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publisher/treasure_valley Issue # 914
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Apr 14 - Apr 20, 2021 Since 1919
R Farm, Ranch, Commercial, Trucking, Home,
Auto, Toys, Life & Health
by Janet Spencer ∙ Ontario OR ∙
WE ALSO OFFER CLASSIFIED ADS!! The average human releases about a
quart of gas every day, which is enough
CONTACT LISA to blow up a birthday balloon. Nearly A Mustard Seed Financial &
@ 541-212-0914 all animals experience some form of Insurance, Inc. Company
FOR DETAILS TODAY! flatulence. Come along with Tidbits as
we apologize for farting! 425 S Whitley Dr. #12 Fruitland, ID 83619
DON’T SETTLE FOR Se habla español
COME TO US FOR • A typical person farts ten to fifteen times
Consultation a day. Farts are like fingerprints; their
CUSTOM DENTURES AT A bacterial composition is unique to an
COMPETITIVE PRICE! Insurance and individual, which may be why you aren’t
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Custom made Dentures of others.
Warranty on ALL Dentures Accepting Medicaid
SAme DAy Repairs & Relines • Gas is formed primarily in the large
intestine. After food makes its way
Senior DiSCountS through the small intestine, the residual
Flexible Partials waste remains in the colon until
expelled. Intestinal bacteria consume
PoRCeLAin teetH Available the leftover nutrients, such as fiber and
Dentures oVeR implants carbohydrates that weren’t absorbed into
the body. They break down the matter
205 W. Logan St. 188 east Lane, Ste. 3, 10480 W. Garverdale Ct. and give off byproducts in a process
Caldwell ontario, oR Ste., 804A • Boise called colonic fermentation. The waste
products of the bacteria creates gas.
for more information visit:
• The average fart is made up of 58%
208-609-3341 nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon
dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen.
ADJUSTABLE All of these are odorless. The remaining
COMFORT 1% is made up of smellier chemicals
that can be detected even when diluted
Save NOW on all adjustable bases! to 1 part in 100 million. Most of these
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FART FACTS (cont) 2330 Hwy 30 West, Fruitland 208-452-7035
• When gut bacteria breaks down foods that Outdoor
are naturally high in sulfates, such as eggs, Cats Risk
broccoli, cauliflower, almonds, and Brussels More Than
sprouts, they give off waste products that are
much higher in sulfurous chemicals, leading Disease
to smellier flatulence. A sulfur compound
called mercaptan found in meats and dairy DEAR PAW’S
products can also be to blame.
• Beans cause gas because they contain
large amounts of oligosaccharides, a type recent answer
of plant-based sugar. Most animals have
an enzyme called alpha-galactosidase that on whether
breaks down these sugars, but humans lack
that enzyme. Experts claim that the more Reconnecting With cats can get
often you eat beans, the less they will make COYVIoDu-r1S9einsicoorrDreocgt: There is very lit-
you fart, as the microflora in your gut adjusts. DtEleARdatPaA,Wa’nS dCoOnRlyNEaRf:ewMyrecorded cases,
larogfe hmoixueds-ebrpeeedtsdotge“sHtaintcghept”oiss itive for this
• The anti-gas product Beano, which claims 12cyoeraorsnoaldv,iraunds.hiSs odistchipelinreishkasof pets getting
to prevent bean-related gas before it occurs, bsolfeiimpcylapleuueafsdrrcesoqh. muIT’ihvhteeiaigtatb’hsbmeeieptnrarionyrcbtoiahsbnbekselupyfmalmoosetrywdcocf,awuaubpittlluthse,tisI
actually works. The pills contain the missing think that a
alpha-galactosidase enzyme which cuts when they’re
complex carbohydrates into shorter, simpler
carbs that are much easier to digest. As a ruannllionwg aednewtobruosianemss aonudtsbiadreely. Not only can
result, they get broken down in the small whI’aviFttvehheIVretoei,ymsuobrelbvutdeeotdawietltayhxolkepwghoeacitlsmrkbeis.ta.dBtceTuktrrtooosthunfibtsehtlreyleaiencaiysker, cdaitsceha,sleikseliskme all
intestine rather than making it all the way Halitzchaertdwsillannotdlisstoennogrbcoirmdesw, hmenay also carry
to the large intestine, where bacteria would CIrAeDuafcdtcersnaEheatmilissAlanrhherRa,eethTyraiicbmelstxearsDe,aaaniOrssenelsU.imtbpnrGgFeaeoc:ioniinnafrealeGdlbeytl?iaalvxsaai—ilantc,gtmtaooDhbpeoHebcudlaapeaigteact,,. r-ai-anlGyirnsefogen,cgtviboiainrds
ferment them, producing gas. is aDgEreAatRideGa!ROnEcGe y:ouTshtaartt’wsorakbinsgolutely right, as
uswksieivttlhhlpesoehnrsiigimtCthiivotedebnanraiecltmyiken, furheopsernc—efsthomieooresunpnlDetdscmiipsoaeilectnlhkyaoidistfthseyso.osueCwoenbtsriotel
• Botanist Colin Leakey, son of anthropologist and Pre-
Louis Leakey, developed a fart-free bean. In (www.
1979, he was in Chile. As he walked through
an open air market, he noticed that some Ccodmcm.gittoinvg/ctootrhoatndaavilyirwuasl/kCwOitVh ID-19 and Ani-
beans were more expensive than others. ihcmoimmImp’rvmoiasevalensthwdh)esi..rsbiTbteethshteaantvhniioknfrrgeyaynqooduuureecfsnaopntorlndyspoeoattooibnotiuntgththeisrisokust.
These were called the “rich man’s bean.” Bfeaccaeusde Hbaytccheattis athseantioradroeg,ahlelowed to roam
When he asked why, the women in the stalls maoyuttirdeomoorrse -ea-siflryoomn yboeurinwgalksstruck by vehicles
claimed they were fart-free beans. Leaky apasnutwdpsopnimyal.bdpaBpyeliielfiynneaog,altsiltratihelkeetseptpdaoaicndtcidoekwnyetthoodewtncieobthhmsyeh.mwifmOaean.surdIaastf dl ocaotrscoartsoathlseor
began studying them, cross-breeding the heaisrne’t rdeisrpeoncdtintghwreelal ttosthteo“cootmhee” r wildlife. I’m
ones that caused the least stink, and came lcoeonastmsthhuhmaerdtaeucn2rodimm0nag1mtowt3ahsanetldskpctwsauraahkndit,ldekyoweinewpoptruhnkhebiewmplriaitssorhknhha. heirmidse
up with a hybrid he called the “prim bean.” published by Oregon Trail Publications familiar with
208.642.4072 · PO Box 93, Ontario, OR 97914 in Smithsonian
• The knee-jerk reaction for some people is
to stop eating things that produce gas, but Tidbits is published weekly. Advertising Deadlines: IMf Hagatachzeitndeoetshna’ttimepsrtoivme,aitfehde about 2.4 bil-
these foods made of complex carbohydrates New ads - Thursdays by 12:00 noon seelimosnlebthiradrgsicaonrdpaerrhoapusnad l1itt2le.3 billion small
are nutritious not only for humans but also Ad Changes - Fridays by 5:00 pm fssonereaaymapenpcsaiyhmoerfw.cfak,itutlhaspk.oeSathhereinemriodrtkoodigolthslge,esodvcreatbniefdryihenevoaerjuliuoastnptdoor cats each
for the bacteria in the gut. It’s not a good Classi ed ads - Fridays by 12:00 noon
idea to starve those bacteria. (continued)
Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising for any reason phWysihcaileissfueersathlatcdaisttsracctethretmaifnrolym are part of
deemed inappropriate or not in the Publisher's best interest. etarrnaehtdinnhoo’ictenurgginesp—teetripncotrghaboiibtnnlselgetshmmfelriskw,o. eMamwyaareotkhcferchoistianiussnrotepuraittaidhbntoouoosletrreinagst
Publisher: keep our
Lisa Mathews ∙ 541.212.0914 to the mas-
∙ [email protected]
timsei.vBeesnt oufmlucbke! r of small critters killed each
call or text 541.212.0914 Syenedayro.ur comments, questions or tips
Lisa Mathews to Fasok@lkpsa,wksceoernper.ycoomu.r cats indoors. If you’ve
got©a202c0aKtingtFheaatutresinSysndi.s, Itnsc. on being outside,
find a compromise: perhaps a screened
enclosure in the backyard or a window
seat, so your cat can watch the world go
by. Bolstering bird populations and re-
ducing the risk of transmitted diseases is
worth it.
Send your tips, comments or questions
to [email protected].
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
Apr 14 - Apr 21, 2021 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Page 3
Just arrived! Exceeding Your Expectations Tires ∙ Wheels ∙ Brakes LEON’S PUMPS LLC
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executive served
as president of the Need cash now, NOW HIRING FRAMERS! FART FACTS (cont)
American League don’t want to have
from 1974-83? an estate sale or yard $25-$30 per hour • Some gas is caused by swallowed air,
2. Name the NFL sale, call the Trea- UA Screening, licensed coming from fizzy drinks as well as things
running back who sure Valley Picker for contractor RCE-56432 like airy whipped topping. Most swallowed
repeatedly said unwanted items, an- air comes up as burps, but some goes
“I’m just here so Sav-On Pole Barns through as farts. Flatulance resulting from
I don’t get fined” at a Super Bowl XLIX swallowed air has very little odor.
media-day press conference. Call Tammy or
3. Brazilian footballer Manuel Francisco stop in today • The same bacteria that produce gas also
dos Santos, famous for his spectacular generate vitamins and fatty acids that
dribbling, was better known by what nick- tiques, jewelry, tools, 1454 S. Main St, Payette help maintain our colon lining, as well as
name? supporting the immune system.
4. On June 30, 1970, the Atlanta Braves’ furniture, musical in- 208-642-0825
Hank Aaron hit the first home run in the A LONG HISTORY
history of what stadium? struments, garage
5. What boxing writer and sports historian, • Fart jokes appear in the works of
known for his signature fedora and cigar, sales items & misc. Cash For Part Time Help Shakespeare and in Chaucer’s
was editor and publisher of “The Ring” We buy storage units, Yard work, odds & “Canterbury Tales.” Farts are mentioned
magazine from 1979-83? garages & barns. Call in the Bible (Isaiah 26:17-18), and are
6. What sport, originating in Spain in 2005, 208-405-9647. ends, running errands featured in several stories of “The Arabian
combines volleyball, soccer and gymnastics Must have car and Nights.” Dante wrote about farting in
with music, and is played on an inflatable “The Inferno” and Jonathan Swift penned
court with trampolines on both sides of the phone. Call Rod an essay called “The Benefit of Farting
net? Explained.” In response to a call for
7. Mexico’s premier motorsports track is The “Books Only” Store 205-405-9647 scientific papers, Benjamin Franklin wrote
named after two brothers who both died in an essay called “Fart Proudly” in which he
auto-racing incidents nine years apart. Who Chris’s Book Corner FOR SALE facetiously suggested that researchers
are they? 322 State Street, study a way to make farts smell better.
(c) 2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc. Weiser Idaho 2002 Suzuki XL7 4WD FART WORDS
208-549-8191 silver w/grey interior,
Mon-Fri 9:00-5:00 clean, small crack in • The word “fart” had been in common use
Sat 9:00-4:00 for centuries, yet Webster’s left it out of the
windshield dictionary until 1961. On the other hand,
Samuel Johnson’s “Dictionary of the English
205,294 miles, clean Language,” published in 1755, included it.
title. $2800 obo • “Flatulence” comes from the Latin verb “flare”
meaning “to blow,” and its corresponding
text Lisa noun “flatus” meaning “a blowing.” The word
“poop” originated with the Middle English
Classified Advertising Rates: 541-212-0914 “powpe” meaning “to blow a horn” and
originally referred to a fart, morphing into
$8.00 for the first week for up to 20 words, up to 3 addition- “poot” which became “toot.”
al weeks for $4.00 each when paid at the time of original ad
placement. For additional words, add 20¢ per word per week, • In slang it’s called “cutting the cheese”
for border and yellow highlight, add $2.00 per week. Payment because when cheese was originally sold
Options: Credit Card- call 541-212-0914 - Check or Money in large round molds, the first slice the cut
Order - mail your legible ad with payment to: Oregon Trail through the waxy protective rind, released
Publications, P.O. Box 93 Ontario, OR 97914 the sharp odor of fermentation. (cont’d)
All ad copy must be approved by Tidbits, which reserves the right to edit or reject any ad request
that we find, in our sole discretion, to be questionable or not in good taste. In the event of typo-
graphical errors, errors in publication, or omission in or from an ad, Tidbits liability will be limited
to the reprinting of the ad. By placing an ad in Tidbits, you waive any claim for consequential,
incidental, or other damages. All items listed are subject to prior sale. Tidbits considers it’s ad-
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write: FTC, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580 or log on to http://www.ftc.
For Up To Date Information Visit
Ontario Area Chamber Of Commerce
Page 4 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Apr 14 - Apr 21, 2021
Clyde W Hager Estate Auction * On April 25, 1719, Daniel Defoe’s “The
Life and Strange Adventures of Robinson
Date: Saturday April 17, 2021 Crusoe” is published. The book, about a
shipwrecked sailor who spends 28 years
Time: 10: A.M. MDT on a deserted island, is based on the
experiences of Alexander Selkirk, a Scot-
Sale Located at:937 This & That Rd. Weiser, Id. From Hwy 201 take the Hwy 95 spur tish sailor who spent four years on a small
to County RD. 70/ Steck Park turn off. North 2 mi. to Haas Rd., Left to This Rd. Rt turn island off South America.
onto This & That Rd. From Idaho, Hwy 95 to Commercial St., Left to W 3rd St., W 3rd.
To County Rd. 70. * On April 24, 1800, President John Ad-
ams approves legislation to appropriate
Terms: Cash, bankable check, credit card. No merchandise removed prior to settlement. 10% buyers premium. $5,000 to establish the Library of Con-
gress. The first books, ordered from Lon-
Auctioneers Note: Clyde was a long term resident of the Treasure Valley spending his life as a mechanic. Vir- don, arrived in 1801. Twelve years later,
tually 1,000's of Quality hand tools, Snap-on, Crescent, Diamond, and support equipment. Engine hoist, engine the library was destroyed when the British
stands, presses, battery chargers, tool boxes. army invaded the city of Washington and
burned the Capitol.
Barn Find: 1960 Ford Falcon 2 dr.; 1960-1962 Ford Falcon Rancheo; McCormick-Farmall Model B, fresh engine
good rubber. * On April 22, 1945, Adolf Hitler, upon
learning that no German defense was
Lawn Mower/Storage Shed: Toro Time Cutter SS4235 zero turn; 12' X 16' solid built storage shed. offered to the Russian assault at Eber-
swalde, admits to all in his underground
Vehicles: Numerous Trucks and cars, everything from a Isuzu Pup to a 10 yd dump. Honda Foreman 4 wd. bunker in Berlin that the war is lost and
suicide is his only recourse.
Tractor/ forklift: Ford Industrial w/5550 loader/backhoe; Payloader forklift.
* On April 23, 1954, Hank Aaron hits the
Trailers: Numerous trailers from shop built to 38' dry box vans. first home run of his Major League Base-
ball career. Twenty years later, Aaron
Antique Farm Equipment: complete wagon running gear; potato digger; buck rakes; more to find. broke Babe Ruth’s long-standing record
of 714 career homers. Aaron retired from
This is a partial list only. A baseball in 1976 with 755 career homers.
complete list is at SnakeR- To arrange * On April 20, 1971, the Pentagon con-
absentee or telephonic bid- firms that fragging incidents (tossing frag-
ding call Roger @(541)212- mentation hand grenades into sleeping ar-
eas) are on the rise. Fragging incidents in
5918, Steve Hawkins @ combat were usually attempts to remove
(541)212-5720, or Tim leaders perceived to be incompetent and
Watts @ (208)963-1684. a threat to survival.
Sale Conducted by: * On April 21, 1980, Rosie Ruiz, age 26,
Snake River Auction finishes first in the women’s division of
P.O Box 672 Payette, Id. the Boston Marathon. Ruiz was stripped
of her victory eight days later after race
83661 officials learned she joined the race about
a mile before the finish line.
* On April 19, 1995, a massive truck
• In the year 569 B.C., King Apries of bomb explodes outside the Alfred P. Mur-
Egypt sent General Amasis to squash a rah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
rebellion. The rebels crowned General The blast collapsed the north face of the
Amasis as their new king, and he was nine-story building, killing 168 people,
OK with that. When King Apries got wind including 19 young children in its day-care
of it, he sent one of his most respected center.
advisors to bring General Amasis before (c) 2021 Hearst Communications, Inc.
him. When the advisor encountered All Rights Reserved
Amasis, the general was seated upon a
horse. He raised his butt off the saddle,
farted loudly, and told the advisor to take
that message back to King Apries. When
the advisor delivered the message, King
Apries was so angry that he commanded
his henchmen to cut off the nose and ears
of the advisor. Because the advisor had
been a very popular person, the citizens
of Egypt were enraged. Many defected
and joined forces with General Amasis.
Because of this, Amasis defeated King
Apries in battle. Amasis was declared
Egypt’s new king, and ruled for 44 peaceful
and prosperous years.
• In the 1600s, Edward DeVere, 17th Earl
of Oxford, bowed down before Queen
Elizabeth, and accidentally let out a fart.
He was so embarrassed that he left
England for 7 years. When he returned,
the Queen greeted him saying, “My lord, I
had forgot the fart!”
• Comedienne Caryn Johnson admits that
she got the first part of her stage name
due to the fact that stomach ulcers caused
her to pass a lot of gas, making her sound
like a walking whoopee cushion. She’s
now known as Whoopi Goldberg.
• Underpants or cushions with a built-in
charcoal filters are designed to detoxify farts,
known variously at Toot Trappers, Butt Mufflers,
Flatulence Filters, or Farty Pants. Briefs made
from carbon fiber are effective at removing
up to 77% of the odor. Experts recommend
ingesting peppermint, ginger, yogurt, pumpkin,
or cardamom to diminish flatulence.
mowers on sale now!
Stop by for details.
Apr 14 - Apr 21, 2021 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Page 5 PRO RENTALS & SALES
35 NE 1st Street Phone: (541) 889-5233
We offer a full line of parts for all
brands listed
1454 S. Main St
Payette, ID
Wonderful Words 1. LANGUAGE: What is the word for “M”
MARITIME PHRASES in the international alphabet code used in
radio? Soon both the fort and the Tennessee had
• During the Revolutionary War, the American 2. TELEVISION: What was the real first fallen. Farragut’s speech is now remembered
ship Le Bonhomme Richard was engaged name of the character Fonzie in the come- as, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”
in battle with the British ship Serapis. The dy “Happy Days”?
Richard took a beating and was in danger of 3. SCIENCE: Which country has the great- • Chaplain Howell Forgy was aboard the
sinking. The captain of the Richard ordered est number of tornados annually? cruiser New Orleans in Pearl Harbor when
his crew to close in on the Serapis, then 4. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of the Japanese attacked. The man who had
lashed the two ships together. The captain Australia? the keys to the ammunition room had gone
of the Serapis, seeing the Richard begin to 5. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are the only ashore before the attack, so the crewmen
sink, asked for a surrender, but Captain John two known mammals that lay eggs? were forced to break down the door, only to
Paul Jones said no, calling out, “I have not yet 6. LITERATURE: What was the name of the find that the automatic ammunition hoist was
begun to fight!” The two ships mauled each first monster in “Beowulf”? out of order. So the men formed a human
other till the Serapis finally surrendered. The 7. MOVIES: What was the name of the chain to get the ammo on deck. Seeing the
Richard sank, but John Paul Jones sailed villain in the movie “Three Amigos!”? men tire after passing many heavy loads,
the Serapis home as a prize. 8. U.S. STATES: What is the nickname of Forgy called out, “Praise the Lord and pass
Wyoming? the ammunition!” This later became the title
• Admiral David Farragut was leading the 9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the of a popular song.
Union attack against the Confederates in the color of envy, culturally speaking?
ship Tecumseh. The bay was mined, forcing 10. BUSINESS: Which country’s basic cur- • During the War of 1812, the U.S. frigate
ships to pass close to the Confederate fort. rency is the sol? Chesapeake was up against the British ship
The Tecumseh was sunk by a mine, so Shannon when the Chesapeake’s captain,
Farragut moved to the Hartford to continue (c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. James Lawrence, was fatally wounded. His
the attack. The fleet was in disarray and the dying words were, “Don’t give up the ship!”
tide was sweeping them closer to the guns
on shore. The Confederate ship Tennessee • General John Morgan was talking with
was closing in. Farragut called out, “Damn General Nathan Bedford Forrest about their
the torpedoes, go ahead!” The ships exploits in the Civil War when
pressed on through the minefield without Morgan asked Forrest how
further damage. (cont) he had managed to capture
the garrison at Murfreesboro.
Forrest simply replied, “I just
took the short cut and got
there first with the most men.”
This statement remembered
as, “I got there firstest with the
• In 1813 during the
Battle of Lake Erie, naval
commander Oliver Hazard
was commanding the flagship
Lawrence when it was so badly
damaged that he had to row to a
new ship to continue the battle.
Nevertheless, he won the
battle and sent a terse dispatch
announcing the victory, saying,
“We have met the enemy, and
they are ours.” Years later Walt
Kelly’s cartoon character Pogo
parodied this, saying, “We have
met the enemy and he is us.”
Page 6 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Apr 14 -Apr 21, 2021
By Lucie Winborne MARITIME PHRASES (cont’d) 1372 Southwest 8th Ave
* “The Whole Shabang” is a brand of pota- Ontario, OR 97914
to chips once sold only in jails and prisons. • Just north of the equator, the earth is Phone (541) 889-4600 | Fax (541) 889-5480
It was so popular that in 2016, due to de- circled by a band of wind that moves
mand from ex-inmates, it was finally made nearly constantly. Just south of the Assisted Living ∙ Facility No. 24022
available to the general public. equator, another band of wind moves
constantly, but it moves in the opposite Come see us about our Move In Special!
* The majority of people will tilt their head direction. However, there’s a belt around
to the right when they kiss. the equator where the two winds moving
in opposite directions cancel each other
* Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur out, leaving large swaths of the ocean
Conan Doyle helped popularize skiing by without a single breath of moving air for
being the first Englishman to document the long periods of time. The word for this
sport. stagnant area came from the same root
word that gave us dull and dolt. Later the
* For centuries, doctors thought that med- term also came to mean anybody who
icines made with human flesh, blood or acted sluggish, slow, or lazy. From there
bone could be effective in curing all kinds it also came to mean listless, a depressed
of ailments, from epilepsy to headaches. mood, or suffering from low spirits. When
The practice was called “corpse medicine.” you’re down in the dumps, you’re also in
the “doldrums.”
* The original name for the search engine
Google was Backrub. It was renamed after PIRATE TYPES
the googolplex, which is the number 1 fol-
lowed by 100 zeros. • A buccaneer was a pirate who operated
in the Caribbean. In the 1600s various
* The fear of young people is known as misfits such as runaway slaves, criminals
“ephebiphobia.” hiding out, and sailors who had deserted
their ships began roaming around the
* Gatling gun salesmen went to Civil War island that is now Haiti. They hunted
battlefields to demonstrate their products wild pigs and cattle, drying the meat to
in actual combat. preserve it. The drying racks they used
were called “boucans” and this group
* A newly sworn-in Barack Obama visited of rag-tag men subsequently became
the U.K. in 2009 and presented some rath- known as buccaneers. They traded
er curious gifts to the prime minister and their dried meat for goods carried by
queen: 25 DVDs to David Cameron, and ships that were heading back to Europe.
an iPod Classic to the then-octogenarian The Spanish had claimed the island as
Elizabeth II. Cameron returned the gesture their territory so the presence of these
with some “wellies” and Hobgoblin ale. buccaneers was unwanted.
* In the Solomon Islands, dolphin teeth MORE ON PAGE 9 ONLINE AT
were (and still are) used as a form of cur-
* Historically, most Easter celebrants
would have eaten lamb for the occasion,
as the holiday has its roots in the Jewish
Passover. Most American Easter dinners
now feature ham, however, because years
ago, hams cured over the winter would
have been ready to serve in early spring.
Thought for the Day: “When writing the
story of your life, don’t let anyone else
hold the pen.” -- Harley Davidson
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
Apr 14 - Apr 21, 2021 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Page 7
* Trying to spot roof dam- LIFESTYLE HOME MEDICAL SUPPLY
age but not quite sure you’re
ready for a trip up the ladder? New and Refurbished Medical
Before you get up on the roof, Equipment and Supplies
get out your binoculars. You’d
be surprised how much you We Will Save You Money!
can see from the ground, and
you can do a cursory examina- (541) 216-6468
tion and then decide if any-
thing needs a closer look. 2390 SW 4th Ave ∙ Ontario
* Upcycle an unused bread
box as a charging station.
Simply mount a power strip in
the back of the box on the in-
side, and you can put phones
and other small devices direct-
ly inside to charge. Run a cord
through the side so that larger
tablets can sit on top of the
box to charge.
* “Use lip balm to help a too-
tight ring slide off of a finger.
This happened to me when
I tried on my sister’s ring in
church. I had some lip balm in
my pocket, and it helped me
get the ring off quickly and
quietly without having to get
up.” -- A.E. in Washington
* If your phone’s buzzing and
ringing with alerts has you
distracted during your work-
day, use the “do not disturb”
function to create periods
of quiet. Schedule blocks of
deep focus time by making an
appointment with yourself in
your calendar. This can help
you to organize your time to
get things done.
* If you have some sticky gum
that’s stuck on fabric, it might
be best to set it aside and
wait for it to harden. Or if you
can’t wait that long, try using
a piece of duct tape. Press the
tape over the gum, then lift off
from the side. You can repeat
this process to pull up all of
the gum.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a
Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlan-
do, FL 32803.
(c) 2021 King Features Synd.,
Page 8 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Apr 14- Apr 21, 2021
COVID Advice Clear as Mud
VA Extends Deadlines for Life If you’re confused about COVID vac-
Insurance cine and when our lives are going to
change for the better, you’re not alone.
Nobody wants to think about it, but the We’re considered to be fully vaccinated
need for life insurance is a fact of life. once two weeks have passed after the
And now the cost of life insurance for veterans is dropping, opening the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vac-
door for more of us to be able to afford it. cines, or two weeks after the one-dose
After separation, we’ve had 240 days to apply and hand over the initial pre-
mium to transfer from Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance to Veterans’ Johnson & Johnson.
Group Life Insurance without having to provide proof of good health. After What’s new is this, per the Centers for
that deadline we had one year plus 120 days to file and pay, but needed to Disease Control and Prevention: If fully
submit proof of good health in the form of a questionnaire about our medi-
cal conditions. vaccinated, you can be indoors with
Now, with COVID, the Department of Veterans Affairs has extended the ap- other fully vaccinated people without
plication time by an additional 90 days for both categories. This will expire wearing a mask. You can meet indoors
in June, but it does buy a little more time to get insurance. with unvaccinated people in one house-
To learn more about VA life insurance, go to hold unless one of those people has
ance. Follow the Eligibility links to see if you qualify for any of the whole a health risk. If you’ve been around
menu of VA insurance. Consult the rates chart to see what your premi- someone who has COVID, you don’t
ums would be. As an example, a $300,000 policy for a 50-year-old veteran have to stay away from people or get
would run you $99 per month. Rates across all categories jump significantly tested unless you have symptoms ...
once you hit the age 55 column, so if you’re considering it, don’t delay. A or live in a group setting. In that case,
$100,000 policy at age 30 will cost you a mere $9 per month.
At that same webpage you can apply to convert your SGLI policy to VGLI, stay away from others for 14 days
apply for service-disabled insurance, update your beneficiary, file an insur- and get tested, even if you don’t have
ance claim and more, as well as getting forms for all of these.
On the right side of the screen you’ll see Assessing Your Life Insurance symptoms.
Needs. Click that to use the calculator to zero in on how much you should Clear as mud, right?
have. It might be more than you think. It gets worse. According to the CDC, as
fabulous as this new vaccine is, even if
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. fully vaccinated, we still need to wear
masks in public. We still need to social
distance. We still need to avoid medi-
um and large crowds. We still need to
stay out of poorly ventilated spaces.
We should delay travel.
So what’s the holdup? Why are we still
under restrictions after getting the vac-
cine? The best I can figure out is that
the answer lies with the COVID vari-
ants, the different versions created as
the virus mutates. It appears that not
all of the vaccines work equally well on
all of the variants. Frankly, some of the
vaccines work rather poorly, depending
on which variant it encounters.
Until scientists figure this out, we still
need to be cautious: wear masks, stay
away from people, stay out of crowds.
Except for getting the vaccine, not
much has changed.
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
Sports Quiz Answers Trivia Answers
1. Lee MacPhail. 1. Mike
2. Marshawn Lynch, Seattle Seahawks. 2. Arthur
3. Garrincha. 3. United States, central and south
4. Cincinnati’s Riverfront Stadium. regions
5. Bert Sugar. 4. Canberra
6. Bossaball. 5. Duck-billed platypus and the spiny
7. Pedro and Ricardo Rodriguez. anteater
6. Grendel
7. El Guapo
8. The Equality State
9. Green
10. Peru
Apr 14 - Apr 21, 2021 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Page 9
PIRATE TYPES (cont) ARIES (March 21 to April 19) It isn’t always
easy for the rambunctious Aries to give a
To drive them off, the Spaniards not only murdered them whenever possible, second thought to their often spur-of-the-
but also slaughtered their cattle and pigs. Angry, the buccaneers organized a moment choices. But aspects favor recheck-
resistance and drove the Spaniards off. Not satisfied with that, the buccaneers ing a decision before declaring it final.
then took their revenge to the sea, raiding every Spanish ship they could TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Information
capture. Finding this profitable, they often attacked ships from other countries emerges for the business-driven Bovine who
as well. The heyday of buccaneers in the Caribbean waned by the end of the feels ready to restart a stalled project. Be
1600s as the Spanish presence in the Caribbean began to fall off. prepared to make adjustments as needed at
any time during the process.
• A privateer was essentially a pirate whose plundering was sanctioned and often GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Part of you
underwritten by the government that the pirate worked for. Captains of privately wants to complete plans for an upcoming
owned boats carried documents known as Letters of Marque which officially event, while your other self wants to see
authorized them to attack and plunder ships belonging to whatever country their how things develop first. Compromise by
homeland was warring with at the time. (“Marque” came from the German word moving ahead with your plans while being
“march” meaning border; the Letters of Marque gave the captains permission to open to change.
cross international boundaries.) Generally the sponsoring government received CANCER (June 21 to July 22) An unexpect-
a share of the privateer’s loot. ed change in a relationship could open up
a problem or could lead to a much-needed
• Privateering reached its zenith between 1589 and 1815, when privateers acted and too-long-delayed reassessment of a
as auxiliary members of the navy. When a particular war ended, the Letters of number of matters. The choice is yours to
Marque issued for that war expired and the privateers found themselves out make.
of work. Reluctant to give up their way of life, many of them became pirates LEO (July 23 to August 22) Time for the Lion
instead and attacked whatever ships they ran across. During the War of 1812, to total the plusses and minuses resulting
privateers disregarded the rules laid down by their Letters of Marque and began from recent personal and/or professional
attacking whatever ships they found. Because of these abuses, the Declaration decisions. See what worked, what didn’t and
of Paris, signed in 1856 by France and England, abolished privateering. This why, and base your next big move on the
declaration later became part of general international law. results.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) The
• Then there were the regular pirates, who attacked not only other ships but also clever Virgo can make persuasion work by
any likely-looking towns on shore. The cost of operating pirate ships was often presenting a case built on hard facts. Sen-
underwritten by wealthy businessmen who invested in the venture hoping to timent might touch the heart, but it’s good,
make a profit. solid information that invariably wins the
• Captain Kidd was licensed by the British government to capture enemy merchant LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You
ships and bring the plunder home. But one ship he preyed on was owned by rich, usually can win over the most stubborn
influential men who had connections. They complained to King William III— the skeptics on your own. But this time you
same man who had commissioned Kidd— and Kidd was tricked, trapped, and can benefit from supporters who have been
brought to trial. Evidence was withheld that would have saved him, and Kidd there, done that and are willing to speak up
went to the gallows, undeserving of his reputation as an evil pirate. on your behalf.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You
• Philosopher Diogenes was captured by pirates in order to be sold into slavery. win admiration for your determination to do
The pirate captain wanted to know if he had any trade or skills. Diogenes replied the right thing. Don’t be distracted from that
that all he knew was how to govern men. “Sell me to a man who needs a master!” course, despite the offer of tempting alter-
he said. The pirate immediately put him to work as tutor to his two sons. natives that might suddenly turn up.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December
21) While you still need to maintain control
of a dominant situation, a new development
emerges, making the task easier and the
outcome potentially more rewarding.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19)
New factors might have a positive effect
on a still-pending matter, but only if the
information proves to be credible. Trusted
colleagues might be able to offer needed
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18)
The week favors moderation, especially if a
health problem is involved. Resist the im-
pulse to do more than might be good for
you at this time. You can catch up later.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You
could feel more than a mite upset by some-
one or some people who might be creating
problems for you. Find out why they won’t
change their ways. Their reasons might sur-
prise you.
BORN THIS WEEK: You know how to inspire
others to do their best by setting a persua-
sive example of your own.
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
Page 10 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Apr 14- Apr 21, 2021
1. Is the book of Nehemiah in the Old BIBLE TRIVIA
or New Testament or neither? ANSWERS: 1) Old; 2) 700; 3) Peter; 4)
2. From 1 Kings 11, what was the num- Stephen; 5) Sister; 6) Nahum
ber of wives and princesses, along with
300 concubines of King Solomon? 3, 50,
100, 700
3. When he had a vision, who said
“Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten
any thing that is common or unclean”?
Adam, Reuben, Samson, Peter
4. From Acts 7, who was the first per-
son martyred for his belief in Jesus
Christ? Apollos, John the Baptist, Jehu,
5. When he met King Abimelech, Abra-
ham pretended that Sarah was his ...?
Mother, Neighbor, Sister, Daughter
6. Besides Jonah, what other prophet
ministered in Nineveh? Nathan, Paul,
Nahum, Philip
“Test Your Bible Knowledge,” a book
with 1,206 multiple-choice questions by
columnist Wilson Casey, is available in
bookstores and online.
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
Apr 14 - Apr 21, 2021 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Page 11
PHOTO: Scene from “The Muppet Movie”
Photo Credit: Universal Pictures/Disney
April may not be the classic time of the year to talk about road trips,
which are typically a summer affair. But it should be, especially now.
With a little luck and a bit of self-control, we should see our lives re-
turned to a semblance of normal by late summer. Even those who have
been hunkered down in their homes will be able to get out and see the
sights. What better time than now to plan a road trip? Getting in the car
and jumping on the highway can give you a sense of purpose and freedom, making it a terrific setting for movies. There’s no limit to the
reasons for hitting the road. Here are just a few to rev your engine.
“Almost Famous” -- Patrick Fugit plays William, who spends an unforgettable 1973 summer chronicling the band Stillwater for Rolling
Stone magazine.
“Easy Rider” -- The 1969 classic features Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda as two hippies on motorcycles who head from California to Mardi
Gras, exploring the good and bad of life along the way.
“Joy Ride” -- A college freshman, his alluring love interest and a ne’er-do-well older brother prank a trucker and are treated to pavement
pounding payback.
“Magic Mike XXL” -- Channing Tatum returns to the stage, joining his best friends on a road trip that has the boys sexy-dancing all the
way to a stripper convention in Myrtle Beach.
“The Cannonball Run” -- Cross-country shenanigans ensue when contestants race from Connecticut to California in an “outlaw road race”
to see who is the fastest.
“True Romance” -- Two fated misfits -- an Elvis fanatic named Clarence and a call girl named Alabama -- fall in love and escape from De-
troit to LA with a duffel bag of drugs to finance their future.
“Zombieland” -- It’s the end of the world, and four survivors and unlikely adventure-mates traverse a zombie-infested America while in
search of and studiously avoiding humanity.
“Please Stand By” -- A young autistic woman (Dakota Fanning) obsessed with “Star Trek” travels to Los Angeles to turn in a script in order
to win a contest after she misses the mail-in deadline.
“The Muppet Movie” -- The delightful 1979 origin story of the Muppets, this film features Kermit the Frog, who heads to Hollywood to seek
fame and fortune, encountering and collecting his soulmate pals along the way.
“Over the Top” -- Long-haul trucker Lincoln Hawk (Sylvester Stallone) struggles to bond with and protect his son while heading to the
World Armwrestling Championship in Las Vegas.
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.
Page 12 Tidbits of Lower Treasure Valley Apr 14 - Apr 21, 2021
An Ode to Avocados
I’ve been preparing, eating, reading and writing about avocados for more than
a decade. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that avocados would
rise to their current heights in the culinary world. Avocados are like the child
you have who goes from sitting quietly in the back of the classroom making a
“C” at best, to becoming the high-school valedictorian with a full-ride college
scholarship to Harvard.
Avocados are considered a fruit. They are one of the few fruits or vegetables
that contain fat, but the fat is unsaturated and heart healthy. That healthy fat
also is why avocados have such a creamy, delicious mouth-feel.
California avocados are in season from spring to fall, which means they will be easier to find, better quality and
more affordable during that time. Avocados are one of the produce items with the least number of pesticides, so
there is no reason to buy organic.
Avocados are loaded with nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, folate
and 60% more potassium per ounce than bananas. They’re also cholesterol- and sodium-free. Two tablespoons of
mashed avocado (about 1 ounce) or one-fifth of a medium avocado provides about 55 calories.
To choose an avocado, squeeze it gently. It should be firm but give to slight pressure. Hard avocados are not yet
ripe, but can ripen in a few days. Place the unripe avocado in a brown paper bag for two to five days. Apples or
bananas can be added to the bag to shorten the process, because the gas they give off helps ripen the avocados.
Ripe avocados can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days.
Always wash avocados before eating to remove any dirt or bacteria. Cut lengthwise and rotate the halves to sep-
arate. Use a spoon to remove the seed and scoop out the meat or peel the skin away from the fruit. Lemon juice,
lime juice or white vinegar can help prevent discoloring. You can also press plastic wrap directly on the surface and
then wrap to store in the refrigerator for a few days. If the surface turns brown, just cut off the top layer and eat
the rest.
Avocados can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including mashed and spread on a sandwich in place of mayonnaise,
or blending it with oil and vinegar to make a salad dressing. This recipe for Avocado Flat-Bread is yet another way
to enjoy healthy, delicious avocados.
This Avocado Flatbread is soft, delicious and vegan. It is an easy-to-make, simple bread recipe that can be pre-
pared in less than 30 minutes. Sprinkle the finished flatbreads with pre-packaged Everything Bagel seasoning mix
for additional flavor and texture, if desired.
1 large avocado, or 2 to 3 small avocados, ripe, peeled and pitted PHOTO CREDIT: Depositphotos
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon curry powder or garam masala powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
3 tablespoons cilantro or parsley leaves, finely chopped
1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
Water, as needed to moisten dough
3 tablespoons vegetable oil (to cook flatbread)
1. Using a large bowl and a fork, potato masher or a food processor, mash the avocado until smooth. Add the lem-
on juice, salt, pepper, curry or garam masala powder, onion powder, garlic powder, cilantro or parsley leaves, and
mix well.
2. Add 1/3 cup of flour at a time to the avocado mixture and mix or process well after each addition. Lightly dust
the counter or cutting board, and a rolling pin with flour. Knead the mixture on the counter or cutting board to form
a soft, smooth dough. If the dough is too loose, add another 1/3 cup of flour. If the dough is too dry, add a table-
spoon of water.
3. Cover the dough with a dish towel or plastic wrap, set aside for 15-30 minutes. Divide dough into 8 equal por-
tions. Roll each portion into a circle or oval shape of even thickness (about 2 inches).
4. Place a heavy-bottom skillet or a griddle over medium-high heat until hot. Place one of the flatbread pieces in
the dry skillet or a griddle. Press flatbread lightly with a spatula. After 5 to 7 seconds, when bubbles form on top of
the flatbread and the bottom is light brown, spread a teaspoon of oil on top of the flatbread. Flip it over, cook it for
another 5-7 seconds, then apply oil to the top of the flatbread, flip again, cook for the last 5-7 seconds. Transfer to
a serving plate, cover to keep warm. Repeat process with remaining flatbread.
5. Freeze or store in an airtight container. Serves 8.
Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks.
Her new cookbook is “The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook.” Her website is To see how-to vid-
eos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook. Recipes may not
be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis.
(c) 2021 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis