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Published by seniorsrockmagazine, 2018-12-31 04:27:46










Nothing YOUNG

Bring Me Even as You

DOWN Grow Old

The 94

Seven YEAR












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[email protected] |






Come in for a
Good Laughter!

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the maiden edition of
new bi-monthly magazine designed
especially for our Senior Citizens, their
families and Caregivers. The creation
of this new magazine is to create
humor, laughter and love for readers
who want to read, have some good
laughter and feel hopeful for being
part of the Senior Citizen Community.

Slowly I am walking towards the
Senior’s Hall of fame. I’m getting there
because every year my age counter
increases. When I turned 50 I said
to myself, “I am now a mini Senior”,
that’s if there is anything like that.
But in that moment of time, I felt the
need to do more for the Senior Citizen
After many years of being a Caregiver
and a Nursing Assistant, I’ve had many
and different encounters with Seniors
of all walks. To me, Caregiving isn’t
just a job, it is a calling. That is where
I get my energy from, to do more for
be entertaining and informative, at
times contrary, but above all useful.

I hope you enjoy this maiden edition.
Let me hear from you, your thoughts,
To all Seniors out ideas, wisdom and do let me know if
there are any topics you’d like to see
there; AGE WITH covered in the future. Join the new fun
magazine in town, SENIORS ROCK...
GRACE & PURPOSE” Yes indeed they rock!

My name is Peace Bennett and I am a
mini Senior.

senior’s rock magazine



Best Tips to Prevent Aging

Even if you don’t consider yourself a senior just HOW TO KEEP YOUR BRAIN YOUNG - 10
yet, you are still aging. “We start aging when EVEN AS YOU GROW OLD
we are born,” says Moreno. So anyone can take
simple steps to look and feel better as the years
tick by. Dr. Moreno suggests easy changes that 94-YEAR-OLD WIDOWER MADE A 14
you can make at any stage of your life to turn SPLASH BY INSTALLING A POOL
back the hands of time.
His best tips for aging well? Moreno suggests
these three steps to feel better and get healthy:
Maintain a healthy weight.

Your weight plays a key role in controlling the JOKES 19
factors of aging. Get to a healthy number on
the scale and stay there.
Stay hydrated with water.
Your body is craving it more than you realize.
Water is critical to maintaining your energy QUOTES 21
level and good daily health.

Move more. LET’S GET PUZZLE 22

Find an activity that you like and that helps
you to maintain a daily movement schedule CARE GIVERS CORNER 23
and stick with it.

Small changes can have a big impact. Try a HOME HEALTH CARE LISTINGS 25
few of these healthy changes to improve your
health and well-being.

senior’s rock magazine





By Joan Bakewell

hen you're in your seventies, love has a long memory;
I grew up at a time when sex was secret, lives were
private and your parents didn't approve. Sex before
marriage was either fast and furtive, or romantically
Wdangerous. There was no pill but no Aids either. As
a young woman I knew little about my own body but plenty about
my troubled emotions. As a child during the war I saw the pain of
separation and loss. I grew up to the strains of "We'll Meet Again",
"Some Day I'll Find You" and Snow White's "Some Day My Prince Will
Come". I saw it as a search for an ideal: Mr Right. Mr Darcy. Big mistake.

senior’s rock magazine

Then the hormones kicked in and I became up and gone I can please myself entirely as to
a sucker for DH Lawrence and the fire in the what friendships and bonds I make and how I
blood. Emily Brontë's message was that tortured behave both in public and private. And that's
passion was better than gentle loving. All this what I do. Looking back now I can see that what
led to turbulent times and love and sex became a makes marriages endure is a mix of several
major pre-occupation. I read about it, fantasised, different things: a broad sharing of common
saw the movies Brief Encounter, Gone with the interests and outlooks; an agreement about how
Wind but didn't do much about it. you want your sex lives to be; and an ability to
weather the stormy seas of infidelity. I failed, in
All these years later I still carry traces of those the end, to sustain a proper combination of all
youthful ideas, though I don't brood on them three. Now I don't have to any more. Mrs Patrick
any more. I still believe that "Love is the sweetest Campbell spoke of the "hurly-burly of the chaise
thing" and "All you need is love". Life has longue... giving way to the deep deep peace of the
taught me that popular culture's clichs express marriage bed." I have gone further. I called my
profound human needs that do not change. autobiography The Centre of the Bed. I have it all
Love remains the most fundamental of human to myself.
emotions. When you're younger it's usually
about managing one-to-one relationships and There's no denying the body grows slack and
devotion to your children. As you get older it slow. The joints begin to creak, the back to
comes into play in a million different ways from grumble. But that has to do with ageing, not with
good manners and small kindnesses to shared loving. The loving stays young. Older people will
laughter and good company. As such it is central always tell you that inside they feel just as they
to my life. always did, and it's true. That's why it's a shock
to catch your reflection in the shop window, or to
The language has changed: it has got more raw, hear yourself referred to as an old boot. Among
more crude. "Making love" has given way to ourselves, the 70-year-olds are as lively and frisky
"bonking" and "shagging". There is no shame as ever we were.
in using the f-word and the c-word. Comedy
and humour have become coarser; jokes are Of course, the leaping flame of lust leaps less
eye-wateringly explicit. I don't protest at it often. Instead, I value the golden glow of long
happening. But it isn't part of my world, I don't friendships and attachments, the blossoming
use that sort of language and I can't help feeling of new. I look around and judge the happiest
that the all-prevailing irony has damaged of my friends to be those with long and stable
tenderness. I like people to say what they mean: marriages. But I also notice the growing
my children and grandchildren are the ones who popularity of a new arrangement among the old:
tell me most often that they love me. But there it's known as "together apart". Two they may be
are others. widowed or divorced discover a growing bond
between them. It develops and soon they are
The films have changed, too. Although we have holidaying together, sharing outings and even
had the romantic The English Patient and bed. But they remain living in their separate
Atonement we also have the explicit casual sex homes. It seems to work. It saves all the tensions
of Michael Winterbottom's 9 Songs and Patrice of shared living, avoids the financial and social
Chreau's Intimacy. Again, I don't want such rearrangements of moving in together, and it
explicit films banned or censored but I can't say doesn't trespass on the past.
they move me. There can be a sense of "been
there, done that" in seeing young people having As I grow older I perceive love in a different
sex. But sometimes it's more a case of "it's too late context altogether. I have seen love at its most
now". Love and sex are not voyages of discovery intense and beautiful when someone is dying.
any more. I've long since arrived. And I'm more This may not fit the clichs of "sex and love" as
convinced than ever that whatever you do with we live it. But to witness one partner falling into
your limbs and your body matters less than what a decline and the other giving selfless devotion
goes on in your head and your heart. throughout the illness is to see love in action. It
seems an odd thing to say, but love gathers with
I came out of my second marriage some seven passion and intensity around many a deathbed.
years ago and have been living alone ever since.
It suits me. It has left me free to make immediate Source:
choices for myself alone. With children grown

senior’s rock magazine



er name is

Betty White.

She is a senior

Hand she ROCKS

On January 17th, 1922, in Oak Park, Illinois, (She stops to let Alec Baldwin kiss her hand.) You
the future television icon was born Betty think i'm going to miss a chance when I get it?
Marion White, the only child of homemaker
Christine Tess (née Cachikis) and lighting Somebody said something the other day about
company executive Horace Logan White. In her 'First Lady of Television.' And I took it as a big
autobiography If You Ask Me (And of Course You compliment. And then I heard her talking to
Won't), White explained her parents named her her daughter a little later, she said, ‘First lady,
"Betty" specifically because they didn't like many yes, she's that old, she was the first one, way, way
of the nicknames derived from "Elizabeth." Forget back.’ But little did I dream then that I would be
your Beths, your Lizas, your Ellies. She's Betty. here. It's incredible that I'm still in this business,
that I'm still -- and you are still putting up with
One thing they don't tell you about growing old— me.
you don't feel old, you just feel like yourself. And
it's true. I don't feel Ninety Six years old. I simply No, I’m thanking you. It's incredible that you can
am Ninety Six years old. stay in a career this long and still have people put
up with you. I wish they did that at home. I want
"You are still putting up with me." to thank Lorne Michaels for doing not only this
tonight, but all the wonderful things he's done
BETTY WHITE'S EMMYS SPEECH with me -- no, for me. And all I can say is, it's such
Was Incredibly Inspiring and Hilarious a blessed business to be in, and how lucky can I
be, and how much I say, thank you to each and
"Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Thank every one of you. Thank you so much."
you. I’m just going to quit while I'm ahead! Oh,
my goodness, goodness, goodness. This is very Long live Betty White! I MAY BE A SENIOR, SO
exciting. I thought the biggest, most exciting night WHAT? I AM STILL
I had ever had, I'm talking to Lorne Michaels now,
was the night that he gave me an honor. But boy, HOT & I ROCK!
you topped yourself tonight, Lorne.

senior’s rock magazine




HOW TO Brain



nce a heavy drinker and smoker, my 84-year-old father

was never a good candidate for living a long life. But he’s
remained mentally sharp through four bouts of cancer

and a litany of other health complaints, while my younger
and (seemingly) healthier mother suffered from demen-

Otia and died four years ago. What gives?

senior’s rock magazine

Well, my dad spends time every for up 30 minutes—appears to with no signs of dementia and
day doing brain teasers called be neuroprotective”—meaning assessed their loneliness, memory
Crypto-quips—puzzles that require it protects your brain—“and will loss, and confusion levels every
deciphering complex letter codes. decrease your chances of getting year for four years. For every one
After he retired from work, he other diseases too,” says Kramer. point increase on their loneliness
took language classes, traveled measurement scale, the risk of
abroad, played bridge, performed But how does it work? According developing dementia increased 51
in an amateur theatre company, to Kramer, exercise enhances percent over that period. Even when
and volunteered regularly in the neuroplasticity—the brain’s patients had many social contacts,
local senior center. Despite painful ability to grow new neural and feeling lonely led to mental decline,
arthritis, he still dances two times a blood flow pathways in response suggesting that the quality of social
week with friends and takes regular to stimulation and learning. The interactions may be more important
walks. greater the brain’s reserve of neural than the quantity.
pathways, the better it can respond
If researchers are right, my father to strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, or “Our results are consistent with
has (inadvertently) followed some head traumas from falls, which all other studies which show that
of the best practices for battling become more likely as you age. negative emotions are related to
mental decline. New studies are the development of dementia and
pointing to ways one can slow, and Researchers need more information cognitive decline in old age,” says
in some cases reverse, the memory before they will more fully Wilson.
loss, distractibility, and other understand the relationship
cognitive deficits that often come between exercise and brain Interestingly, when Wilson’s group
with advancing age. Here are three function, says Kramer. For looked at the brain autopsies of
of the key findings for how to keep example, it isn’t clear yet if there subjects who died during their
your brain fit. is a ‘dose response,’ where more study, they found that some people
exercise equates to better cognitive who hadn’t reported feeling lonely
1. EXERCISE! health, or whether slacking off still showed plaques or tangles in
on an exercise program changes their brains—the physiological
You know how your doctor is the equation. Still, Kramer is hallmarks of Alzheimer’s—without
always telling you to get a moderate convinced that exercise is central to actually developing the symptoms
amount of exercise to stay healthy? maintaining brain health. of dementia, such as memory loss
Well now there’s evidence that and confusion. In other words,
exercise not only helps your heart 2. BE SOCIAL having positive social connections
and lungs, but it also might improve may have protected them from
your brain. Researchers have long known that Alzheimer’s dementia, even though
having social connections helps their brain’s physiology seemed
In a 2008 review of more than protect against the negative impacts to leave them vulnerable to it.
50 scientific studies, researchers of aging. But not until recently have Although researchers are still trying
Arthur Kramer and Kirk Erickson they been able to show a direct link to figure out this phenomenon,
found that regular aerobic exercise between social activity levels and Wilson thinks that having good
improved brain functioning for the brain. social connections over time may
healthy people and those with somehow build up overall brain
mild cognitive impairments. In In a 2007 study, Valerie Crooks, a functioning, so that one part of the
particular, those brain functions researcher with Kaiser Permanente, brain can take over if another part
associated with “executive assessed 2,200 women over a becomes damaged.
control”—such as multi-tasking, four-year period, looking for
planning, and problem solving— signs of mental decline while Joining a group, taking a class, or
were most affected by exercise. evaluating their degree of social scheduling regular visits and phone
Even moderate walking two-to- connection. Her study found that calls with friends and family can all
three times a week over a six month women who had a larger social help build these social connections.
period was enough to produce network and daily social contact The same goes for doing volunteer
positive results. In one study, had a substantially lower risk of work, which may carry added
brain imaging results revealed developing dementia, even when benefits: According to preliminary
that patients in the early stages she factored in age and hormone results from a recent study by Sei
of Alzheimer’s disease who were use. Lee at the University of California,
more aerobically fit had less brain San Francisco, presented this past
atrophy than those who were less In a similar study, Robert Wilson May at the annual meeting of the
fit. of Rush University’s Alzheimer’s American Geriatrics Society, people
Disease Center in Chicago found who volunteered lived longer, even
“Aerobic walking, riding a bike that people who felt lonely were after considering other factors,
or using a stationary bike, or more likely to develop dementia. like socioeconomic status, chronic
swimming—anything that sustains Wilson and his group followed health conditions, and cognititive
your heart rate at 65 percent of a group of 80-year-old patients function.
its maximum capacity or greater
senior’s rock magazine

3. STIMULATE YOUR information. The auditory program activities may be as stimulating, or
BRAIN—EVEN WITH (IMPACT) has been tested in large, more stimulating, than computer
clinical trials around the country
training,” says Park.
VIDEO GAMES and has been shown to improve
There is now ample scientific not only auditory processing Evidence from another recent study
evidence that keeping your mind speed and accuracy, but related may support Park’s hypothesis.
Robert Wilson monitored more
active is good for brain health. But skills like memory and attention. than 700 elderly participants for
what’s the best way to do that? Similar results have been found for five years and found that those who
the visual program, though using reportedly engaged in everyday
Recent studies show that computer- smaller study populations. mentally-stimulating activities—like
based exercises designed to improve reading the paper, visiting a library, or
brain function have been effective “The benefits of our training playing checkers or chess—were less
at increasing memory, information programs are substantial,” says likely to have cognitive impairment,
processing, reasoning, attention, Merzenich. “If you are 70 and your and were less than half as likely to
and problem solving skills among brain is operating like a typical develop the dementia symptoms
elderly participants. In some 70 year old, you can train with of Alzheimer’s disease. Even
studies, successful training in one our program, and your scores on when researchers considered the
skill area (e.g., short-term memory) cognitive tests will improve to levels participants’ past levels of education
and socio-economic status, being
led to improvements in areas you’d find in a 59-year-old brain.” mentally engaged later in life still
not covered in the training (e.g., seemed critical to reducing the risk of
executive control), suggesting that That may be true, but some dementia.
training benefits may “generalize” researchers are still skeptical.
to multiple brain functions and The challenge
improve overall cognitive health. “We just don’t know enough about
how these programs work,” says So, will all this research actually
Capitalizing on this research, Arthur Kramer. Although he compel people to do what it takes to
several companies have sprung up recently co-authored his own study keep their brains fit?
to market the idea of “brain fitness” using a video game to improve
to aging Baby Boomers. Though cognitive function in the elderly, “Let’s face it, some people hate to
many, such as Lumosity, have based he remains cautious, noting that exercise, even when they know it
their programs on neuroscience “there are still relatively few studies helps,” says Kramer. He argues that,
research, not all have done the of computer-based products.” as we age, we tend to slow down
rigorous testing needed to show and get sore joints, which makes it
their programs work. Denise Park, a researcher at the even harder to build up the will to
University of Texas, agrees. But she exercise. But Kramer believes that
Posit Science, founded by has an additional concern about communicating how exercise benefits
the brain may help motivate people to
neuroscientist Mike Merzenich, is computer-based training programs: change their lifestyles.
an exception. Posit has developed that seniors won’t maintain
two computer-based training interest in them long Mezernich of Posit Science suggests
programs for seniors designed enough to reap the another possible incentive: economic
to increase the speed and benefits. interest. He envisions a time when
accuracy of how they process health insurance companies will
auditory and visual “It may be very possible pay people, either directly or
that engaging in fun, through reduced insurance rates,
novel to participate in programs like his,
assuming they will reduce the need
for costly health care down the road.

Personally, I don’t need further
convincing, especially after
having one parent die of dementia.
Chances are I may be living even
longer than my dad, perhaps into
my 90s. And since I want to keep my
mind active even as my body ages, I’m
already trying to stay physically active,
keep my friends close, and give my
brain a regular work out.

But I think I’ll leave the Crypto-quips
to my dad.

By Jill Suttie
senior’s rock magazine










402 813 3444

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hen Keith Davison’s wife Evy died last year of
cancer after 66 years of marriage, his house
felt lonely. It was a big house, and with his

children grown and moved out, it felt “very,
Wvery quiet,” Davison said.

senior’s rock magazine

So the retired trial judge had an In fact, people I haven't talked to pool, but it’s not just a pool; it’s so
idea. His neighborhood in Morris, in years call “and congratulate much more than that.”
Minn., had a lot of kids but no me on having a pool.” He has met
swimming pool. Davison, an avid neighbors he hardly knew before The pool was not cheap to install,
swimmer, and his wife had bought and grown closer with the ones he but Davison’s home insurance
the house in 1991, and they had did know. company said his premium would
considered putting one in the back not go up. And he is strict about
yard but had never gotten around Neighbor Jessica Huebner said safety.
to it. “When we were in our 60s we when she first heard of the plan, she
thought of it, but we didn’t think didn’t think he was serious. “I was “I have a set of rules, of course,
we’d live this long,” he said. just thinking, it’s fun to talk, but at being a lawyer,” he said (he is also
the age of 94 would you really do it?” a pilot and plays tuba in three local
Now, at 94, he thought, why not? bands). There are no lifeguards,
When Davison said it was going to so children 12 or under must come
Running the idea by some be for all the neighborhood kids, with a parent or grandparent, and
neighborhood kids clinched it. including her four children, “That’s anyone under 18 must have an adult
“They were so excited about it, when it really sank in. I was like, present.
because they knew I’d let them wow. You just don’t have that in
in, and I decided, ‘That’s enough today’s society, that amount of “Even an adult in there shouldn’t be
incentive right there.’ ” kindness.” there by themselves,” he said.

So in the spring, construction began Huebner said she has already seen Davison is exempt from that rule,
on a 32-by-16-foot heated pool, ripple effects among adults, as well however, thanks in part to his age.
complete with diving board, and in as children, as they gather there.
July it was done. “I go in by myself,” he admitted with
“As a neighborhood we’re getting a chuckle. “If I had a heart attack
Now, on sunny days, Davison’s yard out of our day-to-day routines to and died in the pool, what a way to
is rarely quiet. About 5 to 10 local make the time to visit with each go. It certainly beats cancer.”
kids are there, swimming and other and get to know each other,”
diving. “There’s a lot of noise and she said. “(Davison) says it’s just a Magda Jean-Louis contributed to
splashing about, and that’s good,” this report
he said.

senior’s rock magazine




here was a moment back
in August when Dale “Grey

Beard” Sanders considered
T giving up.

senior’s rock magazine

In the middle of the 100-Mile Mississippi River. He broke the medication or the two different kinds
Wilderness in Maine, far from record for underwater breath- of eye drops that Sanders needs for
help, he was bleeding internally holding in 1959 and was IUSA glaucoma.
and having heart palpitations - not spearfishing athlete of the year
surprising considering that he in 1965. But he had never done a “As older people, we have a great deal
was 50 or 60 years older than most hike lasting more than two weeks. more challenges,” he said. Injuries
of the people he had met on the For this one, which he started in take longer to heal, including the
Appalachian Trail. Georgia in January, he was on the hip he injured in a fall on Kinsman
trail for a total of seven months. Mountain in New Hampshire that
Sanders called his wife in Bartlett, took two months to stop hurting.
Tennessee, and she urged him He is, incidentally, two years older
to keep going. With a go-ahead than the Appalachian Trail, which During the hike, he wore a tracker
from his doctors, he did, and on was officially “connected” in 1937, so people at home could locate his
Thursday, Sanders, 82, officially meaning people could hike it in its position. He fell “about 100 times”
became the oldest person to hike entirety from Georgia to Maine. along the rocky, mountainous trail,
the entire 2,190-mile trail in a year. Sanders hiked it in a “flip-flop” but only the Kinsman Mountain fall
sequence, meaning he did a Georgia- was serious.
He walked much of it alone, but
for the last mile, ending at the “A few times I played the age card,
Appalachian Trail Conservancy The best comment I admit, and it worked every time. I
headquarters in Harpers Ferry, didn't hitchhike, I flagged cars down,
West Virginia, Sanders was joined from one of them and I told them my story and they
by friends, family and hikers - said, 'Get in.'”
including a pair of dogs - he had met was, 'I want to
along the trail. be like you when Sanders' personal story includes a 50-

programme administrator. He spent
At the end of it, he danced a jig. I'm your age,' ” he year career as a Parks and Recreation
farm, worked as a lifeguard and was
“I feel euphoric!” he said. “I keep said. “That kept his boyhood on a Kentucky tobacco
thinking, is someone going to come me going. a circus acrobat and cotton-candy
out of the woodwork and say, 'Uh- seller.
uh, I hiked it last year... and I was
83' - but no one has stepped up and “He always did acrobatics,” said his
said that.” sister, Elaine Bush of Nashville, one of
to-Harpers Ferry leg, followed by a several family members celebrating
“Someone said to me, 'You can't do Maine-to-Harpers Ferry leg. with him in Harpers Ferry; his wife,
it, the only way an old person's going a daughter and son-in-law, and two
to be able to hike the Appalachian A naturally gregarious person, grandchildren also came. “He was
Trail is if they've hiked it before.' Sanders had periods of depression always in the limelight, because he
That challenged me.” while alone on the trail. He was was unusual and he did unusual
helped by what he calls “trail things.”
Sanders had completed angels,” people who recognized him
other impressive feats. from seeing him on the Internet, Sanders takes 30-inch steps, so he
A couple of years who called out his trail name - “Grey figures he took 4,625,256 steps for the
ago, he paddled Beard” - and hiked alongside him hike. Along the way, he passed tens of
the length for a stretch. (Sanders' long beard is thousands of white blazes that mark
of the white, but he named himself after a the trail. When he passed the last one
Cherokee Indian chief he admires.) on Thursday, he stopped, took off his
cap, and kissed it.
“The best comment from one of
them was, 'I want to be like you A few yards later, at the conservancy
when I'm your age,' ” he said. “That headquarters, he hugged his wife and
kept me going.” accepted a glass of sparkling cider.
And with all the honesty that 82 years
The majority of his fellow hikers affords a man, he announced his next
were in their 20s. They didn't have move.
to keep track of blood pressure
“I'm done, and I'm tired,” he said. “And
I can go home.”

The Washington Post

senior’s rock magazine





t’s nothing short of inspirational to have the op- also hope that they take away
portunity to speak with Ida Keeling, a 102-year-old how good exercise is. Exercise and
strengthening yourself, and staying
world-record-holding runner and author of Can’t alert and focused, is so important.
Nothing Bring Me Down, a riveting memoir in book- I want readers to pay attention to
Istores this month. what they’re doing.

What was it about running that
Keeling’s story is filled with in- You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Break- helped you so much?
credible eyewitness accounts of fast, to find out what keeps her
key moments in American history, going strong. When I lost two of my sons two
including growing up during the years apart, I can’t even describe
Great Depression, serving as a lead- If you could speak to every single how that felt. So, when my daugh-
er in the civil rights movement and reader of your book, what would ter suggested I go running because
raising four children on her own in you tell them? maybe it would make me feel better,
a single-room apartment while she I decided to try it. I went on that
worked at a factory. Keeling also I would say that I hope it’s a wonder- run, and soon enough, did another
shares the great sadness of her life, ful experience reading my book. I and another. Running felt so good.
the brutal murders of her two sons hope readers get some new experi- I would come home after exercis-
when she was in her 60s. It was that ences and old age thoughts and feel- ing and felt like it relieved me of
low point in her life that actually got ings and what some stress and bad feelings. After
her to put on her running shoes happened all these years, I can tell you that
after her daughter suggested back then running is a good way to way to feel
that running might offer her and all better, mentally and physically. You
solace in her grief. that have to look where you’re running,
kind of you have to pick up your feet and all
Keeling entered her first race stuff. I that kind of stuff.
when she was 67, set a second
world record at 95 and is the I hear you can still do push-ups?
first woman in history to
complete a 100-meter run at Yes. I have arthritis now, so
the age of 100. Just days ago, I’ve got these aches and
on February 24, Keeling set a pains, but I can still
world record in the 60-meter do them. I have my
dash event at the Imperial Dade bike, my mat and my
Track Classic hosted by Urban weights and I use
Athletics with an impressive them. I like to keep
race time of 58:34 in the 100 moving.
to 104 age group.
What’s the most
We sat down with Keeling, important advice
who was recently profiled you want to
in the HBO documentary If share with our

senior’s rock magazine




"I'm speeding because I have to "HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PERSONAL ADS
get there before I forgot where I'm CLASSMATE"
going." Male, 1932, high mileage, good
While waiting for her first condition, some hair, many new parts
COLD, COLD DAY appointment in the reception including hip, knee, cornea, valves.
room of a new doctor, a woman Not in running condition but walks
On a very cold, snowy Sunday in noticed the doctor's medical school well.
February, only the pastor and one certificate on the wall, which bore
farmer arrived at the village church. his full name. Recent widow who has just buried
The pastor said, 'Well, I guess we fourth husband looking for someone
won't have a service today.' The Suddenly, she remembered that a to round out a six-unit plot. Dizziness,
farmer replied: 'Pastor, even if only tall, handsome boy with the same fainting, shortness of breath not a
one cow shows up at feeding time, I name had been in her high school problem.
feed it.' some 45 years ago.
Active grandmother with original
THE CHILDREN Upon seeing him, however, she teeth seeking a dedicated flosser to
OF ISRAEL quickly discarded any such thought. share rare steaks, corn on the cob,
This balding, gray-haired man with and caramel candy.
The boy listened closely as the the deeply lined face was too old to
rabbi read the Bible. 'May I ask have been her classmate. Sexy, fashion-conscious, blue-haired
a question?' he asked. 'Sure. Go beauty, 80’s, slim, 5’4 (used to be 5’6)
ahead. Ask your question,' replied After her exam, she asked him if he searching for sharp-looking, sharp-
the rabbi. 'Well, the Bible says that had attended the local high school. dressing companion. Matching white
the children of Israel crossed the shoes and belt a plus.
Red Sea-the children of Israel built "Yes," he replied.
the temple-the children of Israel did I usually remember Monday through
this and the children of Israel did "When did you graduate?" she Thursday. If you can remember
that. Didn't the grown-ups ever do asked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, let’s put
anything?' our two heads together.
He answered, "In 1965."
I still like to rock, still like to cruise in
"Why, you were in my class!" she my Camaro on Saturday nights, and
exclaimed. still like to play the guitar. If you were
a groovy chick, or are now a groovy
hen, let’s get together and listen to my
He looked at her closely and then
asked, "What did you teach?" eight-track tapes.

senior’s rock magazine





lady decided to give
herself a big treat for
her 70th birthday by
staying overnight in a
really nice luxurious
A hotel..

When she checked out the next morning, the desk
clerk handed her a bill for $250.00. She demanded to
know why the charge was so high "I agree it's a nice
hotel, but the rooms aren't worth $250..00 for just
an overnight stay - I didn't even have breakfast!" The
clerk told her that $250.00 is the 'standard rate,' and
breakfast had been included had she wanted it.

She insisted on speaking to the Manager.
The Manager appeared and, forewarned by the desk
clerk, announced: "This hotel has an Olympic-sized
pool and a huge conference center which are available
for use." "But I didn't use them." ''Well, they are here,
and you could have."
He went on to explain that she could also have
seen one of the in-hotel shows for which they
were so famous.
"We have the best entertainers from all
over the world performing here."

"But I didn't go to any of those The Manager was surprised when
shows.." She Pleaded. he looked at the check.
"Well, we have them, and you could "But Madam, this check is for
have." was the reply. only $50.00" "That's correct" she
replied "I charged you $200.00
No matter what amenity the Manager for sleeping with me."
mentioned, she replied, "But I didn't use
it!" and the Manager countered with his standard "But I didn't sleep with you
response. madam!" said the manager

After several minutes discussion, and with the "Well, too bad, I was here, and
Manager still unmoved, she decided to pay, wrote a you could have."
check and gave it to him.

senior’s rock magazine


Do Not Cast Remember, We Don’t
Me Away The dementia
When I Am patient is not Stop Playing
Old; Do Not giving you a Because We
Forsake Me HARD TIME. Grow Old.
When My The dementia We Grow Old
Strength Is patient is Because We
Gone. Stop Playing!
having a
Psalm 71:9 HARD TIME!

senior’s rock magazine

senior’s rock magazine



THE CAREGIVER’S Change my attitude from a tired, frustrated and
PRAYER angry caregiver to the loving and compassionate
one I want to be. Lighten up my face and never let
Dear Lord, my smile or laughter become a frown. Help me to
discover the humor in unusual situations and not
Thank you for the call upon my life as a Caregiver. take life so seriously.
And thank you for trusting me with the precious
role of caring for others. Change my heart, O God, and give me compassion
to love others even when they are difficult to
Teach me to always remember I am doing your love and are not able to respond or reciprocate.
work. Change my heart, O God, and give me Help me listen with my heart that I might feel
compassion to love and, especially those I give another's pain; Give me words that comfort and
care to, even when they are difficult to love and bless and bring glory to your Name. Help me to
not able to respond or reciprocate. Bless me with see that caregiving is not a heavy cross to bear,
your patience and understanding and give me but a precious opportunity to develop Christ's
the needed strength to do what so often seems image in me.
impossible even as you help me extend your
love to all I touch. Empower me to continue to I pray Lord, you will give me the heart to know
be a channel and a source of strength to all the that this isn't just a job but it is a calling. In Jesus'
beautiful men and women I give care to. mighty name I pray. Amen

Please Lord, lift the burdens I feel today and let By Peace Bennett
me lift the spirits of those for whom I care for.

senior’s rock magazine

MAKING A DIFFERENCE It take supernatural strength. It when the baby takes a bath. But with the
AS A CAREGIVER cannot be done in the energy of the caregiver of the Alzheimer's
flesh. It takes more than gritting
One of the highest forms of service in one's teeth and hanging on. The patient, there is rarely a smile, only the
our social obligations to mankind is caregiver's source is God himself who blank look of mental depression and
the caregiver. "gives power to the faint and to them despair. The lights are on, but nobody's
that have no might, He increaseth home.
What is a caregiver? It's one who strength." The caregiver can rest
ministers to a person who cannot look assured that the Lord Jesus is pleased And yet there is the tenderness of a
after him- or herself. It is a person with his or her service to one of his dependent person, the moments when
who selflessly helps those who cannot own creation. he knows he is not thinking and acting
function because of disabilities. It may right. During these moments, he feels the
be one who looks after a person with One of the most difficult tasks in life embarrassment of being confused and
a stroke, a loved one with terminal is being a caregiver for a loved one helpless.
cancer or a mate with Alzheimer's. with Alzheimer's. It may be a husband
who daily takes care of his wife, or a There also are times of selflessness when
It takes humility. There is nothing wife who looks after her husband. It she gives you a piece of custard pie that
that would attract our old Adamic may be a daughter looking after her she enjoys, but she wants you to have
nature to this type of service. No one father or a son caring for his mother it. And there is the tenderness of being
is recommending the caregiver for a or father. tucked into bed like a little child — and
special award. The caregiver will not loving it.
likely be named "Woman of the Year" It is so draining, so heartrending
by a national magazine. The faithful to see a loved one's personality Caregivers are very special people who
caregiver will not likely be featured on robbed — see dignity stolen — by need our prayers — and especially our
"Making a Difference" on the evening this debilitating disease. Once the help. If you know someone who is going
news. He or she is quietly going about person was the one you leaned upon, through this kind of ordeal, give them a
the duties of a nurse, a servant and an looked to for guidance and strength. break by volunteering to help them. You
encourages — all in one person. You admired his hard work and will be remembered by the caregiver and
independence. You loved to hear her blessed by the Lord.
Caregiving is not for the person who laugh and be with her. But neither of
must see something accomplished them are the person you used to know. By Pastor Guy Templeton
immediately. Goal-oriented
individuals need not apply. It is And this does something to the
sometimes a long-term task with caregiver. You often hear the joyous
little observable progress. It takes first words of a baby and the laughter
perseverance; it takes tenacity and
steadfastness. It is not for the frivolous
or faint-hearted.

senior’s rock magazine



All Midlands Health Services, Inc. Beautiful Life Family Home Care Nebraska Home Healthcare, L.L.C.
Omaha, NE Omaha, NE Omaha, NE
Phone (402) 391-5554 Phone 402-850-8438 Phone (402) 315-4357

Amakes Quality Bloom Companion Care Preciousone at
Home Care Inc. Omaha, NE Home Senior Care
Omaha, NE Phone (402) 342-3040 Omaha, NE
Phone (402) 884-1645 Phone 402 813 3444

Bobette’s Home Care
Ambi’s Home Fremont, NE Prime Home Care, L.L.C.
Health Care, L.L.C. Phone (402) 719-5645 Omaha, NE
La Vista, NE Phone (402) 390-2492
Phone (402) 934-3441
Empower Home Care
Omaha, NE Samaritan Home
Angels Care Home Health Phone (402) 557-6869 Health Care, Inc.
Omaha, NE Omaha, NE
Phone: (402) 934-4752 Phone (402) 417-0988
Joy in Service Senior Home
Care Agency Willingham Health Services
Omaha, NE Omaha, NE
Phone (402) 953-2144 Phone (402) 505-9511

It is not how much you do, but how

much love you put in the doing.

senior’s rock magazine


Esprit Whispering Ridge
Assisted Living Facility Aksarben Village Remington Heights
17555 Emmet Street Retirement Community Retirement Community
Omaha, NE 68116 1330 S 70th St 12606 W Dodge Road
Phone: (402) 932-7300 Omaha, NE 68106 Omaha, NE 68154
Phone: (402) 810-9440
Brighton Gardens of Omaha Edgewood Vista - Omaha
Assisted Living Facility Hickory Villa Assisted Living Assisted Living Facility
9220 Western Avenue Assisted Living Facility 17620 Poppleton Avenue
Omaha, NE 68114 7315 Hickory Street Omaha, NE 68130
Phone: (402) 393-7313 Omaha, NE 68124 Phone: (402) 333-5749
Phone: (402) 392-0767
Crown Pointe St Joseph Tower
Assisted Living Facility Heritage Pointe Assisted Living
2820 South 80th Assisted Living Facility Assisted Living Facility
Omaha, NE 68124 16811 Burdette Street 2205 South 10th Street
Phone: (866) 651-8791 Omaha, NE 68116 Omaha, NE 68108
Phone: (402) 620-6006 Phone: (402) 952-5000
Westgate Assisted Living
Assisted Living Facility Skyline New Cassel
3030 South 80th Street Assisted and Independent Living Retirement Center
Omaha, NE 68124 7350 Graceland Drive 900 N 90th St
Phone: (402) 391-8566 Omaha, NE 68134 Omaha, NE 68114
Phone: (402) 572-5750 Phone: (402) 393-2277
The Waterford at Roxbury Park
Assisted Living Facility Parsons House on Eagle Run Lakeside Village
5728 South 108th St Assisted Living Facility Retirement Community
Omaha, NE 68137 14325 Eagle Run Drive 17475 Frances St
Phone: (877) 645-8901 Omaha, NE 68164 Omaha, NE 68130
Phone: (402) 498-9554 Phone: (402) 829-9020
Via Christe
Assisted Living Facility Life Care Center of Omaha An Angel’s Touch
3636 California Street Assisted Living Facility Assisted Living Facility
Omaha, NE 68131 6032 VILLE DE SANTE DRIVE 11405 Farnam Circle
Phone: (402) 551-5557 Omaha, NE 68104 Omaha, NE 68154
Phone: (402) 571-6770 Phone: (402) 672-9580
Bickford of Omaha - Hickory
Assisted Living Facility Southview Heights Royal Oaks Assisted Living
7337 Hickory Assisted Living Facility Assisted Living Facility
Omaha, NE 68124 5110 South 49th Street 4801 N 52nd St
Phone: (402) 391-3000 Omaha, NE 68117 Omaha, NE 68104
Phone: (402) 731-2118 Phone: (402) 557-6860
Bickford of Omaha - Blondo
Assisted Living Facility The Heritage at Legacy Mercy Villa
11308 Blondo Assisted Living Facility Assisted Living Facility
Omaha, NE 68164 2961 South 169 Plaza 1845 S 72nd St
Phone: (402) 491-0400 Omaha, NE 68130 Omaha, NE 68106
Phone: (402) 493-5807 Phone: (402) 391-6224
Fountain View Senior Living
Retirement Community
5710 S. 108th St
Omaha, NE 68137
Phone: (402) 596-9033

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