel, 724 Toltec people, 224
Tasmania, 714, 715 Tonga, 66, t708, t709, m731, 733, 739, 740, 742
Taurus Mountains, 450 Tonga Trench, 66
tea, 522, 595, 597, 619, 625 Tonle Sap, 660
technology: and developing countries, 117; and economy, 115, 195; and en- Topkapi Palace, p455
topography, (def.) 17, 587
ergy resources, 81; and farming, 91, 95, 126; and innovation and the envi- topsoil, (def.) 75
ronment, 132–133; in United States, 172 Torah, 104, 457. See also Bible
tectonic activity: in Central Asia, 404; forces, 63–67, 518, 641, 681; and land tornadoes, (def.) 48, p155, 181
forms, 68–69; in New Zealand, 722; in Pacific Ocean, 733; in Persian Gulf Toronto, Canada, p154, 191, 194, 196, 199, 201
region, 434; plates, 713 Torres del Paine National Park, p57
Tehran, Iran, 432, 442, 443 tortas, 220
Tel Aviv, Israel, 461 tortillas, 220, 224
telescope, 28, 39 totalitarian government, (def.) 130
temperate rain forest, 55 tourism, 195, 227, 352, 415, 461, 520, 526, 595, 673, 691, 718, 726, 727, 742
temperature, (def.) 41, 44–46, 56; and climate, 435, 485; highest recorded, 485 townships, (def.) 544
Temple Mount, 464 town village enterprise (TVE), 623
“Temple of the Sun, The,” 209 trade: and culture, 96; global, 322–23; and human systems, 8; and language,
Templo Mayor (in Mexico City), 234, d235 101; and merchants, 120, 522, 625, 684; and migration, 439; networks, 6,
Tennessee, 184 195, 741; patterns of, 408, 717; and resources, 119, 631; routes, 121, 122,
m323, 408–09, 412–13, 438, 439, 622, 663
trade deficit, (def.) 183
trade surplus, (def.) 650
traditionalism, (def.) 98
Transantarctic Mountains, 58
transcontinental railroad, 168–69, 192
transhumance, (def.) 409
transit system, 6; high speed rail, 654–55; railroads, 69, 124, 192, 282, 383,
409, 664; subway system, 196, 310; transportation, 48, 73, 95–96, 116, 121,
123–24, 150, 193, m544, 672, 716, 718
Treaty of Versailles, p128
tree line, (def.) 259–60

794 • Index

trees, 83, 714. See also specific varieties Index
trench, (def.) 66
tributaries, (def.) 71, 151, 619 United States Census Bureau, 184, 185
Trinidad and Tobago, t219 United States Congress, 161
TRNC. See Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus United States Constitution, 185
tropical climates, 29, 30, 41, 50–51, c52, 501, 588, 682 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 161
tropical rain forests, 51, 76, 501, 536, 661, 662, 674–75, 682, 714 United States Geological Survey (USGS), 5
tropical savanna climate, 51 United States House of Representatives, 184
Tropic of Cancer, 31, 734 United States Supreme Court, 185
Tropic of Capricorn, 30, 734 universalizing religions, (def.) 102
tropics, (def.) 29 universal time (UT), 32
trust territories, (def.) 737 universe, 25–28
tsar. See czar Ural Mountains, 382, 384
tsetse fly, (def.) 519 uranium, 79
tsunamis, (def.) 638, 681, 733 Uranus, 26
Tuamotu Archipelago, m731, 733 urban: geography, 292; land use, 123–124, d124, d125, 292, 544; place, 122;
Tuareg people, 512, p512
Tumen River, 639 and population features in Southeast Asia, g670; problems, 124, 272
tundra, 192 urban agglomeration, (def.) 651
tundra climate, m52–53, c53, 56, p56, 83, 155, 192, 383 urbanization, (def.) 120, 123, 412
tungsten, 618 Urdu language, 592
Tunisia, t481, 482, 484, 486 Uruguay, t219, 258, 259, 270
Turkey, 95, 99, 417, m425, t430, t431, 437, 439, 448, 450, 451, 455, 458–63 USGS. See United States Geological Survey
Turkic languages, 408, 410, 439 UT. See universal time
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), 459 Utah, 71, 178
Turkmenistan, t378, t379, 402, 405, 406, 414, 416, 417 Uzbekistan, t378, t379, 402, 406, 407, 409, 412, p412, 414
Turks, 592; Ottoman, 362
Turpan Depression, 616
Tutsi people, 523, 528
Tuvalu, t709
TVE. See town village enterprises
Twain, Mark, 171
typhoons, (def.) 48, 55, 587, 617, 639, 681, 732

Uganda, t481, 516, 519, 527 Vabukori, Papua New Guinea, 730
Valley of Mexico, 222, 225
Uighurs, 624, 630 Vancouver, Canada, 192, 199
Vancouver Island (Canada), 196
Ukraine, 75, t378, t379, 380, 382, 397 Van Diemen’s Land. See Tasmania
Vanuatu, t708, t709, m731, 733
ultraviolet radiation, 77–78 Vatican City, t289, 356, 357, m357
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 209
Uluru. See Ayers Rock vegetation, d51, 56, 67, 73, 82, 83, 222, 405–06, 484, 485, 587, 626. See also

UN. See United Nations plants
veld, (def.) 535
uninhabitable, (def.) 319 Venezuela, t219, 240, 258, 271
Venice, Italy, 672
United Arab Emirates, t431, 434, 439 Venus, 35
Veracruz, Mexico, 220, 231
United Kingdom: t289; and Africa, 538; British Empire, m306, 307; British Verkhoyansk, Siberia, 383
Isles, 306; and Canada, 190, 196; and China, 632, 633; and colonization, Victoria, Australia, 715
101, 591, 736; and Commonwealth of Nations, 307; culture, 307; economy Victoria, British Columbia, 196
of, 308–09; and English language, 101; and Germany, 328, 329, 332; his- Vienna, Austria, 336
tory of, 306–07; and Indian Perimeter, 591–92; and industrialization, 308; Vietnam: Fast Facts for, t613; government of, 673; languages of, 666; mon-
mandates of, 455; and Pacific Islands, 737, 743; religion of, 308, 309
soons in, 661; region of, m607, 627, 660, 670, 682; religion in, 624, 666;
United Nations, 131, 336, 456, 459, 463, 595, 644, 693, 737 rice crop in, p671, 677; standard of living in, t612; war in, 664
Vietnam War, 664
United States: art in, 171; beaches in, 701; and Canada, 199–200; and China, Vikings, 190, 311, 318, 341
632; cities of, 174, 176, 177, 179, 181; climates of, m142, 154–56; and Cold Vinh, Nguyen Thi, 605
War, 169; colonialism in, 166–167; contiguous, 44; culture of, 165, 171, 174; Vinland. See Newfoundland
earthquakes in, 181; economy of, 92, 115, 167–69, 183–84; education in, Vistula River, 339
170; energy use of, 81; environmental issues in, 180; ethnic diversity of, Vltava River, 343
169; farming in, 168–69; Fast Facts for, t147; floods in, 181; and Germany, volcanoes: in Cascade Range, 152; and coral reefs, 732; eruptions of, 34;
328–29, 332; government of, 167, 184–85; Great Basin of, 151; holidays in, faults and, 66; folds and, 66; formation of, 68, 681; and geothermal power,
171; hurricanes in, 48, p49, 181; and immigration, 90, 167, 169, 182, 228; 81; in Island Southeast Asia, 679; in Japan, 638, 641; and lava, 63; and
independence of, 167; Indians in, 96, 168, 322; industry in, 168–69; interior magma, 63; monitoring of, 21; and mountains, 34, 150; in New Zealand,
plains of, 151; irrigation in, p77; landforms of, 150; and Mexico, 226, 228; 722–23; in Pacific Island region, 732; and physical systems, 7, 8; and plate
music in, 171; natural disasters in, 181; natural resources of, m145, m149; activity, 64, 66; and rifts, 518; rocks from, 451; and soil, 83, 157
and New Zealand, 727; and oil reserves, 416; and Pacific Islands, 328–29, Volga River, 382, 383, 384
736–38, 742, 743; and Persian Gulf War, 443; plantations in, 168; politics
in, 182, 184–85; and pollution, 180; population of, 17, 91, m144, 181–82,
184–85, 199; port cities of, 72; precipitation of, m143; rainfall in, 155; re-
gions of, m140, m141, m149, m165; religion in, 170; river system of, 71,
153; settlers of, 166, 170; slavery in, 167–68; sports in, 171; standard of liv-
ing in, t146; technology in, 172; territories of, 737; terrorist attack on,
130–31, 204–05, 444; time zones of, m32; tornadoes in, 181; and trade,
183–84; transportation in, 168–69, c172; voting in, 182, 184–85; weather
patterns of, 44, 48; westward expansion of, 167–68, m168

Index • 795

Index windward, (def.) 47, 57
Winnipeg, Manitoba, 196
Volta River, 546 winter, 30, 54–56, 68, 155, 405, 485, 588, 617
von Thünen, Johan, 125 women: 458, 529, 543, 598–99, p523, p541, p599; economic opportunities for,
von Thünen Model, 125, d125
voodoo, (def.) 251 361, 444, 548, 598–99, p598, p599, 651–52
voting: and changes in voting patterns, 182, m182; and changes in distribution Women’s Self-Employment Project, 599
wool, 717, 718
of power, 182, m182; and congressional districts, 184–85, p184, m185, m185 work ethic, (def.) 649
world cities, (def.) 122
wadis, (def.) 484 world climate regions, m52–53
Wailing Wall, p464 World I Left Behind, The, 371
Waitaanga Forest, p722 world population: density, m88; growth, g91; projections, g93; trends, 91–93
Wake Island, 737 world population growth, g91
Wales, 306, 307 world population projection, g93
wallaby, 713 world time zones, m32, m33
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 683 World Trade Center, 130, 204–05
Wallace’s Line, 683 World Trade Organization (WTO), 131
walnut trees, 406 World War I, 169, 328–29, 332, 342, 455, 456, 664, 715, 725
wars, 90, 96, 128, 190, 443. See also specific wars World War II, 129, 169, 329, 332, 338–40, 356, 409, 416, 455, 535–36, 638,
Warsaw, Poland: 339–40; World War II ghetto uprising, 339
Washington, D. C., m13 644, 664, 686, 715, 717–18, 725, 736–37
Washington (state), 151, 152, 156 WTO. See World Trade Organization
water: bodies of, 10, 121; on Earth, 27, 35; and erosion, 67; ground, 72; oases, Wuhan, China, 628

485; pollution of, 73, 78; supplies of, 69, 71, 78, 158–59, 453; surface, Xhosa, 540
71–72; for transportation, 73, 414; vapor, 42, 46 Xi’an, China, p621
watershed, (def.) 71, 99 Xinjiang (China), 629
water table, (def.) 72 Xi River, 616, 625, 628
Wat Po monastery, p667 Xizang (China), 629
wats, (def.) 670
wave action’s effect on regions, 67, 587, p713 Yalu River, 639
“Way of the Cross,” 464 Yangon, Myanmar, 670
weather: (def.) 41; and climate changes, 40–49, 51, 54, 71; and erosion, 67; Yao people, 624
events, 48; forecasts, 49; fronts, 44; maps, 47; monsoons, 51, 587, 595; Yap Island, 741, p737
patterns, 7, 8, 34, 41, 44, g52, g53, 589; satellites, 49; types of, 72; zones, Yellow River. See Huang River
46. See also climate Yellow Sea, 629
weathering, (def.) 67 Yemen, 322, m424, m425, t430, t431, 434, 435, 436, 439, 440
Web sites, 114 Yosemite Valley, 68
Wellington, New Zealand, 726, p726 Yucatán Peninsula, 222, 231
West Bank, 452, 453, 456, p456, 462 Yugoslavia, 361–63. See also Serbia and Montenegro
Western Hemisphere, m10 Yukon River, 153
Western Plateau, Australia, 713 Yukon Territory (Canada), 196
Western Rift Valley, 518, 522 yurt, (def.) 410
West Germany, 329, 332, 344. See also Germany
West Indies, 240 Zagros Mountains, 434, 435, 438, 439
wetlands, (def.) 72; in United States, 161, m161 Zambezi River, 534
whales, whaling, 57, 736 Zambia, t481, 532, 535, 540, 543
wheat, 178, 195, 441, 619, 718 Zapotec people, 224
Wheat Belt, 178 Zhuang people, 624
White Nile, 519 Zhu River, 625
Whitney, Herbert A., 198 Zimbabwe, t478, t481, 532, 537, 538, 541, 542, 543
wildlife, 125, 156, 406, 485, 501, 519, 532, 543, 587, 588, 617, 662, 719. See zinc, 79, (def.) 406, 714
also animals Zionism, 456
Willamette River valley, 152 Zócalo, 220, 234, d235
William of Normandy, 306 Zulu, 537, 540, p541
wind: and abrasion, 67; easterlies, 44; and erosion, 67; patterns of, 43–45, 51,
57, 59, 74; prevailing, (def.) 44, 154; trade, d43, 44, 48, 734; westerlies, 44,
windmills, 81, p81
Windsor, Ontario, 191, 194

796 • Index

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Chapter Five: Page 87 (bc),, Inc.; 88 (tl), Leslie Kell; 88 (b), 89 (c),
The Asia Society: “Thoughts of Hanoi” by Nguyen Thi Vinh from A Thousand Years, Inc.; 91 (br), 92 (tl), 93 (tr), Leslie Kell; 96 (tl), 98 (cl),,
of Vietnamese Poetry, translated by Nguyen Ngoc Bich. Copyright © 1974 by The Asia Inc.; 100 (bl), Leslie Kell; 101 (t), 103 (t), 110 (cl),, Inc.; 111 (cl), Leslie
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Luba Brezhneva: From The World I Left Behind: Pieces of a Past by Luba Brezhneva, Chapter Six: Page 113 (b), Leslie Kell; 114 (cl), 115 (cr),, Inc.; 116 (bl),
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Wendy Rose: From “Loo-Wit” from Bone Dance: New and Selected Poems 1967–1992, Inc.; 230 (tl), Leslie Kell; 230 (cr), 231 (bc), 232 (b), (tr), 233 (tr), 236
by Wendy Rose (University of Arizona Press, 1994). Copyright © 1985 by Wendy Rose. (cl),, Inc.; 237 (tl), Leslie Kell.
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December 2000. Published by The National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. Inc.; 303 (tl), Leslie Kell.

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