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Published by Colin Savage, 2019-12-25 07:12:09


Issue 2020 01 03


Published byThe Bee Publishing Company, Newtown, Connecticut INDEXES ON
ArFt AnIdJLiIfe In The PacificNewsstandRate$2.00 PAGES 36 & 37

When I was very young, I used to find myself in the Coin and Stamp Department in Gimbel’s on
Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee. I would be feeling the sting of my weekly allergy shot, received
with a stoic wince in Dr. Lee’s office down the block. One day, while my mother was at Gimbel’s
Delicatessen — I can still smell the clovey, molassesy ham they made — I was peering, as usual,
over the wooden counters at some rarity I coveted. Beside me, a tall, elegant, silver-haired woman
was bargaining — arguing really — with the numismatic salespeople — all men, all in suits and
ties — trying to sell her late husband’s coin collection. She was in a hurry, and vocally unsatisfied
with the agreement they came to. Then she said, “Now, about the stamps.” Philately chimed in
from the next counter: a proper appraisal would be required, etc, etc. The woman leaned down to
me and said, “Little boy, do you like stamps?” Startled, I stammered, “Yes,” and before I could say
another word, the woman commanded the salespeople to “Get this young man some bags.

( continued on page 8C )

“Fijian Warrior (with Whale Tooth Necklace)” probably by John William (J.W.) Waters, 1880s.
Albumen print, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Partial gift of Mark and Carolyn Blackburn
and purchased with funds from LACMA’s 50th Anniversary Gala and Fiji Water. Photo ©Museum

This contemporary drua (double-hulled sailing canoe) was commissioned as a heritage project in Fiji to encourage the retention of canoe-building skills.
Joji Marau Misaele managed the project in Fiji with the drua building team — carvers and mat-sail-makers — originally from the islands of Ogea and
Vulaga in the Lau region. The team harvested trees from the forests on Ogea and completed the canoe, which has no metal components, using traditional
tools, fiber lashings, and shells. The sail is composed of six sections of hand-woven pandanus-leaf matting, which prevents tearing of the entire sail. With-
out a fixed bow or stern, drua can sail in either direction. In the Nineteenth Century, large double-hulled canoes provided effective open ocean transpor-
tation and carried troops in times of war. Installation photograph, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Photo ©Museum Associates/LACMA.

At The Los Angeles County Museum Of Art

2C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

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6C — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

QA& January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 1

Anthony Wood

Anthony Wood is a preservationist and author based in New
York City who has served as a Trustee of the National Trust for
Historic Preservation, the Preservation League of New York
State, and countless other boards of regional and national pres-
ervation organizations. The executive director of the Ittleson
Foundation, he works with numerous nonprofit cultural organi-
zations, including Charleston’s Drayton Hall. His most sustain-
ing legacy, however, may be the New York Preservation Archive
Project, which he founded in 1998. Antiques and The Arts
Weekly had the opportunity to dig deep into Wood’s passion for
historic preservation and what he views as the future of a field
dedicated to saving the past.

How did you become interested in Why do you feel the history of the pres- tion’s history, however, makes it clear that New York-
historic preservation? ervation movement is so important? ers have been trying to manage change — which is
what preservation is all about — for almost as long as
I grew up in a family that valued history. My father Many people still take it for granted that cherished change has been going on. Preservation, like change,
was a university history professor who wrote his- landmarks and historic neighborhoods just naturally is also part of New York City’s fundamental DNA.
tory textbooks. As a family, we would drive around get saved. They don’t realize that such buildings Lifting up the preservation movement’s heritage en-
looking at old homes and I grew up in two great and special places don’t survive by accident but only sures that we don’t forget that part of the city’s story.
old houses. I remember being taken as a child to through the concerted efforts of people like them.
Fort Ticonderoga and Gettysburg. My mother, That’s why capturing and telling preservation stories What led you to start the New York
among many other things, was a civic activist al- is so important. For preservationists, the movement’s Preservation Archive Project?
ways writing letters to the editor of the local paper. history is our intellectual capital. It can inform,
I love history and majored in it at Kenyon College. instruct and inspire current and future preservation- During the years I was researching Preserving New
However, I decided a purely academic path was too ists. Past victories and losses are full of lessons to York, I was repeatedly frustrated when I discovered
passive for me. Historic preservation, with its blend be learned. For emerging preservationists, it is so that the papers of key preservation figures had been
of history and activism — buildings don’t just save empowering for them to know they are part of a long lost. When they died their papers had ended up in
themselves — was a perfect fit for my interests and and honorable tradition. Also, there is a prominent dumpsters. I also longed to hear first person accounts
my upbringing! New York historian in the city who maintains that of major preservation events, but those voices had
preservation goes against the very ethos of the city, long been silenced. I realized that someday someone
What led to your interest in because change is what defines New York. Preserva- would want to write about more recent preservation
the history of the preservation history, and they would want the resources that hadn’t
been available to me. So, the Archive Proj-
After earning a master’s in Urban and ect was born to go about doing the work
Regional Planning with an emphasis to save preservation papers, conduct oral
on historic preservation (I was the histories, and celebrate episodes and figures
student in the transportation planning from the rich history of preservation.
class who did his paper on how New
Orleans stopped a highway that would What challenges have you faced?
have destroyed the French Quarter),
I came to New York in 1978 with Preservationists are so busy saving history
a desire to get involved in historic that they forget to preserve their own. It is
preservation. Being interested in hard to convince them to take the time to
history, and also thinking it might document their efforts. People also seem to
help my job search, I went in search think they will live forever so they put off
of a book or article on the history of making plans for the long-term stewardship
New York’s preservation movement. I of their papers. Organizationally, we face
found nothing. So, I started con- the challenge of raising money to support
ducting oral histories with key indi- our efforts. The charitable instinct of many
viduals who had long been leaders preservationists is to first support their
in the field. I soon learned that the neighborhood preservation organization, and
established myth surrounding the perhaps then a city-wide preservation group,
origin of preservation in New York and maybe the Preservation League of New
City — that preservation had grown York State — all worthy causes! But it takes a
out of the ruins of the demolition
of Pennsylvania Station — was ( continued on page 10 )
just that, a myth. Prior preserva-
tion efforts had been going on for The demolition of the Brokaw Mansions,
decades. That set me on my multi- dramatically depicted on the cover of Pre-
year quest to learn the origins of serving New York: Winning the Right to
New York’s landmarks law, which Protect a City’s Landmarks, is one of the
ultimately led to my book, Preserv- many episodes in the history of preserva-
ing New York: Winning the Right to tion in New York City captured through the
Protect a City’s Landmarks. work of the New York Preservation Archive
Project. Photo courtesy of the New York
Preservation Archive Project.

2 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020 Auction/Show Calendars - Page 36 INDEX - Page 37


Webb Dordick CoNSigNmeNTS
for 2020
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and Ralph Avery


January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 3

Firm’s First Sale Of 2020—

George Nakashima & Lalique
To Lead Off Bodnar’s Auction

EDISON, N.J. — On January collection of more than 40 piec- Nakashima dining room table with signa-
4, Bodnar’s Auction Sales will es of Lalique France and R. ture dove-tailed top with a set of six wish-
host its first sale of the new Lalique. Founded by renowned bone/grass seated chairs ($8/12,000).
year at the New Jersey Con- French glassmaker and jeweler
vention and Expo Center. Sev- René Lalique in 1888, Lalique One of three marble-based DH Chiparus-
eral local estates were found to is best known for producing art style figurines, either late cast or recast,
be full of treasures that will glass, including perfume bot- from a New York City estate.
cross the auction block, all to tles, vases and hood ornaments
find new homes with no during the early Twentieth Midcentury Modern includes a signed Knoll
reserves and all to be sold to Century. Included in this collec- Saarinen dining table with four tulip chairs.
the highest bidder. tion are many signed doves, a
Four Seasons dresser box, modern art from names such To Place An Ad Call 203-426-8036
Auction house owner Joseph female nudes, Madonna, flow- as Charles Fazzino, James
Bodnar recalls that it all start- ers, glasses, perfume bottles, Rizzi, a signed Peter Max Snow
ed with a phone call with his ice buckets, clocks, vases and White and RC Gorman.
aunt’s estate from Metuchen, many dresser boxes. The high-
N.J., rich in George Nakashima light is a signed R. Lalique per- The NJ Convention and Expo
pieces. His aunt in the 1950s fume bottle. The owner of the Center is at 97 Sunfield Ave-
was introduced to this New collection did not just collect nue. The doors will open for
Hope, Penn., furniture design- Lalique but also had many preview at 9 am and the sale
er and fell in love with his signed Daum France pieces, begins at 11 am. For more
designs. Bodnar’s will offer this Sabino, as well as Baccarat and information, www.bodnarsauc-
collection at no reserves. First Murano glass. Other collections or 866-349-7378.
comes a dining room table with include Nineteenth Century
Nakashima’s signature dove- porcelain, a framed Eighteenth
tailed top with a set of six Century Chinese export char-
wishbone/grass seated chairs ger, a collection of Boehm bird
($8/12,000). Hanging on the figurines, plus more.
wall with the set comes a free-
floating sideboard with his sig- Rounding out the auction is a
nature dovetail jointing on the collection of Erte jewelry pieces
top right ($2/4,000), a pair of such as a 14K and sterling cuff,
Nakashima cushion chairs many 14K and sterling ear-
($2/4,000) and other Nakashi- rings, a 14K diamond and ruby
ma-style living room furniture. ring titled “Dream Voyage,” a
pair of 14K and sapphire fox
Other Midcentury Modern cufflinks and another 14K dia-
includes a signed Knoll Saa- mond and ruby Erte ring, all
rinen dining table with four signed and numbered limited
tulip chairs, Knoll Saarinen editions. There is also a pair of
side tables, swivel egg chair Joan Michelin 14K earrings
with ottoman, signed Paul and a gold-plated Cartier pen.
McCobb planters group server, Rounding out the collection are
plus other Danish furniture. three marble-based DH Chipa-
Accessories in this time period rus-style figurines. It is unde-
will also be featured, including termined if they are late cast
a Danish sterling silver flat- or recast. They all came from a
ware set, sterling by Georg New York City estate. The first
Jenson, a Rosenthal dinner- is “Semiramis,” the next is “5
ware set, plus other accent Chiparus Dancer,” and the last
pieces and lighting. is “Almeria.” Finishing off this
category is midcentury and
From a Staten Island, N.Y.,
estate comes a single-owner

Long-Awaited Native American Museum
In Oklahoma Has New Name

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. ture refused to allocate more
(AP) — The long-awaited Amer- funds. An agreement was ulti-
ican Indian Cultural Center and mately reached in 2016 between
Museum in Oklahoma City is the city, state and tribal nations
getting a new name. to finish construction.
City and tribal officials
announced Thursday the facili- The museum will be located
ty will be called the First Ameri- along the bank of the Oklahoma
cans Museum. Museum officials River just south of downtown
say the old name was unwieldy Oklahoma City, and aims to be a
and that the term “Indians” is world-class showcase for Okla-
historically inaccurate. homa’s American Indian heri-
Construction on the tage and will house artifacts the
173,000-square-foot facility tell the history of the 39 feder-
began in 2006 but was delayed ally recognized tribes located in
for years after the project ran the state.
out of money and the Legisla-
The museum is expected to
open in 2021.

Hat Madness At New Canaan
Museum & Historical Society

NEW CANAAN, CONN. — In by the mercury used in the pro-
“Hat Madness,” the New Canaan duction of felt, which was then
Museum & Historical Society used for hats. In the Nineteenth
explores the history of hats, hat Century, the Danbury hatters
design and hat-making with experienced what was then
more than 65 hats from its called the “Danbury Shakes.”
extensive clothing and textile Without labor laws to protect
collection. From the simple bon- them, these workers struggled to
nets worn in colonial times to keep up with production as they
stunning pieces of art that were lost their minds. Interesting his-
popular in the 1920s to the torical facts and a brief documen-
“Pussy Cap” of the 2017 Wom- tary on the hat-making industry
en’s March, this exhibition spans in Danbury are also included in
more than 200 years. Period gar- this mixed media exhibition.
ments and related accessories
are also on display. The show is curated by Penny
Havard and will be on view
Come learn about the origins of through March 8.
the famous Mad Hatter, a term
used to describe the dementia The New Canaan Museum &
experienced by men in the hat- Historical Society is at 13 Oenoke
making business. It was caused Ridge. For information, 203-966-
1776 or

4 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Rare Gatling Gun Leads
Cowan’s $1.1 Million Arms & Armor Sale

Auction Action In Cincinnati, Ohio

Factory rival grade engraved Savage lever
action rifle made for P.J. Noel with an entire
archive of Savage factory correspondence
went out at $48,000.

Elaborate exhibition French Rare Colt Model 1883 Gatling gun complete with US Army
cased gilt and silver engraved field carriage and limber dated 1887, realized $222,000.
cooper double-action pocket
percussion revolvers with
high-relief carved eagle with
shield one-piece ivory grips
sold for $42,000.

Fetching $51,000 was an Ulrich engraved fac-
tory gold plated grade 15 Marlin Model 1893
exhibition rifle.

CINCINNATI, OHIO — One an’s director of arms and The Gatling gun was the top Ulrich factory-engraved gold
of the best and most complete armor. “The price achieved lot in the auction but it was by exhibition Marlin Model 1897
Gatling guns to be offered in shows the amount of respect in no means the only highlight for rifle earned $36,000.
recent years highlighted Cow- the market for truly great piec- the $1.1 million day.
an’s December 4 arms and es of military antiquities and $48,000; a pair of elaborate ent cylinder” Cofer revolvers
armor auction, selling for that really brings a smile to my Engraved pieces comprised exhibition French cased gilt known to exist.
$222,000. The gigantic Colt face.” the hottest category of the day
Model 1883 was a remarkably with an Ulrich engraved gold- Other notable pieces from the
complete example of one of the The lot opened at $65,000 plated grade 15 Marlin model auction included a third type
most iconic guns of its time before five phone bidders quick- 1893 exhibition rifle taking the US model 1875 trapdoor offi-
complete with original field ly took the lot to six figures. At top honor at $51,000. The rifle cer’s rifle that sold for $24,000;
carriage, limber and a rare the low estimate of $125,000, was profusely engraved with a B. Collin and A. Langre Bowie
original Accles drum. only two bidders remained, and flowing arabesque foliate knife for $13,200; a rare mar-
the pace became much more scrolls with a dot-matted relief tially marked first model
“I’ve been doing this a long deliberate. For the next two carved central panel on the Smith & Wesson #3 American
time and when I first laid eyes minutes, the two determined reverse showing a buck fight- revolver with nickel finish for
on this incredible piece of mili- bidders battled back and forth ing three wolves and with $10,800; one of the Colt model
tary history even I was blown before a private collector ulti- another buck in the forest as 1907 pistols used during the
away,” said Jack Lewis, Cow- mately won the lot. the central theme for the US Army’s test trials for
obverse panel. The work is $9,225; and a Springfield
almost certainly that of Conrad and silver engraved Cooper model 1873 carbine marked to
Friedrich Ulrich Jr, who double-action pocket percus- the 9th US Cavalry for $9,000.
worked at Marlin during this sion revolvers for $42,000; the
period as the firm’s master finest known ultra-deluxe Prices given include the buy-
engraver. French cased pair of exhibition er’s premium as stated by the
engraved 3rd model Plant auction house. For additional
Rare Confederate First Model “I love it when rifles like this Army Merwin & Bray revolv- information,
Cofer revolver — Serial No. 7 took get the attention they deserve,” ers with exchange percussion or 513-871-1670.
$90,000. said Lewis. “Pieces like these cylinders for $39,000; an Ulrich
prove that firearms collecting factory-engraved gold exhibi-
isn’t just about history, it’s also tion Marlin model 1897 rifle
about the artistry. I guarantee for $36,000; and an engraved
you the engraved pieces pur- Sharps-Borchardt M1878
chased here are going to be dis- sporting rifle for $20,400.
played just as prominently and Pacing the Civil War category
proudly as any painting or was a rare Confederate first
sculpture.” model Cofer revolver that sold
for $90,000. This was just one
Other highlights from the of only two examples of the
category included a factory Type I, “split cylinder” or “pat-
rival grade engraved Savage
lever-action rifle that sold for

The finest known ultra-deluxe French cased pair of exhibi- 3rd Type US Model 1875 trapdoor officer’s rifle
tion engraved 3rd Model Plant Army Merwin & Bray revolv- was bid to $24,000.
ers with exchange percussion cylinders achieved $39,000.

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 5

Fred Giampietro Announces
First New Haven Auction Of 2020

Day two will include a pair of Maine eider decoys

The John Adam Dix Chippendale kneehole desk or bureau
table, New York, circa 1760, was formerly the property of
John Adams Dix (1798-1879).

NEW HAVEN, CONN. — ousel barber chair, Charles Rare Old Sleepy Eye tin Watercolor family records will be on offer.
Fred Giampietro’s first New Looff carousel horse, cast iron embossed sign from the Old
Haven Auction of 2020 will be life-size dalmatian, mechani- Sleepy Eye Flour Mill. The historic Ebenezer Tracy
a two-day event taking place cal banks, Austrian bronzes, Stowe in the book Harriet writing arm Windsor chair.
January 11 and 12. art pottery, a cinnabar box, Beecher Stowe: The Story of 1832. Beecher was a minister
nine Lincoln assassination Her Life. The chair adorns the and the co-founder and leader
Day one will feature the newspapers, burl bowls, early name “L. Beecher,” which is of the American Temperance
Americana collection of Susie American iron, folk art por- centered on the back of the Society.
and Richie Burmann. This col- trait of a dog and jewelry, arm rail, and a shipping label
lection, formed over the last including a 2.8-carat diamond. is affixed to the underside of Preview times are January
40 years, will include a rare the chair, indicating that the 7-10, 10 am to 3 pm and by
miniature ogee bracket blan- Two historic pieces of period chair traveled with Lyman appointment.
ket chest, a group of carved furniture will cross the block. Beecher and his family from
and painted heart-in-hand The John Adam Dix Chippen- Connecticut to Cincinnati in New Haven Auctions is at
staffs, watercolor birth record dale kneehole desk or bureau 315 Peck Street, Building 4.
by John Van Minian, heart-in- table, New York, circa 1760, For additional information,
hand watercolor family was formerly the property of
records, a collection of tramp John Adams Dix (1798-1879), or 475-234-5120.
art, including a hanging cabi- a US Civil War major general
net with carved heart-in- for Union forces, US secretary
hand, collection of spruce gum of the treasury and US sena-
book boxes, a tiger maple tor. He was also US minister
highboy, tiger maple Pem- to France from 1866 to 1869
broke table, quilts, weather- and served as New York’s 24th
vanes, carved oversized pigeon governor from 1873 to 1874.
head from Pigeon Head Inn, As a civilian, Dix was presi-
Knob Hill, Maine, and much dent of the Union Pacific Rail-
more. The sale of approxi- road from 1863-1868, during
mately 200 lots will begin at the construction of the first
11 am on January 11. transcontinental railroad.

Day two, January 12, will Lyman Beecher (1775-1863)
include a pair of Maine eider was the father of American
decoys, rare Old Sleepy Eye abolitionist and author Harri-
tin embossed sign from the et Beecher Stowe. Offered will
Old Sleepy Eye Flour Mill, be the historic Ebenezer Tracy
weathervanes, trade signs, writing arm Windsor chair,
Blind Justice carved trade fig- which was lovingly remem-
ure, Stein and Goldstein car- bered by Harriet Beecher

Rayyane Tabet Explores Story Of
Ancient Stone Reliefs

NEW YORK CITY — A new confront our past head-on in
exhibition at The Metropolitan order to ground ourselves firmly
Museum of Art tells the story of in the present, and through the
the Ninth Century BCE stone process begin to imagine what
reliefs excavated in the early might be possible.”
Twentieth Century at Tell Halaf,
Syria and their subsequent On view in the museum’s gal-
destruction, loss, or dispersal to leries for Ancient Near Eastern
museum collections around the Art, “Rayyane Tabet / Alien
world, including The Met. “Rayy- Property” features approximate-
ane Tabet / Alien Property,” on ly 20 works of art, including
view through January 18, 2021, Tabet’s charcoal rubbings of the
examines the circuitous journey ancient reliefs; four of the
of The Met’s four reliefs, which ancient reliefs themselves that
came to the museum under the are part of The Met collection;
aegis of the World War II-era Tabet’s 2017 work “Genealogy”;
Alien Property Custodian Act. the famed Neo-Hittite “Venus”
The exhibition also highlights unearthed at Tell Halaf and on
the very personal connection of loan from the Pergamon Muse-
the reliefs to contemporary art- um in Berlin; and archival mate-
ist Rayyane Tabet (born 1983). rial drawn from both the artist’s
personal possessions and The
“The stories that Rayyane Met’s archives. Presented
Tabet tells in this exhibition are together, these works, and relat-
rooted in both intensely person- ed materials, illuminate how
al experiences, and some of the cultural artifacts have helped
most complex cultural heritage expose audiences to the richness
issues currently being grappled of the ancient world. They also
with in the world — including show how cultural artifacts have
the role of museums, both past been leveraged either to draw
and present,” said Max Hollein, attention to the plight of people
director of The Met. “Through caught up in cycles of violence or
this collaboration with Tabet, to exclude them from broader
we’re able to consider the rich political narratives. The exhibi-
history of these compelling tion ultimately asks viewers to
objects in light of the artist’s consider these entangled, com-
perspective, and the multiple plex histories in relation to pres-
forces at play in the region ent-day conversations about the
throughout the Twentieth Cen- evolving role of encyclopedic
tury and still today.” museums.

“We live in times of transition The Metropolitan Museum of
and uncertainty,” said Tabet. Art is at 1000 Fifth Avenue. For
“Working on this show has solid- information, 212-535-7710 or
ified my belief that we have to

6 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

From California Art To Art Deco & Tiffany,
Michaan’s Top Lots Spanned Categories

Auction Action In Alameda, Calif.

ALAMEDA, CALIF. — At ings were top sellers, with the ment where Fenichell said she mixed media work, “Thicket and Cinema with full cataloging
Michaan’s December 6 Winter auctions featuring property did a walk through discovering XLIII,” garnered many inqui- and signed M.F. Husain.
fine sale and December 7 gal- from the Sylvia Blumenfeld a home filled with Art Deco, ries from designers in New
lery auction, top lots spanned Trust and property from a San French Moderne and continen- York and beyond. Estimated at Lynn Bogue Hunt (1878-
multiple categories from Ameri- Francisco apartment designed tal pieces. “The apartment was $3/5,000, it sold for $15,000. It 1960) was an American artist
can art, fine estate jewels, and by Steven Volpe. Two fine collec- designed by Steven Volpe and was one of many pieces from know for his wildlife works
Tiffany Studios glass to Art tions of Art Deco and Art Mod- the decorations and furniture the Volpe-designed San Fran- and as an illustrator of maga-
Deco. Bay Area artists of inter- erne were offered, both attract- were classic Art Deco. We had cisco apartment. zines and books. His “Fishing
national renown, designer fine ing international interest. people from LA, Vegas, Port- at Sunset,” oil on canvas,
jewelry and Art Deco furnish- land and all over who came to Other fine art that sold well 10-1/8-by-11-1/8-inch framed
A Longquan celadon Kinuta With well above 1,000 lots, see it. Art Deco fans!” includes James Weeks’ (1922- painting sold above high esti-
vase from the Ruri Fugimura tops lots included an untitled 1998), 1982 acrylic on canvas mate at $5,100.
collection surprised as some work by American artist Sam The Tiffany dragonfly lamp titled “Cello Sonata 1966-1968,”
19 bids pushed the 9-3/8-inch Francis that sold at $132,000, a was from the original buyer’s which realized $37,200. The South Asian artists of the
cylindrical vase with a pair Tiffany dragonfly lamp that family. The 20-inch cone shade, 53½-by-69-inch signed work Twentieth Century were fea-
of fish handles well above its realized $180,000 and a 7.92- mounted on a rare bronze featured a Hirschl & Adler tured on December 7 including
$1,5/2,500 estimate to sell at carat diamond ring from the “twisted vine” base, 26 inches Modern, New York City label “Village Scene,” a watercolor
$6,000. Blumenfeld trust at $150,000. overall, was accompanied by an verso with full cataloging and by Syed Haider Raza, which
original purchase receipt show- inventory number MI679D. sold for $3,800. Works by early
According to Jill Fenichell, ing the sale on October 21, Twentieth Century American
Michaan’s furniture and deco- 1949. The lamp plus the accom- Two other works of fine art artists also sold well, includ-
rative arts specialist, “from panying hanging dragonfly were among the top lots in Sat- ing Cecil Crosley Bell’s “Queen
classic to contemporary, we had pendant (sold later at $6,985) urday’s auction. Some 15 bidders Mary ‘36,” estimated at
a good, strong two days. We had originally cost $35 and had competed for an acrylic on an $1,200/1,800, which realized
several special estate collec- remained in the same family unstretched canvas by Maqbool $4,500; and Chauncey Foster
tions with fine results.” since its purchase in 1949. The Fida Husain (1913-2011). “Moth- Ryder’s “The Mill Pond,” at
shade, with strong coloration er with Dove,” 40 by 26 inches, $3,900.
Several of the offerings came graduating from mottled blue came with a $10/15,000 estimate
from a San Francisco apart- purples at the upper section to but sold for $19,200. M.F. Saturday’s auction offered
Jewelry shone brightly with greenish blue at the lower rim, Husain, the name by which the unique opportunities to collec-
this diamond, platinum ring is unusual in that all of the Tif- artist is best known, was a lead- tors of fine furnishings, as pre-
with an 18K yellow gold fany glass cabochon jewels are ing figure in the history of Indi- sented by Fenichell. A leading
guard selling at $150,000. plated with an extra layer of an modernism. A founding mem- highlight was the set of dining
glass on the interior, creating a ber of the Progressive Artists chairs from Villa Kerylos, a
deeper coloration. Group formed in Bombay in Cote d’Azur house that has
1947, Husain played a leading been a French historical mon-
The large acrylic painting by role in revolutionizing art in ument since 1966. The rare set
Sam Francis (1923-1994) was India by parting ways with the of eight elmwood Klismos
among the works by California dominant genres of academic chairs, circa 1910, is attribut-
artists that shone brightly on painting and miniaturist nostal- ed to the architect and archae-
December 6 when the 1983 gia. The lot was accompanied by ologist Emmanuel Pontremoli,
painting realized $132,000. a Certificate of Authenticity who designed Villa Kerylos;
Francis is regarded as one of from Cinema the set realized $22,800.
the leading interpreters of color Ghar: Muse- Another top lot was a Jacques
and light; his work holds refer- um of Art Adnet attributed low table of
ences to New York abstract gilt-brass faux bamboo topped
expressionism, color field paint-
ing, Chinese and Japanese art, in black leather. Estimated at
French impressionism and his $3/5,000, the Adnet table,
own Bay Area roots. This mid- circa 1950, realized
career painting exemplifies $20,400 with two
his aesthetic vision. strong bidders
pursuing it,
The Bay Area Figurative according to
Movement was featured, Fenichell.
and collectors flocked to Among the
works by Nathan Oliveira, Art Deco finds
James Weeks and Elmer
Bischoff. A Robert Kelly oil and

Review by
Antiques and The Arts Weekly
Anne Kugielsky, Assistant Editor
Photos Courtesy Michaan’s Auctions

James Weeks (1922-1998), “Cello Sonata, 1966-1968,” acrylic Tiffany dragonfly lamp with twisted
on canvas, sold for $37,200. vine base, from the family of its orig-

inal purchaser, sold well above
the $35 they paid in 1949.
With original purchase
receipt, the 26-inch lamp
sold at $180,000.

By an American artist known for his wildlife works and as From a group of California artists whose A rare set of 8 elmwood Klismos chairs,
an illustrator of magazines and books, Lynn Bogue Hunt work shone brightly, this Sam Francis (1923- circa 1910, attributed to the architect and
(1878-1960), “Fishing at Sunset,” oil on canvas, 10-1/8 by 11-1/8 1994) untitled large acrylic work sold at archaeologist Emmanuel Pontremoli,
inch-framed painting sold above high estimate at $5,100. $132,000. designer of Villa Kerylos, realized $22,800.

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 7

This 14K yellow gold mesh purse sold at

Some 15 bidders competed for an acrylic on This pair of French Regence-style dore bronze marble top
an unstretched canvas by Maqbool Fida tables sold above estimate at $13,200.
Husain (Indian, 1913-2011). “Mother with
Dove,” 40 by 26 inches, which came with a featured fine diamonds, French Regence style dore
$10/15,000 estimate but sold for $19,200. including a lot of two unmount- bronze marble top tables,
ed stones that sold for $7,200 $13,200; a 14K yellow gold
that resonated with collectors Baguès-style gilt-metal and “Rainbow” jewelry suite by H. and a diamond ring at $1,800. mesh purse that sold at
was a burl walnut and black upholstered hall chairs real- Stern, brought $10,200. Also A suite of chalcedony jewelry $3,600; a Longquan celadon
marble furniture suite, Paris, ized $4,200. going to $10,200 was a Marina from Gump’s sold for $1,560. Kinuta vase from the Ruri
circa 1930, comprising a buffet B two-tone jewelry suite, a Several lots of designer cos- Fugimura collection surprised
and side cabinet ($3/4,000 The Sylvia Blumenfeld Trust striking 1980s design of yellow tume jewelry sold very well, as some 19 bids pushed the
estimate) that realized $7,800. included a collection of fine gold and contrasting black- including a multicolored array 9-3/8-inch cylindrical vase,
Another Art Deco highlight jewelry that dazzled bidders ened gold. H. Stern’s suite of by Chanel ($1,560) and a lot of which featured a pair of fish
was a striking modernist glass and brought a fitting close to a diamond-accented deep green vintage Chanel pieces in red handles, well above its
and wrought iron vase by stellar year of jewelry sales tourmaline jewels realized and green tones ($1,200). $1,5/2,500 estimate to sell at
Daum and Majorelle. The pink presented by Michaan’s spe- $8,400; and a pair of “Parente- Native American jewelry fea- $6,000.
lavender circa 1930 vase real- cialist and GIA gemologist si” gold bracelets by Bulgari tured a Navajo concho belt by
ized $3,900. Elise Coronado. In both went to $7,800. Equally adapt- Nathaniel and Rosemary Nez Prices, with buyer’s premi-
December auctions, diamonds able to formal and informal that realized $1,320. um, as reported by the auction
A lady’s Art Deco-style were plentiful, led by the 7.92 wear, the distinctive Parentesi house. For further information,
carved Lisio salon chair, from carat pear-cut diamond ring line was introduced by Bulgari Rounding out the top lots or 510-
the San Francisco Volpe- mentioned earlier that real- in the early 1980s. over the two days was a pair of 740-0220.
designed apartment, brought ized $150,000. A glamorous
$3,000. A pair of Maison multi-stone, 18K yellow gold December’s Gallery Auction

Toledo Museum
Gets Kusama Installation

TOLEDO, OHIO — Toledo “‘Fireflies on the Water’ speaks
Museum of Art (TMA) visitors to Kusama’s ongoing investiga-
will have the opportunity to tion into the relationship
experience the unique vision of between ourselves, the space
one of the world’s most influen- that we occupy and the
tial contemporary artists when ungraspable concept of infinity,”
“Yayoi Kusama: Fireflies on the Norton-Westbrook said. “TMA’s
Water” will be on view in the presentation of ‘Fireflies on the
museum’s Canaday Gallery, Water’ will allow our audiences
through April 26. the opportunity to experience
Kusama’s unique and singular
Visitors will be invited to vision firsthand.”
spend 60 seconds alone in the
room, which uses lights, mirrors To purchase tickets, please
and water to transport viewers visit
to a space that seems endlessly
expansive. The experience will
cost $5 for nonmembers, while The Toledo Museum of Art is
museum members will receive at 2445 Monroe Street. For
a fixed number of free tickets information, 419-255-8000 or
based on their membership
level. Members will be able to
reserve those during a presale
period before tickets go on sale
to the general public.

“Over the past several years,
the Toledo Museum of Art has
cultivated an exhibition pro-
gram that strives to embody a
celebration of singular master-
works, a demonstrated commit-
ment to global contemporary
art, the promotion of diverse
perspectives, and an emphasis
placed on multisensory artist
projects and installations,” said
TMA’s director of curatorial
affairs, Halona Norton-West-
brook. “All of these elements
will be brought together in this
exhibition, which stands as an
icon of contemporary visual art,
created by one of the most sig-
nificant artists of our time.”

Yayoi Kusama, who experi-
enced hallucinations as a child,
uses her artwork as a means to
express and communicate her
particular psychological world.
For more than seven decades,
her unbound creativity and
complex psyche have contribut-
ed to the creation of paintings,
sculptures and installations
that have left indelible marks
on both the art world and popu-
lar culture.

8 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020 Compiled by
Antiques andThe Arts Weekly
Notable Prices Recently Achieved At Various Auction Houses
Staff and Correspondents
Across The Block
All prices
include buyer’s premium.

Mushroom-Colored Cloisonne Koro Payday For Rare 1879 ‘Beanie’ Backus Florida Landscape
Blooms For Eldred’s Morgan Dollar At Alderfer Makes $24,320 At Helmuth Stone
HATFIELD, PENN. — Alderfer Auction’s top lot
EAST DENNIS, MASS. — A mushroom-colored in its coin and currency auction on December 3 was SARASOTA, FLA. — Famous for his vivid Florida
ovoid covered koro by renowned cloisonné artist an 1879-CC Morgan dollar, Top 100, Vam-3, Capped landscapes, Albert E. “Beanie” Backus (American,
Namikawa Yasuyuki more than tripled high expec- CC, MS62, NGC, which sold for $4,600. The 1879- 1906-1990) was responsible for one of the top per-
tations at Eldred’s December 5 Asian art sale when CC Morgan dollar has a lower mintage than the forming lots at Helmuth Stone’s December 15 sale
it sold for $34,800 to an international phone bidder. 1880, 1881 and 1885 Carson City issues, but is of American and European fine art, antiques and
A large crack on the shoulder of the piece kept the actually much harder to find today than those low- jewelry. Realizing $24,320 was “Florida Landscape
estimate low ($5/10,000), but John Schofield, head er-mintage issues. The main reason for this is that Painting,” signed and dated 1990 lower right.
of Eldred’s Asian art department, said, “It’s a very the survival rate of 1879-CC Morgan dollars was According to the firm’s Austin Helmuth, this was
rare piece and I knew it would do well.” The piece simply not all that high. For information, 215-393- likely one of the artist’s last paintings as he died
had been consigned from a private collection. For 3014 or the same year (1990). The oil on canvas measured
information, 508-385-3116 or 24 by 30 inches. The firm’s next auction will be its
winter feature auction on January 19. For informa-
tion, 941-260-9703 or

Boxed Set Of Hubley Cars Adds Marilyn Monroe’s Prayer Book Stars Patek Philippe Nautilus Ticks
Color To Cordier Auction In J. Greenstein Judaica Auction To $14,950 At Kodner

HARRISBURG, PENN. — Toys, trains, Disney CEDARHURST, N.Y. — On December 8, J. Green- DANIA BEACH, FLA. — At Kodner’s December 4
characters and all manner of playful antiques, as stein & Co. hosted its biannual Judaica auction holiday estate jewelry and gifts auction, there were
well as new stock crossed the block at Cordier Auc- devoted solely to rare Jewish artifacts. Although several fine watches in the lineup — many new and
tions on December 7. A colorful set of ten Hubley not the highest priced item in the sale. a star was unworn and some with their original packaging.
cast iron cars in the original box with liner sold for the prized prayer book once owned by Marilyn Although diamond jewelry was hotly contested
$3,861. There was a lot of online activity, but the lot Monroe, which brought $8,750. The actress convert- throughout the sale, leading the day was a brand
finally sold to a bidder in the room, according to ed to Judaism in 1956 at the same time as her mar- new Patek Philippe Nautilus 5980/1R-001, 18K
Cordier’s Melanie Hartman. “The winning bidder riage to American playwright Arthur Miller. The rose gold 40.5mm chronograph bracelet watch that
was, by all accounts, very happy with his purchase!” couple divorced in 1961, but Monroe remained com- sold for $14,950. For information, 954-925-2550 or
she said. For information, mitted to her new religion. The book, originally pur-
or 717-731-8662. chased at the Christie’s auction of the estate of
Marilyn Monroe in 1999, was a once-in-a-lifetime
chance for buyers to own a historic piece of Holly-
wood Judaica. For information, 516-295-2931 or

Signed Colt Biography Fires Up ‘A Bunch Of Girls’ — The Cows Elton John’s ‘Your Song’ Is A
Blackwell Bidders Come Home At Hap Moore Smash Hit At Bonhams

CLEARWATER, FLA. — An American private col- YORK, MAINE — The star of Hap Moore’s LOS ANGELES — The original handwritten lyr-
lector bidding on the phone paid $3,450 for an 1866 estates auction on December 7 was a Bernard ics to Elton John’s “Your Song” by Bernie Taupin
first edition of the privately printed Armsmear, The Langlais wood relief artwork of cows. Titled “A sold at Bonhams sale of music memorabilia on
Home, The Arm & The Armory of Samuel Colt when Bunch of the Girls,” the 19½-inch-square framed December 9 for $237,575. This was Elton’s first
it crossed the block at Blackwell Auctions on wood relief work was consigned by a private foun- monster hit, introducing audiences to his exciting
December 8. The volume, which had its original dation and sold to a private buyer in the gallery new brand of piano pop, and it remains today one of
boards and binding despite some separations, had for $5,175. For more information, 207-363-6373 or his most identifiable and best-loved songs. These
been signed and inscribed by Elizabeth Hart Colt are the original, first and only draft of the lyrics to
(Mrs Samuel Colt) to Sarah I. Cowan in 1867. It “Your Song.” After Taupin handed the lyrics to
also bore the ex libris bookplate of Charles T. John, the pianist took all of 10 minutes to come up
Haven, who was the author of several books on the with the haunting melody that accompanies Taup-
history of Colt firearms. The book had been esti- in’s paean to the inarticulateness of young love. For
mated at $1/2,000. For information, 727-546-0200 information, 323-850-7500 or

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 9

Bruneau & Co. Kicks Off 2020
With 444-Lot Estate Auction

Eighteenth Century or earlier Dutch winterscape from the Abstract bronze grey spirit sculpture by
circle of Pieter Brueghel the Younger (1564-1636) or Hen- Joel Perlman (b 1943), geometric form with
drick Avercamp (1585-1634), faintly signed ($1/2,000). a pierced design, 42 inches tall by 25 inches
wide ($2,5/4,000).
CRANSTON, R.I. — Bruneau & attract very strong internet and Watercolor painting by Maqbool Fida Hus-
Co. Auctioneers will kick off the phone bidding. They won’t be sain (1913-2011), a Cubist figural render- Fine Art, Antiques &
New Year with a 444-lot estate staying in Rhode Island for long.” ing depicting two galloping blue horses Collectibles On Jan. 4
fine art, antiques and collectibles ($15/20,000).
auction on Saturday, January 4, The category will be led by a
online and in the gallery begin- watercolor painting by Maqbool pierced design, 42 inches tall by my specimen of a giraffe from the and 3, from 9 am to 5 pm each
ning at 11 am Eastern time. Fida Hussain (1913-2011), 25 inches wide ($2,5/4,000). chest up, mounted to a wood base day, and on auction day at 8 am.
dubbed “the Picasso of India.” The Perlman is well known for his on wheels for easy moving, stands
The sale will feature a selection Cubist figural rendering depicts abstract shape sculptures. His 9½ feet tall ($3/4,000). Bruneau & Co. is at 63 Fourth
of listed artist paintings, etchings two blue horses galloping beneath work has been exhibited at the Avenue. For additional informa-
and prints; a collection of Austri- a monochromatic sky with a pur- Whitney Museum of American Previews will be conducted tion, or
an and Bohemian art glass and ple sun. The framed 2002 paint- Art and the Metropolitan Muse- Thursday and Friday, January 2 401-533-9980.
figural lamps from a Long Island, ing is signed “Hussain” lower um of Art.
N.Y., collection; a group of antique right and measures 19½ by 16½
historical telephones from the inches ($15/20,000). A mixed media abstract paint-
Pioneers of America Museum in ing by Cynthia Gallagher (Ameri-
Pennsylvania; and a single-owner Two other works by Indian art- can, b 1949), displaying vivid col-
collection of Japanese robes. ists have estimates of $6/9,000. ors with expressive strokes that
One is a contemporary portrait glide across the paper, encased in
Also offered will be a selection pastel drawing by Ganesh Pyne an orange spotted frame, should
of Asian arts; five rare Eigh- (1937-2013). The pastel and ink reach $1/2,000. The 42½-by-61½-
teenth and Nineteenth Century on paper Modernist portrait inch (sight) painting is framed
Rhode Island and Massachu- depicts a Hindu figure and mea- and signed “Cynthia Gallagher”
setts almanacs; a high-end Leica sures 7 by 6 inches. It’s signed and dated 1991.
spotting scope; sterling silver “Ganesh Pyne” lower right cor-
chalices; and estate sterling lots, ner and was exhibited at the An Eighteenth Century or ear-
jewelry, sculpture and more. 2018 India Art Festival, Nehou lier Dutch winterscape from the
Center in Mumbai. circle of Pieter Brueghel the
The first item to come up for Younger (1564-1636) or Hendrick
bid is a 1985 Rolls Royce Silver The other is a watercolor on Avercamp (1585-1634) depicting
Spirit car with just 35,000 miles paper by B Prabha (1933-2001), various people ice skating on a
on the odometer. The full-size, showing a partially abstracted frozen lake with a home in the
British-made sedan is a full-size view of staggered houses lit up by background ($1/2,000) is a
luxury Rolls that boasts an ivory a glowing sun. The framed work framed oil on canvas work faintly
colored interior with burl wood has an image area of 15 by 18½ signed and measuring 9¾ by 13
inlays. It comes with all service inches and is signed “B Prabha” inches (sight).
records, title and registration and dated “1960” middle right.
and should sell for $8/12,000. The painting comes with a certifi- And finally, for something com-
cate of authenticity signed by pletely different, an early Twenti-
Travis Landry, a Bruneau & Co. Sunil Badgelwar, legal heir and eth Century African big game
specialist and auctioneer, manager of Prabha’s estate. bust mount giraffe — a taxider-
remarked, “I find it very cool that
we get to handle a nice selection An abstract bronze grey spirit
of contemporary Indian arts in sculpture by Joel Perlman (b
Rhode Island, and I’m sure they’ll 1943) is a geometric form with a

Sports Photography
At Lyman Allyn Museum

NEW LONDON, CONN. — Walter Iooss, “LeBron tion from multiple donors in
Walter Iooss Jr, photographer James, S.F., CA,” 2009, archi- 2017 and 2018.
and longtime contributor to val pigment print. Gift of Dr.
Sports Illustrated, has been Thomas and Mrs. Julie As one of the most acclaimed
called the “poet laureate of Dwyer, 2017.12.56. sports photographers of this era,
sports.” He has captured the James and Serena Williams, Iooss has had photos grace the
thrill, triumph and complexity of among many others. The photo- cover of Sports Illustrated more
athletic achievement for more graphs are recent acquisitions, than 300 times, and he has con-
than 50 years. Iooss began his gifts to the Lyman Allyn’s collec- tributed to the magazine’s Swim-
career in 1961 at the age of 17, suit Issue for 30 years. Steve Fine,
and he has produced a remark- Sports Illustrated director of pho-
able body of work in the decades tography, described Iooss as “an
since, documenting pivotal artist who is quite possibly the
moments and shooting iconic ath- best sports photographer ever.”
letes in introspective portraits. Iooss received the LUCIE Life-
time Achievement Award for
The exhibition, “Legends: the Sports Photography in 2004. He
Sports Photography of Walter has published 13 books of photog-
Iooss,” is on view at the Lyman raphy and his work has been
Allyn Art Museum through Jan- exhibited in various museums,
uary 12. including the Brooklyn Museum
of Art, the Newseum in Washing-
“Legends” includes more than ton, DC, and the Annenberg
60 photographs of some of Iooss’ Space for Photography in Los
best work from the 1960s to the Angeles.
present and celebrates such
greats as Willie Mays, Muham- The Lyman Allyn Art Museum
mad Ali, Wilt Chamberlin, Mar- is at 625 Williams Street. For
tina Navratilova, Billie Jean information, 860-443-2545 or
King, Michael Jordan, LeBron

Newtown Bee_February_2018_2x6.indd 1 10/25/18 2:53 PM

QA&10 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020
( continued from page 1 )

certain type of preservationist to realize the bedrock-
level importance of funding the preservation of
preservation’s own history. We’ve made real progress
helping people realize the importance of supporting
our work, but it can still be an uphill battle.

What are some of the preservation sto- Longtime preservation advocate Jack Taylor made provisions in his will to leave his extensive
ries your oral histories have captured? preservation papers to the New York Preservation Archive Project. Here Archive Project staff,
and founder Anthony Wood (far right), sort Taylor’s papers. Photo courtesy of Brad Vogel.
Our oral history projects have helped capture many
important narratives that otherwise would have been part of that institutions permanent collection, are “Murder She Wrote” to explore in a light-hearted way
lost. Through a series of interviews with the chairs of stored and processed, and become available to the how preservation has been portrayed over time in
the Landmarks Preservation Commission, with the public through that institution’s regular processes. popular culture, to our Column’s Club, which takes
lawyers who have defended the landmarks law, and young preservationists on tours offering the backstory
with the advocates who have sought to use the law to How do you get the younger behind New York historic sites. All have struck a chord
save threatened buildings, future historians will have generation interested in preserving with a younger audience. We have partnered with
rich primary source material offering multiple per- the story of preservation? young preservationists at Preserving East New York to
spectives on the last 50 years (and more) of preserva- highlight recent preservation history of great interest to
tion in New York City. I’m delighted we have been It has been exciting to see younger preservationists contemporary audiences. Recently we held our public
able to capture preservation voices ranging from getting involved with the Archive Project. We are par- program highlighted by the oral histories with preser-
those of neighborhood advocates to policy makers. ticularly lucky to have younger preservationist on our vationists who played a leading role in preserving New
We’ve recorded oral histories with figures you may staff and well represented on our board. We have con- York’s LGBT sites at a gay bar. We have also grown
have heard of — Kent Barwick and Gene Nor- sciously designed programs to attract their interest. a robust, engaged social media presence in the past
man, former Chairs of the Landmarks Preservation Whether it is preservation trivia nights, our annual two years on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and
Commission. But we’ve also continued to make a preservation film festival, with its popular “Preserva- Facebook. Clearly, we’re not your great-grandmother’s
concerted effort to ensure we are capturing stories of tion, She Wrote” evening which uses episodes of
grassroots preservation in places like Crown Heights, preservation organization!
Sandy Ground in Staten Island and the Bronx —
stories that may otherwise go unnoticed. Legendary
preservationists like Margot Gayle and Henry Hope
Reed recount their tales in oral histories as well.

How does one get access to your
oral histories?

Our website ( is the place to go for
access to the oral histories we have conducted with
preservationists. Transcripts are available and have
become a regular resource for researchers, historians,
and journalists. The website also includes a preser-
vation database which we regard as the “first stop”
for anyone doing preservation research. The entries
have basic information on many people and organi-
zations involved in the history of preservation and
also direct users to where other materials relating to
those subjects can be found.

Tell us about some of the preservation What are you working on now?
papers you have been able to save?
In researching how New York City got its Land-
We’ve saved papers that help tell preservation sto-
ries ranging from the campaign to save the Ladies’ marks Law, I became fascinated by the largely
Mile (New York’s gilded age shopping district) to
battles over historic theatres, to the failed effort to forgotten and still underappreciated civic cham-
preserve 2 Columbus Circle. We work both with
individuals and organizations, from the SoHo pion, Albert Sprague Bard (1866-1963). He was
Memory Project to the New-York Historical So-
ciety. We’ve helped save the papers of activists and a national expert on aesthetic regulation, bested
architects! From the inimitable activist Jack Taylor
to the architect Lee Harris Pomeroy, we manage Robert Moses in the battle to save lower Man-
to ensure that researchers and the public will have
unique windows on history. We seek to educate hattan and Castle Clinton, was the grandfather
preservationists about the importance of their
papers and then we work to find a home for them of New York City’s landmarks law, and did all
with a permanent collection institution such as the
New-York Historical Society. When people plan that while having a very unconventional and full
ahead, we can be the matchmaker. When they
don’t, we are an emergency responder, swooping in private life. He is a truly fascinating real New York
to rescue papers before the heirs have to vacate the
apartment and the papers go to the dumpster. character and my next project is a book on Bard.

How are the archives stored? For the Archive Project itself, we are part of a

Our role is to secure homes for the papers of broad civic coalition called “NYC Landmarks
preservationists and preservation organizations
with permanent collecting institutions such as 50+,” which is organizing a city-wide celebration
the New-York Historical Society. Once the pa-
pers are given to those institutions, they become of the 55th anniversary of the passage of New

York’s Landmarks Law. We are also involved in

the “Year of the McAneny,” a celebration of the

sesquicentennial of George McAneny, yet another

great but underappreciated civic leader responsible

for helping shape New York City. I somewhat jok-

ingly describe us as being the Hallmark Cards of

historic preservation. Every anniversary provides

us another opportunity to help New Yorkers dis-

cover and celebrate the city’s long and vibrant his-

Beyond oral histories and archival records, the New York tory of preservation — one that shows how we’ve
Preservation Archive Project preserves objects related to
fought to preserve the best cultural, historical, and
preservation history. Here Anthony Wood sports his
collection of preservation buttons and ephemera. architectural offerings this city has to share with

the world. —Madelia Hickman Ring

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 11

Nadeau’s To Ring In New Decade With
Signature New Year’s Day Sale

Giorgio De Chirico (1888-1978), “Cavalli in Riva al Mare” Platinum and diamond ring Andy Warhol (1928-1987), “Marilyn Monroe”
($50/80,000). ($20/30,000). ($40/60,000).

WINDSOR, CONN. — en’s jewelry, watches and pre- by Nadeau’s in 1989 for $12,000 an unnamed townhouse, both
Nadeau’s Auction Gallery has cious metal accessories add a and is most recently from the from Sutton Place, New York
announced their New Year’s golden glow to this event. Two estate of Hyla Berson of Bloom- City; and the estate of Eileen
Day sales event, which includes diamond rings are rock-solid field, Conn. Slocum located in the Harold
property from estates across winners in this key category. Brown Villa in Newport, R.I.
Connecticut, New York City and One is a platinum ring set with Other selections of decorative
Rhode Island, among others. All a round, 3.83-carat center dia- arts, lamps and glass, silver and Online bidding is available or
merchandise will be on display mond flanked by two smaller rugs bridge conventional cate- by phone by arrangement. Con-
and available for preview at round diamonds; it is color L, gories and round out the sale. “ tact Nadeau’s directly if you
Nadeau’s gallery beginning clarity VS1, and GIA certified Crest of the Wave,” a bronze by wish to submit bids in advance
December 28 and continuing and estimated at $20/30,000. Harriet Whitney Frishmuth is via absentee bidding.
through the morning of Janu- The other is a platinum ring set estimated at $8/12,000. Mount-
ary 1, before the sale begins at with a 3.52-carat center square ed on a granite base, the work is Nadeau’s Auction Gallery is at
10:30 am. fancy light yellow diamond signed and dated and stands 25 Meadow Road. For informa-
bookended by two trapezoidal 21¼ inches tall. With prove- tion, 860-246-2444, info@
The sale features selections of diamonds totaling an additional nance to international exposi- or www.
Twentieth Century fine art, 1.18 carats. With an SI1 clarity, tions and most recently from
with subjects ranging from tra- and GIA certified, it warrants a Fifth Avenue, New York City, a
ditional to contemporary. The $15/25,000 estimate. A platinum pair of Louis XIV gilt-bronze EXCITING NEW 2012
top lot in the sale is “Cavalli in bangle bracelet, set with 58 chenets seems a bargain at PRE-BRIMFIELD EVENTS!
Riva al Mare (Horses by the European cut diamonds and $2/4,000. Standing 91 inches
Sea),” by Giorgio De Chirico, black onyx is approximately 15 tall, a Gino Sarfatti model 1034 Milford
which is estimated at carats, has diamonds ranging brass floor lamp has nine enam- Antiques Show
$50/80,000. A still life by from H to J in color and averag- eled aluminum shades, and Over 100 Dealers in
Charles Ethan Porter is esti- ing SI in clarity, is estimated at rests on a white marble base. Quality Antiques and Collectibles!
mated at $15/25,000 and $5/10,000. Not to be overlooked Impressed Arteluce, it is esti-
“Ocean City Music Pier” by is a Rolex 18K gold GMT Master mated at $8/12,000. Hampshire Hills Sports and Fitness Club
Laurence A. Campbell is esti- watch, estimated at $8/12,000.
mated at $6/12,000. The sale also includes proper- 50 Emerson Rd. (Intersection of Rtes. 101 & 13)
The furniture available ty from the Credit Suisse Amer- Milford, New Hampshire
Paintings with more interpre- through this sale is poised to icana Collection, the estate of
tive themes are also well repre- catch the eye of collectors, inte- Deborah Black (Greenwich,
sented in this event. “Marilyn rior designers and museums Conn), an unnamed estate and
Monroe” by Andy Warhol heads nationwide. Many examples are
the category with an estimate from legacy manufacturers and Four Great Buying Opportunities!
of $40/60,000. Sol Lewitt’s highly sought-after craftsmen Sundays 10am to 2pm
“Wavy Brushstrokes,” carries and cabinetmakers. A Regency
an estimate of $20/40,000 and specimen marble occasional May 6 Pre-Brimfield Week
is accompanied by a 1996 table attributed to Gillows is July 8 Pre-Brimfield Week
receipt from LeWitt. A surreal estimated at $6/12,000 and was August 5 Antiques Week in NH
painting from the estate of jew- handled by Stairs & Co. A September 2 Pre-Brimfield Week
elry designer, Kenneth Jay benchmade mahogany Chip-
Lane, is “Sibila” by Bridget pendale-style lowboy made for 10 AM to 11 AM – Admission: $5
Tichenor, expected to fetch in Ida Becker Cion is estimated at 11 AM to 2 PM – Free Admission
the range of $5/10,000. $2/4,000; it was previously sold
No Sales Tax • All Indoors • Free Parking • Café
Selections of men’s and wom-
Jack Donigian, Manager 781-329-1192
Fralin Exhibits Select Works From

Our 36th Year of Quality Antiques Shows

Groh-Miller Collection

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. — sented were friends of Miller Radio Guy Antiques and Early Electrics Lighting can be found in our 150 year old landmark building on the Hudson River.
In 1999, the Fralin Museum of and Groh. Matthew McLendon,
Art was given a collection com- J. Sanford Miller Family direc- We are open 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday 9 to 4.
posed primarily of work by tor, selected a group of works
many of the leading mid-Twen- for exhibition in celebration of
tieth Century American art- the Twentieth Anniversary of
ists. Given by Buzz Miller in the gift.
honor of his partner Alan Groh
(COLL ‘49), the collection is The Fralin Museum of Art at
now known as the Alan Groh- the University of Virginia is at
Buzz Miller Collection. 155 Rugby Road. For more
information, www.uvafralinart-
Twenty years after the collec- or 434-
tion was given to the museum, 924-3592.
the selections will be on view
through April 26. Andy Warhol, BENNINGTON, VT. — On
Robert Indiana, Marisol Esco- view at the Bennington Museum
bar, Joseph Cornell, Joan is the meticulous work of print-
Mitchell and Isamu Noguchi, maker Asa Cheffetz (1896-1965).
among many others, are repre- His wood engravings served as
sented in this collection that at printing plates and from those
once transformed the muse- came beautiful prints, many of
um’s holdings. them included in “Asa Cheffetz:
Vermont Wood Engravings,” on
Groh was the long-time direc- view through December 30 at 75
tor of the Stable Gallery in Main Street (Route 9). For infor-
New York City before becoming mation, 802-447-1571 or www.
director at the A.M. Sachs Gal-
lery. Many of the artists repre-

12 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

James Cox Gallery’s Online-Only Auction
Set For December 30
WILLOW, N.Y. — Art lovers world-
wide will have will have an opportunity
to bid on a diverse group of paintings,
prints, sculpture and ethnic works at
an online-only auction conducted by the
James Cox Gallery on Monday, Decem-
ber 30. The auction will begin promptly
at 1 pm.
James Cox noted that the gallery’s
first online-only auction in 2016 was
very successful. With the strong increase
in internet bidding since that time, Cox
said he is confident that this sale will
also attract a wide audience, drawn to
the variety and quality of pieces offered.
In addition to LiveAuctioneers and Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-
Invaluable, the auction will be carried 1879), “Portrait of Charles Darwin,”
on a new platform powered by Auction albumen print.
Mobility, which offers live video stream- and Victor Vasarely represent the strong
ing. Bidders can access this service by focus on modern Precisionist pieces in
visiting the “Auctions” section of the this sale, Cox noted.
James Cox Gallery website and clicking
on the Auction Mobility logo or through Race observed that a wide-ranging
the Apple App Store. group of works on paper will also be
“Companies hosting online auctions Jason McWhorter (1943-2018), “Jimi Conrad Kramer’s (1888-1963) unti- offered, including prints by David
are strong,” Cox explained. “They are Hendrix,” oil on canvas. tled sympalmagraph. Sequeiros, Gunter Grass, Raoul Dufy
extremely successful with millions of and framing these remarkable paint- and Maurice de Vlaminck. Works by
followers.” He further observed that worked as an illustrator at the renowned ings,” Cox explained. “The results have well-known photographers also provide
when he attends major auctions in New Push Pin Studios in New York. Like many been enthusiastically received by the an exciting dimension to the sale. Of
York City now, the audience is very commercial artists, McWhorter also cre- art buying public.” Sewell landscapes of note in this group are a portrait of
sparse. “Most buyers are bidding on the ated fine art pieces. “His offbeat still lifes, California will be offered in the Decem- Charles Darwin by Nineteenth Century
internet.” landscapes, sculpture, interiors and por- ber sale. photographer Juliet Margaret Cameron,
A veteran art dealer, Cox has been con- traits are extraordinary,” Cox observed. “ a group of historic photos of Thomas
ducting auctions for more than 25 years. We are honored to introduce him to the Historic Woodstock art is always well Edison and a portrait of Billy Holiday
He is known in the Woodstock area as a wider world of art enthusiasts.” represented in the Cox Gallery sales, by Dennis Stock.
gallerist and auctioneer who adds his The James Cox Gallery also repre- and the December 30 event is no excep-
valuable expertise to the auction experi- sents the estate of Ben Wigfall, a tion. Popular artists from the early days In addition to African pieces from the
ence. “Live video streaming will provide beloved art professor at SUNY New of the art colony, including John F. Carl- Wigfall estate, other ethnic and tribal
the wider audience with the ability to Paltz, who was an astute collector of son, Carl Walters and Marion Green- works include a First Nation carved
benefit from James’ 50 years of experi- African art. “We have included several wood, will be featured, as well as con- rondel, pueblo pottery and three tem-
ence in the art world,” gallery assistant outstanding pieces from Ben’s collection temporary Hudson Valley artists Jane pera paintings by renowned Kiowa art-
Corrine Race observed. in the sale,” Cox said. Bloodgood Abrams, Zhang Hong Nian, ist Woody Big Bow.
The 200 pieces offered for sale include Habitat for Humanity’s Restore in Lois Wooley, Donald Elder and Mary
work from artists’ estates the gallery rep- Kingston, N.Y., is the beneficiary of pro- Anna Goetz. The public will have an opportunity to
resents; among them Elaine Wesley, ceeds from the sale of oils by Robert preview the auction from now until the
Other Twentieth Century artists day of the sale. Gallery hours are 10 am
The Thanksgiving SundayJoseph Garlock, Konrad Cramer, Mar- Van Vorst Sewell. The local charity include a unique Joan Snyder, a Will until 5 pm weekdays and noon to 5 pm
turned to Cox for advice when a large Cotton landscape — an unusual subject weekends.
group of the artist’s work was donated for this artist — and a striking Louise
to the organization. “We are cleaning Nevelson etching. Serigraphs by Agam The gallery is at 4666 NY-212. For
gery Ryerson and Ed Baynard. Cox said additional information, 845-679-7608 or
he is especially excited to offer work by a

ANTIQUE SHOWnew discovery, Jason McWhorter, who
November 25, 2018
Frist Art Museum Celebrates 50 Years Of
10am to 4pm

Admission: $10 ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’

75 of the Very Best Dealers

From all Across New EngNlaAnSdHVILLE, TENN. — The Carle and organized by the Eric
Offering the Finest AntF“iEqruirsiect sCAarrlte’sMPuicsteuurme Boporkess:eCnetsl-, Carle Museum of Picture Book
ebrating 50 Years of The Very Art in Amherst, Mass., the exhi-
A Holiday Tradition Hungry Caterpillar,” an exhibi- bition will be on display in the
For Over 30 Years tion of more than 100 original Frist’s upper-level galleries to
Royal Plaza Trade Centerartworks by one of the most February 23.
acclaimed and beloved illustra-
Eric Carle (b 1929), creator of
181 Royal Plaza Drive.tcooMrllseaoctrfiloobunor ortifomuEegr.iDhc r,aaMwndnAfBroamrbathrae more than 70 books, is world
renowned for combining charm-
The Boxborough ing stories and colorful forms
that appeal to young readers
ANTIQUE SHOWS and adults alike. His signature
artistic technique is collage,
made by hand-painting sheets of Eric Carle, Illustration for The Very Hungry Caterpillar
tissue paper and then cutting, (Philomel Books). Collection of Eric and Barbara Carle,
assembling and gluing pieces courtesy of The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art,
onto illustration board. Amherst, Mass.©1969, 1987 Eric Carle.

Fine 18th & 19th Century American Antiques, The exhibition spans five titles, The Very Hungry Cater- books will be shelved in cozy
Folk Art, Ceramics, Textiles, & Primitives decades of Carle’s picture-book pillar reflects Carle’s lifelong nooks where families can read
Featuring 55 of the Very Best Exhibitors career — from Brown Bear, interest in the natural world, an his stories together while sur-
Brown Bear, What Do You See?, appreciation he learned from rounded by original artwork,”
Sundays. January 6th his 1967 collaboration with his father. The caterpillar’s says Kennedy. In addition to
& March 10th author Bill Martin Jr, to The story is also a metaphor for English copies of the books,
Nonsense Show, Carle’s playful childhood and growing up. there will be Braille and foreign-
10am to 3pm ode to Surrealism, published in “Many of Carle’s stories are language editions, with an
2015. It pays special tribute to rooted in his own life and are emphasis on the most common
Admission $8.00 at the Boxboro Regency Hotel the 50th anniversary of Carle’s inspired by family members and languages spoken and studied in
242 Adams Place. Boxborough, MA. most popular book, The Very friends, including Papa, Please Nashville, such as French, Kurd-
Hungry Caterpillar, and offers Get the Moon for Me and ish, Somali and Spanish. An
Gurley Antique Shows an in-depth look at his artistic Friends,” says Frist Art Muse- interactive family guide in Eng-
process and the personal signifi- um curator Trinita Kennedy. lish and Spanish offers both in-
536 North Road. Parsonsfield, Maine. 04047 cance of many of his stories. gallery and at-home learning This exhibition is the Frist’s activities as well as biographical
For half a century, Carle has first ever celebrating a children’s information about Carle.
For More Information (207) 396- 4255 inspired children to fall in love book illustrator and, like Carle’s
with books. While his stories are books, it is designed with kids in The Frist Art Museum is at
often lighthearted, they teach mind. “Artwork will be hung 919 Broadway. For additional
essential lessons, too. As chil- lower than our norm to engage information, 615-244-3340 or
dren read about animals, fami- small visitors. Copies of Carle’s
lies and fables, they also learn
their colors, letters, and num-
bers. Additional design elements
– such as holes, flaps, and
sounds – make reading accessi-
ble, multisensory, and fun.

Twenty-three of Carle’s books
are represented in the exhibi-
tion. Like many of his other

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 13

Southwestern jewelry specialist Al Nelson assists customers. The Village Braider, Plymouth, Mass.

Animal Spirits Raised At Opening
Of Greenwich Antiques Show

OLD GREENWICH, CONN. — Although no attendance fig- over the following two days was Jeff R. Bridgman American Antiques, Dillsburg, Penn.
It wasn’t your grandfather’s ures for the opening gala or light. “It’s a tough show,” said There were three Greenwich-area design firms participat-
Bambi, posed incongruously weekend days were provided by Gaglio when asked why many ing this year, a conscious decision by the show organizers
amid a spiky blanket of culled Greenwich Historical Society, it — though not all — dealers to add some pizzazz to the traditional ambiance of antiques,
deer antlers on the stage of the seemed, according to Gaglio, experienced a quiet weekend. fine art and jewelry. This booth showed the collection of
main gallery of the Eastern that there were more people — “What happens? Maybe it’s the Trovare Home Design, which as its Italian name implies, is
Greenwich Civic Center. Nor both young and old — crowding date, too close to Christmas? We where one would find a selection of modern and vintage
were the plaid-clad taxidermies the show’s entrance and show certainly spent money on adver- furnishings.
stationed at the center’s aisles on opening night. tising, Google ads, more sig-
entrance. Instead, they were nage, etc,” said the promoter.
part of the transformation of the From there, though, with The show was open to the pub-
generally boxy, beige venue by many other holiday traditions lic from 10 am to 6 pm on
the Greenwich Winter Antiques — strolls, private parties, art December 7 and 11 am to 5 pm
Show’s honorary design chair openings (even the balmy pull on December 8. “I got comments
Bronson Van Wyck into a themed of the Basel Art Fair way south) that it was the best-looking
environment titled “Animal traffic through the displays
Instinct.” The show, opening
with a gala on December 6 and 40-Dealer Event Ushers In Antiquarius
continuing through the week-
end, hewed to its traditional role Shaia Oriental Rugs, Williamsburg, Va.
of ushering in five days’ worth of Review and Photos by
events — holiday boutiques,
house tours, luncheons and lec- Antiques and The Arts Weekly
tures, all designed to celebrate W. A. Demers, Senior Editor
the holidays in “high style.”

And, as in past years the glit-
tering opening night gala with
hundreds of festively attired
guests streaming in to preview
the merchandise of approxi-
mately 40 top dealers assem-
bled by Frank Gaglio of Barn
Star Productions was designed
to showcase the antiques, fine
art, jewelry and luxury goods
available for purchase over the

It looks vintage, right out of the Beatles Ser- Taking a photo op in front of the “Lobster” This was the second year for exhibitor to the show Cottage
geant Pepper’s era, but the Hermes scarf Christmas tree are show promoters Frank + Camp, Millerton, N.Y., which again snagged the two alcove
available from Poirier Schweitzer, Montre- Gaglio and Lynn Webb. spaces flanking the entrance to the main showroom, one of
al, Quebec, Canada, was 2019. which is shown here.

14 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

A selection of cut steel jewelry awaited buyers at the booth
of Moylan Smelkinson – The Spare Room from Baltimore,
Md. Elaborate Victorian necklaces, bracelets and brooches
could be worn to fancy balls and daytime travels around
town. Cut steel was popular throughout the Victorian era
for is sparkling appearance in dim rooms lit by candlelight,
according to Jen Shapiro.

Best of the best among Tiffany Studios Don Heller of Portland, Maine, waxes enthu-
Dragonfly table lamps are the drophead siastic about this rare terrestrial globe.
examples wherein the dragonfly’s head dips
below the rim of the shade. This 1902 exam-
ple in the booth of Stonington, Conn., dealer
Roberto Freitas featured nine of the desir-
able insects surrounding the bottom of the
shade with heads and wings creating an
irregular border. The Dragonfly lamp was
designed by Clara Driscoll, one of Tiffany’s
most accomplished artists.

First-time fine art exhibitor Bill Union, Art & Antiques,
Worcester, Mass., always has a broad selection of blue-chip
American and European paintings. He sold two on opening
night, one a Modern work and the other an American
Impressionist painting. Although he said he believes the
show could be better advertised to increase foot traffic, he
said he would be inclined to return next year.

Malcolm Magruder, Millwood, Va.

Old Lyme, Conn., fine art dealer Jeff Cooley is known for Dana Kraus of DKF Estate Jewelry assists
his inventory of regional Impressionist works. He changed customers at the show’s opening preview.
things up a bit this year by showing a couple of carved “This year we sold some important pieces
wood plaques by Elmer L. MacRae (1875-1953), usually by Cartier, Cummings, Verdura and Sch-
known for his paintings, pastels and sketches, and for his lumberger,” she said.
role as a leading member of the Cos Cob Art Colony, in Stunningly colorful was this Seaman Schepps
Greenwich. “Under the Sea,” at top, 11 by 26 inches, and garden bracelet being offered by Glen Ler-
“Making Harbor,” 9 by 33 inches. oux Antiques, Westport, Conn. A 1990 version
of a 1937 design, it was studded with rubies,
diamonds, emeralds and sapphires.

Antiques Show

Black Swan owners “Bear” van Asch van Wyck and wife Susan were quite at English, American and Continental furniture specialist Gary Sergeant of
home in their booth, as they should have been. The eight-piece Minton china Woodbury, Conn., filled his booth with choice examples, including a great
setting in the 1860 Florentine pattern that provided a homey glow is just the pair of French lacquered cabinets at left. Chinoiserie-decorated and
tip of their massive personal collection, and the Italian carved wooden fig- japanned, the Nineteenth Century pair each had drop leaf tops above two
ures of “Summer” and “Spring,” upper left, as well as the figures at upper working drawers on a fall front cabinet with marble lining on castered feet.
right, based on designs by Daniel Marot (1661-1752), French Protestant They were ex collection Didier Aron, New York.
architect, furniture designer and engraver at the forefront of late baroque
taste, had been “living” with the Washington, Conn., couple for a while.

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 15

Honorary design chair Bronson Van Wyke signs copies of his new book out
this fall: Born to Party: Forced to Work — 21st Century Hospitality. Knollwood Antiques, Village of Thorndike, Mass.

show ever,” adding that some You can find just about any historical map of Fairfield and Under the direction of honorary design chair Bronson van
dealers made some sales, with Westchester County towns at Frank Oppel’s booth. Wyke, the stage overlooking the food station and bar where
the gate lighter on Saturday show patrons grazed on opening night was inhabited by an
and definitely down on Sunday. well considering the foot traf- er should ignore. It has a long improbable tableau of woodland taxidermy.
fic.” history and gets an excellent Antique American Wicker, Nashua, N.H.
Old Lyme, Conn., fine art caliber audience who loves his-
dealer Jeff Cooley reported that Fresh from a phone-based tory and has the wherewithal to
despite some interest on Satur- shopping spree where he buy and collect it.”
day,” the show ended up pretty dropped nearly a quarter of mil-
much a bust for us. I did sell lion dollars on historic Ameri- That point was echoed by
two J. Alden Weir etchings that can flags at Freeman’s sale of Dana Kraus, DKF Estate Jew-
the buyer intends to offer as a the Peter J. Keim collection [See elry, who pointed out that she is
gift to the historical society, so I Antiques and The Arts Weekly, fortunate to have a loyal follow-
gave him an attractive price December 20, 2019], a more ing in Greenwich, built over
and feel some goodwill. There is sanguine Jeff Bridgman said, “I many years doing the show and
still part of me that believes the am happy to say that I sold a working with a discerning cli-
show has such potential, but it number of things, made money entele there. “This year we sold
has been a struggle getting peo- as of a nice call-back and have a some important pieces by Carti-
ple in the door. I think everyone fair number of people that I am er, Cummings, Verdura, Sch-
was in Miami!” working with from the show lumberger. And we now offer
that should result in major pur- decorative objects, from modern
English, American and Conti- chases. Elsa Peretti candlesticks to
nental furniture specialist Gary Edwardian boxes, and these got
Sergeant concurred, “We sold “Greenwich is one of those lots of attention. Kudos to
enough to cover expenses. I shows where real things can Frank and his team for keeping
think that the show could have still happen in the ever-more- this show chugging.”
used a few more ‘antiques’ deal- difficult world of exhibiting at
ers and fewer jewelers and style antiques shows. For the cost, it For information, 845-876-0616
dealers. Greenwich has lost its is a show that no high-end deal- or
‘glow,’ as many established
antiques shows have. Antiques
shows need to show more glam-
our and energy. The public is
getting bored with the current
dealers’ efforts.” Sergeant
quipped that he was “just
speaking from 48 years of expe-

“The show has become more
and more challenging,” said
midcentury maven and jewelry
dealer Glen Leroux of Westport,
Conn. “The foot traffic was very
slow. I managed to sell a lucite
swag chandelier, some fine art,
a Jeffrey Bigelow pedestal, a
Gucci bracelet and Tiffany pearl
earrings. All in all, I did very

Met Explores Artistic Achievements
Of Ancestral Caribbean Civilizations

NEW YORK CITY — A special Organized into three primary materials and imagery used by
exhibition highlighting the artis- sections focused on ritual Taino sculptors to create spiri-
tic achievements of early Carib- knowledge, ceremonial perfor- tually charged ritual objects.
bean civilizations will go on view mance, and political power,
at the Metropolitan Museum of “Arte del mar” (art of/from the Alongside works of art created
Art through January 10, 2021. sea) highlights the sculptural by their better-known Taíno
Showcasing more than 40 works achievements of the diverse peers, the exhibition presents
drawn primarily from the muse- island societies known today as objects created by the artists of
um’s collection and augmented the Taínos. Featured works on the Tairona in northern Colom-
by select loans from public and view include four rare wooden bia, the diverse kingdoms in the
private collections in the United sculptures, such as the Tenth to Isthmus of Panama and Costa
States, “Arte del mar: Artistic Eleventh Century Deity Figure Rica, and the networks of sculp-
Exchange in the Caribbean,” (Zemí) from the museum’s col- tor communities in the Ulúa Val-
presents a narrative of creativity lection, a masterpiece that ley, Honduras. Objects created
from the ancestral cultures that intertwines spirituality, cere- from luxury materials, including
encircled the Caribbean Sea in mony and politics. Another greenstone, shell, gold, and mar-
the millennia before European spectacular wooden figure from ble, will underscore the range of
colonization. The exhibition is the Fourteenth Century, on loan trade connections between
among the first to focus on the from the Saint Louis Art Muse- Caribbean peoples. In a fourth
artistic exchange that took place um, illustrates how special section, the exhibition will
among the Taíno civilizations of trees inspired sculptors to explore the ancestral legacies
the Greater Antilles (present- reveal specific deity or ancestor into the Twentieth Century and
day Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola forms in collaboration with today by incorporating “Rum-
and Puerto Rico) and the coastal leaders and ritual specialists. blings of the Earth (Rumor de la
societies in countries such as An exceptional group of three- tierra),” 1950, by painter Wilfre-
Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica pointed stones (trigonolitos), on do Lam (1902-1982), on loan
and Honduras before the Six- loan from the Smithsonian from the Solomon R. Guggen-
teenth Century. Highlights Institution, National Museum heim Museum.
include rarely seen sculptures of Natural History, highlights
created in ancient Puerto Rico. the extraordinary range of The Met is at 1000 Fifth Ave-
nue. For information, 212-535-
7710 or

16 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

On January 11 & 12—

Huguette Clark’s Doll Collection Will Lead
Theriault’s 50th Anniversary Auction

Cover of Theriault’s 50th anniversary auction, A beauty from more than 400 dolls and
The Collection of Huguette Clark. A group of French beauties will cross the block. automata from the collection of mysterious
heiress, Huguette Clark, who died in 2011.

SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. — tion, which oversees the histori- The Evelyn Ackerman collection includes The Bandwagon Kruse to all-bisque mignon-
Daughter to “the richest man in cal coastal property in Santa with band members. ettes. There are fine early por-
America,” Huguette Clark was Barbara bequeathed by celain ladies, rare early Steiff
the beloved scion of the Nine- Huguette Clark as a future cen- unify people and places. This is, graced the auction rooms of children and American cloth
teenth Century copper magnate ter for the arts. fittingly, the first title chosen, a Theriault’s for nearly two studio dolls, and even a very
William A. Clark, and in the nod to the circles of friendship decades. fine early dollhouse; in short,
1920s, she was ingenue darling An early and continuing client formed by our common interest what is known as “something
of New York high society. She of Theriault’s for decades, in dolls. Highlighting the auc- Dolls in the auction range for all,” yet with the added note
spent the final 20 years of her Clark’s dolls include many fine tion beyond the Clark collection from a very fine early English “only the best.” Of particular
105-year life (she died in 2011) antique examples from a are dolls from the estate of Con- wooden lady to American’s own specialty interest is Part I of the
in self-chosen spartan rooms, 50-year span, as well as pri- nie Frank of Scottsbluff, Izannah Walker cloth doll, from Evelyn Ackerman collection of
their location known only to a vately commissioned Japanese Nebraska, whose enthusiastic Germany bisque googlies to Schoenhut’s Humpty Dumpty
few confidantes and advisors, art dolls from the famed G.T. pleasure in dolls and toys rare Schoenhut models, from Circus, presented in her early
with connections to the outside Marsh firm of California, dolls the wistful children of Kathe research book, Under the Big
world limited to telephone, let- and dollhouses from the Paris Top, and including such rarities
ter, or the gifting of generous toy store Au Nain Bleu, the rar- as The Bandwagon with band
tokens to her lifelong friends est of Madame Alexander 1950 members, Teddy’s Adventures
and their offspring. In her final art portrait dolls, and a delight- in Africa, and the Show Wagon
years, Clark continued to add to ful collection of BAPS dolls featuring the characters Foxy
her well-chosen collection of acquired from the original art- Grandpa, Jockey and Baby. A
dolls, bidding by proxy through ists along with correspondence collection of early Steiff Teddy
her attorney who described her about her private wishes. Bears and an outstanding
only and mysteriously as “my group of 15 early Martha
unnamed client.” Throughout its anniversary Thompson portrait dolls with
year, Theriault’s will echo cata- provenance are part of more
On January 11 and 12, Theri- log titles from the past, those than 300 dolls and playthings
ault’s will celebrate both Clark’s that most captured the sense of to be offered at the auction.
life-long passion for dolls and history offered by our common
the company’s 50th anniversa- past. “A Circle of Dolls” was the Previews both days are at 9
ry. The Huguette Clark auction theme of Theriault’s October am at the Ritz-Carleton, 8301
appropriately centers the inau- 1981 catalog auction, the title Hollister Avenue, with the auc-
guration of Theriault’s 50th inspired by Frenchman archi- tions beginning at 11 am. For
anniversary year and will ben- tect Pierre Charles L’Enfant, more information, www.theri-
efit The Bellosguardo Founda- whose designs concerned the or 410-224-3655.
use of interlocking circles to

Lawsuit: Artwork By Late Artist Thomas Hart Benton Lost

KANSAS CITY, MO. (AP) — or its individual sales price. It its advertising and at charita-
More than 100 pieces of art by also contends that the lack of ble events to promote the bank
the late Kansas City artist adequate preservation and stor- and its position as trustee of
Thomas Hart Benton have been age measures have damaged the estate.
lost from an estate mismanaged some of Benton’s artwork.
by UMB Bank, according to a The lawsuit was filed by Ben-
lawsuit filed in probate court by The family’s petition, filed ton’s daughter, Jessie Benton;
his family. Tuesday in the Circuit Court of her son, Anthony Gude; and her
Jackson County, Mo., also daughters, Daria Lyman and
The lawsuit claims UMB alleges that the bank sold some Cybele Benton McCormick. It
Bank never completed a com- artwork below market value seeks the removal UMB Bank
prehensive inventory with and engaged in self-dealing by as trustee of the Benton trusts
descriptions and photographs of using the artwork and proper- and unspecified damages for
each piece of art and lost track ty “as if it were its own.” The the alleged breach of trust. It
of artwork it sold in batches bank hung the artwork at its also seeks a court order voiding
that did not describe each piece various locations and used it in all sales of the trust’s property
entered into without authority
of the family. Three murals from Thomas Hart Benton’s “The American
Epic” offered for sale at the TEFAF 2017 spring edition in
UMB Bank president and New York by Bernard Goldberg Fine Arts, New York City.
chief executive Jim Rine told Photo Greg Smith.
the Kansas City Star in a state-
ment while the bank would like Kansas City, Mo., on January ington, DC, the Truman Presi-
to address the claims publicly, 19, 1975, and his wife, Rita, dential Library and the Mis-
its policy is not to comment on died just a few months later. souri State Capital Building.
pending litigation. UMB has served as trustee of
the Benton trusts since 1979. NEW YORK CITY — The
“Despite our extensive efforts Frick Collection’s Portico Gal-
to address issues presented, the Benton is known for his por- lery has been transformed into
Benton family and its represen- trayals of Midwestern life in an Eighteenth Century “porce-
tatives have chosen to resolve the Twentieth Century. His lain room” with the installation
alleged issues through litiga- paintings and murals are in of “Henry Arnhold’s Meissen
tion,” Rine said. “We take our museums across the United Palace: Celebrating a Collector”
role as a trustee for art and States, including the Metropoli- at 1 East 70th Street. For infor-
other assets seriously and will tan Museum of Art, the Whit- mation, or 212-
directly address and defend the ney Museum of American Art, 288-0700.
misguided allegations made in the National Gallery in Wash-
the lawsuit. We look forward to
this matter being resolved as
quickly and fairly as possible.”

Thomas Hart Benton died in

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 17

Miami Beach Antiques Show Hosts Jewelry History Series

Haig’s of Rochester —

18 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Anthony James, “Portal Icosahedron,” 2019, steel, glass, LED lights, 80 by 82 by 82 inches. Alexis Arnold, “Smithsonian Nature Guide: Rocks and Min-
Courtesy of the artist. erals,” 2019, book, borax 9½ by 8½ by 6 inches. Courtesy of
the artist.

Crystals In Art: Ancient To Today

BENTONVILLE, ARK. — tal and art throughout the The exhibition at Chrystal history. This expansive focus
Today, high-quality quartz world, spanning history and Bridges Museum of American also allows the museum to
crystals are mined from the geography. The exhibition Art will be on view through showcase these works of art in
mountains and caverns of includes a selection of crystal January 6. Arkansas, the only location in
Arkansas. Yet this iridescent, specimens, and more than 75 North America where large-
enigmatic material has capti- works of art and objects from This is the first time that scale mining of quartz crystals
vated artists, religious lead- ancient Egypt up to the pres- Crystal Bridges has explored takes place.
ers, monarchs and healers ent day, and addresses recur- the medium of crystal, and the
across the world for thousands ring themes in the history of museum is expanding past “Crystals in Art” is co-curat-
of years. “Crystals in Art: crystals such as science and American art in this exhibi- ed by Joachim Pissarro, direc-
Ancient to Today” is the first religion, art and medicine, tion to understand a full story tor of the Hunter College Gal-
exhibition of its kind to explore aesthetic beauty and transfor- of crystal and the various roles leries and Bershad professor
the connections between crys- mation, and more. the element played across the of art history at Hunter Col-
world throughout the course of lege, and Lauren Haynes,
curator of contemporary art at
Maker unkown, Mughal peri- Crystal Bridges and curator of
od (1526-1858), Islamic, visual arts at the Momentary.
attributed to India, mid Sev-
enteenth Century, mango- The scope of this exhibition
shaped flask, rock crystal; set ranges from objects from
with gold, enamel, rubies and Ancient Egypt and Rome, to
emeralds, lent by the Metro- China, Europe, and more,
politan Museum of Art, Pur- including contemporary art-
chase, Mrs Charles Wrights- works created in the past few
man Gift, 1993 (1993.18). years, with featured artists
such as Andy Warhol, Marina
Abramović, Ai Weiwei, Alexis
Arnold, Olafur Eliasson, Cindy
Sherman and more. The exhi-
bition features artworks of all
sizes, from small crystal sculp-
tures to large-scale installa-

Crystal Bridges Museum of
American Art is at 600 Museum
Way. For information, 479-418-
5700 or

Maker unknown, “The Holy Grail,” quartz Maker unkown, Statuette of Venus, Roman
crystal, 66 by 48 by 48 inches. Private Col- 100-1 BCE, rock crystal, the J. Paul Getty
lection. Museum, Villa Collection, Malibu, Califor-
nia, 78.AN.248.

Jean-Valentin Morel
(French, 1794-1860), stand-
ing cup, 1850-1851, French
Maker unknown, pendant of rock crystal, silver gilt,
a rosary, Mexican, Sixteenth enamel, pearls, 9¼ inches,
Century, silver gilt, rock lent by the Metropolitan
crystal, lent by the Metro- Albrecht Dürer, (German, 1471-1528), Museum of Art, Purchase,
politan Museum of Art, Gift Ai Weiwei, chandelier, 2015, copper, crystal, “Melencolia I,” 1514, engraving, 9½ by 7½ Friends of European Sculp-
of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917 and light fixtures, 90½ by 94½ by 157½ inch- inches. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of ture and Decorative Arts
(17.190.323). es. Image courtesy of the Ai Weiwei Studio. Art, Anonymous Gift, 2003 (2003.446.1). Gifts, 1997 (1997.14).

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 19

Lalanne Animals Run Amok In Raleigh Hotel Gardens
MIAMI BEACH, FLA. — To inau- In a nod to the Raleigh Hotel’s epic inventive, poetic and surrealist
gurate the opening of the newly- past as an icon of culture and style, sculpture. Having rediscovered the
designed Raleigh Gardens, real estate Les Lalanne at the Raleigh Gardens Renaissance art of casting forms
developer and investor Michael Shvo is a monumental public art exhibi- from life, then employing contempo-
and his partners have opened one of tion which animates the newly rary electroplating techniques,
the largest ever outdoor public exhi- designed Raleigh Gardens in tribute Claude Lalanne achieves a delicacy
bitions of the work of the late Claude to the profound legacy of Les Lal- and sensitivity in her work unparal-
Lalanne (1924-2019) and François- anne. The exhibition brings together leled in cast bronze. François-Xavier
Xavier Lalanne (1927-2008), the more than 40 Lalanne works from Lalanne similarly found inspiration
artistic duo known together as Les the collections of Michael Shvo, for his works in nature. Les Lalanne
Lalanne. The exhibition, which has architect Peter Marino, Andy Warhol have exhibited in New York on Park
been envisioned and created by Shvo, muse Jane Holzer, and gallerists Avenue and at the Getty Station;
is on public display in a new, immer- Paul Kasmin (New York City), Ben were the subject of major retrospec-
sive, lush, beach-side tropical garden Brown (London and Hong Kong) and tives at Les Arts Decoratifs in Paris;
designed by architect Peter Marino, a Jean-Gabriel Mitterrand (Paris). and are in major collections includ-
longtime Shvo collaborator, and ing Yves Saint Laurent, the Cooper
Miami landscape architect Raymond This is the second major exhibition Hewitt Museum in New York City,
Jungles. The exhibition and new gar- of Les Lalanne work at a Michael the Museé Nationale d’Art Moderne/
den are free and open to the public Shvo–Peter Marino collaboration. In Centre Georges Pompidou and the
through February 29. 2013, Shvo and Paul Kasmin Gallery Museé d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris,
organized the pioneering Getty Sta- the Museum Boijmans Van Beunin-
The opening of the Raleigh Gar- tion public art project in West Chel- gen in Rotterdam, the Netherlands,
dens marks the latest step in the sea, Manhattan. That installation and more.
restoration and renewal of the iconic showcased 25 of François-Xavier
Raleigh Hotel, along with adjacent Lalanne’s signature epoxy stone and The Raleigh Hotel Gardens are at
properties, The Richmond and South bronze “Moutons” (sheep) at an 1775 Collins Avenue. For informa-
Seas, located on Miami Beach’s abandoned Getty filling station on tion,
famed Collins Avenue, which were West 24th Street. Installation image, “Les Lalanne
purchased by Shvo and partners Bil- at the Raleigh Gardens,” Cour-
gili Holdings and Deutsche Finance Known individually and collectively tesy Shvo ©Douglas Friedman.
this past summer. since the 1960s as Les Lalanne, the
couple developed a style that defines

Huntington Library Establishes Shapiro Center For American History & Culture

SAN MARINO, CALIF. — The trove of material from Albert als and further inform our biennial book prize, the first to be new fellowships for researchers
Huntington Library, Art Museum Gallatin, secretary of the trea- research and education offerings offered by the Huntington, for a working on topics in American
and Botanical Gardens has sury under Presidents Thomas as we push forward to make first scholarly monograph in history and culture. While fellow-
announced that it is establishing Jefferson and James Madison. them as accessible as possible.” American history and culture. ships currently are offered in this
the Shapiro Center for American Presidential spouses are also rep- The Shapiro Prize will focus on area, the additional support will
History and Culture at the Hun- resented, including letters by The center will not be a bricks- books that make exceptional use expand the number of awards
tington, thanks to a generous gift Dolley Madison and Abigail and-mortar facility, said Brooke. of primary source materials, made each year.
from L. Dennis and Susan R. Adams. Rather, it will be program-orient- especially documentary collec-
Shapiro. Along with financial ed, with initiatives that will tions. The inaugural prize, which The Huntington Library, Art
support, the Shapiros, who make “This generous gift from the include lectures, fellowships, will carry with it a $10,000 cash Museum and Botanical Gardens
their home both in Los Angeles Shapiros comes at a significant exhibitions and publications, as award, is targeted for 2021. are at 1151 Oxford Road. For
and Boston, are donating their moment during our yearlong well as a robust online presence. information, 626-405-2100 or
collection of some 340 rare items Centennial celebration, high- The center will also fund two
focused primarily on American lighting and expanding Ameri- Importantly, the gift will fund a
presidential administrations can historical material collected
from the Eighteenth to the early by Henry E. Huntington himself,”
Twentieth Centuries. The gift said Karen R. Lawrence, presi-
includes an endowment for inno- dent of the Huntington. “It is a
vative programming and the transformative gift that allows
long-term care and growth of The us to spotlight our materials from
Huntington’s premier early- the early republic as never before,
American collections of rare provide greater scholarly and
books and manuscripts, which public access, and encourage
are unique on the West Coast. reflection on the relevance of the
country’s founding ideas for an
The Shapiro Collection is par- increasingly diverse America.”
ticularly rich in correspondence
by John Adams and his son John The Huntington is home to
Quincy Adams, including dozens hundreds of archival collections
of Adams-related documents and and more than 200,000 individu-
letters penned by the second and al manuscripts, rare books,
sixth presidents, father and son. prints, photographs and ephem-
“I collected the Adamses,” Shap- era documenting the history of
iro said, “because I personally the United States, with special
connected with their feelings strengths in the American Revo-
toward family and country and lution and the early republic, the
felt that they were underappreci- antebellum decades, the Civil
ated. But the wisdom of these War, Reconstruction and beyond.
two men, made evident in their “But, like many research librar-
frequent correspondence, speaks ies, only a fraction of it is discov-
volumes about human dignity erable online,” said Sandra L.
and empathy and the deep con- Brooke, Avery director of the
nection between them.” The col- library. “The Shapiro gift will
lection includes, as well, a rich help provide much wider online
access to these important materi-

Windsor Historical Society
‘Connecticut River From The Air’

WINDSOR, CONN. — Join continuously operating ferry; and
Windsor Historical Society at 7 Crow Point Cove just south of
pm on January 8 for a program Hartford, created as soil was
unveiling landscape features of excavated for the construction of
our area of the Connecticut River I-91. You’ll see Brainard Airport,
from Middletown, Conn., to which served as America’s first
Springfield, Mass., some that can municipal airport; Windsor’s rich
only be seen from the air. Last meadowlands, the spot that drew
January, historian and author our earliest settlers where the
Jerry Roberts presented a spell- Farmington River joins the Con-
binding tour of the 410-mile necticut; Bradley International
scope of the river to a standing- Airport; The Windsor Locks
room-only audience. Roberts, Canal; the Enfield Rapids; and
author of The Connecticut River more. Books will be available for
from the Air, teamed up with purchase at $50, and Roberts will
pilot/photographer Tom Walsh to be happy to sign your copy. The
document historic canals, bridg- cost of this program is $6 for
es, shipwrecks, rock formations adults, $5 for seniors and stu-
and even sand patterns on the dents and $4 for Windsor Histori-
river bottom from a low-flying cal Society members. The snow
small aircraft. We asked him to date is January 9.
return with more focus on our
immediate area. Some of the fea- The Windsor Historical Soci-
tures you will see this January ety is at 96 Palisado Avenue.
include Portland’s brownstone For more information or to sign
quarries; Connecticut’s oldest up online, 860- 688-3813 or

20 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Gala New Year’s Auction At Nest Egg On Dec. 28

Lifetime seashell collection ($3/5,000). Vernon B. Smith miniatures ($2/4,000).

BERLIN, CONN. — Nest Egg Auc- Wave Crest Indian plaque ($2/4,000). Handel lamp ($3/5,000). tified, and the collection includes author-
tions will conduct its annual gala New sought-after pieces by the C.F. Monroe than 2,000 seashells from the west coast signed books and shell-related informa-
Year’s auction on Saturday, December Company on Meriden, Conn. From a local of Florida, and an entire collection is to be tion. The group is housed in custom-built
28, at 1 pm. collection, it carries an estimate of auctioned as a group. The shells are iden- cabinets and feature some rare speci-
$3/5,000. mens ($3/5,000).
Several collections and a family archive
come together for this auction: “We’re It took a lifetime to hand collect more A reverse painted Handel table lamp
pleased to work with several local estates from the estate of author Agnes Baur of
and families to put together this year’s Meriden will be sold. The scenic shade
auction” said auctioneer Ryan Brechlin. and bronze base are both signed Handel
“Bringing fresh art and estate collections ($3/5,000).
to market is one of our favorite things.”
Additional categories include South-
A family archive from noted Cape Cod west silver jewelry, estate coins, jewelry,
and Works Progress Administration art- art from Lovis Corinth, Sir Alfred East,
ist Vernon B. Smith will be offered for Salvador Dali, Peter Max and others.
sale for the first time. A few oil on canvas
paintings with handmade frames are fea- Preview for the auction is Thursday,
tured along with an archive of letters and December 26, and Friday, December 27,
photographs, a group of batiks and an noon to 5 pm. Doors open at 10 am on Sat-
unusual set of miniature antique furni- urday, December 28. Nest Egg Auctions is
ture created by Smith in the 1930s from located at 758 Four Rod Road in Berlin CT.
examples in the family antiques shop on
the Cape. The group comprises 15 pieces Bidders are invited to participate live
along with original photos, documents and in-person, via telephone or absentee
and handmade cards for each piece. It is bidding or online. Special discounts,
estimated to bring $2/4,000. adult beverages and complimentary fare
are offered for those who choose to
A rare Wave Crest plaque is featured in attend and bid live at the auction.
the sale. The transfer and paint-decorat-
ed glass plaque is among the most Nest Egg Auctions is at 758 Four Rod
Road. For information, 203-630-1400 or

Rago/Wright Realize $1.4 Million In Sales
In Inaugural Co-Branded Auction

Auction Action In Lambertville, N.J.

LAMBERTVILLE, N.J. — “Master- The sale took place at Rago Auctions on the sale’s lots. Other notable results from sale to our calendar and look forward to
works of American Craft” is a new auc- November 22 and of the 43 lots, 79 percent the sale include: an early kinetic sculpture the next one in May of 2020.”
tion venue for the recently merged firms were sold by lot, with the sale achieving by Harry Bertoia that sold for $150,000,
of Rago in Lambertville and Wright in 121 percent of its aggregate low estimate. the exceptional Persian installation, Pog- “This was a very strong sale, especially
Chicago and New York; the concept gianti-Schulman Wall by Dale Chihuly, considering it was the first of a new series.
makes the most of their combined exper- The sale enjoyed strong interest with which sold for $87,500, which was the We broke out pieces from our regular Mod-
tise and audience paired with innovation more than 100 bidders participating in same price achieved for a rare lobster and ern sales, running for nearly 25 years, to
and style to present more than 100 years house, by phone or live online using crab enameled box by Tiffany Studios. make a special presentation of the best
of extraordinary craftsmanship. The Wright’s own bidding platform or third- material of this particular genre, American
highly curated sale featured 43 lots and party sites. The top lot of the sale was After the sale, Richard Wright said, craft. The response was beyond encourag-
explored a variety of mediums and fields “Snake River,” an impressive sculptural “‘Masterworks of American Craft’ is an ing and we expect to hold two each year
with works by Harry Bertoia, Paul Evans, form by Peter Voulkos; after several interesting area of collecting that is real- moving forward,” echoed David Rago.
George Nakashima, Viola Frey, George minutes of competing phone bids, an ly worth celebrating. Not only does it
Ohr, Tiffany Studios, University City, online bidder swooped in to win the speak to the audiences at Rago and Rago Auctions is at 333 North Main
Wendell Castle and Dale Chihuly, among work at $250,000, more than four times Wright, but it also is the perfect mar- Street. For information, 609-397-9374 or
others. its estimate. riage for the skillsets that we each bring Wright is at 1440 West
to the table. We are excited to add this Hubbard Street, Chicago. For information,
The bid activity was strong for many of 312-563-0020 or

Taking second place honors was one of Harry Ber- Leading the sale was “Snake River” by Peter More than doubling its low estimate was Dale
toia’s kinetic forms, untitled, which brought the Voulkos, which closed at $250,000 (50/70,000). Chihuly’s “Persian Installation,” which sold for
high estimate of $150,000 ($100/150,000). $87,500 (40/60,000).

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 21

Pride Of St Louis: Selkirk Sale
Gavels Relics Of City & 1904 World’s Fair

Auction Action In St Louis, Mo.

ST LOUIS, MO. — Missouri tion. Villmer was a founding The top lot of the sale was found in this bronze sculpture titled “The Captains
pride was served hot in the member of both the 1904 St Return” by contemporary American artist Harry Weber. The work, which
heartland when Selkirk Auc- Louis World’s Fair Society features Lewis, Clark and their dog, Seaman, is editioned 1 of 25,
tioneers & Appraisers sold off and Gateway Postcard Club. though only 15 are thought to have been made. The sculpture brought
the collections of Patricia Sue “There’s a very impressive $12,000. The full-size bronze edition, weighing in at 9,000 pounds, is
Villmer and the contents of a ephemera collection that’s installed on the riverfront grounds of the St Louis Gateway Arch.
historic Clarksville, Mo., Mis- quite extensive,” said Laugh- The monument was originally situated near water level, and even
sissippi River home on Decem- lin, before the sale got under- though the image features the explorers in a small rowboat, it was
ber 14. The sale featured 459 way. “There are several rare regularly flooded over by the Mississippi River. The city reinstalled
lots, with only seven lots pass- relics and souvenirs from the it on the grounds, but in a higher position, in 2016.
ing throughout the day. World’s Fair. You can tell the
collection was put together the fair to provide security,” St Louis Gateway Arch. The
“We felt pretty positive about very thoughtfully; it’s not just Laughlin said. The blade sold sculpture depicts Lewis,
the sale,” Selkirk curator Brian some random pieces.” for $1,080. Also from the Jeffer- Clark and their faithful
Laughlin told us following the son Guard were two bronze belt dog, Seaman. It sold
auction. We hit the mark on Villmer was obviously born buckles that took $238. for $12,000.
nearly all of the lots.” The sale after the Exposition, but she no
boasted a 97 percent sell doubt relived it and educated The top of the sale was gov- Settling in at $1,200
through rate. “There were not a herself on the particulars to a erned by a bronze sculpture was a lot of 14 1904
lot of surprises, which makes scholarly degree. Not only were titled “The Captains Return” by World’s Fair silk post-
me feel good about the valua- there plenty of World’s Fair sou- American artist Harry Weber. cards depicting the
tions with our team. The pieces venirs in her collection, but also The bronze was numbered the historic buildings and
we highlighted to attain high appearing were some rare piec- first edition of 25, although only halls of the fair. The
dollar were the ones that did it. es that told distinct stories from 15 are thought to have been postcards came
It was a good model for what an specific perspectives. made. It is the maquette of the with their
auction should be when you famed 9,000-pound monument original
know the material.” One example was found in the on the riverfront grounds of the purchase
Jefferson Guard short sword
Patricia Sue Villmer oriented and scabbard, produced by the Review by Greg Smith, Editor
her collection around St Louis Ames Sword Co and etched with Photos Courtesy
history, collecting artifacts of the words “Jefferson Guard” to
the city’s past with significant one side and “Louisiana Pur- Selkirk Auctioneers & Appraisers
attention to the 1904 St Louis chase Exposition” to the other.
World’s Fair, known as the “They were essentially a hired
Louisiana Purchase Exposi- police department brought to

Executed in bronze, this gold medal from The World’s Fair was big business, and the Louisiana Pur-
the 1904 World’s Fair found spirited bidding chase Exposition Company issued $6 million in stock for
as it sold for $688. It did not indicate the the event. This $10 share certificate appreciated well, sell-
category it was awarded in. ing for $960.

This American carved and gilded wood mir-
ror from the late Nineteenth Century was
impressive enough to sell near its high esti-
mate for $1,140. It measures 84 by 66 inches.

The Jefferson Guard was a hired police force at the 1904
World’s Fair, and this sabre and scabbard, part of the
guard’s uniform, feature etching that reads “Louisiana Pur-
chase Exposition,” indicating the special occasion of their
manufacture. The lot here sold at $1,080, while two belt
buckles from the guard brought $238.

A 1904 World’s Fair souvenir cast metal
purse with a double-sided image of an owl
sold for $420.

Bohemian glass lighting was found through- “The City of St Louis,” a hand colored litho-
out the formally styled historic home along graph published by Currier and Ives in
the Mississippi River whose contents Sel- 1874, sold as the second highest lot in the
kirk auctioned in this sale. This grand sale at $5,938. The image, a birds-eye view of
Bohemian glass crystal chandelier went out the city as it rapidly expands, its borders
at $1,125. Two other examples, both cran- visually limitless, was evidently prepared
berry crystal chandeliers, sold at $938. to show the city’s promise at the United
States Centennial celebration of 1876.

22 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

The Ambassador Theatre was a 1920s American Victorian mirrored back Four similar lots of taxidermy were A $300 estimate on a 67-inch-
movie palace that was a landmark étagère, ebonize wood, late Nine- offered in the auction, and this one tall sculpture is pretty rea-
building in downtown St Louis. teenth Century, $1,320. featuring seven birds under a cloche sonable. And bidders
Though the building was demolished glass dome brought the most at $1,000. seemed to think so too, as
in 1996, some of the fragments were they propped this Twenti-
preserved, including this plaque, eth Century Italian terra-
which sold for $1,000. A similar plaque cotta lady up for $3,438.
from the building took $813 while an
elevator dial brought $720.

invoice. The Louisiana Pur- commemorative porcelain plate well. They bore a plaque of
chase Exposition issued $6 mil- by Knowles with a pink border Elias Hatoun, who was a Cairo-
lion in capital stock, and a $10 would sell for $660, while a sim- based antiquities dealer men-
share certificate issued to “T.M. ilar plate by the same maker, tioned in Ann Gunter’s 2002
Hostetter” would sell for $960. with a green border, brought book A Collector’s Journey:
A silver medal in bronze togeth- $510. A set of seven World’s Charles Lang Freer and Egypt.
er with its certificate, awarded Fair jasperware souvenirs, That account puts Hatoun
to Andrew T Kaletta for “Stat- including plaques, took $450. A operating in Cairo’s Muski
ues — Altars — Pedestals and set of three Japanese porcelain Street bazaar along with sever-
Crosses,” would sell for $500. A pieces from the fair, including a al other dealers. A three-seat
gold medal, also in bronze, with- basket, vase and pen tray, went settee featured exotic wood
out certificate or any identify- out at $420. A World’s Fair two- with ebony, ivory and abalone
ing text as to what it was sided purse in the form of an inlay, and it sold for $1,920. A
awarded for, sold for $688. Two owl went out at $420.
large lots of ephemera, includ- two-seat bench
ing stamps, lithographs, adver- From another St Louis brought
tising, envelopes, invitations, consignor came four lots $540,
note cards, photos and more, of Mamluk Revival
Selkirk was unable to find even one other Native American would bring $469 and $420. furniture, all pur-
beadwork sash from the 1904 World’s Fair. “I feel it may be portedly in the
the most historically significant piece in the sale,” Selkirk World’s Fair souvenirs were Exposition, and
curator Bryan Laughlin told us. “We have several books on plentiful. A 10-inch-diameter all would sell
the St Louis World’s Fair, and its not documented in any. It
has imagery of arrows, whirling logs, the American flag. It Porcelain plates by Knowles were offered
should be in an institution. It’s one of those items that you from the 1904 World’s Fair. With a pink bor-
could easily look over, but if you look at it in person, it’s der, this plate brought $660. A green-bor-
quite the object.” The sash, 56 inches long and just under dered example took $510.
one-half-inch wide, sold for $360.

Auctioneers & Appraisers

A lot of 14 1904 World’s Fair silk postcards sold at $1,200. The St Louis Agricultural And Mechanical This guitar-zither was made by Oscar
They came from the Patricia Sue Villmer estate; she was a Association was a prelude to the Veiled Schmidt, circa 1903, a “Special St Louis
founding member of the Gateway Postcard Club. The post- Prophet, a famous private society organiza- Model” 31-string instrument. It featured a
cards came with their original purchase invoice and fea- tion still going in St Louis today. The associa- label for the “Palace of Varied Industries —
tured historic buildings and halls at the fair. tion awarded this diploma to John Barden- Souvenir, St Louis 1904” and sold for $330.
heier of the Bardenheier Wine Cellars for
“Largest and Best Display of Native Wines
Bottled.” It is signed by the association’s sec-
retary, William M. Lockwood, First Deputy
Comptroller of St Louis, and the association’s
president, Rolla Wells, who would later serve
two terms as St Louis Mayor, president of the
Fair Association, president of the Jockey
Club, president of The Jefferson Club and
governor of The Federal Reserve Bank of St
Louis. It sold for $270.

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 23

while a pair of armchairs took port resources and folk alike At the top here was a 67-inch- Stamped with a plaque for Elias Hatoun, a late Nineteenth
$480 and a pair of side chairs into the region. And along that tall terracotta sculpture from to early Twentieth Century Cairo-based antiquities deal-
brought $510. The three-seat river are some of the Midwest’s Twentieth Century Italy. The er, folks found interest in the Mamluk Revival furniture
settee came with a booklet and oldest homes. A historic river- piece sold for $3,438 on a $300 lots. This three-seat bench sold for $1,920. It was not from
hand-written note signed by front home in Clarksville, Mo., estimate. A 29-inch-tall marble the Villmer estate, but the four Hatoun lots in the sale
A.H. Abaza, the Egyptian dele- — guess who that town is sculpture of a female, cataloged were thought to be exhibited at the 1904 World’s Fair. This
gate to the Louisiana Purchase named after! — supplied the as continental and from the lot came with a booklet and hand-written note signed by
Exposition. other half of the sale. Nineteenth or Twentieth Cen- A.H. Abaza, the Egyptian delegate to the Louisiana Pur-
tury, sold for $1,250. chase Exposition.
Two Currier and Ives works Laughlin noted that Selkirk
were found desirable. “The produced this thematic sale Mirrors, both standalone ples were found throughout the The firm looks forward to
City of St Louis,” an aerial first in December 2018, offer- and as part of furniture piec- sale, all under cloche glass offering this auction again in
view of the city in a hand col- ing historic St Louis material. es, reflected bidder interest. domes, and were led by a December 2020. Selkirk’s next
ored lithograph, dated 1874, But the addition of the Missis- An American Victorian mir- $1,000 result for a tree branch sale is on January 18.
went out at $5,938. “Midnight sippi River Valley to this sale’s rored back etagere in ebon- twisting upwards with seven
Race On The Mississippi,” an headline is no accident. The ized wood, late Nineteenth various taxidermy birds. For more information, 314-
image showing the Nineteenth auction is expanding. “We Century, enticed enough to 696-9041 or
Century race between the Nat- expanded it this year because sell at $1,320. Behind were
chez and the Eclipse steaming in the future, we want to start two gilt pieces, a carved wood
up the Mississippi, went out at working with the historic river gilded age mantel mirror, late
$2,000. A similar steamboat homes. And expand down the Nineteenth Century, Ameri-
race image between the Fulton river to New Orleans and can and 84 by 66 inches,
and the Danna, published by Memphis.” $1,140; followed closely by a
Thomas Kelly, N.Y., went out Rococo Revival pier mirror
at $469. The home’s contents featured and stand, $1,080. A Renais-
a late Nineteenth Century tra- sance Revival mirrored back
Perhaps one of the largest ditional style, spanning Europe- sideboard in cherry and
historic impacts in the founda- an marble sculptures, French flamed mahogany took the
tion and build-up of St Louis is gilt furniture, Renaissance same price at $1,080.
the Mississippi River, who sup- revival pieces, Victorian taxider-
plied the great vain to trans- my, Bohemian glass and more. Victorian taxidermy exam-

Ballet Russes Photographs At Museum Of Russian Icons
CLINTON, MASS. — The brated photographers and undis- bitions, Pasadena, Calif. The
Museum of Russian Icons pres- puted leaders of pictorial portrai- exhibition is accompanied by a
ents, “Emil Hoppé: Photographs ture in Europe to being mostly publication, One Hundred and
from the Ballets Russes,” unknown, until his work was One Photographs: Emil Otto
through March 8. The exhibition rediscovered and consolidated Hoppé and the Ballets Russes (St
pays homage to the genius of into the E.O. Hoppé Estate Col- Petersburg: Iskusstvo and Cura-
two men: Russian impresario lection by Australian-American torial Assistance, 2018).
Sergei Diaghilev who, more than curator Graham Howe in the
a century ago, founded the Bal- 1990s. Hoppé’s celebrity portraits The Museum of Russian Icons
lets Russes; and photographer were exhibited to great acclaim is at 203 Union Street. For
Emil Otto Hoppé, who, between at London’s National Portrait information, 978-598-5000 or
1911 and 1921, photographed Gallery in 2011, his only other
the champions of that illustrious museum exhibition until now.”
company. Tamara Karsavina as “Columbine” in Michel Fokine’s Le
Carnaval, 1912. ©E.O. Hoppé Estate Collection/ Curatorial The pure sensuality of Hoppé’s
With both studio portraits and Assistance Inc. riveting Ballets Russes portraits
ballet sequences, this visual reveals the essence of the dancers
chronicle presents not only the more than 30 photographically Ballets Russes,” says director who, in performing their innova-
leading stars of the Ballets Russ- illustrated books and establish- Kent Russell. “Hoppé’s story is tive choreography in costumes by
es such as Vaslav Nijinsky, ing himself as a pioneering figure really quite extraordinary, as his Léon Bakst, Pablo Picasso, Henri
Adolph Bolm, Michel and Vera in photographic art. work has been rescued from vir- Matisse, Nicholas Roerich, Alex-
Fokine, and Tamara Karsavina, tual obscurity and today is expe- andre Benois and fashion design-
but also celebrities whose con- “We are thrilled to be present- riencing a renaissance. He went er Coco Chanel, among others,
nection with Diaghilev was tan- ing the first museum exhibition from being one of the most cele- took their audiences by storm
gential, such as Mathilde Ksches- of Emil Hoppé’s portraits of the with performances that shocked
sinska, Anna Pavlova, and the senses and seduced the world
Hubert Stowitts. into the modern era.

In the 1920s and 30s Emil Otto Comprised of 85 platinum
Hoppé (1878-1972) was one of prints and curated by USC Pro-
the most sought-after photogra- fessor John Bowlt and indepen-
phers in the world. Hoppé’s stu- dent curator/photo historian/art-
dio in London’s South Kensing- ist Graham Howe, the exhibition
ton was a magnet for the rich and was organized in collaboration
famous, and for years, he actively with the E.O. Hoppé Estate Col-
led the global art scene on both lection and is circulated by Cura-
sides of the Atlantic, making torial Assistance Traveling Exhi-

Boston Public Library Map Center
‘Homesteads To Modern Cities’ Exhibit

BOSTON — The Norman B. both parts of the exhibition, and tal to the physical landscape and
Leventhal Map & Education viewpoints from scholars and Native populations. Numerous
Center has announced the open- activists that were included in maps bear witness to these nega-
ing of the second half of its exhibi- the exhibit. Viewpoints include tive effects including ones show-
tion, “America Transformed: perspectives on Westward expan- ing the diminishing range of
Mapping the Nineteenth Centu- sion from Akomawt Education bison, the extent of forest cover
ry.” The exhibition is a year-long Institute, a Native educational using 1870 census data, the his-
showcase that delves into the consultancy, as well as voices that tory of Indian land cessions, or
intricacies of this transformative highlight the experiences of Afri- the limited extent of land
century through the history of can Americans and Chinese ‘reserved’ for remaining Native
cartography and geography. Fol- immigrants. These viewpoints populations.”
lowing a successful Part One, provide new perspectives on the
Part Two will cover the modern- ways that the experience of trans- “Part One of this exhibition was
ization of the newly expanded formation and change often a tremendous success for us,” said
country. The entire contents of looked and felt differently from Connie Chin, president of the
the gallery will be replaced with how it was portrayed on official Norman B. Leventhal Map &
more than 60 new items, includ- maps. Education Center at the Boston
ing Nineteenth Century stereo- Public Library. “Attendance broke
graph reproductions that visitors “In this second part of ‘America records, and the feedback has
can experience in a period-style Transformed’ the focus is on been glowing, especially on the
3D viewer, and additional layers actions taken by the federal gov- inclusion of the Viewpoints. We
on a unique interactive that dis- ernment such as the Homestead look forward to continuing this
plays zoomable historic maps on Act, the first transcontinental success through Part Two as we
top of a modern view. Part Two railroad authorization, and the provide visitors with a fresh look
will be on view through May. Emancipation Proclamation and at this complex portion of our his-
the dramatic impact this had on tory and explore how issues that
Coinciding with the opening of the nation’s land ownership pat- arose in the Nineteenth Century
Part Two will be the release of a terns, transportation networks, are relevant to today.”
catalog for the exhibit. The 220- and economic development,” said
page catalog, available in hard curator Ron Grim. “Most Europe- The Norman B. Leventhal Map
and soft cover, will include essays an-American settlers viewed Center and the Boston Public
from seven authors, full color these developments as ‘progress,’ Library are at 700 Boylston
images of all of the objects from but these actions were detrimen- Street. For information, 617-536-
5400 or

24 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Antiques and The Arts Weekly

Madelia Hickman Ring

Miller & Miller Advertising &
Historic Objects Sale Yields $213,000-Plus

Auction Action In New Hamburg, Ontario

Consigned just two days before the sale was this 1930s Rolling out the door for Leading the sale was this Ontario leather motorcycle
Orange Crush single-sided lithographed tin sign, Canadian, $2,927 was this 1898 French license plate from 1907, one of only a few known, with origi-
59 inches by 35 inches, marked “C-12N – St Thomas Metal advertising poster for Cleve- nal brass grommets and remnants of the original white
Signs Ltd, St Thomas, Ont,” which closed at $4,549. land Cycles (Toledo, Ohio), paint on the numbers. It made $8,107.
with artwork by Jean Pal de
NEW HAMBURG, ONTARIO, bolstered.” Paleologue, made just prior total, 589 lots crossed the auc- tary uniform buttons, mostly
CANADA — A Canadian leather Headlining the sale was the to the crash of the world- tion block in a sale that grossed from the Civil War era, with
motorcycle license plate from wide bicycle boom. just over $213,000. “We had a ton many undug examples, the but-
1907 sold for $8,107 and a last- collection of John McKenty, the tube and down tube and the cor- of fun selling the stuff,” Miller tons marked on the rear, from
minute sale item, a Canadian Canadian historian and author rect Dunlop chrome rims. remarked, “and collectors had the Horace Weed collection, sold
Orange Crush tin lithographed whose collection tells the story of fun buying. It was a positive, as one lot for $4,580. A 1950s-era
sign from the 1930s that brought the rise and fall of the Canada The McKenty collection fea- upbeat day in so many ways.” Coca-Cola school zone sign with
$4,549, both in an Advertising & Cycle & Motor Company of Can- tured CCM bicycles, advertising, policeman graphic, made in the
Historic Objects auction con- ada. McKenty, was was once sports memorabilia, catalogs, Following are additional high- United States and in excellent
ducted on December 7 by Miller described as “Canada’s premier brochures, photographs and lights from the auction, which condition, with original hard-
& Miller Auctions Ltd. authority to the community that paper ephemera. “The literature attracted an audience of around ware and great color and gloss,
collects anything CCM related,” performed especially well,” Mill- 175 people live to the gallery. hit $2,702.
“Two days before the sale, we gave a special presentation the er said. “Results were strong, Another 391 bidders placed a com-
were contacted by a construc- evening of Friday, December 6. most on the high-side if not bined 6,087 bids online. “The mar- A Butler Dawes Brewery black
tion firm that had uncovered a exceeding estimates. Such an ket is alive and well,” Miller said. horse statue fetched $2,702.
layer of early tin Coca-Cola and A 1937 Canada Cycle & Motor offering of CCM memorabilia Also, a purple Kawasaki KH400
Orange Crush signs behind the Company “Flyte” bicycle — the would be hard if not impossible An 1898 French advertising Triple three-cylinder motorcycle
wall of a building that was slot- rarest of all the CCM bicycles, an to replicate anytime soon.” poster for Cleveland Cycles, with showing just 10,401 actual miles
ted for demolition,” said Ethan expensive-for-its-time model superb artwork by Jean Pal de on the odometer, VIN # S3F-
Miller of Miller & Miller Auc- that didn’t sell particularly well The auction also contained Paleologue, gaveled for $2,927. 39392, found a new owner for
tions, Ltd. “Among those signs and ceased production in 1940 — other advertising items and The poster was executed right $2,927.
was the Orange Crush. The sold for $2,748. The bike had an signs, automobilia, sports memo- before the crash of the worldwide
energy in the room was already unusual fork and frame design, rabilia and historical ephemera, bicycle boom. Also, an early CCM Prices quoted are in US dollars
electric, but then it was totally the original “Lucien Bicycle Ser- much of it Canadian in origin. In Automobile Skates sign from and include buyer’s premium.
vice” dealer decals on the seat around 1910, advertising CCM’s
foray into the manufacture and Miller & Miller Ltd, is at 59
sale of skate blades, hit $2,026. Webster Street. For information,
A group of 20 regimental mili- or 519-662-4800.

Jean Cocteau Ceramics Headlines Mayfair Antiques & Fine Art Fair
Bonhams Prints & Multiples Sale January 9-12

Auction Action In London MAYFAIR, LONDON — Once again, dealers are gathering
for the first quality London fine art and antiques fair of the
LONDON — A collection of Jean Cocteau’s “Grand $66,987, double its low esti- year. The Mayfair Antiques & Fine Art Fair opens at the Lon-
46 ceramics by Jean Cocteau, chêvre-cou” sold for $50,261. mate. Making more than five don Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square, London W1K 6JP for
one of the leading figures of times its low estimate was four days, from Thursday to Sunday, January 9-12. This will
the French avant-garde, was Keith Haring’s “Bayer Suite,” a be the eighth edition of the annual event, which attracts col-
100 percent sold when the col- complete set of six offset litho- lectors, interior designers and discerning individuals from
lection was offered in Bonhams graphs in colors, that finished around the world.
December 11-12 Prints & Mul- at $58,624. “The Parable of the
tiples sale. The sale made a Blind leading the Blind,” after Some 40 exhibitors, most of whom are members of the Brit-
total of $2,307,350 with 86 Pieter Bruegel the Elder ish Antique Dealers’ Association (BADA) or the Association of
percent sold by lot and 88 per- (1525-1569) sold for $56,951, Art & Antiques Dealers (LAPADA), are gathering to present
cent sold by value. about 14 times its low esti- some of their finest stock, which includes period, Art Deco
mates while another work and midcentury furniture, antique and Twentieth Century
When “Grand chêvre-cou” after Bruegel the Elder — “The jewelry, traditional and contemporary paintings and sculp-
sold for $50,261, it set a world Festival of Fools” by Pieter van ture, clocks and vintage watches, early to modern glass and
record for the most valuable der Heyden — made eight silver, decorative ceramics, antique enamels, tapestries and
Cocteau ceramic ever sold at times its low estimate to close many other interesting and desirable objets d’art spanning
auction. Other Cocteau ceram- at $53,606. the centuries.
ics that exceeded expectations
included, “Le Théâtre Antique,” Bonhams department direc- Ingrid Nilson, director of the Antiques Dealers Fair Limited,
which sold for $21,827 and tor of prints and multiples, said, “We are just a short leap from the center for shopping in
“Printemps,” which achieved Lucia Tro Santafe, said “Jean London’s West End. Our exhibitors always make a supreme
$18,482. Cocteau ceramics were only effort to put on an impressive show, finding the most interest-
ever produced in very small ing and unusual items. Even though our event is boutique in
Other highlights in the sale editions, making his works size, we always work to ensure there is an eclectic and distin-
included Pablo Picasso’s “Le incredibly rare. It is no sur- guished mix with many different disciplines for sale. We also
Repas Frugal,” from “La Suite prise, therefore, that demand pride ourselves on providing a friendly welcome and a relax-
des Saltimbanques,” which led was so high for these beautiful ing atmosphere in which to consider purchases.”
the sale and realized $200,794. pieces at auction today.”
It was followed closely by “La Newcomers to the fair include Robin Haydock Antiques, sell-
Femme du Peintre” by Marc For additional information, ing antique and vintage jewelry; Thomas Spencer Fine Art;
Chagall (1887-1985) sold for and, from South Africa, vintage furniture specialist Moon-
struck Experience.

The Antiques Dealers Fair Limited supports the Queen Eliza-
beth Scholarship Trust (QEST), the charitable arm of the Royal
Warrant Holders Association.

For additional information,

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 25

Raphael Show With Famous Breguet Leads Bonhams’ Clock Sale
Madonna Paintings As Year Counts Down
Opens In Berlin
Auction Action In London
BERLIN (AP) — Berlin is opening the first of three Raphael
exhibitions this week as the art world celebrates the 500th anni- LONDON — One of the earliest carriage clocks, The King of Naples Breguet sold for
versary of the Renaissance master’s death next year. Breguet number 179, formerly owned by the King $396,000.
of Naples, achieved $396,000 in a fitting end to the $62,783. A “first period” brass lantern clock Wil-
Five paintings of the Virgin Mary and her son that are usually year for Bonhams Clocks Department in London. liam Bowyer on Leadenhall Street, London. Origi-
not exhibited in the same space are all on display in one room at nally bought by John, Sixth Earl of Rothes on a
the city’s Gemaeldegalerie museum. In addition, Raphael’s famous The final Bonhams Fine Clocks sale of 2019 took visit to London to petition Charles I sold for
“The Madonna of the Pinks” will be on loan from the National Gal- place on December 11, with highlights that includ- $57,833, more than four times its high estimate. A
lery in London for the exhibition called “Raphael in Berlin. The ed the Marquise de Bethisy Breguet number 1559, limited-edition clock by Jaeger le Coultre — made
Madonnas of the Gemaeldegalerie.” that sold for $181,583, and a fine early Nineteenth to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen
Century French ormolu quarter repeating car- Elizabeth II in 2002 — more than tripled its low
The six paintings belong to Raphael’s early works from the riage clock timepiece, which achieved $132,083. estimate to sell for $23,100. A mid-Eighteenth
beginning of the Sixteenth Century and depict Madonna and her Also featured in the sale, the Baron de Blome Century burr walnut longcase clock, John Ellicott,
child in different variations. One shows Jesus on his mother’s lap Breguet followed suit with that of the King of London, sold for $36,383. Bringing $62,700 was a
with pink flowers in his hands, another with a goldfinch on his leg. Naples Breguet, also realizing $396,000. musical clock by Roger Dunster.
On most of the paintings Mary has a solemn look, as if she already
knew about her son’s fate. Abraham-Louis Breguet was born in Switzer- For additional information,
land in 1747. In 1762 he was sent to Versailles to
The exhibition’s centerpiece is a tondo, or round painting, called be apprenticed to the watch trade under the influ-
“Terranuova Madonna” from about 1505 that Raphael created ence of his stepfather, the reputed watchmaker,
shortly after his arrival in Florence. It shows Madonna with her Joseph Tattet. Breguet was in business by 1775,
child, surrounded by the infant St John and an unknown child and rapidly established his reputation by develop-
with a halo. ing an entirely new world of watch and clock mak-
ing. Never ceasing to experiment, every watch and
“The big Raphael year 2020 is already starting in Berlin in every clock that emerged from the workshop was
December 2019,” the director of the Gemaeldegalerie, Michael Eis- unique, and each piece was made by hand. Several
senhauer, told reporters on Wednesday. “The show gives a precise of the technical innovations forwarded by Breguet
view on Raphael before he became the star artist at the Vatican.” are still used today.

Raphael was born in 1483 in Urbino and died at the age of 37 in Director of Bonhams Clock Department, James
Rome. Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he is Stratton, said, “Breguet was one of the greatest
one of the most famous Italian artists of the Renaissance period. clock and watch makers of all time — his clientele
included the most influential people in the world
The presentation takes a historical look at the collection of the — it has been a privilege to handle these clocks
Berlin museums, showing works by the “young Raphael” that that were such an intrinsic part of their owners
were widely popular when the first museum was founded in the lives, resolutely keeping them on track in affairs of
city in 1830. state. As well as the take-up rate for the Breguet
collection, it was also particularly encouraging to
The exhibition also sheds light on the early acquisition policies see the response for the rest of the sale — eight
of the Gemaeldegalerie in the broader context of the history of art out of ten clocks found new homes, with many far
collecting in Europe and it shows the image that Nineteenth Cen- exceeding their estimates. This sale rounds off a
tury Germany had of Raphael. record-breaking year for the clock department at
Bonhams and leads us into 2020 full of hope and
The exhibition runs through April 26. enthusiasm for the year ahead.”
The painting, “Madonna of the Pinks” of Renaissance
artist Raphael from London’s National Gallery is on dis- Other highlights of the sale included an Eigh-
play at an exhibition at the Gemaeldegalerie in Berlin, teenth Century ebony Dutch-striking musical
Wednesday, Germany, December 11, 2019. Berlin is open- table clock with 12 tunes on 13 bells and 23 ham-
mers, Roger and Dunster London — sold for
ing the first of several
Raphael exhibitions as In Mexico, Effeminate Zapata Painting
the art world celebrates Draws Fury
the 500th anniversary of
his death next year. The MEXICO CITY (AP) — A People watch a painting showing 1910-17 Mexican revo-
show is dedicated to five painting showing Mexican Revo- lutionary hero Emiliano Zapata nude, wearing high
famous Madonna paint- lution hero Emiliano Zapata heels and a pink, broad-brimmed hat, straddling a horse,
ings by the renowned nude and in an effeminate pose in Mexico City, Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2019. The work by Fabi-
Renaissance master that has drawn the ire of some of an Chairez is part of an exhibit about Zapata in one of
belong to Berlin’s Gemael- Zapata’s descendants and led Mexico City’s premiere arts venues, the Fine Arts Palace.
degalerie collections and about 100 farmers to block the (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)
another masterpiece of entrance to the building where it
the Virgin Mary that is on was on display Tuesday. “They can’t permit this kind of The work by Fabian Chairez is
loan from the National mockery,” Medrano said. part of an exhibit about Zapata
Gallery in London. (AP The painting depicts a nude in one of Mexico City’s premiere
Photo/Markus Schreiber). Zapata wearing high heels and a Luis Vargas, curator of the arts venues, the Fine Arts Pal-
pink, broad-brimmed hat, strad- exhibit, noted that the contro- ace.
Fair Management Discontinues dling a horse. versy had brought in a lot of visi-
Art Berlin ‘For Now’ tors. He said a painting is just an The artist told local media the
Zapata’s grandson said Mon- artistic representation and said painting is not labeled as a por-
COLOGNE, GERMANY — Until further notice, fair organizer day the painting should be he thinks it’s positive that it trait of Zapata, who is normally
Koelnmesse, is suspending the Art Berlin art fair, which took removed or descendants would reopens debates about continu- represented in a more macho
place for the third time in September 2019 as a fair for modern sue. ing issues in Mexican society pose, with a rifle or pistol, and an
and contemporary art at the now-defunct Tempelhof Airport. The like homosexuality. ammunition belt.
decisive factor for this decision consists of the current framework “We are not going to allow this,”
conditions in Berlin, which provide no real planning security. said Jorge Zapata Gonzalez. “For
us as relatives, this denigrates
“Due to the great commitment of everyone involved over the the figure of our general (Zapa-
past few years, we very much regret having to take this step,” ta), depicting him as gay.”
says Gerald Böse, chief executive officer of Koelnmesse. “We
would like to thank the Art Berlin team led by Maike Cruse, About a dozen counter protest-
which has done an excellent job within the existing framework.” ers showed up to defend sexual
diversity, and a scuffle broke out
“However,” continues Böse, “under the given conditions in Ber- between the two groups.
lin, we do not see any possibility of organizing an event that meets
our expectations.” Continued use of the Tempelhof site is not The mustachioed Zapata is
assured from 2020 onwards and the financial results of previous famous for leading farmers
events have ultimately been unsatisfactory for Koelnmesse. “Our demanding land rights in the
focus on the art fairs in Cologne now applies more than ever.” 1910-17 revolution.

As a city-center trade fair in the middle of Europe, Koelnmesse “This isn’t freedom of expres-
occupies the third largest exhibition site in Germany and is among sion, it is debauchery...that is
the top ten in the world. Every year, Koelnmesse organizes and degrading. They can’t exhibit our
supports around 80 trade fairs, guest events and special events in history that way,” said Antonio
Cologne and the most important markets worldwide. With its Medrano, spokesman for the pro-
portfolio, it reaches more than 55,000 exhibitors from 122 coun- testers. They demanded the gov-
tries and more than 3.2 million visitors from more than 200 ernment respect Mexican histo-
nations. By 2030, Koelnmesse will be investing around 700 million ry’s “great icons.”
euro in the future of the exhibition grounds within the framework
of the most extensive investment program in its history.

For additional information

26 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Auction Action In New York City

The first weathervane out of the gate was this Bidders jumped through hoops chasing this horse Bidders went on a deer hunt of sorts for this
“Hackney” horse weathervane attributed to and hoop weathervane, which was attributed to sheet iron stag weathervane, which had a won-
W.A. Snow Iron Works, Boston, Mass. It finished J.W. Fiske, New York City. An online buyer pre- derful presence. The chase ended at $8,750
squarely within estimate, at $12,500. ($10/15,000). vailed, for $7,500 ($3/4,000). ($5/7,000).

Nod To Primitive Influence On Modern Design—

Phillips Takes A Flier With
Florence Knoll Bassett’s Weathervanes

NEW YORK CITY — Phillips’ lights from in a series of sales modern inspiration; Pablo Picas- shop but had in fact been shot on form of the horse and the circular
chose its December 17 Design that began in the fall of 2019, all so looked to African sculpture, a rooftop in Astoria. A compelling element of the hoop. The vane
sale to offer eight American grouped in discrete sections cap- Wassily Kandinsky was inspired addition to the catalog was the carried the lowest estimate of the
weathervanes from the estate of tioned “Making Modern.” by Russian folk art and American inclusion of two images from group — $3/4,000 – and bidding
Florence Knoll Bassett (1917- folk art motivated Elie Nadel- Knoll Bassett’s Coral Gables and opened at $2,400. Interest came
2019), which it is selling high- Knoll was certainly not the first man and Charles Sheeler. When Coconut, Fla., homes that showed from bidders in the room, on the
to look to primitive forms for she was collecting weathervanes how she lived with them. phones and online and it ulti-
in the late 1950s, the magazine mately sold to a buyer bidding on
A highlight of Phillips’ November 13 Twentieth Century & Art in America featured pieces on For the most part, estimates the Invaluable platform, for
Contemporary Art day sale was Josef Albers’ “Homage to such singularly American aes- seemed market friendly, and $7,500.
the Square: Silent Gray,” which shot past its $400/600,000 thetics as Shaker design and results came in near or within
estimate to finish at $1.3 million. New England gravestones along- estimates, with a few lots exceed- The vane with the lowest esti-
side that of contemporary Ameri- ing expectations. A representa- mate of the group was followed
can artists. tive for the firm said in an email by the one with the highest esti-
after the sale that buyers of the mate: $20/30,000 for a carved and
In a sale of approximately 175 weathervanes “were a mix of new giltwood dog-form weathervane
lots that achieved a total of $3.4 and existing clients, both private mold attributed to Harry Leech
million and was 80 percent sold and trade.” of Woburn, Mass. It related to a
by lot, the weathervanes were a carved and painted wood English
small section that was 75 percent The weathervanes were offered setter weathervane mold from
sold and which totaled $71,250, in a discrete group approximate- the Esmerian collection that
though postsale interest in the ly midway through the sale, book- Sotheby’s sold for $40,625 in Jan-
unsold vanes might hoist that ended by furniture by Eames, uary 2014; the example from the
number skyward. Nakashima and Finn Juhl, as Knoll collection realized $22,500
well as contemporary and mod- after bidding opened at $15,000.
The catalog photographs of the ern ceramics, jewelry and silver.
vanes were a refreshing depar- If one went to the preview expect- An “Index” horse vane that
ture from a graded tonal back- ing to see horses trotting amid offered a striking contrast
ground format utilized by nearly Royere furniture or roosters between its zinc front half and its
every auction house that sells crowing over contemporary brilliantly gilt rear half did not
weathervanes. No static photo ceramics, one would have been sell, one of just two Knoll vanes
set for these vanes, which were disappointed; instead, Phillips not to find new homes. It opened
shown flying high across an corralled them into a separate at $6,500 but Kruger passed it at
urban skyline against a brilliant niche within one of the main pre- $7,500 against an estimate of
blue sky that set off their bright view rooms. If the lesson was to $8/12,000.
gilding, mellow verdigris or gritty demonstrate how the primitiv-
rusticated surfaces. Kimberly ism of these vanes inspired mod- An unattributed gamecock
Sørensen, a specialist in Phillips’ ern design, it was weakened by weathervane with wonderful ver-
New York Design department, physical placement in the pre- digris patina, estimated at
confirmed that the photos had view. $3/5,000, finished at $7,500 after
not been manufactured by photo- interest from bidders online and
The first weathervane to cross on the phones.
This gilt copper and zinc “Index” horse It was modestly priced and unattributed to the block was a large high step-
weathervane, attributed to J. Howard, a specific maker, but this copper gamecock ping Hackney horse weathervane Was the rusty patina of a large
Bridgewater, Mass., failed to sell during the weathervane flew past its estimate to land attributed to the W.A. Snow Iron- rooster weathervane attributed
sale ($8/12,000). at $7,500 ($3/5,000). works of Boston. Its gilding losses to the Rochester Ironworks off
gave a dappled appearance and it putting to buyers? Rochester
carried an estimate of $10/15,000. rooster vanes appear with some
Auctioneer Sara Krueger opened regularity in auctions around the
the bidding at $8,500 but after country so perhaps the $4/6,000
brisk competition from phone estimate was simply too much? It
bidders, she sold it for $12,500. opened at $2,800 but passed at
The sinuous curve of the next
lot — a peacock weathervane For purity of silhouette, there
attributed to A.L. Jewell — was was perhaps no better example
further embellished by the out- than the last of the Knoll vanes
line of the original gilding sheets, on offer. A stag crafted of sheet
crest feathers made of nails and iron opened at $4,000 and bid-
repousse eyes on the tail feathers. ders in the room, on the phones
Estimated at $5/7,000, Krueger and even by absentee bid all gave
said she had interest in the lot chase but it finally ended at
and bidding opened at $4,200. $8,750.
Phone bidders quickly outpaced
her absentee bid and it sold for According to Vivian Pfeiffer,
$12,500. deputy chairman of Phillips
Americas and head of business
The horse and hoop weather- development, Phillips is still set
vane that followed the peacock to offer a selection of works from
had an appealing asymmetrical the Knoll estate in their spring
quality between the elongated New Now auction in New York
City, with examples by Walter

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 27

One of the rarer vanes on offer was this pea- Technically not a weathervane but a weathervane Arguably the least rare of the weathervanes on
cock weathervane attributed to A.L. Jewell., mold was this carved painted and giltwood dog, in offer was this cast iron rooster weathervane
Waltham, Mass. It strutted well past its esti- the manner of Harry Leech, Woburn, Mass., which attributed to Rochester Iron Works, Rochester,
mate to sell for $12,500 to a bidder on the phone carried the highest estimate of the group N.H. Despite a modest estimate, it did not find a
($5/7,000). ($20/30,000). It made $22,500. buyer during the sale ($4/6,000).

Leblanc, Gio Pomodoro and Fran- Review and Onsite Photos by
cisco Sobrino, as well as an addi- Antiques and The Arts Weekly
tional selection of weathervanes Madelia Hickman Ring, Assistant Editor
in a future Design auction. Catalog Photos Courtesy Phillips

When asked what the response Florence Knoll Bassett’s collection featured One might draw parallels between the ani-
to the Knoll Basssett estate has four Picasso ceramics, which Phillips mal figures in Paul Klee’s “Ostern” and the
been, Pfeiffer, said, “We’ve been offered in its October 25 Editions & Works animal weathervanes Florence Knoll Bas-
delighted with the enthusiastic on Paper sale. This “Geometric Face” sett collected. This stands as one of the
response to the collection over the achieved $7,500 ($8/12,000). more valuable works to have sold from her
course of the season. Florence One of two works from Florence Knoll Bas- collection; it achieved $187,500 in the Twen-
Knoll Bassett was so influential sett’s collection to warrant selling in Phil- tieth Century & Contemporary art day sale
in the Twentieth Century aes- lips’ November 14 Twentieth Century & on November 13 ($120/180,000).
thetic and the works of art that Contemporary art evening sale was “Sing-
she chose to live with clearly ing” by Morris Louis. It achieved $1.7 mil-
encapsulate her vision. Josef lion and is, to date, the most expensive work
Albers’ ‘Homage to the Square: from the collection ($1.5/2 million).
Silent Gray’ soared past its low
estimate of $400,000 when it sold
for $1,316,000 in November, lead-
ing the entire Day Sale of Twenti-
eth Century & Contemporary
Art. The weathervanes have also
been of great interest to collec-
tors, as many are fascinated to
discover what a source of inspira-
tion these Nineteenth Century
pieces were to this pioneer of

When asked if Phillips would
offer more examples of folk art,
Pfeiffer said, “Phillips has made a
concerted effort to break down
the traditional barriers of collect-
ing categories, especially in
recent seasons. We are certainly
open to offering works outside of
our normal purview, especially if
they capture the spirit of the
defining movements of Twentieth
and Twenty-First Century art.”

Phillips is at 450 Park Avenue.
For information, 212-940-1200 or

Despite discussion of how these vanes influenced Florence Knoll Bassett, The hackney horse weathervane made a striking silhouette against the
Phillips kept the group somewhat sequestered from the rest of the sale. backdrop of four Seguso wall lights ($10,625), a Gilbert Poillerat console
table ($13,750) and a Claggett Wilson dining suite from the Lewisohn com-
mission, sold in three lots that totaled $111,250.

28 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Heritage Auctions’ Comics & Comic Art
Sails Beyond $14.9 Million

Auction Action In Dallas

Selling at $288,000 was Jack Kirby Neal Adams “Batman” #251 cover, Robert Crumb “Your Hytone Comix” Marvel Comics #1 Windy City pedi-
and Chic Stone, “Fantastic Four The Joker Original Art (DC, 1973) #nn, “Stoned Agin!” Inside Back gree (Timely, 1939) CGC NM 9.4,
Annual” #2 Splash Page 1 Doctor realized $600,000. Cover Original Art (Apex Novelties, “the granddaddy of all Marvel Com-
Doom Original Art (Marvel, 1964). 1971), sold at $690,000, breaking the ics,” Ed Jaster, Heritage’s senior VP
The issue, with famous cover art by record for the most ever paid for an said — the record-setting comic
DALLAS — The finest known copy of Frank R. Paul and interior art by a group interior piece of comic art. sold at $1,260,000.
Marvel Comics No. 1 sold for $1,260,000 of illustrators that included Bill Everett, poster, on pinback buttons, postcards and
to lead Heritage Auctions’ record-setting Carl Burgos and Paul Gustavson, was t-shirts. Marvel Comics #1
comics and comic art auction to purchased by a Pennsylvania postal car- Brings Record
$14,936,295 on November 21. rier who bought every No. 1 issue he Neal Adams Batman #251 cover “The
could of both comic books and magazines, Joker” original art (DC, 1973) sold for $1.26 Million At 99.8
The second-largest comic auction of all beginning in the 1940s. Its grade of 9.4 $600,000, the most ever paid through Percent Sold Auction
time, trailing only the $15,121,405 real- on a scale of 1-10 makes it the best copy Heritage Auctions for a piece of DC art.
ized in Heritage Auctions’ Chicago com- of the issue ever found, according to Cer- Doom Original Art (Marvel, 1964), driv-
ics and comic art auction in May 2019, tified Guaranty Company (CGC). The popularity of video games among ing the final price to $288,000. One of the
this sale included 15 lots that sold for at collectors continued to soar with Mega best known 1960s major character splash
least $100,000. More than two dozen collectors made Man [“Dr. Wright” first release] — Caro- panels, this page was the powerful open-
bids for Robert Crumb, Your Hytone lina Collection Wata 9.4 A+ sealed NES ing for “The Fantastic Origin of Doctor
The top lot set a world record for the Comix #nn “Stoned Agin!” inside back Capcom 1987 USA breaking the record Doom!” Created by the team of Stan Lee
most expensive Marvel comic ever sold cover original art (Apex Novelties, 1971) for the most ever paid at auction for a and Jack Kirby, the tale of Marvel’s most
at public auction, and also set a new before it closed at $690,000, breaking the video game. The first appearance of Mega popular villain opened with this page
standard for the most ever paid for a record for the most ever paid for an inte- Man, it is the first game in the series, created in twice-up scale.
comic book at Heritage Auctions. The rior piece of comic art. Created at the and it sold for $75,000. This copy is from
auction boasted sell-through rates of height of the artist’s popularity, the the first production run of the title and is Drawing the same $288,000 price was
97.7 percent by value and 99.8 percent image is instantly recognizable, even by believed to be the highest graded sealed Jack Kirby and Syd Shores Captain
by lots sold. many who don’t know the work of Crumb, copy of the variant known to exist, a America #103 Cover Red Skull Original
who is revered for his contribution to the group that is believed to number in sin- Art (Marvel, 1968), which inspired bids
“This is a historic copy of a historic underground comics movement in the gle digits. from 43 collectors. One of the Red Skull’s
comic book,” Heritage Auctions senior 1960s. This iconic image was reproduced most iconic cover images, and one of the
vice president Ed Jaster said. “Without countless times, including on a blacklight Three dozen collectors made bids for finest twice-up Silver Age Marvel covers
question, this is the granddaddy of all Jack Kirby and Chic Stone Fantastic of all time, this image is so dramatic that
Marvel Comics, without which we would Four Annual #2 Splash Page 1 Doctor the Red Skull’s maniacal facial expres-
not have the characters and stories we sion was toned down on the printed cover
enjoy in today’s comics and feature films.” by slightly changing his eyes and mouth.
Created by Kirby, the image also features
Sharon Carter, also known as “Agent 13.”

Prices, with buyer’s premium, as report-
ed by the auction house. For further infor-
mation, or 877-437-4824.

Twentieth Century Week At Christie’s Totals $683.3 Million

Auction Action In New York City

NEW YORK CITY — Chris- Modern art, where the top lot of Ed Ruscha’s “Hurting the Word Radio #2,” René Magritte’s “Le Seize Septembre” real-
tie’s achieved a grand total of the evening sale was René Mag- 1964, sold for $52.5 million. ized $19.6 million.
$683.3 million across the eight ritte’s “Le Seize Septembre,”
auctions that comprise its flag- which realized $19,570,000. two punch, fetching $52,485,000 sales achieved the highest ever mark. A significant number of
ship autumn Twentieth Century Umberto Boccioni’s Futurist — a new auction record for Rus- day sale total in auction history, auction records were set for con-
Week series in New York. The masterpiece “Forme uniche della cha — and $10,036,000, respec- with a combined total of temporary artists throughout
company reported consistently continuità nello spazio (Unique tively. The total for the evening $117,126,225 for the morning the sale sessions.
strong sell-through rates across Forms of Continuity in Space)” sale soared to $325,259,750, and and afternoon sessions, with
the evening and day sales, sig- set a new world auction record was 89 percent sold by lot, 96 works by Ruth Asawa, George Prices given include the buy-
naling steady demand from for the artist when it sold for percent by value Condo, Frank Stella, Andy War- er’s premium, as stated by the
global collectors for modern and $16,165,000. Surrealist works hol and Joan Mitchell all achiev- auction house. For more infor-
contemporary artworks of great were pursued by collectors Finishing the week, the post- ing prices over the $3 million mation, or
quality, rarity and exceptional across price ranges this season, war and contemporary art day 212-636-200.
provenance. with Salvador Dali claiming the
highest prices in Christie’s day
Marc Porter, chairman, Chris- and works on paper sales, with
tie’s Americas, said, “We are very “Femmes aux papillons” selling
satisfied with the results for $939,000 in the works on
achieved across the week. Our paper sale and “Décor pour
sales totals finished well within Roméo et Juliette” realizing
presale expectations, and we $1,119,000 in the day sale.
saw extraordinarily strong and
consistent sell-through rates A companion online-only auc-
across the sales. Our overall suc- tion of Picasso ceramics was 100
cess this week is a credit to our percent sold and realized a total
teams and their ability to man- of $1,774,750.
age these sales for success, and
to our consignors, who entrusted Christie’s postwar and contem-
us with their collections and porary art auctions provided a
took our guidance on how best to rousing finish to the week, with
sell their property amidst this collectors from 31 countries con-
fall’s more tumultuous macro- verging at Rockefeller Center on
economic climate.” November 13. Ed Ruscha’s
“Hurting the Word Radio #2”
The week opened with the eve- and Andy Warhol’s portrait of
ning sale of Impressionist and Muhammad Ali delivered a one-

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 29

Hudson Valley Celebrates The New Year
With Special January 1 Estates Auction

A pair of bronze three-arm candelabras by E.T. Hurley.

Seventeenth Century German main Franken work- One of two early Nineteenth Century Chinese export
shops, Wuerzburg. paintings.

BEACON, N.Y. — A special, unreserved, paper and scrolls; and from the Pawling interesting Scottish woven back chair; instruments, including a rare Lyon and
multi-estate auction at Hudson Valley estate a selection of fine quality provincial lowboys, game tables and other horse Healey “J” soprano saxophone and an
Auctioneers will celebrate the New Year pieces in various surfaces will be offered. country decorative pieces are also on offer. antique Nicolaus Gagnano Filus violin.
and the new decade. On January 1 at 1 From an upstate barn comes what Five exceptional quality Tiffany Studios
pm, the gallery at 432 Main Street will be appears to be an antique carved dugout From an old Pennsylvania estate comes copies of signature floor lamps and hang-
filled with eager bidders competing canoe with possible Polynesian decoration a large collection flow blue sold as a single ing chandeliers from the Cornwall collec-
against online, phone and absentee bid- and an early Japanese sword. lot, a blind door corner cabinet in blue, a tion of lighting will cross the block. Hud-
ders for some 350 lots with last minute glazed door stepback cupboard and sever- son Valley sold others in a spring sale,
additions expected. Standout oils in the sale include works al small bronzes. Other bronzes by Robert which were very well received as the qual-
by artists Eugene Frank, George Robert Cook, Werner Meurer, Georg Kolbe, E.T. ity and attention to detail is unsurpassed
Highlights include a fine selection of Bonfield, several by Charles Michel, Max Hurley, Asian and several other cabinet for copies of this sort. Several original
Chinese and Asian artifacts from a Pawl- Stern, William Immenkamp, Anthony bronzes are mixed in throughout the sale. Handel lights also come from Cornwall.
ing, N.Y., estate, led by a circa 1910 album Toney, Gregorio Prestopino, William Midcentury makers Renato Zevi, Bertoia,
of 80 original photographs of Chinese McDonough, Jenning Tofel, Hal Robin- As in prior holiday auctions, estate Moreddi, Wegner, Geoge Mulhauser, Knoll
scenes and people as well as 108 period son, Eleanor Moore and Horatio Henry jewelry features prominently with Mies van der Rohe, Curtis Jere and others
postcards of Shanghai and other locales. Couldery. The estate of Peter Speihagen’s approximately 75 individual and group will be represented.
Forest Hall Antiques of Milford, Penn., lots which are joined by several sterling
Porcelains feature a rare pair of armori- supplied a selection of Eighteenth and tea services, flatware and hollowware Previews are Sunday, December 28, 1
al platters, several pairs of vases, a Nineteenth Century continental furni- and other various treasures. to 5 pm, Monday and Tuesday, December
17-inch tea caddy form decorated vessel ture and a large collection of antique con- 30 and 31, noon to 5 pm, and Wednesday,
and several other pieces. Two exceptional tinental pewter. Significant additional “treasures” January 1, from 10 am to 1 pm sale time
Chinese Export early Nineteenth Centu- include a rather rare Model F Steinway or by appointment. For more informa-
ry oil paintings of people in gardens Traditional English antique fare from a baby grand in a carved mahogany case; tion,,
appear to have been done by the same sprawling Millbrook farmhouse of a an exceptional Gothic Revival six-arm sales manager Theo DeHaas, 845-480-
hand. Several lots of rosewood and marble renowned New York artist features a pair electrified gasolier probably by Cornelius 2381 or auctioneer Neil Vaughn, 914-
furniture come from an old Poughkeepsie of tufted leather wing chairs, a mahogany and Baker; several vintage luggage lots 489-2399.
estate which also provided works on center table, two convex mirrors and an led by two Louis Vuitton cases — a ward-
robe and a fitted steamer; several musical

Saint Louis Museum Receives Photograph Gift
ST LOUIS, MO. — Photogra- “We are grateful for David’s teenth Century photography.” photographer and a professor at
pher and photography historian generous gift, which is the The gift of 58 photographs and St Louis Community College,
David R. Hanlon has given the result of years of thoughtful and where he leads instruction in
Saint Louis Art Museum a col- discerning collecting,” said related material includes 12 photography and photographic
lection of Nineteenth Century Brent R. Benjamin, the Barbara photographers not currently in history at the Meramec campus.
photographic prints that signifi- B. Taylor director of the Saint the museum’s collection and He is the author of the 2014
cantly expands the museum’s Louis Art Museum. “It will augments the holdings of seven book, Illuminating Shadows:
holdings from the first four make a substantial impact on British and French photogra- The Calotype in Nineteenth-cen-
decades of the medium. the museum’s holdings of Nine- phers already represented in tury America.
the collection.
The Saint Louis Art Museum is
Strengths of the gift include at One Fine Arts Drive. For more
significant groups of works by information, 314-721-0072 or
the British photographers
Frank Mason Good and Francis
Sir Francis Bedford (English, 1816-1894), “Tintern Abbey, Bedford, who created serial pho-
South Aisle,” 1858, albumen print from glass negative; 7-9/16 tographic “tours.” Good explored
by 9½ inches; Gift of David R. Hanlon 177:2019. biblical sites in the Holy Land
and Bedford depicted the pictur-
esque remains of Gothic ruins
in Britain. Leavitt Hunt and
Nathan Baker were the first
Americans to photograph
ancient monuments in Egypt,
and their 1851 paper-negative
photograph of Temple of Philae
is exceptionally rare. There are
also a number of notable por-
traits, including one from 1856
by Lady Lucy Bridgeman, which
now is the earliest work by a
woman photographer in the
museum’s collection.

Hanlon, who is a member of
the museum’s Friends of Pho-
tography Collectors Circle, is a

Free Admission & Activities At Clark Art Institute

WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. — ings and photographs by Jean- bag tag to use on your next
Clark Art Institute galleries’ Baptiste Camille Corot, Alex- adventure. If weather allows,
First Sundays Free program is andre-Gabriel Decamps, John borrow a pair of snowshoes
Sunday, January 5. La Farge, Robert Macpherson, and explore Stone Hill. Or
Thomas Moran, Félix Teynard, stay inside for a 2:30 pm
Travel back to a time when and others, is open all day, screening of the Academy
the opportunity to visit with a gallery talk at 1:30 pm. Award–nominated animated
renowned sites was limited to film Song of the Sea — a jour-
a privileged few, and armchair Art-making activities between ney through the landscapes of
travelers relied on prints of 1 and 4 pm include creating an Irish folklore.
drawings and photographs to imaginary landmark to add to a
see images of foreign lands. massive fantasy map, a constel- The Clark is at 225 South Street.
The exhibition “Travels on lation map and planetary wall For more information, 413-458-
Paper,” featuring prints, draw- hanging or a travel journal and 0524 or

30 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Auction Action In New York City

Timed For The Holidays— Burlini, J. Blanc Nino, Masaji
Yoshida, Al Hirschfeld, Anton
Showplace’s Estate Sale Refregier and George Sch-
Fills Some Pretty Big Stockings reiber, in addition to Nine-
NEW YORK CITY — On tan and the metropolitan area, ing a heavier emphasis on In the fall 2019, Showplace teenth Century European
December 15, Auctions at from the Upper East Side and luxury goods and designer- launched a substantial reno- works.
Showplace presented a 350-lot beyond to the Hamptons. Cat- friendly categories, according vation project at its 40 West
estate sale featuring a multi- egories represented include to Keith Lebel. He said the 25th Street location, marking Topping this category and
tude of items specially timed fine art, European and Chi- firm is responding to the the firm’s commitment to the the sale overall was Miro’s “La
for the holidays, from objects nese antiques, jewelry and demand for first-class shop- city as a destination for fine Femme Des Sables” etching
d’art to luxury items. Show- Modern design. And while the ping in NoMad (North of Mad- art, luxury items, antiques and aquatint, which sold to a
place seeds its regular estate firm maintains an eclectic ison Square Park), the cross- and Midcentury Modern New York City collector bid-
auctions with material gath- approach with lineups that roads between Chelsea and design. That upgrade and ding online for $18,750.
ered and assembled from tap into a broad swath of col- the Flatiron District that has transformation will be show- Signed “Miro” in the lower
estates throughout Manhat- lecting sensibilities, it is plac- become a hub for upscale cased in May when the firm right corner and marked “HC”
hotels, entertainment and res- inaugurates the four-floor in the lower left corner, exhibi-
taurants. “I thought this sale space as a sleek, state-of-the- tion print (HC) from edition of
was very successful, as it con- art marketplace with galler- 75, the piece’s framed dimen-
tinues a direction that works ies, displays and amenities. sions were 25 by 37 inches.
well for us. We reflect the
neighborhood we’re in — one The December 15 sale’s fine Fetching $7,500 was Pablo
that is growing with new art selection featured paint- Picasso’s (1881-1973) “Large
retail, hotels and restaurants, ings, sculpture, prints and Still Life with Fruit Bowl
but we will always feature an photographs by artists like (Grande Nature Mort au Com-
eclectic mix in order to appeal Joan Miro, Grant Wood, Thom- potier),” 1947, a black and
to a wide range of buyers.” as Hart Benton, Thomas white lithograph depicting a
Beach, Pablo Picasso, Alfred vase of flowers and apples in
compote. The litho was signed
Fetching $7,500 was Pablo Picasso’s (1881-1973) “Large Still “Picasso” at left in blue cray-
Life with Fruit Bowl (Grande Nature Mort au Compotier),” on, edition 10/50, Bloch 425;
1947. Mourlot 73 and measured 26¾
by 31½ inches in its frame.
Also fetching $2,000 was this pair of Leon Rosen Pace mid-
century swivel lounge chairs. Masaji Yoshida’s (1917-1971)
“No. 8,” abstract woodblock
print in colors, signed in pen-
cil lower right, edition 4/20,
was a surprise hit and jumped
from its $200/400 estimate to
a final price of $1,500. “We
were really surprised by the
result for the Yoshida wood-
block print,” said Lebel. “The
composition is so exciting.”

Thomas Hart Benton’s “Arkansas Evening,” another work All angles, this unique Thierry Mugler (b 1948) modern This Chanel rare runway
from the collection of Associated American Artists litho- chromed metal geometric arm cuff bracelet made $4,800. gripoix Byzantine Maltese
graphs, was bid to $2,280. gold-tone cuff bracelet,
circa 1970, earned $5,400.

Review by
W. A. Demers, Senior Editor
Photos Courtesy Auctions At Showplace

Hermes scarves hit the right tone with holiday shoppers. A Joan Miro’s “La Femme Des Sables,” etching Camille Faure Art Nouveau floral enameled
collection of 40 scarves were sold with a 100 percent sell- and aquatint, was the top lot at $18,750. vase took $2,000.
through rate, the top scarf was this Ex Libris en Camouflage
original design by Benoit-Pierre Emery, selling for $680.

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 31

Among a collection of Associated American The J. Hall Paris French gilt-bronze figural Masaji Yoshida (1917-1971) “No. 8,” abstract woodblock
Artists lithographs, Grant Wood’s “Approach- clock struck $2,375. print in colors, signed in pencil lower right, edition 4 / 20
ing Storm” brought $3,900. jumped from its $200/400 estimate to a final price of $1,500.

About a dozen lithographs by Lebel, and others will be costume jewelry with many reopening sale. A runaway furniture, a J. Hall Paris
Associated American Artists offered in subsequent sales. rare Chanel runway pieces, favorite in this category was a French gilt-bronze figural
(AAA) were consigned to the From the collection, works by Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Chanel rare runway gripoix clock made $2,375. A Camille
sale. Established in 1934 in Grant Wood, Thomas Hart Lacroix, Christian Dior, Karl Byzantine Maltese gold-tone Faure Art Nouveau floral
New York City and operating Benton and George Schreiber Lagerfeld and others seeded cuff bracelet, circa 1970, which enameled vase earned $2,000.
until 2001, the art gallery performed well. Grant Wood’s this sale. More pieces from went out to a phone bidder at Leon Rosen Pace midcentury
marketed art to middle and “Approaching Storm” sold for this private New York City $5,400. A Thierry Mugler (b swivel lounge chairs also went
upper-middle class homes in $3,900; and Thomas Hart Ben- collection will be offered on 1948) modern chromed metal out at $2,000.
the form of affordable prints. ton’s “Arkansas Evening” January 5, and some will cross geometric arm cuff bracelet
Six prints from the collection brought $2,280. the block in May when Show- was clearly the most unique Prices given include the buy-
sold in this sale, according to place conducts its grand piece in the collection, and it er’s premium as stated by the
Similarly, a trove of designer sold for $4,800. auction house. For informa-
tion, or
Among decorative arts and 212-633-6063.

Decorative Arts Trust Awards Grant To
American Swedish History Museum

The American Swedish History Museum in Philadelphia. Olaf Althin’s wagon with furniture in front of his shop in
1906. Courtesy, the Winterthur Library: Joseph Downs Col-
lection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera.

PHILADELPHIA — The The committee increased the candidate in the American John Wanamaker. The PO Bo x 2 90 ; Wh i te P l a in s , N . Y. 1 0 6 0 5
Decorative Arts Trust has level of funding for 2020 to Civilization Program at the ASHM’s show will juxtapose
announced that the recipient $10,000. University of Delaware and a Althin’s Scandinavian craft
of the 2020 Failey Grant is past recipient of a summer background against the
the American Swedish Histo- In 2021, the ASHM will research grant from the trust. American Arts and Crafts and
ry Museum (ASHM) in Phila- mount the exhibition “Ameri- Colonial Revival movements.
delphia. The trust’s Failey can by Craft: The Art Furni- Lome learned of Althin’s
Grant program provides sup- ture of Olaf Althin,” which impressive career during her For information about the
port for noteworthy research, presents the career of a large- dissertation research, and the Failey Grant and the Decora-
exhibition, publication and ly forgotten immigrant cabi- curatorial team has recon- tive Arts Trust’s Emerging
conservation projects through netmaker. Working in Boston structed his story while locat- Scholars Program, www.deco-
the Dean F. Failey Fund, at the turn of the Twentieth ing furniture made by him
named in honor of the trust’s Century, Althin was an influ- and tools, papers, photo- grant, email thetrust@decora-
late governor. Preference is ential figure in the nascent graphs and drawings to con- or call
given to projects that employ American antiques trade. textualize his oeuvre. His 610-627-4970. For informa-
or are led by young profes- Curator Trevor Brandt is impressive list of patrons tion about the ASHM, www.
sionals in the museum field. serving as project lead, assist- included H. Eugene Bolles,, email
ed by Erica Lome, a doctoral Henry Davis Sleeper and [email protected] or
call 215-389-1776.

No Lincoln Artifacts Auction, Foundation Extends $9M Debt

SPRINGFIELD, ILL. (AP) — includes a stovepipe hat pur- ied gloves Lincoln wore to the in the Abraham Lincoln Presi-
Hundreds of artifacts belong- portedly belonging to Lincoln, theater the night he was shot, dential Library and Museum.
ing to Abraham Lincoln and if it couldn’t pay off the $9.2 the presidential seal still sit-
his family will remain in Illi- million remaining on the loan ting on his White House desk MANCHESTER, N.H. — The
nois’ hands with the refinanc- by this fall when the note and other items. Currier Museum of Art presents,
ing of a loan used to buy them. came due. “The Shakers and the Modern
The Abraham Lincoln Presi- The foundation has paid $22 World,” on view through Febru-
dential Library and Museum But the foundation said it million of the debt that grew ary 16. The exhibition is drawn
Foundation announced negotiated a three-year exten- to $31 million with interest from the extensive holdings at
Wednesday that it had refi- sion with Lake Forest Bank but fundraising had stagnated Canterbury Shaker Village, cel-
nanced the 2007 loan it used and Trust at a lower interest early last year when the foun- ebrating its 50th anniversary of
to purchase 1,500 items from rate than the previous loan. dation sought a contribution incorporation as a museum this
collector Louise Taper. from the state, which was year, as well as from the Curri-
The foundation voted last The foundation borrowed refused. er’s own collection. The Currier
year to seek an auction house $23 million in 2007 to buy the Museum is at 150 Ash Street.
to prepare selling some of the collection. In addition to the The foundation had sought For information,
items in the collection, which stovepipe hat whose authen- money from a tourism fund or 603-669-6144.
ticity has been challenged, the financed by hotel taxes
collection includes the blood- because the items are housed

Historic Homes & Properties

32 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020 Compiled by Madelia Hickman Ring

New Installation Marks 75th Anniversary Of End Of World War II—

The Rockefellers’ Bassett Hall: On The Home Front

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller knitted Mr and Mrs John D. Rockefeller Jr One of the most common ways Mrs John D. Rockefeller worked closely
scarves for the troops and often had five sons in military service or Rockefeller used Bassett Hall to with Reverend Goodwin on restor-
sent care packages to the soldiers, serving the government during assist the war effort was to enter- ing Williamsburg to its Eighteenth
which included items like candy, World War II. With four sons in uni- tain the troops and their wives for Century appearance. He hired some
foods, games, and toiletries, shown form and the fifth appointed Assis- luncheons and dinner parties. She of the best architects and studied
here in the Morning Room at Bas- tant Secretary of State, she may would ensure she met with as many architecture books to learn more.
sett Hall. have hung a five-star banner in her servicemen as she could and used His original architecture books and
front window informing her guests this opportunity to learn more about reproductions of pastel watercolors
By Amanda C. Keller of her sons’ military service. the war and what was happening. of Williamsburg streetscapes by
associate curator of historic interiors, can artists, combined Continental porce- This image of the parlor features Colonial Williamsburg architect,
lains with American pottery, folk paintings clothing items from the period. Singleton Moorehead, are currently
Colonial Williamsburg, museums, and hooked rugs, creating an unprecedent- scarves for the troops and made care pack- on view in his bedroom, which is
ed collection of American Folk Art much of ages to send overseas. For example, in depicted in this image and includes
preservation and which helped form the core collection of the December 1944, the American Red Cross his desk and chair.
Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg. It provided Christmas packages which about the war and what was happening.
historic resources division. is the rich mixture of furnishings and their included items like boned meat turkey, “Saturday night was the dinner that we
Jason Copes photos arrangements into small, intimate group- small sausages, strawberry jam, assorted gave for Captain and Mrs Perry, the new
ings, that gives Bassett Hall interior rooms candy, deviled ham, cheddar cheese, plum commandant of Camp Peary. Both Papa
courtesy Colonial Williamsburg their charm. These spaces were made pudding, mixed nuts, bouillon cubes, fruit and I found them most charming and
COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG, VA. — inviting and relaxing, an atmosphere espe- bars, dates, canned cherries, butter, honey, delightful people. I think they will be a
In May of 1944, Mrs Abby Aldrich Rocke- cially appealing to the Rockefellers. In tea, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, pipes, great addition to the life of this communi-
feller wrote about Bassett Hall to her son, 1978-79, Bassett Hall and its furnishings chewing gum, and playing cards. ty. One thing I was perfectly sure about
Winthrop, while he was stationed in the were presented to the Colonial Williams- the evening and that was the dinner. We
South Pacific. “Really I never in all my life burg Foundation by the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers were subjected to had a perfectly delicious dinner...This time
have seen anything so lovely as Williams- A complete restoration of the Bassett Hall rationing of foods and gasoline and, like we had mushroom soup first and then per-
burg was the last week we were there. The complex, including the gardens and his- other Americans, supplemented their fectly home-grown roast beef and some of
air is so soft, and it was full with fragrance toric interiors, was undertaken between ration stamps with victory gardens and our own ham and pineapple salad. It
of flowering trees. We even had a chance to 2000 and 2002. Today, the house and home canned foods to help support the wasn’t a Virginia ham; it was just a very
sit out in the garden in front of the sum- grounds look much the way they did in the war effort and ensure manufactured fine ordinary ham. Both Captains on
mer house and look down that lovely green late 1930s and 1940s during the Rockefell- canned goods could be sent to the troops either side of me said they personally both
alley of ours. It was almost possible for me ers’ residency in Williamsburg. abroad. They had a farm at their Pocantico preferred it to Virginia ham. This may
to forget there was a war going on, I think estate and were able to send frozen meats have been just politeness on their part.
I could have done so if I were not always In 2019, the Rockefellers’ Bassett Hall is down to Williamsburg on the train and Then we had cottage pudding with choco-
conscious that you are so far away.” featuring a new installation to commemo- store them inside the Williamsburg Inn late sauce and whipped cream. I am sure
Bassett Hall, located south of Francis rate the 75th anniversary of the end of freezer for easy access. This allowed Mrs my neighbors must have gained at least a
Street near the Capitol in Williamsburg World War II. Each room throughout the Rockefeller to impress her guests at Bas- pound each.” Colonial Williamsburg has
and one of the 88 original surviving build- house will feature objects that highlight sett Hall with foods that were hard to recreated in faux food this three-course
ings in Colonial Williamsburg, was the how the Rockefellers supported the war come by or restricted by rationing. dinner at Bassett Hall.
home of Abby Aldrich and John D. Rocke- effort and how they helped the local com-
feller Jr, and it played a vital role in the munity during a very challenging time. One of the most common ways she Winthrop Rockefeller was badly injured
community during World War II. assisted the war effort at Bassett Hall was when a suicide bomber struck his ship in
Although many of the historical records Mrs Rockefeller used her Fada radio in to entertain soldiers and their wives for Okinawa. During his recovery, Abby wit-
concerning the property were lost with the Morning Room to listen to her favorite luncheons and dinner parties in the beau- nessed the struggle that many servicemen
the destruction of the James City County radio program, the Army Hour, which tifully furnished rooms at Bassett Hall. To faced when trying to recover and transition
Court records in the Civil War, the history helped her stay informed about the move- assist with morale, she would ensure she back to life after the war. She refers to this
of the house began when the Bray family ments of the troops. While listening to her met with as many servicemen as she could in her letters: “You spoke of the vacant,
owned the property from the early Seven- favorite radio program, she knitted and used this opportunity to learn more haunted look of the men still left alive at
teenth Century until 1753, when it was Dachau. I couldn’t help thinking of the look
transferred to Philip Johnson, husband of on Winthrop’s face on his photographs after
Elizabeth Bray. Johnson, who served as a his experience on the ship which was hit by
House of Burgess member, probably built the suicide bomber, and the look on the
the present house soon after as the front faces of the Marines whom I met after they
portion is believed to date from the mid- returned from fighting in the Pacific. They
Eighteenth Century. The estate consisted not only had a look of unbearable fatigue,
of 950 rural acres and four contiguous lots but also a haunted look from the terrible
when Richard Corbin, the next owner, things they had seen happen. I am sure it
refurbished the house in the 1790s. How- will take a long time for them to resume
ever, Corbin’s failing health may have their normal lives.” Her work on creating
prevented him from enjoying his newly the War Veteran’s Art Center might have
renovated home for long. On January 1, been inspired by Winthrop’s recovery and
1796, the property was sold to Burwell her way to help people recover from their
Bassett of King William County. Bassett, experiences; she believed having a creative
a Virginia legislator and the nephew of outlet to have a therapeutic effect. In these
Martha Washington, owned the property many ways, the Rockefellers supported the
until 1839. Despite various owners war effort at Bassett Hall and beyond.
throughout its history, it has carried the
Bassett name ever since. Bassett Hall is open to Colonial Wil-
In furnishing Bassett Hall in 1936, the liamsburg ticket holders on Wednes-
Rockefellers drew on their many interests days, Thursdays and Saturdays. For
in the arts. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, a information or tickets, 855-296-6627 or
founder of the Museum of Modern Art in
New York and a patron of modern Ameri-

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 33

Currier Print, Modernism Dash To
Top Of Litchfield’s Holiday Auction

Auction Action In Litchfield, Conn.

Patek, Philippe & Co, 18K gold pocket watch, ticked down to
$11,050 ($15,000/25,000).

Nathaniel Currier, mid-Nineteenth Century, pair of hand colored lithographs “The Road-Win- bring $5,200; and a Rolex oyster brass and steel 20x3 Japanese
ter” and “The Road-Summer” were the top lot in the sale, selling for $22,100 ($1,000/1,500). perpetual day-date president Naval binoculars that sold for
watch went for $5,070. Jewelry $9,750 and a Christofle sterling
LITCHFIELD, CONN. — Litch- luxury handbags and accessories, tion. It was a welcome surprise to sparkled as a vintage Van Cleef & silver partial flatware service in
field’s two-day holiday auction made up the remainder of the see a piece of Americana secure Arpels Alhambra 18K gold neck- the Commodore pattern were
was a bustle of activity, yielding sale, and with few exceptions, the lead in a sale featuring pre- lace brought $2,730 and a strik- snapped up for $5,590.
fantastic results with strong pric- most serious bidders were either dominantly Twentieth Century ing Tiffany & Co, pearl, diamond,
es, enthusiastic bidders, and even on the phones or bidding on the works. citrine and topaz dinner ring sold Lighting saw an Angelo Lelli
a few surprises. More than 1,100 internet. for $1,950. Arredoluce Triennale floor lamp
lots were offered and a sell- Named as one of Currier & Ives’ sell for $5,070 while a group of
through rate of more than 90 per- Sunday’s auction saw a small “Best 50” images, “The Road-Win- Luxury handbags and accesso- three fairy lamps by Clark in dia-
cent was achieved. The auction’s blizzard sweep through the area, ter” depicts Currier and his wife ries in the sale offered Hermes mond quilt patterns made $3,120.
overall high estimate of $792,985 which kept many people home on a sleigh ride and was original- scarves, a plethora of Louis Vuit- Other items topping the decora-
was surpassed with a grand total and bidding online. Thorn was ly given as a Christmas gift to the ton bags, and other designers tive arts category were a Gio
of $852,124. Occurring annually pleased with the outcome, “In couple. When all was said and such as Chanel, Gucci, YSL, Dior, Ponti for Richard Ginori demi-
over Thanksgiving weekend, the spite of a quiet auction room on done, after 85 bids were placed, MSM, Celine, Balenciaga and tasse set that brought $3,640;
holiday auction ran in conjunc- Sunday afternoon, there were the prints sold to a private collec- Fendi. Leading this section was a and a massive collection of
tion with a specialized boutique hundreds of people watching tor on the phone for $22,100, vintage Chanel shoulder tote at Christmas tree ornaments with
sale of designer fashion items avidly online. Every time we including buyer’s premium. $2,080. an estimate of $500/800 that
that were available for immedi- dropped a starting price to get the went out the door for the hearty
ate purchase; the boutique real- bids going, it would be quickly bid A single owner collection of Fine art capped off Saturday’s price of $3,380.
ized more than $20,000, a record back up again. Sunday’s auction pocket watches from a Chevy portion of the sale, with more
for the venue. had a 96 percent sell through Chase, Md., estate received good than 300 works offered. Kees Van Strong prices for Midcentury
rate, and we couldn’t ask for bet- interest and included some nice Dongen’s ‘Tete de femme au Cha- Modern design were achieved. A
Saturday’s auction brought seri- ter than that with over 500 lots.” examples. A Patek, Philippe & Co, peau’ lithograph and watercolor Hans Wegner Papa Bear chair
ous watch collectors to Litchfield 18K gold pocket watch sold for portrait of a woman, circa 1925- and ottoman in blue leather sold
for a special portion of the sale A pairing of Nathaniel Currier $11,050; and a G.A. Huguenin & 30, sold for $10,725; “Multiple for $10,075; ten pieces of Henry
featuring more than 100 watches mid-Nineteenth Century hand Fils 18K yellow gold pocket watch Impressions of City Living” by Hall Flow aluminum and teak
and pocket watches by significant colored lithographs, “The Road- made $5,720. Wrist watches saw James Rizzi for $9,100; and a dining and lounge furniture
makers. Fine art, together with Winter” and “The Road-Summer,” a lady’s Rolex oyster perpetual modernist oil on panel painting of received 45 bids and reached
emerged as the top lot in the auc- datejust 31 double its estimate to a mother, father and child sold $7,800; a Barnsley angled walnut
well at $8,450 on an initial desk finished at $6,500 and a
$300/400 estimate. group of five Art Deco arm chairs
by Samuel Marx $6,240.
Sunday’s Twentieth Century
design sale kicked off with deco- For more information: 860-567-
rative arts. Highlights included a 4661 or www.litchfieldcountyauc-
pair of World War II period Nikon

Franz Kline Abstract To Lead BUYING
Blackwood/March Sale
Franz Josef Kline, untitled
abstract oil, 30 by 42 inches,
descended through a Boston
estate ($300/500,000).

BEVERLY, MASS. — Black- unusual in the 1930s through with artworks, as was the case
wood/March Auctioneer has 1960s for Cape Ann artists to here. The same estate had eight
scheduled an estates fine art pay their rent or their doctors works by Maria Liszt. Liszt was
and antiques auction for Tues- a second-generation Cape Ann
day, January 7, at 5 pm, with an artist who studied at the Muse-
auction preview from 3 to 5 pm um of Fine Arts school in Boston
the day of the sale. as well as with artists Emile A.
Gruppe, Aldro Hibbard and W.
Leading the sale is a 30-by- Lester Stevens. Other promi-
42-inch Franz Josef Kline unti- nent Cape Ann artworks include
tled abstract oil ($300/500,000) works by Marguerite S. Pear-
descended through a Boston son, Charles Gruppe, Alfred
estate. Significant to the sale Czerepak and Orhvel Carlson.
are collections of Cape Ann
school paintings. Accessories include a sampler
dated 1819 by Ann Wall, a
Included in the January sale room-size Chinese Oriental car-
are 16 paintings by Cape Ann pet, antique silver and diverse
artist Bob Nally. It was not accessories.

Auction venue is at 19 East
Corning Street. For additional
information, 978-768-6943 or

This winter scene is one of
16 paintings by Cape Ann
artist Bob Nally to be

34 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Point Of Honor Receives $25,000 Grant
Transitions For New Education Center
LYNCHBURG, VA. — The Lynchburg Museum Foundation
The Princeton University Art Museum has received a $25,000 grant from the Al Stroobants Foundation In an expanded and more accessible space, the museum can
has appointed Chris Newth associate for its capital campaign to build a new Education Center at develop new collaborations and partnerships with schools, com-
director for collections and exhibitions. He Point of Honor, Lynchburg’s historic plantation house in Dan- munity groups, the neighborhood and the city at large, which
joins Princeton from the Museum of Fine iel’s Hill. The Education Center will add a 1,700-square-foot will help address Twenty-First Century challenges through
Arts, Boston, where he has served most addition to the Carriage House at Point of Honor to better serve educational activities.
recently as senior di- its visitors.
rector for exhibitions The Education Center will be built by the Lynchburg Museum
strategy and gallery “For our campaign, this is a major gift,” said Ted Delaney, Foundation entirely with private funding. The capital campaign
display. As a member director of the Lynchburg Museum System, which manages goal is $1 million, of which approximately $350,000 has been
of the Princeton Uni- Point of Honor. “We are very grateful for the boost it will give to raised from more than 200 individuals, businesses and founda-
versity Art Museum’s our project.” tions. The City of Lynchburg provided civil engineering and sur-
senior management veys for the project as an in-kind donation.
team, Newth will be The Education Center is the centerpiece of a new plan to rei-
responsible for the magine Point of Honor. The Lynchburg Museum System and For information, 434-455–6226 or
strategic oversight the Lynchburg Museum Foundation envision the site as an
and implementation of active space for public history programming relevant to schools,
the museum’s curatorial, collections and the neighborhood, downtown, the city and surrounding counties
exhibition activities, including exhibition and tourists from across the United States and around the
planning and execution, art conservation, world.
collections management, research and
budget planning. Newth begins his posi- The new Education Center will enable the museum system to
tion at Princeton January 27. grow its public history programming and create an inclusive
learning space for all of Lynchburg. Last year 11,000 residents,
The board of trustees of the Bennington students and tourists visited Point of Honor. Most of the city’s
Museum has announced the appoint- first through fourth grade public school students already par-
ment of Joshua Campbell Torrance as ticipate in educational programming at the site. However, fur-
the museum’s new executive director. This ther use of the current space is hampered by its small size, lack
leadership appointment will take effect Jan- of restrooms and amenities, and by the fact that buildings onsite
uary 20. Torrance has served as executive are not ADA-compliant. The new facility will address this and
more — bringing online a space for public meetings, lectures
director of the Wood- and community events, as well as attracting more tourism.
lawn Museum, Gardens
& Park in Ellsworth, Collection Gift Expands Museum’s
Maine, since 2000, an Holdings Of American Modernism
all-volunteer historic
house and 180-acre ST LOUIS, MO. — John and Susan painting — all areas with significant dreamlike landscapes of leading Mod-
park. Prior to becom- Horseman have given the Saint Louis gaps in the museum’s collection. ernist Yasuo Kuniyoshi. “The Moun-
ing director of Wood- Art Museum a major gift of Twentieth tain” by Helen Lundeberg was includ-
lawn Museum, Tor- Century American art. The gift includes John Horseman, the managing part- ed in one of the most important
rance held positions at excellent examples of American surre- ner and chief executive of St Louis- exhibitions on American female surre-
Fenimore Art Museum alism, American Scene and Modernist based Horseman Group, is a member of alists. The gift also includes a work by
in Cooperstown, N.Y., Munson-Williams- the museum’s board of commissioners Charles Burchfield, one of the most
Proctor Arts Institute, Museum of Art in Uti- and the chair of the collections commit- acclaimed watercolorists of the Twen-
ca, N.Y., and the Smithsonian Institution in tee. Susan Horseman is a member of tieth Century.
Washington, DC. He earned an MA in history the museum’s friends board. Together,
museum studies from the State University they are members of the leadership The Horseman gift includes works by
of New York at Oneonta, an MA in history circle. lesser known artists as well, whose
from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and reputations have been on the rise, such
a BA in history from Elmira College. The gift adds to the collection 16 as Middleton Manigault and Walter
paintings, including works by major Pach, two of America’s earliest Modern-
The artist Rebecca Salter has been artists not represented at the museum. ists. Works by Józef Bakos and Wally
elected the first female president in Walt Kuhn’s psychologically intense Strautin fill important gaps of organic
the Royal Academy’s 251-year history. Salt- circus portraits are considered among and geometric abstraction. Also includ-
er was elected by fellow Royal Academi- the best of his oeuvre, as are the ed are works by O. Louis Guglielmi and
cians — the leading artists and architects Walt Kuhn (American, 1877-1949), Walter Quirt, two leading social surre-
who run the RA — in a “Gold and Blue Bolero,” 1946, oil alists of the 1930s whose social engage-
vote on December 11. on canvas, 24 by 20 inches. Saint ment is continued in the postwar works
Salter succeeds Chris- Louis Art Museum, gift of John of Mervin Jules and Michael Lenson.
topher Le Brun PPRA, and Susan Horseman, 2019;
who has stepped ©Estate of Walt Kuhn, Courtesy of The Saint Louis Art Museum is at
down after serving DC Moore Gallery, New York One Fine Arts Drive. For information,
eight years in the role. 314-721-0072 or
Stepping into a role
previously held by art- ADAA Foundation Announces 2019 Museum
ists, including Joshua Recipients Of Grant Program
Reynolds and John
Everett Millais, Salter becomes the 27th NEW YORK CITY — The Art Dealers Association of America tutions where funds for exhibition development and research
president of the Royal Academy — an ap- (ADAA) Foundation has announced the recipients of its 2019 are often more difficult to obtain. Chosen by the ADAA Founda-
pointment that, in accordance with acad- grants, which are awarded annually to museums around the tion board, which comprises ADAA member dealers, the 2019
emy law, was formally approved by Her United States. The Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art (Shawnee, museum grantees were selected based on their proposals’ con-
Majesty The Queen. A leading painter and Okla.), the Museum of Chinese in America (New York City) and tributions to art historical discourse, offering new and distinct
printmaker, Salter was elected as Royal the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Cleveland (Cleve- perspectives on various artists, movements and genres. The
Academician in 2014. In 2017 she became land, Ohio) will each receive $15,000 to support the develop- grantees’ presentations range from a survey of an under-studied
Keeper of the Royal Academy, with the re- ment and presentation of exhibitions opening in 2020. Estab- art collective and its influence on Asian American art to an
sponsibility of guiding the RA Schools. lished in 1970, the foundation is funded by members of the exploration of the work of a Nineteenth Century French artist,
ADAA, a nonprofit membership organization of leading art to a group exhibition of new commissions alongside key works
Heritage Auctions has named Dan dealers from across the United States. Reflecting dealers’ com- by Félix González-Torres.
Imler vice president of private sales mitment to advancing art historical scholarship, the foundation
and consignments of its sports collectibles provides annual funding to support curatorial research and The three exhibitions selected for the 2019 ADAA Foundation
division, based out of California. Prior to exhibition development and promote the appreciation of art and grants:
his arrival at Heritage Auctions, Imler has art history.
“Godzilla vs The Art World: 1990-2001,” April 23 through Sep-
spent nearly 30 years Each year, the ADAA Foundation invites art museums with tember 13, 2020, Museum of Chinese in America, New York
in the sports auction annual operating budgets under $5 million to apply for grants City, is a first ever survey of the influential but lesser-known art
business, serving as to advance the development of new exhibitions and research. collective Godzilla: Asian American Art Network. The exhibition
vice president of one The foundation limits the pool of applicants in this way to traces Godzilla’s founding during the multicultural movement
of the hobby’s lead- ensure that grants have a significant beneficial impact on insti- in the arts in the 1980s and 1990s, when minority artists creat-
ing auctioneers since ed work that explored subjects through the lens of the artists’
2000. He is well-known distinct identities and perspectives.
and respected by the
industry’s top collec- “Interesting Times: The Art of Honoré Daumier,” July 11, 2020,
tors, and has made through August 30, 2020, at Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art,
dozens of media ap- Shawnee, Okla., presents approximately 30 of Daumier’s litho-
pearances as a hobby expert for outlets graphs, satirical works through which the Nineteenth Century
including CNN, ESPN, The New York Times French artist explored themes, including corruption, political
and Forbes magazine. ineptitude and class divides.

“F as in Frank,” September 24, 2020, through January 24,
2021, Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, is a full-build-
ing group exhibition that brings together different artistic prac-
tices to reflect on the power of being frank. The exhibition
includes work by Andrea Bowers, EJ Hill, OOIEE, Paul Ramírez
Jonas and Cally Spooner presented alongside and in direct dia-
logue with the work of Félix González-Torres (1957-1996) in
order to underscore the importance of speaking freely and from
the heart.

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 35


Christmas Observed • Wed., Dec 25 January 2020 *Martin Luther King • Jan 20
New Year Observed • Wed., Jan 1 Mail Early

Issue Date All Color Ads Early Auction Display Regular Auction Mail Date
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Jan 31 Jan 9 Jan 16 Jan 17 *Jan 20 Jan 21

February 2020 *Presidents Day • Feb 17
Mail Early

Issue Date All Color Ads Early Auction Display Regular Auction Mail Date
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36 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Dave Drake Edgefield Pottery Exhibit

SAUTEE NACOOCHEE, GA. he left are the poetic verses over the United States.
— A featured exhibit of work by incised on a number of his The exhibition at the Folk Pot-
African American folk potter works.
Dave “Dave the Slave” Drake tery Museum of Northeast
will be open through February During his peak production Georgia was possible in part
29 in the Sautee Nacoochee years in 1857-58, Drake proba- thanks to loans from the Atlan-
Center at the Folk Pottery bly turned more jars than any ta History Center, the McKis-
Museum of Northeast Georgia. other potter in Edgefield. He sick Museum (Columbia, SC),
made utilitarian vessels of vary- and private collectors.
Dave Drake was an enslaved ing sizes, but the mammoth jars
African American potter who he crafted are still among the Grade-level appropriate mate-
worked in the Edgefield, S,C., largest handmade vessels in the rials will be available while the
pottery district for 40 years in United States. Little is known exhibit is on display at the Folk
the 1800s. The divergent aspects about his family and life. The Pottery Museum, and school
of Drake’s life can be seen in his artistic and literary merit of his group tours are available by
work. He was a slave, but he work tell us that he wanted peo- prearrangement.
was also a master potter and a ple to know who he was and to
poet. He was known for his com- read his poetry. Today Drake’s The Folk Pottery Museum of
mand of the English language, voice is heard as his work is fea- Northeast Georgia is at 283 GA
and one of the greatest legacies tured in major museums all Highway 255 North. For more
information, 706-878-3300 or

Auction DATE LOCATION AUCTIONEER PG 3, Jan............... Jewett City, CT.......................Leone’s................................. 2
Previews 3, Jan.........South Glastonbury, CT.....CT River Book Auction................... 50
Every Tues.........Coventry, CT....................... Weston’s.............................. 46 3-4, Jan...........Amesbury, MA..................John McInnis.......................... 49
Blackwood/March Every Thurs... East Windsor, CT................ Golden Gavel.......................... 50 4, Jan.................Cranston, RI....................Bruneau & Co..........................2C
Franz Kline Abstract 28, Dec................ Berlin, CT..................Nest Egg Auctions...................... 51 4, Jan............... Glen Cove, NY................Roland Auctions.......................... 2
To Lead.........................33 28, Dec............Sturbridge, MA...................D.L. Straight........................... 44 4, Jan............... Glen Cove, NY................Roland Auctions........................ 11
Bodnar’s 1, Jan..................Beacon, NY.......... Hudson Valley Auctioneers............... 51 4, Jan................ Plainfield, NH.................. William Smith..........................7C
George Nakashima & 1, Jan................. Bellport, NY............. Thos Cornell Galleries..................... 2 4, Jan............ Poughkeepsie, NY...........Hyde Park Country...................... 47
Lalique............................3 1, Jan.................... Clay, NY.................... Iroquois Auction........................ 46 5, Jan..................Canaan, CT................ State Line Auctions..................... 50
Bruneau & Co 1, Jan.................Concord, NH................ Concord Auction....................... 48 5, Jan............... Cincinnati, OH.............Forsythes’ Auctions..................... 44
Fine Art, Antiques & 1, Jan.................Coventry, CT..................Ingraham & Co......................... 41 5, Jan................ Portland, ME................ Gerald W. Bell Jr........................ 50
Collectibles......................9 1, Jan................. Windsor, CT........................Nadeau’s..............................5C 7, Jan................. Beverly, MA................ Blackwood/March...................... 48
Hudson Valley Auctioneers 1, Jan.................Ypsilanti, MI............... Schmidt’s Antiques...................11C 9, Jan..............Dania Beach, FL......................Kodner.............................10C
Estates Auction New 2, Jan............. East Windsor, CT................ Golden Gavel.......................... 46 9, Jan..............New Milford, CT............Applebrook Auction..................... 52
Year’s............................29 11, Jan...............Alameda, CA.......................Michaan’s.............................3C
James Cox Gallery 11-12, Jan.......New Haven, CT............ New Haven Auctions...............42-43
Fine Art Online Only......12 12, Jan............. Cincinnati, OH.................. Main Auction........................12C
Nadeau’s 12, Jan...............Freehold, NY...................Carlsen Gallery......................... 47
Fine Art, Jewelry, 12, Jan.............. Stamford, CT............. 5th Avenue Auctions.................... 48
Furniture.......................11 16, Jan............Sacramento, CA................... Witherell’s.............................6C
Nest Egg 17, Jan............. Jewett City, CT.......................Leone’s................................. 2
Gala New Year’s 17-19, Jan.......... Detroit, MI.................... DuMouchelles......................... 45
Auction.. ........................20 19, Jan............. Rehoboth, MA.............Americana Auctions..................... 46
New Haven Auction 24,Jan-2,Feb..Sacramento, CA........ American Bottle Auction.................4C
Americana, 29, Mar........ Bedford Village, NY.... Butterscotch Auctioneers................... 2
Historic Furniture............5 10, Apr............. Cincinnati, OH...................... Cowan’s............................10C
Huguette Clark’s EVENT 1, Jan..................Hampton, NH...................23 Sun....................Jewett City, CT....................2
Doll Collection...............16 4-5, Jan..............Sturbridge, MA....................5 Sun...................... Milford, NH....................11
DATE LOCATION PG 5, Jan...................Alameda, CA.. ....................7 Sun...................New Milford, CT...................2
Show 5, Jan............... Boxborough, MA................12
Previews 1, Jan................ Glastonbury, CT.................19 9-12, Jan...............Atlanta, GA.......................3 The Following Ads May Be Found
11-12, Jan............Hartford, CT......................7 In Last Week’s (12/27) Issue
Miami Beach Antiques 25-26, Jan.......... Columbus, OH....................3
Show..............................17 16-18, Apr............ Newport, RI..................11C 1, Jan..............Glastonbury, CT................ 9
Mayfair Antiques & Weekly Events 1, Jan............... Swansea, MA................ 13
Fine Art Fair....................24 Sat & Sun......... Farmington, CT.................23 4-5, Jan............... Chantilly, VA..................4C
4-5, Jan............. Sturbridge, MA.................. 3
4-5, Jan................. Venice, FL...................... 5

ANTIQUES AND THE ARTS WEEKLY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS This is a free listing and therefore no credit will be given for any errors



January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 37

ADA Names Karen And Ralph DiSaia
Winners Of Its 2020 Award Of Merit
By Laura Beach the fair will soon find a new sented annually since 2002.
NORTHWOOD, N.H. — The home,” Karen DiSaia said. The Past recipients include Albert
Antiques Dealers’ Association ADA shared its award decision Sack, Elinor Gordon, Wendell
of America (ADA) has named with Ralph before his death on Garrett, Betty Ring, R. Scudder
Karen and the late Ralph DiSa- November 22. Smith, Satenig St Marie, Dean
ia the winners of its 2020 Award F. Failey, Joe Kindig, Philip Zea,
of Merit. Karen DiSaia will “We are proud to finally honor Jane and Richard Nylander,
accept the prize on the couple’s one of our own for this award. Morrison H. Heckscher, the
behalf at a dinner planned for Presently I cannot think of any American Folk Art Society,
Friday, April 24, at the Phila- other members more deserving Peter Tillou, Brock Jobe, David
delphia Show. than Karen and Ralph. For McCullough, Victor and Joan
Over their nearly 39-year decades they promoted the Johnson, Patricia E. Kane,
marriage, Karen and Ralph antiques and art business as Peter M. Kenny and Laura
DiSaia developed and operated dealers, as ADA members and Beach.
Oriental Rugs Ltd, a nationally as show promoters — and as
known source for fine antique ambassadors of professional- Its name recently shortened,
Oriental rugs and carpets. ism, kindness and having a the Philadelphia Show, featur-
Active on the antiques show cir- good time while you’re hard at ing roughly 60 specialists in
cuit from its inception, Oriental work,” ADA president Steven antiques, art and design,
Rugs Ltd currently exhibits at Powers said. returns to the city’s Navy Yard
events in Washington, DC; April 24-26. A gala preview
Hartford, Conn.; Newport, R.I.; “The DiSaias are generous, party benefiting the Philadel-
Manchester, N.H.; and Wilm- kind and compassionate — a phia Museum of Art is planned
ington, Del. The DiSaias also truly amazing couple. They are for the evening of April 23.
maintained shops in Mystic, hugely deserving of this award,”
Old Lyme and Niantic, Conn. ADA vice president Arthur Liv- For additional information,
A related business, DiSaia erant said. visit or
Management, grew out of the
couple’s sustained experience “Honoring Ralph and Karen
as exhibitors and deep commit- DiSaia with the ADA Award of INDEX - 64 PAGES - INDEX
ment to volunteerism. DiSaia Merit this year is poignant and
Management, which along with right on target. They have con- ANTIQUES SHOW REVIEWS
Oriental Rugs Ltd is continued tributed enormously in bring-
by Karen, manages, singly or ing a sense of community and in (Old Greenwich, Conn.) Animal Spirits Raised At Opening Of Greenwich Antiques Show.......................13
with partners, the Washington expanding the commercial foot-
Winter Show, Objects of Desire, print of the antiques market AUCTION REVIEWS
the Connecticut Spring Show, through their management of
the Antique Garden Furniture antiques shows and their own (Cincinnati, Ohio) Rare Gatling Gun Leads Cowan’s $1.1 Million Arms & Armor Sale...............................4
Fair, the Philadelphia Show, the business, Oriental Rugs Ltd. (Alameda, Calif.) From California Art To Art Deco & Tiffany, Michaan’s Top Lots Spanned Categories.....6
Newport Show and Antiques in Ralph’s presence at the Phila- (Lambertville, N.J.) Rago/Wright Realize $1.4 Million In Sales In Inaugural Co-Branded Auction...........20
Manchester. A director and for- delphia Show will be deeply (St Louis, Mo.) Pride Of St Louis: Selkirk Sale Gavels Relics Of City & 1904 World’s Fair......................21
mer officer of the ADA, Karen, missed this year. We are fortu- (London) Jean Cocteau Ceramics Headlines Bonhams’ Prints & Multiples Sale......................................24
with Ralph’s help, also man- nate to have Karen’s continued (New Hamburg, Ontario) Miller & Miller Advertising & Historic Objects Sale Yields $213,000-Plus......24
aged the ADA/Historic Deer- oversight this year with Diana (London) Breuget Leads Bonhams’ Clock Sale As Year Counts Down.....................................................25
field Antiques Show, postponed Bittel,” said Huntley Platt, (New York City) Phillips Takes A Flier With Florence Knoll Bassett’s Weathervanes.................................26
in 2019 pending identification Philadelphia Museum of Art (Dallas) Heritage Auctions’ Comics And Comic Art Sails Beyond $14.9 Million.......................................28
of a new venue. manager for show. (New York City) Twentieth Century Week At Christie’s Totals $683.3 Million...........................................28
“I am deeply honored, as (New York City) Showplace’s Estate Sale Fills Some Pretty Big Stockings...............................................30
Ralph was, to be chosen for this “To me, Karen and Ralph (Litchfield, Conn.) Currier Print, Modernism Dash To Top Of Litchfield’s Holiday Auction.......................33
award. Our work made us embody all that is good in this (Denver, Penn.) Morphy Posts $2.6 Million Coin-Op & Advertising Auction............................................38
strong together. Our volun- field. They conduct their per- (Oakland, Calif.) Fine Art Works Outperform At Clars Auction Gallery......................................................39
teerism on behalf of the sonal antiques business with (New York City) Sotheby’s Evening Sale Of Impressionist & Modern Art Totals $209 Million.................40
Antiques Council began in the integrity and honesty, and are
1980s with the altruistic belief experts on their subject mat- EXHIBITIONS
that dealers could collectively ter...and always willing to learn
manage their affairs for the bet- more. And then they take that
terment of the entire industry. work ethic, and use it in their
We loved what we did and par- antiques show management
ticularly enjoyed putting the business to create successful
ADA shows together. We hope venues where other dealers
could succeed in their business-
es, too,” ADA executive director
Judith Livingston Loto said.

The ADA Award has been pre-

Phillips’ Design Sale Bidders (New Canaan, Conn.) Hat Madness At New Canaan Museum & Historical Society...................................3
Get Cozy On Royere Sofa (New London, Conn.) Sports Photography At Lyman Allyn Museum.........................................................9
(Charlottesville, Va. Fralin Exhibits Select Works From Groh-Miller Collection.........................................11
NEW YORK CITY — Topping Lembo, Phillips’ head of design (Nashville, Ten.) Frist Art Museum Celebrates 50 Years Of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”......................12
Phillips’ December 17 Design in New York City, the sale saw (New York City) The Met Explores Artistic Achievements Of Ancestral Caribbean Civilizations...............15
sale was Jean Royere’s red- “strong international demand (New York City) The Met Makes Marvels: Science & Splendor In European Courts................................17
upholstered “Ours Polaire” sofa, for exceptional examples of (Bentonville, Ark.) Crystals In Art: Ancient To Today At Crystals Bridges..................................................18
which realized $487,500, French postwar design.” The (Miami Beach, Fla.) Lalanne Animals Run Amok In Raleigh Hotel Gardens.............................................19
towards the top of its nearly 200-lot sale was 80 per- (Clinton, Mass.) Ballet Russes Photographs At Museum Of Russian Icons.............................................23
$300/500,000 estimate. It was cent sold by lot and realized a (Boston) “Homesteads To Modern Cities” At Boston Public Library Map Center.....................................23
one of eight lots designed by total of $3.4 million. See these (Berlin) Raphael Show With Famous Madonna Paintings Opens In Berlin...............................................25
Royere (French, 1902-1981) in pages for a more focused review (Santa Fe) G. Peter Jemison Presents The Iroquois Creation Story At MoCNA........................................38
the sale, five of which finished of the sale. For information,
in the top ten prices achieved in or 212-940- AND ALSO...
the sale. According to Cordelia 1200.
Across The Block..........................................................................................................................................8
Historic Homes: (Williamsburg, Va.) The Rockefeller’s Basset Hall: On The Home Front........................32
International......................................................................................................................................... 24-25
Q&A: Anthony Wood....................................................................................................................................1
(Oklahoma City, Okla.) Long Awaited Native American Museum In Oklahoma Has New Name................3
(New York City) Rayyane Tabet Explores Story Of Ancient Stone Reliefs...................................................5
(Toledo, Ohio) Toledo Museum Gets Kusama Installation...........................................................................7
(Kansas City, Mo.) Lawsuit: Artwork By Late Artist Thomas Hart Benton Lost.........................................16
(Windsor, Conn.) “Connecticut River From The Air” Program At Windsor Historical Society.................19
(San Marino, Calif.) Huntington Library Establishes Shapiro Center For American History & Culture....19
(Cologne, Germany) Fair Management Discontinues Art Berlin “For Now”..............................................25
(Mexico City) In Mexico, Effeminate Zapata Painting Draws Fury.............................................................25
(Williamstown, Mass.) Free Admission & Activities At Clark Art Institute................................................29
(St Louis, Mo.) Saint Louis Museum Receives Photograph Gift...............................................................29
(Philadelphia) Decorative Arts Trust Awards Grant To American Swedish History Museum...................31
(Springfield, Ill.) No Lincoln Artifacts Auction, Foundation Extends $9 Million Debt................................31
(Simsbury, Conn.) Simsbury Art Trail Teases Triumphant Return In 2020...............................................39
(New York City) ADAA Foundation Announces Museum Recipients Of Grant Program..........................34
(St Louis, Mo.) Collection Gift Expands Museum’s Holdings Of American Modernism...........................34
(Lynchburg, Va.) Point Of Honor Receives $25,000 Grant For New Educator Center..............................34

38 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Auction Action In Denver, Penn.

Morphy Posts $2.6 Million
Coin-Op & Advertising Auction

Large Campbell’s Palace Drugs Coca-Cola neon sign, 90 by Caille Bros. 5-cent “Black
77 by 18 inches, earned $25,200. Cat” musical upright cabi-
net slot machine, rare ver-
sion, sold above estimate for

Rare Caille Brothers ‘Black Cat’ This oversize (47 inches Multiphone Operating Com-
Slot Machine Sets Trend For Above- tall) Coca-Cola leaded-glass pany 5-cent multiple-cylin-
Estimate Prices, Selling For $96,000 display bottle, 1920s, Metro- der phonograph, 1905,
politan Art Glass Co, New mechanism allowed patron
DENVER, PENN. — A nickel York, sold above high esti- to play any selection from
or quarter dropped into the slot mate for $84,000. 24-tune playlist. Ornately
was all it took to try out the carved case with dragon-
irresistible antique coin-op Rare 5-cent Industry Novel- heads and claw feet, it
machines entered in Morphy ty Co (precursor to O.D. Jen- brought $66,000.
Auctions’ November 20-21 auc- nings Co) Bell Fruit Gum
tion, but it took more than just slot machine, one of few Circa 1920 Coinola Model
pocket change if a bidder want- known to exist, was bid to “CO” oak-case Orchestron
ed to play for “keeps.” The high- $22,140 against an estimate with 12 “O” rolls, applied
energy, 1,475-lot sale took in a of $8/15,000. metal tag marked “Property
robust $2.6 million, with the detailed with all-original red of Harolds Club, Reno,
top lot — a Caille Brothers paint. The actual example Nevada,” sold for $33,000,
5-cent Black Cat musical depicted in the book Silent more than five times the
upright cabinet slot machine Saleman Too by Bill and Peggy high estimate.
— leading prices realized at Enes, it smoked its estimate of
$96,000. 1950s Exhibit Supply 5-cent $12/16,000, ultimately selling Early 5-cent Jackson Supply high estimate to settle at
Shoot the Space Invaders for $27,000. Company “The Honest $84,000. A 90-inch-wide neon
The rare Black Cat boasted arcade game, original mar- Clerk” cigar vendor, cast sign advertising Campbell’s
all-original condition with cor- quee, went out at $19,200, Impossible to ignore with its iron, all original, book Palace Drugs and Coca-Cola
rect castings, coin head and six times the high estimate. bright primary colors and the example. Sold for $27,000 also surpassed its high esti-
spinning wheel. Lavishly potential payoff combinations image of a primitive rocket on against an estimate of mate, achieving a glowing
embellished with nickel-plat- was described in Morphy’s cat- its front panel, a 1950s Exhibit $12/16,000. $25,200.
ing and standing on four stur- alog as “one of very few known Supply 5-cent Shoot the Space attracted 39 bids and left the
dy nickel-plated cabriole legs, to exist.” It was bid to $22,140 Invaders arcade game had auction launch pad at $19,200, “Attendance was fantastic
the coveted machine had been against an estimate of been restored by Andy Parnell six times the high estimate. over the two auction days and
pegged for success and was $8/15,000. and was ready for play. It also during the preview,” said
estimated at $60/90,000. The selection of antique Dan Morphy, founder and pres-
A very early 5-cent Jackson advertising offered on day two ident of Morphy Auctions. “Col-
Musical entertainers includ- Supply Company cigar-vending was dominated by an oversize lectors were excited to inspect
ed a 1905 Multiphone Operat- machine named The Honest (47-inch-tall) Coca-Cola lead- every detail of the rare and
ing Company 5-cent multiple- Clerk was made of cast iron ed-glass display bottle manu- beautiful machines that were
cylinder phonograph whose factured in the 1920s by Metro- considered technological mar-
mechanism allowed patrons to politan Art Glass Co, New vels of their day. Some people
play any selection from a York. A sought-after piece traveled long distances to
24-tune playlist. It sold near whose type is rarely seen in the attend the sale. It was especial-
the top of its estimate range for marketplace, it swept past its ly nice to see so many West
$66,000. Also, a circa-1920 Coast buyers who were visiting
Coinola Model CO oak-case our Pennsylvania gallery for
Orchestron, accompanied by 12 the first time.”
O rolls, bore an applied metal
tag that was marked “Property Prices given include the buy-
of Harolds Club, Reno, er’s premium as stated by the
Nevada.” It shot to $33,000, auction house. For more infor-
more than five times the high mation, www.morphyauctions.
estimate. com or 877-968-8880.

A rare 5-cent Industry Novel-
ty Co, (precursor to O.D. Jen-
nings Co.) Bell Fruit Gum slot
machine with a copper-flash
finish, original reel strips and
an added marquee showing

G. Peter Jemison Presents The Iroquois Creation Story At MoCNA

SANTA FE, N.M. — At the quois Creation Story, which of Film and Animation on the earth and gratitude towards Frankfurt, Germany. Jemison
IAIA Museum of Contemporary will be screened in the Helen film—which includes 2-D and the unique position of Turtle is also an esteemed curator and
Native Arts through March 15, Hardin Media Gallery. The film 3-D animated and live action Island in the universe. writer. In 2004, he was elected
“G. Peter Jemison: Iroquois and artworks are inspired by scenes. The dances were per- Board Member at Large of the
Creation Story” is on view with John Mohawk's (Seneca) 2005 formed by traditional Iroquois Jemison earned a BS in Arts American Alliance of Museums
the film of the same name also publication Iroquois Creation dancers and dancers from Education and an Honorary (formerly the Association of
being shown. There will be an Story and Chief John Arthur Garth Fagan Dance. Brent Doctor of Fine Art from Buffalo Museums) and was the found-
artist reception on February Gibson's (Seneca) more detailed Michael Davids (Stockbridge State College. His works are ing director of the American
13, 5-7pm. 1898 version of the creation Munsee) composed the film included in major collections Indian Community House Gal-
story, published in 1928. music. such as the Whitney Museum lery in New York City.
This exhibition features col- of American Art; Heard Muse-
ored pencil drawings and 3-D Jemison collaborated with The 17-minute film tells the um, Phoenix; Institute of Amer- The IAIA Museum of Contem-
works by contemporary Native Friends of Ganondagan, Garth story of Sky Woman and her ican Indian Arts Museum, porary Native Arts is at 108
artist G. Peter Jemison (Sene- Fagan Dance, and graduate grandsons Flint and Sky Hold- Santa Fe; Denver Art Museum; Cathedral Place. For further
ca, Heron Clan) created in students from the Rochester er. The story's message is about British Museum, London; and information,
preparation for his film Iro- Institute of Technology School balance between forces on the Museum der Weltkultern, or 505-983-8900.

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 39

Simsbury Art Trail Teases Triumphant Return In 2020

SIMSBURY, CONN. — The sculpture “Embracing Peace” by Seward Johnson, on loan from The Seward Johnson
sensation that swept across Simsbury Atelier, Inc,. is one of the more than 30 sculptures that will be on display
last summer will make its highly antici- when the Simsbury Chamber of Commerce Art Trail makes its return. The
pated return in 2020. The Simsbury free outdoor spectacle will launch in May 2020 as part of the town’s 350th
Chamber of Commerce Art Trail will once anniversary celebration.
again delight visitors with more than 30
lifelike bronze sculptures depicting peo- Tickets are $40 per person and can be less Girl,” won a national contest spon- ing ceremony cocktail reception.
ple doing everyday activities placed out- reserved by calling 860-651-7307, email- sored by US Steel. Members of the local business commu-
doors throughout town. The works of ing [email protected] or visiting the
internationally renowned sculpture art- Event Calendar on www.simsburycoc. Johnson’s “Celebrating the Familiar” nity have committed to sponsoring the
ist Seward Johnson will be on display org. Checks can be mailed to SCOC, PO series consists of painted bronze people sculptures.
from May 15 through September 20. Box 224, Simsbury, CT 06070. doing ordinary things in daily life. The
sculptures celebrate Americans being For additional information, www.sims-
The Simsbury Chamber of Commerce Seward Johnson is an artist, an advo- Americans, and they can be found in
is bringing the Art Trail back to high- cate for the arts and a philanthropist. plazas and parks across the United
light the town’s 350th anniversary cel- His “Celebrating the Familiar” series States, as well as in Italy and China.
ebration. A special sneak peek unveil- was first exhibited in 1992 at the New Johnson was inducted into the New Jer-
ing of the first sculpture will take place Jersey State Fairgrounds, which he sey Hall of Fame in 2013. His works can
in front of Fitzgerald’s Foods, located at believed would attract people who didn’t be found at
710 Hopmeadow Street on Tuesday, like traditional museums. Johnson is
January 7, at 5:30 pm, followed by a the grandson of Johnson & Johnson co- Additional events are scheduled
wine reception fundraiser at the Sims- founder Robert Wood Johnson. At age throughout the four months of the
bury Chamber of Commerce Office 38, his wife encouraged him to try exhibit, including an opening ceremony/
across the parking lot. sculpting, and his first sculpture, “Stain- champagne breakfast on May 15 at the
Simsbury Inn, a garden party and clos-

Fine Art Works Outperform At Clars Auction Gallery

Auction Action In Oakland, Calif.

OAKLAND, CALIF. — Several (1838-1902) performed impres- this work of bold colors fetched This work by Shakir Ali (1916-1975) titled “Still Life with a
of the fine art works presented sively as well. Unterberger is $17,220. Yellow Mug,” 1958, sold for $61,500.
at Clars’ December 15 sale sol- best-known for his scenic paint-
idly outperformed expectations, ings of Italy and San Barnaba, Rounding out the fine art Highlighted By Guy Carleton Wiggins,
as did a number of the Asian Venezia, his oil on canvas highlights was an oil on canvas Shakir Ali, Franz Richard Unterberger
and jewelry lots that were depicting the canals of Venice by James Weeks (1922-1998)
offered. The property came from sold for $58,425. titled “Maine Landscape,” 1969- & Gustave Baumann
prominent California estates as 75. Once again, bidders vied
well as museums, private insti- Four color woodblock prints by strongly for this work, and it cut diamond and platinum ring stone, garnet, turquoise, silver
tutions and special collections. Gustave Baumann (1881-1971) finally sold for $19,680. also performed strongly, garner- and metal insect stickpins sell-
were presented and all soared ing a final sale price of $9,840 ing for $1,968 over an estimate
A work by Shakir Ali (1916- past their high estimates. The Numerous Asian lots soared which exceeded its $5/7,000 of $300/500.
1975) took the lead at this sale. first, “Silver Sky,” 1935, was to unexpected prices at this estimate.
Shakir is regarded as the pio- offered for $4/6,000 but quickly sale. Topping this category was The timepiece section of the
neer of Modern art in Pakistan jumped to the final sale price of a Chinese carved white jade Other notable lots were a daz- sale also performed well with
and one of the great artists of $16,000. Following suit was his censer that earned $18,450. zling emerald, diamond and two Rolex Day-Date President
the Twentieth Century. His oil work titled “The Sandias,” 1921, 18K white gold necklace that 18k yellow gold wristwatches
on board titled “Still Life with a which sold for twice its expecta- A Chinese tripod bronze cen- sold for $17,220. The matching selling for $14,760 and $7,995,
Yellow Mug,” 1958, earned tion, fetching $14,760. Round- ser offered during the Saturday earrings earned $6,765. A beau- respectively. A Patek Philippe
$61,500, surpassing its presale ing out the Baumann offerings session also jumped to unex- tiful and vibrant blue sapphire, 18k rose gold wristwatch, Ref.
estimate. was “Night of the Fiesta-Taos,” pected heights when it sold for diamond and 18K yellow gold 2461, sold nicely for $8,610, and
1924, that also doubled its high $7,995 against it $500 estimate. ring with an AGL report stating an 18k yellow gold Calatrava
Celebrating the winter holi- estimate selling for $10,455 Following this trend was a Chi- Sri Lankan origin with no heat wristwatch brought $5,535.
day season, a snowy New York and, lastly, “Santo Domingo,” nese cast bronze xuande censer brought $12,300.
scene by Guy Carleton Wiggins, 1924, achieving $8,600 — mak- that flew to double its estimate Prices given include the buy-
(1883-1962) soared well past its ing the grand total $50,000 for at $9,225. A collection of stickpins also er’s premium, as stated by the
high estimate. His oil on board all sold by the artist. performed very well, with the auction house. For information,
titled “Avenue at the Library,” A real surprise was had on a star lot of six whimsical moon- or 510-428-0100.
was expected to fetch $40,000 The oil on canvas titled “Gold- Chinese Jian “Hare’s Fur” tea
but rose to $58,425. en Landscape” by Henrietta bowl. Expected to bring $1,200,
Berk (1919-1990) also outper- this bowl leapt to the final sale
A work by Austrian painter formed. Offered for $10/15,000, price of $9,840.
Franz Richard Unterberger
Rounding out the highlights
in the category was pair of
carved hardwood chairs that
sold for $10,455.

It was a strong sale for the
jewelry and timepieces depart-
ment with competitive bidding
throughout the evening. The
highlight was a carved agate,
sapphire and 14K yellow gold
French bulldog pendant that
inspired active bidding on the
floor, on the phones and online.
The final sale price of $4,920 far
exceeded the estimate of

A sparkling 3.55-carat oval-

This emerald, diamond and 18K white gold necklace topped
its high estimate, earning $17,220.

From painter Guy Carleton Wiggins, (1883-1962), “Avenue at By Austrian painter Franz Richard Unter-
the Library,” an oil on board of a snowy winter day in Man- This Chinese carved white jade censer was berger (1838–1902), “San Barnaba, Venezia,”
hattan, realized $58,425 bid to $18,450. an oil on canvas depicting the canals of Ven-
ice, fetched $58,425.

40 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

Sotheby’s Evening Sale Of Impressionist
& Modern Art Totals $209 Million

Auction Action In New York City

Sotheby’s evening sale of Impressionist and Modern art René Magritte’s “La Légende des siècles”
was led by Claude Monet’s “Charing Cross Bridge” from from 1950 surpassed the $6 million high esti-
1903, which sold for $27.6 million. mate to sell for $8.6 million in its auction
debut. It had been held in the same family
NEW YORK CITY — On lished a new world auction Auguste Rodin’s “Cariatide tombée portant collection since it was gifted by Magritte to a
November 12, Sotheby’s eve- record for the artist when it sa pierre, agrandissement d’un tiers” real- friend of his brother, Jean Debernardi.
ning sale of Impressionist and sold for $110.7 million this ized $7.6 million.
Modern art was led by Claude past May in New York.
Monet’s “Charing Cross Tamara de Lempicka, “La Tunique rose,” 1927, bested its $8
Bridge” from 1903, which sold A new world auction record million high estimate to sell for $13.4 million (auction
for $27.6 million, one of the was established for Tamara de record for the artist).
finest examples from Monet’s Lempicka when “La Tunique
seminal London series ever to rose” bested the $8 million Alberto Giacometti’s “Buste remaining in private hands belonged to the Cachin-Signac
appear at auction. Previously high estimate to sell to d’homme (Diego au blou- and epitomizes Impressionist family for 70 years. Francoise
in the collection of Andrea applause for $13.4 million. son),” soared past its $8 mil- portraiture and landscape Cachin was the leading Signac
Klepetar-Fallek for the past 40 Painted in 1927, the seductive lion high estimate to fetch painting on an impressive expert and author of the art-
years, the luminous canvas canvas depicts one of Lempic- $14.3 million. scale. Gallo was the Egyptian- ist’s catalog raisonné, as well
achieved the highest auction ka’s most famed muses and nizable and sought-after sub- born son of a French banker as director of the Museums of
price for the subject by Monet. lovers, Rafaëla, and is a rare jects, originally designed as who settled in Paris in 1869 France.
The previous auction record of example of the female artist’s part of Rodin’s monumental and befriended the artist at
$4.1 million was established in full-length figures. The previ- “Gates of Hell.” The work was school. Gallo would go on to One of the earliest works fea-
1992, with only one other ous auction record for Lempic- commissioned from the artist become the editor of the news- turing René Magritte’s favored
painting of Charing Cross ka was established in Novem- by collector Berthe Dumon, paper Le Constitutionnel and stone motif, “La Légende des
Bridge appearing at auction ber 2018, when “La who became entranced by a maintained his friendship with siècles” from 1950, surpassed
since 2000. Musicienne” from 1929 sold for plaster form of the work dur- Caillebotte and his brother, the $6 million high estimate to
$9.1 million. ing a visit to Rodin’s studio in Martial, for years to follow. sell for $8.6 million in its auc-
August Uribe, head of Sothe- February 1894. The other three portraits of tion debut, having been held in
by’s Impressionist & Modern The selection of sculpture on Gallo by Caillebotte currently the same family collection
art department in New York, offer was led by Alberto Gia- Gustave Caillebotte’s final reside in museum collections. since it was gifted by Magritte
commented. “Tonight marks cometti’s “Buste d’homme painting in a series of four por- to a friend of his brother, Jean
the fourth consecutive Impres- (Diego au blouson),” which traits of Richard Gallo, his The largest and most vivid of Debernardi. The work is the
sionist & Modern art evening soared past its $8 million high good friend and most frequent- the 12 works that comprise third and most complex oil ver-
Sale at Sotheby’s to be led by estimate to fetch $14.3 million ly portrayed figure, “Richard Paul Signac’s “Istanbul” series, sion on this theme that Mag-
Claude Monet, demonstrating after a six-minute bidding bat- Gallo et son chien Dick, au “La Corne d’Or (Constantino- ritte painted in 1950; the larg-
the continued strength of the tle among at least seven collec- Petit-Gennevilliers” sold for ple)” from 1907 achieved $16.2 est of the three versions is in
auction market for this iconic tors. Having remained in the $19.7 million. The 1894 work million. Depicting a lush, tex- the collection of the Scottish
artist. In total, nine works by same private collection since is the only example of Caille- tural surface comprising rect- National Gallery of Modern
Monet have achieved a mar- 1987, the bronze sculpture botte’s renderings of Gallo angular brushstrokes, the Art in Edinburgh.
ket-leading $292 million across depicts the artist’s brother and painting captures the gran-
our international salesrooms one of his most frequent sub- deur, history and unique qual- Prices given include the buyer’s
this year alone. ‘Charing Cross jects, Diego, and dates from ity of light and color that filled premium, as stated by the auc-
Bridge’ was one of the many the most important period in the ancient city and once tion house. For information, 212-
works appearing at auction Giacometti’s oeuvre — the 606-7000 or
tonight for the first time, hav- mid- to late 1940s and early
ing remained in the private 1950s, a period in which the
collection of Andrea Klepetar- artist created his most cele-
Fallek for more than 40 years. brated and best-known works.
This is a sophisticated market
that responds to the very best, Other sculpture highlights
and we saw international com- included Auguste Rodin’s “Car-
petition tonight for fresh iatide tombée portant sa
works of the highest quality.” pierre, agrandissement d’un
tiers” — an eloquent represen-
The painting joins a group of tation of Rodin’s artistic vision
nine works by Monet that and sheer mastery of the medi-
Sotheby’s sold in 2019 for a um, which bested the $6 mil-
total of $222.6 million. Each of lion high estimate to realize
Sotheby’s four Impressionist & $7.6 million. Sold on behalf of
Modern Art evening sales in the Ruthmere Museum in
2019 have been led by a Monet Elkhart, Ind., the work is a
painting, one of which, rare example of Rodin’s lime-
“Meules” from 1890, estab- stone sculptures and depicts
one of the artist’s most recog-

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 41

42 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

January 3, 2020 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — 43

44 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — January 3, 2020

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