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The Chemist & Druggist Trade Journal - 19140606

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Published by Colin Savage, 2020-04-05 02:32:33


The Chemist & Druggist Trade Journal - 19140606


Section 12 of the old Spirits Act refers to " the selling Insurance Act Dispensing.

and retailing of brandy, mm, arrack, usequebangh, A Weekly Record of events and decisions concerninu Cliemistl'

Geneva, aqua; vitre, or any other distilled spirituous uiterests in Medical Benefit administration and practice.

liquors or strong waters," hut not specifically to' win<'s, Election of Pliarmaceutieal Committees.

and presumably this is tlv3 reaso'n why medicated wines The President of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great
are considered not to come within tho. -exemption granted Britain has issued a (inular letter to Pluantaccutical
Committees regarding the election of new Committees
to chemists. which is to take place next month. In the course of the
letter Mr. Whit^e says that it is most important that one
A Nineteenth Century View returning officer should be appointed for England and

of the recognition of opticians was given at the meeting Wales, and he suggests Mr. Woolcock for the position.

of the General ^Medical Council last week. It appears He has every reason to believe that such an appointment

that on consideration of the Tasnianian Opticians Act, to would satisfy all the requirements of the Insurance Com-
which the attention of the Council had been called by the missioners and expedite matters. The Pharmaceuticaf
"Colonial Office, the Registrar was directed to supply the Council will defray the expenses of the elections where
no local funds are available. Elections must be taken
Secretary of State with documents giving the Council's between June 1 and July 1. Mr. White concludes by
stating that the duty imposed on Pharmaceutical Com-
views on the matter of the official recognition of opticians.
mittees of furnishing copies of the scheme to persoTis,
The President also asked iMr. E. Brudenell Carter to give
•liis views, which resulted in the following memorandum eti;., on the panel emphasises the necessity for obtaining
lieing drawn up :
a reasonable sum from the Insurance Committee for
The chief objection to official recognition, by law or
charter, of any qualification as an "optician" seems to me administrative expenses as previously advised.

to be that such recognition is superfluous for the purposes The Ljancashire Situation.
of legitimate trade, and would be misleading and often
dangerous as soon as the limits of such trade wore overpast. As briefly mentioned editorially last week (C. <b D.,

The only demand of the public which a non-medical prc- p. 56), the proposals of the Pharmaceutical Council to
c;-;ai)lish a central checking bureau for Lancashire
scriber of glasses can supply with safety is that of the
ordinary or almost univeiLsal requirement of slightly magni- {C. cL- D., May 23, p. 91) have not been adopted. This

fying glasses for near objects when the .age of fortv-live dscision was reached at a meeting in the County Offices,

or fifty has been attained, and sucli glasses are turned out Preston, on Thursday, May 28, of the representatives of
by_ manufacturers by the thousand, are familiarly distin-
the Panel, Phaimaoeuticid, and Insurance Committees
guished by numbers, and are adjusted with suflicient
accuracy to the wants of the purchaser by a simple sliding who were appointed to consider the scheme. Mr. Travis-
scale carrying a test object. The selection of a properly
fitting frame is also an easily acquired matter of detail. Clegg presided.
But, as soon as anything beyond those simple require-
At tho outset Mr. Woolcock (who had called the meet-
Tnents_ is in question, as soon ' as the matter to be dealt ing) .expressed the hope that the matter should be decided
with is one of short sight, of defective sight, of squint, or
that day. One of tbs medical representatives strongly
even of a demand for near work of magnifying glasses of objected to the inconvenient hour of meeting, and the
Chairman expressed his regret. The Chairman of the
greater strength than those ordinarily required at the ago
•of the customer, the knowledge required for safe guidance PrC'Ston Insurance Committee asked what authority ]Mr.
is no longer "optical," but is physiological, or medical, or
both; and a smattering of either kind, on the part of tlie Woolcock had in calling the meeting or being pre.sent,
salesman, would more often be prejudicial than beneficial
and Mr. Woolcock explained that no secretary had been
to the customer. ^ It is plainly impossible to prevent the
public from seeking, or acting upon, the advice of incom- appointed, so as a matter of convenience he acted. He

petent persons, but they should not be encouraged to do then explained that the cost, of checking in Lancashire
this by an apparent authorisation which would have no
•sufficient foundation in fact, and which, short of a complete varies from 4?. to 17-?. 6f?. (Liverpool) per thousand pre-
medical education, could not cover the whole of the ground
•on which the requirements of the purchaser might rest. scriptions. He expressed the opinion that in the low-

Mr. Brudenell Carter. F.R.C.S.. is one of the most price places the checking is not done efficiently and urged

distinguished ophthalmic surgeona in this country, and the establishment of a central bureau. Mr. Lord Gifford
(Blackburnj) supported this statement. On the contrary,
his opinions are entitled to the utmost respect. He has
another member questioned if there would be any improve-
— —retired from practice he is eighty-six years of age and ment, and the cost might be greater. He considered that
the chocking would be better done locally. To this !Mr.
in the memorandum he seems to us to have overlooked

€ntirely the advances which have been made in the attain-

ments of opticians since the dawn of the twentieth W^oolco'ck replied that central checking would be better,

century. If steps are taken to obtain legal recognition if not cheaper. It would only cost the doctors a ninth

for opticians, e.r parte statements of interested parties of a penny, and smooth working of the Act is most

Aare not likely to influence Parliament. Select Com- desirable to chemists. Several doctc/rs then spoke, all in

mittee would probably be appointed, before which evi- a sympathetic strain so far as doing all in their power

dence would be taken from opticians and the public -which to prevent discounting chemists' bills. They pointed out

would place medical views in their proper perspective. that checking is no concern of the doctors, and would

—Ph.\rmaceutical Products ix Sweden. A decree has relieve them of nc; duty which under the regulations they

are required to do, nor would any expense be saved

been issued in Sweden regulating the importation and sale while the local checking m.ust be better on account of local

of pharmaceutical products i.e., simple chemicals and knowledge. Another doctor remarked that they (doctors)

•drugs and preparations used wholly or mainly as medi- were being asked ta contribute a ninth of a penny per

•cines, or for the preparation of medicines. Only chemists insured person for something which at present costs them

and druggists, wholesale dealers and manufacturers, nothing. He was sure that as far as excessive prescribing

•directors of scientific institutions and research labora- is concerned checking will become lighter in the future.

tories will be allowed to import pharmaceutical products. The Secretary of the County Pharmaceutical Committee

The ingredients are to be stated on the label, or a declara- intimated that the proposed scheme had been considered,

tion enclosed in the package containing the products. In but in view of the fact that the present system produces

the case of simple chemicals and drugs the statement must quick work and prompt payments a change was not

"be made in the terms of either scientific formula or the favoured. The county authorities deal with about a third

•current Pharmacopoeia. In the case of preparations this of the prescriptions in the nineteen areas in Lancashire,
statement must give the names of the preparations as set
and had done it well. The Preston and Bury representa-
forth in the current Pharmacopoeia or as approver! by the tives also spoke in favour of their own arrangements,

Medical Board otherwise it must indicate the intrredients whereupon Mr. Harcourt^ Clare (Clerk of the Lancashire

of which the preparations are composed as well as the County Insurance Committee' rose and said that it was

quantity of the ingredients and the method by which the clear that the Panel Committees, Pharmaceutical Com-

preparations have been m?.de up. mittees, and the representatives' of the Insurance

Index Folio 873


Committees did not approve of the scheme of central one the panel doctor prescribed throe gross of pills con-

checking, and it was not worth while spending any more taining expensive ingredients, the charge for the whole

time discussing it. He saw no reason for constituting a being 25s. 2d. The Committee decided to bring the matter
under the notice of the Medical Benefit Sub-Committee,
joint Committee, nor had any necessity for it arisen in the
ttjunty of Lancashire, and no useful purpose would be with the recommendation that a month's supply at the
served by altetring the present system. The thanlvs of the most would have been ample to meet the requirements of
meeting were tendered to Mr. Woolcock, who, in reply,
said he was afraid that he was too far aliead of his the case, and the Pharmaceutical Committee saw no reason
why such an excessive amount should have been ordered.

A report of the Special Sub-Committee appointed to in-

time, but he was certain that his scheme would have to quire into the dispensing for insured persons in Harwich

be adopted later, and that the discussion had done much and Dovercourt was presented and adopted. It appears
from this that three doctors dispense for 2,233 out of 3,837
to clear the way. " .^ insured persons, and the Pharmaceutical Committee did

Reports from Local Centres. not agree to doctors dispensing for persons in Dovercourt

With special reference to the supply of fri^dicines and and Parkstone, as these are not rural areas, and the Com-
mittee recommended that an effort should be made to

appliances. See also Association Affairs. secure recognition of the principle that, wherever it is as

convenient to get medicine from panel chemists as from

panel doctors, the chemist should bo the dispenser. It was

Barrow. — During the quartet Njnded ApriK, 11, 21,343 agrteed that the report should go to the Medical Benefit

Insurance prescriptions were dljs^onsed at a cOst of Sub-Committee. It transpired that the average cost of the

812/. IQs. lOd. (average QgcZ. ea'ch),>a!n ^iicr&ase of 2,658 pre- prescriptions during the first quarter was 8d. per prescrip-

scriptions and 307/. 14s. 3d. compared vith the corresponcN tion, as compared with l^d. the per prescription for

ing period of 1913, when prescriptions averaged t>id. The' •the whole of last year.

Medical Benefit Sub-Committee has been instructed by the Hull.— The following statistics relate to the charges
Insurance Committee to incjuire into the reasons for the against the Drug Fund for the first quarter of the medical
increase in chemists' accounts. P.ayment has been passed
for 80 per cent, of the accounts' as renderedv > year 1914, the figures of the corresponding quarter in 1915

Doing given in parentheses: Total charges, 3,131/. 14s. 8d.

Bolton.— The Insurance Committee has received estimate's (1,94^/. 17s.); number of prescriptions, 81,784 (67,341);

for administrative expenses from the Panel Committee for average cost per script, 9.19d. (7.09d.] ; number of pre-
32/. lOly,, and from the Pharmaceutical Committee for scriptions costing over Is., 16,482, or one in five (4,800, or

50/. 10s. The Committee has decided to grant a sum in one in fourteen) ; number of scripts over 2s., 1,309, or one

aid of expenses incurred in an inspection of prescriptions in 62| (457, or one in 147|) ; overcharges per 100/.,
for e.xcessiv6 or extravagant prescribing during the first 1/. 18s. llfZ. (3/. 18s. 8(Z..); undercharges per 100/., lis. Ad.

medical year. (13s. lOfZ.) ; amount disallowed^ per 100/., 1/. 7s. Id. (3/. 4s.)

Bournemouth. - The Insurance Committee referred back amount disallowed for appliances, etc., not on second
to the Medical Benefit Sub-Committee a recommendation Udschedule, 1/. 2s. 2d. (12/. 9s.
). The highest price per
to disallow in future vaccines and proprietary articles.
During the discussion Dr. Neville Hart pointed out that a —script per individual doctor dispensed by one chemist wa»

dose of vaccine, which might save many bottles, may not 2s. 2\d.. being for seventy-seven prescriptions. The Insur-
cost as much as a single bottle. It was stated that the
charges against the Drug Fund were twice as heavy as ance Committee's Medical Sub-Committee have, in reply to
compared with last year, whereupon Mr. Beaton asked if
some doctors were pi-escribing 16-oz. bottles instead of 8-oz. a request from the local Pharmaceutical Committee for

to save insured persons coming again. Mr. F. E. Bilson accounts to be paid monthly in full, resolved that the position
said it was extremely necessary to economise, and it did
not seem a very great hardship for patients to have to pay be again considered two months hence; the statement in
the meantime to be forwarded to the Panel and Pharma-
for vaccines, etc.
cutical Committees for their observations. At the Insurance
Bradford. — The Insurance Committee on May 27 passed
Committee's meetinfj on May 26 a letter was read from the
payments to chemists for 3,214/. Is. lOrf., being 6b§ per cent,
Pharmacists' Association asking that accounts be paid
of the accounts for 123,539 prescriptions, costing
monthly in full. The Committee decided to reply that
4,281/. lis. 8d., dispensed during the quarter ended April 11. they could not depart from their present method of pay-
The Drug Fund for this period is estimated at 3,185/. The
charges against the Sanatorium Benefit Fund included 452 ment. Payment was passed on account for chemists' bills
prescriptions, value 32/. 19s. Id.
—for the month ended April 11, and for the 25-per-cent.

balance for the two montlis ended March 11. The price-
list of preparations contained in the local Pharmacopoeia
issued by the local Pharmaceutical Committee contains the

following notes:

Cornwall. —Payments have been made to chemists of =1. H.P. HulI Phiariinocopoeia.

1,264/. 16s. Last quarter 47,058 prescriptions were dis- 2. Tile price of mist, ammion. pic. includes aq. cJilorof., wMcJi
pensed at an average cost of 9id. each. At the meeting
must be need.
of the Insurance Committee on May 27, Mr. H. H. Cannon 5. Aq. dcet. i® cluariged ill, .the following preps, and must b*
suggested that the cause of the increase in the number of
U6ed, viz.: G-arg. alum, et zinc; gutts, all; lot. ac. Ijoric. c.
prescriptions should be inquired into. zinc, chlor. ; lot. alkal. CO.; lot. plumbi ; lot. plumbi c. opio;
lot. rubra; lot. sod. ibiiiboir. To bo aleo used, and' chairgcdi for dn
Dudley. —Chemists are being paid 329/. 3s. 9d., repre- diispeniEiing eolutiont? of salver salts, zinc talte, hydrarg. porclilor.

senting 90 per cent, of their accounts for the past quarter, 4. D.X. or Q.D.X. (quiantit>ae duplex) = send double quantity.
the heaviest since the Act came into operation.
5. Xt iis requested tliait, ojs far as possiible, bottles with .Tppiro-
Essex.- The Pharmaceutical Committee met at 4 Broad
Street Place, London, on Wednesday afternoon, Juno 3, p,niate gradua-tione be v<pyi for all IiqU'id_ med'ioines for tnrtorn'al
when a good deal of business was trarusacted. The draft
use. Grairgke, moiith-waahcG, and nonHpoi^ionous lotions and Hui-

mentis to be djispemsed in plaiin un.graduated bo'tt'es.
6. Oiled paper io be supplied v/heji wateTpiroof or prot'ective io

scheme for the election of new Pharmaceutical Committees ordered
was agreed to, and Mr. W. J. U. Woolcock was nominated
as the Returning Officer. The Committee received and con- 7. AV.hetn gauze is ordeired by weight, aasiame that 2 oz. = 6 yds.
and. 1 oz. =3 yde.
sidered a letter from the Commissioners in regard to ad-
ministrative expenses. The Commissioners inform the In- 8. When carbolic lotion or oil ie ordered' witlioart indiieo'tion of
surance Committee to allow an allotment of money to the
Panel Committee and the Pharmaceutical Committee; also strength, supply 5 per c^ent. in a vehiiele of aq. font, or ol. oUv.
respectively, in a charged podson-bottle.
that the Committee may make provisional payment to these
9. Un'dcT no cnrciim'stain'C«' will t.he In'OTrain'C'e Oom.miitti'e pay
Committees from time to time, so long as they keep within
the final allotment made in respect to Medical Benefit, for propriet'a.ries. unles'S saipplied under written antho'^'iH't'on fnoim

but not to pay for the travelling expenses of members of the office, with the exception of -A-rgyrol, Uiionin, Tcilithyol. Lvso-
the Committee. The final allotment will be on the basis of
form. Styptol, Bipialatinoid>s. Therefore when Gcripts are received
the revised provisional credit for Medical Benefit, which
ordering a proprietary a>? pa.rt of a diifjpen'Sed mcty.'cm'\ oJiarig*
the appropriate fee a.nd for any other drugis cont'ained therein

obtain from customer t.he chiajrge for the inropriet-aTv, ly.sial

1 dr., '.aq. adi 4 oz., to'bil charge i® fee 2d.; liq. e.arb. deterg. 1 dr.,
liydr. am. gr. 20, p^araf. moll, ad 1 oz., charge fee 3(Z. and id,

will shortly be notified to the Insurance Committee, and e'leh for the two d,rugG.
the Commissioners mention that the term " medical year "
is eleven days short of the calendar year. The Pharma- The prices relate to mixtures (39), lotions (10), gargles {5)r,
ceutical Committee proceeded to consider three charges liniments (2), giving those for 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 oz.,
inclusive of dispensing-fee.", and for drops (10), ointments (4).
against medical men. Two of these were decided not to and compound starch-powder at ounce rate, exclusive of

be proceeded wrh. In one- case the medical pracuti'iner rJispensifig-fee. Pills (.-ix form.ilse) are pricec for quantities
has died since the complaint was made. In a third in-
stance, where the complaint was that the panel doctor pre- of 1 to 6,' 7 to 12. and 13 to 24, in-lusive of dispensinor-feft.
Prices are given for a list of thirty drugs not on the Tariff,
scribed according to private formulae, the matter was re- and a table of quantities of potassium iodide in grains for

mitted to the Medical Benefit Sub-Committee. Two cases —each halfpennv from id. to 9d. Rowlands, Cash Chemists,

of alleged excessive prescribing were also dealt with; In Ltd.. 8 Hessle Road, Hull, have been added to the panel Iis4

Index Folio 874


chemists, wliile tlic iKuiie of Arthur Reginald Rowland ment for tuberculosis to ho ol)tained from tlie sanatorium

,s been withdiawn a> a person entitled to supply drugs dispensary from June 1. The doctors are being supplied
ber than scheduled poisons.
by the tuberculosis officer with a list of the drugs, etc., kept
Sent. — At the Insurance Committee's meeting on May 27,- in stock. The Council undertook to supply such drugs as
from January 11, but accounts received by the Coiniiiitteo
rs. Risborough asked if the cost of prescriptions is from chemists for dispensing domiciliary prescriptions from

aited. An insured person had been informed by his panel that date to June 1 will be paid by the Insurance Com-
ctor tliat he could give medicine which would cure him mittee, and the total amount deducted from the sum pay-
rheumatism, but a« it would cost 10s. pd. special per- able to the Council for the year under the agreement.
ssion to order it would have to be obtained. In reply,
Sussex. — The East Sussex Insurance Committee ha»
was stated that it is not correct that the doctor could
it prescribe the medicine in question. announced that the outstanding balance of last year's-
accounts will be paid immediately. The Brighton Com-
Liverpool.— Cheques for the outstanding balance for the mittee has made no such announcement, but information

i from headquarters suggests that an early payment may be

jSt medical year are being sent out this week, with a expected.
tailed statement showing the total of corrections and
"West Hartlepool.- The Pharmaceutical Committee on
lounts disallowed in eacii quarter. Chemists may inspect May 28 unanimously adopted a resolution, which was for-

>ir accounts if notice is given within fourteen days. Of
) 2s. for drugs, If. d^d. has been expended, and, although

ire is a balance to the good, it is proposed to go into the warded to the Insurance Committeej, expressing strong dis-

iestion of extravagant prescribing, as a few cases appear satisfaction that the Insurance Commissioners had not for-

require serious attention. As last year 95 per cent, of warded the necessary amount to enable the Committee-

1 accounts was paid on presentation, some chemists have to pay the balance of 10 per cent, due on last year's chemists'

im overpaid, and the Insurance Committee will require accounts, and also strongly protesting against the heavy

''efund so as to adjust their accounts for the year, deduction of 50 per cent, made on their accounts for the

piymoutli.— At the Insurance Committee meeting on first quarter of the present year, these imposing an unfair
I'ly 26, Alderman J. F. Winnecott referred to the " scant financial strain upon local chemists, which they regard as
irtesy " of the Insurance Commissioners in their treat- absolutely intolerable. After pointing out that the quantities'

nt of the Committee's representations in regard to the of medicines supplied are entirely outside chemists' con-
ug Fund deficit. The Chairman (Mr. J. P. Brown), in trol, the Pharmaceutical Committee request the Insurance
ilying, said he was in sympathy with the desire that
Committee to demand from the Insurance Commissioners
imists should be paid in full as equity required, bui
nted out the fact that the contracts were conditional " an assurance that all arrears will be paid within a reason-
able time."

ing to the discounting clause. He and the Clerk, at a Worcester.—Statistics presented at the Insurance Com-

ent interview with the Commissioners, found that the mittee's last meeting show that the Drug Fund for the

Binissioners were giving the matter their gravest con- medical year 1913 related to a mean number of 89,024 insured

sration, but it had developed into a much larger ques- persons. Chemists' bills totalled 5^384/. 19s. Id-, and doctors

—1 than was thought at first, and no definite arrangement for dispensing were paid 2.055/. 5s. Ad. a total of

' ' Id be made until details had been worked out. Before 7,440/.. 4.'i. 11(7., all of which has been paid. The total

case for the chemists could be received by the Com- number of prescriptions was 191,816. In the first quarter

sioners, the prescriptions niust be thoroughly and pro- of 1914 chemists' accounts were 2,019/. 7s. Ad., doctors''


il'y gone through, ^according to the regulations provided accounts 549/. Is., or b.Ad. per head of insured persons, as

[j, against 5(/. per quarter last year. The propoi-tion of men

—(the Act. If there had been over-prescribing that was, to women among the insured persons was three men to twcv

—Ij^j 'itavagant prescribing beyond the needs of the case the

tors must be surcharged. The Commissioners had to act women. About 190 doctors in rural areas dispensed medi-

ording to statute. He believed most of the Committees cines for about 20.000 insured persons. The Panel Com-

'^^.ijcerned were making definite investigations, and until mittee's recommendation that no prescription shall be dis-

' I question in all its bearings had been fully gone into, pensed if presented later than forty-eight hours after it&

Jsibly involving an entire change in the method of pay- issue has been adopted by the Insurance Committee.

— —' chemists what change they did not know yet the pay- SCOTI.&N-D.

! lit of deficiencies could not have consideration. A Meeting' of the Pharmaceutical Standing Committee-

(ti jOrtsmouth.— At the meeting of the Insurance Com- (Scotland) has been called for Friday, June 5, when it is

Mayijtee on 28 it was stated that chemists' accounts for expected that a statement from the Commissioners re th&'
Drug Fund will be available.
Aberdeensblre. —The County Insurance Committee, at
ijini past quarter amounted to about 2,150?. On a proposal
a meeting on May 29, had again under consideration the<
applications by certain panel doctors to be allowed to dis-
tlebit the Sanatorium Benefit Fund with 10/. per quarter
pense medicines to their insured patients on a capitation
medicines improperly charged to the Drug Fund, Mr.
I basis. The Panel and Pharmaceutical Committees have-
Foster, chemist, said this sum was nothing like suffi- been consulted on the subject, and their views were sub-
15. mitted. Deputations from these Committees attended the

t. The Chairman (Sir Scott Foster) said he believed meeting of the Medical Benefit Sub-Committee, and the
whole question was fully discussed. It was agreed to recom-
' allowance applied only to patients recommended for mend that the present arrangement with the doctors men-

' irculin treatment. Mr. lloll is suggested that the surplus tioned in the correspondence should be continued, except
in the case of Dr. Profeit (Ballater) and Dr. Cran (Ban-
' h from insured persons who had not chosen their panel chory), the arrangement with whom, for dispensing, it is

S|«r should be used to make good the 500/. deficit in last recommended should terminate at the close of the current
quarter, and in the case of Dr. Henry, that the arrangement
» rter's fund. The matter was referred back,
with him should also terminate at said date, except as-
lot regards those of his insured patients who are nearer to

taeffleld. —The Pharmaceutical Committee met on —his dispensary at Balmoral than to the chemists at Ballater.

'30,_Mr. J. Gilbert Jackson presiding. The Panel Com- The report of the Sub-Committee was approved. The
Finance Committee reported in connection with the 20-r)er-
'66, in consequence of a protest transmitted by the Secre- cent. deduction from doctors' payments and chemists'
accounts, and it was resolved that the Committee make-
of the Pharmaceutical Committee, had agreed to the immediate representation to the Insurance Commissioners
to the effect that protests had been received from the
of ordinary tinctures (instead of aqueous tinctures) in chemists and doctors against the action of the Committee
in not fulfilling their bargain, and that the Committee
nevp Formulary, but the Panel Committee still con- be immediately placed in funds in order that they may pay-
both chemists and doctors 95 per cent, of the amounts due
ired the use of numbers desirable. The draft model
me for the constitution of the new Pharmaceutical

imittee, and the suggestion in the letter from the Presi-

;i of the Pharmaceutical Society that Mr. W. J. Uglow

ppock be adopted as returning officer, was agreed to
pimously. The Secretary reported that two members

fhe Committee had been absent from the Committee

—ehree consecutive meetings contra to the Insurance Regu-

>ns. Local chemists have to w-ait a week longer for

promised 10 per cent, of their 1913 accounts, owing to the

Wtrance Committee postponing the monthly meeting, which

have fallen in Whit-week, until Juiie 10.

lnethwick.-The Insurance Committee is having half of

prescriptions for last quarter checked in London, to them.

JIngements for the future to be considered later. The —Dundee. A meetina- of panel chemists was held on

'|k has been instructed to write to a firm and a chemist Tuesday. June 2. Mr. Stephen presiding. Mr. J. Ruther-

|he panel in regard to misleading notices on their shop- ford Hill and ]Mr. Bennett (Arbroath) were present, a'ong

flows. Another pharmacist, who has undertaken to with a lararer representation of hn-al chemists than had over

|ct presr-riptlcns at. h,n address otht:- than that specified before been a.=sembiod. From the outset feeling ran ver\7

.„,., agreement, is to be iniormed that he is not entitled high against the terms of the dispensing agreements. Mr.


unless his agreement is amended. The Town Hill explained the remedies which are being tried in dif-

'^'"''Gi°c-iil had completed arrangements for all medicines re- ferent areas to prevent discounting of bills, and suggested

1'ed by insured persons undergoing domiciliary treat- Aan outline for future action. motion embodying a verjr

Index Folio 875


drastic stop was put to tlie meetiiif?, but it was consideved PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY
premature, and the proposer was asked to hold it over until
Tuesday, June 9. as in the interval a report will be sup- OF GREAT BRITAIN.
plied of the nieotin;; of the Standing Committee on Friday,
June 5.
THE monthly meeting of the Council was held ;
Plfeslilre.— At n. recent meeting of the County Insur- 16 Bloomsbury Square, London, AV.C., on June i

ance Committee held at Kirkcaldy, a statistical report was A resolution of regret was passed on the death of Si
submitted showing that 8,000 insured persons on the medical
practitioners' lists had not been paid for by the Committe'e. .Tc'seph f'jwan, who wa.s an honorary member and a regis
The Clerk was instructed to prefs the Commissioners for
payment. tared chemist and drui,'gist. This being the first meetin

Roxburghshire.—At a recent meeting- of the Panel Com- of the new Council, the elections of officers took place

mittee, held at St. Bothwells, it was reported that in 1915 Mr. E. White was re-elected President, Mr. E. 1
the practitioners' fund amounted to 5,096^. and the Drug
Fund to 1,568Z. The doctors had been paid 5,578^., or Ncathercoat was elected Vice-President, and JNIr. W. H
582?. more than they were entitled to, owing to a dis-
crepancy of 1,500 more index slips than contribution cards. Gibson was re-elected Treasurer for the fifth time. Fror
The panel chemists and dispensing doctors had been paid
1,150?. out of the Drug Fund, leaving a credit balance of the Benevolent Fund 126/. was granted to nine applicant!
418?., and from this 392?. was appropriated as the floating
sixpence for doctors, which, however, will be used to repay The new Committees were appointed. Mr. Parry raise
part of the 582?. above referred to. The 25?. remaining
in the Drug Fund is to be distributed among the panel the question of Insurance dispensing for seamen whe
chemists. In view of the position of the funds, the Panel
Committee decided that panel practitioners could not afford on shore, which is to be considered by the Local Associt

to agree to the proposed increase in the charges in the tions Executive Committee. The report of the last-name

Drug Tariff and dispensing-fees. Committee was received by the Parliamentary an

AGeneral Purposes Committee. deputation has bee

arranged to place befoi-e ilr. Masterman the cjuestion o

Breconshire. —At the Insurance Committee's last meet- tha deficiency in the Drug Fund. |

ing payments were passed to chemists for 226?., and for 57?. The councillors present were Messrs. C. B. Allen, F. I
to practitioners for dispensing services. Bilson, A. S. Campkin, W. G. Cross, J. H. Cuff, W. 1
Currie, F. J. Gibson, W. H. Gibson, R. L. Gifford.
Gilmour, J. F. Harrington, J. Harrison, E. T. Neatlu'i!
The Bhitlsh Medical Association's Insurance Act Com-
coat, L. M. Parry, F. A. Rogers, P. F. Rowsell, F. V
mittee has appointed Drs. E. R. Fothergill (Brighton),
Sargeant, E, White, T. A. White, and J. R. Young.
I. W. Johnson (Bury), A. E. Larking (Buckinghiam),
Edmund Barker (Hull), A. S. J. Pearso (Cardiff), A. C. ;\Ir. E. White ^occupied the Presidential chair and Mi,
Farquharson (Spennymoor), and B. A. Richmond (London)
Campkin the vice-chair.
as a sub-committee to confer with the representatives of
tho Pharmaceutical Council with regard to the revision of
Death of Sir Joseph Swan.
—the Drug Tariff and collateral matters.
The Panel Systeif. At the annual meeting of the Hearts The minutes of the Council-meetings on !May 9 and 2
of Oak Benefit Society on June 2. the President (Mr. W.
Westcott), in the course of his address, and speaking with were read and confirmed.
The Chairman then referred to the death of Sir Josep.
reference to tho doctors and the panel system, said he did
Swan, who was an honorary member and also a chemis
not think that, in view of all the difficulties that had existed and druggist. Without entering into details of his caree
in bringing the doctors into line, they could form .a proper Mr. White mentioned that Sir Joseph was in his earl,
days intimately connected with pharmacy. He propose*;
judgment. As to whether the panel system would ultimately
prove successful, or whether it would have to give way to the following resolution, which was adopted :
the necessity of a State medical service, it was perhaps

yet too early to speak with any confidence but, so far as This Council records its regret at the death of Sir JOBcp
Wilson Swan, F.R.S.. a registered chemist and drupgis'
his own district was concerned, he could certainly express and since 1904 a greatly esteemed honorary member of fh
Society. The Council recalls with pride the achievement
his oleasure that matters were working very smoothly in-
deed, a result which was largely due to local efforts made of its late member in the applications of science to industrii
to come into close touch with the doctors. At the Order of proces.?es, and the recognition accorded to him by the whol
Druids' meeting on June 3. the Manchester system was
referred to. and Bro. T. Roberts (Manchester) said that, civilised world, to tho benefit of whose citizens he had s
materially contributed by his discoveries. The Counc
whatever the faults of tho panel system, it is obviously
much better than the Manchester system of paying on further remembers with gratitude the long-sustainecl intcre^
in the scientific and educational work of the Society manj
fested by Sir Josenh, and the close connection he maiif
tained with many of its prominent pharmaceutical workerij

Mr. Harrison said that Sir Joseph Swan was born j|

Sunderland, but soon afterwards became a distinguishel

A Day at Montrose. Hecitizen of Newcastle. was, ho.vever, a citizen of thJ

"The Dundee and East of Scotland Pharmaceutical Associa- whole Empire, although, great as his fame is in the who.

tion held their annual outing on May 20 at Montrcse. A civilised world, it is nowhere greater than in the North t

golf competition was played off during tho forenoon. Mr. England.

A. Y. Barrio returned tho best card (78), and so won the Election of President.

prize of a driver presented by Mr. John Gray Mr. G. F. The voting-papers for the President for the ensuin
; year were then distributed, and Mr. Woolcock went roun
with the historic ballot-box to collect the papers. The;
.Johnston was second v.itli 85, and Mr. Savage (P., D. & papers were then opened out, and it was found the

Co.) third with 86. The whole party, numbering over fifty, seventeen councillors had voted for I\Ir. E. White, oi^;

had dinner in the George Hotel, and afterwards drove for Mr. Young, and there was one blank paper.

round the Trail Drive, getting a fine sight of the splendid The President thanked his colleagues for re-electin|
him, and said he would do his best in the interests a
Montrose Sands; thence to the aerodrome, where the

aeroplanes were inspected and their working was explained.

The drive was then continued by Craig's Woods, and was

much enjoyed. On returning to_ the hotel tea was served,

after which the Montrose chemists were thanked for the pharmacy' at large.

splendid arrangements which they had made for entertain- |

ing the party, to which Mr. Ritchie suitably replied. Mr. Election of Vice-President.
Hutton (Brechin) extended an invitation to hold the next
The same process was repeated for the election of tM
outing in Brechin. This was agreed to, and he was thanked
Vice-President. On examining the papers it was foun'
for the invitation.
that sixteen votes had been given for Mr. Neathercoa
one for Mr. Campkin, and that there were two man

The Impoets of Chemicals, drugs, and perfumes into papers.
the port of Coquimbo during 1913 amounted in value to
The President announced that Mr. Neathercoat ha;
33,730?., against 2,190?. in 1912 and 8,685?. in 1911.
been elected and congratulated him. |

Index Folio 876


Mr. Neathercoat asked the Council to arcept his Fund were shown as follows : Current account,
sincere thanks for the great compliment it had jxaid him. 1,003?. B*. 8(?. (recommended for payment, professional
He c&'nsidered it a great honour to be eloctt-d to tlie
position from the ranks of pharmacy, and oven charges 45.?. 16-^. 2d.); donation account, 89?. O-^. Id.:

because the choice had fallen on a young man. He fully Orphan Fund, 29?. 19.s.' 8,?.
realised that the position carries with it many important The Treasurer, in moving the adoption of the rcjiort,

duties and responsibilities, and he would do liis best t i said it was of ;i normal character, the balances being
practically the same as at the corresponding period last
Hecarry these unt to the satisfaction of liis colleagues.
year. He mentioned that thi subscription of the Mans-
accepted the position the more readily becaus-e it gave him field Pharmacists" Association to the Benevolent Fund has
an additional opportunity oi: doiii^; further work iuv the
been increased this year to two guineas.
good of pliarmacy. The report was adopted.

Mr. Campxin Thanked. Benevolent Fund.
j\lr. Rogers presented the rcpo'rt of the members acting,
Mr. Young, as senior past President, propcsed a vole as the Benevolent Fund Committee, from which it
of thanks to Mr. Campkin, the retiring Vic-e-President. appeared that grants amounting to 126?. were made to
He had always found IMr. Campkin a pleasant and genial
colleague, and he thanked him for his graceful and able nine applicants for assistance. These cases, explained
services during; the past twelve months. Mr. Rogers, were on the. usual lines, but he gave some

The resolution was adopted, and, in reply, interesting details of two of the cases. He also men-
Mr. Campkin expressed his disaopointment at not tioned that the widow of an annuitant who had received

being re-elected to continue iiis asso'ciation with the Presi- assistance had written relinquishing her grant owing to
an improvement in her position.
dent. He hoped his succes.sor would perform the duties
The report was adopted.
•with greater success than he had been a.ble to do, but
it would be impossible to do them with greater enthusiasm School and Museum.
or more desire to maintain the dignity of pharmacy.
Tile Library, I\Iuseum, School, and House Committee".*;

Election of Treasurer. report was presented by the President. The Dean of

A ballot was then taken for the election of Treasurer. the School reported that an application had been re-

This resulted in seventeen votes being recorded for Mr. ceived for the return of fees pjaid for a student who
W. H. Gibson, one fox Mr. F. J. Gibson, while one paper
was a blank. Avas obliged to relinquish his studies. The student was-

The President, announcing the result, said the informed that the person who paid the fees should maki;

treasurcrship could not be in abler hands. application to the Secretary. The Dean also reported on

Mr. W. H. Gibson thanked the Council for electing the conditions required for obtaining the increased grant
him for the fifth time as skipper of the good ship
"i. s. d." which had been on a longer voyage than he from the Board of Education in respect of the proposed
anticipated when h© first went aboard. The experience
had been a pleasant one, as the crew had behaved in recognition of the School of Pharmacy as a " Technical

—an exemplary manner and the passengers on board all Institution. ' The Secretary was directed to inquire

first class these were the councillors, he explained. Con- whether it would be possible for the Board's Inspector
tinuing the nautical simile, Mr. Gibson said that he had
not encountered a single adverse breeze, and had no to attend the next meeting of the Committee for the
doubt that the same peaceful conditions would continue
during the next year. purpose of explaining the conditions attached to the
proposed recognition. Regarding the Library, sug-
Other Officers Appointed.
gested additions asked for by members were considered,
The following officers were then re-appointed for the
but a correspondent was informed that an horticultural
ensumg year: Mr. W. J. Uglow Woolcock. Secretary
reference-work was not within the scope of the Societv'sr
and Eegistrar; Mr. A. J. Chater. Assistant Secretarv':
objects. Specimens of " Terra pigillata," of which dupli-
M^f- H. Moon, Deputy Registrar: Mr. W. S. Glvn- Jones,
P., Parliamentary Secretary Mr. J. T. Humphrey, cates are contained in the jMuseum, were presented to
the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. The matters
Editor of the "Journal"; Mr. E. M. Hohnes, Curator: dealt with connected with the house were approval of a
bill for repairs amounting to 4?. 2.^, and the selection of
and Mr. J. R. Hill, Resident Secretary in Scotland. a vacuum cleaner. It was alscy reported that the house
porter, Hobbs, is seriously ill and would not in all proba-
bility be able to resume his duties again.

The report was adopted.

Later on in the meeting it was resolved that the Scientific Advisory Committee.
The first meeting of the recently appointed Scientific
salary of the Secretary and Registrar for the ensuing Advisory Committee was held on J\iay 27, when approval
was expressed regarding the attitude of the Council in
year be at the rate of 8001. per annum, and that it be a
recommen elation that it be increased bv annual increments relation to the future production of the British Phar-

^ip to 1,000?. macopeia. The Committee discussed at some length the

Elections and Restorations. question of the revision of the British Pharmaceutical
Codex, and several members expressed the hope that
The Standing Orders were adopted without comment. those features of the work which are calculated to foster
Next six members of the Society were elected and the hostility of certain manufacturers might be avoided
twelve student associates. in any future edition. The President assured the Com-
Seventy-eight persons were mittee that the Council is not desirous of incurring
unnecessary odium and would certainly not deliberatelv
restored to their former positions 'in the Society, and
tour persons had their names restored to the Register retain objectionable features for which there is no reason-
ot Chemists and Druggists.
able justification. Eventually a recommendation that a
further edition of the Codex should be published, and
The report of the acting Finance Committee was next
submitted by the Treasurer. The receipts on the General that a sub-committee be appointed to take in hand the
;;bund amounted to 1.117?. 4.?. 9(7., made up as folloM-s :
revision of the book, was carried.
±;enalties and costs, 90?. 8.s. lOd. : subscriptions, 434Z. 14s. :
Jom-nal and publications, 334Z. 6.?. 2d. : restoration- Mr. GiFFORD said he should like to congratulate the
c!?^' ^^c., 15?. 5s. registration-fees. 142?.' 16-?. rent,
; ; Council on the appointment of this Committee, which

9V n school-fees, 22?. 'is.; ground-rent, contained "the best brains of pharmacy."

lJ--.^oQaQy«?. 5.S. -1.0E'"^^:-—'making, with the sum carried forward, The report was adoj^ted.

llrf., from ^^hich the follo^ving payments were
Tecommended Registrar's Report.
to be made "Journal " and publications. The Registrar reported that during the month he had
: registered fifty-six apprentices or students.

trtJexpenses ofni' stationery, etc.. 61?. 10... Id.; current Parllajientart and Purposes.
250,. salaries, The members acting as a Parliamentarj- and G^eneral
; etc., 858?. lOs. 4d.; school and Purposes Comniittee presented a report which dealt with

exammations, 38?. 14-?. 5d. : law and professional charges,

2°^- ^"^3 sundries. 52?.-a.
• balances on the Benevolent

^totta.l1 11,5f-3.3,?-,. '^T''-
Qs. 8d.

Index Folio 877


the appointments on the various Committees. The they are ships' officers, but when they are engaged ii

changes in personnel were slight except in the case of the practice on land. There are special regulations govern

"Journal" and Law Committees. The first-named now ing the practice, and Mr. Parry asked that the matte
lias as members Messrs. Currie, Gifford, Harrison,
Sargeant, and T. A. White ; while of the Law Committee be looked into by the Secretary and considered by thi
the following are members : Messrs. Allen, Cuff, Hagon,
Harrington, Rowsell, and Young. The President and Associations Executive. His '(the speaker's!! attentioi
Vice-President are ex officio members of all Committees.
The acting Committee also received information that had been called to the matter through requests fron
Professor A. W. Crossley had been ill; and Mr. Parry- working men that they should be able to get their dis

brought forward a point regarding a would-be candidate pensing done at chemists' shops.

for the Manchester scholarship who did not fulfil the It w-as agreed that the matter be considered by tha
Committee as suggested.
condition regarding associateship of the Society.

Annual Meeting Sugoestions.

Instjeance Matters. The Secretary said he had tabulated the various sug
gestions made by members at the annual meeting, ant
This Coiumittee received the report of the Local Asso-
these were i-eferred for consideration to various Com
mittees. The suggestion that annual subscribers Ix

ciations Executive Committee, at the meeting of which excused further payments after a certain number ni

the Secretary reported upon his work in connection with years is to be considered by the Finance Committee, tlu

the attempt to deal with the position of the deficient time of meeting by the House Committee, the question

Drug Fund areas in Lancashire and elsewhere, and of carriage on books by the Library Committee; and t<

pointed out that it had been decided at a joint meeting of the Finance Committee was referred the advisability of

Insurance Committee representatives, Panel and Piiar- the revision of amounts at which the Society's securitiet

maceutical Committee representatives of Lancashire that stand in the balance-sheet.

the suggestions made on behalf of the pharmacists should CORRESrONDENCE.
not for the present be carried out. The Committee dis-
The College of Preceptors reported that a pharmaceu-
cussed the draft model scheme for the constitution of
tical student had tried to secure registration by fraudulent
Pharmaceutical Committ-ees issued by the Commissioners,
means, and is to be debarred from entering again foii
and the President reported that he had taken the oppor-
any of the examinations of the College. 5
tunity of issuing a circular letter of advice embodying
The British Pharmaceutical Conference invited the^
an offer to allow the Registrar of the Society to be
nomj'nated as returning officer for the elections and to Society to send delegates to the meeting at Chester, and

bear the expenses in the case of Committees which are several members gave in their names for this purpose.

without administrative means. The Committee approved The North London Pharmacists' Association suggested

of the action taken. The Committee resolved to recom- that the evening meetings of the Society sliould be
arranged for some other day than Tuesday. This was
mend that local Associations be advised to adopt the referred to the Scientific Advisory Committee.

model scheme in its entirety, and that a letter of instruc- The Privy Council forwarded a list of patent medicines
which have been registered in Hungary.
tions be issued subject to the approval of the President
The Institute of Chemistry wrote asking for laboratory
and Secretary. The Committee considered the various accommodation for examination candidates. The date, it
v/as stated, would clash with the Society's July examina-
schemes submitted for electing on a territorial basis the tions, but the Secretary thought he would be able to

seven representatives of the Associations on the Execu-

Ative Conmiittee. long discussion ensued. Eventually

it -was decided that in view of the diversity of opinion arrange matters'.
existing among the members of the Committee on this
The Lancaster Pharmacists' Association wrote objectini;
question, the schemes drawn up at the suggestion of the to the Assistants to Chemists and Druggists (Quidifica-
Nottingham Association and by the Secretary and by tion) Bill. This was referred for consideration by the
Law Committee.
Mr. Deakin be sent for consideration to the next Local
Associations Conference. The Secretary reported that This concluded the public bu.siness.
in compliance with the instructions of the Committee last
month he had circularised the Pharmaceutical Committees

in England and Wales for information respecting over- Bolton.—The members of the Bolton Pharmacists Asso-
27, at the invitation of the President, (Mr.
—spent areas. Letters were sent to 139 areas English 123, Mayciation on
—Welsh 16 and replies had been received from 113 in

England and thirteen in Wales. The following is the Herbert Knott) joined in a game of bowls at the Astiey

(result of the information collected : Bridge Bowling Green, and were afterwards entertainca to

England. Wales. tea by Mrs. Herbert Knott.

Paid in full 48 8 Brigrhton.—There was a good muster of members at a
Balance owing 37 3
meotms of the Brighton and Hove Association of i nar-
Deficiency 28 2 niacv held at the Camera Club, Castle Square, BrigliUfl,
10 3 on May 27. In the absence of the President, the chair was
No reply

123 16 occupied by Mr. A. J. Franklin. Among other correspon-
dence. Mr.'C. S. Ashton (Hon. Secretary) read a letter troir
In conser^uence of efforts made by Mr. Glyn-Jones, Mr. Mr. W. W. Savage drawing attention to the .Botamq'
Masterman has promised to receive a deputation soon Garden in Queen's Park, which has been six-cially laiu
after Parliament meets. The following were appointed Aout for scientific students. that Insiiranc^
as the deputation to Mr. Masterman : Messrs. Deakin, suggestion
Kemp, Neathercoat, Rowsell, Sargeant, and Waring, the prescriptions should in future be headed " To bo taken w
President and Secretary. The Committee considered the
question of the Drug Tariff for next year, and after dis- any chemist on the panel" was referred to the J. "a/'lV;
cussion it was decided that the matter be referred to the coiitical Committee. The Chairman gave a resume: ol i""
Pharmaceutical Society's annual meeting, with counnemj-
Local Associations Conference to be held on July 15. Consideration was given to the communication trom

The report was adapted. E Saville Peck, M.A., regarding the suggested code o
rules to secure uniformity in dispensing. There was inui-
Insured Seamen. so u
diversity of opinion as to the question of pprcciita'fe
Mr. Parry brought forward the question of dispensing tion, but a majority advocated the adoption of the ruM
for members of the Seamen's National Insurance Society,
Tvhich is an important question in Liverpool, where not to take all ingredients by weight, scientific accuracy
preferable to custom or convenience. Ineio
only sailors but shore workers belong to the Society. being a strong feeling dcnrecating the prc-criljing *
The practice is for the Insurance Committee to allow a also
certain proportion of the Drug Fund to the Insurance
Society, and this is paid out to medical officers of the proprietary articles, and it was thought that -""l^",,-
Society who do their own dispensing, not only when ot tnr
the propcsed rules might assist in the extension ot .any
practice. It was suggested that before the adoption
be collaboration with ttie Briu-
code of rules there should

Medical Association. _

Colwyn Bay .-The annual meeting of the Cob^'y"
Pharmacists' Association was held on May 12. Itie toi.

Index Folio 878


|ig officers were appointed : Mr. Sykos Chairman, Mr. Swiss Pharmacy.
I'eill Treasurer, and Mr. C. F. Aclainson Hon. Secretary.
Pharmacy in Switzerland is now undergoing a process of
B9«ex.— The Committee of the County Pharmaceutical revolution of interest to chemists in Great Britain, many
ssociation met in London on Wednesday after the Phar- of whom can speak feelingly of what competition means.
aceutical Committee-meeting (p. 52). Arrangements were Philosophers tell us that competition in itself is a good
ade for the election of the new Pharmaceutical Com- thing, but many struggling chemists consider they have
ittee, and it was decided to ask the members to support done nothing to deserve such goodness. Chemists in Swit-
rery one of the present Committee who seeks for re- zerland had licrii lia\-ing quite a good time until recently.
otion. Mr. J. H. Heywood (Southcnd-on-Sea) and Mr. C.

oode (Hon. Secretary) are not seeking re-election. Mr.

eywood's chief interest will in future be centred in Soutli-

d, which is now a county borough. The names of two

emists and druggiists will be put forward in the places

Mr. Heywood and Mr. Goode, and each panel member

1 bo asked to support them.

London (S.E.).—A meeting of the South-East London
larmacists' was held on May 28, when Mr.

Y. Fairweather was in the chair, and Mr. J. Noble,

the North London Pharmacists' Association, read a paper

System in National Insurance Dispensing. Mr. Noble

phasised the necessity of co-operation with kindred asso-

tions in London by members visiting each other's mect-

s for the interchange of ideas and opinions. The address

s of a practical kind, demonstrations being given of

cial methods of dispensing, the necessity of system being

.'ed. A competition as to the proper method of folding

iltcr-paper was introduced and a time test made, which

uved conclusively the advantages of the method sug-
Bted. The majority of the members present folded

ibrding to the wrong method. A vote of thanks was

iren to the lecturer.

fttancbester Assistants.— The annual meeting- of the

linchestcr, Salford, and District Chemists' Assistants' Asso-

cltion was held at the Clarion Cafe. Market Street, Man- 1'hAEMACIE PEINClrALE.
< ster, on May 27, and was preceded by a social half-hour

< h coffee, an innovation which the Chaii-man indicated Now the cash, cutting, or store chemist has appeared in

ifht become a precedent for future meetings. The re- the land two years ago he startled the public of Geneva

tlng President (Mr. Jas. Grier), who occupied the chair, with his cheap prices. Madame Schmidt is just as keen

r jewed the various activities of the session. The as our Mrs. Smith in matters of domestic economy, and to
those who delight in filling themselves with drugs this was
llasurer's report showed a balance to the good on the

y r's working of twenty guineas. The election of officers good news. But to the pharmaciens it was a nasty knock.
They were a united body, however, and, knowing to what
the coming session resulted as follows: President, Mr.


V Kirby; Vice-President. Mr. D. N. Fullerton Treasurer, a state French pharm.acy had fallen, they resolved to crush
their common enemy before much harm had been done.
G. S. T. Livesey ; Hon. Sccretari/, Mr. Walter Jones;

mitor, Mr. J. E."R. Holman ; other members of Com- Not only the retail pharmaciens, but the wholesale chemists,

mee, Messrs. Badrock, Berries. Burton, Craig, Dickin- united in a body to boycott and crush the store man.

K|Doran, Grier, Hough, Kelly, A. Kirby, H. Levi, Lomax. Wholesale firms of other countries, too, were politely asked

Sptard, Swinn, Wilkinson, and Woodhead. A vote of to cease supplying the enemy, the Pharmacie Principale of

tr|iks was accorded to the retiring President, who was Geneva, the subject of this article, or their orders for

wpatulated on his appointment as President of the Man- the other chemists in the whole of Switzerland would cease,-
and their travellers might as well stay away and save their
*i|ter Pharmaceutical Association. The prizes won in the

Klnt prize competition were then distributed to the success- Customs charges. These foreign firms, including English,

luximpetitors First prize. Remington's "Pharmacy." pre- houses, regarded the matter in various ways, and the Phar-
: macie Principale made the best of this boycotting in their

sepd by Messrs. Burroughs Wellcome & Co., to Mr. "Guy P.

J4;s, c/o Boots, Ltd., Kearsley; second prize, books value publicity department. Full-page advertisements in the local

or guinea, presented by the " Council of the Manchester Press, with imaginary trains bringing pharmaceutical pro-

i^fmaccutical Association to Mr. R. Hiccmott Pearce c/o ducts from the four corners of the earth for the long-
mJ. suffering public, appealed to the latter and won its-
Miller, Whalley Range third prize. Squire's " Com-

Papn," presented by the Committee of the Assistants' symijathy.

Asjciation, to Miss Winifred Sharpies, c/o Mr. W. That the public appreciated cash prices was soon
Wles, New Mills. The Chairman announced that Mr.
apparent; the new pharmacy, though large, was continually
-F- _ Bates, while President of the Manchester Phar-
niiptical Association, had offered a series of three prizes thronged, and the staff had the greatest difficulty in meeting
the demands of the customers. Time after time the pre-
loifa label-writing competition, which would take place
mises have been enlarged, the process being almost con-
<iu|pg next session.
tinual, and each time the public was duly informed of the-
. ymouth.—The quarterly meeting of the Plymouth,
fact ; the laboratory and room for putting up stock hav&
IJe nport, and Stonehouse Association of Pharmacists was already invaded the premises next door.

nel at 7 Whimple Street, Plvmouth. on Mav 28, the In the accompanying illustration the first department on-
entering the pharmacy is for patents, and as Geneva is a
fr'jdent (Mr. A. J. Ancliffe) in the chair. There was a
fa lattendanco of members. Mr. Lawrence Spear was most cosmopolitan town a large and varied stock has to be-

ele Hon. Solicitor to the Association in the place of — —kept English, French, German, Swiss, etc. the stock of
Mr jjinn. who ha« left the neighbourhood.
It was decided English patents being as complete as in most English phar-
tha jiiembers of the Association attending the British Phar-
mabtical Conference at Chester in July be asked to act macies. The second department is for the specialities of

as .'legates. Junior Section matters were discussed, and the firm and for packed goods, herbs figuring largely the

fetrod until the next Committee-meeting. third is for retail drugs and mineral waters, and the dis-

\arwlcksblre.-A meeting of the Warwickshire Phar- pensing department is behind it, with half-a-dozen men,

™a|.itical Association was held at the Masonic Rooms, who are kept going all the day. There is a special depart-

mgton, on May ment on the first floor for bandages, trusses, elastic stock-

Jl^- 20, a report of which has been fur- ings, etc., with a lady attendant. Silverware is not

"'^'fl to the members. stocked, nor photographic materials. Generally speaking,

V>iverhampton. - A meeting of the Wolverhampton English goods are preferred, " Made in England " being

v|^oDfmjusctshaiAr,ssoacnidattihoenrewawserheeladlsoonprMeaseynt27t.hirMtere.n Hall was looked upon with favour. The assistants, numbering about
fifty, are very cosmopolitan, and between them speak most
t« vu' u CJoleman (Hon. Secretary). It was decided of -the European languages. The other pharmaciens, seeing-
Leamington on that the new venture was succeeding, formed a limited-
TnJ'oc . annual outmg at Warwick and company among themselves and opened an opposition phar-

whorri.lil i, ,has sympathy was sent to Mr. F. A. Will-
met with an accident. The President stated macy on similar lines, with the object of shutting up the
Pharmacie Principale, and later on opened a branch, and
_na'::)ver 10/. has been collected for the Pharmaceutical

™<?ntary Fund. The questions sent bv Mr. Peck about intend opening further branches; they even went so far as-

•un-inal prescriptions were discussed, and the Secretary
^^as astructed to forward suitable answers. to have a lottery, each purchaser of a given amount receiv-

Nowing a ticket, first prize being l,000f. there is a price

Index Folio 879


war, and the pcoplo smilo and the other chemists look TRADE REPORT.

sad. Th3 prices given in tliis section are those obtained by importers o«
manufacturers for bulk quantities or original packages. To these
Here are a iew of the prices of English patents to give an
prices various cliarges tiave to be added, wliereby values are \i
idea of the cutting : Allcock's plasters 5^d. ; Sen-Sen 2d.
many instances greatly augmented before wliolesale dealer!
EUiman's embrocation. Is. 2^d. and 2s. Id. euthymol tooth- receive the goods into stock, after which much expense may bi
incurred in garbling and the like. Qualities of chemicals, drugs
paste, 9<Z. ; glymiel, 5^d. and Q^d. : Pears' soap, 4(:Z. and oils, and many other commodities vary greatly, and highci'
prices than those here quoted are charged for selected qualiticl
'3d. ; Pond's extract, Is. Id. and 2s. 2^d. After paying car- of natural products even in bulk quantities Retail buyer;
cannot, therefore, for these and other reasons, expect ti
riage and Customs duties there is nothing left for the purchase at the prices quoted here.

—chemist in these prices. (227/70.)


By a M.R.C.V.S.

Dropsy in Sheep. 42 Cannon Street, E.C., June 4, 6.30 p.m.

This is a disease more or less subject to the seasons, rpHE holiday mood has not yet left the market, aivj
it is usually seen in wet and cold weather and on moist
and marshy pastures ; it is also' caused by rotten turnips J- comparatively little business is being done, but
and deficiency of food. Prevention is of paramount
better feeling exists. The hot weather has increased th
demand for citric acid, but deliveries are difficult to get

importance, as when there is an outbreak treatment is The most prominent features of the short week are th;

•usually of no avail. The symptoms resemble those of stiffening in ergot prices owing to short supplies, a furthe
fluke or liver-rot ; these are watery and bloodless eyes, firming of the price of chrysophanic acid, and an advaiicj
watery swellings betv/een the jaws, intense swelling of the in chloral hydrate. The following table puts the chani;e|
belly, lassitude and dulness, with no inclination to move
about, panting and deep and laboured breathing and in brief :

heaving, constipation and latterly diarrhoea, frequency Higher Firmer Easier Lower
in voiding urine, which is passed in largo quantities, is

of a pale colour or tint, while as th© disease progresses

the urine may not be passed at all, this exaggerating the Belladonna- Cantharides Cod liver oil
<lisease and hast-ening death. Poat-murtem examination Cocaine
reveals watery and anaemic flesh and softening of the Chloral hydrate Ergot
kidneys, so that the latter resemble rotten cheese or Chrysophanic
23ears. As already mentioned, preventive measures must _
be taken by seeing to better feeding, shelter, and drjniess acid
of the pastures. It is advisable at this time to consider Morphine
Gallic acid Opium
Nux vomica

and make provision for future seasons. Treatment is 'I hymol Tui'2)entiue

usually unsuccessful, but good may result if it is adopted

Abefore the disease has gone too far. course of the Cablegrams.

following may be given twice or thrice daily : Bergex, June 3.— The week's fishing at Fin
marken brings up the total catch of cod this season t(|
Ferri sulphat. —sj. 71,662,000, against 66,646,000 last year. The yield of oij
Pulv. gentianse
jij. M. is estimated at 52,140 hectolitres, against 41,80'-

Should the animal be very valuable or pedigreed, a hectolitres last season. The latest reports from Finj
marken are to the effect that the fishing is improving, am!
thorough continuous and persevering course of nursing in consequence the market is easier at 70-s. per barrel f.o.b,.

may prove effectual, but it is seldom the animal is much —New York, June 3. Business on this market is fair]

.good afterwards. Give tr. ferri perchlor. sJ.-jij. three Opium is steady at $6.80. Peppermint oil is firmer, buj
times daily, and after a time, when an improvement is
.$4.25 remains the quotation. Tolu balsam is lower aij
seen, the following should be given twice or thrice daily : 53c. Menthol easier at .$3. Buckthorn bark is deareii
at 15c. Copaiba is easier, 41c. being to-day's quotation;
Ammon. carb. 5j. Cascara sagrada is steady at 8c. per lb., and Amer;ca;j

Spt. aether, nit ... 3ij. saffron easier at 55c.

Tr. camph. co. ... ... ... 3ij.
—31 j. M.
Tr. gentianee

Retention of Urine in Dog.

This is u.sually a complication of some other disease London Markets.
such as paralysis, effects of certain medicines {i.e., can-
tharides), enlargement of the prostate gland, calculi in Belladonna-root is dearer this week, owing to the exj
eeptional scarcity; as much as 70s. per cwt. is wante<|
the bladder or urethra, obstruction of the urethral
by holders.
opening, etc. The symptoms are severe pains, violent
straining, frequent and ineffectual attempts to urinate, Benzoin is selling slowly at last auction rates. Twenty
only a few drops being discharged at a time, f£Eces of a
fiigh colour, and the animal displays various signs character- one cases of Palembann- have been landed.
istic and easily observed as pertaining to the urinary
organs. The treatment is to find out the cause and act BucHU.—The news in regard to the crop reports does no
.accordingly pass catheter (no matter from whatever j

; carry the information beyond what was reported in o"!

cause, the catheter must be passed to give immediate issue of May 23. The resolution come to by the Cap|
j-elief), foment or poultice over loins and hips and down
course of penis, and give liyoscyamus or opium inter- Provincial Council (see p. 60) is of importance as regard.|
nally. Feed on milk, eggs, beef-tea, and mucilaginous
drinks. It may be necessary to pass the catheter several future supplies.

Camphor.—Refined is firm, following upon the reoenj
advance in English flowers and the short supply of crude I

Sales are reported of January shipment 4-oz. Japancfl

tablets at li. 9-J.d. The situation is dealt with ni an artici'j

times daily until the cause of the disease is removed. on p. 49. ij
Naturalists' Congress.—This year's Congress of German
Cantharides.—Paissian is still very scarce, only ver\|

small lots coming on to the market and readily fetcbinfj

naturalists and doctors will be held at Hanover from 7.S. per lb. i
September 20 to 27. On the evening of September 22 the
members of the Pharmaceutical Section will hold a jete. Cap.sicdms are slow of sale, 171 bales Bombay yellow anij

Brulon Bottle-caps. - The Chemischo Fabrik von reddish part perished offered at auction being bought Ji,j
Heyden in Radeboul-Dresdcn have introduced a new self-
at 30.S. to 33.S. :'
fixing bottle-cap, which is supplied either transparent or
opaque and in all colours. The cap fits itself to the shape Cascara Sagrada.—Old bark is scarce; some that ha?
of the stopper on di'ying.
been in London warehouses for eight years

sold this week at 37*. 6d. per cwt., and cannot be re"

Index Folio



—Cassia Fistula. Since cable orders meet with no reply, Hamburg, and difficulty is being met with in obtaining

is to be assumed that the reports received by mail any reliable offers from the Int-erior. At the present

'om the producing districts are correct that a very small level of prices there is very little inducement offered to

)llection has been made this year. European stocks are the local farmers to bring in hand-picked quality, and
mparatively small, and a strong upward tendency has
t in; 20s. to 21.s. c.i.f. is now asked. before anything definite can be known as to this ycar'.-^

crop the nsual thrashing period, which takes place at the

Chloral Hydrate, after a long period of dej)ression end of the year, must be waited for. Good sound on the

The 8ULspot l.s. 8(/.'to l.".'. 111. iier lb.
id falling prices, has suddenly recovered to llfrf. to c.i.f. price is l.s.

Jj-rf. per lb. for quantity, i^ackages extra. Pricte for —AEucalyptus Oil. scarcity of amygdalina oil is.

ickages are awaited from the Continent. reported on this market, but some is available at lOrf. per

—Chrysophanic Acid. The continued scarcity of Goa lb. The demand for this kind of oil is now very

)\vder affects the price of this product, and holders want limited in ext-ent in this country compared w'ith thc^

. per lb. now. The latest buuiness done was at 8s. 6d. greatly increased demand in Australia, where it is very

—Cinchona. At Amsterdam on June 12 1,235 bales and largely used in certain mining processes, with the result

4 cases of bark (the latter pharmaceutical) will be offered that the Australian markets are of greater importance to

auction. These represent 95,927 kilograms of bark, and distillers than are the American and European markets,

|ual 2,777 kilograms of quinine sulphate. which do not take more than 1 per cent, of the annual

Our Amsterdam corrospondcnt, Avriting on June 3, says amount distilled. The demand for other kinds of oil has

0 N.V. Nederl. Veem 'reports that the shipments from also diminished recently, but business is reported in .so-

iva to Europe during May amounted to 1.224,000 Amst. called globulus' oil, satisfying the B.P. and U.S. P. tests,

May.. against 976,000 Amst. lb.' in 1913. The total ship- mat Is. '6-!^d. per lb. Genuine globulus is 2s. per lb., both

cnts January-May were 6,207.000 Amst. lb., against cases in contract quantities.

May)62,400 Amst. lb. in 1913. —Gallic Acid. Owing chiefly tn the scarcity of Chinese

Citric Acid is still very difficult to get, and makers galls, this acid is dearer. Is. 8(/. per lb. being quoted

e not accepting more contracts at the pricec last quoted,

lould the weather continue to be warm, higher rates may for cwt. lots.
expected. From Hamburg it is reported that the
—Gamboge. Seven cases of Siam lump have arrived in

imera Agrumaria has again increased the price of lime London.

;rat-6 by 10 lires per 100 kilos., but s'nuiltaneously offered Ginger was in fair supply at auction, but of the
772 bags offered only 41 bags Cochin washed sold at 25.s.,
somewhat larger quantity than in the spring months, in

der to further the sales in the summer months. Of the remainder being bought in at 26.s. to 50.s. for Cochini
and 26s. for brown rough Calicut. Of 161 packages
is year's Sicilian citrate production, probably two-thirds .Jamaica, five barrels middling sold at 42.s.

e 6old, so that for the iie.xt seven months only a third

at disposal. Insect-flowers are quiet, but the demand is growin^i

—Cloves. Ten cases picked Penang were bought in at owing to warmer weather. Best closed flowers are quoted
120s. per cwt., but there is not much stock on the spot.
ction at l.s. M. ; two eases Ceylon fair bright sold at
—Ipecacuanha. Forty-four bales of Johore culture are
Id. Privately, Zanzibar is quiet but steady, with

lers of fair quality spot at Sfrf., June-August delivery coming forward at next auction.

d., and August-October Sl-ld.' For arrival j\Iay-July —Lemon Oil. On the basis of a report about the Sicilian

pment sellers at 5^|f/. and June-August 5^-|f/., with makers' meeting last Saturday, 6.s. 8f/. per lb. c.i.f. is
reported as the normal price, but quotations on this market
yers at S^d. c.i.f. d.w. range from 5.s. 3rf. to 6.s. IQ-J. c.i.f. The growers are
considering an amalgamation, but so far nothing definite'
—[Cocaine. Firmer. Several Continental makers' have has been done towards that end, and buyers here seem
sceptical. To-day one agent asks 7s. 4d. (substantially
me to an informal agreement as to prices, and 4-?. Id.

4-?. 2d. per oz. is the lowest that can be got now for

3 hydrochloride, on a parity with 140ni. per kilo, in

rmany. Crude is weak at 115in. The general feeling a rise of bd.), and the market closes firmer.

that the bottom has been reached. —Liquorice-root. Business has been done in rough root

—jOCa-leaves. In auction at Amsterdam on June 12 the from the Persian Gidf and Levant at 12Z. lO.s. per ton ex

res offered will equal 147,734 kilograms, with the ap- wharf.

bximate alkaloidal content of 2,532 "kilograms. —Mace. West Indian was in good supply at auction, open-

Die exports from Java to Europe during May amountGd ing Id. to 2d. lower, closing steadier, but being Id. down
2,527 packages, against 2,484 packages in May 1913. The
on the average, 174 packages selling. Fair to good pale
al exports January-May amounted to 13.657 "packages in
4 and 14,887 packages 'in 1913. sold at 2.S. to 2.S. 2d., ditto palish at Is. 10c?. to 2.?., pale
and reddish at l-s. lOrZ. to 2s., fair to good red at Is. 9d.
OD-LiVER Oil.—The market is still firm at last week's to Is. IQd., blood-red at Is. 8d. to Is. 91., and broken
stations for new Lofoten oil.
at l.s. 3f/. to l.s. 5d. Four cases mouldy Penang offered
Hie follo\ving report is by Messrs. Frcudcntbeil & Co. : were bought in at 2*. 6d., and of four cases Java one case-
mouldy sold at 1?. 8d.. the remainder, fair red, being
f-ho quantity of livers set aside_for natural oils and the bought in at 2s. 2d. Ten cases good bright Bombay Wild
were taken out at l-s.
put of cod-liver oil up to May were as follows :

Catch of Livers Yield of ^Menthol ir> unchanged from last week. lO.s. 3^/. being
for raw asked, but lOs. l^rf. would buy Japanese. Mint oil is-
cod oil (heet.) c.l.o. unchanged.
inmarken, 1914 ... 13,753,000 (hect.)
1,902 ... Morphine is firmer in view of the opium-crop reports,,
do. 1913 ...25,478,000 2,195 ... 9.286
Vhole country, 1914... 71,70J,000 9,802 ... 16,272
8,186 ... 52 141
do. 1913... 68,600,000 41,804

''^"11 be observed by our cablegram from Bergen that but can be bought at last week's quotations.
fishing has improved during the past week, and the
—Nutmegs. West Indian steady for larger sizes, smali
rket there is easier.
and medium ^d. lower ow'ing to defective condition. At.
i^REAM OF Tartar.—Unchanged at last week's quota-
auction, of the heavy supply of 516 packages West Indian.

3ragon's-blood.—The new arrivals are 8 cases of lump. 512 sold : 68's at l^d.. 70's at Id., 71's to 76's at 5|f/-

English Herbs.—The belladonna crop promises to he to 6^d., 78's to 79"s at 5^^. to 5^-;.. 82'6 to 83's at 5d.
average one, but the henbane is thin. Lavender has
lered from the frost, and the crop of peppermint is to to 5;^f/., 85's to 92's at 4|</. to 5(/., 93's at 4|rf., 96's to
l50's at 4^d. to 4f(f., defective from S-^fZ. to 6d., and
69's in shell at od. Two cases Penang sold, 75's at 7-^d. :
i-RaoT.— Several large parcels of Eussian have recently
and 14 cases limed Java, 76's at 5^d., 108's at 4|-A, broken
by Continental manufacturers, in consequence
w"hui^cTh'"'xe^vy the spot in and defective 3|f/.
little, if any, now remains on
—Nux Vomica. The continued scarcity of seeds, which

have advanced by 25 per cent, recently, is having effect
upon strychnine, which is very firm. The arrival of

l!'d<:x Folio 881


784 barrels of seed by the Clan Lindscn/ is reported. The Thymol is scarce and dear, and the makers have sol
crop prospects in the East are still untavourable, and the out, their price now being 7s. 6d. per lb.
forward lookout is not good. The lowest quality is only
available here, and 12s. 6c?. per cwt. is the price for it. Turpentine is firmer, this evening's' price for Americs
being 32s. ll^d. per cwt. spot.
—Olive Oil. The crop prospects are not promising, and
The Tax on Buchu.
the market Is rather firm, at 4s. 6c?. per gal. for medicinal
During the sitting of the Cape l'r<ivincial Council <
oil in contract quantities.
May 14, Mr. Lawrence Woodliead, M.P.C., moved th

Opium is; firmer, and is regarded in some quarters as representations be made by the Executive Committeo

slightly dearer, 15s. 3c/. to 15s. 6d. c.i.f. having been paid the Forest Department in regard to the 'excessive tax pa

for 11-per-cent., and 16s. c.i.f. is asked for 11^-per-cent. on buchu gathered on Crown lands, with a view to tl

A Smyrna correspondent wrote on May 22 that "early reduction of the tax to 2s. per lb. It was only of recei|

years, he said, that buchu had been exported under tan,

this week the Interior reported a material deficit in the it had been sold previously at 2d. to 4d. per lb. Tl'
crop owing to drought, and as a natural consequence small
speculative purchases were effected, bringing up the price of markets had very largely increased, and gradually the priij

had risen until last year it reached 6s. M. per lb. Tli

'extra' Karahissar (lli-per-cent.) to 16s. Zd. and 11-per- "Government had first put a tax of Is. bd. per lb. on buclj

cent. Karahissar to 15s. 6fZ. Since Wednesday, however, gathered on Crown lands; the next year it was increase'

conious rains have fallen all over the country, which very to 2s. bd.. and during the present fiscal year it had be('
further increased to 3s., which Mr. Woodhead considered k,
iikely will save in part the reported deficit, -md although

prices have not receded, there is a feeling that holders will high. The consequence was that not so much is Ix^ir'
sell at a shilling lower. The sales in all amount to 15 cases
(for Interior and local speculators. Arrivals amount to 4,627 exported, the figures being as follows: In 1912. 223,000 111

of a value of 38,000i!., was exported, and in 1913 there w.|

cases, against 2,420 cases." onlv 163.000 lb., of a value of 32,000/. Mr. VVoodhe;

A Constantinople correspondent, writing on May 50, states believed that when the figures for 1914 are published
that the week's sales comprise 19 cases druggists' at ptrs. 218
will ho found that there is again a very large shrinkag.

to 225, three cases "softs" at ptrs. 240, and six oaees wHis firm had had several letters from dealers in bucl
Malatia at ptrs. 250 per oke. The demand continues, the
districts, and they stated that now they had to pay a

market during the week being well maintained. Stocks in of 3s. per lb. it is not worth picking the leaf. Ihe colle
tion of it costs at least bd. per lb. The price of bucl
Constantinople have been well kept back, and the opinion
is held that at the commencement of the new crop lower stands at about 4s. per lb., and there is no likelihood of

prices than the present cannot be expected. Arrivals this advancing. The United States of America buys the large!

season (figures in parentheses relating to 1913) arc : Drug- quantity of it, but recently there had been a <liminisli<i

gists' 1,909 (1,504), "softs" 1,247 (862). and Malatia 346 (338). export "to that country, becaus'e the moment the price <'
The stock consist of druggists' 298 (252), "softs" 55 (108),
and Malatia 7 (63). buchu rose above 4s. per lb. they used a substitule. In tb

interest of the Capo Province, he pleaded that the tax l-

—Pepper. Steady. At auction 50 bags Ceylon offered and reduced to 2s. per lb. Mr. J. D. Cartwright, M.P.C;

sold, good heavy at 5|/., fair at 4ld., light shelly and seconded the motion. On the suggestion of Ihe Admini

trator (Sir Frederic De Waal), it was agreed that thi

small 4^f/. 134 bags Tellicherry were bought in at 5^c/., words "Union Government" be inserted in the motion i

and 60 bags Lampong at 4fc/. The private market is place of " Forest Department." The Administrator state'

quiet, with sellers of fair Singapore spot at 4-|-|(/., while that the buchu area in the Cedarberg is divided into fou!

August-October shipment sold at 4|c/. to 4||f/., and Lam- areas, and they are thrown open alternately in order th£

pong August-October shipment sold at 4-l^-d. and buyers; the plant miglit recuperate. There are other bucliu area*

Tellicherry August-October steamers sellers at 45s. 6c/. but most is "found in the Western Conservancy. Iti to<

and buyers 45s., all c.i.f. d.w. No business is reported on period 1903 to 1908 the Government only charged 1(/. per lb[

and the amount collected was about 40O lb.; in 1909 r

the terminal market yesterday. White jjepper is quiet, tax was raised to 2c/.; in 1910 to id.; in 1911 to 6ct.


33 bags fine bold washed Muntok offered at auction being 1912 to Is. 6cZ. ; in 1913 to 2s. bd. ; and in 1914 to 3s. pei

bought in at Is. Spot demand is slow, with sellers of fair lb. The tax collected in the Western Conservancy
to 1912 was between 300/. and 400/. a year. When the ta|
Singapore at 8|f/. and fair Muntok 9d. became Is. 6c/. 2,933/. was the amount raised, the same a
2s. bd. and last year, when the rate for picking was OS.;
—Peppermint Oil. American on spot is 18s. to 18s. 6d., Heonly 1,268/. was raised.
thought that 3s. is very tiigli.
mand the market is firmer. In view of business done
and that at 4s. per lb. it is very hard that thrcc-fourtlii
New York by speculative buyers at 12s. 6c/. per lb. for should be taken away and only one-fourth left to th,

October-December, sellers here quote the same price c.i.f. unfortunate buchu-picker. The motion was carried.

for shipments then.
decidedly firmer market. Agents for Ger- Norwegian Cod-liver Oil.

man makers have mad© large sales this week at Is. Id. In a note on Norwegian cod-liver oil appearing in "Tlr'

for isulphate, and there have also been sales by second- Lancet" of May 23, reference is made to the repor,

"hand holders at Is. O^d. It appears that speculators are of the researches of Dr. Johan Hjort, Director o.
Fisheries, in the course of which it is stated that com
renewing their interest in the article, and this feeling is siderable light has been thrown on the migrations ot tn^

traced to the persistence of bubonic plague in Java. The cod and on its rate of growth. " In 1915 2.400 cod wcr

cinchona area is not yet touched, but the disease is caught, marked, and put back. Of these, 27s9howwesrethcaatugmh
again in the same season, a result which
spreading. The expected consideration of the price after cod which wa
drain on the supply must be heavy. A
the Amsterdam auction also seems to liave awakened marked on March 17. 1913, at Honningsvaer. wa.s caugn

speculation. again on February 12, 1914, at S6rvaag. This shows tna,
the cod returns to the Lofote.n banks year by year, ana;
—Sabadilla-seed. Arrivals and sales of the new crop incidentally, that the method of marking adopted stanai
have been estimated to date at 1,000 bags. Further, the test of" time. The rate of growth
bv the increase in length from 1913, and again on
about 1,000 bags afloat have been offered, for which 55s. 8.7 to
tlie case of a cod caught on
first cost is asked without business passing. It appears May 26.

to be confirmed that the total crop this season will not

exceed 2,000 to 2,500 bags. February 19, 1914. It was also found that cod had t;''avelie
as many'as 1,700 kilometres during the few months whicn na<,
Saffron is firm. Beneficial rains have ameliorated the
conditions for the new crop next November. elapsed between the marking and the second cateh. ,

have previouslv called attention to similar records ol ft,
Hjort's researches, but the alxjve dates are more recent. f
Salol has been re'duced to Is. Ojc/. per lb., and Is. 8^c/.

in cwt. quantities. Java Cinchona. *

—Sarsaparilla. Native is in good demand, but supplies The first annual meeting of the Boenii Kas.«o Cinchoni;

are scarce. The arrivals include 27 bales grey Jamaica, Cultivation Co., Ltd., was held on April J',^'.";,,"
report on the year's working it appears that
"9 bales of Lima, and 1 Native. 11464-,^ZM HJios-

—Tartaric Acid. Foreign crystals' are quoted Is. 0|c/. bark was harvested and disposed of, partly in Amsterdan,
and partly to the Bandoeng factory. The crop was obtain^,
per lb., and English Is. 1-^d. y8Tb,evh0ae0rt0shcikoonifmnloiptsna,hgne voawfnohdraqksupiirnncuiognnnietonrfgascuttalhenepdhaactrtooeenatdrieoanlfcitev2aeibcrehltxbw>oauefrweksntohepenqluaitfniv"tra®seitr^csun"nfs."„"^

Thyme Oil is not likely to be much cheaper than at
present. The Spanish crop is not good owing to drought,
and the French is a medium one.

Index Folio 882


—quinine-makers viz., from July 1 to June 30 of 1913-14.

1914-15, and 1915-16. Up to December 31, 1913, 3.575 kilos,
of quinine sulphate had been delivered in Amsterdam, and
since then 1,000 kilcs. has been ~ent to : the re

tnainder will be delivered in Amsterdam before June 30 next.

The gross profits of the compatiy in 1913 amounted to 59,913
Fromflorins and the net profits to 33,328 florins.
this 9,63lili Memoranda for Correspondents.

was written oft for buildinfi-s and 771fl. carried to reserve, All communications must be accompanied by the names and
addresses of the writers, otherwise they cannot be dealt with.
leaving enough to pay a dividend of 8 per cent, on the
Queries by subscribers on dispensing, legal, and miscellaneous
capital of 250,000fl. subjects connected with the business are replied to in these
columns if they are considered to be of general interest.
Anatolian Otto of Rose.
Correspondents are requested to write each query on a separate
As a re.suit of the war in the Balkan States, the bulk piece of paper. Every endeavour is made to reply to queries
of the production of Anatolian otfco, which in former years without delay, but insertion of the replies in " the next issue"
wa<s sold to Bulgarian exporters and exported thence as cannot be guaranteed, nor, as a rule, can they be sent by post.
Bulgarian otto, now finds its way to Smyrna, from which
it is shipped to Europe. The production, however, is quite Letters submitted for publication (if suitable) should be written
small, probably between 300 and 400 kilos. The district on one side of the paper only. Their publication in " Th»,
of Isbarta (Sparta, Asia Minor) is the principal source, and Chemist and Drugerist " does not imply Editorial agreement
it is said that the farmers are still ignorant of the methods with the opinions expressed.
of adulterating the oil, and that the oil supplied by them
is quite pure. There is always a stock of Anatolian otto More Thanks.
kept in London by dealers, who are convinced that it is equal
—Sir, I shall feel indebted to you if you will kindly
to the finest Bulgarian otto.
allow me to thank those 1.823 members of the Pharma-
The Growth of Linseed=oil Output. ceutical So'ciety who voted for me at the Council election.
Though I failed to obtain a seat on the Council this time,
In the famine years 1910 and 1911 the home output of I am hoping to do so next. I believe that "it is better
linseed oil averaged about 80,000 tons per annum, and the
basis spot price in London fluctuated between 31?. 10s. and to have stood and lost than never to have stood at all,"
51/. 10,s'. per ton, the average in these two years being
38/. 5s. 6(7. and 42/. 14.s. 6cZ. respectively. The market was but better still to stand again. I am not one of those
who have " risen from the ranks," I am still there, and
again very stringent during the first half of 1912, the value wish to represent the hardworking pharmacist, who is by
touching 47/., and although the home outjjut in that year
no means adequately paid for his services to the public.
managed to reach only 85,764 tons, the price came down
Yours faithfully,
with a run later in the year to 25/. 5s. in anticipation of an
Ch.arles W. Brumv^'ell.
enormous increase in the make, which, indeed, for 1913
" Aqua" and Discounted Bills.
reached about 202,000 tons. The increase in the world's
shipments of linseed for 1913 against 1912 amounted to about —Sir, It would bo an immense help to stopping discount-
722,000 tons, of which an excess of about 450.000 tons was
absorbed by tbis country, making allowance for the re- ing if the chemists would cease to charge for distilled
exports. In 1904 the home make was 168,500 tons, or about
34,000 tons less than last year, and the price dropped to water while using tap-water. Last summer I had four

13/. 15s. per ton, the lowest ever i-ecorded in the history locum berths in four counties, and this was the prevailing
of the industry, whereas last year it was not allowed to
depreciate below 22/., and the year's average was 24/. 15s.. —custom in the whole lot. All that is wanted apart from
or 8i. 5s. per ton higher than in 1904, although the output
of Continental crushers showed an increase of about 124.000 this is a pooling of the drug funds. Yours, etc.,
tons, or 7.000 tons more than in the LTnited Kingdom.
This maintenance of the price at a pretty high level, in DisrENSER. (242/54.)
spite of an unprecedented huge increase of production, has
been a very striking feature, which is largely the result of —Sir, In connection with the Birmingham Insurance
the big additional outlet secured for the product through
the hardening process chiefly in connection with soap- Committee's instruction as to "aqua " (C. <L- D., May 30,

making. For the first four montlis of this year the home p. 61), I feel that chemists are on the eve of a great
output of oil amounted to about 55,500 tons, or 11.500 tons
more than for the corresponding period last year, but this fight, and it behoves them to act in concert or they

will be beaten in the encounter. If all chemists on the

panel will only act together and refuse to be dictated

to by the doctors they will gain their point. It is not

surplus is rather misleading, as the latter has not been a question of saving a few poiuids sterling on the drug

taken up by trade houses, but has been lodged in public bills so much as a question of purity and principle.
wareliouses. as may bo gathered from the rapid swelling
of the London stocks, which have now actually reached ^Lmy chemists have done the same as myself : gone to

10,000 tons. This, coupled with the Paris stocks, which the trouble and expense of setting up a still for the

have grown at a similar rate, represents a total of well specific purpose of alwa.ys having freshly distilled water

over 20.000 tons, against practically nil a year ago. There is for Insurance dispensing. Presumably this is to count

1 no overlooking the f^ct that the article now commands a for naught, simply to save the doctors the trouble of

much wider use than in the past, and for this reason the writing "aqua font." on the prescriptio:i if they wish

much larger quantities now held in reserve are not of a ordinary tap-water tO' be nsed. Another point the

particularly threatening character. The recent low range doctors seem to have overlooked is the agreement signed

I of values, not experienced for about four years, indeed. liBus by chemists on the one hand, and by the Insurance Com-

1 done much to stimulate general consumption. There are as mittees on the other, in which the charges which the

I yet no signs of any considerable portion of the huge oil chemist can legally make are fixed by the Tariff, and in
reserves now in existence being pressed for sale. For one which distilled water figures. It is to be hoped the

thing. Continental oil exports to this side have in the chemists of Birmingham and of other towns in which


few years undergone a considerable contraction, the figui'es

of imports from the Continent for the first four months of similar propositions have been made will stand firm and

I this year being only 3,176 tons, showing a decrease of about —insist upon their just demands. Yours sincerely,


1 5,800 tons against 1913 and 9,800 tons against 1912. Saltley. James Austin.

The First Medicinal Hekb-m.\rket held in Europe was The Insurance Dispensing Crisis.
opened on March 24 at Wangs in the Swiss Canton of St.
—vSiR, I with interest the latter portion of your
Gallen. A large number of hand-barrows and children's —leading article " Insurance Dispensing Crisis " that the

mcars, fully laden with sacks of herbs, were collected together Insurance Committees will early be able to have a com-

the School House Square, and near them stood men. plete audit of 1913 accounts. From this we shall know
women, and children as sellers. Father Kiinzle, to whose
the exact amount which will be available towards the
initiative and eflforts the establishment of this market is
due. was present, and helped considerably in finding out for settling of those accounts. I very much doubt if it is
the buyers the oarticular kinds of herbs they wanted. There
was (we learn from a German contemporary) a most magni- over 5 per cent, on the amount of that which we have

ficent assortment, and apothecaries and druggists from all already been paTd. Then comes the remaining deficit,
parts of Switzerland sent their buyers; consequently the
market proved most successful. The next one will be held which in some areas will amount to no less than 30 per

in October. cent. How are we to get this ? In the first place,

there is the surcharging of the doctors, which has been

done in Salford, at a cost of 70/. hard cash, with what

Index Folio 885


result ?—that Clause 46, taken on an average basis, is ,i know why the little stream I speak of, rather than one of
farce. It has been said in the "House" that a medical the two bigger ones, the Lliw and the Twrch, should be
man cannot be surcharged on the average basis, but called the Dyfrdwy, but so it is. And I greatly fear Mr.

only on specific instances of excessive prescribing or Owen is not a poet, or he would not attribute the poor
lines Englished from a German paraphrase for Haydn'.s--
careless ordering of drugs, and such cases are difficult
libretto, in which only two words of our " mighty-mouthed
•to find. Yet what are the areas which have a deficiency
doing? Tliey are going on the same lines as Salford inventor of harmonies" are retained, to Milton, or spend
wasting time and money and sowing contention between
ink on that wretched barber whose act has virtually robbed
the msdical men and the chemists. Is it any wonder
when a medical man has a bill presented to him for Moel Geraint of its true name, yet omit to mention Nest
of Plas Eglwyseg (the Welsh Helen) and Myfanwy of
nearly 200Z. (which has occurred) he should say, " How Caer Dinas Bran. But I thank him for reviving many
do you expect me to pay this bill when I have not had memories of these lovely scenes and their legends.
the goods? The insured have had them. Why should I
Yours, etc.,
pay?" I don't blame the doctor for not paying. I
C. C. Bell.

contend that the Commissioners are to blame for not Bookkeeping for Chemists.

giving guidance to the medical men and the chemists, —Sir, In reply to " Xrayser II. 's " reflections, I will
who have been left to fight their own battles, with the
result of many cross-charges. These on the whole have venture to point out to him that I have never suggested

broaght them closer together and more in .sympathy that the Pharmaceutical Society should teach bookkeep-

witli each other. I look forward to tlie time when we ing io' chemists. I advocate that students should be re-
shall join hands and approach the Government for a
quired to show an elementai'y knowledge of the subject.
higher drug-allowance, which at present is less than i,d
a week per insured person. I\^ow, with regard to the "Xrayser II." uses the " argumentum ad absurdum " I
deficiency of our accounts, what hope hfivc we of getting
tliis? The majority of your correspondents have either will use the " a fortiori " argument. The Pharmaceutical

overlooked the fact that they have signed a contract Society does not teach algebra and geometry, yet it

or they are endeavouring to hide that fact. I know requires a student to pass an examination in those sub-
that if I sign a contract and lose by it I cannot as a
jects, even though they cannot bo considered peculiar to-
business act send an account of mv loss to the party
with whom I contracted. Is this a legal contract which pharmacy. While knowledge is always more ox les*
we have signed? If so, then the only hope of getting
useful, one cannot consider algebra and geometry essential
any of the deficit is by an act of o-race on the part of
to the business of a chemist. How much more, then,
the Commissioners. Now is the time for the Standing
should it be necessary for a chemist to have a knowledge
Committee to take .steps and see what our position is :
they have suflrcient data on which to make a move. All of bookkeeping which is a matter of vital importance if

this talk of trade unionism cannot help us in Insurance he is to succeed ? I maintain that if a chemist is to be
matters, for the Standinn- Committee are the only recog-
nised body witb ivhom the Commissioners will act. and superior in education to other tradesmen, his education
the onus rests with them to look to our interests: yet
should be superior all round, and not in scientific subjects
3row little we hear of them.
only. As to Mr. Jerome's facetious remark about being

born in Germany and being brought np by the police,

though I yield to no- one in patriotism, I think the-

average educated German reflects, if that be the case,

great credit on their police ! It was to Germany we went

for lessons in National Health Insurance, and they are

by no means behind ns as chemists, as proved by a

Yours truly, glance at the various synthetic and other remedies on our

shelves. Yours faithfully,

"Script. (242/59.) Charles Yv". Brumwell.

— BoHier's T<=st fo~ Arachis Oil. — Are Asscci'ations a Failure?

Sir, As all Dharmacists are interested in obtaining Sir, At the onset, please let me make my meaning

genuine olive oil it may not be out of place to point quite clear. After two years' work as hon. secretai-y of
a chemists' local Association, I have at last come to the
out that occasionally a genuine oil oives an pnparent conclusion that I must be at fault for the apathy which

positive reaction for .nrachis when tested by Bellier's exists in our pharmaceutical corner. Can you. Sir, or
Amethod. any other hon. secretary, help me with ideas and experi-
sample of genuine olivf> oil recently ex- ences by which I may profit, and so make our organisa-
tion other than a paper one ?
amined by this te=:t "ave a considerable precipitate
Combination and organisation have been preached from
resembling the crystalline denosit one expects to find

when arachis oil is present, but the same samnle sub-

mitted to Pepard's exhibited no signs of this im-

purity. This experience is not new. and has been every possible platform as being the salvation of the

recorded before: but the fact that this is an actual chemist. I do not think I ever fully apprec'ated the

possibility might easily be overlooked, and as it is the up-hill fight of the Pharmaceutical Society until I took

first time that it has occurred in mv own experience I just one little bit in hand myself, in organKjing and keep-

have thought it worth recording lest it mi.ght be lost ing together men whose interests are identical. When

sight of. Bellier's test has much in its favour for com- we first started, the Association started with a rush;

mercial purposes owing to the readiness with wbich it everyone worked according to his power, and meetings
can be applied and the savinr: of ti:ne effected ; but it
would seem that when it yields a positive result it Wewere fully attended. were quoted in several parts

should be confirmed by the 'method of Eenard, wliich. of the country as an example of what could be done

though somewhat tedious, is generallv conceded to be when men, tinged with enthusiasm, were pulling together.

Alas our very success seems to have killed us, and the

very reliable. Yours faithfully. members of the Association, except for a few stalwarts,,
are re.iting on their oars and saying, " What fine fellows
Camberwell Grove. ' A. E. Bell.

— Conference Country. we all are!" Insurance matters have gone fairly well

Sir, Mr. Cecil Owen's delightful article on Llangollen with us, and members have little to grumble about on
that score. Everybody has been paid in full, and we
will interest those who cannot, as well as those who can,

join the excursion to what the " Burns of Wales " (who, have a sympathetic ear when approaching the Insurance

by the way, was born in the Glyn Ceiriog) calls " the Committee. But this point has not been reached without

dim, violet valley " in which the town lies, but I am fighting on the part of our executive, and a stiff back

grieved to hear on© with a Welsh name speak of the Dee has been neceiEsary more than once. And at this point
our members fail us. Their Insurance cheques reach
as rising in Bala lake. I thought it was an article in
every pious Welshman's creed that the "wizard stream " them with punctuality, and this (seems the Omega of the:r
ideas. "Alpha" has no place in their vocabulary, and
rises beyond the lake and flows through it without any
instead of seeing in the present successful issue an
blending of the waters. And have I not tracked it to its
object-lesson of the value of organisation, an apathy
source, or one of its sources, on Aran Benllyn ? The poet

Spenser places its source on "Ilauran," apparently con- exitsts which is most discouraging to a secretary.

fusing the mountain juct named with Yr Aran. I do not Can anyone help me ?

Index Folio 884


Did I but write my members that tJiere would be For Chcmixta ic!io.\c Daurjhtcrs arc ]\'ursis.

A chance of their bills being discounted, I heave little '• I fhould bo greatly obliged to any brotlicr phariiiacisfc

liesitation in saying that the meetings would be fully for information wliere my daughter could obtain tlio l>est

attended once again. Surely this is a. condition of 'things possible training in nursing. She wishes to train for two

that should not exist. Insurance matters are not the or tliree years in a hospital for women and children before

^'all" of pharmacy, and the knowledge gained by attack- entering a " general,' but cannot decide which one out of the

ing Insurance problems should " make for good " in many would be most suitable. For any help in this matter
bettering the pharmacisfs position. What do chemists want
I should be thankful."— f.^. (233/37).

to get them out of the rut ? If we have a dinner, beyond Dixpcnxinrj of Proprietaries.

the few real supporters of the Association what do we ' An Iriusurance doctor orders 8 oz. byno-hypophosphitos

find on examining the list of people present? amin jj. doses. I obliged to take from a 10-oz. stock.

I am sorry (in one sense) that the average of 75 per cent, Have I to lose the remaining and probably useless 2 oz. ?

of wholesale representatives to 25 per cent, of our own It seems to mo a great hard,ship that wo cannot exercise

Wemen is the result. our discretion and supply the full size supplied by the

try a whist-drive, and members makers. One cannot help feeling discoiit(>nted with a »>ystem

ave outnimibered by friends who have no more claim that allows such injustice to .struggling chemists." Dis-

to the name of chemist than that they know someone satisfied, (240/74).

who knows someone else who knows a chemist. Lectures, [As panel doctors are local, a courteous obLservation to the

lantern and otherwise, have been brought to bear upon prescriber about the matter .should obviate repetition o£

the attendance with dismal failure. Concerts have also the loss. Editor C. cO D.\

been tried, and the result has not been flattering to the Jan Maclisims

singers or organisers. It looks as if the Associatioa will (as he writes them).

fizzle out unless some means can be suggested to awake La.=t week's Insurance remedies are good, but I can go

the interest of our members once more. Perhaps it is further :

that to-day being Bank Holiday, and the fact that I am (1) Check over-prescribing first.
on duty while many thousands are passing my door
(2) Stock mixtures will save 30,000/.
l^leasure-seeking, accounts for my outbiu'st, or it may be (3) Stop waste on malt and oil, 12-oz. liniments, and
.that my liver is not working. I do hope, however, some recipes like 1 gal. liq. paraff. alb., will save 10,000/.
good will accrue from my abuse, for, having worked so (4) Stop five-day bottles being 'wolfed" in two days, will
save 10,000/.
far for the Association, I do not like to see it die from (5) Then pool the funds.

lack of interest brought about through its early success. But even that won't meet the case of bad trade when it
comes, bringing extra malingering, so that wo may have
Yours truly,
to get
Hon. Secretary. (245/30.)
(6) Simple ailments barred, same as better-class insurance.
Apothecaries' Hall (Ireland) Preliminary Examination. (7) Invalidity pensions for worn-out workers at any age (as
in Australia) will empty the surgeries of "chronics" and
—Sir, In your issue of iMarch 14, p. 104, the following leave time and money for needy cases.

note was printed :

Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland. Dispensing Dilficulties and Notes.

At the last meeting of the Governors arrangements were Readers are advised to consult " The Art of Dispensing " in regard
perfected whereby qualified chemists (British and Irish) are
to be admitted to a modified Preliminary examination for Weto difficulties of compounding. welcome fresh problems
a. limited period. Intending candidates should give the
for experiment and elucidation in this column, and invite the

Secretary particulars as to whether they have passed in a co-operation and correspondence of dispensers.
modern language as well as of the number of years they
have been qualiiied, when the Board will decide the require- Hygrroscopic Powders.
ments in each case.
—Sir. I should be obliged if you could account for the
Before parting with my three guineas for this Pre-
following powders becoming damp after a few days. We
dried the sod. bicarb, and dispensed them in damp-proof
liminary I started to make inquiries, and find that the
paper, but had them returned to us to-day :
whole Preliminary examination of Apothecaries' Hall,
much less this limited Preliminary, is not accepted by the Hj'd. c. creta gr. j.
Sacch. alb..
iNIedical Council (Ireland). As you will see from enclosed

abstract of regulations, no course of medical study is Sod. bicarb. ... ... ... aa. gr. ss.

recognised unless registered within fifteen days after com- Ft. pulv. Mitte 1 gross.
mencement of medical studies.
Yours truly.

Yours faithfullv. J. E.'F. (225/2.)

Pro Bono Publico. (229/16.) [The composition of the powders would not lead us to
anticipate any trouble relative to dampness. On trial we
[Our correspondent_ encloses the official abstract, which have not succeeded in getting the powders to show signs of

^tates that the recognised Preliminary examinations held in dampness such as you complain of. We can only suggest
that the sugar may contain a trace of hygrcscopic substance,
Ireland are : Examinations of the Intermediate Education
which has caused it to retain an unusual proportion of
Board of Ireland—Middle (with Honours in three subjects)
— —moisture. Quite a good procedure in such a case is to
and Senior Grades; Conjoint Examination in Arts of the
Royal Colleges of Phvsicians and Surgeons of Ireland; powder some cane-sugar " Glebe," for example and sift
it through muslin. Our experience indicateiS that pure cane-
Queen's University of Belfast. Matriculation examination
; sugar yields a drier powder than a sugar wholly or partly
National University of Ireland. Matriculation examination;
and certain examinations of the University of Dublin, which derived from beet.]
Weare specified.
may add that it is well known that the

y-eneral Medical Council disapproved of the Hall reviving Stearin in Suppo>?itories.

its Preliminary examination five years ago, and the Pre- —Sir, Will you inform me how the following prescription

sident of the Council then remarked, "This examination is for suppositories should be dispensed ? I have referred to
purely a domestic one. and need not be recognised by any the " Art of Dispensing," and can only find it mentioned

•of the licensing bodies or by the Council." The matter is that stearin and oleic acid have been suggested as a base.

still in dispute. The Hall, like the Roval Colleges in Made on these lines they tui'ned out a failure :

iiingiand, ignores the Council in certain matters, and is Chloral, liydrat gr. ij.
within its rights in granting its licence to those who conform Ext. belladonnse
to the approved medical curriculum, of which the Pre- Stearin gr. j
liminary examination is not =trictly a part.— Editor
q.s. ut fiat suppos.

Mitte tales 24.

Yours faithfully,

Subscribers* Symposium. Basic. (226/69.)

Por questions, answers, incidents, and interchange of opinions —[Ordinary stearin i.e., stearic acid is too high in melt-

among " C. & D." readers. ing-point to be serviceable for suppositories: and with

Appreciation. and I such a combination as this prescription orders it would be

The C <t- B. has become a welcome friend, practically impossible to make presentable suppositories.
Owing to the temperature at which they require to be
eagerly look forward to its arrival.'"— (239/3.) poured being so high, the extract of belladonna clots and

is not evenly distributed. Coconut stearin, however.

[:uh:x Folio 885


which po'ssesses oven a lower melting-point (about 85° to St. John's wort 2 parts. Tlio simplest fornuila is the on©
88° F.) than theobroma oil, is occasionally employed for which appeared in the B.P. 1885, where it was last oincial
the purpose. It is quite suitable, and probably the pre-
in this country.
scriber had it in mind when writing the prescription. You
will find this stearin mentioned in the "Art of Dispensing," (';•(.<.? (235/48).—MiDGE-LOTlONS.— See C. May/>., 31,

p. 192.] 1913, index folio 848; June 14, 1923, index folio 922;' and/
June 28, 1913, index folio 957.

Insurance Dispensing Queries. Interested (103 / 37).—Ophthalmia Neonatorum is a form
of purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye-
— —Tt-berculin. Phenacctin (239/7) Although this is charged which affects newly-born infants owing to infection by dis-
charges from the sexual organs of the mother. It is the-
to Sanatorium Benefit, Tariff terms are usually applied in
pricing i.e., one-third is added to cost, with a dispensing- cause of a great proportion of the blindness which afflicts-
fee of 2d. for each container.
the human race, hence the importance of early notification
—Surrey (243/40). It is necessary for an insured person and prompt treatment. Prophylaxis \& compulsory in some-

who is temporarily resident ic. a district to g-et from his countries.
or her Insurance Committee a voucher that will enable the
chemist to dispense and receive payment from the Com- —A. E. F. (231/24). It would require an investigation ott
mitte for the medicine dispensed. You should instruct the
the spot to arrive at the cause of the red stains which
insured person to see to this at once. appear on woollen goods after they have been washed.
The most probable explanation is the use of iron vessels-
Legal Queries. at some stage of the laundry operations or of wire clothes-

The ma.iority of difficulties in regard to trade law are anticipated lines. Potassium permanganate also causes similar stains-
by the legal informatiTn printed in " The Chemist and
to those about w^hich your customer complains.
Drug-g-ist Diary," isi4. See especially pp. 469-499.
Jtadix (236/23). Monohydhated Sodium Carbonate is a>
—Country Clumixt. (244/17). You are liable in accordance
crystalline salt, but unlike the variety sold for photographic
with the terms of the contract which you signed. Follow purposes, which has ten molecules of water, it has only
one molecule of water. It is sold in this country as the-
your solicitor's advice in the matter. " Crescent " brand sodium carbonate in the form "of silky
crystals. This salt is used in enormous quantities in the-
—E. T. A. (244/26). Food .and drugs inspectors must give preparation of bath-salts, water-softeners, and the stearin
type of skin-cream. Exsiccated sodium carbonate of the
vendors a third part of any article purchased for analysis,
British Pharmacopoeia, being nearly free from water, cai»
and have no legal right to require the vendor to return be used in place of the monohydrate if the last-named is
the sample, which is the property of the vendor. not readil,y obtainable.

—WeMidlands (117/8). have repeatedly stated that annual Edina (243/19) has a customer who suffers from EczEMA
of the Scrotum. The patient has tried advertised oint-
holidays to employes are conditional, as a rule, upon con- ments, and a .skin-specialist prescribed an ointment wath ac.

pyrogall., etc., but with little or no benefit. The 'following

tinued service, and employes who give notice in the course lotion should be painted on once a day :

of the year are not entitled to a pro rata holiday. Calaminae prsep 3iij.
Zmci oxid. ... ... sij.
Ecclcs (240/51).— The Fertilisers and Feeding-stuffs Act.
Acid, boric. ... 3j.
1906, applies to all fertilisers, whether for horticultural or
agricultural use. It contains no exemption from its re- Glycerin. ... ... bss.

—quirements in favour of the sale of small quantities e.g., Aq. ad jiv.

sixpennyworth or when the matter is compressed into If thei'e is much itching a little ung. cocain. may be
tablets, which are just as much subject to the invoicing re-
quirements as a wagonload. The Board of Agriculture rubbed on. A warm bath should be taken twice a week after
have in the past given consent to proceedings under the
Act where the sale has been of only a small quantity of all oozing has ceased.
a fertiliser. The conditions as to invoicing are on p. 4bj;
—Ignoramus (242/10). You may address the Secretary of
of the C. (& D. Diary.
the National Healtli Insurance Commissioners, Buckingham

Gate, London, S.W.. in regard to situations on the clericar

or other staff, but they have no particular use for clerks-

with knowledge of the retail drug-trade.

Miscellaneous Inquiries. J. L. G. (243/18).—Many farriers use our "Veterinary
We do not undertake to analyse and report upon proprietary articles,
Counter-practice." It is freer from archaic methods of
and when samples are sent particulars shoHld be supplied to treatment than jwpular books on veterinary medicine.

us as to their orig-in, what they are, what they are used for Retrospect ot Fifty Years Ago.

and how. Reprinted from " The Chemist and Druggist." June 15, 1864.

We do not as a rule repeat information which has been given in this Proposed Legislation Affecting Chemists and Drue-gists.
The Twenty-third Anniversary Meeting of the Pharma-
section during the past twelve months, as it occupies space
ceutical Society has been held since the publication of our
which can be more profitably utilised for other information.
last number, and we learn from the report given in th&
In such cases the numbers are mentioned, and if querists Journal that some of the leading pharmaceutists look with
cannot refer to these they may obtain the numbers from the little favour upon the scheme of legislation proposed by
their Council. . . . Mr. Reynolds, a member of the Council,
&" C. D." Office at the published price, usually 6d.
brought forward the following resolutions, that had bee»
—Antiquarian (27/5). Old Pharmact-pot Labels. Ung. agreed to by the pharmaceutical chemists of Leeds:

Tutice on the first of the two pots was official for the last 1. Thait Hie proipOisals of th-e Pbarmacy Bill to restrict the tis« o4
time in the London Pharmacopoeia, 1788. Nicolaus de th.e terms " dheiaiist " aiiud " dr'uggist," and' to (iirovent the kcepifl?
open shop for the dispensdng pirescription-g bv other thoiti registflrefl
Salerno is supposed to have invented the ointment. He person's, are attended by 60 many difficulties that the.T are not
feasible. This meetimg wooild consider it preferable to take as Vf»
lived in the sixteenth century, and his formula is given in
the Pharmacopoeia Augustana published in 1601. It con- basis of legiislation an. eniactment confining the ea,le of certain
tained other ingredients than tutty, but became simplified, powerful poisons to persone registered' as being qualified for each
until in P.L. 1788 the ointment consisted of prepared tutty a ti'ust. It also cooi'Side^rs that a.n' anniual enbs'ciription ^honld bo
with sufficient iin. ceree albse " ut fiat unguentum mollo." enbstitu-bed for the s'inigle r©gistrai,ion-fee pro-josed by the Bill.
In 1728 Quincey stated that the ointment " is not very often
referred to in prescriptions, but is in great esteem among 2. Thsd the class of "chemists and draggists " proposed to D»
regii'steired under the Bill is entitled, upon every principle of JUi^
the common people." The tutty powder was an impure tice, to 6eIf-Tepreaenta.tion in the bo<ly b.v which it would b«
governed, and also to exemption from eerving on juries. Tni»
zinc oxide, and it is rather curious to note that in the meeting regrets that the Bill does not admit these nights. _ .
P.L. 1809 ung. zinci was first introduced, and until the
popularisation of ung. acidi borici was the most largely 5. That for the reasons above set forth, and beoauBe betievlBjP
used household ointment of the nineteenth century. The that the Bill will not be generolly acceptable, either to the
label on the second pot to which you refer is Ung. Arccri. miembcrig of the Pharmaceutical] Society or to ohemiets and dtrug-
This was invented by a Spaniard named Arcoeus, who giists, this meeting would urge uipon the Ck>-uncil its reconsideration-
practised in Amsterdam in 1574. It was called " linimentum
Arooei" in the P.L. 1720, after which date, until 1898, it The original motion, that the Bill be received and adopted^
was known ar. ung. elemi. The ointment was first devised was carried unanimously.
for healing wounds, and originally contained elemi and
turpentine of each 6 parts, stag's suet 6 parts, and oil of

Index Folio 866



CQNDY & MITCHELL, Ltd., will take Legal Pro-

ceedings against anyone supplying Permanganate
of Potash Crystals as and for ^' Condy's Crystals."

Tondy's Crystals"

" Condy's Crystals " are put up in bottles to
Retail at 1/- each, and are stocked by all

the leading Wholesale Houses.


Condy's Fluid Works, 65 GOSWELL RD., LONDON.

OF . .







Muscular and Articular Rheumatism, Polyarthritis, Neuritis, Sciatica, Gout, Lumbago, Influenza and all
Feverish Conditions, Colds, Catarrhs, Headaches, Neuralgia.


HYDROPYRIN and KALMOPYRIN are powerful antipyretics, analgesics, anti-rheumatics, and

anti-neuralgics. Both occur as white, non-hygroscopic, stable, .nd practically tasteless powders. Both are
readily and freely soluble in water, and are therefore adapted to many forms of dispensing, and to all
manufacturing processes.

HYDROPYRIN is also soluble in alcohol, and may therefore he dispensed in tinctures and other alcoholic


HYDROPYRIN and KALMOPYRIN are put up for dispensing in 1-oz., 8-oz., and 16-oz. bottles, and are

also supplied to manufacturers and other large users in bulk at special prices.
Further particulars from the Patentees and Sole Manufacturers


LTD., Chemists, LONDON, N.E.



Brunner, Mono & Co.s

A^t^^^ • •• • •

Alkali ^^^^^ Crescent
Products. Brand.

• • • • • ^'tADE MAf^^* • • • • •

These products are made by the Ammonia Process, and are

distinguished from others by their great purity.

Bicarbonate This Bicarbonate answers all the requirements of
the British Pharmacopoeia. It is a pure, refined, and recrys-
Soda. tallised salt, particularly free from metals or any base other than soda.
This sodium bicarbonate is specially suitable for the preparation of granular

effervescent preparations and salines, seidlitz powders and baking powders,
and is well adapted for other medicinal and domestic purposes. It is the

purest and cheapest sodium bicarbonate made.

Concentrated This sodium compound (sodium sesquicarbonate) is a variety of carbonate
Soda. of soda in small silky crystals, containing much less water than ordinary

washing soda ; 1 lb. of it does the work of 2 lbs. of washing soda. Con-

centrated crystal soda is excellently suited for chemists' trade they can

make a speciality of it, and it is also suited for making water-softeners,

brush powders, hair-wash powders, and the like.

Pure Alkali. A dry, white powder: dissolves quickly and easily in water, making an

58 Degrees. excellent detergent for use by printers, bleachers, dyers, and for bottle
washing. Is nearly equal to 99 per cent, carbonate of soda; is much used

by glass, paper, and soap makers. The best alkali for soap powders and

washing powders.

Pure Soda Crystals

Caustic Soda.

Manufactured from pure Carbonate of Soda, and supplied of all degfrees of strength.

Bleaching; Powder.

Carbonate of Ammonia

(Lump and Powder).

Retailers can obtain these products tlirough any Wliolesale house by specifying Brunner,

Mond & Co.'s "Crescent" Brand. The Manufacturers supply wholesale quantities only, and

will quote on application to















Sold by the following Wholesale Druggists HUBBUCK'S PUBE OXIDE]

in Boxes of 7 lbs. and 14 lbs. stamped by Is made by Sublimation, and is Warranteii
to contain upwards of
the Manufacturers ; also in 1-lb. Boxes and
1-lb. Glass Bottles ;—
Of Pure Oxide ; in fact the impurities are
Allen & Hanburys (Lim.) Hirst, Brooke & Hirst. not tracealjle.

Baiss Bros. (& Stevenson Hodgkinson, I'restons cSc THOS. HUBBUCK & SON

(Lioi.) King. (Established 1765) LTD.

Bell, Jno., * Co. Ho{lgldnsons, Clarke \ 24 LIME STREET,

Bleasdale iL'ui.) [(Liui.) \\ard. LONDON, E.G.
Boots' Pure Drug Co.
Horner & Sons. —^Manufacturers of
British DrugHouses(Lim.) Huskisson, H. O., & Co. White Lead, White Zinc,

Burgoyne, Burbklges iV Innian's Stores (of tdin- Paints, Oils,
Colours, Varnishes, &c.
Co. boro't.

Butler & Crispe Isniay, John, & Sons
Clay, Dod & Co. Lofthouse & Saltmer
Cockburn & Co. (Lim.)
Corbyp, Stacey & Co. (Lim )

Dakin Brothers. [(Liui ) Oldfleld, Pattinson & Co.
Pinkerton, Gibson & Co.
Duncan. Flockliart & Co. Rainies, Clark & Co.
Evans, Gadd & Co. Eaimes & Co.
Evans Sons Lescher & Rankin & Borland.

Webb (Lim.) Silversides, E. B. G.
Ferris & Co.
Gale & Co. Southall Bros. & Barclay.
Sumner, R , & Co.
Glasgow Apothecaries' Co.
Taylor, James.
Glasgow New Apothe- Thompson. John (Lim.)

caries' Co. \\ illows, Francis. Butler

Goodall. & Co. 6c Thompson (Lim.)
Harker, Stagg & Morgan Woolley, Jas., Sons & Co.

(Lim) (Lim.)
Harkness, Beaumont 6c
^\rigllt, Layman & Uii:
ney (Lim.)
Hatrick, W. & E., & Co.
W'yieys ( Lim.)

Barry, K. J.. New Yoik. McKesson 6c Rolibins, New .VrsTitAi.i \x ( ii i ic i:
Carter, Carter & Killiam,
Muth Brothers 6c Co., The :Maiuifacturers supply their Pure
Finlay 6c Branswig, New O-sids Wholesale only, in quantities of
Orleans. not less than 2 cwt.
Roller & Shoemaker,
Langley 6c Michaels, Sau
Schieffelin, W. H., 6c Co.,
Lehn 6c Fink, New New Y'ork.

York. Shoemaker, E., & Co.,


"SANADONES." Ampoule Files


prItmtatt FHom 2m. 9d. box. (Oat tlit M/y. J THE BEST. THE CHEAPEST.

Stocked by all Wholesalers. Prices and Stiiiiples sent on application tO-~

Soie Proprietors— SIM LTD., Merges, Switzerland.


15-19 Vine Street, Cierkenwell, London, E.C.

Teleerams; "SANALAK LONDON. Telephone: Central 13807.



"ARISTOCHIN" (carbonic acid ester of Quinine),


Vereinigrte Chininfabriken Zimmer & Co., Farbenfabriken vorm Friedr. Bayer & Co.,

Frankfort, o M. Leverkusen (Rhine).
Representatives :
Representatives :
1 Fenchurch Avenue, LONDON, E.G. 20 Booth Street, MANCHESTER.


MACFARLAN'S | .^^I.,;-


&Medical Surgical Requisites.

The two principal features which distinguish the progress of

medicine in the Nineteenth Century are the discovery of
the Anaesthetic qualities of Chloroform, by which surgical
operations were rendered painless, and the Antiseptic treat-
ment of wounds by which putrefactive germs were excluded
and blood poisoning banished from Hospital Wards.

For purity, reliability, and PURE CHLOROFORM

safely in use, our ancesthetics AND
are unsurpassed by any
others made from u)halever


'Uhe full percentage of LISTERIAN
uniformly dis- SURGICAL DRESSINGS.
—tributed is guaranteed in

all our

Machine cut and wrapped,

—entailing the minimum of BANDAGES.
handling all k.inds. SURGICAL CATGUT.

—In whatever form Plain,

Chromic-Carbolic, Forma-

—line, Iodine, Sulpho-Chromic,

&c. we supply the most
finely finished and strongest




Manufacturing Chemists,



EMETINE HYDROCHLORID. (Whiffens) The New Remedy in AmcEbic Disease.—VicleBrifis*
Medical Journal. Ang. 24, 1912, pp. 405-408.

EMETINE HYDROBROMID. (Whiffen s) Emetine for Haemoptysis : Vide Press Mi-dicale,

For Hypodermic Injection. Paris, September 24.—"The result is sur-

—prising, luemorrhage from the lung ceasing

at once." Prof. C. Flandin'

KftTbe obtained by ordering Whiffen's Brand, from all Chemists and Wholesale Drug Houses in the United Kingdom and Abroad,




Fenchurch Av.. London. E.G. and all other Opium-Alkaloids.



Pure Orange Wine

ViNUM AUKANTII, B.P.) Prepared in strit-t accoiilance witli the Formula of the British Pharmacopeia. (Wholesale only.



PLATYPUS BRAND The only modem up-to-date

OIL OF remedy for


(In tablet fonu, packed la screw-
capped viala/.

EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS Two f 40 Tablets, retaU l/l4
sizes _^ 2/9

It is the ONLY OIL on the market upon which POSITIVE RETAILER'S PROFIT, 40%
RELIANCE can be placed for alisolute CONSTANCY OF
QUALITY, and for that reason is well worth the extra price.
Globulus Oil cannot be made at the same price as the From ail Wholeaalers. or direct from—

common Australian Mallee Oil, as it produces less and the THE LONDON PROPRIETARY CO.
leaves are more diffioult to obtain, but its medicinal value
is much higher, and— IT CONTAINS NO IRRITANTS. C3 St. Andrew'* Street, London, E


1 lb. 2 '6 per lb. Monopoly or Agency
5 lb.
10 lb. 24 given where still vacant*
28 lb.
56 lb. 2/3


Packages free.


On the P.A.T.A. Per Minimum The Universal Medical Specific.
2d. Sample, in box of 1 doz 1/3 Retail EROL serves a five-fold purpose : Household Renaedy,
3d. Sample, in boxes of one doz. and
1/8 2d. !•; 1 , 1 brocation. Dentifrice. Hairwash and Cosmetic.
6 doz. outer 2/4.
4d. size in cartons and] 1 doz. outer 3/8 2id.
6d. size in cartons and I doz. outer 7/4 Sid.
1/- size in cartons and 1 doz. outer Sid.

THE TASMANIAN EUCALYPTUS OIL CO., Ltd. Indispensable for the daily life. feed by everybodj^^.
Asylum Road, London, S.E.
For rartii-utnri mn'lu t'< —^''Ir Kiporlrrt



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Modern treatment of


A full Stock of all the preparations of this

important remedy, and literature, is carried by

The Sole Agents for the British Isles







Tel. Addreu : "WAND." NAT. TEL. 1145.












Original Packagres can generally be suppliled at the Current Prices qioted in the Tracle Report of this Paper cn Terms as bt.OM.

@•Acet. Ipecac. B.P., 7 lbs. 1/5 lb. Glycerin. Opt. D.D., 1.260 P.B., 1 cwt. (S3 100'- @Phenolphthalein, 7 lbs. 5/6 lb. ; 1 lb. 6/- lb.

"•Acid. Aret. GLicia!., 99%, Carboys, 160 lbs. @ @cwt. ; 56 lbs. @Fix. Burgund.. Druggists', li cwt. 25 '6 cwt. ;
101/- cwt. ; 12 lbs. 1/1 lb.

»j 4}d. lb. 12 fr-lb. bots.g 7d.'lb ; b lbs. @7 lbs. 4Jd. lb.

IS 8d. lb. @Hydrargyrum, P.B., 751b. bottle ^'7/2/6 @Potas. Acetas. Gran. P.B., 28 lbs. I/l lb.
; ;

Acid Acetvlo-Salicyl., 1 cwt. ffl 1/lOJ lb.; @ @10 lbs. 2/6 lb. ; Ammon., @7 lbs. 1/2 lb.
2/2 lb. ; 1 lb.
@Pot.ass. Brom. P.B., 1 cwt. (oj l/7i lb. ; 28 lbs.
@ @ @56 lbs.' @ @28 lbs.
1/1 1 lb. ; 7 lbs. 2/2 lb. ; 1 lb. 3/1 lb. ; c. Creta, 28 lbs. 1/5 @1/8 lb. ; 7 lbs.

2/5 Ib.t. @lb. ; lodid. Rub. 28 lbs. 11/3 lb. ; Oxid. 1/9 lb.

&„ Cartel. Xils., 39/40; £6 lbs. 5d. lb.; @Rub., 28 lbs. 3/1 lb. ; Perchlor.. Lump. @Potass. Cit., B.P., 7 lbs. 2/7 lb.

@10 lb. Tirs 6/- eafh ; 36 l ib. Bols. @28 lbs. 2/4i lb. Subchlor., 28 lbs. ffi @Potass. Pcrmanu., Cryst.. I cwt. 40'- cwt.
; ;

@2/10 @ @7 lbs.
@ @9Jd. lb,; Sinele Bots. 1/- lb.; lb. Sulph. c. Sulph., 28 lbs. 2/6 5d. lb. large cryst., 7 lbs.
; ;

@Detached Crvst. 10 lb. Tins 8/- each; lb.; 7-lb. quantities Id lb. extra, 3-lb. 6d. lb.

@1 lb. 1/2 lb. ; Crude Black, 45 gall, quantities, 2d. lb. extra, 1-lb. quantities

@ @casks 3d. lb. extra. @ @Rad. Ipecac. Rio., 7 lbs.
1/- gall. : 5 gall, drums 1/4 9/3 ; 1 lb. 9;6.

@gall. ; 1 gall, tins 1/6 each. @ @Ichthyol Ammon. 3 lbs. @Rad. lalap. English Ground, 28 lbs.

@• „ Salicvl. pulv. 7 lbs. 1/1 lb. phys. pure, 10/9 lb. ; 1 lb. l'3i lb. ; 7 lbs. 1/4^ lb.
II/- lb.; chemical equivalent: Ammon. Rad. Rhei., E.I. English Ground, 1 cwt. (S) 1;3
@1 lb. 2/11 lb.
@ @Ichthosulphonas, 7 lbs. @ @lb. ; 28 lbs.
@„ Tart., cryst. or pulv., B.P., 1835 1 cwt. 5'- lb. ; 1 lb. 1/6 lb. ; 7 lbs. l/7i lb.

@7 lbs. parv. id. lb. 5/6 lb.

1/1 lb. ; 1/2 lb. @•Inf. Aurant. Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/3 lb. @SaHron, Valentia, B.P., 7 lbs. 44/- lb, ; 1 lb

extra. •„ Aurant. Comp. Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/3 lb. @ @45/- lb. ; 1 oj.
@Aloes Barb., English ground, 28 lbs. 84/- cwt. @Buchu Cone, 1 to 7. 6 lbs. 3/3 oz.
; •
,, 2/2 lb. Salicinum, B.P., 1 lb. (S> 16/6 lb.

7 lbs. (S; lOd. lb. •„ @Calurabas Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. lid. lb. @Salol, B.P., 7 lbs. I /1 1 i lb. ; 1 lb. iW 2 3 lb.

@Ammon. Brom., P.B., 7 lbs. 2/3i lb. • @Caryoph. Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/- lb. @ @Santoninum, P.B., 7 lbs.
,, 116/6 lb. ; 1 lb.
@Cascarilla Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs.
@Ammon. Carb. lump, 3 cwt. 4d.' lb. ; 28 lbs. •„ 1/4 lb. 119/- lb.

@fSi 5}d. lb. ; 7 lbs. 52d. lb. posvder, id. • @Cinchonae Acid, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/7 lb. @ ®Sapo Cast. Alb., 10 cwt. 28/6 cwt. ; 2 cwt.
• @Gentianas Co., 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/1 lb. @ @30/- cwt. ; 7 lbs
lb. e.xtra. ,, @Quassia; Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 4d. ; pulv., 1 cwt.
9d. lb.
@Amyli Pulv. 10 cwt. •„ @65/- cwt. ; 56 lbs. (S) 63/- cwt. ; 7 lbs.
11/6 cwt.; 2i cwt. @, • @Rhei Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/6 lb.
@13/- cwt. ; 1 cwt. 8d. lb. ; Animal pulv., 1 cwt. (S> 70'- cwt. ;
15/- cwt. , @Rosa; Acid. Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/8 lb.
@56 lbs.
@•Aqua Ancthi Cone. 1-40, 1 lb. • @Senegae Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 72/- cwt. 7 lbs. (a) 9d. lb.
2/11 lb. 2/4 lb, Soda Cit., B.P., 3 lbs. la). 3;0J lb.
@• „ Aurant. Trip., 53 lbs. lor 17/6 ; 6 lbs. @Valerian Cone, 1 to 7, 6 lbs. 1/3 lb. Sodii Salicyl. Pulv., 7 lbs. 1/5 ib.-, phys. pur,

7d. lb. Insect Powder, Opt., English Grd., closed flowers, @28 lbs. 2/1 lb. ; 1 Ib. 2/4 Ib.

@ @28 lbs. 1/1 1 lb. ; Eng-
•„ @Aurant. Cone, 1-40, 1 lb. 6/1 lb. 1/10 lb. ; 7 lbs. @Sodii Bromid.. P.O., 7 lbs. 2/U Ib.
@Ross Trip., 53 lbs. for 22/6 ; 6 lbs. lish Ground, J closed flowers, 4d. lb. less @Strychnina cryst. B.P.. 25 ozs. 1/7J oz. ; 1 oz.
•„ ;
7d. lb. @Foreign Ground, 1 cwt. 80/- cwt. ; 28 2;3 oz. Hydrochlor. and Sulphate, 2d.
•„ ;
@lbs. 9d. lb.
©Rosa; Cone. 1-40, 1 lb. 71- lb. oz. less.

@Samb. Trip., 53 lbs. for 23/6 ; 6 lbs. @ @Lin. Camph. P.B., 40 lbs. @•Syr. Aurant, P.B., 7 lbs. 9}d- lb.

ed. lb. lid. lb. • 9 lbs. • „ Easton, B.P., 7 lbs. 1/Oi lb.

@Menth. Pip. Cone, 1-40, 1 lb. 3/- lb. 1/- lb. @• „ Ferri lodid. P.B., 7 lbs. 1/5 lb.


@Ba>;c. Juniper. 28 lbs. 22/- : 7 lbs. lU) 3d. lb. @Methvl .Acetanilide ^Exjlgiii), 4 oz. 1/1 oz. Svr. Ferri Phosph. Co., 7 lbs. (a; 5Jd. lb.

@Bismuth, P.B., Carb., 28 lbs. 8/S Ib. @1 oz. 1/5 oz. @'„ Hypophosph. Co. B.P.C., 7 lbs. 9Jd. lb.

@ @7 lbs. Morphinae Acet. Hydrochlor. or Sulph., Pulv. @„ Pruni Virg. B.P. 8 lbs.
8/10 Ib. ; 3 lbs. 9/1 lb. ; 1 lb. 7id. lb.

@ 9/3 lb. ; subnit. 1/- Ib. less. @B.P., 25 oz.@ 8/6 oz. ; 16 oz. 8/8 oz. @„ Rhamni, 7 lbs. lOid- lb.
@„ Rhei, P.B., 7 lbs.
@ @8 oz. 10/- oz. ; Pur. 8d. lb.
8/11 oz. I oz.

@Calcii Carb. Prascip.,5 cwt. 13,'- cwt. • 1 cwt. @Praecip. Bimeconate or Tart. 1 oz. 12/- oz. @„ Scillae, P.B., 7 lbs. 5d. lb.
@ @16/- cwt. ; 28 lbs. 21/- cwt.
Naphthalene, Candles or Balls, 1 cwt.@ 13/6 cwt.; @„ Senna;, P.B., 7 lbs. 8id. lb.
Camphor, English Flowers, " not artificial,"
@ @56 lbs. @„ Tolut., P.B., 7 lbs. 8Jd. lb.
16/- cwt. ; 28 lbs.
Ilb/- cwt.

@ @5 lb .. 2/- @ @Thymol, 7 lbs.
2/- lb., J oz. , or i oz. 7 lbs. 7/8 Ib. ; 1 Ib. 8/6 Ib.

Ib. @01. Caryoph. Ang., B.P., 9 lbs. 4/3 lb. 4i Its- @Tinct. Aurantii Recens,< B.P., 5 lbs. 3/6
@ 4/5 lb.
@Cetaceum, No. 1, fine white, 64 lbs. 1 1 Jd. Ib. ; Ib. bond, 8id. Aquos, lOd. lb.
@ @7 lbs.
1/1 lb. powder, 7 lbs. 1/6 lb. @01. Eucalypt., B.P., 1 cwt. 1/4 lb. @28 lbs. @•Tiuct. Belladon., B.P., 5 lbs. 2/11 lb.

@Cocaine Hydrochlor., B.P., 25 czs. 4/2 oz. @1/5 lb. ; 9 lbs. 1/7 lb. bond. 6id. .Aquos, I/- Ib.

@ @4 ozs. @01. Juniperi Bace, B.P., 4i lbs. @•Tinct. Benzoini Comp., P.B., 5 lbs.
4/8 oz. ; 1 oz. 5/6 oz. 3/8 lb. ; 1 lb. 3/6 Ib.

Cieam Tartar, 98% powder, 1 cwt.@101/- cwt. @ @4/1
@• 7 lbs. lb. Ligne Exot., 1 cwt. 1/2 lb. bond, lOd.
; ;

@ @28 lbs. @•Tinct. Camph. Comp. P.B., 5 lbs.
1 0 lb. 1/4 lb. ; 9 lbs. 1/5 lb. 2/5 lb.

@Cuhebs, English Ground, 7 lbs. 1/11 lb. 01. OUvse, P. B., good yellow, guaranteed pure, bond, 6}d. Aquos, 1/1 lb.
@•Tinct. Cantharidis, P.B., 5 lbs.
@ @45 gall, barrels
4/10 gall. ; 2 gall, tins 3/9 lb.

5/9 gall. bond, 6d. lb.

@tmulsio 01. Morrhu^, 5 lbs. Ud. lb. @01. Origani Rub., Coml., 28 lbs. 1/10 Ib. ; 9 lbs. •Tinct. Capsici, B.P., 5 lbs. &, 3/3 lb. ; bond
~ @'Ess. Pear (artificial). Jargonelle, 5 lbs. @ 21- lb.
6d. lb. Aquos lOd. lb.

@ @Opium Turc. B.P., 14 lbs. %•Tinct. Card. Comp., P.B., 5 lbs.
21- lb. Bergamot, 2/6 lb. 17/- lb. ; 3 lbs. 2/8 ib.
@18/- lb. ; 1 lb.
@•Ess. Pineapple, 5 lbs. 3/4 lb. [Ib. 18/8 lb. powder, 6d. lb. bond, 7id. Ib. Aquos, 1/- lb.
@•Tinct. Catechu, P.B., 5 lbs.
@ @•„ Raspberry, 5 lbs. extra. 2/8 lb. ; bond
2/2 lb. ; 1 lb. 2/6

@ @•„ Vanilla Beans, 5 lb. 7id. Ib. Aquos, 1/- lb.
4/4 lb. ; 1 lb.
@ @Papain, 1-80, 1 lb.
4/7 Ib. 16/6 lb. ; 1 oz. 1/4 oz. •Tmct. Chloroi. c. Morph., B.P. 1885, 5 lbs

@•Ext. Belladonns Liq., B.P., 5 lbs. 4/3 lb. ; @Paraffinum Durum, B.P., 2 cwt. 3d. lb.; @ 2/- lb. bond, l,6i lb.
@ @1 cwt. @•Tmct. Cinchon. Comp., B.P., 5 lbs. 3/5 :b.
@ @1 lb. 3Jd. Ib. ; 56 lbs. 3id. lb. ; 7 lbs.
4/8 lb. ; solid, 7 lbs. 4/3 lb. @ @4id. lb. ; Mollc Flay., B.P., 3i cwt.

@Ext. CascaraSag. Liq., B.P., 1 cwt. l/Oi lb.; @ @20/- cwt. ; 1 cwt. bond, 1/Oi lb. Aquos. 1/4 Ib.

@10 lbs. 1/2 lb. 30/6 cwt. 28 lbs. @•Tinct. Cmcbon. Rub., P.B., 5 lbs. 3/- Ib.

@ @•Ext. Ergot. Liq. P.B., 5 lbs. @4d. lb. ; 7 lbs. 4id. Ib. ; Alb. B.P., 3^ bond, lOd. lb. Aquos, 1'2 lb.
4/- lb. 1 lb. @ @cwt.
; @•Tinct. Digitalis, B.P., 5 lbs.

4/6 lb. 58/- cwt. 28 lbs. 7id. Ib. 2/6 lb. ; bond
; bond

@ @Paraldehyde, B.P., 7 lbs. 6id. lb. Aquos, 1/- lb.
2/- lb. ; I Ib.

2/3 lb. @•Tinct. Gelsem. P.B., 5 lbs. 2/10 lb. •

Berri Ammon. Cit., P.B 28 lbs. 2/6 lb. @ @Pepsin. B.P., 10 lbs. 9/4 lb. ; 1 lb. 10/- Ib. bid. Ib. Aquos. 1/3 lb.

7 lbs. (^2/7 lb. @Phenacetin, P.B., pulv.. 1 cwt. 2/11 lb.; @•Tiact. Opii., B.P. 5 lbs. 3/4 lb. ; bond, 2/6

@Ferri et Quioina; Cit. P.B., 500 ozs. 5id. oz @ @7 lbs. 3/4 lb.
@ @100 ozs. 3/1 lb. ; 1 lb. [Ib. lb.

@ @Phenazone, P.B., 7 lbs. @•Tinct. Opii Aquos., 5 lbs. 2/6 lb.
6d. oz. ; 25 ozs. 6Jd. oz. 611 lb. ; 1 lb. 7/6

*Minimura quantity at these piices; Home TriJe, 3 NVinoliester Quarts assorted Export, 12 Winchester Quarts assorted,

NOTE Only teritis Net Cas'.i with order without discount, or orders accepted through London Merchants or Eaiiktis.

Goods carriage forward; all packages fres: Expoit cases extra.





Jn Patent Airtight Tins, xvliicli
fill from the bottom.


Bad stock avoided, as Saline can
be kept from season to season
without deteriorating. k

Satisfaction to Consumers.

For export these Tins are indis-

pensable, as Saline can now be

shipped without any risk.

X2£6 design, 4 o/.., 2/9 doz. Special designs
produced for
X286L „ 8 oz„ 4/6 ,, large buyers.
Quotations on
X4lP Fruit design, 4 oz. 2/9 doz. application.

EXTRACT OF HERBS. X41/SP ,, ,, (shorter), 3 oz., 2/5 doz.

X356 " St. George & Dragon," -) oz. 2, 9 doz.

By selling these tins of Saline you will double your trade.

The Drink for Ordinary lever lid Tins supplied if wanted.

the Masses. HYGEIA SALT

Millions* of Glasses used CONSTANT In square round-cornered tins with
ordinai y lever lid, very smart decoration,
daily by workers all over USER SAYS S
the Empire 2/9 dtiz.
Scole, Norfolk,
Saline packed in Cheltenhams;
^m^HI^H^BHB^^^^B Gentlemen.'--
6 oz., 4/6 doz., 8 oz. 5,6 doz.
Foi years I loot
a glass of Malt Liquor before (dinner to create an Also sold in bulk ; price on application.

appetite, as I was a poor fcedei. Some months ago 1 Shirley Brothers, Ltd.
heard of your Extract for making Beer. I gave ait
trial and have ever smce used it as i substitute for the "Whitecross Works," London, S.E.

other, and the result is most satisfactory. After being

bottled a few days it is as bright ar<d sparkles like

bottled Ale. Since taking it 1 have been (ree from

the cruel pains of Indigestion, from which 1 bad

Nowsuffered a long time. instead of going to ithe

** public house" in the evening for my usual glass, 1
smoke my pipe at hornet drink my Herb Beverage

andi enjoy it, go lo bed and sleep soundly. 1 havi^

recommended it to many others, who have tried it

with like results. Youi Agent here thought 1 ougbt

to eive you a testlmoniab

I am. Sirs, yours truly. J, W. The Original and only Genuine

Besides being a grand refresher, Herb Beer made froin



IS cheap. For 2d. you can make a gallon of the most PLASTERS
wholesome and invigoratmg beverage you ever 'lasted.

Please allow us to Sample and Quole^-' A REMEDY OF 60 YEARS' STANDING.

Citrate Magnesia Allcock's Plasters ^

Health Salt AQlcock's Corn and I
Bunion Plasters
Brandretti's Pills ^

Blood Salt
Sulph. & Sarsap. Salt SHOWC ARD

Lemonade TOlU be sent
free of cost

and post paid
on application.

Crystals, &c. ALLCOCK

NOTTINGHAM. 22 Hamilton 8q»

kJ'Sold all round the World.





13 6 doz.



This is a full-sized black polished Enema, suitable for a cutting trade. For higher-priced Enemas

32try our well-known "Saffron, " "Empire, " and " B.E.M."' brands, from 16 - doz. to - doz.

% £25 discount allowed for prompt cash off above prices. Carriage paid on orders of and upwards.

We are the right House for Bandages, Catheters, Enemas. Elastic Hosiery, Hot-Water Bottles, Ice Bags, Injection Syringes, Pessaries,
Sponge Bags, Splints, Trusses. Water Beds, Water and Air Cushions, Waterproof Sheeting, and every description of Rubber Goods.


PRICE LIST, containing latest reduced prices for Enemas, Clinical Thermometers,
Rubber Air Cushions, etc., post free.


TOOTHACHE CURED 7 his is a Specimen

AT ONCE of our Adveriise-
ments appearing in
99 _l,o' of humanity suffer from that most distressing of all pains. Toothache. An attack the . . .
2 of Toothache incapacitates you for your daily labours or your pleasures.
" Daily Mirror,"
Why Suffer ? when one " GOTAR " Tablet " Daily Sketch,"
Placed on your tongue will drive away the pain instantly. " Tit-Bits "
DR. GOODMAN, the well-linown Dentist, writes;— (present issue). f<c.
"The Tooth itself cannot ache, .is it i.-5 composed of Bone
and Enamel, but it is the nerve that enters each tooth that 'I have used and recommended 'Gotar' Tablets thou- Order at onci from
aches when it becomes e.xcited or exposed, as in a decayed sands of times, and ''^^'^ never known them fail to cure your

tooth." toothache instantly." Wholesale House,

THE GOTAR" •• acts directly upon the dental branches of the palatine nerves, and immediately soothing GOTAR Co.
them, causes the pain to cease. This is the secret of its success.
CHILDREN. —Whyteeth 62 Strand, London,
and let your little ones surer, as they all do during the shedding of their"' first England.
" their permanent a.( Tablet gives Instant Relief.
whilst g' cuttii ones, when

CPCC Any sufferer will be providpil ith a PRICES.— 12 in case. 9d. ; I'J.S. ll 10«. 2,9.
rntc "Gotar" Tablet flratis bv callin;, at the :
Company's Offices, 62 STRAND, LONDON,
GOTAR CO.,From Cheinisis. ur from
EXACT SIZE. FREE SAMPLE or will be sent for 3J. 62 STRAND, LONDON.


stami's tocovL-r i.ost.i-e .ind packing.




Own Plant


from first-
class roots.


In sticks of 8 and 5 to lb., on according to buyer's convenience. Sticks with buyer's own mark

or name if desired packed In cases of 1 cwt.

Qlycyrrhizinate Amon. 70/72-80/82. LIQUORICE ROOTS in Bundles. Wholesale only.


Price Protected Goods that show a

legitimate Profit.

The "STERILENDUM" Enema. The "UTILEMA" Enema.


Packed iu highly enamelled box. Packed in attractive labelled card box.

Obtainable from Wholesale Houses. Obtainable from Wholesale Houses.

Price 33/9 per doz. Price 27/6 per doz.



TEATS Price 2/3 per doz.
VALVES „ 1/9

Manufacturers :—J. G. INGRAM 81 SON, Hackncy Wick, London. N.E.

CHEMISTS Why not add to your income without trouble and without extra stock? There must be many anioiiS

PLEASE NOTE. your customers who, known to you, wear an ARTIFICIAL LIMB or other APPLIANCE, .\dvise them to

NO EXTRA STOCK. come to us. We are makers oi the highest class of Limbs and Anpliances, and no time or effort is
NO TROUBLE. spared to make each case a success. Simply send us a caid to say that you have mentioned our name
to Mr. or Mrs. ,of , or send their name and address, and we will forward them a catalogue.

In either! case, should business result, we credit you with a substantial commission from 10 to '25%
according to the nature of instrument supplied, and a cheque is sent on the 1st of the mouth follow-

ing. We should be pleased to supply you with catalogues, in English, French, or German, for
di-tributiou, and give any information you may require.


SCHOLL'S BUNION REDUCER, made of pure Para Gum Rubber, gives

instant relief by keeping the pressure of the boot from the affected joint. Fits
closely to the bunion, shuts out all air, retains the moisture, thus arresting the
growth. Can be worn in any boots unnoticed ; does not shift or bulge. Made
in three sizes, small, medium, and large and for right or left foot. Price 1 5/- per
dozen. Send for free booklet, " ScieutiSc Correction for Ailments of the Feet."


Largest Makers of Foot Appliances in the World,



"Eureka" Crepe Vclpeau Bandages.

Special Wholesale

discount from

for quantilies. all Sundries

Des!^ & Trade ' Houses.

WiA Mark Registered.


in cases of Varicose Veins, Sprains or Abdominal Binding, i«c.

NO OTHER will be worn or asked for.
Prices per doz. BandaKBs. Widths: 2 2* ;J fl 11 ine.
Best Quality
12/- 15/- l^/- 36/- 54/-
S„ end^ for Price .. of 9/_ 12/- 15/-
List Trusses, Belts. Hot Water Bottles. Elastic

m A. L. BION Sponge Bags, Bathing Caps. 4c. Leeds. Ltd.,

4 PLACE. Blackfriars Bridge, LONDON. S.E. 5 Quebec Street, Leed*^



POURFLEA Poison Bottles

Insecticide, Antiseptic, Non-poisonous in

For Use on Dogs, Cats, Poultry, etc.

This Powder is absolutely harmless to the skin
and possesses great liealing qualities.

Retailed in Tins, 6d. and 1/-.

Wholesale from Godfrey Shaw, Burgess Hill, Sussex.


See pages 5 to 9.


Guaranteed by E. Howarth. F.Z.S., who destroyed

3 plague of them at Sheffield Workhouse in JS%.

Supplied by order to the Royal Household at Sandi ingham.
Recommended by Dr. H. Woodward, F.R.S. : Canon Kinton Jacques. R.D.
Wholesale Agents : F. Newbery & Sons, 27 Charterhouse Square. London, E.G.;
Evan Sons Lescher & Webb. Ltd., 56 Hanover St., Liverpool; John Thompson,
Ltd.. 58 Hanover St., Liverpool
: Ayrton, Saunders & Co.. Liverpool ; Sani;ers',

42a Hampstead Road, London May, Roberts & Co., Ltd., 7/U Clerkenwell Rd.,

& .detail Agents : Butler & Crispe. 82 Clerkenwell Rd.. London. E,C ; R. Hovendto
Sons, Ltd.^M, & 33 Berners St., Oxford St., London, W. ; Boots Ltd.,
30. 3 . 32

HOWARTH & FAIR, 471 Crukesmoor Road. Sheffield

Yes, It's Deadly !

^Insect KillerJ* m CO


MINIMUM RETAIL &T. Ferry Son, Ltd.

3d. size ... 2/- doz. 6d. size ... 41- doz. PARK LANE GLASS WORKS,
4id. „ ... 3/- doz. 1/- ,, ... 8/- doz.

3/6 size (1 lb.) ... 28/- doz.

Evans Sons Lescher & Webb Limited Telegrams; " Bottles Gateshead."
London & Liverpool
Tel. No. 70 Gateshead.


» M» U *»I, E K .\ T

The most famous European Fly Catcher is The DEADLY HOUSE FLY


with its Pin !

When requiring a high-class, neat, efficient

reliable line for destroying this pest, try


perfect OR improved


(2h ft. long '><1h in. wide) (about 3 ft. long e in. wide)


BRITISH MANUFACTURE. Quahty unsurpassed. Splen-

did keepin,f; .qualities, popular everywhere, repeats
assured, and shows a grand margin of profit to retailers.


Full guarantee that Aeroxon keeps perfect during 2 sea sons ! or from the Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors.

If your dealer cannot supply you. write direct for quotat ori and TheBROWN MANUFACTURING Go. Ltd,
samples to
Letchworth, Herts.
Aeroxon Fly Catcher Works,
Lux Bros., Ltd. 87 Boro'High Street, London, S.E. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES TO-DAY.




in his Presidential LIMITED, GEORGE PETTIT,
Bpeech at the CHURCH STREET,
Annual Conference SOUTH LAMBETH, Rosebery Avenue, Llandudno.
of the Sanitary In-
Bpectors' Association LONDON, S.W. . Worhs : Birmingrham.
on August 0th. 6aid
r n I JfK 1° placing this Patent Fly Pajier upon the
: Market, I do so with a full assurance of its
Ml lll>a3llr
The Fly-plague in value and effectiveness in attracting flies.
South Africa was The Patent Fly Catcher is pronounced by all
markedly diminish-
ed wherever punc- users as a most effectual one, and bears out all
tilious care in the that is claimed for it. The patent consists of a
prompt removal of number of black lines printed on a semi-trans-
all refuse from the parent paper. This allows the lines to be seen
vicinity of the camp from the opposite side. This device in having
was combined with black lines is much more effectual than using
plain paper. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED.
a liberal use of
e.Gperfiross post paid on receipt of P.O. To Colonies 9/- post pa:d-
The Times, AiigusI 9,
working in
1902. almost every Trade where

ALSO OF POWDERS are Sifted and
Mixed and Lumps Re-
All Chemists' Sundriesmen.
duced, all being done at
lllBllMBjIiSi^ Parcel Post, one operation and without
loss by dust.
150 Sheets, 5/-
Per case of
500 Sheets, 15/- From £'S.'S

NEW SIZE TANGLEFOOT, 10/6 per case of 400 Sheets. CATALOfiUES FREE.
TANGLEFOOT is specially adapted for hot Climates, and Is
sold throughout the world.


7 Offices

Greait Turnstile, ^

LO/>IDO/>i W. C.

WorK5> WI?cr5l'oi?eParK.


2^-in. wide. 6j6 ^rost.
2i-m. wide. 6j6 gross. 5/— gross.
Ribbon Sticky both sides,
contained in a neat box. Ribbon Sticky both sides. Flat, Sticky Paper,

Clean and effective in use. Contained in assorted color- The Old Favourite Fly

Aed boxes. sure catcher. Exterminator.


— —4/6 gross. Printed u'lth customer'sown Advertisement

A most sutcetsfjl Sticky Fly Paper. 500 for 1 Ol- 3.000 at 131-
1.000 for 151- 5.000 at 121-
1.000 at 141- 10.000 at 111-



ReOTrodeMorK Rec.Trade Mark
Pot N? 566-1909
' fit N?206H- 1909


These three makes, no longer an experiment, but
an (attained success, are made of the best materials
obtainable, and are neatly displayed and packed with

smart, up-to-date advertising matter.


Send for Samples and Prices. They bear out our claims. D

SOLE MAKERS and PATENTEES A widebandstfcky onbotfi sides, unrollinalike a blind

KAY BROTHERS, Ltd., Stockport POCj. 6J. gross, post paid on receipt of
FLYODOOMO- the old favounte Fly Paper.
Nat. Tel. 347. Teleerams: " Kat Stockpobt.'
gross, post paid on receipt of P.O

&tJno.H, Smith Co^




Note what users say

Dear Sirs, Dear Sirs,

With reference to the instalment of SEVEN I have pleasure in enclosing cheque to cover your
ING MACHINES which you have recently completed, statement for the Tablet-filling Machine. When

we have pleasure in notifying you that these are giving your representative was here it ran perfectly, and as
soon as we can standardise our bottles I think we
every satisfaction, turning out the work in a way in shall h ave the best Tablet-filling Machine on the
which we hardly anticipated would have been possible market.

when you undertook the responsibility of designing I will order another one later on when I see
exactly what I require.
I take this opportunity of thanking you for the
Yours truly, care you took and the time you spent over the matter.

C. E. FULFORD, Limited. Yours faithfully,



Forgrove Machine wraps Round Medicated Tablets


Macliines tor Counting and Filling Tablets and Pills


We make Machines for wrapping soap, cube blue, meat cubes,

chocolate, cocoa blocks, caramels, and Machines for Twist Wrapping.


Admiral Street, Dewsbury Road, LEEDS.



Autumnal Catarrh, Rose-Fever, and Similar Complaints.

Cliquid, powder, and also salve)

(ANTIDOTE FOR POLLEN TOXINE) foi- external use.

Patented in Germany, England, the United States, &c.

DUNBARPrepared under the supervision of the Discoverer, PROF. DR. by

SCHIMMEL & CO., Miltitz, near Leipzig (Germany).

Sole Aftonts for the U.K. and British Colonies (Canada and Australasia excepted);




Bp Ropal Ularrant to Bp Ropal Ularranr to
f>Ml. Che King.
f>JR. Cbe King.

Only Crewe. EE?(cREWE) Only


Address. SALE IN THE Address,


Cures Colic or Gripes in Horses or Cattle, Scour and Weak- OR COW DRENCH.
ness in all Young Stock, Blown Cattle and Sheep, Debilit}',
For Costiveness, Loss of Cud, Indigestion, Garget, Colds,
Chills, and Low Condition in all Stock. Fever, Hidebound, &c., in Cattle. Prepares Cows fot
Calving, Prevents Milk Fever, and cures Bad Cleansing.
Price 118 per bottle.
121- per doz. packets.
Tiie Ewe Drench for Ewes, 3j6 per doz
Almost infallible for Tape Worms in Lambs and other
Animals for Husk or Hoose in Calves, Lambs, &c. A
Heal all Wounds in Horses, Cattle, and Sheep, Sore Teats
speciality for Worms in Horses and Colts. and Swollen Udders in Cows and Ewes. For Anointing

6/6 per bottle. ir. difficult Lambing or Calving.
216 and 61- per bottle.
For Blood Disorders, Humours, General Weakness, Sur-
feits, Indigestion, Sterility, &c., in Horses and Beasts, A Safe Embrocation for Sprains, Swellings, Windgalls,
Promotes Growth of Bone. Makes animals "fit " for Show Sprung Sinews, Rheumal ism , Sore Throat .Weak Joints iko

or Sale. 2/ 6 and 61- per bottle.

In Canisters at 7j6, 20 -, and 401-


Price £1 4s., £2 4s., £5, and £10 10s. ; Carriagre Paid.

Arringecf for Horses, Cattle and Sheep ; Horses only ; or to suit anj- class of stock.

When Ordering Please State Requirements.

The Chest illustrated Is similar to that at £5 and £2 4s. '

Great Specialities.





MU« 1» I»JL K E X T

A postcard brings you full When you think of it—

particulars of the greatest Why should you have two motor cars, when one

Motor offer ever made. will serve a dual purpose. Here is a 10, 12 h.p.

with Dual Body.

One a 7-cwt. delivery van, the other a four-seater
ring body, and you can make the change in a
minutes. This means real economy in garage

space, running costs, depreciation, taxes, etc.

You can buy this car

c i our unique easy payment

system, 23 7 down, the balance

with only 2 added, in twelve

small monthly instalments.

This car works for you as you
pay for it.

Humour your impulse, and

. send that postcard to-day.

Bentinck Motor Supply Co., Ltd.,

N.l. 13 SpriDg GardeDs, Manchester.

Telegrams—" Wiclif-Cent. London." Telephone—7630;Central. YOUR SHARE?


Memorial Hall, Farrinsdon St., LONDON E C. (Founded 1906.)

FreBident—Rov. J. SCOTT I.IDGETT. M.A.. I>.D.
Secretary— W, G. FORSTER. Memorial Hall. E.C.
Continental Secretary—B. P.iICE Hi GHES. B.\.

Ko extras. All prices include Return Tickets.

Belijian Tours include Excursions also.

NAMUR. The Gateway of the Ardennes... 14 Days for £5 10 0
11 Days for £6 5 0

Week-ends in Bnices, 3 Days £2 12 6 Is having a marvellous sale wherever introduced. It is unequalled for
cleaning the hands of all working people, as well as the dainty hands at
16 Days' CLARENS-MONTREUX TOUR £7 17 6 home, and has a score of uses to the housewife for cleaning paint,

16 Days LUGANO TOUR £8 12 6 kitchen pots and pans, &ic.

All Swiss and Italian Tours by the short Sea Route. fin GOODA/12
^^^^ ^ '^''^^ parcel as a trial order.
unt^^PiA-TAStiTiT^uRupJ-Leb / BELGIUM— Every Saturday. QUICK SALES. PROFITS.
^ SWITZERLAND—Tuesdays and

Fop ninstrated Booklet, with full particolars. apply The Secretary, Free PERKIN & CO., Ltd., cresoi Works. LEEDS.
Church Tonfing Guild, 89 Memorial Hall, Farringdon St., London, E.C,

Comprehensive all risk Motor JUST WHAT YOU WANT I f t

Insurances on Private and Trade GLASS BOTTLES
Vehicles, Cycles, and Cycle-cars
are granted by the ''London and AT THE RIGHT PRICE.
Midland.'' Their policies pro-
tect you everywhere and in every We m&ke Vials, Poisoni, Perfumery Bottles, all
way, and give benefits and cover shapes and sizes.
contingencies not provided for by all ihapei and colours
others. Moderate premiums and Special Ammonia Bottle. BOTTLE EXPERTS,
liberal bonuses. Es tabl i shed 1 859.
to meet the requirementt any special shape or
Write to-day for Prospectus colour made by our up-to-
of the Act. date Patent Gas Furnace*
"Q4" to The London and Midland Wincbe.teri, plain and and Machinery.

Insurance Co., Ltd., 39, 40, 41, stoppered.

New Broad St., London, E.C. Mineral Water Bottle.,
aU kinds.

Btf.r. ^Ucinc Tour .rdcrs clHwhet* ask your Merchant to consult or writ. t»

R. ORROCK & C0.,w%Barking,Es8ex

EttabUihed nearly « Ctnlary. _


Prompt Sales You stoclc "Wincarnis"

Increasing Demand our advertising sells it for

Quick Turnover you. There is an enormous
and ever-increasing demand
Protected Price for "Wincarnis" because it
is a good article backed up
by a powerful advertising

campaign. Don't risk

losing sales through being
out of stock. Glance at

your stock now.

COLEMAN & CO Limited,
Wincarnis Works, Norwich.

Mouse & Saltmer, Ltd. A Doctor's Advice to the Anaemic

Wholesale and Export Drug: Merchants, and Run-down Take a course of
Manufactu>-jni: Cnemists
HULL Non-Alcoholic

Invite the Trade to take up the following valuable INVALID Wine
P.A.T.A. Protected Lines, Leiring a very large Pro-
tected Retail Profit, which sell freely and are well Every pint represents the juice of ."Jibs, of the finest grapes.
known and valued by the Public in many parts of As a iiroiucer of Pure New illood nothint! equals it. Each
glassful you take is a step onwards towards renewed health.
the countrv.
Protected Dozen Sample Bottle Post Free for 2 6
Retail Price.
lOSALL'S SALT 'well advertised), tins 6(li
36 (Desk C). 61 Farringdon Street, LONDON. E.C.


bottlesi in 1 ' /C 10,6

cartons / ' / **

* Losall's Salt sells so well, surely It PUT UP FOR EXPORT.
must pay Pharmacists to stock such

I Ia big profit- bearing protected line.

LOSALL'S COMPOUND SULPHUR SOAP. Small Size, 3 oz. bottle, in case.
7 ,,
A valuable eniollioiit medicated i-kin ' 1 /" 8/- Medium ,, 16 . ,, ,,
soap. especially suitable for use in Eczema I
'/ Large ,, „


Chemists requiring effective advertising matter for OBTAINABI E IN LONDON FROM
Losall's Salt, &c., will, on application direct to
Ihos. Christy & Co.. 4-12 Old Swan Lane,
Lofthouse & Saltmer, receive a liberal supplv of
Dummies, Showcards, Window Slips, Price Ticket?, Upper Thames Street. E.C.

&c., Carriage Paid, vh?ther or no they have an The American Drug Stores, Trafalgar BIdgs.,

account open with the Firm. 6 Northumberland Avenue, London, W .C.
Burgoyne, Burbidges & Co., 16 Coleman St.,

F. Newbery & Sons, Ltd., 27 Charterhouse

Square, E.C.

Robert! St Co.. 76 New Bond Street. W.







fO & 11 M INCINC LANE, LO NDOW, E.G. Lightest and Whitest, also Purest Dense.

SPECIALITIES : Gums Arabic and Tragracanth as im- APPLY TO
ported or finely powdered.- Dextrine, Camomiles,
Honey. Waxes of ail kinds for Boot Polishes, &c. &AUG. LEYERMORE GO. Ltd., »
^"oNbo". Ht"'

Telegrams: "LEVERMORE LONDON." Telephone: 4613 Central.

Thyroid aad Suprarenal Glands. TRY A DOZ. from your Wholesaler. IT SELLS A1


Apply " R. P.." c/o The Chemist and Druggist, 42 Cannon Street, Pot8-3d., 6d., & 1/-.

London, E.G. (FOR HOME AND EXPOItT) Manufactiirors—

F. FARMER & CO,, la ColleRa Lane, Homerton, LONDON. N.E.

DO !
There ai-e Three Reasons why you should :

YOU 1st, A demand has been created by advertising. a, VAN ABBOTT & SONS, London^ $.L!|

SELL 2nd. They yield a good.profit to the Retailer. Manufacture all food.« for above.

THEM —3rd. They give satisfaction to the Customer. - j
Established 1859.
Tel. ; T018 Central Telegraphic Addre u ; " Olotene Locdon." i '

are prepared to consider Agencies for the Chemist Trade
STAMPS8 & 9 Snow Hill, for the whole of the Commonwealth of Australia. All
correspondence will be attended to by return mail.
Full Itlustrated Lists Free. Special Terms to Chemists, London References.

ALL SIZES Embossed
Cheapest Makers of Co-efficient Acids and Fluids.
Cztrria^ePaid on orders of 5.060. , Write for Samples.
^MENTftrVOn Ph»nnacieFri(naise,M Richmond
a, Cl^lLAADKIITV , Westbourne Grove. London .W.

First-Glass Mechanical Dentistry. Dr. Sledman s Teething Powders

Reliable workmanship. Popular prices. Moderate chargss for Gold, The 2/9 36ize now contains powders Instead of
D. A., Tubes, Seamless Gcli Crowns, Sections, Vulcanite, &c. Ash s
and D.M.Co. Teeth and Rubber gruarauteed. Punctuality strictly 30, at 18/- per doz. 11/- Size 240 powders at
observed. List free. Trial case solicited. Gold and D.A. work
a speciality. Special cheap rates for showcase pieces. i8 years' £10 5%120/- per doz. 'or cash'
experience of first-class mechanical dentistry. wortti, less

E. C. HALDER, 46 New Cross Road, LONDON, S.E. TRADE MARK New North Road, LONDON, N.

'Phone, New Cross 15o5. JOHN E. RAWORTH,


nr>T MAwIt^ffw ur>iici7 „^ QUEEN ANNE'S CHAMBERS,




This popular article is largely advertised
" Oentlstrif for Chemists " post free, " Everjrdar Dentistry/' 3/6. I and stocked by all Wholesale Houses.

F. C. WARDALE A CO., 132 High Street North, East Ham TRIAL BOTTLES

Ttl. Wo. : Fas* Ham »7» Tel. Address: " Elaaraar Lonflon " j 4/. per doz. ; 3/6 size. 28/- per doz.

Dr. HAIR'S f^'^c molbo^^n 1402.' TOBACCOS! CIGARS! CIGAREHES!

STHMA & ^RONCHITI Every known Brand at Manufacturer's o^vn List
CURE.A LiQUiL' Ty-1jNLY PERMANENT Prices, Endless variety of Tobacconists' Fancy
Goods (fc Shop Fittings. The Trade only supplied.
ROYAL PHYSICIAN'S ENDORSEMENT. Opening orders a Speciality. Send for Price List.


B. W. HAIR & SON, 90 01 Hi^h Holbom, London. S UNIVERSAL BOTTLE CO.. 25 & 28 Aldgate, London, E.C.

B EOtXFOR DISPENSING BOTTLES. 1 07,. 5/6, 2 02,6/6. :! oz. 7/-, .1 oz, 7/6, C 02. 8/-

H oz 8 6. 10 oz, 12'-. I J oz, 12'6. 16 oz. 17/-. 20 oz- 20/-

KAV3 3-PANEL COUGH MIXTURE BOTTLES. IJ oz, 6/6. 'it oz, 7/ ,,-,oz 9 -
POI50N BOTTLES (Blue or Actinic). 1 oz. e/6, 2 oz. 6,6. 3 oz. 7/6. i oz. 8/5.

6oz. 11/-. 8 oz. 12/-, 1(1 oz, 17/-, 12oz, 18/-. 10 oz 21/-. 20 oz 25/-

Of every r]esf>i-iption yon cannot do betti-r tlian go to VIALS, Plain and Lettered Teaspoons. 4 oz,. 3/6. 1 oz. 4/-, 14 oz, 4/9. 2 oi. 5/6,
,1 oz, 7/6. i oz. 8/6 /,i / Gross Boies, 6d. extra.
TERMS; Cash with order s% discount; or 3l% on delivery, and net 30 days.
GLOVER &C. H. CO., LTD. and upwards, carriage paid, packages free. Goods well packed,

HATCHAM, OLD KENT ROAD, LONDON, S.E. No allowance for breakage.


Please write for Special List. VanHorn STERILE SUTURES & LIGATURES
GALEN MANFG. CO., Ltd., Wilson Street, New Cross, London, S.E.



Manufacturer of NICOTINE iu Bond from duty-free Tobacco MALT CHARCOAL BISCUITS

Nicotine makes the very finest Insecticide for fumigating, CURATIVE AND PALATABLE.

vapourising, or spraying to destroy insects infesting vegetation. GLUTAL BISCUITS ^^^^^^^
Toxr innuiiirx snliciled.



Branston St.,


Jlany valuable suggestions will be found in tha new
Samp/es and Prices on app/icafion.
issue of this Journal, publi;-hed by the enterprising
IDRIS &Co.Ltd., Camden Town, N.W House Christy, and it behoves every up-to-date

S. DEPARTMENT- Chemist to see that his name is entered on the

monthly mailing list.


Catheters and Bougies, in Black or Brown Gum, and Finest Silk Web. Specula, Rectal and CEsophageal Instruments.

Horse Catheters and Cattle Probangs. Wholesale and Export only. Price List fiom the Manufacturers.

&MASON BROS. CHAPMAN, 107 Whitecross St., LONDON. E.C.


Tel. Address:." Pillischer" London." Established 1843, Telephone: 4418 Gerracd.






(French Section) (British Section)








Pine Tree

Toilet Paper.

/ GROSS OF EITHER Noar the British Museum.


3/8@6d. Packets ... doz. nctt. KINGSLEY HOTEL


6d. Rolls @ 3/1 i « » Opposite the British IVIuseum.



These •well-appointed and commodiouB TEJfPEHANCE HOTELS have
Passenger LiUs, Bath Rooms on every floor. Lounges ani spacious

I>ining, Drawing, Writing, Reading, Billiard and Smoking Etoama.

Perfect Sanitation. Fireprool Floors. Telephones, Night Porters.

Bedroom, Attendance, and Table d'Hote Breakfast, single,

James Townsend & Sons, from 5/6 to 7/6 ; wi«\ Table d'Hote Dinner, from 8/6.

EXETER and LONDON. Full Tariff and Testimonials on applicnttoii.

_TELEORlPHIC A. DDEES8E3 I KinCBlcy Hotel. Thackeray Hotel.
{ .. 3^^^,^,^ London." "Thackeray London.

' Telephones : Begent 2083, Regent 2041.



PT" CASH WITH ORDER. '•B To Imitators or Dealers in Imitations of

size Phosferine 10/22 per dozen net PHOSFERINE.

9^ „ „
4/6 „ WITH

5 GROSS LOTS (assorted sizes if required) subject to DAMAGES AND COSTS,

per cent. Cash Discount. obtained against THE VENDOR

10 GROSS LOTS (assorted sizes if required) subject to for using the word

2J per cent. Cash Discount.


The selling price of Phosferine is Protected, it must

no*^ retailed in the United Kingdom under the

—fol'itivfing prices, viz. : 1/1? size for 1/-, the 2/9

V^- / size for 2/6, 4/6 size for 4/-.

Full prices to be obtained when possible.


PHOSFERINE In tbe h\^\) Court of Justice.

The Greatest of all Tonics, Chancery Division.
—Is a good paying line for Chemists the Retail price
Before Mr. JUSTICE Cozens-Hardy.
is protected, and, as it contains nothing poisonous,
it can be sold without restriction. Between ASHTON & PARSONS, LIMITED,

Being a highly Concentrated Medicine, its storage Proprietors of "Phosferine" (Plaintiffs)
occupies very little of the valuable space in a
Pharmacy. AND

It is one of the largest advertised medicines in the THE VENDOR OF PHOSFERQUIN {Defendant).
kingdom, and sells freely.
A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION with damages and costs
It can be recommended with the greatest confidence
for all Nerve Pains, Nervous Disorders, Eheu- was granted on the 14th December, 1900, restraining the
matism, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia, General above Defendant, his servants and agents from in
any manner infringing the Plaintiffs' Registered Trade
Debility, &c. Mark, 6530, and from selling or offering or exposing or
advertising for sale or procuring to be sold any medical
ROYAL COIVIIVIANDS. preparation not prepared by the Plaintiffs under the name
of ' ' Phosferine ' ' or under any other name which by
colourable imitation of the Plaintiffs, word "Phosferine"
or otherwise was calculated to represent or lead to the
belief that such preparation is "Phosferine" or is a
preparation of the Plaintiffs, and from selling or supplying
any such preparation as aforesaid in response to orders for
" Phosferine " or for a preparation of the Plaintiffs or from
otherwise passing off or enabling or assisting others to
pass off any such preparation as aforesaid as or for
" Phosferine " or a preparation of the Plaintiffs.

PHOSFEEINE has been supplied by command of All infopmation relating to the infringement or
dealers in infringements of "Phosferine"
,: Members of the British Royal Family, will be confidentially treated, and should bo
(wp H.l.M. The Empress of Russia, addressed to the proprietors of " Phosferine,"

H.M. The King of Greece, ASHTON & PARSONS, LTD.

H.l.M. The Dowager Empress of Russia, "Lt.l'-Q'-AM*H7L*uf"' LONDON, E.G.
H.M. The Queen of Roumania,

&c.. Sc., [1]

A recommendation that can be claimed for

no other Proprietary Medicine.

Patent Agents,
LA BELLE SAUVAGE L| UANyI1I11U1NU, CO Bristol House, Holborn Viaduct, E.G.


The First Series of WRIGHT'S

Window Display Competition

for 1914 CLOSES on TUESDAY, JUNE 30.

To the first hundred Chemists purchasing window display

quantities of Wright's Coal Tar Soap, viz., 1 gross of boxes,

with 2 dozen boxes free as bonus for 3 weeks' display during

the month of JUNE, we will send a copy for exhibition

in the window of the reproduction of

THE OIL PAINTING by '^Oranges and Lemons^^

the distribution of which we are advertising largely in the

public Press. This picture, which is shown on page iii
of Cover, is superbly produced (size 33 inches by 27 inches)
in colours, faithful to the original, and is entirely free from

advertisement matter. It is sent to those who send 24

wrappers from 4d. tablets of


Coal Tar Soap 14 CASH PRIZES

With 6d. to cover packing and postage. AWARDED TWICE YEARLY

The display of this picture in your window £25First Prize - -
should bring you many customers for 24
Second Prize f- 1
Third Prize ^£10
A Window Displav of WRIGHT'S Fourth Prize - £5
And 10 Consolation Prizes
CENT. PROFIT on selling price,
£of 1 each.
]»—and the following are the prizes

—Write instantly to

WRIGHT, LAYMAN & UMNEY Ltd., Southwark, London, S.E.

See oi4,oe:tc page. L36j




Telephone Number . Bank 862 (two lines), Telegraphic Address: " Chemlcus, Cannon, London" (charged as^two wordsV


EVERY WEEKCopies of tliia Supplement arc oirpulatcd to busincFS men connected

with the Chemical and Drug Trades. The GUARANTEED CIRCULATION IS

NEVER UNDER TWELVE THOUSAND. This numerical distinction o£ the

"C. & D." Supplement is one of the grounds of its popularity and power. There are
others, chief of them in the esteem of those who advertise in it is that it brings the

results wanted, therefore



lessrs. ORRIDGE & CO., 56 Ludgate Hill, E.G.

Mav he oon^i-.ltri pt ihfir Offices on matters of SALE, PURCHASE, and VALUATION.

LONDON. S.E.—For immodiait* Disposal, g-oo<l-cli\£i= Cash or near offer; large shop, well fittc<l. -.villi TOiufoi-lviUe Jioiiec

1 and dispensing Business; returns' between £l,450 :ukI —sittache<l.
'0 per annum ait good i>ricos ; double-fronted fhop, roomy 8. \V.lTinVICKS.HIRE.—Goo<l-cLiss Retail and Di^ptnsng Busi-
ness; returne average alxnit .€l,600 per annum at fair prices;'
Iwld on lease ; to cffeot a 6poe<ly tra.nsfer, less tlian, tlic

of stock and fixtures will be aoceipted. commodious residence, garden ; moderate I'ent ; held <'n; '

k«aEC ;

iUDDiLEiSEX (few milee out).—Retail, Dispone ling. and Prc- terms, vaJuartiion of stock and fi.\tures and erun for goodwill to
ng Busiuese; returns under mianagement £600 p«r annuiu,
'^n?; convenient house iond g'ajSen ; rent £36; i«Td on —Y0RK3 —Ix) arranged equitably. "

iii-:ce f3o0. .

9. (Large Town), 01d^stablish«l Bu6.ines«=, Retail an<l-

Dispensing; i-etnrns between £1,500 and £1.350 per annum; ijrt.'

—I-(XNpON, S.W. (Reeidential Suburb). Death vaeancj' good- profit, afiout £500; roomy house, with garden attach<tl-; pniee
; '

J!< and D:6iiJeai!?in:j Business promdnent position returns —£900.
;; ,
t' 500 per annum; ffroi-s profit above the arernge of Hetail 10. NORTH OF ENGL.VXD.— General R<'tail Buf .:! *'.. incliid-

: rmiuiodious shop cmd picm'ises; price £700; full investi- inig Wince; returns Last year over £1,000; net profit £343; locI<-'*

1 courted. up PJiarmaoy ; rent £29 per aamnm; terms, Taluation of eticKrk

IvONIX>N. N.W. (Maaa Ttarougihfare).—Uood-elass Di^spens- —and fixtures.
11. LiANCS (Health Resort).—Li gJit Retail, RisiienMn^. an<r-
iitl Retajl Biisiness ; returne
(present rvite) £750 scope for Photographic Business; rctume la^st year .£672; doub;eifroiitr<l

erabie developmeut price £500, or near offer: large shop, —shop, well fitted and stocked ; moderate rent; price £320.
: 12. &LOUCE.STEI{^SHIRF. (Gviod-class Town).—Vi-rv old-c^tab-

and fully stocked, with large houee a-ttadied. liahed Biieiness, Retail and DisiK-nsing. situate in main rhnvouirh-

—(^tihin easy distance of Towul. Retail, Dispensing,
( ptical,, with Photographic; establishexl many years; returns
fare ; returns £610, at profits above the average o1 Ret til trade : I
o; comfortaljlo residenoc '
; hand'Sonie. a\ cll-aippointed shop; very few Paitents sold roomy house, with ga.rdea attac-hed ;
; rent

J' ^nOmN^D'ON, tei-niG entertained. — —moderate : price £400. j. .

W.—Good -close Business, Retail and Dispensing 13. OXO'N'. ^Retail and Dis.pensing Business; ret-Drn.« average '^

(preeent rate) £l,200 per annum: full investigation £1.036 per annum: scope for development; terms, valuation- of

Ifl; rent £56; about £600 required, or valuation teims —stock and fixtur-c<?.
lined; 14. CO. DUR'H.iJr.—Ready-money Business; returns £500,. in-,

—^6^IbPetSwFe'en creasing: gross profit 40 per cent.; rent £27 10-?.; eoopc for^
^' -f^*^'! "n*! Dispensing Business; returns e-onsiiderable development; to effect a speedy transfer vendor \tiU

£l,700 and £1,800- per anuum yrosi profit

'r cent.; moderate rent; lease 15 jeajrs to run; price £1,100. accept £250,


->^^u•su?s'me^ss^,°-«^cP.s,irceatno empliasize tlie necessity of a Perindical Statement of -Account, by which means alone Profit, the vatiie
be determined. Involving as this does the labour of Stocktaking and Valuation, it is often cm":t?tetl, anil-

eventually becomes the cause of confusion and loss.
TermsMessrs. 0. & Co. are prepared to undertake these essentia", duties, and will make Special
for rnch servic-r s.
& 56 HII^L, UONDOI!^,<***iRII>GE ,

CO., 3L.U13G-H.TE JB.C.



' Licensed Valuers, Tel. No. Finchley 812.


Vslegrams, "Brett Leicester." Telephone 1934. BARCLAY & SON, LTD.

All corresr>0'i(lenre should be addressed as above ; and at

F. J. BRETT, M.P.S., 174 VICTORIA STREET, 8.W. Tel. No. Victoria '

arVES PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL VALUATIONS. A Register of Businesses for Sale of every class ond sisse in tov

W NO CHARQB TO BUYERS. and country art reasonable pricct*. Inquiries invited fropi I'l

AGENCY —We hcve always a largo number of Buyers on our chasers, notifying the kind of business (k-sired. the locality ju
books, and we can frequently find a purchaser at once. We also ferred, and amount of capital it ie desired to invest".

have a Private Begister for vendors who are in no hurry to sell, (Buyers' Tiegisrter. Vendors' invited to opply for form to f!
aind who do not wish their businesses to be advertised. in with particulars of Business thoy desire to sell, which is'
with strict confidence.

SIOGKTAKiNG SPECIALISTS to the Entire DRUG TRADE. No liability incurred unless a sale is made from my intrcductiu

£2,000 rebiras— SOUTH.—Higli-clafiB Retail and Dispeasiag da The examination of Businesses for Sale or Purchase is nio<lo
f«wh.ionabl* J-ocality ; net profit £400 under manager; finely specially low terms. Parso.i C. Baker Imvs ma<le a speciality
tihiis, and hie long experience in every class of business cnabl
fitted Pharm.'acy and commanding- position price about £1,500, him to give raluable advice and ato.itanee in negotiations.

or equitable goodwiU and stock and fixtures at valuation. Voluatdons are made on moderate terms for Sale, Probate,
Aecomit jiuiiiJoses in any part of the United Kingdom.
£1,200 returns.— DE.VONiSHIRE.—General Light Retail, with
fair Diipt-nsing,- in good position of large town; net profit £350; Prompt personal attention is given in every cose.

price £300.

£900 returns.- SOMERSET.—Vei-y pi-ofltable Light E'etail in &Evans, Gadd Co. Ltd.

prosperoius t^jivn : has returned rauch more and would ag-ain. by BRISTOL gc EXETER.

personal aWention ; excellent ehop and premises; valuation, about

£450; aa exceptional chance.

— —£600 reifcuras.. SUR-RE'T. ^LigJit Retail and Dispeneing : in-

creasing good opening for Optics fine corner poeibion good
my; ;;
Valuation and Transfer Department.
Ibou'se; TO.luatiou about .£400; ycung man ^vianting to start
in a good-class concern would find" this a good investment.
—HULL.—£800 r«fc'j.rns. Good-class Re<tail ; vendor leti ring after or TRANSFER,

many yi'' occupancy ; full investigiaition courted ajid good Condactod by Mr. H. WIPPELL GADD, Liceued

iajtroductioa given. Vainer, atiitted bj an expert staff.

£l,O0C r. turas.—LONDON .SUBURB.—Lig-lit Family, P.ebail, EVANS, GADD &For Termt, etc, apply to
CO. Ltd.,
l>i.sipensing. etc.; gO(d dorble-f ronited shop with residence; can
b-? larg' iy incrca^sed by peraoijal attention; net profit £.300: Reddiff Street, BRISTOL, and Fore Street, EXETER.
pric« £650.

— —£1,000 r.iurns. LiANC'S. Good workiiug-clas.s Ret.ail for im-

mediate Sale through illnef.6 ; stock and fi.xturce worth £700; will
aobepl; £530 only wants eeeing.


Valuations conducted upon the shortest notice
at moderate fees.

Chemists' Valuers and Transfer Agents,



Have the following businesses for Disposal. (No charge to Purchasers.) \

— — —1. WE..5T OF ENGL.VND (Seaside Resort)
Good Family 9. TORKSHIR'E.—Good-class Suburban Retail and D"*!^"

Itetail ati-i Dispeneing Business ; return* £1,850 scope for fur- ; 'Bus'iness, in. fine position; returns nearly £1,300; good proftto

ther extension splendid position large residence attaehed price handsome Pharmacy, heavily stocked price £900 oaeh.
;; ; ;
—10. NORFOLK.—Old-establiehed Retail and Agricultural Bm
—SURREY —simply valuation of stock and fi-xtures; about £l,000. ness, in good markeit town; same hands many years; aeglewa
2. (Favourite Locality). Hig'h-olaes BueLneiss, in gx-

oellemt position; formerly doing £1,400, now lunder manager; returns over £800 ; net profit about £250 ; fine premifloe

h.;Uidfiome «hop. fully stocked; large house; low rentaJ price easily do £1,200; valuation only required, no goodwill.
—11. SrSlSiEX.—Good-class Light Country Ik-tail ; no heavy ir«I«
£'850 Wii.rtJi ,;i,ttention.

S.^SOMEBS'ET.— Profitable Retail, Dispensing, and Prescrib- returns £700; nert profit £200; good liouic and g«,r<Icn; moaeri

ing; returns £900 under poor management; was doing £l,500; attr.actii-e shop, fully stocked price only £340, or v iluation.
gnod house an.d garden; low rent; large' shop, fully stocked; ;

|)rice £500, or valuation. 12. -OUILDFORD (near) .-<3eod Light Country Retail; retan

—4. OXON.-^ld-establiahed Light Country Retail Bueineas, in over £400; net profit £160; good house and garden; d-lkmiUi

fine poeitioa of good market town returnrs £800, with scope foi —locality; price for quick sale £250.
15.—SOUTH WALES. Unopposed Light ReUil Ba«iiM«
—inoTwase; double-fronted sihop, well stocked: price valuation
5. S&irXH CO-VST.—G-ocd-elaffi R'otail and Disiponsir.g Business rapidly growing and prosywrous district; returne last rear Hr

returns 'A>.yit £800 good profits ; modern double-f rouittd shop,' this year will do £750 ; low irent ; laice modernr bovtt

etiandiS vv.-Ll. fully stocked; price, valuation, about £550. pharmacy, fully stocked; price £600.
6^-7-8. LfEVON.—Light Family, Retail, and D;&i>ensin^ Business
— ^^'^14. KENT (10 miles out).—High-class Retail and

an Qioe tovv.i; r<?turns £525; net profit £200 ; lov- rent; g-ood hous>e business; returns over £700, increasing; good profits; fin* l**"
—a.nd shop, nLaiu street; price £350, or valuation. and garden; stock and fixtures worth about £450; price £600

7. LONDON (Kent Suburb) .—Modern dish Re<tail Baisdness for —15. LONDON, N.W.—For immediate Disposal, through «ri(Ki
bale through ;
sole'j ill-health; fine unopxwsed position- illness, good-class BusLnese, in splendid main road pofttioo,
over £1.450
: net profiit £450; lhan<l3ome shop, fully 'stocked returns £750; no cutting; stands to do £1.200; attractive el91

— —price for '{a;ck .vale £800. or near offer, bare valuat'o-n, well stocked price £500 cash, or nca.r offer.
8. LONDON, N.E. ;

Cash Retail and Prescribing; not on —16. LONEON, S.E. (8 miles out).— Sound Retail B"«'"**:,J|3jj
PAnel; returns over £800; plenty of scope; net profit £250-
*'Jfij maia road; large eiop, fully stocked; price £425, or offer ready money; returns over £800, mctxjasing; net prc^ sZSCit*!

good house, smart Pharmacy; no near opposition; price £400-

BERDOE &Messrs. FISH would "C. &D.
like every Pharmacist in business to read page 48 in this year's 1

liiary, and then write for our pamphlet showing the many advantages of having stock taken ; with a successful bosinei

Btook has a habit of insreaeing, more especially since the Insurance Act came into force ; and if only to satisfy yourself th«
and a make any®",*'® Tully insures:
in position to indisputable claim In case of flr
It will pay you to have it done. Our terms, which are low, can be had on application. 43 years' practical axperienoi


THOS.TOMLINSON&SON N ORTH OF ENGLAND.— Most desirable locality; g-ood-elara
Family Retail and Agricultural Business; returns approach
CHEMISTS' VALUERS, TRANSFER AGENTS, £3,00300,, wfith profits much above tlie _average; fullest irve-stigatiorv
offered; cash rcquire<l .about £2,400; valuation terms .irraugeil
Established oveh Half a Ckntchy.
principals, only d«ilt with. Addrtts, 119/16, Office ol tl. s Pa.jxT.
Telegraphic Address; " Tomtom."
YORKS.-^ood gen'iino Business; corner sii-ap, thr'-e pord

wiindows, mstin ro<id ; returns last year over £l,OC'0 uiuU r

unqualified; good Wine Licence (also for Sipirits, not used.:,: returiii
can be greatly increased under qualified management : tiplendid
openiuig for Insuranc* Diispen&in.g and Photog raphjic goo<lj : rcosou
for 6<JJiiig; price £350; jai-t may romaijj. " Zc<lex, " Kaim<'S it
Cx)., York.

BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL ADTERTISiEK is desirous of selling his 600 £l d' .l!y-p..

3S. 6d. for 50 words or less 6d. for every Ordinary Sharee, giving ccmplete control; salarj- t250 p» r
; annum, in firs-t-class West-End bueinees two doors from Oxfonl
.Street, W. leaving London; exceiptional opportuUiity 'or smart
10 words or less beyon.-'. prepaid.

Chemist; immediate posEe&sion ; offers wanted. App:v, 115/9.

Office of this Pai>er.

The Advertiser m?y, if preferred, have replies BARGAIN for Quick Sale.— £100 secures small Cosh liueincs*.

, showing jriet profit of £3 to £3 10s. weekly; c^.u.'d l-o
increased, but proprietocr is often absent ; the district ai<a larg.j
jddressed to this C, "See, and forwarded on payment of aa and growing ni:d<l:e :ind working class residential, neai- a garage
of the G. O. Co. employing 800 hands family rcasone ff r -i cposal.
jdditional charge c 6ol.
Prioe-lietfi, trade oiroulare, eamplee, and printed matter can in
> ease be forwarded, the Box number leing intended exclueivelj Apply, " .Juvenis ' (245/42), Office of tliis P.ipcr.
r specific anewere to particular adTertieemcntiS. The Publisher
eerves the right to open and refuee to forward any commin'ca- —CHEMIST, St.ationer, etc. For immediate Sale, old-

iM receiyd which he may coiuider contrary to this rule. e6Jtublishe>d Business; turnover £1,500; owner retiring; price,
including freehold property, £l,400. Addreee, Box M., c;o
E. Marlborough & Co., 51 Old Bailey, London, E.G.

RADFOK'D,— Old-established Light ]!,tail Drug Business for FOR quick Sale, Lancashire, small Seaside Businest>: returns
Diepoeal at once, main thoroiigihf a re, j.cflr Town Hall; reason, between £8 and £9 weekly, showing 25 per cent. TjCT profit
; g«od oiwning for Panel. I'artieuiars from " S. H.," 115 stock wx>rth £ll0 to £l20; house attached, with, bir garden;
s-uit young or elderly man; scope for good inei-«iec accipt £80
g* Street, Bradloixl.
MCCIETH, North Waloe.— The best Chemist's Shop in the town
for quick sale. Apply, 117/3, Office of this Paper.
for immediate jJi&posaJ ; will sell at a sacrifice, £175, or
FOB immediate Disposal, small Chemist's and Dnigg;i--;'e Busi-
ptt best- offer easy payments can be arranged subject to ness in popular Seaside Resort in Cornwall; goc><; position,
; in main street; incoming easy; good oi>portundtv for siairting
'ii business; giving up owiBig to propa-ietor's death. "Applr. 118/5,
arantee. Appiy, Parbin S. Booth, F.A.A., Accountant and Office of this I^aper.

ditor, The Association of Msnufiacturiaig ChcmistS', 2 Bixtcth

eet, L/iTcrpool.

ASTERN COUNTY (Ijargc Town).—Unopposed Plmrmaey im- ; GOOD-CLASS Country Business, with houce, fih.>p -.nd out-

mediiate Dis^posal ownor going aliroad; retiiins about £750; buildings; about £550; profits unusually large owing
; to big sale of own. Proprietaries; nearest Chemist five riiiik=- good
opening for Dentistry and Photographic work; rent £21 a'ye<iv;
profit f 200 ; rent £40 : long lease ; wi ll fitted, well stocked held on lease; cJiianged hands once in 29 years; r.o Inturanee
; Dispensing; e\cry inv';s*igotion invited; s.atiefaetory r.r.fcn for
d:spo-al; price £440. " Genuine" (il4/33), Offiee of th.s Pa-p. r.
N.H.I. good opening Dentistry and Optics; estimated stock

'5; price asked £353, or nearest offer accepted; Ixioks audited,

tetiui," 5 S.t. Phillip's Terrace, Pennlields, \\olverli«mpton.

OME COUNTIES.—Highly desirable good-cla*s Retail, DlspeJis- T.MMEDIATE Disposal; Light Retail and Dispensing Busincjss ia
profiifta?b?le;"^p"r^esent England
- ing, returning £l,400 to f 1,500 per annum; net profits ; returns £600 exocptionnlly
genuine opportunity ;
50 to £400; exceptional opportunity. For further particulai-tJ handa 14 years; low price for quick sale- i
>>y^outihalI Bros. & Barclay, Ltd'., Valuation and Trauisfvr
!>artment, Birminghaiji. for considerable increase. " Nemo " 1118/38),

Office of this Paper.

OME COUNTr.—For Disposal, a very profitable Light Eetail OLD-ESTABLISHED Retail, Pros ribing. and Di>.i..-.-.t:ng Busi-

- and Disi)ensmg Business; returning £500; N.I. Dispensing ne«6; modern fittings; good eto:^C; N.H.I, work: ii,.e hou«c
witi long lease; net profit about £300. For full i-articulare
inged hands opposition; well fitted «uid fully stocked; £>PPJy. Joncjs, Pharmaciet, Connah's Quay, near Chester.

once in 30 yeajs excellent chance for beginner
; ;

iCe £300 or valuation of stock and fixtures. " Genuine

.9/7), Office of this Paper.

|BNT.— Country Bus'^ness thriving Manufacturing district; fwiOinhxLs,opDteum-rcicatsEsirSokr£neTe6ttAi0irnBtivooLinntwgIel;ndyS.;gH(oOEocxWdoDfu.olrhddoBHsuu.hsbsieeir;nSemet)msueos;pcdhhnaeeinrng,ialmtepecbCrethoserevtedmenitdsb;ptyo.issnipttrCoieechosnkineepnrpatgininydnrfircoetpxNhchrorleiirjlevilttidecomsnrnjt

Jt nearest Cihemi St five miles; increasing National Health Insur-

.ArtSi's^^ttr^y*,^ * opening for Photography, also scope for Optics,
Sc-ide-lines, etc.; eoitt.ins: prices unnecessary; opportunitv
flgu«U capital; sihop and dwelling accommod'ation, at low rent"-
"l^ly nonunal fi,gure for fixtures. W. Fravling, CHfle Kent
^r\LD.E.ST.\BLISHED Disp<.^nsing Business; present '..-.nds 25
MliNCS. (Popular Seaside Resort). ^ood-cla&s and Dis- years; busy mam strex't of pleasant suburb near Birn-ungham •
aCi££P64^0A00n0;'; 'ip-lrlni-ilnic"ei«Plp'talulisrc"oanuls*ye*^; o^nf^o'i'magmeendtisa.tvea1ldu1ia8sb/plo4es0a,lf;;oDfirsetphteiunsrsniPsnagVorver
' i'- ^oln'"'-"lereasmogp;enubio^goksfokrepOtp;tiecvserayndinvDeesnttiigsattrivon;; returns
lJui^ cent.; profits
seasons just commenoimg price £700. At)T)1t
Jedjone ( 113./S4), Office of this Paper.
pSOPRJETOR of a very old Business, South Walee eeuti-nl

''^^^ ^^'n'PeUed by illness to sell prc«pe.-N.-..
returns over £2,000; good prices; rent £100
on leave •
and fixturfe only; p^t purchase
JPw?H^«.& ?>|?*out)TEsceptional offer; owing to breakdown monev^ABiuJt„.-i;n£e^Q8^;
^ell-establiehed Business; price, valuation stock
n&Wereve^i^ ^.^^Ji^ ^^l*?'®
. -tn?^^ Pharmacy; ; profit about £450 MSFSne'nndd, l with gocxl business man as Worl^^n^P"^'^n"<T-ir^-
f«Ks'wo?;l u noised Road, Church End,
practically ; stock and ountfield Finchley, N.

Vr'^'^P*'-- (119/106), Offiee

SiSfff -^"""^ Business for immediate Ddsposal i^^.-T^.f°?l£?^*''~^^PrP'S^a-le^,^^o^l'd^-^e^s^t^abl"i"shke.d Business in East end
Advocate, i£5a Union



2l7netU^.pPffa*filr.;ait^„i!nT'e'*fTB,funil'd'i°nS=go"s^<^,x^^i""Bl^hr^<o,vomka^sc,'asnwcuyBta;lir.,nsoMeaipnrnacecrharaeset6oae.nstaeee!brnl.teb^yioeffeae,n^ TO LET.
O jKamOcaMcnoAmRmwf,oadcdThianntgCgiioentsmot;iastDwiteoonrntkwi;asGnt.tnNweo.xdRm.plrdteomtmaaiitkunaemk;e2lirrnweoee;nloltm-sgfoiotnfotloderyd,Sl£iu5vnri?pgn-e^gtroyg^'ccaiTfItdedceaHsMSw*JT?i^;
PfcoiS^hJtl^Z T^-f^pity Prescribing and IW^pensing
f^J^Dis^f over£i,300; net profit £400° '&o^rrark, or «86^'S^t.a?ti'o^n"'R^o'a^d,^'N^e1wf"°So^u'tvh«ga«te,Mydfodrlebteoy^. Rcu^


^!ol£ i^f^^' «^l*<=i*"7 Optdeal and Photegroiph^c

Dentisi ^o^^^ iil-heaTthV anxious" to

^"'^ of thBs Paper fplendid addition. 115/34,




riAHE. ^above Comiinittee invite applic-ations for an Officer '

HiAVIMG my mylet premases ott lease, I offer, at valuiation, J. time) to undertake the work of checking Prctwri4>tioi
matters ' inoideurtal thereto as may be required by tho Com

oxcelleut Mahogany Shcpfittiiigs, ia g-ood condition inspection Applicants should apply ia tlieir owji liundwraing, statin

invited. J. F. Brown, Pharmaceutical Cliemifit, 1 Oannon. Street, experience, pro&ent occup!;tion, qualifioatioiis, and:*aiary n- :


Dover. and forwaixl two recent tcstimomials.

Ml applic-ations should I>e endorsed " Prescription. Oiiec '

MEDIUil-SiZED, practically new, Natianinl Cash Register for and mutt be forw^aixled, addrcsseKl to the Clerk of the Conn

Sale; clieap for cash; iesuos receipt. Write Sopkins, 2 Hill- Wesitgate, AVinchestcr, not later tlvan .Jnne 18th.
more Grore, Sytlenliam.
BIRSMNGHA-AI (near) .—Assistant, qualified or unqualiftc for
SALE —of Stoclc and Fixtures. Rebuilding of premises necessd- i
tates speedy Sale of Stock and Fixtures ; stock in good con-
dition, li'ac- jU'jt been taken, includes Optical goods and S.ight- Retail and Diepensing outdoors; youn^g roam
tfistiiag E'tH'oixlis. Piarticulans Tomlinson, 45a Market Street. ^lau- ;

chcjjtca- ; or .the vemdo-r, C'rook, Clhemist, Soutiiiport. State' usual particulars and salary required to M.' H. 0

PhaTmaci¥t, Great Bridge, Staffei.

B —IR.MING-HAM. Part-time Assistiant required; evcninps licr-
manent ; Mixed business; mnsit be able to iBishsc.
" Brook " (116/43), Office of this Paper.

AGENCIES. —BL.\CKHEi.VTH. Wajiited .at once, young qualified g:«iii

Price-liets, trade circulars, samples, and printed matter can in for fiirst-ck'.Si.; Family and Dispensing business; mnst b' •
no case be forwarded, the Box number being intended exchisiTely and accurate Diopenisicr and uso<l to a quick biK.iue«S} o<i(
for specific answers to particular advertisements. The Publisher
reserves the right to opea and refuse to lorward any commuttioa- Please send full particulans to Bailcv, Pharmacist, 61 Old ^'
tione received wliieh he maj consider contrary to this rule. Road, Biackheath, S.E.

—AU'ST-R.ALASIA. Good Agency wanted by advertiser, who has B0UR.NE.MOUTH.—Capable Assistant wanted; outdoont! Wi-

thorough knowledge of the market and is in a position to flcation. not es^^ntial. J. H. Sharland, PhanMkUit, ,52
handle a good line. Pleasie wriie, giving particulans, to H. A,
Eeoves, Ivauhoe Hotel, L<bndon, W'.O. Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth.

—SPAIN. Phatmaeist desires Depot or Sole Agency for foreign BRISTOL.—R,elia.ble and capable A6«>istant r«inircd; Di '
Pharmaceutical Specialities: Alimentary Products, Per-
fumery, etc. ; or would undertake manufacture and packiiUg ing and General P'Ota-il buoincss; weekly half-liolidai -
locaJly. Samples, cataloguee, and correspondence in Spanish or no Sunday duty oomfortablc, pcrmiament situation fnr
French only to Mariano dc la Vega, Botica del Carmen, Oviedo.
BRYSDALES, LTD., Wholesale and Majiufacturing Chemists,
iman. Please sta.te age. whetihor qualifie<l or iinqH:il
Biisbaue. Queensland, seak special Quotations, with £iampleis>,
'lor Druggists' Sundries, especially for such larticles as Tooth- oil usual particulars, i-eferenccs. etc., in fimt letter, '
brushes. Corks, Dispensing-bottles, Cotton-wool Lint and Band-
ages; Drysdales are open to consider fair offea's for their appoint- " Vortex," 98 York Road, Monfpelier, Bri-stol.

ment as isol^ Queensland or Australian Agents for any real live —CL.VC'PO'N-O'NjSEA. Competent Assistant waiit«d.for )«
lines handled by Chemists. All communicatiore should be addressed
to the Managing Director, Petrie's Bight, Brisbane, QueenSLand. three montHiii for Disii)en6ing, Light Reitail, and I'hotoyi ^

business. Apply, giving full particulars and enclosing pko

W. Mann, Pharmacist, Ciaoton-on-S'ca.

EASTERN COUNTIEiS.—Wanted, an unqualified Assistant " »

good-class Mixed Country business; an accurate and t' '> >

worker; no Insurance Diepeneing ; short houra; no Suiul-

or holiday duty ; oomfoa-table berth ; outdoors. Apply. ^^
particulars, age, experience, when disengaged, and ealairj K4

to 116/57, Office of this Paper. i'

—FELIXSTOWE. Immediately, for sea.gon. June-October, .

petent Assistant for Dispens ng and Courier in liift »•

BUSINESSES WANTED. bttsinciSS'; Photographic experience desirable; outdoors;

kept. Usuial particulars to H. F. Douthwaite, Pliarmaoe i>»yi

Chemist, Felixstowe.

B:UiSISi£iSS wanted, or suitalil.e Pax-aiiiises where good openiug

exi.s+'S, or iMauagersliip w'ith view to early succession pre- LEiEiDS.—Wanted, Branch Manager; qualified ; good honse
; all particulars, ond
maneney for good man. References, j
iferably at or within obout 30 mile; of South- West or South Coast; j

fullest p.articnlars will be treatid in strict confidence; no objection if posiaible to Armitage, Pharmaoist, Tong Road, Armley, Lei

to Ageuti' fir'it advertisement. " Pa.ter " (118/14.), OfBcc of this

Pa pe.r. LOiNDOiNf (near Parks and Museums).— Unqualified Mawg*"
mediately; no Poisons, no- Ineurauce Dispimtiing;
INTE-0-DrCTTO:N requested to of Retail, where Photo-
tion; speciality Botanic Jledicdne ; not essential; an
gir.aphici not great feature substantial turnover; London, or
; iWhonest man, with rudiments o* the trade, could be UKnf; tow n not beiiaiig curiosity inquirer,, ueuial coniftdentiial how to manage a Dnig Sitore ; state salary required;
; pivniiscs: "The early bird catchea the worm." II6/I0,' j

I" I'"' '''.v details regaixling price, etc., will oblige, a« indica.ting of this Paper.


1(11 irf i. wiicrc deal most likely to result. Address, " Luxem-

bour,.,' :119/15J, Office of this Paper.

SITUATIONS OPEil LONDO'X.—Assistant, accustomed to Di&pcosing and R«toi I

qualified aud outdoors. Apply, with references, photo, •]
height, etc.. to' " C. E.. L.," c/o Messrs. Willows, FiaBOI«,_^'

,x Thon-.'psoii, 40 -Vlderegate S.treet, E.G.

33. 6d. for 50 words or less ; 6d. for every LONDON, E.—Unqualified Assistant required for
10 words or less beyond, prqiaid.
business; Counter and Dispensing experience e««
' li ^ nianency State age and when at liberty and salaij
116/44' Office of this Paper.
The Advertiser may, if preferred, have replia*
addressed to this Oface, and forwarded on payment of aL
, additional charge of 6cl. LO.NDON N.—An experienced Assistant, also a pood '

Price-lists, trade circulars, samples, and printed matter can in for fo.i'r middle-class business' with N.H.I. DisiKiuang-
no case be forwarded, the Box number being intended exclusively
for e.pecifio anjswers to particular advertisements. The Publisher (letter only), stating eSperience, najr.cs "ofChe'm"i''sftf','"''3'r0A0n j
reserves, the right to open and refuse to forward any communica- required (indrxin-l,
engaged, and €i;iliary
tione received which he may consider contrary to this rule
Road, Stoke Kewiuigton, N.

N.—Outdoor Aesristanit - wanted ; gcxd s-alwy **'"L

man. A-piplv, stating age, c\i)<>rionce, ""^
LONDON^ rTIjotent

eii^aged. photo if convenient, Bately, ChenKSt, 682


RETAIL. —LONDON. N Qualified Manager wanted for wrvrfcing
clas.i district; excellent prospect to '
BiKR-MO-XDSET.— Wanted, cap-ride D:>prnser: five working
dayis a week ; also Assistant Dicjpcnscr three cvonlngis weekly have good references. Apply S. Brigge, Chemist, 51 !"« ,
good feal;irv to right men. Barnett, 97 Southwark Park R'iiad,
Crouch End, N.

LONDON, N.—Qualified Mano.ger good opportunity IjW
; l

seeking a permanency. Apply, stating «S«. ^"^JT
to Dow, tne»"»
height, and salary Tequirod (outdoors), !

Bl.RM-:'Nan.\M.—Qu,:lfie<l Chc-Jii.s't wanted for niedium-ckse Green Lanes, Harringay, N. -

biisuKiS, with N.H.I. Diepeusing ; no heavy trade; LONDON, N.—Qualified Assistant, capable of tf.kj?^ /""il '

man. -jniiaaiteri;il : coneiderationi -given to reliable ec'cking per- Scotsman preferred. Ayply, stating age, iieig'ht,
and salary required (outdoors), to 119/1, Office of this
.niapcnc.y. Apply, with full particulars, " Birminghjun " (114/311,

Office 01 this Paper. -


. cnnv N-Oualifled- elderly; aight duties; fasy hours ROYAL SOUTH HANTS AND SOUTHAMPTON HOSPITAL.—
.ve.^ng cm°ployment, ,6 to 9.30 P Required, a Disiwnser
L (male); candidates must be registered,

S.dVor^ono Liking rcfcrcucos, etc.. Comfortable hold certificates from a recognised School of Pharmacy of the
United Kingdom, and be willing to engage lor tw-elve months;
«uit. State salai-y,

34), OSaoe of this Paper. salary £100 per annum, with, rooms, board, and wathint- applica.-

b'nO\ WlISlre?bd^.^"u-tW.Nt2i05m.;e-TfPOuoaBcrrkOtes-traut,cdicymP,',AodsmsQeifudaseitexantn'otss;albCarcrrioeyemskcfocofJrfriettera.aebddNlye.t-Womh.oSon^me>yoritlbKeoemat^raB^ill,ly tione", stating age, with printed copies of tettimoniaJs (limited
to five), to be sent to the undersigned at once; duties '.o be

taken up at once. T. A. Fi<^hcr Hall, Secretary.

3 E-Vn•nnN q ea«y, comfortable benth offered to a qualified '\TOiRirH WAIiE.S.—Attoistant waJiited, outdoor*, qualifi'.vi cr un-
1\ qualified, in Dispensing. Photographic business. Apply, with,
,;^f one desfring p'ermanency preferred; Pl^?^"^"*'^';^;:;^ full ij'articulaxe, Williamjs, Medical Hall, Holyhead.
Drug Stores, Ltd., 8 belliurst
la^y hours. Apply, Foster's NOTTINGHAM.— W. Gill, Pharmacisit and (>])tician, 207 Rad-

South NorwoodL. ford Road, will have vacancy in July for yo«ng qualified
.Vf sistant Lig'nt Retail and Dispensing; no Sunday duty, usuid
^DON S.E.-Qua.l;ficd Locum, of good address and «\l«»'Wc
employment; ealajy £3 (outdoors) ; weekly halt-holiday; knowlc<lgc of Optics not cMential.
'.ree months' steady Afply, 118/7. Office of tJiis Paper.
—OB.^M, Scotland. Experienced Assistant; outdioors ; accufctomeJ
. ..rmiSrce June 20^ to good-.claise- buiSiness; knowledge of Photo trade ofrscntiaJ.
.State age, height; full particulars of experience and salary ex-
SW.—("don Capable Acsistant gxjcd Counterman and Uit- pected, wihen diisengiaged, £H;nd testimonials and photo (to b-3
^t;[j ; returiKxl), Samuel Lawrence, Wholeisale and Retail Chemist, Oban.
unquaiifi*.-d previous West-End experjcnce an asM.-t.
; —PiE'^JZANCE. Wanted, temporary Junior Assistant for six to
twelve weeks; outdoors; no Sunday duty. Apply, etfltin:;
1116, Office of th,is Paper. ' full particulars and salary i-equircd, to S. Carter, Ciemiet,
LCOON S W.— Assistant, with good experience, required for
be qualified and capable «£ taking
gh-cl-ass busini'.^B; must
,r.:ii! Apply, giving usual particulars, to X. 1. Z.. U1V/16J,

v|of this Paper.

L:,iy^ S W.—Want&d, early in June, a. competent Assistant —ROCHUXALE. Qualified Manager required. State salary and
lualifi'ed essential. Apply, with full par-
'preferred, but not usual particulars, "A. E. H.," 199 Yorkshire Street, Roch-
tioals, itating salary (outdoors), to A. T. Gray. 5 High Street,
OT G.EOEX5E'S HOSPITAL, S.W.—Assistant Dispenter wanttrl
>0N, S.W.— Senior Assistant for high-class Storo_ trade;
a man taking 10 from June 22 to September 19; Minor qualification; Qge under
ilified preferred good openin^g for oaixible of 55 ; hours 9 to 5 ; Sunday duty 2 hours every third Sunday
; salary £2 5«. per week; ladies ineligible. Applicatiois, with
references, to Chief Dispenser.
camp obarge. Apply, 119/40, Office of thie Paper.
—SHERINGH.VM. Assiittant retiuirod early part of July for
Ok>N, S.W.—Unqualified Junior Assistojit required, about
lyeare of age. Apply, giving usual ]>articulars and salary season (about 12 vetlos). Full partioiilai-e of experience,
references, salary (outdoors), and photograph, to P. Oadman, Dis-
nqiu r Outdoors), to A. J. Phillips, 156 Cromwell Eoad, South lenrjing and Photographic Chemiet, Shcringbam.

Seas Ron, S.W. OOUTH COAST.—Energetic Assistant, unqualified, tut aocus-

Loi'ON, W.—Qualified Aseietant for Dispeasing Counter; out- kJ tomed ito high-class Dispensing and Retail ; no Itsuranee
work; outdoors. Apply, 119/2, Office of this Paper.
«iB. Apply, stating: age, height, salary required, with full

iWnjfcf previous experience, to Roberts & Co., 76 New Bond


W.—LO>lt>N. Uaqual:ified Assistant for good<'la«fi I>is.pens;ng —SOUTH KENSINGTON. Wanted early in June, c.itdo<.r
Assistant; muisA be good Dispenser and accustomed to higtli-
Imese. Apply, S. S. Bampney, 87 Abingdon Boad, Ken.-
class business Sunday and evening duty shared by three. Anply.
eiiigt<l-l ;

wiith usual particulars and photo if possible, to " B. H. W.)"

LO^bN, W.—Unqualified A^eistant wanted end of June; Die- Sticklajid & Co., 23 Cromwell Place, South Kensington, S.W.

piing experience ee^ential. Apply, with full particulars mHE —ROYAL PORTSMOUTH HOSPITAL, Portsmoath Male
of preijus experience, salary required, and age, A. E. G-rimwade, X Di6i>enser required ; candidates must be qualified Chtmists

81 (Xljwall Road, Weetbourne Pai'k, W. and not more than 45 years of age ; I'lnoh. provided. Applica-

—T OS N, W. As Counterman, a smart Ai&sietant, age about tions, stating salary required, witli copies of tcstimoniale, to be
sent to the undersigned. B. Wagstafl, Secretary.
JU 2 good experience essential ; outdoors. Apply, E. E. Evans,
ClMffii Vi'm. Whiteley, Ltd., Westbourne Grove, W. TUNBRIDGE WELLS.—Smart qualified Assistant for good-class

—LOS »N, W. Smart unqualified Assistant wanted immediately Dispensing and Retail business; outdoors. Appiv, ;-^ating

c'doors. Apply, personally or by letter, Spink & Co., 27 height, age, experience, references (photo if possible), "saliry re-
Ictteum Court Road, W.
quired, and when disengaged^ Pearmund, 47 High Street.

—IN Suburb. Qualified Branch Manager for firBt-claf« Re-
ta Dispensing, and Photographic good proepeet
; outdoors ;

'Od p. hanency for a competent, reliable, and) energetic man. RESULTS

particulars, Including age, heig'ht, experience, salary,

i<if«ren photo, to 120/1, Office of this Pa.per.

lE'SiTEIV.—Junior for good-claes Retail and Dispensing MAY >OF ADVERTISINC IN THIS SUPPLEMENT^
LAST WEEK 30 1914
be«6. Apply, with full partioul>aji3 of experience, age,

ly required, to J. S. Breese, Pharmaceutical Chemist,
^^^nw*" Manchester.

^STER District.— Young qualified Aesi^tant wanted SIT.WANTED(un<?i;al)22

fy £5 per week and commission ; must be quick and DOCTORS DISPENSER 19

reiiaU« a good Salesman. State age, height, experience, refei- Ditto, north london
photo, 116/34, Office of this Paper. ||
—M^IEAD. Wanted on or about June 11, outdoor Assistant ||
25) for high-elaee Business in this rising Holiday I
IWsort ood Dispenser, knowledge of Photography ; hours
nd Thursdays 8 to 9, Tuesdays and Fridays 8 to 8.
s 8 to 1.30, Satui-days 8 to 10; Sunday duty one
lour, ase state experience, age. height, salary required, with
faoto (t be returned}. Parkin, The Pharmacy, Minehead.

—Cornwall, An Assistant for the summer months,

tow, e<t< giving all particulao-s cs to S'llarv (outdoors), experi-
to Alfred Bond, The Pharnnacv, ^ewquav. Cornwall.
This Blackboard demonstrates that Advertisers using tfiese
«alal AST LANCASHmE. — Qualified Manager wanted;
tasincse £3 per columns get a ready responsei to' their announcements.
""turned week and commission mutt be srtxnl all-round
: 'photo (to be The figures'only refer to some of the letters RECEIVED .4T
OUR OFFICE on; behalf of Advertisers wholuse a number or
tan; give experience, age, height, and Office of tlus nom de plume.

interview preferred. "Lake" (114/37),


WEST —END. Junior; must be well recommended, reliable, of DIRECTOR for Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Dr. (Iten
g'ood address, and smart Salecman ; hours average 70 good
vceeli'y ; late night duty necessitates residence within easy old-established business l>aying concern quii joiMii
distance Charing Cross ; one whole day off each week ; alternate ; cent, ;
"Bonday duty after 4 p.m. Apply, with photo if possible, giving or Ordinary £1 ahai '
all usual jiarticulars, and state salary required, to " R. D." £500 in Preference six i>er

(119;o3>, Office of thiig Paper. 50 guineas per annum; montlily meetings. IMidland Cc
Company, Ltd., Company Promoters and I'artnerehtp

County "Chambers, Corporation Street, Birminglinm.

,'T^7'ESTGATE-0N-'SE.A.— Assistant (22-24), unqualified, indoors DISPENSERS.—A number of Women Dispensers are

Vt or outdoors, for firet-class Dispensing and business; temporarily in connection with the pricing and exa,

good Disigeuser and knowledge of PliotograiiJhy peirmiaoiciicy of Chemists" prescriptions. Applications, on foolscap y&pei
applicants' own handwriting, should state lualificatioasj
Please state experience, age, height, and salary required, to enoe, and age, and be accompanied by copies of not nw ,

C. H. Dixon, Chemiist, Westgate-on-iSea, Kent. tliree teitimouials, and forwarded addix^ased 119/17, Offlajf


YORK. — AViajitcd in Jul.y, a thoroughly comipie.tent .\46iista.nt, . ^-

about 25 unqualifietl outdoors ; businesslike and used to EXPiERIEN'ClED unqualifietl Locum to take charge 0
; ; Drug S.toi-e in London for ten day? or fortnight,

a'esipon6.ibility ; R«tail ajvd Wholosiale Mixed business. Veterinary, June or beginning of July; outdoors. State terms, whoin
ab'e and how long, and giive references and fuU partici r
etc. perinaneiicy to <-apable, energetic ivorker. Apply, giving
: firit letter to 115/4, Office of this Paper.

full piarticulaTS, references, oalary req"uired, etc., to " F. G. H.,"
c/o Folkartl, 13/14 Pavemenit, York.

YORKS —(Wcot Riding). Unqualified nuan (single), capable to JOLLEY & CO.. 13 Curzou Sitrect, W., require a .voii:
taking chaa-ge, required for Relief work perma.nent and
; •about 20, to ac-t as Clerk a.nd put up stock.
fjcogressive berth afterwafrde if results are satisfactory. State
agf. experienicc, and salary required, " Locum " (116/40), Office Gon^tMPROVER or Junior required; indoors; time for stij U(l
of this Paper. recreation. State salary, Daviee Bros., Chemiste,

—YOiE'K'SHIR/E and Liancashire. Qualified Ijocuui required to take IMPROVER or Junior (outdoors) for quick Cash trade; slp»««
charge of businesses duiiinig holidays of managers perman- and required weekly SulP
; experience, salary ; half-lioiiday ;
ency afterwai-ds if Looujn work satiefkctory. 116/42, Office of j
this Paper.
day duty. Apply, with references, to J. & J. Thompeoii Wj
A DISPENSER wanted for mo,ming and evenin,g unqualified
preferred; suit a student. Dr. Sampson, 13 Cambcrwell Lti., Clash Chemists, Oldham.

Crreen. S.E. JUNIOR Assistant i-equdred immediately; outdoors; short i'
half-hoidday weekly. State full particulars and fial
—FINE Opportandty for a Really Oood M:an. Qualified or ex-
quired to Allen & Neale, Chemists, Kang's Lynn. |^
ipcrienced unqualified gentleanan required (outdoors) as First
JUNIOR wanted; knowledge of IMjPliotography ; season
A&sis'tant in good-class country^own bueiness ; hours 8-8 (winter manency. Enclose photo, Scl.olefield, St. Leonard*

8-7), Saturdays 8-10; half-day weekly; no Sunday duty; Bexliill-onJSea. .

JUNIOR Assistant waated ; outdoors Retail. Apply, ph
; ]

full particulars, Ayre, Thirsk.

good progressive salary and-peranaiiency assured to suitable man. MJU'NIOR Assistant rcqudred, now or early in July; oiW
Apply, stating all usual particulars, references, and salary desired, Light Retail, Dispensing, and Photographic; BO
«lso photo if possible, +0 Horton, COiemist, Cliiehester.
duty. Kirkman, New Muton, Hants. {J

ASiSIST.VNT (outdoors.!, uncpiialifled, for Specific Proprdetary JUNIOR Assistant wanted for good-cless Eiepensiflg andli
and Light trade ; one able to Extract preiferred ; a steady,
business. Allen & Lloyd, Alderehot.
plodding man; perma.nent situation; good references indispensable.
JUNIOR, or Improver required about June 22 ; outdooire. _
H'Llmes, Chemifetc, Nottin.g<hiam.
give usual particukors, or call, <Jaze &. Co., Phmoao

The Avenue, Highajns Park, NJ5.

SSilSTANT; 23-25; good Salesman, Window-dresser. Full JUNIOK, "smart, geintlemanly ; good Dispenser, Couaterm;
>. particulp,rs first letter, S. A. Sihiaokleton. Hereford.
Wittdow-dresoer. Particulars of previous l^V^^^'
A.aSISITANT; height, salary, and encloee photo to Mamger, Hedge* (t/tt «"

qualified preferred; first -class exiperiemoe goo<l
L-td., 10, 11, 12 Dale End, Birmingham.
ojjportunity for advance.ment. Apply, R. A. Robineon, (Maiden
& Clo.), 195 Brouiptom Roael, London, S.W.
\ n" I [> Assistant, about 22, unqnalified, outdoore, («
AiSSISTANT (indoors) for a good-claes RetadJ and Diepeneing
J[ and Counter; weekly half-hioliday ; no Sunday
business; close at 7.30 p.m., Thursdays 1 p.m., and Satur-
myii 9.50 p.m. Apply, giving particulars as to experience, salary required, with usual partdcnlars, "P. J." (llV/50,;pi
salary required, age, height, and if possiible encJoee photo (to
be returned), to W. H. Jones, Pharmaceutical Cheam&t, Malvern. of this Pai)er.

JUNIOR or Improver for a IMspensiag and mcdium-cl« l«|
no Sunday duty ; comfortable bertt l'*"-';""^ JSfi,,
ness ; ;

\ SSISTANT wanted first week in July; age 26-36; outdoors; time for study can be arrajuged. " Gloster " (117/2U
XX unqualified; one seeking a permanency; easy hours; references
of thi® Paper. »
i-e luired. Bellamy, Pharaaaceutical Chemiflt, Ohelmsfopd.

JUNIOR Assistant (oatdoors) for good-elass RetoU, •'jl.

ASSISTANT wanted; well up in Dispeasing. State age, height, ajid Plhotograplijc ; good opportunity. State age, ^2'
pcrieaoe, when dieengaiied,
salary re iuired, when disengaged, 117/9, Office of this Paper. and eolary expected to JH i"" « j

CAPABLE A&sittant, about 25; aoous^tomed to N.H.I. Dispens- Chemists, 146 Hoppers Road, Wdnohroore Hill, N.

ing outdoors. Please state experience and salary required LADY Pharmacist required to manage Oouatry bum • »
; Hamatrden, nca.r Clhester, for Ohcmist'e widow, who » «'
assistanxx! ; hours easy; lovely country; ijjdoors profflrrr'i lj
Leig-htcn 565 Lea Bridge Road, Leyton.
, in first instance, giving usual particulars, salary Jfjl" '

CAPABLE Assistant; outdoors; qualified oo: unqualified; must •to F. A. Bloor, Plharmaciet, High Street, Loagton, StoK
have had good experience; Jio Panel work. Full particulars
t 'l R. & J. Herman, Pharmacists, Aintree, Liverpool.

CI HE MI ST and Dentist, doing all work on premises, has vacancy LOCUM wanted on June 13. State terms and refereno. »
pihoto if possible, to Clarke, 65 Whitegate Dnve,
' for -\seistanf. Please state full particulars, age, experience,
LOCUJI, qualified, for 16 or 18 days in July or 8^
where obtained, ability in Pharmacy and Dentistry, ' Surgical or small good-class Dispensing and Family busmess;
Mechanical, if marricKl, what family, class of business and houra ^indoors Siingle-handed. Give references of two reocm
used to, ealai-y required, when disengaged, references, photo,
Fo-ter, Ivydale, London Rio.-.d, Portsmouth.

COMPEiTENT Assistant for good-class Retail and Dispensdng ments, ; John's Wood, N.W." (117/36), Office ofWi 2_1

business; age 25-35; outdooi-s: knowledge of Photographic "St.
ti-idc iireferrcd, but not essential. Full particulars, salary refer-
LOCUM wanted in Dispensing business, June 30
< ;.ffs, etc., to J. R. Cave, Dispensing and Photographic Chemist, inclusive. Full particulars, age, references, etc., « '
52 Xi'vdll Stroct, Soutlipoirt. if possible, to Willis, Pharmacist, Lyndhurst.

C10.MPET£,NT Aasistaivt, 24-25. qualified preferred, well up in MANAGER (qualified) for Modem Store business in I" ;.
.' l>ii;pensing, for hiigh-class Dispensing and Family business kept; hours easy; no ^
class district; assistant
moderate hours. apply, with usual particulars, salary '"f'-.s
required, reference, and photo if convenient, to H. Dvson, Phai-uia-
ceutical Chemist, Reading. B.H. duty ; comfortable position ; commission on ocrtBui »

net profits; good salary. Give age, height, crperienoe, '


and salarv required (in confidence), 118/36, Office of tlii»


ITBSSIIS TI310THY WHITE OO., LTD., Chemists, Voi-b.mwMi QrXLlI'llCl) Chemist or Drugiji^t wanted to CoiiiiKUiy
as Mtmagcr; easy hours; good Branch in large Irish town. State age, exiwncnoe, references,
^i^t«^^o^ Z''^^^<>
a.Kl progrcisive s;ilai-j', with o.xccl k-nt prospcx'As. salai-y, ' Couupauy B." (118/2), OfBoc of tJus Paper.

i^ma" brjiiK-^li. Qr\I.IFJKI) Assistant vMutid imnudiaU'ly fur gofKl-clars Dis-
for JW,o, odhousc Eiiuc, business; dr.doors; nin-t Ik' ^i'Lt'.eMi.inly. apiM-araneo
M iN\UEE or Looum rccn:ir<xl «t ouoe and p. using State age, height, experience, y.ilary required, and
i'ull partioulai-s ia first letter, Murray, 221 address.

enclose photo, "Sussex" (116,511, Olficc of this Paper.

MYXi.GKR qualified, outdoors, with view to succcssiou on Ql'.VLlFIED Aesiistaat required to m^uiage small Branch in
])!ca.sant ir.du.sitriiil iieiglilwarhocd r..?ar Curilill an<l Newi)ort
'very easy terms ; a ei>leJKi:d oMWi-tuiiity to man with emaJl
.MMital Please give full particulars as to salary and references,
immediate " (116/16), Offic^e of this Paper. comfortable and progressive berth to reliable man cu-lary £3 per

^^^^ week and commission. P.eas:'^' n.iHiio receait rt-ferences an<l sen»l

MARRIED, unqualifled Assistant for Suburban busine&s; g-cod full particulars, with photo if po.;i?.iblo, in first letter, Olarke,

Window'-dTosser and Dispenser; comfortable pei-maneucy for NewCheIlllU-^t, Tixdcgar, ilon.
-trady, reliable niJin. Full particulars to "London" (118/33),
iiftice of this Paper. RE.VLLY good salai-}' to coinp. tent man, well recomniendod

ME'SSBS. TIMOTHT WHITE 00., LTD., Chemists, Portc-mouth, Rctiail, l>isi)ensing, and Photographic. Gibbs, Clheuiist,
permanency iUargatc.
liave a vacancy for an urqualified Assistant;
R ELIABLE Assistant wanted immediately; itiu^t l>o gco4
iiid g-ood salary*. Counterman. Apply, J. W. Taplin, 6 CrieklewcO'il Broadway,
A/TH. TENNiiVNT, Pbarnaeist, Friiuton-on-Sea, requires the ser-
aecuetoaied to giood-cloos busi-
j.Vi' vices of a qualified Assistant,
jKts; comfortable ajwl pro^assive berth to a satisfactory nmn RELIEF A.s=istant wanted for one day a wet'k from l c'«lock
; and alternate Sundays from 6 o'clock. " Relief " (il9/J9),
Office of tliis Paper.
.asy hours; send usual i>art..', wiith photo and salary requir<-<l

(outdoors) ; an abstainer preferred.

OUTDOOR .Junior Assistant at once for gooil-class business in SMART unqualified -Ysfiistant want«l ; well up in N.I. Disr>en5-
ing a.i:d knowledge of Dental work pix-.fcrixxl ; nu Sunday or
Clapham distri<it; accurate Dispciuser and niii-ek Counterman; Blank Holiday duty. State salary reciuiired (outdioors), age, and
also another, about 22, for seven weeks from June 29. Personal full particulars, with references, to W . Holla.nd, Cht*miet, 207-9
aipplioation, or if by letter cncloeK; photo and paiitioulars, Banbury,
Alfroton Road, Nottingham.
390 Walworllh Boad, S.E.

PART-TIME ; London, E. ; four evenings i>cr week: good Dis- ^MART qualified Chemi«.t wanted for busy provincial town
peneer and Couatcrnmn. 116/41, Office of thiia Paper.

QUALIFIED Atasdstant vpanted about June 9 for City Pharmacy; outdoors; accustomed to good-class Cash trade; appldoants

must be thoroughly accustomed to high-class Dispensing; please state fully salary requii-cd, references, experience, ond
when disengaged; also one or two unqualified men. " .Supcrintea-
must be quick and aocuTate, and eaipable of as&istinig at Front

Counter when required; hours 8.45 to 7. Saturdays 1.30; no

Snnd'ay, night, or holidiay doity salary £2 108. per week plus

10 per cent, commission; long liet ot own Sjiecialitacfi. A'Pply, dent," P.O. Bo.\ 141, Leedi.^.

114'11, OSBjce of this Paper.

QUALIFIED Assistant, tlxiut 25 years of age, preferably with UNQUALIFIED Assistant (outdoors) required for Mix.e<l busi-

town experience; ehort hours; no Sunday duty. Apply, by ness and Insurance DisJjK-ns'ing ; age about 24. .Apply, witlr
letter, giving particulars and s^tatrng salary required, 115/24,
Office of this Paper. full pa.rtioidars and salary require<l, lo Graham, 99 Leek Road,

SnialMioriie, near Stoke -on-Treut.

QUALIFIED Assistant, with good Counter and Dispensing ex- UNQUAMFIED Assistant for medaum-class busiEc«E, DLspcnsiag,
Counter, Fhotoo-raiphic outdoors : not any Snnday duty;

perience and knowledge of Photography ; indoors progressive o'ose Thursday at 1 o'clock. Apply, giving full" particular.-', to

salary permanency. Apply, stating age, reference, and photo, to Hooper's Drug Stores, Ltd., 291 live Lmne, Peckihani.

Oliver, Chemist, Maidetoae.

QUALIFIED Assistanit wanted; one able to take entire charge; 7'^ANTED immediately, reliable Assistant: rnqualified good
permanency ; miarried preferred. Apply, witli full particulars salary. Stovini, Cihemiist and Opticiaav, Easttxmrnc.
ot age, exjperience, h«ig"ht, salary required, to W. Sleight, 154
WANTED, in a lovely country to%vn in Devon, elderly qualified
Burley Road, Leeds. man to conduct a widow's business with the help of an Assist-

QUAjLIFIlED Assistant wanted by end of June for a good-class ant very light duties, comfortable home, and nominal Ssalary ; ab-
Country bursiness; outdoors; no Sundiay duty; short hours; ;

'liree others in shop; please state age, height, and salary required, stainer and Churchman preferred. 114/29, Office of this Paper.
l>hot« if possible. Apply, Exore. of E. Bocth. Crewe.
w ANTED, a competent Assista-nt; outdoors; about 25. W. F.
Pasmcre, 320 Regent Street, W.

QUALIFIED Assistant, age 25 to 30, outdoora, with good all- 8MEEKS —(August 3 and onwands). Qualified Locum. 30 t»
35, for brisk business in Cumberland ; must be absolutely
round experience. Full particulars with photo, to E. Bing tni.stworthy and with firsit-clasis all-round exix'rience. Terms
(outdoors) and all particnlare to 117/22. Office of this Poipor.
i Son, Pharmaceutical Chemiists, Oaiitcrbury.

UALIPIED Ajssietamt wanted at an early date for Light Retail

and Dispensing business easy hours ; close 1 Wednesdays

ii> Sunday duty good boating and bathing. State particulars, WHOLESALE.

ilary requii-ed, age, etc., Orick, M^aldon, Essex.

iU.\LIFItED Assistant wanted to manage a Branch in. Livei-pool Price-lists, trade circulars, eamplee, and printed matter caji ia
Oash Retail and N.H.I. Dispensing; state salary required", ao case be forwa.rded, the Box number being intended exclusively
for epecifio answers to particular advertisements. The Publisher
sTieriienoe and terms. Apply, "Borax," o/o Evans Sons Lcsoher reserves the right to open and refuse to forward any communica-
ft Webb, Ltd., Ldverpoo'I.
tionfi received wJiich he may consider contrary to this rule.
UALIFIED Assistant, not under 25; hours 8.30 to 8, except
LOJ^DON Manufacturing Chemii?ts require competent hand for
|S^turday Thursday ha'lf Jioliday State age, height, salary
; Laboratory ; must l>e accustomed to control of 'Stcam-pajis,
Stills, etc., and liave thorough knowledge of raanufctiiring pro-
efjuired (outdoors), present and previous situations, with refer- cesses for Extracts, Decoctions, Infusions, Syrups, etc. Apply,
noes, enclosijig photo if possible, Reade Bros. & Co., Ltd., Wolver- with full ijarticulars and w^ages required, to 115/230, Office of
ampton. this Paper.

QUALIFIED Assistant, with London West-End experienoCj re- NWf —LONDON. Toung woman wanted for packing
V• » . Chemist.s' Specialities ; must be thoroughly experi-
quired tor best-class West End Pharmacy. Apply, with full onccd and capable of exercising control. Write, full particulars
irtieulars of previous experience, salary required, <-tc., to 119/6 of age, experieno?, and wages required, to " F. W." (119/260),
Office of tliis Paper.
imce of this Paper.

"iiUALIFIED Light business ; suit lady or elderly man ; short

oe lours; Paddingtcu district. State salary required and fuU

u-ticulars, 119/9, OiBce of this Paper.

'QUALIFIED JIanager; good all-round man; experienced; age QOUTH COAST.—Traveller wanted to call on Chemists awd
o{ about 30; permanency and good salary to competent man.
I'PPly. John Timmis, 147 Masons Hill, Bromley, Kent. O Stores; must have connections. Apply, 95, 22, Office of thia



btAaaMstiilsoE;nBrMaa'C'rnntIcihdcAilNfeifeenrPooernpwotepnrbipeaetirtontagecroyanodsfMvieedtdrehitreiceiaenUdenfieaOtwneoddmappapKal«inikaycegaddtooipnloeoinrns;ionnlgnoorcvueopKlmempLsrioeoenlsladeioonnn-ng —CHINA. Dnig Warehouse Clerk, experienced in keeping Stoti
bookfi and filling Ordere; age not over 30; «:oo<l iolorv
BQheme. State experience, age, and district \vorkcd, 103/22 jiaseage paid out and home ; 4 years' agreement. Adcrtts
Offioe of thds Paper.
China " (116/3), Office of this Paper.

COUNTiElR hand, aged about 23, required on. Dry Floor of London INDIA.—Required shortly, a first-c'ese qualified AeBietant, bj*
State previoue experience and wages re-
Wholecale houec. about 23, for English Chcmiste doing high-olass trade; goot'

quired to 115/23, Office of this Paper. salary and prospects for right man ; four yeare' agree meat

BUG Traveller wanted for Cumberland, Wefitmoreland, and passage paid boti waye. Write, giving full particulars of
qualificatione and exi)erienc€, to Indo Burma. Co., Ltd., 108 WooJ
North-'Hx'.st LancasJure. 244/42, Office of this Paper. Exchange, E.C.

EXPEUIENOED Traveller wentcd to call on London Wholesale JAPAN. —Qualified Assistant, about 30 years of age; four yeare'

Drugg-ifiit Siundries' housea ; muct have ""connection. Apply, agreement; saiary £144 first year, advancing £i2 annuallj
95/220, Office of this Paper. to £180, with residential quarters and board, also a commiseion
on net profits; second-class passage paid via Siberia, and return
passage home v*' agreement completed. Apply, with copied teeti-
monials and photo, to " R. L.," S. Maw, Son Jt Soufi, 7/12
Aldersgate Street, London. E.C.

IN"V"0IOE, Olerla; reciuired with good knowledge of "Wholesale
Drug trade must be quick and accurate at figures preference
; PiAiR'IS.—Aj&s.ista,nt with knowledge of F.renoh and Continental

given to lesidente in East London. "Write, " T'rophoS' " (245/61), experience vacancy also for good Dispenser. Age, height,

Office of this P.iper. references, and salary (outdoors), to "Codex" (245/54), Oflivi

of this Paper.

INTOIOE Clerk required by a Lor.don "WHvolesale Druggists; WANTED, Phai-macist. with thorough Manufacturing know-
ledge and capabilities for develo])ing higih-cla<?.s Pharnui-
must be experienced in the trade and have good knowledge
of prices. 119/36, Office of this Paper. ceutical business in Portugal; good salaj-y for right nuan. Applv,
eending full particulars, to " A, N." "(115/14), Office of tb"i»
JUNIOR Invoice Clerk required, with knowledge of Drug trade; Paper. "

must be quick and accurate at figures and able to use
typewxiter. Apply, stating age and experience, to 119/4, Office
of this Paper.

JUNIOR Clerk wanted for general office work; good APPRENTICESHIPS.

writer and quick at figures ; one witli knowledge of Surgical APPBE'NTIOE wanted in good-elasS' Di<-T!ieut:ing business; pro-
Instruments and Siindries prefenxd. Apply, stating age, salary
xequired, experience, etc., to 119/20, Office of this Paper. prietor is modern aiKl up to date, with "West-End. Frendi.
and Italian experience ; three years' agreement and salary to
—PHARMACISTS' opportunity. Wanted, a really smart young commence; healthy district and thorough tuition guarantowl;
month's trial. Kirkland, M.P.S., Phai-macist (Medallist, London;,
Pharmacist, well versed in modem Therapeutics, of superior Ciriekhowcll, rSouth Walee.

educa.tion, Wcet-end ex^pcrienc* desirable, to take up important YOUTH (16), tall, good appearance and address, as jipprcntice
in Retail and I)ispensing business; previous experience; in-
pos-ition with high-class firm doing business with the medical doors; small salary. " Apprentice " (117/29), Office of this Pflpor. i

profession; tactfulness and perseverance, together with capabilities
m oonvercatioBi, are
necessary, and references of the hi"gDheesstirooursde"r
are tundaraental. Handwritten application to

(117/34), Office of this Paper. ^^^^

PILL Coajtcr, experienced London Manufacturing house good
; ;

wages to right man. Apply, 115/40, Office of this Paper. SITUATIONS WANTED.

QUALIFIED Assi&tant, with kajowlcdge of Therapeutic*, required IS. for 12 words or less ; 6d. for every
10 words or less beyond, prepaid.
to introduce new Remedies to Doctors and Chemists. Apply,
The Advertiser may, if preferred, have rcplia
giving full particulars, to Box 447, c/o Matt.hc\M&' Advertising
iferviee. Staple Inn Buildings, Bigih Holborn, W.C. addressed to this OfiSce, and forwarded on payment of aa
additional charge of 6ol>
TABLET Hand wanted by London firm; must be thoroughly
acquainted with the trade. State age, experience, and wage
required to " T. G." (119/26), Office of this Paper. RETAIL.

—TIA'BLiETS. Wanted, a Sugar Coatcr. State c_xipeiT;e.ncc, w.igce Price-list©, trade circulars, eamplee, and printed matter oei i»
no case be forwarded, the Box number being intended exclusiTo.y
required, and full particulars, Tiimothy \\Mte C'o., Ltd.,
Portsmouth. |

—rilOELET Itequieitcs, Perfumei-y, Soaps, etc. Wanted, Buyer for for epeoifio answers to particular advertisements. The Publiflifr
X these departments; must be well e-xperieneed, young, ener- reserves the right to open and refuse to forward tiny ooniniun:c»-

getic, and anxious, to succeed. Apply, stating age" references, tions received which he moy consider conitrary to thie rule.
•and eaLary requiircd, to "T. R,.," c/o" Lewis's, RaJielagh Streft,



(Colonial, Indian and Foreign.) ASSISTANT; temporary, also part-time; disengaged June 20 to

3s. 6g3. for 50 -words or less ; 6d. for every 10 words or lest 29 and evenings after 7; "West-end distriat; Counter, Dis-
beyond, prepaid. The Advertiser may, if preferred, have repliei
addressed to this Office, and forwarded on payment of an addition*! pensing. "Locum" (117/28), Offioe of this Paper.

charge of 6d. B ERTH desired; whole or part time; unqualified. HaiieoD,
309 Garratt Lane, S.W.

—BOMDAT.^ Qualified Assistant wanted for a firet-olase private CCHEMIST ie open to invest in sound business, with occujiat uir;
Chemists age not / single. " Future" (116/25), Office of this Paper. _
Biritisii firm of ; over 30 ; three years'

agreememt; salary £200 first year, £220 second year, £240 third ISBNGAGED; Locum; qualified; good references; egc 38.

year; hours 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; passage paid out and home 117/15, Office of this Paper.

by P. & O. steamsihip. Apply, with copied te^imonials and photo,

to ".a. L.," S. Haw, Son & Sons, 7/12 Aldersgate Street,

Xondon, E.G. EARLIER Holidays.—Lloyd Smith, 37 Victoria Street, N^i'^jJ?!'.
wisheeJ to repeat another 6ummcr"« Ix>cum tour; expcr.cnccu,
BBITISH EAST AFRICA .—Qualified Assiftiant; good Salesman
qualified (Hall) Disponecr ; cxcclk-nt testimonials; reliab.c. ^

and Dispenser salary £20, £22, and £24 per month ; second-

class passage paid out; an exceptional opportunity for gooO man; E VENINGS or part-time; unqualified: South London prc-ierMd;
disengaged. " "Tim," 29 Hetherington Road, Clapham, i?-"-^
references must be undeniable. Fullest jjaa-ticulars, including

and experience, to " Nairobi," Evans Sons Lescher & Webjj, Ltd.,

60 Bartholomew Close, London, E.C'. EXPERIENCED middle^gcd Chemist (Minor), mnot ff<"^

—CAJ/JUTTA. Messrs. Ba.thgate & Co. require two Junior health, but active, seeks useful permanency; sui*f;o'®
terms arranged; single; varied experience. Adap"Jt*a"b,*l}e:

Assistants, with Minor qualification, age 21 to 26, un- (116/250), Office of this Paper. '

married passage paid both ways ; four years' agreement salary
; ;

first year (monthly) Rs. 250, second "R's. 275, third lU. 300, ENTLEMAN, with several years' Dispensing e^P<;"'^S**,'_."lr-

fourth Rs. 325. Apply, gdring partioulars of experience, to X servioea without salarv in exchange more Retail; JiXir'"-^ '

Messrs. Alex. Lawrie & Co., 14- St. Mary Axe, London, who will generally useful. 119/10, Office of this Paper.

he pleased to answer all inquiries.


KRMAN Drug-g-itt (26), speaking: Enj?l:n'i fluently, desires Q I'ALJFIED n>quires evening engapenients from 6- James,
" Flan;<.te:id," Mottingham, Kltham. S,K,
C"J*T Kituatioii in Hetail or Wluil^salo; l>iplonia. Apply, Mr.

Scliillin!,', 98 Ladbroke Grove, W.

HOLIDAY E-clief, Managing Aftsis-tant ; tincniolifird ; town or QU-^LIFIBD'; 36; tall; marrie^d ; Counter. Diaiiensing, Photo-
oonnitry Agrioultural good Proecmbiag: and Dispensinig' os- graiphv; London; dit'MigaireKl. Stewajrt, 16a. Ilighga'te Road,
expert Window-dreeser May or
Vrrience; tactful; ; difenga'g:ed 9;

]>«ninane-aoy. " Torkoliironiian " (119/39), Oflieo of tliii3 P-ap^r. QUALIFIED, tmniaTri-ed (31). desires Man-agersKip salary and

JUNIOR A&slet.ant desires aitn.ation witliiii 30 miles of M>au- commission, good prospects; good London and provinoial

ohostor. 115/10, Offieo of this Paper. experience; undeniable references; thorough ett^'ntion givon • to

busines.s. " Sanatogen," The YuiK-as, Holt. Norfolk,

LADY Di£p?nser, qualified, to Doeto-ra or Institution 4i yeans' QUALIFIP.D M.anager (45), thoroughly experience*! and reliable,

esooUcnt reference from last nlaoe (LondouJ. " Disix^nser," shortly abdsitsaeinngearg;edw,ousledeksconosoimdfeorirtLaobcleumpcwrorraka.nonc".fv«;aiifotarsahti-lc"leas"a
7 llo;eliiJl Read, M'iindswQrtli, S.W.

LADY DisiK>nser discngiag-ed few hours daily in August ; withjn (J.17/8)r Office of tlws.Pa,p<r.
oaiy rtiaoli Brig-litop. 15/35, Ofiico of this Pai)er.

Q U.^LIFIBD 31; good all-round experience; Counter, N.H.I.
LADY Dispenser ir-equires part-time; London; excellent experi- Dispensing, etc. " Rhei " (II8/II1. Office of this Paper.

ence and testimonials. Apply, 119/29, Office of this Paper.

rADY (Hall) desires exppriejiee, Phai'roQev or Dispensai-y ; would QUALIFIED: .single; varied experience; permanency at moderate

J -aceept >uKiU s:iJary. Barford, 2 Jeffreys E<xad. Ciajiliara. terni.-i; I/ondoa or ojsewhore. " Customer " (116/205), Otfice

of this Paper.

LOCUM; 30 years' wide e.xperienic* qualifletl disengingcd QU.VLIFIED ]\r.anager; 55; married; experienecd Retail, PhC(to-
jraphic. Store, etc.; original and eiiiterprising seaside; wiith
•June 10 to July 3. Present addrcas. Smith (Manchester) ;
'o Avieon., Ohenii«t, 117 King Street, Dukinfield.
view to suecesision preferred, but not essential. 116/35, Office of

rOCUM : cxpenenced d:eong-aged tliis Paper.
; ;
abstaiiuer : 50: single; in-

IJ dustriouy; excellent referencce; unrcg-. " Tactful " 75 .«t QUALIFIED desires Managership; permanency; niarr.i<Kl ; 35:
> ndrew's, U.X'bridige.

expei-ienoed good Retail, Photographic. 116/21, Office of

U (WUM;r 25; best-clasis oxpci-;en,C{? and Photogrrap.lwc • \vitlu,n this Paper.

50 milcu of Lomtou diajm^jed June 29. il5'3 Office of

li'.s Puper. ' Q UALIFIF.D; m.'^l : octive ; pood experience and refer-
' ences. " Jlmiager," 55 HenleaM Road, Bristol.

UI OC|l?M; 25; nnquHvliflctl; dieengfagwl Julv 4; quick Diwenser Q UAUFIED ; 31 ; excellent lJi:'<-ipen sing and Contineiitsil experi-
Oounter, Photography; excellent referencea. 113 -'30 Offici

> this Paper. ence seaside preferred. 116/20, Office of this Paper.

I (X;TJM; qualified; experienced; at libertv from 23rd. Phar- Q UALIFIE.D ; Ijoeuni, pemiai'ency ; excellent referenCeG age
IV maoist, 25 E lme Avenue, Eastbourne". ;

38. " Disengageel," 4 Oitedel Terraoo, Plymouth.

urOCUM; experienced; qualified; abstainer; Optics. - O--p'tHiiejo, " 8E-NIOR iuiqualified Ixindon. ])ro\incial ex-i»erienec : undeniable
Tow-nsend, Westbury-on-Ti-ym. ; ;

refriTncps, ' Vend," 201 Molyneux Road, Liverpool.

[j Z'?'^^' ""lualified; thorou-hly reliable and well recom- SURGERY Attonda.nt seeku .". jipoiiitnw'nt with Doctor, town or
OnH^ll' !ri'f''?^,'"'^Sag'ee.dxpefrrioemnceJ,ulyin1c3ludtion-ScpPtJeijontbo,er
,M Chemist," 85 Albert Street, llcgent's Park, Hetail, and country; qualified Eiiopcnser. Bookkeeper, Di-eseer; highest
O, S.. dru-°
Pnf- 3; no refercn.ees; abotainer. " Assistant " 537 Central Park Road, East
Ham, E.

^'s™'g;ag:ed Juno 24; sound -all-round experienco well
recoinmcnde<l. " 14 ;
^ Anstey Road' Camberwell. TX7iXUOW-DR.ESP.ER €epk<=i situation;»o goc<l C'onuter'man

\\ 9 y.tir;' experience; excellent ref^'ri-nees diGi-mgaged end

OCUM; disergBgwl July Juik : strict teete.+ali r. Ill '23, (iflice of tlii-s Paper.

50; conrpet^^nt reliabl.?'; bi?hest rei-r-

iel ^ 81^' Bri,-lon. Joix-., PU.C.. 5 Lowes

OOUM; unrnialifi<vl; 35; disengag-cd lOt'i. V/HOLESALE.

I brr ok lioad, Thornton Heatli. LI''-c^w^u.u-. 5577 1Cri Price-lists, trade circnlare, eaniples, and printed niattcr can. in
ao ease be forwajided. the Box number being intended exclusively
-'Xiondoa 'a'n"^d'''C^i-o^n^tV:nent. '''^'"'S-'iSed exceptional experience.
; for specific answers to particular advertisements. The Publisher
iper. r'^serves the right to open and refuse to forward anv communica-
- S-Mhn" (119/23), Office of thw tions received which he may consider contrary to this rule.

ONDON or Suburbs.-Minor 55; active -ocd experien e ARE..\L live Traveller, wlio ha? proved *.ales eOpucity, .is
; -
; ' Ozone," a r.d open, to an engagement fi-nni a firm who are willing to pay

tIl'A'e^tffiic'dT7R^o"ad^, '>°"" a'"! fair salary 77 Y"fur service's; niininium .£5 week aad agreed e.xpenises. " X.
Hackney, N.E.

(119 '311. Office of Paper. ''

I'^t^^'''^'^^^'. "Itimate succession preferred;

t Paper. e.XFer:cnced ; married. 118 34, Office of CHEMIST, who has had extensive experience a Representa-


tive in interviewing the medical prrfrssion, etc., and in

I ASJAGERSHIP.-QualifiM m-arr^-d man desires permanent selling high-grade Specialities, desires apymintment : trained Sales-

^^^oo^„mliV,lr,rj;'yb'etst^^r'ei-eiv^^n^c-e's'.^•-'•s London and cnuntrv eiperience nan, cap;ible Organiser, and gcod knowledge of systems. 117/38,
Statim " (117:20). Offic^ of this
Office of this Paper.

I^mmoLeceimattJe.' live at or near shop; any capacity; terms COL0XI-\LS desirous of moetin; a good ".n-.n to tr.anMct tlieir
(116/025 ), Office of this Paper.
""iDSi-'s'p^ense bu.siness in London: well known i'x the Drug. Druggiste'
Sundrier.. and allied trades; liigliest references. Apply, 120/2,

Office of this Pa.per.

\^--iovnc'n^uJe','uH*o'u'*n^a"o'w"."^ 7 DiGpenser. -^5 Kin.-o'^

ART-TIME; experienced Counter. &tcck. IiKMimnee ; qn,-,Ufi«I GENTLEMAN, with London and provincial experieUiee amongst
_ Dispenser," 115 Soott-Elli.s Gardens, St. John's
Wood. Chemists and Stores, wants position as repre-entin* a good
house. 115/11. Office of this Paper.

—IXTOICE Clerk, Young man desires engagement smart, ener-
^'M^dteS,^.^PO^a^r^sThalCt'^o''n^'-^Park Road Carr.lia !,tnn - A." S.." " Vmble- sretie : good experience; fiiv^-elae's references. 118/8,., Qffic«

of this l\nptT; -- •

npcc^^fttito,n? as Ma.rager. busineii will require a g-ord PAC'KE.R. DrusT Stores or Wholesale Di-uggist'is ; female; expert,
referenocs ; ago 45; er.ccf. "Mr." 46 Whyteville Read, Forest Gate.
Traveller, or
red,. 11 7,18. very .active,; ,,
trustworthy ; excep-

Office of tliis Paper. porsonal -interview pr?-

|*;^BJI'^-CIST (28), net disengacr^.d. desires Kanasrement lu-h-.r EEPffiESENT.A.TIYE, calling on Chemists in London, and Suburbs,
; desii-es remunerative Side-line: eomnnilssion and • cxiienses.
" G. P,," 23 Acton Lane, Harlcrsdcn, London
' "^'"^ fxP^rience; Midlcnd:. llT/17, Office of this

jofJ.TSMOr'TH Distriet.-A,:..=.istant; 30; tall; gcod all-round: TRAVELLING Representative; aged 28: ditengaged; Proprie-
taries. Toilet Articles. Perfumce, Packed Specialities ; sound
^: *Vn<towo; Piho-too.raphy;i:,'iarp; unqualified; morning-, evenings
"B•j' 5, and Saturdays: permanenjCy ; connection, London, Jlidla.nds, Laneaisliire, North of Ettgland and
U>ighton Gard'ens, Willesden, N.VT..
small sal a rv. k"" Scotland : 5 .years with two flrs-t-clasva London houses thorough
" ;

salesman excellent references. 117/2, Office of this Paper.



McAD'AlI- & TUCKNIS9, Sliaireaiealere, Banik Chambers, Black- One halfpenny per word with name ajid address. One penny pi I
. word if we register the addrces and attach a mirnber.

heath, S.E. Esitah]ieh€d 1898. Telephone 81 Lee Green. No advertisement inserted for less than 6d.
Sliures for Sale (free of ooimmdsision, suibjeot).—20 Allen &
Haixbury " B " Prefea-enoe, 23s. lid.; 80 British Moss Lrtiter Price-liete, trade oirculariB, eamplee, and printed matter wo
no caB« be forwarded, the Box numbera being Intended exclUBive'
Oirdinary, 19s.; 100 Bovril Ordinary, 21S. 4|d. ; 100 Ilford
far epeoifio amsTvers to particular advertieementa. The Publiehi
Opdinary, 15s Zd-; 70 Veno'a Brug, 20s.; 100 A. J. White'e, reserves th« right to open, and refuse to forward any oommunki

8s'. Zd. ; 300 Megg-cscn Ordinary, 22s. tione received which he may comsider contrary to thie rule.
Wanted (subject).— 50 Boot'e Pure Drug 7 per cenit. Preferred,
"A"243. -ei*. ; oOO Idric FOR I>IS:f»OSAlLi.
Preference, 5s. 4ld.; £500 4 per cent.
Debentnr©, 614 ; 200 I(6wie & Burrows' Owlnnary, 3s. 6d. ; 100
"Pipetfere-noo, lis. ; 1,000 Parke's Drag Ordinary, 4s. 7id. ; 100 DENTAL Forceps. X set of tight new dental forceps, niclw

Pmeference, 12s. ; 170 Wright, Layman Prefercaioe, 20s, lid.; plated; what offci-6? Addrcee, "A. B.," 14 Forest Hill Mow

2 Clamwal Deben-turee, 54- S.E.

Liist of Shares fcxr Sale .ind Wanted eemt free on opplioaticn. OPTICAL AND PHOTOGRAPHIC. I

Every effort made to effect business for Buyers and Sellers in BUTOHER'S popular Pressman camera; F 4.5 Aldie. lene; fi
dark elides; need four timee ; £6 lOS. " Epsilon," 33 COb'
all Stocks and Shares. Bankers, Lrondon, County and Westmineter.
mercial .Street, Newport, Men.
OQnOPFITTTiNGS.—Marble-top, MaJiog-any and Plate-glase Sponge
Case, 79s. 6d. ; 5-ft. Mahogany and Plate-glass Counter Case, MISCELLANEOUS.
806. ; 6-ft. Mahogany and Plate-glaee Oounter, 80s. ; Perfume Case
SIX oxygen eylindere, 20 1+.. with hemp covcng; 20s. each corriaj
iind Desk, 40s.; hnndtreds' of casih bargains; inqiiirdee solioited.
forward. Colby, Chemist, Brighton.
PHILIP JOSKPHS & SON'S, LTD., 93 Old Street, London, E.G.

CHEMISTS' Fittings, Silent Salesma-n Showcaeee, Drugfittinge, SKEiLETON of the fcot, with movable joints. 113/35, Office of tkj

Dispeneing-screcne, Wall-oacscs, Terf ume-ceseS', Deeks, Glass- Paper.

front Counters. Counter Drawers, S'hop-toiled, Second-hand, at un-

beaten prices ; before you decide get my estimate, you caji't do

better; 30 years fitting Pharmacies. George Cook, the Chemists'
working Shopfitter. New address : Oatheoriue Street, City ICoad,
E.C. (few doors from Old Street).

MEDICAL student's microf ope wanted. Gwynne, Cihem"tr

CHEMISTS' Second-hand Modern Pittimge.- 14-ft. Drug Fitting Lisoard. "A.," c/

10-ft. Glaas-fronrted Counter; Nest of Oounter Drawers Hand tablet -machine wanted, oheap, for oaeh.

6-ft. Dispensing Screen and Counter; Perfumery Case and Desk Smart Ad, Lamfcert Houce, Ludgate BUI.

Mahogany and Bent Pla-te-glase COimter Case 8-ft. Window AT once, dispen«<in.g fcake and ^uppositoiy mould (12), in joo
condition. Lowest price, 111/38, Office of this Paiper.
Eniolosure and Plate-glass Mirror; the lot £49. ; send
" PHAR.MACiEUTlCiAL Journal Foraiulary," in good conditiotj
for ©ketches, fhcapest house for structural alterations. Shop-
Tozer, Kemeloy & Fisilifr Ltd., 84 Fenchurch S-trcet. London'
fronts, Window lincloeiures, Gilaes Shelves ; Estimates free. H.
MILLS, Ciiemist's' Shopfitter, Shopifronit BuHder, and Glass Facia E.C.

Works, 163-5 Old Street, E.C. OPTICAL books Minor, Major, Chemists' books ; send prejiiid t«

vaJuation; cash oflere per return. Gower, BookeeUw, 4

VoJitaire Road, Olapham, London, S.W.

BEST cash price for all old Cameras, any make, also all old
Photo no matter how damaged may
goods, ; any kind you have

send them alomg; will be sent same day; no waiting; we buj POISONING FATALITIES.

all and return nothing. S. E. Hackett. 23 July Road, Liverpool, E.

r»9K lOs. will buy li:. ft. Di-ug Fitting (Glass Knoljs and Eight cases of poisoning have been chronicled einM ou
last issue, and concise particulars of them are appended
cfmi^jtj Labels), ll-ft. i\;a.hoganj-toip Oounter, 4-ft. 6-in. Wall
six being suicidal cases
Case, Dispensing Screeio. nir" Counter, Perfume Case and Desk;
RUDDUCKnil sound and in good condit > .i. Cull or write,
& CO , Carbolic .4f/rf.—Maria G. Hargreaves, Thornes, poisone'

262 Old Street, E.C. herself with. carbolic acid.

PRINTING ta,sty in design, produced under proper and healthy —Chloride of Mercury. Alice M. Swabey, a probationar.

nurse, committed suicide vi'ith this chemical while of UDSOun

conditions from modern type, at up-to-date prices Brochures, mind.

Packet, Handbill, Business Stationery and General ; have Chloroform was the suicidal agent used by George Thonis

you seen, samples? a postcard (printed hoadingj w-ill bring them
.Walter Knight, Ctemists' Printer, Rushden. Established 1895. —Marshall, heibalist, Hull.
Nicotine. Thomas Williams, gardener, Peaslake, Surre;

killed himself by swallowing a fumigating-liquid containiD

SODA-WATER. Trolley, thiat makes heai-y work light and on nicotine.

which a boy of 8 can easily convey 3 dozen syphons- will iSalt of Sorrel was taken with suicidal intent by Rosanna

go through any doorway; dozens in use in all parts of the Humphreys, of Shirlev. -

country carriage paid, 37s. Sole Miakers, Arthur & Co.. 9 K P•. Mixture.—TheSedativeI- t U Rev.JLl,^ V . LouisJl_*V,A1.3 Butler, v. icar o- f »
: j ....1. ( A/l. U. J. -

Cambridge. James, Clacton-on-Sea, died from cardiac failure ^rouglj

about by exhaustion and doses of a sedative mixture wnK|

he had been advised to take. ,!
r f ronaJ.—At the Hackney Coroncr.s' Court on May S?
the Deputv-Coroner held an inquest with reference to tl

" I am joining yon again (3rd year), aB I find it is impossible to keep death of John Henry Sands (21), lately living a*
Newington. The Coroner said deceased w;as a "cll-knOT

up-to-date v/ithout your aBBistance."' drug maniac, and bad been addicted to taking veronal, i'

Remember, up-to-date ideas in -window showe, advertising, new ..•odical evidence was to the effect that death was due/
epecialities. window centres, are my Speciality. State your require-
Sample Window veional-poisoning. Mr. Thomas Tabor, chemist, 138 Hif
ments. Centre Bent post free 2/6 only one Pharmacist Street, Kingsland, said
; that deceased purcha^sed from m

in a town supplied. Special ones suggeEted and designed.

BILLYARD ALLISON, PHARMACIST, RETFORD. two bottles of veronal in tablet-form, saying he was gpii
away and wanted a stock of it. Sands quite freely admitM

that he was addicted to the drug-habit, but said he w.

LOANS at TWO PER CENT. doing his best to break himself of it, and witness belieTi
him. Witness stated that veronal is not a scheduled poiM
per annum interest to Tradesmen under 40 years of
and it is quite easy to procure, although it is "^^'i'*
age, in the second or third year of their business in the supplied except on a doctor's prescription. The y"'^"'

City of London, OR WITHIN 5 MILES THEREOF. said that deaths from veronal are becoming a kind 01 '^y
day occurrence, and Coroners were always urging tnat
—Loansof £100 to £300grantedupon unquestionable sure-
wmshould be scheduled as a poison. The jury returned *
ties provided. Apply to G. H. PAYNE, Clerk of of suicide while of unsound mind. [Veronal «;ne«u- >1

Wilson's Trust,, Chamber of London, Guildhall, E.C. as a Part 2 poison by Order in Council on March 12,

Editor C. <L- D.] young woman of Gladestry, „Kaon«
not Stated.—A

shire, died as a result of taking poison.



&s section of the " C. D." is reserved for advance notices of The figures in parentheses refer to the classes in which the marks

meetings or other events . These should be sent to the Editoi are grrouped, for a list of which, with particulars as to registra-
by Wednesday of the week before the meetings, etc., occur.
tion, see " The Chemist and Dnigrerist Diary," 1914, p. 137.
Monday. Juae 8.
Objections to the regristration cf any of the undermentioned
I II 0.1 Clicmiciil Industry, Lonilon Section, Burlin?rtoii Houso, applications must be stated on Form T.M. No. 7 (obtain-
able at Money Order Offices for £1) and lodged with
W.,« ('a<l'iil.v, (it 8 P.M. Mr. E. H. Tripp on " Tho ]>iclv<5oii
Mr. W. Temple Franks, Comptroller-General, Patents Office,
.'iitrifug'*' System o{ Sewage Treatment " Mr. Erie K. Rideal
; 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.,
within one month of the dates mentioned.
"The Keiluction of Xiranium Oxide"; Jltssrs. Ola.vtou

;< adlo ami H. V. Stevens on " Bleaching of Chemical Pulp."

—fvExxLL Contention. A New York correspondent informs us {From the " Trade-marks Journal," May SO, 191i.)

I "Leopard." with picture of same: for so.iip and glycerin
(3). Bv Hazlehurst & Sons, Ltd.. 17 Highfield Street,
this year's meeting of Rexallites will be held in London in Tithebarn Street, Liverpool. 558,581.

• iiibcr. " " ; for medicinal chemicals (3). By J. D.

uiAXD Phabjuckvtic.u. Association.—Tihe ajinual exoursion will Riedel Co., Riedelstrasso, Berlin-Britz. 359.604.
Itl on July 1 to Salford Priors arnd by river to Bi<lford-on-
" OxoBROMO " ; for a pick-me-up (3). By J. Cleghorn,
Particulars from Mr. F. Smith, Hon. SecreturVj 221 Solio 15 Bracmar Terrace, Clydebank, Glasgow. 359,707.
Hardswortli, Birmingham.
Classical picture, Avith words " Sanum Health-builders "
—>Mis VvuEi Pharmacists' Association. A presentation will bi-
(" Sanum " disclaimed) ; for medicines (3). and for foods
to the Hon. Secretfvry, Mr. W. H. Peake, .on June 17. at (42). By the Sanum Institute, Ltd., 59 Edgwarc Road,
li:ui!ivi Valley Ca.fe. KiJigeton. A <=<>oial -supper will lie held
'i.' 'ocasion. Tickets (2*'. 6('. caeh) may bo had from Mr. . London,' W. 359,924/5.

I Biggs, J. P., Kjn.gston-on-Tiliiainxis. " Ph.?;on '' and " Testoemon " for medicines (3). By C.
\.jxcf:ni Assoctatiox.— The annual river trip will take place
une 20. Tlic ]i:i,rty will leave Paddington by the 11.20 for Richter & Co.. 59 and 61 NeAv Oxford Street,' London,
ngford, procociling thence by laujiich to tlic daverijliani Bridge
. wl:cre dinner Wiill be served. Lunoli and teia will be pro- W.C. 360,218/9.

en route. Tickets {15s. inolusive) may be obtained On applii- Circular device, Avith A\ords ' The Vea'ax Brand, London,"

ji to the Hon. Secretary, ilir. J. R. Bailey, II Cosibyoot* and monogram "R..J.R."; for non-modicated instru-
.10, Berne Bill, London, S.E.
ments, etc. (11). Bv R. J. Reuter, 5-7 Denman Street,
London, W. 360.008. "

COLLEGE NOTES. ' XuTRIS.iN " for an albumen and animal-charcoal food'

(42). B.v Xaamlooze Vennootschap Chemischc In-

dustrie '" Amsterdam," 46 Amsteldijk, Amsterdam.

^CHESTER College of Ph.\em.\ct.— Students from this 357,037.

ige and their friends to the number of sixty were " DuLCiFLOR '' : for food-substances (42). Bv Stevenson >-
Howell, Ltd., 95a Southwark Street.' London, S.E.
m over' the laboratories and works of Messrs. Evan.s
Sq^ Lescher &: Web'o. Ltd., Liverpool, on May 20, under
" Peotexon " oils and greases (47). By the Stern-
*e|adership cf Mr. W. Welling,?. The party ' visited ; for
wer Montserrat " lime-juice warehouses, the hot day
Sonnelwrn Oil Co., Ltd.. 16 Finsburv Square, London,

niaf!ig the visitors appreciate the tasting samples. The E.C. 359,761.

netexten.sion and bridgoway were next inspected, before Floral device, with Avords '"Boot's Le.s Fleue.s " (''Lea
Fleurs " dijclaimed) ; for perfumerA". etc. (48). B.v
prqeding to the lalxjratorics at Wood Street and Fleet
Boot's Pure Drug Co., Ltd.. 37 Station Street, Notting-
Strh Hero two sections of the visitors Aveio placed
ham. 354,183.
UIU the care of Mr. G. W. Marris. Ph.C'.. and Mr. S.
Mc brcnce, pharmacist. After the different processes of " Lev.atiiol " : for perfumery, etc. (48). By Tokalon,
ma |facture -in Brogress had been explained, the pill- 20 West 22nd Street. New York. U.S.A. 356.900.

tab and capsule rooms were visited. Counter-adjuncts •' Meleos.^"; for dentifrices (48). .Bv T. L. Reeve, 18 NeAV
|. Street, Birmingham. 358,261.

WHi|ssential-oil distillation ended the survey of the pre- " Juxella " : for all goods (48). Bv E. V. Brown, 41 High
•O's An excellent tea Avas served at Reeco's Cafe, after

"'hi Mr. Brind'e. one of the princinals of the College, Sti-ect. Long Eaton. 360.083.

od the directors of the ccmpany for their hospitality. " Sinalco " ; for perfumery, etc. (48). By the Anglo-Indian

Dru^ and Chemical Co.. 155 Junia Musjid Market.

Bombay. 360,469.

Sports. " EuEYDlCE " for perfumerv. etc. (48). By the Erasmic

Co., Ltd., Warrington. 360.5C5.

" Nonflamcel " : for brushes (50). Bv Loav. Son & Haydon,

The|P. D." and '•'Allens" Swimming Clubs met in a Ltd.. 5 Great Queen Street. KingsAvav, London, W.C.
•"e|y team-race at Mar.shall Street Baths on Friday,
'9. The teams were six men each side, and the dis-
(From the " Tiwle -marls Journal." May ST, 191.',.)
' P. D." Club by twenty-eight seconds.
Device of sailing ship: for chemica'? (1 and 2). B.v Norsk
final of the Buyers" Provident Association Golf Hydro-Elektrisk Kvae'.-tofaktieselskab, 7 SoUigaten,

imcnt between jNIr. F. H. Rowse (Whiteleys) and Mr. Christiania. 354.305/6.
G_ Duncan (chemist to Jones Bros.. Holloway). which
ayod at Neasden, the latter, conceding Mr. Rowre ten " YOFFYX " ; for an insecticide '2). Bv W. Voss & Co., Ltd.,
in thirty-six ho-les, lost the match by 6 up and 4 to
ifter some exceedingly inte;-esting play. Carlton Works, MilKvall. London. E. 360.111.
Label device, with words " SiROP DES Vosors " ("' Sirop des
GH.AM Phabm.\cists' CO. met the St. Phillip's Gram-
Vosges " disclaimed); for a medicine (3). Bv A. Caze,
i^chool C.C. in a cricket-match at Harlx>rne on
when the Pharmacists won by eighty-nine runs. 68 bis. Avenue de Chatillon. Paris. 355.192.
" MaldO " and " " ; for medicinal c'^emicils (3). By
G ret ton Watson hit up fiftv-foiir runs out of 134
P. O'Conne'l Finigan, 176 Haverstock Hill, London,
by the winner-s. For the Pharmacists, Holgreaves N.W. 358.699/700.
'Ur wickets for eight runs, Turner three for eighteen,
iteley two for eleven. Label device, with AAord SeftONAL for a first-aid dressing

(3). By the I.D.L. Industria's, Ltd., 116 Pilgrim Street,

Newcastle-upon-Tvne. 359,561.

"Sen-Co": for an ointment (3). Bv G. T. Fulford Co.,

Ltd.. 46.Hollx)rn Viaduct, London, E C. 359,773.
' GouTOiDS "
; for medicinal tablets (3). Bv E. Moult,

123 Princess Street. Stockport. 360.156.

)N- S Syrup. -At Woolwich Police Court on Thursday. Device of bottle in nineapple; for med'cinal chemicals, (3).
June ? several-times deferred case under the Sale of
F<x)(j nd Druors Act Avas heard and decided. The article Bv J. D. Dole, 112 Market Street, San Francisco, Cali-
--ton's Syrup, and the seller Mr. W. H. Clarke,
was fornia. U.S.A. 360,163.
chem and druggist. 51 Plumstead Road, S.E. After hear-
iag " Flejteltis''' : -for naedicin-nl preparations (3). By E. T.
evidence, the Magistrate dismissed the summons
Rich, 30 High Street, Swansea. 360.171.

-oa P'lment of two guineas costs. The OhemistB* Defence "Minaret" and "Minaret Brand," Avitli picture of same:

'^':oa defended through Mr. C. IL Kirby. for otto of roses (4). Bv Emm. P Dimitriou. 2 and 4

Boaver Street, Whitworth Street, Manchester. 359,414/5.


" IsoKRYST.^R ' ; for spectacle-lenscs (8). By Emil Busch ,30 Bloonisbury Square, London, W.C.) [This bookk
Optical Co., 55 Cliarles Street, Hatton Garden, E.G. produces in printed form the author's recent lectures \\

- 560,391. Institute.]

" Denso " ; for preparations for cleaning artificial teeth, etc. Maiden, J. H. A Critical Revision of the Genus EutI
(48). By Read-e Bros. & Co., Ltd.. Cleveland Road,
Wolverhampton. 355,061. tus. Vol. II., Part 10, pp. 22, with four plates. "Vol.
Part 1, pp. 22, with four plates. 12x9^. 2.?. bd.
'' Warden," with picture of fame for perfunierv, etc. .(48).
By J. Barrine;toii & Sons, Ltd 202 Great Britain Street, [Parts XX. and XXI. of this work see the coinpleti'|

, Dublin. 358.868. one volume (the second) and the beginning of another,

RosALYL for perfunierv. etc. (48). By Taylors' Drug references to Eucalyptus gie/antea in tlie former ai

Co,, Ltd., Burley Ilil!, Leeds. 359.693." cincrea in the latter illu.?trato Mr. Maiden's monunl

m.Label with word " lo-Tl-Allo " ; for .perfumery, etc task in disentangling the nomenclature of the eucaly]!
By H. E. SI inn. 10 Northgate. Gloucester. "359.851.

"Empress" and " X'rixcess " ; for powder-puffs (48). By MINOR EXPERIENCES,

H. Nickel & Co.. 101-105 Goswell Road, London, -E.C.


"El Rama"-; for perfumery, etc. (48). By G. E. Marfitt, E. C. Y. (85/36) thus describes the ordeal: January 11

2 Infirmary Square, Leicester. 360.131. was the eventful day for me. At 9.50 a.m. I found 1

Circular device of masked woman, with words "Chere in Galen Place, Lonclon, W.C After gaining the Exa|

Amie Ikconnue '' for perfumery, etc. (48). By F. — mytion-hall, it fell to lot to be sent to

Boi.ssard, 71 Rue Rivav, Levallois-Perret, Paris. Dispensing. After a short look round the dispi|

360,401. the following paper was given to me

" Amis des FLErES," • Ivke^se d'Amoue," and " Sue la Animoii. carb gr. I].

Plage"; for perfumery, etc. (48). Bv the Erasmic Co., Tr. S'C'iHjB XT.,
Ltd., Bank Quay, Warrington. 360,504/508/510. Syr. toQoit.
lii'f. senegte Ill


NEW BOOKS. Tuss*. urgent, cap. Mittie jvj.

Pil'. plioeiphori g-r. j. Mittc xxv.

Any book published in the United Kingrdom can be supplied to luj. morjih.. hypcderm. sij. 10 pW l

our subscribers at the price quoted. Orders, with remittance, J<3litliyol 3j-
should be sent to the Publisher, 42 Cannon Street, London, E.C.
Ung. t'ulpli, ad ^rame.
Sodii citro-tart. offervescons a.bout 50

Catalogue oj Leivis^s Medical and Scientific CircuJatinf/ There was no great difficulty here, and all was £inish<|

Librari/, Second Suiyplemcnt, 1911-13. 8^x51. Pp. 123. 2«. the bench straightened up by 1 p.m.
—net. (Lewis, 156 Gower Street,- London, W.C.) [The first
PE-4CTICAL Chemistry. I mounted the stairs to the II

Supplement was published in 1909 to the Catalogue revised tories at 1,50 p,m,, and soon afterwards i-eceived this ij


to the end of 1907. The present Supplement brings that work 1, Identify tlie iB6oIubl« eubist'Once which, is niix-ixl'

up to the end of last year. The prices are given of the wliite eugar given.

bosks mentioned.] 2, Estimate the strength of iodine in the lin, iodi fort,, us|

Handbook of Usef ul Drurjs. Prepared under the direction puix." eodium thiosulph-ate provided,
and supervision of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry I returned the insoluble substance as magnesium photj

of the American Medical Association. 7^x4-^. Pp. 168 and the iodine strength as just over 11 per cent.
The candidates were asked to call for their resul'|
50c. (Press of the A.M.A., 555 North Dearborn Street,

Chicago.) [Consists of a list of drugs used in medicine, the after 6 o'clock, and I was very pleased to receive a

selection being based on the conclusions of a committee, as to attend again on Monday, January 5, at 2 P.M. JVlfilftt
subject (after twenty minutes on the "funking form [irn-
revised after consultation and criticisms from teachers of
pharmacology and therapeutics, the deans of medical schools, —Pharmacy. I was given ung, hydrarg, fort., ext. i-'oi
and secretaries and members of State medical and licensing
, lx)ards. The style of the book is best shown by reprinting and pil. rhei co. mass to identify. Name the ingredi

pil, rhei co,, and give strength of mercury in the oil feu'-

the first item, which, however, happens to be a very short Also state ingredients of pulv, ipecac, co., strength,< rnor-
phine in this and in pulv. opii, I was then she 1
: How ^ampoule, and questioned as to its uses.
aje juias
ACACIA.- Acacia, U.S.P., Gum Arabic.
A gummy exudation from Acacia sen.egal and other sterilised ? This included the porous porcelain metl for

ftjecies of acacia. liquid preparations which would be damaged by heat,

Properties Acacia occurs in colorless or pale yellowish I was asked ,^trength of liq. sod. arsenatis. Why
anhydrous solid used ?
opaque, brittle, inodorous tears or fragments, vi'hich are
—Botany. I wa<s told to pull a flower to pieces and c ribe
completely soluble in water, but practically insoluble in
it, giving the Natural Order (Ranunculaceee). Fo Ivmg
this I was asked, " What different kinds of roots
mucUag'o Aeaciae.- Mucilage of Acacia, U.S.P.
know, and what are their various functions ? " I h
A 34-per-cent. solution of acacia in a mixture of water
to answer questions about tap-roots, adventitious
and lime-w"ater.
Myrunners, suckers, tubercles, etc. questions in
Action and Uses : Acacia and its mucilage are used as
Chemistry were : " Give me the Law of Gaseou.s Difi on
deimulcents and suJipendiTig agentsl in the making of " What is valency ? " " What kinds of barometers
emulsions and mixtures.
know?" "Does the tube need to bo straight?" '
At the end is a solubility list and a pharmacologic index. you
The booklet is a useful guide as to the range of drugs have a bulb half-way up?" "How do you make
employed in the United States, and its handy form should be and what is it ? " '* How do j'ou make red phosphorus

appreciated.] of phosphorus, and chlorides?" "What happens

add phosphorus trichloride to water ? " " Difference 1

Knox, J. The Fixation of Atmospheric Nitroffen. 7^x43- properties of red and yellow phosphorus? " I was as Mjl*

Pp. 112. 2s. (Gurney & Jackson.) [The book deals with method of making salicylic acid (natural and ar pi")«
the more miportant attempts which have been made to chloroform (rectified and methylated), aniline, po p"™

utdise atmospheric nitrogen. It embraces chapters on permanganate, oxalic acid, and acetic acid, Afte r""*

(a) conversion of nitrogen into nitric or nitrous acids and question^ on oxides of lead and manganese, I was si to

their salts; (h) synthesis of ammonia and ammonium com- Prescription-reading.— I had to decipher and rcai »"

pounds from atmospheric nitrogen (c) conversion of atmo- twelve scripts, to write one out in full Latin, to gii P**"'

spheric nitrogen into compounds which readily yield of zinc acetate, zinc oxide, zinc valerianate, ext. k"*'?'

^immonia.] ext. ergotae liq,, phosphorus, pulv, ipecac, co,, ext. c p4j"*

London Association of Accountants. Ycar-hool; 101', ind,, and hydrocyanic acid, with strengths of 8onn
the following calculation : " Send 4 oz. of solution o K"'"'
Diary +pages 264. 71x4?. 5s. (London: Temple "Cham-
sium permanganate, one-third B.P, strength (w I'l
bers, Temple Avenue, E.C.) [This book is well bound in
purple-cloth cover with gilt lettering. The diary is three 87-2- grains to the pint),"
days to a page. It gives the articles of the Associatioii. a |
list of members arranged both alphaljetically and topo- Materia Medica,— I had to identify and give ch ^ 0^'^
graphically, examination 73apers, and library catalogue. It
stituents of rad, aconiti, B,P, Nepaul aconite, fi^ r'"
is a useful directory for anyone requiring the services of an ;
arejcntea. logwood (fermented and unfermented: v
Macnab, W. Lectures on Explosives. 8^x5^, Pp. 67.
2.S. (Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland, B.P, ?), belladonna-root, ergot (origin and growth),

pods, and gelsemium,

A few minutes after being sent back to my p

President congratulated me on having satisfi


tlTiated for the Propriefcons by SPCTTIS-WOODE & CO, LTD. New -afreet Square, and Publiehed by the ProprietoiB «t 43'

Street, in the City of iMuHon.—June 6, 1914, [72]

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