Cleave William Cornish, The Sanctuary Cornish Richard, baker, Sh1,1te ·Pope George1 blacksmith
Greenslade William
Jukes Rev. Worthington M.A. [rector] Courtney Thomas, thrashing machine Reed George, farmer, Hill farm
Shelley Sir John hart. B,A., J.P. Sho-
proprietor Searle Robert, farmer, West Efford
brooke park
CO!)IMERCIAL. Downing-, organist of parish church Sharland J ohn,miller (water) & farmer,
Bastow Stephen, farmer, Higher & Fey John, carpenter Toe mills
Lower Wyke
Finning Rd. carpenter, West Raddon Shere Wm. Henry,farmr.Great Gutton
Bradford William, assistant overseer
Burrington Robert, farmer, Shobrooke Floyd Aaron, farmr. Newcoombe wood Slade J ames, farmer ,
Barton farm ' Huggins Geo.farmer,Yendacott Barton Slade Jane (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H
Cobley John, Efford farm
Cavill Robert George, farm bailiff to James Albert, farmer, West Raddon StanbnryKezia(Mrs. ),farmer,Wood lrrn
W. C. Cleave esq. Uppincott Manning Anthony, farmer, Trewe Symes George, blacksmith, Shute
Pearce Richard Kinner, farmer & land- Tucker Elijah, farmer, Stoke
owner, Shute 'l'uckett William, farmer & landowner1
Powlesland Thomas Beadle, farmer, Coombe Barton
Lower Rewe
SHUTE is a parish, consisting of scattered houses, on the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, and held since 1871 by the Rev.
west bank of the river Axe and on the Exeter and Axmouth Thomas Cole, of St, John's College, Cambridge. A fair is
t'oa.d, 3 miles north-east from Colyton, g west from Ax- held at Whitford on the Monday before Michaelmas, yearly,
minster and 24 east from Exeter, in the Eastern division of for pleasure, but has fallen into disuse. Shute was anciently ·
the county, Colyton hundred, Axminster petty sessional the seat of the Bonvilles, barons Bonville, but was transferred
division, union and county court district, rural deanery of to the Poles in the 16th century. The remains of the old
Dunkeswell and Honiton, and archdeaconry and diocese of house, probably erected by William Pole esq. the first
Exeter. Seaton Junction station on the South Western rail· possessor, in the reign of Queen Mary, consist of the gate-
way is in this parish, about one mile south from the village, house, an embattled structure, flanked by octagonal towers,
.and 147 miles from London. The church of St. Michael is a and displaying the arms of Pole :-'~ Az. semee of fleurs-de·
eruciform building of stone in the Perpendicular style, con- lis, a lion, ramp. srg." quart&ing those of Pole of Cheshire;
-sisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a cen- and other buildings, now used as a farm: the builder, who
tral embattled tower containing 5 bells : there are several died 15th Aug. 1587, is buried in Colyton church. Shute
handsome monuments to the De La Pole family, one of which House is the seat of Sir William E;dmund Pole hart. lord of
bas a fine marble statue of Sir William Pole hart. master of the manor and owner of nearly the whole of the parish; the
the household to William Ill. and CJueen Anne, ob. 1741: in park extends over an area of 100 acres, and is well stocked
the Pole chapel is a very handsome memorial, erected in x8g2, with deer. The soil is chiefly red marl ; the subsoil is'marl,
to the late Margaret Victoriosa (Talbot), wife of Sir W. E. and some lighter soil adapted for turnips and barley. The
Pole bart. who died 23 Nov. 1886; it was executed by Mr. area is 2,738 acres; rateable value, £6,xos; the population
Harry Hems, of Exeter, and consists of a cenotaph of in r8gx was 444·
'POlished veined alabaster, over 7 feet high; in the centre is WHITFORD is a hamlet, half a mile south-east of the
.a sculptured group, representing the meeting at the gate of church. The Bible Christians have a chapel here.
Paradise of the departed lady and her three little girls, who Parish Clerk, John Rapsey.
died many years before; the four figures are exquisitely PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Carolina Moss, sub-postmistress. Box
modelled, and above, on a shield, are the arms of Pole im-
paling Talbot: there is also a tablet to the memory of C. B. cleared at 6.10 p.m. Letters arrive from Axminster at
'Templer esq. who perished in the "Halswell," East India- 7·5° a. m. & 5·3° p.m. The nearest money Ol'del" & tele•
man, 6Jan. 1786: the chancel wal!! restored in 1863 duringtbe graph office is at Colyton. Postal orders are issued here.
incumbency of the late Rev. J. B. Selwood, and in 1869 the but not paid •
interior was thoroughly renovated and re-seated, and a PosT OFFICEt Whitford.-George Harvey, sub-postmaster.
marble reredos erected: the east window is stained, and Letters arrive from Axminster a.t,s.35 a. m.; dispatched
$Veral of the others display the emblazoned shields of the at 7·45 p.m. Musbury is the nearest money order, &
Pole family: in x888 a handsome sun-dial was erected over telegraph office at Colyton
the south porch by Mr. Clode, in memory of his wife: there LETTER Box, Railway station, cleared at p.m
are upwards of 300 sittings, all freet with the exception of A School Board of 5 members was formed Dec. n, 1874; J.
those reserved for the Pole family. The register of baptisms Rapsey, Whitford, clerk to the board
dates from the year 1568; marriages, 1561; burials, 1562-, Board School, Shute (mixed & infants)t erected in 1876 at a.
The living is a vicarage, separated in 186o by an Order in cost of about ,£I,6oo, for 127 children; average attend-
Council from Colyton, to which it was·formerly attached as ance, 75; Thomas Webster, master; Mrs. Mary Bond &
.a chapelry; average tithe rent-charge [.137• net yearly value Mrs. C. W. Webster, assistant mistresses
£218, with xi acres of glebet and reHidence, in the gift of the Seaton Junction Station, John Geoghegant station master
Shute. Farrant John, shoe maker Warry John, farmer
White Mark, builder
Coie Rev. Thomas, Vicarage GillinghamNathauiel,farmer,Wood end
Dicker Charles Augustus Hurford Richard, farmer, Smithers pit •
Dommett John, Haddon cottage Loud Thomas, farmer Whitford.
Pole Sir Wm. Edmd. bart.M.A.Shute ho Moss Henry, farmer, Little Umbo·rne
Newbery Martha (Mrs.) & John Dom- Bishop Thomas, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Carter George, dairyman
Eatten William, farmer, mett, farmers, Shute Barton & Lex-
Eoard George, farmer, Lexhayne · hayne l<'room Georgina(Mrs. ),marine store dlr
Clode ThomasJohn,steward to SirW.E. NewberyMaryAnn(Mrs.),frmr.Patches
Restorick Richard, blacksmith Frost Samuel, Hare & Hounds P.B
Pole hart. Shute house Restorick Thomas, farmer, & baker Harvey Geo. tailor & draper, Post office
Cloud Wm. Pinney, shoe makr. Haddon Somers John, farmer, Redgate Loud Robert, farmer
Cox William, dairyman Spurway John, shoe maker Miller George, farmer, Bro:>kvale
Dare Edwin, farmer, Moorcox Trivett Henry, farmer, Beech Tree Parrett Joseph, shopkeeper
Dommett John, farmer Low. Hampton Trivett James, shopkeeper Rapsey John, clerk to the SchoolJ3oard,
Dommett Robert (Mrs.) & Barnard, Trivett John, farmer 1
'i'rott Thomas, farmer, Woodhayne parish clerk & organist
farmers, Higher Hampton Vivian Joseph, corn & seed rr.erchant
Wakeley James, builder
SIDBURY is a parish and village on the river Sid, neat' small brass, dated 1650, to Henry, son of Robert Parsons,
tb.e road from Honiton to Sidmouth, and formerly a market the date of whose decease is given as "AETATIS SUAE
town, 3 miles north-by-east 1rom Sidmouth station on the CLIMACTERICO AEYTEROllROTO:" in 1886 the church
London and South Western railway and 6 south from Honi- was thoroughly restored, under the direction of J. T.
ton, in the Eastern divisio~ of the county, East Budleigh Micklethwaite esq. F.s.A. architect, of London, at a cost of
hundred, Ottery petty sessional division, Honiton union and .£3,782: the pulpit and lectern, of beautifully carved oak,
-county court district, rural deanery of Ottery and arch- were presented respectively by Miss Bayley and Miss Ebba.
deaconry and diocese of Exeter, The church of St. Giles is Bayley, the vases and candlesticks by Mrs. Bayley, the cro3s
a crneiform buildmg of stone in the Early Norman and later by the members of the Girls' Friendly Society, the reading
styles, and consists of chancel, nave of three bays, aisles, desk by the vicar, and new lamps were given by several
transepts, south porch and an embattled western tower, parishio~ers on Christmas day, 18ga: there are 256 aittmgs.
originally Norman, but rebuilt in 1845, with the addition of The parish registers, dating from 1559, were nearly all con-
a shingled spire, and containing a clock and 6 bells ; the sumed with the vicarage house, destroyed by fire in 1856;
chancel was restored by the friends of the Rev. Henry of those rescued the earliest date is 1813. '!'he living is a.
Fellowes M.A.late vicar, shortly before his death in 1864: in Yicarage, average tithe rent-charge £455, net yearly value
the chancel is a stained window to his memory, erected by £2oo, with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of 'the
his daughter, Mrs. Dorset Fellowes: the chancel rtltains a 1 Dean and Chapter of Exeter, and held since 1864 by the
DEV. & COIDl. 313*
Rev. George Thomas Comyns B.A. of Wadham College, At SIDFORD, a hamlet one mile south, is a chapel of ease.
Oxford. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the impro- erected in x865, at a cost of about £s,ooo, chiefly defrayed
priators of the great tithes, worth about £3oo yearly. Here by the vicar of Sidbury, who also provided the site: it is of
is a Congregational chapel, first founded in I757· The red brick and freestone, in the Early Decorated style, and
Cemetery, consisting of three-quarters of an acre, was opened consists of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, north and south
in Ma.rch, 1882, and is in the hands of trustees : the site was porches and a turret containing one bell : there are eight
given by the late Right H<ln. Sir Stephen Cave P.c., G.C.B. stained windows. Here also is a Wesleyan chapel.
and conveyed by C. D. Cave esq. D.L., J.P. There are HARCOMBE is a hamlet, 1t miles south-east.
charities of £70 yearly value. Near the village, to the west, Sexton, Samuel Rowland Brown.
is a Roman camp, known as "Sidbury Castle," in which PQST & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
are two ancient wells. The manufacture of Honiton lace is Mrs. Susan Pearson, sub-postmistress. Letters throng})
carried on here. A fair is held on the Wednesday before the Sidmouth, arrive aaptt.mS7i..d;5m5suoaun. mdtha.ys&, 3. 50 p.m. ; dispatched.
2oth of Se· phteml'bber yearlfy, bfooruct a3t t0l0e vaon1dumcheese,swe.a·sAopReenaeddinm.g .of&fic5e·4is5 9.30 a.m. The nearest
Room, w1t a 1 rary o a
1877 by the late Right Hon. Sir Stephen Cave o.c.B., P.C.
Sidlmry Manor, the seat of Charles Daniel Cave esq. D.L., PosT OFFICE, Sidford.-Wm. Henry Horn, sub-postmasterp
J.P. is a building of red brick, with stone facings, in the Letters received from Sidmouth at 7.25 a. m. & 3· 10 p.m.;
Tudor style, and was erected by the late Right Hon. Sir dispatched by Sidbury messenger at 12.30 & 5.40 p.m.;
Stephen Cave G.C.B. in 1379 : the extent of the park is about sundays, 9·45 a.m. The nearest money order office is at
400 acres, and contains a herd of deer. The other principal Sidbury & telegraph office at Sidmouth
seats are :-Cotford House, Livonia, Stanhope, Primley Hill SCHOOLS : -
and Court Hall. Charles Daniel Cave esq. D.L., ;r.P. who is National (mixed & infants), built in 1831 & enlarged in
lord of the manor, and the Rev. F. J. Huyshe M.A. vicar of 1872, for 2oochildren; average attendance, no; .Alexander
Wimborne, are chief landowners. The soil is marl, clay and William Sargent, master ·
sSQd; the subsoil is marl and s.1od. The crops are wheat, Infant, Sidford, opened by the late Daniel Cave esq. in 186o,
barley aiJ.d roots. The acreage is 6,827; rateable value, for 40 children; average attendance, 35; Joseph Ward,
£8,318; the population in 1891 was 1,148. master
, Sidbury. Haycraft George, stone mason Tyrrell John, Ivy cottage
·Bailey Miss, Rolle cottage Hoskins & Son, bakers Wilson William
Bayley Mrs. Cotford KiddRt.clerk of works toSidbury manor Wrenford Rev. Herbert Ht. John Ed-
Cave Charles Daniel J.P. Devon & n.r,., King Clement, dairyman, Buckley mondson [curate]
J.P. Gloucestershire, Sidbury manor; King Richard, farmer, Buckley COU!IlERCIAL.
& Cleve Hill, Gloucestershire; Carl- King William farmer, Roncombe Daniels Thomas, wheelwright
ton club, London; & Stoneleigh Langdon Edward, baker, & farmer Dyer Oliver, farmer
house, Clifton, Bristol Lawrence Thomas, sen. farmer, Brook Elliott Waiter, farmer
Comyns Rev. Geo. Thos. B.A. Vicarage Library&ReadingRoom(Robt.Kidd,sec), Fenn John, carpenter
Hunt Major-Gen. Court hall Matthews Samuel, dairyman Fry Robert, farmer
Nichols Samuel Hugh, Walnut cottage Matthews Wm. farmer, Woolversleigh Hawkings Frederick William, shopkpr
Norsworthy James, Mount Pleasant Norsworthy Thos. farmer, Springfield Hawkmgs George, miller (water)
Picton Rev. Edgar Wamwright M.A. Oldrey Jemima (Mrs.), shopkeeper Helman George, Rising Sun P.R. road,.
[curate] Pearson Susan (Mrs.), stationer, fancy sewer & general contractor
Water Miss, Court hall repository &Honiton lace ma.Post otli Horn James, market gardener •
Williamson Miss, Buckley house Pile George, farmer, Buscombe Horn William Henry, baker, Post officeo
COMMERCIAL. Records James, bricklayer & farmer Irish Thomas, blacksmith
Selley Chas. Royal Oak P.R. & cattle dlr Lawrence Thomas, jun. farmer
Baker Henry, blacksmith Seward Thomas, shopkeeper Maeer James, poulterer
Baker John, blacksmith Sid Vale Dairy Co Mitchell Susan (Miss), shopkeeper
Blackmore William, farmer, Pinhill
Brown Samuel Rowland, wheelwright Slade James, carpenter & shopkeeper Pring Charles, thatcher
Capron Mrs. & Son, farmers, Plyford
Cemetery (Edwin Barratt, keeper) Snell George, farmer, Furze hill Reading Room & Library
Snell George Frederick, farmer, Ebdon Reed George, thrashing machine owner
Snell William, farmer, Sand Barton· Reed Thomas, Blue Ball inn
Clake James, farmer, Mincombe Stephens Eliza (Mrs.}, laundry Solman Edward, shopkeeper
Coles George .Ash, miller (water) Taylor Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, Teed George, blacksmith
Collins Harry, farmer, Barnards Hawthorn cottage Teed John, dairyman
Cox Jane (Mrs.}, farmer, Road Willmington Saml. Hare & Hounds P.H Wheaton Robert, shoe maker
Cox John, farmer, Fullcombe Sidford. White George, farmer~ Manston
Darke Sarah (Mrs.), Red Lion inn White Mary Ann (Miss). apartments
Creedy William Williams J<'red, farmer
Denner Henry, insurance agent
Dimond James Marsh, farmer, assistant Curry Mrs. Lavonia Harcombe.
overseer, assessor & collector of taxes, I Darnell Lt.-Col. 'I:homas Charles J.P.
Ridgway Stanhope Clode Henry, carpenter
Dymond Reginald, farmer, Knapp 1 Pion Mrs. Maiden villa Cummins James, farmer
French .A.lbert Edward, butcher Reed John, Core Hill house Darke Richard, farmer
Hamlin Henry, farmer Stainton Misses, The Orchard Hartnell John, farmer, Buckton
Haycraft Eva (Mrs.), private school Taylor Ri('bard, Prirl)ley hill Tilke \Yilliam, farmer, Paccombe
81DMOUTR is a fashionable watAring place on the south coast the top of Peake or Salcombe Hills, 500 feet in height, the-
of Devonshire, and parish and market town at the mouth of view extends to 28 or 30 miles; Hope's Nose, on this side
the small river Sid, 170 miles by road and 167! by rail from of Torba.y, is 18 miles frotn Sidmouth; Berry Head is 22.
London, 15 east-south-east from Exeter, 6 south-by-east The nearest point of the French coast, Cape la Hogue, near
from Ottery St. Mary, 9 south-southpwest from Honiton, Cherbourg, is 90 miles distant. The climate is mild and
II north-east from Exmouth, 16 west-by-south from Lyme equable, but by no means relaxing. According to tables
Regis and 15 south-west from Axminster, in the Eastern published by Dr. Mackenzie F.M.s. the temperature is some
division of the county, hundred of East Budleigh, petty sea- four degrees warmer in the wintermontlis than London, and
sional division of Ottery, union and county court district of proportionately cooler in summer: it is the driest of the
Honiton, rural deanery of Ottery and archdeaconry and Devonshire watering places, and has, according to Mr. Pen-
diocese of Exeter. The railway station is the termipus of a 11 gelly F.R.S. 26 per cent. less rainfall, and less rain on each
branch, constructed in 1873, from Sidmouth Junction of rainy day, than any other place in Devonshire. The sunshine
the South Western railway. records, kept and annually published by Dr. Oliver, prove
Sidmouth is pleasantly situated at the lower end of a Sidmouth to be one of the sunniest places in the British Isles.
beautiful vale, and is sheltered on the east, west and north The highly picturesque scenery of the neighbourhood and we
by ranges of hills, which are cultivated to their summits. facilities afforded for sea-bathing have rendered this a fashion-
On the south it commands an extensive view of the sea, and able and much frequented watering place.
lies at the bottom of a deep and almost semicircular hollow Sidmouth was formerly a place of more importance than
on the coast, sometimes called the "Western Bay.'' From at present, and in the zith century was a borough and mar-
ket town, governed by a portreeve; long subsequent to that and granting the market dues to the lord ot the manor
period it had an important fishery and a good harbour, but The lower part of the Market Hall, which was erected in
tbe latter does not now exist, The erection in 1838 of a sea- 1843, is used as a market and the upper room for public
wall, which affords an agreeable promenade of nearly half a meetings. Markets are held every Thursday and Saturday,
mile in length, was commenced in 1835 and completed in and fairs for cattle on Easter Monday and the third Monday
1838, under the superintendence of G. H. Julian esq. archi- in September.
tect, of Exeter, at a cost of about £2,500, of which a sum of The "Manor Hall," a concert hall and theatre, recently
£t,200 was given by the late lord of the manor. erected by Capt J. E. H. Balfour J.P. of the Manor House,
The town is governed by a. Local Board of nine members, will seat 500 persons, and has a lecture hall attached.
formed May 12th, 1863, under the" Local Government Act of The London and South Western Bank and the Devon and
1858" (21 & 22 Vict. c. g8); it is lighted with gas, and supplied Cornwall Banking Co. Limited have branches here.
with pure soft water from the work!! of the Sidmouth Water There is a Young Men's Christian Association. established
Company, established under a special Act of Parliament, in 1876, and a Young Women's Christian Association, with
promoted by the owner of the manor. The works were a reading-room, opened in 1882.
built from plans by Mr. Edward Wood c.E. of Westminster. In the town are two circulating libraries.
Sidmonth gives the title of viscount ( r8o5) to the Adding- There are four principal hotels, viz. : 'fhe Knowle, a new
ton family, whose seat is at Up-Ottery Manor, near Honiton. and beautiful hotel in charming grounds, recently visited by
The parish church of St. Nicholas, an edifice of stone, the Empress E ugenie ; the Bedford hotel and the Royal York
<Originally in the Perpendicular style, was rebuilt, with the hotel, both on the beach, aml the London hotel, which has
exception of the tower, in 186o, under the direction of Mr. an assembly room holding 300 persons. There are also many
William White, architect, and now consists of chancel, with very good lodging and boarding houses.
aisles, clerestoried nave of four bays, aisles, transepts, north The Fire Brigade numbers 20 members, with a manual
and south porches and a western embattled tower with four engine belonging to the West of England Fire Insurance
.pinnacles, containing a clock and 8 bells: in the chancel are Company, stationed in Mill street.
memorials to James Currie M.D. (1756-1805), author of a. Sidmouth is a coast-guard and life-boat station ; the life
life of Robert Burns : the stained west window was presented boat was presented to the institution by Mrs. Rimmington
by Her Majesty the Queen in 1866, as a memorial to her in 1869; the boat-house was built by subscription. The new
father, the late Duke of Kent, who died here 23rd January, life-boat, named" William and Frances," was presented by
182o, and chiefly illustrates Christian charity as exemplified Miss F. A. Bass, in May, 1885, at a cost of £850. ·
by Our Lord; the east window was given by the Earl of The Sidbury, Sidmouth, Salcombe Regis and Branscombe
Buckinghamshire in 186o; there are 16 other stained Agricultural Association holds its annual meeting in October.
windows and a fine reredos, erected in 1866: there are I,ooo There are fine cricket and tennis grounds, and golf links
sittings. The register dates from the year 1589. The living have recently been laid out and a pavilion erected.
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £236, net yearly Many women and · children are employed in making
income £220, including 24 acres of glebe, with residence, in Honiton lace.
"he gift of trustees, and held since 1865 by the F.ev. Henry The Cottage Hospital, established in r885, was rebuilt in
George John Clements M. A, of Christ Church, Oxford, and 1892 on a site given by Captain J. E. H. Balfour .T.P. and is
surrogate. available for 10 patients.
All Saints' church, erected in 1837• at the north end of The Dispensary, established in 1836, receives an average
the town, and consecrated 3oth April, 1840, is a building of of 6so patients yearly.
stone in the Early English style, and consists of apsidal The charities, amounting to £2oo yearly, consist of
chancel, nave and transepts and a western tower containing accumulated bequests extending through several centuries,
one bell: there are 596 sittings. The living is a perpetual and are in the hands of 12 feoffees, who distribute them to
curacy, net yearly value £ 18o, with residence, in the gift of the schools for educating poor children and also amongst poor
three trustees, and held smce 1891 by the Rev. Robert Tap- hom1eholders not receiving parish relief.
son, of New Inn Hall, Oxford, and A.K.C.Lond. Connected Woolbrook Glen, situated near the western extremity of
with the church is an iron mission hall, erected in 1884, with the town, and formerly the property and residence of Mrs.
sittings for 230 persons. Baynes, was in r82o the residence of the Duke and Duchess
Here is the Catholic Convent of the Assumption ; the Rev. of Kent, who came here accompanied by her present
Constantine Pourcin o.s B. priest. Majesty: after an illness of short duration, his Royal High-
The Congregational chapel, erected about 1853, was ness died here, 23rd January, 1820, in the 53rd year of his
greatly improved in 1892 and affords sittings for 360 persons. age. The neighbourhood of Sidmouth is studded with
The old chapel, in Eastern Town, built in I8tJ, is now used numerous delightful villa residences.
as schools; the Unitarian chapel, in High street, erected in Captain John Edmond Heugh Balfour J.P. (late nth
17to, will seat about 2oo. 'The Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Hussars), of the Manor House, who is lord of the manor,
in High street, erected in r884, at a cost of £t,845, is a and John George Galloway Radford esq. are the principsl
building of Babbacombe stone, with Bath stone facings, in landowners.
the Gothic style, and will seat 300 persons. The area is 1,540 acres of land and 6o of water; rateable
The Cemetery, in Landpart, opened in January, 1879, at value, £15,704; the population in 1891 was 3,758.
a cost of £J,JOO, is over 3 acres in extent, and has two mor- WOOLBROOK is a straggling hamlet of this parish, about 1
tuary chapels: it is under the control of a Burial Board of 8 mile north from the town.
members. Parish Clerk, Edwin Barratt.
In 1839 an Act was passed for building a market-house Sexton, George Conant.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, all parts, 5.50 p.m.; Ottery St. Mary & Honiton, 7 &
Fore l'treet.-Mrs. Lucy Rainger, postmistress. 7.40 p.m
HouRs oF ATTENDANCE.-For sale of stamps, registration of ARRIVALs.-Parcels are delivered with each delivery of
letters &c. week days from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 letters & there is also a special parcel delivery at 10 a. m.
a. m. to 10 a m. ; money order & savings bank, government daily Local Board.
annuity & insurance business & issue of licences, 9 a. m. to
6 p.m. ; saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; telegraph business, Office, Hope cottage. Board day first thursday in each
'8 a. m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 8 a. m. to 10 -a.. m month, at 3 p.m.
DISPATCH OF LETTERS.-Mails, London (night) & all parts, MEMBERS.
7.40 p.m. (extra id· stamp, 7·45 p.m); London (1st day) William Trnmp (chairman)
S. J. Pile
& all parts, 8.50 a.m. ; London (2nd day) & Ottery St. J. W. Halse John Harris
Mary, n.2o a.m. (extra !d. stamp, n.25); North of H. Newton W. H. Hastings
England, Ireland & Scotland ; Exeter, Southampton &c. John Whitton L. L. B. Williams
2.10 p.m. ; sundays, 7 p.m. ; local rural deliveries, 6.30 R. W. Skinner
a.m. & 2.30 pm.·; Sidmouth town deliveries include all Clerk, John George Galloway Ra.dford, Hope cottage
detters &c. posted in the head office letter box up to half Treasurer, W. J. D. Whitaker, London & South Westerrt.
an hour of the time fixed for the commencement of the Bank, Temple house
next delivery Medical Officer of Health, Thomas Henry Stacker Pullin
M.D. High street
a. m. 12. 15, 2.30 & 6.45 p.m. from all parts ; a North mail Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, John Leask, Newtown
Collector, .Alfred Wilson, 6 York terrace
is received at 12.30 p.m. when letters are ready for callers;
Public Establishments.
2nd delivery, 12.30 p.m. from London (day), North of
England, Exeter, Southampton &c. arriving at 2.15 p.m. ; Assemby Jr; Ball Room, London hotel, George John Tilke,
on sunday the first delivery only is made proprietor
PARCEL PosT DtSPATCHEs.-London (day), Salisbury &c. Cemetery, John George Galloway Radford, Hope cottage,
'f"eovil Jr; S. W. of England, 8.40 a.m.; North. & South clerk to the burial board; James Thomas Collins, Land-
l\'elltd England, Exeter &c. 2 p.m.; London (night) & part, keeper ·
Coast Guard Station, John H. Quick, chief officer All Saints' Church, Rev. Robert Tapson A.K.C.Lond.; 10.45
Cottage Hospital, J. A. Orchard~ sec. ; W. J. D. Whitaker, a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Convent oftheAssumption, Rev. Constantine Ponrcino.s.B.;
treasure~" mass, sunday & holidays of obligatilln, 8 a. m. ; mon. wed.
County Police Station1 Wm. Jn. Ford, constable in charge
Dispensary, Old Fore street, Robert Gordon M.B., C.M. & & fri. mass 7 & tues. thurs. & sat. 8 a.m. ; benediction
Llewelyn L. B. Williams M.B., c. M. medical officers; Wm. daily at 4· 30 p.m
Bray, see Congregational, Western town, Rev. Charles Rhodes; 10.45
Fire Brigade, High street, John Leask, superintendent a. m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m •.
Inland Revenue Office, London hotel, Frederick Low Far- Unitarian, High street, Rev. Henry Morgan Dare; II a.m.
rington• officer & 6.30 p.m
Manor Hall (Concert Hall & Theatre), Station road; W. Wesleyan; 10.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. & fri. 7 p.m
H. Hastings Schools.
Market Hall, Market place, Samuel Warren, collector National (boys), for 100 boys; average attendance, So;
Masonic Hall, High street Frederick H. Drew, .master; (girls & infants) enlarged in.
National Life Boat Station, W. J. D. Whitaker, sec. London I868, for 200 children ; average attendance, I 12; Miss.
& South Western Bank Limited
Anne H. Marsh, mistress
Stamp Office, Mrs. Lucy Rainger, distributor, Fore street All Saints' Church (mixed), built in 1847, for 226 children~
" VOLUNTEERS. average attendance, 210; Miss Christina Edwards, mis-
grd Volunteer Battalion Devonshire Regiment (B Co.) ; tress ; Mrs. Elizabeth Morrell, infants' mistress
head quarters, Town hall; Capt. J. A. Orchard, com- Woolbrook (mixed), built in I873, to hold So children;
mander; George H. Valiance & Samuel P. Trounce, lieuts average attendance, 59 ; Miss Clara Evans, mistress
Public Officers. Newspapers.
Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Certifying Factory Surgeon & Sidmouth· Directory & General Advertiser, Fore street,.
Examining Surgeon Army Recruits, Thomas Henry Charles Culverwell, proprietor &; printer ; published the
Stocker Pullin M.D. High street
3rd & x8tli of month
Assistant Overseer, John Voysey Newton
Sidmouth Observer, High street, Day Brothers, proprietors.
Income & Assessed Tax: Collector, Thomas Roberts, & printers ; published every wed
Temple street
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Edward Barrett, of Ottery St. Conveyance.
Mary, attends every friday from I2.30 to 3.30 p.m. at Railway Station, Gerald Falkner, station master
London & South Western Railway (John Mitchell, agent),.
Prospect cottage
Russell street .
Town Crier, Theophilus Mortimore, Fore street
Places of Worship, with times of Services. Suttou & Co, Parcel Delivery (D. Tedbury, agent), Forest
St Nicholas (Parish) Church, Rev. Henry George John Carrier.
Clements M. A. vicar; ro.45 a.m. & 3 p.m.; summer, 7.30 ExETEx.-Richard Holland, Mill street, every mon. tues. &
~m.; wed. & fri. u.45 a.m fri. returning same days
PRlVATE RESIDENTS. Heddon Mrs. 4 The Myrtles Prideaux John, Ham aottage
Acraman Misses, The Grove HerbertCharlesJulius Joyce,Rosemount Pullin Bingley Gibbes, High street
Allured William, Willoughby Hicks Mrs. The Marino Pullin 'fhomasHy. StockerM.D.Highst
Askin Augustus Laying, Rock cottage Hine-Haycock William. Belmont H.adford Ed win, Fore street
Balfour Capt. John Edmond Heugh Hobart-Hampden Lady Charlotte Radford John Geo.Galloway, Sidmonnt
.J.P. Manor house Augnsta, Hampden lodge Radford William Tucker H. B. Sidmount
Bartlett Mrs. Temple street Hobart-Hampden Lady Louisa Selina, Reed Alfred, Khandwa .
Barton Charles, Station road Hampden lodge Rhodes Rev. Charles [Congregational],.
Beadon Miss, 4 Coburg terrace . Hooper Miss, Spring cottage Swiss villa
Beavis Mrs. Coburg road Hunt Mrs. Redcliffe Robert Rev. HenryEugene M.A. (cnrattt
of St. Nicholas], 3 Alma place Miss, 1-i I<'ortfield terrace Hunter Thomas, I Radway villas
Bremridge Mrs. Spring gardens Hutchinson Peter Orlando,Old Chancel Roberts Miss, 2 Coburg terrace
Brewer Mrs. 6 Jubilee terrace Huxtable William Renrlle, 2 York ter Salter Miss, IO Jubilee terrace
Butcher Mrs. 3 Alma place Isaacs George Thesher, Westbourne Sampson Cecil, Ascerton
Butter Mrs. Sa.lcombe road Isaacs Miss, Cottymead villas Sampson RobertWilliam, 3 The Myrtles
Cash Miss, Barton cottage Jemmett Charles F. Sea view Sargent John, Radway
Cave ;Miss, Witheby Kennet-Dawson Benjamin Were, Powys Scott George, Blackmore hall
Cheesman William Parry, Temple st Kennet-Were Thomas J.P. Cotlands Searle Mrs. Radway lodge
Chick Edward, High street Kell Miss, Balsters Searle William, Eaton ,·ilia, Landpart.
Clapp Rev. Wm. Jn. lf.A. 3 Fortfield pl Kennedy Miss, Peak house Shepheard Georg~, 3 Landpart villas
Clements Rev. Henry George John M. A. King Mrs. Beach house Shepheard :Miss, Camden
[vicar & surrogate1, Vicarag!'l Sleep Colin, Merryfield
Knapp Mrs. Barton house
Cowell Elliott, The Grove Leese Joseph Francis Q.c., V.P. Red Stanford Edward, Helens
Cox Henry Hill, Eglantine howe; & So Rt. Ermin's mansions, Staveley Mrs. T. George, Fairlawn
Dare Rev, Henry Morgan [Unitarian], Victoriast.&Reformclub,Londonsw Stoneman William, Templestreet
Cottymead villas Lennox Mrs. Woodlands SummersWilliam,Lawn view,Templest
Denby Mrs. Fore street . Lindemann Alfred, ..Sidholme Swainson Miss, Fairleigh
Doyle John, 3 Jubilee terrace Lowe Mrs. 6 The Myrtles Symes William Charles, 2 Collyton ter-
Drewe William Henry, Radway McDonald Mrs. 2 Radway villas race, Cotmayton
Dunn William, Alma terrace McNeile Lt.-Col. Chas. Cotmaton hall Tapson Rev. Robert A.K.C.LOnd. [in·
Dysart Mrs. Salcombe road Major John, Temple street cumbent of All Saints]
Fatheringham Mrs. Elm cottage Meres William Fitzpatrick, Redlands Taylor John Henry, Salcombe road
Faulkner .Frank, High street Miller John May J.P. Tbe Elms Thompson Miss, Convent cottage
Favell Mrs. Cotmaton cottage Milles Major-Gen. Thomas, 'fhe Kraal 'roller Mrs. Oakland
Ferguson Dep. Surgeon-General Austin Mitchell Miss, Florence cottage · 'frounce Samuel Phillips, Osborne bo.
Jonas, Somerdon Morritt John Matthias, Asherton High street
Forster William, :Park villa, Temple st Moulton-:Barrett Harry .J.P. Arcott 'frump Mril. Sa.lcombe road
Fowell Mrs. 10 Cambridge terrace Newton Mrs. Salcomberoad Tyrrell A. W. N. Peak cottage
Freer Wm. Haughton M.A. The Lodge OliverGeo.v.D.,F.R.M.s.Knowlegrange Valiance George, S1dlands
Gardner Miss, Roselawn Orchard James Albert, Hope cottage Veysie William, Salcombe road
Gordon Robert, Marine place Paddon Miss, Salcombe road Walker James Davidson, High bank
Gore Mrs. Cotmaton house Paddon Miss Ann, Salcombe road Walker Mrs. Radway
Gutteres Mrs. Cottington Parkal' ;Nathaniel Wilkinson, Seafield Whitaker William John D. Temple ho
Haine Robert, Ashcombe house villas, Seatield road Williams Llewelyn Leonard Bulkeley
Hamson Edward, 2 Jubilee terrace \ Pidsley George, l Enfield villas M.B., c. M. Hillsdon
Hardwich Miss, Roseneath Pile Miss, Eaton house, Landpart Willmot Miss, Salcombe road
Harrison Miss, Rosebank cottage Pile Samuel James, I Sid place Wilmot Mrs. Esplanade .
Hastings William Hardinge, Kenandy, PourcinRev.Constantine o.s.B. [Cath.], Wright Philip Egerton, The Shrubbery
Redlands road Convent of the Assumption Wyndham George, Sidbrooke
Hawke.r ,1\r)-s. Seafield Power Hubert, Lansdown tYelland Mrs. II Cambridge terrace
Hearn Mrs. 4 Cambridge terrace
OOMMERCIAI.. \Assembly & Ball Room (George John Tilke, proprietor)
London .4otel
.A.lsop Mary (Ml'l'.), apartments, 2 Cambridge terrace
Avery James, apartments, 13 Cambridge terrace Day Brothers, stationers, printers & publishers of the "Sii
Baker Thomas, hair dresser, Fore street · mouth Obser\·er," High street
Barnftd Elizabeth Emma (Mrs.), Royal York family & com- Dean Alfred, car proprietor, York stl'eet
mercial hotel ; facing the sea & immediate proximity to Dean Edward Charles~ car proprietor, Heydons cottage
the beach, Esplanade Dean Reuben, baker, Landpart
Barnard Mary N. (Mrs.), honiton lace maker, Old Fore st Denner Alfred, dairyman, Church street
Barnard William, fisherman, Eastern town Devon & Exeter Savings Bank (Rowland Chessall, receiver),
Baron Elizh. (Miss), apartments, Belgrave cot. Station rd Fore street
Baron William Henry, greengrocer, Church street Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (Samuel Phillips
Barratt Charlotte (Miss), stationer, Fore street Trounce, manager), Osborne house, High street; draw
Barratt Edwin, tailor, Church street on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co.
Bartlett Amelia (Mrs.), apartments, Coburg cottage London E c '
Bartlett Henry, music warehouse, :Fore .street Digby Emma (Mrs.), apartments, Prospect place
Bartlett William, fishmonger, Church street Dingwall Thomas, fruiterer & florist, Fore street
Beard George (Mrs.), apartments, Colaton villa Dispensary (Robert Gordon M.B., C.M.Edin. & Llewelyn
Bedford Louisa (Miss), apartments, Alma house, Station rd Leonard Bulkeley Williams :M. B., C.M. medical officers;
Bellinger Joseph, photographer, Fore street William Bray, sec.), Old Fore street
Bending Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Prospect place Dyer John, saddler, & fancy repository, Fore street
Bending Hannah (Mrs.), apartments, Bedford place Ebdon Edward, apartments, Salcoptbe road
Bending Henry James, apartments, 1 'l'he Myrtles Evans William, boot & shoe maker, Fore street
Berwick Henry, nurseryman, Station road Falkuer Gerald, station master, Railway statiOn
Biffen Elizabeth (Mrs.), fancy repository, High street Farrant William, beer retailer, Chapel street
Bolt Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, Fore street Farrant William, painter, Temple street
Bolt Reuben, butcher, Landpart Farrington Frederick Low, inland revenue officer, 3 Sid pi
Bon MarcM (The), drapery & carpet warehouse, Forest Field John, general & fancy draper, 2, 3 & 4 Market place,
Bond Mary Gosling (Mrs.), boot maker, Fore street & clothier & outfitter, Fore street •
Bond William, greengrocer, Fore street Finch Henry, saddler, New street
Bovett James, boot & shne dealer, !<'ore street Finlayson John, apartments, Alpha cottage
Bray William, photographer & stationer, Old Fore street Fire Brigade (John Leask, superintendent), High street
Bridgman David, boot maker, New street Fitzgerald Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Fortfield terrace
Bristol Supply Stores (The), grocers & provision merchants Ford Thomas & Son, brewers, wine & spirit merchants &
(William Charles Symes, proprietor), Market place mineral water manufacturers (Nathaniel Wilkinson
Brooks Frederick, apartments, 7 York terrace Parker, manager), Town brewery, Old Fore street
Brutton Edward James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Foyle Emma (Mrs.), laundry, 6 Colaton terrace
Clifton place; & at Ottery St. Mary & Exeter Gibbs Charles, carpenter, Church street
Bucknell George Joseph, carpenter, Temple street Gibbs Matilda (Mrs.), laundry. Church street
Burgoyne Jas.blacksmith & clerk to Sidmouth feoffe e,High st Gigg James, farmer, Higher Woolbrook
Burgoyne James George, Marine hotel, Esplanade Gigg John, farmer, Woolbrook
Burgoyne Julia Eliza (Miss), milliner & dress maker, High st Gigg Robert, farmer, Bulverton
Bussell Thomas, carpenter, Station road Gliddon Frederick Marwood, ironmonger, Market place
Butter George, painter, High street Godfrey Joseph Sanders, plumber, Old Fore street
Butter Mary Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer, Radway Gooding William, apartments, West view
Cann Charles, laundry, Landpart Gordon Robert M. B., c.M.Edin. surgeon, Denby place
Carter George, laundry, Old l<'ore street Govier James, tailor, High street
Cartwright Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Fortfield terrace Guppy James, apartments, 3 Cambridge terrace
Casson Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, New street Guppy James, beer retailer, Fore street
Cemetery (John G. G. Radford, clerk to the burial board; Hallett Frederick, cycle agent for all the leading makers, & .
James Thomas Collins, keeper), Landpart 11tock of the latest cycles ; all kinds of repairs executed
Channon Theophilus, grocer, & agent for W. & A. Gilbey, on the premises, including pneumat.ic tyres, Fore street
wine & spirit merchants, High street Halse John White, corn & seed merchant, Railway station
Chessall Rowland, pharmaceutical chemist, Fore street Harding Drusilla (Miss), day school, H gh street.
Choral Society (William Cook, hon. sec) · Harding Frederick, grocer, High street
Chown Thursa (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Prospect place Harris John, dairyman, All Saints' road
Churchill Stratchley, stone mason, 8 Jubilee terrace Harris Joseph, miller (water), corn factor, hay& stray & oil
Clarke George, greengrocer, Market place, & apartments, cake merchant, Sidmouth mills
Marlborough place Hastings William Hardinge, solicitor & commissioner for
Clarke George Robert, carver & gilder, High street oaths, steward of Sidmouth manor, sec. Sidmouth Rail-
Clarke John, blacksmith, Temple street way Co. Sidmouth Water Co. & Sidmouth Gas Co. Lim.
Cload John, butcher, Temple street The Manor office
Clode Edwin, baker, High street • Hayes John, apartments, Ulverstone house
Clode Isaac, apartments, Marine place Hayman Mary Raymond (Mrs.), ironmonger, High street
Coast Guard Station (John H. Quick, chief officer) Hayman William, plumber, High street
Coles Robert, farmer, Bulverton Hayward Rosina (Miss), apartments, Moor view
Collier William, carpenter, Church street Holland Richard, shopkeeper & carrier, Mill street
Colwill James, market gardener, All Saints' road Holland Montague, shopkeeper, Sid terrace
Conant Henry, fishmonger, Church street Holmes Frederick, butcher, High street
Convent of the Assumption Holmes J ames, apartments, Marine place
Cook William Archibald, apartments, Bedford place Holmes William, apartments, 8 Cambridge terrace
Cornish William, apartments, Sunnybank Holwill John, tailor, Fore street
Cottage Hospital (Mrs. J uliannah Male, matron ; J. A. Hook Daniel, apartments, 4 Clifton place & Belgrave house
Orchard, sec) Hooke Eliza White (Mrs.), lodging house, Salcombe road
Coulson Brothers, family grocers & provision merchants, Hooke James, grocer, Temple street
importers of wines & spirits, ale, stout & cider bottlers & Horn Edward, coal merchant, Barton house
house agents, Fore street Horn George, fisherman, Eastern town
Coulson Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Portland ho. Esplanade Howard Henry Beer, apartments, 5 Cambridge terrace
County Police Station (Wm. Jn. Ford, constable in charge) Hutchings John, china & glass dealer, New street
Cox Fdk. Septimus B. A. private school (boys), I I<'ortfield pl Iles Wm. Hy. coffee tavern & fancy repository, Market pl
Cridland Matilda (Mrs.), apartments, Fort cottage Inland Revenue Office (Frederick Low Farrington, officer),
Critchley Matthew, builder, Old Fore street London hotel
Cross Mary Ann (Miss), beer retailel', Eastern town Knowle l<'amily Hotel (Michael Healy, manager)
Cross William, dairyman & florist, Glen cottage Lake Abra.ham, plumber, Old Fore street
Culverwell Chal'les, stationer, Fore street Lake John, cab proprietor, l<'ore street
Culverwell Caroline (Miss), apartments, The Glen Lake William, apartments, I Fortfield terrace
Colverwell Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, Glen view Lane John, apartments, Salcombe road
Culverwell Mary (Miss), apartments, Westmount LawrenceEdward, farmer, Lower Woolbrook
Curtis Henry Adams & Son, plumbers & gasfitters, High st Lawrence Hannah (Mrs.), dress maker, 18 Jubilee terrace
Daniell William, wheel wrigbt, High street Lawrence James, apartments, 12 Cambridge terrace .,.
Daniell Samuel, blacksmith, High street Lethabt E. (Mrs.), bookseller, stationer & fancy repository,
Dan,iell Walter, blacksmith, Woolbrook Market place
Daniells Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Enfield villas Leask John, surveyor & inspector of nuisances to the loce
Dare Charles, apartment!!, Rose cottage board, Newtown
Dare Harriet (Miss), shopkeeper, Old Fore street Lilley Henry Eden, coal & timber mer. see Mi1ler & Lilley
Literary & Debating Society (H. B. Penberthy, hon. sec.}, Russell Caroline (Mrs.), bakel' & confectioner, New street
Market place Russell George Harris, confectioner, Fore street
London & South Western Bank Limited (branch) (W. J. D. Russell James, apartments, 3 Clifton place
W hitaker, manager), Temple house; draw on head office, Russell John, confectioner, Fore street
170 Fenchurch street, London E c Salter Mary Jane & Emma (Misses), apartments, 3 Denby pl
McLeod Harry, greengrocer, High street Salter John Hayman, chimney sweeper, Eastern town
1\lcLeod William, boot maker, Russell street Sanders Frederick Charles, plumber & gasfitter, Church st
)1acpherson George Wilson, professor of music, Villa Verde Sanders Thomas, cabinet maker, Old Fore street
Maeer Albert, butcher, Old Fore street Searle Sarah (Miss), apartments, b Fortfield terrace
Maeer Charles Alfred, Commercial hotel, dairyman & coal Searle William, laundry, Mill street
dealer, !<'ore street Sellek Ellen (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, Fore street
Maeer Frederick, dairyman, High street Sellek Ellis Taylor, ironmonger, High street
Manor Hall & Theatre (W. H. Hastings), Station road Sellek Harry Francis, painter, Old Fore street
Market Hall (Samuel Warren, collector), Market place Sellek Henry Matthew, painter, Hjgh street
Marsh George, apartments, Kinellan Sellek Samuel Taylor (Mrs.), paperhanger, High street .
Martin Walter,gamekeeper to J.E.H.Balfouresq.Bickwell cot Sellek Waiter Francis, butcher, Fore street
Masonic Hall, High street Selley Henry, shoe maker, Temple street
May Henry, dairyman, Chapel street Selley Hubert, Ship inn, Old Fore street
Medhurst Robert Thomas, farmer, Temple villa Seward Simon Peter, bricklayer, Radway
Millen John Parfitt, Bedford family hotel, facing the sea; Shepherd Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 9 Jubilee terrace
public billiard rooms & private club rooms, Esplal' Sidbury, Sidmouth, Salcombe Regis & Branscombe .Agricul-
See advertisement tural Association (William Snell, of Sidbury, sec)
Miller & Lilley, corn & timber merchants, Esplanade Sidmouth Cricket & Lawn Tennis Club (T. Kennet-Were
Miller George, apartments, 7 Cambridge terrace esq. J.P. hon. sec.), Cotlands
Miller Noah, builder, SwiSs cottage Sidmouth Directory & Gt-neral Advertiser (C. Culverwell,
Mills James, apartments, 9 Forttield terrace proprietor; published 3rd & I 8th of each month), Forest
Mitchell Caroline (Mrs.), painter &furniture bro. Old Forest Sidmouth Football Club (H. S. Potbury, hon. sec)
Mitchell Frederick, glove manufacturer (leather), High st Sidmouth Gas Co. Limited (W. H. Hastings, sec. ; Thomas
Mitchell John, agent L. & S. W. Railway, Russell street Douglas, managing director), Esplanade
Moore Henry, watch maker, Old Fore street Sidmouth Golf Club (W. H. Hastings, hon. sec.), The
Mortimore Isaac John, tailor, Sid view Manor offices
Mortimore Joseph Sharland, tailor, Old Fore street Sidmouth Observer (Day Brothers, proprietors & printers;
Mortimore Theophilus, bill poster & town crier, Fore street published every wednesday), High street
Murray Rt. Cunningham, architect & survyr. Manor offices Sidmouth Railwa;)' Company l W. H. Hastings, sec.); regis-
National Life Boat Station (W. J. D. Whitaker, sec) tered office, The Manor office
Newcombe Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 5 The Myrtles Sidmouth, Sidbury & Salcombe Regis Horticultural Society
Newman James, stone mason & lapidary, Fortfield road (John Parfitt Millen, hon. sec)
Newton Ann (Miss), apartments, Fortfield plaee Sidmouth Water Company (W. H. Hastings, sec.); regis-
Newton Harry, Volunteer inn, Temple street tered office, The Manor office
Newton John, accountant, Fore street Sisterson Thos. clerk of works, Manor estate, All Saints' rd
Norris Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, I Prospect place Skinner Brothers, builders, Station road
Northcote John George, builder, Temple street Skinner James, cab proprietor, Church street
Opie John, outfitter, New street Skin11er James, j un. Anchor inn, Old Fore street
Orchard James Albert, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, Skinner Willia.m, coffee tavern, Fore street
see Radford & Orchard Slade Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Marine place
Orman Gilbert Edgar, hair dresser, Market; place Slade Louisa (Mrs.), laundry, 4 Jubilee terrace
Otton Francis, apartments, High street Smith George 'fhomas, apartments, Cambridge villas
Page Mary (Miss), apartments, 5 Fortfield terrace Smith So!Jhia (Mrs.), fisherman, Old Fore street
P<irker Nathaniel Wilkinson, manager Thomas Ford & Son, Smith James, grocer, Church street
Town brewery, Old Fore street Snell John William, hair dresser, High street
Parsons Edwin, shopkeeper, 5 Alma cottages 1 Social Club (The) (W. H. Hastings, hon. sec.), Esplanade
Passmore Richard, watch maker, High street Solman Elizabeth (lirs.), apartments, 4 Fortfield terrace
Paul Thomas, watch maker, Prospect cottage Solomon William James, boot maker, High street
Penberthy Henry Broad, chemist, 1\iarket place Spencer Sarah (Mrs.), bath chair proprietor, High street
Pepperell J ames, dairyman, Market place Spencer William, cab proprietor & greengrocer, Church st
P1dsley Geo. & Son, auctioneers & estate agents, Myrtle ho Squire John, baker & confectioner, Church street
Pile Allan, apartment'!, 7 Fortfield terrace Stamp Office (Mrs. Lucy Rainger, distributor), Post office
Pile Mary (Mrs.), dairy, Station road Steward of Sid mouthManor(W. H.Hastings), TheManor office
Podbury Sarah (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Lower Woolbrook Button & Co. carriers (Daniel Tedbury, agent), Fore street
Poole Emily (Miss), laundress, S.~lcombe road Symes George, apartments, 2 Denby place
Poole John, cab proprietor, Salcombe road Symes William Charles, grocer & provision merchant ; con-
Poole Sarah Ann (Mrs.), engineer & iron founder, Newtown ducted on the Co-operative system at cash prices, The
Potbury J<'rederick John, auctioneer, High street Bristol Supply Stores, Market place
Potbury John, cabinet maker & upholsterer, High street Taylor Henry Havelock, beer retailer & builder, Russell st
Price William Henry, shopkeeper, Landpart Tedbury Daniel, dairyman Fore street
Prince & Vincent, bakers, High street Tighe Isabella (Miss), apartments, 6 Cambridge terrace
Pring James, boot & shoe maker, Landpart T1lke George John, Royal London family & commercial
Prout William (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Marlborough place hotel & posting house ; large assembly room, 52 by 32
Pullin & Son, surgeons, High street feet, for balls, concerts, theatrical performances &c. Forest
Pullin Bingley Gibbes L •.R.C.P.LOnd. see Pullin & Son Trick John, fishmonger, Fore street
Pullin Thomas HenryStockerM.D., F.R.C.s.Edin. surgeon, & Trounce Samuel Phillips, manager Devon & Cornwall Bank,
medical officer of health, Sidmouth, admiralty surgeon & Osborne house, High street
agent, & certiticated factory surgeon & examining surgeon Trump William, grocer, Fore street
army recruits, High street Tuck George, laundry, Temple street
Purcell Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, High street Tucker Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Jubilee cottage
Radford & Orchard, solicitors, Hope cottage Tucker Richard, carpenter, Eastern town
Radford Emma (Miss), honiton lace maker, Fore street Turner George, builder, Ra1lway meadow
Radford Harry Cole, beer retailer, East street Turner George, painter, High street
Radford John George Galloway M.A. (firm, Radford & Uglow Nicholas John, watch & clock maker, Fore street
Orchard), solicitor & perpetual commissioner for taking Underdown Thomas, florist & fruiterer, Fore street
acknowledgments, commissioner to administer oaths & Valiance George, brewer, Temple street
clerk to the local & burial boards, Hope cottage Vincent .Amelia (Miss), baker, see Prince & Vincent
Rainger Lucy (Mrs.), stamp distributor, Post office, Fore st Volunteer Battalion (3rd) Devonshire Regiment (B Co.)
Rawle James, apartments, 4 York terrace (Captain J. A. Orchard, commander; George Henry
Reader Ellen (Miss), apartments, I Denby place Valiance & Samuel Phillips Trounce, lieutenants; Color-
Religious Tract Society Depot (Day Brothers), High street Sergeant, James Skinner); head quarters, Town ball
Richards Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Eastern town Wallis Peter, coal dealer, Station road
Roberts Waiter Thomas, apartments, Salcombe villa Ware Susan & Eva (Misses), drapers & grocers, High street
Robertson Danl. Lightfoot, tobacconist &fancy repos. Fore st ·warren Alfred, apartments, 3 York terrace
Rogers Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Fortfield place Warren Samuel, pork butcher, New street
Row Henry, apartments, 5 Clifton place Water Works (.Abraham Lake, manager), Old Fore street
Rowland William, farmer, Higher Hickwell Wattley Richard & Son, builders, Sid road
Wattley John, chimney sweeper, Stanley place Whitton John, butcher, Fore street
Wattley William George, chimney sweeper, Sid terrace. Wilson Alfred, aparts. & collector to local board, 6 York ter
Weeks John, boot maker, Old Fore street Wilson John Edward, accountant, 9 Cambridge terrace
West of England Sack Hiring Co. (J. W. Halse, agent), Wood Alfred (Mrs.), apartments, Barrington villa
Railway station . Wood Elizabeth {Mrs.), lace makel', Fore street
Wheaton Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, Church street Wood Jacob, basket maker, High street
Whitaker William John D. manager of London & South Wright William Robert M.R.c.v.s. vet. surgeon, Landpart
Western Bank & treasurer to the local board, Temple ho Young Men's Christian Association (T•. R. H. Sanders, hon.
White Lilian(Miss),private schl. (boys&girls ), 1Cambridge ter sec.), High street
Wllliams Llewelyn Leonard Bulkeley M.B., c.M. physician, Young Women's Christian Association & Reading Room
Hillsdon (Miss L. Acraman, sec.), liigh street
SILVERTON is a parish and village, anciently a market 2 April, 1845, when the title became extinct: the mansion,
town, near the rivers Exe and Culme, witb a station on the a large building in the classic style, backed by handsome
main line of the Great Western railway from Taunton to valuable trees and shrubs, is at present unoccupied; there
Exeter, 2 miles south-east from the village, with Upexe and are fine and extecsive grounds and gardens. William
Silverton station on the Exe valley branch of the Great Wyndham esq. J. P., D.L. of Dinton House, Salisbury, is
Western railway from Exeter to Dulverton about three lord of the manor and chief landowner ; the following
quarters of a mile west from the village, 8 north-east from also have property in the parish-Charles Arthur Williams
Exeter, 7 south from Tiverton, si south-west from Cul- Troyte esq. D.L., J.P. of Huntsham Court, Bampton;
lompton and 171}- miles from London, in the North Eastern Right Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke-Acland hart P.c. of Killerton,
division of the county, Hayridge hundred, Cullompton Exeter; Charles Robert Collins esq. J.P. of Strathculm,
petty sessional division, Tiverton union and county court Hele; Alexander Macartney Read esq. and the Hon. W. F.
district, rural deanery of East Tiverton and archdeaconry D. Smith M.P. The soil is loamy; subsoil, gravel. The
and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Mary is an chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The acreage is
ancient building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consist- 4,714; rateable value, £10,362 ; the population in 1891
ing of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a westel'n was 1,225.
tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells: tbere LEASE is a hamlet, about 2 miles east-south-east from the
are 495 sittings: in the churchyard are the mutilated
remains of a cross. The registel' dates from the year 1626. Sexton, Samuel Selly.
The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £122,
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
gross yearly value £952, with 89 acres of· glebe and William Henry Oliver, sub-postmaster. Letters from
residence, in the gift of William Wyndham esq. J.P., D.L.
Cullompton aiTive at 7·5 a.m. & 4·35 p.m.; dispatched
and the Hon. W. F. D. Smith M.P. and held since 1866 by
at 10.45 a.m. & 7 p.m
the Rev. Henry Fox Strangways M.A. of Wadham College,
Oxford. Here is a Wesleyan Refol'm chapel. The charities, ScuooLs : -
producing £r25 yearly, are distributed in money and kind. Endowed (boys), rebuilt in 1858 & endowed with £120
'Ihe Silverton paper mills of Messrs. Reed and Smith yearly, for boys born & resident in the parish; the
employ about 170 persons. Two fairs are held, on the school will hold roo boys; average attendance, 75; John
second Thursday in Febl'nary and on the first Thursday in Fallon, master ·
July, yearly. The :Manor Audit Rooms are the property of National (girls & infants), for 120; average attendance,
William Wyndham esq. and are used for the purposes of 103; Mrs. Lucy Fallon, mistress
the estate and as a club and reading room. Silverton Park, Railway Station, Roger Langdon, station mastel'
about 190 acres irt extent, late the property of the trustees CARRIER TO ExETER.-Benjamin Thomas, mon. tues. wed.
of George Francis, 4th and last Earl of Egremont, who died fri. & sat · •
PRIVATE RKSIDENTS. Dennis Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, Puddicombe Edward Leonaro L.R.C.P.
Chamberlain Miss Welsh cottage Lond. surgeon, & medical officer,
Gaines Miss, Tiverton cottage Dewdney Robt.May,fal'mel', Poundsland Rewe district, St. Thomas union &
Haz:eldine J jbn · Dymond John, road contractor Silverton district, Tiverton union
May Mrs. Rose cottage Elsworthy Harry, tailor Rawle William M.R.c.v.s. vet. surgeon
Miller Mrs Farmer Christopher, farmer, Dunsmore Rawles Harriet (Mrs.), dairy
Moore 'l'homas Fewing John. dairyman, Keans ReadWm.Macartney,frmr.Livingshayes
PnddicomheEdwd.Leonard, ThePoplars Frost Chas. John, baker & beer retailer Reed&Smith,pa.per mnfrs.Silvel'ton mls
Rew Charles Frederick, Hayne house Frost Robt. farmer & butcher, tsymonds Rew Chas. Fredk. corn & seed merchnt
Rice James, High Bullen Gibbet John, tailor Reynolds Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher
Savery John Pasmore Haydon Robert, farm bailiff to Henry Saunders James, cowkeeper
Sa.very Miss Francis Holman esq. Overleigh Sannders John, dairyman, Balls
Sillifant Arth. Onslow J. P. Stockwell ho Heard Wtlliam, farmer, Low. Dorweek Short Geo. & Son, Lamb inn, & builders
Strangways Rev. Hy. Fox M.A. Rectory Higgins Christian (Mrs.), ladies' school, Skinner Thomas, thatcher
Webber Charles, Church house Berry villa SmithCharlesKing,paper manufacturer,
Webber Thomas, Ford Hill Mark Sidney, farmer, Underleigh see Reed & Smith
Wilson WilliamAlexander, The Laurels Hogg Philip, machinist Star Coffee Tavern (Thos. Walland,sec)
Holly Thomas, dairyman, Southcombe Stone Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer & baker
COMMERCIAL. Hutchings Henry, farm bailiff to T. Symons George, auctioneer, see Web·
Abrams John, gardener to William Webber esq. Ford her & Symons
Wyndham esq. Silvertonpark James William, New inn Taylor William, farmer, Greenslinch
Thomas Benjamin, seed merchant &
Andrews Mary Ann (Miss), milliner & Jennings Frank Horace, saddler
carrier & assistant overseer
dress maker Kemble James, farmer, Worth
Ball Nicholas, miller (water), Burn- Leo Wm. Mortimore, farmer, Leigh frm Thomas Solomon, insurance agent
water mill Marsh Clement, boot & shoe maker Tremlett Frederick, tailor
Ballman William, farmer, Land Medland Richd.farmer,Penstone&Yard Tremlett Robert, agricultural imple-
Batting Edward, farmer, Great & Little Medland William, farmer, Outer Yard ment maker & ironmonger
Dorweek, Hayne & Keenes farms Middleton James, farmer, Pound Tremlett Sidney, Three Tuns P.H. &
.Bending John, painter & glazier Milford William, boot & shoe maker blacksmith
Bere Charles, farmer, Newcourt Morris Richard John, Ruff well inn Tucker Peter, fal'mer, Yard downs
Walland Edward, farmer, Moorland
Berry Robert & Son, wheelwrights Nix John Madge, farmer, Ravenshayes Walland Thomas, accountant & assessor
Berry John, wheelwright Oliver Fanny (Mrs.), laundress & Queen's taxes, Westeria house
Warren John,frmr.Silverton Park farm
Bowerman Thomas, boot & shoe maker Palmer John, baker & coal dealer
Bridgman Thomas, baker & grocer Pearcey John, farmer, Great Pitt
Channing William, farmer, Ash Perratt Robert, grocer & draper Webber & Symons, auctioneers; stock
sales, Exeter market, fridays; Hele
Conservative Working Men's Club Pitt John, farmer, Hayne farm
(Thomas Walland, sec) Pitts Mary (Mrs.) & Son, farmers, station, 3rd monday in month
Cooksley Eliza (Mrs.), laundress
Hayne farm Webber Jane & Ann (Misses), dress mas
Dart Thomas, farmer, Yalton farm Potter Samuel, shopkeeper WebberThos.farmer & auctioneer, Foro
Da-rey Robel't, shopkeeper
Davis Edward, jobbing gardener Pridham Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Western John, cooper, Exeter road
Pridham William, butcher WheatonAlbt.Hy.flock mnfr.Pounds ml
SLAPTON is a parish and village on the shore of Start county, Coleridge hundred, Stanborough and Coleridge
bay, 8 miles south-west from Kingswear station on the petty sessional division, Kingsbridge union and county coul't
Da.rtmouth branch of the Great Western railway, Si south- district, rural deanery of Woodleigh, archdeaconry of Totnes
west from Dartmouth, 7 east from Kingsbridge and 12 and diocese of Exeter. The church of James the Greatel'
south-east from Totnes, in the Southern division of the 1 is an edifice of stone in the Late Decorated and Early Per-
pendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aislest north the Allotments Act. The soil is loamy·~ the subsoil is
porch with parvise, and a western tower, with spire, contain- dunstone and clay slate. The chief crops are wheat, barley
ing 5 bells, all cast in 1775, except the tenor, cast by Mears and oats. The area is 3,074 acres of land and I 10 of water;
in 1858 ; the tower seems to have been much damaged in rateable ¥alue, £4,228 ; the population in 1891 was 6o3.
getting in the bells : there is a very fine carved oak screen : Sexton, Roger Hyne.
this church was anciently attached to a college, founded PosT 0FFICE.-John Pepperall, sub-postmaster. Letters
here in 1350 by Sir Guy De Brian kt. standard bearer to arrive from Kingsbridge. via Chillington, 9 a. m. ; dis-
Edward IlL and one of the first holders of the Order of the patched at 4.25 p.m. Torcross is tile nearest money
Garter; the gateway tower, So feet in height. remains: order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
there are soo sittings. The register of baptisms dates from but nvt paid
the year 1634; marriages, 1653; burmls, 1654. The living A School Board of 5 members was formed June 12, 1874;
is a vicarage, rent-charge £rs, net yearly value £137, Philip Roe Hockin, Dartmouth, clerk to the board; Albert
including 79 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Pepperell, attendance officer
Exeter, and held since 1885 by the Rev. Honyman George Board School (mixed), with residence for master, erected in
·warner M. A. of Worcester College, Oxford. The Brethren 1875, to hold roo children; average attendance, go; John
erected a chapel here in 1868. Poole, anciently the residence Clark, master
of the De Bryans, is now a farmhouse. J. and C. Kelland's CoNVEYANCE TO DARTMOUTH.-Coaches run from Dart-
charity of 18A. 2R. 22P. is for the education of 20 boys and mouth to Kingsbridge three times daily, calling at the
the support of a Sunday school. Sir Robert H. S. D. Lydston Sands hotel ; the first coach starts after the arrival of the
Newman bart. of Mamhead Park, Exeter; William Bastard, train, about 9.30 a.m.; there are also three coaches from
Mrs. Bastard, Thomas Hodge esq. Mrs. Tucker, Charles Kingsbridge to Dartmouth, the first leaving Kingsbridge
Tucker, Samuel Foale esq. 1\Iaj.-Gen. George Baret Stokes at 8.30 a. m
and The Misses Bastard are chief landowners. A plot of CARRIERS TO DARTMOUTH.-John Lee & A. Efford, tues. &
ground, comprising 6 acres, is let to about 30 tenants under fri. ; & to Kingsbridge, wed. & sat. alt
Arundel Mrs. St. Leonards Dowse Joseph, Royal Sands family Pepperell Edwin Thomas, shoe maker
Bastard Misses, Prospect house hotel & posting house Pepperell John, butcher
Bastard Mrs. Oakhill house Fairweather By. landowner & farmer, Pepperell John, shoe maker, Post office
Champneys Mrs. Rose hill Lower Coltscombe Popplestone Henry, tailor, Vine cottage
Douglas Charles N. Myrtle cottage Fairweather Wm. Hy. farmr. Startfrm Smale John, farmer, Easter grounds
Eales Thomas, Mingo cottage Furze John, •rower inn · Soper Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Torr
Hodge Thomas, Carr Lane house Gilbard Samuel, farmer, Soutbgrounds Soper Jas. Hunt, farmer, Sloutt~ farm
Stokes Maj.·Gen. Geo. Baret,ThePriory Harris Edwin, farmer, Loworthy Soper John, painter &c
Tucker Mrs. l:ltart house Harwood Thomas,miller (water),Lower Soper John Henry, shopkeeper
Warner Rev. Honyman George M.A. North mill Soper Samuel, farmer, Dereswell
[vicar], Magnolia co.ttage Hyne Roger, blacksmith & overseer Stentiford John, farmer, Dittiscombe
Wyatt Mrs. Ivy cottage Jarvis James Henry, farmer, Scarswell Tope Henry, farmer, Pool
COMMERCIAL. Jarvis Wm. farmer, Lower Heathfield Tucker Bryan, farmer, Clovelly
Andrews John H. farmer, Pittiford Jeffrey Philip, baker Tucker Charles, farmer, Blackland
Bastard William, landowner & farmer, Jury William, Queen's Arms P.H Tucker George, miller (water), Dear-
Higher Coltscombe Lambert John, shoe maker bridge mill
Ilowles Joseph, carpenter Lee James, grocer & draper Tucker Jn. C. farmer, Higher Merrifield
ChampneysChs.Tbornton,surgn.Rose hi Lethbridge Albert Edward, farmer, Tuckerman Robert Henry, cowkeeper
Clemo George, farmer, Carr lane Higher Heathfield Wakeham Jas.l<mdowner& frmr..A.lston.
Coyte Sidney, farm bailiff to Mr. Thos. Lewis Samuel, carpenter Wakeham John, farmer, Newton
H. Helmer, Buckland Luscombe Robert, basket maker White Edmd. farmer, Hankersknowle
DowningJoseph, tailor Mitchelmore George, basket maker White John, blacksmith
Downing Robert, shopkeeper Mitchelmore William, shopkeeper
SOURTON is a scattered village and parish on the road Marle B.A. of Balliol College, Oxford, who resides at Oke-
from Okehampton to Tavistock, 2 miles north from Bride- hampton. A new Wesleyan Methodist chapel was erected
stowe station on the main line of the London and South here in 1892, and there is also a Baptist chapel. In the
Western railway and 4t south-west from Okehampton, in neighbourhood there are lime quarries. The land is all
the Western division of the county, Lifton hundred and freehold. The principal landowners are Vincent Waldo
pett-y sessional division, Okehampton union and county court Calmady Hamlyn esq. M.A., .1.P. of Leawood, Bridestowe ;
adistrict, rural deanery of Okehampton, archdeaconry of John Gubbings Newton esq. of Millaton, Bridestowe; the
Totnes and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Thomas trustees of the late Mrs. Ashford, the trustees of the late
Becket is a building of granite in the Decorated and Perpen- V.enerable Henry Woollcombe M. A. archdeacon of Barnstaple
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, and Simon Peter Brendon Newcombe esq. of Okehampton.
north aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower The soil is clay and marl ; subsoil, shale. The chief crops
with pinnacles, containing 5 bells, all cast in 1776 : the are wheat, barley and oats ; a large portion of the land is
church was thoroughly restored in r88I by the late S. C. pasture. The acreage is 4,266; rateable value, £21768;
Hamlyn esq. of Leawood, Bridestowe: there are 150 sittings. the population in 1891 was 448.
The register dates from the year 1722. The living, for- Sexton, John Brock.
merly a chapelry umted to the rectory of Bridestowe, was Letters through Bridestowe R.S.O. North Devon; delivery
made an independent vicarage in r88g, tithe rent-charge commences 9 a. m. Okehampton is the nearest money
£215, average £rgs, net yearly value £237, in the gift of order & telegraph office
the Bishop of Exeter, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Wm. The children of this place attend the school at Bridestowe
COMMERCIAL. 1 Daw John, manager to Messrs. Palmer Northcott Wm. farmer, Higher Worden
Alford Robert, farmer, Ball & Crocker, Lime quarries Pellow Richard, farmer, Hursdon .
Alien Edward, farmer, Westcombe Dennis John, farmer, Knowle Pellow William, farmer, Lake
Baker William, blacksmith, Thorndon Ellis Richard, coal dealer, Lake Reddaway Ernest, farmer, Prewley
Ball Thomas & Joseph, farmers, Higher Furse James John, farmer, Sleekers Voaden John, farme-r, Thorndon
Colavin · GloynRchd.,Jn.&Tbos.farmrs.Harveys Voaden Thomas, fanner, Satchetts
Ball Joseph, New inn, & farmer Gloyn Matthias, farmer, Hewton Voaden William, farmer, North Russell
Blatchford Waiter, farmer, Beat Down Horn William, farmer, Blatchford town Ward William, farmer, Luddon
Brealey William, farmer, Jordan Lavis Jn. farmr. Youldens, Southerleigh Worden George, wheelwright
Brook John, farmer, Cleaves NewcombeJn.farmer,EastLinnacombe Worden William, farmer, Green hill
Brook Joseph, farmer, Lillacrapp Northcott Jonas, farmer, Digaport YellandWm.Durant,farmr.LowerWeek
SOUTHLEIGH is a scattered village and parish, 4 and a vestry added, and the church was completely restored
miles from the sea coast, 3 west from Colyton station on in 188x-2 at the expense of the Gordon family, the bells
the Seaton branch of the London and South Western rail- being re-hung and a new one added; open benches were
way and 6 south-east from Houiton, in the Eastern division also substituted for the old sittings ; the restoration was
of the county, Colyton hundred, Honiton petty sessional effected at a cost of about £1,000: the east window is in
division, union and county court district, rural deanery of memory of Mrs. Edmonds: in the churchyard is a tomb,
Ottery and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. The church recently restored by the late Sir W. C. Trevelyan bart. to
of St. Laurence is an ancient building of flint, consisting Henry Willoughby~ ob. Sept. 28, 16r6, which bears the arms
of chancel, nave, south aisle, added in t82I, south porch of that family at one end : there are r6o sittings. The
and an embattled western tower containing 4 bells; in register dates from the year 1718, The living is a rectory,
the chancel is a monument in the Ionic style to Robert tithes commuted at £22f, gross, with residence, and glebe of
Drake, of Wiscombe, ob. March 30, I6oo, with inscription 34 acres, in the gift of William Edmonds esq. and held since
and five shields of arms: the chaneel was rebuilt in 1854 1891 by the Rev Charles Faulkner Buckley B,.A.. of Durham
University. There are charities of a.bout n guineas annual barley, oats, roots and pasture. Under the u Divided
yalue, which sum is expended in clothing and bread for the Parishes Act " the acreage of the parish has been increased
poor at Christmas, and aid to the Sunday school. About a and is now 2,579; rateable value, /,2,188 ; the population
mile from the village are the ruins of a Roman encampment, of the new parish in 1891 was 257, and of the ecclesiastical·
called" Blackbury Castle." Wiscmnbe Park is the seat of parish and the old parish 221.
William Edmonds esq. J.P. i the mansion is of flint and Beer PoST "{)FFICE.-William Mutter, sub-postmaster. Letters
stone, in the Gothic style, very beautifully situated in a park through Axminster, via Colyton, delivered at 8 a.m. ;
of about 6o acres, one mile west of the village, and sur· dispatched -at 7·55 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. week days only.
rounded by magnificent woodlands of about 300 a.crei in The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Colyton.
extent. William Edmonds esq. who is lord of the manor, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Sir William Edmund Pole bart. M.A. of Shute House, Ax- A School Board of 5 members was formed Dec. xB, · 1874;
minster; the Hon. Mark George Kerr Rolle D.L., J.P. of Albert Edwards, Colyton, clerk to the board
Bicton, and the Misses Outhwaite are the chief landowners. Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 6o children; aver-
The soil is mixed; subsoil, marl. The crops. are wheat, age attendance, 38
BuckleyRev.Chas.FaulknerB.A.Rectory Cox Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Higher Wis- Newbery Waiter, farmer, Morganhayes
Edmonds William J.P. Wiscombe park combe Newbery Waiter, farmer, Stockham
COMMERCIAL. Durbin Seth, farmer, Moorplash Pearcy Thomas, farmer, Borcombe
Ashford William, dairyman, Rye Errish Elliott William, farmer, Long Chimney Randell Thos. farmer, Virtues Vineyard
Batstone Clement,frmr. Little Waddon FarmerEli,frmr.Tottishay&RyeErrish Reed Thomas, farmer, Little farm
Bishop Noah, farmer, Pookhayne Fey Mark, blacksmtth Selway Benj.road contractor,Littletown
BrinmacombeJn.farmer,Lees&Turners Gosling John, Three Horseshoes P.H Summers Hobert, farmer, Hornshayne
Carter Roger, farmer, Whitmoor Lee Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Thomas Reginald, farmer, Weekshayne
Clarke Jabez, farmer, Lovehayne Milton William, farmer, Customs pit Turner Matthew, farrr..el', Scruel Barton
Cox John, farmer, Gays cottage Mutter Wm.frmr.& carpentr.Post office Wakley William, mason, Records place
SOWTON, otherwise CLYST FouNSON, is a parish and· Bishop's Court, the seat of Lieut.-Col. John Arthur Thomas
village on the river Clyst, 1;! miles south from Pinhoe station Garratt J. P. master of the East Devon Foxhounds, was for-
on the main line of the London and South Western railway merly an episcopal residence of the Bishops of Exeter: it
and 4 east from Exeter, in the Eastern division of the county, was extensively altered and improved about 1863. Lieut.-
Wonford hundred, Woodbury petty sessional division, St. Col. Garratt is lord of the manor and chief landowner.
Thomas' union, county court district of Exeter, rural deanery The soil is sandy ; subsoil, red sand. The crops are corn
of Aylesbeare, and archdeaconry' and diocese of Exeter. The and pasturage, nearly equal. The area is 1,094 acres; rate-
church of St. Michaelis an edifice of stone irt the Decorated able value, £3,904; the population in 1891 was 450.
style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and Under the" Divided Parishes Act of 1885" a porti0n of
an embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing a clock the parish of Farringdon, containing Bishop's Court, to the
and 8 bells, 11ll cast in 1845 : there are some good stained 1 extent of 567 acres, was added to this parish.
windows and a stone pulpit adorned with figures representing Parish Clerk, vacant.
the four evangelists: the church was rebuilt of Heavitree Letters through Exeter, arrive at 6.30 a. m. Clyst Honiton
stone in x8..J.S1 at the sole expense of the late Alderman John is the nearest money order & Pinhoe the nearest telegraph
Garratt, from designs by Mr. Hayward, architect, of Exeter: office
there are 300 sittings. The register dates from the year xs6o. W.ALL Box cleared at 7.25 p.m. week days only
The living is a rectory, including the tithing of Bishop's Clyst, Parochial School (mixed), erected in I 86g, for 52 children ;
average tithe rent-charge £2or, net yearly value £194, with average attendance, 32; with an endowment of £3 xss.
residence and 17 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of bequeathed by Thomas Weares in 1691 for the free
Exeter, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Samuel Thomas education of five children, & otherwise principally sup-
Serle. Here are charities of about £ro yearly value. ported by Lieut.-Col.Garratt; Miss KateWeekes,mistress
[For names in the parish of Clyst, see Cl.yst Bright & White, market gardeners, Kenshole William, farmer, Little Moor
Virginia cottage Pidsley Arth.Jn.farmer, Sowton Barton
St. Mary.) Pidsley Richard, farmer, Middle moor
Burgoin Hy. farmer, Dymonds farm Sanders Frank, dairyman, Barton dairy
Elston Mrs. Rose cottage BurgoinJas.fmr.&corn factor,Moor farm Sparks Hy. brick & tile manufacturer
Garratt Lieut.-Col. John Arthur Thos. Carter Robert, dairyman, Coxes dairy Sparks John, farmer
Caswill Robert, dairyman, Stars dairy Stark Mark, Cat & Fiddle P.H
J.P., M.E'.H. Bishop's court Crook William, colt trainer
Pidsley Richard, Middle Moor Froom Henry, farmer, Ivington farm Walland Richard, Half Moon P.H
Serle Rev. Samuel Thomas, Rectory FroomWtlliamThos.farmer, Venns farm White Robert, market gardener, see-
COMMERCIAL. Heywood Wait. farmer, Newhouse frm Bright & White
Bolt John, nurseryman Holman Wm.marketgardener,Quarries
BriceMrs. Mary, dairy, Dymonds dairy
SPARKWELL is a hamlet 3 miles east-by-north from of half an acre was given by the Woollcombe family in x888.
Plympton, and, together with the hamlets of LEE MILL Beechwood, the property of Lord Seaton, is now occupied by
BRIDGE, VENTON, HEMERDON and BoTTLE HlLL, was formed Capt. J. H. BainbridgeR.N. Goodamoor is the seat of Maj.•
into an ecclesiastical parish from Plympton St. Mary ci:vil Gen. P. W. Phillipps-'freby a.P. ; Blacklands, of Capt. W. A.
parish August xs, 1884; it is in the Southern division of the Conran J.P. and Hemerdon House, of the Rev. G. L. Wooll-
couuty,Plympton hundred and union,Ermington and Plymp- combe M..A. LEE MILL BRIDGE has a bridge across the
ton petty sessional division, East Stonehouse county court river Yealm. 'fhe population in 1891 was 954·
district. rural deanery of Plympton, archdeaconry of Totnes PosT,M.O.& T.O.,S.H.& Annuity& Insurance Office.-Josiab
and diocese of Exeter. The church of All Saints, erected in Nelder, sub-postmaster. Lettersre<'.eived through Plymp-
1859, at a cost of £x, 169, is an edifice of stone, consisting of ton at 7.30 a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched,7.40 a. m. &5.30 p.m
chancel, nave and south transept: a chancel and other screens W.ALL LETTER BoxEs.-Hemerdon, cleared at 6 p. m. & Lee
were added in x887 by public subscription : there are 224 Mill Bridge, cleared at 7 a.m. week days only
sittings. The register dates from the year !872. The living SCHOOLS:-
is a vicarage, gross yearly value J.,3oo (paid by the Ecclesi- Sparkwell (mixed), for 130 children; average attendance,
astical Commissioners), in the gift of the Dean and Chapter 90; James Lean, master
of Windsor, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Pendel' Hodge Lee Mill (mixed), built in x875, for 70 children ; average
Cudlip M •.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. A burial ground 1 attendance, 66 ; Miss Nicholls, mistress
Sparkwell. Honey William, farmer, Rogers farm Waycott Richard, farmer & traction
Bainbridge Capt. John Hugh R.N. Hoskin Will~am, farmer, Lang~ge farm engine proprietor, Smithaleigh
Beechwood Jarman Ehas, Lyneham Inn, Old Wootton Hichard, farmer, Ley farm
Conran Capt. WilliamAdamJ.P. Black- Exeter road Venton.
lands , Kingwell John, farmer, Langage farm
Kingwell William, farmer
Cndlip Rev. Pender Hodge M. A.Vicarage Kingwell Samuel, farmer, Moor farm Mudge Robert, farmer
Ma.tthews Robt Edwin Ernest Furzdon Marshall Cbas. farmer,Applethornslade Pearae Charles, farmer, Venton farm
Phillipps-Treby Major-Gen. P~ul Wins- Sanders Richard, farmer, Great Steart
:May William Thos. farmer, Baccamore
Nelder William, carpente~
loe l.P. (late R ..A.), Goodamoor . Bottle HilL
Paige Robt. Hy. farmer, Challonsle1gh
Parscns John, farmer, Smithaleigh Luscombe John, farmer, Lobb farm
Abbott Philip,farmer, Spurham Roberts Hugh, farm bailiff to Capt. J. Luscombe Philip, farmer, .Bude farm
Cockrem Samuel, farmer, Voss farm H. J3a.inbridge, Beechwood farm Moore l<'raneis, farmer, Windwhistle
Dewdney Charles, farmer, Holland Sampson Edward, farmer,Smallhanger Hemerdon.
Foreman Lionel, boot & shoe maker , Sandover James, blacksmith
Gardener Alex. farmer, Houndall farm Sandover John, 'l'reby Arms inn Nicbolls John, Galva.
Honey ,Richard, farmer, Battisford frm Sandorer William, shopkeeper & farmr Olver John
Woollcombe Rev. George Ley u.A. Perry Richard, farm bailiff to George .Anderson .Amanda Elizabeth (Mrs.),
Hemerdon house A. Ley Woollcombe esq. u.A. Sher- shopkeeper
11\'oollcombe George Arthur Ley u.A. well farm Coombs Waiter, wheelwright
Hemerdon house Rowe Richard Holman Francis & Son, paper manu-
Haskell Henry, farmer, BI"immage frm Lea Mill Bridge. facturers & farmers
Honey Edwin, beer retailer Horton Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
.Nicholls J. & Co. china clay manufac- [Letters received through Ivybridge.] Kingwell Samuel, hay dealer &c
turers, Hemerdon clay works. See Spooner John Dawson, Chokeford Turpin Bros. farmers, Hitchcombe
advertisement Abbott Alfred J. Smiths' Arms P.H Vine Thomas, Lee Mill Bridge P.H
()h·er John, china clay merchant .Abbott Phillip, blacksmith
S PREYTON is a parish and village, between the rivers of the Rev. William Blake Doveton M.A. vicar of Corston,
Teign and Taw, 3 miles south-west-by-south from Bow and and held since 1885 by the H.ev. Henry Pearce Knapton lii.A,
5 miles south-east from North Tawton stations on the main of Queens' College, Cambridge, and rector of the adjoining
line of the London and South Western railway and 8 east parish of Hittefleigh. Here is a Bible Christianchapel,erected
from Okehampton, in the Mid division of the county, Won- in I88o, and seating Ioo people. The charities, of £II 8s.
ford hundred, Crockernwell petty sessional division, Oke- yearly value, are distnbuted to the poor yearly at Lady Day.
hampton union and county court district, rural deanery of The manor belonged in the reign of Henry II. to the Talbots,
Okehampton, archdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter, and went with their heir in that of Henry VI. to the Kellys;
The river Yeo rises in this parish. The church of St. Michael, John Cann esq. of Fuidge, and Mr. William Battershill, of
anciently belonging to Cowick Priory, near Exeter, is a Barton, purchased it of the last named; it now belongs to
plain building of stone of the Perpendicular period, erected George Lambert esq. u.P. of Coffins, in this parish, and of
in the time of Henry VI. and consisting of chancel, nave, Trayhills, Drewsteignton. W. J. Batter~hill esq. George
north aisle, separated from the nave by an arcade of five Cann esq. R. C. Hole esq. Torquay, Mrs. Skinner and the
arches, south porch and a lofty embattled western tower, trustees of the late S. Norrish esq. are the chief landowners.
with pinnacles, containing 5 bells, dated respectively, 1733, The soil is heavy; the subsoil clay. The chief crops are
1678, 1837, 1650 and 1726: the timber roof bears a long wheat, oats and barley. The acreage is 3,547; rateable
inscription in Latin by Henry le Mayne, priest and vicar of value, £2,204; the population in 1891 was 388.
Spreyton, who erected the roof in 1451 : in the church are Parish Clerk, Thomas Honeychurch.
memorials of Thomas Hore esq. of Lympton, 1746, and John PosT OFFICE.-John Hill, sub-postmaster. Letters through
Cann, gent. 1767: the church belonged to the Abbey and Bow R·"~-'·0 . North Devon, arr1·ve at 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.;
Com·entof Tavistock; the impropriation and advowson were dispatched at 8. 15 p.m. & r5a.i3l 0wapy. ms t.a t iBo nowt hies the nearest
money ord er office & Bow nearest tale-
granted to the Russell family ; the great tithes were sold by
-the Duke of Bedford to the landowners, and the advowson graph office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
tRoevth. ewR.eBv.. R. Holland, the late patron, who sold it to the
Doveton, the present patron, who was for five A School Board of 5 members was formed March 10, 1876 ;
years vicar of the parish: there are 220 sittings: at one end W. J. Battishill, Deanery place, Exeter, chairman & clerk
t'lf the churchyard is a lych gate, opening to a fine avenue of to the board
limes. The register dates from the year 1563. The living Board School (mixed), erected in 1861, & acquired by the
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £90, with 89 acres board in 1876; it holds 50 children; average attendance,
of glebe ; net yearly value £147, with residence, in the gift 48; Miss Julia Membury, mistress
BattishillMiss, Bush Davey John, thatcher Hutchings Joseph, farmer, South Beer
Heathman Mrs. North Beer Delve Samuel, mason Isaac William, butcher
Knapton Rev. Hy. Pearce M. A. Vicarage Drake Thomas, farmer Isaac Wm. White Hart P.H. & farmer
LambertGeorgeM.P.Coffins; & National Folley Robt. farmer, Spreyton wood Lovering Jn.Dennis,farmr.Horracombe
Liberal club,Whitehall pl.London sw Harvey John, carpenter ~Iadge William, farmer, Barton
Steele Perkins Alfred, Fuidge Hill Jn. shopkpr. & thatcher, Post office Osborn James, wheelwright
Hill Samuel, blacksmith Powlesland George, farmer, Heath
COMMERCIAL, Honeychurch Thos. tailor, Cramphay Rowe Wm. Squires, farmer, Nethercott
Baker John, farmer, Downhayes Hopkins William, shoe maker Sharland George, farmer, Bowbeer
Connibeer John, shopkeeper Howard John, machinist Webber Samuel, farmer
ST ARCROSS is a village, pleasantly seated on the river leigh is the seat of Rev. Edward Chatterton Orpen M,A. late
Exe, about rt miles from its mouth, and was formed De- rector of Bigbury. The Rev. the Earl of Devon M.A. is lord
cember 4, 1829, into an ecclesiastical parish from the civil of the manor and sole landowner. 'fhe chief crops are
parishes of Kenton and Dawlish; it hag a station on the wheat, barley and roots The soil is sandy; subsoil, yellow
South Devon section of the Great Western railway, 8 miles gravel. The area is 1,8oo acres. The population in 1891
south-east from Exeter 14 north from Dawlish and 202~ was 978, inclusive of inmates of the asylum. Under the
from London, in the North Eastern division of the county, "Divided Parishes Act, 1885," the ecclesiastical district of
Exminster hundred, Wonford petty sessional division, St. Cofton, including Cockwood, Middlewood, Westwood, East-
Thomas' nnion, Exeter county court district, rural deanery don, the Warren and Week, amounting to 739 acres, was
of Kenn, and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. The road taken from this parish and added to Dawlish.
from Exeter to Dawlish runs through the village, forming Parish Clerk, vacant.
its principal street, which is lighted with gas by the Star- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
· cross and Kenton Gas Light and Coke Co. Limited, estab- (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Devon
1ished in 1877 with a capital of £2,000. The church of St. added). Mrs. Eva Mills, sub-postmistress. Letters by
Paul, erected in 1828, is a large building of stone in the mail cart from Exeter arrive at 5·35 a.m.; 9.1 a.m. by
Norman st.yle, consisting of chancel, nave, north and west T.P.O. (to callers only) & 2.15 p.m. ; dispatched at 10.50
porches and a western turret containing a clock and 2 bells: a.m. ; 4.15 & 7.25 p.m. ; box closes at 7.10 p.m
the clock was erected in 1865 by the parishioners as a me- WALL LETTER BoxEs, Mount Pleasant, cleared at 8.25 a.m.
morial to the late Rev. William Powley, 32 years incumbent & 5·35 p.m. week days; sundays, a.3o a.m. ; Cofton,
here: the stained east window is a memorial to the Coles and cleared at 10.40 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ; sundays, 9·45 a. m.;
Ash families, 1828-52; and there are others to the Eales and Eastdon, cleared at 8 a. m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, 8 a. m
Bishop families 1856-8, and to Capt. Rose Henry Fuller R.N. THE WESTERN CouNTIES IDIOT AsYLUM.-The foundation
d. October 27, 186o: there are modern monuments to stone of this building was laid on April g, 1874, by Lady
the Rev. James Coles, Messrs. Richard and Charles Thomas .Anna Maria Courtenay; it is bnilt of grey limestone,
Eales and Capt. Sweetland, and sittings for upwards of 6oo relieved by dressings of buff brick & Bath stone, in the
persons, of which 350 are free. The register dates from the Early English style, & was opened in June, 1877; it
year 1828. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- consists of a central block with north & south wings, the
charge £145, net yearly value £210, with residence and central block comprising the administrative department
about si acres of glebe, in the gift of the Deans and Chapters & the residence of the superintendent; the northern wing
of Exeter and Salisbury alternately, and held since 1865 by is appropriated to boys & the southern to girls ; the dining
the Rev. Edward Copleston Bond u.A. of Exeter College, ball, a fine apartment, is 100 by 20 feet in area & contains
Oxford. The original parish charities amount to £22 an organ, the gift of friends of the children; considerable
yearly, m addition to whtch £soo stock was placed in the additions have lately (1893) been made to the buildings
hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1881, by the so that the asylum is now available for 140 boys & So
late Sir John Lewis Duntze hart. of Exeleigh (d. 1884-), for girls; the entire cost has exceeded £27,000; the institu-
the benefit of seven aged parishioners, regular attendants at tion is supported by the payments for the maintenance of
the church: there are al110 clubs for distributing dothing, the patients, augmented by voluntary contributions;
<'Oals and blankets to the poor. Here are two good hotels, Edgar Richard Senhouse Lipscomb L.R.C.P.LOnd. medical
• tbe Courtenay Arm.s" and Bazley's Railway hotel. A officer; William Locke, resident superintendent & sec. ;
pleasure fair is held on Whitsun Wednesday yearly. Exe- Thomas M. Snow, treasurer; Mrs. Locke, matron
- •
ScHOOL:- Miss Caroline Emma Towill, assistant mistress ; Mis~
Emma Bradford, infants' mistress
Board (formerly National) School, transferred to the Board Railway Station, Benjan1in Popplestone, station master
in r875, & an infants' school & master's residence erected CARRIERi TO ExETER.-James Arthur Anstey, every day
in I8J6, for I50 children; average attendance, 30 boys, 44 but thurs. returning the same day, from the •Bull;' &
Louis Carslake, every day, returning same day
girls & 53 infants ; William Passmore Towill, master ;
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bazley Henry, Railway hotel, & wine & Kenton district, St. Thomas union,
Anning Mrs. William spirit merchant; assi!!tant overseer & medical officer to the Western
Bishop Richard Preston, The Cottage & rate collector & agent West of Eng- Counties Idiot Asylum
Bissell James Broad, Elm court land Fire & Life insurance Locke Ernest William, clerk & store.-
Bowerman Henry H. jun. tailor keeper to the Asylum
Bond Rev. Edward Copleston M.A. Browning John, boot maker & china & Locke Willia.m, resident superintendent
[vicar], Beach house glass dealer & sec. Western Counties Idiot Asylum
Carslake Louis, carrier Mills Eva (Mrs.), stationer, Post office
Colley Mrs. Staplake Chown William, Ship inn, & butcher Maunder Albion, blacksmith
Cookson Henry, Re~ent house Coles John Bailey, builder, contractor, Morrish John, carpenter
Davey George carpenter & joiner & stone mason Morrish Louisa (Mrs.), grocer
Drew John Gould B.A. Northbrook ho Cowell Jasper, head attendant at the Parkhouse William, coal & manure mer
Asylum Popplestone Benjamin, station master
Garnsworthy Mrs Crispin John Edwin, baker & grocer Reynolds Walter, mason
Grace Edwin, Strand Cruse Henry, master mariner Rowe Frank, chemist, Strand
Hooper Reginald, Southbrook house
Lipscomb Edgar Richard Senhouse Diaper Hy. Alexander P.H. & coal dealer Rowe George, general dealer, Folly cot
Locke William
Mardon Miss, Grove villa
Orpen Rev. Edward Chatterton liLA. Drew Jn.Gould B.A.soltr.Northbrook ho Sercombe John, basket maker
Exeleig-h; & National Conservative Elliott James, blacksmith Shackell Mary Melita (Mrs.), draper
club, Pall mall, Londl•n Ferris James, cabinet maker Sheppard Robt. Ingram,boot & shoe ma
Pitt Mrs Fifield Mary (Mrs. ),dress maker, Strand ShoemackJn.jobbng.gardnr.r Rose cots
Preist Daniel Fletcher Emily (Mrs.), laundress Southwood John, butcher & farmer
Russell Vincent, Soho house Gale gardener, 2 Rose cots Starcross,Kenton& PowderhamCottage
Saunders Mrs GreensladeLouisa(Mrs.),refrshmnt.rms Garden Society (J. G. Drew, hon.sec)
Thomas Henry Drew, Staplake Mount Gribble Susan (Mrs.), apartments Venn Mary Arm & Elizabeth (Misses),
Tobin John O'Hare, Strand Hamerton Charles Wil!iam, Courtenay dr~tpers
Youlden William, Paryem \-Veeks Arms hotel Voysey Jessie Payne (Miss), dress ma
COMMERCIAL. Haydon William John, farmer, Staplake Westcott George Henry Palmer,market
Henton William Henry, wheelwright gardener, Southbrook gardens
Anning Henry, farmer, Tifferland Hollingsbee Rt. gardnr. to the Asylum Wtstern C0unties IdiotAsylum(Thomas
Anning William, farmer, Cofford farm Hooper Wm.Jas.grocer & cheesemonger M. Snow, treasurer ; Edgar Richard
Anning Tom Pitt, baker & grocer ; & Keen Ralph Morgan, organist of Cofton Senhouse Lipscomb L.R.C.P.LOnd.
at Heavitree Lipscomb Edgar Richard Senhouse medical officer; William Locke, resi-
Anning Richard, farmer, Venn bridg~ L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C. s.Eng. surgeon, dent supt. & sec. ; Mrs.Locke,matrn)
Anstey Jas. Arthur, carrier & thatcher medical officer & public vaccinator,
STAVERT ON is a large parish and village on the north 1 may be used for pnbiic meetings by permission of the vicar.
bank of the river Dart, at the south-eastern extremity of The parishioners have 15 acres of land and £no Reduced
the parish, with a station half a mile west from the village Annuities (formerly £roo Navy £5 per Cents.) and £24
on tbe Totnes and Ashburton branch of the Great Western rent of 14 acres of land derived from £zoo left by Edwa.rd
railway, about 3! miles north-west from Totnes, in the Mid Gould in 1735, together with 2os. a year out of Bottom
division of the county, hundred of Haytor, petty sessional Park: the Rev. Thomas Baker left £zoo for educating
division of Teignbridge, Totnes union and county court dis- and relieving the poor, which was in r8o2 invested in
trict, rural deanery and archdeaco:ury of Totnes and diocese £349 r5s. 4d. £3 per Cent. Consol~; out of the income
of Exeter. This parish rises boldly from the Dart valley, derived from this investment a sum of £8 is applied in
and is noted for the excellence of its cider; the river Dart, educating poor children, together with the dividends of
which affords excellent fishing, is crossed here by a bridge of £66 r3s. 4d. of the same stock, left by Thomas Bradridge
seven arches, built in 14I2-13, the bishop having ordered the in r8o5. The poor have also an annuity of £2, left by
archdeacon of Totnes to collect alms from the deaneries of Ip- William Gould in 1692, to be paid out of a tenement called
plepen, Moreton and Totnes for the rebuilding of the bridge, '' Wa.llaford," at Buckfastleigh, this amount being given in
then in a ruinous condition, and promising an indulgence of blankets to the poor. There are also r6 acres of land and the
40 days to the contributors,. The church of St. Paul is a interest of £r35, from £zoo left by Edward Bovey in I709-
large and ancient edifice of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, and £56 16s. 3d. given by Arthur Barnes in x86o to be dis-
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower contain- tributed at the discretion of the vicar. In the northern
ing 6 bells, of which the rst, 3rd and 4th were cast in 1761 part of the parish, about 2 miles south of Ashburton, are
by Thomas Bilbie; the 2nd and 6th were re-cast in r856; t-he Pen Recca slate quarries, which have been worked for-
the 5th dates from 1798 : the tower is in the Early English centuries, but are not at present used ; the slate yielded by
style, the western part of the nave Decorated and the east these quarries is found in immense blocks of a beautifui
end of the nave and part of the chancel Perpendicular : the sage-green and chocolate colour ; many of the farm-houses.
east window is stained and there are two other stained in the surrounding district have been roofed with it since the
windows, including one in the south wall, given by the late reign of James I. and in the reign of Charles I. Ashburtoll-
vicar in memory of his wife: in 1854 the chancel was partly church was also new roofed with. the same material. .At
restored in the Decorated style by the Rev. H. F. Atherley, Pridhamsleigh, in this parish, is a large and curious lime-
late vicar, and during the incumbency of the present vicar stone cavern. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are lords
the church has been entirely t'enovated at a cost of about of the manor of StaverLon and owners of more than half
£2,000: a richly carved reredos, copied from that in the the parish. Mr. John Maye is lord of the small manor of
cathedral of Freiburg, Baden, has been added, and a hand- Barkingdon, and the Baroness De Virte is owner of Prid-
some brass placed on the north wall in memory of the late hamsleigh ; there are also a few smaller free holders. Kings-
vicar: the nave has also been entirely refitted with open ton House, the residence of Mr. Robert Francis Rendell, is a.
seats and a new organ introduced: in the church is a monu- spacious building in the Queen Anne style, erected by John
ment to the Worth family, dated r6zo, and a screen of Row in 1743, and contains a very fine oak staircase and the
carved oak, which, by the liberality of a friend of the vicar, remains of a private domestic ch3.pel. The soil and·
has been admirably restored, at a. cost of nearly £r,ooo, subsoil varies. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats.
under the direction of Mr. F. Bligh Bond, architect, of and turnips and apples. The area is 5,051 acres; rateable
Bristol, and the carved work being executed by Mr. Harry value, [7,957; the population in x8gx was 676.
Hems, of Exeter : the restoration included the reconstruc- Sexton, John Peters.
tion of the ancient rood gallery: the screen was dedicated
PosT OFFICE.-:Miss Rosa Beer, sub-postmistr~s. Letters
9 June, x8gz. The register dates from the year r6x4. The arrive via Totnes, which is also the nearest money order
living is a vicarage, average yearly income from tithe rent- & telegraph office, at 7.30 a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; dispatched
charge £292, with residence and 3 acres of g~ebe, in the
gift of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, and held since r874 at 1.55 & 5.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but
by the Rev. John Bickley Hughes M. A. of Magdalen E:ollege, not paid
Oxford, rural dean of Totnes, and surrogate: the rectorial
tithes, commuted at £46o, belonged to the Dean and Chap- WALL LETTER Box, Staverton Bridge, cleared 2.5 & 5·40
ter of Exeter, but are now held by the Ecclesiastical Corn- P· m. week days only
missioners. At Wolstone Green is a Wesleyan chapel. ",The AMBROOK, a detached part of this parish, was annexed to
Court Room," built by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Broadhempstone, March zs, x88.t-.
SPARKWELL, 1! miles north-west, is a bamlet..-Letters ·stone in the Early Decorated style, consisting of chancel.
through Totnes, the nearest money order & telegraph office, nave, south aisle and a tower with spire at the east end of
arrive at 8.20. the aisle, containing one bell, dated 1851. The register
STRETCHFORD, 2 miles west, is a hamlet.-Letters through dates from the year 185I. The living is a vicarage, average
Buckfastleigh, the nearest money order & telegraph office. tithe rent-charge £r14, gross yearly income £250, with
WoLSTONE GREEN is a hamlet 2 miles north-west.-Let- residence, in the gift of the vicar of Staverton, and held
ters through Ashburton, the nearest money order & tele- since 1891 by the ·Rev. Edward Dearnley Smith B.A. of
graph office, arrive at about 9.30 a.m Durham University. The principal landowners are the
'VALL LETTER Box, at Vicarage, cleared at 4· 15 p.m Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The area is 2,500 acres; the
National School (mixed), with school house, built in 1875, population in 1891 was 250.
for 70 children ; average attendance, 35 ; Miss Stella Bexton, John Emmett.
Shinner, mistress Letters through Ashburton, which is the nearest money
Railway Station, Richard Tope, station master order & telegraph office, arrive at 9.30 a.m
Landscove, 2 miles north-west and the same distance
.south from Ashburton, is an ecclesiastieal parish, formed WALL LETTER Box at the Vicarage, cleared at 4.15 p.m.
March 26, 1852, from the civ1l parish of Staverton. The week days only
church of St. Matthew, near Wolstone Green, built in r85r, National School (mixed), built in rSss. for so children;
at a cost of about £310CJO, by Miss Champernowne, and sverage attendance, 46; George Harris, master; Mrs.
.-onsecrated September 27th in that year, is an edifice of Emily Harris, mistress
Sta.verton. MathewsRichd. C. &Sons, frmrs.Fursdon Landscove.
[Marked thus t receive letters through tPalk Wm. farmer, Lower Wash farm [Letters are received through .Ashburton
Buckfastleigh R.S.O.] Peters John, haulier, & lodging house R.S.O.]
Howden Ernest James, Goulds Rendell Robt.Fras.yeoman,Kingston ho Adams James, Landscove house
Downing Robert, Southford house Searle William. Henry, miller (water) Hewetson Thomas, Ware house (letters
Harris Thomas, Riverford
Hughes Rev. John Bickley H. A. [rector, & baker, Town mills through Buckfastleigh]
Shinner Hy.ChurchHouse inn,&carpntr Plummer Edmund
rural dean & surrogate], Rectory Winser John Taylor, tailor Smith Rev.Edwd. Dearnley B.A, [vicar]
Macqueen Col. Lachlan, Nelson house Sparkwell. COMMERCIAL.
Maye John, Barkingdon
tM:aye William Bennett, Abham Anthony Richard Wil1iam, farmer Baskerville John, farmer
Rendell Robert Francis, Kingston ho Bovey Robt. Michelmore,farmer,Badda•
• COMMERCIAL. ford [letters through Buckfastleigh
[Letters are received through Buckfast-
Ieigh R.S 0.]
tBarrington Fredk. farmer, Hole farm R.S.O]
Beer Rosa (Miss),shopkeeper, Post office Horswill Louis Philip, farmer Bradridge Hy. farmer, Pridhamsleigh
Bowden John & Son, millers (water), Shinner Edwin, farmer Crocker Sampson,carpenter&blacksmth
Bridge mill Wolstone Green. Chubb Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Woodend
Boyce Joseph, shoe maker Elliott Jeffery Scoble & Son, farmers,
[Letters are received thl'ough .Aahburton Sladesdown
French John, carpenter R.S.O.] ·
tGrute John Bowden, nurseryman & Elliott John, farmer, Penn
cider merchant, Bompston bridge Hyne John, farmer Hayward Richd. farmer, Blackler farm
Hill Hannah Maria & Son, farmers, Lowe Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hayward Thomas, farmer, Tidwell
Newtake farm Lowe John, carpenter He:x:t James, farmer, Hallswortby
Hill Edwin, wheelwright, Almshouse Mann Samuel, farmer, Beara Mann Arthur Edwd. farmer, Gullaford
Hill Jn. Thos.farmr. Mountbarton farm Potter John, blacksmith Perry John, farmer, Gul:well
tHoare John, farmer, Caddaford Rowe George Fox, boot & shoe maker, Savery William, farmer, High Bea.ra
tKinsman John C. tailor & Live & Let Live inn [letters through Buckfastlgh. B.S.O)
STOCKLAND is a large and scattered village and paril'h tion to the vicarage; and, accordingly, py a deed dated the
in a vale between the valleys of the Otter and Yarty and on r6th June, r688, he together with Rachel, his wife, as
the road from Honiton to Chard, 14 miles aouth from Taun- doweress, conveyed in fee simple the tithes so sold, together
ton, 6 north-east from Honiton, 6 north-west from Axminster with the entire advowson, to Richard falmer, Elias Booby
and 6 south-west from Chard, in the Eastern division of the alias Hearne, William Downing and Robert Liddon as trus-
county, Axminster hundred, petty sessional dlvision, union tees for the purchasers, and those trustees immediately after-
and county court district, rural deanery of Dunkeswell and wards, and in the same month, conveyed to each of the
Honiton, and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter This purchasers in fee simple his or her purchase share, but in
parish formerly belonged to Dorsetshire, but by the Bound- various instances it has become difficult, if not impossible, to
aries Act, 1831-2 (2 & 3 William IV. ·cap. 64), and the County deduce titles from those purchasers to their shares of the
Act, 1844 (7 & 8 Vict. cap. 61 ), it was annexed to Devonshire. advowson: the main cause of this probably is the few occasions
~rhe church of St. Michael is a building of stone, in the that have since occurred for exercising the rJght of patronage,
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south there having been but 5 vacancies in the vicarage between
porch and an embattled western tower, containing a clock r688 and 1846, at periods averaging about so years apart.
and 6 bells, dated 1663 : the stained east window was given The mode of electing the vicar is prescribed by the deed of
by the Rev. W. Turner, a former curate: the church was 16th June, 1688. The present vicar was presented by such
soo.-estored in 1888, at a cost of £66o, and affords sittings for of the freeholders entitled to the advowson as were able to
persons. Tha register dates from the year 1640. The prove their title ; on the previous avoidance of the vicarage
living is a vicarage, with the chapelry of Dalwood annexed, the presentation had lapsed to the bishop, owing to the free-
.a\·erage tithe rent-charge £448, joint net yearly value£103, holders not being prepared to prove their right within the
with glebe, value £35, and house, in the gift of the principal period of six months. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, There
landowners, and held since 1869 by the Rev. John Miles Cox are charities of about £85, arising from certain lands in the
• M. A. of Worcester College, Oxford. The patronage is vested parish. Here are t.wo grist mills. A stock fair is held
in certain of the freeholders under the following circum- yearly on the first Wednesday after the uth of June. On the
.stances :-The rectory and vicarage were anciently parts of estate at Broadhayes are the weli preserved remains of a
· -the possessions of the dissolved Llonastery of Milton, other- Danish camp. Richard Marker esq. n.L., J.P. of Combe,
wise Middleton, Dorset, which became vested in the Crown Honiton, who is lord of the manor, Mrs. Knight, of Broad-
'()n the dissolution of monasteries in the reign of Henry VIII. hayes. Mr. William George Michell, the trustees of •r. P.,
3nd on the ISt April, srd Edward VI. A.D. 1549· the said Eames esq. and William Paterson esq. are the chief land-
rectory and vicarage were by that monarch granted to owners. The soil is chiefly clay: the subsoil is marL The
William Perye, of Membury, Devon, and John Kyte, of chief crops are hay and corn, with some fine dairy and pasture
Stockland aforesaid, as joint tenants in fee simple, in con- land. ·The· area is 5,850 acres; rateable value, £6,779; the
sideration of £590 2s. 7!d.; from that period until the year population in 1891 was 821,
r688 no certain account of the ownership under that grant Sexton, Henry Turner.
can be given, but from the best accounts it would seem that
.John Kyte survived William Perye, and that by right of sur- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
vivorship incident to a joint tenancy he became sole owner, Samuel Pidgeon, sub-postmaster. Letters by foot post
and that the ownership subsequently passed from John Kyte from Honiton arrive at 9·30 a. m.; dispatched at 4.3op.m.
to his grandson, Thomas Kyte, who sold to 56 owners of The nearest telegraph office is at Yarcombe
lands in the parish the great or rectorial tithes of their res-
pective lands therein (but being himself an owner of lands in Nat.ional flchm;l (mixed), for 190 children; averagelattend-
the parish he reserved the great or rectorial tithes of them), ance, 85; Henry Vickery, master; Miss Amelia Kata
together with s!lares of the advowson anu right of presenta- , Strode, mistress
Black Waiter Shaw, Chasehayes French Albert, farmer, Millhays Rice William, Globe inn
Cox Rev. Jn.Miles M.A.[vicar],Vicarage French George, farmer, Witch farm Rockett Wm. farmer, Higher Sevington
Craigie John M.D. The Knoll . Fry Samuel, farmer, Higher farm Scott Frederick John, farmer & land-
Kite Mrs Hu~l Robert, farmer, Lower farm owner, Goren villa
Knight Mrs. Broadhayes Lane Joseph James, beer retailer! Honi- Seward James Newton,King'sAr~s J'.H
Michell William George, Hayne house wn road & farmer, Little Snodwell Sparks John, Rising Sun P.H
Paterson William, Thorn cottage, Ridge Lintell Richard, cheese factor Spiller B,obert, farmer, Trimhays
Smith Horace Marshal!, Ridge house Loveridge John, blacksmith, Ham Strawbridge Edward,farmr.Northdown
Welch Jerrard, Red lane Maddox Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, "llakehill StrawbridgeGiles, carpenter, Heathstock
COMMERCIAL, Matthews Joseph, saddler & harnessma StrawbridgeHy.dairyman,Profits down
Anstis Thomas, butcher Moore Samuel, farmer, Greasehays Strawbridge James, farmer,B:ornshays
Batstone Mary(Mrs.),farmer,Harrisons Moore Wm. farmer, Lower East Horner StrawbridgeJames,jun.farmer,Penny hl
Beard Frederick, farmer, Ham Morrish Thomas, grocer & draper Strawbridge William,hoot & shoe maker
Beer William, wheelwright Nankivell James, carpenter Trott James, farmer, Yonder Ridge
Berry Henry, farmer, Crandons farm Newton Joseph, tailor Trott John, farmer, Kilderhays
Black Waiter Shaw M,R.c.s. surgeon, Northcott Wm.farmer,LowerNorthhill Tucker Thomas, blacl{smith
Chasehayes Pennycard George, Baggaton inn Turner George, builder ·
Bright John, farmer, Battens Perry Wilham, farmer, Lower Corry Turner Grace( Mrs. ),farmer, H untshays
Broom John, farmer, Cawleys .Peters Wm.farmer,Higher East Horner Turner Henry, shoe maker
Bromfield John, farmer, Ridge farm Phillips Waiter, farmer Turner James, farmer, Heathstock
BroomfieldThos.blcksmth.Lower Corry Pidgeon John, farmer, Lower Roadway Virgin Thomas, miller (water) & baker
Colman Francis, farmer,Low.Sevington Pidgeon Samuel, shopkeeper, baker & White Benjamin, farmer, Church stile
Cook James, farmer, Pitfield farmer, Post office · White Philip, farmer, Pope Hayne
Craigie John M.D., C. M. physician & Pomeroy Nicholas, farmer, High Ridge White Thomas, farmer, Cummin
surgeon, The Knoll Pym John, farmer White William,farmer,Higher Roadway
Dare George, farmer, Cuckford farm Pym Richard, farmer, Langbeer Widger J amesHenry,farmer,Park farm
Drawer Thomas, farmer, Snodwell Reading Room (George White, sec) Wootten George, farmer, Higher Corry
Dymond John, farmer, Rose farm Reed Amos, farmer, Lake
STOCKLEIGH ENGLISH is a parish and village, si of Keble College, Oxford. Stockleigh Court, the property
miles north-by-east from Crediton, where is the nearest rail- of Mrs. Bellew, and which has been in the uninterrupted
way station, in the Northern division of the county, West possession of the Bellew family more than 300 years, is now
Budleigb hundred, Crediton petty sessional divison, union in the occupation of Mr. David Ratter. Mrs. Bellew is
and county court district, rural deanery of Cadbury and lady of the manor and sole landowner, with the exception of
archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. the glebe. The soil is loam and clay ; the subsoil is shale•
.Mary the Virgin is a building of stone in the Early Decor- The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, roots and ricn
ated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and an pasture. The area is 1,123 acres; rateable value, £1,065;
embatt-led western tower, containing 4 bells, re-cast and re- the population in 1891 was 65.
hung in 1892: there are three marble monuments to theBellew Sexton, William RendalL ,,
family: the church has been gradually restored during the Letters by foot post from Crediton, arrive at 8.30. a. m. ;
years 1878-83, and has 100 sittings. The register dates dispatched at 5.10 p.m.; Crediton is the nearest money
from the year 1610. The living is a rectory, average tithe · order & telegraph office. WALL LETIER Box cleared at
rent-charge £108, net yearly value£130, including 3 I acres 5· 10 p. m .·
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, This place is included in the United School Board district of
and held since 1893 by the Rev. Charles James Parsons M. A. Cheriton Fitzpaine & Stockleigh English
Parsons Rev. C. J. 11i.A. [rector] Hammett Peter, farmer, Piend Retter David, farmer, Stockleigh court
Bickley Waiter, farmer, Binneford Hammett William, farmer, Halliford Yendall William, farmer, Down
Bussell George, farmer, Rook.beare
STOCKLEIGH POMEROY is a parish and. village,4 tithe rent-charge £137, net yearly income £203, in'cluding
miles north-east from Crediton station, 8 south-south-west 42 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Lord
from Tiverton and 8 north-north-west from Exeter, in the Chancellor, and held since 1875 by the Rev. Samuel Rundle
Northern division of .the County, West Budleigh hundred, M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford. The charities amount to
Crediton petty sessional division, union and county court £5 yearly. A sum of £5 for coals is also given by Sir John
district, rural deanery of Cadbury and archdeaconry and D. Ferguson-Davie hart.; £2 by the rector and £2 by Miss
diocese of Exeter, The church of St. Mary the Virgin, Lightfoot, and there is a clothing club for women and
conseLTated July 23rd, 1261, is a building of stone, chiefly children. Lieut.-Col. Sir John Davie Ferguson-Davie hart.
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north D.L. 1 J.P. of Creed1. ~ark, Crediton, is lord of the manor and
aisle, south porch and art embattled western tower, with sole landowner. fhe soil is clay and red marl ; subsoil,
pinnacles, containing' 3 bells ; the first is broken and has the marl, interspersed with veins of rock and beds of skillett.
word "MARIA" only in Lombardil! characters ; the others The chief crops are wheat and roots. The area is 1,239
have inscriptions in Old English lettering : the earlier acres; rateable value, .{z,361 ; the population in 1891 was
portions of the fabric were originally Early English, but a 169. .
Norman doorway with enriched mouldings is also extant ; Sexton, Edmund 'fwose. .
the north aisle and arcade, addP.d in 1453, are Perpendicular: PosT OFFlCE.-John Hamlyn, sub-postmaster. Letters
tllere is a Jacobean pulpit and the remains of a Perpen- through Crediton, delivered at 8 a. m.; dispatched at 5
dicular screen: the church was thoroughly renovated in p.m. Cheriton l<'itzpayne is the nearest money order &
1863, under the direction of Mr, W. White, architect, and Crediton the nearest telegraph office .
seated throughout with oaken benches, nearly one-half of Parochial School (mixed), for 6o children; average attend-
which are ancient, and afford 120 sittings. The register ance, 40; supported in part by Sir John D• .(l'erguson-
dates from the year 1556. l'he living is a rectory, average Davie bart. J.P. ; Miss Elizabeth White, mistress
Rundle Rev. Samuel M.A. Rectory HerringThos.farmr.LowerNorthCombe Tuc~ett William, farmer & landowner,
COMMERCIAL. Leach John .Baker, farmer, Pleases 'fownliving
Bawden John, farmer Norman John, farmer ·westcott Robert,carpenter,wheelwright
Floyde Aaron, farmer, Lake farm I'rior Daniel, farmer,. Westwood & smith · •
FloydeThomas,butcher &miller (water) Serle Samuel, thatcher Wood'fhos.farmer,HigherNorth Combe
Hamlyn John, tailor, Post office Tidbald John, farmer
STOKE CANON is a parish and village, on the rivers others were added in 1886, cast by Messrs. Llewellyn and
Culm and Exe, with a junction station, now (1893) being James, of Bristol: there is a curious Early Norman font:
erected, on the Bristol and Exeter section of the main line the organ was erected in 1879 : on the south side is a
.and Exe Valley branch of the Great Western railway, 191 memorial window, and a monument to Elizabeth, wife of Dr.
miles from London, 4 north-by-east from Exeter and 10 William Peterson, dean of Exeter, and daughter of Dr. Hall,
from Tiverton, in the North Eastern division of the county, bishop of Exeter, d. July, 1650: on the north wall is a
Wonford hundred and petty sessional division, St. Thomas' monument with Latin inscription to Samuel, son of Bishop
union, county court district of Exeter, rural detmery of Hall, sub-dean <Jf Exeter and rector of Stoke-in-Teignh.ead,
Aylesbeare and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. The d. 1674 ~ the church was reseated in 1874, and has 240
church of St. Mary Magdalene, rebuilt, with the exception sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates from
of the tower, in 1835, is an edifice of stone in the Early the year z654; marriages, 1656. The living is an ancient
English style, consisting ot a small chancel,. nave, south perpetual curacy, gross yearly value £238, with residence
porch and an embattled western tower containing a clock and 2£ acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter
and 6 bells, of which the first and third date from x691, :he of Exeter, and held since 1887 by the Rev. Frederick Rob-
second 16.p; .the tenor was cast by Evans in 1724 and two son M. A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There is a small
Wesleyan mission room here. There are charities of .f.x6 PosT OFFICFJ.-J'ohn Richards, sub-postmaster. Letter
yearly value. On the river Culm, in this parish, the Stoke arrive from Exeter at 7·45 a.m. & 5.20 p.m.; dispatched
Canon paper mills, the property of Messrs. Frederick at 6.30 p.m. ; snndays at 9 a.m. Bramford Speke is the
Tremlett and Co. afford employment to a number of hands. nearest money order & Thorverton the nearest telegrapb
The old Manor House, the ancient seat of the Rodd family, office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
of Trebartha Hall, Cornwall, is now occupied by C. T. Ford WALL LETTER Box, at the paper mills, cleared at 5.40 p. m.;
£'sq. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are lords of sunday, 9.10 a.m
the manor, Lieut. Reginald Waiter Ralph Barnes, of the 4th Police Station, James Drew, constable
Hussars, and the Earl of Iddesleigh C.B. are chief land- Parochial School (mixed), with residence for mistress
owners. The soil is various ; subsoil, gravel. The chief attached, erected in 185I, for xoo children ; average at-
crops are cereals and roots. The acreage is 1,126 ; rateable tendance, 6o ; Mrs. l\Iaria Rowland, mistress ; Miss Smith,
value, £3,521 ws. ; the population in 1891 was 363. assistant mistress
Sexton, John Richards. Railway Station, Samuel Davey, station master
Curzon Miss, Culm Leigh Besley William, farmer, Burrow Greenslade John, cattle dealer
Elliott William Henry Channing Frank, manager of paper Harris Frederick,blacksmith & wheelwt
Ford Charles Thomas, Oakhay mill, Mill house Molland Joe, tailor & draper
Gardner Frederick John,Osmond house Cleve James, farmer, Stoke hill Payne Stephen, baker
Howard H. C. Culm Leigh Davey James, shoe maker Price William, mason
Robson Rev. :Frederick M.A, Vicarage Dewdney Frances E. (Mrs.), Stoke Richards John, stationer & carpenter,
Tremlett Frederick, Culm vale Canon inn Post office
W0odrowClaude Alexander, The Honors Dymond John, dairyman Tremlett Frederick & Co. paper manu-
Woodrow Mrs. The Honors Ford Charles Thomas, land agent & facturers, Stoke Canon Paper works
COMMERCIAL. farmer, Oakhay Vickery William, shopkeeper & wbeehvt
Adams James, butcher Giles Joseph, gardener to Miss Curzon, Westlake John, farmer, Stoke hill
Bartlett John, rope maker Culm Leigh I Wheatcroft Edward, grocer
STOKE FLEMING is a parish and village on the living is a rectory, 1average yearly value from tithe rent-
shore of Start Bay, 3 miles south-west .from Kingswear charge £495, with residence and 69 acres of glebe, in the
station on the Dartmoutb branch of the Great Western gift of and held since 1890 by the Rev. Joseph Samuel Exell
railway, 2! south-west from Dartmouth and 12 south-east M.A. of Durham University. Here is a. Congregational
from Totnes, in the Southern division of the county, chapel, built in 1846. The charities amount to £8 yearly.
Coleridge hundred, Stanborough and Coleridge petty ses- Bowden House is the seat of Lewis Richard Netherton esq.
sional division, Kingsbridge union and county court district, J.P. Lewis Richard Netherton esq. is lord of the manor, and
rural deanery of Ipplepen, archdea·conry of Totnes and Arthur Fred Holdsworth esq. J.P. of Widdicombe; Joseph
diocese of Exeter. A small portion of the borough of Dart- Baxendale esq. and Mrs. Chilcote are chief landowners. The
mouth is ecclesiastically within this parish. The church of soil is light; the subsoil is dunstone and slate. The chief
St. Peter is an edifice of stone, in the Early English style, crops are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and pasture. The
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a lofty area is 3,057 acres; rateable value, .£4, 297; the population in
embattled western tower containing a clock and 6 bells, all 1891 was 664.
cast in 1777: in the nave is a brass with rich embattled In r886 the part of the parish in King's Dartmoutb
canopy and effigies, to John Corp, ob. December 2 1 1351, and borough was amalgamated with St. Petrox.
his granddaughter Eleanor, ob. April 23rd, 1391 ; the . Deputy Sexton, John Reynolds.
epitaph is in Norman-French and Latin; there is also an PosT, M.O. & T.O., S.B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
inscription in English verse, with shield of arms, to Elias Charles Putt Dure, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
Newcomen, ob. 13th July, 1614, rector of this place, and Dartmouth at 8.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.20 p.m.
great-grandfather of Thomas Newcomen, of Dartmouth, WALL LETTER Box, Blackpool, cleared at 5·45 p.m. week
the inventor of the steam engine : in the tower is the days only
recumbent effigy of a lady, in the costume of the latter part A School Board of 5 members was formed February 13th.
of the 13th century and holding a book in the left hand; it 1874, for that portion of the parish not included in the
is Supposed to represent Eleanor (Mohun) wife of Sir John municipal borough of Dartmouth ; Philip R. Hockin.
Carew: the very handsome brass chandelier in th~ chancel Dartmouth, clerk to the board ; 0. Jackson, Stoke
was the gift of Sir Thomas Freake bart. of Warfleet, Dart- Fleming, attendance officer
mouth: there are3oosittings: thewholefabricwasrepaired Board School (mixed), built in 1875, at a cost of about
and reseated in 1871, under the direction of J.P. St. Aubyn £2,250, inclusive of the site, for no children; average
esq. architect. The register dates from the year 1538. The attendance, 100; Henry Lewis, master
[Marked thus • receive their letters airect Coaker John, farmer, Woodbury Moysey Philip, farmer, Great Coombe
from Dartmouth.) Davis Richard Henley, miller (water), Pedrick Anna (Mrs.), miller (water),.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blackpool , Blackpool
Peek William Torr, mason
Bidder Miss, Stoke house Dure Charles Putt, tailor, draper & PengellyGeorge, blacksmith, Embridgeo
Perrm John, farmer, Pleasant valley
Buddicom Rev. Rt. Jsph. M.A. Redlap grocer, Post office Pitts James & Chas. farmers,Stoke frm
Pook ,Arthur Hy. seedsman & manureo
CartwrightMiss, The Glen *Earle English Came (Mrs.), farmer,
merchant & farmer .
Chilcote Mrs. Ash Great Cotton . PookEiizh.(Mrs.),apartments,Endsleigb
Pook Samuel Jn. farmer, West Coombe
Cornish Francis Shath, Stoke lodge Earle George, farmer, Riversbridge Pound Thos. Lamzed, teacher of music-
Prout John Butland, wheelwright &.
Exell Rev. Joseph Saml. M.A. Rectory Earle John, farmer, Broom hill
carpenter, E,n.bridge
*Foale Samuel, Hillfield cott. Bugft>rd *Elliott Thomas, farmer, Little Cotton Roper Frank, haulier, Blackpool
Shepherd Samuel Philip, London inn
J<'oale William, Tremlett house Foale Edwin, farmer, Bowden
Trant Henry, farmeT, Thorn
Hockin Philip Roe, Southfield Fox & Martin, grocers & bakers Trant James, f.trmer, Ash
Trant John, farmer, Redlap
Irving Misses, Belvedire Rambling James, carpenter Wakeham Peter, farmer, Nea}e Ash
Waiters Marian·(Mrs.), shopkeeper
Martin James Hannaford Mark, butcher Yabsley Richard, farmer, Pound house-
Netherton LewisRichard J.P.Bowden ho *Heath John Henry, farmer, Bugford
Newman Tbos. Holdsworth, Blackpool Langmead Robert H. farm bailiff to L.
Spavin Mrs. Rock vale R. Netherton esq. Bowden
Teage Misses, Sanders Lyndon Thomas, farmer, Worden
COMMERClAL. Mardon Henry, painter & glazier
Atkins Edward, Green Dragon P.H *Martin Robert Hunt, farmer, Bugford
*Bastard Philip, carpenter, Norton Martin Thos. Hy. blacksmith & farmer
I Michelmore John, mason
Bowden John Henry, shoe maker
STOKE GABRIEL is a >illage and parish, on the entire peal was tuned and rehung: the chancel retains a
eastern bank of the estuary of the Dart, 4 miles south-east piscina : the east window and another at the west end of
from Totnes station on the South Devon section of the the south aisle are stained : in the south aisle is a brass to-
Great Western railway, and 7 south-west from Torquay, in members of the Hunt family: the church was repaired and
the Torqnay division of the county, hundred of Haytor, reseated in 1855, and again restored in 1879, at a cost of
Paignton petty sessional division, Totnes union and county £x,8oo, the greater part of which was given by Mrs. Olive
court district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Totnes Holdsworth Hunt: there are 300 sittings : in the churchyard
and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Gabriel is an is a very fine yew tree. The register dates from the year
ancient building of stone, in the Perpendicular style, con- I539· The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-cbarge-
sisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an £xso, net yearly value .£28o, with 46 acres of glebe and
embattled western tower containing 6 bells; the first two residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Exeter, and held since-
were cast in 1845, the third and fifth in 1674; the fourth 1881 by the Rev. John Henry Napper Nevill M.A. of Trinity
dates from 16481 and the tenor from 1827; in 1889, the College, Dublin. The sum of £Io yearly, accruing frotD
the rent of the inn called 11 Church House,'' is devoted to the family of .Studdy. James George John Templer esq.
the repairs of the church. The charities amount to about H.A. (Oxon), J.P. is lord of the manor. The principal land·
£10 1os. yearly, derived chiefly from the rents of some owners are H. Studdy esq. the trustees of the late J. C.
field& at Broadhempstone, and are distributed by the vicar Jackson,Rear-Admiral Dawkins, the Collings family, the Rev.
and churchwardens in money. Here is a Baptist chapel. Marcus Dimond-Church ward M. A. Sir T. Baker, the Baroness
Stoke Gabriel was the birthplace of John Davis, the cele- de Virte and F. Churchward. The soil is light loam; subsoil,
brated navigator of the North Seas, whose name has been limestone and dunstone. The chief crops are wheat,
given to the straits discovered by him in August, 1585, b~rley and roots. The area is 2,285 acres of land and 480
· between Greenland and North America ; he was killed by of water; l"d.teable value, £4.917; the population in 1891
pirates on the coast of Malacca, December 27, 1605. was 618.
Maisonette, the residence of Rear-Admiral Richard Dawkins AISH, :t mile north from the village ; WADDETON (or WAT-
J.P. is delightfully situated in the centre of park-like TON), 2 miles santh ; and PoRTBRIDGE, ·three-quarters of a
grounds, a short distance from the river Dart, and com- mile from the village, are hamlets.
mands extensive views of the surrounding neighbourhood. Patish Clerk and Sexton, James Narra.cott.
About a mile and a half south-east from the village is
Sandridge House,formerly the residence of Charles Frederick, PosT 0FFICE.-George Tucker Parnell, sub-postmaster.
uth and last Baron Cranstoun, d. 2 8th September, 1s69, Letters received from To:tnes at 8.25 a. m.; dispatched
and now occupied by the Hon. Baroness de Virte: this thereto i1t 4-:25p.m. The nearest money order & tale-
mansion is surrounded by extremely rich and fine scenery. graph office is at Paignton. Postal orders issued
Waddeton Court, the residence of Henry Studdy esq. J. P., here, but not paid. Waddeton letters m us~ be addressed
D.L. is situated on an eminence, about two miles south-east, via Brixham
and overlooks the broad reach of the Dart to Lower Dittis- A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1873; Richard
ham; it is a mansion in the Elizabethan style, bmlt on Newland Matthews, clerk. to the board ;r John Ball,
ground near the site of an older house, some remains .of attendance officer
which are still standing; the interior retains some good Board School, built in '1876, at a cost of£1, wo, for 150
specimens of ancient carving and in the grounds is a private children; average attendance, II5; George Papworth,
domestic chapel, in the Early English style, erected in 1870, maste.-; ,Miss Lena Hawke, mistress
an(J. consisting of chancel and nave and a belfry containing 7'he Dartmouth & Totnes steam packets call at Duncannon
one bell: in the chapel are several brssses to members of Ferry
Stoke Gabriel. Ford Johanna (Mrs.).,Church Houseinn Skedgell James, oowkeeper
Adams Miss, Rydon Ford Thomas, farmer, 'Flood cottage Vivian Arthnr, baker & shopkeeper
DawkinsRear-Adm. Rd. J.P.Maisonette Hammock Samn~l, fisherman & ferry- Webber Charles, shoe maker
De Virte Baroness, Sandridge house man, Dnncannon ferry Aish.
Hodge Miss, Myrtle cottage Hill John, coal dealer · Jackson Mrs
Nevill Rev. Jn. Hy.Napper M.A.Vicarage Hill Jn.Hannaford, Victoria hAlbert inn Palmer Francis
Quint Mrs. Duncannon villa Jarvis Thomas, marine store dealer
Wat.elow H. J. Aish Cross house
Searle Henry, Prospect villa- Matthews Richard Newland, painter & Duder John Beavis, farmer
Tucker George William Churchward, glazier & clerk to school board Waddeton.
Hill house Narracott James, mason
Tucker Mrs. Hill house Narracott Robert, stone mason Stnddy Henry D.L.,J.P.Waddetoncour
Nicholls Jeffery, farmer, Well
Goodridge Jeffery, farmer. Well
COMMERCIAL. Northmore Nathaniel, frmr. Stb.Dowm Heath John, farmer
.Adams Richard, fisherman Parnell George Tucker, tailor & drapet", Oldrei"e Lewis, farmer
Baker John, cider merchant Post office Peeke John, farmer
Ball Samuel, miller (water & steam), Preston Henry, farmer, Yard's farm Searle Alfred, farmer
· Byter mills Preston Thos. farmr; Sandridge Barton
Chnrchward George (Mrs.), farmet", Rendle Samuel Smith, farmer
Rowes farm Scadding Samuel, shdpkeeper Crees Edward, blacksmith
Collings George Harvey, carpenter ·
STOKE RIVERS is a parish and village, pleasantly staple, who is lord o'f the manor, Earl Fortescue, Mr. R.
seated on an acclivity, 5 miles north from Swimbridg-e sta• Crang~ J. Joslin .esq. R. Sanders esq. Peter Tamlyn esq. and
tion on the Devon and Somerset branch of the Great Western John Question Tamlyn esq. are the chief landowners. The
railway and 6 miles east-by-north from Barnstaple station, soil i& clay; the subs.oil is rnbble. The chief crops are oats,
in the North Western division of the county, Sherwill bun~ barley and turnips. '£he acreage is 2,424; rateable value,
dred, Braunton petty sessional division, Barnstaple union £211oll; the population in 1891 was il99·
and county court district, rural deanery of Sherwill, arch~ NoRTH HORRIDGlll is a hamlet, half a mile west.
deaconry of Barnstaple and diocese of Exeter, :rhe church Parish Cle:Jik, William Parkin.
of St. Bartholomew is an ancient building of stone jn the Letters tbroagh Barnstaple, received at 9 a.. m.; dispatched a.t
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south 4.50 p.m. Barnstaple is the nearest money order office.
porch and an embattled western tower containing 5 bells, Nearest telegraph i>ffice, Bratton l''leming
cast in 1784: the tower was restored in 1884-5: there are LETTER Box .cleared at 4.50 p.m
150 sittings. The registet' dates from the year 155g. TM A School Boa.nd of 5 members was formed January 15th,
living is a rectory, tithe rent-t!hat~ £245, average £193, :1875 ; Jj Mayne, East Down, clerk to the board & attend-
net y~rly value £184, with residence and 6o acres of glebe, ance officer .
in the gift of trustees, and held since 18go by the Rev. Har- Board School (mixed), b11ilt in 1876, for go children~ aver-
vey George Alexander. Here is a small Baptist. chapel. age attendance, fl7; Miss Mary Jane Shute,,mistress
William Philip Hiern esq. M. A., u•. of Castle House, Barn- CA.RRJEB. TO BARNSTAPLE. •1•William Smith
Alexander Rev. Harvey George,Rectory Fry Geot·ge Henry, farmer, BeaTa' Parkin William, wheel wrighi
Tamlyn The Misses, Yard Grimsbire William, Yartner, Benton Parkin William Henry, carpentet
COMMERCIAL. Hancoek Henry, stone mason Pitney Alfred, shopkeeper
Baker Chas. miller (water), Stoke mill Hoskings John, farmer, New house Skinner Wm. farmer, Knackershole
Chammings Nicholas, farmer, Higher Muxworthy Jas. farmer, Nth. Horridge Smith William, shopkeeper&; carrier
Davis Parkhouse J<'redk. farmer, Ltrwer Dafis Tamlyn John (Mrs.), yeoman, Orswell
Crang Andrew, farmer, Birch ParkhouseJas. farmer~ Sth. Hdrtidge Tucker William, farmer, Barnacott
STOKE-IN-TEIGNHEAD is a parish and small a new one added in 1887 at a cost of £~oo, in commemora-
v:illage, in a fertile valley about t mile from the sea coast, I tion of H, M. the Queen's Jubilee:- the chancel retains a
Iisouth from the mouth of the river Teign, about 3 miles Decorated piscina, and has three stained window5 ~ there is
south-west from Teignmouth statioo. on the South Devon a fine old brass,. the earliest in Devon, CJ 1375, bearing the
section of the Great Western railway• 4 east from Newton effigy of a priest in chasuble,and wearing stole and maniple,
Abbot and s! north from Torqua;y, in the Mid division of richly embroidered: it was once in a. cross* but has been re-
the county1 Wonford hundred, Te1gnbridge petty sessional laid in a slab, inscribed in Latin to John Symon, canon of
division, Newton Abbot union and highway district, Newton Exeter,. prebendary Of Kyrton~ Crantok anl1 Heys, and r.ector
Abbot and Torquay county court district, rnral deanery of here, ob1 ;pth May, 1497, on the floor of the nave is a
Ipplepen, archdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. heart-shaped brass, bearing emblems of mortality and an
The church of St. Andrew is an ancient cruciform edifice of inscription in Norman-French to Elizabeth (Tawley), wife
rough stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chan- of l''rancis Furlong, of Loddeswill, 15th November. 1641 c
eel, nave of four bays, aisles, transepts, north pGrch and an the chancel is divided from the nave by a remarkably fine
embattled western tower containing 5 bells, one recast and ca.r\"ed oak screen, dating from the time of Richard II. : in
DEV_ & COR~- ~7 ~
1867, a new C'hancel, of red sandstone, was erected by the ated above the cliffs and commanding an extensive prospect
family of the Rev. John N. Gould B.A. late rector, at a. cost of the English Channel ; there are also a few farmhouses.
of about [,900: there are 350 sittings. The register dates WALL LETTER Box, cleared 5.40 p.m. week days; sundays,
from the year 1538, and is in perfect condition. The living gam
is a rectory, average tithe. rent-charge [,326, net yearly
value [,224, including 39 acres of glebe, with re~idence, in GABWELL, three quarters of a mile south; HIGHER
the gift of the Bishop of Exeter, and held since 1879 by the RocoMBE, I mile south ; LowER. RocoMBE, half a mile south-
Rev. Edward John Waiter Stevenson M.A. of Caius College; west; TEIGNHARVEY, three quarters of a mile north, are
Cambridge. Here are chapels for Bible Christians and for also hamlets.
the Brethren. The Rev. Aaron Neck left the sum of £3 Sexton, Henry Knott.
yearly, derived from land at Lower Rocombe, and given for
schooling children. Trehawke Kekewich esq. M. A., D.r,., PosT 0FFICE.-John Waters Webber, sub-postmaster. tet-
J.P. of Peamore, Exeter, who is lord of the manor, the ters from Teignmouth, arrive at 7.25 a. m.; dispatched at
Misses Carew, the Flamank family, George Wills esq. of 6.20 p.m. on week days & at 9·45 a.m. on sundays.
Narracombe, Rev. Thomas Freke Arthur B.A. of Barnstaple, Combe-in-Teignhead is the nearest money order office, &
and the Chambers family, of Exeter, are the chief landowners. telegraph office at Shaldon. Postal orders are issued here,
The soil generally is dunstone; the subsoil is gravel and but not paid '
clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The
2w,3a1s5 acres; A School Board of 5 members was formed March Igth, I875;
su.area is rateable value, [,4,003 ; the population
J. B. Tompkins, Newton Abbot, clerk to the board
fn 189 I
MAIDENCOMBE, a hamlet I! miles south-by-east on the sea Board School (mixed), built. in 1875• for 76 children ; aver-
age attendance, 66; Charles Trethwy, master 1
coast, consists of some modern residences, beautifully situ-
Stoke-in-Teignhead. Soper Edward Ager, farmer Rendell John, farmer, Higher Rocombe
Tancock Waiter, blacksmith Wills George, farmer, Higher Rocombe
Cornelins William Webber Geo. builder & assist. overseer
Webber John Waters, c.:arpenter & Maidencombe.
Stevenson Rev. Edward John Waiter
M.A. [rector], Rectory farmer, & sub-postmaster Colt Misses, Rock villa
Winsborrow John, beerretlr. Labrador I<'enton Roger Cunliffe, Langley lodge
White William, Oaklands Wright Robert, thatcher Harvey Mrs. Ashley Priors
Hill Mrs. Brimhill villa
COMMERCIAL. Gabwell. Hustler Thomas, Sladnor park
Morris Misses, Orestone lodge
Beer John, grocer & baker Caldecott Rev. Andrew [curate]
Cornelins John, farmer
Frampton William, carpenter
French William, farmer, Home farm
Harris Francis Preston, butcher Price Frederick W ' Blackaller Mary Whiteway (Mrs.),
Jewell John, Church House inn landowner&; farmer
Knott James, mason Crabbe Fk. Lewis,frmr.Higher Gabwell •
Linsman Charles Henry, farmer Coysh John, farmer
Sage John, huckster & farmer
Rendell John, farmer Teignharvey.
Rendell;llohn Boys, farmer Aggett John, farmer, Lower Rocombe Olver Richard
Sanders Geor~Pearse, carpenter Rendell Jas. farmer, Higher Rocombe French John, farmer
STOKENHAM is a large village and parish, extending in Start Bay, and commands an uninterrupted view of the
over a rich tract of land, si miles east from Kingsbridge Channel : it has been much improved by the erection of a
station on a branch of the Great Western railway, in the raised beach, forming a drive and promenade extending up-
Southern division of the county, hundred of Coleridge, petty wards of two miles, close to the sea shor~, from Torcross to
~essional division of Stanborou~h and Coleridge, nmon and Slapton sands. The Start foint Lighthouse, easily reached
.county court district of Kingsbridge, rural deanery of Wood. by a walk along the coast, is about 3~ miles from the Tor-
leigh, archdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. The eross hotel; a new lea has been made, covering nearly 40
.church of St. Michael and All Angels, formerly dedicated to acres, and is rented by Mr. William Vickery, the proprietor
.St. Barnabas, is a large building of stone in the Perpendi- of the hotel, from A. F. Holdsworth esq. Several residences
-cular style, consecrated in 1431 and consisting of chancel, were built here by the late Sir Lydston Newm~n bart. and
nave, aisles, transepts, south porch and an embattled A. F. Holdswortb esq. There is a lea of fresh water, abound-
western tower containing 6 bells : the chancel retains its ing with pike, Toach and perch, and, in the colder season,
piscina, and the fine screen has been restored and re-decor- With wild fowl, some of which are very rare. A weir has
ated : the font is of early date 1 the pulpit is of stone, but been formed, by which the excess of water produced by
has been painted to match the screen, and was a gift by the heavy rains is carried through a cutting in the rock to the
Freemasons of England during the incumbency of the Rev. sea. ·
..John Charles Carwithen: the east window is a memorial to PosT OFFICE, Stokenham.-Mrs. Tryphena !ssell, sub-post-
Mrs. Holdsworth, d. 18I7: a stained window in the south mistress. Letters by mail cart from Kingsbridge arrive at
transept commemorates 28 persons who perished in the 88m.aoI.onmey.a;;pra&tlcehttteeeldresagtrda5ip,s2hp0aotpfcf.ihmcee.d;iss9au.t4n0Tdaoayr.c,mrvoi.slslaTgheedenleiavreersyt,
wreck of the ~'Spirit of the Ocean" on this coast 23
March, I866: the church was restored in I874 and the
.chancel in 1893, by A. F. Holdsworth esq. : there are 6oo
sittings. John Somaster, the last of the family of that PoST, M. 0, & 'l'. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
name at Painsford, in Ashprington, was buried here in I68I. Torcross.-Mrs. Emma Pepperellj sub-postmistress. Let·
The register dates from the year Ith5e78c.haTpehleryliovfinCghivise}a.. ters by mail car~ from Kingsbridge arrive at 8.I5 a..m.;
vicarage, with that of Sherford and
dispatched at 5·5 p.m.; 11nndays, 9.30 a.m •
~tone annexed, joint net yearly value· £I52, with 3 acres PosT OFFICE, Hallsands.-Willia.m Stone, sub-postmaster.
-of glebe and residence, in the gift. of the Crown, and held Letters through Kingsbridge, via Stokenham, arrive at
since I888 by the Rev. Conrad William Curling Finzel M.A. 9·35 a m.; dispatched at 3.40 p.m, week days only.
-of Oxford University. The Congregational chapel at. Tor- 'Postal orders ~~ore issued here, but not paid. The nearest
cross was erected in 1884 at a. cost .of £6oo, and has sittings money order & telegraph office is at Torcross
for :r5o persons. Attached are schoolrooms. There is a WALL LETTER BoxEs at Beesands, cleated at 4. 10 p.m.;
Reading Room, erected and furnished bt A. F. Holdsworth Hallsands, cleared at 3.40 p.m. ; Beeson, cleared at 4<l5
.esq. for the use of parishioners. Coleridge, a mansion in the p.m
Elizabethan style, surrounded by shrubberies and grounds, f-.J1oMt Guard Station, Torcross, Georg.e Ridget chief officer )
is now the residence of Robert Coad Batkwill esq. Widdi-
combe is a marine mansion, the seat of Arthur Frederick ScHOOLS:~
Holdsworth esq. ~.P.; Stokeley, the seat of Sir Robert H. S. A School Board of 5 members was formed July, 31, 1874;
Lydston Newman bart. of Mamhead Park, Exeter, and now J, HarrisSquare,Kingsbridge, clerk to the board; Andrew
occupied by Herbert T. Lucas esq. is a tine mansion, with Quick, attendance officer
grounds well laid out. Arthur Frederick Holdsworth esq. Board (mixed), built <Jf stone in 1857, with residence for
is lord of part of the manor, called the Priory, and Sir master & mistress : it will hold i so children; average at-.
tendance, ;r4o; Willia.m Moore, master; Miss Sarah
Robert Newman bart. holds part of the manorial rights. :M:oore, sewing mistress ; Miss Fanny Shepherd, infants'
The soil is loamy ; subsoil, various. The chief crops are
Board School, Huccombe (mixed), erected in 1877, at a
wheat, barley, fruit, mangolds, with "Some rich pasture. cost of £,700, for ;ro8 children; average attendance, 94;
Miss Cole, mistress ; Mrs. Logan, infants' mistress
The 1av,ra5el2ua3e.,is£s1,,ggo6io:a cres of land and 340 of water ; rate-
able- the population of the parish in 1391 CARRIERS to & from Dartmouth to Kingsbridge pass through
was the village, also a daily cart from Kingsbridge to Dart·
Parish Clerk, Herbert Patey, Chillington.
Tore ~·oss, 1 mile south-east of Stokenham church, is a
aishing hamlet and small watering place on tlte south coast, mouth, returning the same day
The Dartmouth Coaching Company's coaches, running J!EESANDS, 2i; and HALLSANDS 3i, are hamlets belonging to
between Kingsbridge & Dartmouth, pass through Tor- this parish. There is also a Brethren Mission chapel at
cross three times daily: the drive of 15 miles is one of the Kellaton, and one at Beesands, founded and supported by
finest in England, through the parishes of Charleton & Mis3 Teage, of Stoke. A Mission Room has been erected at
Stokenham, & along the Slapton Sands, the sea being on Beesands at the expense of Miss Theresa J ohnson, of Totnes,
()ne side & the far-famed Slapton Ley on the other; passing assisted by a few subscribers.
the Royal Sands hotel, the drive is continued through the Parish Clerk, Herbert Patey.
villages of Strete, Blackpool & Stokefleming into Dart-
mouth ; the coaches wait for the arrival of the 9· r6 a. m. PosT 0FF1CE, Chillington.-Peter Mitchelmore Randall.
12.59 & the 5· 14 p.m. trains sub-postmastet". Letters arrive from Kingsbridge by
Chillington, x mile west, is a hamlet. The Bible mail cart at 7.50 a.m. ; dispatched at 5.30 p.m. week
Christians and the Brethren have places of worship here. days; on sundays at 9·55 a. m. The nearest money order
KELLATON, 2} miles south; BEESON, tl south-south-east; & telegraph office is at Torcross. Postal orders are issued
here, but not paid •
Stokenham. Watts Wm. S. farmer, Stokeley farm Pike Misses, The Hill
Finzel Rev. Conrad William Curling Chillington. Rogers John Price
Jl.A.. [vicar], Vicarage B lk ·n Rob t cd c 0 I 'd COMMERCIAL.
Holdsworth Arthur Frederick n ge
l.P. . E:to:IO!iverer oa ' e Beel Elizh.(Miss),apartmnts.l'arade ho
WiddiCombe Fitz Mrs. Carey cottage Dare Isaac, baker
Lucas Herbert T. Stokeley Garland John Dartmouth Coaching Company Lim.
Pitts John Prettejohn
Hingston Arthur, Crase cottage · {The) (William Vickery, manager)
8tartin Rev. Henry M.A.. [curate] Honeywell Mrs Hannaford Elizabeth (Miss), apartmnts
Harwood Sarah (Mrs.), apartments
• Hurrell William, Newmans
COMMERCIAL. Lidstone & Son, farmers & butchers
Angel Mary Ann (Mrs.), Tradesman's 1.\-~urdoch Capt. John, Frittiscombe ho Partridge Maud (Mrs.), apartments
Arms P.H Ptke Henry, Myrtle cottage
Pedrick John, l'ishermen's Arms P.H.
'Barnes William & Frank, farmers I WaHers Thos.Symons, Lower Coleridge & mason
Bowbay James, farmer, Darnicombe COMMERCIAL. Pepperell Elizb. (Mrs.), private aparts
Jlrooking Alpheus, farmer Arnold Edward, carpenter Poynter Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments
Bucknall William, farmer, Batton Brooking James, hay merchant &c Ridge George, coast guard officer
Burner George, Church House inn Browse John, tailor & farmer Tough (Mrs.), apartments
Coaker Francis William, farmeF Chamberlain William, shopkeeper Vickery William, Torcross hotel, & fal"
Cole Jas. farmer, Higher Carnborough Clements Thomas, builder mer; & at Stokenham
Crispin John, farmeJ,', Matscombe Eaton Oliver 1\f.R.c.s., L.R.C.P. surgeon Worth Henry, apartments
Dunn Henry, blacksmith, Bickerton Edgeland Aaron, farmer Beesands.
Edmonds Matthew,registrar of births &
Dure William, carrier
Foss William, farmer, Down deaths for Stokenbam sub-district Logan Samuel, King's Arms P.H
Hannaford Wilham, miller (water), Helmer George, farmer Pedrick William, Cricket inn
Lannercombe mill Langmead Charles, shopkeeper Prettyjohn Henry, baker & grocer
Harradon William, blacksmith Luscombe Frederick & Reginald,tailors Quick Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Helmer Benjamin,farmer, Frittiscombe Luscombe Lawrence, painter Beeson.
Lidstone William
Horton Samuel, farmer, Start · Nunn Richard, baker
Oldreive Alfred, Union inn Honeywill Thos. farmer, Higher farm
Hoskin Edward, farmer, Bickerton Patey Herbert, shoe ma. & parish clerk
Jeffery John, shopkeeper
Jeffrey John, carpenter Pengelley William, draper
Randall Peter Mitcbelmore, deputy Nosworthy Robt. farmer, Lower farm
1 Quick Andrew, farmer, carpenter &
registrar of births & deaths for
Lizard John, farmer, Dunston Stokenham sub-district, Post office assi• stant overseer
Luscombe John, painter .
Patey Ambrose John, miller (waterf,
Stokenham mills
Pearce John, farmer, Carnborough Rhymes John William, stone mason · Kellaton.
Perrett Benj. farmer, Middlecombe Rhymes William Henry, mason · Burgoyne Agnes (Mrs.),grocer & drapr
Pitts Wm. Lawrehce, farmer,Muckwell Burgoyne Nicholas, farmer
Prettyjohn Wm. farmer, Lammacraft Shepherd John, boot makett Cole Philip, farmer
Patey James, wheelwright
Reeves Edward, wheelwright . Tolchard Nicholas, farmer & butcher, Powsland John, boot maker'
.Stone Richard, boot maker
Fairfield farm · • Hallsands. .
Vickery William, farmer & hotel pro-
prietor, Matscombe; & at Torcross White Thomas, blacksmith
Wood George, New inn
Wood Timothy, gardener
Wakeham Albert, farmer, Will 1 ' Torcross. Mingo James, shopkeeper, baker, & .
Wakeham Geo.Sl.frmr.LowerCarnboro" Gill John Robert private apartments ·
Waiters Thos.. farmer, Coleridge' farm ., Menhennett Rev. Wm. Henry [Cong] Prettyjohn Philip, London inn 1
• is a parish • 4! miles
held since x88o by the Rev. Arthur Hiltyard M.A. of Pem·
STOODLEIGH and smali village,
$0Uth-south-west from Bampton station on the ~xe Valley broke Co11ege, Oxford. Stoodleigh Court is the residence of
line of the Great Western l'ailway and sf north-north-west Geo. A. Cheeke esq. The Carew charity yields about£16 ss.
from Tiverton, in the North Eastern division of the county, yearly. The Rev. Josepb Bockett, late rector, left £300 in
hundred of Witheridge, Cullolllpton petty sessional division, r88o to be invested in government securities, which now
Th·erton union and county court district, rural deanery of produce £8 6s.' 3d. annually. Thomas Carew Daniel esq.
'Tiverton, and archdeaconry and dioce8e of Exeter. D.L., J'.P. is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
The chuPch of St. Margaret is an edifice of stone in the soil is shallow and light; and the subsoil is clay. The chief
Early English and .Later styles, consisting of chancel,. nave crops are wheat, barley and oats. The acreage is 4,336;
~f four bays, aisles, south porch and an em battled tower, con· rateable value, £2,951 ; the population in 1891 was 398.
taining 6 bells: the edifice was restored in 1872, chiefly by Sexton, Emmanuel Hancock.
members of the Daniel family and the Rev. J. Bockett M.A.
late rector, •
window is a maetmaorcioasl ttootfheab)oatuetT£ho3m,0a0s0D: atnhieel stained east PosT OFFICE.-Wjlliam Escott, sub-postmal:lter, Letters
esq. d.x872, through Tiverton arrive at 8.10. a.m.; dispatched at 5
and his wife, and was inserted in 1 88o: there are two other p.m. week days only. Hampton is the nearest money
stained \Hndows in the chancel and two at the east end of order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issu.ed here,
the aisle : the church affords 220 sittings. The register of but not paid
baptism& dates from the year 1603 ; marriages and burials, Church of England School (mixed), Tebuilt in 1873, for 100 .
1597. The. living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge children; supported by T. C. Daniel esq.: average at·
£303, net .}'early value £246, including 27 acres of glebe, tendance, 63; Israel J oQ.n Frisby, master; Miss Alice
with residence, in the gift of Thomas Carew Daniel esq. and Fenning, assistant mistress 1
Cbeeke George A. Stoodleigh court Beede\1 Caroline (Mrs.), farmer, Stood- Channing Henry,Alfred & Selina (Miss)
Hillyard Rev. Arthur M. A. Rectory leigh Bar~on farmers, Rifton Barton
OOMMERClAL. Beedell Mary Ann (M!'s.), farmer, Ford Ohanning Elizh. (Mrs.}, farmer, Thorne
Ayre Henry, fanner, Blatchworthy Blake Samuel, farmer, Thrucombe Cole John, farmer, Warbrightsleigh
Ayre .Tames Veysey, farmer, Rull • Broomfield Martha (~Irs. ), dairykeeper, Escott Jas. Jn. shopkeeper, & New inn
llakl.'r ArthnrWilliam,Law•·ence&Maria Champles · Escott William, boot maker, Post office
(Miss\ farmers, Great Coleford Butt Frank, farmer, Diptford Greenslade Jn. farmer, East Stoodleigh
DEV. & CORN. 3i 4
Greenslade Richard, farmer, Stea.rt LangdonBetsy( Mrs. ),farmr.Broadmead Parkman Francis, farmer, Down
Greenslade Tom, butcher & farmer, Leaman Fras. blacksmith & wheelwght Rawle George, dairyman, Holmingham
Quoit at Cross Luxton Charles, farmer Heed Eli, farmer, Gibbet moor
Greenwood Jn. water bailiff, High wood Luxton John, miller (water) & farmer, Reeks Jsph. head gamekeeper toT. C.
Heard Wm. dairyman, Wormsworthy Halridge Daniel esq. n.L., l.P. Stoodleighmoor·
Henson John Hensley, farmer, Dryhill Nott Thomas, dairyman, Rifton Spragne Fred, farmer, West Whi1BOJ.,
Kerslake Thomas, farmer, Stoneland
STOWlfORD is a parish and village in the valley of one the year 1707; marriages 1709. The living is a rectory~
of the tributary streams of the river Lyd, near the road from average yearly value from tithe rent-charge £190, witn
Okehampton to Launceston, 3 miles north-by-west from residence and 55 acres of glebe, in the gift of and held since
Coryton station and 3 east by north from Lifton station on r866 by the Rev. John Bidlake Wollocombe M.A. of Trinity
the Launceston branch of the Great Western railway and College, Oxford. The church is endowed with land and.
7 north-east from Launceston, in the Western division of cottages to the value of £,52 yearly, for the repairs of the
the county, Lifton hundred and petty sessional division, fabric and for the poor of the parish. There are Bible-
Tavistock union and county court district, rural deanery of Christian and Baptist chapels at Fortgate. Haine, the seat.
Tavistock, archdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. of Arthur Blackburn esq. who is lord of the manor and prin-
The church of St. John the Baptist is an edifice in the Per- cipal landowner, is a noble stone building in the Tudor-
pendicular style, and consists of chancel, with a north aisle, Gothic style, formerly the seat of the Harris family. The
separated from it by a sir:gle arch and forming an organ soil is loamy ; subsoil, clay and slate. The chief crops
chamber, south aisle with arcade of two arches, nave of are wheat, oats, barley and pasturage. The area is 2,o6:;
three bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western acres; rateable value,£2,446; the population in 1891 was 326.
tower with pinnacles, containing 6 bells, of which the first Letters through Lew Down R.S.O. which is the nearest •
is dated 1770, the next three 1710, and the tenor 1804: the money order office, arrive at 7 a.m.; the nearest telegraph
panelled oak roof is carved and illuminated, and all the offices are at Lifton & Coryton railway stations
windows at the east end and in the north aisle of the nave
are stained: there are several elaborately executed marble WALL LETTER BoxEs, near Church, cleared at 6 p.m. week
altar-tombs and mural monuments, mostly of the 18th days only; & at Harris Arms, Portgate, cleared at 5-3<>
century, with effigies, medallions and inscriptions to mem- p.m. week days only
bers of the Harris family: the church was restored in 1874 Parochial School (mixed), endowed by the late Mrs. Harris
at a cost of over [4,000, from designs bythelateSirGeorge & the late Mrs. Doyle, now (1893) producing £21 IS. 4d.
Gilbert Scott R.A. when a great profusion of carved oak- & £8os. 10d. respectively: the building was converted to-
work was introduced: the beautiful bench ends, pulpit and its pres~nt use about 1840, having previously been the
organ-case being replicas of noted examples of oak carving " poor house ; " it was enlarged in 1873, for so children ;
existing in this and the adjacent counties: there are 140 average attendance, 35; William Ford Deadman, master ;
sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates from Mrs. Jane Squance, infants' mistress
[Marked thus • receive their1etters through *Chegwyn John, farmer & pig dealer, *Hill Richard, farmer, Sprytown
Lifton R.S,O. North Devon.] Sprytown *Littlejohn William, shoe ma. Portgate.
Blackburn Arthur, Haine *Chegwyn John Henry, jun. farmer & Northey Richard, farmer
Blackburn Edwd.Brooking,Stowford cot pig dealer, Sprytown Palmer Thomas, farmer, Milford
Blackburn Harold Bellas, Townleigh Cobbledick George, blacksmith Rowe John, builder
Wollocombe Rev. John Bidlake M.A. *Cole Samuel,farmer & miller (water), *Slowman Richard, farmer, Sprytown
Rectory Spry mill, Lifton Squance John, farmer, Shepherds
COMMERCIAL. *Coombe J acob, farmer, Sprytown Tancock Williarn,cattle dealer & farmer~
BoltGeorge, oil dealer, Stowford Barton Coombe William, farmer Haine farm
*Box Wm. Harris Arms P.H. Portgate Doidge John, farmer, Rowden Took John, farmer, Arracott
BraundCbarlotte (Mrs.),farmer,Chapel *Downing Wm. farmer, Mount Pleasant *Tubb John, shopkeeper, Portgate
Brown Wm.shopkeeper,StowfordBarton
STRETE is a large hamlet 5 miles south-west from Dart- one acre of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Exeter, and
mouth, and was formed into an ecclesiastical parish out of held since 1888 by the Rev. John Philip Smith M.A. of St.
the civil parish of Blackawton, July 22, 1881 ; it is in the John's College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan chapel.
Southern division of the county, Coleridge hundred, Stan- Mrs. Toll and the Right Hon. Charles Seale-Hayne P.c., M.P.
botough and Coleridge petty sessional division, Kingsbridge are the principal landowners. The population in x8gx was
union and county court district. rural deanery of Wood- 392.
leigh, archdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. The Sexton, E. Wills.
church of St. Michael, erected in 1836, at a cost of about
£x,ooo, is a building of stone, in the Gothic style, and con- PosT OFFICE. William Thomas Wallis, sub-postmaster.
11ists of nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled western Letters through Dartmouth, arrive at a.m.; dis-
tower containing one bell: in x888 a new pulpit of carved patched at 5.25 p.m. Torcross is the nearest money
oak was presented by Mrs. Madden as a memorial to Col. order office & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued
Lewis Powell Madden l.P. who died in r887 : there are 300 here, but not t>aid.
sittings. The register dates from the year 1836. The Voluntary School (mixed), founded in 1857 & holds go chil-
living is a perpetual curacy, gross yearly value £96, with dren; average attendance, 53 ; Hy. Richd. Spratt, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Weymouth John, Sil-Amchad-La Lawday Charles James Rowell L.F.P.s.
Bradley Mrs. Summer hill Williams Ernest J. Sea cliff Glas. surgeon, Seacroft
Cleland Richard Brown, Penlee COMMERCIAL. Mitchell CharlotteMelinda(Mrs. ),grocer
Cross Hammond, Higher Ashearne Buckpitt Jn. Hy. & Son, farmers, Fuge OldreiveLewisNathanl.frmr.Lancombe
Foss Miss, Brockhallodge Conch Thomas, grocer Perrin Wm. John, King's Arms P.H
Lansdown Chas. Richd. Southwood ho Edgcombe William, builder Prowse Jas. Wills, farmer, Southwood
Lawday Charles Jas. Rowell, Seacroft Edgcombe William Henry, mason Stevens John, farmer
Nelson Miss, Brockhallodge Elliott Joseph Steer, blacksmith Wallis Charles, carpenter
Oldreive Nathaniel P. Lancombe Foale William James, butcher Wills Edward, mason
Packe Miss, Ashearne Hyne Richard, butcher Wills Halloash, mason
Smith Rev. Jn. Philip M.A. [incumbent] Knowles Edmund Sheridan, farmer, Wills Robert, shoe maker
Toll Henry Limbrey B. A., J. P.Manor ho :Fuge house Wills Robert, jun. shoe maker
'roll Mrs. Manor house Lang Frank, farmer
SUTCOM:BE is a parish and village 6 miles north from March, 1602; Ann, his daughter and heir, ob. 8 March,
Holsworthy, where is the nearest station, in the Western divi- 170i; and John Prideaux of Soldon esq. her husband, ob. 16
sion of the county, Black Torrington hundred, Holsworthy June, 17o6; Peter Prideaux, ob. Dec. 3, 1711, and Katherine
petty sessional division, union and county court district, rural (Kelland) his wife, ob. 10 April, 17o6 ; in the south or Then-
deanery of Holsworthy, archdeaconry of Barnstaple and borough chapel are similar inscriptions with arms, to
diocese of Exeter: the river Waldon flows through the parish Thomasine (Hengscott), xst wife of Nicholas Prideaux,gent.
and is crossed by a stone bridge of one arch. The church of ob. 16 Aug. 1573 ; Humfery Prideaux of Hankford, gent. ob.
St. Andrew is a very ancient building of stone, in the Nor- 9 April, 1664; Jonathan Prideaux of Theuborough esq. and
man and Later styles, consisting of chancel, na,·e, north and Ann (Clark) his wife; Charles Davie of Bideford esq. ob. II
south chapels, north aisle and a small western tower contain- July, 1742; and Frances Prideaux his wife, ob. 15 Jan.
ing 3 bells, dated respectively 16II, 1720 and 1732: there 1764: this aisle or chantry, possibly dedicated to St.
is a plain Norman doorway and some remains of a beautifully Leouard, was probably founded and endowed by the family
carved oak rood screen and a Jacobean pulpit : in the of De Esse, the ancient possessors of Theuborough, who88
north chapel are flat stones bearing the arms of Prideaux arms appear on the bosses of the nave and over the altar in
and inscriptions to Humfrey Prideaux of Soldon esq. ob. 15 the chantry, the east window of which contains five shields
of arms, illustrating some descents and alliances of the including 5o acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of
Giffards; the capitals of the granite piers of the north Mrs. Jane Ravenhill, and held since 1890 by the Rev.
;arcade, dating from the 16th century, bear the arms of William Henry Ra.venhill. Here are Bible Christian and
Prideaox, Hody and Spencer; and the easternmost bosses Wesleyan chapels. Sir W. Morice's charity of J.:6o yearly is
jn theehancel display the arms of the ancient family of le for the support. of inmates of the six almshouses in this
Cornu; the bench ends are richly adorned with shields of parish. There is no manor. The principal landowners are
:arms of the De Esse, Giffard, Prideaux, Speecott, Dennis, the trustees of the late W. Yeo esq. The soil is light loam;
Wyke, Spencer, and other families, and with panels and subsoil, clay and stone rubble. The chief crops are wheat
shields bearing various monograms: the east window is and oats. The area is 3,593 acres; rateable value, ,i;1,4o8;
stained: there is a piscina in the chancel and one in the the population in 1891 was 351.
aouth chapel: the principal part of the church is paved with Sexton, Samuel Gerry.
ancient tiles : the restoration of the church, partially Letters by mail cart through Holsworthy, the nearest money
-effected in 1876 under Messrs. Bodley and Garner, archi- order & telegraph office, arrive at 8.35 a. m
tects, was continued in 1889 under the direction of Mr. R. LETTER Box cleared at 4.10 p.m
M. Fulford, architect, of Exeter : it affords about 150 A School Board of $ members was formed November 6th,
.sittings. The register of baptisms and marriages dates 1874; J. J<'urse, Jun. Holsworthy, clerk to the board
from the year 1685 ; burials, 1684. The living is a rectory, Board Sl·hool (mixed), built in 1876, for 70 children; aver-
tithe re11t-charge [.300, average 1.."228, net yearly value {.227, age attendance, 52 ; Samuel Penwarden, master
Braund Rev. Thomas [Bible Christian], Bromell Richard, blacksmith Gerry Samuel, shopkeeper
Thuborough Carter Joseph, farmer, Matcott Gilbert Thomas, shopkeeper
Greig Octavius, Thuborough house Cawsey Charles, farmer, West Brendon Gliddon William, cowkeeper
Ravenhill Rev. Wm. Henry, Rectory Ching John, farmer &landowner, West Hockin John, tailor, Tucker's hill
COMMERCIAL. Paddon Jones William, carpenter ·
Allin Albert William, shopkeeper Cole Thomas, farmer, East Brendon Lee :::lamuel, blacksmith &farmer, Sut-
Allin Daniel, farmer, Hawkwell Copp J<'rederick, farmer, South lane combe mill
Allin Daniel, farmer & miller (water) Daniel Frederick, farmer, Upcott Mountjoy Edmund, farmer & land-
Allin John, farmer, North Lane farm DaveyThos.shoe ma.&temperance house owner, Sutcombe Mill farm
Allin Richd.farmer, Thuborough Barton Fishleigh Robert, farmer &cattle dealer, Parsons Saml.joiner llli builder, Hollands
. Aldn William,farmer&Jandowner,Town East Paddon Stacey Frederick, farmer, Lutson
llartlett Bryant, farmer & landowner, Fry Henry, farmer & miller (water), Tremeer Titus, farmer, Highborough
New house Thuborough mill Waiter Rt. farmer&landowner,Heddon
Ba.rtlett Thomas, farmer Fry John, farmer, Langadon Waiter William, farmer, Solden
.Hritton Thomas, carpenter, Hollands Furse Charles Henry, farmer, Billhole Wickett John, farmer, Northcot
'SWYMBRIDGE (or SwiMBRIDGE) is a parish and vil- Thorne, brought it to the latter family and it now belongs to
~age seated in a hollow surrounded by hills, with a station William Thorne esq. representative of the ancient family of
'On the Devon and Somerset branch of the Great Western 'fhorne, or de Spineto, of Sampford Spinney and Thorne,
railway, 4i miles east-south-east from Barnstaple and 204 which family has existed since the time of King John.
miles from London, in the North Western division of the Bydown, a large and imposing mansion in the Classic style,
county, South Molton hundred, Braunton petty sessional with a fine entrance hall, was formerly owned by the Mayne
division, Barnstaple union and county court district, rural and Chichester families, but is now the property of John
deanery of Sherwill, archdeaconry of Barnstaple and diocese Nott Pyke-Nott esq. B.A.oxon, whose ancestor purchased
·Of Exeter. The church of St. James is a fine building of and rebuilt it, and is the residence at present of Viscount
stone in the Late Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel Ebrington D.L., J.P.; in the house are preserved the reputed
with aisles, north transept, which retains an ancient sword and armour of Roger de Moels, a Norman warrior,
piscina, nave, north aisle, south porch and a western tower and maternally an ancestor of the present owner of the
of the Decorated period, with spire, and containing a property : the N otts ,have been substantial yeomen here
clock and 6 bells, all cast in 1753, by William Evans, ef since 1567. Tordown is the property and residence of
Chepstow : on the south side of the chancel is St. Bridget's Frederick Richard Harding-Nott esq. Dennington, late the
-chantry chapel, built by the Mules family, of Ernesborough : property of Col. Bury Russell, now belongs to the Rev. W.
the bosses of the roof are adorned with emblazoned shields H. Thompson, Irishborough belongs to the Holes. Dinna·
of the D' Abernon, Denys, Cary, Mules and Orchard families ton is the property of the Duke of Bedford. Stowford
and it has a stained window : the north aisle was built by Sir belongs to A. Skynner esq. ; the Barton of Hannaford to
,John Moeles, or Mules, whose family, a younger branch of William Hole esq. and the manor of Tree to Henry
the Lords Moels, were for some generations seated at Ernes- Chichester esq. The Yeo family have lived on the estate of
borough, now called Irishborough, in this parish : there are the Duke of Bedford for the last 300 years and are his oldest
several monuments to the Chichester and other families, tenants in this neighbourhood. The Duke of Bedford is lord
:and a stone pulpit, with figures of saints : the oak rood of the manor, J. N. Pyke-Nott esq. J. N. Yowler esq. Earl
screen, which has been restored, is remarkable for the Fortescue, who is lord of Yarmacott, A. Charles Chichester
marvellous delicacy and beauty of its carving : the font esq. D.L. who is lord of the manor of Accot, Henry Chiches-
is inclosed within a screen of carved oak : the church was ter esq. William Burden esq. Mr. W. H. Darch, F. R.
Testored in 188o, at a cost of over 1.."3,ooo, and has 250 Harding-Nott esq. F. R. Hole esq. Captain Henry Ponsford,
'Stttings. The register of baptisms and marriages dates the Messrs. Watts, Mrs. Nott, R. L. Hole and Messrs.
from the year 1563 ; burials, 1562. The living is a vicarage, Smyth Brothers are the chief The soil is
net yearly value {.272, with residence and 41 acres of glebe, loamy ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
in the gift of the Bishop of Exeter, and held since 1886 by oats. The acreage is 7,061 ; rateable value, [.7,598; the
.the Rev. Jose Fortescue Lawrence Gueritz. The reversion population in x8gi was 10171.
-of the great tithes of Swymbridge, which have been held
under lease by the Nott family for the last century, is now AccoT is 2~ miles north-east ; NEWLAND is I mile north-
vested in the Ecclesia'ltical Commissioners. The chapel of west ; TRAVELLERS' REST is 3! miles south ; STOWFORD is
ease at TRAVELLERS' REs·r, on the south side of the parish, 4 miles south-east ; GuNN is 3 miles north and STONE
built in 1866, is an edifice of brick and stone, consisting of Caoss is 3 miles north-east.
chancel, nave, south porch and a. turret containing one bell: Sexton, Henry Shapland.
there are 200 sittings. Stone Cross chapel, at GuNN, in the
extreme north of the parish, built in x871, is an edifice of PosT OFFICE.-James Brayley, sub-postmaster. Letters
brick and stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle and through Barnstaple by mail cart, arrive at 7.30 a.m. &
south porch, and has xoo sittings. There is also a Church 3.30 p.m.; dispatched at 6.10 p.m. The nearest money
Mission room at Swymbridge Newland, and Wesleyan and order office is at Filleigh ; telegraph office, for dis-
Baptist chapels. The charities and poor's lands produce
an amount between {.100 and £120, but vary according to patches only, at Swymbridge railway station, & for de-
rental. There is a tannery here, employing a number of
·hands. Ernesborough manor house, of which only a tower livery at Barnstaple. Postal orders are issued here, but
~p~ ~
.remained in 1773, was the birth-place, in 1554, of John ScHOOLs:-
Cowell LL.D. and master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, author National (mixed), with master's residence attached,erected
<Jf "The Interpreter," a well-known dictionary of law in 186o, for 150 children ; average attendance, 102;
terms. The manor now belongs to the Rev. Henry Tubal William Shelley, master; Mrs. William Shelley, mistress
Hole H. A. rector of Plymton St. Maurice. Cobbaton House National (mixed), Travellers' Rest, built in 1876, for so
(or West Cobbaron), once the seat of the Burys, afterwards
came to the Notts: John Nott acted in a transfer of parish children; average attendance, 37; Robert Stephens, mast
iaad in 1524: Mary Nott1 by her marriage with William Railway Station (Great Western), Geo. Light. station mastr
PRIVATB RESIDE~T&. , Camp,Hen!'Y1 boot makel'"' • ~ · · ' • Pedlet" Emma (Mrs. ),•shopkeeper r.
Alford Henry Lewis, Dinnaton " Chichester Henry, farmer, Tree Pengelly John, carpenter
Brattersby Miss · Clarke Robert, New inn Rice Abraham, farmer, Dennington hi
Burgess John CrockerMary(Mrs.),farmer,Broomscott Rudd John, farmer, Yarmacott
Burgess Miss Crocker Wm. miller (water), Riverton Seldon George, farmer, Welcome
Cardus Thomas, Stowford Dart Richard, blacksmith, Gunn Shapland Henry, sexton
Chichester Henry, Tree Dunn Jeremiah, farmer, Combe Shapland John, farmer, Sandick
East Mrs. The Cottage Dunn William, as>istant overseer Shapland William, farmer, Kerscott
Ebrington Viscount D.L., l.P. Bydown; Gardiner James, carpenter, Swym- Skinner Thomas, farmer, Riverton
& Travellers' club, London s w bridge Newland Smallridge John, farmer, Burch
Gaydon Alex Geen Thomas, farmer, Tordown Smoldon J ames, carpenter, Puddle poo~
Gneritz Rev. Jose Fortescue Lawrence, Geen Thomas, jun. farmer,. Yarmacott Smyth Brothers, tanners
Vicarage Geen Willia.m, farmer Squire Alfred,Lamb&FlagP.H.&butcher-
Harding-Nott Fredk. Richd. Tordown Gerry William, blacksmith Squire Ueorge, shopkeeper
Hartnoll The Misses, Marsh Griffin John, farmer Squire John, farmer, Gunn
Hole Richard Lewis, Hannaford Harris Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Stowford Squir.eMaryAnn(Mrs. ),frmr. Yarmacott.
Huxtable R. G Hoile John, farmer, Hutcherton Sturgess Samuel, mason
Ponsford Capt. Henry, Newland house Hole Richard Lewis, farmer, Hannaford Symons Waiter, farmer, Marsh
Skynner Augustus, Stowford Houle Geor,\.!e, farmer, Irishborough Tallyn John, blacksmith •
Sm•yth Miss Huxtable Edwin, farmer, Stowford Thomas Isaac, shopkeeper, Swym-
Thompson Rev. William Henry
Huxtable John Lee, farmer, Wrimston bridge Newland
Thorne John Huxtable Peter, farmer, Chnggaton Thorne William, farmer, Uppacott
Thome William, Cobbaton house Irwin James, farmer, Gunn Tossell John, farmer, Bickle farm
Yeo Mrs. Yarmacott Leworthy Thomas, boot maker Tucker John, farmer, Uppacott
Y eo Thomas Roger, Yeoland house Lock George, farmer, Hearson Tucker William, farmer, Pitt
COMMERCIAL. Martin Wm. farmer, Hannaford farm Warren James, farmer, Cobba.ton
Morgan Charles, butcher Warren John, farmer, Cobbaton
Arnall William, beer retailer · Mortimer William, farmer, Accott Watts William, mason
Balman John, farmer, Woodland NewcombeWm.(Mrs. ),farmr. Deanhead Westacott Geo. carpenter, Chuggaton
Bater John, farmer, Cobbaton Norman George, farmer, Dinnaton Wilton John, farmer, Kerscott
Brayley William, tailor Palmer Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Higher Yeo Eli7~beth (Mrs.), farmer, Yeoland
BryantHy.shpkpr.Swymbrid~eNewland Hearson Yeo William, farmer, Stone
Burden Wilham, yeoman, Kerscott Palmer William, shopkeeper
SYDENHAM DAMEREL (or SouTH SYDENHAM) is Tremayne's charity. The principal landowners are Earr
a parish and small Tillage, on the eastern bank of the river Fortescue, John Carpenter-Garnier esq. D.L., J.P. of
Tamar, which separates it from Cornwall, and about 5 Rookesbury Park, Fareham, Rants, who is lord of the
miles west-by-north from Tavistock, in the Western division manor, and Reginald Butler Edgcumbe Gill esq. J.P. of
of the county, Lifton hundred, Tavistock petty sessional Bickham, Roborougb, S. Devon. The soil is loamy; sub-
division, union and county court district, rural deanery of soil, spar-stone. The chief crops are oats, wheat, barley
Tavistock, archdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. and pasturage. The area is 1,379 acres; rateable value~
The church of St. Mary is a small building of stone, in the £1,598; the population in ;r891 was 351.
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, Sexton, Samuel Dmdge.
south porch and an embattled western tower, with four PosT OFFICE.-Thomas Waiters, sub-postmaster. Letters
pinnacles, containing 5 bells, all recast in 1778 by John through Tavistock, arrive at 8.40 a. m.; dispatched 3·4<>
Pennington and Co.: the church was restored in 1864, and p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
has 165 sittings. The register dates from the year I539· Tavistock
The living il'l a rt>ctory, average tithe rent-charge £125,
gross yearly value £ 200, with residence and 100 acres of WALL LETTER Box, Horsebridge, cleared 3.20 p.m. week
glebe, in the gift of John Carpenter-Garnier esq. and held days only
since I878 by the Rev. Jonathan Clouter Parkyn B.A. or St. National School (mixed), built by J. CaTpenter-Garnier-
John's College, Cambridge. There is a Bible Christian esq. in r863, for 91 children; average attendance, 6o ~
chapel here, built in r832. The poor have £2o yearly from Ed win Evans, master
farkyn Rev. Jonn. Clouter B. A. Rectory Hodge William, farmer, Townlake Redicliffe Samuel, farmer, Oatham
COMMERCIAL. Hooper Richard, farmer & assistant Ryall Francis, farmer
Caddy William, carpenter overseer, Portengtown Saunders Samuel, shoe maker
Cole Roger, farmer, Townlake Hooper William, farmer, Barton Stanbury Arthur, farmer, Bardmead
Easterbrook John, farmer & registrar Jeffrey Jn. Jas. carpenter, Tuell down Stawt Daniel Harris, Royal hotel, &.
of births & deaths for Milton Abbot Lowday John, saddler blacksmith, Horsebridge
sub-district, Derriton Parr William, farmer, Reddilord Uglow Geo. butcher & farmer,Townlake
Fice Samuel, miller (water) Parsons James, blacksmith Waiters Thomas, grocer, Post office
Beard John, farmer, Hartwell Rapson Thomas, farmer, Townlake Whale John, shopkeeper, Horsebridge
TALATON (or TALLATON) is a parish and village, Escot House, about a mile south-east of the village: the
mansion, which stands in a well-wooded park of 66 acrest
standing on a bold eminence, 2 miles west from Sidmouth was rebuilt on the site of the former one, destroyed by fire~
Junction station on the main line of the London and South a stream flows through the park and forms part of its
·western railway, 7 west from Honiton and rr north-east eastern boundary. Sir J. H. Kennaway bart. M.P. J. P.
Jrom Exeter, in the Eastern division of the county, Hay- Mathew esq. and Charles Pratt esq. are .;:hief landowners.
ridge hundred, Honiton petty sessional division, union and The soil varies : in some parts it is heavy and in other
county court district, rural deanery of Ottery and arch- parts it is light loam; subsoil, clay. The area is 2,365
deaconry and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. James, acres; rateable value, £3,990; the population in 1891 was
rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in r86o, at a cost
of [2,000, is an edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular style,
LARKBERE is a hamlet, 1! miles south and 2t miles east
and consists of chancel with aisle, nave with aisles and a
western tower with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 from Whimple station, on the London and South Western
bells :there are eight stained wiadows, a fine oak screen and railway.
a Norman font and several monuments to the Harward and
Amyatt families: there are 220 sittings. The register Parish Clerk, William Ireland.
dates from the year r621. The living is a rectory, average PosT 0FFICE.-John Ireland Dayment, sub-postmaster.
tithe rent-charge [253, gross yearly income £'38o, including Letters from Ottery St. Mary, at 8 a.m.; dispatched at.
6o acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. C.
5 p.m. Whimple is the nearest money order office &.
A. Hoggan, and held since r888 by the Rev. Arthur Joseph
Street B.A. of Queens' College, Cambridge. The charities Sidmouth Junction station the nearest telegraph office
amount to £20 yearly. Rir John Henry Kennaway hart. WALL LETTER Box, Larkbere, cleared 5.30 p.m. week day$
M.P., M. A., D.L., J.P. is lord of the manor and resides at only
National School (mixed), enlarged in r875, for 77 children;
average attendance, 42; Miss Emily Mardon, mistress
Davenport Arthur, Larkbere Mathew Jonah Pynsent, Rydon house Capron John, tailor
Ford Jamec~ Pratt Charles, Westcott Cnrwood Thomas, baker
Pyle Miss, New cottage Daw George, farmer, Larkbere
Kennaway Sir John Henry hart. M.P., Street Rev. Arthur Joseph B.A. Rectorr Drew James, farmer
Ellicott Edwd. (Mrs.), frmr.Moorhayne
M.A., D.L., J.P. Escot house; & 14 COMMERCIAL. Gosling James, blacksmith
Babb Robert, dairyman, Talewater Griffin Jn. Chowne,sen.farmer & butchr
Hyde Park square w & Carlton & Bambnry Jspb. shopkeeper & carpenter
Athenreum clubs, London s w
J,..ovell Francis George
Griffin Ric:hard, farmer, Newtown Ireland Henry, shoe make!' Pratt Charles, farmer, Westcott
Horsford John, farmer, Talaton farm LushDemasEdmund,farmer,Lashbrook Pyle Philip, farmer
Hunt Hermina (Miss),shopkpr. Newtwn Madge John, farmer, Mark's farm Salter Henry, blacksmith
Ireland John, 'l'alaton inn, wheelwright Mat.hew JonahPyrtsent,farmr.Rydon ho Wright John, farmer, Talewater
& farmer Podbury Johq, farmer, New barn
TAMERTON FOLIOT, once a market town, is a leigh.'' Maristow, the residence of the Right Hon. Sir
parish and large village, pleasantly situated at the confluence Massey Lopes P.c., lii.A., D. L., J.P. built near the site of
of the rivers Tavy and Tamar, 5 miles north from Plymouth St. Martin's chapel, is delightfully situated on the Tavy,.
and 10 south from Tavistock, in the Western division of the nearly 3 miles north: here George III. aqd three of the:
county, Roborough hundred, Midland Roborongh petty ses- princesses were on one occasion entertained: a private chapel
sional division, Plympton St. Mary union, county court dis- occupies the site of the old chapel. Uplands, the residence,
trict of East Stonehouse, rural deanery of Plympton, arch- of Francis Edward Fox esq. J.P. ; Cann House, of MarkEd-
deaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. The name of this ward Grigg esq. and several other good residences f!ore within.
place derives its suffix from the Foliots, who resided at War- the parish. Tamerton was called a borough in a chantry
leigh in this parish. The church of St. Mary is a building roll of 1547. The manor, anciently held by the Foliots.
of stone, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, the greater part descended through their heiress to the Gorges family, and
of it having been renewed smce 'I85o, consisting of quasi- from these, by female heirs, to the families of Bonvile,
chancel, nave, aisles, south porch .and an embattled western Copleston and Bampfylde. Gilbert Foliot, bishop of Here-
tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells, all cast ford (u49-63) and of London (u63-89), was a native of this
by the Penningtons in 1773: in the north aisle is an altar- parish. Mrs. Radcliffe resides at Warleigh, the ancient
tomb, with recumbent effigie& of a knight and lady; the manor house, on the banks of the Tavy, I mile north-west
former is in plate armour, and wears a bascinet with camail from the village, and formerly belonging to the Foliot family_
and a hauberk covered by a tunic, on which is the de,·ice of Mrs. Radcliffe, who is lady df the manor, and the
a "Gorge," or whirlpool, represented by three circles, one Right Hoq. Sir Massey Lopes ba.rt. P.C., D.L., J.P. are the
within the other ; the lady wears a close-fitting dress, square chief landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, slate. The
head-dress and mantle; the heads of both figures are sup- crops are wheat, barley, oats and green crops, in addition to.
ported by angels; they probably represent one of the Gorges market garden produce, fine fruit and flowers. The area is
family and his wife, resident here about 1346 : in the south 4,765 acres of land and 28o of tidal water and foreshore;
aisle is a flat stone, inscribed to Samuel Madock esq. of Ply- rateable value, £7,465; the population in r89r was t,n8.
mouth, d. 2 Dec. 1713, and the Hon. Isabella. (Mohun), his Sexton, John Ellacott.
wife, with their daughter Catherine, d. 1712 : and there are PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
also monuments to the Copleston, Radcliffe and Bampfylde Frederick Dingle, sub-postmaster. Letters from Crow!lJ
families, and a stained window in the south aisle to the Hill R.S.O. received at 7·35 a.m. & 5 p.m.; dispatched at
memory of General Macan, placed there by his nephew in 8.45 & u.2o a. m. & 5 p.m. The nearest telegraph office·
1887: there are 340 sittings. The register dates from the is at St. Budeaux
year 17:}4; all theearlierregisterswere accidentally destroyed WALL BoxEs, Tamerton Foliot, cleared 8.50 & u.25 a. m. &
by fire. The living, formerly attached to the priory of 5·5 p.m.; sundays, 9.25 a.m. & George Hotel, cleared at.
Plympton, is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £258, net 9.25 a. m. & 5.25 p.m. ; sundays, 10 a.m
yearly income £200, with residence and 3 acres of glebe, in ScHOOLS : -
the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since r87o by the Endowed Church of England (boys, girls & infants),founded
Rev. Edward Roberts lii.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. & endowed by Dame Mary Dean in 1734, rebuilt in 1877
Here is a Wesleyan chapel, with sittings for r5o persons. & enlarged in t88g, for 210 children; average attendance,
The poor have about £6o yearly, derived from the Maristow 48 boys, 48 girls & 42 infants; Thomas Job Bennetto, mas-
charity and the gifts of Lady Modyford and others. On the ter ; Miss Maud Happs, girls' mistress ; Mrs. C. H.
green near the church stands tbe "Copleston" oak, the Bennetto, infants' mistress
traditianal site of a murder by a member of that family, and CARRIERS TO PLYMOU'rH.-Richard Hoskyn, every day ex-
described as "the fatal oak" in Mrs. Bray's novel " War- cept wednesday & Charles Vicary, every day
[Marked thus *receive letters through 'j Avery George, farmer, Cliddiford King Jqhn, farmer, Coppers Cross
Roborough R.S.O.] Avery John, farmer, Langley Lavers Thomas, carpenter, Broadley
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bassett John, farmer, Webbers Lillicrap Charles, butcher
Briggs Miss, Down house Bawden Samuel, carpenter Lovell William, farmer, Pound
Bulteel Jas. Courtenay lii.D. Looseleigh Blackmore William, mason Luke William, farmer, Porsham farm
Ewing Miss, Kemps • Broad & Denuis, frmrs. North Broadley Luscombe l<'anny Grace (Mrs.),farmer,
FOUX pFl'raanDdCsl·S Edward B.A.,F.R.G.S.,iJ.·P. Brown Thomas, dairyman MaWddarolcekigAh nBdarretwon, carpenter
Callaway Mrs. shopkeeper
Fox Richard Reynolds, West brook Callaway William gardener MaddockEmmnl. frmr.Charity Bickhm
Grace Miss, Powisland villa Cockrem Frederick, farmer, Dunsbear Maddock George, carpenter
Cockrem John Matthew,farmer,. Ashley Maddock John, farmer,South~ay farm
Grigg Mark Edward, Cann house I1Col~ John, market gardener, Mtll cot March Ja~es, farmer ~ msurance
Henn-Gennys Mrs. Little Fancy Coll~ns James, m~rket gardener agent, Wtdewell
Jackman William, Berry house ~ames, tailor Mason ~a!fies, market gardener, Torr
Fk. refreshment
James John Brown,Tamerton Foliot ho I C?llms rooms, Post off May Philtp,.farmer, Allern
Julian Miss, 2 Prospect villas Dmgle
Julian Mrs. Southdown lawn EEllll~s~oJtatmJeosh, nm, afarkrmetegr,arNdoenrtehr Rtcha~d
I Coombe *.Me!son Hon. Sir MC~shsaveey, agent for
*Lopes RightHon.Sir Massey hart. P.C., , Louds Right Lopes hart.
j !!·c., D.L., J.P. Maristow cottage
M.A., D.L., l.P. Maristow; 2 3 Gros- Ellis John, market gardener & farmer, M.tllman Samuel, mason
venor gardns.&Carlton,St. Stephen's,
j .H~nwell
Conservative & National clubs, Ft.nmmore Mary (~rs.),market gardnr NICholson Saml. fa;mr.Roborough frm
London s w Gtllard John, farmer, Coombe Northcott John, bmlder, Rosedews •
Northcott Richard, build~r, Wadlands
*Lopes Hy. Yarde Buller J.P. Maristow Gregory Albert, Jllarket gar,dener
Marshal! William Langdons Gregory John Dawe, Queens ArmsP.H Packer George Thos. florist, Averys
Nicholl Charles, Haxter lodge Gregory Matthew, marke.t gardener Packer Henry Richard,mark~t gardenr
Pillar Edward Denmark house Hacker Henry, farmer, Birdcage Pengelly Henry, farmer, Wh1tson
Radcliffe Mrs: Warleigh Hacker J oseph, farmer, Treehills Perr~ Solomon, farmer,. Blaxton,
Roberts Rev. Edward lii.A. Vicarage Ham~nd Henry, ~eorge hotel Henry, whe~l'Yr1ght .
*Robinson Rev.Frederic lii.A.[domestic Harr~s Arthur, tailor Pe~h~ck John,. n:achuust & miller
Phllhmore Wllham, market garden~r
chaplain to Sir Massey Lopes bart] Harr1s Herbert, butcher Prow~e George,apartments,Mount view
Stapley Major Wm. Bates, Greenbank H~ndr John, market gardene~
Winnecott Commander Samuel R.N. I Hill 'Ihos. farmer, Bulteels, BICkham Reddmg John, baker
Hoskyn Richd.carrie~ & ~arket gardnr V~nstone William, Jarmer, Broadl~y
Prospect villas
Wood Major Harry Baron Powisland Huxham Henry, Kmg s Arms P.H. V1cary Charles, shopkeeper & carrrer
' assessor & assistant overseer Wame Frederick., painter'
COMMERCIAL. Irish Richard, Seven Stars P.H Watkins Thomas, farmer, Belliver
Arthur John, farmer, Horsham Jarman John, farmer, Broadley Williams Edwin, shopkeeper.& baker
TAVISTOCK is an ancient prescriptive borough, one of the stained windows. In r879, the organ of 1844 was repaired
four stannary towns of Devonshire, a parish, head of a union, 11.nd enlarged, with various improvements and additions, at
county court district and petty sessional division, in the a cost of over £5oo, half of which was contributed by the
western division of the county, Tavistock hundred, rural 9th Duke of Bedford ; the oak screen was at the same time
deanery of Tavistock, archdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of completed, and filled in with figures and mn~ical emblems
Exeter, 15 miles north from Plymouth, 205 from London, exquisitely carved. In 1890 a monument in alabaster and
14 south-east from Launceston, 9 north-east from Calling white marble was erected to the .Hredall family, many of
ton, 16 south-west from Okehampton, 23 west from Ash- whom were medical men in 'favistock: the work, carefully
burton and 33 west-south-west from Exeter. It is pictur- executed by Mr. Harry Hems, of Exeter, is a fine rendering
e3quely situated in the valley of the Tavy, from which its in sculpture of Max's painting of 11 Christ the Healer : " the
name is derived, amongst the downs and bills on the western church affords sittings for 1,004 persons, including 200 for
border of Dartmoor. Cudliptown, an outlying manor, about children. The register dates from the year 1614 ; there are
5 miles north-east from, was, by an Order, 25th also churchwardens' accounts from r385, and in the care of
March, 1884, added to Peter Tavy, under the Divided the vicar are a number of deeds dating from 1285 (Edward
Parishes Act (45 & 46 Vict. c. 58). The parish is bounded I.). The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £480, with
on the west by the navigable river Tamar, to which a canal residence, in the gift of the Duke of Bedford, and held since
(four miles in length) was cut in 1817 from Tavistock to r883 by the Rev. Daniel Pring Alford M. A. of Exeter College,
Morwellham, where the Tamar is navigable for vessels of 200 Oxford.
tons burthen. In 1859 the town obtained the advantage of ST. PAUL's, GuLWORTHY, is an ecclesiastical parish, formed
railway communication by the opening of a branch line of Feb. 23, r858. The church, erected in ~854, at the sole
the South Devon (Great Western) railway from Plymouth, cost of Francis, 7th duke of .Bedford K.G. is a building of
afterwards continued to Launceston, with which traffic was stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave,
opened in 1865. In 1889, the London and South Western transepts, north and south porches and a turret containing
railway company constructed an independent line to Ply- one bell : there are 250 sittings. The register dates from
mouth from Lidford, passing through Tavistock. the year 1854. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
The borough formerly returned two members to Parlia- £ r63, with residence, in the gift of the Duke of Bedford,
ment, but under the provisions of the "Representation of and held since 1893 by the Rev. Harry Martin Petty B. A. of
the People Act, r867," the number was reduced to one, and Durham University. The area is 5,293 acres; the popula-
by the "Redistribution of Seats Act, r885," the representa- tion in 1891 was 884. •
tion was merged into that of the county. Fitzford church, at the west end of the town, near the
The government of the borough, formerly vested in a site of the old Fitzford mansion, was erected in 1866-7, as
portreeve, is now exercised by the Rural Sanitary Authority, a chapel of ease to the parish church, by William, 8th duke
its municipal character having been abolished by the " Un- of Bedford, at a cost of [1s,ooo: it is a building of stone,
reformed Corporations Act, 1883 " (46 & 47 Vict. c. r8), in the Lombardo-Venetian style, consisting of chancel, nave
a.nd a Highway Board, the latter constituted Nov. 10, r863. and aisles, south porch and a cetached tower containing one
The town was vastly improved in the year 1845• princi· bell.
pally at the cost of Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford, who es- The Congregational church, in Duke street, opened August
tablished a complete system of sewerage, furnished the town 13, 1873, is a building of native stone, with granite, Portland
with a plentiful suppl.v of pure water, and undertook the and .Hath stone dressings, in the Gothic style, erected from
erection of improved dwellings for labourers, in addition to designs by Messrs. J. Tarring and Son, architects, of London,
'"IUious improvements in the Abbey buildings and Market. at a cost of about£6,6oo,on a site granted by hisGrace the 9th
The town is well lighted with gas, for which works were Duke of Bedford K.G. who was also a very liberal contributor;
established in r831. one end of the edifice is apsidal and is lighted by stained
'la~istock gives the title of marquess to the Russells, dukes windows, e•·ected as memorials to Mr. .Alfred Rooker, who
of Bedford. . died of fever in Syria: the tower and spire, 133 feet high,
The parish church of St. Eustachius is a large and hand- are built of limestone with granite bands : there are sittings
some building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consist- for about 700 persons : the adjoining schools include a large
ing of chancel with aisles, nave, one north aad two south lecture hall, capable of holding 500 children, an infants'
aisles and an embattled western tower ro6 feet in height, school-room and eight excellent class-rooms.
with pinnacles, supported on four open arches, forming a The Wesleyan chapel in Chapel street has 580 sittings.
w~t porch and constituting the principal entrance to the The Unitarian (formerly Presbyterian) chapel, at Abbey
church : the tower contains an illuminated clock, with Buildings, has 250 sittings. The United Methodi:,;t Free
chimes, playing every three hours, and a peal of 8 bells, all Church chapel, in Russell street, will seat 500 persons. The
C'lst in 1769 : in the chancel is a monument of alabaster and Bible Christian chapel is in Bannawell street, and holds 400
Devonshire marble to John Glanvil1e, a Justice of the Com- persons. The Brethren meet in rooms over the old Butter
mon Pleas, ob. July 27, z6oo, with his recumbent effigy, Market.
attired in judicial robes; and at the base of the monument The Cemetery, in Dolvin road, was opened in z834, the site
is the kneeling figure of his wife Alice (Skirret), who erected being given by John, 6th duke of Bedford K.G.
it: opposite is another memorial with the recumbent figures The New Cemetery, in Plymouth road, contains between
of John Fytz, of Fytzford, ob. 8 Jan. 1589,~ and his wife five and six acres, given by the 9th Duke of Bedford K.G. ;
Mary, daughter and heiress of John Sydenham, of Brimp- it has a mortuary chapel and gate house, of Dartmoor
ton, Somerset ; at the back is a figure of their son John, a granite; the total cost was [10,ooo. Both cemeteries are
lad kneeling before a desk with a book open upon it ; this under the control of a burial board of nine members.
waR the unfortunate Sir John Fytz, father of the notorious The Guildhall, erected in r848, on part of the site of the
Lady Howard, who killed himself at Twickenham, where he Abbey, and in a similar style, comprises a petty sessions
was buried, and with him the Fytz family of Tavistock came and county court, magistrates' room, six cells, a dwellin~
to an end : there are also memorials to the families of for the police sergeant and a fire engine station : in front of
Willesford, Fortescue and Manaton: in the church are pre- this building is a bronze statue, mounted on a granite
served some human bones of unusual size, found in a stone pedestal, of Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford, who died May 14,
coffin during excavations for the foundation of the Bedford 1861. The common seal of the borough displays the coat
hotel, said to be the bones of Ordulph, son of the founder of of the Russells, surmounted by an earl's coronet, and sur·
the Abbey, who is known to have been a man of immense rounded by the legend, "ARMA . DNI • LIBERT'. DB . TAVI-
stature, and of his wife. Thechurch was thoroughly renovated STOCKE."
in 1844·5, when a carved stone pulpit and organ screen and The New Hall, a. noble building of stone, also erected on
open seats of oak were introduced: more recently a brass part of the site of the ancient Abbey, is a building in the
eagle lectern, an exact facsimile of that at Southwell Minster, Gothic style, and contains a very fine room, in which con·
originally in Newstead Abbey, has been presented by the gth certs and other entertainments are held, holding about 800
Duke of Bedford K.G. and the west wmdow has been restor.·ed persons ; the rooms below are used as an armoury by the K
and filled with stained glass by Mr. W. Lethbridge, of Lon- and L Companies 2nd (Prince of Wales's) Volunteer Batta-
don, a native of Tavistock, in memory of his father. Mr. lion Devonshire Regiment.
Reginald Gill, banker, of this town, has also erected a win- The main industry on which Tavistock depends, i.~.
dow, designed by his brother-in-law, William Morris, author copper mining, is in a depressed condition. There are still
of "The Earthly Paradise," at the north-east end of the over 700 persons employed by the Devon Great Consols Co.
chancel as a memorial to his father, the late John Hornbrook but the profit is made entirely by the sale of arsenic, which
Gill esq. .J.P. d. 1874• to whose memory another window of is extracted from the copper ore. The Bedford United, the
Munich glass has been inserted on the south side of the Russell Mining Co. Limited, the Wheal Crebor Copper
church by his personal friends ; and there are several other Mming Co. are also working. There is a small brewery and
an iron foundry belonging to the Tavy Iron and Engineering Tavistock Cottage Hospital and Dispensary are carried on
Works Limited. at West street; the dispensary was established in 1B3:a and
The market is held on Friday in each week for vegetables, the hospital in 1887; the latter contains 8 beds.
corn, cattle ,and general produce. Here once stood the magnificent Benedictine abbey of SS.
Large and convenient market buildings, covering more Mary and Rumon, supposed to have been first founded in
961 by Ordgar, Earl of Devon, father of Elfrida, queen of
than two acres of ground, were erected in 1858 by Francis,
7th Duke of Bedford K.G. ; the centre is a general market, King Edgar, and Ordulf his son, and re-established as a
whilst around are stalls for butchers, earthenware dealers
and others ; there is also a weighing house, a shed for Benedictine monastery in 1457-8; it was one of the richest
monastic establishments in the West of England, and in 997
hanging carcases, and good standing room for carts, whilst the Danish fleet under Sweyn, anchoring at the mouth of
adjoining are spacious slaughter houses. The cattle market the Tamar, landed a marauding band, by whom the abbey
is at Crelake, contiguous to the railway station ; cattle fairs
are held on the second Wednesday in every month. The was plundered and burnt: it became a mitred abbey, 22nd
goose fair takes place on the second Wednesday in October, Jan. I5I3, when Henry VIII. bestowed this distinction on
tor cattle, horses and pleasure. Abbot Richard Banham: the abbey was surrendered, 26th
April, 1540, by his successor, John Peryn, its revenues being
The Corn Market is a building of granite, erected in 1838.
The public swimming bath, in Trelawny road, formed by then valued at £902 ss. 7d. a year, and there being then 22
monks; it was subsequently given to John Lord Russell,
the 9th Duke of Bedford K.G. in 1883, at a cost of nearly Ann, his wife, and their heirs male, from whom it has
descended to the present Duke of Bedford : the remains of
f.soo, is So feet long and 40 feet wide, and has a varying this once splendid abbey are now inconsiderable ; the great
depth of from 3 to 6 feet 6 inches ; dressing rooms and other church, said to have been 378 feet long, exclusive of the lady
conveniences are attached: the property is vested in trus- chapel, was finally removed in 1670, and the only fragment
tees, of whom J. J. Daw esq. is chairman. of it now existing is a small portion of one of its walls, with
An exhibition of flowers and vegetable produce is held a sepulchral recess formed by an arch of Early English
yearly in the Market house by the Tavistock Cottage Garden character, within which is an arcading of small trefoiled
Society. arches on corbels ; other portions of the buildings have been
The Bedford hotel, a large castellated building, with which incorporated, as before stated, in the Bedford hotel ; the
Perpendicular north gateway has been completely restored:
some portions of the Abbey are incorporated, was erected
about 1720, by Wr10thesley, 3rd Duke of Bedford, who in- the frater (refectory) serves as a Unitarian chapel, and has
a fine portico. In the vicarage ground are the ivy-covered
tended it as an occasional residence ; it was enlarged by ruins known as" Betsy Grimbal's tower," and the still-house,
.Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford K.G. and is elegantly appointed.
the former being so called from some vague tradition that a
A newspaper," The Tavistock Gazette," is published every
Friday, by Mr. 'f. W. Greenfield, for the Tavistock Printing female of that name once made it her abode. The second
printing pr .:ss set up in England was at this abbey.
Company Limited, of 4 Bedford square.
The Tavistock Library and Recreation Rooms, established
in 1799, are in the Abbey buildings : the library contains
u,ooo volumes, and there are 120 members. A metereo· Fitzford, at the west end of the town, was the seat from
logical register is kept by the librarian. the time of Henry VI. of the Fitz family : the ancient gate·
A bronze statue of Admiral Sir Francis Drake, the work way still remains. Kilwortby House, IJ miles north of the
of the late Sir J. E. Boehm bart. R.A. was erected at Fitz- town, long the seat of the ulanville family, is the property
ford, at the west end of the town, in 1883, by the gth Duke of the Duke of Bedford, and now occupied by Georg~ Bland
of Bedford K.G.: the statue represents the admiral with a Battams esq. Morwell House, about 3 miles west of the
mariner's compass in his hand, standing on a massi fe town, now occupied by a farmer, was the country seat of
granite pedestal 10 feet in height, ornamented with scenes the Abbots of Tavistock, and is a quadrangular building of
in relief from his career. stone, with an interior court and a gate house, erected in
The Mechanics' and Literary Institution is in Duke street. the 15th century. Mount 'favy, about a mile east of the
Watt's charity consists of a considerable quantity of land town, the property and the residence of Daniel Radford esq.
and houses, with a present income of nearly £270 yearly, l.P. is situated on an eminence and commands a delightful
.applied to the relief of poor people, and is managed by a view of the town.
body of 20 trustees. The Ford Street charity consisted of The Duke of Bedford is lord of the manor and owner of
property which was bought up some years since, and the most of the parish.
Duke of Bedford, in lieu thereof, pays J'early to the trustees
the sum of {,120, which is given by them to the poor. The area of the parish is u,5o3 acres, of which about 152
Maynard's charity supports an almshouse occupied by four acres are comprised within the town ; rateable value,
couples; and another almshouse,for four widows, the gift of £32,362 ; the population in 1891 was 6,252.
Lord Courtenay. Verger, St. Eustachius, Richard W• >tingto:J..
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Assurance Office, Callington, Gunnislake, Milton} 5·50 p.m
Abbot &c ...... ......... ............
4 Abbey place.-Edwin Straker, postmaster 4th 6.30
The office is open for the sale of stamps, registration of p.m. IreDlaenvdo,nporEt &xePteIry,mouCthor..n.w...a.l.l.,} 6 p.m
1etters &c. week days, 7 a. m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to 10
WALL LETTER BoxEs are cleared as follows :-Brook street,
a. m. Money order & savings bank, government annuity Market street, Bannawell, West street, Watts road &;
& insurance business & issue of licences, 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. ; Plymouth road at 6 & 9.45 a.m. &r.s1o2.&106,.420.3p0.,m5.35 &
saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph business, week 6.40 p.m.; ge, 9 a. m . .~,.y.
days, 8 a. m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to 10 a.m west Br1'd
County Magistrates for Tavistock Petty Sessional
DISPATCH OF LETTERs.-MAILS.-London (morning) & all Division.
parts, 8.50 a.m. ; London (night) & all parts, 7 p.m. ; M' h ll W1'llI' am p esq. H 0 1 ll • Wh' h h T · toe'
North of England, Ireland & Scotland, Exeter, Southamp- JC e ryce Jtc urc '
ton &c. Launceston, 2.50 p.m. ; Launceston, 12 noon; chairman we avlS .{,
Cornwall, Devonport & Plymouth, 10. 15Coa.rnmw.a;llL, Donedvoonn-, Chichester Wm. Hy. esq. Grenofen, Whitchurch, Tavistoc
Exeter & West of England, 11 .10 a.m.; Collier William Fredk. esq. Woodtown, Horrabridge R.S.O
(MLpwoiisrilktttohenaa&rndAePb(xdblytaormyta)o,f&euc3et.)hp,5u..nm52t5,;;atle&lCsicnal.glasttctoeoanrcn,k,GbeuGnurnenignsilisastlkeaerkee&d, Morshead Reginald esq. Cample Haye, Tavistock
Owen Edward esq. End8leigh terrace, Tavistock
Radford Daniel esq. Mount Tavy, Tavistock
Rosevere William ~loggatt esq. Manor house, Tavistock
Clerk to the Magistrates, Edward Chilcott, 5 Bedford place
TAVISTOCK TOWN DELIVERIES.-The town deliveries include Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every alternate
all letters &c. posted in the head office letter box up to half- wednesday at II a. m. The followmg places are included
an·hour of the time fixed for the commencement of the in the petty sessional division :-Beer Ferris, Brentor,
next deliYery Lamerton, Lidford, Mary 'l'avy, Milton Abbot, Peter
TOWN DELlVERIES. Arriving TaTy, Sampford Spiney, Sydenham, 'favistock, Whit·
From at church
County Police Force (K Division).
1:st 7 a. m. All parts ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ..... .•• ...
Callington, Gunnislake, Liskeard... II.Io a.m Consists of 2 sergeants & 19 constables, under the care of
Superintendent Richard Nicholls,& are placed as follows:-
Launceston .............................. 11.5 a.m
I sergeant & 4 constables in Tavistock, I sergeant &; 1
d 1 m · North of England & Scotland, 12.25 p.m constable in Lifton & 1 constable in each of the following
2n P· Southampton &c. Devonport,
l Exeter, Plvmouth & Wales ... plaL-es-Bratton-Clovelly, Beer Alston, Beer Town, Bride·
London (day) ........................... 12.45p.m stowe, Broadwood-Widger, Chillaton, Horrabridge, Milton
3rd 4.30 London k Ireland, Exeter, Corn· Abbot, .Morwellham, Lewdown, Lamerton, Mary Tavy,
p.m. wall, Devonport & Plymouth...... 4· 10 p.m Princetown, Lidford & Whitcllurch
• Public Establishments. TH:s. WoRKHOUSE :-"A large building at the top of BannaweiJ
Cemeteries, Plymonth road &: Doh•in road, Thomas Henry street, was built in 1837 at a cost of £7,PDO, & will hold
Cranch, clerk to the burial board
300 inmates; George Colas, master; no chaplain; James
Cor~ Market, West street Snowden Smith L.R.c. P.Edin.medical officer; Mrs. Rhoda.
Cottage Hospital & Dispensary, West street, H~n·old Swale Coles, matron
M.B. physician; Charles Cumberland Brodrick L.R.C.P. RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
Edin. John Harley Gough L..R.c.P.LOnd. &. James Snowden Meetings held in Board room, Workhouse, 2nd Wednesday
Smith L..R.C.P.Edin. surgeons; Richard Brown L.D.S.Eng.
surgeon-dentist; W. Gill, dispenser & sec in month at 2 p.m.
County Court, Guildhall, His Honor James Broughton Edg~ Clerk, John Douglas Jobnstone, I Church lane, 'favistock
judge; John Douglas J ohnstone, registrar & high bailiff; Treasurer, Reginald Wilson Fox, Higher Market st. Tavistock
John Shambrook, chief clerk; John Willing & Thomas Medical Officer of Health, Charles Cumberla.nd Brodrick
L. Winsor, sub-bailiffs; office, I Church lane. The courts
are held once every month, commencing each day at IO L.R.C.P.Edin. Lynbride house, Ta.vistock
o'clock. The following places are within the district:- Inspectors of Nuisances, William James Mason, 4 Lower
Beerferris, Brentor, Buckland Monacborum, Calstock
: (Cornwall), Coryton, Cudliptown, Dartmoor, Gunnislake, Back street, Tavistock, & John Vella.nowetb Bennett,
Hmgston Down (Cornwall), Uorrabridge, Latchley, Albaston, Gunnislake
Lamerton, Lewtrenchard, Lidford Town, Marystow,
Mary Ta"Vy, Meavy, :Mill Hill, Milton Abbot, Morwbellam SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CoMliHTTEE,
& the Quays, Peter Tavy, Princetown, Sampford Spiney, Clerk, John Dougla~ Johnstone, I Church lane, Tavistock
Sydenham Damerel, Sbeepstor, Stowford, Thrusbelton, Attendance Officers, North district, John Palmer, Lifton;
South district, S. P. Haddy, Tavistock; West district, J.
Maddaford, Beer Alston
Inquiry Officers, John Palmar, North district; S. P. Haddy,
l:iouth district; A. Bray, West district
Tavistock, Walkhampton, Whitcburcb Public Officers.
Certified Bailiff under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, Assessor of Taxes, Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor's •
1888, John Caddock Cbowen, Burn\'ille Rates, Thomas Henry Cranch, 2 Higher Market street
)?ire Brigade, Engine station, Guildhall square, George Certifying Factory Surgeon for Tavistock & Horrabridge,
Merrifield, superintendent, & I6 men James Snowden Smith L.R.C,P.Edin. 32 West street
Guildhall, Guildhall square, W. Collacott, keeper Clerk to Commissioners of Income Tax, John Douglas John-
stone, I Church lane ; assistant, Edward Barkt:ll, 63
New ball, Bedford square Bannawell street
Parochial Office, 'fbomas Henry Cranch, assessor of taxes &.
Clerk to Commissioners of Land Tax & to Tavistock Higho-
assistant overseer, 2 Higher Market street way Board, John Douglas Jobnstone, I Church lane
Stamp Office, 4 Bedford sq. T. W, Greenfield, distributor
VOLUNTEERS. Clerk to the Inspectors under the Lightmg & Wa.tching Act,
:;md Volunteer Battalion (Prince of Wales's) De"Vonshire John Shambrook, IQ Cudlipp court, Lower Back streat
Regiment (K & L companies), head quarters, Bedford Clerk to Tamar & Plymouth Fishery Board, William Wevill
square; Capt. Dawson Spooner, commandant K Co. ;
Capt. J. R. Rolston, L Co.; Surgeon-Lieut. Charles C. Mathews, I Church lane
Brodrick, medical officer ; Sergt. Daniel Bowles, drill District Highway Surveyor, William Henry Batten, 12
TAVISTOCK UNION. Higher Market street
Inland Revenue Officer & Inspector Corn Returns, William
Hedley Hitchins, 2 Parkwood road
Inspector of Weights & Measures, William Chappell, West st
Board day, alternate fri. at 2 p.m. a• the Union workhouse. Superintendent of County Police & Inspector under the
The Tavistock union cornprises the following parishes, viz. :- Explosives & Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts, Richard
Beerferris, Bradstone, Brentor, Buckland Monacborum, Nicbolls, Guildhall
Calstock (Cornwall), Coryton, Dunterton, Kelly, LamAr-
ton, Lewtrenchard, Lydford, Lifton, Marystow, Meavy, Places of Worship, with times of services.
Milton Abbot, Mary Tavy, Peter Tavy, Sampford Spiney, Parish Church of St. Eustacbius, Rev. Daniel Pring Allord
Sbeepstor, Stowford, Sydenham Damerel, Tavistock,
Tbrusbelton or Tburshelton, Walkhampton, Whitchurch. M.A. vicar; Rev. Edward Codrington Collins Wilson :ll.A.
The population of the union in I891 was 27,100; area,
& Rev. Henry John Witbington Karslake B. A. curates;
:1591 317 acres; rateable value in 1893, £133,600
u a.m. 3 & 6.3Q p.m. ; daily, II,3Q & tbursdays,
7·3Q p.m .
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John Fitzford Chapel of Ease, II a.m & 6.3Q p.m
Douglas Jobnstone, I Church lane, Tavistock St. Paul's Church, Gulwortby Cross, Rev. Harry Martin
Treasurer, Reginald W. Fox, Higher Market st. Tavistock Petty B.A. vicar; IQ.3Q a. m. & 6.3Q p.m
Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, North Bible Ohristian, Bannawell street, Rev. Thomas Perry Oliver;
district, John Palmar, Tinhay, Lifton; South district,
Samuel Peek Haddy, I7 Exeter street, Tavistock ; West II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
district, Andrew Bray, Gunnislake
Congregational, Brook street; :r;x a.m. & 6.3Q p.m.; tues.
7-IS p.m
Vaccination Officers, Calstock sub-district, Andrew Bray, Brethren, Higher Market street, Edward Dingle; II a.m. &.
Gunuislake; Lifton 11ub-district, John Palmer, Tinhay, 6 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
Lifton; Milton Abbot sub-district, William James Mason, Unitarian, Abbey Bridge, Rev. Lindsey Thomas Badcock;
4 Lower Back street, Tav1stock; Tavistock sub-district, II a.m. & 6.3Q p.m ·
Samuel Peek Haddy, I7 Exeter street . United Methodist Free Church, Russell street, Rev. Elisha
Penrose; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m ·
.Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Beerferris dist.rict, Wesleyan, Chapel street, Rev. George Wbitbread & Rev.
Angustus Keppel Joseph Reed L.R.C.P.Edin. Beerferris; Henry Williams; II a. m. & 6.3Q p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
Buckland district, George Toms Revell L.R.C.P.Edin. ; Schools.
Calstock district, Albert B.owbay L.R.C. P.wnd. Gunnis-
lake; Lewtrenchard district,Christopher Ricbmon Benson, The Grammar School, endowed by Francis,Duke of Bedford,
Lew Down ; Lifton district, William Kennedy Taylor, with £2q,ooo 2~ per cent. Consols, is now (1893) in course
Lifton; Milton Abbot district, Cecil B. Hillyar L.F.P.S. of erection; it is to supply a higher class of education
alas. Tavistock; Tavistock district, James Snowden Smith than elementary to boys of Tavistock & neighbourhood
L.R.C.P.Edin. 32 West street, Tavistock; Whitchurch & Kelly College, founded in accordance with a bequest of the
South Lidford district, Charles Cmnberland Brodrick late Admiral Benedictus 1\larwood Kelly, & opened in
L.R.C.P.Edin. Lynbridge house, Tavistock ' Sept. I877, is about a mile from the centre of the town,
Superintendent Registrar,Jobn Douglas Jobnstone, I Church on the Okehampton road : the buildings, including the
lane, Tavistock; deputy, Edwar:l Horswill, 3 Chapel school house & the head master's house, stand on a raised
street, Tavistock
terrace on the side of a hill, overlooking the valley of the
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Calstock sub-district, Andrew Tavy & commanding a splendid view of the borders &
Bray, Gunnislake; deputy, John V. Bennett, Delaware, some of the "tors'' of Dartmoor, & are constructed of
Gunnislake. Difton sub-district, John Palmar, Tinhay, . Hurdwick & Ham Hill stone, in the Early Perpendicular
Lifton; deputy, Jehu Perry, Briscotts, 'favistock. Milton
Abbot sub-district, John Easterbrook, Derriton, South style: they consist of two distinct blocks, connected by an
Sydenham; deputy, John Easterbrook, jun. Derriton, open corridor ; that on the right is the college proper, con-
South Sydenham. Tavistock sub-district, Samuel Peek taining two ante-rooms, eight class rooms & a large school
Haddy, 17 Exeter street, Ta\'istock; deputy, William
James Mason, 22 Higher Market street room, 73! feet by 30 & so feet high : the bead master's
house has provision for about fifty borders: between the
college & the roa.d is a. spacious playground of IQ acres,
containing a gymnasium 55 feet by 25 feet, a large swim-
Registrar of Marriages, Thomas Henry Cranch, 2 Higher ming bath filled by a pure stream of water, fives courts, a
, Market street, Tavistpck; deputy, William Eastcott, 5 carpenter's shop, smithy & golf links, & a second boarding
Bedford place, Tavistock house added in 18go, for 30 additional boarders: it was
• )lamed Y£ourtenay H6use;'' in merhory of the Earf 'o( · ·infants; Jonathan Snow, master; Henry T. Rawlins
Devon, who was one of the original trustees c the endow- assistant master; Miss Mary Quick & Mhs Mary Hawkins,
ments of the foundation are devoted to the education of the mistresses ; Miss Minnie l\Ierritield, assistant mistress
founder's kin & of the orphan sons of naval officers; but Newspaper.
with this is combined full provision for a first-grade public Tavistock Gazette, 4 Bedford square; Tavistock Printing Co.
school, preparing pupils for the universities & for the army Limited, printers; T. W. Greenlield, publisher; published.
or navy & other examinations : Rev. William Hermann friday. See advertisement
David M.A. of New College, Oxford, head master; 'f.
Agnew May M.A. Conway L. Shipley M.A. Percy L.
Railway Station, Great Western, Thomas Fitzgerald, station
Andrews M.A. Walter Wood B.A. Rev. Thomas Ward B.A. rpaster
Wm. E. Marriott M.A. & Wm. Linnell B.A.assistantmastrs London & South Wastern, Maxwell Hicks, station master
Omnibuses run from the Bedford hotel & from the Queen's
School of Art, West strflet, William Middleton, master; J.
Head hotel to the railway station to meet the various trains
D. Williams, hon. sec The East Cornwall & South Western Co. Limited runs a
A School Board of 7 members was formed Feb. I7, 1874; E. jour-horse coach daily in connection with the South West-
ern trains from railway station to Liskeard, Callington &
Horswill, clerk & attendance officer to the board, 3 Gunnislake for Calstock, leaving 'favistock at 3· 30 p. m.
returning from Liskeard at 7·45 a.m
Chapel street ' 1
Board (mixed), Gulworthy, erected in x854, for 100 child-
ren ; average attendance, 77 ; Herbert Henry Tauranac,
master; Mrs. Louisa Tauranac, infants' mistress
Board (mixed), Morwellham, for 6o children; average at- Carriers.
tendance, go; Miss Emily Brook, mistress ALSTON-Sutton & Co. (John Morris, agent), 18 Barley
Board, Plymouth road, for 750 children; average attend- Market street
ance, 141 boys, 1::05 girls & I03 infants ; John Craze, head BEER-George Williams, from Exeter inn, fri
master ; Miss Ellen Ayres, mistress of girls' school ;. Miss BRIDESTOWE-Richard TookF Union inn, fri
Florence Phillips, assistant mistress ; Miss Susan Carter, CALSTOCK-Warwick, Exeter inn, fri
infants' mistress CLEARBROOK-Laskey, from Newmarket inn, fri
A building for the British & Foreign schools was erected in GUNNISLAKE-Martin &; Bennett, Union inn, daily
1856, by Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford, at a cost or nearly LEW DuwN-Richard Took, Union inn, fri
£s,ooo, but is now used as the above-named school
LIFrON-John Hocking, Exeter inn, fri
National (or Church), Dolvin road, erected in l847, for 580 MIL'rON ABBOT-Tickell, ' Cornish Arms', fri
children ; average attendance, I05 boys, xos gtrls & xoo STOWFORD-W. Northcott, Union inn, fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Dnnn Robert, Wigton villa, Watts road Mathews William c.E. Rock view
Alford Rev. Daniel Pring M.A. [vicar of Eastcott William, Spring hill Mathews William Wevil!, Rock view
Tavistock], Vicarage Ellis William, Church lane May Mrs. J. R. Albany vil. Glanvillerd
Andrews Per<>y L.M.A. (assistant master Franklin Mrs. 2 Meadow villa May Thomas Agnew M.A. (assistant
. Kelly college), Parkwood place l<'reeman Francis Ford, Abbotsfield master), Kelly college
Arnold Miss, 4 Woburn terrace George Henry, 9 Granville road Mayjor Miss, I Abbey mead
Arthur Mrs. 2 Chapel street Gibson Henry AIves, Bank ho. West st. Miles Charles, Rose villa, Bannawell
Babbage John, jun. Crelake Giles John, II Chapel street Minhinnick Richard, 4 Parkwood place
Badcock Rev. Lindsay Thomas (Uni- Gill William. Sunnyside, Ford street Moor Thomas, 3 Park wood place
tarian], 3 Spring hill Glubb William, 63 West street Naylor Mrs. 2 Woburn terrace
Baker Edmund, Io Abbey me:ad Goldswortby John, Bella vista Neat John Henry, 1 'for viis. Watts rd
Baker Mrs. 7 Abbey mead Goldsworthy William, 8 Chapel street Neat Mrs. I Tor villas, Watts road
Ball George, 24 Higher Market street Greenfield Thomas Williams,Ingledene, Newman Mrs. The Elms, Glanville rd
Barkell Edward, 63 Bannawell street Glanville road . Nicholls Harry James, Moor vie'!,
Barnard Thomas John, Springfield· Griffin Misses, 2 Millbrook villas Glanville road
Barnett William Henry Brooks, Higher Hamilton John Kerr, St. Rumons Nicholls Richard, 8 Glanville road
Market street Harris Charles, 3 Endsleigh terrace Northey William Cornish, Glanville rd
Barrett Richard, Far view, Watts road Harvey Charles, Upland villa, Watts rd Northey William Stenlake, Trebarwith,
Barton Aug. Hawthorn vil.Glanville rd Harvey Mrs. 6 King street Glanville road
Bate Arthur, Guildhall square Havertield Thomas Wylde, Clifton villa, Northway William Rowe, Handsworth
Battams Geo. Bland, Kilworthy house Watts road villa, Watts road
Bawden Moses, Tamar view Hill Abraham, 1 Millbrook villas Nos worthy 8tphn. Moorfids. Glanville rd
Bickford Mrs. South view, Watts road Hill Thomas, 4 Millbrook villas Nute William, 5 'frelawney terrace
Blatchford Henry, 1 Bedford place Hillyar Cecil B. Spring hill Oates Miss, 65 West street
Blatchford Mrs. John, 1 Spring hill Hitchins Mrs. 5 Glanville road Oliver Rev. Thomas Perry [Bible Chris-
Boggis Rev. Thomas M.A.2 Bedford vils Hitchms Wm. Hedley, 2 Parkwood rd tian], 43 Bannawell street
Bray Mrs. 3 Bedford place Hole Richard, 6 Parkwood villas Oliver Richard, 17 Glanville road .
Bright Richard, 20 Chapel street Honey William,. Russellstreet Owen Edward J.P. 8 Endsleigh terrace
BrodrickChas. Cumberlnd. Lynbrdge. ho HooperWilliam, I Belmont vls. Watts rd Paddock James Thomas, 16 Chapel st
Brown Richard, 61 West street; & 7 Horswell Miss, 2 Fell side, Glanville rd Palmer Mrs. E. J. Spring hill
Queen Anne terrace, l'lymouth Hosking Mrs. Woodbine cottage Palmer Richard, Russell street
Browne Mrs. Osborne villa, Watts road Hughes Mrs. I Abbey towers, Watts rd Palmer Thomas Martin, 8 Woburn ter
Camozzi Joseph James, Abbey mount, Hughes Richard, Eas1t Russell house Parnell Mrs. I Parkwood place
Glanville road Hullah Mrs. 5 Woburn terrace Pascoe Charles Alfred, 15 Chapel street
Churchill Miss, 7 Woburn terrace J ackman John, Eversleigh Paull Josiah, 3 Devonshire terrace
Clemens EdwinGeach,63A,Bannawellst Jacob Col. WilliamV. FitzG.Brooklands Pearce Henry, 2 Bedford place
Cloid Mrs. Abbey mount Jago William, 9 Chapel street Pearce James, Rockpark house
Cole James, 4 Parkwood villas Jeffrey Fred B. Crelake Pearce Mrs. 9 A.bbey mead
Collacott Francis Richd. 5 Parkwood viis JohnstoneJn.Douglas,HiHside,Watts rd Pearce Mrs. W, S. Abbey mount
Collard Edwin, Moor view, Watts road Karslake Rev. Henry John Withington Pea.rse Misses, 7 Bedford place
Coppin Edmund, Osborne ho. Watts rd :B.A. [curate], 3 Woburn terrace Pearse Thomas Franklyn, Woodovis
Cornelius Edward, 17 Chapel street Knight Henry, 5 Parkwood place Penrose Rev. Elisha [United Methodist
Col'; Miss, Abbey tower, Watts road Leamon Michael Tout, I Bedford villas Free Church], 21 Chapel street
Craze John, 10 Chapel street Leamon Miss, 2 Ford terrace Perry Mrs. Hazeldon
Cracker William, 5 Chapel street Legassick Gustavus S. I Woburn ter Perry John Doidge, 2 Belmont,Wa.tts rd
David Rev.WilliamHermann lii.A.(head Legassick Mrs. Greenland cottage, Perry Mrs. Pentavy, Glanville road
master), Kelly college Mount Tavy road Petherick John, 21 Bannawell street
Daw John Jarrett, 7 Endsleigh terrace Lethbridge Miss, 6 Woburn terrace Petty Rev. Harry Martin B.A. [vicar of
Daw Mrs. Glanville road Linnell William B. A. (assistant master), St. Paul's], Gulworthy
Dennis James Alfred, 76 West street Kelly college · Phillips William, 2 Abbey mead
Dennis John, 1 Endsleigh terrace Lucas Joel, Spring hill Pizey Miss, 4 Abbey mead
Dickinson Henry William, Pendarren Lundie Stow Compton, 2 Endsleigh ter Pollard Miss, 3 Ford terrace
~ honse, Watts road McDonald Reginald T. 66 West street Pro11t Charles, I8 Chapel street
Dingle Edward [Plymouth Brethren], Maddock James, 7 Parkwood place Prout Mrs. 8 Parkwood place
19 King street Maker John, 4 Ford terrace Radford Daniel J.P. Mount 'favy.
Divett John Ross, Eisleben Marriott. William E. M.At. {assistant Radford Robert, -44 Bannawell stree11
Doidge Mrs. 4 Bedford place matoter), The Lodge, Kelly college Radmore Samuel, 7 Kilworthy lane
Down Mrs. 6 Bedford place Marshall Edred J. P. Parkwood house Raymont Simeon, 6 Abbey mead
Drake Staff-Surgeon Cecil R.N. Crelake Marshall Miss, 5 Bedford place Raymont Simon, 46 Bannawell street
Dunn Herbert, Oldwooda Mathews Joseph, Ferrurn hill Reed Mrs. x Pixton villas
.Richards Isaac, I I Abbey mead Stow Francis, Fairchilds, Watts road Weatherley Mrs. 2 Torre viis. Watts rd
Richards l\liss, 6 Endsleigb terrace Swale Harold M.B. 3 Abbey mead WhitbreadRev. George[ Wes. ],soWest st
R1chards Samuel, I9 Brook street Tarner Wm. Edwin,Morfeldg.Watts rd Whitehear Mrs. E. 2 Moorfields, Glan-
RosevereWm.Sloggattn.L.,J.P.l\lanor ho Taylor Charles Percy, Morwell down ville road
Rowe Theodore, l:::ipring hill Thornton Richard Manby, 4 Chapelst Willesford Charles, Tavy cottage
Rundle Edward, Deerpark Thynne John Frederick,17 Chapel street Williams Rev. Henry [Wes.], 27 West st
Rundle Edward Collins, 3 Abbey place Timaeus Edwin J. W. Belle vue Williams George, 5 West street
Saltern WilliamParsons,MountFleasant Tomlinson John, Malvern vil. Watts rd Williams John Davy, 7 West street
Bhipley Conway L. M.A. (assistant Torr Thomas Berry, 4 Devonshire ter Williams Robert, 6 Parkwood place
master), Kelly college Tremellin Richard, 9 Abbey mead Willis Miss, I9 King street
Smith James Snowden, 32 West street Treverton William, I Canal road . Wilson Rev. Edward Codrington Collins
Snell William, Glanville road Tripe Theopbilus, 5 Abbey mead M.A. [curate], Greenland cottage
Snow Jonathan, 71 West street Trist James, 30 West street Winney William, Springhill house
'Hpencer Rev. Edward M.A. RusseH st Vigers Henry, Vigers hall, Wilminstone Wood Waiter B.A. (assistant master,
Spencer Rev. Kingsley Ph.D., M.A. 5 Vosper Mrs. Windsor villa, Watts road Kelly college), Parkwood place
Endsleigh terrace Ward Rev. Thomas W. B.A. (assistant Yelland Mrs. r2 Chapel street
Stevens Richard, 12 Abbey mead master), Kelly college Youren Thomas, 64 West street
Stevens William, I Meadow vils.New rd Ward William Osmond, Saint John's
COMMBRClAL. Chilcott & Chilcott, solicitors, 5 Bedford place
Acton James, boot maker, 7 Banuawell street Chilcott Edward (firm, Chilcott & Chilcott), solicitor, &
Acton John, boot maker, 4 Bannawell street clerk to the magistrates for Tavistock division,s Bedford pl
Alford James, watch maker, 37 Brook street Chilcott Edward William, solicitor, see Chilcott & Chilcott
Alford William, market keeper, 4 Exeter street Ching & Son,wine & spirit merchants& brandy importers;
Alger John R. S. S. shoeing & general smith, I Vigo bridge agents for theAnglo-Bavarian ales; establishedr8o8(Henry
Alien James Hy. supt. Prudential Assurance, 62 West st H. Gand, manager); telegrams," Ching, Tavistock," 74
All port Henry, master mariner & grocer, Morwellham West street
Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Friend-in-Need) (Waiter Chissell Mary Jane (Mrs.),milliner, 18 Barley Market street
Bloye, sec.), committee room, New hall, Bedford square; Chubb Joseph, insurance agent, 19 Bannawellstreet
(Court, Hand-in-Hand, 3,472) Guildhall (J. Green, sec) Clark Josiah Barfett, stationer, 6 West street
Andrews John & Sons, boot & shoe manufctrs. Bannawell st Clemo W1lliam, manager Devon Great Consols
Andrews James, seedsman & florist, 70 West street Cocks Alfred M. baker, II Barley Market street
Andrews William Henry, boot &shoe maker, ro West st Cole John, blacksmith, 33 Brook street
.Armes John Langman & Frederick George,- wholesale Cole John Henry, shoeing smith, Paddon's row
grocers & provision merchants & mineral water manufrs Cole Thomas, confectioner, 5 & pork butcher 22, Higher
Ayres Waiter, tailor, 9 Bannawell street Market street
Backwell & Sons, carriage builders, Station road Collacott Henry Vincent, baker & grocer, 15 Brook street
Backwell William, Cornish Arms P.H. I5 West strAet Collacott .John, builder & carpenter, Bedford yard
Bailey Henry, shopkeeper, 65 Bannawell street Collacott James, tinman & gasfitter, 43 Brook street
Baker Willia"' Ed"'und, furnishing & general iron- Collacott John, Duke of York P.H. 14l<'ord street
monger & gasfitter, 7 Lower Market street Collard Edwin, farmer; & Standon farm, Peter Tavy
Ball Grace (Mrs.), dress maker, Madge hill Collins Thirza (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Exeter street
Barkell James, basket maker, I6 Higher Market street · Corn Market, West street
Barkell John, dairyman, 31 Exeter street Coss Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), apartments, I Chapel street
Barkell Thomas, butcher, 18 Exeter street Cottage Hospital & Dispensary (Harold Swale M.B. physi-
~arnett E. L. & F. (Misses), drapers & milliners, 3 Higher cian; James Snowden Smith L.R.C.P.Edin. Charles Cum-
Market street berland Brodrick L.R~C.P.Edin. & John Harley Gough
2!Battams George Bland, farmer, Kilworthy house L.R.C. P.LOnd. surgaons ; Richard Brown L.n.s Eng. sur-
geo-n-dentist ; W. Gill, dispenser & sec.), West street
Batten William Henry, district highway surveyor, 1
Higher Market street County Court (His Honor James Broughton Edge, judge;
Ba.wden Moses, purser of Devon Great Consols, mining agent John Douglas Johnstone, registrar & high bailiff) ; office,
& general accountant, I Church lane I Church lane
Bedford's Duke of, Estate Offices (Edward Rundle,steward) Courtis Thomas, farmer, Crebor
"Bennett John William Palmer, grocer, 6 Lower Back street Cranch Thomas Henry, assessor of taxes, assistant overseer
Bennett Thomas, greengrocer, 18 Brook street & collector of poor rates & clerk to the burial board, 2
llennison Mary Jane (Mrs.), dairy, We~tbridge cottages Higher Market street
Eickle William, farmer, Blanchdown Cross William, saddler, 12 Lower Back street
Blanchard Jonathan, boot maker, 4 Pepper street Cruze Ann (Mrs.), laundry, 44 West street
Blanchard Samuel Joel Cook, ironmonger, 8 Brook street Cuddeford James, butcher, I7 West street
Hlatchford Henry, building surveyor to the Duke of Bed- Cuming John, farmer, Langford
ford, I Dolvin road Cuming John Crabb, greengrocer, 8 King street
Blowey William Henry, farmer, Broadwell Darton Richard, house decorator, 19 Higher Market street
Bloye l::!arah (Miss), fancy repository, see Rowe & Bloye Davey John, carpenter, 10 Exeter street
Bodinner William James, insurance agent, 23 Exeter street Davey John Lane, carpenter, Vi~o Bridge road
Bolt Frederick, grocer, 45 Brook street Davy Rebecca (Mrs.), dairy, 2 Dolvin road
'Bowhay Thomas, grocer, I Ford street Dawe John Sampson, shopkeeper, 9 Ford street
British & Foreign Bible Society(Benjamin Foster),2 Duke st Dealve Louis, grocer, 30 Brook street
.Brock Thomas, shoe maker, 69 West street Denning William, shopkeeper, 49 West street
Erodrick Charles Cumberland L.R.C.P.Edin.surgeon,& medi- Dennis James Alfred, cabinet maker & builder, 76 West st
cal officer & public vaccinator of Whitchurch & South Derry William & Co.railway & general carriers,.Abbey mead
Lidford districts, Tavistock union, & medical ufficer of Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Henry
health to the rural sanitary authority, Lynbridge house .Alves Gibson, manager); hours 10 to 3, sat. 1oto I,fridays
Brook Thomas, Cattle Market inn, Crelake & fair days ro to 4, West street: draw on Barclay, Bevan,
Erown Richard L.D.S.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon-dentist & hon. Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London E c
dentist •ravistock Cottage Hospital, 61 West street; & 7 Devon Great Consols Copper & .Arsenic Manufacturers,
Queen Anne terrace, Plymouth Devon Great Consols Co. Limited (George Hadlee, sec.;
Budge George Henry, agricultural implement maker, Moses Bawden, purser; William Clemo, manager)
Lumbnrn foundry Dingle Henry, farmer, Taviton
Carter John, grocer & provision merchant, 48 Brook street Dingle James Deacon, wood dealer, 41 West street
Carter Mary (Mrs.), dress & mantle maker, 48 Brook street Dingle John Wedlake, grocer, 5 King street
Carter William, lodging house, 14 Chapel street Dingley & Co. bankers (Stephen Nosworthy, manager),
Carter William Henry, grocer & provision mer. 72 West st hours, IO to 3, sat. IO to I, fridays & fair days, IO to 4;
Cemetery (Thomas Henry Cranch, clerk to the burial Higher Market street; draw on Union Bank of London,
board), Plymouth road London E c
Chapman Frederick, coach builder, see Parsons & Cbapman Divett John Ross, manager of the Tavistock Bank, Higher
Chapman John, hair dresser & tobacconist, 15 Duke street Market Htreet
Chapman Thomas, tailor, 10 Parkwood cottages Doble Henry Tregellas & Son, chemists, 49 Brook street
Chapple Wm. inspector of weights & measures, 67 West st Do~le Susan (Mills), furnished apartments, 3 Wobum ter
Chave Thomas Linscott, printer, 2 Higher Back street Dotdge Charles, farmer, Crebor
Chenhall J. (Mrs.) & Sons, watch & clock makers & photo- Doidge Thomas, hatter, 5 Lower Market street
graphers, 24 West street Doidge William Hy. hair dresser & tobacconist, 82 West st
Chenhall Thomas, sewing machine dealer, 20 West street Down Samuel B. outfitter, 50 Brook street
Down Betsey (Mrs.), apartments, 58 Bannawellstreet ance committee, Tavistock highway board, Whitchurch &
Down James, coffee house, 38 Brook street Lidford school boards & supt. registrar, clerk to the
Down William, greengrocer, 2I Barley Market street governors Tavistock Grammar school, deputy coroner for
Drew Mary Ann (Mrs.) & James, farmer, Great Artiscombe Devon, Okehampton division, I Church lane
Donn George, ironmonger, 7 Duke street Jury Richard, farmer, Impham
Durham E. & Sons, fellmongers & chemical manufacturers, Kelly College (Rev. W. H. David M.A. head master; T.
35 Brook street Agnew May M.A. C. L. Shipley M.A. Percy Andrewes M.A.
Dyer Francis Russell, baker, ro Parkwood road Waiter B. Wood B.A. Rev. Thomas Ward B.A. William E.
Et~.sterbrook George, butcher & farmer, I6 Market hall, Maniott lii.A. William Linnell B. A. assistant masters
Tavistock, on fridays, Kelly on saturdays ; & at Milton Kerslake Caroline (Mrs.), greengrocer, 6 Brook street
Abbot Kerslake Thomas, builder, 20 West street
Easterbrook Robert, carter, 14 Exeter street Kerswill Brothers, plasterers, 6~, Taylor square
Eddy Thomas, farmer, New Quay cottage Kerswill John, farmer, Gawton farm
Edwards Philip, earthenware dealer, 23 Barley Market st Kerton Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 20 Exeter street
Eslick Thomas, umbrella maker, 2 Exeter street Kingdom Daniel, greengrocer, 20 Barley Market street
Essery Herhert William, farmer, Bumford Knight Henry, coal dealer, Railway stores
Essery William, farmer, Grendon Knight Richard, cooper, 20 King street
Flower John Fesenmeyer, reporter to the " Tavistock Lang Henry, tailor, 8 K1lworthy lane
Gazette," 3 Millbrook villas Lang John, shoe maker, 35 West street
Foote Margaret (Mrs.), White Hart P.H. 3 Brook street Leamon ~Iichael Tout M.R.c.s.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon, I Bed-
Foster Benjamin, fancy warehouseman, 2 Duke street ford villas
Francis Absalom, manager & sec, Gas works, Ford street Lovell Joseph, butcher, 5 Brook street
Freemasons' Bedford Lodge (No. 282) (Thomas Kerslake, Luke Sarah (Mrs.), upholstress, 5 Duke street
sec.), Public Library, Bedford square Luxmoor James, shopkeeper, Morwellham
Friend John, dairyman, 23 West street Luxton Williarn, coffee house & fly propr. 5 Lower Back st.
Friend Frank, dairyman, Indiscombe McKee John, grocer, 27 Brook street
Fuge Honor Burley (Miss), dining rooms, 9 Brook street McMaster David, draper, 14 Duke street
Fuge Samuel, farmer, Hele farm McMaster Hugh, travelling draper, 8 Parkwood road
Furse William, game & poultry dealer, I4 West street Macshane James Eugene, tailor, 4 Duke street
Gawton & Co. (copper & arsenic mine) {Moses Bawden, Maker Jarnes, dairyman, 6 Kilworthy lane
purser & manager; George Rowe, agent) Maker John, builder, Canal road
German John & Sons, wholesale boot & shoe & !egging Mallett Rosalia (Miss), dress maker, 19 Barley Market st
manufacturers, I Higher Mal'ket street Mallett Williarn Hy. house decorator, I9 Barley Market st
German William, grocer, 17 Brook street Martin Thos Williams,hair dressr.& tobacconist, 47 Brook st
Gibbings George Henry F.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgn.Duke st Martyn William Thomas, beer retailer, Okehampton road
Gibbings Jane Georgina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Brook street Mason William James, inspector of nuisances to the rUl'at
Gibbings Mary Ann (Miss), draper & milliner, 17 Duke st sanital'y authority & vaccination officer for Milton Abbot.
Gibson Henry Alves, manager of Devon & Cornwall Bank sub-district, Tavistock union, 22 Higher Market street
Gidley George, farmer, Radge · Mathews Emily Jane (Miss), school, 8 Glanville road
Gill Jonathan, boot makel', 28 West street Mathews William, civil engineer, Rock view
Gill Sarah (Mrs.), confectioner, West street Mathews William Wevtll, solicitor, commissioner for oaths &
Gill William, farmer, Colcharton • clerk to Tamar & Plymouth fishing board, Church lane
Gill William Thomas, farmer, Crowndale Maunder William, shopkeeper, 7 King street
Gillard Phcebe & Ell~n (Misses), milliners, 9 Duke street May Solomon Reddicliff, butcher, IS Higher Market street
Glanville & Son, auctioneers, Duke street May Thomas, builder, 22 West street
Glanville Harry, farmer, Shillamill farm May William, farmer, Hurdwick
Goldsworthy John, mine agent, Bella Vista Mechanics' Literary Institute (John Shambrooke, sec.; Row-
Grafton &; Scott, grocers, & agents for W, & A. Gilbey, wine land Hill Glasson, librarian), Duke street
& spirit merchants, 6 Duke street . Medland John Pellow, farmer, Grendon
Green Charles Francis, managing clerk to Perry Spear Co Medland Samuel, dairy, 6 Kilworthy lane
Greenfield Thomas Williams, bookse11er, stationer & book- Merrifield Lydia &; Elizabeth (:\iisses), wax chandlers & per-
binder, also editor & publisher of the " Tavistock fumers, 52 Brook street
Gazette," 4 Bedford !!quare. See advertisement Merrifield Geot'ge, superintendent of fire brigade,Fire Engine
Guildhall (W. Collacott, keeper), Guildhall !!quare · station, Guildhall square; residence, 12 Kilworthy lane
Daddy Samuel Peek, registral' of births & death!! & vacci- Metters Frederick, shoeing smith, Canal road
nation officer for the Tavistock sub-district, & relieving Metters Jonathan, tailor, 22 Chapel street
officer for the south district, 17 Exeter street Middleton WHliam, head master School of Art, West street
Hanns Hezekiah, farmer, Rowden Miles Charles, dairyman, Brook street
Harris Charles & Son, drapers & outfitter!!, Bank !!quare k Miles Thomas Osborne, watch maker, jeweller, silversmitn
3 Duke street & optician, I I West street
Harris John, butcher, New bridge Minhinnick Richard, builder, 32 Brook street
Harris Thomas, farmer, Heathfield Minhinnick Wm.&John,builders & stone masons,34Brook st
Harvey James, assayer, 6 King street Mitchell Samuel, mine agent, Devon Great Consols
Heard William M. R.c. v. s. veterinary surgeon, Pepper street Mode Sarah (Mrs.), greengrocer', Taylor square
Heyward Peter, dairyman, Okehampton road Monk Harry Edwin, grocer, 7 Higher Market street
Heywood Sidney Herbert, hair dresser &; tobacconist, xB Morris Brothers, fly proprietors & coach builders, I8 Barley
Higher Market street Market street
Higman William Henry, builder, 7 Lower Back street Mortimore Richard, dairyman, I4 Fitzford
Bill James, ironmonger, 77 West street Muzzlewhite Geor~?;e, house decoratol', 4 Brook street
Billson Phillip, farmer, Higher Gawton Nicholls Harry Jas. mining engineer,Moor view,Gianviller<l
Billyal' Cecil B. L.F.P.s.olas. physician & sur~eon & medical Nicholls Richard, supt. of countypolice,inspector of weights
officer & public vaccinator, Milton Abbot dist. Spring hill & measures & inspector under the Explosive & Contagious
Hitchins William Hedley, inland revenue officer & inspector Diseases (Animals) Acts, Guildhall
corn returns, 2 Parkwood road · Northcott William, Union inn, I King street
Holcombe Edward, boot maker, 7 Bannawell street North way Mary (Mrs.), Queen's HPad Commercial hotel,.
Hopper Robert & James Bevan, farmers, Tor West street
Horswill Edward, clerk to the school board & deputy super- Nosworthy Stephen, manager at Messrs. Dingley & Co.'s
intendent registrar, 3 "Chapel street · Bank, Higher Market street
Boyle Henry Davy, miller (water) & fal'mer,Lumbum mills N@sworthy William Henry, beer retailer, 41 Brook street
Huggins Richard, shopkeeper, 57 West street Osborn Thomas, insurance agent, Trelawny cottage
Jago Daniel, painter, 4 Trelawny terrace Oxenham John, timber merchant, 2 Canal road
Johns John V. agent for Hand-in-Hand Life & Fire Insur- Parnell .John (late George Henry Lidstone), gold & silver-
ance, 8 Duke street
smith, wateh maker, jeweller & optician, 78 West streE!t
Johns Nicholas, mason, 12 Vigo Bridge road
Parsons & Chapman, coach builders, 10 & 11 Brook street
Johns William, fishing tackle & golf club maker, Drake rd Paull Josiah, mineral agt. to Duke of Bedford, Bedford office
Johns William, miller (water), baker & grocer, 8 Duke street Pearce James, glass & china dealer, 42 Brook street
& Taviton mill
Pearce Jonathan Littlejohn, grocer, Bank square
Johnstone John Douglas, solicitor, commissioner to adminis- Pearce Thomas Ellery, chemist&; druggist & seed merchant,
ter oaths, commissioner of acknowledgments of m~rriei I & 4 West street
women & commissionor both sides of the Stannaries court, Perkin William Edward, corn, seed&; manure mer.9 King st
· clerk to Tavistock union, clerk to assessment committer:, Perkin Henl'y Rundle, farmer, Gulworthy
Tavi;,tock rural sa.nitai'y authority, school board attend- Perry Arthur Jehu, farmer, Hazeldon
Perry Spear & eo. Limited, coal, timber, manure & Tavistock Cottage Garden Society (Ernest Warran, see.),
grain merchants, 76. West street & New quay, Tavistol'l~; I2 Parkwood cottages
& at Halton quay; Sand Hill & Kelly Bray. See advert Tavistock Gas & Coke Co. Limited (Absalom Francis, man•
Petherick .Jabez, agricultural implement dealer & ager & sec.), Ford street
machinist & agricultural ironmonger, 3 Bank square Tavistock Gazette (established in 1857) (Thomas Williams
Pbillips Rose (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Barley Market street Greenfield, publisher; published friday); office, 4 Bedford
Phillips Emily (Miss), grocer, 15 Ford street square. See advertisement
Pbillips Francis, farmer, Gulworthy Tavistock Library (Edwin Straker, sec.; Richard Westing· [
Philp John, wheelwright, New Shop ton, librarian), Abbey buildings
Pillar Henry, stationer & printer, 12 Duke street Tavistock Printing Co. Limited, machine printers; office, 4
Pomeroy Emanuel,tailor & outfitter,g West st. & u Duke st Bedford square
Prout Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer, 52 West street Tavy Iron & Engineering Works Limited (Thomas W.
Prout James, blacksmith, Okehampton road Greenfield, sec.), engineers & iron founders
Ralph Joseph, confectioner & baker, 73 West street Tawton John, bill poster, 37 Brook street
Raymont Simeon, grocer, see Williams & Raymont Thornton Richard Manby, boarding & day school, 75 West st
Raymont Sim on, blacksmith, Taylor's square Thynne Henry Jam~s Reginald, pianoforte tuner, 38 West st
Reddicliffe John, farmer,& Golden Lion P.H. 51 Brook street Tbynne John Fredk. professor of music, 7 Chapel street
Richards Ann (Mrs.), Ship inn, & farmer, Morwellham Timaeus Edwin John Watkins, accountant, 9 Ktlworthy la
Richards Baldwin Barton Symons,mine agt.DevonGt.Consols Tomlinson John, professor of musjc &organist, Malvern villa,
Richards Edward, builder & undertaker, 22 Dolvin road Watts road
. Richards William, dairyman, 36 West street Tonkin Henry, boot & shoe maker, 2 West street
Richards William, watch maker, 39 Brook street 'foop & Sons, butchers, & cattle dealers, 3 West street.
Rodda Henry, poulterer, 31 Exeter street Trudgeon William, boot maker, 23 Brook street
Rodda William, furniture broker, 4 King street Trnscott Thomas, Dartmoor coach proprietor & job master;
Rogers John Stephens, mouumental sculptor, granite mer. posting in all its branches, close & open carriages of every
chant, builder & contractor, IS Ford street description; waggonettes, chaNt-banes & pony carriages
Roskilly Thomas, farmer, Nutley always on hire; glass & other hearses & mourning car-
Rowe Emma (Mrs.) & Bloye Sarah (Miss), fancy repository, riages; 44 Brook street
13 Duke street Vanstone Thomas, grocer, 15 & 16 King street
Rowe William, farmer, Sandy park Veale & Sons, timber merchants & wheelwrights, Parkwood
Rundle Edward, steward to the Duke of Bedford villas
Hussell Mines Limited ('f. W. Greenfield, purser; William Vigars Arthur, farmer, Crebor
George, manager) Vigars John, dairyman, 1 Taylor square
Salter William, butcher, 22 Barley Market street Vigars Thomas, shopkeeper, Lumburn ·
8argent James, carman, 3 Vigo bridge Vivian & Sons, coal & manure merchants, Railway stores
School of Art (William Middleton, head master; John Davy Volunteer Battalion 2nd (Prince of Wales's) Devonshire
I Regiment (K & L Cos.) (K Co. Capt. Dawson Spooner 1
Williams, sec.), West. street
Shambrook John, clerk to the inspectors under the Lighting L Co. Capt. J. R. Rolston; Sergt. Daniel Bowles, drill
& Watching Act, ro Cudlipp court, Lower Back street instructor), Bedford square
Shepperd William, temperance & commercial hotel, I Kil- Vosper Rebecca Jane (Mrs.), china:& glass dealer, 4 Higher •
worthy lane . Market street
~hilson James, basket maker, 5 Pepper street Ward Richard, farmer, Morewell Barton II
Skinner Harry, New Market hotel, I Duke street Walkem William, farmer, Hartshole 11
Skinner Hugh William, butcher, 25 West street Walker John, travelling draper, 19 Chapel street
Skinner John Solomon, farmer, Down house Walker John Burlace, ironmonger, 36 Brook street
Sleeman James, farmer, Hurlditch Horn Ward &. ehowen, auctioneers, architects, surveyors &
Sleeman John, Exeter inn, I Lower Back street land agents, Bedford square; & at Burnville, Brentor
Sleeman William, farmer, Rubby town Warran J. nurseryman, Parkwood road
Sly Henry Edward, sawyer, 36 Fitzroy cottages Warren Joseph, dairyman, 36 Bannawell street
Sly William, dining rooms, 13 West street Warren Robert, baker & grocer, 13 Higher Market street
Smith W. H. & Son, booksellers & news agents, G. W. R, & Warren Robert, marine store dealer, 67 Bannawell street l
L. & S. W. R. stations Warren Waiter, sewing machine agent, 17 Higher Market st
Smith James Snowden L.R.c.P.Edin. physician & surgeon & Watts George, baker, 11 Lower Back street '
medical officer & public vaccinator, Tavistock district & Webb John, plasterer, 48 West street
certifying factory surgeon for Tavistock & Horrabridge, 3:.1 Westington Richard, tailor & librarian, I Abbey place
West street . Westlake George, saddler, 8 Higher Market street
Snell William, corn, seed & wool merchant, Corn market Wheal Crebor Copper Mining Co. (Moses Bawden, proprie-
Southcombe Josiah, insurance agent, 28 Brook street tor; P. D. Holman, agent)
Spear Alfred, farmer, Ogbear White & Co. wine & spirit merchants, 12 Higher Market st
Spencer Rev. Kingsley Ph.n., M.A. private school, 5 Ends- Wilkins Edward James, boot maker, 16 Brook street
Ieigh terrace . Willcocks Joseph, travelling draper & tea dealer, 3 King st
Spencer Mary Ann (Miss), dairy, 2 King street Williarna .John Davy &. Son, saddlers& harness makers,
Spiers & l'ond Lim. refreshment rms. L. & S. W. R. stations 85, 86 & 87 West street & 13 Back street
Spurrell James, farmer, Hocklade Williams John, decorator, 6 Trelawny terrace
Squire William & Co. grocers, ale & porter & wine & spirit Williams & Raymont, grocers & 'fine & spirit merchants,
merchants, 6 Lower Market street 12 West street
Squire John, Bedford commercial & family hotel & posting Williams & Co. mineral water manufacturers, 12 Higher
house & wine & spirit merchant Market street
Stamp Office (Thomas Williams Greenfield, distributor), 4 Williams John & Son, painters & gilders, 23 Higher Market st
Bedford square Williams John Davy, drapers, 7, 81 & 83 West street
Stephen Thomas, dairyman, 17 Duke street Williams John Rowe, dairyman, 6 High Market strPet
Stephens Charles, draper, 14 Brook street William Richd. draper & outfitter, 11 & 21 Higher Marketst
Stodden Sarah (Mrs.) & Harwood Mary Ann (Miss),milliners Williams William, Hare & Hounds P.H. Chipshop
& dress makers, 19 West street Williams William, shopkeeper, 22 Brook street
Straker Edwin, postmaster, 4 Abbey plaee Willing John, plumber, 630, Bannawell street
Studley William, Harvest Home P.H. Lumburn road Winney William, ladies' school, Spring Hill house
Swailes Samuel, boot maker, 46 Brook street Winter Wm. Thos.Hishop, linen draper,Io Higher Marketst
Swale Harold M. B. surgeon & physician & hon. physician to Witheridge Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Parswell ·
the Tavistock Cottage hospital, 3 Abbey mead Wonnacott Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper; 13 Brook street
Symons John England, watch maker, IO Duke street Woodrow Richard, greengrocer, I2 Brook street ,
Symons William, millwright, Morwellham Woolcock William, mine agent Devon Great Consols
Tavistock Bank (Fox, :Fowler &; Co.) (John Ross Divett, Yelland Erlward, draper, I Bedford square
manager); hours 10 to 3; fridays & fair days, ro to 4; Yelland May (Miss), milliner, 22 West street
saturday, xo to I, Higher Market street; draw on Lloyds Yole Edward, nurseryman & florist; nursery, New road
Bank Limited. London E c Youren Thomas, accountant Devon Great Consols
Tavistock Brewery eo. brewers & maltsteriS & wine & Young Men's Christian Association (R. Morsehead esq. l.P.
spirit merchants, Bedford brewery, 19 & 20 Brook street president), Bank square
TAWSTOCK is a .parish and vi:hge, on the west bank the Great Western and London and South Western rail-
of the river Taw, 2 miles south from Harnstaple station on ways, in the North Western division of the county, Frem-
lington hundred, Braunston petty sessional division, Barn- Tawstock have the rent of ::i!2A. 2R. 39P. left by the Countess
staple union and county court district, rural deanery and of Bath; the poor's bands produce about £94 yearly. Taw-
archdeaconry of Barnstaple and diocese of Exeter. In this stock Court, the property of Sir Henry Bourcbier Toke Wrey
parish is Barnstaple Junction station of the Great Western bart. D.L.,J.P. is a very handsome mansion, beautifully
and London and South Western railways, where the lines situated, with an ancient gateway, dated 1574, the ·only
from Ilfraoombe, Taunton, Torrington and Exeter meet, and remains of the original house, burnt down in r'787: the
on the last mentioned is the Chapelton station, also in this grounds cover r r acres, the remainder is let to farmers. Sir
parish. The church of St. Peter, picturesquely situated on Henry Bourchier Take Wrey bart. who is lord of Tawstock
rising ground and surrounded by fine trees, is an ancient manor, and Lord Alinpton lord of Templeton manor, are the
cruciform building of stone, in the Decorated and Perpen- principal landowners. The soil varies, and in some part-s is
dicular styles, consisting of chancel with south chapel, nave, rich ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley,
ai,sles, transepts, south porch and a lofty embat.tled central mangold, turnips &c. The area is 6,582 acres; rateable
tower of ~hree stages, with pinnat!les at the angles and con- value, £8,440; the population in 1891 W3S t 12o6.
taining 6 fine-toned bells, dating from 1753 to 1794: the PosT OFFICI!:.-John Ridd, sub-postmaster'. Letters re-
aisles are also embattled: the east window in the south tran· ceived from Barnstaple at 7.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 5·45
sept is stained, and the chancel retains a piscina and credence: p.m. The oearest money order & telegraph office is at
in the church is an altar tomb, with recumbent effigy to Barnstaple. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid,
Frances (Kitson), wife of John (Bourchier), Lord :Fitzwarine, WALL LETTER BoxEs.-Harracott cleared at 4·45 p.m. week
<~b. 1586; another altar tomb bears therecumbenteffigiesof days only; Chapelton cleared at 4.25 p.m. weeks days
William (Bourchier), sth Baron Fitzwarine and 3rd Earl of only
Bath, ob. 1636, and the Lady Eli1.abeth (Russell), his 1st LAKE is a hamlet, 2 miles north. ·'
wife; on the tomb are also three small kneeling effigies; to HARRACOTT is a hamlet and chapelry, 3 miles south.
Henry, 5th and last earl, ob. 1634, there is a large tomb with Trinity chapel of ease, built by the rector in 1844, with
griffin supporters, and to his wife, the Lady Rachel (Fane), parsonage house, is a building of stone, consisting of chan-
there is a standing figure of white marble, on a pedestal: eel, nave and south porch.
within a l'ecessed arch on the north side of the chancel is a ST... JoHN's CHAPEL is a hamlet, I mile west. CoLLIBEAR
recumbent effigy of a lady of the r4th century, in wimple is a hamlet, half a mile south-west. .
and mantle: the churchyard is entered from the south by a Charles Warren, police officer.
good lych gate : there are 350 sittings. '!'he register dates ScnooLS :- .
from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, with the National (mixed), built in l"83o, for 120 children; average
chapelry of Harracott annexed, gross yearly value fro~ attendance, 70 ; John Shapland, master ; Mrs. Shapland,
tithe rent-charge, £750: average [71r, with residence 'mistress & Miss Sarah Shapland, assistant mistress
and ni acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir Henry Bourchier Harracott (mixed), partly supported by the rector; built
Toke Wrey hart. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Albany in r86o, for 6o children; average attendance, 43; Miss
Bourchier Sherard Wrey M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. Clara Nellam, mistress
There is a Baptist chapel at Eastacombe and Bible Christian Railway Station, Chapelton (L. & S. W.), John Stotes.
and Baptist chapels at Hiscott. The poor of the manor of station master
Ta.wstock. Green William, farmer, Hiscott Trickey Albt. farmer,Hollamore Barton
Cook Mrs, Rolestone Hill William, carpenter, Hildrew White George, farmer, Natson
Crispin Mrs. Stoneyland Joce Waiter, farmer, Charlacott Woolacott Henry, farmer, Sideham
Foster John Armstrong Josling William, farmer, Fisbley Barton Youatt Caleb, farmer, Lower Hollick
Littleworth Henry John Kerslake Thomas, carpenter, Venn Lake.
Wrey Rev. Albany Bourchier Sherard Lemon John, farmer, Smimington Dunn James, blacksmith
M.A. Rectory Longman Robt. farmr. GreatTennacott
Lovering- George, farmer, Great Week Galliford William, carpenter
Wrey Sir Henry Bourchier Toke hart. Jones Edmnnd, watch maker
& BridHge town Jones Samuel, carpenter
B.A., n.L., .r.P. Tawst ock court Oatway enry, farmer, 8'wanamore J oslin J ames, boot & shoe maker
Packer Richard, farmer, Hearton .
Yeo Misses, Sticklepath hill
COMMERCIAL. Pearce James, farmer, Mews Harracott.
Andrew George, farmer, Chapel town Petherbridge Misses, farmers, Pill Dunn Samuel, farmer & blacksmith
Andrew Philip Hayman,frmr.Park gate Ridd John, shoe maker, Post office Joce Robert Summers, jun. farmer
Barry William, farmer, Radiscott Ridge James, farmer, Linscott May George, farmer ·
Cawsey Robert, shopkeeper, Chapelton Semmings William, fanner, Yelland May John, farmer
Copp Thomas, farmer, Hill side Shute John, tailor, Harracott St. John's Chapel.
Delve William,farmer,Summer'sHiscott Smallridge George, farmer, Uppacott
Dennis George, farmer, Sticklepath Smallridge John, farmer, Hiscott Blackmore John, wheelwright
Down George, farmer, Nutt'stenement Smeardon Thomas, tailor, Smimington Joce Robert Summers, se.n.., fq.rmer ~·
Dullam John, farmer, Hele Barton Spiers & Pond Limited, refreshment assistant overseer
Dunn Bros. blacksmiths, Eastacombe rooms, Barnstaple junction . Collibea.r.
Fisher Thos. jun. farmer. Roundswill Ste>ens Harry,blacksmith, Chapel town
Gear George, farmer, Roundswill Symons Abel, farmer, Higher Week Gill Wi1liam, farmer
Goss Charles, farmer, Hildrew Symons William, farmer, Uppacott Stevens John, farmer
NORTH TAWTON is a small market towtt and parisb >wyck), his wife, d. 1786; and i~ Josias Gard, d. 1825.
near the old road from Exeter to Okehampton, and on the erected in 1869 by Agnes (Gostwyck), wife of Josi&h Gard;
river Taw, wliich is here crossed by a bridge of four arches, she died December 9th, I 870: there is another window- in
leading to Hatherleigh and Okehampton, with a station on the south aisle with similar inscription to John Kelland
the London and South Western railway, 1} miles south from Durant, d. 1877, and Sarah Luccombe, his wife, d. 1836: in
t.he town, 190{ miles from London, 2o north-west from May, J893, a memorial window was erected by Mr. John
Exeter, 12 west from Crediton, 8 east by-south from Hathers- Jackman of Welling, Kent, a native or this town, to members
leigh and 7 north-east from Okehampton, in the Northern of his family, and there are fragments of ancient stained
division of the conntv-, North Tawton hundred, South glass in the windows of the north aisle: on the north side of
Molton petty sessional division, Okeham:pton union and the church is a lime-tree avenue, terminating with a lych
county court district, rural deanery of Okehampton, arch- gate; there is also a sun-dial fixed on the south wall of the
deaconry of Totnes .and diocese of Exeter. Water was -tower: the church affords 6oo sitting~. The register dates
conveyed into the town f"rom Slade :Farm, through iron from the year '1538. The living is a rectory, average tithe
J•ipes, in the year 185t, at an expense of £6oo, raised in rent-charge [62o, net yearly value £751, with 9r ,acres of
t.hares of £5 each. Gas works were erected in r8691 at glebe, valued at £189, and residence, in the gift of a.nd held
a cost of [750, and are the property of a company. The since r8so by the Rev. Robert Hole B.A. of University Col-
church of St. Peter is an ancient building of rubble and lege, Oxford, and J.P. There is a Congregational chapel,
granite, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, erected in 1834, with 300 sittings; one for Bible Christians,
nave of six bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower seating 150 persons; and a meeting-room for Plymouth
with shingled broach spire, containing a clock, dated r64o, Brethren, with 6o sittings. The Market-house was erected
and 6 bells, recast in 1.765-70 from a previous peal of in 1849 ; petty sessions are belli here ~lterh.ately with
four: the tower is of rubble, with walls of great thick- Chulmleigb. A clock tower of red brick. with freestone
ness, and is probably Early English work: the roof of dressings, from designs by Mr. R. M,edley Fulford, architect,
the nave is of panelled oak, the wall plate and bosses being of Exeter, was erected in the square by ):nlblic subscription
elegantly carved: there are stained windows at the east in r887, at a costuf £130. Here are large woollen mills, a
end of each aisle, and one in the south to John Chapple, branch factory belonging to l\:[essrs. J. Shaw and Sons Limi-
d. 1879, and Lovedy his wife, d. r858; in the north· aisle is ted, of Halifax, enlarged in 1887, and employing about 150
a memorial window, with an inscription on brass below it lo persons in the manufacture of blankets and serges; here
Sir Edward Gos~wyck bart. d. 1766, and Loveday (Gost- also are Mr. J. C. Tavener's flour mills. The market is
held on Thursday. Fairs for cattle and horses are held on to Bow or Nymet; Tracey: it is the property of R. D
the 3rd Tuesday in April, 2nd Tuesday in October and 1st Prickman esq. and the residence of William Snell esq.
Tuesday in December, and great markets are held on the Parish Clerk. Hu2'h Pyke.
last Thursdays in February & June, and first Thursday in PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offic~
August. On the bill overlooking the town is a wooden (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O, North
hou11e brought from Norway, belonging to Mrs. Vicary of Devon added).-Frank Skinner, postmaster. Letters
Enmore, near Bridgwater and now in the occupation of received from London, Bristol, Exeter & all parts at 4-44-
Lieut.-General William Gordon. About a mile from the & ro. 10 a. m (to callers only) & 3· 10 p.m. ; dispatched at
town is a hollow in the ground called "Bathe Pool," usually 3.50 & 7·53 p.m. ; deliveries commence at 7 a.m & 3.10
dry, but which occasionally fills with water and overflows. p.m.; sundays, delivery 7 a.m. ; dispatch 7·55 p.m.
The poor have £3 7s. 8d. yearly, distributed in bread; C Parcels 20 minutes before each dispatch
Kelland in I 7s8 left £20 ; and in 1887 the Kelland-De Bathe CoUNTY MAGISTRATES OF 'IHE SOUTH MOLTON PETTY
charity of £I yearly was founded by W. H. Kelland esq. as SESSIONAL DIVISION, Wbt> usually sit here bi-monthly on
a memorial to Richard Kelland of Lapford and De Bathe, ob. the first thursday at 12 noon
I603. The manor was in the !:it. Legers (maternal ancestors
Budd Francis Nonus esq. North Tawton R.S.O
of W. H. Kelland esq. of Kelland in Lapford), and was sold Dunning Major Richard Horwood, Lapford, Morchard
by Adam Pierce and others in 1718 to the Hon. Newton Bishop R.S. 0
Fellowes, from whom it has descended to the Earl of Ports- Hole Rev. Robert B.A. Rectory, North Tawton R.S.O
mouth. Near the church is a moated Site called Court Tanner Rev. John Vowler B.A., D.L. Rectory, Chawleigh,
Green, supposed to ha\·e been the ancient seat of the
Valletorts. The manor of Crook Burnell, alias Stone, has Acting Clerk, George Langdon Fulford
belonged for a considerable period to the Sturt family, now County Police Station, Sergeant William Kemble, in charge
represented by Lord Alington. Ashridge is the property
of Col. Cornish. The barton of Bathe or De Bathonia gave PuBLIC OFFICERS : -
name to the family of Bathe, and was the seat of Lord Chief Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, George L. Fnlford
Justice De Bathe in 1252 : his heirs carried it into the Certifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public Vac-
female line, and it was purchased in 1591 from Lady Mar- cinator, North 'fawton District, Okehampton Union,
garet Poulett by Richard Kelland esq. of Lapford, and Patrick Wood Hislop M.B., c.:M:
descended to his representative W. H. Kelland esq. of Kel- Registrar of Births & Deaths for North Tawton Sub.district.
land, who rebuilt it in 1875-6 and sold it in 1877 to Gen. Sir Hugh Pyke
H. P. De Bathe, a lineal descendant of the original owners. Deputy Registrar, John Ellis Pyke
The barton of Nicholas, or lfichols Nymet, belonged to the Inland Revenue Officer, Handescombe Rodd
late Rev. T. Hole, and is now by purchase the property of ScHOOLs:-
John Wreford esq. of 6 Richmond road, Exeter. The North Tawton, erectP.d in 1863, at a cost of £2,000, on a
manor of Sandford belongs to J. B. Hole esq. J.P.; Halse to site given by the Earl of Portsmouth, is intended for
the Rev. J. L. Fulford M.A. ; Clapps-Beere to the Clapps. the education of the sous of the middle classes generally :
The manor of Week "belongs to Mr. John Henson Gibbings, attached to the school are three scholarships, given by
having been purchased by him in 1889. Crooke barton has Lord Portsmouth & others : the school is managed by a
belonged since 1883 to Mr. Richard May. The Earl of committee of 12 members; the Rev. Robert Hole B.A.
Portsmouth, who is lord of the manor; Gen. Sir H. P. De chairman; Charles George Lovesey, head master; Wm.
Bathe bart. D.L.,J.P of Wood End, Chichester, Sussex; the Durant Gibbings, hon sec
Rev. Robert Hole B.A., .T.P. Mrs. J. Skinner, R. D. Prick- A School Board of 5 members was formed January 26th,
man esq.; John Boger Hole esq. J.P. of Standerwick Court, 1872; Edward Goss, clerk to the board; attendance
Frome, Somerset; John Wreford esq. 6 Richmond road, officer, Hugh Rattenbury, North Tawton
Exeter and Col. Cornish are the principal landowners. Board(boys & girls), built im 875,for 3oo children; average
Messrs. Cla.pp and Letheren, the Rev. John Loveband Ful- attendance, 8o boys & 75 girls; James Chanter Pierce,
ford M. A. vicar of Woodbury, Richard May esq. and Messrs. master ; Sarah Louisa Pierce, mistress ·
Shaw, of Halifax, are also landowners here. The soil is Board (infants), acquired in 1875, & holding r25 children;
various ; subsoil, ·principally red sandstone. The chief average attendance, 92; Miss Annie Newman, mistress
crops are wheat, oats, barley and roots. The area is 5,784 Railway Station, George Risbridger, station master
acres, rateable value, £8,748-; the population in 1891 was Agents to South Western Railway Co. Lewis & Son
• CARRIERS.-Weekes, through from Hatherleigh to Exeter,
BROAD NYMET is a rectory and parish, paying poor and thurs. returning sat. ; Ball, daily from Hatherleigh to
highway rates to North Tawton, but ecclesiastically annexed North Tawton station
T• RIVATE RESIDENTS. Bolt Richard, shopkeeper Fulford George Langdon, solicitor,
Budd Francis Nonus J.P Bowden John & William, shoe makers commissioner for oaths, clerk to the
Cockwell Thomas Bowden Thomas, shoe maker commissioners ' of taxes & to the
Farrant Mark, Nicholls Nymet Bradley John & Son, blacksmiths school board at Sampford Courtenay
Fulford Mrs. Holmes Brooks Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Week & acting clerk to magistrates, North
Gordon Lt.-Gen.Wm.c.I.E.Bouchiershl Cann Robert Davy, tailor & draper Tawton district~ & at Okehampton
Hislop Patrick Wood M. B. ,c.M.Essington Constitutional Club (John Ellis Pyke, Gas Co. (James Chanter Pierce sec)
park hon. sec) · GibbingsJn.Henson&Son,farmers, Week
Hole Rev. RobertB.A., J.P. Rectory Curry Henry, Gostwyck Arms P.H Gibbings John Durant, coal dealer
Isaac Mrs. Tennis court Dart William, farmer, Bridge Gib11on John, farmer, Beere
Letheren Richard, Tennis court Daw Thomas, farmer, Greenslade Gorwyn Wm. Lambert, farmer, Halse
Letheren Robert, The Square [letters should be addressed Samp- Goss Edward, accountant, & clerk to
Lovesey Charles George (head master), ford Courtenay R. S. 0 J
the school board & agent for Liver-
North Tawton school Day Lewis Wm. aerated water manfr pool, London & Globe, & Economic
Northcott Miss, Melhuishes Day Samuel, blacksmith Life & for the Ocean Accident Co
Padman Miss, Park terrace Day William George, blacksmith Samuel, farmer, Slade
Phillips Henry, Court green Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited Harvey William, Ring of Bells P.H
Prickman Richd.Dunning,BroadNymet (sub-branch of) (open on thursdays Heath William, shopkeeper
[Letters should be addressed Bow & fair days); draw on Barclay,Bevan, Heath William John, lessee of market
R.S.O] Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. Birst William, branch manager to John
Raymont Miss, High street London E c Shaw & Son Limited, woollen manfrs
Skinner William, Park terrace Dingley, Pearse & Co. (Okehampton Hislop Patrick Wood M.B.,C.JII. surgeon,
Snell,William C.A. Broad Nymet [letters Bank) (sub-branch); open thursdays & medical officer & public vaccinator
should be addressed Bow R.S.O] & fair days only; draw on City Bank North Tawton district, Okehampton
Taylor Rev. Thos. Hy. [Congregational) Limited, London E c union, & certifying factory surgeon
Tucker Samuel James, Exeter street Drew Mary & Susanna (Misses), Hooper Charles, butcher, The Square
Williams Henry Clissold, Ashridge stationers & fancy repository Hooper William, coal dealer
Wreford Miss, Park terrace Durant & Sons, seed growers & wine Hopkins Henry, Fountain inn
COMMERCIAL. & spirit merchants Knapman George, baker
.Anstey Harry, White Hart inn Ellis Samuel, mason & road contractor' Knapman William, dairyman •
Attwell Samuel, baker Ellis Thomas, mason & sexton Lane William, teacher of music & or-
Baker Robert, farmer, Nicholls Nymet Evans Samuel, butcher ganist of the parish church
Banbery Bessie (Miss), shopkeeper Fildew William Henry, temperance Lee James, shoe maker
Banbery Frank, builder hotel, & confectioner Letberen Charley, grocer & draper
Bastow Louisa (Miss), dress maker Folland Jsph. boot ma. & Prudential agt Lewis & Son, carriers & agents for the
Bennett Wilham, shopkeeper Folland Thomas, farmer, Ashridge London & South Western Railway Co
Bickham Wm. Davis, farmer, Park ter Ford William, road contractor Lovell William, blacksmith, Safford
l\ladge Philip & &ms, butchers, Hi"'h st Pyke Hugh, registrar of births & deaths Tavener James Camble, miller (water
:Manning Thomas George, ironmonger for North 'fawton sub-district, assist- & steam), Newland mills
11fansfield Edward, shopkeeper ant overseer & collector of taxes & Taylor Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' school
Martin William, chimney sweeper agent for Norwich Union Taylor John, basket maker
May Ernest, farmer, Crooke Pyke John Ellis, dep. registrar of births Taylor John, jun. chimney sweeper
l\lay George Hall, farmer, Westacott & deaths for North Tawton sub-dist Taylor Mary Ann & Son, farmers,
MetherellJoseph, relieving & vaccination Rattenbury Hugh, school attendance Tawton wood
officer for North Tawton district, officer & shopkeeper Taylor Samuel, shoe maker
Okebampton union Ray William Folland, dairyman TaylorWilliam, mason
'Millman John, Prudential agt.Exeter st Reading & Recreation Rooms (Charles Taylor William, thatcher
National Provincial Bank of England Letheren, sec) Tiller Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Limited {sub-branch of) ; open on Reddaway James, farmer, Bathe Turner John, thatcher
thnrsdays & fair days: draw on head Rodd Handescombe, inland revenue Vanstone George, colt trainer
office, I 12 Bishopsgate within, Lon- officer, Park terrace Vilven & Son, tailors
don E c Saunders Samuel John, butcher Vooght John, farmer, Sandford
.:Yorth Tawton Co-operative Society Searle Samuel, farmer, Lower stone Walden &. Clare, drapers, tailors &
Limited (Tom 0. Bennett, sec) Shaw John & Sons Limited, woollen outfitters
North Tawton School (Charles George manufacturers( William Hirst, branch Ware William, posting house & tem-
Lovesey, head master; Wm. Durant manager) ; head office,Halifax, Yorks perance hotel
Gibbings, hon. sec.) Skinner Frank,grocr.chemist,Post office Ward & Co. coal & general merchants,
Osborn Philip, harness ma. & ironmngr Sloman William, farmer, Staddon Railway station (branch)
{)sborn William, blacksmith Snell William, farmer, Broad Nymet Water Co. (Hug-h Pyke, sec)
Paddon Thomas, wool dealer [letters should be addressed Eow Way Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Phillips & Son, devon serge warehouse R.S.O] Webber George, farmer, y·eo
P:illman Jonas, lessee of fair tolls Squire Martha (Mrs.), boot dealer & Willcocks Jane (Mrs.), Globe inn
Potter Harriet (Mrs.), Railway inn news agent Willcocks John, baker
Pyke, Horne & Powlesland, auctioneers : Tamlin Susanna lMrs.), draper & grcr Willcocks Jn.jun.wheelwrt. & carpentr
& at Bow R.S.O. & Hatherleigh Tamlin Thomas, ironmonger Wills John, farmer, Barton
Pyke John, draper
SOUTH TAWTON is a parish and village on the road A fair is held on the first Thursday after the 9th of July,
from Exeter into Cornwall, and near the river Taw, 4 miles yearly, for cattle. Oxenham Manor House, situated one
£outh.east from Sampford Courtenay station on the main mile east, is the seat of the Hoare family, to whom that
line of the London and South Western railway, 5 east from manor and a considerable portion of the land in the parish
Okehampton and 18~ west from Exeter, in the Mid division belongs. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are the im-
of the cnunty, Wonford hundred, Crockernwell petty ses- propriators of the great tithes, amounting to £709 a year.
£ional division, Okehampton union and county court district, Henry Hugh Arthur Hoare esq. of Oxenham Manor, is lord
rural deanery of Okehampton, archdeaconry of 'fotnes and of the manor of Elackall; and John Knapman esq. lord of
diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Andrew, restored in the manor of Ash. The principal landowners are Henry H.
188r, is a buildmg of granite in the Perpendicular style, A. Hoare esq. William Lethbridge esq. M.A., J.P. Richard
consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch Dunning, of Barton, Throwleigh; the Rev. Robert Hole M.A.,
~nd an embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing J.P. rector of North Tawton, John Knapman esq. George
a clock and 6 bells, the second dated r837 and the others Cann esq. and Mark Cann esq. The soil is loam and clay;
1744: on the south side of the tower is an anc1ent sun-dial: the subsoil is shale. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
in the north aisle, or Wyke chapel, as it is called, is an and potatoes. The area is 8,305 aeres, of which 2,836 are
Elizabethan tomb, dated 1592, with a full-length male effigy uninclosed and common land; rateable value, [,7,288 ; the
in the armour and ruff of the period, said to represent John population in 1891 was 1,264.
Wyke esq. of North Wyke, in the parish of South Tawton: t:)outh Zeal, I mile south, is attached to South Tawton,
the fine oak pulpit is panelled and inlaid with scriptural and has a portreeve, reeve, poundkeeper and ale taster,
1igures : at the east end are three stained windows, pre- sworn in triennially by the ]or 1 of the manor or his
~ented by H. A. Hoare esq. in 1856: in the north aisle are representative. Charles I<'ursdon esq. J.P. is lord of the
three memorial windows to the Rev. John Bliss M.A. late manor of South Zeal. The Wesleyan chapel, formerly the
vicar, and to the Weeke and Oxenham families: the stained British school house, was acquired by the Wesleyans in
west window was erected by :Mrs. Harriet Cann as a 1875; there is also a Bible Christian chapel, erected in x866.
memorial to Richard Dunning·, who died in 187I aged 102: ADDISCOTT, I! miles east, EAsT WEEK, I~ south-east
in the south aisle is a stained window, presented by William lT'rON and TAw GREEN, 2i north, are hamlets.
Lethbridge esq. and a rich Perpendicular reredos, erected to 1 Sexton, William Sleeman.
the Rev. John Bliss M.A. late vicar, who died in r88o: in the PosT OFFICE, South Zeal.-George Oades, sub-postmaster.
south aisle is a mural tablet to the Burg-oyne family, wi-th Letters by mail cart from Okehampton arrive at 7 a. m.;
quaint etchings of kneeling figures, and armorial shields dispatched at 5·45 p.m. There is not ·a delivery on
with the date x651, and there are other memorials to the sunday. The nearest money order office is at Sticklepath
Oxenham and Battishill families: the fine oak roof rests on & telegraph office at Okehampton
an!;el corbels; and the turret with stairway leading to a Letters for South 'fawton arrive from Okehampton by mail
former rood loft still remains: in 1887 the organ and clock cart to Sticklepath & from thence by foot messenger at 8
'Vere restored and the tower repaired : there are 300 sittings. a.m. WALL LETTER Box closes at 5 p. m. Sticklepath
'The register of baptisms dates from the year 1540; mar- is the nearest money order office & Okehampton the
riages and burials, 1558; and there are churchwardens' nearest telegraph office
books dating from the same year. The living is a vicarage, ScHOOLS:-
\vith the chapelry of South Zeal annexed, joint gross yearly A School Hoard of 5 members was formed January 26th,
value £3oo, with residence and 3~ acres of glebe, in the gift 1872; John Dunning Prickman, of Okehampton, clerk to
of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held since r88o by the board ; George Aggett, South Zeal, attendance officer
the Rev. John Foulkes Clarke B.A. of Queen's College, Cork, Board, Zeal (mixed), built in r875, for I26 children;
and a<.l eund. B.A. and Lie. Theol. of Durham University. average attendance, So; William Avery, master; Miss
'l'he chapel of St. Mary, at South Zeal, erected in 1713, is a Isabella D. Brown, mistress: Infant, for 70 children;
small building or granite in the Perpendic•1lar style, con- average attendance, 53; Miss Emma Lan~S, mistress
sisting of nave only and a western turret containing 2 bells; Board,Langdown (mixed), 'erected in 1879, for 48 children;
the chapel was restored and a stained east window inserted average attendance, 20; Mrs. Harriet Forbes, J!listress
in 1877 by William Lethbridge esq. in memory of the Leth- CARRIERS TO:-
bridge family, for many centuries residents in this parish: EXETER-James \Yestaway & James Thomas Crocker, tues.
.service is held in this chapel on Sunday evening : there are Okehampton inn
8o sittings. West of the chapel is an ancient market cross. OKEHAl'riPTON-James Westaway & James Thos. Crocker,
There are charities of £46 yearly value, {,28 of which is sat. George inn
derived from Northmore's Okehampton charity. In the I TORQUAY-George Powlesland, mon. See also Sampford
parish is a limestone quarry, and there is also a copper mine. Courtenay,
South Tawton. Lethbridge William M.A., J.P. Wood Bevan James & Willie, farmers, Oxen-
llrailey John, Addiscott house Warne David Simeon, Owlsfoot ham quarry
<Jlarke Rev. John Foulkes B. A. [vicar]
Hoare Henry Hugh Arthur J.F. Oxen- COMl'rlERCIAL. Brock Alfd. carpenter, Whiddon down
ham manor Aggett Waiter, Rising Sun P.H Cann George, farmer & landowner,
Arnold John, farmer, Northwick Dishcombe
Eawden Sylvanus, farmer,West Nymph , Cann Mark, farmer & landownr.Nymph
DEV. & CORN. 38
Cole Albert, farmer, Olditch 1Moore Richard, farmer, Gooseford Counter George, mason
Cooper George, Seven Stars P.H Moore William, farmer, Gooseford Counter William, sen. mason & farmer
Cooper Jas. cowkeepcr, Whiddon down Mortimore John, farmer, Torhill Crocker James Thos. carrier & farmer
Counter William, jun.mason,Ramsleigh Newcombe Richard, farmer, Dibbahouse Crocker Mary Ann & Laura (Misses),
Davey William, farmer, Youlden Osborne Wm. granite mer. & mason dress makers
Dodd & Vizard,farmers,Great Cocktree Page John, farmer, Collibeer, Prospect Cracker William, farmer
Drake Francis, farmer, Northweek Page Richard, farmer, Aliens down Curson William, blacksmith
Drew William, farmer, Whiddon down Pearse Jas. stone mason,Whiddon down Cuttle John, poulterer
Dunning Mary (Mrs. ),farmr.East Week Phare Luke, farmer, Spitlar Devon Constabulary (Thomas Richard
Endacott Geo. miller (water), I<'rog- mill Ponsford Joseph, farmer, Taw green Cridland, constable)
Endacott John, farmer, East Week Potter Thomas, machinist, Cullaford Endacott Joseph, baker
Emily Copper Mines Limited (M. Powlesland John, farmer, Cuursebeer Endacott William, poulterer & tailor
Ernest Jobling, managing director; Powlesland John, farmer, Itton Glanville James, mason •
David Simeon Warne,resident agent) Powlesland William, farmer, Taw green Glanville James, jun. farmer \
Finch George, blacksmith, Taw gteen Redstone Wm. carpenter, Creedy park Ho.lman Annie (Mrs.), farmer
Finch William Albert, tailor Sampson Caleb, farmer, Cessland Holman John, baker
Ford James, mason, Ramsleigh Sampson John, assist.overseer,Cessland Holman Mary Ann (Mrs.), London inn
Gillard John, farmer, Woodland Sampson Samuel, farmer, Black street Holman Robert., baker
Grendon George, farmer, Lovaton Sampson Saml.jun. farmer, Trundlebeer Holman Samuel, baker
Bern William & James, farmers, Tarr Sampson Wm. farmer, Prospect place Jope George, shoe maker
mill [letters should be addressed Stanley Jas. carpenter & wheelwright Knapman William, auctioneer & land
Sampford CourtenayJ
Trevail Philip, Oxenham agent tfirm, Fewins & Knapman)~
Heywood Waiter, farmer, Collibeer Tucker Emanuel, wheelwright & car- Sticklepath
Hill Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper penter, Prospect Northcott John, carpenter
Hill Wm. & Walter,farmers,WestWeek Tucker John, farmer, Livaton Oades George, shoe maker, Post office-
Holman John,fish dealer,Throwleigh rd Warne &Trace,road contractrs.Prospect Powlesland George, farmer & carrier
Howard George, farmer, ltton Watson Michael, teacher of music & Reading Room (William Avery, sec)
Hutchings William, farmer, Well organist to the parish church, Black- Sandercock William, hawker
Jackman Saml.&,Blackhall hall farm Trace James, Cawson Beacon hotel;
Jackman William, farmer, Wickington Whiddon Thomas, farmer, Cullaford good accommodation for visitors
Johns William, farmer, Cullaford Williams Rd. millr. (water),Tawton mll Vigors Edwin, tailor
Knapman Arthur, farmer, Endacott Williams Rd.jun.millr.(water),Taw grn Vigors George, Prudential agent ··
Knapman John, farmer, Addiscott WollandMoses, Union inn,Whiddon d wn Warne John, Oxenham Arms P.H. &.
Knapman John,farmer & landownr.Ash South Zeal. farmer
Knapman John, farmer, Thorn Wedlake George, shopkeeper
Knapman Richard, blacksmith Arscott William Westaway James, carrier & poulterer
Labdon Joseph, carpenter Brely William Westaway John, poulterer
Lethbridge Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Brely William Curzon, jun. Hillside Westaway Samuel, boot maker
Colestone Cann Mark White John, farmer
Lethbridge John, farmer, Ford Cracker John Stephen White John, jun. fish dealer
MandleyThomas,farm bailiff to William Hamlyn Mrs White Wm. King's Arms- P.H. & mason
Lethbridge esq. J.P. Wood Powlesland George Wonnacott Samuel, hawker
May Waiter, farmer, Fulford COMMERCIAL. Woods Edward, mason
Meadows Wm. cowkeeper, Ramsleigh Aggett George, thatcher Wright Jacob, farmer & poulterer
Moore George, farmer, Week Aggett Richard, thatcher & school at- Wright John, shopkeeper & poulterer
Moore Joseph B. farmer, Gooseford tendance officer I
TEDBURN ST. MARY is a hilly and picturesque Crediton charity. Colley House is the residence of Patrick
township and parish, and is pleasantly situated on a small Francis Bellew esq. Francis Drummond Fulford esq. D.L.,
stream called the Ted, which runs to Crediton, and there J.P. of Great Fulford, Henry Grose Smith esq. who is lord
joins the river Creedy, and on the road from Exeter to Oke- of the manor; Miss Langdon, Miss Abbott, Robert Cudde-
hampton, about 4 miles south-west from the Crediton station ford and Thomas Wish esq. are the chief landowners. The
on the main line of the London and South Western railway soil is principally clay; and the subsoil is shale. The chief
and 7 west-by-north from Exeter, in the Mid division of the crops are wheat, barley and oats. The acreage is 4, 362;
county, Wontord hundred, Crockernwell petty sessional divi- rateable value, £3,321; the population of the parish in 1891
sion, St. Thomas' union, Exeter county court district, rural was sBo.
deanery of Kenn, and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. TAPHOUSE is a hamlet about half a mile east from the
The church of St. Mary, a building of red sandstone, of church, on the main road between Exeter and Okehampton.
early date, consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch Sexton, Thomas Crocker.
and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Jane Davie, sub-postmistress. Letters
6 bells, dated respectively 1821, 1770 (2 and 3), 1736 (4 and from Exeter delivered at 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 5· ro p.m.
5) and the tenor, 1837: the chancel is Early English, but Dunsford is the nearest money order & Crediton the
the nave and north aisle are of a later date : on the S()Uth nearest telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
side is a chantry chapel: the chancel was rebuilt and the but not paid
nave restored and re-seated in 1868 : there are 200 sittings.
A new burial ground, adjoining the churchyard and under WALL LETTER Box by church cleared 4.50 p.m. sundays,
private trust, was approved by H.M. Secretary of State in
1888 as a place of interment for members of the Church of 8.35 a.m
England only. The register of baptisms dates from the A School Board of 5 members was formed here Oct. 3o, r874;
year 1558; marriages, 1653; burials, 1689. The living is a
rectory, tithe rent-charge apportionment, £400; average, William Langdon Davie, clerk to the board; John
£304; net yearly value, £227, with 43 acres of glebe and Morrish, Tedburn, attendance officer
Board School (mixed), erected in 1877, for 120 children;
average attendance, 94; A. James Waiters, master
residence, in the gift of and held since 1865 by the Rev. CARRIERS TO EXETER : -
Charles William Edwards Tothill Th.ASsoc.x..c.L. Here is a Bolt Thomas, from Cheriton Bishop, tues. & fri
Wesleyan chapel. A cemetery with small mortual'y chapel Westaway & Hooper, from South Zeal, tues. returning
was formed iu r833 and is under the control of a burial same day
board of five members. There are charities of about £35 Mudge John, same place & days
yearly value, £ro of which is derived from Tuckfield's Webb, from Chagford, tues. & fri
Bellew Patrick Francis, Colley house Brooke Arthur, farmer Lake Thomas, blacksmith
Cuddeford Robert, Thornwood house Cemetery ( , clerk to the burial Lethbridge Hugh, farmer, New house
Kemble Samuel, St. Vincent board) Lethbridge Oliver, manure dealer
Laskey John Clark John, farmer, Great Farward Lethbridge William, carpenter
Tothill Rev. Charles Will:am Edwards Croker William, Red Liou P.H. & May William, boot maker
T.A.x..C.L. Rectory manure & seed agent Milford John, tailor
COMMERCIAL. Dart George, farmer, Middle town Miller William, King's Arms P.H
Avery Samuel, mason Davie William Langdon, clerk to Ted- MorrishJohn, tailor & attendance officer
Baker .Andrew, farmer, Spicery burn St. Mary school board & mason Petherick ArthurJn.farmer,TownBartn
Batting J ohn,farmer,LittleHackworthy Gillard William, farmer, Ruby Phillips William, bricklayer & farmer
Batting John, jun. farmer, Brook Henley John, thatcher Pike John, farmer, Floyte
Belworthy Richard, butcher & farmer Hodge William, farmer, Uppacott Pook John, shopkeeper
HlanchfordGilbert, farmr.Higher Rubby Kelly William, farmer, Oak farm Preston Henry, farmer, Withycombe
IPriston Peter, shoe & harness maker Seward William, farmer, Windout Taylor Denis, mason
Priston Thomas, farmer, Wayland Shilstone James, carpenter Troake James, farmer, Higher Berry
Tuck Richard, farmer
Sanders John, farmer, Coombe farm Shol't John, farmer, Hill farm Westcott Richard, carpenter
Wish William, farmer, J<'rankfort farm
Sandford Samuel, farmer, Gt. Huish Stanbury Jn. fa.rmer, Gt. Hackworthy
Seward William, farmer, East Upcott Stanbury William, cattle de:.tler
Seward Wm. shopkeeper & poultry dlr
TEIGNGRACE (or TEIGNRACE) is a parish and village of glebe, in the gift of Harold St. Maur esq. and held since
on the river 'feign, with a station, 217 miles from London, 1892 by the Rev. Thomas William Hudson M. A. of Brasenose
on the Moreton Hampstead branch, and another called College, Oxford. There are charities of £6o yearly, left
lleathfield Junction, 220 miles from London, on the 'feign many years ago and now expended in supporting the National
Valley branch, of the South Devon section of the Great School and in providing clothing for the poor. The ground
Western railway. Teigngrace is about 2 miles north-west of the Teignbridge Cricket Club is in this pal'ish. Stover
from Newton Abbot, r6 south-west from Exeter, 8 north- Lodge, the seat of Harold St. Maur esq. pleasantly situ-
west from Torquay and 6 south-west-by-south from Chud- ated on an eminence in an extensive and well-wooded park,
leigh, in the1\-Iid division of the county, Teignbridge hundred with a lake of ornamental water, is a structure of Haytor
and petty sessional division, Newton Abbot union, Newton granite, with a portico of Portland stone, bmlt by James
Abbot and Torquay county co.urt district, rural deanery of Templer esq. in 1776 and purchased by Edward Adolphus,
Moreton, archdeaconry of 'l'otnes and diocese of Exeter. I rth Duke of Somerset, in 1829, from the late George Tern-
The Stover canal, made by the T.::mpler family, and extend- pier esq. : the principal entrance to the park is on the
ing from the head of the navigable portion of the Teign to main road from Exeter to Plymouth, where there are two
this village, a distance of about 2 miles, greatly facilitates lodges connected by a colonnade of fluted pillars, each con-
the exportation of the pipe and potters' clay found in the sisting of a single block of stone. Harold St. Maur esq. is
neighbourhood; it is now the property of the Great Western lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is light
Railway Company, whose line is adjacent and parallel to loam ; subsoil is chiefly clay and yellow sand. The crops
it. The church of SS. Peter and Paul, erected by three are grain, mangold wurtzel and potatoes. The area is
brothers of the Templer family in 1787, is an edifice of stone 1,4oo acres; rateable value, £2,421 ; the population in
in a debased form of Early English, consisting c,f nave with 1891 was 170.
apse, transept, west porch, and a western tower with shingled Parish Clerk, Richard Frederick J.\tiartin.
spire containing 2 bells; the first, dated 1701, has a frieze Letters received by post through Newton Abbot, which is
of grapes and vine leaves : over the communion table is an the nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7
oil painting of a "Pieta," being a copy of the original, by a.m. & 6 p.m ,
Vandyke, in the museum at Antwerp : in the Templer
family pew is another painting of the "Presentation in the WALL LETTER Box cleared at 8 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; sunday,
Temple:" the church was thoroughly renovated in 1872 at 8 a. m
the expense of the 12th Duke of ~omerset K.G. : there are National School (voluntary mixed), erected in 1873, for 35
mural monuments to various members of the Templer children; average attendance, 32; Miss Annie Coles, mist
family: there are II5 s1ttings. The register dates from the RAILWAY STATIONS:-
year r68r. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge, £t66; 'feigngrace, Charles Squire, station master
average, £126; net yearly income £2oo, including 65 acres Heath!ield, John H. Waldron, station master
Hudson Rev. Thos. Wm. M.A. [rector] Forbes James,. sub-agent to the Stover 1 Lang_James, f~rr_ner~ Ley Green fa~m
es~te, ,:V~ntiford cottage Murrm Wm.. Cmon mn, & black.~mith
St. Maur Harold, Stover lodge Harr1s \~ tlham, mason, Stover estate Rowell Wilham, far,mer & .assistant
llaileyGeorge,overseer Devon & Courte-
Honeywill John, head gamekeeper to overseer, Hearders farm
nay Clay Mines Mount Pleasant
Coysh Isaac far~er Twelve Oaks farm Stover estate Shapley SI. head gardener,Stover estate
Kerslake Isaac, farmer, Brocks ·white George, carpenter, Stover estate
TEIGNMOUTH is a seaport on the south coast, market town 1844-5 by the Harbour Commissioners. From the Den runs
and prescriptive borough, with a station on the ~outh Devon a pier, which exceeds 700 feet in length, and is built on cast-
section of tbe Great Western railway, 14 miles south from iron screw piles; the abutment and centre of the pier are-
Exeter by rail and 15 by road, 6 east-by-north from Newton furnished with seats, and besides a cloak room there are
Abbot, 8 north-north-east from Torquay and 191 from Lon- shops and a saloon at the Den end, and at the pier-head is
don by road and 209 by rail, in the Mid division of the county, another saloon.
Exminster hundred, Teignbridge petty sessional division, The town has two commodious quays-the Old and the
Newton Abbot union and highway district, Newton Abbot New (the latter is now being considerably enlarged), a
and Torquay county court district, rural deanery of Kenn Custom House and a Coast-guard watch house. The Har-
and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. bour is safe and extensive and regulated by the Harbour
The Great Western railway, after winding along the Commissioners. The Customs port extends from Langstone.
estuary of the Exe and a part of the coast, passes through point (the limit of Exeter port) to Galmpton point (limit of
nearly the centre of the town, and thence along the north Dartmouth); fishing boats and implements are distin-
bank of the river Teign to Newton Abbot, Totne.;; and Ply- guished by the letters T. H.
mouth, thus affording ready and constant communication Teignmouth is connected with the village of Shaldon by a
with those places, as well as with Exeter, Bristol, London ferry over the Teign, and also by a bridge of 34 arches, 1,671
and other parts of England. feet in length, con:;tructed of wood and iron, from designs
The town is situated on the coast of the English Channel by Roger Hopkins, engineer, at a cost of £2o,ooo, and opened
and on the north bank of the mouth of the river Teign, for traffic June 8th, 1827.
partly on and around the base of a triangular point of land The town is of considerable antiquity, having sent
which projects halfway across the estuary, and on the accli- members to the Council at Westminster in the reign of
vities of the hill which rises from this point to the north- Edward I.: it is not incorporaterl, but is governed by a
west and commands extensive views of the river and the sea; Local Board of 12 members, formed April 8, 1859, under
it consists of the parishes of East and West Teignmouth, the Local Government Act of 1858. St. Nicholas parish and
formerly separated by an open stream, which is now covered part of Stoke-in-Teignhead were annexed to Teignmouth in
over; these form separate manors, for each of which C'ourts 1881 under the Act 44 and 45 Vict. c. 99, for local board
leet and baron are held annually, when portreeves and other purpo~es.
officers are appointed. Although the town is irregularly Teignmouth gives the title of baron to the Shore family.
built and some of the streets are narrow and ill-paved, it St. :Michael's parish church, East Teignmouth, in the
contains some good shops and a number of villas, several fine Dawlish road, close t·) and overlooking the sea, is a cruciform
terraces and good residences : it is lighted with gas from building of stone, rebuilt in 1822-23 in the Norman style,am.l
works in Bishops Teignton road, about three-quarters of a consists of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, small transepts,
mile from the town, and well supplied with water from works south porch, vestry and a new western tower completed
at Combe vale, both of which were established June 7th,1836, and opened in 1889: the tower, 113 feet 6 inches in height, is
and are the property of the Local Board. a handsome structure of local stone with Hamhill dressings
The Den, or Dene, is a grass plot running parallel with in a mixed Gothic style and is surmounted by four crockettd
the sea and formin,!! a fine promenade of more than half a 1 pinnacles: the chancel, built in 1875, is in the Early English
mile in length: on the Den is a small lighthouse, erected in style, has a reredos of carved stone inlaid with mosaie> ~n.,L
DEV. & CORN. 38*
retains double sedilia: the stained east window is a memorial .Assembly rooms, and contains a spacious ball-room, 70 feet
to Lucinda Diana, wife of the late John Whidborne esq. J.P. long, and billiard and other rooms: it is now the sole pro-
of Gorway, d. March :ag, 1855: thet·e are also memorial win- perty of the club, which now ( r8g3) numbers 130 members,
dows in the chancel to Samuel Cousins, d Sept. 29, 1876; and is open to visitors on certain specified terms.
and in the transept to Samuel Cousins, Julia his wife, and The Constitutional Club, established in r888, occupies
two children, erected by Julia Cousins in r882; there are premises on the Den, facing the sea, comprising two billiard,
other;; to William Fripp, of the Grove, d. Dec. 24, 1871, and reading, smoking, card and other rooms, well fitted up and
J<'rances, his wife, d. May 17, 1879 and to Elizabeth Jane Mait- has 350 members.
land Strach'l.n, d. January 4, r891, erected by her sons, three
are brasses to Henry William .Atkinson and Laura, his wife, The Post Office, in Den road, and erected in 1886, from
d. r85o, and to Roger Willcocks, d. 1876 : in r885 a hand- designs by Mr. F. Slocombe, is a building of red brick, with
some brass lectern was presented in memory of Richard postmaster's residence adjoining.
Marsh Marsh-Dunn esq. J.P. d. r884, by his widow and three The present market was erected in r883, but the original
children: the church was reseated in x88r-2 and renovated charter dates from 1253 ; the market for provisions is open
internally, the galleries being taken down, at a cost of daily : the building contains board room and offices for the
£r,264: a new vestry and font were erected in 1885 at an Local Board and an arcade of small shops, the purchase of
expense of £350: the west end and the tower were rebuilt the freehold, charter and buildings amounting to £3,500.
(r888-r889) at a cost of [2,500; the tower contains a new The Useful Knowledge Society and Mechanics' Institute,
clock, the gift of Miss E. M. Stooks, Teignmouth, and one at the .Athenreum, was established in r84o, and has~ lending
bell : there are fl5o sittings. The register dates from the library of r,zoo volumes.
year r667. The living is a vicarage, ayerage tithe rent-
The Temperance Hall, with library and rMding room, was
charge £68, gross yearly value £ r68, with 8 acres of glebe and opened in r879, and has a lending library of over r,ooo
volumes: it is supported chiefly by voluntal'y subscriptions.
residence, in the gift of the vicar of Dawlish (to which place
it was formerly annexed), and held since 1884 by the Rev. .A drinking fountain was erected near the Den in Nov.
James Veysey M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. 1885, at the cost of Mr. and Mrs. James Wills, of Oak Lodge.
St. James' parish church, West Teignmouth, is a large The Masonic Hall, in tile Holland road, is a plain gabled
octagonal edifice of stone, with slender iron pillars support- structure of limestone, at which are held the meetings of
ing a richly-vaulted roof, surmounted by an octagonal domed the following lodges :-The Freemasons' Lodge, "Benevo-
lantern, and has a south porch and a low tower of Norman lent,'' No. 303, warranted in 1794: a lodge of Mark Masters,
date, the only remaining fragment of the ancient church, " Benevolent," No. 316 and a Chapter of Royal .Arch Masons.
containing a clock and a new peal of 8 bells hung in 1879:
the east window was erected at the cost of Charles Stirling 'rhe secretaries are:-" Benevolent" lodge, Mr. J. U.
esq. of Buckeridge, to Mary Elizabeth, his wife, d. Dec. ro,
1863 : there are se,Teral mur<~.l tablets and a brass to the Valentine, Somerset place: Mark lodge, Mr. W. H. Moore,
Town hall; Chapter, Mr. F. C. Hallett, Brunswick street;
Rev. William Laidlay M. A. vicar here r871-76, d. Oct. 27, William Robins is curator of the building.
1883: the south porch was erected in r868 by the Rev. The Local Board has a fire brigade of 9 men ; no engine is
required, the whole system of water supply being under high
Joseph Birch M.A. late vicar, and is a memorial to Fanny pressure.
Lea, his wife, d . .April 2, 1868: there is a han1some brass
lectern, given by Mrs. Desbrisay: in r8gr the church was The town has no manufactures. Fine pipe and potters'
repewed; in r8g2 the galleries were partly removed and the clay are dug principally in the neighbouring parish of Kings·
church redecorated and in 1893 a new choir vestry was teignton and brought down the river in small craft and
erected; the church affords sittings for about r,2oo persons. thence shipped to the Staffordshire and other potteries, to
'fhe register dates from the year 17co. The living ill a the extent of about 4o,ooo tons annually. The imports are
vicarage, net yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the principally coal and culm; there is also a good Newfound-
patronaQ"e of five trustees, and held since 1877 by the Rev. land trade, and home fishery for whiting, herrings, mackerel
James Metcalfe JII.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. and pilchards, which are caught in the Channel and salmon
in the ri'l"er.
The Catholic chtirch, dedicated to our Ladv and St.
0 The total numher of vessels registered at the port is 7, with
Patrick, in the Dawlish road, originally founded in r854, is a tonnage of 798; the tonnage inwards 22,725: outwards
a building of limestone, in the Gothic style, with presbytery 25,683, including foreign. There are maltings and
attached, and was built in 1878 at a cost, including land, of breweries upon a small scale, and a shipbuilding yard, now
£3,500: it consists of chancel, nave, aisles, lady-chapel, the property of The Teignmouth Ship and Yacht Co.
baptistery, west porch and a turret containing one bell: the Limited; racing and cruising yachts up to 300 and 400 tons
organ was presented by Miss Duke in t88r, and there are are constructed on a patent slip.
thre:~ stained windows, a handsome high altar in Caen stone There are three banks, also several circulating libraries
and two side altars: the chur~h affords 250 sittings.
and reading roomt~, some good hotels, inns and a number of
St. Joseph's Catholic Theological College, erected in t88o respectable and well-conducted lodging homes. The Royal
on the Buckeridge road, is for the training of young men for hotel is well situated, facing the sea. The London hotel is
the priesthood of the Redemptorist order : the small private in the centre of the town, and the Railway hotel opposite the
chapel attached, in which divine service is held daily, is open railway station.
to the public. The Teignmouth Baths, in Carlton place, erected in r883
St. Scholastica's .Abbey, a house of the Benedictine order, by a limited company, at a cost of £2,500, are now the
..erected in r862, is a building oflimestone, with bands of red property of Frederick William Partridge, and consist of hot
stone and facings of freestone, in the Gothic style : the and cold baths and a large swimming bath.
.south front is 153 feet long, and attached is a wing, r26 There are three local publications : the "Teignmouth
feet long : in 187r the buildings were enlarged so as to form Gazette,'' published every Wednesday, by George Henry
a quadrangle, and include a private chapel, in which service Croydon, Brunswick street, containing a summary of local
is held daily. news, directory of the town and neighbourhood, with a list
The Baptist chapel, Fore street, erected in 1887, at a of arrivals; the" Teignmouth Times," a similar publication,
-cost, including land, of £ r,85o, is a building of red brick, published every Friday, by Edward James Cornish, Welling-
with freestone and white brick dressings, in the Gothic ton street; and the "Teignmouth Post," published every
.style : the interior is seated with chairs for 380 persons. Friday, by the Tei_5nmouth Printing and Publishing Co.
The Congregational church, Dawlish road, originally (Sydney .Arthur Croydon, manager), Brunswick street.
erected in 1790, was rebuilt of stone in r883,in the Decorated .A regatta is held annually in July, .August and September.
style, at a cost of £3,700, and has 695 sittings. The Infirmary for Teignmouth, Dawlish and Newton
The ·wesleyan chapel, Somerset place, was erected in 1845· .Abbot, in the Dawlish road, was established in 1848 ; in
"The Primitive Methodist chapel, Willey lane, a red brick 1887-8 a new ward, called the "Victoria," for 6 male
'building with stuccoed front, was erected in 1876, at a patients, was erected at a cost of £5oo, and the building is
cost of £4oo, to seat 120 persons, and is endowed With £20 now available for 15 patients ; the hospital also affords relief
yearly arising from the rent of three cottages in Parson to about r,6oo out-patients and a convalescent home for ro
.street. patients was added in 188r.
'fhe Brethren's chapel, Bitton street, was erected about A Sailors' Home and Institute, with reading and mission
1840, and will seat 350 persons. rooms,was opened in r88x,and is supported by subscriptions.
A Cemetery for both parishes, about I mile from the .A soup kitchen was erected in Willey lane, in 1887, at a
town, near the Exeter road, was formed in 1856, at a cost cost of £150; it is open during the winter months and is
of £2,500, and is under the control of a Burial Board of r8 supported by voluntary contributions. There are also bread
members : it consisted of 2 acres of land and has two mor- and coal funds for the relief of the poor.
tuary chapels: in September, 1873, two acres were added, The Risdon charity of [21 yearly is given to aged spinsters
at. a cost of £8oo. and widows who are not in receipt of parochial relief.
The East. Devon and Teignmouth Club, established in The Earl of Devon, lord of the manor of East Teignmonth,
186g, is situate in the centre of Den crescent, facing the and Lord Clifford of Chudleigh D.L., J.P. lord of West
sea; the building, which is of stone, was erected in 1820 as Teignmouth, are the principal landowners,
Parish. Acreage, Ratl:able Value, Population. I The population of the Local Board district, including
1881 r89r. Shaldon, in r89r was 8,292. There are 75 acres of water in
East Teignmouth 670 £r5,032 2,482 2,481 East Teignmouth and 90 in West •reignmouth.
West Teignmouth 403
£22,996 4,638 4,525 PARISH CLERKS.-St. Michael's,East Teignmouth, Thomas
- Matterface, 6 Myrtle hill; St. James', West Teignmoutb,
£38,028 7,120 7,oo6 Richard Sims, 52 Northumberland place.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, PORT SANITARY AUTHORITY.
Den road.-William Henry Walton, postmaster. The Local Board are the authority.
HouRs OF ATTENDANCE.-For sale of stamps, registration, Clerk, Wtlliam Risdon Hall Jordan, Bitton street
letter delivery to callers & private box renters & general Medical Officer of Health, Frederick Cecil Holman Piggott
inquiries, week days, 7 a. m. to 9 p.m.; sundays, 8 toro B.A., M.B., B.C. 13 Orchard gardens
a.m. Postal orders & telegraph money orders (issue & Inspector of Nuisances, John Drake, 2 Gloucester road
payment of), parcels (inland) & foreign & colonial savings Teignmouth Harbour Commission.
bank deposits only, week days, 7 a. m. to 9 p.m. Money Clerk to Commissioners,JohnHellyerTozer,2&30rchard gdns
orders, licences, government annuities & savings bank Harbour Master & Collector of Harbour Dues, Thomas \V.
withdrawals, week days, 9 a. m. to 6 p.m.; saturdays, to
8 p.m. Dispatch & delivery of telegrams, week days, Hutchings, New quay & 18 Orchard gardens
7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to ro a.m County Magistrates for Teignmouth Sub-Division
DELIVERY OF LETTERS, PARCELS &c. of Teignbridge Petty Sessional Division.
Hour of MAILS. J[ead office Deliveries Brown Michael Lewis esq. Keittos, Bishops Teignton
box cleared. commence. end. Collins Charles Robertesq. D.L.Courtenay house,Teignmouth
arrival. Graeme Lieut.-Col. Lawrence Anthony, Font hill, Shaldon
a.m a.m a.In Lncas Gen. Alfred William c.B. Dnnmore, Shaldon
a. m Nightingale Lieut.-Col. Charles William, Landscore house,
Night, London & all parts 6.30 7· 0 9· 0
3· 15 London & North of Eng- 'feignmouth
9·3° Paul Capt. Arthur George, Barnsley, Teignmouth
land ........................ 9·40 10. IO
IO. 5 Cornwall & Plymouth ... Clerk to the Magistrates,Thom3sWilliamBishopHutchings,
6 Carlton place
II.4$ London 1st Day, Bristol, p.m p.m p.m Petty Sessions are held at the Market ball, every alternate
12.10 · ~~xeter &c...................... 12.10 12.40 2. 0 monday at II a. m. The followin~ places are included in
West of England .......... .. the sub-division :-Bishops Teignton, Shaldon, East
Teignmouth, West Teignmouth
London 2nd Day, Exeter,
Dawlish &c ......... ... .. 3·55 4-25 6. 0
Cornwall, Plymouth &c.. ..
London 3rd Day, Bristol & callers Vice-Consuls.
Exeter ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6. o
6.45 only Denmark, Norway & Sweden, Arthur Owen, 13 Exeter road
Germany, Pike Ward, 25 Teign street
Bath, Birmingham, Brighton, Exeter, North & South Wales,
North of England, South West of England &c. 8 a. m.; New- Public Establishments.
ton Abbot, Plymouth, Torquay &c. Cornwall, 8.55 a.m.; Assembly R1oms (for concerts, balls, b.wquets & theatrical
London (rst day), Bath, Bristol, Bournemouth, Dawlish, performances &c.), Bank st. H. A. :McBryde, proprietor
South Wales &c. 9·35 a.m. ; Devonport, Newton Abbot, Athenreum, Somerset place
Torquay, Plymouth & Cornwall, I r. 15 a.m. ; London Cemetery, Exeter road, W. R. Hall Jordan, Bitton st. clerk
(2nd day), Barnstaple, Bath, Bristol, Exeter &c. 11.30 to the burial board; William Westaway, lodge ke3per
a.m.; :Newton Abbot, Plymouth, Torquay & Cornwall, Coast Guard Office, Den, George Buckingham, chief officer
2.15 p.m.; Exeter, 3.10 p.m.; North of England, North Custom House, Quay street, Thomas Hill, principal officer
& South Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Bristol, Dawlish, Inland Revenue Office, Custom house, John Facer, officer
Taunton &c. 3.40 p.m. ; Torquay, 4.20 p.m. ; London Local Board Fire Brigade, John Drake, captain, & 8 men
(relief night), Birmingham, North of England, Scotland Masonic Hall, Hollands road, W. Robins, curator
& Ireland, Exeter, Southampton & South 'Vest of Eng- Police Station, Lower Brook street, James Richards,sergeant,
land 4.4op.m. ; Plymouth & Cornwall, 6.5 p.m. ; Devon- & 4 constables
port, .Xewton Abbot, Torquay, Plymouth & Cornwall, Royal National Life Boat Institution, The Den, William J.
10.40 p.m. (sundays, 10 a. m.). Daily.-London (night) Burden, hon. sec
Sailors' Home &Institute, 24 Teign st. Miss C. Fry, hon.supt
&all parts, 9 p. m
Soup Kitchen, Willey la. William R. Hall Jordan, hon. sec
SUB-OFFICE, M. 0. 0. & S. B. 61 Bitton street.-Joseph Teignmouth, Dawlish & Newton Abbot Infirmary & Con-
Tothill, receiver. Letters are d1spatched at 7.50 & 10.20 valescent Home. Dawlish road, Frederick Cecil Holman
a.m. & 2, 3.50 & 8.30 p.m. ; sundays, 8 p.m
Piggott M.D., B. c. & Francis Ernest Little L.R.C.P.Edin.
POSTING ARRANGEMENTS IN MAIL TRAINS AT TEIGNMOUTH surgeons; William FryerCornelius L.D.S.Eng. dental sur-
geon: Rev. James Veysey ~LA. chaplain; .Ralph Clarke
RAILWAY STATION. Bartlett L.R.C.P.Lond. house surgeon & sec.; Miss Emily
Departure of Train.
Destination. Elizabeth Wtlliams, matron
Temperance Hall, Library & Reading Ro:-~m, 4 Orchard
9·47 p.m. (daily)............ London & all parts (late fee, !d)
9.21 a.m.(week days only) Newton, Plymouth, Torquay & gardens, Miss C. Fry, bon. supt
4·7 p.m......................... Cornwall (late fee, ~d) Town Hall, Xorthumberland place
Exeter, Bristol, Taunton, North Newspapers.
of England &c. (late fee, ~d)
These letters &c should be posted in the letter box affixed to Teignmoutb Gazette, Brunswick street, G. H. Croydon,pro-
prietor; published weekly on wed. See advertisement
the sorting carriage
Teignmouth Post, Brunswick street, The Teignmouth Print-
Local Board.
ing & Publishing Co. proprietors; published weekly on
Offices, Town hall.
friday. See advertisement
Board day, last tuesday in each month at 10 a.m.
Teignmoutb Times, 18 Wellington street, Edward James
Cornish, proprietor ; publi!'hed weekly on friday
Teignmouth Ward.-Rev. Anson Ca.rtwright M.A. (chair-
man), Frederick Slocombe, William llartlett Harris, Chas. · Devonshire (rst) Volunteer Artillery, Western Di\·ision
Robert Collius, Char\es Francis, George Henry Jarvis, Royal Artillery (3rd Co. ), head quarters, Devon Arms,
George Perkins Henry Rowell, Charles Robert Stooke, Northumberland place, Capt. Whiteway Wilkinson, com-
Thomas William Hutchings
mander; George Browse, 1st lieut. ; G. F. Flemmich, 2nd
Shaldon Ward.-Frederi<;k Wheatley, Robert England, lieut. ; Surgeon-Lieut. C. F. Rudd, medical officer; Rev.
George Sercombe
Richard M. Marsh-Dunn, chaplain; Sergt.-Major J. West,
drill instructor
Clerk, William Risdon Hall Jordan, 59 Bitton street
Treasurer, Robert Alsop rst Volunteer Battalion (Exeter & South Devon), Devonshire
Medical Officer of Health, Frederick Cecil Holman Piggott Regiment (I Co. ), Somerset place, Capt. H. H. Cordes,
commander; Color-Sergt. Craig, drill instructor
B.A., M.D., B.C. 13 Orchard gardens
Public Officers.
Assistant Clerk & Accountant, William Henry Moore, I
Westbourne terrace Admiralty Surgeon, George Herbert Johnson L.R.c.r.Edin.
Surveyor, William Curry, 3 The Heywoods 7 Den crescent
Inspector of Nuisances & Collector of Market Tulls, John Assistant Overseers, East Teignmouth, FrederiC'k Coles, 16
Drake, 2 Gloucester road Dawlish street; West Teignmouth, John William Barni-
Collector, Arthur Thomas Crossley, 22 Northumberland pl cott, 27 Orchard gardens
Certifying Factory Surgeon, George Herbert J ohnson, rosary, sermon & benediction, 4.30 p.m. ; mass daily, 6 &
L.R.C.P.Edin. 7 Den crescent 7 a.m. ; devotions, wed. & sat. 7 p.m
Collector & Assessor of Property, Land, Income & Assessed St. Scholastica's Abbey, Dawlish road, Rev. Denys Ma.thieu
Taxes, James Upton Valentine, 9 Somerset place o.s.B. ; daily, 9 a. m. 3 & 7 p.m
Collectors of Poor Rates, East Teignmonth, Frederick Coles, Baptist, Fore street, Rev. Benjamin Williams Osier; II a. m.
16 Dawlish street; West Teignmouth, John William & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Barnicott, 27 Orchard gardens Congregational, Dawlish road; u a.m. & 6.45 p.m. ; wed.
Lloyd's Agent, Pike Ward, 25 'feign street 7·3o pm
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Teignmouth District, Plymouth Brethren, Bitton street; II a.m. & '3 & 7 p.m. ;
NewtonAbbotUnion,CharlesFrederickRudd,BDen crescent mon. 7 p.m. winter
.Registrar of Births & Deaths for Teignmouth Sub-District, Primitive Methodist, Willey lane, Rev. William Ward; II
Newton Abbot Union, William Risdon Hall Jordan, Bit- a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
ton street ; deputy, William Frederick Cartwright Jordan, We~leyan, Somerset place, Rev. James Marquand; II a. m.
59 Bitton street & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
Registrar of Marriages, Joseph James 0. Evans, I Orchard Christian Brethren, Mulberry street; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
gardens; deputy, Fred C. Frost F.I.A.s. 5 Regent street mon. 7 p.m
ARelieving Officer, No. I District & Vaccination Officer, Sailors' Home Mission Room; 5·45 p.m.; John Frederic
Teignmouth District, Newton Abbot Union, Richard Thos. Dunning, missionary
Clemas, 51 Bitton street
/Sub-Commissioner of Pilotage, Arthur Owen, I3 Exeter rd Schools.
Town Criers, William Godfrey & Son, 49 Higher Brook st A School Board of 7 members was founded December 29,
1874, for East & West Teignmouth, Rev. James Veysey
, Certified Bailiffs under the Distress for Rent Amendment M.A.. chairman; William Risdon Hall Jordan, 59 Bitton
Act, F. C. Frost (Robert Frost & Son), 5 Regent street &
W. Tapper, Io Somerset place street, clerk to the board; George Goodman, Chelsea
place, attendance officer
Places of Worship, with times of Services.
Board (formerly National), Exeter road, erected in 1815 &
~St. Michael'e Church, Dawlish road, East Teignmouth, Rev. rebuilt in 1859, for r26 boys, 128 girls & r28 infants;
J'ames Veysey M.A. vicar; Rev. Thomas Fredk. Daffen M. A. average attendance, go boys, II3 girls & II3 infants;
reurate ; holy communion at 8 every sunday & at mid- William Skinner, master ; Mrs. Emily Skinner, mistress ;
-day on the xst & 3rd sundays in the month; morning ser- Mrs. J ewell, infants' mistress
·vice at II ; afternoon, 3.30; evening, 7; mattins daily Board, Higher Brook street, built in I879, for 121 boys,
121 girls & 170 infants; average attendance, II7 boys,
at II a. m. ; evensong daily at 5
;~t. James' Church, Bitton street, West Teignmouth, nev. 121 girls & 120 infants; Samuel D. Bennett, master;
James Metcalfe M.A. vicar; Rev. William Harold John Miss A. Tolley, mistress; Miss Annie Pearce, infants' mist
AUin B.A.. curate; holy communion, 8.30 & II a. m. & 3.30 Catholic (mixed), Dawlish street, for 90 children; average
.& 7 p.m. ; holy communion, saints' days, 8 a. m. ; wed. I I attendance, 65; Miss Florence Malone, mistress
a.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m.; fri. II a.m Railway Statio.q.
Our Lady & St. Patrick Catholic Church, Dawlish road,
Rev. William Dawson, priest; mass, 8.15 & II a.m.; John Clarke Boundy, station master.
catechism, instruction & rosary, 3.30 p.m. ; vespers, ser-
mon & benediction, 6.30 p.m.; daily, mass, 8.30 a.m.; Carriers.
rosary & benediction, thurs. 4.30 p.m Great Western Railway, J. C. Wall, agent
.St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Buckeridge road, Very Rev. Sutton & Co. (Parcel delivery), Charles Rooke, agent, 3
Thomas Edward Bridgett, priest ; mass, 6, 7 & 9 a.m. ; Exeter road
l'IliVATE RESIDENTS. Chant Edward Melton, 10 Bank street Facer John, 53 Coombe road
Ainslie Miss, Hylands Charlesworth Henry Louis, 3 Ferndale Farley Misses, Greenbank, Reed vale
Aldham Mrs. Hermosa lodge, Land- Churchill Thomas Chas. 31 Exeter road Fawcett Mrs. 3 Barnpark terrace
score road ChurchwardSaml.Lane, 1TheHeywoods Ferrell William, 1 Lower Brimley villas
_Allin Rev. William Harold John B.A. Clark-Ourry Mrs. I Ferndale Ferris Wm. Schollar, 6 Yannon Hill ter
[curate of St. James'J, 30 Exeter rd Cleave John, I9 Exeter road Finch James Bass, 15 Exeter road
-Alsnp Robert, 7 Bank street Cole Miss, 12 Barnpark terrace Finch James William, 21 Dawlish road
. Anderson Mrs. The Cottage,Dawlish st Collings Mrs. I8 Coombe road .Finch ·waiter D. I Avenue terrace
. Andrews John George, 23 Exeter road Collins Chas. Rt. n.L.,J.P.Courtcnay ho Flemmich George Fredk. Strand villa
.Atkins Edward,Dun Esk, Dawlish road Colston Charles Kelway, 4 Cross park Flemmich Mrs. 4 South view, Den
Averill Rev. Jn. Lauriston, Coombe rd Compton 'fhomas Armstrong, Sum- Florin Mrs. St. Scholastica's abbey,
.illaker George F. 26 Exeter road merland, Ferndale Dawlish road
~Baker Mrs. 5 Fore street Cooke Mrs. I Grendon villas,Coombe rd Foster Wm. Lea, Redclyffe, Dawlish rd
Banbury Wm. Jn. Barto, 40 Bitton st Cooke Thomas Owen Preston, Elm- Franklin Frederick, 2 Marine viis. Den
~:Bannister Frederic, u :Ferndale burst, Thornpark road Freme Miss, Fair oaks, Dawlish road
:Baple William. I6 Exeter road Copp John,Burnside villa, East Brook rd Friend George Pearson, Greystone,
43arnard Mrs. I3 Barnpark terrace Cordes Capt.Albert,West hill, Reed vale East Brook road
Bartlett Miss, 46 Coombe road Cornelius Richard Bussell, Oak cottage, Fripp M1ss, The Grove, Woodway lane
£artlett Ralph Clarke, Teignmouth East Brook road · FrostFredc.Cornish F.S.I. 8 Triangle la
Infirmary, Dawlish road Cornelius Wm.Jt'ryer,290rchard gardns Fry Henry Palin, Exeter road
13att Miss, 5 Orchard gardens Cornish Miss, 34 Bitton street Fry Mrs. Southlawn, Hermosa road
Bennett Saml.Dyke,u Higher Brook st Coyte Charles, I4 Wellington street Furlet George, Stoke cot. Landscore rd
Eetts Mrs. I9 Orchard gardens Cresswell Mrs. Lugehay, Bitton road Gayer Mrs. 8 Ferndale
"Bird Gerald, Brookbank, Reed vale Croydon George Henry, Marine villa Gibbings Richard, 40 Coombe road
.Born WilliamJohnWorth,Salisbury ter Curling Mrs. 3 Landscore villas Gibson Rev.John [Catholic],St.Joseph's
Boswell John, 44 Bitton street Curtis George Edward, 27 Teign street G lanville Rev. Owen Fanshawe B.A. The
Bourke Miss, St. Leonards, Woodway la Daffen Rev. Thomas Frederick M.A. Cedars, Ferndale
Bower Capt. James Bower, Claremont, [curate of St.Michael's],IODawlish rd Glenville Miss, 7 Ferndale
Dawlish road Daintree John Osborne, Norwood cot- Grainger Mrs. I Yannon Hill terrace
Bridgett Very Rev. Thomas Edward tage, Dawlish street Griffin Commander John R.N. St.
[Catholic], St. Joseph's Davies Maj.-Gen. Fredk. Jn. Ashleigh Rumons, Reed vale
Brine Major Richard Anson R.M. x6 Dawson Rev. William [Catholic], The Grimaldi Miss~ 2 Brimley villas
Barnpark terrace Presbytery, Dawlish road Gulson John, Gorway
Brook Mrs. Coombe villa DeLisle Mrs. La Casita, Hermosa road Halford Mrs. Luchana, Woodway lane
Brook George, Roseneath,Landscore rd Dermody Mrs. 53 Bitton street Hammond-Spencer Harry, Glendaragh
Browse Mrs. Westerland Drew John, 3 Frogmarsh Harper William [Evangelist], 5 West-
Buckingham Mrs. 4 Carlton plaee Drewe Mrs. Eastburn, Dawlish road bourne terrace
Bulley Miss, 33 Bitton street Dummett Misses, 7 Brimley villas Harris George H. Woodway lane
Bullock Mrs. I Brimley villas Dunning John Frederick (missionary to Harris William Bartlett, Woodlands
Burden Geo.Philip Newkey,42 Bitton st Sailors' Home), Lower Coombe house Harrison Arthur, 52 Coombe road
Burden Mrs. 8 Myrtle hill Earl Mrs. 8 Coombe road Hawkes Mrs. 17 Wellington street
Butler Mrs. Fitzgerald, Cambrian, Ellacott John Hosking, I Landscore viis Hawkins Mrs. 6 Westbourne terrace
Dawlish road Elliott James C. 3 Powderham terrace Hayman John, 34 High Brook street
Byne Frederick, 65 Bitton street Ellis Misses, 9Barnpark terrace Heath John, 4 Bath terrace
Helsen Rev Theodore [Catholic], St.
Byne Ilenry, 5 Brunswick street Ermen Miss, Yannon, Exeter road
Cartwright Rev. Anson William Henry Evans Mrs. Linden lodge, Reed vale Joseph's
u.A. Brimley lane Eyre Lady, Wybellenna, Dawlish road Himdon Capt. Chas. 2 Yann.on Hill ter
Hindle Mrs. Blantyre, Reed vale Medland John Newcombe, Fern Lea, Sloggett Richard, 3 Brimley villas
Hindom Henry, 12 Lower Brimley ter East Brook road SmallwoodMrl!l. Trafalgar et. Dawlish rd
Hollins Mrs. Midhurst, Landscore road Medland Joseph, I4 Exeter road Smith, Thomas, 32 Northumberland pl
Holmes Capt. Thomas :Mundy, Abbot's Metcalfe Rev. James M. A. [vicar of St. Smythe Miss, I3 Ferndale
Leigh, Ferndale James's & surrogate], 39 Bitton st Snell Thomas, 22 Orchard gardens
Holmes Mrs. 21 Orchard gardens Mitchell Capt. Richard, Haldon lodge Southey Arthur, 2 Lanscore villas
Homfray Mrs. 12 Ferndale Moir George H. Cecil, Ferndale cottage Sparrow Mrs. Bitton house
Hook Mrs. 8 Brunswick street Moore William Henry,I Westbourne ter Spencer Montford, The Hill,Woodway la
Horr,er Capt. Jn. Bonnicliff, Dawlish rd Morgan Benjamin, 2 Barnpark terrace Spicer Arthur, Anfield, Yannon park
Huggins William, II Gloucester road Morrison Lieut.-Col. Reginald James, Spratt Miss, Melita, Woodway lane
Hussey-Williams Charles, Oakley East brook, Brimley Stayner Mrs. Llanstephen, Dawlish rd
Hutchings John Henry, 43 Bitton st Morrison James William;Mindon lodge, StookeChas.Robt.Diamond ho.Bitton st
Hutchings Samuel Wm. 5 Barnpark ter Landscore road Stooks Miss, Belvidere
Hutchings Thos.Wm.Bishop,Carlton ho Munro Donald, 4 Westbourne terrace Stratford Mrs. Hazlewood,Landscore rd
Hutchins Rev. Henr•v B.A. The Clintons Murch Henry David, t7 Coombe road Symons Mrs. Cliffden, Dawlish road
Jackman Mrs. 14 Somerset place Nightingale Lieut.-Col.Charles William Templer Charles, I Grove villas,Lands-
Jackson Edward, 14 Ferndale J. P. Landscore core road
Jacob Rev.George Andrew D.D.2 Grove Norton Wm.John, St. Clare, Dawlish rd Templer ReginaldWm.8Powderham ter
villas, Landscore road Nurse Miss, 6 Barnpark terrace TeschemakerMrs.Castellum, Dawlish rd
James Thomas, Highleigh, Da.wlish rd Oliver Mrs. Comberford, Yannon park Thompson Col. Charles Halford, East
Japp Frank Wood, 2 Ferndale O'Neill Maj. Edward, Crathorne, Her- cliff, Dawlish road
Jenkins John, 20 Dawlish street mesa road Thomson Robert, 4 The Heywood
JennerHugb,St.Michael's lo.Oawlish rd Ord Mrs. 4S Bitton street Tolley Mrs. 9 Gloucester road
Johnson George Herbert, 7 Den cres Osier Rev.Benjamin Williams[Baptist], Tongue Miss, 44 Coombe road
.Jones Miss, West cliff 4 Avenue terrace Townend William Vincent, Roden,
Jones Mrs. 3 Avenue terrace Owen Arthur, 13 Exeter road Landscore road
Jordan Wm. Risdon hall, 4 Brimley vils PalacheMiss, Westbourne, Gloucester rd Tozer llenoni, 7 Yannon Hill terrace
.Jordan William Frederick Cartwright, Parker Capt. Andrews George, Evelyn Tozer Edward JohnFrancis,Glan-y-mor
39 Bitton street house, Yannon park Treby William, Farleigb, J1erndale
Keating Lieut.-Col. Patrick Arthur B. A. Parnell William Soper, Onondaga, Tucker John, 52 Bitton street
Westbrook Coombe vale Turner Mrs. 45 C.1ombe road
King Mrs. 2 The Heywoods Parson Mrs. I Den terrace Vaughan Mrs. Lindenhurst, Hermosa rd
Knapman Miss, 20 Orchard gardens Partridge Mrs. ro Gloucester road Veysey Rev. James M. A. [vicar of St.
Knight-Revel John, Arosa Paul Capt. Arthur George J.P. Barnsley Michael's], The Vicarage, Dawlish rd
Lake William Charles :M.D. 38 Bitton st Pearse Philip, 14 Brunswick street \-~ivian James, I Gladstone terrace
Langley Misses, Shute hill Pearse William, The Hafod, Ferndale Von Ari Madame, IS Ferndale
Larkworthy William Jas. I3 Bitton st Piggott Frederick. Cecil Holman B.A., Walker Miss, IO Higher Brook street
Leah Herbert Treverven, Exeter road :M.D. 13 Orchard gardens Walsh Lieut.-Col. Frederick Adolphus~
Leah Miss, Treverven, Exeter road Pitts-Pitts Mrs. Landscore cottage, Leatield, Dawlish road
Leah William M.D.,B.A.oxon.'rreverven, Woodway lane Walt.on William Henry, Den road
Exeter road Pratt William Boyce, 48 Coombe road Ward Rev. William [Primitive Method-
Lee Rev.Patrick [Catholic], St.Joseph's Pridham Ernest E. 2S Orchard gardens ist], Landscore road
Lee Godfrey Rt. Timaru, 'l'hornpark rd Pridham Wm. Jn. 2S Orchard gardens Ward John Charles,Oak lo.Woodway la
Lidstone Gabriel Beer, 3S Bitton street Reed William, so Coombe road
Ward Mrs. J.C. Oak lo. Woodway lane
Limbery Thomas, 41 Coombe road Rendell Fras. The Grendons,Coombe rd Way JosephRocket,
Limbery-Buse Richard Buse, Florian, Richards Miss, Winterbourne,Exeter rd Welch Josepb Tanner, Eastleigh, Daw-
Oawlish road Robinson Charles Robert, :Mordref lish road
Lind Colonel, 3 Cross Park villas Rom bulow-PearsonMrs. I CrossPark vis Weller-Poley Mrs. Fairfax, Yannon prk
Linter Fredk. Glenfern, Landscore rd Rowbotham Hat.ton, Melbourne, Yan- Went Miss, r8 Bitton road
Little Francis Ernest, 41 Bitton street non park Whalley Lieut.-Col. Percy Charles R.A.
Livms Rev.Tbos.[Catholic], St.Joseph's Rowe Mrs. Rose cottage, Shute hill Woodway cottage
• LLoytstaMghitssJ,o8hnB,rIimPloe•wv dveilrlhasam terrace Rowell George Perkins H. West cliff White Thomas, u Lower Brimley ter
Rudd Charles I<'redk. 8 Den crescent Whiteway Miss, 43 Coombe road
Mackenzie 1\'Irs. SI Coombe road Rudkin Geo. MarkArchibald,2Den cres Whiteway Mrs. Brookfield, Bishop's
Mc~abMaj.ArchibaldHearne,Cliff park Rudkin Wllliam Henry, Hermosa road Teignton road
Mainwaring Gen. Rowland Rees, 26 Ryder Rev. Cyril [Catholic],St.Joseph's Wilkinson William H. Whiteway,
Northumberland place Sadler J. W. Kinnoull, Reed vale Thornpark villa
Marquand Rev. James [Wesleyan], Ili Sanders Mrs. 2 Avenue terrace Williams George, Alwyns
Orchard gardens Saul Miss, 9 Triangle place Williams John l~ees, 8 Gloucester road
.Marsh Edward, Pentland, New road Schank rCaptain Henry Alexander, 2 Willmot Mrs. I 3 Gloucester road
Marsh-Dunn Mrs.Carlton lo.Dawlish rd Lower Brimley villas Wilson John, 3 Weqtbourne terrace
:Marshal Hy.Worgan, Fenton, Reed vale S...:ott Col. Jas. St. Mary's, Reed vale W0llaston Mrs. I Barnpark terrace
.Mathieu Rev. Denys o.s.B. [Catholic], Scott Misses, 2 Bath terrace Wood Charles Henry, I2 Exeter road
St. Scholastica's abbey, Dawlish road Seymour Mrs. 4 Ferndale Woodley Miss,Glenbrook,East Brook rd
Maxwell Mrs. 10 Ferndale Sharland WilliamHenry,Addiscombe lo Wrey Mrs. 24 Orchard gardens
::Mayland Henry Louis, 6 Ferndale Skinner William, 2S Exeter road Young George, Thorn~ey,L'l.ndscore rd
Maynard Horace John, 32 Bitton street Slocombe Frederick, IO Triangle place
COMMERCIAL. Bartlett George, dairyman, 18 Dawlish street
.Adams James, master mariner, 26 Mulberry street Bartlett Ralph Clarke I...R.C.P.LOnd. house surgeon, Teign-
Alien Thomas, master mariner, 20 Mulberry street mouth, Dawlish & Newton Abbot Infirmary, Dawlishroad
Andrews Elisha, builder, 18 Northumberland place Bassett Samuel Thomas, builder, I Gloucester road
Angle-Continental Guano Works, Old quay llatt & Boss (Misses), apartments, Mere lane
.Aplin Sarah (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Myrtle hill
Batt Henrietta (Miss), boys' school, s Orchard gardens
Arscott Robert, baker, 40 Northumberland place Batt Sarah (Miss), apartments, 3 Triangle place
Ashton, Green, Matthews & Co. slate merchants, Old quay Bearne George, cabinet maker, 4 Exeter road
Assembly Rooms (H. A. McBryde, proprietor), Bank street Beaumont George, apartments. S Gloucester road
Athenreum (Samuel Poole, hon. sec.), Somerset place Beer E. & S. carvers & gilders, Wellington street
Beer Helen (Mrs.), dress maker. 20 Bitton street
Austin Ambrose, carpenter, so Parson street
Austin Samuel A. draper, rg & 20 llank street Bennett Edward (Mrs.), apartments, East Cliff cottage
Babb M:ary & Annie (Misses), drapers, 23 Fore street Bennett James, apartments, I7 Somerset place
Babbage Frederick, shoe maker, 53 Parson street Bentley Eleanor (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Bitton street
Bailey George, baker, 12 Saxe street Bentley Fanny Stokes (Mrs.), ladies' outfitter, 27 Regentst
Bentley George, Commercial inn, 47 Higher Brook street
Bailey Phihp, mason, so Higher Brook street
Berry John, jobbing gardener, 6 Exeter road
Baker John Alien, tailor, I2 Coombe road
Baker Ridgway, commercial traveller, I8 Gloucester road Best Albert, sanitary plumber, gas & hot water engineer,
.Banbury Isabella & Mary Ann(Misses), confctrs.7 Somerset pl electric bell fitter & bellhanger, stove range & grate
Banbury Frank, fishmonger, so Northumberland park
maker, II & 12 Somerset place; res. 23 Bittonstreet
:Banwell Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Den crescent Bickford James, Anchor inn, 22 Teign street
Earnicott John William, house agent & appraiser & assist- Hidwell Brothers, painters & glaziers, 5 Hollands road
ant overseer & rate collector for West Teignmonth, Bidwell John, master mariner, Glen house, Myrtle hill
27 Orchard gardens
BidwelL William, painter, 2 Frogmarsh
Banner William Henry, baker, 9 Regent street Croydon & Co. stationers, 3 Regent street
Boobier William, baker, I3 Teign street Croydon George Henry, proprietor of the " TeignmoutiJ
Born William John Worth, coach builder, Station road Gazette," Bt·unswick street. See advertisement
Boss Lonisa (Miss), apartments, see Batt & Boss Croydon Sydney Arthur, manager of the Teignmoutb.
Boundy John Clark, station master, 6 Hollands road Printing & Publishing Co. Brunswick street
Bowden Catherine (Mrs. ),apartments,3'1Northnmberland pl Curry Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, I9 Bitton street
Bowden William, carver & gilder, I6 Bitton street Curry William,surveyor to the local board, J The Heywoods.
Bowden William, refreshment house, 2 Station road Curtis Brothers, brewers, 2I Teign street
Bowles Ella (Mrs.), laundress, Coombe vale Curtis George, builder, 42 Higher Brook street
Boyce Arthur & W1lliam, watch makers, Wellington st Custom House (Capt. Thos. Hill, principal officer), Quay st
Brewer Emily (Mrs.), laundress, Mulberry street Cyclist Tourmg Club (Rugg Monk, chief consul); head
Bricknell Maria &Jenny (Misses),apartments,4 Courtenaypl quarters, London hotel, Bank street
British & Foreign Bible Society Dep(Jt (Miss Emily J. May), Davis Lonisa (Mrs.), apartments, 58 Bitton street
3 Bank street • Dawe William, draper, 27 Fore street ·
Broadbear (Mrs.), milliner, 30 Regent street Denney G. & E. apartments, Beach
Brock James, builder, 29 Teign street Denney George & Co. photographers, East Cliff house
Brook George, cabinet maker, Dawlish street Denning Catberine (Miss), apartments, ro Courtenay place-
Brooke Edgar, commercial traveller, Haroldene, Yannon pk Densham Henry, apartments, I Den crescent
Brown Fanny (Miss), apartments, I Dawlish street De\"on & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Charles
Browning William (Mrs.), news agent, I3 Somerset place Coyte, manager), I4 Wellington street; draw on Barclayy
Hrownson Robert, farmer, Lower Brimley Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London E c
Buckingham Geo. chief officer of coastguard, Den vil. Strnd Devon Trading Co. Limited (E. F. Scammell, manager),.
Bucknell David, agent for J. C. Wall, railway carrier, 3I builders' merchants, Old quay; & Exeter, Newton .Abbot,
Higher Brook street Dartmoutb, Bideford & flfracombe
Bull 'f. & Co. tobacconists, 5 Station road Devonshire (1st) Volunteer Artillery, Western Division, Royal
Hull Henry, master mariner, 7 Shute Hill terrace .Artillery (3rd Co.) (Capt. Whiteway Wilkinson, com-
Burden William Joseph, ironmonger, 6 Bank street mander; Sergt.-Maj. J. West, drill instructor), head
Burnett B. Lile & Co. wine & spirit merchants, Teign street, quarters, "Devon Arms," Northumberland place
& Forestreet Dimbleby John, apartments, Ocean view
Burston John (Mrs.), fancy repository, 3 Fore street Dimbleby Robert, apartments, I Esplanade
Bush T. & Co. fancy repository, 10 Regent street Dowden Thomas Edward, boot maker, 21 Bank street
Butland Marrion (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Conrtenay place Down George & Son, plumbers, French street
Camp Charles, draper, I Bank street Down George, apartments, 2 Beach house
Capital & Counties Bank Limited (The) (branch), 7 Bank Down Henry, cab proprietor, 2 Higher Brook street
street; draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle st. London Drake Frederick, apartments, Den house
Carlile George, shopkeeper, 40 Teign street Drake John, greengrocer, 47 Bitton street
Carpenter Sarah (Miss), milliner, 45 Teign street Drake John, inspector of nuisances to local board & port
Carter Thomas William, saddler, I4 Fore street sanitary authority & collector of market tolls, Town hall
Causley Henry, apartments, 12 Orchard gardens & 2 Gloucester road
Cemetery (W. R. Hall Jordan, clerk to the burial board; Dublin & Wicklow Manure Co. Limited (Sydney 0. Row~
William Westaway, lodge keeper), Exeter road district agent for Devon, Somerset & Cornwall), Olcl
Chant Edward Me\ton, manager of National Provincial Bank quay; & at Newton Abbot
of England Ltmited, 9 Hank street Dyer Albert, pork butcher, 8 Hollands road
Churchill Samuel, tailor, 8 Wellington street East Devon & Teignmouth Club (Major E. O'Neill, bon.sec.;
Churchill Thomas Charles, plumber, 31 Exeter road Capt. Thomas Truscott, steward; Capt. J. Horner, hon.
Clemas Richard, painter & glazier, 26 Bitton street treas.), Den crescent
Clemas Thomas Richard, relieving officer No. I district, Edwards Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, 3 Spring gardens
& vaccination officer, 'l'eignmouth district, Newton Abbot Edwards Mary (Mrs.), refreshment rooms,12 'friangle place-
Ellis Richard, shopkeeper, so Bit.ton street
union, SI Bitton street
Clist George Henry, picture rest.orer, 28 Orchard gardens Elms Robert, dairy farmer, Brimley farm
Cockram John, apartments, 5 Gladstone terrace Elworthy John, greengrocer, II Fore street
Coe Alfred I. watchmaker & jeweller, n Bank street Ely Margaret (Mrs.), greengrocer, II Fore street
Coldridge Samuel John, builder, 27 Bitton street Endacott William, greengrocer, II Teign street
Cele Francis, insurance agent, 27 Exeter road English George, pier & bathing master, French street
Cole Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 23 Northumberland place Eswortby William, builder, 27 Orchard gardens
Co\e William Thomas, painter, 54 Bitton street Evans Joseph James Ogilvie, chemist & druggist & registrar
Coleman Samuel, dairyman, IS Regent street of marriages, r Orchard gardens
Coleridge John W. cabinet maker, Salisbury terrace Facer John, inland revenue officer, Custom house
Coleridge Susan (Mrs.), cabinet. maker, I Regent street Faircliff James, apartments, 33 Northumberland place
Colerid~e Waiter, cabinet maker. 49 Bitton street Fay Mary (Miss), apartments, I2 Gloucester road
Coles Frederick, collector of poor rates for East Teignmouth, Finch Annie (Miss), dress maker, 7 Exeter road
I6 Dawlish street Finch James William, coal merchant, Hollands road
Coles Frederick Ernest, teacher of drawing, I6 Dawlish st Finch Waiter D. teacher of drawing, 8 Orchard gardens.
Colmer Caroline (Mrs.), tobacconist, 23 Teign street Foale & Co. drapers, Wellington street
Constitutional Club (C. R. Collins esq. J.P. president; J. Fox Ellen Blanche (Miss), draper. Myrtle hill
Osborne Daintree, bon. sec.), South view, The Den Francis Charles, builder, 4I Northumberland place
Cook Francis Broom (Mrs.), apartments, IS Wellington st Francis Henry, carpenter, s Avenue terrace
Coombes William, coach builder, Myrtle bill J<'raser Matthew, draper, 10 & 11 Wellington street
Coose John, boot maker, SI Higher Brook street Freeman Fanny (Mrs.), apartments, 14 Gloucester road
Copp John, solicitors' clerk, Burnside villa, East Brook road Freer Mary (Mrs.), apartments, s Triangle place
Corneliua John, builder, 9 Ferndale French & Son, corn merchants, 49 Teign street
Cornelius William, insurance agent, 2 Westbourne terrace French William, apartments, r8 Teign street
Cornelius WilliaruFryer,29 Orchard grdns Frost Robert & Son, auctioneers, surveyors, valuers, house-
Cornish Edward Jas. printer & stationer, I8 Wellington st & estate agents, 5 Regent street
Cornish Rt. Sampson, commcl.trav. 2 Brimley House villas Full Henry, sail maker, Old quay
Cotton & Soutba11, apartments, 6 Den crescent Furler Brothers, builders, 3 Gloucester road & 23 Bank st
Cotton Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2s Regent street Gas Works (Local Board) (John Henry Portbury, manager),.
Cotton Thomas Henry, carriage proprietor, 3I Dawlish st Bishops Teignton road
Cox John, boat owner, Strand Gater Ambrose, china dealer, I Somerset place
Cox Jobn Benjamin, master mariner, Salisbury terrace Gee Thomas, florist, ro Bitton street
Cox William Henry, builder, Salisbury terrace Gilbert Samuel, toll collector, Shaldon bridge
Coysh Edwin, grocer, 9 Northumberland place Gilpin Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Higher Brook street
Coysh John, baker, 6 Northumberland place Gilpin Richard, pilot, & apartments, I Brunswick street.
Coysh William Henry, dairyman, 47 Northumberland place Gilpin William Robert, jeweller, 26 Regent street
Coyte Charles, manager to Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Gimblett -,boot maker, I7 Wellington street
Limited, I4 Wellington street Godfrey William & Son, town criers & bill posters, 4C1
Craib Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 21 Bitton street Higher Brook street
Craze James, refreshment rooms, 3 East Brook street Godfrey Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker & confectioner, IZ
Creasy Ri<"hard, dairyman, 47 Parson street Higher Brook street
Croot George, currier & boot maker, 12 Fore street Golding Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 27 Northumberland pl
Crossley Arthur Thomas, rate collector to the local board, Goodall Frederick, cab proprietor. 29 Higher Brook street
22 Northumberland place Goodman George, school attendance officer, 6 Chelsea place
Goodwin Thomas William Woodley, sole agent for Schroder Jordan W. R. Hall & Son, solicitors, 59 Bitton street
Freres,Bordeamr; Netherlands Steam Distillery Co.Rotter- Jordan William Frederick Cartwright (firm, Jordan W. R.
dam; G. Kiderlens, Rotterdam; H. Clausens & Sons' Hall & Son), solicitor & commissioner for oaths & deputy
celebrated champagne ; lager beer brewed & bottled in 'registrar of births & deaths, Teignmoutb sub-district,.
New York, Northumberland place Newton Abbot union, 59 Bitton street
Gourd John, smith, ro Bitton terrace Jordan William Risdon Hall (firm, Jordan W. R. Hall &.
Graham Richard, apartments, 3 Station road Son), solicitor & clerk to the local, school & burial boards
Granger William Edward, painter, 5 Bitton street & to the port sanitary authority & registrar of births &
Grant.Henry William, clothier, 12 & 13 Bank street deaths for Teignmouth sub-district, Newton .Abbot nnion,
Graves William C. shopkeeper, 39 'feign street 59 Bitton street
Grice George Thomas, confectioner, 2 Fore street Kerswell Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8 BittQn street
Griffin Samuel, sec. National SICk & Burial .Association, 26 Kibbey William, baker, r8 West cliff
Bitton road Kibby John, apartments, I Carlton place
Guarella .Antonio, Golden Lion P.H. r Coombe road Kidston Edward, chimney sweeper, Gales hill
Haddy Amelia (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 48 Bitton street Kidston Samuel, chimney sweeper, ro Salisbury terrace
Haines Henry, apartments, I Spring gardens King Alexander, shopkeeper, 5 Coombe road
Hallett Emily (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Spring gardens Kingdom Francis, apartments, 9 Courtenay place & iron·
Hallett Frederick Charles, butcher, 23 Brunswick street monger, I2 Regent street
Hambly Thomas, tailor, Wellington street Kinsley Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Courtenay place
Hanmett Henry, head gardener to Miss Richards, Winter- Knapman William, shopkeeper, 26 'feign street
bourne cottage, Landscore ro::~.d Knight Sarah Ann (Mrs.), laundress, l<'rogmarsh
Hannaford Wllliam & Son, nurservmen, 2 Den road Knight Theodore Herbert, monumental mason, 25 Fore st
• Knill Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 22 Bitton street
Hannaford Paul, apartments, 4 Triangle place
Harding Henry, Sebastopol P.H. Myrtle hill Knowles James, beer retailer, Strand
Harris Mary Ann (Mrs.),beer retailer & shopkpr.Frogmarsh Lamble Samuel, master mariner, 25 Bitton street
Harris William Bartlett, solicitor, Woodlands Lane Samuel, greengrocer, ro Fore street
Hartnoll Henry, bill poster, 32 Higher Brook street Langdon .Ann Susannah (Mrs. ),apartments, IS Powderham
Hartnoll William Henry, pyrotechnist, 32 Higher Brook st terrace
Harvey Charles, apartments, 7 Myrtle hill Langdon William Henry, Black Horse P.H. I Bitton road
Hayman Alfred Ellis, baker, 63 Bitton street Langley Selina (Mrs.), day school, 36 Northumberland plac~
Hayman Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 4 Dawlish street Lark worthy George, jun. greengrocer, IS Teign street
Hayman George, builder, 33 Higher Brook street Lavers Elias, tailor, 2 Northumberhnd place
Hayman Hannah (Miss), apartments, 12 Powderham ter Leader Mark, blacksmith, Chapel street
Hayman John James, stone mason, 4 Hollands road Lear Sydney T. jeweller, r Northumberland place
Hayman William Henry, baker, 2 & I3 Lower Brook street Lee George, apartments, ro Powderham terrace
Haymes Fredk. Alexander Harris,harness ma. 13 Triangle pl Lee Matilda (Miss), milliner, 6 Bitton street
Haymes William Harry, boot maker, I Wellington street Lee William, chimney sweeper, 4 Parson street
Heal FrederiCk, hair dresser, 5 Den place Leggett John, Half Moon P.H. 2 Hollands road
Heal John, Bird in Hand P.H. IS Lower Brook street Lendon Samuel, butcher, 13 Fore street & Market hall
Heard Tom Maynard,JollySailor P.H.46 Northumberland pi Lendon Samuel, shoe maker, 11 French street
.Heath & Onions, apartments, I Bella vista Lewis Thomas, Royal first-class family hotel, fadn6 the sea~
Heath Knolin, apartments, ro .Brunswick street The Den
Hendy Eliza (Mrs.), apartments, 2 & 3 Bella vista Charlotte (Miss), teacher of mnsic & singing & organ-
Hext Albert, butcher, !<'ore street ,ist at St. Michael's church, 14 Orch1rd gardens .
Heysett & Steer, general smiths, Park street Little Francis Ernest L. R.C. P.Edin. surgn. see Johnson & Little
Hill John, watch maker, 46 Teign street Littlefield Henry, hair dresser, 13 'feign street
Hill Rowland, 42 Northumberland place Local Board Fire Brigade (John Drake, C'1pt. ), Town hall
Hill Thomas, principal officer H. M. customs, Quay street Lockyer Levi, master mariner, Bitton road
Hindom John, hair dresser, 6 'feign street Loosemore John, watch maker, 29 Regent street
Hird Alfred, shopkeeper, 52 Parson street Lovering Emeline (Miss), apartments, 17 Gloucester road
Hird Henry, master mariner, 33 Exeter road Lucy Frederick, bookseller & stationer, 13 Wellingtons~
Hoare Fl"ederick, boot maker, 24 Regent street McBryde H. A. London commercial & family hotel ; goorl
Hoare William Henry, apartments, 31 Northumberland pl stabling ; hotel porter meets all trains, Bank street
Hoare William James, cab propr. 28 Higher Brook street McDonell Arthur P. M.A. boys' school, ro & I r Orchard grdns
Hocking .Albert, apartments, 22 Northumberland place Mclver Priscilla (Miss), lodging house, 5 Den terrace
Hodge Henry, baker, r6 Fore street Mann Joseph, ironmonger, 3 & 4 Wellington street
Hodge Henry, butcher, 8 Station road Mann Thomas, butcher, 4 Northumberland pi. & 2 Regent st.
Holder Frederick, apartments, 5 Courtenay place Marels Jeson Parsons, shopkeeper, I7 Bitton street
Hole Charlotte (Mrs.), shopk,eeper, 23 Regent street Marks Henry, Railway family & commercial hotel, clos3 to
Hole John George, jobbing gardener, r Commercial road the station & sea; caterer for wayzgoose parties, rStatwn rd
Hooper Emma (Mrs.), greengrocer, 62 Bitton street Marsh A. H. manager of the Teignmouth baths, Carlton pi
Hore Henry, dairyman, 4 Bitton road Martin Edwin Braker, refreshment rms.45 North'llberlncl. pl
Hore William, master mariner, 68 Bitton street Martin Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, 14 Higher Brook street
Horrell Henry Geo. jobbing gardener, 24 Higher Brook st Masonic Hall ( W. Robins, curator), Hollands road
Huggins William Henry, apartments, 2 & 3 Carlton place Matterface Thomas, undertaker & parish clerk of East
Huntley John, Bee Hive inn, rr Bitton street Teignmouth, 6 Myrtle hill
Hntchings 'f. & J. solicitors, 6 Carlton pl. & at Newton Abbot Matthews & Co. drapers, 7 & 8 Regent street
Hntchings Jn.Hy.solicitor & notary pu blic,seeHutchingsT.&J Mauoder William, chemist & druggist, 4 Somerset place
Hntchings Samuel William, coal merchant, 2 Bitton street Maxwell Rev. Robert Da.vid, boys' school,I7 Orchard gardens
Hntchings Thomas William, coal merchant & harbour mas- May & Sons, grocers, 6 Somerset place
ter&collector of harbour dues,New quay& r8 Orchard gdns May E. J. (M1ss), bookseller & stationer, 3 Bank street
Hutchings Thomas William Bishop, clerk to the magistrates Mayne William, apartments, 57 Bitton street
for Teignmouth sub-division of Teignbridge petty sessional Mear Mark, grocer, 9 Wellington street
division & to the deputy lieutenant of the county, 6 earl- Medland C. I\1. &S. N. (Misses), toy dealers, 5 Wellington st
ton place Medland Mary .Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Triangle place
Hutchings Thos. Wm. Bishop, solictr. see Hntchings T. & J Metherell Saml. refreshment rooms, 39 Northumberland pl
HutchinsMaryS. &C harlotteE .(Misses),school,6&7 Avenne ter Middleton James, refreshment rooms, 6 Station road
Middleton William, china dealer, sr Northumberland place
Bylands Thomas, shopkeeper, 3 ~ Brunswick street
Ison Catherine (Mrs.), tailoress, 34 Northumberland place Millington Sidney Smith, fish merchant, 5 Strand ·
Jarvis Geo. By. agent for Whiteway & Co.clay mer. Parson st Millington Thom1.s, fishmonger, 7 Station road
Johns Zacbariah, shopkeeper, 11 Saxe street Moore William Henry, assistant clerk & accountant to local
Johnson & Little, surgeons, 7 Den crescent board, r W est.bourne terrace
Johnson George Herbert L.R.C.P.Edin. (firm, Johnson & Morey John Cole, jobbing gardener, 4 Lower Brimley ter
Little), s~rgeon & admira,ty surgeon & certifying factory Morrish Frederick, greengrocer, 12 Lower Brook stre3t
surgeon, 7 Den crescent Morrott George James, shopkeeper, 37 Teign street
Johnson Wm. Alfred, water bailiff (local boud), 64 Bitton st Mortimore Charles, builder, 20 Higher Brook street
Joint Samuel, boot maker, 8 Fore street Mortimore Elizabeth (Miss), laundress, 4 Frogmarsh
Jones Stephen & Co. grocers & agents for W. & .A. Gilbey, Mortimore John, boarding b.ouse, ro Den crescent
wine & spirit merchants, 4 Regent street Mullis Ephraim, boot maker, 3 Lower Brook street
Jones Thomas, apartments, 9 Powderham terrace Murch E. & L. (Misses),feather cleaners &c. 43 High. Brook st
Jones Thomas William, painter, 19 Fore street Musgrave Robert Carpellter, grocer, 2 Bank street
Napp3r George, apartments, 30 Exeter ro~d
Jones Wilham, leather ~eller, 13 Regent street
National Provincial Bank of England Limited (Edward Mel- St. Joseph's Catholic Theological College (Very Rev. Thomas
ton Chant, manager; open 10 to 3; thursday IO to I), 9 Edward Bridgett, principal), Buckeridge road
Bank st. ; draw on he~d office, II2 .Bishopsgate st. London Sarah George, apartments, 3 Bath terrace
Newberry John Richard, New Quay inn, New quay Savage Henry George, refreshment rooms, 9 Station road
Newcombe Henry Jarnes, apartments, 2 Den terrace Savings Bank (Devon & Exeter) (W. R. H. Jordan, agent)
Norsworthy William, cabinet maker, 8 Bcmk street (open on mon. & sat. from 3 to 5 p.m. ), 59 Bitton street
Northcott Charles, apartments, 3 Cuurtenay place Scagell Ed ward, fish merchant, 27 Brunswick street
Northcott John, carriage proprietor, 16 Brunswick street ~cagell George, boat owner, Strand
Northcott John George, apartments, I Bath terrace Sclater Alfred Jn. Ryder, naturalist, 43 Northumberland pi
Northcott Sarah Ann (Mrs.), apartments, I Courtenay place Scown George, painter, 24 Brunswick street
Oldreive Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, Market hall Sewell William, clothier, 34 'feig-n street
Onions Ada J. (Mrs.), aparLments, see Heath & Onions Shimell William, carpenter, 28 Exeter road
Onn William Armitage, draper, I8 .Bank street Short Henry, greengrocer, 7 Northumberland place
Osmond Robert, huckster, 10 Commercial road Silk Edward, chemist & drug5ist, I2 Wellington street
Oxenbam James, sewing michine depot, I Exeter road Si mons Elizh.Martha (Miss), milliner, Regent ho. Regent st
Paddon George, Ship inn, 2 Queen street Sims Richard, furniture dealer, 52 Northumberland place
Pale Albert, refreshment rooms, 8 Teign street Slocombe Arthur, builder, & apartments, 3 & 4 Den crescnt
· Palk John Dugdale, butcher, 41 Teign street · Slocombe Jessie (Miss), art needlework depot, I Triangle pl
Palmer William Henry, apartments, 11 Powderham terrace Smith Richard Stevens, Ring of Bells P.H. 2I Willey lane
Parker Elizabeth (Mrs.), carriage propr. I Regent gardens Smith Samuel, apartments, I3 Powderham terrace •
Parker William, carriage proprietor, Station road Smith William, apartments, 4 Gloucester road
Parker William, grocer, I Higher Brook street Snell Thomas, dentist, 22 Orchard gat dens
Parr William, Market inn, 26 Brunswick street . Houp Kitchen (W. R. Hall Jordan, hon. sec.), Willey lane
Partridge Fredc. Wm. (Mrs.), Queen's hotel, 6 Wellington st Southall Alice (Miss), apartments, see Cotton & Southall
Partridge Martha (Mrs.), temperance hotel, Station road Southwood R. & W. wine & spirit mers.37 Northumberland pl
Pearse Edwd. & Co. marine store dlrs. 3-l Sa.xe st. & at Exeter Spencer Fanny (Mrs.), dress maker, Mere lane
Pedb.r Henry Thomas, tailor, 3 Somerset place Squarey Thomas, apartments, 9 Den crescent
Pedrick Albert, apartments, 8 Courtenay place Staddon George & .Frederick, plumbers, 56 Bitton street
Pedrick Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 E~eter road Staig Bessie (Mrs.), milliner, 16 Bank street
Pedrick Richard Weeks, shoe maker, I2 Hollands ro~d Stanbury Thomas Hemy Loram, tailor, 4 Fore street
Pedrick Richard Weeks, jun. upholsterer, Station road Steer George, smith, see Heysett & Steer
Pedrick Thomas Augustine Giles, jeweller, 9 Fore street Stephens Jane & Ellen (Misst>.s), fancy repository, I Den rd
Perryman Mary (.Mrs.), boat owner, Ivy lane Stile John, head gardener to Miss Fripp, Grove cottage,
Ferryman Samuel, dairyman, 24 Bitton street Dawlish road
Pickad Jonath'l.n, shopkeeper, Higher Brook street Strong Sarah & Son, boot makers, 8 Higher Brook street
Pig~ott .Frederick Cecil Holman B.A., M.D., B.C. (firm, Rud- Sutton & Co. carriers (Charles Rooke, agent), 3 Exeter rd
kin & Piggott), surgeon & medical officer of health to Sutton Isaac, jobbing gardener, Combe vale
urban & port sanit'iry anthoricies, 13 Orchard gardens Symes John, apartments, I8 Higher Brook street
Pile 'fhomas, dairyman, 3 Teign street t:lyms John, greengrocer, 3 Northumberland place
Pinder Alice (Mrs.), apartments, I6 Gloucester road Tapper William, cabinet maker, upholsterer, undertaker,
Pittaway Alfred, boat owner, Strand auctioneer, house & estate agent, 10 Somerset place
Pocock Leonard Daniel, baker, 7 Hollands road Taylor Sarah (Mrs.), honiton lace manufactr. II Dawlish st
Pulyblank Albert, King's Arms P.H. Regent gardens Teign Corinthian Sailing Club (H. A. Schank & W. H.
Ponsford Rtchard William, baker, 12 Northumberland pl Walton, hon. sec.), The Pier
Poole Samuel, photographic artist, 2 Somerset place Teignmouth Baths (A. H. Marsh, manager), Carlton place
Portbury Charles, tiuplate worker, 3 Bitton street Tei.;nmouth, Dawlish & Newton Abbot Infirmary & Con-
Portbury Jn. Hy.manager of gas works,BishopsTeigntonrd valescent Home (F. C. H. Piggott M.D. & F. E. Little
Power Marian (Miss), apartments, 5 Carlton place L. R.c. P.Edin. surgeons; William Fryer Cornelius L.D.B.
Pratt George, blacksmith, 2 Myrtle hill 1mg. dental surgeon; Ralph Clarke Bartlett L.R.C.P.LOnd.
Pratt John, basket maker, 27 Bitton road house surgeon & sec. ; Miss Emily Elizabeth Williams,
Pratt John Matthew, baker, 9 Bitton street matron), Dawlish road
Pridham Ernest E. Mus. Bac., T.O.T. professor of music, & Teignmouth District Liberal Association (Robert Graham,
organist & choir master of St. James' church, 25 Orchard sec.), Den road
gardens. See advertisement Teig-nmouth Gazette (G. H. Croydon, proprietor; published
Pridham Sophia Ellen (Miss), tobacconist, 14 Bank street wednesday), Brunswick street. See advertisement
Pridham W11liam John, boys' school, 25 Orchard gardens Teignmouth Lawn Tennis Club (James William Morrison,
Probst Charles, pawnbroker, 35 Saxe street hon. sec.), Bitton road
Pudner Emma (Mrs.), Prince of Wales P. H. 24 Fore street Teignmouth Mutual Benefit Building Society (Thomas R.
Quicke Julia (Md.), apartments, 15 Orchard gardens Clemas, sec.), 51 Bitton street
Rabjohns William, secondhand clothes dealer, 47 Teign st Teignmouth Post (The Teignmouth Printing & Publishing
Raubourne Mark, apartments, 6 Courtenay place Co. proprietors; Sydney Arthur Croydon, managing
Reardon Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Strand director; published friday), Brunswick st.reet. See advt
Heed Eliza.beth (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Powderham terrace Teignmouth Printing & Publishing Co. (Sidney Arthur Croy-
Rces Eleanor Jane (Miss), ladies' school, 6 Orchard gardens don, manager),printers & publishers of the "Teignmouth
Regia Steam Tug Co. Limited (George Henry Jarvis, man- Post," Brunswick street. See advertisement
ager), Parson street Teignmouth Quay Co. Limited, dock owners, wharfingers
Religious Tract Society Depot (Miss E. J. May), 3 Bank st &c. (W. S. Wills, sec.), Old quay ; telegraphic address,
Reudall George, dairyman, IO Parson street "Quay," Teignmouth
Rendle Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, I6 Wellington street Teignmouth Restaurant Co. Limited (Mrs. l:larah Kenshole,
Rice Edward & Sons, fish merchants, I3 Brunswick street manageress), 4 Den road
Rice Henry. draper, 3 Den road Teignmouth Rovers Cycling Club(A. E. Graham, hon. sec.),
Richards George, apartments, 2 South view, Den London hotel
Rickard Henry, boot & shoe dealer, 6 Northumberland pl Teignmonth Ship & Yacht Co. Limited (G. :F. Flemmich,
Robbius John, boot maker, 7 Teign street managing director), Strand
Roberts Martin, bicycle agent, Triangle place • Teignmouth Steam Tug Co. Limited (Thomas William
Robins William, apartments, 44 Higher Brook street Hutchings, managing director), New quay
Rodgers Thomas & Co. boot makers, 8 Somerset place Teigumouth Swimming Club (William Henry Walton, hon.
Rolstone Eliza (Mrs.), baker, 55 Bitton street sec.), Post office, Den road
Rossiter Sarah (Mrs.), watch maker, I5 Bank street Teignmouth Times (Edward James Cornish, proprietor;
Rowe Matthias, King William P.H. I9 Northumberland pl published friday), 18 Wellington street
Royal National Life Boat Institution (William Joseph Bur- Telephone Call Room (May & Son), 6 Somerset place
den, hon. sec.), 6 Bank street Temperance Hall, Library & Reading Room (Miss Caroline
Rudall Robert Samuel, Old Quay inn, Oid quay Fry, hon. librarian), 4 Orchard gardens
Rudd Charles Frederic, surgeon, & medical officer & public Temple John George, coal merchant, West cliff
vaccinator Teignmouth district, Newton Abbot union, 8 Ternpler Reginald William, solicitor & commissioner for
Den crescent oaths, 23 Orchard gardens
Ruddall ~-alter, boat owner, Strand Thomas Elizabeth (Mrs.}, shopkeeper, 7 Bitton street
Rudkin & Piggott, surgeons, 2 Den crescent Thomas Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Esplanade
Ryder John ~dward, chemist & druggist, n Regent street Thomas William, White Hart P.H. I5 Higher Brook
Saffin Thomas, pork butcher, 4 Bitton street Tibbs Henry, chimney sweeper, Brook bill
Sailors' Home & Institute(Miss E. :Fry,hon.supt. ),24-Teign st Tolley Thomas. grocer, 5 Wellington street
St. Scholastica's Abbey (Mrs. Florin,lady abbess),Da.wlish rd Toope Edwin, hair dres3er, IS Somerset place
Totbill George, dairyman, 2 Exeter road Volunteer Battalion 2nd (Exeter & South Devon) Regiment
•rothill Joseph, letter receiver & shopkeeper, 61 Bitton st (I Co.) (Captain H. H. Cordes, commander; Calor-
Town Hall, Northumberland place Sergeant Craig, drill instructor], Drill hall, Somerset pl
Townsend 1\Iar\' (Misd), apartments, 4 Spring gardens Walkley John, -cabinet maker, 14 Regent street
~rozer, Whidborne & Tozer, solicitors, 2 & 3 Orchard gar- Walsh Thomas, apartments, 10 Hollands road
dens; & at Dawlish Waiters Henry, apartments, 17 Northumberland place
Tozer Edward John Francis, solicitor, commissioner for Ward Campbell, Custom House P.H. 9 Old Quay & brewer,
Supreme Court of Newfoundland, see Tozer, Whidborne & Mere lane
Tozer Ward Elizabeth {Mrs.), ap:utments, 30 Northumberland pl
Tozer John Hellyer (firm, Tozer, Whidborne & Tozer), sol- Ward George Perkins, coal importer &c. 25 Teign stre3t
icitor, commissioner for oaths & notary public, & clerk to Ward Pike, Lloyd's agent, 25 TeL;n street
Shaldon Bridge Co. & Teignmouth harbour board, 2 & 3 WaterWorks(LocalBoard)(Wm.Curry,mgr.),3TheKeywoocls
Orchard gardens; & at Dawlish Watkins James Reed, emigration ag~nt, 36 Hitton street
Trace Robert, butcher, 67 Bitton street ·way Joseph Beckett, builders' & coach ironmonger & iron
Trayner Snsan (Miss), shopkeeper, 4 Coombe road & steel merchant, 13 ~orthumberland place
Trood Frances {Miss), apartments, Ivy house West Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 15 Bitton street
Trout Frederick, apartments, n Brunswick street West George Thomas, clothier, 22 Bank street
•rrout Frederick, jun. boat owner, Ivy lane Westaway William, lodge keeper at Cemetery, Exeter road
•rruman Charles Creedy, painter, 47 Higher Brook street Westcott G~orge, coach builder, Teign street
Truman Jn.Portbury,painter & glazier,3 Brimley House vils 'Vheaton Arttmr, builder, 5 Yannon Hill terrace
Truscott Thomas, steward at the East Devon & Teignmouth Whidborne John Sumner, solicitor, perpetual commissioner
Club, Den crescent & commissioner for oaths, see, Whidborne & Tozer
Tucker Alfred Thomas, draughtsman, 15 Regent street White Fanny (:\irs.), fruiterer, Bl'lluswick stree1i
Tucker Frank, Dawlish inn, 22 Regent street White George, mason, 30 Mulberry str~.>et
Tucker John, sail maker, Old quay White William, apartments, 19 Dawlish street
Tucker Thomas Herbert,apartments,28 Northumberland pl 1 Whitear John, master mariner, 17 West cliff
Tucker William, upholsterer, 2 'feign street Whiteway & Co. (Geo.Hy.Jarvis, agt.), clay mers.Parson st
'l'ully 1\:Iary& Blossom (Misses), dress makers, 29 Exeter rd Whiteway John H. pilot, II Commercial road
Turpin Charles, tobacconist, 28 Regent street Whytall Annie & Alice (Misses), ladie;;' schoot, Thornpark
Useful Knowledge Society & Mechanics' Institute (Samuel Williams Emily Eliz!l.beth (Mrs.), matron at the Infirmary,
Poole, sec. ; W1lliam Granger, librarian), Athenreum, Dawlish road
19 Somerset place Wil's Frederick Thomas, pork butcher, 48 Teign street
Valentine & Son, photographers, 9 Somer;;et place Wills Joseph, Devon Arms P.H. 48 Northumberland place
Valentine James Upton, pianoforte warehouse & collector & Wise Annie (Miss), apartments, 6 Triangle place
assessor of property, land, income & assessed taxes for Woodley Walter M. fruiterer, 6 Regent street
East & West Teignmouth, 9 Somerset place Yarnall William Henry, hair dresser, 7 Wellington street
Veale E. (Mrs.), dress maker, n Hollands road Yeo Samuel H. & Co. color &c. merchants
Venn Frederick George, apartments, 29 Northumberland pl Young George, grocer, 4 & 5 Bank street
Vicary John, Royal Oak P.H. 3 Commercial road
TEMPLETON is a scattered village and parish near the living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge [,r6o, average {,r21,
river Queen Dart, 5 miles west-by-north from 'l'iverton, the net yearly value £136, including 86 acres of glebe, with resi-
nearest railway station, and 18 north-north-west from dence, in the gift of Sir William Edmund de-la-Pole bart.
Exeter, in the North Eastern division of the county, hun- and held since 1887 by the Rev. James Fowler B. A. of Cam-
dred of Witheridge, petty sessional division of Cullompton, bndge University. Lt.-Col. Chichester and Capt. Nugent
union and county court district of Tiverton, rural deanery Chichester J.P. of Calverleigh Court, are lords of the manor
of Tiverton West and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. and principal landowners. The soil is loam and clay. The
The original church of St. Margaret, formerly belonging to land is chiefly in pasture. The crops are. chiefly oats, barley
the Knights Templars, was built in 1335 in the Decorated and wheat. The area is 1,895 acres; rateable value, £ 1;062;
· sLyle, and rebuilt in the same style in I 876, except the tower, the population in 1891 was 170.
at a cost of £6oo; it is a building of stone, consisting of Sexton, George Stevens.
chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled
iwneosrtearnbotuotw1e4r1c6oinsttahienilnegge3ndbe"lSlsA, NoCn .thMeAfRirIsAt,"otfhewfhiriscthwcoarsdt PosT 0FFWE.-Thomas Burnett, sub-postmaster. Letters
from Tiverton, which is also the nearest money order
being upside down; the second bell is dated 1724 and the & telegraph office, arrive at 9· 10 a. m. & are dispatched at
tenor 1616: the tower was restored and the bells re-hung in 4·5° p.m
1882: there are wo sittings. The register of baptisms dates Parochial School (mixed), built in 1875, for 70 children;
from the year 1556; marriages and burials, 1578. 'fhe average attendance, 27; William Tayler, master
Crook William, Temple hill Burnett Thomas, blacksmith & wheel- Richards James, farmer, Clog's moor
Fowler Rev. James B.A. Rectory
wright, Post office Rowe Jas. farmer, Lower North Combe
Chown Jn. miller (water) & carpenter, Southcott Ann (Mrs.), farmr.Looseland
Temple bridge Tancock James, farmer, Cleeve
Alford Frederick, carpenter ConibeerJn. farmer,Lower SouthCombe Tapp Thomas, farmer, Starraton
Ayre Thomas, farmer, Cross moor
Ayre W1lliam, farmer, Town farm FisherWm.farmer,lligher SouthCombe Turner Wm. farmer,HigherNth.Combe
Bond Edmund, baker & farmer
Gould John, farmer, Eswortby West Robt.farmer, MiddleNorthCombe
Lewis William, farmer, Partridge farm White Frank, farmer, Colson Barton
'l'ETCO'l'T is a parish and village near the confluence of and burials, 1599. The living is a rectory, average tithe
the rivers Tamar and Claw, 5! miles south from Holswortby, rent-charge £1o6, net yearly value £I40, including 64 acres
in the Western diviswn of the county, Black Torrington of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. Ford, and held
hundred, Holsworthy petty sessional division, union and since 188I by the Rev. Herbert Upton Squire, of St. Aidans,
county court district, rural deanery of Holsworthy, arch who is also vicar of Clawton. Here is a Bible Christian
deaconry of Barnstaple and diocese of Exeter. The church chapel. A small charity of £2 IOS. is distributed in clothing
of the Holy Cross is an ancient edifice of stone in the Early to the poor. Mrs. Ford is lady of the manor and principal
English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south transept, landowner. The soil is chie6y clay; subsoil, clay. The
south porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles chief crops are wheat, barley, oal:8 and roots. The area
containing one bell, cast in 1717: up to Aug. 18n there is 2,181 acres; rateable value, {,910; the population in
were 3 bells, but a licence was then obtained from the bishop 1891 was 207.
to sell two bells, one of which was broken, to defray the Parish Clerk, Digory Stevens.
expense of repairs to the church: in the transept there is a Letters through Holsworthy arrive at 8.30 a. m. which is
marble monument, with arms of Sir Shilston Calmady kt. also the nearest money order & tele5raph office. WALL
sheriff of the county, ob. 25 Sept. 1675, and to his wife, ob. LETTER Box at Lana, cleared at 4.25 p.m. on week days
Oct. 1699; there is also a marble tablet to John Ar!!lcott, of only
Tetcott, d. Jany. 1788, and a dilapidated monument to John This place is included in the United School Board district of
.Arscott esq. and his two wives, dated from 1675 to 1708: Clawton, Tetcott & Luffincott, formed Aug. 7, 1874
the font is Norman, and there is a carved oak pulpit: the Board School (mixed), L<ma, formerly used as a club room
chancel was restored by the late rector, to whose memory a. & leased from the late Lady 1\'lolesworth & enlarged &
small stained window was inserted by his family, on the converted into a school house in I8]6, for 140 children;
south side of the nave in x881 : there are 200 sittings. 'l'he average attendance, 53; William Clarke Richards, mlstcr;
register of baptisms dates from the year x6oo; marriages 1 Miss Eiith Gully, assistant mistress
I ICalmady Vincent Pollexfen J. P
COMMERCIAL. Bloy Thomas, farmer, Barton
Squire Rev. Herbert Upt.on, Bectory Bassett William, farmer, Lana Body Chas. under steward to Mrs.Ford
Congdon Wm. Michl.farmer,Low.Lana Lyle Samuel, shoe maker, Lana Stidwell James, blacksmith, Lana
Gully Harriet (Mrs.),TetcottArms P. H. Moore J ohu, miller (water) Waiters Henry, farm bailiff to V. P.
Lana . Pooley Fras.tailor,shopkpr. &frmr.Lana Calmady esq. J P. Tetcott
Jory William, farmer, Belland Sillifant Thomas, mason, Eastgate cot Woodley Richard, farmer, Fern hill
Lockson William, farmer, Nethercott Skinner Thomas, farmer, Nethercott
THELBRIDGE is a parish and village 5 miles north- residence, m the gift of and held !Since 188o by the Rev.
east from Lapford station on the North Devon branch of the John Hill Hosegood M. A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. The
London and South Western railway, 9 north-north-west poor have £3 13s. yearly distributed at Easter. Frederick
from Crediton, 7 east-south-east from Ohulmleigh and 15 Maunder esq. is lord of the manor. The Rev. J. H. Hose-
north-west from Exeter, in the Northern division of the good and Messrs. Maunder are the principal landowners.
county, Witheridge hundred, South Molton petty SClSsional The soil is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crups are wheat,
division, Crediton union and county court district, rural barley and oats. The area is 2,240 acres ; rateable value,
deanery of Chulmleigh, archdeaconry of Barnstaple and £2,814; the population in 1891 was 169.
diocese of Exeter. The church of St. David is a small Letters from Morchard Bishop R.S 0. arrive at· g a.m. The
building of stone in the Early English style, consisting of nearest money order office & telegraph office are at
chancel, nave, south porch and an embattled western tower
with pinnacles containing t> bells: it was thoroughly re- Witheridge. WALL LE'rl'ER Box cleared at 7.Io p.m
Thid place is contributery to the Woolfordisworthy Unitad
stored in 1872 at a cost of £6so, and has 150 sittings. The
District School board, sending two members
register dates from about 1612. The living is a rectory,
gross yearly value £3oo, including 149 acres of glebe, with The children attend the Board school at Black Dog
Adams Thomas, Providence villa Down Charles, farmer, New house May Philip, farmer, Marchwe~k
Blake George, Woodhouse villa
Hosegood Rev. John Hilll\LA. Rectory Fisher Matthew, farmer, Woodington PartridgeEiias,frmr. Woodford Mill barn
Mitchell Thomas, Providence villa
Follett John~ farmer, Woodhouse Partridge Hill, farmer, Woodford
Gardener Elizh. (Miss),farmr.Westcott Partridge James, farmer, Upcott
..:\.dams Richard, farmer, Weo;tway
Asscott Edwin, farmer, Eastway Harris John, farmer, Buddleswick Perry John, farmer, Cbarnaford
Cade Edwin, farmer, Billhole
Cann Edwin, farmer, Curriton HooperJn.frmr.Highr.&Low.t-)omervlle Pickard William, farmer, Ludon
Davies Joseph, farmer, Stourton
Leach John 'l'orrington,Tbelbridge inn, Sloman William, carpenter
& farmer Tucker Daniel, farmer, Hele Ba.rton
Lee Frederick, farmer, Henciford Tucker Francis, Champner
Loo8emore John, shopkeeper Tucker Joseph, farmer, Mill
MaunderFrederick,yeoman,Middlewick Webber Emma & Saml.frmrs. Minching
THORNBURY isa scattered parish on the small rh·er B.• A. rector 184o-88 and his sisters, inserted in the chancel:
Waldon, 4 miles north from Dunsland Cr1 ss station on the there are 150 sittings The register of baptisms and mar-
Holsworthy branch of the London and South Western rail- riages dates from the year 1652; burials, 1853. 'l'he living
way and 5 north-east from Holsworthy, in the Western is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £163, net yearly
division of the county, Black Torrington hundred, Hols- value £2oo, including 106 acres of glebe, with residence, in
worthy petty sessional division, union and county court the gift of J oseph Graham esq. Q. c., J.P. and held since 1892
district, rural deanery of Holsworthy, archdeaconry of Barn- by the Rev. Henry George Smith-Heriz M.A. of Hertford
staple and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Peter, College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel, built in r89r,
dedicated in 1339, is a building of stone of mixed styles, with 120 sittings. Joseph Graham esq. Q.c., J.P. who is
and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, south transept, lord of the manor, Emmanuel Cole esq. and :Messrs. Daniel
south porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles and Samuel Hutchings are the principal landowners. The
at the angles, containing 5 bells, recast in 1876 from a soil is clayey; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
previous peal of 3, of which the first two were dated respec- barley, oats and roots. The area is 2,772 acres ; rateab!e
tively 1779 and 1639 : the south porch retains a fine Norman value, £1,375; the population in 1891 was 310.
doorway and the north aisle a piscina : in the transept is a Parish Clerk, James Daw.
monument to Sir John Speccott, knighted at Greenwich, 2
June, 16o4, and Elizabeth (Edgcombe), his 1st wife; it con- Letters received through B1·andis Corner R.S.O. arrive at
sists of a high tomb with recumbent effigies in alabaster 8 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Brandis
finely executed, with four kneeling figures of their children, Corner & telegraph office at Holsworthy. WALL LETTER-
aud a shield of arms ot Edgcombe quartering Dernford, Bis- Box, near the church, cleared at 4·45 p.m. on week days
bury and Waiter: the church was restored in 1876 at a cost only
of about £1,3oo, when the tower was raised 5 feet, and two I National School (mixed), average attJndance, 43; William
stained windows, the gift of the late Rev. William Edgcombe Moore, master
Graham Joseph Q.c., J.P. Manor cot Jeffery Thomas, cowkeeper, Woodacott Sanders William, farmer, Wonford
Smith-Heriz Rev. Hy.Geo. M.A. Rectory Johns John, farmer, Lashbrook Sanders William, farmer, Windy cross
Jollow James, jun. carpenter, Brendon Skinner James, shoe maker, Cranapool
COlllMERCIAL. Paige James, farmer, Bason close Skinner Leonard,frmr.&masn. Wonford
Andrew Matthew, farmer & overseer, Penhale Richard, shopkeeper Skinner Samuel, carpenter, Wonford
Penwarden Jn. Beare, yeoman, Brendon Skinner Samuel, shopkeepr. Woodacott
Kinsford Penwarden Wiliiam,farmer, Woodacott Sluggett Stphn.farmr. Little Lopthorne
Badcock William, farmer, Higher Leigh Piper Stephen, farmer, Thorne Squire Richard, farmer & dcput y regis-
Banbury Lewis, farmer, Brflndon Priest George, yeoman, Lashbrook
Britton Thomas, farmer, Berry Priest John, farmer, Lower Leigh trar of births & deaths, Milton
BrockSusan(~Irs.),farmr.Thornbury ml Damerel sub-district, Holsworthy
Brown Charles, farmer, 'Voodacott
Collings Lewis, farmer, Wonford Priest Mary Ann (Mra. ), New inn union, Bagbeare
Daniel John, farmer, West Lopthorne Priest Samuel, farmer, Week Stanbury William, farmer. Barton
Daniel William, shoe maker, Chapel ho PriestSusan(Mrs. ),cowkpr. Windy cross We:;tlake William, miller (water).
Eastbrook Ezekiel, blcksmth. Windy erss Routley James, farmer, Lopthorne
Facey Lionel, carpenter Routley William, yeoman, Brendon Thornbury mill
GliddonChas.blacksmth.Woodacott crss Sanders Frederick, farmtr, Lashbrook Wonnacott Emanuel, yeoman, Week
Hearn William, farmer, Lashbrook Sanders Isaac, farmer, North thorne Wonnacott John, farmer, Forda
THORVERTON is a parish and village about a mile ends bears the arms of the Luttrell family, aud on another is
east of the river Exe, with a station on the Exe Valley branch a shield with the arms of Wallis impaling Gilbert : two
of the Great Western railway, 7 miles north from Exeter, -other shields are carved with emblems of husbandry and
6 east-by-north from Crediton and 8 south from Th'erton, the figure of a horse: the church was restored in 1864
in the North Eastern division of the county, Hayridge by Ven. Archdeacon Freeman, when a transept was added
hundred, Cullompton petty sessional division, Ti verton and the interior elaborately fitted, every seat, both i11 the
union and county court district, rural deanery of Cadbury nave and chancel, being carved : in 1887 a warming
and archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter. The Exe Valley apparatus was erected at a cost of £wo, defrayed by l\lr:;.
railway, opened in May, 1885, is the property of the Great M. A. Commings; and a vestry has since been erected :
Western Railway Company, and connects the main line at there are 400 sittings. The register dates from the year
aStoke Canon with the Devon and Somerset branch near 1725. 'fhe living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge
Dulverton. The church of St. Thomas Becket, an ancient £344• net yearly value £283, including 27 acres of glebe,
building in the Gothic style, consists of chancel, nave, aisles, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of
transept, south porch and a. western tower containing a Exeter, and held since 1875 by the Rev. Samuel Childs
clock and 6 bells, dated respectively r86r, 1674, 1673 (4 and Clarke M. A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, hon. sec. Dwcesan
6) and the fifth 1662; the bells ha\·e been re-hung at a cost Board of Edncation, and surrogate-. Here is a Baptist
of £113: there are some ancient monuments to the Tuck- I chapel and a Conservative club. There are charities of £IOO
field family and modern stained windows : one of the bench yearly value, distributed in money and kind. Fairs are
held on the last Monday in February and the Monday after East Raddon belonged prior to Edward I. to the family of
the 18th July, yearly, for lambs and cattle, and there is also de Bathwina or de Bathe, ancestors of Sir Henry de Bathe,
a monthly cattle market. The manor anciently belonged and is now the property of Sir John Shelley hart. There was
to the abbey of Marmoustier in Normandy, but was pur- formerly a chapel here, the remains of which now form
chased from that community by Sir John Wiger, and given part of a farmhouse.
by him in 1276 to the Dean and Chaptet• of Exeter. The PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who are lords of the manor (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Devon
and impropriators of the great tithe, Sir John Shelley bart. added). William Lipscombn Cnmmings, subMpostmaster.
J.P. of Shobrooke Park, and the representatives of the late Letters received at 7.30 a. m. & 3.40 p.m.; dispatched at
G. S. Fursdon esq. and Charles Wilcocks Pasmore esq. of 2.50 & 6.3o pm
Newton St. Cyres, are the chief landowners. Goldford was ScHOOLS:-
the property of the late Sir H. Carew ; the late Dowager National (mixed), built in 1845, with master's residence,
Lady Carew having resided for many years at the Barton built by the present vicar, partly supported by a small
House. This place is noted for its breed of sheep and endowment from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners; the
produce of apricots. The soil is clayey and sandy; the school will hold 130 children ; average attendance, 112;
subsoil, red rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley and John Ashton Martin, master
apples. The acreage is 4,036 ; rateable value, £6,722 ; the Inf;J.nts', for 56 children ; average attendance, 42; Miss
population in r8gr was 863. Bertha Egbeer, mistress
Sexton, George Westcott. CAltRIERS.-Downing, to Exeter, tues. & fri. ; & Banti.eld,
RADDON is a hamlet half a mile west. The manor of to Tiverton, tues. & Exeter, fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Ellis Andrew, farmer, also guardian to Pleace Sarah (Miss), farmer
Clarke Rev. Samuel Childs llf.A.[vicar & the poor,Lynch,Chamons& Holes fms Plucknett Thomas Babbage, dairyman
Farmer Robert, farmer, Dunsaller & farmer
surrogate], Vicarage
Ford Thomas, shopkeeper Pride Joseph, Dolphin P.H. & coal mer
CollisMajorAugustusRandolph,Brick ho Hill Sidney ~r. R.C. v. s. L. veterinary srgn Prince John, farmer & dairyman,Prow·
Firmin Charles Mark
Hillman Wm. Henry,plumber & glazier ses farm
Hill Edward Chamberlin
James William Challice, assistant over· Prowse Richard, blacksmith
Lewis James King
seer & tax collector Radmore Henry Townsend, farmer &
Michell Abel Rous Dottin
Peacock Rev. Edwin [vicar of Nether- Jarman Robert, basket maker landowner, Court Barton
Exe], Pyne's house Leach George, farmer, Chilton Risdon Arth. Felix,solct.r.& insurnce.agt
Potter William Frederick Leach George Elsworthy, farmer, Chi!- Sage William George, tailor
Potter Mrs. Brookside ton brooks Sharland Thomas, farmer, Pool
Radmore Henrv• Townsend
Risdon Arthur Felix Leach Thomas Ambro~e, farmer, Canns Short Geo. draper & grocer, The Berry
Lee .Francis, farmer, Raddon court Short Jarnes, carpenter
White John Wheaton, Willow park Lewis James King, surgeon, & medical Taverner George, farmer, Upcott
officer & public vaccinator, Thorver- Tett W1lliam Henry, shoeing & general
COMMERCIAL. ton district, Tiverton union smith, iron railing & wire fendng ;
Baker John, jobbing gardener Martin John, butcher & farmer j agent for Harrison McGreJor's mow-
Beedell John Francis, farmer, Raddon May William, Exeter inn, & mason ing & reaping machines & other
Brazg William, farmer Milford Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments makers ; machines repaired
Butt George, farmer, Way farm Milford Frederick, wheelwri~ht Thomas Edward, farmer, Yellowford
Churchill Robert, saddler Milford Henry, painter & plumber Thomas George, draper & grocer
Coleman Peter, farmer, Kidlake farm Milford Waiter George, wheelwright Thomas Samuel Goss, farmer, Pitt farm
Coles Richard, farmer, Court Hayes Mortimer John, market gardener Tozer Mary Ann (Mrs.), dairy farm
Coles Warwick, boot & shoe maker Newbury Esaias, baker & shopkeeper Vanstone James, Bell inn
Conservative Club(John Baker,hon.sec) Newcombe George, boot & shoe maker Vinnicombe James, baker
Coombes Edwin James, miller (water) Painter Henry, farmer & dairy Walker John, builder
Coren Harry, butcher Parker Matthew, stone mason Way George, farmer, Ashley farm
Cosway William, farmer, Rull farm Parker I\obert, shopkeeper Wayborne Thomas, butcher
Cummings William Lipscombe, watch Peacock Rev. Edwin, boarding school Westcott George, thatcher & sexton
maker, Post office for young gentlemen, Pyne's house Westcott James, carpenter & builder,
Davis John Gadd,farmer,BidweU Barton Phillips Daniel, market gardener district agent for the Ecclesiastical
Dymond William, boot & shoe maker Phillips Joseph, millwright . Commissioners, The Berry
Dyer Richard, baker PittsThos.frm. bailiff toAndrewEllis esq Whitton Frank, dairyman
"THROWLEIGH (or THROWLEY) is a parish and purposes. There is a Bible Christian chapel at Providence
fillage near the high road from Exeter to Okehampton, 7 Place, built in 1839, with burial ground attached. The
miles south-east from Okehampton station on the main line charities, amounting to £4 16s. yearly, are applied to the
of the London and South Western railway, 17 west from repair of the church. James Dunnmg, of ·wonson, who is
Exeter, in the Mid division of the county, Wonford hundred, lord of the manor, Richard Dunning, of Barton, James
Crockernwell petty sessional division, Okehampton union Crocker, of Forder, Alfred Guy Whipham esq. of Gidleigh
:and county court district, rural deanery of Okehampton, Park, and the Rev. William Tucker Arundell Radford B.A.
archdeaconry of Totnes and Exeter diocese. The chnrch rector of Down St. Mary, Bow, are the chief landowners.
{)f St. Mary is a building of granite, in the Early Pcrpen- The soil is sandy ; the subsoil is rocky granite.. The crops
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle with are wheat, barley, oats and pasture. The acreage is 1,884;
an arcade of four arches, south porch and a lofty embattled rateable value, £2,306; the population iR r8gr was 281.
western tower, with pinnacles and containing 5 bellt~: the MuRCHINGTON, 2 miles south-east, WoNSTON, r mile
TOof of the chancel is wagon vaulted, with good carved oak south, FoRDER, I mile south-west, PROVIDENCE PLACE, r
panelling and bosses : the priests' door is a richly ornamented mile south, and AsH, three-quarters of a mile south-west,
work of the 13th century : on the south side of the chancel is a are hamlets. -
~epulchral recess: there are memorial windows to the Dun- Parish Clerk, Thomas Hill.
nin:;s of Barton and the Aysh family: in r884 the church was PosT OFFICE.-Thomas Htll, sub-postmaster. Letters
Teseated and refloored, the tower arch opened, and the bells from Okehampton by mail cart, received at 7.30 a.m. ;
rehung a.t a cost of £4oo, and now affords r8o sittmgs. The dispatched at p.m. The nearest money order &
register of baptisms and burials datet~ from the year r653 ; telegraph office is at Chagford. Postal Ol"ders are issued
mamages, 1654. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge here, but not paid. Letters for Murchington should be
£r2o, net yearly value £r47, with 48 acres of glebe and addressed Chagford.
residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since A School Board of 5 members was formed December r8,
r88g by the Rev. Edward Clarke Spicer M.A. of Trinity 1874, for the united district of Throwleigh & Gidleigh;
('{)llege, Melbourne University. The mission church ~t W. Ferryman, Yeo Mills, Chagford R.S.O. clerk to the
MuRCHINGTON, in connection with St. Mary's, is a building board & attendance officer
of granite, erected in 1889 at a cost of £4oo, and consists Board School, Providence Place (mixed), erected in r877, for
<>f chancel, nave and a western turret containing one bell: it 84 children; average attendance, 47; Miss Helen Bonnar,
will seat roo persons, and is used also for Sunday school mistress
Endacott Mrs. William, Ash Drew William, New inn, Wonson Moore William, farmer, Langston
.Spicer Rev. Edward Clarke :r.r.A.Rectory Dunning Thomas & Jas. farmers, Ash Mortimer James, farmer, North down
COMMERCIAL. Dunning Alfred, assistant overseer Northcott Thomas, farmer, Higher
Dunning James, yeoman, Wonson Murchington
{',oombe William, farmer, Mill farm Dunning Richard, yeoman, Barton Setter Alfred, farmer, Murchington
Cooper George, farmer, Wonson Dunning William, farmer, Langston Valiance William, farmer, Way
Crocker Rd.&RichardGay,frmrs.Forder E ndacottJoseph, farmer, Clannaborough Vinnicombe James, farmer, Shilston
I>icker William, farmer, Murchington Hill. Thomas, blacksmith, Post office Wadman George, carpenter
THRUSHELTON, called in Domesday "Tresetone," were empowel'ed by licence from the .Archbishop of Canter-
is a very scattered parish near the road from Okehamptop bury, with the consent, on certain conditions, of the prior
to Launceston, 4 miles north from Coryton station and 4~ and convent of Plympton, to inclose ground round the
west-by-north from Lifton station on the Launceston branch chapel for the purposes of burial. The register dates from
of the Great Western railway, and 11 north from Tavistock, .the year 1654. The living is a parochial chapelry, annexed
in the Western division of the county, Lifton hundred and to the vical"age of Marystowe, in the gift of John Tremayne
petty sessional division, Tavistock union and county court esq. J.P. and held since 1874 by the Rev. Henry Borlase Grylls
district, rural deanery of Tavistock, archdeaconry of Totnes M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, who resides at Mary-
and diocese of Exeter. The Thrushel stream, from which stowe. John Tremayne esq. J.P. of Sydenham House,
this place takes its name, flows near. The church of St. Marystowe, is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
George, probably erected by the canons of Plympton, in Orchard, an ancient manor house, formerly the seat or the
the early 14th century, is a small edifice, in the Perpen- Wood family, has been to a great extent demolished and is
dicular style, consisting of chancel with south chapel, nave now a farmhouse. The soil is loam ; subsoil, slate. The
of two bays, south aisle, south porch and an embattled land is arable and pasture. The area is 2,440 acres ; rateable
western tower with pinnacles containing 5 bells; the first value, £2,573 ; the population in 1891 was 4II.
and fourth dated 1718, the second 1799 and the third and Sexton, William Baker.
tenor 1717 : in the chancel is a piscina, and there is another
in the south chapel : the font, of Roborough stone, has an Letters by foot post from Lew Down R.S.O. North Devon~
octagonal basin : the rood loft stairs still remain on the arrive at 7 a. m. WALL LETTER Box, Broadley Cross,
south side, but the screen, as well as the parcloses of the cleared at 6 p.m. week days only. Lew Down is the
chapel, are missing : in the porch is a stoup : in the north nearest money order office ; the nearest telegraph offices
aisle is a fiat stone, inscribed to Roger Prest, gent. ob. r658: are at Lifton & at Coryton railway station
the church affords 180 sittings. In 1504 the mhabitants The children of this parish attend the school at Lew Down
.Abel Thomas, 'Wonnacott Burden James, farmer, Lower mills 1 Lake William, farmer, Axworthy
Perry Miss, Lobhill house Collacott Hobert, farmer, Huddispit , Orchard Rd.carpenter,Woollacott moor
Trehane Mrs. Lobbill house Down Henry, farmer ! Page John, farmer, Dringwell
COMMERCIAL. Drown John Foot,farmr. Wreys Barton ·Perry William Soper, lime & manure
Abel.Albert, farwer, Wonnacott Ellis John, blacksmith merchant & farmer, Whiterow
Bailey Jane (Mrs.),farmr. Thrushelford Frise William, shoe maker Skelley William, farmer, Patchill
Baker William, carpenter Gale William, farmer, Point [letters Sloggett John, farmer, Lobhill farm
Banbury John, farmer, Headson should be addressedBridestoweR.S.OJ Strong Wm. farmer, Woollacott farm
Bickle William Henry, farmer, .Alder Heggadon Stephen, farmer, Nth.downs Weeks William, farmer, Wh1ttabourgh
Brown John, farmer, Cannon barn James Charles, farmer, 'Yortham Yelland Benjamin, farmer, Buscott
Brown Sampson, farmer, Leigh James Edwin, farmer, Higher mills Yeo Samuel, farmer, Orchard
THURLESTONE is a parish situaterl at the mouth of including 36 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of
the Avon, in Bigbury Bay, 4 miles west from Kingsbridge Lord Churston, and held since 1839 by the Rev. Peregrine
station on a branch of the Great Western railway, in the Arthur Ilbert M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford. The Brun-
Southern division of the county, Stanborough hundred, skill trustees are lords of the manor and chief landowners.
Stanborough and Coleridge petty sessional division, Kings- The soil is loamy; the subsoil is stone rock. The chief
bridge union and county court district, rural deanery of crops are wheat, barley, potatoes and pasture. The area is
Woodleigh, arcbdeaconry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. 1,763 acres of land and 135 of water; rateable value,
This place takes its name from the "thirled" or pierced £2,297; the population in 1891 was 324.
sandstone rock on the adjacent coast, known as the AVONPtlOUTH ·(or Aunemouth), 1 mile north, BANTHAM, 1
"'fhurlesto11e rock," the opening through which forms a mile north-west, where is a coast-guard station (a detach-
natural arch. The church (dedication unknown) is an ment under Challaborough in Ringmere parish); William
edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Davey, chief btlatman in charge), and BUCKLAND, 1 mile
~:hancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled north, are hamlets.
western tower containing 5 bells: the curious and finely carred Sexton, Nathaniel Moore.
old pulpit is placed about half-way down the nave within an
inclosure, at the entrance of which are two carved oak Letters receiYed through Kingsbridge by foot post, arrive
eagles, used respectively as a reading desk and lectern : at 9 a.m. WALL LETTER Box cleared at 4·45 p.m. 'fhe
the font is Norman and in good preservation: the east nearest money ordo~r & telegraph office is at Kingsbridge
window is stained : the reredos is of stone, and the chancel PosT OFFICE, West Buckland.-Miss Sarah Robins, sub-
t:etains its piscina: there are monuments to Thomas postmistress. Letters arrive from Kingsbridge at ro a. m.;
Stevens, of Clannacombe House in this parish, dated 1648 dispatched at 4· 15 p.m. The nearest money order &
and 1658, and to former vicars and residents: the chancel, telegraph office is at Kingsbridge. Postal orders are
which is the earliest part of the church, was restored and issued here, but not paid
the body of the church reseated in 1867 at a cost of nearly LE'l'TER Box at Bantham cleared at 4 p.m. Letters arrh·e
£4oo: there are 220 sittings. The register dates from the at 10.30 a.m
year 1558. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge as National School (mixed); it will hold 6o children; avera6e
commuted £328, a'·erage £259, net yearly value £285, attendance, 39; Miss Edith Bargery, mistress
Thurlestone. Moore George, farmer West Buckland. •
Perraton John, farmer, North Upton
Buekland The MiEses, Homefield Pound \Yilliam Hingston, shopkeeper Stuart .Archibald, Rock cottage
Burridge Charles, Worthy house Rnowdon Henry, carpenter Lee George Henry. farmer
Squire Saml.Shat.b, farmr.FarmBarton Sheriff Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Godfrey Mrs. Rockhill Stidston Albt. Edwd. frmr.Court Bartn
Ilbert Rev.Peregrine.Arthr.M.A.Rectory White Edmund, farmer, Whitley Bantham.
Jenkins Henry Lionel, Clannacombe
East Buckland. Campbell Robert
IS'arracott Mrs. The Cottage
Foale John, miller (water) & baker, Hannaford Jo:m William, Sloop inn
Polyblank Edward, Burnt house 'l'hurlestone mills Whiddon John, coal dealer
Wheeler Rev. Benjamin [curate]
Burgoyne George, farmer Sheriff James Alfred, boot maker & Avonmouth.
D'angibau Henry .Albert,farmer, Buck- assistant overseer
Hancock William Samuel, farmer
land park Roach Nicholas, farmer
HannafordJsph.jun.frmr.Reynolds frm
TIP TON is a hamlet, 3 miles south from Ottery St. St. John's College, Cambridge. 'fhe principal landowners
Mary, on the river Otter, with a station on the Sidmouth are William Taylor Thomas esq. Walter Edward Pickthall
branch of the South Western railway, 11nd formed into an esq. Richard Dening esq. John Bragg Wreford esq. the
ecclesiastical parish, July 16, 1841. It is in the Eastern Hon. Mark G. K. Rolle D.L., J.P. of Bicton. and Lieut.-Col.
division of the county, Ottery St. Mary hundred anrl petty Sir Frederick .A. T. Hervey-Bathurst bart. of Clart-ndon,
sessional division, union and county court district of Honiton, Salisbury. The soil and subsoil is gravel. The chief crops
rural deanery of Ottery and archdeaconry and diocese of are oats, barley and pasture. 'l'he area is 1 1990 acres ; the
Exeter. The church of St. John, built in 184o, is an edifice population in 1891 was 39r.
of stone in the Early English st.yle, consisting of chancel, FLUXTON, a hamlet, 2 miles south-by-west from Ottery
St. Mary, is in this district.
nave, south porch and a western turret containing one bell :
there are ~<even stained windows, and sittings for 300
persor.s. The register dates from the year 185o. The Sexton, George Hellier.
living is a viearage, gross yearly value £26o, with residence Railway Station, John Burge, station master
and 6 acres of glebe, in the ~ift of the vicar of Ottery, and PosT & M. 0. 0., R. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
held since 189o by the Rev. William_Henry Metcalre M.A. of James Marchant, sub-postmaster. Letters are recch-ed
through Ottery St. Mary, arrive at7.30 a. m.; dispatched " 1ALr, LETTER Box, Flu·x:ton, cleared at 6 p.m. week days
at 5·35 p.m. Ottery St. Mary is the nearest telegraph
office National School (mixed), built in 1843, for 84 children;
average attendance, 58 ; Miss Fanny Mary Patterson, mist
Carter Mrs. Elias, Hayne Clarke William, farmer, Clay pits Retter George, cowkeeper, Coombe
Dening Miss, The Cottage
Dening Richard, Waxway Hellier John, wheelwright Retter George, farmer, .Fluxton
Dommett Emanuel, Tipton hall
Metcalfe Rev. Wm. Hy. M.A. Vicarage Hill Richard, farmer, Woods Retter Thomas, farmer, Fluxton
Pickthall Waiter Edward, Heathlands
Pidsley Thomas, Elm grove Kingsland Wm.farmr. Greenland farm Sargent Job, farmer & miller (water),
Retter Samuel, Lancercomba
Wreford John Bragg Leatt George, farmer, Metcombe Tipton mill
COMMERCIAL, MarchantJas. boot& shoe ma. Post off Skinner Isaac, farmer, Hayne farm
Carter Sydenbam, farmer, Metcombe Miller & Lilley, coal merchants &c Thomas WllliamTaylor,farmer,Fiuxton
Potter Thomas, blaeksmith TozerGeorge,blacksmith &wheelwright,
Power Daniel, farmer, Coombe Metcombe
Pring Henr.v, Golden Lion P.H Wakeley Wtlliam, farmer, Metcombe
Pring Riehard, farmer, Metcombe Wreford Jn. Lewis, farmer, 'l'ipton frm
Retter Charles, farmer, Coombe ,
TIVERTON (i.e. TwY-FORD·TOWN) is an ancient municipal .A charter of incorporation was granted in the year 1615
borough, head of a union and county court district,, and to the inhabitants of Tiverton by James I. with the privilege
give~ its name to a hundred; it is in the North Eastern of returning two members to Parliament., but this charter
division of the county, Cullompton petty sessional di,·ision, was surrendered in r683 and another with a few almost
West Tiverton rural deanery and archdeaconry and dioeese nominal changes issued by Charles Il. ; in 1692 a fresh
of Exeter, and is situated partly in the valley of the rivers charter was granted by William and Mary, but in 1723 no
Exe and Lowman, which here meet; it is 165 miles by road mayor, owing to dissensions, being lawfully elected, the
and 184 by railway from London (Great Western), 14 by municipal privileges lapsed and the government fell into the
road and 20 by rail north from Exeter, 62 by road and 66 hands of the lord of the manor, portreeve and county
by rail south-west from Bristol, 30 from Barnstaple, 46 from magistrates until their municipal status was restored by a
Dartmouth, 77 from Bath, 156 from Birmingham, 67 from new charter, dated Dec. 4, 1724 (II George I.), designating
Plymouth, 25 from Exmouth and 26 from Sidmouth. The the corporation " The Mayor and Burgesses of the Town and
town is about a mile in length, the chief portion being situ- Parish of Tiverton." Under the Municipal Corporations .Act,
ated on elevated ground on the left bank of the Exe ; a steep 1835 (5 and 6 Wm. IV. c. 76), this borough is included
descent called" .Angel bill,'' leads to the bridge, connecting amongst those which bold commissions of the peace and
the town proper with the lower town, denominated "West quarter sessions, and is divided into t bree wards-viz,
Exe." There are four principal streets, which are wide, and Westexe Ward, Lowman Ward and Castle Ward-and
occupied by good houses and handsome shops. .A branch governed by the borough magistrates, a recorder, ma:ror,
line, 5 miles in length, connects the town with the main line six aldermen and eighteen councillors. The Corporation
of the Great Western railway; and the Exe Valley line from also act as the Urban Sanitary Authority. From the date
Exeter to Dulverton, where it joins the Devon and Somerset of its incorporation the town became a parliamentary bor-
railway from Taunton to Barnstaple and Ilfracombe, passes ough, returning two members, but under the provisions of
through the town; it was opened in 1884-5 and affords a the Redistribution of Seats Act, r885, thP. independent
quick and attractive route from Exeter to North Devon. representation ceased, and the borough was merged in the
All these lines are worked by the Great Western Railway Th·erton or North Eastern parliamentary division of the
Company. The '' Lodge Estate" contains many villas. county.
The Grand Western Canal, terminating at the north-east The parish church of St. Peter, in Peter street, was
end of the town, extends to the limestone quarries in the originally a chapel, erected in 1073, on the site of the present
parish of Burlescombe (the other portion being disused) and chancel, and consecrated in that year by Leofriro, first bishop
is II miles in length; it is now the property of the Great of Exeter; the existing church, a structure of Perpendicular
Western Railway Company, and is only used for the con- date, consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south or Greenway
veyance of limestone to the kilns of Mr. Hugh Talbot at chapel, south porch, vestry and an embattled western
Holcombe Rogus. tower, 120 feet high, with crocketed pinnacles at the angles,
The ancient fords crossed respectively the Exe and the and containing a clock and 8 bells, recast in 1736 from a pre-
Lowma.n,at points now spanned by bridges; that crossing the vious peal of 6, with additions, at an outlay of £229 19s. 6d.
river Exe is a handsome structure of 5 arches, originally The most ancient portion of the building is the Norman
erected in 1590 by Walter Tyrrel, draper, who left a con- doorway on the north side ; the chancel arch, with the
siderable endowment to keep it in repair ; and it has since Courtenay chapel, supposed to have stood at the east end of
been widened ; the bridge over the Lowman has three arches. the north aisle, was probably erected about 1517; on each
In 1262 .Amicia, widow of Baldwin de Redvers, 7th Earl side of the arch, within a panel, is a carving of an eagle on
of Devon, caused a stream of water to be diverted and con- a bundle of sticks, flanked by two boars, the Courtenay sup-
ducted into the town from Norwood Common, about 4 miles porters ; in the cornh:e moulding of the nave are various
north, for the benefit of the inhabitants ; it enters the town singular devices, with the dates 1605, 16o6 and 1607; the
at Town's End, and from this point is distributed by con- columns of the arcades and the south wall were rebuilt on
duits and open channels through every street, and by an the erection of Greenway's chapel, in 1517, by John Green-
Act of Parliament passed in 1767 the authorities are enabled way, merchant ; this is a structure of Late but ela.borate
to levy fines on persons who may divert the stream or any Tudor Gothic, on the south side of the church, with a highly
portion thereof from its course, or render the same unfit for enriched vaulted roof, and a cornice bearing the arms of
the use of the inhabitants. In x88o waterworks were con- Greenway and those of the Drapers' Company; the upper
structed by the Corporation at Allers farm about 2l miles portion of the exterior walls, along the corbel line, is en-
distant, where the water is filtered and thence conveyed to riched with representations in relief of the chief events in the
the town in iron mains for household use ; the total cost of life of Christ; on the floor of the chapel are brass effigies of
tbis work was £4,000: further improvements were made John Greenway and Joan, his wife, with a shield of arms of
in 1886 at a cost of £1,600: in 1889 an additional supply the Merchant Adventurers and the words" Pray for the soul
was obtained from Warnicombe hill, 2 miles east, by an adit of John Greenway," but the other shields, inscription and
being driven 220 yards into the hill side, the result of which labels are now missing ; the chapel was restored in or about
was the provision of a high level supply of water of great 1830; the porch, a fine example of late Perpendicular, also
value: a still further supply was obtained in 1892 from built by Greenway, is panelled above the arch in six com-
springs rising on a farm at Chettiscombe, I! miles north. partments, separated by figures and containing various
In 1886 the Corporation- constructed a new intercepting scriptural subjects and a quartered shield of Courtenay and
sewer, with an outfall at the sewage farm near Holwell, I Redvers, impaling England, and representing the alliance of,
mile south, and great improvements have sinee been made Sir William Courtenay ll.B. with Katherine, daughter oi
in the sewerage throughout the town, under the direction Ed ward I V. and above it the hitherto unexplained crest" ~~
of Mr. J. Siddalls C.E. the borough surveyor. The town is an eagle perched on a bundle of sticks, and the whole e$e-
rior is embattled, the south aisle, chapel and porch. J;ein~
lighted with gas from works in the Station road, erected in
1822 and belonging to Messrs. Heathcoat and Co. highly enriched and adorned with emblems of ttade •Qd in-
In 1598, 1612, 1661, and six times during the .18th century, dustry, arms, staple and merchants' marks and eYJJb,. et&~
the town was greatly damaged hy fire and tte losses by the
the columns of the nave arcades have nichPs inclosing flit}
first two of these only was estimated at £gso,ooo. shiells of various noble families; the battlements of the ~
chancel were erected by the Rev. John Newte, in 1709, and I parish in 1886. The church of St. K~therine, built in 1846,
are covered with shields of arms, emblems and mottoes : in place of an ancient chapel of the same name, licensed July
the Courtenay chapel, erected by Henry Courtenay, Mar- 2, I4oo, is an edifice of stone in a plain Gothic style, con-
quess of Exeter, to contain the remains of his father and sisting of nave, and has 200 sittings. The register dates
mother, Sir W. Courtenay K.B. ob. ISII, and the Princess from the year 1847. The living is a vicarage. average
Katberine, his wife, ob. 1527, was destroyed during the civil yearly value from tithe rent-charge £350, net about £3oo,
'var, when the church was held by the Royalists as a mili- in the alternate gift of William Spurway esq. and the Rev.
tary position; withm it was an altar-tomb with a recumbent Sir Vyell D. Vyvyan hart. and held since 1886 by the Rev.
t>ffigy of the princess, and another and magnificent tomb, Richard Medland Germon B.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford.
with effigies in alabaster, richly gilt, to Edward, 3rd Earl of The population in 1891 was 565.
Devon ("the blind earl"), who died at Tiverton Castle Nov. CHEVITHORNE, 2~ miles north-east from Tiverton, was
5, 1419, and the Lady Maud (Camoys), his wife: the interior formed into an ecclesiastical parish in 1889. The chapel
'has two paintings, one of "The Wise Men's Offering to Our of St. Thomas was erected in r842-3 from designs by
Saviour," now placed over the vestry door, and another of Benjamin Ferry esq. architect, of London, at a cost of
"St. Peter delivered out of Prison by the Angel," over the £r,ooo, and is an edifice of stone in a plain Gothic style,
north door, painted by Richard Cosway R.A. in 1784: in the consisting of chancel, nave and aisles: the service books
-church are many ancient torr:bs and mural monuments; and communion plate were presented by the Rev. William
these include insc..Tiptions to John Prowse, merchant, ob. Sept. Rayer M.A. late rector of Tidcombe Priors portion, who
.3, 1585, and Alice, his wife, ob. Aug. r3, 1583; George Huck- also contributed the chief cost of the building: the church
ler, merchant and mayor of 'fiverton, ob. April r r, 1632; was beautifully restored and enlarged by Sir John H.
Valentine Hartnol), mayor, ob. March ro, r644, and Ann, Heathcoat-Amory bart. in 189r, at a cost of £r,4oo, by
his wife, June rr, r649; John and Joan Colman, ob. Feb. 7, the addition of an organ chamber and vestry: there are 200
I553; John Waldron, founder of the almshouses, ob. July r3, sittings: the churchyard was enlarged in r893 by the ad-
I579; to the family of Newte, r668-1792; and to Mary dition of a field given by Sir J. H. Heathcoat-Amory hart. the
Shepherd, 1622; Mary Garnet, r621; Nicholas Nemlett, r633; walls inclosing it being erected by the parishioners. The
Robt. Hoare, 1687; John West, gent. r63o; Thomas Hawkins register dates from the year . The living is a vicarage,
and other merchants, r689; William Clark, of Bridwell, r6r8; average tithe rent-charge £r54, gross yearly value £202,
Roger Giffard esq. with arms, r6o3; Thomas Monk, r649; net £r59, with residence, in the gift of Lord Harrowby and
.Samuel Foot esq. M.P. ; Richard Spurway, first and fourth the Hon. Henry Dudley Ryder, and held since r889 by the
mayorofTiverton, andothersofthatfamily; JohnGoddard, Rev. Edward Davis. The population in 1891 was 46o.
mayor, r663; and to the families of Thorne, r685-r734; Here is a Wesleyan chapel, rebuilt in r887.
Blundell, 1696-1822; Gilbert, I790-r8o7; Burridge, Ather- WALL LETTER Box cleared at 5.30 p. m
-ton and others: the total length of the church, including WEsTEXE is an ecclesiastical parish formed in 1856; the
"the tower, is 163 feet, and the width, with aisles, 72 feet; it church of St. Paul, built at the expense of the late Ambrose
was considerably altered and reseated in 1819·2r, the screen Brewin esq. assisted by a grant of £3,000 from Mrs. Peard's
inclosing Greenway's chapel removed and the floor levelled : trust, on a site given by the late John Heathcoat esq. IS a
in r853-6 the whole building was thoroughly restored at a building of stone in the Decorated style, consisting of
<:ost of £4,000, under the direction of Mr. Ashworth, archi- chancel, nave, aisles, two south porches and a tower on the
tect, of Exeter: there are 1,2oo sittings. The parish regis- south-east, with spire 130 feet high, containing a clock
-ters date from the year I559· The living is a rectory, and 5 bells: the foundation stone was laid on the 1oth of
.average tithe rent-charge £532, gross yearly value £r,2oo, April, 1854, and the building completed in r856: the east
net £6oo, with 236 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift and west windows are stained, and two others were inserted
.()f the Earl of Harrowby and the Hon. Henry Dudley Ryder, in r885 in memory of Miss Charlotte Carew: the stained
.and held since 1890 by the Rev. John Rashdall Eyre M.A. of east window was inserted in 1893 as a memorial to the late
Clare College, Cambridge, honorary canon of Liverpool Frederick Patchesq.and Mrs. Patch: there are r,ooosittmgs.
.cathedral. The register dates from the year 1856. The living is a
St. George's church, in Fore street, is a plain, oblong vicarage, gross yearly value i,"578, with residence, in the
.building of stone, in a Modern Classic style, consisting of gift of Lord Harrowby and the Hon. Henry Dudley Ryder,
nave, aisles and a western turret containing a clock and and held since r87o by the Rev. Edward BakerB.A. of Caius
.bell; the church was begun in the year 1714, completed College, Cambridge. The population in r891 was 2,623.
.in 1730, and consecrated October II, 1733, by Dr. Stephen The Catholic chapel, dedicated to St. John, nearly a mile
Weston, bishop of Exeter: the interior is surrounded by west of the town, is an edifice erected in r821, in the Early
three galleries, supported, as well as the roof, by a double English style, consisting of chancel and nave, and will seat
row of Ionic pillars, forming three aisles ; the building was 250 persons; attached is a priest's residence. The Baptist
.extensively repaired in r841-2, when the roof was raised and chapel, in Newport street, was founded in r68"7; the present
reconstructed: the stained east window, with a full-length buildmg, erected in 1876, will seat 8oo persons, and hai
tigure of St. Andrew, was the gift of :Miss Walker, of 'fiver- registers of births from 1767. The Congregational chapel,
ton, and cost about £7o: there are mural monuments to in St. Peter street, erected in 183r, at a cost, including
Mr. Henry Blagdon, r7r6, and Mrs. Mary Peard, 1780, land, of about £5,000, has sittings for 700 persons: con-
benefactors to the church, and others : adjoining the west nected with this chapel are memorial rooms. The Congre·
.entrance to the church is a marble monument to Mrs. gational chapel, in Barrington street, has 250 sittings.
Hannah Cowley, dramatic writer, and a native of this town, There are also chapels at Elmore and Bolham. The Bible
who died March n, 18og: adjoining the east entrance is a Christian chapel is in St. Andrew street, and will seat 450
.similar monument to the Rev. Samuel Wesley M. A. of Christ persons. The Wesleyan chapel, in St. Peter street, is a
Church, Oxford, bead master of Blundell's school 1734-91 good building of brick and ston~, with adjoining Sunday
who died November 6th in the latter year; he was elder schools, and has 6oo sittings. The Plymouth Brethren
brother of the Rev. John Wesley M.A. founder of the Method- meet at Heathcoat Hall in Wellbrook street. The Cemetery,
ist body, and wrote "The Battle of ·the Sexes" and other on the Bampton road, at a short distance from the town,
poems. The communion plate was given by Mr. John was formed in 1855, and is under the control of a Burial
3tUpcott, merchant, of 'fiverton. The church, 85 feet long Board of 8 members; it covers about acres, and has two
by 58 wide, will seat about Soo persons : the churchyard was mortuary chapels.
.enlarged in 1825 and contains a fine yew tree, planted by Mr. The Town Hall, erected in r864, in place of the old
Thomas Owen in 1796.- The registers date from the year structure, erected soon after r6r5, is a building in the
18go. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge Veneto-Italian style of the Renaissance period, from designs
.£464, gross yearly value £625, net £377• with residence, in by H. Lloyd esq. of Bristol, with frontages in Fore street
the gift of the Misses Carew, and held since 1890 by the and St. Andrew street : the ground floor contains the county
Rev. Percy Richard Scott M. A. of Clare College, Cambridge, court and borough surveyor's office, police station with lock·
prebendary of Exeter cathedral, and surrogate. up cells and committee, magistrates' and waiting rooms: on
CovE, 4! miles north from Tiverton and 2! miles from the first floor is a public hall, about 70 feet in length, fitted
_Hampton station on the Tiverton and North Devon section up as a court of justice and council chamber, together with
{)( tl:ie Great Western railway, was formed into an ecclesias- a large gallery: there is also a jury room, a retiring room
'tical parish in 1886. The church of St. John the Baptist, for the Recorder and magistrates, and a mayoralty room,
erected in I 846, on the site of an earlier building, is an about so feet by 20 feet. In the hall are portraits of George
.edifice of stone in a plain Gothic style, consisting of chancel, I., II. and Ill. a full-length portrait of George Ill. ; and
nave and vestry, and has 150 sittings. The register dates others of the late Viscount Palmerston K.G., G.c.B. &c. M.P.
trom the year 1700. The living is a vicarage, average tithe ior Tiverton 1835-65, the late John Heathcoat esq. M.P. F.
rent-charge £225, net yearly value £200, in the alternate Hole esq. presented by Viscount Palmerston, and another of
,gift .of William Spurway esq. and the Rev. Sir Vyell Donni- the late William N. Massey esq. M.P. ; there is also a fine
thorne Vyvyan hart. and held since r886 by the Hev. Arthur marble bust of Viscount Palmerston, presented by W. North
Rawliogs M. A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge, who resides Row esq. J.P. a former mayor, the cost of which was :::8o
at 'l'il·erton. The population in 1891 was 368. £uinec1s. The total cost of the building amounted to about
WITHLEIGH, 3 miles west, was formed into an ecclesiastical .£ 12,000. The Corporation insignia include two maces, a
mayor's chain and badge, water bailiff's staff and borough gregate rental of about £412 ; the pew rents of Green-
and mayoral seals : the maces, of silver-gilt, form a pair 46 way's chapel in St. Peter's church also go to the charity ; the
inches in length, of the usual form : the shafts are unusually total revenue in 1891-92 was £476: the original building, a
elegant, and richly decorated with raised and chased foliage quaint edifice of stone, is enriched with carvings similar to
work; the heads bear the arms of the borough and the those on the south side of St. Peter's church, and includes
national emblems, crowned, and are finished wtth a cresting the badge or device of an eagle perched on a bundle of sticks,
of crosses and fl.eurs-de-lis, from which spring open arched and an invocatory inscription for the souls of the founders,
crowns: the hall marks give the date 1727-8: the mayor's was thoroughly restored in r866, and a chapel is attached in
chain and badge, made in 1876, consists of a series of which divine service is held daily. .
ornamental links attached to a small shield, with a mace on Waldron's Almshouses, Wellbrook st.reet, built in I.')79t
were endowed by John Waldron, the elder, of Tiverton,
either side, and the badge, pendent from this, displays the
merchant, by deed bearing date October 19, 1577, for eight
arms of the borough, as on the town seal, surrounded by a poor men, each of whom receives 2s. weekly, Ss. yearly
extra as milk money and 12s. 6d. as a New Year's g1ft: the
ribbon : the water bailiff's staff is a fine bamboo rod, ter-
minating in a silver ball supporting a shield of the town income is £46 a year, derived in part from divjdends on
£8oo Consols and in part from a rent-charge of £24
arms: the town seal exhibits the church, castle and school, yearly: the charity was further increased in 1S85 by the
bequest of Mr. John Hatswell, of Tiverton (£sr8), which is
and below these the " twy " fords, crossing the Exe and now invested in Consols, and produces 15s.6d. half-yearly for
each almsman : attached to the house is a small chapel,
Lawman, all within a legend : the mayor's seal bears a wool- with a good timber roof, restored in 1891 by the late Mrs.
Patch; the buildings are in the old-fashioned style, with
pack and inscription. overhanging galleries, and are enriched with the arms and
The Drill and public hall, erected by the volunteers of Tiver- merchant's mark of the founder, his monogram and several
rhyming inscriptions in old English characters: the Rev.
ton, was opened in 1SS4,from plans prepared by Mr. Mitchell, Edward Baker ~.A. vicar of St. Paul's, is chaplain ; services
of Southampton, and comprises a drill hall, armoury, and
dwelling house for the sergeant instructor: the total outlay are held in the chapel on Sundays at 5 p.m. and ou Wednes-
in respect of the hall and other portions of the premises
was about £3,000: the walls are of Westleigh stone, pointed days at 3 p.m.
externally and plastered on the inside : the hall is So feet by
50 feet, and at the southern end is an alcove with platform,
the arch overhead being 15 feet radius with plaster mould-
ings, turned to carry the gable end and roof, and the roof is
domed so as to convey sound to the hall : ort either side ar&
retiring rooms, which, together with the back of the plat• Slee's .Almshouses are in St. feter street, and were en-
form, are built of brick : the front of the building is of red dowed by George Slee, in 16ro, for six: poor women, each of
brick, with Bath-stone dressings ; it will hold 1,250 persons ~ whom reC'..eives rs. weekly, together with a gift of 3s. 6d.
a small hall on the east side, 40 feet by 22 feet, and holding monthly from Anna Maria Turner's Charity and other sums
from Elsie Besley's Charity and l\lary Marshall's Trust.
150 persons, was erected in 1885.
'fhe Borough police station, in St. Andrew's st.reeti on the Every occupant of the above almshouses receives annually
site of the ancient chapel of that name, was built in 1S44-6, three cwt. ol coal, one third of which eonies from the Cos-
and is a substantial modern building, erected at a cost of tom-Wood Charity.
about £s,ooo: in 1S72 the white flag floated over the parapet · The Exe bridge trust, dating from 1563, and producing .
for upwards of 200 days, there not being any prisoners con- £250 a year, is mainly applied in bread, subject to the cost
fined during that time. of repairing the bridge; the market trust, producing £220
Tiverton was formerly noted for its woollen manufactures,. yearly, is also distributed in bread. Rice's charity now
but that trade, which sprung up here in the 14th century averages about £,120 yearly, derived from a farm at
and continued to prosper through many years, fell into Ash Thomas and other property, is for annuities to relations
decay towards the dose of the 17th century and has now of testatrix, or in default to other poor persons. The total
become extinct. The principal manufacture now carried on income of these, and various other charities distributed in
is that of lace, established here in 18r6, by the late Mr. bread and clothing, together with the endowments of the
Heathcoat; the factory of Messrs.Heathcoat and Co. now the almshouses, exceeds £1,100 a year.
largest for that purpose in the West of England, and situated In rS91 Mr. Thomas Ford erected near Lawman ~reen a
in the lower part of the town, employs about 1,000 hands, in• biock of buildings called ... The Homes," containing 12 sets
eluding 130 children : the machinery is driven by a water- of rooms for 24 inmates; each pair or occupants has a Uving
wheel of roo-horse pQwer, 25 feet broad and 25 feet in room and bedroom and there is a well appointed chapel on
diameter : in dry weather a steam engine is used : tulle is the first floor.
the principal product. A Home for children affiicted with incurable diseases has
There is also a large brewery, tl;tat of Messrs. Thomas been established in a farmhouse. known as " fire Beacon/'
Ford and Son, and some smaller brewedes and flour mills in and standing on a hill overlooking the E:x:e valley, about 2~
and near Tiverton. miles north of the town: the inmates are t~n in number;
The Market house~ in the centre of the town, at the back the Home was instituted and is maintained at the sole
of Fote street, Peter street and Bampton street, was erected expense of Mrs. Unwin.
in 183o-I, at a cost of about £9,000, and is a light covered The People's Park, formed in commemoration of Her
building, with good approaches from all sides, and a spacious 1\Jajesty's Jubilee ( 1S87), and situated at the northern end of
area for pigs, sheep and cattle and 71 stalls for butchers : the town, is a little over 6 acres in extent; the land was given
within the market and facing Fore street is a clock ~ Tues- by John Coles esq. 6f London, and the cost of laying out
day is the principal market day and Saturday is a small is estimated at £4,000.
market : there are two fairs for cattle, horses and sheep on Tiverton Castle, beautifully situated on the left bank of
the first Thursdays in June and Qctober : there are great the Exe, and immediate1y adjoining the north side of St.
markets for cattle on the second and last Tuesdays in each Peter's church, is now Ui!ied for the purposes of a fartn and
month. a private residence ; it is supposed to have been built about
The principal hotels are the " Palmerston " and the uo6 by Richard de Ripariis or Redvers, first Earl of Devon
"Angel." of that family, and continued to be the chief residence of
The Devon Infirmary and Dispensary, in 'Hampton street, the families of Red vers and their successors, the Courtenays,
was established in 1852, and has 16 beds. Tbe average until the attainder and execution of Henry Courtenay,
annual number of in-patients is 135 and out-patients 1,459; Marquess of Exeter, g J,an. 1539t-40.: the manor was restored
it is supported by voluntary contributions, and patients are by Queen Mary, t.ogether with the marquessate, to his son,
admitted free on subscribers' recommendations. Edward, on whose .death it passed by the marriage of to-
Greenway's Almshouses, in Gold street, were founded by heiresses into other families; the Carews, of Haccombe,
John Greenway, of Tiverton, by will dated 6th August, have been owners since I759· The castle shared in the wars
1529, "for the habitation of five poor men, to have their of Stephert's reign, and in the contests of the rival roses, being
continual abideing and habitation in the same--and every alternately held by both parties : during the civil war it was
one of them weekly Sd. and to pray dayley for me, the said garrisoned for the king, and in 1645 was besieged by General
John Greenway, Johannah my wiffe, and for all Christian Massey and taken by storm, 19th October, 1645: it was once
people: " many additional houses have been added and the the splendid residence of the Courtenays, and is nQW occupied
weekly allowance increased, in consequence of the increased, by Lieut.-Col. H. I<'. Greatwood: the principal gateway of
value of the land devised: these ahnshousesnow (I89S) hold the castle on the east side, a structure of two storeys, with
17 married couples and 16 widows : each man is allowed ss. an octagonal turret at the north-west angle, remains, to-
a week, and on the man's death the widow receives a gratuity gether with some other portions: under the castle wall on
of £land she is allowed a month in which to move out: the west side is a covered way, supposed to pass nnder the
there are ~ix "out pensions" of 8d. each weekly, the reci- town and terminate in Gold street.
pients being known as" Tyrrell's eight_penny men:" the pro- Mrs. Hannah Cowley (nee Parkhouse), a dramatic writer,
perty of Greenway's Trust comprises £ 1,664 in Consols (pro- was born here in 1743: this was also the birthplace in 1740
ducing £45 ns. annually) and houses and lands with an ag- of Richard Cosway R.A. son of the then master of Blundell'~
DEV. & COR~.
school. John Cross, an historical painter, born in :L819, was south-east : All Fours Portion is now included in St. Paul's ·
the son of the manager of the lace factory here. parish.
There are many residences in the outskirts of the town- In 1886 the incumbencies of two portions became vacant
;Knightshayes Court, of Sir John H. Heathcoat-Amory hart. and an Order in Council was obtained for a rearrangement,
D.L., J.P.: Southwood,of William John Llewellyn esq. J.P.; with the result that the two surviving rectors divided the
parish between them, districts being assigned to the Eccle-
Hensleigh House, of Ian Murray Heathcoat-Amory esq. J.P.l siastical parishes of Cove and Withleigh. In 1889, on the
Collipriest House, of Mrs. de Las Casas ~the Misses Carew,
of Haccombe, are ladies of the manor. death of the rector of Pitt-Clare portion;the parish was,
The parish was divided by Hugh Courtenay, Earl of Devon, under a scheme of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, formed
about the end ol the 13th century, into five portions, viz., in 1886, redivided into three districts or parishes. The
Clare Portion, Pitt Portion, Priors Portion, Tidcombe Por- southern part of the town and a considerable part of Tid.
tion and All Fours Portion, which were again divided into eombe portion in the country being assigned to the vicarage
hamlets : Clare Portion contained t.he villages of FROGWELL, of St. George's ; another district, formed mainly out of Tid-
LuRLEIGH and WITHLEIGH: Pitt Portion contained the combe, partly out of Pitt, to the vicarage of 8t. Thomas,
Chevithorne, and the remainder to the rectory of St.
villages of.CHETTISCOMBE, IJ miles north-east, BOLHAM, and
CovE, 5 miles north : Priors Portion contamed the hamlets
of AsHLEY, 3 miles south, ~nd BICKLEYBRIDGE : Tidcombe The parish and borough are co-extensive, and include
Portion contained the hamlets of CHEVITHORNE, 2 miles 17,6so acres of arable and pasture land; rateable value,
north-east, WEsl' MERE, 3 north-east and EAsT MERE, 3~ £46,842.; the population in x89 I was 10,892, including 140
north-east, CRAZE LawMAN, 3 north-east, and MANLEY, 3 officers and inmates in the workhouse.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c. '
PosT & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, ley St. Mary, Hockworthy, Hunt..'!ham, Loxbeer, Morebath,
Bampton st.reet.-William Henry Snell, postmaster Oakford, Stoodleigh, Templeton, Thorverton, Uplowman,
DISPATCH OF LETTERS. Washfield Borough Magistra.tes.
Bampton,Dulverton &c. 9 a. m.; Barnstaple, Taunton, Well-
ington & Somerset, 9 a.m.; London, Bath & Bristol Day Alexander George, Ailsa house, Tiverton
Mail, 11 a.m.; Exeter, Plymouth & West or England, II Carew Charles Robert Sydenham, Collipriest
a.m.; Bristol & the North, 3·35 p.m.; London & all parts, Ellerton John Francis, :Fore street
8.50 p.m.(with extra !d.stamp 9.30 p.m.); Bampton,Dul- Ford Thomas, The Elms, Tiverton
verton &c. 3.30 a.m Grason James, Fore street
DELIVERY. Haydon Henry, Chettiscombe
London Mail, by letter carriers & to callers, 7 a.m.; North Haydon William Rudall, St. Peter street
of England, Scotland & Wales, Southampton, South West Heathcoat-Amory Sir Jn.Heathcoat bart.Knightshayes Court
of England &c. by letter carriers, 10 a. m.; to callers, 9.30 Heathcoat-Amory Ian Murray, Hensleigh house
a.m.; London Day Mail, by letter carriers, 4.30 p.m.; to Lazenby Thomas Orger, Eastfield .
• callers, I & 4 p.m.; Tiverton Rural Deliveries, by letter Loosemore Robert Francis, Beechwood
carriers, 5·45 a.m.; Exeter,Plyrr.outh& Cornwall, by letter Mackenzie Lewis, Bampton street
carriers, 7-I5 p.m.; to callers, 6.30 p.m.; Tiverton Rural Patterson G. A. (non-resident) •
Deliveries, by letter carriers, 8.30 p.m Payne Frederick Andrew, St. Peter street
PARCEL DISPATCHES. Smith Josiah Sidney ~I.D. Hampton street
London, North & South West of England, Bath &c. rr.s
Snell Frederick, Bridge street •
a.m.; North of England, Bristol &c. 2.45 p.m.; Exeter,
Plymouth & West of England, 3.20 p.m.; London & all Travers John Amory, Ringwood, Dorset
parts, 8.30 p.m Unwin William C. Ludovic, Hayne house, Bolham
Waldy William Thomas (non-resident)
Tiverton Rural, 7 a.m.; London & all parts, 9.30 a.m.; Lon-
don, Ireland, Bristol, Exeter &c. p.m.; Tiverton Winton Ebenezer Musgrave, Fore iitreet
Rural, 8.30 p.m Clerk, Geo. Edwd. Cockram,Market chambers,Bampton st
MoNE'll' ORDERS granted & paid & Savings Bank & Annuity
Magistrates' sittings are held at the Town hall every thurs-
day at 11 a.m
business transacted from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & on saturday 1892·93·
MAYOR, Councillor Frederick Andrew Payne.
untit 8 p.m
TELEGRAPH OFFICE, open from 8 a. m. to 8 p.m.; on snndays, DEPUTY MAYOR, Alderman James Grason.
from 8 to ro a.m RECORDER, Henry Clark, 3 Temple gardens, London E c.
No snnday collection from PILLAR BoXES. ALDERMEN,
PILLAR & WALL LETTER BOXE&, cleared as follows : - tJobn Hill §Ebenezer Musgrave Winton
}Jlundell's crescent, 8.30 & 10.45 a. m. & 8 p.m
Leat street, ro.2o a.m.; 2-45.& 8.15 p.m tWm.Cowper LudovicUnwin §Henry Haydon
tJohn Francis Ellerton
Lowman bridge, 10.35 a. m.; 3 & 8.30 p.m §James Grason
Presiding Aldermen at Ward Elections.
Railway station, 3.15 & 8.15 p.m Castle Ward, Ebenezer Musgrave Winton
Redlands, 7-IS & 9·45 a..m. & 7.10 p.m Lowman Ward, Henry Haydon
St. Aubyn's villas, 8.10 & 10.40 a..m. & 1·45 p.m West Exe Ward, John Hill
St. Peter street, 10.35 a.m.; 3 & 8.30 p.m COUNCILLORS.
Silver street, 10.35 a.m. 3 & 8.30 p.m
Tidcombe lane, 7·35 & 10.5 a..m. & 7.25 p.m
tThomas Anstey tFrederick Andrew Payne
Town hall, 10.35 a.m. 3 & 8.30 p.m
West Exe Sun-PosT & M. 0. 0.-Gcorge Penny, receiver. tWilliam Rudall Haydon iiThomas Ferris
Letter box cleared at 10,20 a.m. 2.45 & 8.15 p.m tEdmund Morcombe Moyle *Richard Grater
County Magistrates for Tiverton Sub-Division of +William Rowe LOWMAN WARD.
Cullompton Petty Sessional Division.
tJohn Thorne I tWalter Goodland
~eathcoat-Amory Sir John Heatbcoat hart. D.L. Knights- tGeorge Hall
*William Thorne
*Samuel Deering
hayes Court, Tiverton WEST EXE WARD.
tJohn Harwood
Carew Rev. Robert Baker M. A. Collipriest house, Tiverton tWilliam Melhuish
Chichester Capt. Nugent, Calverleigh Court, Tiverton tianMurrayHeathcoat-Amory *Tom Haydon
Clarke Richard Hall esq. D.L. Bridwell, Halberton
tEdward Hatcher *EdwinJutsum
Cruwys George James esq. Cruwys Morchard ho. Tiverton
Daniel Thomas Carew esq. D.L Marked thus t retire in lfi9.J.
Marked thus : retire in 1895.
Leir Lieut.-Col. William, Coombehead, Bampton Marked thus • retire in 1896.
Llewellyn Waiter John esq. Southwood house, Tiverton
Marked thus § retire in 18911,
'froyte Col. Charles Arthur Williams D.L.Huntsham Court, Auditors, Wllliam Hellings Lloyd, St. Aubyn's park &
Hampton William Edward Williams, St. Peter street
Clerk to the Magistrates, Frederic Burrow LL.D. Cullomp- OFFICERS OF THE CoRPORATION & URBAN SANITARY
ton; George Edward Cockram, Hampton street, Tiverton, AUTHORITY.
deputy clerk Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Chas.
Petty. Sessions are held at the Town hall, every alternate Marshall Hole, Angel Hill terrace
tuesday, at II a.m Treasurer, Frederick Wood, Stuckey's Bank ·
The following places are included in the petty sessional Clerk of the Peace, Charles Marshall Hole, Angel Hill ter
division :-Bampton, Bickleigh, Cadbury, Cadeleigh, Cal- Coroner, Lewis Mackenzie F.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Hamp-
verleigh, Clayhang~r, Cruwys Morchard, Halb~rton, High- ton street
Medical Officer of Healt.h1 Richard Blair Cullin L.R.C.s. & Tiverton; Silverton district, Edward Leonard Puddicombe
L.R.C.P.Edin, Hampton street L.R.C.P.LOnd. Silverton; Thorverton district, James King
Public Analyst, John Haworth, Bampton street Lewis, Thorverton; Uffculme district, Valentine Evelyn
.Borough Accountant & Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, Barrow L.R.C.P. & s., L.F. P. & s. Uffculme; Tiverton
John Siddalls c.E. Town hall district, Richard Blair Cullin L.R.C.P.Edin. Tiverton;
Chief Constable & Inspector of Common Lodging Houses & Washfield district, William Rudall Haydon M.D. Tiverton
Weights &Measures,Jn.Blechynden Crabb,~t.Andrew's st Superintendent Registrar, Thomas Clarke, Fore street,
Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 'l'iverton; deputy, Henry Boteler Sharland, Gold street,
Henry Paul Chase M. R. c.v. s. L. St. Peter street Tiverton
Collector of Rates, William Puole, Lurley Registrars of Births & Deaths, Bampton sub-district., Samuel
Town Crier & Beadle, John Harris, Town hall Besley, Hampton ; deputy, Henry Nott, Hampton; Cul-
Sergeants at Mace, Thomas Perry, Chapel street & William lompton sub-district, John Frost, Cullompton; deputy,
Spa.rkes, Wes1i exe John Reynolds, Cullompton; Silverton sub-district, Peter
'Town Hall Keeper, John Harris, Town hall Warren, Bradninch; deputy, Thomas Salter, Bradninch;
Tiverton sub-district, William :Morrell, 3 Gold street,
Public Establishments. Tiverton; deputy, Robert Melhuish, Angel Hill terrace;
Borough Police Station, St. Andrew street, John Blechyn- Uffculme sub-district, Robert Bidgood Mildon, Halberton ;
den Crabb, chief constable ; r sergeant & 10 constables deputy, Albert John Mildon, Halberton; Washfield sub-
district, Harry Alfred Frost, Hampton; deputy, George
CemetP.ry, Bampton road, George Edward Cockram, Market. Frost, Bampton
chambers, Hampton street, clerk to the burial board ; Registrars of Marriages, John Williams, r Twyford place,
John Fewings, 8exton
Tiverton; deputies, John Cosway Williams, 5 Belmont
County Court, held at the Town ha11 every month, His Honor
Cecil Hugh W. Beresford B.A. judge; Charles Marshall terrace, Tiverton ; Henry Morish, Kentisbeare
Hole, registrar & high bailiff ; Francis Stanbury Dayman, Workhouse, Water lane, Bampton street, was erected in
deputy registrar; George W. Couch & J. C. Rossiter, r837-8, at an outlay of £8,8oo, & will hold 300 inmates·
William James Penney, master ; Mrs. Sarah Jane Penney,
clerks to the registrar; E. P. Martin, sub-bailiff ; office, matron; W. R. Haydon M.D. medical officer; Miss Emma
Town hall. The district comprises the following parishes:- Ruse, schoolmistress
Bampton, Bickleigh, Bradninch, Hridgetown (Somerset),
Brompton Regis (Somerset), Brushford (Somerset), But- RuRAL SANITARY Au·rHORITY.
terleigh, Cadbury, Cadeleigh, Calverleigh, Clayhanger, Meets at the Workhouse monthly, no specified day or time.
Cruwys Morchard, Cullompton, Dulverton (Somerset),
Exton (Somerset), Halberton, Hawkridge (Somerset), Clerk, Charles Marshall Hole, Fore street, Tiverton
Hockworthy, Huntsham, Kentisbeare, Loxbeare, More- Treasurer, Frederick Wood, Old Bank, Tiverton
bath, Oakford, Rackenford, Sampford Peverell, Silverton, Medical Officer of Health, William Rudall Haydon M.D. 1 C.M.
Skilgate (Somerset), Stoodleigh, Templeton, Thorverton,
Tiverton, Uffculme, Uplowman, Upton (Somerset), Wash- Tiverton
Inspector of Nuisances, William Barrons, Tiverton
• field & Willand
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the " Law of Distress Meets at the Workhouse monthly, no special time.
Amendment Act, 1888," Robert Staddon, Dulverton; Clerk, Charles Marshall Hole, Fore street, Tiverton
Attendance & Inquiry Officers, John Hosegood, Hampton
Henry Symons, Silverton ; Robert Mildon, Halberton ;
Nathaniel Cook, Hampton street, Tiverton street, Tiverton; Harry Alfred Frost, Hampton; John
Devon Infirmat'y & Dispensary, Bampton street, William Frost, Cullompton
Rudall Haydon M.D. Charles Edward Liesching L.R.C.P.
Lond. Richard Blair Cullen L.R.c.s. & L.R.C.P. Edin. medi- Public Officers.
<·al officers; George Michelmore M.R.c.s.Eng. resident Certifying Factory Surgeon, Nevil Pottow Cadel L.R.C.P,,
surgeon ; Arthur Fisher, hon. sec L.R.c.s.Edin. Clare house, Newport street
Fire Brigade Engine Station, St. Andrew street, Robert Ellis,
Fore street, captain, & 10 men Clerk to Commissioners of Assessed, Income & Property
Inland Revenue Office, Newport street, Samuel William Beck
& Harry Beale, officers Taxes & to the Municipal Charity Trustees, George
Stamp Office, Fore street, John Hy. Parkhouse, distributor Edward Cockram, Market chambers, Bampton street
Town Hall, Fore street, John Harris, keeper Clerk & Treasurer to the Governors of Blundell's School,
Edward Frederick Childs Clarke, Gold street
Clerk & Treasurer to the Trustees of the Market & Exe
VoLuNTEERS. Bridge Lands, Charles Marshall Hole, Angel Hill terrace
3rd Volunteer Battalion Devonshire Regiment (E Co.), New- Clerk to the Greenway's Charities, Arthur Fisher, Ham-
port street, Capt. Arthur Fisher, commanding; Surgeon- mett's square, Fore street
Collector of Assessed, Property & Income Taxes &. Poor
Lieut. W. R. Haydon, medical officer
Rates, William Poole, Lurley .
TIVERTON UNION. Inspector of Weights&; Measures for the Liberty & Boro',
Board day, alternate tuesdays at II a. m. at the John Blechynden Crabb, St. Andrew's street
Union workhouse. Stamp Distributor, John Henry Parkhouse, Fore street
'The union includes the following .places, viz :-Hampton, Vestry Clerk, William Quick, Hampton street
Bickleigh, Hradninch, Butterleigh, Cadbury, Cadeleigh, Places of Worship, with times of Services.
Calverleigb, Cla.yhanger, Cruwys Morchard, Cullompton,
Halberton, Highley St. Mary, Hockworthy, Huntsham, St. Peter's (Parish) church, Rev. Canon John Rashdall Eyre
Kentisbeare, Loxbeare, Oakford, Sampford Peverell, Sil- M.A. rector; Rev. William Weir B.A. curate; 8.30 & II
verton, Stoodleigh, Templeton, Thorverton, Tiverton, Uff- a. m. 3· 15 & 6.30 p.m.; daily at noon; thurs. 7 p.m
culme, Uplowman, Washfield & Willand. The population St. George's church, Fore street, Rev. Preb. Percy Richard
of the union in r8gr was 28,538 ; area IOJ,OSJ acres ; rate- Scott M.A. vicar; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m
able value in 1893, £ 176,46o
St. Paul's, Westexe, Rev. Edward Baker B. A. vicar; 10.30
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Charles a. m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 11 a.m
Marshall Hole, Angel Hill terrace, Tiverton ; assistant St. John the Baptist, Cove, Rev. Arthur Rawlings M. A. vicar
clerk, William Morrell St. Katherine's, Withleigh, Rev. Richard Medland Germon.
Treasurer, Frederick Wood, Old Hank, Tiverton
B.A. V•Icar
Relieving Officers, Eastern district, John Frost, Cullomp- St. Thomas, Chevithorne, Rev. Edward Davis, vicar; 10.30
ton; Northern district, Harry Alfred Frost, Hampton; a. m. & 6.30 p.m
Southern district, John Hosegood, Tiverton St. John's Catholic, Rev. William Walsh, priest; sun. maSII,
Vaccination Officers, the Relievmg Officers of the Southern ro.3o a. m. followed by benediction at II.45 a m
& Eastern districts, Peter Warren, Hradnmch & Samuel Baptist, Newport street, Rev. Joseph Frank 'Toone, 10.30
Besley, Hampton a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & wed. 7 p.m
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bampton district, Bible Christian, St. Andrew's street, Rev. George Holmes;
Thomas Archibald Guinness L.K.Q.C.P.Irel. Bampton; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. & wed. 7.30 p.m
Bradninch district, Charles Henry Hallett M.B., C.M. Brad- Congregational, St. Peter- stteet, Rev. 'Thomas Webster;
ninch; Cruwys Morchard district, Wm. Rudall Haydon n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m ·
ll.D., c. M. Tiverton; Cullompton district, James Hellings Congregational, Chapel street, Elmore; 3 p.m
Lloyd, Cullompton; Halberton district, Charles Edward Congregational, Bolham; 6.30 p.m
Liesching L.R.C.P.LOnd.- Tiverton: Hockworthy district, Congregational, Barrington street; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.;
Nathaniel Bat Grig~, Holoombe Rogus ; Kentisbeare dis- wed. 7 p.m
trict, James Hellings Lloyd, Cullompton ; Sampford Plymouth Brethren, Wellbrook street; 10.45 a.m. & 6.30
Peverell district, Charles Edward Liesching L. R.C.P.Lond. p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7.30 p.m.; sat. 8 p.m
DEV. & CORN. 394
Wesleyan, St. Peter street, Rev. Joseph Cade & Rev. Joseph Blue Coat Charity, Castle street, now called the Middle
Johns; xo.go a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Boys' & Middle Girls' school, was established i~ 1714, for
Wesleyan, Chevithorne; 2.30 & 6 p.m the education of a limited number of boys & girls, under
Mission Hall, West Exe north; 6.30 p.m governors; the schools were ~rected in x841-2, from.
• designs by Mr. G. A. Boyce, a native of Tiverton, & have
been much enlarged; they will hold 130 children; aver-
age attendance, 66 boys & 64 girls; Rev. William French,
Blundell's Free Grammar School, Halberton road, was head master; John :Newberry McRae, assistant master·;
founded in x6o4 by Peter Blundell, who .by his .will, dated Miss Dulcibella Drew, mistress; Miss Mary Mead, assist-
xs99, devised the sum of £2,400 to be laid out m the pur- ant mistresil
chase of land, & directed that a school should be erect~d A School Hoard of 9 members was formed July 2, 1874;
thereoq sufficiently large to hold 150 boys & certam Edward Frederick Childs Clarke, Gold street, clerk to.
masters, the boys not to be admitted until six years of the board ; Richard Thorne, St. Andrew street, attend-
age, nor to remain after attaining the age of eihghteen ; h~ ance officer
also charged his lands & tenements to pay t e ma~te~s Board (mixed), Bolham, built in r88g, for xoo children~
salaries, & devised the sum of £2,000 to be apphed. m average attendance, 52 ; Miss Melina A. Way, mistress
establishing six scholarships : & there are also scholarships Board (formerly British) (mixed & infants), Elmore, for 200
arising from other gifts and bequests to this school :· the children; average attendance, 16o ; founded by t~e late
new buildings, occupying an elevated site of 20 acres on Ambrose Brewin esq. & presented to the Board with en-
the Halberton road, about a mile from the town, & dowment in o1 n877th, a spacious & substantial building, with
erected at a .cost of about [.2o,ooo, are in the Tudor st~le, class-rooms e upper floor & a playground in the
from designs by Messrs. Hayward & Son, of Exeter, & m- rear; Miss Charlotte Turner, mistress; Miss Ellen Wood.,
elude a large school-room, class-rooms, school chap~l, gy.m- infants' mistress
nasium, chemical laboratory, workshop & engmeermg Board (infants), Bampton street, for x8o children, founded
room lecture room & library, sanatorium, fives court, by the late Ambrose Brewin esq. & epartetesnendtaendcet,o13th0 e~
Bo ard with e ndowment in 1877; averag
spcahvoiloilonh~usscehtohoel r shop & swimming bath; besides the
e are four large boarding houses attached Miss Louisa Annie Clapp, mistress
to the school, & arranged to hold 300 boys: the old Board (mixed & infants), Chevithorne, for 140 children:
school, at Lowman green, south-east of the town, ~ow average attendance, 40 boys & girls & 40 infants; John
converted into gentlemen's residences, .was a long .bu~ld- . Teasel, master; Mrs. M. B. Teasel, infants' mistresR
ing of one story, in the Tudor style, with large proJectmg Board (mixed), Withleigh, for 58 children; average attend-
porches & a bell-cote with cupola containing one bell, ance, 31 ; Mrs. Mary Ann Woodg::tte, mistress
dated 1613: the fine timbered roof of the school-rooms Board (mixed), Cove, built in 1874• for 70 children: average
was a copy of one id the chapel of Fritbe~stoc~ Abbey, near attendance, -1-5; Mrs. Emma Dryer, mistress
Totrington, & much of the wood work IS be~Ieved to have Heathcoat School, Westexe north, adjoins the lace factoryof
formed part of the wreckage of the Span1sh Armada: Messrs. Heathcoat & Co. & was erected in the year 1843,
over the gateway is an inscription in Latin, engraved on a at the sole expense of J. Heathcoat esq. in the Tudor ·
brass plate, & below that the following inscription:- style, from designs by Mr. G. A. Boyce, & compri~es a.
"This Free Grammar School was founded at the only centre & two projecting wings, united by an open clmster,
cost & charge of Peter Blundell, of this town, some time with entrances in the front; in x8g2 a large hall was added
ctolotthheiesr~hAoonlnoareDfoimveinsichxo6loa4rs, hMipstaatits sure Sx." Attached for the t eaching of drawing .&240slobojdys;,.i2t 3w0ilgli.rhlsold~ Soo
Balliol College, each chil dren ; average attendance,
of the annual value of £6o, tenable for five years; three infants; Arthur Heard Bale, master; MISs Anme Wtlson,
exhibitions at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, of the like mistress ; Miss Louisa Ellis, infants' mistress; there is
annual value, tenable for three years; three exhibitions of also an evening school, under the head master of the day
the yearly value of £3o each, tenable f?r four years, in school, where about 200 youths are instructed . .
any college, either at Oxford or Cambndge; one of the National (mixed), St. Andrew's street, first established m
annua,l value of £42, tenable for five years, at Balliol r8r3, at a cast of f£2ax4n,1t4s<s' .sos.cf6hrodom.ol&pwlraaensbsueibrlyet coMtenrd.a~manye1ww8agrsoidt,e,thionef
Ersx4e1t,era.t a cost of
College, & open to all boys educated at this school; there a new in
are also r8 scholarships or exhibitions of the annual value old on~ being converted into boys' class rooms; it will
of from £so to £6o each, tenable for four or five years. at
Oxford or Cambridge, & several entrance & .foundatiOn hold 500 scholars; average at,tendance, goo , Edward
Veale, master; Miss Mary Pennymore, mis~ress; Mrs.
scholarships of from £r2 to £40 yearly, tenable at the
school; boys are not now admitted until nine years of age, Eliza Veale, infants' mistress .
Chilcott•s Free, Peter street, was founded by Robert Comms~
bnt may remain until nineteen or longer with special per- ali~ Chilcott, in 1 6u, for 100 poor boys, natives o~ th8
'mission : under the new scheme of 1876 boys are prepared town. it is a building in the Elizabethan style, With a
for the universities & professions & for the higher branches mast~r's house & garden, commanding a view of the
of the civil service, special encouragement being given to
pupils to prepare for the Indian Civil Service Examinations, river Exe ; over the entrance is an inscription recording
under the immediate supervision of the head master : & its foundation ; average attendance, 40 ; George Maunder
there are separate classes nnder specially qualified masters, Cowell, master ·
for the Army, London University Matriculation & other Newspapers
examinations. The school is under the mana!tement of
trnstees appointed under the will of the founder, and ~n Daily Western Times (East Devoq branch), .Bampton ~treet,
accordance with a decree of the Court of Chancery m Hugh Latimer & Stephen H. B. Granv1lle, proprietors,
· 1846 is free to all: the income amounts to about £x,ooo printers & publishers
yearly. Augustus Lawrence Francis esq. M.A. late Fellow Devoq & Somerset Weekly News, Gold street, Woodley &
of Jesus College, Cambridge, is head master; George Co. proprietors & publishers; Thomas Goodingfield, resi-
Henry Spring B.A., F.c.s. Edward Patten Rooper M.A. dent manager; published thursday
Joseph M. Thornton M.A. George He~ry Norman .M.A. Tiverton Gazette & East Devon Herald, Gregory, Son &
boarding house masters ; Frank Herrmg M. A. Regmald Tozer, Hampton street, proprietors, printers & publishers ;
Solly Owen B.A. Henry F. Tatum M.A. Arthur Bristowe, published mon. & tues ·
"~ C. Von Klitzing, Herbert M. Rankilor, John Edward Western Observer, Gregory, Son & Tozer, Bampton street,
Brown M. A. Maurice L. Banks M.A. Rev. Percy Lancelot proprietors, printers & publishers; published thurs
Hunt M.A. Rev. W. T. Kerry M.A. assistant masters;
Rev. Perey Lancelot Hunt M. A. chaplain ; Frank Herring Railway
M.A. organist & choir master; :F. Herring M.A. & Allan Great Western, Louis Harvey, goods department; Harry
.Alien F.c.o. piano ; Otto :Milani, violin ; J. Pomeroy, Sansom, station master
yioloncello; E. S. Perkin, drawing; J. Haworth, demon- Conveyance
strator in laboratory; R. Ellis, m. structor of engm· een·ng
. class Receiving Office for Parcels, James Cresswell Wall, Bamp-
. ton street ; Henry Hole, delivery agent
Technical Science & .Art School, .Athenreum, Fore st. over Sutton & Co. parcel carriers, Wm. Cox, agent, Wellbrook st
Omnibuses to meet every train at the station, from the
the entrance to the Market place. Both day & evening
• Palmerston ' & • Angel ' hotels
classes are held, under fully qualified masters, for instruc-
tion in all branches of science & art ; there is also a •
manual department, in which instruction is giyen in iron
; & smitha' work, carpentry & joinery, decorative. work & Carrier:!'.
modelling in clay ; shorthand is also taught; Emd Scales
Perkin, scholar of South Kensington Art School, head BAMPTON-Cavill, from 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat
master & director; AgnewOgden, H. Jones, F.W. Mager ExETER-John Wood, from Westexe south, mon. wed. & fri.
& R. Ellis, art masters: Morton Ware, science master;
~. CL•ima.u, commercial; R. Ellis 5; F. Ric!1ards, ~anual returning thr flame day
'\\'~ITHERIDGE-Thomas, from • Prmce Regent,' tues. thurs.
& sat. ; Tidball, from 'Half l\Ioon,' tues