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The World Toilet Day 2019 magazine will be distributed directly to municipal mayors, Gov. environmental agencies and water utilities, CEOs, Engineers, public toilet owners in markets, bus stations, town centres, shopping malls, and retail outlet stores nationally. Proudly bringing together Zambia’s most trusted products, solutions, brands, businesses, pioneering thinkers, as well as promoting the best in Sanitation innovations.

Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base.
Published by Roderick Mulowa, 2019-11-18 18:11:07


The World Toilet Day 2019 magazine will be distributed directly to municipal mayors, Gov. environmental agencies and water utilities, CEOs, Engineers, public toilet owners in markets, bus stations, town centres, shopping malls, and retail outlet stores nationally. Proudly bringing together Zambia’s most trusted products, solutions, brands, businesses, pioneering thinkers, as well as promoting the best in Sanitation innovations.

Keywords: Toilet Zambia

ZAMBIA World Toilet Magazine Zambia

NOV 19

World Toilet Magazine 2019




The World Toilet Day 2019

World Toilet Magazine Zambia

Live Clean is an award-winning social enterprise that
constructs and operates modern toilets and showers, using
customised, modular cargo containers.

Our mission is to “Provide access to clean, affordable sanitation and safe water to 100 percent of
the population in both urban and rural areas of Zambia.”






Editor’s Note

The World Toilet Day Zambia: a local’s perspective

Why the World Toilet Day is it important for Zambia.

By simple definition the term World Toilet Day is an official United Nations
international observance day on 19 November to inspire action to tackle
the global sanitation crisis.
The publication holds true the Zambian story today. Proper sanitation exists “when all people, at all times, have
physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and clean toilets to meet their daily needs and preferences for
an active and healthy life”. Unless you’re following a particularly unusual and expensive sanitary plan, it’s hard
to argue with that – or disagrees that everyone should have good sanitation. After all, the right to “adequate
sanitation” is enshrined in global human basic human needs and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
Of course, if clean toilets were as simple as that, it wouldn’t have taken many years to agree on a definition and
the day was this vital. And if it were that simple, and we believe in World Toilet Day as so much as to enshrine
it in the ultimate acknowledgment of the United Nations, why is their lack of proper sanitation in most parts
of Zambia? Zambia has made great strides in most areas of infrastructure development such as new cities,
shopping malls, hotels, airports, public bus stations etc. What does this mean?
Sanitation is an enormously complex subject, and the factors that influence it are little understood by most.
The good news is that Zambia, through the “Keep Zambia clean green and healthy national campaign” indicates
a great appetite to improve on adequate and proper sanitation for all and boost the economy at the same time.
The question that remains, however, is whether having a desire is enough and whether clear action is being taken.
This publication answers these key and vital questions.

Roderick Mulowa

GM, Kulani Media

08 • Q&A interview with Nazir Pandor –
CEO, Live Clean Initiatives.
• Nazir Pandor – CEO, Live Clean Initiatives
unpacks the issue of lack of proper 10 LAST YEAR ON THE AFRICAN SOIL
sanitation dilemma.
• South African report on the World Toilet
06 THE CHALLENGE Day 2018.

• Public Toilets Hygiene and Sanitation. Protect 13 WE ARE OVERCOMING THE CHALLENGE
your right.
• Poor sanitation and lack of adequate
• Addressing the Water Crisis in Southern 14 CHALLENGE
• Playing our part, together we can do more.

Published By Contributors: Kafula Kalota, Carol Ngwengwe, Kunolu Mombotwa

Kulani Media Contacts: Tel: +260 97 341 7570 | Tel: +260 76 123 3396
Tel: + 260 95 785 1592
General Manager: Roderick Mulowa WhatsApp: +27 78 357 2425
Content Manager: Merab Mwenya Mulowa Email: [email protected]
Design: Lance Dick Suite 2, Plot 26486, off Lilayi road, Hillview, Lusaka Zambia
Production Support: Helena Gabriel,
Anthea Masson Campbell

Disclaimer: Material in this publication does not necessarily reflect the considered opinion of Kulani Media or those of the Key 3
contributors, nor does mention of trade names and commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

World Toilet Magazine Zambia


Nazir Pandor

CEO, Live Clean Initiatives

Some of the most vital human necessities so many people from around the world have access
to severely lack in Zambia. We are still at a place in our time when 8.4 million people lack
access to good sanitation and 2.1 million people practice open defecation. Socially and
environmentally, we can no doubt call this unacceptable. Economically, Zambia loses 194 million
USD per year from poor sanitation in the form of diseases being spread like Cholera and dysentery,
healthcare costs, and negative environmental impact. All this according to a UNICEF/WHO Joint
Monitoring Program report released in 2015. Therefore, it is safe to say Zambia is in quite the
dilemma. The question that follows these harsh statistics is then, what to do about it? Individually,
we can and should do all we can to live healthy lives and contribute to our society by practicing using
toilets and wash sinks. After all, above all else we as people are responsible for keeping our country
clean. But even individuals need help because surely they cannot carry toilets with them everywhere
they go.

This is where Live Clean comes in. Live Clean is a social enterprise that provides public clean and safe
fee-paying toilet facilities in poor and peri-urban areas of Lusaka. We target the highest population
dense areas of the city where open defecation and trash heaps are commonplace. The premise is to
build a network of clean and safe toilets for folks who are away from home to use without fear of
being “caught short”. The impact Live Clean creates speaks loud and clear as the 800 people who use
our facilities daily have a place where they can perform the most basic of human needs cleanly and

Live Clean currently has three sites across Lusaka located at Soweto/Kanyama Market, Kamwala
(Tokyo Way) Market and Buseko Wood Market. Our goal is to construct 10 toilet facilities across
Lusaka by the end of 2020. We understand that the more sites we build, the more impact we as Live
Clean will create and the results of that will be felt for us as an organization, but more importantly,
for the country. Live Clean is supported by amazing local and global organizations that care for the
sanitation and hygiene problem we have in Zambia and want to solve it using a unified and aggressive
effort. We are proud to be associated with our partners and are looking to strengthen those
relationships over time and of course, build and create new partnerships to achieve our goals.

In conclusion, my message is simple. With sanitation, no one should be left behind and in the fight for
this, a unified front is demanded. Live Clean leads this fight, and we hope to bring everyone together
so we can achieve one simple task. That is to provide an environment where good sanitation and
hygiene is accessed by all people. Thank You


World Toilet Magazine Zambia




CEO CEO [email protected]
np@[email protected]


World Toilet Magazine Zambia

Public Toilet Hygiene And Sanitation:
Protect Your Right

TIPS OF PUBLIC TOILETS PRESERVATION there is any mess, flushing the toilets, using the
toilet paper responsibly for others to use as;
Everybody wants to encounter a clean are some of the good practices that could help
public restroom, yet most people have preserve hygiene and sanitation in communal
had an unpleasant restroom experience. toilets.
With common experiences such as lack of
paper, clogged toilets, terrible odour and 3 - Follow the Instructions
flooded floors to mention a few. Every facility has rules that need to be
Poor sanitation in public toilets have been followed in order to help preserve the goals
a rising issue in various communities in the of management regarding the facility, and
country which could lead to serious health public toilets are not an exception. Hence, it is
hazards for users such Urinary Tract Infection important for users to ensure they adhere to
(UTI, common in women) and Kidney damage. the instructions provided in the toilets.
Unkept toilets could ideally be blamed on the For example, in Zambia it is a rule that all
providers and caretakers but it is also the female used toilets must have sanitary towel
duty of the users to preserve cleanliness in bins, it is for this reason that users of these
the public toilets. It is important to note that facilities must do as instructed by disposing of
access to basic sanitation and good hygiene is materials in the correct place.
a right and it is everyone’s duty to protect that
right. In conclusion, we can put an end to the
In ensuring users take part in taking care of outcries against dirty public toilets, if everyone
community toilets, Veronica Muchangani an takes on the role of being responsible users
Environmental student at the University of and understand that public facilities are our
Zambia offers some tips that public toilets properties that need to be taken care of by us.
users can follow to help keep public restrooms

1 - No Vandalizing
Common act of vandalism in public toilets is
writing on walls, and this act is performed by
users. To help preserve hygiene and sanitation
in public toilets users need to refrain from
vandalizing these facilities in order to ensure
there is a pleasant surrounding for all users.

2 - Be conscious users
It is the responsibility of public toilet users
to practice consciousness as they use these
facilities, the public toilets need to be handled
like a personal property to ensure that the next
user’s experience is pleasant.
Simple things such as wiping the toilet seat if


World Toilet Magazine Zambia

Water In Sanitation

WATER crisis has hit Choma district of
southern leaving residents to search
for the commodity in few boreholes
located within the town.

This follows the drying up of Choma and company was drilling more boreholes around
Muzama dams were the southern water and the district to help the situation.
Sanitation Company depends on to supply Siamunene said the company had changed
water. its strategy in provision of the commodity by
investing in both underground and surface
Choma Muslim Community leader sheikh water.
Saiti said the borehole water at the mosque
was overwhelmed by residents that largely “surface water alone cannot manage to supply
depended on tap water. water to the district due to high demand of the
Saiti said the water crisis if not urgently commodity had to think of other alternatives
addressed by the water utility company would such as investing in the underground,’’ he said.
result in the outbreak of water-borne diseases. He has appealed to government and other
cooperating partners to come together and get
Some compounds in Choma have gone for involved in mitigating the situation to avoid an
weeks without water after the utility company outbreak of waterborne diseases.
announced the loss of over 6.5 million liters of
water at muzuma dam was posing challenges The most affected areas by water include
on supply. Shampande, Zambia compound, Mwapona
compound, Town area and some parts of the
A resident has spoken from Zambia compound Macha Road compound of Choma district.
Alice Mandau said she travels a distance of
about 2 km to access water from Zam-Zam
butchery in town.
Mandau said the water utility company should
stop billing people for the few drops of water
that only came once after some days.

“The nearest place to find water is at a
butchery in town, where we buy a bucket of
water at k 1,’’ she said. She said the relief water
using water dowsers was not enough to meet
the demands of people in the area.

Southern Water and Sanitation Company Board
Chairperson Richwell Siamunene said the utility


World Toilet Magazine Zambia


The World Toilet Day Zambian Perspective


Mr. Nazir Pandor

An interview discussion with
Mr. Nazir Pandor CEO of LIVE

What’s your experience and feeling about the standards, hygiene
and safety of most public toilets and sanitation facilities in
Zambia? Have you got absolutely nothing to commend or point at as
a “good, clean and safe fee paying toilet? What has happened to “Keep Zambia clean green and healthy

We’ve all been there, desperate for a toilet when it seems there’s no such thing for miles. Public toilets
the world over can range from disgusting to downright terrifying, but we’re glad to report that there are
some amazing examples of beautifully and thoughtfully designed public toilets, ranging from small loo
designs to architectural marvels.

Then it’s about time you explore our conversation with Mr. Nazir Pandor CEO of Live Clean offering
a collection of thought-provoking ideas, suggestions, opinions as well as solutions with regards to
standardisation, policy and business on the discussion.

Q: What’s the inspiration behind the ‘LIVE CLEAN’? Q: Do you take your toilet for granted. What’s
A: The inspiration lies in helping the man and your take on the World Toilet Day?
woman who work all day in the markets and A: Honestly, I do, and I only reminded of how
business areas have a safe space to use for lucky I am when out in the field and need a
sanitation and hygiene purposes. It is hard enough toilet to use but can’t find out. I am blessed to
to work all day and make ends meet so to have have access to a clean toilet at home and at
nowhere to use a toilet is to us, unacceptable. We work, but I know they are millions of people who
are too far in our development as a country to don’t have the same access I do. It becomes
not have adequate basic toilets to use in public shocking to myself to even think I take my
areas. We want to provide that on a large scale so access to toilets for granted. World Toilet Day is
everyone can have a toilet to use. a great initiative and it shows the effort required
to tackle a grave issue in sanitation and hygiene.
The importance of it does demand a day where
we can look back at the sanitation problem we
have the many millions of people who do not


have access to clean sanitation. World Toilet Magazine Zambia

Q: How is the World Toilet Day commemorations and sanitation. The benefit of having this space
crucial to Zambia? allows our customers to feel safe which results
A: It’s crucial because this issue of lack in in more productivity while in the markets and
sanitation needs to be in all our conscious. allows for their families to live healthier lives.
We need to be reminded of the poor lack
of sanitation in Zambia and the need for an Q: What are the main challenges when running a
aggressive plan to tackle it, especially by 2030. fee-paying public toilet business?
Sooner than that should be the goal, actually. A: Scalability is a huge challenge. The amount
we charge is very minimal and to scale a
Q: What commendations and recommendations business model that demands thousands of
do you have for the local authorities with users every month to make up for the low cost
regards sanitation management? is very challenging. Live Clean understands this
A: Local authorities need to be more challenge and we are tweaking our business
aggressive in fighting against open defecation. model to incorporate other revenue streams
Environmentally, the harsh realities caused by to allow us as a business to scale. These
poor sanitation is obvious. So, there needs to streams include selling clean drinking water in
be an aggressive effort in fighting against poor bulk, power provisions, advertising, and cold
sanitation. They, however, cannot do it alone. chain solutions. We believe we are creating a
They need the private sector to also join in the successful business model to allow Live Clean
fight and this is where Live Clean plans to help. to scale.

Q: What do you think of the standards of most Q: What are the main rewards when running a
public fee paying or free toilets in Zambia? clean fee-paying public toilet business?
A: Inadequate. We do not have many WASH A: The people we serve. For every single person
(water, sanitation and hygiene) stations in the who uses our toilets, we know that we have
country and certainly a lot of them are poorly given them a clean and safe space to use for a
run and managed. We can never have enough very sensitive human need. This service gets all
public toilets because the working population the folks in Live Clean up every morning to work
on the ground increases as Zambia develops and harder to serve our customers better.
the standards of these solutions need to meet
the customers demand. Q: Which fee-paying or free public toilet facility
would do you recommend a friend to use in
Q: What should “all of us” Zambian people do to Lusaka or Zambia?
maintain clean standards of our public toilets? A: Live Clean of course.
A: Think of public toilets as toilets in your own
home. Ordinarily, folks wouldn’t just keep their Q: Why do you think your business is successful?
own home toilets dirty and unkept. It would be A: We are not at success yet, but we are on our
taken well care of because ownership of that way because our business model is innovative
toilet falls on the individual. The same should and creative. Our biggest success now, is our
apply to public toilets. We as Zambians own the toilets are clean and safe. We love that part!
public toilets as vital customers therefore, we
must keep them and use them as if they were Q: What advice can you give to someone starting
their own. their own fee-paying public toilet business?
A: Understand your customer base and seek only
Q: In what ways do you think your cause is to serve them. Being business-only-minded can
benefiting the community? make this a bit blurry but, understanding that
A: The toilets we provide are clean and safe and your customer base is your biggest priority, you
this especially applies to our women customer will be on the right track to having a successful
base. Our women customers have a safe and business.
clean space to use for their personal hygiene


World Toilet Magazine Zambia

World Toilet Day 2018
According to the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the United human need. Women and girls are more at risk
Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), around of attack and if the toilet facilities are poorly lit
they cannot go to the toilet when they want or

60% of the global population, or 4,5 billion need to.

people, either have no toilet at home or one that Shared toilets or community toilets do not

doesn’t safely manage excreta. address the needs of women and girls who

To commemorate World Toilet Day, which is are at greater risk of harassment and sexual

celebrated on 19 November, the focus will be violence than men.1 Shared toilets are usually

on improving access to toilets and ensuring poorly maintained, ultimately posing a health

the availability and sustainable management of risk for illnesses such as cholera and diarrhoea.

water and sanitation for everyone by 2030. Although washing hands after using the toilet

In South Africa, the percentage of households is vital to control infectious diseases, 17,9% of

that have access to improved sanitation households also complained that there was no

increased from 61,7% in 2002 to 82,2% in 2017.3 water to wash their hands after they had used

Despite the improved access to sanitation the toilet. Lack of basic sanitation indirectly

facilities, many households continue to be inhibits the learning abilities of millions

without any proper sanitation facilities. of school-aged children who are infested

However, according to the General Household with intestinal worms transmitted through

Survey (GHS) 2017, the percentage of households inadequate sanitation facilities and poor hygiene.

that continued to live without any sanitation Every year, millions of the world’s poorest

facilities, or who were using bucket toilets, has people die from preventable diseases caused by

been declining consistently between 2002 and inadequate water supply and sanitation services.

2017, decreasing from 12,6% to 3,1% during this Women and children are the main victims.


The report, released by Statistics South Africa, Other complaints included long waiting times

shows that the most rapid decline in households (19,3%), threats to their physical safety (16,3%),

living without proper sanitation facilities was in and improper or inadequate enclosure of toilets

the Eastern Cape (falling by -32,4 percentage (12,3%).

points) between 2002 and 2017. In order to address poverty and under-

Access to proper sanitation is important and development, the democratic government of

must ensure that human rights and human South Africa has prioritised the provision of

dignity are preserved. The provision of toilets basic water and sanitation services to the poor

must also provide for the requirements of because of the perceived high impact of these

women and girls using public and community services on the quality of life of the poor.2

toilets. Shared toilets allow households who do Ultimately, adequate supplies of safe water and

not have toilets in their individual homes access adequate sanitation are necessary for life, well-

to toilets. However, they do present a myriad being and human dignity. For more information,

of problems which point to health and safety source stats SA

issues in communities.

According to the GHS 2017, about one-fifth

(23,7%) of households were concerned about

poor lighting while 21,6% complained about

inadequate hygiene. Going to the toilet is a basic


Quotes from Live Clean World Toilet Magazine Zambia“

”Live Clean Initiative has demonstrated positive impact
for low income population by providing access to Working together for a better world
affordable urban sanitation and hygiene services. IAP’s
support in the inclusive and innovative clean toilets run Thabani
by the company are contributing to improving health Unilever Zambia
and quality of life for many!”
Francis Chikonde “Live Clean is the example of what is possible for all
Innovations Against Poverty & SNV cities - providing a vibrant space that not only enables
safe, clean sanitation accessible to all, but much more
- it is serving the underserved with many previously
unmet needs, beyond sanitation, and in doing so
creating communities of pride and dignity.”
Cheryl Hicks
Executive Director & CEO, Toilet Board Coalition

“Working for Live Clean is quite satisfying knowing that “Live Clean fills in an extremely important role in the
my input in the company contributes towards creating peri-urban eco-system. It is a great showcase of how
sustainable sanitation solutions for the economically government and private sector can work alongside
marginalized in our society. In addition, I have had the a common goal. Kukula Seed is truly proud of being
opportunity to learn so much and also apply my skills part of Live Clean and we look forward to help the
here at live clean. Man’s happy!” company grow and change people’s lives at scale”

Ngabili Malumo Niels Bojsen
Live Clean Data Analyst Managing Director Kukula Seed

World Toilet Magazine

Vol. 2 March 2020 edition
Publication Date:
March 2020
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Publication Date:
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World Toilet Magazine Zambia



Kamwala, Lusaka

Rumphi Enterprise Limited is a professional cleaning company whose registration was in 2000

and was incorporated in 2003 in accordance with the Laws of Zambia.
Rumphi Enterprise Limited is a professional cleaning
Rumphi Enterprises is a dedicated cleaning company based in Lusaka, specialising in office

companycwlehanoisneg.rWegitihstfrloaotriocnarwe aesxpinert2s0, 0pe0sat ncodnwtroalsofficers, sanitary officers and a cleaning team of

incorporaoatnveeddr n3ino0w02t0ho0ifsf3etreisnamiatscocpsoeerrrvdaitaceensscneantawiotiinotanhlalytll.hyS.eiWnLcaietwhthsoefoifrifciensceipntioLnusthaekacoamnpdanthyehaCsocpopnetribneulet,d to grow
Zambia. Enterprises can train and dispatch cleaning personnel to any part of the country. It is limited by

shares and owned by Mr. Fletcher Dimba Gondwe and Mrs. Charity Mwila Chingumbe Gondwe

each owning 50% shares.
Rumphi E.nterprises is a dedicated cleaning company
based in TVLouISspIarOokNvaid, espperocfieaslsisioinnagl isnerovficfiecse, acnledamneinegt .thWe igtrhowflionogrdemand of keep Zambia clean, with the
care expelarttess,tpaertsotf cteocnhtnroollogoyf,fiwceerms,eestaannitdaerxycoefefdiceexrpsecatnadtioans in reegqaurdipsmtoeenftfeacntivdecnelesasn, ienffgicsieenrcvyices. We are proud to be the
cleaning atenadmcoostf. over 300 this team operates nationally.
first Zambian company in cleaning to have membership with

Since theCirOinRcEepVtAioLnUtEhSe company has continued to grow the world renowned cleaning body ISSA

and now offe rsIinttsegsreitryvices nationally. With offices in WHAT RUMPHI CAN DO FOR YOU

Lusaka and thePCaospsipoenrbelt, Rumphi Rumphi Enterprise LTD is a full service Cleaning contractor
Enterprises c anFtorcauisn and dispatch cleaning personnel to

any part MofISthSeIOcNountry. It is limited by shares and owned serving around the country. We specialize in providing

by Mr. Fletcher TDoimpbroaviGdeonqduwaleityanadndMorsu.tsCtahnadrinitgy cMlewainliang solutionpsrotofetshseiohniaglheCslet adneignrgeeseorfvicouers for commercial building

Chingumbe Goncduwsteomeearcshaotiswfancitniogn5th0r%ousghhaoruerss.ound professionalismOwanndecrosmapnedtitMivaensaegrveircse.s.
 Double our earnings, year on year, through, developing and implementing our works in a

VISION  unique way. empowering our employees to realize SthEeiRr VtruICe EpSotential and thereby
Enabling and
• Daily Office cleaning Services, Domestic cleaning
To provide proferesasciohnthael smeoruvnictaeinst,oapn. d meet the growing

demand of keepWZeaamrebciaomcmleiattned, wtoitchretahtee alabteettsetr afurtturoef in Zambia by contSriebruvtiincgestoatnhed cPomremoucncituyp. antional cleaning services

technologWyH, wAeT mRUeeMtPaHnIdCeAxNceDedOeFxOpRecYtaOtUions in regards to • Supplying of Cleaning Equipment, Cleaning detergents,

effectiveRneusmsp,hei fEfinctieernprcisyeaLnTdDcoissta. full service Cleaning contractor serviLngauanrdouryndDethteercgoeunnttsrya. nWdePoultry disinfectants
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• Focus  Cleaning equipment and accessories
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To provide quality and outstanding cleaning solutions to

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Rumphi Enterprises LTD, We are fresh and dynamic
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We are contemporary, always current and relevant to the
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World Toilet Magazine Zambia

Poor sanitation and lack of adequate
Marketeers at Choma’s Makalanguzu
market are complaining of poor ahead of the forthcoming farming season” She
sanitation, lack of security and not said. And Shoe repairer Daniel Kapeya says
having a permanent trading place for their traders are forced not pay daily revenue to the
merchandise. Pamela Mubita said the market council because they would want to reserve
is not safe for the Marketeers because it’s not it for a nearby private fee-paying toilet. He
a gazetted market for the council to operate challenged the local authority to put up a toilet
freely. She said the traders have encountered within the market because traders struggle
sanitation Challenges such as lack of clean to find a toilet. Meanwhile Choma municipal
toilets, water and not having dustbin. council director of public health Sam Nyoni
“We have got a lot of challenges with issues to disclosed that the town has a public toilet and
do with sanitation, toilets are available but they another one at Maamba bus station that the
are not that clean because of lack of water, residents can use at a fee.
it is like that because this place is for Zambia
railways so it’s not safe for us,” says Pamela. ‘’The council toilet and the one at Maamba bus
Pamela says the location of their stands is very the station is adequate for everyone around
risking due to some goods train that usually town including the people at Makalanguzu
passes through the market where the railway market except that in most cases people like
line passes. Another trader Mutande Sikubomba free things,’’ He said.
said the issue of lack of toilets at Makalanguzu
market is very serious because they have to Mr. Nyoni said the local authority is trying to
walk long distances to access a fee-paying phase out the use of refuse bay and rubbish
toilet. pits in homes has introduced dust bins around
She said there is a need to improve town and the markets where people dump
sanitation at the market in order to garbage which is collected weekly in line with
avoid waterborne diseases during the the keep clean green and healthy campaign.
rainy season.
Mutande explained that their He added that the
customer find it difficult council is in talks with
to dump some waste
because the council relevant authorities
doesn’t provide dustbins over security
despite collect daily revenue. at the market
“We have a serious with toilets
because for us to access a toilet and is looking for
one has to move long distances, a contractor to put
we are even made to pay K2 to access up big garbage bins in
a toilet that sometimes doesn’t have every market that will be
enough water, we are forced to answer the collected at the end of every
call of nature outside the toilet when there month pointing out however that
is no water, we need a clean market all markets in the district have
garbage bins which are collected.


World Toilet Magazine Zambia

Playing Our Part, Together We Can Do
Sanitation means public cleanliness —
using clean and safe toilets, keeping will help make sure that toilets are properly
water sources clean, and disposing of used and cared for. In cases where there are
garbage safely. Poor sanitation causes a lot of hired cleaners for toilets the public needs to
unnecessary diseases and death. pay attention to how they use toilets, always
leaving them as clean as they find them.
Everyone in the community should play a role in Comfort: people feel comfortable to use a
improving the challenges faced when it comes toilet with a comfortable place to sit or squat,
to the maintenance of public toilets. Poverty and a shelter large enough to stand in. They will
and lack of access to enough water often make also be more likely to use a toilet that is close
it difficult for people to improve sanitation. by and is sheltered from wind, rain, or sun.
Experts may offer technical solutions, such Privacy: A toilet can be as simple as a deep
as flush toilets or complex sewage treatment hole in the ground. But the need for privacy
systems. These kinds of technical solutions may makes it important for a toilet to have a good
work in some places, but this is not enough shelter with a door or curtain. Shelters can be
to solve the problems of our community and made from local materials, or they can be made
does not guarantee that people will happily use from concrete.
them. Experts and community members should Respect: A well-kept toilet brings status
work together to solve problems. and respect to its owner. This can be what
motivates people to spend the money and
Women should be included in discussions effort to build one.
about the community’s needs and possible Safety: It’s rare that people feel safe when it
solutions. Being experts at caring for children comes to public toilets, so a well disinfected
and the home, women may recognize water and and well taken care of toilet that locks well
sanitation issues that men might not often see. gives the public the sense of safety and this
When everyone is involved in making decisions makes them want to visit public toilets without
and works together to improve sanitation, worrying about germs or security matters.
everyone benefits. Use toilets to manage Therefore all of us can keep our public toilets
human waste Mismanagement of human waste clean and comfortable by always making
pollutes water, food, and soil with germs, and sure that we leave them cleaner than we
leads to diarrhea and other serious health found them. Let’s not walk out of our public
problems. Using toilets prevents germs from restrooms without performing a task, be it
getting into the environment and protects the picking papers on the floor, flushing, wiping sink
health of the whole community. tops, wiping mirrors or speak about it to the
toilet manager.

Apart from health other reasons for using Let’s promote a healthy and clean Zambia by
toilets are: maintaining the clean standards of our public
Cleanliness: Dirty toilets can be smelly and
no one really wants to use them. A toilet HAPPY WORLD TOILET DAY!!!!!!!!
needs to be hygienically clean to prevent the
spread of germs. Sharing the task of cleaning


World Toilet Magazine Zambia


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