Model Human Body,
Human body and organ mannequin
Abnormal Specimen
Closet 1 - 30
Closet 31 - 32
Plastinated Human Body
Closet 33 - 50
Closet 33
Whole Head 1 (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-30)
● Mid-Sagital section of head and neck showing superficial structure.
● Showing muscles, arteries and nerves and salivary glands.
1 ● Structures of the orbit and deep facial region.
● Neck is complete up to the 1st rib.
● Combine deep and superficial dissection shows the structures within various
triangles of the neck
Whole Head 1 (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-31)
● One side display buccinators and stylohyoid muscles with part of the mandible
and zygomatic arch removed.
2 ● The maxillary artery dissected, orbit & external ear exposed.
● The other side deep dissection of the infratemporal fossa and retromandibular
region, neck complete with deep structure dissected.
● Posterior neural arch removed to show the spinal cord.
3 Half Head Specimen
● Left & Right head section
Tongue and Epiglottis
● It shows the superior view of the tongue from the tip of the tongue, dorsal
surface to the base of the tongue.
Trigeminal nerve
● It has three major branches: the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve and
the mandibular nerve.
Closet 34
1. Brain (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-47)
● Brain (cereberum and cerebellum of both sides) with eyeball.
● The cerebrum(large brain) gets all the information from the body and the
1 environment, processes the information and executes the action
● The cerebellum (small brain) balances the body and controls the movement.
2. Brain: Arachoid Mater Removed (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-25)
● Brain (Cerebrum, Cerebellum & Brain stem).
● The Brain is a tube-shaped mass of nervous tissue
3. Brain: Midline Sagital Section (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-26)
2 ● Brain (Cerebrum of both sides)
4. Meninges (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-28)
3 ● Three layer tissue
● Surround and protect the brain and spinal cord
5. Whole Brain
4 ● Whole brain with most cranial nerves intact.
● The brain divided into three regions including forebrain, midbrain and
1. Brain Stem
1 ● The brainstem is the most inferior portion of the brain, adjoining and
structurally continuous with the brain and spinal cord.
2. Muscle of Hand
● The thenar muscle group is found at the base of the thumb, forming the muscle
bulk on the thumb side of the hand. It is comprised of three muscles: the abductor
2 pollicis brevis, the flexor pollicis brevis, and the opponens pollicis
● The hypothenar muscle group is formed by three muscles: the abductor digiti
minimi, the flexor digiti minimi, and the opponens digiti minimi. They form the
muscle bulk on the small finger side of the hand.
3. Muscle of foot
● The extrinsic muscles arise from the anterior, posterior and lateral compartments of
the leg. They are mainly responsible for actions such as eversion, inversion,
3 plantarflexion and dorsiflexion of the foot.
● The intrinsic muscles are located within the foot and are responsible for the fine
motor actions of the foot, for example movement of individual digits.
4. Muscle of foot
4 ● Whilst many of the extrinsic muscles attach to the dorsum of the foot, there
are only two intrinsic muscles located in this compartment – the extensor
digitorum brevis, and the extensor hallucis brevis.
Closet 36
1.Brain slices (Horizontal Section)
1 ● These brain slices are made from transparent embedded slices
cut horizontally with 8 slices per set.
2.Brain Slieces (Sagittal Plane Set of 27 Slices)
● These brain slices are made from transparent embedded slices
cut sagittal with 27 slices per set
Closet 37
NO Human Skull
The transverse plane section of head slices
Closet 38
NO Human Skull
The transverse plane section of head slices
Closet 39
1. Upper Extremity (Left)
● Upper limb muscles showing the superficial muscle dissection
with main arteries and nerves
1. Upper Extremity ( Right)
● The upper limb or upper extremity is the region in a vertebrate
animal extending from the deltoid region up to and including
the hand, including the arm, axilla and shoulder.
Closet 40
1.Heart with Vessels (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-04)
1 ● Heart and vascular appearance injected showing blood vessel of heart.
● Heart is a muscular pumping organ.
● Blood vessels are the body’s highways that allow blood to flow quickly and
efficiently from the heart to every region of the body and back again.
2. Blood Vessels of heart
2 ● Great vessels are the major vessels which directly carry blood into or out of
the heart.
3. Heart (Anterior Aspect)
3 ● Dissection of the four valves showing and fibrous rings of the heart.
● The four valves namely tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, bicuspid valve and
aortic valve.
● The valve should open all the way so that the right amount of blood can pass
through and closes tightly so that no blood leaks back into chamber.
4. Cardiovascular System
This is an organ system that permis blood to circulate and transport nutrients,
4 oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones and blood cells to and from cells in the body to
noursih it and help to fight diseases, stabilize body temperature and pH and to
maintain homeostasis.
1. Colored Blood Vessels of heart
1 ● To differentiate the circulation for oxygen and deoxygenated
2. Heart
● The heart is a muscular organ about the size of a fist, located just
2 behind and slightly left of the breastbone. The heart pumps blood
through the network of arteries and veins called the cardiovascular
3. Heart
3 ● The heart is an organ responsible for pumping blood through the
blood vessels using rhythmic contractions of cardiac muscle.
4. Heart (Right Atrium Opened)
4 ● Whole heart
● Right atrium opened to expose the valves
● The heart is a muscular organ that functions as the body’s circulatory
Closet 42
1. Colored Blood Vessels of heart
1 ● To differentiate the circulation for oxygen and deoxygenated
2. Plastinated Heart
● A fist-sized muscular organ in the chest that pumps blood
2 through the body using involuntary contractions of cardiac
3. Plastinated Heart
3 ● The heart wall is comprised of three layers: the outer
epicardium, the middle myocardium, and the inner
4. Plastinated Heart
● Whole heart
4 ● Right atrium opened to expose the valves
● The heart is a muscular organ that functions as the body’s
circulatory pump
Closet 43
1. Colored Plastinated Lung
● The lungs are the primary organs of the respiratory system in
1 humans.
● The main function of the lungs is to perform the exchange
oxygen and carbon dioxide with air from the atmosphere.
2. Plastinated Lung Specimen
2 ● Humans have two lungs, left & right Lung
● Pyramid-shape
3. Lung (Lateral & Medial Aspect)
● Root of the double lungs showing hilus, lobes & segments.
● The left side lung slightly smaller (made up of 2 lobes)than the
3 right side lung (made up of 3 lobes)
3. Left Lung (Medial Aspect)
● Mediastinal dissection of the bronchial tree
● Consists of two lobes: the superior and inferior lobes
4. Ribs covered for lung
4 ● The ribs are the skeletal protection for the lungs and the chest
cavity. The ribs and rib muscles expand and contract with
normal breathing.
Closet 44
1. Colored Plastinated Lung
● The lungs are the primary organs of the respiratory system in
1 humans.
● The main function of the lungs is to perform the exchange
oxygen and carbon dioxide with air from the atmosphere.
2. Lung Intact with The Trachea & Bronchus
● Double lungs with heart showing the lungs morphology.
2 ● Heart complete include arch of aorta.
● Lungs with part of aorta and main bronchi.
● The main function of the lungs is to perform the exchange
oxygen and carbon dioxide with air from the atmosphere
3 3. Lung with breathing airway show the connection
between the organ involve.
4. Right & left Lung
The right lung consists of three lobes: the superior, middle
4 and inferior lobes
THe Left lung consists of two lobes: the superior and
inferior lobes
Closet 45
1. Colored plastinated Kidney
● The kidney is the waste-filtering and disposal system of the
1 body
● The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs in the renal system.
They help the body pass waste as urine. They also help filter
blood before sending it back to the heart.
2. Plastinated both right & left Kidney
2 ● It is Been-shaped with the convex side of each organ located
laterally and the concave side medial
3. Right Kidney & Left (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-20 - 21)
● The right kidney show renal artery, vein and ureter.
3 ● The left kidney is located slightly more superior than the right
kidney due to the larger size of the liver on the right side of the
4. Kidney (Coronal Section) (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-23)
● Coronal Section of kidney showing the internal structure of
cone-shaped renal pyramids renal vein and arteries.
5. Urinary Bladder (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-45)
4 ● UB is the storehouse for urine. The capacity is about 1-1.2 L
6. Kidney with uranary bladder
● Kidney & suprarenal with blood vessels
● Male reproductive organ, ureter, Urinary bladder
Closet 46
1. Colored plastinated Liver
● The liver is a large, meaty organ that sits on the right side of
1 the belly. Weighing about 3 pounds, the liver is reddish-brown
in color and feels rubbery to the touch. Normally you can't feel
the liver, because it's protected by the rib cage
2. Whole Liver with Gallbladder
● The liver has two large sections, called the right and the left
2 lobes. The gallbladder sits under the liver, along with parts of
the pancreas and intestines. The liver and these organs work
together to digest, absorb, and process food.
● Roughly triangular organ and consists of 4 distinct lobes
including left, right, caudate and quadrate lobes.
3. Whole Spleen (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-17)
● The spleen is a brown, flat, oval-shaped lymphatic organ that
filters and stores blood to protect the body from infection and
blood loss.
3 4. Duodenum, Jejunum, Pancreas & Spleen
● Duodenum and jejunum are parts of small intestine.
● Pancreas is the source of enzymes required for food digestion
in stomach
● Spleen is part of immune system of the body.
5. Duodenum, Jejunum & pancreas Intact
4 ● Duodenum and jejunum are parts of small intestine.
● Pancreas is the source of enzymes required for food digestion
in stomach
Closet 47
1. Stomach (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-13)
● Whole and closed stomach showing the external structure.
1 ● The stomach can be divided into four regions based on shape
and function including esophagus, body, fundus and
pylorus(Connect stomach to duodenum)
2. Stomach (Ventral Aspect)(UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-14)
● The opening stomach showing the mucosal wall.
● The mucous membrane contains simple columnar epithelium
tissue with many exocrine cells
2 3. Ilium, Caecum, Colon & Appendix Intact
(UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87- 19)
● Ileum is the last part of small intestine.
● Cecum is the beginning of the large intestine.
● Colon carries feces fro the cecum & appendix have immune
body function in addition of digestive system
4. Large Intestine (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-42)
● Different part of large (large caliber) Intestine with blood
● The digested food pass through this area very slow which
allows large portion of water absorption.
5. Small Intestine (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-18)
3 ● Opened small intestine structure showing circular folds of
mucosal wall.
● The circular folds of the mucosal wall that organized into
finger-like projections known as villi and microvilli gratly
increase their surface area.
● All of these projections help to maximize the absorption of vital
Closet 47
6. Colon (Colon Small Intestine)
● Different parts of large (larger caliber) Intestine with blood
● The digested food pass through this area very slowly which
allows large portion of water absorption.
7. Colon (Opened Mucosal Wall)
● Ceacum with Vermiform Apendix, Ascending colon, Transverse,
Descending and Sigmoid colon (Different parts of large
● The colon has plenty goblet cells which add mucus to the stool.
Closet 48
1. Digestive Tract (Not In Situ)
● Different parts of gastrointestinal system.
● Esophagus, Stomach, Liver, Small and Large Intestines covered
with greater omentum.
4 ● The food is digested in this system.
● The gastrointestinal tract is an organ system within humans
and other animals which takes in food, digests it to extract and
absorb energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste
as feces. The mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines are
part of the gastrointestinal tract.
Closet 49
1. Abdominal Wall (First Layer)
1 (UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-37)
● External abdominal oblique are superficial muscles that lie on
the lateral slides of the abdominal region of the body.
2. Abdominal Wall (Third
2 Layer)(UMS/H1/2100/H/2013/P87-39)
● Posterior wall of rectus sheath (on right side)
● Rectus abdominis muscle (on left side)
3. Abdominal Wall (Second Layer)
3 ● Rectus abdominis (RA) muscle with tendinous intersection
(white horizontal lines)
● Tendinous intersection forms the packs in the anterior
abdominal wall when RA is contracted.
4. Muscle of the Thorax (Anterior)
● Anterior of the thorax
● External intercostal Muscles.
4 ● Pectoralis major muscles.
5. Muscle of The Thorax (Internal Surface)
● The pectoralis major muscle (Large muscle that attaches the
arm to the chest)
Closet 50
1. Male Pelvic Specimen (Half Pelvis)
1 ● Median sagittal section of male pelvis cavity showing prostate
and urethra
● Unilateral
3. Female Pelvic Specimen (Half Pelvis)
2 Superior aspect of female pelvic cavity
● Median sagittal section of female pelvis cavity showing the
organs the ureter and urethra.
● Unilateral.
3.Superior aspect of female pelvic cavity
● Its oblique roof is the pelvic inlet (the superior opening of the
pelvis). Its lower boundary is the pelvic floor. The pelvic cavity
3 primarily contains reproductive organs, the urinary bladder, the
pelvic colon, and the rectum. In the female, the uterus and
vagina occupy the interval between these viscera.
4. Median sagittal Section of Male pelvic cavity
● The male urethra is a muscular tube that runs through the
prostate, perineal membrane and muscles, and the penis from
4 the internal urethral orifice of the urinary bladder to the
external urethral orifice located at the tip of the glans penis
(the bulbous structure at the distal end). It conveys urine, as
well as semen, out of the body.