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Published by SISB - Sixth Form, 2019-04-20 02:14:06

Secondary Handbook 2019-2020

Secondary Handbook 2019-2020



FOREWORD ......................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ................................................. 6
GUIDANCE STATEMENTS ...................................... 8
DISCIPLINE POLICY ................................................................ 13
CAMPUS SAFETY ......................................................... 17
ATTENDANCE ................................................. 19
CURRICULUM ...................................... 19
STUDENT EVALUATION ......................................................... 23
STUDENT SERVICES ................................................. 24
DRESS CODE ...................................... 25



EXAMINATION MATTERS ...................................... 26
STUDY SKILLS TIPS ......................................................... 27
TEST / EXAM PREPARATION TIPS ...................... 30
ON THE EXAM DAY ......................................................... 31
TEST / EXAM TIPS FOR PARENTS .................................................34
REDUCING TEST / EXAM STRESS ...................................... 35
SCHOOL CONTACT ...................................... 36




Singapore International School of Bangkok (SISB) adopts the best practices of a leading
international school and integrates the Singapore and UK curriculum as the processes
for teaching and learning. SISB offers a broad and unique education from Nursery (age
2) to the Sixth Form (age 18). We aim to prepare our students for entrance into the top
universities locally and in the world. The table below summarises the 4 academic stages
of education offered in SISB:


Students who have gone through the four stages of learning at SISB would have had
their performance internationally benchmarked at least thrice, that is, the Internation-
al Primary School Leaving Examination (IPSLE), Cambridge Checkpoint Test, Cambridge
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) & Advanced Level ex-
aminations. Such benchmarking will put our students in an advantageous position for
university entrance. Besides the IGCSE and A Level certificates, all Year 11 and Year 13
students will graduate with a SISB certificate.

At SISB we also develop the life skills of the students. These life skills will motivate them
to be independent learners who will actively seek to continuously enrich themselves
with knowledge. We want our students to be risk-takers, question themselves critically
and learn from their mistakes. Above all, they need to have high EQ (emotional quotient)
that will bond them with the community. These life skills are necessary to prepare our
students for the challenges of the 21st Century.
SISB is proud to have you, our parents, as our partners in education. We are committed
to uphold quality teaching and learning at SISB. We hope that this handbook will help
you to have a better understanding of what we aim to achieve as we introduce new learn-
ing strategies to our students in the course of the year.
We look forward to working closely with you, our parents. Please do not hesitate to
contact us via email or through the Admission Office if you need further information.

Victor Giam
Head of School



SISB was founded through the cooperative efforts of a group of Singaporean and Thai
parents, who perceived the need to provide an education that develops the fluency in
English, Chinese and Thai Languages. In September 2001, the school opened its doors
to the first batch of students. The school academic year consists of three terms with a
total of 185 to 190 days. There is at least two weeks of school holidays at the end of
each term and a short break within each term.
SISB has 3 campuses where the main campus, comprises of nursery right up to the
sixth form, is located off Pracha Uthit Road. SISB Nursery Centre is located along
Ekkamai Road and another nursery cum primary section at Samut Prakan district.

The school building at Pracha Uthit is equipped with the latest facilities. It houses 53
attractive classrooms, 2 spacious music rooms, 2 art rooms, an indoor multi-purpose
hall, 3 computer rooms, 5 science laboratories, a huge library, a medical care room, a
big field, a swimming pool, one canteen with three serving areas, kitchen where meals
are cooked and served in-house every day, toilet facilities for both young and older
students, and waiting areas for parents who are fetching their children. In addition,
For our Nursery children, there is a padded indoor playground located near the
Nursery classrooms and an outdoor playground for their use.


The completion of the new secondary campus in August 2016 will add additional
custom built state-of –the-art classrooms, science laboratories, a sports complex with
a 25-metre swimming pool, performing arts and media Centre to further develop the
secondary section and expand its curriculum. Together with the new boarding
houses, this is a major new addition to SISB schools and we are looking forward to
using these new facilities to further enhance our holistic approach to education.

Uniqueness of the School

The school is owned by SISB Co. Ltd. and governed by a Board of Governors. It was
accredited for the first time in May 2010 by the Office for National Education
Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) of the Ministry of Education of Thailand
and again in August 2015. In June 2011, the school was accredited by Council of
International Schools (CIS) and also by New England Association of Schools and
Colleges (NEASC) in June 2015.
The school serves students who seek access to the Singapore National Curriculum
and the International curriculum offered through the Cambridge International
examinations, as well as developing proficiency in the English, Chinese and Thai

The primary section academic programme is based on the Singapore National
international programme offered by Cambridge International Examination (CIE).
Both programmes seek to provide a solid grounding to the students in preparation
for their continued education in local and overseas universities. The SISB curriculum
is separated into 4 horizontal levels of learning: Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary
and Sixth Form.


School’s Guiding Statements



To be a leading international school in Thailand, known and respected for the
unique SISB Curriculum as its foundation for teaching and learning, and for ensur-
ing a climate of interculturalism, internationalism and student well-being.


It is our duty to develop the full potential of all students entrusted to us for their
education. We strive to ensure that all students grow intellectually, physically,
socially, morally and culturally, to become responsible, achieving and contribut-
ing members of the world.

Values (IR3)

Independence, Responsibility Respect and Resilience


Spirit of Excellence


Instructional Objectives

1. We seek to provide a safe, nurturing and yet challenging learning environ
ment that is conducive to the development of intercultural and
international understanding within a multi-lingual setting.
2. We aspire to having our students become academically able, critical
thinkers and life-long learners through an approach to teaching and
learning that is rigorous, creative and nurturing.
3. We encourage and support our students to attain a level of competency in
three languages, and to equip them with information technology and life
skills necessary to successfully access tertiary education in universities of
their choice throughout the world.
4. We promote a healthy lifestyle through co-curricular and extra-curricular
5. We actively encourage professional development for all our staff and sup
port them in their work with parents and colleagues to build a strong and
close-knit community and partnership.


● 独立性
● 责任感
● 尊重
● 应变能力
校训: 精益求精
1. 我们力求提供一种安全且有益培养学生的,有利于多元文化与多语言
2. 在国际化教学环境中,我们使用细致严谨又鼓励创新的教学法,培养
3. 我们培养学生的三种语言技能均能达到合格水准,并授予学生必要的
4. 通过参与校内外丰富多彩的活动,使学生学习并拥有益于身心健康的
5. 我们确保所有教师享有公平的专业发展机会,并承诺与 家长和教学伙


ปรัชญาของโรงเรยี น

นกั เรยี นทุกคนมีความเป็นเอกลกั ษณ์ท่ีสมบรู ณข์ องตัวเอง มีความสามารถหลากหลายและตอ้ งการความ
สำ�เร็จ นักเรียนทุกคนจึงมีความสำ�คัญ โดยความร่วมมือจากผ้ปู กครอง

วสิ ยั ทศั นข์ องโรงเรียน

หลกั สตู รสหราชอาณาจักรเปน็ พน้ื ฐาน การจดั สภาพแวดล้อมทางพหวุ ฒั นธรรมและความผาสุกของผู้


พัฒนาศักยภาพอยา่ งเตม็ กำ�ลังของผู้เรียนที่ไวว้ างใจในแนวทางการจดั การศึกษาของโรงเรยี น ให้ผ้เู รียน
เติบโตท้ังทางดา้ นสติปญั ญา ทางกายภาพ ทางสงั คม ทางคุณธรรม และทางวฒั นธรรม เพ่ือทจี่ ะเปน็
พลเมอื งของโลกท่มี คี วามรับผดิ ชอบ ประสบความส�ำ เรจ็ และเอ้อื อาทรแกผ่ อู้ น่ื

คา่ นิยมอันพึงประสงคข์ องโรงเรียน

พง่ึ ตนเองได้
มคี วามรับผิดชอบ
ปรบั ตวั ในสถาการณ์ต่างๆ ได้

คำ�ขวัญของโรงเรยี น

จติ วิญญาณแหง่ ความเป็นเลศิ


วตั ถุประสงค์และเปา้ หมายของโรงเรียน

• จดั สภาพแวดลอ้ มที่เออื้ ตอ่ การเรียนร้ทู เ่ี ป็นสากล พหวุ ัฒนธรรม และพหภุ าษา
• จดั หาทรัพยากรท่จี ำ�เปน็ สำ�หรับการเรียนการสอนท่ีมีประสทิ ธภิ าพ
• สร้างแรงบันดาลใจให้ผเู้ รียนรกั การเรยี นรตู้ ลอดชวี ติ
• พฒั นาผูเ้ รยี นในด้านวิชาการ ความเป็นเลศิ ทางปญั ญา กายภาพ สงั คม คุณธรรม และวฒั นธรรม
• ฝึกฝนให้ผู้เรียนสามารถพ่ึงพาตนเองและเป็นนักคิดวิเคราะห์ที่มีความรับผิดชอบและเอ้ืออาทรต่อ

• ใหผ้ เู้ รยี นมีทกั ษะทางภาษาอยา่ งน้อยสองภาษา
• ให้ผู้เรียนมีทักษะด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและทักษะชีวิตที่จำ�เป็นที่จะประสบความสำ�เร็จในโลก

• สง่ เสรมิ การมีวถิ ชี ีวิตทีม่ สี ุขภาพดผี ่านกิจกรรมรว่ มหลักสูตรและหลักสตู รพิเศษต่างๆ
• ปลกู ฝงั คณุ ธรรม ค่านิยมทีด่ ีในสภาพแวดลอ้ มทเ่ี ออ้ื อาทรและปลอดภยั
• อบรมและพฒั นาบคุ ลากรทางการศึกษาของโรงเรียน
• สร้างพันธมติ รทีแ่ ข็งแกร


Discipline Policy

Research has shown that there is a correlation between the Students’ academic
performance, social progress and their daily behaviour.
SISB believes in inculcating positive moral character and performance character in all
our students by instilling in them the values of Independence, Respect for self and
others, taking Responsibility for their actions and their own learning.

Our school discipline policy aims to cultivate in students an ac-
ceptance and recognition of responsibility for their own deci-
sions, their actions and consequences. Good discipline practices cre-
ate the conditions for effective learning and help to develop responsible
attitudes and values for life.

SISB expects all our students to uphold the integrity, culture, tradition and beliefs of
the school in order to promote a positive and conducive working environment. The
behaviour in our students and diminishing undesirable behavioral traits. The school
needs the cooperation of all parents to achieve this objective.

SISB students are expected to adhere to the following School
Rules at all times:

• Wear the school prescribed uniform properly and maintain a neat appearance.
• Be punctual in attending school and in handing in class assignments.
• Greet all teachers, staff and visitors while in school.
• Be helpful, courteous and respectful to everyone and their cultures.
• Refrain from using inappropriate languages.
• Move quietly and in an orderly manner within the school premises.
• Keep the school clean and respect school property and the property of others.
• Not to bring valuable items to school.
• Queue for food during break and lunch time.
• Speak proper English outside foreign language classes.
• Participate fully in the daily flag raising ceremony and sing the national
anthem with respect.
• Take pride in and uphold the good name of the school both within and out
side the school.


The following types of behaviour are unacceptable and should
be avoided at all times:

• Displaying negative attitude towards authority both within and outside the
• Showing disrespect in any way towards religion, culture or person.
• Taking or damaging property belonging to the school or other people.
• Defacing the walls or other school properties.
• Smoking or involvement with illegal substances (e.g. drugs, alcohol).
• Cheating during tests or examinations.
• Falsifying school reports or certificates or parents’ signatures.
• Dealing with videos, pictures and magazines which are unacceptable in our
• Fighting, bullying or displaying violent behaviour towards others.
• Swearing or using abusive language.
• Throwing or using objects in a manner that may hurt others.
• Playing in, looking around or peeping into the restrooms.
• Chewing gums or eating during curriculum time.
• Littering the school campus.
• Any other conduct deemed inappropriate or unacceptable by the school.

Ways teachers help to reinforce Positive Behaviour:

At all times, staff of SISB will try to encourage and reinforce positive behaviour in
students. The following are some measures that we apply within and outside the

• Be fair and non-discriminatory in words and actions.
• Consider the age and needs of the students.
• Develop activities that reinforce positive behaviour.
• Praise positive behaviour, efforts and work done.
• Display good students work to boost students’ morale.
• Highlight positive behaviour as opposed to negative traits.
• Keep parents informed of students who are good role models.
• Conduct one-to-one counseling for students who need help.


Parents’ Role in Discipline

Parents can help by:

• Supporting all disciplinary measures of SISB.
• Supervising and checking of your child’s/children’ work.
• Sending your child/children to school punctually.
• Being aware of school handouts/ letters to you and comply accordingly.
• Seek clarification of doubts with teachers and foster a good relationship with
the school’s staff.
• Dress appropriately when visiting the school.
• Show respect to SISB’s staff.
• Not smoking within the school premises.

SISB disciplinary procedures when handling wayward or re-
calcitrant students

Stage 1
Verbal Warning given by Form tutor
• Using of unacceptable language.
• Repeating misbehavior in class e.g. breaking the class rules.
• Showing disrespectful behaviour towards teachers and/or fellow classmates.
• Failing to hand in work on time or complete given homework.
• Habitual latecomer.
• Taking other people things without permission.
• Not paying attention in class while teacher is teaching.
• Being disruptive in class.
• Littering the school campus.

Stage 2
Written Warning issued by Form-tutors.
• Students who repeat of any of the misdemeanor in Stage 1.
• Committed more serious offences e.g. stealing, cheating, fighting, bullying,
vandalizing school properties and property of others, playing truant, causing
dangers/harm to others.


Step 3
Detention administered.
• Repetition of any of the misdemeanor in Stage 2.
• Display more violent behavior: swearing and using abusive languages.

Step 4
Written Warning issued by the Principal.
• Repetition of any misdemeanor in Stage 3.
• Falsifying parent’s signature.
• Showing disrespect towards teachers.
• Throwing or using objects with the intent to hurt others.

Step 5
Suspension from school /class for 2 days or more
• Repetition of any misdemeanor in Stage 4.
• Consuming prohibited substances (e.g. drugs, alcohol).
• Smoking.
• Molesting classmates.
• Possessing of weapons.
• Bringing fireworks to school.
• Bringing materials deemed inappropriate by the school.
• Gang fighting.

Step 6
Expulsion from School
• Purposely insult the Monarchy.
• Showing violent behaviour towards staff members.
• Convicted of a criminal offence.

Record keeping
The school will keep record of all disciplinary actions taken in the students’ personal
file for referral at any time. Parents will be informed at all the stages. Their help and
cooperation will be sought to solve the behavioral issue and to steer their child/
children back to the correct path.


Campus Safety

SISB takes the safety and security of our students seriously. We seek to provide a
learning environment free from interruptions and distractions. Therefore, we seek
the cooperation of parents and visitors to adhere to the following regulations when
entering the school’s premises.

Only SISB students, teachers and administrative/support staff are allowed into the
school’s premises throughout the day. Parents are requested not to stay within the
school’s premises during curriculum time.

1. Between 2.00 – 2.15 pm, Nursery 1 and Nursery 2 students may be picked up by
students is 3.10 pm.

2. If a parent wishes to enter the school’s premises, he/she must present his/her
our administrative staff at the Admission Office.

3. Parents will be permitted to enter the premises at the designated times only.
to the Admission Office to attain entry to the school building.

4. Other visitors have to exchange their ID for a Visitor’s Pass when they want to
within the school’s premises. Visitors will be directed to the school office by our
their own.


Morning Arrival Procedure

Arrival time for years 8 to13 is 7.15 am
Parents/guardians are not permitted to accompany their children/wards to the
classrooms/assembly area.

Afternoon Dismissal Procedure

Dismissal time for years 8 to 13 is 3.10 pm
If students are not involved in after school activities they are encouraged to go home
after school dismissal. Students are not allowed to go to the swimming pool area,
the Teachers’ Room or the school office without prior permission.
Parents need to be aware that there will be no SISB staff supervision of students after
3.10 pm. Therefore, the school will not be held responsible for any accident or injury
sustained by the students after 3.10 pm.


School Hours

The school office is open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on every school day. For more
information on your child’s/ward’s timetable, please obtain a copy from your child’
s HRT or from the Admission Office.


Regular and punctual attendance at all classes is necessary for academic and social
growth. Students who learn early the importance of a good attendance record are
better prepared for success in the future.
Attendance will be recorded in the school database system. Students who arrive after
7.30 am will be marked as late. These records will be reflected in their Report Cards.


If a student is absent, parents should send a note or medical certificate explaining
the reason for their child’s absence to their child’s form-tutor. Only the following
reasons will be accepted:
1. Personal illness
2. Death of a member in the immediate family
3. Medical emergency or unavoidable medical appointment
4. Any other valid reason approved by Principal


Please refer to the school’s website.


Library Policy

The library policy aims to ensure the school community takes responsibility for and
has equitable access to school resources.
1. When students borrow items from the library it is the responsibility of the
student to return the items to the library in a similar condition in which they were
2. Students are able to borrow any item except Teacher Resources.
3. Items are on loan from the library for the period stated on the borrower’s on-
line account.
4. A printed receipt will be issued for all library transactions showing the date
due for the return.
5. Items not returned on time are classified as “overdue”.
6. The library currently does not charge for overdue items though it reserves the
right to change this at any time (to be communicated in writing).
7. Any student with overdue item/s will not be able to borrow any new item until
the old borrowed item is returned or the fine paid.
8. If students/parents believe an error occurred during the processing, they
should communicate this to library staff as soon as possible. Staff will then check
the computer log files and undertake a shelf check to verify if an error has occurred.
9. If a student loses or damages an item, then he/she is liable for the “replace-
ment cost” and a 100 Baht processing fee. When the total cost of the lost item/s is
less than 100 Baht, the students will only pay the processing fee. Thus the minimum
fine for a lost item is 100 Baht.
10. Any item which is overdue for 30 days or more will be automatically deemed
as “lost” and a “fine” assessed. Returning the item or paying the fine will mean that
the student will be eligible to borrow again from the library.
11. There is a “ceiling date” for the return of all items. This is the final date when
all items currently on loan must be returned. This ceiling date occurs near the end of
the Academic Year and will typically be prior to the Term 3 examination.
12. Any item/s not returned by the “ceiling date” will be deemed as “lost” and a
fine notice sent via email. Thus item/s must be returned before the end of the Aca-
demic Year.
13. Any student having overdue items or outstanding fines near the end of the
Academic Year will not receive their printed report card until the items have been
returned or fines paid.
14. If a “lost” item is found undamaged, within 30 days of paying the “fine”, the
“fine” amount will be reimbursed. If the 30 day period occurs over the long break
(August), parents should contact the Library staff member on duty (via phone or
email) to inform him/her of the find. The processing fee will not be reimbursed.


15. Students/parents may opt to replace the “lost” book themselves with the
same book purchased from a bookshop rather than paying the fine. This option
must be communicated to the library staff who will then provide the publisher’s
details of the item.
16. Any student leaving SISB during the Academic Year will need to return all
borrowed library items and settle their library account before their enrolment can
be terminated.
17. Communication between “Library” and “Parents” will be via email using the
information provided in the School Base (the school administration software).
18. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that they provide the Admis-
sions Department with a valid email address and communicate any change in their
preferred contact email address.
19. Parents will receive a weekly email of all overdue library items and fines
through their provided email address/es. This is an automated email generated by
the library computer software and will be sent every Saturday during the school
20. Communication by printed notice will only occur when communication via
email between “Library” and “Parents” did not occur or when parents did not re-
spond to the emails.
21. If parents do not wish their student to borrow items from the library, they
need to communicate this in writing to the library staff.
22. Should there be any dispute over the payment of fines, the Head of School
shall make the final decision.
23. Parents/students can check the status of their library account by logging
in at using the information provided at the library
home page. Currently students use their “Admission number” as their username.
All students have been taught how to log in to their library account.
24. You may also log-in by downloading the “Destiny Quest” App from the li-
brary home page.
25. The contact email for communication with the library staff is library@sisb.

Wi-Fi Access

Wifi access is available throughout the campus. Students must abide by the ICT
policy for conditions of use. The password can be found in PC1.

Swimming Pool

SISB swimming pool area includes a pool and separate changing and shower facili-
ties for boys and girls. The pool area is fenced and locked when not in use. We offer
swimming as an Extra-Curricular Activity (ECA) to students who are beginners or
advanced swimmers. Swimmers are encouraged to join the school swim team.


Guidelines for using the swimming pool

1. Do not go into the pool area unless a teacher is present.
2. Sit on the benches alongside the pool prior to all lessons.
3. Use the changing room of your gender only.
4. Cameras are not allowed in the changing rooms.
5. Swimmers are to look after their own belongings.
6. No outdoor shoes are to be worn along the poolside.
7. Shower before you enter the pool.
8. Swim caps must be worn when in the pool.
9. No running in the pool area.
10. No holding onto other person or pretend to be drowning.
11. No ducking or pushing in the water.
12. Mixed swimming is allowed but no jumping or holding onto members of the
opposite sex.
13. Get out of the pool immediately and/or notify the teacher/instructor if you
are not well.
14. If you are bleeding, get out of the pool and inform the teacher/instructor
15. Do not sit, stand, or holding on the lane ropes unnecessarily.
16. Do not push anyone into the pool.
17. No flipping or acrobatics into the pool.
18. No diving is permitted in the pool.
19. No throwing objects unless directed by the instructor.
20. Get out of the pool immediately when directed by the teacher/instructor.
21. No jewelry to be worn while in the pool.
22. No food or drink are allowed in the pool area (except plain water).
23. No chewing gum or sweets are allowed whilst in the water.

Respect the facility and the learning environment of other swimmers at all times. The
school management will not be held liable and responsible for any loss of articles or
personal items or injuries sustained while in the pool though all possible measures
are taken to prevent an occurrence. The school reserves the rights to bar any person
not adhering to any of the rule from entering the pool. Where invasion of privacy or
molest is involved, the case may be brought to the police.


Assembly/Homeroom Teacher Period

Assembly programmes are planned for the entire student body. These programmes
may feature guest performers or classroom presentations. Assemblies provide an
opportunity for students to participate in public performances and develop a spirit
of camaraderie among the students. Form-Tutor Period is meant for form-tutor to
meet his/her form students to discuss/address issues/day-today matters.

Sports Day

A well-rounded student develops academically, physically and socially. Therefore,
learning occurs on the playing field as well as in the classroom. The annual SISB
Sports Day places emphasis on physical motor skills and the development of good

Field Trips

Effective learning can take place outside the classroom. Our teachers plan field trips
as part of their class curriculum. Parents’ permission will be sought for all off-campus

Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA)

SISB offers a variety of after-school activities. For more information about our ECA,
please contact our school ‘s Admission Office.

Student Evaluation

SISB recognizes the need for a variety of evaluation methods to determine student
progress. Students are evaluated using formative assessments such as project work,
show and tell and quizzes as well as twice-yearly summative assessments.

Parents’/Students’ Orientation & Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parents’/students’ Orientation day is scheduled either a day before the new academic
year starts or on the first day of the new academic year. This Orientation provides an
opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teachers and understand our school’s
direction, philosophy, vision and mission statements.

Reports of student progress are prepared at the end of each examination period of
the academic year. Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled after each examination.
Parents have the opportunity to meet the homeroom and subject teachers to discuss
the progress of their children.


Student Services

SISB Newsletter

The SISB Newsletter is posted on the school website fortnightly. The newsletter
reports recent and upcoming SISB events. Student’s work may also be featured.
Parents are encouraged to read the Newsletter as this is an important means of
communication between the school and parents.


If a student needs to take medication during the school day, the medication with
All medications will be administered under the direction of the school nurse.

Part of the registration packet includes a Consent to Treatment form (at the bottom of
the medical Information signed by the parent during registration). Parents are to
complete this form to authorize the school nurse to act in the place of the students’
parents, in case of a medical emergency. Parents are responsible for updating the
school of any changes in medical needs for their child.


SISB provides a mid-morning snack and lunch during every school day. Every effort is
made to provide nutritious food. All students automatically participate in the food
service programme. If any child has special dietary needs, every effort will be made to
accommodate those requirements.

Student Property

SISB will not be held responsible for the loss of personal property. Thus, it is best to
leave personal toys, money and other items of value at home. Electronic items should
not be brought to school.

Outside each classroom, lockers are provided for students to keep their bags and
clothing. Students must keep their locker area neat and orderly. No pictures/photos
or writing should be displayed in the lockers. It is strongly recommended that
students label their name on their belongings.


Mobile Phones

Students may bring a hand phone to school, however they must take full respon-
sibility for looking after the phone. The phone must not be seen or heard during
curriculum time (this means from 7.00am until the end of the school day) unless
the teacher permits its use.

Lost and Found

All lost items if found should be handed to the school’s Admission Office. If the item
is labelled, the office personnel will return it to its rightful owner. At the end of each
school term, unclaimed items will be disposed of.

Dress Code

Appropriate dressing and grooming of students have a positive relationship to
classroom behaviour. In an effort to maintain a conducive learning environment,
students must adhere to the following Code of Conduct:
1. All students are to wear the prescribed school uniform (1) or uniform (2).
2. Shoes should be suitable for school and must cover the foot completely. On

formal occasions black shoes must be worn
3. Appropriate and neat hairstyles. Girls with long hair are to tie or plait their

hair. Hair should remain its natural color, no dying of hair.
4. Any form of jewelry is prohibited unless it is of religious significance.
5. Ear studs are only allowed for girls.
6. Any types of tattoos, permanent or otherwise are strictly prohibited.

Secondary and Sixth Form Students



The purpose of formal examinations is to give teachers, parents and students
themselves information about their progress, strengths and weaknesses and how
well they have been performing academically in school.
Exams are not the end of a process but part of an on-going journey that is focused on
developing students understanding and confidence with the subject material, plus
helping them identify their weaknesses so that they and their parents and teachers
can figure out ways to overcome the weaknesses.

Examination and Coursework

1. Any form of cheating and plagiarism is strictly forbidden in all assignments,
project work and all forms of written work.
2. Students and parents should be aware and adhere to all of the rules and
regulations set by the school and the examination boards.
3. The school reserves the right to make the final decision if any student is
caught cheating or plagiarizing.


Study Skills Tips

Everyone is different, different methods work for different people. The following
are suggestions on improving upon your current studying techniques:
• It is best to review the material right after class when it is still fresh in your
• Don’t try to do all your studying the night before a test. Instead space out
your studying, review class materials at least several times a week, focusing
on one topic at a time.
• Have all of your study material in front of you: lecture notes, course text
books, study guides and any other relevant material.
• Find a comfortable and quiet place to study with good lighting and little
distractions (try avoiding your own bed, it is very tempting to just lie down
and take a nap).
• Start out by studying the most important information.
• Learn the general concepts first, do not worry about learning the details un
til you have learned the main ideas.
• Take notes and write down a summary of the important ideas as you read
through your study materials.
• Take short breaks frequently. Your memory retains the information that you
study at the beginning and the end better than what you study in the middle.
• Space out your studying. You will learn more by studying a little every day
instead of waiting to cram all at the last minute. By studying every day, the
content will stay in your long-term memory. If you try to study at the last
moment, the content will only reside in your short-term memory and you
will be easily forget.
• Make sure that you understand the content well. Do not just read through
the content and try to memorize everything.
• If you choose to study in a group, only study with those who are serious
about studying.
• Test yourself or have someone test you on the content to find out what your
weak and strong areas are. You can use the review questions at the end of
each chapter or practice tests the teacher may have given out as well as
other materials.
• Listening to relaxing music such as classical or jazz on a low volume can re
lieve some of the boredom of studying.
• Do not study later than the time you usually go to sleep as you may fall
asleep or be tempted to go to sleep. Instead try studying in the afternoon or
early in the evening. If you are a morning person, try studying in the


Revision Strategies

Whilst everyone is different so different revision strategies work for some but
not others, high quality strategies include:
• Shorter sessions, for example 20-30 minutes, with topic or subject
changes each session
• Using practice questions from textbooks or past exams to test yourself
• Writing up your own summary mind-maps or flash cards for a topic (the
analytical process you go through to summarize your notes is the key here
as it really helps you identify key facts and see connections)
• Focusing on weaker topic areas first and fixing these, rather than just re
inforcing topics you already have mastery of.
Low quality revision strategies tend to be more passive. These include things
like highlighting in your books, copying out notes or just reading over notes.
The key to good revision is the more active you can make it, the more you ma-
nipulate the information into different formats, the more likely you are to recall
it in the high pressure environment of an examination room.


On-Line Revision Resources/Tools/Learning Websites

• CIE Study Resources: Y10-13:
• Revision Advice from students who’ve been there:
• Revision app for IGCSE to A Level:
• This has 5 highly GCSE rated apps – goJimo, plus ones for History, Maths,
Physics and a general one:
• 21 Revision Tips:
• Accounting, Business, Economics: Y10-13:
• Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English, English Literature,
Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Music, PE, Physics, Science: Y10-13:
• Business Studies: Y10-13:
• Business, Economics, Psychology: Y12-13:
• BBC Bitesize for KS3: Y8-9: Art & Design, Biology, Chemistry, English,
English Literature, Geography, History, ICT, Mandarin, Maths, Music Phys
ics and Science:
• BBC Bitesize for KS4: Y10-11: Art & Design, Biology, Business Studies,
Chemistry, English, English Literature, Geography, History, ICT, Maths,
Music, PE, Physics and Science:
• S-Cool: Y10-11: Biology, Chemistry, English, Maths, PE, Physics
• S-Cool: Y12-13: Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English
Literature, Geography, History, Maths, Physics, Psychology:
• Chemistry: Y12-13:
• History: Y10-13:
• Maths: Y8-11:
• PE App: Y10-11:
• PE: Y10-11:
• Physics: Y10-13:
• Physics: Y10-13:
• Physics: Y10-13:
• Physics: Y10-13:
• Science: Y8-13:


Test/Exam Preparation Tips

• Preparation for your test/exam should begin after the first day of class; this

1. Studying, completing homework assignments and reviewing study
materials on a regular basis.
2. Arrive to class on time, be prepared with all the work, resources and
equipment you will need
3. Be ready to take on a full and active role in the learning that is taking place
4. Make sure your notes are complete and up-to-date, catching up with any
missed by absence straight away
5. Ask the teacher for help whenever you are stuck or don’t understand a
6. Do not allow yourself to get distracted or become a distraction to others

Listen to feedback and make notes on your work about how you could improve it
as this will be invaluable to you when it comes to revision times.
• Portion your time; make sure you have sufficient time to study so that you
are well prepared for the test/exam.
• During teacher’s review sessions, pay attention to hints that the teacher may
give about the test/exam. Take notes and ask questions to clarify your
thoughts about items you may be confused about.
• Ask the teacher to specify the areas that will be emphasized in the test/exam.
• Find out from your teachers how many papers you will be taking, the
duration of these papers and the maximum number of points you could
From this you will be able to work out how much time to spend on a ques
tion, so that all questions have a fair share of time in the exam room.

1. Divide the total number of minutes by the total number of marks. This
gives you the number of minutes per point
2. Multiply the minutes per point by the number of marks per question or
section. This gives you the amount of time you should spend on that
question or section in the exam.


We do this because experience shows that when marking exam questions, students
earn most of their marks at the beginning of an answer – particularly if it is a longer
one like an essay. By making sure that you do not spend too much time on one ques-
tion to the detriment of another, you maximize the time when you are earning the
most points.

• Make sure you go to the class right before the test/exam; it is another prime
time for the teacher to give out more hints or the format of the test/exam.
• Go over any material from practice tests, homework assignments, sample
problems, review material, the textbook, class notes.
• Eat before a test/exam. Having food in your stomach will give you energy and
help you focus but avoid heavy foods which can make you sleepy.
• Do not try to pull an all-night study session. Get at least 3 hours of sleep be
fore the test/exam.
• Put the main ideas/information/formulas onto a sheet that can be quickly
reviewed many times; this makes it easier to retain the key concepts that will
be on the test / exam.
• Try to show up at least 5 minutes before the test/exam starts.
• Set your alarm and have a backup alarm set as well.
• Go to the bathroom before entering the test/exam room. You do not want to
waste any time worrying about your bodily needs during the test/exam.

On the Exam Day

• Make sure you have your exam schedule – you need to know what exam
you are taking
• Check with your teachers before the exam period starts to make sure you
know what equipment you need to bring because you will not be allowed to
borrow in the exam room or go and get it from your locker
• Be ready and waiting outside the exam room about 5 minutes before the
start of the exam session (this means that you will have been to the bath
room, filled your water bottle and have all your equipment)
• In the exam room you must:
a. Sit in your assigned seat.
b. Not talk or communicate with the other students in the exam room.
c. Pay attention to the instructions being given by the teacher.
d. Not look at the exam paper until instructed to do so.
e. Pens, pencils, etc. must be in a see-through pencil case or clear plastic


f. Answer every question required. A blank answer gives the teacher
marking your paper no chance to award you points for your work. Exam
paper markers try to be as positive and as pro-student as they can whilst
still applying the exam rules and mark scheme requirements.
g. Write neatly – markers have a lot of scripts to get through in a short
amount of time and so making their life easier could help your score – they
are only
human after all. This is particularly important for students taking external
examinations as most exam boards scan your exam paper to a central da
tabase, markers then get access to scripts from this database and grade
papers online.
h. Do not write in the margins (particularly as the scanning of external exam
papers could mean that this does not get copied). Instead, ask for addition
al paper and write the extra part of your answer on this.
i. You must stop writing as soon as the teacher tells you that the exam is
j. You must stay silent in your seats whilst the teacher collects in all the
exam papers and double checks the count to make sure nothing has
been missed.
k. When you are dismissed, you must leave quickly and quietly as other
exam rooms may not have finished and chatting on the corridor could inter
fere with the students’ thinking processes in those last vital moments.
• CIE Video on Exam Day Procedures: and the merits of doing

Forbidden Equipments

In the exam room you are not allowed to bring in the following items:
• Cell phones
• White-out – in either liquid or tape form
• Snacks
• Any other electronic devices (except for calculators when specified))


• Dictionaries, not an electronic dictionary, are allowed in certain papers.



Calculatorsareallowedinmostexams. Somemathematicspapersmayforbidtheuse
of calculators. Check with your math teacher to make sure you know which papers
you may use a calculator for and which you cannot.
Scientific calculators are allowed but graphing calculators are not. Calculators on
cell phones are not allowed because you may not take your cell phone into the exam


You are only allowed to use highlighters on exam papers that you are NOT writing
your answer on. This means that you can use them on inserts or maps etc. or
subjects where you answer in a separate answer booklet to the actual question paper.

Water and Snacks

You are not allowed snacks in the room for internal exams but you should bring in
water. You should fill up your water bottle during snack or lunch and not delay the
start of the exam through poor planning and organization as you run off to the water
fountain, keeping everyone waiting, because you failed to think ahead.

The rules are different for external examinations. For these, you may bring in snacks,
but they must not pose a noise or smell distraction for others in the room.
Peppermints are particularly useful as there is some evidence to support the taste of
peppermintswithimprovedperformance. Watermustbeinsee-throughbottlesnot
flasks or other non-transparent containers.


If you are sick during the exams, it is best that you stay home and get well. Make sure
your parent emails your form-tutor on the first day that you are away, so that we
know what is happening. You must see a doctor and get a letter from him/her, which
covers the period you are off for and gives a clear diagnosis. Without a confirmed

Providing a doctor’s letter, in English, is particularly important for students taking
external examinations because we cannot apply for special consideration unless we
have the supporting evidence for the exam board.


Test/Exam Tips for Parents

The following tips provide suggestions for parents to support their children during
test/exam period:
• Make sure that your child does all his/her homework and reading assignments
which will help your child to be prepared for the test/exam.
• Encourage your child to space out his/her studying and homework assign
ments so that he/she will not be forced to cram all the contents on the night
before the test.
• It is alright to be anxious about your child’s test/exam, but try to remain keep
• calm in front of your child; you do not want him/her to get anxious about
his/her test/exam too.
• Encourage your child to do well but do not pressure him/her. You may stress
him/her even more. It is important for your child to stay calm and relaxed on
the test/exam day.
• Keep a positive attitude towards tests/exams.
• Provide a quiet, well lighted area with little distractions to help your child
study efficiently.
• Mark down test/exam days on your calendar so that you and your child are
both aware of the test/exam dates.
• Make sure that your child gets enough sleep on the night before the test/
• Ensure that your child eats a healthy breakfast and avoid heavy foods that
may make him/her sleepy. Avoid high sugar foods that may make him/her hy
• Make sure that your child wakes up early enough so that he/she will be on
time to school for the test/exam.
• Let your child relax for a few hours before bedtime, it can be stressful for a
child to study all night.
• Talking about the test/exam with your child can relieve stress.
• If your child is struggling on his/her test/exam, talk to him/her about it and
meet with his/her teacher to find out the best way to help him/her.
• Praise/reward your child when they do well in the test/exam or for their hard
work in preparing for the test/exam.
• Encourage them to do better if they did not do well.
• Review the test/exam with your child after he/she has taken it and go over any
mistakes he/she has made. Make sure that he/she understands his/her mis
takes and how he/she can improve for the next test/exam.


Reducing Test/Exam Anxiety

Test anxiety is when a student excessively worries about doing well in a test/exam.
This can become a major hindrance on test/exam performance and cause extreme
nervousness and memory lapses among other symptoms. The following are tips on
reducing test/exam taking anxiety.
• Being well prepared for the test/exam is the best way to reduce test/exam
taking anxiety.
• Space out your studying over a few days or weeks and continually review class
material. Do not try to learn everything the night before.
• Try to maintain a positive attitude while preparing for the test/exam and
during the test/exam.
• Regular exercise will help reduce stress.
• Get a good night’s sleep before the test/exam.
• Show up in class early so that you do not have to worry about being late.
• Stay calm and relaxed, if you begin to get nervous, take a few deep breaths
slowly to relax yourself and then get back to work.
• Read the instructions slowly and carefully.
• If you do not understand the instructions in the test/exam papers, ask the
teacher to explain it to you.
• Skim through the test/exam papers so that you have a good idea how to pace
• Write down important formulas, facts, definitions and/or keywords in the
margin first so that you do not have to worry about forgetting them.
• Do the simple questions first to help build up your confidence before
attempting the harder questions.
• Do not worry about how fast other people finish their test/exam; just
concentrate on your own test/exam.
• If you do not know a question, skip it for the time being (come back to it later
if you have time), and remember that you do not have to always get every
question right to do well in the test/exam.
• Focus on the question at hand; do not let your mind wander on other things.
• If you are still experiencing extreme test/exam anxiety after following these
tips, seek help from our school counselor.



Pracha Uthit Campus

School’s Address: 498/11 Soi Rojanamin, Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Tepleela 1),
Wangthong­ lang, Wangthonglang. Bangkok 10310 Thailand
Office Tel: +66 (0) 2 158 9191
Office Fax: +66 (0) 2 1589192
School’s Email Address: [email protected]
School’s Website:

Ekamai Campus
School’s Address: 154 Sukhumvit 63, Soi Ekamai 14, Klongton Nua, Wattana,

Bangkok 10110 Thailand

Office Tel: 02 714 4097 9

Office Fax: 02 391 6017

School’s Email Address : [email protected]

School’s Website:

Survarnabhumi Campus
School’s Address: 4/5 Moo 5, NamDaeng-Bangplee Road, Bangkaew, Bangplee,

Samut Prakarn , Bangkok 10540, Thailand

Office Tel: +66 (0) 2 710 2211

Office Fax: +66 (0) 2 7102156

School’s Email Address : [email protected]

School’s Website:

Thonburi Campus
School’s Address: 138 Ratchamontri Road, Khlong Khwang, Phasichavore,

Bangkok 10170, Thailand

Office Tel: +66 (0)2 158 9191

Office Tel: +66 (0)81 620 6113

School’s Email Address : [email protected]

School’s Website:


Location Map


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