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INDIA Backwaters of Kerala 3 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015 After a few hours at the training camp you’ll continue

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TRIP DOSSIER Backwaters of Kerala -

INDIA Backwaters of Kerala 3 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015 After a few hours at the training camp you’ll continue


Backwaters of Kerala


• See wild elephants in Periyar
• Cruise the tranquilkwaters on a traditional houseboat

• Learn to cook an Indian curry
• Stay with locals in a homestay

Trip Code: FIBS

For dates and prices visit 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015


Backwaters of Kerala

Introduction Jew Street, a cul-de-sac leading to the beautiful Parsi
Synagogue built in 1568. The walking tour of Fort Kochi
India’s deep south is a total contrast to the better known takes you through city streets still graced with traces of
north and utterly distinct in terms of landscape, culture, Portuguese, Dutch & British colonial architecture,
history, food and language (and definitely more including a few old trading factories, the only ones still
relaxed). The two states we visit, Kerala and Tamil standing anywhere in the world, juxtaposed with cricket
Nadu, are themselves very different to each other and greens.
give a great insight into the differences that can exist in
this vast subcontinent. Lush, green Kerala is a coconut This evening you will have a chance to see a Kathakali
paradise with its watery landscapes, beautiful beaches performance, the traditional dance-form of Kerala. This
and verdant mountains. Tamil Nadu is distinctly drier classical dance requires lengthy and rigorous training to
and more frantic with the pilgrimage centre of Madurai, attain complete control of the body and sensitivity to
the most famous temple in India, a real assault on the emotion, so as to be able to render all its nuances
senses. Savour the foods, sights, colours and sounds through facial expressions and hand gestures. The
and, above all, the warm welcome for all visitors. dances are based on the two great Indian epics - the
Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The Kathakali dance
Detailed Itinerary is a most stunning display of poise, elaborate make up
and the art of storytelling. We will arrive early to see the
Day 1 Fly to Kochi make-up being put on by the artists and we can also
arrange for one of the Kathakali artists paint your face
Depart from London to Kochi (Cochin) on an overnight in the same way that has been followed for generations.
Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast)
Day 2 Arrive Kochi. Sunset cruise
Day 4 Visit Elephant Training Camp and
Arrive at Kochi Airport and transfer to your joining hotel drive to Munnar area
on Willingdon Island with the group (See ‘How to join
and depart this trip’ section later in this Trip Dossier). Head off early to the Kodanad Elephant training camp
Once at your hotel the rest of the day is free to relax or (1½ hours) (closed on Monday’s) to see these majestic
explore your new surroundings. Later this evening you animals at close quarters. During your time in Kerala
are invited on an optional sunset cruise, passing by you may come across domesticated elephants on a
Chinese fishing nets; built of teakwood, these nets were number of occasions, often just walking along the road,
erected between 1350 and 1450 AD. They are mainly as there are plenty of them in the state as working
used at high tide, requiring at least four men to operate animals in the fields, plantations and forests. They also
their system of counterweights. The nets are lowered have a more ceremonial role attached to temples or
into the water by a crane-like structure and raised a few making guest appearances at weddings and similar
minutes later. Return to the hotel mid evening. celebrations. The catching of wild elephants was
banned many years ago however there is still a regular
Hotel with swimming pool flow of new arrivals, mainly in the form of those injured
or orphaned, where it is very difficult to reintroduce
Day 3 Kochi city tour and Kathakali dance them back into their herds. At Kodanad you will see
show both young and mature animals, will see them getting
fed and, with any luck, will get a chance to help wash
In the morning enjoy a sightseeing tour of the city, them in the Periyar River. The mahouts will show you
known as “The Queen of the Arabian Sea”. It is also how they like to be scrubbed behind the ears – expect
famous for its exquisite designer gold jewellery. During to get a bit wet!
your tour you will see the Dutch Palace, built by the
Portuguese for a local King in 1555 AD, and the famous 01962 737 560 or 0845 051 4567


Backwaters of Kerala

After a few hours at the training camp you’ll continue endangered species. This is due to the loss of habitat
your journey across the lush green tropical landscape from the encroachment of domestic livestock grazing
into the foothills of the Western Ghats and to the area as well as poaching. A conservation policy is in
Munnar area, approx 135 kilometres (four hours drive in place at Evraikulum National Park where they monitor
total). The road climbs up firstly through rubber and the numbers and regular patrols to stop the poachers.
spice plantations before the appearance of dense In the afternoon you’ll visit a tea museum, plantation
forests and, in certain seasons, plentiful waterfalls and tea factory where you can learn about the whole
crashing down from the hills. Although the distance is process of tea, the different qualities, and production
not great there is a lot to see and you will no doubt techniques. The children may even be able to help with
make many stops along the way for photos, drinks, picking the tea and of course there is the sampling – by
fruit.... Once up high, Munnar offers breath-taking views now everyone will hopefully have been able to taste the
of hills draped in folds of green tea gardens which ubiquitous sweet Indian chai!
create an almost surreal landscape. Lazily nestled in
the verdant slopes of tea country, Munnar is a quaint Hotel (breakfast)
little town that exudes a rare old-world charm and
reminiscent of the days of the Raj in its faded elegant Day 6 Descend from Ghats, drive to
splendour and distinctive bungalows. Beyond the rolling Madurai.
hills, discover the rich tropical forests abounding in
exotic flora and fauna. It is here that we find the Time to head down from the mountains but there will
Anamudi peak, the highest peak in the Western Ghats still be plenty of things to see in the hills from tea and
in South India. Munnar’s serene atmosphere, silver spice plantations to beautiful vistas.
streams and pleasant climate, a real contrast to the
tropical lowlands, invites you to enjoy the cool mountain The state border crossing is set right on the edge of the
breeze. Your hotel is located outside Munnar with hills with dramatic views down the escarpment onto the
gorgeous views of the beautiful mountain landscapes. Tamil Nadu plains. You can see the road in the
distance winding its way down and there are no foothills
Hotel (breakfast) as such. As soon as you descend the difference
between the states is evident. The land is much drier,
Day 5 Visit to Rajamala Wildlife Sanctuary although there are plenty of commercial crops being
and a tea plantation grown, the towns look poorer, there are suddenly ox-
carts in abundance and signage is very much in Tamil
Today you will explore the Munnar regions so expect with English rarely seen. It is very distinct to Kerala and
plenty of stops for photos or snacks and the chance to you may well make plenty of stops along the way –
wander in the town itself if you wish. This morning you perhaps to grab a fresh coconut milk or see a brick
will visit Rajamala Wildlife Sanctuary, home to the making factory in action! Finally you approach Madurai,
endangered mountain ungulate - the Nilgiri Tahr. This a pilgrimage centre for centuries and home to the most
animal looks like a large goat/antelope, the males famous temple in India. After relaxing at the hotel and
weighs around 100kg and stands at 110cm at the having dinner you head right into the city centre for an
shoulder. The female is a lot smaller weighing around evening visit to the temple - this amazing hubbub of
50kg and stands at 80cm at the shoulder. They have streets that radiates away from the shrine is a real
curled horns and short grey/brown pelage (fur). Older contrast to the tranquil mountains you have left. You
males are called ‘saddlebacks’ as they have a visit in time to see the evening procession when an
distinctive silvery saddle-like patch marks on their rump, image of Sundareswarar (Siva) is carried through the
and their coat darkens to a deep chocolate colour. Their temple to be placed alongside that of his consort
habitat is grassland with rocky outcrops, where they Meenakshi to ‘sleep’. Expect pilgrims, priests,
graze in early morning and in the evenings, while musicians, torches and an exciting taster of the life in
keeping a watchful eye for their predators, namely the this extraordinary complex.
tiger, leopard and wild dog. Over the last century, their
numbers have dropped registering them as an Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast) 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015

Day 7 Sri Meenakshi Temple INDIA 4

Today you will visit the highlights of Madurai, the ‘nectar Backwaters of Kerala
city,’ so named after drops of nectar dropped here from
the god Siva’s locks. The history of the city goes back ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, vanilla and other
to the 6th century BC and it has been a centre of Tamil exotic spices. Take a walk through the trees and inhale
culture for over 2000 years, trading in turn with Greece these fragrant aromas.
and Rome. The temple complex itself dates initially
from the Vijaynagar period is an outstanding example of During your stay, you can learn how to cook some of
their architecture and a contemporary of the Taj Mahal. the local Keralan delicacies. We can arrange a
Meenakshi (the ‘fish-eyed goddess’) has one temple makeshift kitchenette with all the ingredients outdoors,
and her consort Sundareswarar (Siva) another however and the hotel chef will more than willingly impart his
what makes it rare here is that she takes precedence culinary skills to you and your kids. In the evening, we
over her more famous and powerful partner. Although highly recommend an optional visit to see a dramatic
non-Hindus are not allowed in the inner shrines, there is performance of Kalaripayattu, the Keralan martial arts
plenty to see as your guide helps unravel the Hindu (approximately 1 hour). This unique form of martial arts
pantheon. The complex is vast and dominated by the 5 includes bouts with and without weapons and will show
huge Gopurams (towers) one on north entrance, one in you something of the variety of techniques and styles
south, one in west & 2 in east that are elaborately employed. From swords, daggers, spears, flails and
decorated with gaudy stucco-work and can be seen scarves there are specific moves related to each form
from far away across the city. Enter through the flower and, possibly, there will be a chance for members of the
and garland complex where you may pick up an audience, of all ages, to try out some of the equipment
offering, run the gauntlet of the hundreds of stalls themselves – under supervision!
offering gifts, candles and trinkets for the devoted, and
see the One Thousand Pillared Hall and Tank of the Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast)
Golden Lotus. At some stage no doubt you will pass by
the temple elephant who will bless you with his trunk in Day 9 Elephant spotting on Lake Periyar
exchange for small offering and in each area you will and homestay
come across pilgrims of all shapes and sizes drawn
from across the subcontinent. At some stage no doubt This morning you’ll enjoy trekking with experienced
you will pass by the temple elephant who will bless you forest guides and learn how to track animals. One of
with his trunk in exchange for small offering and in each the largest wildlife reserves in India, the sanctuary is
area you will come across pilgrims of all shapes and spread over an area of 777 sq. kms in the Cardamom
sizes drawn from across the subcontinent. This is a Hills region of the Western Ghats. Later on today there
unique place which all members of the family will is the option to ride on elephant back and see these
remember for different reasons! majestic creatures at close quarters again. You can
also join the elephants for a bath and get showered by
In contrast to this your temple visit will also include them so bring along your swimming gear. In the
stops at the newly renovated Thirumalai Nayaka Palace afternoon you can enjoy a gentle cruise on Lake Periyar
with its Indo-Mughal style domes and arches and and if in search of herds of wild elephants. This afternoon, we
time allows you may also visit Ghandi Museum helping will continue to our homestay for the evening.
to trace the life of the Father of the Nation as well as Homestays are growing in popularity throughout the
the whole ‘Quit India’ campaign. You have a whole day world, but particularly in India. The concept first started
in Madurai so you may decide to spread the visits out in Kerala over a decade ago and is now used
however there should be time to relax in the afternoon throughout the India. As a general rule, they are middle-
and reflect on this maddening whirl of a town class houses largely run by active retired professionals
who enjoy meeting travellers from other cultures. You
Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast) can expect a clean bedroom and bathroom (not
necessarily en-suite) and comforts that meet Western
Day 8 Drive to Periyar and learn to cook a standards. It is a fantastic way to experience Keralan
local dish life and interact with the locals over a traditional home-
cooked meal. This is the best way to reach those un-
Say goodbye to Madurai and head back across the touristy corners that you might not otherwise see.
Tamil Nadu plains passing through small market towns,
paddy fields and maize plantations. As you approach Homestay (breakfast and dinner)
the Western Ghats the region becomes a major fruit
growing zone well watered from the Periyar Dam in the Day 10 Drive to Alleppey and board house
hills. The final approach is very steep up into the lush to boat
forest zone, passing the huge irrigation pipes on the
way, and before you know it you have crossed the Today you’ll be driven down from the hills to Alleppey,
border into Kerala. The afternoon is then free to approximately 120 kms (3½ hrs drive), where you will
explore this small town and its surrounds, perhaps pick embark on a converted rice-barge, ready to cruise
up some spices and souvenirs or just relax by the pool gently along the backwaters. The backwaters are a
surrounded by cardamom bushes. Our hotel in Periyar bewildering labyrinth of waterways, composed of lakes,
is built among rosewood, sandalwood, mahogany and canals, lagoons and rivers, lined with dense tropical
teak trees, the air is infused with the scent of nutmeg, greenery. They preserve rural Keralan lifestyle that
remains largely hidden from the road. Birdlife,
kingfishers, eagles or parrots abound and all manner of
boats and watercraft can be found. Bridges of all
descriptions exist and it can amaze you to see the tiny 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015


Backwaters of Kerala

pockets of land upon which some houses or hamlets buildings and superb service. With a very sensitive
exist. eco-ethos the resort goes out of its way to ensure
harmony with the local environment and at the same
The rice houseboat traditionally known as 'Kettuvallam' time show that luxury and comfort do not need to be
is made entirely of natural materials; wood, rattan and compromised in any way. Children (and adults) can join
bamboo, in harmonious tones of brown and honey. It the in-house naturalists on bird, butterfly or local village
has neither engine nor machinery of any sort on board. walks, most of the vegetables come from its own
Sixty eight feet long and ten feet wide, with a slightly kitchen garden and as much as possible is recycled
unturned prow and rear, it sits low in the water. In front, and reused. A stunning pool is complemented by
roofed but otherwise open to air, is the living and dining tennis, volleyball & badminton courts; there is a games
area, its sides shaded by shutters propped open at room and relaxing library and skilled Ayurvedic centre.
midway by bamboo poles. This comfortable space is If this all sounds like too much after you have explored
covered with coir matting and is furnished with rattan southern India then do not fear - there is a hammock
chairs, day bed style mattress and a table. Although the with your name on it strung between two coconut palms
superstructure is only a few years old, the boat itself is a stone’s throw from the warm waters of the Indian
a century old. Until it was reconditioned as a rice-boat, Ocean....
it transported rice and wood. Enjoy this relaxing cruise
along the backwaters passing by small villages, rice Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast)
paddies, and rubber plantations where daily life takes
place on around and in the water! This is a time to chill Day 14 Return to Kochi
and watch life gently pass by - relax with a book, join
the crew with fishing and try your hand at the Asian The morning is at leisure so you can relax by the pool,
game of Carrom. then return to Kochi (approximately 1 hour) for your last
night. The afternoon is free in Kochi - perhaps return
Houseboat (breakfast, lunch and dinner) into Fort Cochin to explore its charming streets further
or pick up some souvenirs or antiques in the raft of
Day 11 Return to Kochi emporia that crowd the narrow thoroughfares.

This morning the cruise makes its way back to the dock Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast)
from Lake Vembanad. You will see the early morning
‘commuter’ boats packed to the gills and no doubt lots Day 15 Fly to UK
of smartly dressed school children being ferried to and
fro. After leaving the boat head north to return to Kochi This morning you will transfer to Kochi international
(1½ hour drive). The afternoon is at leisure so you can airport for your return flight to the UK.
relax by the pool or try out one of the ayurvedic
treatments you have been hankering over. Perhaps This itinerary includes our group flights from London. If
return into Fort Cochin to explore its charming streets you are making other flight arrangements, please refer
further or pick up some souvenirs or antiques in the raft to your Confirmation Invoice and Joining Instructions for
of emporia that crowd the narrow thoroughfares. details of the start or end of the trip. Please remember
international flights and trip dates do occasionally
Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast) change, so please always purchase flexible tickets.

Day 12 Fly to UK Each itinerary is planned many months in advance and
although it is our intention to operate the itinerary as
Beach extension to Mararikulam printed in the brochure and detailed here, it may be
necessary to make some changes as a result of
If you have time we would strongly encourage you to alterations to flight schedules, climatic conditions,
extend your stay in Kerala with a few days on the beach limitations of infrastructure or other operational factors
at the Marari Beach Resort. which are beyond our control. As a consequence, the
order or location of overnight stops may vary from those
Day 1 – 10 As above outlined but we will always endeavour to keep you
informed of any such changes. Included meals are
Day 11 Drive to Mararikulam indicated in the daily itinerary.

After leaving the boat head to the Arabian Sea coast Practical Information
(approximately 45 minutes) and the gorgeous Marari
Beach resort. How to join and depart this trip

Hotel with swimming pool (breakfast) The joining point for this trip is at Cochin Airport on day
2 of the Trip Itinerary above.
Day 12 - 13 At leisure to relax on the beach
and explore If you book a separate flight to the group flights and
arrive at a different time, please speak to your
The next few days are at leisure for you to enjoy your consultant to arrange a private arrival transfer.
beautiful surroundings. Set right on the beach this child-
friendly resort is noted for the traditional design of all its 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015

The departure point for this trip is Cochin Airport. You INDIA 6
will be dropped off at the airport in the morning.
Backwaters of Kerala
Flight Inclusive
The mention of a swimming pool at a hotel should not
We recommend that you book this trip as a 'Flight be taken as a guarantee but rather an indication. You
Inclusive' package. Booking your international flights should also be aware that swimming pools at the hotels
through Families Worldwide guarantees you peace of are often unheated and so can be cold in the winter
mind and provides 100% financial protection under our months or even closed.
CAA ATOL licence. What's more, if you book your flights
with us as well as your ground arrangements, we will * On trips which include Christmas Eve and/or New
manage these flight arrangements both before and Year’s Eve, a special dinner is usually included in the
during your trip. As an ATOL Licence holder, we are price of your trip.
able to secure and arrange competitively-priced airfares
with most major airlines from the UK (as displayed on Food and Drink
our website), as well as the option of regional departures
too. Meals are included as indicated by itinerary. For meals
in cities you should allow £10 per day for lunch and
Land only dinner, you can eat quite cheaply in India, but obviously
if you dine in more expensive restaurants please allow
If you would prefer to arrange your own international more for your daily allowance. You local tour leader will
travel you can book this trip as a 'Land Only' package, be on hand to make some personal recommendations.
where the price does not include international flights. Most restaurants are likely to use offer a combination of
Please note that if you are booking your own flights Indian and Western style food so if someone fancies a
there are certain risks you should be aware of. Many non-Indian meal it is usually pretty easy to get!
airline tickets purchased directly are non-refundable Generally breakfasts will offer a good choice of Western
and often do not provide you with any financial (cereals, toasts and eggs) or Indian dishes and the
protection (unlike booking your flights with ourselves south has lots of superb fruit juices to try. Kerala is
where you would be 100% protected under our CAA famous for its fish and seafood and if you are a
ATOL licence). For this reason we strongly advise that vegetarian, South India offers a wide variety of dishes
you check the rules of any flight booking you make, and and is particularly good in this regard. Please
check the limitations under any insurance policy you remember to drink plenty of bottled water during your
may have in relation to cancellation or date changes. visit.
We cannot be held liable for any losses incurred or
consequences of any flight bookings or related travel Local Costs
arrangements you have made yourself, such as if your
international flights were delayed or cancelled and you *Based on a mid range tourist restaurant.
could not join or depart your holiday on time. If you do
decide to book Land Only, we strongly advise that you A small bottle of mineral water £0.50
do not book international flights or make other travel (500ml)
arrangements (especially if there are financial penalties
for cancellation or change) until your chosen holiday is A large bottle of mineral water (1 £0.80
guaranteed to run. Please also ensure when making litre)
your own international travel arrangements that they
enable you to join and depart this trip in accordance A can of coke (soft drinks) £0.40
with the criteria specified in the How to join and depart
this trip section of this Trip Dossier. A carton or bottle of fruit juice £0.60

Accommodation A bottle of beer £2.50

All hotels have private facilities and are on a twin share A pint of local beer £1.50
basis and most of them are air-conditioned. All hotels
are 3-star standard or better; modern, clean, Tea or coffee £0.50
comfortable with friendly service. Accommodation on
the rice barge house boat is comfortable and clean with A light lunch time snack – sandwich £2.00
air-conditioning and mosquito nets where necessary. for example
Homestays can vary in size, but you will have a clean
and comfortable bathroom and are expected to interact A two course meal* - excluding £5.00
with your hosts a little (much like a Bed and Breakfast drinks
in the UK). Note you will not always have en-suite
facilities. A three course meal* - excluding £7.00


The best time to visit the south of India is during
October to March but it can be visited all year and is
always hot! The summer monsoon usually eases off in
August. 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015

It is of course impossible to predict the precise weather INDIA 7
conditions you will encounter during the course of your
holiday. However, we do schedule our holidays to Backwaters of Kerala
coincide with what should be the most suitable weather
periods. Seasonal variations and localised weather recommended for this trip. A useful travel health online
conditions, as well as unseasonal weather means you resource is
should always be prepared for inclement weather
including rain and storms. As a general rule daytime Security
temperatures will be higher than night time and
increases/decreases in altitude during the course of a Whilst the vast majority of travellers never experience
trip usually means temperature variations. As a general anything untoward it is worth taking precautions
rule temperatures decrease by 1ºC for every 200 metre particularly in urban areas. You should take sensible
increase in altitude. You may be able to find climate precautions in crowded areas such as street markets
statistics for this country at and airports, where pick-pocketing is common, and
keep clear of any street disturbances. Don’t wear
Is this right for your family? expensive jewellery, never leave your bags unattended,
keep large amounts of money, cameras and mobile
This is a great break and brilliant introduction to India. phones out of sight when walking in town centres, and
The south is much more relaxed that the more frantic avoid walking in city centres after dark. Keep copies of
north and makes for easier travel. Hotels are all of a important documents, including passports, in a
good standard, most have pools. Travelling can be slow separate place to the documents themselves, together
at times but distances covered are not overly long and with details of credit cards. Leave copies at home with a
will always be fascinating given the endless variety of friend too. Safeguard valuables, important documents
life in India. There is so much to interest children of all and cash and deposit them in hotel safes, where
ages – learning to cook, visiting an Indian school, practicable.
seeing elephants, cruising on a rice-barge...
Single Parents
The unit of currency is the Indian Rupee (INR). Sterling
Single parents or other adults travelling alone with Travellers’ Cheques are accepted in banks and larger
children should be aware that some countries, including hotels however we increasingly suggest that you use
the UK, require documentation confirming that the the widespread ATMs. We recommend that you change
individual has authority to travel with the minor. It is money at the airport. Credit Cards are accepted in
crucial that you contact the relevant country embassy larger hotels and some souvenir shops but not in the
for further information on exactly what may be required. wildlife resorts.
These details can be found on the Foreign &
Commonwealth Website under the appropriate country Language
Each state has its own regional language, in Kerala it is
Optional Extras Malayalam and Tamil in Tamil Nadu. Hindi and English
is widely spoken. Your guide will speak English.
These excursions can be arranged, subject to
availability, through your tour leader: Tipping

Kochi – sunset cruise (8-9 seater boat) – INR3000 per Tipping is a recognised part of life and although at your
boat per hour discretion you will be expected to reward service. It
Kochi – Kathakali dance performance, face painting should be remembered, however, that over-generosity
and pictures - INR3000 pre family could lead to jealousies in poor countries. Please
Periyar – bush trekking - INR700 remember that all tips should be a way for individuals to
Periyar – elephant ride and bathing - INR1550 per thank staff for good service. We do not encourage the
family tipping of snake charmers, animal keepers or the likes.
Periyar – Kalarapitya performance - INR280
Suitable tips from your family would be; Rs30 per
Prices are per person unless shown otherwise); they suitcase for bell boys, 10% of your bill at a restaurant,
are a guideline only and are subject to change. Prices Rs250 per day for your driver, local guide Rs250 half
given may also be subject to a minimum number of day and Rs400 full day.
Please also remember that your tour leader works hard
Vaccinations and Malaria Prophylaxis and for long hours to make your holiday run smoothly, a
suitable reward for good service would be £1-£2 from
We always recommend visiting your doctor and dentist each person, per day. It is usual to collect this between
for a check-up before travelling. Your doctor will also yourselves as a group and present it to the leader on
have access to the most up to date information on completion of the tour.
vaccinations and medical precautions for the country
you are about to visit. In general we recommend Maps
however, that you be protected against TB, typhoid,
polio, tetanus and hepatitis. A Malarial prophylaxis is We recommend Stanfords at 12-14 Long Acre, London
WC2E 9LP (Tel: 0207 836 1321)

Travel Insurance

Comprehensive travel insurance is compulsory when
joining a trip with Families Worldwide. To arrange cover
for single or annual multi-trip, please contact one of our
family travel consultants for details. 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015


Backwaters of Kerala

Passports & Visas

British passport holders require a visa to enter India;
this must be obtained in advance of travel. Current cost
is £92.20 for a 6-month tourist visa, and is valid for 3
months from the date of issue. Please allow plenty of
time to process your application. Please ensure your
passport has 6 months validity from your date of return.

Please note that visa/entry requirements and prices
change regularly.

You can obtain the latest visa information, as well as
book your visa either by contacting your reservation
consultant, or by following the link below to our
designated visa service:
Please allow plenty of time for your visa application to
be processed.

We also recommend you visit the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office website for up to date
information on the country/countries you are visiting,
embassy contact details and other useful advice.

Alternatively, you can obtain visas on arrival at the
airport. You will require one passport size photo per
person and US$25 in cash for a 15 day multiple visa.

Clothing & Equipment Lists

Western clothing is acceptable everywhere, but the
locals tend to dress conservatively. We recommend
comfortable lightweight casual cotton clothing in
lowland areas, and medium-weight clothing and layers
for the cooler hill country. Out of respect for local
culture we recommend that - particularly in rural areas -
you dress accordingly i.e. no tight-fitting clothing, low-
cut or sleeveless tops etc. Shorts are OK in main tourist
areas, but they (and skirts) should reach at least to the
knee. Everyone should be prepared to cover bare arms
and legs when entering religious buildings, and take off
their shoes. Up in the hills it can get surprisingly cold,
so pack some warm and windproof clothing. A sun hat,
sunglasses and high-factor sunscreen are all essential.

Please check our website for the most up to date
information regarding packing for your trip. The
information we provide is our suggested guide to help
you with your packing based upon our many years of
travelling. Using your own judgment for packing is of
course important, especially with regard to casual
clothing etc but please do not hesitate to contact us if
you have any questions about packing for your trip. 01962 737 560 Date of Issue: 3 September 2015

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