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Published by marvincastro005, 2019-09-14 05:35:35

1st sem of 2019


Keywords: thegreateng


Created by:

Marvin Carlo C. Castro

Electronics Teacher

Marvin Carlo C. Castro

Suksan apartment 1/1 Wuttisarn T. Chengnuen A. Meung Rayong 21000

[email protected]

Personal Profile

I’m a person who willing to learned new things just to expand my knowledge
or to enhance my existing skill; I am a hard worker with good communication
skills who work effectively as a team and has the ability to meet deadlines


Rayong Technical College

86/13 Taksin Maharaj Road T.Tha Pradu Mueang District Rayong City (21000)
MEP 2 (English Teacher/Electronics Teacher)
June 1, 2016 – Present

Winter Cool Refrigeration and Air-condition Services (LG Service Centre)
Mc Arthur highway Bulihan City of Malolos,Bulacan Philippines

As Electronics Technician
November 11, 2014 – January 20, 2016


Bulacan State University
Bachelor in Industrial Technology
Major in Electronics


Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School
Secondary education

Seminar Attended

• Literature as Social Discourse
English Language Department
January 22, 2015

• Computer Hardware Services

College of Industrial Technology
September 28, 2013

• Audio And Video Services
LG electronics Philippines
August 25, 2015

• Electrical Wiring of AC
Carrier Air-condition Philippines
May 15, 2014

• Ang Pakikipagtalabanng Pilisopiya at Agham Panlipunan
College of Social Philosopy(BulSU)
December 09, 2015


Trouble Shooting Electronics Circuit, Can repair LCD LED TV, Can Repair Air-
conditioner; Computer Literate (MS word, MS excel, PowerPoint Presentation)

Character Reference

- Mr. Weerapong phrueksachat
Head Teacher of Electronics
Rayong Technical College

- Kob Atchara
HR staff
Rayong Technical College

- Allen Maroma
School Adviser
Bulacan State University

Marvin Carlo C. Castro

Lesson Plan Unit 0
Week 0
Office of Vocational Subject: Power Electronics
Education Commission. Subject code: 0100-0000
Rayong Technical College. Teacher : Marvin Carlo C. Castro

Unit name: Full wave Bridge type rectifier Total 5 Hours
Topic: Full wave Bridge type rectifier

Sub Topic:

1. Bridge rectifier
2. Diode bridge rectifier
3. Positive cycle
4. Negative half cycle
5. Full wave rectifier with smoothing capacitor
6. Bridge rectifier ripple voltage

Key Features

Bridge is a type of electrical circuit. Bridge rectifier is a type of rectifier in which diodes
were arranged in the form of a bridge. This provides full wave rectification and is of low cost. So
it is used in many applications. A diode bridge is an arrangement of four (or more) diodes in
a bridge circuit configuration that provides the same polarity of output for either polarity of
input. Another type of circuit that produces the same output waveform as the full wave rectifier
circuit above is that of the Full Wave Bridge Rectifier. This type of single phase rectifier uses
four individual rectifying diodes connected in a closed loop “bridge” configuration to produce
the desired output. The main advantage of this bridge circuit is that it does not require a special
center tapped transformer, thereby reducing its size and cost. The single secondary winding is
connected to one side of the diode bridge

Learning Objectives

General Learning Objectives
1. To have a knowledge about basic of Diode bridge type
2. To have the knowledge about ripple voltage.
3. To learn how to check voltage.
4. To learn how to identify the positive and negative cycle
5. Have a good attitude in diode symbols dissection.
6. To know the diagram of bridge rectifier

Activity Learning Objectives

1. Describes the basic diagram of bridge rectifier
2. To create a bridge rectifier circuit.
3. Identify diode symbol in designating location
4. Select the cycle are correctly
5. Have a good habit to works with enthusiasm. Awareness about safety. Operational

steps. Timely submission.

The Integrating the philosophy of sufficiency economy

1. Measurable
- Students given time to practice job activities assign properly.
- Students know how to use and manage an office

2. Rationales
- The intention is to help students both to identify things use in the office

3. Immunity
- Understand and applied by analyzing situations and actual activities to test the skills of
every learner.
- Be prepared to learn and practice.

4. Knowledge and skills condition.
- Have adequate knowledge and understanding the other important learnings and be
resourceful enough to evaluate different aspect.
-Through discussion, drama and art, students identify different things in the office to be

5. Morals condition
- Be responsible, attentive and have discipline.


1. Bridge rectifier

2. Working of bridge rectifier

2.1 circuit analysis
2.2 peak current
2.3 output current
2.4 application

Learning Activities

1. Preparation to study is following.
- Check student’s name and record data to วผ.01
Motivation and Problem interesting Step (Approximately 15 minutes)

2. Teaching Step (Approximately 200 minutes)

2.1 Motivation Problem interesting Step (App. 30 minutes)

2.1.1 Teachers review prior knowledge about the exercises use questions to
stimulate learners
2.1.2 Teachers provide instruction form of teaching in cooperation with the group.
2.1.3 Teachers identify the expected learning outcomes for the day.

2.2 Information (Teach Step)
2.2.1 Given each student handouts materials about the topic.
2.2.2 Write the following list of equipment words on the board.
2.2.3 Teacher demonstration definition and types of tools and equipment by giving
some examples and using templates.
2.2.4 Ask students for suggestions of some other feelings and ask them to draw the
2.2.5 Give the students the knowledge sheet.

2.3 Application Step
2.3.1 Ask students to draw a picture of tools and equipment.
2.3.2 Invite students to choose any equipment
2.3.3 Invite students to draw any tools and equipment they know and add them to the
bulletin board.
2.3.4 Divide the class into five groups and give each group one tool. Ask the groups
to come up with as many ways to describe different equipment. Ask each group
to share some ideas
2.3.5 Teacher assign job sheet to each group to work in the class
2.3.6 Students will be given homework about the topic of the day and let students
translate it to Thai language to really understand the following terms about tools
and equipment at the office.

2.4 Progress Step
2.4.1 Assessment From Job sheet
2.4.2 Notify the Assessment result.

3. Conclusion Step

3.1 Ask the student from above contents.

3.2 Apply the lesson exercise/worksheet to knowledge after studded the topic

Materials and Resources

1. Electronic Device and circuit book

2. Presentation
3. Lab. Sheet
4. Equipment and electronic device for experiment
5. Job sheet
6. Exercise 4 from book


1. Knowledge evident

- Answers the Questions and record.

2. Working evident

-Activity record and job sheet

Assessment for Learning

1. Assessment Instruments
-Activity score record and job sheet
- Homework score record.

2. Class participation and classroom written activities doing some research.
3. Practice test activity and quizzes.
4. Oral Recitation
5. Individual and group presentation activities with regard to the given topic for the day
6. Teamwork Assessment
7. Evaluation of each students regarding to the performance of the learners
8. Homework Activities to practice the learning to be tackle for the topic

9. Evaluation with regards to the behavior, learning skills, moral and integrity.

2. Assessment Criteria

Excellent = 10
Good = 8-9
Satisfactory = 6-7
Poor =5
Very Good = 1-4

Suggested Activities



Post Teaching Records

1. Summary


2. Problems /Obstacles


3. Suggestions / Solutions


Approval Form

 Approved
 Points Recommended to Improve

Signature (....................................................................)

Department Head

 Approved
 Improve
 Others /Comments

Signature (....................................................................)

Deputy Director of Academic Affairs

 Approved

 Improve
 Others


Signature (.............................................................)


Lesson Plan

Course title: Daily Life

Unit title: Color, Size and Shapes Time Duration:

 Learning Objectives

1. The student will be able to memorize their personal object.

2. The student will be able to identify vocabulary words in daily
life context

3. The student will be able to use vocabs and simple expression
in daily life

4. The student will be able to present personal object in simple
phrases in everyday life

 Learning competencies

1. Able to identify a few vocabulary words of their personal

2. Able to choose appropriate vocabs in the context

3. Able to communicate with simple words or phrases

4. Able to select given situation

 Content

1. Object names in everyday life

2. Action word

3. Expression in daily life

activity Skills time

No Hands Cup 15 mins
stacking race

Materials needed:

• Paper cups

• Rubber bands

• String
How to Play:

Split the class into teams

Each student in the group ties a string
to the rubber band

Set 6 or 10 cups on each table

Each student holds on to one of the
strings attached to the rubber band

Students work together as a team,
stretching the rubber band around
the cups, in order to lift them, and
carefully stack them into a pyramid

First team to finish wins!

• Lesson Discussion Listening 45 mins
1. The teacher will introduce Writing
three primary color up to Tertiary
color through color combination,
size and shape by playing a short

2. Then the neutral color such as
Brown, Black, grey and white


Primary Secondary

Blue + Yellow = green

Yellow + Red = orange

Red + Blue = purple

2. The teacher will discuss 2d Reading
shapes and 3d shapes and how
many sides each shapes combine
with color to easy to recall.

- also follow to the last topic
which is sizes

• Activity Reading 20 mins.
1. the teacher will play a game called Speaking
“Bring me” and explain what the game is.

2. This game will use flashcards to show
the teacher want.

3. Set the time to 10 sec.

4. The student who got more points win

• Activity Reading 15 mins
The teacher will introduce the game 15 mins
“kahoot” and how it works.
Let the student play kahoot.
1. what are the primary colors?

Red orange blue
Yellow Red Blue
Blue Purple Red


The teacher will review all the topic above
and clarify then tell the student describe
their personal things at least 3 thing to size
color and shape.

Electronics and English
Teaher at Rayong
Technical College

As supporting tech
on RTC language
podcast presented


And also Teacher
in language center
at RTC



Another student work from machine
mechanics student practicing English

Electronics Discussion in all English
terminologies they are all good listeners,

if they didn’t come up they don’t
hesitated to ask all the question that pop
up in their mind, having fun? Yes they


Hands on activity, from beginners to

For now you are a listener but
someday you will become a

good speaker!

English class let the student
memorize and write all the things
inside this classroom in English
form. From nothing to everything

English day!

Mobile phones are not
allowed inside my

In the end of the day we all are friends and
English is our language inside this room to
connect each other.

Morning English Activity

Every morning we presented English word or
sentence to discuss what is the meaning of the
word/sentence and how to use the English sentence

in every situation.

Can you help us to spread the English word in this

And also multimedia man we share every word
and sentence not only in this college but all
over world in Facebook Live streaming.

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