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Published by Colin Savage, 2020-01-15 05:34:59


Issue 2020 01 24


Newsstand Rate $2.00 Published byThe Bee Publishing Company, Newtown, Connecticut INDEXES ON
PAGES 36 & 37

A Lifetime Collecting Colonial American Art and Artifacts

The Dietrich American Foundation assembled a team of scholars to produce In Pursuit of His-
tory: A Lifetime Collecting Colonial American Art and Artifacts and its companion exhibition,
on view at the Philadelphia Museum of Art from February 1 through June 7. In the
museum’s galleries are, center, from left, Dietrich American Foundation curator
Deborah Rebuck; foundation president H. Richard Dietrich III; Kathleen A. Fos-
ter, Robert L. McNeil Jr. senior curator of American Art and director of the Cen-
ter for American Art at the PMA; and David L. Barquist, the museum’s H. Richard
Dietrich Jr curator of American decorative arts.

Easy chair, Thomas Affleck (frame) and Nicholas Bernard and Martin Jugiez (carv-
ers), Philadelphia, 1770. Mahogany, white oak, yellow pine and yellow poplar; new
upholstery; height 45 by width 31½ by depth 34 inches. Philadelphia Museum of
Art, gift of H. Richard Dietrich Jr. This easy chair is from a suite of parlor
furniture commissioned by John Cadwalader in 1770 and is notable for its
elaborate carving.

By Laura Beach

PHILADELPHIA — A standing-room-only crowd gathered at Sotheby’s on January 31,
1987, to watch auctioneer John L. Marion knock down what would soon be known, at
$2.75 million including premium, as the world’s most expensive piece of furniture. Lav-
ishly carved by Nicholas Bernard and Martin Jugiez, the hairy-paw foot chair made by
Thomas Affleck in 1770 for Philadelphian John Cadwalader went to New York dealer Leigh
Keno on behalf of a client.

Keno’s buyer was H. Richard Dietrich Jr (1938-2007), a discreet collector of mainly pre-
1820 American fine and decorative arts. All the more remarkable for its candor, the collec-

( continued on page 30 )

H. Richard Dietrich Jr. Remembered

2C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 3C

4C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 5C

6C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

QA& January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 1
Keith Marshall Jones
The December 3, 2019, discovery of skeletal remains beneath an Eighteenth
Century home in Ridgefield, Conn., launched a flurry of calls — to the local
police department, the selectman’s office and state medical examiner. Not to
worry, folks, it turned out not to be a modern crime scene. The bones were
deemed to be old. Really old. In fact, the discovery and ongoing investigation
may mark the first time in state history that soldiers from the Revolution have
had their remains recovered from the field of battle. Among the expert team
called in to provide historical context for the discovery was former Ridgefield
resident, historian and author Keith Marshall Jones. We caught up with him
to see if he could flesh out the findings so far.

Can you describe briefly the “scene” was erected along Main Street more than a century after What do you make of the compo-
revealed by the homeowner’s renova- the fact, this marker is purely commemorative rather sition of two of the remains: co-
tion project? than an exact burial site. The bodies were most likely, mingled, apparently not clothed and
in my opinion, buried hastily in multiple graves near lying in an East-West orientation?
The email from Sharon Dunphy, president of Ridge- where they fell.
field Historical Society, thrilled me to the bone! Three This suggests a hasty, Christian burial, whereby the
intact skeletons were discovered during the basement So, American or British? graves face east toward Jerusalem and the second com-
expansion of a late Eighteenth Century structure along ing of Christ. The five brass and pewter buttons aligned
the village’s historic Main Street. They were but some While we do not know the precise military unit affili- on one of the two remains may be of either civilian or
50 yards from site of the April 27, 1777, Revolutionary ation of individual dead soldiers, records show that the military nature. Rank and file of both sides wore pewter
War “Battle of Ridgefield.” Would I, Sharon asked, help following units incurred casualties in the Ridgefield buttons. Regimental coats of both sides sported two
to determine if they were battlefield casualties? action: patriot forces: 3rd, 5th and 6th Regiments of the to three dozen buttons; therefore, only five surviving
Continental Line — who may or may not have been in buttons suggest the bodies may have been stripped
What certainty do you have that uniform; 4th, 9th, 13th and 16th Regiments of the 4th down to small clothes for burial. Further forensics are
the skeletons are Revolutionary War Brigade of Connecticut Militia (Brigadier General Gold necessary to determine whether the skeletons were Brit-
soldiers? Selleck Silliman); 3rd Westchester (County, New York) ish, provincial American volunteers, Continental Army,
Regiment Militia Crown Forces: 4th, 15th, 23rd, 27th, Connecticut or New York Militia, or perhaps just local
Forensic testing by a team under the direction of 44th and 64th Regiments of Foot, 4th Royal Artillery patriots — like Salem, N.Y., farm boy David Selleck,
Nicholas Bellantoni, emeritus Connecticut state archae- and the Prince of Wales American Volunteer Regiment who grabbed a musket and fell in with the militia.
ologist, determined the trio were strong young males — approximately half from Connecticut.
dating to the Eighteenth Century. Accompanying the We also know that it was British protocol to bury their Could there be more grave sites near
remains were brass and pewter buttons and a leather own dead on battlefields on which they were victor, and the vicinity of the battle?
neck-stock representative of period military garb. Fur- that uniforms were often stripped from the bodies in
ther DNA testing and forensic analysis of these artifacts order to preclude looting of regimental property. Patriot The 24 men commemorated by the Main Street
— along with an accompanying textile remnant — is dead, especially militia, would have been left for the marker were most likely not buried together, but rather
necessary to confirm military attribution, but it’s fair to locals to identify and inter. were hastily interred by both sides in the barricade
hypothesize that the skeletons were indeed connected surrounds. The three skeletons, then, are probably part
to British Major General William Tryon’s Danbury This composite sketch shows two of the discov- of this scattered collective grave site. And because the
Raid of April 26 -28, 1777. My comprehensive account ered skeletons, which were co-mingled, one on his battle, after the barricade was breached, became a run-
of the expedition’s Ridgefield component (Farmers back. The robust adult men were lying in an east- ning street-fight throughout the village of Ridgefield,
Against the Crown, 2002) identified eight specific fallen it’s likely that other unmarked graves exist around town.
patriots whose final resting place was unclear. Could the west orientation (customary of an Eighteenth For example, at least one Crown soldier lies buried in
skeletons be them? Century Christian burial) in a grave that appears a communal grave at Olde Town Burying Yard at the
south of town.
What connection would they have to to have been hastily dug. The two skeleton
that battle? remains were not clothed. Will you be rewriting your 2002 book?

The third and chief engagement of the 1777 action The book is now in its third printing (2002, 2008,
at Ridgefield took place around a barricade hastily 2014). I look forward to a fourth printing of Farmers
erected by 500-600 soldiers under Continental General Against the Crown after the mystery of the three skel-
Benedict Arnold and Fairfield County militia General etons has been settled definitively. The book is available
Gold Selleck Silliman at the north end of Main Street. in Ridgefield at “Books on the Common,” on Amazon,
If they could delay Tryon’s 2,000-man expedition- or from my website —
ary force long enough, a hornet’s nest of Connecticut My fourth book, John Laurance, The Immigrant Found-
militia and New York Continentals were on the march ing Father America Never Knew, published this summer,
to overpower the invaders. Alas, these reinforcements has earned the John Frederick Lewis Prize as “Publica-
arrived too late; but when the British stormed the bar- tion of the Year” by the American Philosophical Society
ricade to take Ridgefield, at least 13 patriots were killed, (Est. 1743).
four of which were officers. Formal British reports detail
30 rank and file killed, 97 wounded and 28 missing; You now split your time between
no officers died, but 14 were wounded. These figures, New York City and Arizona. What
however, were for the entire three-day expedition, so it’s lured you away from Ridgefield?
unclear exactly how many British and Loyalist soldiers As a writer I believe that each of our lives is an unfin-
perished at the Ridgefield barricade that 27th of April.
A nearby granite marker, installed in 1890, commemo- ished book, and after 26 years in Ridgefield it was time
rates “Eight Patriots Who Were Laid In These Grounds
Companioned By Sixteen British Soldiers.” Because it to explore another chapter. In so many ways, however,

I can never leave Ridgefield...memories, friends and

skeletons summon me back. —W.A. Demers

2 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020 Auction/Show Calendars - Page 36 INDEX - Page 37

Webb Dordick
Every Friday
15 Ash Avenue 10:00am to 1:00pm
Somerville, MA 02145
50 Main Street North, Woodbury, CT 06798
617-776-1365 Appointment Requested

Especially Southwest [email protected]
Textiles, Kachinas, Pottery,
Early Jewelry, Baskets Leone’s Auction Gallery
Gallery Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11-5

6962 EAST 1ST AVENUE January 17 and January 31
SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 2 Wedgewood Drive,
Jewett City, CT
(480) 946-2910
[email protected] FLEA MARKET
Eastern CT’s Largest
Indoor/Outdoor Flea Market
College Mart Flea Market


DYNASTY NEXT Antique Bars/ Serving Westchester and Thomas K. Libby
Original H&H Automats Fairfield Counties Since 1987 Cannondale Village
Auctions & Appraisals AUCTION Ceramics Restoration
[email protected] Specializing in
CHINESE PAINTINGS SATURDAY, [email protected] Fine Art, Jewelry 203 247-6164
FEBRUARY 8 Buy and Sell 212-431-0600 [email protected]
212.260.2000 EMPORIUM
WHOLE COLLECTIONS 150 School St., Glen Cove, NY 11542 ESTATE AUCTION Mar. 29, 2020
Sunday, January 26 845-876-8168
PURCHASED [email protected] Large-scale 152 S. COUNTRY ROAD estate auctions held at OPEN DAILY
Please email photos to BELLPORT, NY 11713
631-289-9505 Bedford 5229 Albany Post Rd.
[email protected] Historical Hall Staatsburg, NY 12580
Cel: +1-646-539-0523 608 Old Post Road Between Rhinebeck & Hyde Park
Bedford Village, NY 10,000 sq. ft. Antique Mall
View catalogs
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[email protected] Paintings by

Chestnut Henry Gasser, John Whorf,
Specialists Inc Dale Nichols, Dong Kingman

[email protected] IN THIS SPOT

CALL 203-426-8036

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 3

Robert Schweizer Collection Of Pewabic &
Other Art At DuMouchelles January 17-19

Georg Jensen Cosmos pattern sterling tea service, seven Ira and Ella Peters, Pewabic Pottery plate, An Ira and Ella Peters
pieces, 199.11 troy oz. Comprised of a teapot, coffeepot, 1976, 7¼ inches in diameter, signed. Pewabic Pottery vase, 6
water kettle with stand, a creamer, sugar and handled tray, A white clay composition and iri- inches high, with a drip
24 inches long ($12/18,000). descent glaze boasting oxblood, iridescent glaze with
copper and turquoise tones with observable oxidation,
DETROIT — On January 17, ic we’ve handled in a long time. observable oxidation. Incised “Ira,”
18 and 19, DuMouchelles will Ella Peters was an essential “Ella” and dated “1976” to the under- pitting and reduction.
auction the second half of the part of the Pewabic operation, as side ($300/600). Incised “Ira,” “Ella”
Robert Schweizer collection. well as a trusted friend and con- and dated 1976 to the
Schweizer, a prominent Ann fidant to Mrs Stratton. Many Marshall Fredericks (American, 1908- underside ($600/900).
Arbor, Mich., collector who was believe Ella Peters was essential 1998), “Joan Of Arc,” bronze plaque, 28 Charles Dickin-
also the proprietor of a legend- in maintaining the company’s high by 22 inches wide, signed. Depicting son Langley,
ary Detroit restaurant, Schweiz- financial health after the Great Jeanne d’Arc with a sword ($2/4,000). Pierre Bittar, Aus-
er’s, collected many pieces of Depression, and again, after Mrs tin Deuel; and
Pewabic pottery, 60 pieces will Stratton’s death. It is because of ly in the rarest pieces, has As a result, sculptures by Mar-
be offered at this auction. the dedication of Ella Peters, the remained steady, and in recent the quantity of shall Fredericks, Étienne
generosity of the Caulkins fami- years, has seen an uptick. Pew- choice material Henri Dumaige and Seff
Several of the Pewabic pieces ly, and the willingness of Michi- abic not only has a strong local available for collec-
were made by Ira and Ella gan State University to main- Detroit collector base, but we tors is limited and the Weidl.
Peters. Ella Peters (1901-1994) tain pottery operations until the have also noted increased bid- variation in forms and Previews are Friday, January
was the bookkeeper and assis- Pewabic Society was formed ding from collectors on the East glazes are as unique 10, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, and con-
tant to Pewabic founder Mary that the pottery is in existence and West Coasts. There are myr- as they are difficult tinue during the auctions,
Chase (nee Perry) Stratton until to this day. Today, Pewabic Pot- iad reasons for this, which to acquire.” including an extended preview
her death in 1961. Peters stayed tery is not only an integral part include the uniqueness of Mary on Wednesday, January 15, until
on as an advisor until pottery of Detroit’s artistic heritage but Chase Stratton’s forms and glaz- The January auction 7:30 pm.
operations were gifted by the also a thriving artistic commu- es, the comparative limited pro- also features a number of DuMouchelles is at 409 East
son of the founder, Horace nity — essential in the rebirth of duction and the importance of additional remarkable collec- Jefferson Avenue. The auctions
Caulkins, to Michigan State our great city.” many of the pottery’s architec- tions, including sterling silver begin at 1 pm on Friday, 11 am
University in 1969. tural commissions. Pewabic Pot- by Georg Jensen; art glass by on Saturday and noon on Sun-
“While we have noted a correc- tery did not become a full-blown Louis Comfort Tiffany, Steuben day. For more information, 313-
Joan D. Walker, president of tion in the American art pottery factory like many of its peers, and Lalique; Chinese porcelain 963-6255 or
DuMouchelle Art Galleries, said, market over the last two and Mrs Stratton never stopped and carvings; handwoven Orien-
“Mr Schweizer, who was a per- decades, that has not been the experimenting with her glazes. tal rugs in many different styles
sonal friend of Mrs Stratton and case with Pewabic Pottery. Inter- and sizes; oils on canvas by
Mr and Mrs Peters, has one of est in Pewabic Pottery, especial-
the largest collections of Pewab-

Windsor Historical Society
Seeks Houses For April Tour

WINDSOR, CONN. — Atten- unteer for two hours on house
tion, Windsor homeowners and tour day. We will train you!
realtors: Windsor Historical Windsor Historical Society’s
Society is looking for architec- house tour is a beloved commu-
turally distinctive homes to nity event that has occurred
feature on its house tour to be every other April since 2002.
held Saturday, April 25. We hope to have the homes
Do you love your historic chosen by mid-February.
home? Does it have interesting
architectural features inside The tour is a major fundrais-
and out? Realtors, have you er for the society, supporting
recently sold an architecturally public programs for schoolchil-
distinctive home or know of dren and adults and the opera-
one coming on the market tion of our historic houses,
shortly with homeowners who research library, exhibition gal-
might be receptive to opening leries and family learning cen-
their homes for a day? ter. “You will have the satisfac-
Windsor Historical Society tion of knowing that you are
will consider Windsor homes supporting an active, commu-
from the Seventeenth through nity spirited museum and
the Twenty-First Centuries preservation organization in
with distinctive architecture Connecticut’s oldest town,”
and furnishings. We generally notes Christine Ermenc, execu-
include six to eight homes on tive director of Windsor His-
the tour. More than 60 torical Society.
informed volunteers help us by
guiding visitors through the The Windsor Historical Society
featured homes on house tour is at 96 Palisado Avenue. For
day and pointing out architec- information, 860-688-3813 or
tural and historical details.
Tour-goers are architecture
and history lovers who are NYACK, N.Y. — The Edward
respectful as they tour and Hopper House Museum pres-
appreciate the chance to view ents, “Human in Nature: The
architecturally distinctive Art & Wit of Rodney Smith,”
homes. on view until March 8. The
If interested, or if you can exhibition features 20 black
suggest a homeowner to and white and color photo-
approach, contact house tour graphs, illustrating Smith’s
chair Ed Paquette at 860-818- enduring love affair with
8024 or [email protected]. Also nature. The Edward Hopper
contact Paquette if you are House is at 82 North Broad-
interested in serving as a vol- way. For more information,
or 845-358-0774.

4 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Potter & Potter To Offer Posters, 650-Plus Lots, January 25
Categories Include Foreign & Domestic Travel, Sports, Magic & Antique Advertising

CHICAGO — Potter & Potter Auctions’ Kellar the Great Magician ($2/3,000) Posters promoting a foreign Stan Galli’s (American, 1912-2009)
650-plus lot vintage poster sale will be was printed in Cincinnati in 1894 by intrigue include Air France Améri- circa 1950s Disneyland United Air
conducted on Saturday, January 25, Strobridge Litho and debuted the que du Nord ($3/5,000) by Guy Lines features a ferry full of fami-
starting at 10 am. “whispering devils” theme that has Arnoux (French, 1890-1951). lies riding through a swamp safari
been endlessly copied by magicians lessly copied by magicians since Kellar’s at Disneyland. ($2/3,000).
This sale’s timeless posters promoting since Kellar’s time. time. A color lithograph of the Italian Club and the Akron Football Club at
important US travel destinations are advertises the French brand of Antar oil magician and palm reader Roody Buchtel College Grounds. A circa 1950s
certain to generate nostalgia, as well as ($1,5/2,000). It features a cherry red ($1,2/1,800) was printed in Milan by N. Sun Valley Idaho Union Pacific Railroad
bids, among enthusiasts worldwide. racecar zooming through the cliffsides of Moneta circa 1930 and shows the per- poster featuring skiers gazing at a snow-
Examples on offer range from favorite Monte-Carlo. A signed, original litho- former with a giant hand behind him covered lodge and the picturesque moun-
Twentieth Century illustrator David graph advertising poster for Campari and a representation of the movement of tain range is estimated $700/900. And
Klein (American, 1918-2005) to Stan soda ($1,5/2,000) was printed in Bologna his arm captured as if stop-motion pho- ending on an Olympic caliber note, a
Galli (American, 1912-2009) Galli’s circa in 1950, and includes the censor’s hand- tography were used. Harold Presente Le color offset poster advertising the 1960
1950s Disneyland United Air Lines fea- stamp to its lower right image. And a col- Coupeur de Tetes ($1/1,500) is a color winter games ($900-$1,2000 includes an
tures a ferry full of families riding ored lithograph advertising the French litho poster printed in Paris by Harfort identification of Squaw Valley, California
through a swamp safari at Disneyland aperitif wine Bourin Quinquina ($800- in the 1920s and shows a horrific Grand on a map of the United States and a
($2/3,000). Klein’s 1964/65 New York $1,000) is a large, one-sheet poster print- Guignol-style depiction of a decapitation skier weaving through multicolored sla-
World’s Fair Fly TWA Jets ($1,4/2,000) is ed in Paris in 1936 and illustrated by illusion. lom flags in the background.
one of the rarest of all New York World’s Jacques-Pierre Bellenger (French,
Fair posters and comes to life with fire- 19031985). This sale comes full circle with selec- All lots from the sale will be on display
works and the fair’s giant globe on a Posters featuring magicians and tions of event, circus and sporting- and available for public preview on
bright orange background. And it’s go sleight of hand acts of yesteryear also themed posters. An early framed and Thursday, January 23, and Friday, Janu-
West, young man with Panama Pacific take the spotlight in this winter sale. matted football poster ($2/3,000) is a ary 24, from 10 am to 5 pm.
International Exposition by Perham Kellar the Great Magician ($2/3,000) rarely seen late Nineteenth Century
Nahl (American, 1869–1935). Done in was printed in Cincinnati in 1894 by example featuring lithographed players Potter & Potter’s gallery is at 3759 North
1915 and created to advertise the open- Strobridge Litho and debuted the “whis- in color and letterpress text, for the Ravenswood Avenue. For information,
ing day of the 1915 San Francisco World’s pering devils” theme that has been end- matchup between the Detroit Athletic or 773-472-1442.
Fair, it illustrates the 13th Labor of Her-
cules ($1,5/2,000).

Posters promoting a foreign intrigue
include Air France Amérique du Nord
($3/5,000) by Guy Arnoux (French, 1890-
1951). This vibrantly colored litho-
graphed poster from 1946 was printed in
Paris by Hubert Baille & Cie, and shows
the United States as a mighty and myth-
ic place situated high in the clouds, jux-
taposed against the old and staid bound-
aries of Continental Europe. Air France
Flying Holidays this Year! from circa
1935 ($1,5/2,500) is decorated with the
airline’s route map printed within the
outline of a propeller plane, covering
major cities of Europe and layovers for
points in Asia and South America. An
Air India Dekho Dekho poster ($800-
$1,200) was printed in Madras in the
1960s and features a colorful image of
Maharaja playing an antique gramo-

This sale presents a selection of vin-
tage posters promoting European con-
sumer products. A 1933-34 Rallye Auto-
mobile Monte-Carlo Antar poster

Applications Open For Annual Fellowship At Thomas Cole National Historic Site

CATSKILL, N.Y. — The gram runs from June 3 to May care and research, exhibition Electric, water, heat, internet Wednesday through Sunday.
Thomas Cole National Histor- 23, 2021. planning, educational pro- and garbage removal is pro- Applications must include a
ic Site (TCNHS) is now accept- gramming, and special events. vided, along with a monthly brief letter of introduction
ing applications for the annual Through a combination of stipend of $500. describing your interest in the
Cole Fellowship, a one-year research, interpretatio and Also Cole Fellows participate fellowship and career goals;
research and professional hands-on projects, Cole Fel- in various events and site- Qualifications: TCNHS seeks resume; references — include
development program at the lows conduct significant wide staff meetings to learn self-motivated recent gradu- the names and full contact
Thomas Cole National Histor- research and gain professional about the structural, strategic ates, graduating college information for three people
ic Site. Fellows participate in museum experience. Selected and creative decisions involved seniors and graduate students (professors, teachers and/or
the research and interpreta- candidates are provided the in the day-to-day operations of who have expressed a commit- employers only); writing sam-
tion of the work, home and opportunity to conduct in- a historic artists’ house muse- ment to pursue careers in his- ple (2-5 pages maximum).
studios of the artist Thomas depth research that leads to a um; and attend monthly field tory, art, museums, material Label each PDF file/s with
Cole (1801-1848), the founder major project and/or paper trips and site visits to muse- culture, decorative arts, collec- your name and content, for
of America’s first major art based on their work; attend a ums and cultural venues; and tion and exhibition manage- example “Sally_Green_
movement. one-week seminar with Cole benefit from professional ment and/or education. Appli- Resume.”
scholar and professor Dr Alan development opportunities, cants should be flexible, Send by email (PDF file/s only)
Applications are accepted Wallach; lead tours of the his- including resume review and organized, energetic, have a to Kate Menconeri, curator:
now through February 10, toric site, galleries and have next step planning based on passion for art and ideas and [email protected].
with priority given to those full engagement in interpre- individual career goals. an affinity for working with Thomas Cole National Histor-
received on or before January tive programming; and work the public. A car is helpful, but ic Site is at 218 Spring Street.
24. Four fellowship candidates closely with the curator and Additional compensation not required. Participation for For information, 518-943-7465
will be invited to join the 2021 other TCNHS staff on projects comprises free shared housing the entire program is required. or
Class of Cole Fellows. The pro- that may include collection on-site in a fully furnished The work-week in season is
house with private bedrooms.

Drawing Exhibition Highlights Gray Gift To Art Institute

CHICAGO — Highlighting owner Richard Gray and his teenth to Twentieth Century in the Western tradition, from “Nude Soldiers Gesticulating
one of the most important wife Mary L. Gray were long- France; Seventeenth Century black and red chalk, graphite, with Their Weapons” (1769-
gifts in the history of the time benefactors and support- Holland; and Twentieth and conte crayon, wash and pastels 97) is a powerfully executed
prints and drawings depart- ers of the city’s cultural insti- Twenty-First Century Ameri- to charcoal, watercolor, collage, preparatory work for his icon-
ment, “Pure Drawing: Seven tutions. Motivated by their ca — they sought out works and pen and ink. Although ic painting “The Intervention
Centuries of Art from the Gray deep sense of civic responsibil- defined by excellence and landscapes, still lifes and the of the Sabine Women” (1799).
Collection” brings together ity and longstanding relation- boldness of execution. The gift occasional abstraction are to be
more than 100 works from art ship with the Art Institute of includes works by artists such found in their collection, the Edgar Degas’s “Study for a
dealer Richard Gray and art Chicago, they have given 91 as Peter Paul Rubens, Fran- Grays gave prominence to one Portrait of Monsieur and
historian Mary L. Gray. works from the collection to cois Boucher, Jean Auguste of the great subjects in West- Madame Louis Rouart” (1904)
Assembled over nearly 50 the museum. The exhibition, Dominique Ingres, Giovanni ern art: the human figure. A evidences the artist’s relent-
years, the Gray Collection “Pure Drawing” celebrates Battista Tiepolo, Canaletto, few examples give a sense of less experimentation with the
encapsulates a long and dis- their legacy. With a deep and Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas, the scope of the exhibition. medium of pastel. Picasso’s
tinguished history of artmak- sustained interest in the vari- Vincent van Gogh, Georges “Man with Clarinet” (1911)
ing dedicated to the medium ety of ways artists put pen or Seurat, Henri Matisse, Pablo Tiepolo’s mastery red and represents the consummation
of drawing. On view to May 10, pencil to paper, the Grays Picasso, Willem de Kooning white chalk drawing on Vene- of analytical cubism, pulling
“Pure Drawing” documents built a collection that is excep- and Jackson Pollock. tian blue laid paper, “The apart and reassembling the
that endeavor, showcasing one tional in both quality and Head of a Young Man in Pro- figure in order to capture its
of the most immediate, explor- breadth. Extending from Renaissance file to the Left” (1749-50) con- totality.
atory and intimate of art drawings to works of art brut veys an immediacy of expres-
forms. Focused on key periods and and beyond, the exhibition sion and empathetic rapport The Art Institute of Chicago
places – Fifteenth to Eigh- encompasses the richness of that suggest drawing from is at 111 South Michigan Ave-
Prominent Chicago gallery teenth Century Italy; Seven- drawing techniques and media life. Jacques-Louis David’s nue. For information, 312-443-
3600 or

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 5

New York Antique Ceramics Fair Returns January 23-26

New Additions To Annual Boutique Show Announced

Maria and Peter Warren, pair of English Staffordshire Earle D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge, Inc, Chinese Samuel Herrup, Pennsylvania red-
cobalt underglaze blue salt glaze agate cats, circa 1750. export porcelain large Mandarin punch bowl with ware jar, probably Adams County,
turquoise chicken skin ground, circa 1785. circa 1820, 8½ inches high.

NEW YORK CITY — The New the Bohemian National Hall on tors, decorators and those who ics (North Staffordshire); Earle delft; Martyn Edgell Antiques,
York Antique Ceramics Fair has the Upper East Side is ideally love fine objects a shopping expe- D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge, whose specialty is British
announced dates for the 2020 placed within a short walk or cab rience unique to the city, with the Inc, specializing in antique Eng- antique ceramics; and Polka Dot
fair and new additions to the ride from the Art, Design and finest material available on the lish pottery and porcelain, Chi- Antiques with British pottery.
boutique antiques exhibition and Antiques Show, the Winter Show, market available in an intimate nese export ceramics and tin-
sales event. The New York Sotheby’s and Christie’s and the and elegant, yet laid back, set- glazed earthenware; Etruria The fair adds three new deal-
Antique Ceramics Fair will be many events and exhibitions of ting. Top collectors and design- Antiques Gallery showing Eng- ers: Mark and Marjorie Allen,
conducted Thursday, January 23, Winter Antiques Week. Admis- ers, as well as representatives lish pottery and porcelain; and best known for English and
through Sunday, January 26, at sion to the fair is complimentary. from the Metropolitan Museum, Garry Atkins with early English Dutch delftware of the Seven-
the Bohemian National Hall. Winterthur Museum, the Chip- pottery. teenth and Eighteenth Centu-
Attendees expressed their stone Foundation and Colonial ries; Samuel Herrup who, since
Previously known as the New delight in the 2019 event — in a Williamsburg were sighted at the Also returning are Leo Kaplan 1971, has been dealing in Ameri-
York Ceramics and Glass Fair, small, beautifully appointed set 2019 fair, where sales were brisk. Ltd, specializing in Eighteenth can redware and stoneware; and
the show was rebranded in Janu- of rooms at the Bohemia Nation- Century English ceramics, circa1775 specializing in Eigh-
ary 2019 to focus on antique al Hall. The New York Antique Returning exhibitors to the fair paperweights and cameo glass; teenth Century Wedgwood and
ceramics. The location of the New Ceramics Fair provides the include Antiques LPC van Geen- Maria and Peter Warren ceramics.
York Antique Ceramics Fair at opportunity for collectors, cura- en with specialty in Dutch delft- Antiques with Eighteenth and
ware; Antoinette’s Heirlooms Nineteenth Century English The Bohemian National Hall is
with specialty in English ceram- ceramics, Chinese export and at 321 East 73rd Street. For infor-

New Britain Museum of American Art—

Year Of Innovative & Inspiration: Work By American Women Artists

NEW BRITAIN, CONN. — maker and educator. Shantell al of American women’s suf- tive challenges this underrep- Read Us Every Week
On view now through Janu- Martin’s work is unique in frage and features artists resentation by celebrating the
ary 2021, the New Britain her innovative and multidis- such as Yoko Ono, Nancy innovative work and outsized
Museum of American Art ciplinary output — combining Spero, Jaune Quick-to-See impact of female-identifying
(NBMAA) presents, “2020/20+ art, commerce and technology, Smith, Carrie Mae Weems artists throughout American
Women @ NBMAA,” a year- while Jennifer Ma’s interdis- and the Guerrilla Girls, history. And we are doing this
long series of seven ground- ciplinary practice bridges among others, whose work in one of the oldest museums of
breaking exhibitions devoted installation, public art, per- advocates for social empower- American art in this country.”
exclusively to the presenta- formance and community ment and change. Individual-
tion of works by women art- engagement. Helen Franken- ly and collectively, the works The New Britain Museum of
ists. The exhibitions, which thaler has long been recog- by these artists challenge and American Art is at 56 Lexing-
honor the centenary of wom- nized as one of the great inspire women and people of ton Street. For more informa-
en’s suffrage in America, pro- American artists of the Twen- all genders, races and ethnici- tion, or 860-
vide a 12-month platform for tieth Century. ties. 229-0257.
female artists in the context
of this milestone year. The museum will also pres- “The arts and cultural heri-
ent two group thematic exhi- tage of our great metropolitan
The artists selected repre- bitions as part of the year- centers and of cities like New
sent diversity in race, ethnic- long program. One exhibition, Britain as well as other small
ity, age, experience, multiple “Anything but Simple: Shaker towns, villages and rural com-
perspectives, cultural back- Gift Drawings and the Women munities tell a quintessen-
grounds, career, geography Who Made Them,” features tially American story,”
and medium. Kara Walker, for rare Shaker “gift” or “spirit” explains Min Jung Kim, direc-
example, explores race, gen- drawings created by women tor of the New Britain Muse-
der, violence and identity in between 1843 and 1857, um of American Art. “The
representations of the African which are unique to the Shak- NBMAA has always been
American experience. Anni ers and to American religious committed to reflecting vari-
Albers is considered the most culture. The other exhibition, ous American visual expres-
important textile artist of the titled, “Some Day is Now: sions.”
Twentieth Century, as well as Women, Art and Social
an influential designer, print- Change,” marks the centenni- Kim explains why a year-
long focus on diverse women
Kara Walker, “Exodus of Confederates from Atlanta, from artists is so unique at an
‘Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated),” institution dedicated to Amer-
2005, offset lithography and silkscreen on Somerset tex- ican art. “The picture of
tured paper, 39 by 53 inches, Stephen B. Lawrence and American art of the Twenty-
Bette Batchelor Memorial Acquisition Funds. First Century is one of a rich
and varied diversity, reflect-
ing America’s evolving nation-
al identity. To be truly “Ameri-
can” now means to embrace
diversity. Yet 100 years after
women were granted equal
voting rights by the Nine-
teenth Amendment, women
artists are still significantly
under-represented — not only
in the NBMAA’s collection,
but in most of the nation’s art

According to the National
Museum of Women in the Arts
get-facts) the artists in most
museums’ collections are 87
percent male and 85 percent
white. Only 27 percent of
major exhibitions are devoted
to women artists world-wide.

Kim continues, “Our initia-

6 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Sarasota Estate Auction Features
Calder And Ponce DeLeón Art

SARASOTA, FLA. — Andrew Alexander Calder painting.
Ford, auctioneer and dealer of
antiquities, discussed his Masterworks will be among the fine art offered.
upcoming January 26 sale with
excitement for the diverse 700 Lots Include Asian Art &
offerings. Headlining this sale Antiquities, European Masterworks
at his Sarasota Estate Auction
will be paintings by several & Home Furnishings
listed artists and Old Masters,
Asian art and artifacts and a Century unsigned oil on board paintings by noted artist The Knoll Plattner chairs and table are just a small portion
collection of antique furnish- in the style of the Old World Eugene Brand of the Nether- of that designer’s work to be offered.
ings, including an assortment masterworks and known as lands will be offered.
of antique Oriental and Persian “Adoration of the Shepherd” Barcelona chairs and five of this collection.
rugs. and also a “View of the Hongs,” The sale is not limited to the chrome and glass tables. In Auction previewing begins
circa 1850, oil on canvas. A art. Highlights include a rose- addition, a pair of Knoll
Expected to lead the sale will Boaz Modernist stone sculpture wood tea caddy by Tiffany in Plattner chairs with coordinat- January 13 or by appointment.
be a signed untitled Alexander by the artist and a collection of the style of Eighteenth Centu- ed side table, Modernist style Sarasota Estate Auction’s
Calder [1898-1976] gouache gold jewelry and silver hollow- ry English craftsman Samuel in bronze, upholstered, from
from 1967, which had been sold ware will also be featured. Taylor with sterling silver con- 1968 and more furniture from showroom is at 6030 North
at a New York auction in 2007 tainers; also, a travel clock this same designer are a part Lockwood Ridge Road. For
for $78,000. Calder, the Ameri- Ford said, “The sale will from Cartier in gold and silver; information, 941-359-8700 or
ca sculptor and artist known include more than 200 pieces of and a diminutive signed Chi-
for his innovative mobiles and art from a San Francisco collec- nese Qian dynasty vase. A col-
monumental public sculptures, tor and another 100 from a lection of Knoll furniture
also created many paintings Florida gentleman.” Nine includes four black leather
and prints.

Next on the block will be a
painting by Cuban artist Fide-
lio Ponce deLeón [1895-1949].
Native to Camaguey, he studied
at San Alejandro Academy in
Havana from 1913 to 1918. He
is considered part of the “Van-
guardia” movement in Cuban
art; however, unlike many of
the others, he never studied in
Europe and so had compara-
tively little contact with Euro-
pean Modernism. This piece
was acquired by the consignor
directly from the artist.

There are a pair of diminutive
Renoir works from early in the
Twentieth Century. More of the
art will include a Sixteenth

Guggenheim Examines Fullness Of Color In 1960s Painting

NEW YORK CITY — On view through tion of paintings by Helen Frankenthaler, By the 1960s, many American and with a more systematic appearance than
August 2020, the Solomon R. Guggen- Morris Louis, Kenneth Noland, Alma international artists were pushing those of their abstract expressionist for-
heim Museum presents “The Fullness of Thomas and others, this exhibition draws abstraction in new directions, exploring a bearers. While Alma Thomas also adeptly
Color: 1960s Painting.” Featuring a selec- primarily from the Guggenheim’s collec- range of formal possibilities and liberat- applied color theory throughout the
tion and explores the varied and complex ing uses of color in their work. This shift 1960s and beyond, she nonetheless con-
courses nonrepresentational art followed — which occurred in the wake of abstract tinued to create expressive marks and
in the 1960s and into the 1970s, includ- expressionism, the largely gestural and draw upon her observations of the natu-
ing those characterized as color field, geo- emotive movement that had dominated ral world. Still other painters approached
metric abstraction, or hard-edge paint- the post-World War II art world — yield- relationships of form and color through
ing. ed a number of divergent styles. Helen investigations of optical perception or
Kenneth Noland, “Trans Shift,” Frankenthaler, who in 1952 had pio- through more precise, geometric languag-
1964, acrylic on canvas, Solomon R. neered the “soak-stain” technique, now es that, as Guggenheim curator Law-
Guggenheim Museum, New York, regularly applied thinned acrylic washes rence Alloway described in 1966, “com-
Purchased with funds contributed to unprimed cotton canvas, richly satu- bined economy of form and neatness of
by Elaine and Werner Dannheisser rating it like a dye. surface with fullness of color.” The pres-
and The Dannheisser Foundation ent exhibition reflects on the museum’s
81.2812, ©2019 The Kenneth Noland Others similarly treated figure and engagement with this vibrant period.
Foundation/Licensed by VAGA at ground as one and the same. Morris
Artists Rights Society (ARS), NYC. Louis, Kenneth Noland and Jules Olitski, The Guggenheim is at 1071 Fifth Avenue.
for instance, methodically poured, soaked For information, or
or sprayed paint, producing compositions 212-423-3500.

The Morgan Celebrates The Iconoclast Alfred Jarry & His Carnival Of Being

NEW YORK CITY — The Morgan uary 24 and running through May 10, Klieger Stillman Pataphysics Collec- Thomas Chimes and William Ken-
Library & Museum will be the first “Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being” tion. The exhibition considers some of tridge, among others.
major US museum to mount an exhibi- considers the author’s seminal role in Jarry’s many innovations by exploring
tion exploring the iconoclastic works the radical upheaval in the arts more his engagement with printed matter Colin B. Bailey, director of the Mor-
and personality of the French writer than a century ago. An inspiration for and the graphic arts. One of the first gan, said, “We are thrilled to be able to
Alfred Jarry (1873-1907). Opening Jan- Dada and Surrealism and a touchstone writers to experiment with visual explore Alfred Jarry’s seminal role in
Alfred Jarry, circa 1894-1896. Photo- for the Theatre of the Absurd, Jarry is typography, Jarry forged new relation- the development of modernism as a
graph attributed to Nadar, courtesy best-known today for his revolutionary ships between image and text in his consequence of the Stillman’s generous
of Thieri Foulc. play Ubu roi (1896) and for his inven- experimental approaches to book and donation. One of the finest and most
tion of pataphysics — a “science of magazine design. His use of assem- complete Jarry collections in private
imaginary solutions.” Jarry was also a bling, anachronism, collage and appro- hands, the Stillmans were keenly atten-
puppeteer, a critic, a novelist, an artist, priation are bellwethers of modern and tive to specific attributes in books —
and a bicycle fanatic. His works sug- contemporary practices. bindings, special papers, corrected
gested that technology, popular imag- proofs and provenance — qualities that
ery, and the performance of everyday Drawing primarily on the Stillmans’ are consonant with the values that
life could constitute works of art. Jar- collection, the installation is contextu- have defined the Morgan’s holdings for
ry’s statement that “living is the carni- alized with other objects in the Mor- more than a century.”
val of being” embodies his anti-authori- gan’s collections as well as loans from
tarianism and subversive theatricality, private and institutional lenders, com- “Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being”
expressed in a life of excess, wordplay, prising manuscripts, drawings, photo- is organized by Sheelagh Bevan, the
alter egos, and the unfettered imagina- graphs, and ephemera. Paintings and Morgan Library & Museum’s Andrew
tion. Since his death in 1907, Jarry’s prints by figures in Jarry’s circle, such W. Mellon associate curator of printed
eclectic works and ideas have contin- as Henri Rousseau, Pierre Bonnard and books and bindings.
ued to resonate for figures of the Twen- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, are also
tieth- and Twenty-First century avant- featured. The final portion of the exhi- The exhibition is accompanied by a
gardes. bition points to ways in which Jarry’s catalog and by a series of programs
writings have inspired pataphysical from a Surrealist Soiree on February 7
“Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being” organizations and visual artists at par- to gallery talks, readings and perfor-
celebrates the gift to the Morgan ticular historical moments, featuring mances; there will be a daylong sympo-
Library & Museum of the books and works by Marcel Duchamp, Mary Reyn- sium on Alfred Jarry: Pataphysicist and
manuscripts in the Robert J. and Linda olds, Joan Miró, Dora Maar, Max Ernst, Prophet, on April 25. For more informa-
tion on all programs and events, 212-
685-0008 or

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 7

Rare Gold Coins Of The Mughal Emperor
To Be Offered At Spink USA Auction
NEW YORK CITY — Two India, Mughal Empire, Jahangir (1605-
rare gold coins of the Mughal 28), gold Zodiac Mohur, Cancer
emperor Jahangir are on offer the Crab, 10.91 grams. Kashmir,
at the New York International AH1034, regnal year 20 (1624),
Numismatic Convention crab framed by 47 sun rays,
(NYINC) at the Grand Hyatt within a plain circular
Hotel on January 19. A border with beads in
Mohur depicting an image of outer margin, reverse
Taurus the Bull, struck at Persian legend.
Agra mint ($80/100,000) is a India, Mughal Empire, Nur al-Din Muhammad Jahangir
rare coin made at the the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. (AH 1014-1037/1605-1627 CE), Zodiac Mohur, Agra, AH 1030,
Mughal capital. However, Fair dates are Thursday, year 16, Taurus — the Bull (“Tora/Vrishabha”), humped bull
the Mohur featuring Cancer January 16, through Sunday, standing right, radiate solar disc around, outer lined and
the Crab is far rarer, as it was January 19, along with bourse beaded border, reverse Persian legend with date and reg-
struck at Kashmir mint activities. nal year in four lines.
($300/400,000). The NYINC will feature a
Kashmir was the resort of bourse area consisting of rough- place in meeting rooms on the Larry Goldberg. In addition,
emperors during the hot season ly 115 international specialists Conference Level of the Grand Stack’s-Bowers and Baldwin’s
and was a particularly favorite in world and ancient numis- Hyatt, one floor below the of St James will conduct official
of Jahangir and his most For collectors of Mughal coins matics and will be conducted in Empire State Ballroom. sessions to cap eight days of
famous wife, Nur Jahan. Very it is perhaps the only chance the Empire State Ballroom of official auction presentations.
few coins were made there, and they will have of acquiring a the Grand Hyatt. The eight Multiple auction sessions are
this is the only gold zodiac issue Zodiac Mohur of this mint. days of auction sessions will be cataloged and conducted by a The Grand Hyatt Hotel is at
known. Produced in the 20th Coming with a long provenance conducted in an immediate number of numismatic houses, 109 East 42nd Street. For infor-
year of his reign (1624), during dating back to 1878, it is sure to adjacent section of the Empire including Heritage; Spink USA; mation, +44 20 7563 4034 or
a long sojourn, it is particularly be hotly contested. State Ballroom. Auction lot Classical Numismatic Group,
viewing, as well as numismatic as well as the New York Sale, a
interesting as its legend states This will be the third year for organization meetings and edu- joint venture of M&M Numis-
it was struck “in the name of the NYINC at the Grand Hyatt, cational seminars, will take matics, Sovereign Rarities,
the empress Nur Jahan.” after having been since 2002 at Dmitry Markov and Ira and

Showdown At The Brooklyn Museum!
Jacques-Louis David Meets Kehinde Wiley

BROOKLYN, N.Y. — The was unveiled in September
Brooklyn Museum has 2019.
announced, “Jacques-Louis
David Meets Kehinde Wiley,” an The exhibition marks the first
exhibition pairing an iconic display of David’s portrait in
painting from the museum’s col- New York, and the first time the
lection — Kehinde Wiley’s 2005 two works have been on view
“Napoleon Leading the Army together in the United States. A
over the Alps” — with its early video showing Wiley on the
Nineteenth Century source grounds of Malmaison will also
image: Jacques-Louis David’s accompany the project, incorpo-
“Napoleon Crossing the Alps” rating the artist’s perspectives
from 1801. By displaying the on how the Western canon,
two paintings together, in dia- French portrait tradition and
logue with each other for the legacies of colonialism influence
very first time, the exhibition his own practice. When dis-
explores how ideas of race, mas- Left: Jacque-Louis David (1748-1825), “Napoleon Crossing played together, these two
culinity, representation, power the Alps,” 1801, oil on canvas, 102-1/3 by 87 inches. Collection works highlight the importance
and agency have played out of Château de Malmaison, photo courtesy RMN-GP. Right: of reexamining representations
across the history of Western Kehinde Wiley (b 1977). “Napoleon Leading the Army over of power across two centuries
portraiture. The presentation is the Alps,” 2005, oil on canvas, 108 by 108 inches, Brooklyn and two cultural contexts.
organized by the Brooklyn Museum, Partial gift of Suzi and Andrew Booke Cohen in
Museum in collaboration with memory of Ilene R. Booke and in honor of Arnold L. Lehman, The Brooklyn Museum is at
the Château de Malmaison, Mary Smith Dorward Fund, and William K. Jacobs Jr Fund, 200 Eastern Parkway. For more
where David’s portrait is per- 2015.53. ©Kehinde Wiley. Photo courtesy Brooklyn Museum. information, 718-638-5000 or

manently displayed. Wiley’s large-scale version. In tinely overlooked the collective
The two paintings will be on his “Napoleon Leading the black cultural experience.
view at the Brooklyn Museum Army over the Alps,” Napoleon
through May 10. is replaced with a black man In Wiley’s interpretation, the
David’s portrait was commis- wearing camouflage fatigues artist replaced the Italian
sioned in 1800 by King Charles and Timberland boots. By com- mountainside and ready infan-
IV of Spain in an effort to win bining the role, stature and try with a detailed background
the favor of Napoleon Bonapar- implied historical legacy depict- flooded with sperm cells. The
te, who was then First Consul of ed in “Napoleon Crossing the work belongs to an ongoing
France. In the two centuries Alps” with visual markers of series of Wiley’s titled “Rumors
since its commission, “Napoleon status from contemporary Afri- of War,” begun in 2005, which
Crossing the Alps” has inspired can American culture, Wiley includes the artist’s latest work
numerous interpretations, but challenges the art historical of the same name: a monumen-
none seem to resonate in con- canon, critiquing how it has rou- tal equestrian bronze statue in
temporary culture as much as New York’s Times Square, which

New York Botanical Garden
Kusama Exhibit Tickets On Sale January 29
BRONX, N.Y. — Tickets for installation. Sketchbooks from paintings, works on paper, bio-
the New York Botanical Gar- her youth portend Kusama’s morphic collages, assemblages
den’s (NYBG) exhibition, “Kusa- lifelong fascination with the nat- — and recent soft sculpture and
na: Cosmic Nature,” will go on ural world that has inspired her canvas works. Many of these
sale on January 29, at www. aesthetic throughout her career. will be on view for the first time NYBG is the On view into the fall, the exhibi- in the United States.
sole venue for the exhibition, tion presents opportunities to
which will include works from experience her work throughout The New York Botanical Gar-
throughout her career and mul- the changing seasons that will den is at 2900 Southern Boule-
tifaceted practice, and debut inspire return visits. vard. For information, 718-817-
new works created by the artist, 8700 or
such as the monumental “Danc- The exhibition will be
ing Pumpkin,” (2020). installed at the NYBG’s 250 SANTA FE, N.M. — At the
acres and in several of its his- IAIA Museum of Contemporary
The exhibition will be on view toric buildings. Outdoor works Native Arts through March 15,
May 9-November 1. will include large-scale sculp- “G. Peter Jemison: Iroquois Cre-
tures. The Enid A. Haupt Con- ation Story” features colored
Kusama’s engagement with servatory will display a horti- pencil drawings and 3-D works
nature will be represented in cultural tribute to Kusama by contemporary Native artist
depth, with multiple installa- based on one of her vibrant Jemison (Seneca, Heron Clan)
tions, including her signature paintings. The LuEsther T. created in preparation for his
mirrored environments and Mertz Library building will fea- film Iroquois Creation Story.
organic forms, colossal polka- ture immersive experiences as IAIA is at 108 Cathedral Place.
dotted sculptures of flora, mes- well as examples of her earlier For information,
merizing paintings and her first- work — botanical sketches, mocna or 505-983-8900.
ever participatory greenhouse

Newtown Bee_February_2018_2x6.indd 1 10/25/18 2:53 PM

8 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Mohawk Valley Antiquefest Returning To Stanley Theatre

Vintage Furnishings Presents
20th Anniversary Event

Governor Winthrop desk.

UTICA, N.Y. — The Mohawk the Northeast, glass grinding by Empire chest of drawers. Masonic Lodge chair.
Valley Antiquefest will be at Tony Perretta and a 50/50 raffle The show features a broad
Stanley Theatre on January 25 to benefit Stanley Theatre. pozzella with a wide variety of purchase by Patrick O’Connor’s
from 10 am to 5 pm and Janu- range of merchandise and col- Utica memorabilia from the Feast and Festivities as well as
ary 26 from 10 am to 4 pm. Antiques hunters and collec- lectibles, including furniture city’s history. He will have his beverages.
tors come every year from cen- from country to formal, paint- display set up in the Romano
Admission is $7 per person tral New York and beyond to ings, carpets, silver, estate jew- Room and will present a talk on The Stanley Theatre is at 261
and is valid for entrance both shop the show’s massive amount elry, postcards, clocks and more. the history of some of his items. Genesee Street. For informa-
days. of valuables. Dealers have been tion, 315-738-1333, 315-725-
known to save merchandise This year features Fred Cap- There will be food available for 2612 or
The floor plan will encompass throughout the year for expo-
the Lobby, Mezzanine, Romano sure to this audience.
Room, Full Stage and South
Gallery Wing. Vintage Furnish- “The show’s popularity, with
ings, which manages the show, its eclectic array of dealers and
said it is enthusiastic about enthusiastic audience of buyers,
hosting the event at the histori- makes it a much-anticipated
cal Stanley Theatre. The event every year,” said organiz-
antiques show will feature 32 er Gerald Dischiavo of Vintage
antiques dealers from all over Furnishings.

University Gets Collection Of Thousands Of Bags To Exhibit

AKRON, Ohio (AP) — An tor of UA’s Institute for Human Twenty or so years ago, her col- appointment — in an apartment point was,” Foreman said. “They
unusual new collection is in the Science and Culture. “But they lecting really took off, when she above their garage next to their tell a story of how we as humans
bag at the University of Akron. are such a significant part of our began to buy bags online, and go house in 2002. think, and what we do.”
cultural lives.” after collectors’ pieces. Her hus-
Roughly 12,000 bags — made band, Howard Forman, who Howard Forman continued to He also likes knowing that at
of paper, plastic, metal and even And the collection fits perfectly retired from the family whole- collect bags after his wife died, UA, the collection will be used by
glass — and bag-related pieces into the institute’s mission of sale liquor business in 1999, but not nearly so aggressively as students as they prepare to work
make up the Lee L. Forman Col- exploring “what it means to be helped her pursue items. she did. in museums and archive profes-
lection of Bags. human,” she said. sions. The institute offers a cer-
The collection also includes One bag he acquired is a some- tificate in museums and archives
The big batch of bags donated The institute is on the third non-shopping bags — a body what crinkled brown bag signed studies. The archived bags were
to UA includes shopping bags and fourth floors of the Cum- bag, the saddle bag related, air by guests who appeared on the sent via truck to UA.
autographed by artists Andy mings Center for the History of sickness bags, as well as clothes, Conan O’Brien show in the 2011
Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, Psychology, which also includes paintings and scarves featuring season. O’Brien had his guests Now, a small part of the collec-
and at least one bag from every the National Museum of Psy- images of bags and more. sit on the bag and then sign it; tion is on display at the insti-
presidential election since 1948. chology, which opened last year he later sold it to raise money for tute. A full-scale exhibit of some
and showcases the largest col- She did not, however, collect a charity. of the collection is planned for
There’s a cheeseburger bag lection of psychological material purses, Kearns said, knowing May.
signed by Elvis Presley and a of its kind in the world. that others were amassing large So how did UA bag the collec-
100-year-plus saddle bag made collections of them tion? Rose Stull, who graduated
to sit on a horse. Forman, a graphic artist, began from the University of Akron
collecting bags in the 1970s, ini- Howard Forman, now married Howard Forman had been last week with a degree in histo-
Sometimes Forman, who lived tially saving Bloomingdale’s to Elaine Weinstein, said his searching for a new home for the ry and a certificate in museums
in McLean, Va., and died in department store limited-edi- first wife was interested in bags bags and bag-related items and archives studies, created the
2009, had a loose definition of tion bags featuring various art- for their artistic appeal, as well when Phil Lloyd, the chairman current display, which features
bag — the assemblage includes ists’ designs. as how they are cultural icons. of the University of Akron Foun- about two dozen Bloomingdale’s
a 45rpm record sleeve signed by dation, put Forman in touch bags, as well as an exhibit that
all four Beatles. She also was a fan of Blooming- “Our tagline for our museum with David Baker, who heads looks like a living room.
dale’s signature big, small and was ‘cultural icons,’” he said. the Cummings Center at UA.
“Bags are an everyday item medium “Brown Bags,” intro- The room boasts just some of
that some people don’t think duced in the early 1970s. The couple founded their pri- Baker came out to look at the bag-related items Lee Forman
about,” said Jodi Kearns, direc- vate Museum of Bags — open by collection in 2018 and, Forman collected, including a wood cabi-
recalled, said, “I will take them net that looks like a bag, a paint-
all.” ing of a bag, a rug made from
plastic bags and a frame shaped
Forman said one of his con- like a bag that displays a picture
cerns was that the collection of Forman and her family.
“would be separated into differ-
ent pieces... there’s lots of differ- “The collection meant so much
ent types of bags.” to her,” Stull said.

Baker “understood what the

In this December 17, 2019, photo, a In this December 17, 2019, photo, a portrait of Lee In this December 17, 2019, photo, Jodi Kearns, director at
suit and tie printed bag hangs on dis- Forman painted on a shopping bag will greet visi- the Institute for Human Science and Culture, takes a look
play with other Bloomingdale’s shop- tors as they enter the Lee L. Forman Collection of at the small display of Bloomingdale’s shopping bags from
ping bags in the Lee L. Forman Col- Bags at the Institute for Human Science and Cul- the Lee L. Forman Collection of Bags, in Akron, Ohio. The
lection of Bags at the Institute for ture, in Akron, Ohio. Roughly 12,000 bags — made big batch of bags donated to UA includes shopping bags
Human Science and Culture, in of paper, plastic, metal and even glass — and bag- autographed by artists Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein,
Akron, Ohio. (Jeff Lange/Akron Bea- related pieces make up the collection. (Jeff Lange/ and at least one bag from every presidential election since
con Journal via AP) Akron Beacon Journal via AP) 1948. (Jeff Lange/Akron Beacon Journal via AP)

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 9

Andrew Jones Will Conduct Back-To-Back Auctions

DTLA Collections Jan. 26, Preceded By Unreserved On Main Street Jan. 25

Pair of Lalique frosted glass models of swans, the tallest
being 9¾ inches in height ($2/3,000).

LOS ANGELES — It’s a new an unreserved auction will pres- Group of art glass and pottery articles comprising three earthenware vases, glass ashtray,
year, a new decade and there’s ent more than 300 lots to be sold glass scent bottle with stopper, two vases and pedestal bowl, to be sold as separate lots in
much in store at Andrew Jones without estimate or reserve. the unreserved auction.
Auctions, which will present two Starting bids will be just $10, to
back-to-back sales. Both events in-room clients only. The auction Nineteenth/Twentieth Century Caldwell ($1,5/2,000); and a Pair of modern Chinese cin-
will be Conducted at the firm’s will be made up of estate prop- Tibetan thangka depicting Pad- Milo Baughman MCM-style nabar lacquer-style vases,
gallery in downtown Los Ange- erty, including artworks by masambhava ($600/800); and a chrome tuxedo sofa ($2,5/3,500). each raised on a carved
les. prominent artists, furnishings, Burmese Mandalay-style gilt- hardwood stand, 24¾ inches
photography, vintage décor and wood Buddha figure ($400/600). The unreserved auction will tall ($2/3,000).
The DTLA collections and accessories. feature property from the VerArt
estates auction on Sunday, Jan- Other highlights will include a Collection, the collections of Jac-
uary 26, at 10:30 am Pacific Bidders must be there in per- Tiffany & Co. sterling silver queline Balliu, Judith Bankier,
time, is where folks will find dif- son for this sale; there is no Hampton pattern flatware ser- the estate of Yazuko Kraines,
ferent, fun, quirky and out-of- internet bidding for the unre- vice for 12 ($2/4,000); a pair of Donna Livingston Design, the
the-ordinary accessories and served auction. Lalique frosted glass models of estate of head wardrobe and cos-
furnishings, as well as luxe swans ($2/3,000); set-worn cloth- tume designer Rose Weiss, the
décor and statement pieces for The DTLA collections and ing from the Lawrence Welk collection of Edward McCarthy,
the home, loft, gallery and retail estates sale will include Asian Show and Laurence Welk and San Francisco and collections in
space. works of art from the estate of Bob Hope memorabilia from the Montecito and Santa Barbara,
Yazuko Kraines, featuring Chi- estate of Rose Weiss ($300/900); among others.
The nearly 600-lot sale will nese hardstone carvings and a Mary Cassatt drypoint etching
include Chinese and other Asian other works. Featured lots will titled “Sara Smiling,” done in Andrew Jones Auctions is at
works of art, as well as fine art, include a pair of Chinese rose 1904 ($800-$1,200); a pair of 2221 South Main Street. For
antiques, design, decorations, quartz temple lions ($2/3,000); a gilt-bronze wall lights by E.F. information, 213-748-8008 or
accessories and vintage finds pair of Chinese cinnabar lac-
from local private sources. quer-style vases ($2/3,000); a
Meiji period Japanese lacquer
The day before, on Saturday, wedding chest ($400/600); a
January 25, at 1 pm Pacific time,

Tom Di Maria Receives Visionary Award At The American Folk Art Museum

NEW YORK CITY— The From left, Jason T. Busch, director of the American Folk Art Before the award presenta- as something bigger and took it
American Folk Art Museum Museum, Audrey B. Heckler, trustee, Tom di Maria, director tion by Audrey B. Heckler, both to another level.”
(AFAM) gave its annual Vision- of external affairs, Creative Growth Art Center, Valerie Todd Waterbury, chief creative
ary Award to Tom di Maria, the Rousseau, curator, the American Folk Art Museum. Photo officer at Target, and Kim Has- Di Maria thanked the Ameri-
director of external affairs at by Bones Photography.  treiter, cofounder of Paper Mag- can Folk Art Museum for the
Creative Growth Art Center azine, gave remarks. Waterbury honor. He also affirmed his
(CGAC), in a ceremony recently noted that “Inclusivity is belief that “museums are a
at the museum’s location at 2 incredibly important to our place to stimulate dialogue
Lincoln Square. Established in brand at Target. We believe within communities and facili-
2008, the Visionary Award hon- that everyone should have a tate change in society.”
ors an individual, institution or place where they feel like they
project that has made a unique belong. Six and a half years Past recipients of the Ameri-
and distinctive contribution to ago, I had the pleasure of going can Folk Art Museum Visionary
the field of self-taught and ver- to Creative Growth. At that Award are Intuit: The Center
nacular art. The Visionary moment, I knew that I needed for Intuitive and Outsider Art,
Award is chaired by Audrey B. to do everything I could to Rebecca Hoffberger, Phyllis
Heckler and sponsored by the make sure that more people Kind, John Maizels and Raw
Foundation to Promote Self- knew what Tom was doing and Vision magazine, Sanford
Taught Art. what Creative Growth stood Smith and the Outsider Art
for.” Hastreiter commented, Fair, Sam Farber, Lee Kogan,
“Tom di Maria’s successful “Under Tom’s directorship, the the Corcoran Gallery of Art and
stewardship of Creative center became stronger every its 1982 exhibition Black Folk
Growth Art Center has made day. He saw Creative Growth Art in America 1930-1980,
an incredible impact on the art Ruth DeYoung Kohler and the
world and beyond. By estab- Souls Grown Deep Foundation.
lishing a model for a communi-
ty guided by the principle that tor, American Folk Art Museum. sion—for everything from
art is fundamental to human “CGAC and AFAM share a deep painting to digital media—com-
expression, Tom and his team commitment to artworks that bined with its work as a gallery,
continue to ensure that all peo- are often informed by personal means that it fully supports
ple have opportunities to cre- experience. CGAC’s dedication every step of the creative pro-
ate,” said Jason T. Busch, direc- to providing spaces for expres- cess for its artists.”

MFA Boston Examines Black Histories, Black Futures

BOSTON — Curated by young curator of American Paintings, ra de Silva and Richard Yarde.
scholars as part of the Museum and supported by peers from the “Black Histories, Black
of Fine Art’s new partnership MFA’s Teen Arts Council (TAC)
with local youth empowerment and the Bloomberg Arts Intern- Futures” is organized into four
organizations, “Black Histories, ship Boston program managed thematic sections that explore
Black Futures” features Twenti- by EdVestors, who contributed to and celebrate black histories,
eth Century paintings and the exhibition’s interpretation experiences and self-representa-
works on paper by artists of color and programming. tions. “Ubuntu: I Am Because
and is a centerpiece of the muse- You Are” presents images of
um’s 150th anniversary celebra- The culminating exhibition community life and leisure activ-
tion in 2020. The exhibition will opens to the public on Martin ities, while “Welcome to the City”
remain on view until June 20, Luther King Jr Day at the MFA focuses on paintings of urban
2021. and includes approximately 50 scenes in both figurative and
works. “Black Histories, Black abstract styles. Presented on two
In the summer of 2019, four fel- Futures” features well-known sides of the Lower Hemicycle,
lows from Becoming a Man artists, including Archibald Mot- “Normality Facing Adversity”
(BAM) and The Base participat- ley, Norman Lewis, James Van and “Smile in the Dark” examine
ed in a series of workshops Der Zee and Dawoud Bey, in photographs and works on paper
designed to build curatorial addition to highlighting painters showing dignified black people
skills such as close looking, with connections to Boston, such and families from before and
research methods, label writing as Loïs Mailou Jones and Allan after the Civil Rights Movement.
and gallery installation. The Rohan Crite. The exhibition also
teen curators were mentored by brings fresh attention to rarely The Museum of Fine Arts, Bos-
Layla Bermeo, the MFA’s Kristin shown works by artists such as ton, is at 465 Huntington Ave-
and Roger Servison associate Eldzier Cortor, Maria Auxiliado- nue. For information, 617-267-
9300 or

10 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020


Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday 2020 February 2
Calendar Sunday
Flea Markets
4770 Sunrise Highway Alexandra Palace
Bohemia, NY 11716 Compiled by Alexandra Palace Way
The Bee Publishing Company London N22 7AY UK
Live Estate Auctions Every Friday Night at 6 pm
Come Join The Fun Newtown, Connecticut Sun 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Fri, Sat & Sun 12-7 pm Manager: Rachel Everett
Sponsor: Baker’s Quality Antique Shows & Auctions First Sunday Of The Month +44 (0) 1636 702326
Manager & Professional Auctioneer: Al Baker Website:
631-648-9371 ANTIQUES FAIRE February 2, 9, 16, 23

Every Sunday 1,000 EXHIBITORS Every Sunday
COLLEGE MART 2900 Navy Way at Main Street SHOW
FLEA MARKET Alameda, CA 94501
75-100 EXHIBITORS Sun 6 am-3 pm
Manager Randie Bradley Hampshire Hills Athletic Club
2 Wedgewood Drive 510-522-7500 50 Emerson Road
Slater Mill Mall Website Milford, NH 03055
Jewett City, CT
January 31-February 1 Sun 8:30 am-12 pm
Sun 9 am-4 pm Manager: Jack Donigian
Manager: Bob & Sue Leone Friday & Saturday 781-329-1192
860-376-3935 or 860-642-6248 Website:
Website: 74th ANNUAL
GLEN RIDGE February 6-9
2nd Sunday & Preceding Saturday ANTIQUES SHOW
Monthly Year-Round Thursday-Sunday
Except June & August, No Shows Glen Ridge Congregational Church
195 Ridgewood Ave MIAMI ART, ANTIQUE
COLLECTIBLE MARKETS Fri 10 am-9 pm & Sat 10 am-5 pm 75 EXHIBITORS
Sponsor: The Woman’s Association of the Glen Ridge
Lake County Fairgrounds Congregational Church Miami-Dade County Fair &
1060 East Peterson Road Manager: Debbie Turi Exposition
Grayslake, IL D. Turi Antique Shows 10901 SW 24th Street
973-464-9793 Miami, FL 33165
Sat 9 am-4 pm & Sun 9 am-3 pm Email: [email protected]
Manager: Bob Zurko Website: Thurs-Sat 11 am-7 pm & Sun 11 am-6 pm
715-526-9769; cell 715-302-0932 Show Organizer: Andrea Canady
Website: January 31-February 2 239-732-6866
Email: [email protected]
First Wednesday Of The Month Friday-Sunday Website:

ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE Thursday-Sunday
Elks Lodge Antique & Designer Items
282 Durham Road York Expo Center
Dover, NH Memorial Hall East 3,500 BOOTHS
334 Carlisle Avenue
Wed 8 am-1 pm York, PA 17404 Atlanta Expo Centers
Sponsor: Gurley Antiques Gallery 3650 & 3850 Jonesboro Road SE
Manager: Rachel Gurley Fri & Sat 10 am-6 pm & Sun 11 am-4 pm (I-285 Exit 55)
207-396-4255 Manager: Melvin L. Arion Atlanta, GA 30354
Email: [email protected] 302-875-5326; 302-542-3286
Website: Website: Thurs 10:45 am-6 pm, Fri & Sat 9 am-6 pm & Sun 10
am-4 pm

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 11


February 8-9 February 15 February 22-23

Saturday & Sunday Saturday Saturday & Sunday
Indoors Only
Venice Community Center
300 EXHIBITORS Mid-Vermont Christian School 326 South Nokomis Avenue
399 West Gilson Avenue Venice, FL 34285
Plumbers Hall Quechee, VT
1340 West Washington Boulevard Sat 10 am-5 pm & Sun 10 am-4 pm
Chicago, IL 60607 Sat 10 am-3 pm Manager: Allman Promotions LLC
Manager: Greg Hamilton 239-877-2830
Early Buying: Sat 8 am 802-989-1158 Email: [email protected]
Reg Hours: Sat & Sun 10 am-5 pm Email: [email protected] Website:
312-666-1200 Website:
Website: February 28-29
February 15
February 9 Friday & Saturday
Royal Bath & West Showground
Best Western Inn & Conference Polish Community Center Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England
Center 225 Washington Avenue Ext BA4 6QN UK
815 Lafayette Road Albany, NY 12205
Hampton, NH Fri & Sat 9 am-5 pm
Sat 9 am-4 pm Manager: Rachel Everett
Sun 10 am-2 pm Sponsored by the Tawasentha Chapter, NSDAR +44 (0) 1636 702326
Manager: Peter Mavris National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Website:
207-608-3086 Manager: Heather Lawton
Email: [email protected] 518-355-3819 February 29-March 1
Website: Email: [email protected]
Facebook: NSDAR-New York, Tawasentha DAR Saturday & Sunday
February 12-15
February 21-23 THE SARASOTA, FLA.,
Wednesday-Saturday ANTIQUES SHOW
ANTIQUARIAN BOOK Sarasota Municipal Auditorium
75 EXHIBITORS & EPHEMERA FAIR 801 North Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34236
The Fairgrounds-Nashville PS3 The John Melser Charrette School
625 Smith Avenue 490 Hudson Street Sat 10 am-5 pm & Sun 10 am-4 pm
Nashville, TN 37203 Greenwich Village, NYC 10014 Manager: Allman Promotions LLC
Early Buying: Wed, Feb 12, 8 am-12 pm Opening Preview: Fri 6-9 pm Email: [email protected]
Reg Hours: Wed 12-5 pm; Thurs 11 am-5 pm; Fri 9 am-5 Reg Hours: Sat 11 am-6 pm & Sun 11 am-5 pm Website:
pm & Sat 9 am-3 pm Producer: Marvin Getman
Co-Managers: Doug Supinger & Jennifer Sabin 781-862-4039
Website: Website:

February 13-15 February 22-23

Thursday-Saturday Saturday & Sunday

Antique & Designer Items
The Fairgrounds-Nashville
500 Wedgewood Avenue Ohio Expo Center
Nashville, TN 37203 717 East 17th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43211
Thurs & Fri 9 am-5 pm & Sat 10 am-4 pm
Manager: Jon Jenkins Sat 9 am-6 pm & Sun 10 am-4 pm
Email: [email protected] 740-569-2800

12 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Master Drawings New York
Announces 2020 Highlights

Guy Peppiatt Fine Art — “Landscape – Twilight” by Samuel
Palmer (1805-1881), painted early 1830s, oil and tempera on
paper laid down on panel, 10½ by 15 inches.

NEW YORK CITY — Twenty- presentations mounted in pri- Christopher Bishop Fine Art — “A View Didier Aaron — “A Cleric, Probably a Bene-
five international art dealers vate gallery spaces by New York from the Steps of the 42nd Street New York dictine Monk,” circa 1751–54, by Domenico
have announced highlights to be City specialists. These take Public Library,” circa 1915, by Jules Andre Tiepolo (1727-1804), pen and ink and wash
exhibited at the 2020 edition of place in galleries mostly along Smith (1880-1959), black chalk, colored pen- on paper, 10-5/8 by 6½ inches.
Master Drawings New York Madison Avenue on Manhat- cils, watercolor and gouache on brown
(MDNY) . The event takes place tan’s Upper East Side. paper, 9¼ by 7¾ inches.
from Saturday, January 25,
through Saturday, February 1, In addition to these works, 700 Years Of Art History From International Fine Art Dealers
on Manhattan’s Upper East MDNY presents a lineup of part-
Side, with preview on Friday, ner events. This year the special This is a unique opportunity to Art — “A View from the Steps of a Benedictine Monk,” circa 1751-
January 24. Some of the most loan exhibition is presented by see important works rarely seen the 42nd Street New York Public 1754, by Domenico Tiepolo
influential names in the busi- Bowdoin College Museum of Art. outside of Maine. A curator con- Library,” circa 1915, by Jules (1727-1804); Galerie Eric
ness, some exhibiting for the Included in the exhibition are versation hosted by Bowdoin Andre Smith (1880-1959); Col- Coatalem — “Woman with a
very first time, are dedicated to some of the first Old Master College Museum of Art will take naghi — “Head of May Morries” Dove” by François Boucher
drawings, paintings, watercolors, drawings collected in America, place on Sunday, January 26, at by Edward Coley Burne-Jones (1703-1770); and Guy Peppiatt
sculpture and oil sketches from including works from the school 4:30 pm. (1833-1898); and David Tunick, Fine Art — “Landscape — Twi-
the Fourteenth to the Twenty- of Raphael, by Abraham Jansz Inc — “Bouquet de Fleurs,” circa light” by Samuel Palmer (1805-
First Centuries. van Diepenbeeck and by Dirk Some of this year’s highlights 1900, by Odilon Redon (1840- 1881), painted early 1830s.
Vellert, together with drawings include Ambrose Naumann Fine 1916).
Now in its 14th year, the of Nineteenth Century American Art — “Arbeiterjunge (A young Registration is free and
annual weeklong event pres- masters, such as Winslow Homer laborer),” 1930, by Lea Grundig- Also on view will be Découvert required for all events. An exhib-
ents a showcase of concurrent and Elihu Vedder, and works by Langer (1906-1977); Cade Tomp- Fine Art — “The Virgin and itor list and map are available at
pop-up gallery exhibitions by contemporary artists, including kins Projects — “Early Moon- Child appearing to St Gregory” www.masterdrawingsnewyork.
visiting dealers from London, Nancy Grossman, Titus Kaphar, rise,” 2013, by Nancy Friese (b by J.B. Ricci (1537-1627); Didier com. For information, 650-743-
Paris and Vienna, and special Alex Katz and Edda Renouf. 1948); Christopher Bishop Fine Aaron, Inc — “A Cleric, Probably 2334.

Southold Lecture Series Explores ‘Sagamore Hill:
Theodore Roosevelt’s Summer White House’

GREENPORT, N.Y. — Southold ular books, with the same title. ton. Roosevelt spent his final the author of Sagamore Hill:
Historical Society is partnering The theme of the society’s win- years happily at Sagamore Hill, Theodore Roosevelt’s Summer
with Peconic Landing to offer a and after his death in 1919 the White House (The History Press,
presentation titled “Sagamore ter lecture series is Long Island house was preserved by his 2016); Fire Island Lighthouse:
Hill: Theodore Roosevelt’s Sum- landmarks. This lecture kicks off widow, the Theodore Roosevelt Long Island’s Welcoming Beacon
mer White House” on January 22 the series with one of Long Association and eventually the (The History Press, 2017) and
at 4 pm at Peconic Landing Audi- Islanders’ most favored land- National Park Service. Long Island and the Sea: A Mari-
torium. Admission is free. Bill mark, Sagamore Hill. Bleyer will time History (The History Press
Bleyer, a historian and former present an illustrated lecture Bleyer was a prizewinning staff 2019).
Newsday staff writer, will offer that covers how the Roosevelt writer for Newsday, the Long
highlights of one of his most pop- family began to visit Oyster Bay Island daily newspaper, for 33 Peconic Landing Community
during the Civil War, and Theo- years before retiring in 2014 to Center’s auditorium is at 1500
dore Roosevelt built his dream write books and freelance for the Brecknock Road. Admission is
house at Sagamore Hill where he newspaper and magazines. He is free. RSVP is recommended by
hosted political guests like Henry coauthor, with Harrison Hunt, of calling 631-765-5500. For infor-
Cabot Lodge and cultural lumi- Long Island and the Civil War mation, www.southoldhistori-
naries like novelist Edith Whar- (The History Press, 2015). He is

Vintage Accents Auctions Will Launch
New Site With January 22 & 23 Auction

WARREN, MAINE — Following the purchase of the sale. A free Vintage Accents Auctions app can
a new location here, Thomaston Place Auction be downloaded from Apple for IOS devices and
Galleries of Thomaston, Maine, kicks off the new from Google Play for Android devices. Registration
year with the official launch of its new brand, Vin- can be accessed through the Vintage Accents web-
tage Accents Auctions. site and is quick and easy. Bidders can place
absentee bids and the services includes optional
Vintage Accents Auctions is an exclusively online reminder notifications to alert buyers when their
division that builds on Thomaston Place’s decades item comes up for bid.
of success providing comprehensive, world-class
auction services specializing in fine arts, antiques The inaugural Vintage Accents Auctions sale is
and more. Vintage Accents Auctions represents slated for January 22 and 23.
growth for Thomaston Place and introduces a new
brand and service designed for an expanded audi- For more information, www.vintageaccentsauc-
ence. Hosting online only auctions of fine quality or [email protected].
collections and items at approachable price points,
the new division promises the same superior stan-
dard of customer service as Thomaston Place.

“Just like its parent company, Vintage Accents
Auctions is dedicated to quality, curated items.
This new division will provide an opportunity to
grow our market and continue to educate and
entice auction clients,” said Kaja Veilleux, owner
and president. “This tech-based division offers bid-
ders a real-time bidding experience from their
computers and portable devices worldwide,” noted
John Bottero, vice president.

Vintage Accents Auctions will feature a full
online catalog available to browse in advance of

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 13

The Art, Design & Antiques Show

NEW YORK CITY — The tive Carriage Clocks”; at 2
fifth annual Art, Design & pm, Carole Pinto of Carole
Antiques Show returns to the Pinto Fine Arts presents
St Ignatius Loyola Church “The Birth of Modernism
from January 24-26. Previous — Paris in 1900”; at 2:30
shows have been a grand suc- pm, Ron Bassin of Bird in
cess, with an eclectic array of Hand talks about “Grenfell
exhibitors showcasing works Rugs”; at 3 pm, Clinton
such as estate jewelry, Ameri- Howell of Clinton Howell
cana, decorative furniture, Antiques discusses “Rarity
fine art, sculptures, Oriental & English Furniture”; and
art, handmade antique rugs, at 3:30 pm, Jasmine Dous-
books, objets d’art and more. siere of Silver Art by D&R
Since its inception five years will present “Silver Table
ago, the Art, Design & Art & French Fine Art
Antiques Show has extended Décor.”
to now host 35 international, This year’s exhibitors
national and local exhibitors. include Trifles, Richard
A conduit between dealers Schillay Fine Art, J. Galla-
and buyers, the show is gher Antiques, Brad &
renowned for continuing to Vandy Reh Fine Jewelry,
help shape the antiques eco- Sundial Farm, Earle D. The Art, Design & Antiques Show at Wallace Hall attracts
system; creating an accessible Vandekar of Knights- global recognition as one of the most noteworthy satellite
approach to collecting storied Carole Pinto Fine Arts will bring bridge, Potterton Fine fairs to run alongside the Winter Show.
pieces. In doing so, it has this work by French Post-Impres- Books, Glen Leroux
attracted global recognition as sionist painter Georges d’Espagnat. Antiques, Framont Fine Fifth Annual Fair, Jan. 24-26,
one of the most noteworthy Art, Marcy Burns Ameri- Announces Exhibitors &
satellite fairs to run alongside provide patrons with the oppor- can Indian Arts, A Bird In Hand, New Programming
the Winter Show. tunity to partake in expert-led Betty Krulik Fine Art, Tutto dal
“Our show is unique because it conversations on topics such as Mondo, Shaia Oriental Rugs of Van Cleef and Arpels fleurette earrings. Brad and Vandy
offers visitors the opportunity to defining and evaluating rarity Williamsburg, Greg Pepin Silver, Reh Fine Jewelry.
peruse and shop art and and its importance, the birth of T.J. Antorino Antiques & Design,
antiques on a much smaller Modernism in Paris in the Imperial Fine Books & Oriental
scale and approachable atmo- 1900s, accents and elements for Art, Jayne Thompson Antiques,
sphere,” said Brad Reh, show the ultimate tablescape and David Smernoff, Carole Pinto
manager. “Our goal for 2020 is to more. Fine Arts, The Spare Room and
continue to attract returning Booth Chats will be conducted Paul Douglas Gallery.
visitors and seasoned collectors, on Saturday, January 25, and Show hours are Friday, Janu-
while reaching new audiences in are complimentary with the pur- ary 24, 10 am to 7 pm; Saturday,
order to break down the barriers chase of a general admission 11 am to 6 pm; Sunday, 11 am to
of what is thought to be a more ticket. 5 pm. Admission is $15 advanced
traditional, conventional mar- At 1 pm, Betty Krulik of Betty online tickets; $20 general
ket.” Krulik Fine Art will present admission at door.
The show has added a new fea- “American Art Visionary to Wallace Hall, Church of St
ture to its programming — Visions”; at 1:30 pm, Scott Ignatius Loyola, is at 980 Park
Booth Chats. These intimate, Defrin of European Decorative Avenue. For information, 203-
20-minute booth-side talks will Art explores “Collecting Decora- 920-1755 or

Tiffany Blooms In Cleveland

CLEVELAND, OHIO — Focusing on light reveal an artistic sensibility that tion of cottage gardeners who delighted Wisteria Lamp, circa 1902-10. Clara
Louis Comfort Tiffany’s passion for guided his designers. Together, they rec- in planting perennials in large quanti- Wolcott Driscoll (American, 1861–
stained glass as a way to bring nature’s reated the qualities of natural light using ties. Tiffany encouraged his designers to 1944), Tiffany Studios (America,
color into the home, “Tiffany in Bloom: the light and dark tonal effects of glass take inspiration from his garden by ship- 1902-1932). Leaded glass, bronze;
Stained Glass Lamps of Louis Comfort when illuminated with electric lamps. ping fresh cuttings almost weekly to his The Cleveland Museum of Art,
Tiffany” at the Cleveland Museum of Art Tiffany’s fascination with exotic plants studios. Ohio native Clara Wolcott Bequest of Charles Maurer, 2018.261.
explores Tiffany’s vivid designs in rela- resulted in works of breathtaking colors, Driscoll created patterns based on the dows and his expressive line of table and
tion to emerging artistic and craft move- from deep reds, blues, greens and yellows colorful blooms of spring, such as those floor lamps.
ments at the turn of the Twentieth Cen- to soft pale whites, pinks and creams. The for the Peony and Daffodil lamps, which
tury. This illuminated display of some of exhibit features some of the artist’s rare became among the most successful of Tif- The Cleveland Museum of Art is at
the designer’s finest stained glass table masterworks, including the Wisteria, fany’s production. 11150 East Boulevard. For information,
and floor lamps also features the stained Peacock, Bamboo and Peony lamps. or 216-
glass window made circa 1900 for the By 1900, Tiffany had expanded his 421-7350.
Howell Hinds House in Cleveland “We now know that most of the floral empire by increasing the firm’s produc-
Heights. lamps were actually designed by Ohio tion of “fancy goods,” including inkstands,
native Clara Wolcott Driscoll, who rose to candlesticks, clocks, small boxes, desk
“Tiffany in Bloom” introduces visitors to prominence as head of the Women’s Glass sets and other functional objects. These
the spectacular work created with thou- Cutting Department in Tiffany’s studio,” smaller, more affordable luxury items
sands of shards of glass and the power of explained Stephen Harrison, curator of were just as carefully designed as the
electric light. Period photographs and decorative art and design. “Driscoll trans- great stained glass windows and lamps
accounts of his artisans also provide a formed the vibrant colors and seductive through which the firm enjoyed unri-
glimpse into Tiffany’s shop and studio. blooms of plant life into shimmering lamp valed success.
Most of the works on view in the exhibit designs that won Tiffany international
have recently joined the museum’s collec- acclaim.” When Tiffany began collaborating with
tion through the bequest of Cleveland glass artists on new types of production,
entrepreneur, Charles Maurer. This col- Thematic groups within this exhibition his ambitions were finally realized in the
lection is on view for the first time in its focus on the artistic styles and move- development of Favrile glass, a term
entirety at the museum and will be on ments that inspired Tiffany. From Asian loosely meaning handmade. Largely
view through June 14. to the Art Nouveau, they establish refer- through his marketing ability, Tiffany’s
ence points for understanding the tastes Favrile glass became America’s greatest
Tiffany’s unparalleled standard of qual- of the early 1900s. contribution to the Art Nouveau style.
ity and his love for the infinite possibili- From the outset, Tiffany used Favrile
ties of texture and color in manipulating In the 1870s a renewed emphasis on glass in mosaic panels, stained glass win-
natural landscapes ushered in a genera-

Robyn Tsinnajinnie & Austin Big Crow’s
‘The Holy Trinity’ At IAIA
SANTA FE, N.M. — On view at ter what, we are still here. Native size and bring attention to cer-
IAIA Museum of Contemporary women have always had a strong tain subjects, while Tsinnajin-
Native Arts through October is presence, so along with the size nie’s painting skills contributed
Robyn Tsinnajinnie (Navajo) and of the depicted women, the to the strong color pallet to go
Austin Big Crow’s (Oglala Lako- amount of color emanates an alongside the women.
ta) mural “The Holy Trinity” uplifting amount of encourage-
(2018) commemorates the strong ment.” The three female figures IAIA Museum of Contemporary
women who have resonated represent three generations of Native Arts is at 108 Cathedral
through their lives. women, and the graffiti words Place. For information, 505-983-
read Saint, Goddess and Pure, 8900 or
Tsinnajinnie explains, “The representing characteristics of
Holy Trinity symbolizes how we these women. SARASOTA, FLA. — Acclaimed
should encourage each other as artist Ai Weiwei will return to the
native women to strive further in Attending IAIA has inspired John and Mable Ringling Muse-
our lives. Multiple reports of both artists to create art with a um of Art with his new “Zodiac”
abuse and abductions have led to strong message that can reso- (2018) Lego series, on view until
fear, but this is the time to help nate with others to do the same. February 2 at 5401 Bay Shore
and encourage others, and to Big Crow’s knowledge as a screen Road. For information, www.ring-
remind each other, that no mat- printer has helped him to empha- or 941-358-3180.

14 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Auction Action Online

Wonser’s USA
Henley’s OK Bit- Indian Root Bit-
This Henley’s Wild ters bottle with ters, an unusually
Dr Boerhaave’s Stomach Grape Root IXL Bit- applied band, shaped early San
Bitters bottle with an ters in the quart Louis Lacour and his made circa 1869- Francisco bottle
This 150-year-old blue Cassin’s applied tapered top, bottle, circa 1868- fascination with the 71, graded 9.5 out in a bright aqua
Grape Brandy Bitters bottle so circa 1868-69, a San 78, earned $3,842. lighthouse is evident of 10 for condition, coloration, circa
rare that for years many doubt- Francisco made bitters Most were aqua but in this green early San boasting overall 1871-73, one of a
ed its very existence, circa 1867- with distinctive win- this one is an Francisco bitters bot- whittle and blue dozen aqua exam-
68, bluish teal in color, sold for dows on the reverse, unusual green with tle that was bid to aqua color gav- ples known,
$155,000. brought $28,000. crudity. $14,690. eled for $21,000. fetched $25,300.

Rare Antique Bitters Bottle Soars To $155,000
SACRAMENTO, CALIF. — A N.B. Jacobs Rosenbaum Bit- Part I Of The Ken Fee Collection Catawba Wine Bitters
150-year-old blue Cassin’s Grape ters San Francisco, circa At American Bottle Auctions. with an embossed cluster
Brandy Bitters bottle so rare that 1864-68, variant 2, the small- of grapes and a graphite
for years many doubted its very er size with the Rosen- had its own special top this iconic bottle.” pontil, with a super drip-
existence sold for $155,000 at the baum name embossed, identity. This one was An N.B. Jacobs Rosen- py top, went out at $7,150.
Part I sale of the Ken Fee collec- yellow with a lot of a light to medium
tion of mostly Western bitters green, made $904. green, as these bot- baum Bitters bottle — example circa 1868-93,
bottles. The sale was conducted first variant of the bottle tles came in a multi- an early San Francisco went for $3,842. “Hen-
November 29, by American Bottle had thin corners and tude of colors. Graded bitters blown circa ley and his partners
Auctions. Part II will go online because of the fragility of a high 9 out of 10, the 1864-68 — finished at had great success sell-
February 4 and end February 23. the bottle only a few mint bottle also boasted $904. “It would have ing the oddly named
examples remain intact good whittle and bub- fetched far more, had it IXL bitters product in
The Cassin’s Grape Brandy Bit- today. The second variant bles. not been for a ¾-inch quart bottles,” Wich-
ters was the undisputed headlin- eliminated the fragile A Henley’s OK Bit- hairline crack in the mann said. “That’s a
er in American Bottle Auctions’ lines of the bottle and ters bottle with side panel,” Wichmann long time, but many
Auction #67, Part I, an online-only some still survive today, applied band, made observed. The old of those were later
affair with phone and absentee although there are still circa 1869-71, graded amber bottle, variant variants. Most were
bids also accepted. Part II will be believed to be only a half- 9.5 out of 10 for condi- 2, was the smaller size, aqua but this one was
the same. What made the Cas- dozen or so in undamaged tion, climbed to with the Rosenbaum an unusual green
sin’s so desirable to bidders was condition. $21,000. The size of name embossed on it. with crudity, and in
its bluish-teal color, which many the lettering on the It had an unusual top,
bottle collectors, even seasoned This example, though, bottle was quite as these bottles usual- mint condition.”
pros, had never seen and were was a marvel, regardless of ly had a tapered top A Catawba Wine
skeptical one even existed. age or history, and the only unusual, although it fit very with a ring type collar.
example known in this unique well. The curved “R” was the most This example had no taper Bitters bottle with
“No one had seen Ken Fee’s col- blue color. In addition, the bottle pronounced of any Wichmann has and, in fact, no ring. an embossed cluster
lection of more than 300 bottles in was in mint condition with no dis- ever seen. He added, “With the of grapes, in pristine condi-
four decades,” said Jeff Wichmann cernable flaws, a rarity for any overall whittle and blue aqua, it A Lacour’s Bitters Sarsapar- tion with a super drippy top,
of American Bottle Auctions. “It bottle this old but especially will make for quite a bottle on iphere bottle, green with some found a new owner for $7,150. It
only came to light following his important for the only blue Cas- one’s shelf.” overall crudity, topped out at is known that Catawba grapes
death in November 2018. I’ve sin’s known to date. It was expect- $14,690. “Louis Lacour and his were grown in Ohio, and it is
been working with the family ed to do well, with an estimate of A Wonser’s USA Indian Root fascination with the lighthouse is thought these bottles were made
ever since.” Many of the bottles $75/100,000, but the final price Bitters bottle in a bright aqua evident in this early San Francis- for an Ohio concern. Some have
are outstanding examples that blew past that. color, probably blown between co bitters bottle in mint condi- the graphite pontil, including this
brought a few hundred to many 1871 and 1873, changed hands for tion,” Wichmann said, adding, one. Collectors love the distinctive
thousands of dollars. Part II con- A Dr Boerhaave’s Stomach Bit- $25,300. “Only a dozen or so aqua “Lacours have become highly embossing and colors they are
tains many desirable rarities, too. ters bottle with an applied examples are known, so they don’t sought-after in recent years. Pric- found in.
tapered top, circa 1868-69, fin- come up often, and this one was in es have escalated in proportion to Prices given include the buyer’s
The Cassin’s Bitters is arguably ished at $28,000. This San Fran- mint condition,” Wichmann said. desirability.” premium as stated by the auction
one of the greatest Western bit- cisco-made bitters, with the dis- “When it comes to strike, color, house. For more information,
ters blown. Made in San Francis- tinctive windows on the reverse, condition and rarity, it’s hard to A Henley’s Wild Grape Root IXL or 800-
co in 1867 and 1868, its shape was Bitters bottle, an early colored 806-7722.
meant to resemble a cello. The

New-York Historical Society Receives Biographer Robert Caro’s Papers

NEW YORK CITY — The New- tion, “Robert Caro Working,” fea- plain delighted.” he conducted for his books are in which the finished books were set.
York Historical Society has turing rotating materials drawn A key aspect of the collection is the collection. Caro graduated from Princeton
acquired the papers of Robert A. from the archive, allowing practi-
Caro, the complete archive of the tioners and lovers of history and the thousands of interviews the His archives contain examples University and was later a Nie-
author whose works on Robert biography to observe the writer biographer has conducted of every stage of his writing pro- man Fellow at Harvard Universi-
Moses and Lyndon Johnson are and his craft. They will be able to throughout his career, with the cess: the outlines, complete from ty. For six years, he worked as an
regarded as masterpieces of mod- hear recordings of Caro speaking aim of contacting as many wit- start to finish, that he compiles investigative reporter for News-
ern biography and history. in detail about his methods of nesses as possible to the person, and tacks up on corkboards in his day. His most recent book is
research and writing and to view issue, or event he is researching. office before he begins; the legal Working: Researching, Interview-
The archive covers the sweeping his many television interviews. While working on The Power Bro- pads on which he writes, and ing, Writing, a memoir of his expe-
history of New York City and ker, for example, he conducted rewrites, his first drafts in pen or riences as a researcher and writer
State politics from the 1920s-60s “It’s a wonderful feeling to know more than 500 interviews, includ- pencil; the typescripts, done in that offers a firsthand perspective
and chronicles the history of the my papers now have a permanent ing many with the last persons succeeding drafts on his Smith on the process and personal
United States from the 1930s home at the New-York Historical then alive who worked closely Corona 210 or 220 electric type- impact of writing his landmark
through the 1960s. Once it is Society,” said Caro. “When I was a with New York State Governor Al writers (which, he notes, went out books. Currently, he is at work on
organized and cataloged, the Rob- boy, my favorite aunt often took Smith and New York City Mayor of production decades ago); the the fifth and final volume of The
ert A. Caro Papers will be made me to visit New-York Historical Fiorello LaGuardia; for his third galleys for his books, which are Years of Lyndon Johnson. He lives
available — without restrictions, while my mother was ill, and in Johnson volume, Master of the usually covered with heavy pencil in New York City with his wife,
as Caro has stipulated — to more recent years I’ve spoken Senate, he interviewed scores of rewriting (and often include acer- the writer and historian, Ina
researchers in a Robert A. Caro there on a number of occasions Senate staff members to under- bic comments from his legendary Caro.
Study Space. Portions of the and been a recipient of its awards. stand how the world of the Senate editor Robert Gottlieb, which, in
archive will be digitized. In addi- In a strange way, I feel at home at operated in the mid-Twentieth turn, led to many of their legend- The New-York Historical Soci-
tion, the archive will provide the New-York Historical, so this Century. Caro’s notes and typed ary arguments); the revised gal- ety is at 170 Central Park West.
basis for a permanent installa- announcement makes me just transcripts of all the interviews leys; and the page proofs from For information, 212-873-3400 or

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 15

Auction house owner Joseph Bodnar recalls that it all This George Nakashma dining room table and set of six
started with a phone call with his aunt’s estate from chairs sold for $25,300 to an in-house bidder at Bodnar’s
Metuchen, N.J., rich in George Nakashima pieces. His aunt Auction Sales’ first sale of the new year at the New Jersey
in the 1950s was introduced to this New Hope, Penn., furni- Convention and Expo Center in Edison. Several local
ture designer and fell in love with his designs. Bodnar’s estates were found to be full of treasures that crossed the
offered this collection at no reserve in his firm’s January 4 auction block to find new homes, sold with no reserves and
sale at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison. Hang- all to the highest bidder. “There were more than 500 regis-
ing on the wall was this free-floating sideboard with tered bidders and no online bidding,” said Bodnar.
Nakashima’s signature dovetail joinery on the top right.
Estimated $2/4,000, it sailed past expectations to bring
$12,600 from a phone bidder.

Holiday Auction

At Talk Of The Town’s annu- By Antiques and The Arts Weekly
al New Year’s day auction on Editorial Staff And Contributors
January 1 in Ballston Spa, Holiday entertainment and good old-fashioned com-
N.Y., an all original Black merce joined forces once again inside auction halls around
Francie doll realized $475. the United States as sales that are traditionally conduct-
The 1967 #1100 doll was one ed during the period between Christmas and New Year’s
of the most interesting lots and shortly after – assembled a year-end trove of estate
in the sale, according to treasures, personal collections and the rare oddity to
John and Beverly Stan- cross the block.
islowsky, owners of the long- The photos on these pages showcase these and other
time auction house. There notable items auctioned at sales that were conducted dur-
were many bidders at the ing the period December 25 to January 6.
company’s most recent auc-
tion, both in the galleries
and via left bids.

A group of five Chinese export traditional watercolor pic-
tures, each depicting Chinese ladies in nature, appealed to
bidders at the January 4 sale of Hyde Park Country Auc-
tions in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. The group, which had been esti-
mated at $200/300, sold for $2,706.

Sailing into the lead at Hyde Park Country Auctions’ January 4 sale was a large, handmade
wooden ship model of the English passenger ship, the TSS Colchester, which sold for $3,444.
The Poughkeepsie, N.Y., auctioneer was selling the model from the New Milford, Conn.,
estate of Ruth and Skitch Henderson.

This Nathaniel Hudson Galway Village, N.Y., 3-gallon crock
with a cobalt flower decoration, circa 1860s, sold at Talk Of
The Town’s January 1 auction for $1,100. The Ballston Spa,
N.Y., auction house is one of the few left in the area, accord-
ing to owner John Stanislowsky, that does not charge a
buyer’s premium, so hammer price is final price. The circa
1860s crock was one of several crocks in the New Year’s Day
auction and was one of the most interesting highlights in
the sale, Stanislowsky said.

An Eighteenth Century German cello Showplace kicked off 2020 with a January 5 A Black, Starr & Frost sterling silver seven-piece tea set
played to $9,600 at Kaminski’s annual New auction at its New York City galleries with sold at $4,400 at Talk Of The Town’s January 1 auction in
Year’s auction on December 28-30 in Bever- high prices achieved for Art Nouveau furni- Ballston Spa, N.Y. The price for this highlight does not
ly, Mass. The mid- to late Eighteenth Centu- ture, the second installment of its offering include any buyer’s premium, John and Beverly Stan-
ry instrument by the Klotz family of Mitten- of a large collection of Chanel and other islowsky, owners of Talk Of The Town, said. “We are one of
wald (Tyrol), 28-7/8 inches long by 16 inches designer costume jewelry, and, most espe- the few auction houses left in our area that does not charge
wide, was in playable condition and came cially, for fine art. Showplace also attracted a buyer’s premium,” the longtime auctioneers explained
with a hard-shell case, sheet with full infor- a record number of registered online bid- after the company’s annual New Year’s auction.
mation and its original end pin (not on ders and a packed house of enthusiastic live
instrument). Provenance was from an East bidders. Achieving $2,500 was an exhibition
Greenwich, R.I., estate. poster on linen estimated $300/500. By Jean
Cocteau (French, 1889-1963), the
14¾-by-14¼-inch 1955 poster was inscribed
“Palais Royal / Dans les Jardins du 10 au 26
Juin 55 / Exposition des Peintres
D’Aujourd’hui,” and signed by the artist.

16 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Art was at a premium at Showplace’s January “About half the sale sold to the internet, “There were about 100 registered bidders in the room with
5 auction when a pastel on paper by French continuing a shift from active live partici- 43 phone bidders and over 200 absentee bids,” Travis
artist Henri-Theodore Fantin-Latour (1836- pation to participation via internet,” said Landry, director of pop culture at Bruneau & Co. Auction-
1904) far exceeded its $1,500 to $2,500 estimate Theo de Haas of Hudson Valley Auctioneers’ eers said about the Cranston, R.I., company’s January 4
when it sold at $12,500. The New York City 37th annual New Year’s Day sale in Beacon, auction. With a collection of historic telephones from the
auction house featured a packed house with N.Y. This Victorian Gothic Revival brass Philadelphia chapter of the Telephone Pioneers of America
enthusiastic live bidders and a record num- hanging gas fixture found an antique light- Museum, it is no surprise that a four-piece Bell Laborato-
ber of registered online bidders — with many ing fan, selling for $5,563. ries museum replica group was the top lot when it sold at
vying for the “La Fille aux Chevaux Blonde,” $15,000. “This is the third chapter collection Bruneau’s has
an 18-by-23-inch portrait of a young girl with handled, with more planned for the future,” Landry said.
blonde hair bearing Dalzell Hatfield Galleries
Ambassador Hotel Los Angeles label, and a Holiday Auction Roundup
Finch College Museum of Art (New York, New
York) label, both on reverse.

Bidders at Golden Gavel Auctions’ January Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers kicked off 2020 Frederick Hart’s “Daugh- Cincinnati, Ohio, auction
2 sale were at liberty to make financial sac- with a fine art, antiques and collectibles ters of Odessa” was one of house Forsythe’s presented
rifices for Frederick Hart’s bronze sculp- auction on January 4. A select group of nine works by the artist its Arts and Crafts and
ture, titled, “Liberty and Sacrifice,” which antique historical telephones from the Tele- offered in Golden Gavel antiques auction on January
was the top lot when it sold for $10,030. It phone Pioneers of America Museum sup- Auctions’ January 2 sale 5. In the sale, a rare Roseville
was one of several works by the artist the plied several highlights. A Nineteenth Cen- and charmed bidders, who Della Robbia vase climbed to
East Windsor, Conn., firm was selling and tury American mahogany switchboard, battled to $8,555 for it. A $4,920. It had carved cherry
stood 35 inches tall and numbered 25 of 50 from the New Jersey chapter of the muse- limited-edition casting, the branches with fruit on pale
limited edition castings. um, was estimated at $200/300 but 56 bids sculpture was numbered 7 green ground with a cut-out
rang it up to $13,750. of 110 copies and stood 25 designed neck. Incised with
inches tall. The East Wind- the artist’s signature lower
sor, Conn., auction house side, the 6-inch diameter,
had estimated it at $2/4,000. 13-inch-high vase was fur-
ther signed with raised
Rozane Ware seal on the base.
“Straight from a home, fresh
to market,” said Forsythe’s in
its cataloging. “Consignor
states she received this vase
from her grandmother’s
estate in the 1960s.”

The transfer and paint-decorated Wavecrest Showplace kicked off the new decade with a An in-house bidder at Bodnar’s Auction Sales’ January 4
glass wall plaque rode a wave of bidder inter- January 5 auction that attracted a record auction at the New Jersey Convention Center in Edison
est to $6,457 at the December 28 sale at Nest amount of registered online bidders and a snapped up this pair of George Nakashima chairs for
Egg Auctions in Berlin, Conn. Made in nearby packed house of enthusiastic live bidders at $12,650. “All of the Nakashima items came from one local
Meriden, Conn., the late Nineteenth Century its New York City galleries. Among many estate in Metuchen, N.J., with paperwork from Nakashima,”
piece measured 12¼ by 10¼ inches, retained highlights were high prices achieved for Art said Joseph Bodnar. “All was pristine and ordered from
approximately 90 percent of its original gold Nouveau furniture, the second installment of Nakashima in 1958 and 1959.”
finish and vivid surface. It was the second its offering of a large collection of Chanel and
highest price achieved in the sale. other designer costume jewelry, and high
prices achieved for fine art, including “Dor-
meuse et Sculptures,” an etching by Pablo
Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973). The 11½-by-
8-1/3-inch framed etching sold at $15,000.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 17

A matched Victorian brooch Pharmaceutical offerings out Tiffany Studios New York Lily lamp with Shining brightly among lots in the December
and earrings set sold for of a house in Hartford, Conn., four pulled feather shades and a bronze 28 sale at Nest Egg Auctions in Berlin, Conn.,
$1,170 in State Line Auc- found good bidding at State base sold online December 30 at Donny was this Handel table lamp with a reverse-
tions’ January 5 New Year’s Line Auctions’ January 5 New Malone Auctions for $11,875. The Sau- painted glass shade that sold for $3,567. Both
sale in Canaan, Conn. The Year’s sale, when a Howard gerties, N.Y.-based auction house conducts the shade and bronze three-light base were
set was executed in 14K gold Cutlery pharmacy case took 300-lot auctions every two weeks online marked Handel and came from the Meriden,
and featured shapely deco- $984. The shelf was glass pan- only. The 30-inch lamp, signed on the base Conn., estate of Agnes Baur.
rations of the period, includ- eled with three interior glass and each shade signed L.C.T., had multiple
ing dangles at the bottom. shelves and the name “How- bidders from the more than 1,000 registered
They were presented in a ard Cutlery” engraved on the from the United States and 15 other coun-
custom jewelry box. front glass. It measured 26 tries, according to Donny Malone.
inches high by 13 inches
square. From that same col-
lection was a lot of 19 amber
apothecary bottles, each
stamped with the name of a
different substance and all
complete with stoppers. It
sold at $295 in Canaan, Conn.


A dated 1911 example of A rosewood rococo Steinway grand piano With standing room only at Thos. Cornell
Arequipa Arts and Crafts from 1871 played sweet music to the tune of Galleries on New Year’s day, a top lot in the
pottery vase with slip-trail $4,720 for bidders at Golden Gavel Auctions’ Bellport, N.Y., “Le Grand” auction was a
decoration took top honors January 2 sale in East Windsor, Conn. The 1977 collage by James Rizzi (American, b
at the December 28 sale at highly ornate instrument was in original 1950). Titled “Sunrise” and marked #4, the
Nest Egg Auctions in Berlin, condition but in need of restoration, which 7-by-4-inch image came to the block with an
Conn., where it sold for may have kept the price from exceeding its estimate of $100/200, but it sold at $2,400
$19,762. Arequipa pottery $8/15,000 estimate. after much interest from both inhouse and
was produced in Marin online bidders. It sold to the internet.
County, Calif., between 1911
and 1918 as a therapy for
women recovering from

A Nineteenth Century Finishing between estimate Halloween and Thanksgiving had already Kaminski’s annual New Year’s auction in
French dore bronze figural at Amero Auctions’ January passed by Iroquois Auctions’ January 1 sale, Beverly, Mass., December 28-30 featured a
clock on a rouge marble base 5 sale in Sarasota, Fla., was but bidders were unable to resist their Japanese and Chinese collection from the
sold for $1,200 at Thos. Cor- an oil on canvas painting by allure still. A group of 101 Halloween post- Keenan estate of Miami Lakes, Fla. The col-
nell Galleries’ January 1 “Le Henri-Jean Guillaume Mar- cards and 135 Thanksgiving postcards, col- lection included Meiji period Japanese fur-
Grand” auction. With the tin (French, 1860-1943). lected by a Camden, N.Y., husband and wife niture, including the featured lot, a late
Bellport, N.Y., galleries filled Titled “Femme dans le parc,” over a lifetime, sold for $3,000 over a $400 Nineteenth Century curio cabinet with
to standing room only and the painting measures 19¾ estimate. mother-of-pearl and bone inlay, gold lac-
lots of play from online bid- by 10½ inches. The painting quer and fretwork. Thought to be created
ding platforms, Tom Cornell, was apparently dedicated to for a Japanese emperor, the cabinet was
the firm’s president, said that the gallery owner, Wally adorned with various genre scenes, floral
bidding from across the room Findlay, on verso. Like the panels and detailed carving and inlay
and the internet was strong Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita throughout the piece. It sold in the audi-
throughout the 550-lot sale. work in the same sale, the ence for $5,100.
piece came with an original
1967 receipt from Wally Find-
lay Galleries, where it was
purchased by Martin Weiner,
a New York textile and real
estate mogul and an original
investor in the Empire State
Building. It then passed by
descent through that family
until it arrived at its current
Florida-based owner in 2014.
This work sold to an interna-
tional bidder.

18 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Connecticut River Book Auction’s January 3 sale was well The Saugerties, N.Y.-based Donny Malone Auctions conduct- It was a
attended, with nearly 40 bidders in attendance at its ed an online-only sale on December 30. While Tiffany lots two-ring
Glastonbury, Conn., galleries and more by phone or absen- were highly sought-after, it was a Tonalist landscape by antiques
tee bids. Of interest was the 1853 edition of the “New Uni- French artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1875), in a auction at
versal Atlas Containing Maps…with a special Map of Each remarkably carved and gilded frame, that caught many bid- Soulis Auc-
of the United States…forming a series of 122 maps, plans ders’ attention. The 6¼- by-8½-inch oil on board painting, tions on
and Sections,” published by Thomas Cowperthwait & Co. titled “Mountain Marche L’Etang,” sold after 37 bids at $27,500. December
The atlas had three phone bidders from Maryland, New 27 in Lone
York City and New Hampshire competing, with the atlas Jack, Mo.,
going to a New Hampshire collector for $2,645. throwing
Holiday Auction Roundup into the mix,
from medieval
armor to Modern art and
design. Top lot in the sale was
a medieval armor chamfron,
circa Fifteenth Century,
designed to protect the
horse’s face in jousting or bat-
tle. The mask-form armor
with ears, embossed curvilin-
ear high ribs and central dec-
orative shield-form escutch-
eon, was probably German
and sold to a phone bidder for

Fetching $67,650 in Amero An oil on canvas painting by Thos. Cornell Galleries in Bellport, N.Y., had The King was, well, king again at Iroquois
Auctions’ January 5 Saraso- Maqbool Fida “M.F.” Husain its traditional “Le Grand” New Year’s Day Auctions’ January 1 sale when the firm sold a
ta, Fla., sale was this por- was the top lot in Amero Auc- auction on January 1, featuring French, Eng- photo archive of Elvis Presley during his time
trait of a young girl by Leon- tions’ January 5 sale when it lish, American and Midcentury Modern furni- in the US Army. The group of seven photos
ard Tsuguharu Foujita sold just above estimate at ture and decorations. A Nineteenth Century sold to a Florida buyer for $7,200. The buyer
(1886-1986). Titled “Jeune $76,700. The sale was con- French pink hand painted porcelain carriage had no previous collection of Presley pieces,
Fille a Roses,” the ducted in Sarasota, Fla. The clock, standing just 5 inches high, sold to an he “just liked them.” The firm said the photos
13¾-by-8¾-inch work was painting, which measures 48 online bidder for $1,800. “We had standing came from a Syracuse, N.Y., estate and had
executed in watercolor and by 30 inches, featured the room only in the galleries,” Tom Cornell, pres- descended in the family. They were found in a
pen and ink over pencil on artist’s abstract style with ident, said, “and lots of play on the internet.” scrapbook of 100-plus photos taken by a fel-
paper. The work came with two figures central to the low soldier, and Elvis had signed five of them.
a clear line of provenance. It image. The auction house
was purchased in 1967 from thought the subject matter
Wally Findlay Galleries by was focused on acrobats,
Martin Weiner, a New York with one subject holding a
textile and real estate mogul tight rope and the other
and an original investor in walking on it. The work was
the Empire State Building. dated 1967 and it sold to an
It then passed by descent international buyer.
through that family until it
arrived at its current Flori-
da-based owner in 2014. The
work sold to an online bid-

A circa 1875 American hand carved rocking horse rode its A painted World War II A-2 bomber jacket for the 8th AAF flew out of Soulis Auctions
way to $1,700 at Iroquois Auctions’ January 1 sale. The December 27 sale in Lone Jack. Mo., for $4,720 to an internet bidder. The DWG No 30-1415
horse descended in the same Cobleskill N.Y., family until it Perry Sportswear size 40 was emblazoned on the front chest with the aviator’s name “Shel-
was sold. The lot came with a circa 1890 photograph of a ton” in white, 8th AAF insignia patch and on the back with the letters “Madame Shoo
boy riding the horse with his dog nearby. While the rocking Shoo” in red with trim, picturing both a B-24 and B-17. According to Wikipedia, “Shoo Shoo
horse was missing some of its leather components, the paint Shoo Baby,” originally Shoo Shoo Baby, is a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress in World War II,
was original, including an original landscape painting with preserved and currently in storage at the National Museum of the United States Air Force,
boats on the base platform. awaiting transfer to the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 19

“Victoriana was a strong highlight for our Vintage Louis Vuitton trunks, a steamer and This is one of two Chinese export paintings that sold for $7,500
New Year’s sale,” State Line Auctions said, a regular trunk, topped the New Year’s Day at the New Year’s Day sale at Hudson Valley Auctioneers in
referring to a set of three upholstered furni- auction at Hudson Valley Auctioneers in Beacon, N.Y. Said the firm’s Theo de Haas, “In addition to the
ture pieces that brought $1,800 over a $250 Beacon, N.Y. The steamer sailed out at live audience, there were more than 7,500 approved internet
high estimate in the firm’s January 5 sale in $10,000, and the regular trunk went out at bidders, plus the usual absentee and phone bidders.”
Canaan, Conn. Upholstered in a crushed salm- $6,250. “This was our 37th annual New Year’s
on velvet, the two chairs and ottoman were Day sale,” said Theo de Haas. “Bidding was
done in the style of designer George Smith. strong and turnout was exceptional.”

It may have been described as small, but a “This year end was a bit of a cleanout auction for us,” said
Paul Cushman stoneware jug achieved the Diane Riva at Kaminski Auctions following the firm’s annu-
not-small price of $2,214 when it sold in the al New Year’s sales on December 28-30 in Beverly, Mass.
January 4 sale at Hyde Park Country Auctions “Day two was the better day of the three. Day two on Sun-
in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Dated 1809 and standing day was well attended with more than 150 phone bids —
just 7½ inches tall, the jug attracted interest phones and internet were busy.” This German World War I
that easily surpassed its $300/500 estimate. Mauser pistol had more than 350 views, more than any
other lot in the auction. It sold for $2,880.

Donny Malone Auctions ended its 2019 season
with a “blockbuster sale” on December 30. The
Saugerties, N.Y.-based auction house conducts
300-lot online-only auctions every other Mon-
day. According to auctioneer Donny Malone,
the holiday auction had about 1,000 bidders
from throughout the United States and 15
other countries. The top lot of the sale was a
Tiffany Studios New York Dragonfly lamp
with a telescoping bronze base and dragonfly
shade, both signed, that sold at $42,500.

Considered highly risqué in its time, this Nineteenth Century carved meerschaum pipe A fascinating typed journal of 386 pages by Sayward Farn-
featured an elaborate carving of a woman in Victorian garb leaning to one side while hik- harm detailing his round-the-world travel in 1935-36 to Japan,
ing her skirt a bit to expose some leg. She leans on an ornate pedestal with carved open- which had recently invaded China, Fascist Italy and Germa-
work rococo scrolls, curving amber stem. An internet bidder walked away with her for ny, brought considerable interest and sold for $322 at Con-
$2,832 at Soulis Auctions December 27 sale in Lone Jack, Mo. necticut River Book Auction’s January 3 sale. With a hand-
written note on the title page, the typed document had many
Holiday Auction Roundup of the inhouse bidders at the Glastonbury, Conn., galleries, as
well as absentee and phone bidders vying for the journal.
A Tiffany Studios A 1985 Rolls Royce Silver Spirit full-sized luxury car with
desk lamp with approximately 35,000 miles sold for $13,750 on January 4 at
rare blue dama- Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers. The Cranston, R.I., auction
scene shade was house kicked off its 2020 season with a gallery filled with
the star lot in For- more than 100 registered bidders as well as 43 phone bid-
sythe’s Arts and ders and 200 absentee bids. The well-maintained car with
Crafts and an ivory colored interior and the finest burl wood inlays
antiques auction sold to the internet.
on January 5 in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Fetching $21,850,
the lamp’s blue
damascene shade
exhibited wonder-
ful iridescence and
was signed LCT
around the lip. The
bronze adjustable
harp base was
signed Tiffany Stu-
dios 569 and had
great original pati-
na to base.

At $4,313, this Limbert early one-door bookcase
proved desirable at Forsythe’s Arts and Crafts and
antiques auction on January 5 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The piece, fitted with early leaded glass, had its orig-
inal iron pull, keyed tenon sides and adjustable
shelves. It measured 54 by 24 by 14 inches and was

20 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

‘Living Color: The Art Of The Highwaymen’
ORLANDO — The Highway- 1950s, these self-taught artists poinciana trees are among the and enthusiasts began the pro-
men are a group of African depicted the state’s scenic coast- many subjects that have become cess of establishing the histori- tle or no access to formal
American artists celebrated for line and wild backcountry, often iconic images of Florida in part cal context and reevaluation of training or to conventional art
their distinctive paintings of in dazzling combinations of color because of the paintings that the their work. The contribution of markets. To overcome these
Florida’s natural environment. and tone. Brilliant tropical sun- Highwaymen created. the Highwaymen to the cultural obstacles, they produced large
Working in and around the Fort sets, windblown palms, towering life of Florida was formally rec- numbers of works that could be
Pierce area beginning in the sunlit clouds, and blooming In the state’s postwar boom ognized in 2004 when the group sold at very affordable prices.
years, their paintings found an of 26 artists was inducted into Some estimates of the group’s
James Gibson, Untitled, n.d., oil on board, 22¾ by 46¾ inch- enthusiastic audience among a the Florida Artists Hall of Fame. overall production during their
es. Courtesy of the Jacobs collection. ©James Gibson. growing population of new resi- heyday exceed 200,000 paint-
dents and visitors. Unrecognized The Orlando Museum of Art ings, with certain artists creat-
by the region’s art establish- will present “Living Color: The ing dozens of paintings per day.
ment, the Highwaymen by Art of the Highwaymen” from
necessity catered directly to January 24 to May 10, bringing The exhibition brings special
their patrons, selling their paint- together 100 paintings by a core attention on two key artists,
ings door-to-door along such group of the Highwaymen, Harold Newton and Alfred Hair,
thoroughfares as Route 1. It was including Al Black, Mary Ann and presents extensive exam-
from this practice that the name Carroll, Willie Daniels, Johnny ples of their work. Newton is
“Highwaymen” was later coined. Daniels, James Gibson, Alfred considered the first artist to
Hair, Harold Newton, Sam New- develop the Highwaymen style
The popularity of Highway- ton, Willie Reagan and Livings- and the means of reaching an
men paintings waned in the ton Roberts. Focusing on work audience through door-to-door
1980s as the vision of Florida produced from the 1950s to the sales. He was arguably the most
was reimagined by an ever- 1980s, the exhibition is an in- formally accomplished of the
increasing population and once- depth examination of the group’s group, creating paintings that
pristine landscapes were lost to initial period of success when are more naturalistic, richly
development. Then in the mid- their groundbreaking style of detailed, and varied in subject
1990s a new generation of collec- fast painting was being devel- matter than the work of the
tors, with fresh eyes, rediscov- oped. other artists. Today, Newton’s
ered the paintings and began to work continues to be held in
assemble significant collections. Fast painting is a hallmark high regard and is avidly sought
These collectors saw the art of and essential innovation of the by collectors.
the Highwaymen as an impor- Highwaymen. Facing limita-
tant artistic legacy and together tions imposed by the racial prej- Alfred Hair was also a leader
with several writers, scholars udice of their time, they had lit- among the artists and a gifted
innovator. He developed the fast
Harold Newton, Untitled [Crashing Waves on Shore], n.d., painting techniques that were
oil on board, 23¾ by 29½ inches. Courtesy of the Walker Col- so influential and enabled the
lection. ©Harold Newton. success of group’s enterprise.
Hair’s paintings minimized
Harold Newton, Untitled [Man Relaxing on Beached Row- descriptive detail and instead
boat], n.d., oil on board, 23¼ by 35¼ inches. Courtesy of the emphasized mood and atmo-
Walker Collection. ©Harold Newton. sphere with broad tones of color
and quick gestural brushwork.
Alfred Hair, Untitled, n.d., oil on board, 30¾ by 34½ inches. Mary Ann Carroll, Untitled [Back Country], n.d., oil on Clouds, trees, grasses and wild-
Courtesy of the Jacobs Collection. ©2017 Doretha Hair board, 17¾ by 23½ inches. Courtesy of the Jacobs collec- life are suggested with a short-
Truesdell. tion. ©2019 Wanda Renee Mills. hand of rapid strokes of color
applied with a brush or a palette
Harold Newton, Untitled [Royal Poinciana], n.d., oil on Catalog cover, Harold Newtown, Untitled [Fire in the Sky], knife loaded with paint. There is
board, 21½ by 27¼ inches. Courtesy of the Asselstine Collec- oil on board, 22½ by 31 inches. ©Harold Newton. often a sense of frenetic energy
tion. ©Harold Newton. in Hair’s paintings that gives
them a life beyond what is sim-
ply represented in the picture.
Other artists emulated his style
and were inspired by his drive to
produce and succeed.

While Newton and Hair were
primarily self-taught, their
paintings are very much part of
the lineage of American land-
scape painting that stretches
back to the Nineteenth Century.
They learned the basic tenets of
landscape painting from the
renowned Fort Pierce artist A.E.
“Bean” Backus, who welcomed
both artists into his studio.
Backus freely shared his knowl-
edge with them and in Hair’s
case provided more formal les-
sons. It was primarily the exam-
ples of Backus’s paintings,
though, that guided Newton,
Hair, and eventually other High-
waymen in creating their own
work. Studying his paintings,
they readily adopted many of
the elements of Backus’s compo-
sitions and subject matter but
transformed his artistic formu-
las through their own practice
and vision. As a result, the High-
waymen have become Florida’s
most recognized cohort of
regional artists.

The exhibition is organized by
the Orlando Museum of Art and
curated by Gary Monroe in col-
laboration with OMA curator
Hansen Mulford. Monroe is rec-
ognized as a leading scholar of
the Highwaymen with the publi-
cation of his book, The Highway-
men: Florida’s African-American
Landscape Painters (2001),
which was instrumental in pro-
viding a contemporary under-
standing of their work. Monroe
has also authored books on indi-
vidual artists, including Al
Black, Mary Ann Carroll and
Harold Newton.

The Orlando Museum of Art is
at 2416 North Mills Avenue. For
more information, 407-896-4231

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 21

Heritage Auctions’ Comics Department
Sets 2019 Record At $79-Plus Million
DALLAS — Auction sales for been set in 2018 by Heritage for
the comics and comic art another fantastic Frazetta Among the records set in 2019 was Frank Setting a 2019 record, this Marvel Comics #1
department at Heritage Auc- cover, “Death Dealer 6,” which Frazetta’s 1969 masterpiece, “Egyptian Windy City pedigree (Timely, 1939) sold at
tions achieved a record sold at $1,792,500. After that Queen,” published first as the cover for $1.26 million.
$79,332,770 in 2019, with sell- sale, many experts had specu- Jim Warren’s popular comic magazine,
through rates exceeding 99 per- lated that it could be many Eerie, issue #23 in mid-1969, when it sold
cent both by value and number years before that 2018 record at $5.4 million.
of lots. The total was the high- would be broken. Yet barely a
est ever in the 18-year history year later, “Egyptian Queen” been expanding at a rate today’s most popular streaming fraction of the value of more
of the department and repre- smashed the record. beyond our most optimistic shows, movies, toys and games, developed fine art and collect-
sented a jump of more than 35 expectations,” Heritage Auc- enjoying an unprecedented ibles markets such as contem-
percent above the department’s The total of $15,121,405 in tions comics consignment direc- international appeal among all porary art, diamonds and other
previous record of $58,544,323, realized sales at the Chicago tor Aaron White said. “Comic age groups and demographics, gemstones, numismatics and
which was set in 2018. auction in May also set a new books, comic art and related especially Millennials and vintage automobiles, among
world record for any individual memorabilia have never been younger.” others,” Heritage Auctions com-
Numerous records fell includ- comics auction. Heritage nearly more popular. Characters origi- ics grader Brian Wiedman said.
ing most valuable single comics broke the record again when its nally popularized by Marvel, “Our latest market upturn “Time will tell.” For further
auction, most valuable US November 21-24, comics and DC and other publishers have might be just the beginning, information, or
comic book original artwork comic art auction in Dallas real- become the basis of some of because the total market size 877-437-4824.
and most valuable Marvel ized $14,744,367. for comics is still just a tiny
comic book, further strengthen-
ing Heritage’s position as the Heritage Auctions’ December
largest comic books and comic 13-15 animation art auction
art auctioneer in the world. was the highest-grossing ani-
mation art auction of all time,
“Our comics team continues to with sales totaling $2,965,596.
amaze me with their knowl- The total topped the previous
edge, work ethic, teamwork, record of $2,086,451, which was
honesty and dedication to client set by Heritage Auctions in
satisfaction,” Heritage Auc- June 2019.
tions’ co-founder Jim Halperin
said. “I couldn’t be prouder of The comics department has
them.” enjoyed a boost from the popu-
larity of video games, which are
Among the records set in 2019 sold in the comics department’s
were “Egyptian Queen,” Frank signature and weekly auctions.
Frazetta’s 1969 masterpiece, The highlight video game for
published first as the cover for 2019 was, Mega Man [“Dr
Jim Warren’s popular comic Wright” First Release] — Caro-
magazine, Eerie, issue #23 in lina Collection Wata 9.4 A+
mid-1969. It tripled the previ- Sealed NES Capcom 1987 USA,
ous record for any piece of which broke the record for a
American-published comic book video game at auction when it
art when it sold for $5.4 million sold for $75,000 in Heritage’s
at Heritage’s May 16-18 comics November auction.
and comic art auction in Chica-
go. The previous record had “Our bidder base of collectors,
both seasoned and new, has

Museum Of Arts & Design Presents
‘The World of Anna Sui’ A Retrospective

NEW YORK CITY — American fashion design- exhibition focuses on Sui’s inspirations, present-
er Anna Sui is a success story. Born in Detroit, ing biographical information of the designer
the iconic designer’s work is on view at the Muse- along with ephemera supporting her passion and
um of Arts and Design (MAD) in a major retro- enthusiasm early in life for clothing, music, his-
spective through February 23. tory and design. On view are fashions worn by
“The World of Anna Sui” features 75 looks from Sui’s personal style icons Anita Pallenberg and
the designer’s archive — from the groundbreak- Jane Holzer, as well as favorite inspirational
ing inaugural fashion show of 1991 to her spring clothing designed by Zandra Rhodes, Norma
2019 collection — and illuminates Sui’s creative Kamali and Betsey Johnson. The famous Diana
process and influences that contribute to her sig- Vreeland sculpture by Greer Lankton from Sui’s
nature aesthetic sensibility. apartment in the 1990s, now part of the collection
Sui is one of New York City’s most beloved and of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, is included.
accomplished fashion designers, known for creat- Mood boards from Anna Sui’s fall 2019 “Popti-
ing contemporary original clothing inspired by mistic” collection illustrate Sui’s creative process.
in-depth research into vintage styles, cultural More than 500 pieces, including inspiration
arcana, art history, graphic design, European images of Detroit’s Grand Ballroom designed by
and Asian decorative arts, film and more. Sui Gary Grimshaw and Carl Lundgren, Antonio
joined New York’s creative cultural underground Lopez illustrations for The New York Times’
at a rich time in the 1970s, forging important, “Fashion of the Times,” “The Sun” from David
lasting relationships in the worlds of fashion, Palladini’s Aquarian Tarot Deck, David Weid-
photography, art, music and design. man’s Fractured Fairytale silkscreens of sun-
Arranged thematically, “The World of Anna Sui” flowers and butterflies, and textile swatches, give
is driven by Sui’s 13 design archetypes — Rock visitors an insider’s view of how each of Sui’s col-
Star, Schoolgirl, Punk, lections is developed.
Nomad and Surfer, to Hallmark outfits from
name a few — that are Anna Sui collections are rep-
infused with seemingly resented, from the “Backless
incongruent influences, Chaps” worn by Naomi
including French interior Campbell in the fall 1992
designer and antiques runway show to the “Silver
dealer Madeleine Casta- Peruvian Ensemble” from
ing, the London boutique spring 1994 to one of the
Biba, pirates, pre-Rapha- iconic “Babydoll Dresses”
elite maidens, Yves Saint worn by Linda Evangelista,
Laurent and Minnie Naomi Campbell and Chris-
Mouse. The garments, ty Turlington.
sketches, mood boards, “The World of Anna Sui”
videos of runway presen- was curated by Dennis Noth-
tations and cultural druft for the Fashion and
ephemera on view trace Textile Museum, London. It
Sui’s eclectic career and was secured for the Museum
illuminate her creative of Arts and Design by former
process. William and Mildred Lasdon
Starting in the museum’s chief curator Shannon R.
lobby, a to-scale installa- Stratton and adapted for the
tion of Dean “Chooch” New York audience by assis-
Landry’s illustration of the tant curator Barbara Paris
original Anna Sui flagship Gifford.
store in New York’s SoHo The museum is at 2 Colum-
neighborhood invites visi- Installation view of ‘The World of bus Circle. For further infor-
tors into her world. Anna Sui’ at Museum of Arts and mation,
The first section of the Design, NYC. Photo by Jenna Bascom. or 212-299-7777.

Historic Homes & Properties


22 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020 Compiled by Madelia Hickman Ring

Historic Properties For Sale

Looking for a historic home to call your own? The The Noah Rohrbach Farm has been recognized by lemon, lime and olive trees as well as a covered blue-
National Trust for Historic Preservation real estate the Maryland Environmental Trust & Save Historic stone terrace.
website lists dozens of historic properties of every Antietam Foundation, Inc, for its historic and
vintage and price range. For information, www.real- regional significance and, like Antietam National The home’s original owner, Major Bacon, owned a Battlefield, it is preserved in perpetuity for future local lumberyard, Bacon & Brooks, which provided
generations to appreciate and be inspired by, and to the highest quality wood to construct his personal
Stonegate, South Main Street reflect on its roll in one of the most profound events showcase residence. Accordingly, this grand South-
in American history. The current owners have ern home boasts mahogany and heart pine flooring,
restored the Noah Rohrbach House to its original double-crown moldings, an oversized cedar closet
splendor while adding “state of the art” modern fea- and nine original fireplaces. The house combines
tures for Twenty-First Century comfort and have historic architectural details with modern amenities
been honored for their efforts with several preserva- while the renovated, freestanding carriage house
tion awards and features in Old House Journal. with separate entrance offers possibilities for visit-
ing guests or as a rental accommodation.

Villa Serena Inn Troy Theater

LEXINGTON, VA. — Built in 1859, Stonegate sits SARASOTA, FLA. — Sarasota’s oldest surviving TROY, IDAHO — Troy Theater is a movie/opera
on nearly an acre in downtown Lexington, and the inn, the Villa Serena Inn, has recently completed an house in downtown Troy. It is part of Troy’s historic
property includes a carriage house with a two-bed- extensive six-year rehabilitation that cost more than district, which was placed on the National Register
room apartment over a two-car garage. $1.5 million and the property is ready for a new of Historic Places in 2010. It occupies all of the east-
owner. Featuring a new pool, exterior paint, roof, ern-most one-third of a two-story circa 1913 brick
The original home, which is now the kitchen was driveways and landscaping, the inn is ready to structure that originally housed a department store.
most probably built in 1832 for the James Campbell accommodate both short- and long-term tenants. In 1944, the space was purchased by a United States
family. The addition was built in 1859-60. James The 1.16 acres features 12 residential apartments soldier, returning from World War II, who repur-
Campbell died in the 1850s and the Campbell farm set among banyans, oaks and palm trees that pro- posed it as a movie theater with seating for 175. He
was sold to E.F. Paxton, who would later become a vide a park-like setting with various fountains and later sold it to another returning World War II vet-
Brigadier General in the Confederate Army but die statuary. In addition to the residential units, the eran.
in the battle of Chancellorsville. The house stood on property also has a catering hall making the inn ide-
175 acres, which was eventually subdivided, the ally suited for weddings, private parties and other The layout is typical of a movie house of that era:
farm and much of the subdivision “offered for sale at special functions to create additional income. main floor and balcony seating, stage, sound system,
public auction.” The lot containing the dwelling projection booth, two stationary projectors and a
house was purchased for $6,080 by Reverend Wil- Villa neighbors include the Sara Bay Country Club, crying room. The space also includes a two-bedroom,
liam M. McElwee, who owned the house through the the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, New second-floor apartment immediately behind the
Civil War and would build what is now the main College, the University of South Florida, Ringling stage, where the owner lived with his family. In
house in 1859. School of Art and Design, the Asolo Theater and the 1959, following the advent of television, the owner
SRQ Airport. repurposed it as an opera house and night club by
After the year was over, General Robert E. Lee was adding a commercial kitchen, two bars, tables and
asked to be president of nearby Washington College Originally built in 1926 and designed by Architect over-stuffed booths for seating and a walk-in cooler.
(Washington and Lee University). He accepted and Clare Hosmer for Clarke Douglas Williams, a New
moved to the city of Lexington. Lee would visit York stockbroker, it was once called the “Italian pal- In 1998, another owner again repurposed the
McElwee and sometimes stay late in the afternoon. ace.” The inn featured some of the most elaborate space, this time as a dinner theater.
Word would spread that Lee was there, and great furnishings in Florida from the era and is Sarasota’s
crowds would assemble in front of the house to only remaining original inn from the “Roaring Twen- The current owner purchased the property in 2000
watch him leave. Lee liked to keep his privacy and ties.” Additionally, the Villa Serena has the addition- and initiated a $150,000 renovation that included
would leave the house through a trap door in the al claim to fame of having hosted numerous sports installing a membrane roof, tuck-pointing and paint-
floor of the dining room, which would take him in celebrities who have stayed there over the years, ing of perimeter brick walls, replacing water-dam-
the basement and out the back of the home to avoid including Babe Ruth and golfer Bobby Jones. aged structural support beams beneath the stage
the gathering crowds. and removing hazardous materials.
314 East Huntingdon Street
In 1871, McElwee sold the home to Harriet Sellers All historic artifacts and features of the original
for $10,000. The home sold again in 1889 to the SAVANNAH, GA. — This historic property, which theater and its owners have been carefully pre-
Moody Family. Mr. Moody attended VMI and its includes a three-story main house and a separate served. These include stage lights, Art Deco theater
alumni house is named for him. The house had sev- two-story carriage house, is nestled in a quiet pocket lights, vintage projectors, tool kits for projector
eral different owners between 1900 and 1974 but the neighborhood in Savannah’s National Historic Land- repair and film splicing, one or two vintage films,
design of the house remained the same as it had mark District, just steps from Forsyth Park. film reels, numerous early-day photos, rolls of tick-
been in 1890. In 1990 the home was purchased by ets for 1940s-50’s films, etc. The latest owner’s intent
Mr and Mrs Thomas W. Browne, who refurbished the Originally built in 1881 for Civil War Major A.S. was to return the space to its original designation as
entire home. Structural, mechanical and technical Bacon — a soldier who served as the real-life model Troy’s only venue for movies, plays and live music.
updates were added but the historical trap door that for the Confederate Monument in Forsyth Park — Unfortunately, midway through this project, the
was Lee’s escape route was left in place and incorpo- this Regency Italianate residence has been renovat- owner was diagnosed with a debilitating illness and
rated into the new cherry flooring. ed and remodeled by an architect and British could no longer participate in the restoration, so is
designer. Together, they made improvements to the offering it for sale. The building has a good roof and
Noah Rohrbach Farm property, including adding a spacious, open chef ’s is structurally sound. The space is bare inside, wait-
kitchen on the garden level, completely renovating ing for a new owner to add his or her finishing
SHARPSBURG, MD. — Built in 1850, the Noah the carriage house and adding a lush, private gar- touches.
Rohrbach farm is a historic property near Washing- den oasis in the courtyard with banana, sour orange,
ton, DC and immediately adjacent to Antietam With a population of less than 900, Troy is a small
National Battlefield. It was part of a significant mountain town 13 miles from the University of
Civil War engagement during the Battle for Lower Idaho in Moscow and 22 miles from Washington
Bridge (Burnside Bridge) in 1862 and is protected as State University in Pullman, having a combined stu-
a historic landmark. The house is situated on more dent population of more than 40,000. These three
than 130 rolling acres of impeccable wooded and communities are serviced by the Pullman-Moscow
farmland on 3,000 feet of private Antietam Creek Regional Airport and are linked by State Highway 8
frontage. and a 30-mile paved bicycle trail.

The scenery in and around the community is spec-
tacular, especially the pine-covered mountains and
rolling hills known collectively as the “Palouse,”
which was the ancestral home of the Nez Perce tribe.
It was nearby that the Nez Perce rescued the mem-
bers of the Lewis and Clark expedition during the
winter of 1805. For those interested in outdoor activ-
ities, fishing, big-game hunting as well as kayaking
and white-water rafting are immediately available.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 23

Paintings, Pianos Headline Nadeau’s
38th Annual New Year’s Day Sale

Auction Action In Windsor, Conn.

WINDSOR, CONN. — tion in Deep River, Conn., which home with a phone bidder for did not sell. Another lot by Mar- in the Rosalie pattern sold for
Nadeau’s Auction Gallery’s paid $8,000 for the work. It sold $22,570, nearly double its high golis was an oak “Sunflower” $550.
annual New Year’s Day sale — to a phone bidder as well. estimate. Other highlights chest that did not quite meet the
now in its 38th year — attracted among the jewelry and watch low estimate when it sold for In comparison, the selection of
bidders from throughout New The entrance to the salesroom lots were a 2.14-carat emerald- $1,200. Of the period American English and Continental furni-
England for a 658-lot sale that was dominated by two late Nine- cut diamond and platinum ring furniture in the sale, a Renais- ture was more robust, with some
totaled $1.6 million, with 94 per- teenth Century Steinway and that almost tripled its low esti- sance Revival sofa attributed to of the loftier prices being paid for
cent of the lots selling. The 719 Sons grand pianos, an ebonized mate to close at $14,640, selling Herter Brothers brought $1,342 works with marble tops. Bring-
lot sale the year before raked in one that included a disc player, to a phone bidder. Bringing and a Victorian laminated rose- ing the top price among furni-
$2.3 million, suggesting that the and a plum pudding mahogany $20,400 was a platinum bangle- wood gentleman’s chair by Belter ture was a Louis XV japanned
average value per lot went from example. Both were from the style bracelet set with 58 Euro- marble top commode by Francois
nearly $3,200 per lot in 2019 to Greenwich, Conn., estate of Deb- pean diamonds totaling 15-car-
just above $2,400 per lot. orah Black and both were esti- ats that saw competition in the According to Eddie Nadeau, there were signs that Giorgio
mated at $10/20,000. The player room and on the phones before De Chirico’s “Cavalli in Riva al Mare” might be the top lot
“The sale was a very good piano brought the third highest going home with a bidder in the of the sale and it was. It exceeded its low estimate of
sale…perhaps not the best we’ve price in the sale — $28,060, room. A different buyer in the $50/80,000 when it sold to an American phone bidder for
had but we were very pleased. while the other grand piano fin- room paid the same price for a $54,900.
The past few years have been ished a few notes short of that, platinum ring with diamonds,
strong years in the auction busi- bringing $19,520. The two suc- sapphires and emeralds that had Review and Onsite Photos by
ness. 2019 was a record year for cessful buyers of the pianos were one of the higher estimates Madelia Hickman Ring, Assistant Editor
us and we look forward to con- both bidding on the telephone. among the section: $18/22,000. A Catalog Photos Courtesy Nadeau’s Auction Gallery
tinuing that trend,” Edwin “Ed” 3.83-carat diamond and plati-
Nadeau said in a follow-up phone If one is a buyer, the upside of num ring estimated at
conversation with Antiques and attending a sale is it gives one $20/30,000 that a phone bidder
The Arts Weekly during which he the advantage of knowing where snapped up for $14,860 seemed
commented on the sale and busi- your competition is coming from, like a good buy.
ness in general. “We are adding be it in the room, on the phones
staff, including looking for a full- or online. There are few instanc- The sale featured little period
time cataloger who can help us es when bidding in the room American furniture though there
keep up with the volume.” leaves one at a disadvantage… were several reproductions on
unless the video screen goes offer. Among the selections were
Fine art made up approximate- down making it difficult to tell four lots of Chippendale-style
ly one-quarter of the sale but which lot is “on the block.” That furniture made by Charles J.
accounted for seven of the top exact scenario happened for Post from the Bloomfield, Conn.,
dozen prices, including the most about 100 lots towards the begin- estate of Hyla Berson, all of
expensive and second place lots ning of the sale. Auctioneer and which Nadeau’s had handled in
in the sale. Leading the sale was president, Edwin “Ed” Nadeau Jr 1989. The offerings included a
Giorgio de Chirico’s “Cavalli in kept the pace of lots up and the dressing table ($3,600), a pie-
Riva al Mare,” which was not staff coped as best they could, crust tea table ($960), a pair of
only signed by de Chirico but holding up pieces of jewelry as armchairs ($1,440) and a high-
was accompanied by a letter they were selling but which were boy ($5,100). An Eldred Wheeler
from de Chirico to the painting’s difficult to see if one was seated tiger maple highboy brought
first owner, William Wyler. Priced farther back than the first few $2,562, while a D.R. Dimes two-
at $50/80,000, the lot sold to a rows. The salesroom erupted in part hutch in the Pennsylvania
phone bidder for $54,900. Com- applause once the video was style realized $3,050.
ing in at 33,550 was Sol Lewitt’s back on and the sale proceeded
“Wavy Brushstrokes,” which was at full steam. Bringing $2,200 was a Margol-
dated 1995 and was accompa- is shell-carved blockfront chest,
nied by a receipt from the artist The jewelry category was led by which did much better than a
to the Beth Shalom Congrega- a men’s Rolex 18K gold GMT similar chest by Fineberg that
master wristwatch that went

“2019 was a record year for us and we
look forward to continuing that
trend,” Edwin “Ed” Nadeau

Heading a dozen lots of Offerings of Asian art and antiques were considerably
pocket watches was this fewer than in previous sales. Leading the category was this
rare Howard 18K gold open utterly charming aquatint etching titled “Cat with Kitten”
face pocket watch that was by Tsuguharu Foujita (French Japanese, 1886-1968) that an
on the salesroom adden- international bidder on the phone won for $23,180 ($2/4,000).
dum. Competition for it
came from the room and the Attendees took their seats a few moments before the sale
phones, with a phone bidder began.
prevailing for $10,370

Among the top lots of modern and contemporary art was Robert Rauschenberg’s screen “We had a lot of questions about them,” said Eddie Nadeau,
print, “Star Quarters Panels,” which was from the Credit Suisse Americana collection. An shown here between two grand pianos from the Greenwich,
American phone bidder won it for $18,300 ($5/10,000). Conn., estate of Deborah Black, that were each estimated at
$10/20,000 and realized, from left to right, $28,060 and
$19,520. Two American phone bidders won them.

24 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

A bidder in the room beat out a phone bidder to win this
platinum bangle-style bracelet for $20,400 ($5/10,000).

One of just a few lots that did not sell was
Andy Warhol’s 1967 screen print “Marilyn
Monroe,” despite a starting bid of $20,000

According to Ed Nadeau, “there was a fair
amount of international interest” in this
portrait of Maria Leszczynska, who married
French King Louis XV. It was one of the top
fine arts lots in the sale, bringing $24,400
from an international buyer bidding on the
phone ($3/5,000).
History to an exhibition at the Louvre may have been
behind the price of $10,980 realized for this pair of Louis
XIV gilt-bronze and bronze dore andirons ($2/4,000).

Nadeau’s Auction Gallery

An American buyer bidding online bought
this 13-piece Gothic-style dining room suite
for $9,525; it included a set of eight chairs,
an extending table, sideboard and hutch

Auctioneer Edwin “Ed” Nadeau Jr and his crack staff who Unless pianos count as furniture, this Louis
managed the phone and online bids XV japanned marble top commode by Fran-
cois Reizell brought the top furniture price
in the sale. An American phone bidder paid
$12,200 for it. ($2/4,000).

The highest selling lot in the jewelry and
watch category was this Rolex 18K gold
GMT master wristwatch, which a phone
bidder bought for $22,570 ($8/12,000).

Winter can be a difficult time to sell garden figures but per- Reizell that achieved more than by’s Parke Bernet in 1973; the the Eighteenth Century. Condi-
haps the Four Seasons is the corollary to that rule. Bring- four times its low estimate to fin- strategy paid off and the table, tion issues kept the estimate low
ing $12,000 from an American buyer bidding online was ish at $12,200. Of similar taste which was placed at the front of — just $500-$1,000 — but it gar-
this set of figural bronzes from the Slocomb Brown Villa in was a pair of Louis XV japanned the salesroom, exceeded all nered enough interest to close
Newport, R.I. ($4/8,000). marble top commodes, the cases expectations to bring $5,490. The out at $2,540. Of decidedly differ-
This Meissen porcelain dinner service — 110 pieces in the marked F. Dorey. Priced to sell at same treatment is given to lots ent taste was a 13-piece Gothic
Indian pattern — was attractive and brought the highest $500-$1,000, the pair brought that have been featured or pub- revival dining set that included
price in the sale for ceramics. At $7,500, it was within the $6,985, nearly seven times the lished in reference books, as was eight chairs, extending table,
$4/9,000 estimate. high estimate. the case with a George III hutch and sideboard more than
mahogany, tulipwood, wenge, doubled expectations when it
Nadeau’s makes the most of kingwood and plum pudding sold for $9,525.
the history of a lot, specifying in burr veneered supper table
the catalog that a Louis XVI attributed to Ince and Mayhew The fine art section generated a
marble top table a ecrire by that had been illustrated in few surprises, most notably a
George Jacob had been the cover Nickerson’s English Furniture of portrait of Maria Leszczynska
lot when it was offered by Sothe- who married King Louis XV; the
painting had crossed the block at
The best price fetched among the more than a dozen rugs Christie’s in 1999 and there was
and carpets in the sale was $7,320 for this Oushak Oriental speculation that it might have
carpet that dated to the early Twentieth Century and mea- been painted by Andre-Claude
sured just over 13 by 17 feet ($4/6,000). Martin Lefevre D’Orgeval (fl
circa 1740-1760). Estimated at
just $3/5,000, it received extraor-
dinary interest and closed —
selling to an international phone
bidder — for $24,400. It was
immediately followed by a lot on
the sale addenda, a portrait of
King Louis XIV that was attrib-
uted to Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-
1743), that had provenance to a
Sotheby’s sale, bore the same
estimate and sold for $8,255.
Johann Berthelsen’s winter
landscapes are perennial favor-
ites with bidders regardless of
the season and the sale offered
four works, all of which sold,

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 25

Bidding on this platinum and
diamond ring with emeralds
and sapphires opened at
$20,000 but Ed Nadeau
dropped it to $15,000 when
he had no takers. He ulti-
mately gaveled it down for
$17,000 to a buyer in the
room, or $20,400 with buyer’s
premium ($18/22,000).

There were relatively few lots of modern Eddie Nadeau standing next to a marble top
furniture in the sale. Before the sale began, table that was the cover lot when Sotheby’s
potential buyers were spotted checking out Parke Bernet offered it in 1973, a Harriet
this set of six George Nakashima cherry Frishmuth bronze titled “Crest of the Wave”
and seagrass seats that eventually brought and a Sevres gilt-bronze mounted porcelain
$10,160 ($3/5,000). cachepot. The table realized $5,490 ($2/4,000),
the bronze crested at $6,500 ($8/12,000) and the
cachepot topped off at $976 ($1/2,000).

The cover lot was — if not
the priciest jewelry lots —
certainly one of the more
colorful. This large plati-
num and 14K gold brooch
realized $8,100 ($3/5,000).

An American phone bidder
paid the second highest
price realized in the sale —
$33,550 – for Sol LeWitt’s
gouache on paper titled
“Wavy Brushstrokes.”
According to the original
Eight lots of silver Judaica sale receipt that accompa-
by Ludwig Wolpert were nied the lot, LeWitt sold it
A tiny corner of the salesroom demonstrates that the selec- Reproduction American fur- offered towards the end of for $8,000 in 1996 ($20/40,000).
tion of fine art in the sale was typically diverse. Shown niture was more plentiful in the sale. An American buyer
here, from left to right, are two still life paintings and a this sale than period Ameri- bidding online won this ster-
rural landscape, all by Charles Ethan Porter, a view of can furniture. This Chip- ling silver matzoh holder for
Ocean City Music Pier by Laurence Campbell, a western pendale-style mahogany $13,970, shattering its presale
landscape by Guy Carleton Wiggins, three landscape works high chest of drawers was expectations ($1/,5/2,500).
by Wayne Beam Morrell, a crayon and watercolor drawing one of several pieces of fur-
by Francisco Zuniga and gouache on paper of a woman sit- niture custom made by
ting against a wall by Eduardo Kingman. Charles Post. It had a great
look and brought $5,100
within or above their estimates. silver Judaica — all by Ludwig ($2/3,000).
Previous connections to a Wolpert (1900-1981) from the
museum can boost value and the same consignor — were offered a Meissen porcelain dinner ser-
sale featured several works that towards the end of the sale with vice in the Indian pattern. Fall-
fit that bill. These included a sea- a circular form matzoh holder ing just shy of that price was an
scape by Felix Francois Georges bringing nearly ten times its low eight-piece Belleek tea set with a
Philibert Ziem (1821-1911) once estimate when it sold for $13,970. first period black mark that
in the Montreal Museum of Fine Topping seven lots of flatware quickly outpaced expectations to
Arts that doubled its estimate to was a 77-piece Buccellati ster- close at $6,985. With a $20/30,000 estimate,
close at $15,860, paid for by an ling silver set that realized about In the fall of 2018, Nadeau’s Two phone lines battled for $15,860 seems like a good buy
international bidder on the $110 per piece, or $8,540. conducted an onsite sale at the this 2.14-carat diamond and for this 3.83-carat diamond
phone. Two of six still life pic- Paintings were not the only lots Slocomb Brown Villa in Newport, platinum ring. One of them and platinum ring, which
tures by Charles Ethan Porter to have museum provenance, as R.I.. The dozen lots from the won it for $14,640 ($5/8,000). sold to a phone bidder.
had connections to the New Brit- demonstrated by a pair of Louis villa that were included in this
ain Museum of Art and one of XIV gilt-bronze and bronze dore sale were not passed lots but
them titled “Rambling Roses” andirons that had been exhibited were fresh to the market, sent to
brought $10,795, the highest at the Louvre that crossed the Nadeau’s by the family after the
price of the group. block early in the sale and almost onsite sale had concluded. The
Modern art offerings were quadrupled the high estimate best of those lots was a group of
topped by Robert Rauschen- when the pair sold for $10,980. “Four Seasons” figural bronzes
berg’s set of three “Star Quarters Tripling expectations was a that realized $12,000.
Panels,” screen print in colors group of seven Louis Comfort All prices cited include buyer’s
that were from the Credit Suisse Tiffany opalescent green and premium as stated by the auc-
Americana Collection that rock- gold floriform shades that sold tion house. For more informa-
eted past its $5/10,000 estimate for $10,200. Bringing $7,500 and tion,
to sell to a phone bidder for the midpoint of the estimate was or 860-246-2444.
$18,300. A whimsical work from
the estate of Kenneth Jay Lane
by Bridget Tichenor (1917-1990)
titled “Sibila,” brought $12,810
while Edward Gorey’s playful
ink and watercolor “99 Puppies
Wearing Orange Knitted Caps”
charmed its way to bidders’
hearts, finishing beyond expecta-
tions at $8,540.
Small decorative works remain
popular with bidders —Tiffany,
Steuben, Quezal, Meissen, Tiffany is always a desirable name to buyers and this set of
Sevres, Buccellati, Royal Worces- seven floriform shades with opalescent green and gold dec- The best of six still life paintings by Charles Ethan Porter
ter, Webb, Weller, Herend, Royal oration were each marked “L.C.T.” The set brought $10,200, (American, 1847-1923) was “Rambling Roses,” which bore a
Vienna and Gorham, all repre- the highest price for a lot of glass and well above expecta- New Britain Museum of American Art label. It sold a bit
sented. Several lots of sterling tions ($3/4,000). below estimate, for $10,795 ($15/25,000).

26 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

INternational Compiled By
Antiques and The Arts Weekly

Madelia Hickman Ring

Trump Retreats From Threat To Attack Iranian Cultural Sites
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Don- “It has been painful to see how much of
ald Trump on Tuesday backed away from The shrine of Iran’s revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini just out- mankind’s cultural heritage has been lost
his threats to target Iranian cultural sites side Tehran. (AP photo//Ebrahim Noroozi). in recent years from Iraq and Syria to
if Iran retaliates against the U.S. for killing Yemen, Mali and Afghanistan,” Guterres
one of its top generals. Iran & Iranian culture.” protection. Separately, in 2017, the U.N. said. “Indeed, we face an array of challeng-
Anger spread quickly across Iran, and Security Council unanimously passed a es that imperil efforts to protect our com-
Targeting cultural sites is a war crime. resolution condemning the destruction of mon heritage from the climate crisis to civil
After first tweeting the threat and later Trump repeated the threat to reporters heritage sites. Attacks by the Islamic State unrest, from armed conflict to terrorism.”
reiterating it to reporters as he flew back to traveling with him as he flew back to Wash- group and other armed factions in Syria
Washington over the weekend, Trump ington on Sunday after spending two weeks and Iraq prompted that vote. The U.N. chief made no mention of Trump
retreated Tuesday, saying, “I like to obey at his Florida resort. but stressed that international cooperation
the law.” UNESCO, the United Nations’ cultural must continue to preserve humanity’s trea-
But he still sounded offended by the idea Tensions between the U.S. and Iran esca- agency, has called on governments to sures.
that such sites would be off limits during lated sharply after Trump ordered a drone remember that cultural sites are not tar-
armed conflict. strike in Iraq that killed Soleimani, head of gets. Trump’s tweet also caused concern in
“Think of it,” Trump said during an Oval Iran’s powerful Quds Force. The U.S. has Washington. One U.S. national security
Office appearance. “They kill our people. said Soleimani was killed because he was U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres official said the threat against Iranian cul-
They blow up our people. And then we have making plans to attack American diplo- stressed the importance of the world’s cul- tural sites had caught many in his admin-
to be very gentle with their cultural institu- mats and service members in the Middle tural heritage at Tuesday’s long-planned istration off-guard and prompted calls for
tions?” East. opening of an exhibition sponsored by Ita- others in his government, including Secre-
Trump added: “But I’m OK with it. It’s ly’s U.N. Mission of masterpieces that had tary of State Mike Pompeo, to clarify the
OK with me.” He then issued yet another Targeting cultural sites is a war crime been stolen and recovered. matter. The official, who was not authorized
stern warning to Iran to stand down, say- under the 1954 Hague Convention for their to speak publicly to the issue, called such a
ing, “If Iran does anything they shouldn’t clarification necessary to affirm that the
be doing, they are going to be suffering the U.S. military would not intentionally com-
consequences, and very strongly.” mit war crimes.
On Monday, Defense Secretary Mike
Esper had distanced the Pentagon from When asked about the president’s tweet,
Trump’s threats to bomb Iranian cultural Pompeo said Sunday that the U.S. will
sites despite international prohibitions on “behave” within the law. Questioned about
such activity. the matter again Tuesday, Pompeo said
Esper said the U.S. will “follow the laws of every action taken by the U.S. “will be con-
armed conflict.” Asked if that ruled out tar- sistent with the international rule of law,”
geting cultural sites, Esper pointedly though he did not specifically rule out Ira-
added, “That’s the laws of armed conflict.” nian cultural sites.
It all began over the weekend when
Trump tweeted Saturday that if Iran He then blamed Iran for damaging its
attacked any American assets to avenge culture.
the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Solei-
mani, the U.S. had 52 targets across the Iran is home to two dozen UNESCO
Islamic Republic that “WILL BE HIT World Heritage Sites, including Persepolis,
VERY FAST AND VERY HARD.” with its ancient ruins that date to 518 B.C.;
He added that some are “important to the 17th century grand mosque of Isfahan,
located in a teeming bazaar; and the Goles-
tan Palace in the heart of Tehran, where
the last shah to rule Iran, Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi, was crowned in 1967.

Museum Leaders Worldwide Decry Threat To Cultural Sites

By Madelia Hickman Ring On January 5, Tristram Hunt, tion of cultural destruction as a behind the scenes, orchestrating have to speak out vehemently
NEWTOWN, CONN. — Presi- now the director of London’s Vic- war aim.” thoughtful dialogues between and urgently.”
dent Trump’s January 4 tweet, toria and Albert Museum, took mutually respectful colleagues
in which he threatened to target to Twitter in response. “Just as A day later, Thomas P. Camp- about topical cultural affairs. That same day, the Association
Iranian cultural sites with mili- the bulldozing of Palmyra [and] bell, formerly of the Metropoli- But when the president of the of Art Museum Directors, which
tary action as retribution for significant heritage sites by ISIS tan Museum and now at the United States inverts every represents 225 art museums in
any military action by Iran, was abhorrent, so US govern- Fine Arts Museums of San Fran- value system our country previ- the United States, Canada and
prompted museum executives ment threat to destroy impor- cisco, tweeted a map of the 22 ously stood for and calls for Mexico, also renounced the
and curatorial organizations tant cultural sites in Iran must UNESCO world heritage sites in destructive attacks against cul- threat, saying “AAMD deplores
worldwide to speak out against be condemned. This is a worry- Iran with a comment that read, tural sites in one of the oldest the tactic of targeting or demol-
such an act. ing step towards the normaliza- in part, “Normally speaking, civilizations in the world, you ishing cultural sites as part of
museum directors remain any war or armed conflict.”

Louisiana MoMA Gives Ann Veronica Janssens Man Charged
Her First Scandinavian Exhibition After Picasso
HUMLEBAEK, DENMARK — In the past few years, many visi- the Belgian artist Ann Veronica physics lab and a more standard
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art tors to Louisiana have paused Janssens (b 1956), is a little-known art-museum fare. There is a kin- Painting
kicks off 2020 with a presentation before a mesmerizing glimpse of work of contemporary art. ship between Janssens’ art and the Damaged In
of the work of one of Belgium’s gold on the surface of an aquarium. scientific worldview: it does not London Gallery
greatest living artists, Ann Veroni- On closer inspection, they realize Janssens’ works range far and aspire to confirm what we already
ca Janssens. Occupying the muse- that the artist has pushed their wide, but they can all be described know, but to pursue new concep- LONDON (AP) — A
um’s South Wing, “Hot Pink Tur- perception to the point where view- as sculptures that use the space as tions, perspectives, and models. 20-year-old man is being
quoise” will be Janssens’ first major ers have no idea how what they are a stage for sensory expansion. The Experimenting is hugely impor- held in custody pending
exhibition in Scandinavia. seeing was created. The work, by simple, white architecture of Loui- tant for Janssens. In her most his next court hearing
siana’s South Wing provides a famous work, “Red, Blue, Yellow” after being charged with
Ann Veronica Janssens, “Hot Pink Turquoise,” 2016, 2 by backdrop for Janssens’ both deli- (2001), a pavilion of colored panels damaging a Picasso
700/1000 watt halogen lamp, dichroic color filter, one tripod. cate and staggering works — they is filled with smoke and light, painting at the Tate Mod-
Andrea Rossetti photo, courtesy Institut d’Art Contemporain and their components are quite undermining our ordinary physical ern gallery in London.
Villeurbanne / Rhône-Alpes, France. simple, but their effect transcends navigation. Colored light, the
the materials employed. As the work’s true material, evokes the London police said
Dutch cultural theorist Mieke Bal words of the Danish poet Inger Tuesday that Shakeel
notes, works like these are object Christensen, in her 1991 sonnet Ryan Massey of north-
and event at one and the same cycle “Butterfly Valley,” “cinnabar, west London has been
time. Janssens often uses the word ochre, phosphor yellow, gold / a charged with criminal
“fluid” to describe the effect of her swarm of basic elements aloft.” damage. He appeared at
works — even when, as in one case, Coming nearer the room, entering Camberwell Green Mag-
they are made of a 21-foot-long and exiting again, offers a rare aes- istrates’ Court on Mon-
steel beam polished to a mirror-like thetic experience. day.
sheen at the top. Other favorite
materials include smoke, dyes, and Curated by Louisiana curator Police said the attack on
liquids. The works await our Anders Kold, the exhibition is sup- the artwork happened
approach, as we glide along on ported by The Danish Research Saturday. Police did not
shiny bicycles or fix our eyes on a Foundation and Lektor Peer Rand- specify the painting, but
cluster of colored glitter rendering er Amundsens Legat. The exhibi- British media said it was
a shadow body. tion will be shown later in the year “Bust Of A Woman.”
at the South London Gallery.
The exhibition will showcase The Tate Modern said
highlights from Janssens’ nearly Louisiana Museum of Modern the damaged artwork was
four decades of work. To some, it Art is at Gammel Strandvej 13. For being assessed by its con-
may look mostly like a mix of a information, servation team and the
museum remained open.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 27

Sotheby’s Design Week Auctions Achieve
A Record $32.3 Million

Auction Action In New York City

“The Walker Guest House” by Paul Rudolph, who designed
it as a beach cottage on Sanibel Island in Florida, sold for

A hanging head “Dragonfly” The Marc Jacobs collection was led by an ensemble of
table lamp sold for $884,000. works by François-Xavier Lalanne, highlighted by a pair of
patinated bronze monkeys, “Singe I” and “Singe II” from
NEW YORK CITY — Sothe- 1999 that sold for $860,000 and $920,000, respectively.
by’s auctions of Twentieth
Century Design concluded on Two Lalanne Sculptures
December 16 with a total of of Bronze Monkeys Sell for
$32.3 million — the highest $920,000 And $860,000
ever total for any series of
design auctions in New York. of the last century. Surpassing from 1999 that sold for The dedicated evening sale was led by a chaise longue “aux
Together, the four sales out- its $7.3 million high estimate, $860,000 and $920,000, respec- Skis” by Émile-Jacques Ruhlmann that sold for $2.4 mil-
paced the series’ high estimate the dedicated evening sale was tively. lion. One of only two models known to exist, the work was
of $29.5 million and with an led by a chaise longue “aux originally created by Ruhlmann in 1929 as part of a “Studio
overall sell-through rate of 86 Skis” by Émile-Jacques Ruhl- In addition, a “Mouton de Chambre” suite designed for the Maharaja of Indore.
percent by lot. mann that sold for $2.4 mil- Laine” and “Petit Rhinocéros
lion. One of only two models Mécanique” condiment holder has remained in his family Tiffany Studios was led by a
Jodi Pollack, co-worldwide known to exist, the work was both realized $680,000. ever since. The commission hanging head “Dragonfly”
head of Sotheby’s Twentieth originally created by Ruhl- Designed circa 1965 and exe- represented the first solo proj- table lamp that topped its
Century design department, mann in 1929 as part of a “Stu- cuted in 2000, the patinated ect for architect Paul Rudolph, $700,000 high estimate to sell
remarked: “We are thrilled dio Chambre” suite designed bronze and wool sheep was following his split from the for $884,000.
with the results from our for the Maharaja of Indore. acquired by Jacobs during his firm of architect Ralph Twitch-
December sale series in New The suite included never- first visit to Les Lalanne’s ell. Prices given include the buy-
York, which cap off a banner before-seen pieces of furniture, home in Ury, and became the er’s premium as stated by the
year of sales globally for our including the chaise longue. first piece by the iconic duo in Exemplary works of French auction house. For informa-
team. In particular, 2019 saw his collection. Accompanied by design also achieved top prices, tion, or
our highest ever total for a Further highlights from the a set of custom-made Saint- led by a rare “Kangourou” arm- 212-607-7000.
various-owner design sale in collection included a striking Gobain glassware, the inti- chair by Jean Prouvé that
Sotheby’s history, and we had “Aigle” vase by Alberto Gia- mately scaled rhino is one of brought $400,000 — more than
the honor of presenting some cometti that sold for $1.9 mil- only three known variants and double its $180,000 high esti-
of the most important and cel- lion after a seven-minute bid- represents a dominate figure mate. The armchair was on
ebrated collections of design, ding battle between at least in Lalanne’s oeuvre. offer from the collection of
including our record-breaking two collectors – more than financier, collector and philan-
two-day sale in Paris of works three times its high estimate In total, nine works by Fran- thropist Robert Rubin and his
from the collection of the inim- of $550,000. Created circa çois-Xavier Lalanne achieved wife Stéphane Samuel, with all
itable François-Xavier and 1934, the work presented col- $3.9 million — more than dou- proceeds to benefit the Center
Claude Lalanne, and of course, lectors with the opportunity to ble their combined high esti- on Global Justice at UC San
pieces from the collection of acquire a rare and large-scale mate of $1.5 million and a tes- Diego and the work of Teddy
Marc Jacobs, just to name a sculptural piece by the artist. tament to the continued Cruz and Fonna Forman.
few. Our continued success is a Bidders also vied for the 22 demand for pieces by the Pari-
testament to the strength of works on offer by Jean Dunand, sian icon. Dreaming In Glass: Master-
our unparalleled global team all of which sold for a combined works By Tiffany Studios
of specialists, who worked tire- total of $2.3 million. The group Additional highlights includ- totaled $5.3 million. The selec-
lessly to assemble sales of was topped by an “Ailette” vase ed a new auction record for tion of masterworks on offer by
remarkable breadth and quali- that brought $596,000, besting Philip and Kelvin Laverne, the
ty. As such, we saw the market its $350,000 high estimate. second highest auction price EXCITING NEW 2012
respond with fierce competi- for any work by Guy de Rouge- PRE-BRIMFIELD EVENTS!
tion among collectors world- Exceptional pieces of Europe- mont and two “Oiseaux” sculp-
wide driving prices well into an design from the collection of tures by Georges Jouve that Milford
the multiples of their esti- celebrated designer Marc shattered their $7,000 high Antiques Show
mates. It is with this tremen- Jacobs brought $8.1 million — estimate to bring $100,000. Over 100 Dealers in
dous momentum that we look nearly double the $4.5 million Quality Antiques and Collectibles!
forward to an exciting new high estimate with 91 percent An icon of modern American
year.” of lots sold, and 68.4 percent of architecture, “The Walker Hampshire Hills Sports and Fitness Club
all sold lots achieving prices Guest House” by Paul Rudolph
The design week auctions above their high estimates. sold for $920,000 to lead the 50 Emerson Rd. (Intersection of Rtes. 101 & 13)
began on December 11 with a The sale was led by an ensem- auction on December 12. A Milford, New Hampshire
private collection of art and ble of works by François-Xavi- carefully planned structure
design by top European mas- er Lalanne, highlighted by a designed as a beach cottage on
ters, representing some of the pair of patinated bronze mon- Sanibel Island in Florida, the
most significant and taste- keys, “Singe I” and “Singe II” “Walker Guest House” was
making innovations in design commissioned by Dr Walter
Willard Walker in 1952 and

Online Appraisal Studies Course For Jewelry Available To All Four Great Buying Opportunities!
Sundays 10am to 2pm
REGO PARK, N.J. — The methodology to jewelry history, students in real time. Students
National Association of Jewelry with a quiz at the end of each les- are alerted when such content
Appraisers (NAJA) has son. There are also brief interac- has been added or altered. Stu-
announced the updated and tive sections within each lesson, dents will receive instant results May 6 Pre-Brimfield Week
expanded online Appraisal Stud- as well as supplemental videos on all quizzes and exams, includ- July 8 Pre-Brimfield Week
ies Course (ASC). The online and external links to enhance ing feedback as to the correct August 5 Antiques Week in NH
course makes the curriculum understanding. Students are answers and the locations where September 2 Pre-Brimfield Week
able to view and save their prog- those answers may be found in
more accessible while offering ress at every step along the way. the text. 10 AM to 11 AM – Admission: $5
more varied learning experienc- They may go back to review pre- 11 AM to 2 PM – Free Admission
es. viously completed sections as fre- The Appraisal Studies Course is
The ASC material presents quently as necessary. available to both NAJA members No Sales Tax • All Indoors • Free Parking • Café
over the course of individual les- and nonmembers. To enroll, go to
sons an encompassing range of An online studies platform or Jack Donigian, Manager 781-329-1192
allows updated content for all call 718-896-1536.

Our 36th Year of Quality Antiques Shows

topics from appraisal theory and

28 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Paul and Karen Wendhiser, Ellington, Conn. Theresa Fleurent, Belchertown, Mass.
Joseph Collins, Middleton, Conn.
Hirsch Antiques, Pleasant Valley, Conn. Happy New Year In Glastonbury
Joyce Haddad, Windham, Conn. Begins With Barrows Show

GLASTONBURY, CONN. — tors on New Year’s Day 2020. This Tuesday, forcing several dealers
Bob Barrows for the 40th year was in spite of cancellations that to withdraw. Opening at 9 am on
filled Glastonbury High School’s handicapped him due to severe January 1, there was such a large
gym with more than 130 exhibi- winter weather on Monday and waiting crowd it took more than
20 minutes for them to filter
The Village Antiques, Syracuse, N.Y. through the entrance. Sales were
consummated quickly as the
shoppers were there to find what-
ever it was they did not receive
for Christmas or Hanukah.

The Village Antiques from Syra-
cuse began selling immediately
from its collection of Victorian-era
toys and dolls as well as early
Christmas decorations. Beth Sny-
der, Bethany, Conn., was also sell-
ing from her Christmas collec-

Log Cabin Country is Nancy
Bryer from nearby South
Glastonbury. She was having
great fun at the show, selling fur-
niture and small things. Her two-
door chimney cupboard was first
to go, followed by a bee skep, sev-
eral wooden bowls, a painted bas-

Review and Photos by
Tom O’Hara

Green Highlander Gallery, Deep River, Conn.

40th Annual Holiday Show
Fills Glastonbury High School Kimberly Kittredge, Johnston, R.I.

Griswold Street Antiques, Glastonbury, Conn. Beth Snyder, Bethany, Conn. Richard Fuller, South Royalton, Vt.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 29

Pat and Virginia Renschen, Middletown, Conn.

ket and finally a trade sign adver- Kathleen and David Kuebler, Farmington, Conn. Within minutes after opening, the show was filled with
tising a tavern from times gone Pieces of Time, Hamden, Conn. shoppers.
by. Silk City Antiques, Manchester, Conn. Bill Korzick, New Haven, Conn.
Gunnar Hallquest of Hidden Treasures demonstrates his The Beveled Edge, Glastonbury, Conn.
Kimberly Kittredge, Johnston, primitive hand drill. Peter Wolffe, Malverne, N.Y.
R.I., specializes in Nineteenth Nancy Bryer, South Glastonbury, Conn.
and early Twentieth Century
toys, dolls, teddy bears and holi-
day paraphernalia. Early that
morning she sold a clockwork
genie in original clothing from
about 1908. More sales included a
5-foot-tall feather tree, a Noah’s
Ark toy and a collection of hun-
dred-year-old cast iron painted

Vermonter Rick Fuller was
there with a country-style collec-
tion that proved popular. His big-
gest item was a wall-mounted
cupboard showing its original red
paint, but there was more. In his
small space he sold smalls, wood-
enware for the kitchen and barn
in original surfaces, tools from the
colonial times and more.

Silver, both hollowware and flat-
ware, was available from a num-
ber of the exhibitors. Silk City
Antiques, Manchester, Conn., was
showing a collection of Eigh-
teenth and Nineteenth Century
Old Sheffield plate, the fused
plate from England that was so
popular in the American Revolu-
tionary and Federal periods. Gris-
wold Street Antiques, Glaston-
bury, was offering sterling silver
hollowware as well as an exten-
sive collection of estate jewelry.

Steven and Joan Levine, trad-
ing as Pieces of Time from nearby
Hamden, Conn., were showing a
collection of clocks. Steven
restores mostly American clocks
from 150 to 250 years ago, and
these are the main focus of their
inventory, all sold in working

Many of the exhibitors were
local, having traveled less than 50
miles to set up and sell at the
show. To most of them, this show
is like a homecoming. Joe Collins
is from Middletown, Conn., and
exhibits early American decora-
tive accessories and art. Kathleen
and David Kuebler are from
Farmington, Conn., and offered
their collection of estate jewelry.
Tom Landers of Palisades Trad-
ing, Windsor, Conn., was selling
rugs and his restoration service.

Pat and Virginia Renschen,
Middletown, Conn., are consum-
mate collectors and their inven-
tory shows it; some early Ameri-
can pieces, some Chinese
porcelain, a little furniture and
some art with some sales of each
category. Pleasant Valley was rep-
resented by Hirsch Antiques,
which sold a jelly cupboard, in
original finish, a bench made
from a circa 1875 sled, also in
original surface, plus some
smalls, such as a redware bowl
and early inkwells. New Haven
dealer Bill Korzick was selling
from his collection of Georgian
furniture. And the Wendhisers,
from Ellington, Conn., offered
accessories and décor from the
last 200 years.

Bob Barrows, connected by his
family in antiques through
shows and auctions, has been in
this business for all of his adult
life. Look for this show again in
just about a year, with lots of
exhibits and a great quantity of
antiques. Barrows Show Promo-
tions can be reached at 860-342-

30 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

A Lifetime Collecting Colonial American Art and Artifacts

The den at Arkadia.

“Josiah Quincy” by John Singleton Copley, 1767. Oil on can- ( continued from page 1C ) (1903-1956) were industrial wunderkinds, only 19
vas, 34¾ by 28 inches. The wealthy Boston merchant was a tor’s story is told with affection and insight by his and 24 when they financed the $6.5 million pur-
trusted friend of John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin son H. Richard Dietrich III and a team of scholars in chase of cough drop and candy manufacturer
Franklin and George Washington. In Pursuit of History: A Lifetime Collecting Colonial Luden’s.
Punch bowl with view of hongs of Canton, China, circa American Art and Artifacts. In relaying the tale, the
1790. Porcelain, height 6 by diameter 14-3/8 inches. This is ensemble has fashioned the most vivid portrait yet Dietrich Jr was already collecting when he began
one of the earliest examples to include the American flag, of what some call the Americana movement, that his professional life. “He especially loved American
which was permitted to fly after the 1784 arrival of the first late Twentieth Century moment when scholarship history, and not surprisingly when he turned to col-
American ship from New York, the Empress of China. The and the marketplace aligned to produce landmark lecting in his teens his focus was on books, carefully
interior of the bowl shows an image of this ship, command- exhibitions, pivotal publications and record prices. assembling favorite authors and eventually buying
ed by Captain John Green (1736-1796) of Philadelphia. first editions of Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Melville and
Chest made for Catarina Zumbro, Berks County, Penn., From her office at the Philadelphia Museum of Art others,” his son writes.
1784. White pine and white oak, paint, iron; height 22 inch- (PMA), Dietrich’s curator of 37 years and book co-
es. Collection of Cordelia Dietrich and Jesse D. Zanger. So- editor Deborah M. Rebuck, whose meticulous record- Marriage in 1966 to Cordelia Frances Biddle (b
called “black unicorn” chests were made for owners in the keeping and long memory underpin In Pursuit of 1947) — a union that produced Dietrich III; his sis-
Bern Township area by several different, and all unknown, History, is staging a companion exhibition, “A Collec- ter, Cordelia; and his brother, Christian — and the
artists between 1777 and 1803. tor’s Vision: Highlights from the Dietrich American couple’s renovations to the estate they named Arka-
Foundation,” on view in Gallery 219 of the PMA’s dia, a 1721 fieldstone house set on 100 acres of roll-
main building from February 1 to June 7. The ing Chester County landscape, provided further
55-object show — on which Kathleen Foster, the inspiration. The property was part of a 187-acre
museum’s Robert L. McNeil Jr, senior curator of tract Dietrich Jr cobbled together as part of his life-
American art and director of its Center for American long interest in land conservation.
Art, and David Barquist, the PMA’s H. Richard Diet-
rich Jr curator of American decorative arts, consult- His son writes, “This somewhat meandering house
ed — will open with a vignette evoking the living with its huge barn and garage space offered Richard
room at Dietrich Jr’s Chester County estate before a repository and testing ground for his collecting
moving to focused displays reflecting Chinese influ- and curatorial methods. He had a knack and a love
ence in the decorative arts, highlights from New for reconnecting items from the past. He felt that, in
York and New England, and masterworks from the proper context, objects tell fascinating stories
Philadelphia and nearby Lancaster and Chester about their time…He also just loved the idea that
Counties. Other groupings will evoke Dietrich Jr’s these reunions of objects may have been hundreds of
interest in Pennsylvania German culture, George years in the making, after going their separate
Washington and whaling artifacts and marine art. ways.”
Dietrich III and Rebuck anticipate an exhibition of
books, manuscripts and documents from the Dietri- Dietrich Jr shared a love of history with his older
ch collection at the Museum of the American Revo- friend and mentor Robert L. McNeil Jr, who left his
lution in the fall of 2021. important collection of American art to the PMA
and nudged his protégé onto the PMA’s American
Not widely known until now was the breadth of Art Advisory Committee in 1969 and onto its board
Dietrich Jr’s collecting activity and the degree to of trustees soon thereafter. He chaired the American
which he influenced the market for a half-dozen Art Advisory Board for 35 years, beginning in 1971.
related specialties. Even PMA curators, with whom
Dietrich Jr worked closely from the 1960s on, were Dietrich Jr created the Dietrich American Founda-
startled by his prowess. Writing to the collector in tion (DAF), a model for collection-based philanthro-
January 1969 regarding his silver holdings, curator py that has inspired others, in 1963. His son writes,
Louis C. Madeira IV exclaimed, “I had no idea you “He settled on a vision that endures today, and that
had so much and must say you are to be congratu- is one of a collection that supports institutions
lated.” through loans. The largest beneficiary of this sup-
port over the decades and today remains the Phila-
“I’ve always been interested in family history but it delphia Museum of Art. The pieces within the collec-
takes a project like this one to focus on it. I’ve includ- tion are made available for loan to institutions
ed in the book stories my father told but hadn’t writ- around the country. They are also available for schol-
ten down and culled accounts from newspaper clip- arly research.” The foundation’s first acquisitions,
pings in his files. While we didn’t originally intend a purchased from Pennsylvania dealer Elinor Gordon,
biography, it became clear that the story of the col- who with her husband, Horace, was one of Dietrich
lection is very much about the collector,” Dietrich III Jr’s longest serving advisors, were a Chinese export
said over lunch at Stir, the PMA’s Frank Gehry- porcelain plate and platter from the Society of the
designed café. Cincinnati service owned by George Washington.
The foundation collection now numbers 2,385
Loss and opportunity arrived for Dietrich Jr in objects.
1962, when the death of his father prompted the
recent Wesleyan University graduate to quit Colum- The idea for a book honoring Dietrich Jr arose at a
bia Business School to assume the presidency of the meeting of the DAF board around four years ago.
Dietrich Corporation. His father Henry Richard “The collection was 50 and my father had passed a
Dietrich (1908-1962) and uncle Daniel W. Dietrich few years before. It seemed like a good time, both for
a retrospective look back and as a launching point
for the future,” Dietrich III says.

With his essay on the foundation’s collection of

“George Washington” by James Peale, 1788. Watercolor on ivory, diameter 1¾ inches. By
1788, Charles Willson Peale had largely conceded the business of portrait miniatures to his
younger brother, James, who served for three years in Washington’s army during the Revo-
lutionary War. This likeness, originally fitted to a snuff box, was in 1843 transferred to a
gold case that opens at the back to reveal a lock of Washington’s hair.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 31

Desk by Nathaniel
Gould, Salem, Mass.,
1765-75. Mahogany,
eastern white pine,
brass hardware;
height 44¼
inches. The
first piece of
Dietrich Jr
acquired, in
1963, this bombé
desk was in the
living room at

Printed in Massachusetts/ Wôpanâak, the H. Richard Dietrich III in an undated pho- Brandywine bowl by Benjamin Wynkoop, 1698-1710. Silver,
first edition of the first complete Bible print- tograph. His love of the sea and maritime height 4½ by 11 inches. American brandywine bowls were
ed in the Americas was a joint effort of Puri- history resulted in an exceptional collec- made almost exclusively in New York City, primarily for cli-
tan missionary John Eliot (1604-1690) and tion of marine, China trade and whaling art ents of Dutch ancestry. This example was originally owned
Algonquian Christians working as transla- and artifacts. by Nicholas and Heyltje Roosevelt, married in 1682.
tors and printers. The printing started in
1661 with the New Testament, with a print
run of 1500 copies, then continued with the
Old Testament in 1663.

The formal living room at Arkadia. necticut painted joined chest with drawer that had “Engagement of the Constitution and the Guerriere” by
books, manuscripts and maps, written with Philip C. been in the 1982 exhibition “New England Begins: Ambroise Louis Garneray, 1815-1835. Oil on canvas, 22 by
Mead, the consummate bookman William S. Reese The Seventeenth Century” and in 1987, a Philadel- 30¾ inches. Like many marine painters, Garneray was a
(1955-2018) created a template used by the volume’s phia piecrust tea table and a rare marble slab table sailor who learned the basics of ship construction, naval
other contributors. Rebuck observes, “Bill came up once owned by the Penn family. In the last decade of warfare and weather at sea from personal experience, in
with the idea of tracking Richard’s interest in objects his life, perhaps prompted by the 1999 PMA exhibi- his case in the French navy during the Napoleonic wars.
by when and how he acquired them.” As the contrib- tion “Worldly Goods,” Dietrich Jr focused on early Ivory sperm whale tooth, engraved by Frederick Myrick
utors compared chronologies across disciplines, clues Philadelphia and Chester County pieces, works that onboard the ship Susan of Nantucket, circa 1826, length 6
to Dietrich Jr’s evolving enthusiasms emerged. paired well with his collection of early Pennsylvania by width 2¼ inches. Myrick’s “Susan’s teeth” are among the
German fracktur and furniture, described in a chap- earliest and finest examples of American scrimshaw.
“By any estimation, Dietrich assembled one of the ter by Lisa Minardi. Sauceboat by Paul Revere Jr, 1760-70. Silver, height 5-3/16
greatest collections of Americana books and manu- by width 7¾ inches. Revere Jr , Boston’s most prolific and
scripts brought together in the second half of the “I’d take the Benjamin Wynkoop (1675-1751) bran- accomplished silversmith in the second half of the Eigh-
Twentieth Century. He pursued material with vigor dywine bowl,” Barquist, a silver authority and cata- teenth Century, made this sauceboat as one of a pair for the
and passion,” Reese and Mead, chief historian and log essayist, responds unhesitatingly when asked Boston distiller Francis Johonnot and his wife, Mary, who
director of curatorial affairs at Philadelphia’s Muse- which Dietrich treasure most appeals to him. The married in 1752. Its mate is at the Addison Gallery of Amer-
um of the American Revolution, write. Dietrich’s circa 1698-1710 relic of Dutch New York is from the ican Art in Andover, Mass.
pursuit began in 1963 with his acquisition of a 1776 DAF’s small collection of mostly pre-1800 silver,
Washington letter, escalated with purchases from much of it Philadelphia made. Dietrich Jr bought his
collections formed by Henry Flynt and Thomas first piece of silver, a War of 1812 beaker accompa-
Streeter, and reached a pinnacle in 1994 when he nied by a logbook kept aboard the USS Peacock, in
landed the Eliot Indian Bible at Sotheby’s. 1967 and proceeded just two years later to win a
sauceboat by Paul Revere for a record price. He set
We think of the 1980s as the beginning of the bull another auction record with his acquisition of the
market in Americana. In fact, as Yale professor Wynkoop bowl in 1981. Barquist concludes, “Over
Edward S. Cooke Jr illustrates in his essay on the time Dietrich’s interests shifted, from later Eigh-
evolution of the DAF furniture collection, the 1980s teenth Century objects in the Neoclassical style to
were the culmination of much that had been set in earlier Eighteenth Century examples, but he never
motion in the 1950s and 1960s. Dietrich Jr, Metro- wavered in his quest for silver of exceptional beauty
politan Museum curator emeritus Morrison H. and historical importance.”
Heckscher notes, “was lucky to begin in the 1960s
when so much material was on the market at rea- Dietrich Jr, who loved paintings as evocative
sonable prices. He was busiest with acquisitions accompaniments to furniture and objects, acquired
early on, but he continued to buy, and in the case of only about 50 oils and 130 watercolors and drawings
paintings and furniture quite often sell, throughout still in the foundation’s collection. Roughly 25 per-
his lifetime.” cent of his flat art documented sea battles. Foster
writes that his finest marine painting was Ambroise
Dietrich Jr’s first major furniture acquisition, from Louis Garneray’s (1783-1857) War of 1812 commem-
dealer John Walton in 1963, was an elegant bombé orative “Engagement of the Constitution and the
desk with a carved shell pendant on its skirt.Thanks Guerriere.”
to recent research by Kemble Widmer and Joyce
King, we now know it to have been made circa 1765- The collector’s choices were often exceptional, as
75 by Salem, Mass., cabinetmaker Nathaniel Gould. demonstrated by his 1964 purchase of John Single-
The collector made two key additions of Boston fur- ton Copley’s (1738-1815) 1766 portrait of the 6-year-
niture in the late 1970s, a serpentine bombé chest old John Bee Holmes with his pet squirrel. After
and a japanned high chest. Working closely with
Keno between 1987 and 1996, he acquired roughly ( continued on page 32 )
20 important pieces of furniture, among them a Con-

32 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

View of H. Richard Dietrich Jr’s home, Arkadia. The original house dates from 1721. Mike
Irby Photography.

( continued from page 31 ) was made brought the reticent collector unsought
lending the painting to the White House, the collec- attention while also stimulating new research on
tor installed it in Arkadia’s living room above his and escalating prices for American decorative arts.
Gould desk, on which he displayed silver by Paul Five years before his death, Dietrich Jr donated the
Revere. Nearby was Revere’s 1770 engraving, “The chair to the PMA in honor of the museum’s 125th
Bloody Massacre.” Foster observes, “…the painting anniversary. It resides there amid other items from
reads as a witness to their interwoven history, less a once great suite, a fitting symbol of a collector and
about Copley’s individual story as an artist, and the era he did much to shape.
more about the human context of the ensemble.” In Pursuit of History: A Lifetime Collecting Colo-
The DAF’s best painting, says Foster, is Copley’s nial American Art and Artifacts will be highlighted
The Dietrich American Foundation began loaning objects 1767 portrait of Josiah Quincy, purchased in 1971. at Sotheby’s Americana Symposium on January 21.
to the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1966. With foundation Dietrich III is speaking as part of the day-long pro-
curator Deborah Rebuck are two important Boston pieces The foundation’s first pieces of export porcelain, gram featuring talks by more than a dozen experts.
from the DAF collection, a slate-top dressing table of 1715- from Washington’s Society of the Cincinnati service, He will also participate in a book signing at Chris-
25 and a 1733-37 japanned high chest of drawers whose case “connected decorative art to Richard’s keen interest tie’s January 22 preview reception in conjunction
is by John Brocas but whose decoration is uncertain. in Washington. He ended up purchasing many with the Wunsch Award presentation. Additional
George Washington letters and books owned by the programs, including private tours of the exhibition
Dietrich American Foundation and first president, as well as paintings of Washington, led by Rebuck, are anticipated.
Philadelphia Museum of Art including a James Peale miniature on ivory,” Rebuck Published by the Dietrich American Foundation in
Honor The Achievements of writes. Much of the porcelain he bought, especially association with the Philadelphia Museum of Art
in later years, “came from services made for specific and distributed by Yale University Press, In Pursuit
An Influential Americana Collector families or ones with strong American connections of History: A Lifetime Collecting Colonial American
and that had passed down through families.” Art and Artifacts is edited by H. Richard Dietrich III
and Deborah M. Rebuck. With photographs by
Dietrich Jr’s acquisition of a house on Fishers Gavin Ashworth and Cliff Sahlin, the hardcover edi-
Island, N.Y., in 1969 coincided with his growing tion sells for $50.
interest in marine art and artifacts, particularly The Philadelphia
whale-trade objects, an area evaluated by Michael Museum of Art is at
P. Dyer, curator of maritime history at the New 2600 Benjamin
Bedford Whaling Museum. After storming a Rich- Franklin Parkway. For
ard Bourne auction in 1966, Dietrich Jr proceeded information, www.phil-
to buy, among many other trophies, two whale’s or 215-
teeth engraved by Frederick Myrick onboard the 763-8100.
ship Susan of Nantucket in the 1820s. Today they Photographs courtesy
are on loan to Mystic Seaport. Dietrich American Foun-
dation unless otherwise
Dietrich Jr’s loans to the PMA began in noted.
1966. Though dozens of institutions from
Maine to California currently benefit from the Windsor armchair by
foundation’s largesse, it is with the PMA that Thomas Gilpin, Phila-
the DAF works most closely. “From very early delphia, 1755-60. Yel-
on Richard’s loans to the museum were key,” low poplar, hickory,
says Foster, mentioning John Singleton Cop- oak, ash; height 40-5/8
ley as one artist not represented in the PMA’s inches. Gilpin was one
holdings before Dietrich Jr filled the void. of the first chair makers
to brand his furniture.
The record sale of the Cadwalader easy
chair a little more than two centuries after it

Fewer than a dozen
branded Gilpin
chairs survive.

H. Richard Dietrich III with Chinese export porcelain col-
lected by his father, whose first acquisitions for the founda-
tion in 1963 were a plate and platter from George Washing-
ton’s Society of the Cincinnati service.

Plate and platter from a dinner service with the emblem of First Lady “Lady Bird” Johnson posed with In 1968, First Lady “Lady Bird” Johnson
the Society of the Cincinnati for George and Martha Washing- Dietrich Jr’s painting “John Bee Holmes” thanked Dietrich Jr for loaning John Single-
ton, 1784. Porcelain; platter 10½ by 8-3/16 inches, plate diame- by John Singleton Copley before a State ton Copley’s portrait of 6-year-old John Bee
ter 9¾ inches. Washington used his Society of the Cincinnati Dinner at the White House. Dietrich III Holmes and his pet squirrel to the White
dinner service of 302 pieces in the first presidential homes in writes, “The portrait was apparently a House. “This picture was taken just before I
New York and Philadelphia and later at Mount Vernon. favorite of President Lyndon Johnson’s; he went down to a State Dinner,” she wrote,
enjoyed the presence of a squirrel in it. adding that Copley’s painting had given the
Helping the institutions of the White House Johnsons “so much pleasure.”
and the US Department of State was impor-
tant to [my father].”

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 33

Alderfer Posts Record-Breaking $1 Million Three-Auction Event

Auction Action In Hatfield, Penn.

HATFIELD, PENN. — Alderfer Auc- lific Irish artists. The first, a Jack Butler “Outerspace” that sold for $7,930. An oil- Paul Henry’s painting, titled “Lough Derg”
tion showcased its fine and decorative Yeats oil on board painting, “Sea and on-Masonite painting, “Streamside,” by sold for an $45,750. As Irish bidders were
arts, collector’s and firearm auctions Lake,” relished a $49,725 sales tag. Paul Evelyn Faherty popped at $5,850. A on the phone and online, the art gallery
during its three-auction event December Henry’s painting, titled “Lough Derg” blue-decorated stoneware pitcher sold that sold the piece in the 1980s, Oriel Gal-
11-17, hitting a record-breaking $1 mil- sold for an $45,750. As Irish bidders for $2,223. A pair of Percival Lafer Bra- lery in Dublin, Ireland, won the bid and
lion mark. were on the phone and online, the art zilian rosewood lounge chairs sold for brought the painting back home.
gallery that sold the piece in the 1980s, $2,440, and a unique Chinese Art Deco
The fine and decorative arts auction Oriel Gallery in Dublin, Ireland, won the rug sold for $1,952.
featured a historic Revolutionary War bid and brought the painting back home.
letter about the Battle of Germantown; The firearms auction was the final puz-
diamond, gold and platinum jewelry and Alderfer Auction broke another record zle piece in the three-auction Event.
many timepieces, including Patek — in fact, its own record — for a Jean Side-by-side shotguns, taking all three of
Philippe pocket and wristwatches; art Halter winterscape painting selling at the top selling spots, shone the brightest
glass; silver; Asian arts; a Tiffany Studio $26,325.Alderfer Auction held the record on December 17. The first piece was a
Acorn lamp; fine art works from the at $20,700 on AskArt since 2006, only to Winchester Model 21 shotgun that sold
estates of Wayne Forbes, Joseph Green- break it again in this sale. A Bucks for $5,265. It was closely followed by
berg, Ben Marcune and others; bronze County collector and real estate devel- another gun of the exact same make and
sculptures; and Persian carpets. oper who was enamored by the workings model, which sold for $4,680. Rounding
of “Grandma Moses of New Hope,” pur- out the trinity was an LC Smith Skeet
The dazzle started with a 14K gold soli- chased the piece. Many appreciate Hal- special shotgun with the sticker price of
taire ring featuring a 3.19-carat bril- ter’s early renditions of life in New Hope $4,095.
liant-cut diamond for $25,740. The along the Delaware River in Bucks
Joseph Greenberg gilt with undertone County, “the home of art.” Prices given include the buyer’s pre-
and gesso scrolled frame mirror struck a mium, as stated by the auction house.
fancy at $3,100. Local and international The collector’s auction included the art- For information, 215-393-3000 or
artists gleamed, starting with two pro- ist John Hultberg with a work titled

Newport Restoration Foundation Brings
‘Furniture Forward’ To Christie’s January 22

NEWPORT, R.I. — Newport Newport in particular, or Rhode the collection. I was taken with brates Eighteenth Century, PO Bo x 2 90 ; Wh i te P l a in s , N . Y. 1 0 6 0 5
Restoration Foundation (NRF) Island in general. their vision, and have become Newport furniture and its sto-
collaborates with Christie’s in a fascinated by Newport furni- ries in the city in which it was
lecture during Americana Week. NRF uses the furniture on dis- ture, the people who made it, made.”
At 4:30 pm on Wednesday, Janu- play to tell important stories of purchased it, traded it, and the
ary 22, NRF’s director of muse- colonial Newport through one of many stories these pieces can This free event is open to the
ums, Dr Erik Greenberg, pres- its most prized creations. Staff tell. I see my presentation at public. RSVP to the lecture is
ents, “Furniture Forward: A have also developed a more Christie’s as an announcement required. If interested, respond
New Approach to Interpreting engaging experience for visitors of our new direction, an appreci- to Alicia Cipriano by Friday,
Doris Duke’s Furniture Collec- to the museum, including hands- ation for the work of our talent- January 17 at acipriano@new-
tion at the Whitehorne House on objects, a multimedia instal- ed staff and an assertion of our or 401-849-
Museum,” at Christie’s Rocke- lation and other opportunities plan to evolve and grow into an 7300 ext 117.
feller Plaza headquarters in for visitor engagement and the important institution that cele-
New York City. A reception will museum in May 2019. Green- Christie’s is located at 20 Rock-
follow at Christie’s beginning at berg’s presentation will address efeller Plaza in New York City.
5:30 pm. the museum’s recent, interpre-
tive changes while placing them
The Whitehorne House Muse- in the broader context of Colo-
um was NRF’s first museum, nial-era furniture exhibition
opening in 1974, and for many across the country.
years it served as a domestic
house museum. In 2017, the When asked about his upcom-
museum closed, as staff, outside ing talk, Greenberg noted that,
scholars and others reinterpret- “When I arrived at NRF a year
ed the museum collection, focus- ago, our interpretive staff shared
ing more closely on its excep- with me their plans to reinter-
tional collection of Eighteenth pret the Whitehorne House
Century furniture, much of it Museum and their desire to
purchased by NRF’s founder, bring the ‘furniture forward’
Doris Duke, and most of it from from among the many utilitari-
an objects and decorative arts in

Police Seek Weathervane
That Remembered
Slain Teacher

ESSEX, VT. (AP) — A Vermont The weathervane and gazebo
police department is asking for were erected as a memorial to
help from the public in recover- teacher Alicia Shanks, who was
ing a weathervane dedicated to killed at a shooting in the school
a slain teacher that was stolen in 2006 by a man who had just
from the Essex Elementary broken up with his girlfriend.
Police say the weathervane
Essex Police say the theft of had great sentimental value to
the large copper turtle weather- family and school staff.
vane from the top of a gazebo
behind the school was discov- Anyone with information
ered on January 5. about the theft is asked to call
Essex Police at 802-878-8331.

34 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Transitions Minneapolis Institute Of Art Posts Record-Setting Year

Wesleyan University’s Center for MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. — The Minneapolis Institute of An underwater archaeologist inspects the stele of
the Arts has appointed Jennifer Art (MIA) set another attendance record in fiscal 2019, Thonis-Heracleion, exhibited as part of “Egypt’s
Calienes as interim director. She started thanks to the exhibition “Egypt’s Sunken Cities,” which Sunken Cities.” Christoph Gerigk © Franck Goddio /
on January 13 and will remain in the po- drew 154,108 people — bumping the 2017 blockbuster “Mar- Hilti Foundation photo
sition until a successor is identified and tin Luther: Art and the Reformation” out of the museum’s
begins work. In No- all-time top five shows.
vember 2019, former
Center for the Arts “Sunken Cities” also helped the museum double its income
director Sarah Curran from program activities to $4.9 million in the year ended June
left the university to 30. Membership increased 30 percent to 52,102 members, and
launch an arts con- attendance grew to 779,973, up by more than 69,000.
sulting practice based
out of New York and MIA ended the year with a surplus of $19,883, on par with
Chicago. Calienes recent years. Cash assets decreased by 40 percent over the
comes to Wesleyan course of the year as MIA spent $10 million on art acquisi-
with two decades of tions, $4 million more than the year before.
experience in nonprofit arts management.
She has been a national arts consultant Attendance hit 46,960 for the year’s other big show, “Hearts
since 2014, working with clients includ- of Our People: Native Women Artists,” which opened on June
ing Urban Bush Women, the New England 2 and closed on August 18, into the current fiscal year.
Foundation for the Arts, AXIS Dance Com-
pany and the National Center for Choreog- Fiscal 2019 also saw the departure of executive director
raphy at the University of Akron. Kaywin Feldman, who became the first woman director of
the prestigious National Gallery in Washington, DC. Feld-
Assuming the position of curator at man’s successor, San Antonio Museum of Art director Kath-
Ikon, a 55-year-old nonprofit art erine Luber, takes over in January.
center located in Birmingham, United
Kingdom is Melanie Pocock. Previously Old Sturbridge Village & Coggeshall Farm Museum
Launch Transformational Partnership
Pocock had worked
as assistant curator STURBRIDGE, MASS. — On January horticultural programs that the farm is into the larger initiative of supporting
at the Institute of 1, Old Sturbridge Village (OSV) in Stur- known for, while introducing new pro- living history as a critical piece of the
Contemporary Arts bridge and the Coggeshall Farm Muse- grams and experiences that have seen New England experience.
(ICA) Singapore, at um in Bristol, R.I., launched a transfor- past success at OSV. Two full-time
Lasalle College of the mational partnership intended to employees from the village will be sta- “When visitors come to Coggeshall
Arts, since 2014. Dur- sustain and expand living history in the tioned at the farm year-round to oversee Farm Museum and Old Sturbridge Vil-
ing her time at ICA New England area. Under the agree- new and existing operations, supervised lage, we want them to find meaning and
Singapore, Pocock ment, Old Sturbridge Village will man- and supported by the team at Old Stur- relevance in the stories of the lives of
organized more than age the Coggeshall Farm Museum, han- bridge Village. New Englanders who came before us,”
60 exhibitions for lo- dling all back-office functions, said Donahue. “We want them to be
cal and international artists, as well as supporting day-to-day activities, bring- This partnership provides a mutual inspired to learn a craft, to raise a gar-
curating a trilogy of group exhibitions ex- ing new programming to the farm and benefit to the two museums, which are den, to farm and to find out more about
ploring “paradoxical aesthetics.” A con- positioning OSV president and chief synergistic in both mission and organi- the people who lived in our community
tributor to international publications, in- executive officer Jim Donahue as execu- zational structure. Old Sturbridge Vil- two centuries ago. We hope that our visi-
cluding ArtAsiaPacific, Pocock edited the tive director at the R.I.-based museum. lage interprets life in an early Nine- tors become members — and that our
first monograph about Malaysian con- teenth Century rural New England members find their inner historians,
ceptual artist Shooshie Sulaiman, which The Coggeshall Farm Museum sees village, while Coggeshall Farm Museum curators, farmers and crafters through
was published by Kerber Verlag in 2014. about 10,000 visitors annually, while interprets life on a marsh farm in the experiences at both of our museums.”
Old Sturbridge Village brings in more 1790s. In this partnership, Old Stur-
The MIT List Visual Arts Center an- than 260,000 in an average year. The bridge Village will bring greater sus- Donahue also gave credit to the boards
nounced that Natalie Bell will be partnership aims to expand opportuni- tainability to Coggeshall Farm Museum of both museums for having a bold
its next exhibition curator. Most recent- ties for reach and visitation. The two and help better utilize financial resourc- vision for sustaining living history in
ly, Bell served as associate curator at entities will work collaboratively to es. A small management fee, paid to the region through this partnership.
the New Museum, New York, where she rebuild the successful agricultural and OSV by the farm, will be invested back
worked since For more information,
2013. Bell be- coggeshall.
gins her new
appointment at Met Receives Gift Of Photographs From 1840s-1910s
the List Center
on January 15. NEW YORK CITY — The Metropoli- Unknown American, active
Prior to joining tan Museum of Art announced a prom- 1850s, “Studio Photographer at
the New Mu- ised gift in celebration of the museum’s Work,” circa 1855, salted paper
seum, Bell was assistant curator for the 150th anniversary from trustee Philip print from paper negative. The
International Art Exhibition of the 55th Maritz and his wife, Jennifer, of 700- Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Venice Biennale, working with curator plus American photographs and William L. Schaeffer Collection,
Massimiliano Gioni on organizing the En- albums from the 1840s to the 1910s. Promised Gift of Jennifer and
cyclopedic Palace. Bell has contributed These rare photographs, daguerreo- Philip Maritz, in celebration of
to publications such as Art in America, types, salted paper prints, ambrotypes, the Museum’s 150th Anniversary.
Art Papers, Aperture and Mousse and has tintypes, albumen silver prints, cyano-
edited and co-edited numerous catalogs. types, platinum prints and gelatin sil- A choice selection of daguerreo-
ver prints, come from the private collec- types and early paper prints are
The Worcester Art Museum (WAM) tion of Drew Knowlton and William L. included in the exhibition “2020
has hired Mark Spuria to fill the Schaeffer. The Met acquired 70 Ameri- Vision: Photographs, 1840s-60s,” on
newly created position of chief finan- can Civil War photographs from the view to May 10. The tightly focused
cial officer (CFO). Spuria comes with William L. Schaeffer collection with exhibition of some 50 works pres-
more than 20 years of experience in fi- funds provided by trustee Joyce Frank ents new and recent gifts of photo-
Menschel. graphs made before the founding of
nancial management the Met in 1870. By that time, pho-
and administration Jeff Rosenheim, the Joyce Frank tography, introduced three decades
in the arts, having Menschel curator in charge of the earlier in 1839, had already devel-
served most recently department of photographs at the Met, oped into a complex pictorial lan-
as the general man- said, “Brilliantly amassed over 45 guage of documentation, social and
ager (2016-present) years, the William L. Schaeffer collec- scientific inquiry, self-expression
and CFO (2011-2016) tion includes extraordinary examples and artistic endeavor. The exhibition includes examples of
for the Maynard, of every format of photography, from the birth of the medium in candid portraiture, picturesque landscapes, pioneering
Mass.-based com- 1839 to the modern era. With these unusual and little-known travel photography and photojournalism and charts the
pany Verne Q. Pow- historical works, the Met will now be able to rewrite the narra- varied interests and innovations of early practitioners such
ell Flutes, where he tive of American photography by associating established early as Anna Atkins, Hippolyte Bayard and William Henry Fox
has worked since 1996. Reporting to masters of the genre — Josiah Johnson Hawes, John Moran, Talbot.
director Matthias Waschek, Spuria will Charles DeForest Fredricks and Carleton Watkins — with gen- The Metropolitan Museum of Art is at 1000 Fifth Avenue.
work closely with the wider staff lead- erally unknown makers whose lives and works have yet to be For information, or 212-535-7710.
ership team, as well as the treasurer of fully studied and presented to the general public.”
the board of trustees. Spuria will bring
his experience to bear on evaluating and Fort Wayne Museum Plans Permanent Vietnam War Memorial Wall
reporting on the museum’s short- and
long-term financial performance and will FORT WAYNE, IND. (AP) — A mili- on Fort Wayne’s western edge. The Fort Wayne shrine, which was
be a key participant in WAM’s strategic tary veterans museum in Fort Wayne The museum hopes to raise as much started in 1950 by World War I veteran
and financial planning processes. is planning to add a replica of the Viet- Eric Scott and his wife, also is looking
nam Veterans Memorial Wall to its as $300,000 in donations of money, to raise money for separate monu-
grounds in the coming months. materials and labor toward the wall ments to World War I, World War II,
purchase, its foundation, landscaping, the Korean War and the post-9/11 war
The Veterans National Memorial lighting and benches, Bedford said. in Afghanistan. Another new monu-
Shrine and Museum said it is buying a ment would honor Gold Star Families,
retired 360-foot-long traveling replica Rebecca True, chief operating officer the immediate family members of war
that’s 80 percent as large as the black of American Veterans Traveling Trib- dead.
granite memorial wall in Washington, ute, said the Fort Wayne museum is
DC, inscribed with the names of more buying a traveling wall that’s been on The completion target date for the five
than 58,000 Americans killed or miss- the road since 2008. monuments is Veterans Day in 2021.
ing during the Vietnam War.
“We decided to retire it, and rather “We think it is going to be an economic
Organizers hope to have the replica than putting it into storage, we decid- driver that will support what we are try-
wall installed by Veterans Day in ed to sell it and let it have a good rest- ing to do, and that is a memorial to all
November 2020, said Greg Bedford, ing place where it can be honored and wars and all men and women that gave
commander of the nonprofit museum viewed,’’ True told The (Fort Wayne) all,” Bedford said.
Journal Gazette.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 35


Christmas Observed • Wed., Dec 25 January 2020 *Martin Luther King • Jan 20
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36 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Auction Stolen Ship Painting Sails Back To Owner
DULUTH, MINN. — A Harry Chase Harry Chase (1853-1889), oil on board, ing at auction. The person who purchased
Andrew Jones Auctions (1853-1889) oil on board depicting a ship 40½ by 30¾ inches, signed and dated the painting at auction did some research
Back-To-Back Auctions.....9 on stormy waters has made safe harbor, 1881-82 along the lower left. and discovered it was stolen through an
DuMouchelles returned to its rightful owner after hav- article he found. The buyer contacted the
Pewabic & Other Art.........3 ing been reported stolen from a private auction house, which prefers to remain
Milestone Auctions residence in July 2013. unidentified due to legal concerns. It did
Historic Militaria, the right thing, however, and contacted
Weapons & Firearms......39 The Duluth Police Department investi- the Duluth Police Department. “One of
Potter & Potter gated the reported theft of the painting on our evidence technicians was able to con-
Vintage Posters.................4 July 21, 2013, according to a police report. tact the original owner, who then had a
Sarasota Estate Auction An officer was dispatched to the residence, family member pick it up,” said Lynn
Calder And Ponce where he was advised by the homeowner Rosandich of the Duluth Police Depart-
De Léon Art.......................6 and his brother that they suspected an ment.
Spink USA estranged brother had entered the house
Gold Coins Of Mughal while they were away, gaining entry with Happy ending, right? No, instead of
Emperor............................ 7 a key that was in his possession from the expressing gratitude at the return of the
Vintage Accent Auctions time the house was their mother’s. The 40½-by-30¾-inch painting that had sold
Online-Only Auction........12 two brothers reporting the theft believed at auction for $2,800 on nine bids, the
that the estranged brother was upset owner proved to be irascible, threatening
Show about the inheritance being divided at the to sue the auction house.
Previews time of their mother’s death and took the
painting, which had been unofficially “It’s a nutty business,” said Anton Bog-
New York appraised for more than $40,000. Investi- danov, an appraiser and senior content
Ceramics Fair.....................5 gators were unable to locate and make editor at the online auction platform
Mohawk Valley contact with the suspect, and the case was Everything But The House. “It seems like
Antiquefest.........................8 closed. the auction acted in good faith here. Some
Master Drawings auction houses would opt to offload prob-
New York.. ........................12 Fast-forward to 2019 when a St Paul lem property back onto the consignor
Art, Design & Antiques auction house happened to offer the paint- rather than contacting authorities.”
DATE LOCATION AUCTIONEER PG 25, Jan................. Florence, MA.....................Raucher Brothers.............54
25, Jan................... Keene, NH................................ Keene.......................54
Every Tues.............Coventry, CT............................Weston’s....................52 25, Jan..................Monson, MA..................Wintergarden Auction..........64
Every Thurs....... East Windsor, CT..................... Golden Gavel.................62 25, Jan................. Plainfield, NH......................William A. Smith..............54
16, Auctions..............48 25-26, Jan............. Beverly, MA..................... Kaminski Auctions.............49
17, Jan................ Jewett City, CT..................... Leone’s Auction.................2 25-26, Jan.............Sarasota, FL................. Sarasota Estate Auction.........7C
19, Jan..................Coventry, CT.......................Ingraham & Co...............60 26, Jan.................. Bellport, NY.................. Thos. Cornell Galleries............2
19, Jan.................New York City......................... Showplace...................5C 26, Jan...................Canaan, NY.......................Heritage Auction..............55
20, Jan................ Saugerties, NY...................... Donny Malone................64 26, Jan................ Cincinnati, OH..........................Forsythe’s...................64
21, Jan............... Dania Beach, FL..................... Akiba Antiques..............11C 26, Jan................ Harrisburg, PA.....................Cordier Auctions..............60
22, Jan................. Cromwell, CT.................. B&S Auction Service...........60 26, Jan.............. Marlborough, NH.........................Moggie’s....................62
22, Jan..... County Auctions.......2 26, Jan............... Middleboro, MA....................White’s Auctions..............8C
23, Jan............... Dania Beach, FL..................... Akiba Antiques..............11C 26, Jan..................Sarasota, FL........................ Helmuth Stone................4C
24, Jan.................New York City...................... Keno Auctions.......... 8C-9C 26, Jan.............. St Petersburg, FL................. Burchard Galleries.............58
24, Jan............South Deerfield, MA............ Douglas Auctioneers...........52 26, Jan...............Swedesboro, NJ......................S&S Auction.................63
24-25, Jan..........East Dennis, MA..........................Eldred’s...................10C 27, Jan.... Estate Auctions....52
24-25, Jan.............Williston, VT...................Merrill’s Auctioneers...........59 29, Jan............ Fairfield Auction...............53
24-25, Jan.......... Willoughby, OH..................Milestone Auctions.......50-51 29, Jan............North Kingstown, RI.............. Bill Spicer Auction.............63
25, Jan...................Belfast, ME....................Andrews & Andrews...........62 30, Jan..................Boonton, NJ...........................Millea Bros.............56-57
25, Jan.................Brookline, NH....................Brookline Auction.............58 30, Jan............... New Milford, CT........................Applebrook..................48
25, Jan...............Falls Church, VA................... Quinn’s Auctions..............61 30, Jan................ Timonium, MD.......................Richard Opfer................62
31, Jan................ Jewett City, CT..................... Leone’s Auction.................2
7-8, Feb................ Asheville, NC.......................Brunk Auctions...............6C
8, Feb.................. Glen Cove, NY.....................Roland Auctions................2
8, Feb.................. Glen Cove, NY.....................Roland Auctions..............27
8, Feb................. Ontario, Canada......................Miller & Miller..............10C
15, Feb................ Charleston, SC......................Copley Fine Art...............2C
22, Feb................. Litchfield, CT.............. Litchfield County Auctions.........2
29, Mar........... Bedford Village, NY..........Butterscotch Auctioneers.........2
2, May..................Rockport, MA..................Rockport Art Assoc............52
Spring.................. Sudbury, MA.....................Tremont Auctions...............5

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DATE LOCATION PG Sun...................... Jewett City, CT....................2
Sun.........................Milford, NH.....................27
EVENT 25-26, Jan.............Columbus, OH.....................3 Sun..................... New Milford, CT...................2
31, Jan-2, Feb........... York, PA...................... 3C
6-9, Feb................... Atlanta, GA.......................3 The Following Ads May Be Found
13-18, Feb....... West Palm Beach, FL.......... 12C In Last Week’s (1/17) Issue
Weekly Events
Sat........................ New York City...................27 18-19, Jan............. Syracuse, NY................. 8C

ANTIQUES AND THE ARTS WEEKLY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS This is a free listing and therefore no credit will be given for any errors

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 37

Tests Begin On Bones That May Be Revolutionary War Soldiers

By Chris Ehrmann, Associated Press occurred in April 1777. The way the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sci- Tania Grgurich, clinical associate professor of
NORTH HAVEN, CONN. (AP) — A men were buried in a haphazard ence in North Haven. diagnostic imaging at Quinnipiac University,
university laboratory began tests on grave also lends credibility to the puts the skull of the skeletal remains under CT
January 3 on skeletal remains found idea that they were victims of the Jaime Ullinger, director of anthro- scan machine at the university’s Center for Medi-
beneath an Eighteenth Century Battle of Ridgefield. pology at the university, said they cine, Nursing and Health Sciences. AP Photo/
home in the hopes of identifying the are starting to conduct x-ray analy- Chris Ehrmann.
three people believed to be soldiers “They’re actually laying on top of sis on the bones to help examine
killed during the Revolutionary War. each other overlapped,” Bellantoni parts of the skeleton that have dete-
In December, while homeowners said. riorated over time.
were renovating their house in
Ridgefield, the remains were discov- If confirmed, Bellantoni said that She said that, even before the
ered in a grave under the founda- would make them the first remains remains are identified, researchers
tion. from a Revolutionary War soldier will be able to gather other kinds of
“These bones are so robust; they’re recovered in Connecticut. information, such as what kind of
dense, they’re thick with muscle diet the men had and more broadly
attachments (and) they’re long,” said Bellantoni said the medical exam- where they might be from.
Nick Bellantoni, emeritus state iner quickly suspected the bones
archaeologist of the Connecticut were very old because older bones Tania Grgurich, clinical associate
Museum of Natural History. “Who tend to have less organic matter and professor of diagnostic imaging at
exactly they are, we are hoping the start to flake over time. the university, said it is an important
forensic work will show.” opportunity to learn about history
While much remains unknown, Copper buttons found with the and for staff and students to be up
researchers believe the remains remains could indicate they belonged close with unusual remains.
belonged to men and possibly date to to militiamen.
the Battle of Ridgefield, which “This is part of our history, poten-
While researchers suspect they tially, and then these are human
might be soldiers, they don’t know if beings that are being unearthed,” she
they might be British or American. said. “It’s not that often that some-
thing like this happens.”
The bones are being analyzed at
Quinnipiac University’s Center for

Folk Art Initiative Brews INDEX - 76 Pages - INDEX
At MFA Boston
By Greg Smith ences to connect with the art-
BOSTON — Jotted across the work we share in our galleries antiques Show REVIEWS
catalog cover for Sotheby’s Jan- and the programs that illumi-
uary 25 single-owner auction “A nate it,” Lasser said. (Glastonbury, Conn.) Happy New Year In Glastonbury Begins With Barrows Show............................... 28
New Dimension of Tradition, (Sturbridge, Mass.) New Year, New “Antique Collectibles Show” In Sturbridge..................................... 44
Important American Folk Art,” In addition to historic folk art,
two lines of text appear that the initiative casts a broad net Auction reviews
indicate something special is into the Twentieth Century, to
brewing in Beantown. They include Outsider Art, Visionary Holiday Auction Roundup................................................................................................................ 15-19
read “Proceeds of the sale to Art and any other works con- (Sacramento, Calif.) Rare Bitters Bottle Soars To $155,000 At American Bottle Auction....................... 14
benefit a new folk art initiative sidered non-canonical. (Windsor, Conn.) Paintings, Pianos Headline Nadeau’s 38th Annual New Year’s Day Sale..................... 23
at the Museum of Fine Arts, (New York City) Sotheby’s Design Week Auctions Achieve A Record $32.3 Million............................... 27
Boston.” The initiative places a focus (Hatfield, Penn.) Alderfer Posts Record-Breaking $1 Million Three-Auction Event................................ 33
The 135-lot sale, its owner’s on cross-cultural diversity, an (Alameda, Calif.) Lotus Water Coupe Boils Up To $492,000 At Michaan’s............................................. 38
name withheld, has seven lots area that self-taught and folk (Kissimmee, Fla.) “Bullitt” 1968 Ford Mustang Sells For $3.74 Million At Florida Auction..................... 38
estimated in the six-figures and art, by their very nature, are (Los Angeles) Junked Classic Mercedes-Benz 1961 300SC Convertible Brings $800,000..................... 38
another four above $60,000. advantageously positioned to (Santa Barbara, Calif.) Huguette Clark Doll Collection Parades At Theriault’s 50th Anniversary Auction.38
The expected top five lots explore. (Plainfield, N.H.) W.A. Smith, Inc Posts $460,000 New Year’s Sale....................................................... 40
include, from the top, a molded (Copake, N.Y.) Queen Anne Games Table Stars At Copake’s New Year’s Day Sale.................................. 46
copper Goddess of Liberty “Folk and self-taught art is
weathervane attributed to Wil- inherently accessible and ExHibitions
liam Henis or Vincent Baldwin approachable for visitors; for
($350/450,000); a molded cop- many, these objects evoke con- (New Britain, Conn.) Work By American Women Artists At New Britain Museum Of American Art.......... 5
per and zinc Cooperstown Cow nections to everyday life, and (New York City) Guggenheim Examines Fullness Of Color In 1960s Painting.......................................... 6
weathervane ($250/350,000); a show the ways that people from (New York City) The Morgan Celebrates The Iconoclast Alfred Jarry & His Carnival Of Being................. 6
full-bodied molded copper diverse backgrounds and com- (Bronx, N.Y.) New York Botanical Garden Kusama Exhibit Tickets To Go On Sale.................................... 7
squirrel weathervane attribut- munities express artistic cre- (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Showdown At Brooklyn Museum! Jacques-Louis David Meets Kehinde Wiley.............. 7
ed to Cushing & White or L.W. ativity.... Folk art challenges (Boston) MFA Boston Examines Black Histories, Black Futures............................................................... 9
Cushing and Sons narrow definitions of ‘what is (Cleveland, Ohio) Tiffany Blooms At Cleveland Museum Or Art............................................................. 13
($150/250,000); a Federal paint- art’ and ‘who is an artist’ — and (Orlando, Fla.) “Living Color: Art Of The Highwaymen” To Open At Orlando Museum........................... 20
and smoke-decorated pine tall creates space for greater inclu- (New York City) Museum Of Arts & Design Presents “The World Of Anna Sui”..................................... 21
case clock, works by Silas Hoad- sion of many voices, narratives (Humlebaek, Denmark) Louisiana MoMA Gives Ann Veronica Janssens Her First Scandinavia Exhibition..... 26
ley ($150/250,000); and a por- and histories. We also want to (Wilmington, Del.) Delaware Art Museum To Display Frank Schoonover Painting................................. 38
trait of Andrew Jackson by engage colleagues across the (Toledo, Ohio) Two Ohio Museums To Feature French Still Life Paintings.............................................. 42
Edward Hicks ($120/180,000). museum in thinking cross-cul- (New Haven, Conn.) Yale Exhibits Preparatory Studies For Lost Lynching Mural.................................. 43
In a release, the MFA wrote, turally, across the breadth of
“This transformative gift will the collection, and connect folk And Also...
position the MFA to break new artists in the Americas to self-
ground in the interpretation taught artists from other parts Estate Sales.......................................................................................................................................... 43
and display of folk and self- of the globe,” Lasser said. Historic Homes Historic Properties For Sale......................................................................................... 22
taught art by fostering an inno- International.......................................................................................................................................... 26
vative, contemporary approach The museum was accused of Q&A Keith Marshall Jones....................................................................................................................... 1
to the field.” racism in 2019 following Services................................................................................................................................................ 42
Antiques and The Arts Weekly harassment claims from a Transitions............................................................................................................................................. 34
spoke with Ethan W. Lasser, Dorchester, Mass., school that (Catskill, N.Y.) Applications Open For Annual Fellowship At Thomas Cole National Historic Site............. 4
MFA Boston’s John Moors had taken a class field trip to (Chicago) Drawing Exhibition Highlights Gray Gift To Art Institute.......................................................... 4
Cabot Chair, Art of the Ameri- the institution in May that (Akron, Ohio) University Gets Collection Of Thousands Of Bags To Exhibit............................................. 8
ca, to dig down further into year. Its response to the matter (New York City) Tim Di Maria Receives Visionary Award At American Folk Art Museum......................... 9
what this budding initiative — from immediate apology, (New York City) New-York Historical Society Receives Biographer Robert Caro’s Papers..................... 14
will entail for the department public discussions, banning of (Dallas) Heritage Auctions’ Comics Department Sets 2019 Record At $79-Plus Million........................ 21
and the public going forward. two members and other actions (London) Man Charged After Picasso Painting Damaged In London Gallery......................................... 26
Lasser noted that the initia- in the wake of the event — were (Newtown, Conn.) Museum Leaders Worldwide Decry Threat To Cultural Sites.................................... 26
tive is in its infancy, but a new transparent and sincere. In (Washington) Trump Retreats From Threat To Attack Iranian Cultural Sites.......................................... 26
curator is on the horizon that December, 2019, the museum (Essex, Vt.) Police Seek Weathervane That Remembered Slain Teacher................................................ 33
will lead it forward. posted an opening for “Senior (Newport, R.I.) Newport Restoration Foundation Brings “Furniture Forward” To Christie’s................... 33
“We are in the early stages of Director of Belonging and (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Fort Wayne Museum Plans Permanent Vietnam War Memorial Wall........................ 34
imagining the future of this ini- Inclusion,” a new position that (Minneapolis, Minn.) Minneapolis Institute Of Art Posts Record-Setting Year....................................... 34
tiative, and it will develop over the job listing says “will play a (New York City) The Met Receives Gift Of Photographs From 1840s-1910s.......................................... 34
the next several years with the critical role in delivering our (Sturbridge, Mass.) Old Sturbridge Village & Coggeshall Farm Museum Launch Partnership............... 34
appointment of a new curator, promise to be a Museum that (Atlanta) WorthPoint™ Posts Record-Setting 2019.............................................................................. 39
and input from many col- belongs to all of Boston.” (South Portland, Maine) “Conserving Our Painted Past” Symposium................................................... 42
leagues, scholars and commu- (Nantucket, Mass.) Historical Association Acquires Whaling Memoir, Gardner Tooth & Huggins Painting.... 43
nity partners,” he said. Proceeds from the Sotheby’s
The MFA’s folk art initiative sale will be directed towards Show February Calendar of IN THIS ISSUE
plans to parse community gallery displays, interpreta- Section Antiques Shows & Flea Markets PAGE 10
interest as it incorporates folk tions, programming and tempo-
with fine art, allowing the pub- rary exhibitions. Among these
lic to offer input on what they is the upcoming exhibition “Col-
would like to learn from these lecting Stories: The Invention of
works so that the museum can Folk Art,” on view May 2 to
further develop unique perspec- March 7, 2021. The museum
tives. will also offer the three-course
“A key element of the MFA’s study series “Folk Art: Multiple
Strategic Plan, MFA 2020, is Perspectives” in May.
identifying ways for our audi-
In summary, Lasser said, “Our
goal is to reimagine and reani-
mate the folk art collections for
all of our audiences.”

For additional information, or 617-267-9300.

38 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

‘Bullitt’ 1968 Ford Mustang Sells For Lotus Water Coupe
$3.74 Million At Florida Auction Boils Up To $492,000
The Highland Green 1968 Ford on the phone won, agreeing to Robert and Sean Kiernan At Michaan’s
Mustang GT featured in the pay $3.4 million plus a ten per- began working on the Mustang
film Bullitt was sold on Janu- cent buyer’s premium. in 2001. After Robert Kiernan’s ALAMEDA, CALIF. — A lotus-decorated
ary 10 at a Florida auction death in 2014, Sean Kiernan Chinese water coupe in an
house for $3.74 million. Kiernan’s father, Robert, finished the car and revealed it apple form with a rolled rim
bought the car after seeing an to the world. Following the discarded estimates
The sale at Mecum Kissim- ad in a 1974 issue of Road & car’s sale, Sean Kiernan said when it sold for
mee marks the most expensive Track. The New Jersey family he doesn’t think a more expen- $492,000 above an
Mustang ever sold, surpassing used it as a daily commuter sive Mustang will ever be sold. $800 estimate at
a 1967 Shelby GT500 Super until the clutch gave out in Michaan’s Auctions’
Snake that sold last year for 1980. In the late 1970s, Steve “As far as Mustangs go, this is January 11 sale. The
$2.2 million, the Orlando Sen- McQueen, who played the title it. With dad being down in the underglaze red porce-
tinel reported. character in Bullitt, tracked record books forever, that’s lain vessel measures
down the Kiernans and asked if what matters to me,” he said. only 3¾ inches diame-
Owner Sean Kiernan, with his he could reclaim the muscle car “I’ve been at peace with the sale ter and features the six-
sister Kelly Cotton riding shot- in return for a similar Mustang. for probably eight months now. character Kanxi mark on
gun, drove the car across the His pleas went unanswered. We’re just having fun with this.” the bottom.
auction block at Silver Spurs
Arena and then addressed a Michaan’s fielded bids from
crowd of about 25,000 before 12 phone bidders for the item, in
the bidding started. addition to a standing room gallery.

“This car had sold twice in its The winning bidder was an international phone bidder.
life; it’s been in my family for The bowl came from a private consignor local to the Alameda
45 years. Each time it has sold, area who was unaware of its value.
it was $3,500,” Kiernan said. Bidding was able to begin at $100,000 in the room and, according
“So we’re going to start it off at to the firm, bidders were still shouting jump bids.
that price and go from there.” For additional information, or 510-740-0220.

The auction house posted an Huguette Clark
11-minute video of the auction Doll Collection Parades
on YouTube.
At Theriault’s 50th
Bidding surpassed $3 million Anniversary Auction
in the first minute. The top bid
went back and forth between
someone present and a bidder
on the phone for several min-
utes before the mystery buyer

Junked Classic Mercedes-Benz 1961 SANTA BARBARA,
300SL Convertible Brings $800,000 CALIF. — At Theriault’s

LOS ANGELES — A classic was rusted over and the interior 1961, returned to the same deal- 50th Anniversary doll auc-
1961 Mercedes-Benz 300SL con- was torn, its seats ripped and ership two years later, and sold to tion on January 11, featur-
vertible roadster offered recently moldy and the convertible top, the second owner on September ing the doll collection of
by the Beverly Hills Car Club let’s just say the frame was intact 26, 1963, by the same salesman. Huguette Clark, a French
sold for $800,000. Perhaps not a but most of the fabric was torn or The roadster comes with a stack bisque art character, 225,
startling amount considering it is gone. The car’s engine and under- of documentation, including the Jumeau doll with a coutu-
just 1 of 101 examples of the carriage look rusted and brittle, original bill of sales, owner’s rier costume, parasol and
vehicle ever ordered. What was even though there are just 75,629 manual, a meticulously main- its original box sold at
startling, however, was the condi- miles on the odometer. tained service booklet, and corre- $103,500, including buyer’s
tion of the car which was recently spondence between the previous premium, to take the top
found in Florida and put up for The club said records show the owner and the salesman who spot of the day. Estimated
sale “as is.” Its light blue body convertible two-seater was sold originally sold the car. at $25/35,000, the 26-inch
to its first owner on June 20, bisque socket head with a
The car appears to have been
housed outside (as seen in a few perfectly oval face of an
pictures) or in a garage stuffed older child and large blue
with junk, dry leaves and other glass paperweight inset
refuse. But, because the Mer- eyes, is marked 225 Depose
cedes-Benz 300SL is “one of the Tete Jumeau Bte SGDG 12
most important and iconic vehi- (head) and Bebe Jumeau
cles ever constructed,” according Diplome d’Honneur (body).
to the Beverly Hills Car Club, it This was the final model
still sold at $800,000. “Cars like made in Emile Jumeau’s
this are nearly impossible to circa 1892 “Series Fantas-
find,” Alex Manos of the club tique.” A full review of The-
said. riault’s anniversary auc-
tion will appear in a future
For information, 310-975-0272 issue.

Delaware Art Museum To Display Frank Schoonover Painting

WILMINGTON, DEL. — On for two years to purchase a work $125,000, he teared up and said: John Schoonover, grandson of Crusoe, Heidi, Hans Brinker,
January 6, a Delaware native from Schoonover’s Rodney “My father would be so thrilled the artist and proprietor of and Swiss Family Robinson.
and his painting by American Street studio in Wilmington. to know that people were being Schoonover Studios, agreed: “I Schoonover also produced imag-
illustrator Frank Schoonover turned on to illustrations, and was very pleased to see my es of coal miners and other
were featured on PBS’s Antiques When the owner was told on my mother would be really grandfather’s illustration on laborers, especially in industrial
Roadshow, which was filmed at air that his beloved family paint- thrilled with what you just said.” Antiques Roadshow, and glad northeastern Pennsylvania.
Winterthur last year. The paint- ing was worth approximately [Roadshow expert and art deal-
ing, originally published with Schoonover was one of the
the caption “At a Hail from the er] Debra Force acknowledged founders of the Wilmington Soci-
Boat He Went to the Rail,” is an the increasing interest in Ameri- ety of the Fine Arts (the prede-
illustration from the 1923 book can book and magazine illustra- cessor of the Delaware Art
Privateers of ’76, a tale of Mas- tion.” Museum) and remained closely
sachusetts boy Stephen Clag- The museum has a robust col- involved with the museum and
horn and his adventures at sea lection of illustrations by Frank its teaching studios throughout
during the American Revolu- Schoonover (1877-1972). his life. At his death in Wilming-
tion. The painting pictures the Schoonover, a prominent artist ton in 1972, after a career of
moment toward the end of the of the Brandywine School, stud- more than 60 years, he had pro-
story when Claghorn, alone and ied with Howard Pyle in the late duced about 2,200 illustrations
adrift aboard a derelict ship, is 1800s, even receiving a coveted for more than 130 books and
rescued, improbably, by his scholarship to study with him in numerous magazines, including
Salem schoolmaster. The Dela- Chadds Ford, Penn., in the sum- The Saturday Evening Post,
ware Art Museum announced mer of 1899. He later moved Harper’s Magazine, Scribner’s
that it will display the painting from his native Philadelphia to Magazine, Outing, American
in its American illustration gal- Wilmington to set up his studio, Boy, The Ladies’ Home Journal
lery for the next six months. where he also conducted classes. and Collier’s.
Schoonover was renowned for
The owner’s family purchased his illustrations of stories fea- In addition to this loaned
the painting directly from the turing pirates, cowboys, histori- painting, the museum currently
artist for $300 in June 1960. cal heroes and other romantic has seven Schoonover illustra-
During the Antiques Roadshow Frank Earle Schoonover (1877–1972), “Claghorn at the Rail,” adventurers. He produced cov- tions on view.
segment, the owner described 1923, illustration for Privateers of ‘76 by Ralph D. Paine, (Phil- ers and illustrations for classics
his father’s love of illustrated adelphia: Penn Publishing Company, 1923), oil on canvas, 36 of young people’s literature, The Delaware Art Museum is
books, and how his mother saved by 30 inches. Private Collection, Native Son of Delaware. notably Kidnapped, Robinson at 2301 Kentmere Parkway. For
information, 302-351-8514 or

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 39

Omaha Beach D-Day Landing Flag May Lead—

Milestone Auctions’ Historic Militaria,
Weapons & Firearms Auction Jan. 24-25

Extraordinary unfired Sharps Rifle Mfg. Co. (Hartford,
Conn.) Model 1863 military rifle, made in 1865, .52 caliber, of
a type ordered to outfit US Volunteers. Possibly the finest
surviving example of its type ($15/20,000).

Original Dickson & Nelson Co. Confederate musket,
dated 1865, .58 caliber, manufactured in Georgia for the
State of Alabama, all original, “CS” marked ($12,5/18,500).

Omaha Beach D-Day American flag flown on the mast of
LCI (Landing Craft Infantry) (L)-413, which brought ashore
the valiant 115th Infantry Regiment on June 6, 1944. Exten-
sive provenance ($50/60,000).

High-condition Winchester Deluxe 1873 .22 caliber rifle,
made in 1892. Gorgeous woodgrain and patina. Superior
example of an extremely rare firearm ($8/12,000).

WILLOUGHBY, OHIO — World War II with the flag, is an exceptional, unfired
While the hard-fought lessons can be read online .52-caliber Sharps (Hartford,
of war may fade from global ($50/60,000). Conn.) Model 1863 military
memory over time, soldiers’ rifle, made in 1865 and of a
weaponry and equipment live Another significant D-Day type ordered to outfit US Vol-
on as reminders of the heavy lot is a battle-used “Rupert” unteers ($15/20,000). “This
toll inflicted by military con- dummy paratrooper of the gun is simply outstanding,”
flict. The interest in historical type dropped over German- Bushing said. “If it weren’t for
firearms, relics of war and occupied France in the early a couple of minor age freckles,
militaria seems unabated, hours of June 6, 1944 you would swear it was made
and the category remains one ($6/9,000). in the last couple of years.”
of the most popular special- Another top-notch gun, an
ties at Milestone Auctions, Rare WWII Nazi memorabil- all-original .58-caliber Con-
whose next firearms and mili- ia in the sale includes medals, federate musket dated 1865
taria sale is slated for Janu- uniforms, helmets and head- and made in Georgia by Dick- Rare Civil War double-sided silk flag or guidon with 35
ary 24-25. gear; boots, flags, numerous son & Nelson, was one of only hand painted gilt stars, saw military service ($10/15,000).
knives, daggers, swords and 3,000 manufactured expressly
“Collecting historical fire- combat implements; and mis- for the State of Alabama on their cylinders and a Lon- new by a British Army officer
arms and militaria is an inter- cellaneous souvenir items. A ($12,5/18,500). “As the war don barrel address. They were ($10/12,000).
national hobby. We pick up Nazi German Heer (army) escalated, Dickson & Nelson made in 1882 and 1885,
new bidders with every auc- general’s ID’d tunic with a had to keep moving because respectively, and according to Milestone’s auction galleries
tion,” said Miles King, co-own- decorative collar and epau- its factory kept getting an accompanying copy of the are at 38198 Willoughby Park-
er of Milestone Auctions. “The lets, and a hand-embroidered bombed out by the Yankees,” original sales receipt for the way. For additional information,
January sale could be one of patch depicting an eagle hold- Bushing said. latter gun, it was purchased or
our strongest to date. Our ing a swastika, will be offered A handsome, high-condition 440-527-8060.
firearms expert, Dave Bush- ($4/6,000). A 1939 Nazi Ger-
ing, thinks the gun selection man Knight’s Cross, made by Winchester Deluxe 1873 .22
alone might do a million dol- Godet, is marked with a relief caliber rifle is accompanied by
lars.” swastika and suspended from a factory letter that confirms
its original red, white and it was shipped in 1892 exactly
Several important flags will black ribbon ($8/10,000). as it appears today, with an
fly over the two-day event, octagon barrel, checkered
including an American flag An extremely rare 35-star stock with pistol grip and spe-
that bore witness to D-Day silk guidon saw military ser- cial-order drop of stock
and Operation Overlord, the vice in the American Civil War 4¾-inch blued frame
June 6, 1944 Allied invasion and comes to auction from a ($8/12,000).
of Normandy. The 48-star flag prominent Chicago family The sale features superior-
was flown on the mast of LCI with an extensive military quality antique handguns
(Landing Craft Infantry) (L)- background. “The 35-star flag from both sides of the Atlan-
413, which delivered the is the only flag whose star tic. A highly desirable .31-cal-
115th Infantry Regiment to count falls squarely within iber New Haven Volcanic
the shores of Omaha Beach. the active period of the Civil lever-action pistol is one of
The LCI was piloted by US War,” King said. “They’re con- only 3,300 that were made
Navy Quartermaster Carroll sidered very scarce because of from 1857 to 1860
Key Wood, the father of the the limited time they were ($7,5/10,000).
flag’s consignor. A fascinating allowed to fly, due to the seces- Presented together in a wood
and extensive narrative about sion of West Virginia from Vir- case, two English silverplated
the flag, including the con- ginia” ($10/15,000). Colt Model 1878 double-action
signor’s boyhood recollections revolvers have British proofs
of his father’s return from Bushing selected two of the
auction’s Civil War-era guns
for special mention. The first

WorthPoint™ Posts A Record-Setting 2019

ATLANTA — WorthPoint™, mated 100 million items; total and document memories and
the largest online resource for pages approximated 1.5 billion. the provenance of items and
researching and valuing pass them down to future gen-
antiques, art and collectibles, A milestone for the company erations. It will also serve as a
had a strong year of financial was the creation of the Wortho- valuation tool for the homeown-
expansion and customer growth pedia™ Dictionary, which was er in the case of loss due to theft,
in 2019. WorthPoint’s gross bill- introduced to the site in Q4 breakage or a natural disaster.
ings grew by 33 percent; site 2019. These pages aggregate
visits were up 62 percent year data from the three primary “We stayed very focused on
over year; and www.worthpoint. WorthPoint databases (Wortho- improving the user experience
com finished the year ranked in pedia Price Guide, Library and in 2019, both in terms of design
the top 400 sites by Quantcast M.A.P.S. Gallery) and are the and content,” said Will Seippel,
for US traffic, up from number most complete topical source for chief executive officer and
800. these items on the internet. founder of WorthPoint. “Invest-
ments in 2019 positioned us
WorthPoint also made signifi- Also, in 2019, WorthPoint well for 2020, as we shift to con-
cant investments in technology, introduced a Beta version of its centrate more on technical inno-
data and product introductions new virtual Vault™ product, vations like image recognition
in 2019. WorthPoint’s net data which will evolve into a unique and data tagging through AI to
and image additions approxi- and valuable resource that make search even easier.”
allows homeowners to preserve

40 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Not What You Might Have Expected —

W.A. Smith, Inc Posts $460,000 New Year’s Sale

Auction Action In Plainfield, N.H. PLAINFIELD, N.H. — Bill to a sale full of earlier things.
Smith’s auctions have consistent- That’s not doing justice to the
Review and Onsite Photos by ly leaned heavily towards Eigh- later material. We also want each
Rick Russack, Contributing Editor teenth and Nineteenth Century sale to be different from the one
art, Americana and “brown” furni- before. People need to see differ-
Additional Photos Courtesy of ture. This one was a little differ- ent things, sometimes displayed
W.A. Smith, Inc ent. The January 4 sale included in different ways, so we try to set
numerous lots of Arts and Crafts up the gallery for each sale to give
Probably from the 1970s, the Arcadia lounge Tied for top price of the day, $19,500 was a furniture, along with several lots people ideas on how they can com-
chair by California designer Jerry Johnson colorful acrylic and charcoal on paper of mid-Twentieth Century furni- bine different kinds of things for a
brought $410. Another, but with a separate abstract composition by Cy Twombly. ture, high-quality custom-made “different” look. Presentation in
ottoman, brought the same price. furniture, much of which Smith the gallery is an important part of
said came from a Maine moun- our job.”
taintop “retreat,” and there were
numerous Twentieth Century art Of the three highest priced
works. In fact, the three top lots of items in the sale, two items each
the sale were Twentieth Century brought $19,500. One was a Bru-
art works. talist bronze by Italian sculptor
Pietro Consagra (1920-2005). It
To be sure, there was also a wide was an abstract piece mounted on
selection of the material one a cement and steel base and was
expects in a Smith sale, almost all signed “Consagra ‘61.” He was
sold without reserve. Smith does active in the artistic community
not use internet bidding, so the in Sicily in the 1940s and a mem-
salesroom was full — really full. ber of the Communist party.
The midcentury material drew Peggy Guggenheim was a collec-
some new faces, and prices were tor of his works, which today are
generally strong throughout. The in several museum collections,
sale included Nantucket baskets, including the Tate and the Muse-
Oriental rugs, English and Ameri- um of Modern Art.
can furniture, several paintings,
Asian material, art pottery, Tiffa- Selling for the same price,
ny glass and bronze, and still $19,500, was a colorful acrylic and
more. When we say the salesroom charcoal on paper abstract compo-
was full, note that the seating sition by Cy Twombly (1928-
area had 300 reserved seats plus 2011). His works are in the collec-
more, unreserved, in the back of tions of the Philadelphia Museum
the room and along the walls. The of Art and others, although one
sale grossed $467,000, with very critic in 1994 wrote, “This is just
few lots passed. scribbles — my kid could do it.”
Twombly was of the generation of
Talking about the quantity of Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper
midcentury material, Smith said, Johns and is said to have influ-
“When we see quality pieces, we’ll enced younger artists, such as
take it and probably put it aside Jean-Michel Basquiat.
until we have enough to attract
the crowd that’s interested in The third Twentieth Century
Twentieth Century material. Our work finishing in the top three
job is to focus on stuff that people was titled on the stretcher “Barn
are likely to want, so we want to With A White Roof” signed by
offer as wide a variety as possible. Wolf Kahn (b 1927) and dated
But I don’t think we should just 1985. The scene depicted a barn
add a couple of midcentury pieces behind several trees in a grassy
landscape and it had been con-

The Gustave Stickley round oak dining The sale got off to a good start as the first
table had five leaves with four legs around lot across the block, a well-done Stafford-
the center pedestal. It sold for $2,990. shire lion, brought $1,035, even though the
tail had been repaired.

Also made by Scott Gordon of Vermontica, a A petal table designed by Richard Schultz One of the highest priced items in There was not a lot of
small bridge console table of blackened and with the original Knoll label sold for the sale was this Brutalist bronze cut glass in the sale, but
steel sold for $1,265. It had been exhibited $690. The base was painted white and the by Pietro Consagra. It was an this basket-weave wine
at the 2016 Architectural Digest show in top was made of matched, highly textured abstract piece mounted on a jug with an applied
New York and was so labeled. wood sections. cement and steel base, signed handle drew bids from
“Consagra ‘61” and it sold for the internet, an absen-
$19,500. tee bidder and one in
the room. It had come
in on one of Smith’s
periodic free appraisal
days and sold for $1,840.

Numbered 3/21, a 29-inch bronze of a nude Are Scheier prices cooling a bit? This large “Barn With A White Roof,” signed by Wolf Kahn and dated
woman, “The Awakening” was by Huberto bowl, more than 10 inches tall with incised 1985, realized $18,400. The consignor had obtained it direct-
Maestas, a sculptor whose works are in the abstract designs, sold for $1,035. ly from the artist.
collection of the Vatican and who lost his
studio and many molds in a 2018 fire. The
nude sold for $1,725 to a phone bidder.

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 41

With the 300 reserved seats filled, buyers were seated along
the sides of the room and standing in the back.

All items at Smith’s auctions are brought to the front of the gallery so that buyers can see
what they’re bidding on. The colorful Staffordshire lion got the day off to a good start,
bringing $1,035.

signed by a Pomfret, Vt., family Several prospective bidders examine items to be sold before
that had received it directly from the start of the sale.
the artist. It realized $18,400. J.C. Leyendecker (1874-1951) was one of the preeminent
Other interesting paintings illustrators of the early Twentieth Century. However, no
included a watercolor of the “Pro- references could be found to his bronzes, and only one is
metheus” fountain in New York listed on the internet for substantially more money. The Art
City’s Rockefeller Plaza. It was Deco-style silvered bronze, “The Smoker” on a marble base
signed James Montgomery Flagg with a sticker, surprised the auctioneer and may have been
and reached $518, while a paint- a very good buy as it reached only $1,117.
ing of Stowe, Vt., at twilight by
William Dorsey reached $1,380. Ken Labner gladly demonstrates one of the
There were numerous other two Arcadia lounge chairs in the sale.
paintings as well.
Shackleton, which was (and is) niture, which was never used as A Pennsylvania paint-decorated dower chest in red with
The selection of furniture was quite expensive. These pieces did the wife died shortly after the fur- black, green and white decoration earned $4,600.
broad: Eighteenth and Nine- quite well. A cherry set of eight niture was delivered.
teenth Century American, Eng- chairs, including two armchairs, said, “It was the kind of sale I like. get really nice early pieces at very
lish, Arts and Crafts, midcentury, earned $6,325. The Shackleton Some of this furniture did not do We still had about 200 people in affordable prices. We’re being
including designer pieces that website indicates that chairs sim- as well. A signed 66-inch table the room at four in the afternoon, selective in what we’re accepting
had been quite expensive when ilar to these are priced around designed by Holly Hunt, whose and both the buyers and my con- from consignors and that lets us
they were bought, and some Asian $1,500, so Smith got pretty close furniture and accessories are also signors were happy. I know that present good, worthwhile stuff.
pieces. Bill Smith later comment- to half of what they sold for new. A quite expensive, sold for $633. A some auctioneers are disappoint- And with the day totaling over
ed on the current market for sideboard by the company sold for credenza by the same designer, ed with brown furniture, but I like $450,000, I’m quite pleased.”
Asian furniture and other objects. $4,370 — these are no longer list- which originally sold for close to selling it. The market is there for
“It’s more difficult to know what ed on the website. As he was sell- $10,000, went for $748. Scheier it and I’ll continue to sell it. Yes, it Prices given include the buyer’s
to expect these days,” he said. “It’s ing these pieces, Smith comment- pottery offerings included a 10½- brings less than it used to, but it premium as stated by the auction
a different group of buyers than it ed that the Shackleton and other inch blue bowl with incised sells, and smart buyers are taking house. For more information,
was a few years ago and the custom furniture was bought abstract decoration, which sold advantage of the opportunity to or 603-
recently imposed tariffs have when a couple was furnishing a for $1,035, and another, about the 675-2549.
affected the market so we don’t new home in Maine. They had same size but without the incised
know what to expect.” paid, he said, $110,000 for the fur- design, sold for $403.

A Pennsylvania paint-decorated A few days after the sale, Smith
dower chest in red with black,
green and white decoration The upswept crest resembled Several pieces of furniture made of reclaimed mate-
earned $4,600. A simple cherry, abstract birds on this Southern, rial by Scott Gordon of Vermontica were available.
two-part circa 1800 Federal peri- probably Virginia, hanging cabi- A console table with a multidimensional steel base
od corner cupboard with a 12-light net. Circa 1820, it was made of went out for $518.
top door realized $1,380. It was cherry and sold for a low $173. It With fan carving and carved slipper feet, this flat top
accompanied by a 1988 appraisal had been appraised in the 1980s Rhode Island Queen Anne highboy attained $1,955.
valuing it at $12,000. A one-draw- for $3,800.
er blanket chest in old red earned
$518; a Sheraton four-drawer
maple chest with rope-turned cor-
ners and bird’s-eye maple inlay
realized $633; a small Eighteenth
Century Queen Anne mahogany
dressing table with old brasses
reached just $230; and a circa
1800 Chippendale tall chest with
five graduated drawers went out
for $575. An unusual Federal
period hanging cabinet with two
glass doors, probably from Virgin-
ia, could only make it to $173. The
upswept crest might have been
meant to remind one of a pair of

Twentieth Century offerings
included several Stickley pieces,
along with some Scheier pottery.
A Stickley round oak dining table
with five leaves earned $2,990,
and a set of six chairs that might
have been used with it went out
for $2,070. The two large arm-
chairs in that set each had the red
“Stickley” stamp under the arms.
A Stickley Bros. Co. sideboard
with backsplash, hand wrought
hardware, three drawers and two
doors realized $1,840.

The Twentieth Century offer-
ings included several pieces by
Vermont furniture maker Charles

42 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

Lynchburg Museum:
Five Forks Battle Flag, A Community Perspective

LYNCHBURG, VA. — The media attention, was directed than 3,000 statements from
Lynchburg Museum’s new towards the Lynchburg Muse- the public in the form of let-
exhibit, “Five Forks Battle um as the site for exhibiting ters, phone calls, emails, social
Flag: A Community Perspec- the flag, conserved through a media posts, community sur-
tive,” will be on view through crowd-funded campaign led by vey responses and personal
January 31. the Eleventh Virginia Compa- conversations. Presenting his-
ny G ‘Lynchburg Home Guard’, torical information together
The exhibit features an origi- Inc, reenacting unit. with a diverse set of perspec-
nal Confederate battle flag To address community con- tives is central to the muse-
captured during the Battle of cerns, the museum began a um’s approach to this exhibit.
Five Forks in the final days of process to evaluate how best to
the American Civil War. The display this contested and An important component of
so-called “Five Forks battle complicated historic object the exhibit is the extensive
flag” is on loan from the Amer- with broad social implications. public feedback and commen-
ican Civil War Museum in The museum’s approach was to tary on the Five Forks battle
Richmond. It was recently cast a wide net in identifying flag, which the museum
repaired by professional tex- the ideas, people, places, schol- received through individual
tile conservators, and this is arship and resources that messages, a community-wide
the first time it will be on dis- would best help inform and survey and a series of targeted
play in public since being con- shape the display. focus groups. A curated selec- The 50-inch square “Five Forks battle flag” was made in
served. The museum took a unique tion of this feedback, repre- Richmond, Va., between late 1862 and 1864. It is on loan
“community perspective” senting very diverse view- from the American Civil War Museum in Richmond, Va.
The Five Forks battle flag approach to this exhibit after points, is featured prominently
became the focus of intense evaluating the depth and in the exhibit. Visitors are sion. A sample of these reflec- The Lynchburg Museum is at
community interest and debate breadth of responses towards encouraged to continue the tions will be shared on a 901 Court Street. For more
in late 2018 and early 2019. An exhibiting this battle flag. conversation by answering a “Community Perspectives” information, 434-455-6226 or
unprecedented amount of com- Museum staff received more series of “questions for reflec- board in the exhibit.
mentary from the public, as tion” posted near the conclu-
well as local and regional

‘Conserving Our Painted Past’ Symposium Summary April 3-5

SOUTH PORTLAND, MAINE scape painting. Their impor- several New England historical 1860,” an exhibition currently on vators and other stakeholders
— The first event of its kind, the tance as an historical record and societies. view at the Bowdoin College directly involved in preservation
symposium “Conserving Our unique period decoration in New Museum of Art in Bowdoin projects and/or conservation
Painted Past,” will bring togeth- England cannot be overstated. The owners of painted walls, Maine until May 31, the sympo- treatments. Topics may include
er practitioners in the care and Paint-decorated walls often cap- both private and public, see sium will also introduce partici- building assessment, stabiliza-
conservation of painted walls to ture a historical view of the sur- themselves as stewards of these pants to recently discovered tion of buildings with painted
share case studies and discuss rounding area or current events beautiful pieces of American his- painted walls. walls, plaster repair, changing
best practices. Early Nineteenth from the time of their creation. tory. Though they feel obligated materials, conservation vs pres-
Century painted plaster walls For example, murals at the Page to do the right thing for their The symposium has several ervation, paint analysis, conser-
are treasures of American folk House in Gilmanton, N.H., show painted walls, there currently goals: to advance awareness of vation treatments, ownership of
art. These painted walls — the completion of the Bunker are no conservation standards the value of painted plaster paint decorated plaster walls,
which include murals, freehand Hill Monument and opening of or best practices to guide them. walls in telling their history and and grant-writing for painted
brushwork, and stenciled deco- Mount Auburn Cemetery, the The Conserving the Painted to promote better conservation wall preservation.
ration — are vulnerable to first rural cemetery in America. Past Symposium will bring and preservation of painted
destruction and loss. Their pres- together current practitioners walls in domestic places. By The Center for Painted Wall
ervation needs become increas- Hundreds of houses through- and scholars to gather and sharing case studies of conserva- Preservation Inc is a 501(c)(3)
ingly urgent over time, in par- out the northeast, particularly exchange the knowledge of those tion work and examples of great nonprofit organization founded
ticular for walls in private in Massachusetts, Vermont, working with these precious painted walls, CPWP hopes to in 2015 to document and pre-
homes. The symposium will take Maine, and New Hampshire, artifacts. establish a basic set of best prac- serve paint-decorated plaster
place April 3-5. still have stenciled, freehand- tices for those working with walls. CPWP is the premier
painted, and muraled walls at Painted walls are vital parts of painted walls and to advocate organization for advice on care
Painted walls represent the various stages of preservation. our cultural heritage that dem- for the protection of painted and structural issues; connec-
very best of New England ver- Some painted walls are in muse- onstrate beautiful craftsman- walls in homes and other build- tions to a trusted network of
nacular art and American land- um collections, including the ship and convey a deep sense of ings in peril. conservation, preservation and
Maine State Museum; the Muse- place. By sharing presentations paint analysis technicians; docu-
Services— um of Our National Heritage; on recent and current case stud- The audience for the sympo- mentation of painted walls;
Winterthur; the Rufus Porter ies from noted experts in the sium is anticipated to be about attribution assistance; and
Museum; the Shelburne Muse- field, the Center for Painted 140 participants as well as extrication support. CPWP
um; the Boston Museum of Fine Wall Preservation (CPWP) speakers, representatives from assists public and private wall
Arts; the New York State His- hopes to establish responsible partner organizations, and local owners with the task of careful
torical Association at Cooper- practices for preservation and vendors. Additionally, Sympo- stewardship.
stown; American Folk Art Muse- promote the continued survival sium proceedings and/or white
um in New York City; and The of extant painted walls. papers will be circulated to more For more information on the
Huntington Art Collections in than 1,000 recipients of the symposium, www.pwpcenter.
San Marino, Calif., along with Timed to coincide with “Rufus CPWP newsletter. org/symposium or by email at
Porter’s Curious World: Art and [email protected].
Invention in America, 1815- Presenters will include conser-

Two Ohio Museums To Feature French Still Life Paintings

TOLEDO, OHIO — The Tole- the 1860s. Cézanne, considered to have The Toledo Museum of Art is
do Museum of Art (TMA) and “One Each: Still Lifes by Pis- been the driving precursor of at 2445 Monroe Street. For
the Cincinnati Art Museum are Cubism, the early Twentieth information, 419-255-8000 or
collaborating on an intimate sarro, Cézanne, Manet & Century’s major art movement.
exhibition that highlights a Friends” will be on view in Tole- In addition, superb paintings by
group of richly evocative French do through April 12, and subse- Claude Monet, Henri Fantin- The Cincinnati Art Museum is
still lifes from a single decade, quently travel to Cincinnati, Latour and Gustave Courbet at 953 Eden Park Drive. For
where it will be on display at will be on view. information, 513-721-2787 or
the Cincinnati Art Museum
from May 15 to August 9. The
exhibition is curated by TMA’s Camille Pissarro (1830–1903), “Still Life,” oil on canvas, 1867.
Lawrence W. Nichols, the Wil- Toledo Museum of Art, Purchased with funds from the Lib-
liam Hutton senior curator, bey Endowment, Gift of Edward Drummond Libbey, 1949.6.
European & American painting
and sculpture before 1900, and
Peter Jonathan Bell, Cincinna-
ti’s associate curator of Europe-
an paintings, sculpture and

“With its solemnity as well as
its spontaneity, Camille Pissar-
ro’s ‘Still Life’ of 1867 is one of
the most rewarding and mes-
merizing compositions in the
collection of the Toledo Museum
of Art,” Nichols said. “This exhi-
bition will place this master-
piece within the context of the
important developments in
French still life paintings in
this vital decade.”

Also included are examples
from the hand of Édouard
Manet, regarded as the ‘father
of modern painting’, and Paul

January 24, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 43

Yale Exhibits Preparatory Studies For Lost Lynching Mural

NEW HAVEN, CONN. — In commented, “The aim of the John Wilson, Compositional
1952, while studying at La Mexican muralist movement study for “The Incident,”
Esmeralda, the national school was to be spokespeople for the 1952, opaque and transpar-
of art in Mexico City, African common man. They wanted to ent watercolor, ink, and
American artist John Wilson create works of art expressing graphite, squared for trans-
(1922-2015) painted “The Inci- the reality of the forgotten ones, fer. Yale University Art Gal-
dent,” a fresco mural of a racial revealing their history, their lery, Janet and Simeon Bra-
terror lynching at the hands of celebrations and struggles…. guin Fund. ©Estate of John
the Ku Klux Klan. Executed on [Mural painting] is a public Wilson.
an exterior wall at street level, thing because it’s available to
the mural was intended to be masses of people. And so, 1950.
temporary, but its commanding through Mexican art, I began to Stephanie Wiles, the Henry J.
composition prompted experience a sense of how to Heinz II director, notes that,
renowned Mexican muralist depict my reality.” Of his choice “Since 2008, the gallery has
David Alfaro Siqueiros — who of lynching as the subject mat- enthusiastically explored
was then the head of Mexico’s ter for his Mexican mural, Wil- opportunities for college and
department for the protection son said that while he knew university museums to share
and restoration of murals — to that he was not going to “change collections and develop inter-
advocate for its preservation. America,” it was an attempt to disciplinary programs that
Though the mural itself is no “exorcise” the feelings he had spark important conversations
longer extant, “Reckoning with carried with him since seeing about art and its role in our
‘The Incident’: John Wilson’s photographs of lynchings as a lives.” Wiles continues, “High-
Studies for a Lynching Mural” child. lighting drawings, prints and
brings together nearly all of the painted studies of John Wilson’s
known preparatory sketches Wilson explored the intersec- now-lost mural on the subject of
and painted studies for the fres- tion of art and politics through- a lynching, this exhibition pro-
co, as well as related drawings out his career, always with an vides an unparalleled opportu-
and prints, from the collections eye toward issues of social jus- nity to present the artist’s com-
of the Faulconer Gallery, Grin- tice. His most well-known work pelling contributions and
nell College, Iowa, the Clark is a three-foot-tall bust of Dr unique visual response to racial
Atlanta University Art Muse- Martin Luther King Jr, which violence and injustice to audi-
um, the Yale University Art has been on view in the Capitol ences across America.”
Gallery and select private lend- Rotunda in Washington, DC, Please note that this exhibi-
ers. since its 1986 installation. tion includes images of a racial-
The exhibition will be on view “Reckoning with ‘The Incident’: terror lynching at the hands of
at the Yale University Art Gal- John Wilson’s Studies for a the Ku Klux Klan that may
lery through May 10. Lynching Mural” expands upon elicit strong emotional respons-
As a young man, Wilson was the national conversation es. “Reckoning with ‘The Inci-
drawn to the work of Mexican focused in Montgomery, Ala- dent’: John Wilson’s Studies for
muralists José Clemente Oroz- bama with the recent opening a Lynching Mural” aims to
co, Diego Rivera and Siqueiros of the Equal Justice Initiative’s stimulate thoughtful and
and their commitment to create Legacy Museum and National respectful dialogue about the
art with a socially conscious Memorial for Peace and Justice history and reality of racism
message. A grant from the John — national monuments of and terror in this country.
Hay Whitney Foundation unprecedented importance that The Yale University Art Gal-
allowed Wilson to travel to honor and memorialize more lery is at 1111 Chapel Street.
Mexico, where he studied from than 4,400 African Americans For information, 203-432-0600
1950 through 1956. He later from 12 Southern states who or
were lynched between 1877 and

Nantucket Historical Association
Acquires Whaling Memoir,

Gardner Tooth & Huggins Painting

NANTUCKET, MASS. — The “Northern Whale Fishery” by William John Huggins.
Trustees of the Nantucket His-
torical Association (NHA) have nant, with an eagle, shield, and Jeffrey Paduch, an anony-
announced the acquisition of arrows and olives in its talons. mous donor and the Richard E.
three significant items for the On the reverse side is a willow Griffin Family Acquisition
permanent collection: Milo tree and woman mourning at a Fund.
Calkin’s memoir documenting monument that says, “Albert
his time aboard the Nantucket Gardner Lost at Sea 1840”. The NHA is at 15 Broad
whaleship Independence, an The Omega returned to Nan- Street. For information, 508-
Albert C. Gardner tooth and tucket in the spring of 1840, 228-1894 or
the painting “Northern Whale which may have been the ear-
Fishery” by William John Hug- liest his wife, Sophronia Nye
gins. These three acquisitions Edwards, and their one daugh-
round out an enormously pro- ter, Sarah, learned of his
ductive year in investing in death. This tooth was pur-
the NHA collection and bring- chased with a gift from Janet
ing important artifacts back to and Rick Sherlund.
the island for all to enjoy.
“Northern Whale Fishery”
Milo Calkin’s memoir fills a depicts British whaling ships
gap in the Research Library in the frozen waters of the
logbook collection. The Inde- David Strait between Canada
pendence completed five voy- and Greenland. The work is an
ages out of Nantucket before 1835 copy of an 1828 original
its final voyage in 1833, and by William John Huggins. The
the Research Library held no painting is a dramatic depic-
records for any of them. This tion of the British whaling
volume not only describes the fleet in the 1820s and 1830s,
ship’s final voyage and its at a time when Nantucket
foundering in the South Pacif- whaling was at its zenith. Its
ic, but it also provides a color- purchase was possible with
ful example of a young man support from Kaaren and
with limited prospects joining Charles Hale, Shelley and
a Nantucket whaling vessel in Graham Goldsmith, Carolyn
an effort to change his fate.
The NHA was able to acquire
this significant item thanks to
support from Susan Blount,
Polly Espy Millard, Art and
Diane Kelly, and L. Dennis
and Susan Shapiro.

Albert C. Gardner of Nan-
tucket was captain of the
1836-40 voyage of the Nan-
tucket whaleship Omega, but
passed away on February 10,
1838 off the coast of Lima,
Peru. The tooth depicts a
three-masted ship flying an
American flag and long pen-

44 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 24, 2020

New Year, New ‘Antique Collectibles Show’ In Sturbridge

Gary Sohmers, Hudson, Mass., featured two carnival or STURBRIDGE, MASS. — The in Sturbridge and related that and baking molds to paintings
sideshow wood cutouts: one featuring a bellhop and the sun rose early on January 1 as the expansion of the show into and furniture. Chet related that
other with an image of the “Giant Amazon Woman.” dealers readied themselves for collectibles is in line with their he did this show 30 years ago in
commerce at the Sturbridge subscriber demographic. another of its iterations, and he
Review and Photos by Host Hotel for what would be always comes back for more. The
Antiques and The Arts Weekly their first show of the new year It was also the first time that couple featured a 7-inch diame-
and decade. The Sturbridge Carter-Lome had managed a ter pewter ABC dish along with
Greg Smith, Editor Antique Show closed after its show, and when asked near the a German stoneware wine cooler
2018 edition and did not appear opening if it was going smoothly, with a griffin head by Mettlach.
The Optical Heritage Museum from Southbridge, Mass., in 2019, leaving an open slot and she laughed and said, “I’ll tell
was one of the special exhibitors in the show. The American opportunity for The Journal of you at the end of the day.” Brookfield, Mass., dealership
Optical Company anchored Southbridge, Mass., as the lead- Antiques & Collectibles and its Quirky Antiques, exhibited an
ing manufacturer of opthalmic products in the world dur- local publisher Maxine Carter- By all accounts, the show was 1890s automaton pull toy featur-
ing the Nineteenth Century. Lome to pick it up, rebranding it well produced and the public ing an African American boy,
as the Antique Collectibles Show. responded positively. Nearly 100 with a bisque head and bells
people lined up at the 10 am hanging from his cap, playing on
A sentiment shared by many of opening gate and rushed in to his drum. The platform was
the exhibitors in the room, and see what was on offer from the hand painted and everything
echoed by Carter-Lome and the 45 or so exhibitor spaces. was all original. The dealer said
show’s attendees, was that peo- the toy was made in Germany.
ple hoped for the return of the Right inside the front door was
show that they had come to a country booth filled to the brim Gary Sohmers, from Hudson,
expect each New Year’s day. with smalls from Pantry Box Mass., goes by the moniker of the
There have been on-and-off Antiques, Stafford Springs, King of Pop Culture. He
antiques events, including shows Conn. Owner Charlie Guinipero appeared on the Antiques Road-
and auctions, at the location featured country primitives, show for a number of seasons,
going back decades. stoneware, antique Steiff and always wearing his floral shirt,
related animals, and a colorful and he donned it again for this
“We were fortunate that the display of antique Christmas show. He also produces the
dealers were ready to come back. items. Guinipero said he always Northeast Comic Con & Collect-
Most of them had done this show had a good show here and he was ibles Extravaganza in Boxboro,
in past years,” Carter-Lome told glad the promoters brought it Mass. Sohmers was selling two
us. “There are some beautiful back. Within a half hour of the carnival or sideshow wood cut-
things here and some great deal- opening he had sold an assort- outs as an inseparable pair, one
ers came from all over the region: ment of country goods, including featuring a bellhop in a red getup
from Connecticut, central and a trencher and a hat box. that read “ontinuou,” the rest of
south Massachusetts, New York the message not included proba-
and New Hampshire.” Chet and Cathy Cwilichoski, bly reading something to the
Ansonia, Conn., brought with effect of “continuous shows,”
The publisher is located nearby them an eclectic mix of antiques, while the other featured an
ranging from decorative pieces image of the “Giant Amazon
Woman” with a bullring through
Apothecary goods — from thyme and dandelion root to her nose and draped in an
strawberry leaves and comfrey root — were shown here at orange/red dress.
M&M Antiques, Sturbridge and Southbridge, Mass. Many in
the dealer’s booth were deacessionsed from Greenfield Vil- Morgan Wood, from Southamp-
lage. ton, Mass., displayed his varied
collection of minerals and arti-
facts. Among them were geodes,
vertebrae bones, a box of Mason
Creek, Ohio, fossilized ferns and
a number of Herkimer diamonds.

Trunks of all kinds were in the
booth of Paul Norton, who runs
Hartco Trunks out of Terryville,
Conn. “Most of the good old trunk
locks were made in Connecticut,”
Norton said, motioning towards
a few sample boards with hard-
ware pinned to them. He men-
tioned The Eagle Lock Company
in Terryville and Corbin Cabinet
Lock Company in New Britain,
which moved but is still in opera-
tion since 1882. New Britain,
Conn., is known as the “Hard-

Is New Year’s Day officially the end of Christmas? Not at A Borden’s Farm Products milk and cream tin lithographed
Pantry Box Antiques, Stafford Springs, Conn., who supplied wagon with wood wheels, roof and horse is seen here with
a nice mix of antique ornaments. an unused vomit bag, a marketing gimmick for the 1970
movie Mark of the Devil, which was the first film rated V for
violence. J&M Antiques, Munson, Mass.

A pair of portraits came out of a Cape Cod estate. They were A buyer holds up a porcelain figure of a lady in E.S. Bob Potvin was a stand-out
featured by local Sturbridge dealer Ye Country Mercantile. Eldridge’s booth. The Willimantic, Conn., auctioneer and among the attendees at the
dealer is seen left, holding its mate. show, dressed in his stars
and stripes. He said he held
the first auction in this
building on January 1, 1982
under Potvin Auctioneers.
About 18 inches of snow fell
that day, but he still had 100
dealers in the room. He sells
coins, stamps, watches,
clocks and autographs. “I
have never seen such a show
with this spirit and variety
here. This is phenonemal,”
he said.

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