purpose under
heaven". We take comfort in that. This
is our season.
This market is something new and
different. It's going to require new
skills, but I promise you, it's worth it.
We got started with word of mouth,
basic referrals, Craig’s list ads, &
Facebook posts. We reinvested those
profits into our coaching & course
business to expand and increase.
You see, to take this to a Nationwide
level, doing virtual marketing and
virtual coaching isn't the same as our
typical business model. Most of what
we've done up until now is based on
very little advertising required, and just
market demand in your general locale.
Google my business will do most of the
work for you if you know what I mean.
A Golden Pen
But, this requires something more,
expensive ad copy, landing pages,
click-funnels, webinars, and follow-up
email sequences on
automation...followed by phone call
sessions to close the deal. Stuff that is
outside of our normal realm of
marketing. We in turn have also had to
hire coaches that operate at the next
level it gets us performing and a higher
Is it all worth it? Yes! It's totally worth
it... you may be thinking that you don't
have any coaching expertise at this
moment but it's entirely likely that you
A Golden Pen
will soon. So, we want you to be
thinking about what you can offer
when you have the expertise available
at your disposal. Now, if you're already
running a small and successful
business like our mobile notary
business then you don't necessarily
have to offer the six-figure coaching
like we do, you can start small as you
can with anything.
If you are already a skilled mobile
closer, you can offer new notaries to tag
along with you to closings to witness
how it goes down in real-time and
charge them a small fee for riding along
with you. Or maybe there's something
else that you are really good at it or
another niche that you discovered that
you can capitalize on through this
same process. The sky is the limit!
Here's a quick breakdown of how the
market works: If you are offering a
mid- ticket priced coaching service, the
A Golden Pen
price is going to be somewhere between
$600 -$3,000 and your clients can
expect to generate a six-figure income.
This is where we operate. If you are
looking to go from six figures to half a
million and upwards, you are going to
need to retain a coach that can teach
you at that level expect the training to
cost you $10,000 +.
Once you start this process, there are
all kinds of side streams of income that
you will be able to capitalize on as well.
For example, if you generate a decent
social media following through
whatever platform you are on, you will
be able to offer affiliate products to
your target market. This will be
relatively easily and generate additional
streams of income completely
effortlessly. You can link with sites like
Amazon affiliates and Click-Bank that
have all kinds of links, descriptions,
feeds and blogs that you are putting
out there.
A Golden Pen
“Show me a successful
individual and I’ll show you
someone who had real positive
influences in his or her life. I don’t
care what you do for a living—if
you do it well I’m sure there was
someone cheering you on or
showing the way. A mentor.”
– Denzel Washington
A Golden Pen
The Lesser known world of
Apostille Services
Apostille services are a great addition
to any mobile notary service. There's
not much competition, and it's a quick
turnaround. You can fully charge what
you do for loan signing services or
more and have an apostille done in
about 10 to 15 minutes. And it is a
A Golden Pen
good service to provide! We avoided
offering apostille services for too long,
simply because we did not want to do
the homework necessary job in the
service. Quite frankly, the whole
process was confusing to us.
But, you know what happened? Our
phones would randomly ring with
people asking if we provided apostille
services. Now, I knew what the going
rates for these were, and finally turned
down enough calls that we realized we
were just simply missing an
Apostilles authenticate the seals and
signatures of officials on public
documents such as birth certificates,
court orders, or any other document
issued by a federal agency or certified
by an American or foreign consul. An
apostille certifies the document(s), so
the document can be recognized in
foreign countries that are members of
the Hague Treaty.
A Golden Pen
Countries that are participants of the
Apostille Convention are approximately
In Florida, we must send these
documents into the Secretary of State
for such authentication. Also, the
following requirements need to be met:
Notarize each document in front of a
notary public:
For a notary public commissioned
through the state, documents must
only be certified by the secretary of
state in the state where the document
was notarized.
If you do not have the correct
notarization(s) before you submit your
documents, we will not be able to
process your request.
A Golden Pen
All seals and signatures must be
originals. Copies cannot be accepted
unless they are “true certified copies”
from a notary public. Please note that
birth certificates, marriage certificates,
death certificates, divorce decrees,
court documents, and federally-issued
documents cannot be certified by a
notary public as “true copies.” These
documents must be certified by the
secretary of state.
All documents in a foreign language
must be translated into English by a
certified translator and notarized as a
true translation. Getting documents to
the Secretary of State requires some
turn-around time. It helps significantly
to have a courier hand deliver them.
This is where apostille services come in.
A Golden Pen
For a four-day turnaround, my fee is
$225. Cutting through the confusion
and being a One-Stop shop for
someone's apostille needs is what you
are offering. Judy Lawrence and Matt
Miller have a great book available on
Kindle called "The Apostille Agents
Survival Guide" it will go into far more
details than I'm inclined to if this is
something you want to take a serious
look at. So I'm going to give you our
abridged version...
It goes like this:
Properly determine if the item in
question is a candidate for being
an apostille as I laid out
Properly notarize the document.
Fill out the adjacent apostille
request forms.
Expedite the documents to the
Secretary of State.
A Golden Pen
This is mostly what your client is after.
They are paying for the expediency.
For this, we offer two levels of service
depending on the urgency. For a 1- 2
week turnaround, my fee is $125. For a
four-day turnaround, the fee is $225.
Our profit is still basically the same.
Which is $100 for a few minutes of
work. The courier services are included
in the cost.
For the first option, we’re basically
performing the notary assisting with
the apostille request form and sending
a priority mail with a return priority
mail envelope to the Secretary of State.
The client doing this by snail mail
would most definitely take a month. If
the form was in properly notarized it
would get sent back and not done it all.
By offering priority to and from the
Secretary of State, guaranteeing the
documents are done right and the fact
that the secretary of state is familiar
A Golden Pen
with our business name and handy
work, we can cut the turnaround time
down to less than 2 weeks.
For the second option, we are hiring a
courier off of Craig’s list who lives in
Tallahassee where the Secretary of
State's office is. We are sending
documents by FedEx to the courier's
address. Paying them to hand deliver
them to the Secretary of State's office
and personally FedEx them back to us
that same day!
That's apostilles in a nutshell! But, if
you seriously want to launch this
service, get the book, it'll give you a lot
of clarity on the market.
Wedding Officiant
Offering wedding officiants services
absolutely makes good sense if you are
in a desirable locale. For example, we
live close to the beach. A plethora of
A Golden Pen
people come to Florida to get married
on the beach! As a matter of fact, the
majority of the weddings that I have
officiated have been on the beach.
These people are happy, excited,
nervous, friendly but extremely grateful
and generous. They will pay your fee
and almost always heavily tip you!
For some, this may be out of your
scope, and that’s ok too. I, Mark, enjoy
speaking in front of groups of people.
However, Grace does not. So, this
chapter will reference my experience
and the joy I take in joining two people
in wedded bliss. Although, Grace has
joined me on several occasions and
has witnessed that this service is not
only rewarding, but, simple and fun.
There are actually many notaries I
know who make a full-time living doing
only wedding officiant services! Now,
A Golden Pen
they have heavily branded themselves,
but still, that gives you an idea of the
kind of cheddar we're talking about
here! Every state is probably going to
be different as far as what they require
for being able to perform marriages,
here in Florida, any notary public can
perform the ceremony. In case you
don't already know this, you do have to
sign the marriage certificate and place
your seal on it, so don't forget your
You really don't need much else... a
couple of good solid Bible verses, a joke
or two, or an inspiring anecdote, some
nice clothes, a smile, and your notary
commission! I'd recommend getting a
wireless microphone that Bluetooth
connects to a speaker if you are doing
them on the beach or in an otherwise
louder than normal location. These are
priced rather affordably on Amazon.
A Golden Pen
We charge anywhere from $150 to
$350 for the service. And like I said
before, they usually give me a
handsome tip on top of that. Some of
you may be thinking, wait a minute,
Florida law says you can only charge
$20. Yes, that's right, if you are just
taking the vow and signing the paper...
but, if you are traveling and performing
a full ceremony, this is just simply not
the case. You are welcome to charge
whatever the market will bear. These
usually go down on a Saturday
afternoon, but we have done them on a
Monday morning before. You are
usually paid and gone in less than
an hour(unless you are invited to stay
for dinner, which happens more often
than not)! Your signature on this
marriage certificate is pure gold!
Here’s is the state of Florida’s sample
wedding script that I rarely only ever so
slightly change up:
A Golden Pen
First, I open with a blessing & prayer:
Notary states, "Dearly beloved, we are
gathered here today (tonight) to join
this man and this woman in (holy)
Exchange of Vows: Notary asks the
man, "(his name), do you take this
woman to be your wife, to live together
in (holy) matrimony, to love her, to
honor her, to comfort her, and to keep
her in sickness and in health, forsaking
all others, for as long as you both shall
Man answers, "I do."
Notary asks the woman, "(her name),
do you take this man to be your
husband, to live together in (holy)
matrimony, to love him, to honor him,
A Golden Pen
to comfort him, and to keep him in
sickness and in health, forsaking all
others, for as long as you both shall
Woman answers, "I do."
Notary states, "Repeat after me." To
the man: "I, (his name), take you (her
name), to be my wife, to have and to
hold from this day forward, for better,
for worse, for richer, for poorer, in
sickness and in health, to love and to
cherish, till death do us part."
To the woman: "I, (her name), take you
(his name), to be my husband, to have
and to hold from this day forward, for
better, for worse, for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and
to cherish, till death do us part."
Exchange of Rings: Notary asks the
man to place the ring on the woman's
finger and to repeat the following, "I
give you this ring as a token and
A Golden Pen
pledge of our constant faith and
abiding love." (Repeat the same for the
Notary: What God has joined together
let no man separate.
Pronouncement: Notary asks the
couple to join hands, then declares,
"By virtue of the authority vested in me
under the laws of the State of Florida,
and in the name of the father, son &
holy ghost...I now pronounce you
husband and wife."
To the man: "You may kiss the bride."
Quick side notes: if this is a last-
minute "shotgun-style" wedding
bring a friend with a good camera.
More than likely they will get paid
well for taking photos as these people
A Golden Pen
usually didn't arrange a cameraman
Remote Online Notarization
We have a love-hate relationship with
RON. In fact, whenever it is discussed
in FB groups we rarely comment on the
discussions. To be perfectly clear, and
give full disclosure I, Mark, do have an
active remote online notary
Commission in the state of Florida. You
do need more than just the RON
You also need something called a
digital certificate, which is something I
don't fully understand. It's blockchain
technology that is used in the
authentication process. Your digital
certificate typically needs to be
renewed every year and re-uploaded to
whatever portal you are using. They
typically cost around $60 per year for
the RON digital certificate.
A Golden Pen
Several notary vendors are promising
to go to remote online closings, and
theoretically this will be a good thing
for notary signing agents that are RON
certified. As of this writing, the bulk of
my RON closings are done through
Nexus Clear Sign. Not going to lie, it's a
pretty sweet gig. I get to do closings for
Amrock that usually take me 15
minutes right in the comfort of my own
home and pay an easy $65. It's a sweet
deal indeed. I've done too many to
count, but those Rocket Mortgage
closings go quick!
I'm patiently waiting for some of the
other vendors who have stated they are
gearing up to do remote online
closings. Mortgage Connect and Solidifi
have reached out and asked about our
willingness to contract with them when
they are ready. We've been ready.
Per Florida law we can theoretically
notarize anything anywhere else in the
A Golden Pen
country, this is in-part the kind of
leveraging of technology we were
talking about at the beginning of this
book. That is a good thing, but what
contributes to my love-hate
relationship is that most of the other
platforms available are either very
clunky to use or downright expensive
and leave a very small profit margin for
the notary public. That goes entirely
against my motto.
We were very fortunate to connect with
a small mortgage brokerage firm here
in Central Florida that uses me
exclusively to do e-closings for them
across the country. And they are
willing to pay me my full signing fees to
conduct them.
My hope is that what the future holds
is a lot more remote notary work and e-
closings that make the whole thing
even more lucrative for myself and for
our fellow notaries. My fear is that the
A Golden Pen
motive behind the effort is to eliminate
the need for mobile notaries and
signing agents in general. Thi s
further cements the idea that
additional lucrative side hustles are
needed. If the notary signing agent well
ever dries up, we’ll barely notice. We
remain hopeful, though, for what the
future holds.
Permit pulling/running
Cynthia Alexander offers a very
comprehensive course & certification
on notary permit running. This whole
niche was her brainchild. For $50 you
can do the deep- dive on her site
Cynthia, much like us is an expert at
generating multiple streams of income
for notary publics. she is a P & C
insurance agent as well and runs a
notary signing service as we do with
A Golden Pen
our business Noble Notary & Legal
Document Preparers.
So, what a notary permit
Runner/puller does is connect with
local contractors of any sort and offer
to go pull the permit for them at an
upcharge. This is an over-
simplification, but that is essentially it!
There's no limit to the number of
municipalities you can serve, keep in
mind that each one may have its own
unique procedure or process for getting
the permits pulled and you will want to
be familiar with them.
Most permits require someone with a
set of wheels, a familiarity with the
process, and a notary commission. It
is essentially just as fast at the
turnaround and profitable as
conducting loan signings.
A Golden Pen
This service meshes well with our Legal
Document Preparation as small-time
contractors may need assistance with
notice of commencement documents as
well as filing for contractor leans if they
get stiffed by a client.
Also, when the work is done the end
client may need your assistance with
filing a notice of termination form to
get the commencement off of their title.
Notary Signing Service Company
In the beginning, when we first
started our mobile notary business we
sought to contract with dozens and
dozens of signing service companies to
get revenue generated. Today, we are
a small, but efficient signing company
as well. These are third-party
headhunters for notaries. Basically,
they contract with the title company,
attorneys, and so forth to fill in the
A Golden Pen
need for the notary in a designated
area seamlessly.
At some point with your mobile notary
business, you may find you have an
abundance of contracts and title
companies directly working with you. If
you find that you are turning down
business because your schedule is
already full, it's time to consider taking
your mobile notary business to the
next level. And at this next level, you
actually create leverage as you are able
to generate income for appointments
outside of the time that you really
desire to work or locations that you
aren't necessarily inclined to travel to.
You simply split whatever your fee is
with notaries you hire as contractors.
Finding notaries to work for you is as
simple as posting a job offer on
LinkedIn, Facebook (on your business
page), Craig’s list, or even just
communicating with notaries in
A Golden Pen
various Facebook notary groups. If you
are already a mobile notary you should
have a basic understanding of this
process. Have your vendors sign a
contract similar to the ones you signed
and request similar credentials from
the notaries Contracting under you.
You will also want to obtain a million
dollars in general liability insurance
and get a feel for how much of an
increase in Errors and Omission
Insurance the title companies you are
already working with would require
you to have for utilizing sub-
contractors. Then viola, you are in
“A Full Belly Is Of Little Worth, -
Where The Mind Is Starved.”
Mark Twain
A Golden Pen
The World Of Insurances
& Financial Services
One day while I, Mark, was a busy
nurse driving back and forth to long
12-hour shifts, an old friend of mine
from high school reached out. He told
me he was making 3000 + a week
selling health insurance and loving it.
Here I was, busting my hump 36 hours
a week on night shifts to make about
1,600 a week and this guy was making
way more than that with way less
effort. Honestly, I thought he was lying
to me.
I decided to investigate this myself
which invariably led to me getting
multiple insurance licenses. He wasn't
lying at all, if done right, there's
plenty of money to be had in the world
of insurances.
A Golden Pen
While the financial services and insurance
Industries require licenses that are a little more
difficult to get, let me assure you that the
industry pays very well! It's also relatively
inexpensive to acquire these Insurance licenses
and most can be learned within a couple of
weeks at home online. In addition to the
lucrative pay many insurance companies also
pay what we call renewals. Basically, this is a
residual income that you get continually as long
as the policy is in effect.
Insurances, like other things that tend
to be a lucrative field can draw that
MLM or network marketing crowd,
unfortunately. These leads would-be
insurance agents from other industries
like the notary world to steer clear, as
they feel like that might be a scam or
illegitimate. This is simply not the case.
Good thing is some of those MLM's
might even pay for your licensing &
A Golden Pen
The selling of insurance is a bit more
difficult than the high demand notary,
tax preparation and fingerprinting,
however, there are still plenty of people
looking for your consultation. Yes,
there are people that we say in the
insurance world have "a check on their
forehead". They are ready to buy and
need no sales tactics. Like the other
business models, we learned about, a
similar basic concept can apply. That
is if you put up your Google Map listing
people are bound to call and purchase
your services. As we go into the
individual breakdown of the ones that I
feel best suit our existing business I'll
discuss simple cross-selling methods
you can easily apply
In the world of insurance, there are
what is called captive agents and
independent agents...f or the purposes
A Golden Pen
of additional side hustles, your
attention is most likely going to be
directed towards being an
independent agent. Captive agents are
bound to one insurance carrier that
usually comes with an exorbitant
amount of branding, but you can only
sell their product line. In my mind, it's
always made good sense to be able to
offer a variety in the abundance of
products from a variety of insurance
carriers to meet the need of your
clients, whatever they might be!
It's important to remember, virtually
everyone you ever encounter has some
problem that needs to be solved. The
better equipped and more resourceful
you are to handle these needs, the more
money you're going to make. That's
what this book is all about, showing
you an abundance of resources you
can have and make available to people
you will come across in your everyday
life, consequently making more money
A Golden Pen
without having to worry about
inventory products or any other hefty
Life Insurances
Life insurance is a great product to
sell. But it is selling, and many people
can be very difficult or unpleasant
when they are soliciting. It takes a
special kind of person to sell life
insurance professionally daily. But I
promise you, those people who do,
earn a very decent living. It's my
opinion that people really must have
the personality for it to operate at that
level, but I could be wrong.
That doesn't mean for us ordinary folk
there isn't an opportunity to be had in
this industry. Allow me to explain...
you see, life insurance offers a lot of
variables. They are really great
A Golden Pen
products that make a lot of sense for
most people, especially if you identify
the right fit for your client. There are
policies that can offer an overwhelming
number of benefits to the right
audience. This is where an opportunity
lies. The place that opportunity will
present itself is in just grabbing the
low-hanging fruit. So, let's talk about
this a little bit more. I'll explain some of
this in a little bit.
To start, life insurance pays very well!
Most agents are compensated at a level
of 80% to 100% of the annual premium
of the life insurance policy for the first
year. If the product is what is
considered a whole life insurance
policy, they will typically get about
around a 5% annual renewal
commission. Think of renewal
commissions as residual income.
Residual income adds up over time.
There's nothing like making money but
you didn't do anything else for.
A Golden Pen
So, here's how the compensation
works: Let's say your client is paying
$100 a month for their life insurance
policy. Basic math tells us that's
$1,200 a year for what in the
insurance world they would call a
$1,200 annual premium. If the
insurance carrier you are appointed
with is paying at 100% commission
(which is the norm) that money is all
yours! Keep in mind, some people's
annual premium policies are twice as
much, or half as much, it all just
depends on what they're willing to
So, can you see how doing something
as simple as writing one policy a
month, two policies a month, or even
more ideal, a policy a week can
drastically improve your income level?
As I said, there are many different
policies for many different people so let
A Golden Pen
me give you the story of what I
did...and what I am doing now!
As I mentioned at the beginning of this
book, I am an inactive registered
nurse. Being that I am a registered
nurse, I knew that RNs are always
worried about getting injured on the
job and losing their income. RNs like to
carry disability insurance; however,
disability insurance is notoriously
expensive. I found some life insurance
carriers that offered policies that had
built-in disability riders and
accelerated death benefit riders.
Basically, you don’t have to die to get
a life insurance policy to pay out!
I had got my 2-15 Florida insurance
license (life, health & annuities) before
I retired from nursing, or rather,
switched careers to being an
entrepreneur. I went around the
A Golden Pen
hospital telling every nurse I knew
and didn't know about these policies. I
could write them up a policy right
there on my tablet while on shift. It
only takes about 20 minutes to write
one up. I cleaned up well!
Nowadays, I don't do active life
insurance sales anymore. I have a
more passive approach. What I do is
have a Google Business listing as a life
insurance agent that is separate from
my other businesses. Invariably, once a
month or so someone will call &
literally want to purchase a life
insurance policy. No selling involved at
all; they have a check on their head! I’ll
help them out. Totally worth
maintaining the license.
Yet another niche within a niche is
something called final expense whole
life insurance. These are small life
A Golden Pen
insurance policies for the senior citizen
population who don't want to turf their
burial expenses on to their family
members. So, there's no shortage of
specialty insurance products that you
could offer clientele. My advice is to
find something that you really like or
that you know is an easy sell for you to
zero in on then go to work. Or at least
have it at your disposal.
In Florida, a 2-15 insurance license
gives you the ability to sell life
insurance, health insurance, and
annuities. Selling regular health
insurance is too much of a bother in
my opinion for too little commissions.
But, Medicare on the other hand...is an
easy sell that pays renewals. Sooner or
later everyone who's an American
citizen is going to be a Medicare
recipient. Basic Medicare A & B leave
A Golden Pen
little to be desired. But, that is not the
case with insurance products like
Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage is great! Senior
citizens love their Medicare Advantage,
and we get paid well for helping them
enroll in a plan. How it works is like
this, the insurance carrier gets paid by
the federal government to take over the
Medicare recipient's health insurance.
The health insurance provider is better
at managing their money than the
government is, so they can be
profitable with the money the federal
government gives them. They also fill in
all the gaps that traditional Medicare
doesn't cover.
Where it gets crazy is that many of
these Medicare plans are no-cost to the
Medicare recipient, and in some cases
even better than that. Everyone over
65 who is enrolled in Medicare Part B,
has their Part B premium automatically
taken out of Social Security. This is
just a fact of life, they're actually
A Golden Pen
penalized if they don't take their Part B
premium, so everyone does. So, some
of these insurance companies will offer
a Part B premium reduction or
buyback as they call it.
So, how that works is they will see
anywhere from $80-$120 show up
back on their social security check as a
Part B premium reduction. What this
looks like on their end is you come in
and sell them an insurance policy that
gives them more benefits than they
already have and puts a hundred
bucks every month back in their
pocket. How hard does that sound to
So here is how Medicare pays:
A Golden Pen
If the client is turning 65 and new to
Medicare and enrolling in part B, the
insurance company will give you $500
for finding a new client for them. If
they are already a client and they
switch to a different insurance carrier
at your convincing, they will pay you
$125. Helping someone enroll in one of
these plans takes as little as 15 to 20
minutes. Either way, after that they'll
give you about 20 to $25 a month for
the next seven to eight years as long as
the client stays on their plan. That's
the renewal I was talking about. It's
like subscription money, and it adds
Also, if they are your existing client
and you contract with multiple
insurance carriers and you switch
them from one plan to another
carrier, if you are the agent of record
the 8-year time clock resets. If you
accumulated 1000 Medicare clients
which could be done over the course of
A Golden Pen
a couple of years, if you're aggressive,
that would result in a six-figure passive
I was sold on it after learning that you
can make $125 in about 30 minutes of
work, never mind the renewals. Added
bonus! With modern technology,
many of the managing General agents
now have websites pre-made that you
can more or less auto enroll your
clientele through without actually
having to physically be present. This
makes the process much easier. The
question is, do you know a handful of
older people who will enroll in a
Medicare plan because they know you?
Of course y ou do!
A Golden Pen
Special needs plans
I want to quickly talk about a niche
within a niche and then we'll move on
to the next topic. Within the Medicare
Advantage program are special policies
called DSNP and SNP.
These special programs will vary from
location to location, however, they are a
combination of Medicaid and Medicare.
DSNP means dual-eligible. They will
get even more benefits and their full
Part B premium waived. Many people
are unaware that they qualify for DSNP
or Medicaid based on their low income
from Social Security.
Assisting in filing for low-income
subsidies takes about 20 minutes.
When they are approved, they qualify
for a change in Medicare plans
A Golden Pen
You will have simultaneously saved
them money and increased their health
insurance benefits and decreased their
cost of pharmaceuticals. They will be a
customer for life and tell everyone else
about the services you offered!
You could run simple ads on Craig’s
list for next to nothing offering to assist
seniors in applying for Medicaid. When
you target this audience correctly, it's
an easy audience to m arket to and
your commission is pretty much
Property & Casualty
P & C insurances are going to, in a lot
of ways, work just like life and health
insurance. Meaning that getting the
licensure is basically the same process.
Getting contracted with the carriers has
the same process as well as learning to
use quoting tools is all very similar.
A Golden Pen
Where Property and Casualty
Insurance has an advantage in that
they are pretty much a requirement for
anybody with a home or vehicle or
operating a business that needs
general liability insurance. These are
all products and services that a P &C
license insurance agent has at their
Many of us already know a decent
network of people who would be willing
to purchase an auto insurance policy
through you especially if there are any
money savings involved! Those Auto
policies renew every 6 months and P &
C agents get roughly a 10%- 20%
commission on that policy. The more
policies you accrue over time, the
more renewal income you will have
generated. Not too shabby huh?
As a loan signing agent, we find it hard
to believe that you haven't run across
A Golden Pen
several dozen homeowners complaining
about their insurance policy. Well, it
would be awfully convenient if you
could recommend a good agent that
would be glad to run them a quote and
see if they could save money on that
policy, wouldn't it? Since we know that
homeowner’s insurance is paid in
escrow, there's little in the way of
chargeback or cancellations you have
to worry about in dealing with this
product line!
Claims Adjuster
If selling insurance isn't for you, you
can still capitalize on the opportunities
in the lucrative world of insurance.
Getting a license as a claims adjuster
can be just as financially rewarding.
Independent claims adjusters can work
from home and process simple claims
right on the computer, and you can
also be a field
A Golden Pen
adjuster going out and examining
rooftops. As with the other insurance
licenses, there is not a whole lot to get
into this field. I acquired a 6-20 all-
lines claims adjuster's license in less
than three weeks with home study
As an independent claims adjuster,
you can also contract and connect with
numerous vendors (independent
adjusting firms) in much the same way
notaries contract with signing services
for work. Some will even pay for the
additional training credentials that you
will need to be a success in this field.
The top hiring firms out there that I am
familiar with are Alacrity Solutions,
Eberl, Nomad Adjusting and Coastal
C laims. But trust me, there are a lot of
these hiring firms in the same way we
have signing services for the notary
A Golden Pen
If you really found that you liked being
an insurance claims adjuster, you
could take the next step and become a
Public Adjuster. This will require some
shadowing with an existing public
adjuster, then when you are licensed
you can go out on your own. Think of
this as going title direct versus working
for a signing service. The pay is
typically way better. Public Adjusters
charge the client 10% of whatever the
claim is to put forth a claim. This
works in a similar fashion to how
personal injury attorneys operate;
except they take an even higher
percentage. There's no limit to the
number of claims or the size or type
of claim that you can assist with,
basically the bigger the claim the
bigger your cut. Remember what we
said earlier about attorneys having
the ability to sniff out a lucrative
A Golden Pen
Annuities are insurance products that
work like investments. Basically, they
offer a guaranteed rate of return as
opposed to where most people put their
money and financial markets that are
subject to an unlimited amount of fees in
dramatic shifts in the market. This
pertains to 401k, 403b, Roth IRA, mutual
funds, and investing in the stock market
The main drawback of an annuity is
that the money is definitely put away
for a period of time and the rate of
return is generally less than the
potential rate of gain that you could get
through other riskier markets. All one
really needs to do is identify a group of
people that has taken a severe loss or
A Golden Pen
lack of any real gain in those
previously mentioned markets and
offer them the practical solution of a
guaranteed rate of return that
annuities can deliver. If you convince
them to roll their money into an
annuity, you will be well compensated.
I'm not going to talk very much about
annuities because while I am licensed
to broker them, I have not done a
whole lot of writing of annuity policies.
But, I will tell you this, they are very
very lucrative. Here's why; most
annuity insurance companies will only
pay you 5% commission for
transferring a balance into an annuity
account. If you find someone who is
near retirement and wants to move
their 401k account into a tax-sheltered
annuity for payout to continue to grow
without taxation, etc. they will be
happy, and you will be rewarded.
A Golden Pen
Just do some simple math. Your uncle
retires with 500,000 in his 401k and
put it into an annuity that you
recommend, and you get paid $25,000
just like that. That's exactly how they
work. They can rest at night knowing
that their money has a guaranteed rate
of return. He cannot possibly lose
money; it is a contract. And just like
the other insurance, as we have
discussed, there is a wide variety. In
fact, almost unlimited number of
different annuities that can be tailored
to a client's specific needs. Including
additional riders like long-term care to
protect them from spend-down
Medicaid that would seize assets.
In Brett Kitchens's book "Wealth
Beyond Wall Street", which I encourage
you to read if you are serious about
getting into these markets, he lays out
how powerful of a financial asset these
A Golden Pen
can be. He also exposes some of the
alleged gurus (Ex: Suze Orman & Dave
Ramsey) out there who actually go as
far as to denounce the benefits of
owning annuities yet they themselves
actually invest heavily in them. Brett
himself also offers Turn-Key training to
launching a successful annuity Sales
As of this writing Cryptocurrencies (all
the rage) and the stock markets have
been in a free-fall. We are at peace with
my 5% dividend earning insurance
policy. So are many of our clients!
Title Insurance producer
Title agents get a healthy commission
for issuing a title insurance policy they
receive roughly 80 to 90% of the title
policy. This could amount to easily
A Golden Pen