Virginia Beach Democratic Committee
Orientation and Organization
Welcome to the Virginia Beach Democratic Party
Mission Statement of VBDC: The Virginia Beach Democratic Committee is dedicated to supporting Democratic values and candidates in Virginia Beach.
Mission Statement of Democratic Party of Virginia: The Democratic Party of Virginia is united in its efforts to elect Democratic leaders of character, integrity, ability, vision and commitment to delivering results to Virginians.
“The Party”- The Democratic Party
DPVA/State Party- Democratic Party of Virginia Party Plan- DPVA Bylaws
VBDC- Virginia Beach Democratic Committee
LDC/HD Lead- Legislative District Chair or House District Lead-person who organizes local precinct captains and volunteers
VAN- Vote Builder, formerly called Voter Access Network. This is a voter and volunteer database.
HoD/HD- House of Delegates GA- General Assembly
CD- Congressional District GOTV- Get out the vote activities
Caucus- Members of a legislative body who belong to a particular party or faction OR a meeting in which local members of a political party register their preference among candidates running for office
Structure of the Democratic Party
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is the formal national governing body for the Democratic Party.
Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA) is affiliated with the DNC and is governed by the Party Plan.
There are 11 Congressional District Committees that correspond with the 11 Congressional seats that Virginia holds in US Congress.
Virginia has 38 local committees throughout the state of Virginia which are affiliated with their corresponding CD Committees and DPVA
Democratic National Committee
DNC is the governing body of the Democratic Party. They preside over the Presidential nominating process and work to elect Democrats in a 50 state strategy. The DNC maintains the national communications and messaging of The Party. The DNC works to build coalitions, advance issues and legislation, and expand voting rights.
The DNC meets for general meetings twice per year. It is made up of approximately 450 members, 5 being from Virginia. Members include elected DNC Members, State Chairs and Vice Chairs, Representatives of elected officials, appointed members and officers.
Democratic Party of Virginia
DPVA meets four times per year. Membership is approximately 264 and includes the members of the Congressional District Committees, DPVA officers and Ex-Officio members.
DPVA maintains the state nomination process of candidates and national delegate selection plan. They work to build and strengthen local parties, elect Democratic candidates and advance Democratic issues.
Congressional District Committee
There are 11 CD Committees in Virginia. They are responsible to organize Congressional candidate nominations. They support local parties and elect Democratic candidates.
Virginia Beach is in U.S. Congressional District 2 (CD-2). This district encompasses all of Virginia Beach, the Eastern Shore, part of Norfolk and areas on the Peninsula. Our Representatives are elected every 2 years.
CD2 Committee is comprised of 20 members that are elected at CD2 meetings. Members serve 4 year terms with the exception of 3 at-large members who serve a 2 year term.
Virginia Beach Democratic Committee Structure
Chair: Bill Banis
Vice Chair of Operations: Vacant
Vice Chair of Precincts: Debbie Lichtenstein CD2 Chair: Sandra Brandt
Secretary: Susan Loesberg
Treasurer: Mike Maskell
Membership Chair: Holly Edwards Technology Chair: Lindsey Terry
Communication Chair: Lindsey Painter Outreach Chair: Melissa Peck Programming Chair: Vacant Fundraising Chair: Vacant
Young Democrats: Michelle Sanderson
LDC’s for House Districts 21, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
You can contact the full steering committee using [email protected]
Steering Committee Members
Virginia Beach Democratic Committee
VBDC is a voluntary organization of mostly elected members. We have legal obligations for the candidate nomination process, Government filings, primaries, Board of Elections appointments, and campaign finance.
VBDC works to recruit and support Democratic candidates for all levels of government. We build volunteer capacity and encourage participation in campaigns, voter registration, fundraising and issue advocacy.
Virginia Beach Representation
Virginia Beach is the largest city in Virginia in terms of population and is represented by multiple State Senators and Delegates in the General Assembly.
State Senate: Virginia Beach is represented by 3 state Senators in Senate Districts 7, 8 and 14. All State Senators are elected every 4 years.
House of Delegates: Virginia Beach is represented by 6 Delegates in HoD Districts 21, 81, 82. 83. 84 and 85. Delegates are elected every 2 years.
Virginia Beach is comprised of 100 precincts. Every address in the city is assigned to a specific precinct. This is the location in which you vote. You can find your voting location at the Department of Elections Citizens Portal
VBDC organizes our volunteers through a Legislative District Chair (LDC). Each HoD District is assigned an LDC. This LDC is responsible for identifying volunteers and organizing on a precinct level. Each LDC works to identify a Precinct Captain for each Precinct located within their respective district.
Precinct Captains are the direct link between voters and the Party. They network volunteers to register voters, phone bank, canvass and volunteer for campaigns and greet voters at the polls.
Volunteering in your Neighborhood
To volunteer as a Precinct Captain or volunteer in your precinct please contact Debbie Lichtenstein or the LDC in your district.
HD 21: Melissa Peck HD 81: Karen Short HD 82: Phil Kearley HD 83: Betsy Kennedy HD 84: Vacant
HD 85: Vacant
VBDC Meetings
VBDC generally meets on the first Monday of every month from 7-8:30pm at the Law Enforcement Training Academy located at 411 Integrity Way, Virginia Beach for a Business Meeting. Sign in begins at 6:30pm. The Business Meeting provides an opportunity to network with fellow Democrats, hear from our elected officials and candidates, engage in issue advocacy and conduct the business of the Party such as committee reports.
VBDC meets the third Saturday of every month at 9am for breakfast at Surfside Restaurant located at 5600 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach. VBDC Breakfast affords members an opportunity to socialize and network with fellow Democrats, candidates and elected officials and engage in issue-based programming.
VBDC Meetings
VBDC operates under Robert's Rules of Order. Only members of the committee may be called upon to speak during monthly Business Meetings. It is important to have a basic understanding of these rules in order to make a motion during a meeting.
VBDC operates under bylaws that have been approved by DPVA and are in agreement with the State Plan.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing
that ever has. -Margaret Mead